#i try but i can never bring myself to carry on after a while even if enjoying them
a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
*barges into your house through your window*
so how we feeling about the limited life finale?
VERY happy :DD
I've been rooting for Martyn since Last Life, when I first started watching his perspective*, and honestly don't care that much about the angst of betrayals or anything – I was rooting for him SO hard in the last three series (and especially this one because I think he said there wasn't a series 5 planned at that point yet and I needed him to get a win ok) and it's FINALLY happened and I don't care what happened to get there. He deserves the win, especially after coming 3rd in the two previous seasons. Aaaahhh
*(gather round for backstory time under the cut)
Basically I watched Grian for 3rd Life, and later on watched Scott's perspective too (and started to watch Cleo's too, it was really good I just never got around to finishing it), but didn't actually watch any of Dogwarts (actually because of the perspectives I watched, during the battle of the red desert where Scott and Grian lost their first lives and Jimmy permadied, I remember really hoping Grian would kill Martyn and was really happy when he died to a skeleton... how times change, huh...). But people were talking about it and I was curious, and I think what finally pushed me to watch their POV was a Renchanting animatic I saw ("I hear a symphony" by Ratzy – if anyone hasn't seen it please do it's incredible. You can interpret it as either romantic or platonic, I interpreted it as the latter (I'm not super into shipping, I'm an aro who isn't that big of a fan of romance so I mostly tend to stay away, and in my opinion deep friendships can be just as important if not more than romantic relationships), but either way it hits like a truck and please guys, just watch it)?
Anyway, since I already knew Ren from Hermitcraft I was like "you know what, I'm going to try watching Martyn for a change, I want to see what his perspective is like". So I began watching it, and found it REALLy good, and right around that time, Last Life came out? So I decided yeah, I'm still going to watch Grian, but I'm definitely watching Martyn's perspective too (especially after the voice). And at the start I was still more invested in Grian's perspective, but I think around episode 4/5 it started to shift, and I think when episode 6 came out I decided to watch Martyn's perspective first (Grian hadn't uploaded yet and I needed to know what happened) and that was a big thing because I'd always watch Grian first and I was breaking from that (also Grian is still an amazing content creator and I do watch him sometimes, it's just preferences shifting over time). And it stayed that way for the rest of Last Life, and I'd say near the end was the time he became my main POV (I'm not sure if I watched Grian's last two episodes?). And I'm honestly SO glad that happened, because??? all the lore and storytelling in last life??? is absolutely incredible, and as someone still so invested in the meaning, story and coherency of 3rd life and sort of still holding Last Life to the same standard when it was very different, the voice lore provided such a cool narrative to watch, and it's definitely one of my favourite perspectives in the whole of the Life series (with Grian 3rd life and Pearl double life coming close).
And then it stayed like that, with me rooting for him each season (and he got SO close in last and double life too), also occasionally watching Pearl first for Double Life as well and following her perspective a lot, and same with Limited Life but with Scott.
And so yeah after 3 seasons and twice coming SO so close, he completely deserved the win, and I'm honestly really happy he did what he did at the end instead of engaging in that fight – if he came so close and didn't win again I'd be pretttttty sad (though happy for the winner).
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astrolynnworld · 5 months
pairing: matt x reader
summary: matt takes care of you after rough sex
warnings: aftercare, comfort, kink talk, sweet, romantic, love
a/n: something short and sweet cause all my matt fics are smut
word count: 714
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“fuck i’m so proud of you baby. you did so well tonight” matt says after pulling out of me
i don’t respond.
“baby? are you okay?” matt asks
i try to speak but nothing is coming out my mouth.
“you’re shaking princess-“ he pulls me up and holds me against his chest, “can you tell me what’s wrong baby? please?”
“i’m sorry. tonight was just a lot.. i’m not used to you being so rough” i say in a soft tone
“baby i’m so sorry. i didn’t realize that you weren’t enjoy-“
i cut him off
“no no no i did enjoy myself, i just don’t think my body was ready for all this-” i imply
“i mean .. i came three times, i can’t say i didn’t enjoy myself. it was just a lot” i continue in a lighthearted joking tone
he continues to hold me and lightly trace his fingers through my hair
“so.. i didn’t do too much?” he asks anxiously
“no baby, i’m just a bit overstimulated” i say as i lean back and look in his eyes
i could tell he really felt bad. which only made me feel worse
matt would never intentionally hurt me or do anything i don’t enjoy
we do have safeword, if i ever felt uncomfortable im not afraid to use it.
im just so used to a soft dom matt.. not a matthew who’s slamming into me at full speed while pushing my head into the bed so i can’t breathe.
i mean i was done after the second orgasm but he kept going, and i couldn’t stop him. it felt so good
i couldn’t even think anymore. he had his hands around my throat squeezing softly while lightly slapping my cheeks. it was all a lot
don’t even get my started on the hair pulling. i never knew matt even had it in him to be aggressive.
i think what set me over the edge was when he told me to stick my tongue out so he can spit in my mouth. he’s not even into that?
but regardless, it was all very overwhelming so i’m not surprised that i froze up after our final round
“baby?” matt calls out
“hm?” i respond
“did you hear what i said?” he asks
“do you want me to run us a bath, would that help you relax”
i simply nod my head and he gets up to run the bath water
no less than a few minutes later he comes back and carries me to our bathroom and sits me in the tub loaded with bubbles
“aww you put bubbles in it? matt that’s so cute” i snicker
he smiles, “i thought you would enjoy more than the regular clear water”
he hops in the tub and sits across from me.
a comfortable silence fills the room for a minute before matt begins to speak
“are you sure you liked the sex tonight? i kinda just wanted to try something new, im sorry i didnt bring it up to you”
“matthew, i promise i enjoyed tonight! i just wasnt expecting it whatsoever.” i reply back
“okay oka-“
“it was really hot actually. i didn’t even know you were into some of these things” i interrupt
“like what?” he asks
“the spit..”
“honestly. i kinda always wanted to try it but i never did in fear that you would hate it” he exclaims
“what? no! that shit is such a turn on.”
“glad to know..” he smiles
i laugh, “boy! stop”
more silence fills the air for a few more minutes until i start to feel the drowsiness take over me
i yawn, “im getting sleepy..”
“wanna head to bed?” matt asks
i nod in response
he gets out the tub and guides me out, matt drains the tub as i dry myself off then we head back to our room
“where are you going?” matt asks
“to find a top?” i reply
“you don’t wanna sleep body to body?..” he questions acting offended
“you’re such a girl” i laugh
we hop in bed and i get comfortable in matt’s chest
“i love you so much y/n”
“i love you more matt”
our last words before the silence is filled in by comfortable snores
a/n- the end 🫠
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months
JJK men after hurting (y/n)
Pairing: Choso x reader; Gojo x reader
Word Count: 4,7k (Gojo's part is huge)
Warnings: this is drama over drama so be prepared, injury in Choso's part, mentioned pregnancy and breakup in Gojo's part, also Geto is an a-hole in here and it isn't 100% accurate to the original story-timeline, it's getting veeeery heated my lovelys, but also comfort but mostly hurt
As usual, I am very thankful for every little like, comment or reblog (thank you anon hehe). Let me know what you think of this, I literally poured my heart and soul into these two parts <3
Tags: @sanicsmut I just know you'll like this girl, @chilichopsticks
Choso Kamo
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„(y/n), this is nothing I will discuss with you right now. Just stay here.”
“I can’t let you kill him, this isn’t right. His death won’t bring back your brothers!”, you shout urgently, hands desperately trying to keep him from walking away.
“I always appreciate your opinion and support. But this is something I have to do for myself. Don’t get in the way.”
With one last glance back he’s gone, lost in the neon signs around you, shadow immerged into darkness.
Your brain goes into panic mode immediately, palms sweaty just by the thought of him haunting that boy down. How strange it is that you are able to call Choso your boyfriend. Choso Kamo, a reincarnated curse that is over 150 years old. Choso Kamo, who seems cold-hearted to people when he first meets them. Choso Kamo, who loves his family more than anything else.
You know this isn’t him, that killing Yuji Itadori is nothing but an act of revenge for him that he hopes will make him feel better.
“But how does killing someone else solve your problems?”
He never answered this question. He didn’t have to, given the fact that he just stared at you with furious eyes. You know all too well how it broke him to lose his brothers through the hands of some random jujutsu sorcerers. Fuck, you were just as heartbroken as he was. But if revenge is the only solution, wouldn’t this little game go on to infinity?
This isn’t the way, this isn’t the man you love. And you won’t let him go berserk only to regret what he did later on.
There is only one thing you can you now.
Your feet start moving on their own, following his shadow through the dark hallways of Shibuya’s train station. You aren’t a very gifted jujutsu sorcerer, maybe a grade 2 in sorcerer terms. But maybe your presence will be enough to stop him. Maybe his love is greater than the hatred he carries in his heart for that Idadori boy.
After all, it is a miracle in itself that he really loves you, a human being. Instead of killing you right on the spot he decided to safe you and even take care of your multiple wounds back then when you first met. You are not only hopelessly in love with him, but owe him his life. It’s time for you to give something back.
The only thing that echoes through the hallways are your very own rapid steps and sharp breaths. Please let him be okay, please let him still search for that boy. Your forehead glisters in sweat, the area only illuminated by the changing neon signs.
Finally a sound. You stop in your tracks immediately and close your eyes while holding your breath. It’s far away, but those are steps and dampened rumbling. It has to be him. And he’s definitely not alone. 
You can’t waste any time. As fast as your shaky legs carry you, you run down the hallway, eyes roaming around to catch a glimpse of his dark messy hair. Did he found Yuji Itadori? From what you’ve heard, Sukuna’s vessel is a quite skilled jujutsu sorcerer himself. But despite that, you know how much power Choso holds. If they meet, there will definitely be a fierce fight and your boyfriend might get hurt in the process.
But Yuji gets killed.
Suddenly water starts to soak into your shoes, pooling the surrounding area entirely. You furrow your brows. Where the hell is that coming from? Aren’t you underground? And also, it wasn’t raining outside…
Instinctively you follow the stream, noises growing louder and louder. Your heartbeat picks up, eyes wide open in realization. They have to be in there, in that toilet. The only think you are able to do is run. Water splashes around you, completely taking your already dimmed sight under the purple neon lights.
Until you see your boyfriend. Bending over the severely injured body of what looks like Yuji Itadori, fist ready to hit him with his last shot.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Before you are able to even think about a plan you sprint forward and shield the boy’s body with your own.
Only to get hit in your stomach with full force by your own boyfriend.
For a moment you forget how to breathe, the only sound being the constant ringing in your ears along with a silent cough. Are you dead? You can’t tell with your sight completely turned black and your empty head.
“(y/n)”, is all Choso is able to breathe out.
It happened so fast he couldn’t react anymore. Within the split of a second, he was only able to direct his fist away from your head into your stomach.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
A trail of blood escapes your lips along with a cough, gaze completely empty. Did he kill you? His guts turn, he feels like fainting away. Oh god, what did he do?
You shouldn’t even be here in the first place. He told you to stay out of this, to leave this to him. Why on earth did you throw yourself in front of Yuji Itadori? How could you risk your life so reckless?
You don’t react, glossy eyes wide open, directed into darkness. His shaky hands pull up your shirt, revealing a huge bruise. He broke a few of your ribs, that’s for sure.
“(y/n)!”, he begs again, repeating your name over and over like a prayer.
His hands grab your body and pull you away from Itadori while all he can do is kneeling next to you. Are you even breathing? Fuck, you are so cold and completely soaked in water that still pours down without mercy.
His hand caresses your cheek gently. You just have to wake up. This is a bad dream, right? He didn’t just punch you with full force, he isn’t responsible for you laying here with broken bones and bruises. No, he didn’t just hurt the love of his life, his precious girlfriend.
Are those tears running down his cheeks? He can’t tell. The water pouring down on him makes it hard to see.
“Don’t…kill…him…”, you suddenly mumble.
Choso feels like flying and dying at the same time, relieved by hearing your voice while being absolutely crushed be the fact that he is responsible for your poor state.
“Why did you throw yourself in front of him, (y/n)? I never wanted to hurt you. I would have never hurt you…”, he stutters, pressing your upper body against his.
You cough violently, feeling as if your spilling your guts out every second. God, you feel terrible. If you move a single inch you’ll faint away into darkness.
But despite the pain that rolls over you like a tsunami, you force your eyes to look at him? His beautiful screwed up face, his glistening eyes. Is he crying? This might be the first time you’ve ever seen him like this.
“I know you didn’t wanted to hurt me. Did you kill him?”
Your voice isn’t more than a fade away whisper, almost too distant to get under the pouring water. But the second your words reach his ears, Choso can’t hold back any longer.
He’s crumbling in front of you like a piece of paper, hands holding onto you for dear life.
Choso almost killed you. The love of his life, the only thing that’s worth living. And for what? Because he was seeking revenge.
“But how does killing someone else solve your problems?”
Your wise words repeat themselves over and over in his head. Fuck, if he only listened to you. He shouldn’t have agreed to work with Geto in the first place out of sheer rage. No, he could lay in bed with you at the moment, hearing about what is currently happening at Shibuya in the news.
Then this wouldn’t have happened. Then you wouldn’t lay in front of him severely injured.
His whole face is screwed up, trembling fingers clenched to tight that they bleed while a sob escapes his lips.
All of this is his fault.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I’m so so sorry”, he cries out, placing his head on your chest.
“Is he dead?”, you croak out, tired eyes wandering to the boy’s unconscious figure leaning against the wall.
“Yes…Yes he does…”
A weak smile forms on your lips. So this wasn’t in vain. After all, you reached your goal.
“Thank god…”, you mutter.
Choso’s guilty conscience eats him up from the inside. Why? Why the hell did he think killing Yuji Itadori is a good idea in the first place? Despite the deaths of his brothers, despite all the pain he’s been through, despite the fact that he isn’t even human.
He loves you with all his heart. Your gentle disposition that is the opposite of his cold-hearted one. Your friendly smile that outshines his emotionless expression every time. The way you love him although he didn’t even know what love is when he first met you.
You showed him so many facets of life and he tramples on all the things you taught him.
“I will get you out of here. And I promise will every fiber of my being that I will change, that something like this will never happen again”, he blurts out.
“You don’t have to change, darling. You just need to decide on your perspective of life.”
Everything hurts, you feel like dying from the inside. Although you don’t seem to bleed externally, the stinging taste of blood in your mouth tells you you are severely injured. A load moan escapes your lips when Choso gently lifts you off the ground, body screaming out in agony.
With a gentle kiss on your forehead and tears still running down his cheeks. Something like this will never happen again. Not through the hands of others and especially not his.
God, never again will he ever hurt you.
Satoru Gojo
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Your fingers tremble uncontrollably as you try to figure out what you hold in your hands. Is this…positive?
Are you really pregnant?
Two lines. Two clearly visible lines. You feel like fainting and flying at the same time, your thoughts are racing.
Is this really happening? Are you dreaming?
No, the proof lies visible in your hands. You are pregnant. You are expecting a child with Satoru Gojo.
“Listen (y/n)…I’ve been thinking about this for a while now…Have you ever thought about having a baby? I mean, you’ve been my girlfriend for more than 6 years, my fiancé for half a year. I’ve never seen me as a father and I know this isn’t the best timing considering what’s going on in the word at the moment. But the thought of you with a precious baby belly, a child with your eyes…This thought filled me with so much joy recently that I wanted to talk about this with you.”
You couldn’t find words, his sudden outburst caught you off guard. But oh how much you thought about that too, how it would feel to have a child with the man you love more than anything else on this world, to start a family with Satoru. Tears started to sting your eyes, arms wrapped around him tightly.
“I would absolutely love that!”, you cried out, face buried against his broad chest while he stroked your hair just the way you like it.
“We don’t have to rush anything. Just living like usual without protection”, he mumbled against your head.
“I love you so much, Satoru. Nothing makes me happier than being with you. And maybe next year there will be three of us.”
He smiled down at you the way that always makes you see stars. God, how much you love that man. The thought alone to spend the rest of your life with him and your little family filled your heart with nothing buy warmth and joy.
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything else”, he mumbled.
Satoru. What are you supposed to do? Call him, text him, drive to Jujutsu High? You’re on your day off while he told you this morning that he’ll teach the new student, Yuta. As much as you’d love to get in your car immediately and meet him in person, you shouldn’t disturb him right now. No, this is something special. This needs time, a calm evening and privacy.
A little message can’t hurt though.
Hey babe, can’t wait to see you tonight. I’ve got some exciting news. Love you <3
You let out your shaky breath, eyes darting to the test again. Is this really your life? It surely can’t get any better than that.
-Satoru’s POV-
“I hate so say it, but I guess there’s no way out of this”, Shoko comments.
But there has to be. After all, he’s the strongest, he’s the only one who’s able to protect you right. This shouldn’t be the only way to save you, there has to be more.
“I will find a way around this”, Gojo hisses through gritted teeth, hands so tensed up that his veins pop out.
“You can’t. There’s absolutely no way to keep her save. She’ll insist on going with you if you tell her. And if you don’t she’ll find out and come to your place. Or worse, someone else will find her. She is the safest when she’s gone.”
Fuck. Satoru slams his fist against the table, blood squirting. He knows she’s right. Deep down, he is very aware of the fact that no matter how he twists and turns it, you’re in danger. Suguru made that very clear. He has to make a decision now, even if it breaks his own heart.
“So what’s the solution then, huh? Breaking up with her?”, he barks at Shoko.
“If you really want to make sure that she’s safe and gone, yes. Aren’t her parents living far away from here?”
That’s not what he wanted to hear. Thick rage crawls up his spine and takes his sight. He’ll kill all of them. Every single one of these curses and Suguru’s accomplices. This shouldn’t be the only way, he shouldn’t have to break the heart of the women he loves most.
Fuck, how much he hates to see you cry. Just a few days ago, he told you that he wanted to have kids with you, to start a family, he proposed to you. This will not only break your heart, but shatter you into million pieces.
“I get that it’s rough and that you don’t wanna do it. But if you want to make sure that (y/n) is safe, you have to make her believe that it’s over.”
“What if I’m hiding her somewhere at Jujutsu High? What if I’m staying by her side?”
“She’ll never allow that and you know it. (y/n) would rather die herself than letting other people suffer because you aren’t there.”
She’s right. Deep down Satoru knows that every word Shoko says is true.
- Later that evening –
You almost fall off the couch in excitement when you hear keys turning in the lock. He’s finally home! It must have been a pretty rough day if he wasn’t even able to reply to your text. Your fingers hold onto the test in your hands for dear life, heart jumping up and down in joy. How will he react? Will he laugh, will he cry? You don’t know. But he’ll surely be cheerful.
“Hey babe, I need to talk about something with you!”
The sound of your joyful voice alone makes him want to break down. Fuck, you don’t deserve this, none of this is your fault at all. So why does he have to break your heart so violently? He shakes his head, blindfold covering his already glossy eyes. There’s no way out of this. He needs to hurt you in order to save you.
“Oh, there you are”, you breathe out when you catch a glimpse of him.
Satoru looks as breathtaking as always, albeit a little drained. It must have been a rough day for him. But your news will definitely brighten up his mood.
“Babe, there’s something absolutely exciting I have to tell y-“
The harsh tone in his voice quiets you down immediately, the grin on your face washed away in the wind.
“I have something to talk about”, he announces.
Why does he have to be so cold? What has gotten into him? Worry lines disrupt your face.
“Oh, did something happen?”
The innocent tone in your voice kills him right on the spot along with your stunning glimmering orbs…No, he needs to do this. After all it’s for your well-being. You’ll see that too, hopefully.
“I’m breaking up with you.”
You hold your breath, eyes scanning over his stunning face for any hint of sarcasm, for an emotion. But no, all he does is staring down at you with stone cold orbs, arms crossed in front of his chest.
You feel like fainting, world collapsing around you. No, this can’t be true. He can’t be serious. Not long ago, he told you he wants a child with you, he asked you to marry him. Your heart clenches, tears start glistering in your eyes. This has to be a nightmare.
“No”, you breathe out, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I’m breaking up with you, (y/n)”, he insists.
This isn’t a joke or a dream. You can tell that he’s serious, that he means every word he says.
“I don’t love you anymore.”
You can’t believe your ears.
“Just yesterday, you told me over and over how much you love me, you…you had sex with me, Satoru. Just a few hours ago.”
You can’t stop your tears from falling anymore, the feeling of this indescribable loss pulls the ground from under your feet.
“It meant nothing to me.”
His words hit you with full force, pushing you to sit down in order to not collapse onto the floor. Was all of this a game for him? And what about…?
Oh god, you feel like throwing up.
“I’m pregnant, Satoru.”
His heart stops. Your voice isn’t more than a fade whisper, almost too low for him to understand. Did you really just say that?
“What did you say?”
“I’m pregnant!”, you suddenly scream on top of your lungs.
Pregnant… You’re pregnant. You’re expecting his child, the child he told you he wants. You’ll be family! This is absolutely fantastic, you have to celebrate-
No. Satoru stops the seed of joy in his heart immediately. Now is not the right time for that. After all, he’s about to break up with you at the moment.
“I don’t care.”
His word cut through his very own heart like a knife, your face twisted in agony simply takes his breath away. You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve any of those venomous words he spits at you. But he does it so you are safe. Yes, over and over he tells himself that this is for your best, that at least you’ll be out of the firing line. You’ll be safe and sound, you and his unborn child.
“Leave this place, stay with your parents or something. I don’t want to see you here any longer.”
In this moment, you feel like dying. Your past, present and future plays itself in front of your inner eye, reminding you of all the precious moments together. Was all of this a lie? Does he even care about you?
Like in trance you get up, grabbing nothing but your wallet and phone. You need to get away from here before you break down completely. If this is how he feels, he doesn’t deserve to see your grief.
God, he wants to break down in front of your feet, completely mesmerized by the way you carry yourself so well after his harsh words. Hopefully you will understand that he did this for you. Even though he broke your heart, you’ll live. And this is all that matters…
“Goodbye then, Gojo.”
The venomous sound of his last name out of your mouth makes him collapse onto the couch the second you close the door behind your back, tears glistening in his eyes.
Why? Why on earth did this just happen? Why did he have to hurt you like this? God, please let you understand it when all of this madness is over. Please let you be okay…
- Day of the night parade –
“Oh dear, look at this”, your mother breathes out while turning up the TV volume.
You gaze at the flickering pictures without any emotions, dark circles surrounding your eyes from all the nights without any sleep.
Satoru? You haven’t heard a word from him since that evening. That evening that altered your brain chemistry forever. That evening that showed you his real face. Since you’ve had nowhere else to go and wanted to be as far away from him as possible, you stayed with your parents ever since.
“What is going on at Tokyo?”, your father mutters.
Huh, looks like absolute chaos. Your eyes widen at the sheer amount of destruction, the reporter whose head gets ripped away by…
Your heart sinks.
This was a curse, without any doubt. What about Satoru?
No. You shake your head vehemently. This isn’t about him. What about your students, Nanami, Shoko, all the others? Are they okay? What is going on there? Suddenly you feel like standing up, too excited to sit.
You swore to never step a foot into Jujutsu High again, to start over somewhere else. But this…You can’t just sit here in silence with all your powers while your friends might die through the hands of curses.
“I need to leave”, you announce.
“What? But you said you want to stay here. (y/n), if this is about him…-“
“It’s not”, you interrupt your mother immediately.
“I need to watch after my friends.”
Yes. Screw Satoru and whatever he’s up to. Mindlessly your hands caress your little bump. This is your responsibly, the least you can do.
- At Toyko –
“Gojo-sensei, (y/n) is here”, Maki announces through her communicator as you walk through the barrier with ease.
His eyes widen in pure horror. All this pain and grieving over the last few weeks, all the nights he cried himself to sleep because he missed you, the countless thinking about your precious little baby.
And now you’re right here where you shouldn’t be, running into the arms of Suguru without even knowing it.
“Oh, I didn’t expect he’d be so dumb”, a painful familiar voice behind you suddenly speaks out.
You turn around, taking in the appearance of none other than Suguru Geto.
“Are you responsible for this whole mess?”, you question.
He steps forward, a satisfied grin plastered on his face. Fuck, this isn’t good. Suguru is a special grade, he could kill you without even trying. Are your students around? Maybe they are at Tokyo, maybe they are safe.
“Did Satoru send you here? Apparently he doesn’t care about you”, Suguru’s voice comments dryly.
Your heart immediately stings in agony, fingertips trembling. Just a few innocent words that break you completely after weeks of pretending you’re okay.
“He broke up with me a few weeks ago”, you clarify.
Suguru breaks out in hysteric laughter while all you can do is stare at him and hold back your tears. How is he able to laugh about your feelings? Before he went berserk, you and Suguru got along pretty well. What happened to him?
“3 weeks ago, maybe?”
You tilt your head. Why that question? And why…why is he so accurate?
“Yeah”, you mutter.
“How ironic.”
“What’s so funny about that, asshole”, you bite back.
His figure comes to a stand so close to you that you can feel his breath creeping across your face.
“It’s funny that he tried to save you and now you’re standing right in front of me, (y/n).”
His words pull the ground from beneath your feet, thoughts racing so violently that you feel like throwing up. What did he say about Satoru trying to save you? What is all of this about? You lose your cool completely.
“What the hell are you talking about?”, you yell into his stupid smirk.
“I gave him an ultimatum. But now that you’re here already…Let’s get this over with.”
You aren’t able to properly understand a single word as he hounds a curse your direction.
“Why are you even here?”
Where is Satoru? What is going on here? Where are your students? So many unknown variables, so much pressure. You need answers.
“I’m here to kill Yuta Okkotsu.”
Your heart sinks immediately. Yuta? Suguru is probably on the hunt for Rika. No, you can’t let him get away with this.
“Over. My. Corpse.”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Oh dear (y/n). I always liked your charm, but nothing better than that.”
It’s hard to keep up with him without any weapon. Where is your dagger when you need it? You only have your powers and your combat skills to attack him. But Suguru isn’t dumb. It’s almost frightening, the way he keeps distance between both of you.
Your baby. Fuck, you need to be careful. After all, stress isn’t beneficial for your pregnancy.
And dying too.
-Satoru’s POV-
He runs as fast as his feet carry him, vision clouded by thick fear. He did all of this for you, to keep you out of grip for Suguru. And now you’re facing him alone, his students not able to help you. What about the baby? He needs to hurry. If Suguru harms one single hair on your head…
“Get away from her. Now”, he barks at his former best friend, positioning himself in front of you just in time before one of Suguru’s curses hits you.
“Ironic, isn’t it? That you even scarified your relationship only for her to run into my open arms.”
“I never thought you would go this far. She’s not only a jujutsu sorcerer, but my girlfriend. I thought you are better than that. Keep your hands off her or you’ll regret it.”
All you can do is stare at his broad back with tears glistening in your eyes. Is this why he broke up with you three weeks ago and left you alone pregnant? To keep you out of sight from Geto?
“Leave this place, stay with your parents or something.”
These three weeks of torture, of asking yourself over and over why you weren’t good enough and where you went wrong…because he was worried?
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me?”, you cry out, slamming your fists against his back over and over.
“Why did you just leave me like that? Why did you not leave me any choice? Why would you leave me standing in the rain pregnant? Why did you do this to me-“
“(y/n)”, he interrupts you, glossy eyes darted at you in a way you’ve never seen before.
Satoru grabs your hands and pulls you closer to him.
“Because I couldn’t stand you getting hurt”, he breathes out.
“Because I knew you wouldn’t watch out for yourself. Because I knew this was the only way to keep you safe, even though it meant breaking both of his into pieces. Trust me, I hated myself every single day over the last three weeks, wondering every miserable second how you’re doing. It made me lose my mind, (y/n). And now you’re here, right here where you shouldn’t be.”
“I’ve got hurt the second you broke up with me just after I’ve told you that I’m expecting your child!”, you scream into his face.
All the pain, the grief, the longing, the waiting. Everything crushes down at you and swallow you whole. All of this was in vain.
“I never stopped loving you, (y/n). On the contrary, my love for you is greater than my longing after you.”
For the first time since you’ve met him, you can see him cry. Tears roll down his face uncontrollably, the ocean blue of his eyes disrupted by rough red.
“I don’t mean to interrupt your little moment here, but now that you’re already here, I can kill you, right?”
As if in slow motion Satoru turns around to his former best friends, hands clenched into fists so tightly that blood spills.
“I will make you pay for every tear (y/n) spilled, for these weeks of torture. You will regret your threat for every single fucking day.”
“Let’s get it on, then”, Geto remarks dryly.
Hope you're doing fine. If you're still able to, feel free to tell me whenever you want a part ll of this and with you. Thank youu <3
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its-not-a-pen · 11 months
[餘智傳] The 2nd Century Warlord (Part 2)
based on the story by @romanceyourdemons
Read part 1
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ninth day as a second century warlord i try to tactfully ask my fake liege lord if he sent the assassin to kill my loser liege lord and it turns out the idea of using assassins never occurred to him, but now that i’ve suggested it he’s really into it. in order to save my loser liege lord i volunteer to be the one to kill him
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tenth day as a second century warlord on my way back to my loser liege lord’s city i realize i won’t be able to collect my men from my fake liege lord until i bring back my loser liege lord’s head. this would have been a great thing to think of before i got myself in this situation. i go back to my loser liege lord and ask him to rescue my men, and he tells me that if he could sack my fake liege lord’s camp he already would have. that doesn’t change the fact that my men are still trapped. they’re prisoners, even. i go back to my room to sulk
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eleventh day as a second century warlord i find a little caged pigeon in the rafters of my loser liege lord’s room and deduce it belonged to the assassin. without asking permission or telling my loser liege lord goodbye i let the pigeon loose and follow it north. don’t ask what i was doing in my loser liege lord’s room. it’s not important
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twelfth day as a second century warlord i disguise myself as a wizard and enter the camp of the coalition leader the pigeon led me to. in the middle of my little sleight of hand performance i make eye contact with the coalition leader’s second-in-command. IT’S THE WIZARD THAT STOLE MY LOSER LIEGE LORD’S WIFE. after the banquet i corner the fake wizard and ask him what the fuck is going on and he just says “wouldn’t you like to know” and leaves. i don’t know what to say to that so i just let him go
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thirteenth day as a second century warlord i’m honestly so sick of not knowing what’s going on, so i adjust my wizard costume to passably disguise myself as a woman and break into the women’s area of the camp, where sure enough my loser liege lord’s wife is. i ask her what she’s doing here and she tells me the fake wizard overheard her singing a poem she overheard on the street, not knowing it contains the coalition leader’s formation’s weaknesses. the fake wizard kidnapped her and assigned an assassin to kill her husband before they figured out the poem’s significance. she shares the first couplet with me but i’m discovered and thrown out before she can share any more. she doesn’t need to. through a bizarre coincidence of homophones, it’s the poop version of my misinformation nursery rhyme
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fourteenth day as a second century warlord i go back to my loser liege lord and tell him everything, urging him to join with my fake liege lord to attack the coalition leader according to the weaknesses in the nursery rhyme. he tells me frankly that he doesn’t trust me anymore. i ask him to execute me if that’s really true, because i can’t bear to live if i can’t protect him and i can’t protect my men. he agrees to attack the coalition leader
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fifteenth day as a second century warlord. due to the information in the nursery rhyme, and thanks to my loser liege lord reminding me of the weather conditions multiple times while planning our battle strategy, our alliance carries the day. my loser liege lord gets his wife back. my men tell me that our fake liege lord actually treated them really well and they’d like to stay with him if i don’t mind. i do mind, now that neither the men i love nor the man i love have any use for me, but i don’t tell them that
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sixteenth day as a second century warlord i’m preparing to leave to i don’t know where, maybe to try to become a wizard for real, when my loser liege lord stops me and asks me where i’m going. he says he had hoped i would continue to work as his advisor. i was unaware i was his advisor in the first place. i agree, and he tells me he’s truly honored to have me in his service at last. he has known i am a rare and talented man with a strategic intelligence far above his ever since the day he witnessed me tying branches to my horses’ tails in six inches of mud, and could not for the life of him figure out why
The end.
Thanks for reading! Notes under the cut
CORRECTION#1: the warlord's courtesy name was incorrectly written as Yú zhī 餘知 [plentiful knowledge]. my dumbass did not realise zhī 知 [to know] is a GOD DAMN VERB. It should be zhì 智 [wisdom].
CORRECTION#2: the clothes from part one are from the WRONG DYNASTY!!! BY 1200 YEARS!!!! it's meant to be HAN not MING.
#9 Misreading the standards: Loser Liege's name is Yue, so I decided to go with Lè/Yuè 樂 [optimistic/music]. I made the Chad Liege's name Cháo 巢 [nest] which is pronounced identically to Cáo 曹, the infamous IRL warlord. Just like his IRL counterpart, he is the affable, lawful-evil boss who is kind to his employees. I went ALL OUT designing Lord Chad Chao's outfit. He's got so much drip the yangtze river is about to break its banks. Now THAT'S a main character!
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#10 Wardrobe Malfunction: the soldiers are now wearing clothes from the correct dynasty. i even gave them grass sandals! I really wanted to show how utterly outclassed they are, this is the difference between a peasant militia and a professional army. (They're in the exact same poses as part 1, except more terrified).
#11 mountain-water art: man i love doing traditional style backgrounds, the white space is very pleasing. Does it make sense to camp your coalition out in the mountains? No. Is it cool? Hella.
#12 you're a wizard, hairy: my favourite detail is the pigeon from day 11 sitting on the warlord's hat. I had to cut SO MUCH from this scene because there wasn't room. There was going to be musicians, jesters and strongmen. (Based of funerary figures)
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I wanted to make it clear that the Coalition Liege is the richest guy of all, but he is all style and no substance. He's got an army of dancing girls and drunk officers. You get the feeling that his Chief Strategist aka Fake Wizard aka Zhuge Liang Knockoff, disproves.
#13 Hua Mulan: RIP the Warlord's beautiful beard ;n; He's wearing one of the dancing girl's outfits and I like to think the ladies helped him do his makeup too. I wanted to add a little character moment for the Wife and Warlord. They're holding hands which is not strictly proper, but I wanted to show the intensity of the emotions.
#14 the supplicant: I really like the framing here, I wanted both faces to be visible so we can see what they're thinking.
#15 enemy of my enemy: the Warlord is finally in command and flying his standard Huáng 黃 [yellow]. He is wearing a wu guan with two pheasant feathers, for a high ranking military official.
#16 the romantic subplot: the Warlord and his Loser are tenderly holding hands while the Wife and Noble Steed looks on with approval. I wanted the handholding to be slightly awkward and kinda spontaneous, like they were both aiming for a manly, platonic hand-clasp but veered wildly off-course into homoeroticism. In the background, an oblivious Lord Chad is showing off the little wooden horse one of his new soldiers gave him (that guy's been carving it since part 1, it's high time we acknowledged his hard work).
Want to learn more about the (mostly) true story that inspired this post? Check out Romance of the Three Kingdoms! TV show, the book and the movie Red Cliff,
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ijustwanttoreadangst · 6 months
Never forget
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Summery : he will never forget and he will regret the choices he made until his last breath.
~ Aemond Targaryen x fem-OC-Reader ~
8 hours earlier
After everything we have been through why has it come to this? why wasn’t I good enough? I gave him heirs I gave him my body, my soul, my happiness, my life. Why has it come to this? Does he know even know I know if his sins does he even care? Obviously not as he got the woman pregnant.
I get out a half scoff half laugh as tears sting my lower lash line. Shaking my head I stare into the fire that warms this unnervingly cold room and wait, wait on this uncomfortable chair I had told him time and time again to get rid of but was constantly ignored. Has it always been like this? I filling his needs while he ignores mine?
I have to stop my mind from going to the past not wanting to drive myself crazy with everything that has happened. Taking a deep breath I let my tears disappear from my eyes as my face take a new form a look of nothing, void.
It was hours that I waited to hear the unmistakable roar of vhagar but eventually I did, what normally be a feeling of relief and happiness has turned into rage and dread.
It didn’t take him long to rush into our shared chamber concerned with myself and the babe I carry as I did not greet him upon his return. As soon as he set his sights on me he could tell something was wrong.
“My love, are you well? Is it the babe?” He asked concerned but was it really concern or just false pleasantries I did not know anymore. My face still voice of emotion I stood up my large belly making it a difficult but manageable.
“You call yourself a man of duty and honour correct?” I ask getting a confused ‘of course’ in reply making me let out a hmm as I whisper. “Liar.”
“What?” He asked still confused with my hostility towards him. “Alys rivers is with child, I was surprised to hear as she is a bastard but you will not believe what surprised me even more, husband.”
I finally turn to him, his eyes flashing many emotions I knew I had got my answer but I wanted him to admit it admit his infidelity. “What, my love?” His voice cracking trying to conceal his true emotions.
I let out a laugh making his eyes widen. “Oh you will not believe this my heart, a man with white long hair has been spotted numerous times entering and leaving her chamber oh and here is the part that gets me every time I think or hear it whispered that man had an eyepatch.”
My smile wild smile slowly fades into something murderous. The man who prides himself with being untouchable is now backing away from me a girl smaller than him. “Tell me husband doesn’t that discerption sound like someone I know?” I ask finally stopping in my tracks watching him open and close his mouth like the fish from the dock when they get pulled out of the water.
“My love, you must believe me that’s not me! I would never betray you like that.” He tries to convince me.
“How long?” I ask knowing it’s going to bring me heart ache. The white haired man stays silent looking at his shoes. “How fucking long.” I yell wanting the answer I deserve now.
He mumbled a reply but it was so quiet I couldn’t make out what he said. “What?” I ask. He finally looks up to meet my eyes. “From the start.” He said his voice shaking as tears began welling in his eyes.
Realisation dawned on me in that moment the missed birth and name days were because he was fucking her instead of being here with his wife and child. “I hope that when you’re finally happy with this alys rivers and ur bastard child daemon comes and takes it all away.” I said with so much hate in my voice I saw him flinch back. “Get out, go back to your whore for all I care I want you out of my sight.”
His footsteps quickly approach me and before I can pull away the taller man take my arms in his hands. “my love my life please I can fix this. Please don’t push me away. I will do anything, I won’t ever see her or meet the child please I love you.” He begged over my shouts from him to let go of me.
When I finally got free him his iron grip made my way to the chamber door before turning around looking at him. “I am daenyra Targaryen, daughter of daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce. The next time you touch me will be last time you have hands.”
And I left leaving him crumbling in the mess he had created.
4 hours earlier
“Hop up my little love. You can do it.” I encourage my son as I helped him on my dragon before getting up myself. I tightened the saddle straps around baelor and myself before I start giving commands to the black dragon under us.
“Serve me, cannibal. Fly.” I command as he descends off the grown and into the sky. “Take us to dragonstone.” He lets out a growl in acknowledgment as he flys into that direction. It was difficult getting out of the keep without being seen but surprisingly I did it.
I move try to move my body to a angle so I could see the look plastered on my sons face but it being difficult as my pregnant belly in the way but I manage to get glimpses of the wide eyes and the smile that could light up the seven kingdoms.
We weren’t far from dragonstone as the dragon let out a happy roar happy to be going home after all this time. But the happiness was short lived from the thing i have been dreading being followed.
“Daenyra stop please. This doesn’t have to be difficult.” Aemond yelled out as him and his dragon gained on us. My eyes go wide as I start commanding cannibal to fly faster and lose them. Understanding my commands the dragon lets himself drop lower in a way to get them off our tail.
But it didn’t works it made the man chasing us angry as he starts to yell making vhagar return his feeling of anger. But as we fly faster hope filled my heart thinking we lost them.
Oh how wrong I was.
Without warning vhagar flew up in front of us making baelor scream and cannibal turn away from dragonstone and closer to storms end. It felt like déjà vu. The sudden rain hitting my skin like little knives making me hold my son closer to try and keep it from hitting him.
I could tell all of this was scaring my little boy. “Close your eyes my sweet boy, you will be alright mothers got you, you don’t need to be scared while I’m here.” I whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Holding him so tightly as he lays his head back onto my chest while tears flow down my cheeks mixing themselves into the rain. “I love you my sweet boy and you my sweet girl, I will love you forever.”
It felt like forever before it was over. The cries of terror the screams.
Cannibal is a wild dragon and his rider his first rider was threatened he had to protect his rider and the children. the two dragons attacked each other Aemonds and my pleas for the dragons to stop fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t until the wrong move was made Aemond let his anger before consuming his dragon just like what he had done with the tragedy of Lucaerys.
The last thing I saw was the unforgiving sight of dragon fire before it was over. I held my child and covered his eyes not wanting the last thing he sees being so upsetting but at least I can still be with my children just not in the way I wanted.
The sound of cannibals loud pained roars shook the walls of dragonstone.
Daemon stood across the field from the black dragon that is wailing at the loss of his rider and his riders children.
Daemon had never felt like this before the rage and depression that he feels as he gazes at the burnt corpses of his baby, his little girl and grandchildren wasn’t like anything he had ever felt. He knew one thing and one thing only.
Aemond Targaryen will pay and his little girl
Will be avenged
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averageallogene · 10 months
Hello~ I found your Tighnari fanfic and my lord, I admired how it was beautifully written. I know you get a lot of praise for it and deservedly so. I do find myself wanting a tad bit more tho. I was imagining after all that spicy time, some wholesome aftercare would be nice. I hope you write it with Diluc as the male lead bc I think he's a man that can give you both spicy and sweet 😊
DILUC ♡⊹˚ Burning passion [NSFW]
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; sweet fluffy smut, my favorite <333.
2k words.
notes. HELLO DEAR!!! So sorry for the wait, I've been trying to answer all asks through work breaks and it took me a while to reach yours ;( thank you so much for the sweet message, I'm so happy you liked my first fic! Just know I always smile when I see you in my notes, I appreciate the support!!! I hope you enjoy this~ ✧˖°. Evidently I got carried away bc Diluc always makes me go 😫😫😫 *cupcakke noises*
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Ah, Diluc, sweet sweet Diluc. He's not one to outwardly show much affection when in public, but when in private… The quiet winery tycoon becomes the most vocal, the honeyed little whispers he offers his beloved [F/N] as they passionately make love never fails to make her drunk on his love. He's never one to let her stray far, his body grinding against her own as he sets a slow and deep pace, always close, always whispering how good she's making him feel. 
"You're so good to me, [F/N]... So, good," He's breathing deeper, his voice reduced to grunts as his lips brush against her own. His half lidded eyes delight themselves on the mirage under him, his lover's naked body glistening with sweat as he pounds deeper. 
"Diluc!" She sighs in bliss, her mouth chasing his as his hand roams to find her own. Fingers lace with one another, him placing them gently to the side of her head as his other rests on her hip. He can never get enough, truly he would've never guessed he would be so greedy when it came to [F/N]. 
"I love you, so so much." He always says so many times throughout the day, his tone always raw and honest. Yet, it was during such moments that her heart leapt the highest, a moan being ripped from his throat as he feels her gummy walls squeeze around him deliriously in response to his confession. 
"And I love you always." It's her turn to hush him with lovely words, the hint of a smile on her face earning his response of thrusting deeper, hitting the particular spot that made her see white. The whine that followed only made Diluc grow more and more eager, the rhythm slowly becoming sloppier, his own urges nearly escaping him as he carefully nibbled on her puffy lips.
"I'm close, love." He admits, the hint of frustration evident as he picks up speed. His free hand no longer lingers on her waist, instead slithering down to find her clit, circling and toying with it knowingly as he drinks in the way her body jolts and shivers.
"Ah, 'Luc!" Her voice is nothing short of music to his ears, eyes fluttering shut as she seems to drown on the pleasure inflicted by him. Her legs wrap around his waist, effectively caging him in as her free hand roams through his free hair. "Please, inside."
His otherwise gleaming eyes darken, lust clouding him as the only response he manages is a low grunt. After all, who was he to deny his lovely girlfriend? He can feel a shiver run down his spine as his cock begins to pulsate, the urge to paint her inner walls white giving him the strength to thrust even deeper, quicker. His tip repeatedly kisses her cervix as his mouth clashes with her own, muffling all and every moan as he consumes them for himself, tongues dancing together as his arms bring her closer. His strong grip cages [F/N] against his toned body, yearning to melt with her as they chase their release. 
Diluc can feel it, his orgasm right at the tip of his cock, yet as disciplined as he is, he somehow manages to restrain himself, edging his own release before he can feel the all too familiar sensation of her pussy spasming around his length, squeezing him for all he's worth as she finally releases the knot that had been pounded into her. 
"A-Ahhnnn… Cumming, ah-" Her words slurred as his lips suck on her tongue, tasting her every word as her legs wrap around him tighter, her body begging him for his cum, thick and warm, to claim her.  
"Fuck love, that feels so good…" In a hiss he curses, a small smile blooming on [F/N]'s face as pride swells in her chest. 
To know she was the cause to render the otherwise level headed Diluc into a cursing, rutting mess, it left her wet and ready all over again. She hadn't even reached her zenith a moment ago, yet she was already yearning for him all over again, never truly satisfied with all the ways he was able to pleasure her.
"Are you ready, baby?" He moans against her lips, eyes intensively gazing right at her own as his face flushes. Licking his dry lips, Diluc devours her whimpers yet again, speaking between kisses as he pounds into her relentlessly, finally caving to his own lust. "Here we go, have my cum just as you want."
The thick spurts finally fill her up, the sensation nearly edging her into cumming yet again. [F/N] moans in delight as she hums, releasing her hand to wrap her arms around his neck, bringing him even closer. Her chest presses against his own, feeling him heaving as his pace finally slows down, riding his own high as the lewd squelching sounds fill their now quiet room. 
His head slowly lowers to rest on the crook of her neck, his cheeks flushed with a vivid red that rivals that of his hair. [F/N] can feel against her skin the way he breathes rapidly, lips parted as he brings her closer, relishing in her mere presence as he finally comes to a halt. He doesn't dare move though, his cock still buried deep inside her walls as his seed spills with the overflow. Her hands find their way to his hair, breathing slower, a smile forming on her face.
"That was amazing, honey." She hums in honest delight, silently amusing herself over the way his confidence seems to quiet down. The once raging fire soothes into a glowing ember, the previous passion fizzled into endearment as his touch was now softer, gentler.
"I didn't go too far, did I?" He murmured, lips trailing from her neck up to her face before he watched the way he left her lips puffy and red. He blushes deeply in response, his beloved laughing softly. 
"Never, love." You can always go harder, she thinks, yet the words die in her mouth, lest she wish for her beloved to clear his throat in embarrassment. In all honesty, that sounded quite humorous, yet she restrained herself. 
"Thank you." Diluc smiles, his kiss returning to the gentle worshiping gesture he portrays during daytime. Yet as always, it never remains as one single kiss, his lips lingering as he indulges. "It felt wonderful. I can never get enough of you…"
"You're always welcome to take more, you know?" He was asking for it this time. [F/N] giggles as she watches him struggle to agree or hold himself back, his thumb caressing her face before he wipes the little drool of pleasure away from her face. 
"I wouldn't want to keep you up too late…" He reasons, his eyebrows furrowing softly. He still winces when remembering the one night he'd gotten too carried away, watching with slight horror how his lovely [F/N] limped the following morning. It wasn't like she hadn't enjoyed it, yet the ever gentle Diluc felt oh so guilty. 
"Honey…." She whined, her arms opening to take him closer, peppering his face with kisses. He was just so sweet, so giving, so perfect. "And I wouldn't want you pent up with lust. I can take it, really."
"Archons, you're too good for me." He sighed in bliss, his body coursing with adrenaline as he felt the desire within him rage once more. Still, he smiled, humming in satisfaction as she pampered him with her lips. 
"I think the same thing about you everyday." She giggled, her fingers combing through his crimson hair with nothing short of pure adoration. She could feel his hesitancy to even pull out, her legs pressing against him as she made herself comfortable. "Well, what does my handsome lover feel like, then?"
The smile he gave was [F/N]'s favorite sight to ever behold. "Perhaps some rest… Before we pick back up?"
"Anything you'd like, baby." She smiled, kisses following suit. 
Kisses lingered, constant and consuming, a make out session forming not long after. The pair remained entangled, Diluc atop as he could feel the desire to never move from such a wonderful situation. Under him his beloved simply looked and felt ethereal, their bodies piecing like the most well designed puzzle, simply perfect. His passion began to spark once more, the searing fire reappearing before his touches grew needier, his voice became hushed, his eyes darkened yet again. 
"Take me once more, Diluc." [F/N] whispered against his ear, her voice fanning against his skin as his hands went lower and lower. "I need you."
His vision once more clouded, he succumbed to his desires before he took her yet again. Slow, passionate, intense. His rhythm never faltered until the very end, his hold always strong and caring, his love raw as he poured his every emotion into each thrust. Together they tangled around their bed, him now under as his gaze drunk in the sight of his beloved atop, her hips matching his set rhythm as he met her halfway. His calloused hand held her lower back in support, their hands together as he laced their fingers, squeezing hers with intensity. I love you, I love you, Archons I love you so much [F/N], his head repeated like a sacred prayer right up until they came yet again, bodies resting against one another as they basked in their afterglow. 
"Would you like some water, honey?" He inquired, moving some hair away from her eyes as his own softened. She was simply gorgeous, perfection. 
"I'm alright, but perhaps a shower?" She instead proposed with a smile, her boyfriend humming in agreement. His eyes lingered lower, a furious blush creeping all the way to his ears as he noticed the way his seed leaked down her thighs. 
"Yes… A shower is in order." He smiled shyly, picking her up with ease. Against her protests he continued, hushing her with soft kisses. "No no, I insist. You ought to be pampered after taking me so well."
It was her turn to blush, face hiding against his long, luscious hair. Despite the innocent tone in which he spoke, his choice of words never failed to leave her lightheaded. Goodness, Diluc simply was too good.
A warm bath was quickly prepared for the both of them, and in it they sat. Diluc wrapped his arms around her figure, chin resting against her shoulder as he sighed in pure content. He always questioned if he was too… Clingy, was the word, always gluing himself to [F/N]'s hip whenever he could, yet time and time again he was reassured he was always welcome. His warmth, his protection, his love, it was all something [F/N] could never be tired of. 
"'Luc, can you please wash my hair?" She questioned quietly, her beloved humming in agreement. 
His fingers against her scalp felt soothing, her eyes closing with peace. She would hum in delight over the small action, Diluc behind her being unable to resist the smile from blooming on his face. 
"Do you want me to wash yours?" [F/N] proposed, him not being able to resist. After all, he was always craving her touch in whichever way. 
The water was still hot as they finished, passing onward to pick up the soap. He was the first to volunteer washing her body, insisting she rest for putting up with his antics. Nonsense to her, she herself always loved when he indulged in his own desires - after all, if a man deserved to, it was definitely Diluc! 
His hands lingered through her legs, massaging her skin carefully, like he were worshiping a divine deity. His touch was loving and soft, yet underneath the warm soapy waters she could feel his own heat take over, slowly but surely boiling with other motives as he remained quiet. 
"Something on your mind, Diluc?" She hummed with a smile, watching how his hands faltered before he resumed stroking through her skin. His thumb drew circling patterns on her inner thigh, not so subtly coming closer. 
"Perhaps..." He mused, smiling upon hearing her giggle in response. He could feel his cheeks burn in both embarrassment and desire, almost ashamed of never being truly satiated of his girlfriend. 
"Oh? And would you like to share?" It was now her turn to linger her touch on his leg, smiling knowingly before she leaned back, allowing his lips to come closer to her ear if he so desired. She seemed to read him like an open book, watching as he indeed came closer. 
"Would you really like to know? It might just be too… Shameful, love." He murmured, the lightheartedness in his tone evident as she could practically feel the smile on his breath.
"Shameful? Oh, now I'm left wondering just what my Diluc is daydreaming of." [F/N] giggled, her fingers tracing more and more towards his inner thigh. 
He didn't take long to give in, whispering all the dirty thoughts he couldn't let go for that night. It seemed as though that night's blaze burned thrice as strong, his desire never fully ceasing. Their soothing aftercare was suddenly interrupted, put on hold as his hands lowered, caressed her, gave her all the deserving attention. He couldn't get enough of her sighs, her moans, her praises for him. It felt so difficult to contain himself, his wish to convey his burning love through his actions fueling him to continue onward. 
The water was long cold by the time they truly finished, and even when they retired to the bedroom, it seemed like they couldn't get enough. Goodness, what had gotten into him, [F/N] wondered with amusement as under his administrations she came time after time again. Well, she certainly wasn’t complaining… Unbeknownst to her, the truth was that Diluc was downright addicted to her face as she reached the peak, how her pussy would squelch around his digits, or around his tongue, or would squeeze his cock dry, their fluids mixing and staining their bedsheets long into the early hours of the morning.
[F/N] couldn't remember having such a restless night, but she surely wasn't finding any fault in that. It was only as the sun rose that they had finally ceased their escapades, Diluc holding her lovingly before finally gaining the courage to get up. 
"Must you really go?" He heard his [F/N] pout, receiving a smile as he caressed her cheek.
"I'm afraid so, love." He hummed, his lips brushing against her temple ever so lovingly. "Why don't you take the day off?"
"I have to work, Luc." She laughed it off softly, her eyes opening to lazily look up at him. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized just how lovingly he looked at her, his fingers lingering on her hair as he played with it ever so gently.
"Don't worry about it, just rest." He reassured her, finally kissing her one final time before he gathered the strength to get up. "I'll see that your boss is informed that you won't be clocking in today."
She could only blush and offer him a thankful smile. A day spent in his manor… It simply felt far too good to pass up. 
Besides, her entire body ached. Some rest would surely do her well.
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lookwhatitcost · 2 months
How can you love me? Chapter 1: What the fuck is going on?
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x !OFC
Warnings!: mentions of sex, slight drinking, Mentions of self harm, Noah is just a warning himself, let me know if I need to add more!
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Noah and Adriana both rockstar's, both caring, both don't really believe in love.
They met as children in a park in Richmond, since Noah helped Adriana with a scrape on her knee that day, they'd been inseparable. Even though they do live together and have known each other for almost 20 years they've never even had the thought of being each others other, being their partner, loving each other unconditionally, except as friends of course. Even though they were each others first everything, first friend, first kiss, first time, first home, they would never admit their love for each other because it would ruin their friendship, and especially not now that Adriana is not looking for love and, Noah is in love with his girlfriend Chelsea, right?
Will they let each other break their glass houses or will they stay eternally quiet?
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May 13 2020 (Adriana's POV)
"Noah where the fuck are you!"
I was out of breath from running after him after he shot me like 20 times with a fucking nerf gun! I was getting payback right, now.
I was trying to be as quiet as possible until I reached my room, of course the motherfucker would be here right? I was creeping through my room, I looked under my be-
He was carrying me and maybe I had no way out.
I knew what his next move was, he was going to throw me on the bed and try to attack me, so I did what I first thought of, I hooked my leg around his waist and I basically threw myself on the ground, but if I was going down he was coming with me. I'm pretty sure everyone heard the loud BOOM downstairs but at least this time I beat Noah to attacking me.
Of course it hurt a little but I'll get over it.
I stood up and fixed my hair and clothes.
"Aughhhh why the fuck would you do that adri?" Noah said in pain
I just giggled while looking at the 6 foot 3 giant on the ground groaning.
"come on I'll help you get up dumbass."
I grabbed his hand and helped him get off the floor, we were laughing until we heard footsteps coming upstairs, me and Noah scrambled to the bed trying to look as calm and normal as possible, with me finding my phone on the floor and picking it up and Noah quickly snatching a blanket off of my bed and pretending he was tired.
"Did you guys finally kill each other this time?" Jolly asked as he walked into my room.
"What do you mean? We weren't doing anything, we're just here chilling" Noah falsely explained. Jolly just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, me and Noah looked at each other and started laughing until our ribs were tired.
"NOAH YOU'RE PHONE IS RINGING AND ITS GETTING FUCKING IRRITATING" jolly yelled clearly irritated of our bullshit.
"Oh shit its Chelsea let me go get that" Noah said as he panicked running out of the room to his room, I obviously also left the room but I went to bother jolly instead.
'hey jolly can I ask you something?' 'What do you need now adri' he said with a fake annoyed tone. ' its nothing serious, I was going to ask if you could make dinner tonight because me and Noah were going to be in his room gaming.'
"well actually.." I hear from behind me. 'What happened noah?'
"um look I'm gonna visit Chelsea at her house so I probably won't be here until very later on."
"oh ok yeah that's fine, are you going to be here for dinner or do we eat without you?"
"Nah adri I think he'll be eating something better than what we're having" jolly said in jokingly matter. 'Oh shut the fuck up jolly do I ever make fun of you when you bring girls home?' Noah said clearly rushed and irritated.
"yes actually you do." Jolly said in a matter fact tone.
"No I dont!"
"YES YOU DO last time I brought a girl home you literally said to he-"
"OH MY GOD GUYS, just shut the fuck up and stop acting like 17 year old boys, noah, are you going to be here for dinner or not." I say sternly. 'No I don't think so bu-' ' okay then I'll make dinner for me and the guys and you go visit Chels ok?'
"Um ok..." He stood like I just gave him a lecture. 'Cool, oh and can you give Chelsea the dress that I told her I would gift her please?' I asked as I remembered the promise that I made her.
"Yeah sure but, I could try to get here before dinner so we can all eat togeth-"
"Noah." I cut him off
"Shut up and go visit your girlfriend."
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Time skip.
I was cooking dinner for me and the guys, listening to music while they were upstairs in their room. I was cooking spaghetti with meatballs and also making a salad on the side. I was doing the usual, chopping up vegetables, using the knife as a mic, which I know is dangerous but its fine.
"WHO THE FUCK IS BLASTING SUGAR BY SLEEP TOKEN RIGHT NOW!?!" I hear and know right away who it is.
"Jesse shut up I wasn't the one screaming the lyrics to Taylor Swift's You belong with me 2 days ago."
"you have no right to say that when you know its quality music." He said as he stood in front of me.
"yeah yeah yeah, I will admit it is amazing music."
"Hey do you need help with anything there?" He said. 'Oh yeah please, um could you help me chop those vegetables while I make the sauce?' I say as I'm pointing to the needed vegetables.
"Okay yeah, oh my god did you see the news?" Jesse said beaming with excitement. 'No what news?'
"Okay so do you remember whe-"
What the fuck who's slamming doors right now?
Me and Jesse stood there wondering who walked through the door like he fucking could do whatever he wants
he passed through the kitchen and stood right in front of us with his eyes bloodshot and puffy as if he'd been crying for hours.
"If Chelsea calls any of you and asks for me, don't tell her anything. Got it?" Noah said as he walked and reached for the alcohol cabinets.
Now what the fuck is going on?
Noah stormed out of the kitchen with a bottle of tequila to go to what I imagine would be his room. 'WAIT, DID SHE NOT CUM?' Jesse called after Noah probably trying to get him to laugh, 'JESSE! Why the fuck would you say that to him can't you see he's pissed?' Jesse looked at me while trying to hold in his laugh.
I was wondering what had happened if he left so happy that he was going to see her and even though Jesse went a little too far with the comment he was right he was also happy because he was probably going to have sex with his girl. I needed to figure out what happened to noah, I mean I'm pretty sure I could fix this, I was the one who introduced them to each other.
"Jesse can you finish this while I try to see what happened to him?"
"sure thing."
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I walked in to Noah's dimly lit room excepting him to tell me to 'FUCK OFF!' Like he always does, but when I spot him on the edge of his bed he just looks at me and takes a swig of the tequila.
"Noah what the fuck was that out there?"
"Nothing, why?" He said in a monotone voice. 'You want some?' He asked as he was putting his arm out to hand me the bottle.
"No, Noah what happened with Chelsea? Did you guys fight? Or was it something else?"
He just sat there with his head down, and I thought he wasn't crying until I saw a tear glisten down his face. I sat on the edge of the bed with him and put my hand on his back, rubbing it in circular motions, just like did THAT night.
Noah took yet another gulp of the drink and sighed.
"She broke up with me."
"Noah what do you mean?"
"What do you think I mean, she broke up with me just like that." He said clearly trying to keep his anger inside. 'oh, Noah I'm so sorry. Do you know why she did that?'. Noah chuckled before he said.
"No, I got to her place and when I said hi to her she asked me if we could talk, when we sat down she just said it, no sugarcoats, she just said, I wanna break up."
Oh. My. God.
"well maybe she was just confused, I mean, you guys have been together for 2 years, that's a lot of commitment and maybe she was just nervous."
"nah, its fine she's just like any other girl who's dated me, they spend time making me fall in love just so then they can throw me away like some type of garbage."
I understand how rough it is for him, I mean the last relationship he got into before Chelsea made him almost commit suicide when they broke up, she was cheating on him with two guys so the night he found out, I saw him in locked in his bathroom gripping a piece of glass in his hand from the mirror, thank god I found him before he did anything, but I understood him especially since I already had tried to do that before, so I guess you could say I was an expert.
"Noah, please don't say that, look lets do this, you stop drinking so the hangover isn't as bad in the morning, I will try and call Chelsea tonight and if she doesn't pick up I'll call her tomorrow, and you can get some rest in the meantime ok?" I said as I gently took the bottle from his hands and stood up.
"I guess, sure." He said still looking depressed.
"Okay, well goodnight Noah I'll tell you if anything happens tomorrow."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead and heard him say a quiet 'thank you'.
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When I say I keep my promises, I'm not joking.
I called Chelsea about 50 times on my phone, on Noah's phone, on jolly's phone, and the list goes on and on. I was just trying to figure out what happened even though yesterday her and Noah were smitten over each other, calling each other every five minutes, which at some point did get a little irritating but it was fine. I sorta feel guilty because I introduced them to each other and I was the one who told chels that she should date noah, obviously she had a crush on Noah first, who doesn't? I mean, even I had a small crush on Noah when we were teenagers, but that passed after a while. I could feel the frustration creeping up my body as I tried calling Chelsea for the 52 time in a row. I let out a frustrated sigh, 'what the fuck do I do now?'
"Don't stress about it adri, at this point she's not gonna talk to anyone." Noah says behind me leaning against the bedroom door with only his gray sweats on,
"Noah? What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep."
"nah I couldn't sleep, plus I didn't want to anyway" he waves it off as if I can't see the tired and sadness in his eyes. 'uh huh totally, because you hate sleeping.' I say sarcastically. 'Where are the other guys?'
"ah shut it, the guys are all asleep." he says then looks at my phone in my hand, then grabs my hand gently and holds it up in front of him. 'How many times have you called her?'
"52 times" I whisper embarrassed. 'what? I couldn't hear you.'
"52 times." I say clearer. 'WHAT. You called her 52 times!?!'
"Yeah... Look I'm sorry but I just don't like seeing you like this plus I also have to check up on her, remember she's also my friend." I say trying to justify my devotion. 'Look, I appreciate that but at this point please, just give up.'
I knew what I was about to do, I was going to rant.
"no Noah I know you love her and I at least want you two to talk so you guys can at least see what happe-"
What. The. Fuck. Is. He. Doing.
I felt his soft lips lightly touch mine testing the waters, until he kissed me... He took my face in his hands and he kissed me. The kiss felt soft, he was kissing me as if I were fragile, I kissed him back and put my arms around his torso feeling as if this was a piece of heaven. He pulled back, eyes soft, and lips rosy pink from kissing me.
What the fuck, this man was heartbroken an hour ago why is he kissing me now?
"Noah?" I said confused. 'Yeah?"
"What the hell was that for?" I said thinking he wasn't in his right headspace. 'Nothing. I knew you were gonna rant so I needed to shut you up in a kind way.' He said in a mocking way.
We just stood there in front of eachother, I swear we were having a secret eye contest.
"Well adri um I'm gonna head to bed, ok? Goodnight." He said giving me one last peck on my mouth.
This guy is out of his mind.
He walked out of my room like if nothing happened. until he turned around and quickly came in to my room just to say.
"sweet dreams angel." He said adding a wink at the end.
I was shocked, and asking myself so many questions.
Why would he do that?
Is he drunk?
Was he actually trying to shut me up?
I didn't know what happened. What I did know is that, I ended up with an aching need that night, so lets just say my vibrator was dead by the time I went to sleep.
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wayfayrr · 8 months
Sky being self aware had been plaguing my mind since I wrote this other piece where he confronts you about having played through his game, however while you could read this as a sequel it is written as something separate!
before the main thing though just gonna say, I don't actually support yandere behaviour in real life - I don't usually mention this because in my opinion it goes without saying, however since reader borders a little bit on being one in this I just wanted to make it clear!
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It’s been so long since I last played Skyward Sword, Really I think the last time I picked it up was at least a year ago now. I’d almost forgotten I actually had it on the switch, if it weren’t for me needing to do a clear out I might have never remembered that I had this. I’ve got some spare time right now so really there shouldn’t be an issue if I took a break to play for a while would there? In the worst case I’d get distracted for a bit, but it’s not like I can’t just carry on cleaning tomorrow. Setting up the game was easier than ever, not like setting up any switch game is particularly hard though. My old save was still waiting patiently, I could never bring myself to delete it even after getting a hundred percent. Perhaps it’s finally time to try out hero mode for the first time?
The opening cutscene is nice to watch again, even if I can’t help but feel bad for Link in it, seeing what it’s building up to. Huh? I could’ve sworn my controllers were working a second ago, they can’t have disconnected during the cutscene either, could they?
“[Name]? Dearest… you’ve finally come back…”
It’s like I’ve just been plunged into ice water - I- I’m dreaming right? I have to be, there’s no way this could possibly be real. He’s a game character. Link can’t be speaking to me as if he’s a real person. He can’t be.
“Darling, You - you look so pale are you alright?”
Another step toward the screen, a head-tilt and clear concern on his face. More than possible. I knew it, this has to be a dream.
“Darling, I know that this is strange for you - don’t you think it’s strange for me as well? I mean - I know I’m not supposed to exist as I do. I’m only supposed to be a blank slate for you to play this game as not - not have my own feelings.”
A sharp inhale laced with the sounds of static reverberated throughout the room, with a far too alive sounding sniffle as he wiped his eyes and took yet another step closer. Even eerier was the laugh that followed when he made eye contact with me, something sad and wet sounding like he’s barely holding himself together. It sounds too real.
“It’s been so long I thought that you - I thought that you forgot me. That you weren’t going to come back. I hoped - no I knew - that you didn’t though and you didn’t! You came back to me my love and now I’m not going to let you out of my sight again. I know that it wasn’t your fault that you took so long, I - I mean you didn’t even know that I’m alive but I’m not going to risk it happening again.”
He’s right up against the screen now, staring at me as he presses his hand up against it, like he’s testing it. Gently testing as if he’s trying to see how much pressure the glass can take. If there’s any time best to wake up already it would be now. 
“I’ve been stuck in here alone for so long, if I didn’t have something to focus on I would have gone insane! Can you imagine that? If I didn’t have you to think about all that time I would have lost myself! I was made for you; I know you care about me as well. Please [name] I - I don’t know who I’m supposed to be any more, I’m not - not your character. I’m so much more than that empty husk.”
His hand pushes further on the glass as his fingers tense up, now like he’s preparing himself for something. Link, I’ve never seen him - any version of him in any version of the games acting even half as emotive as this. That proves that this is all a dream, he can’t be - this can’t be real. 
“There’s one other thing that being trapped in here for all this time has let me focus on I think I know how to get out now… If I press this just-”
A sickeningly twisted smile found its way onto his face with each shrill crack of the glass screen under his hand. The other moving up to join it as he pushed even harder, intending to shatter the barrier, he’s convinced himself is standing between us. My chest feels so tight right now, why am I so sore in a dream?  If I were awake I’d be convinced I was having a panic attack but - no- no I’m not awake.
“Right. Then - Well you can see can’t you dearest? If I carry on like this, there won’t be any-”
A loud wince as his hand shatters through the screen, the glass shards cutting through his skin effortlessly marring both him and the remaining screen with - with his blood. The laughter that followed the screen cutting to blank with his hand reaching through seemed to tighten the band that’s seemingly wrapped itself around my lungs making it harder still to breathe. How could I breathe when link - the link is dragging himself out of my tv. 
“Come on darling..? I know you feel the same way about me, I’ve heard you say it all. So please don’t just stand there looking terrified. You have no reason to be scared of me, I love you so much [name]. Can’t you see I’m doing this so that we can be together? I can’t wait to finally hold you in my arms.”
Frozen. That’s the only way I can describe how I’m feeling right now, my once-warm blood has turned to ice within my veins. He’s not stopping. His shirt that was once a pale beige is now stained with red patches, as his head and torso are out of the screen now. What was once a comforting face to see, one of my favourite characters is staring me down with a downright vicious grin while he is dripping with his own blood. Even beneath all of that though, there’s still something so tender, so scared about him, something is worrying him.
“Please darling you’re so pale, you don’t need to be scared - I promise you everything is going to be alright. [name] please just say something to me…”
Dark spots are starting to show in my vision now and… I’m not sure if this is a dream anymore. There are too many things adding up that don’t make any sense. But if it’s not that, I don’t…
Did I pass out? I mean it really feels like I did, but I don’t feel like I hit anything. If I passed out when I was alone then I would’ve hit my head on something. Maybe I’m just waking up from that weird dream. Hopefully. Although that wouldn’t explain -
“You’re alright darling, I’m here. I’ve got you, you’re safe, you’re alright.”
Why I feel like someone’s holding me? 
“Oh dearest you’re finally awake… You - you scared me you know? I didn’t think I was going to be able to catch you, that you were going to get hurt. I’m so glad that I did though love.” It wasn’t a dream. That was Link’s voice, the same one as before. It’s link thats holding me in his arms. Link that’s nuzzling into my hair as he seems to be fighting off tears. That means… That means…
“...Everything was real..?  I - you - it…”
He’s holding me so gently like he’s scared of me disappearing. If what he said is true? I can’t hold  that against him with what he’s said, but even still. I can’t just stay in his arms pretending that him stroking my face with bloodstained hands isn’t bothering me. He’s so happy though and he isn’t hurting me really why don't I just - no I have to tell him that this is making me uncomfortable. 
“All of it, all of it was real [name] and I couldn’t be more glad that it is, because it means that I’m finally here with you.”
“Yes dear?”
… this is all real. I’m actually talking to him. He’s real. And he’s downright obsessed with me. 
“You - you’re still bleeding, you should deal with that and- and with everything.”
I’m not sure that was the right thing to say, but why shouldn’t I not accept him. This isn’t some stranger, it’s Link. One of my first fictional crushes, he’s probably heard the things I’ve said about him; since I’ve said in the past if I got a chance like this that I would take it… why not see where this goes? He looks adorable like this, hopefully, if he stays like this long enough I’ll be able to get the image of him crawling through my tv out of my mind. 
“I - you’re worried about me, love? I - I knew that you’re my soulmate, oh my dear. You're so beyond perfect.”
“We should go get you some bandages Link. I know you’re not quite used to everything yet so I wouldn’t want you to get an infection immediately.”
Yeah, I’m not going to let this chance slip. He’s so much nicer in person, why should I throw this away? He’s perfect and now?
He’s mine.
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grapejuicestyless · 8 months
hi, hope you're well! i was wondering if you could write something for conrad based on the song my love mine all mine by mitski? i've been obsessed with it lately and it reminds me off him 💖
My Love, Mine All Mine.
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
summery: Y/n has always gave too much. She always loved, believed too easily. She can’t control what others will do with that, but she can control how she loves.
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Sorting through the shiny papers, the corners cut into my skin with each photo I crumpled up, tossing it into the shadows. Each memory ingrained forever on a film that would only taunt me with the past.
I hate the way the sun shined through the leaves in each one. How the sand looked so soft under our feet, the ocean bluer than any summer sky could every paint it now. I am reminded of how vibrant the world became with him in my life, when he was mine.
I say that he was mine loosely. I am unsure if I even have the ability to own something so pretty, so precious. If I ever even did. I remember the way my hands would run through his salty curls after a beach day. How he would hold me extra tight, we’d only bring one towel to share. His lap was soft, shorts scrunched up and dripping still.
I think of his lips on mine. How perfectly they fit on mine. I remember how desperate each kiss was. Not once had he ever made it seem like if it were to go no further we would cease to exist, but he was feverish enough with each lick into my mouth where I knew no matter what, he would never be satisfied. He always wanted more, more, more. How foolish of me to believe it was because he could simply not get enough of me, not because I was not enough.
He was kind, showing me affection in ways he swore would only ever be for me. He decorated his walls with love letters and Polaroids of us, of me. He had stacks of our adventures in an old shoebox under his bed for when I was away and he was missing me. He reminded me everyday how much he adored me. Counting down the seconds until he could hold me in his arms. He promised me it was a feeling that nobody else could ever give him. A heart rush that only ever came over him when my name was involved.
So why does he look at her that way? Why must his eyes carry the same shimmer of lust in them that he once held for me? I see the way his hands grip at her hips, her thighs. It’s animalistic in a way, primal. He wants her, needs her. He’s hers.
I remember the night I discovered their secret. My lover and my sister hand in hand one late June night. I stood still on the grass watching over them. My tears came out dry. I couldn’t even try and sob, let myself break. With his leaving just months ago, I’d already rung myself dry of any tears I had left.
It’s funny how something that once made you feel special can make you feel so sick so suddenly. What once gave me a reason for my living killed me so suddenly.
I knew I was always destined to die, to burn out and disappear. I never imagined how it would’ve happened at the hands of the two I trusted the most in my life. Looking up at the moon that night, I prayed to forget, to heal so suddenly. Rid me of the ache in my heart and replace it with a cold emptiness.
He holds her while she sits in my spot on the couch. She laughs at the jokes I told him that now spew from his lips. Her hands find home in his hair and the towel we once shared as become theirs. It’s all reused, it’s the same. He makes her feel special, wanted, lusted after. He’s a damn good actor, he fools the whole damn world with his cruel games.
Now I know better than anyone that when calling him mine, I must use it loosely. At some time, he might have been. The photos I tear up in my room are only proof of our years spent together. Two summers spent doting on each other. He was with me, but could I call him mine? If he left so easily, did he ever even need me? Want me?
I hold the final photo in my hands, the moon shines down on us. We’re only young in the photograph. His cheek is pressed to mine, our smiles touch. We look so free, so happy. I feel guilty if I were to rip it up when it still feels so happy.
Grabbing a pin from the bedside table, I poke it into the wall beside my mountains of other places and people I’ve seen. It sticks out, like it’s been highlighted in bright red. It stings to look at, but it reminds me of a better time, a time when I believed I had the ability to have good things.
Now I know, nothing in this world belongs to me. Not my baby, not my sister’s loyalty. Not my mother, not my brother. I have no control over anything. Yet, each time I allow myself to believe that I do. That I mean something. I pay a price for the immaturity of my heart. I act a fool over the smallest affections, the most discrete love. And I watch as each time it is taken away, leaving me with a heavy chest and a heart far too full for my body. Nothing in this world is mine for free. Nothing in this world belongs to me but my love, mine all mine.
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reorientation · 2 months
I don't really know where else to confess this, so here it goes. I'm trans masc. My afab partner and I are talking about having a baby. I'm going to carry and we'll need to find a sperm donor. They're talking about getting sperm from a sperm bank. But all I can think about it getting fucked by a man or a trans woman and knocked up that way. I know it would make my partner so uncomfortable, so I'm not bringing it up. But holy fuck. The number of times I've cum to fantasies of natural insemination is... let's just say it happens a lot. It's especially fucked up to me because I've never been with anyone but afab people. I've never seen a dick irl. But all I want it for someone to just pin me down and fuck a baby into me. Sometimes I even fantasize about getting bred against my will. A guy friend knows we're trying to have a baby and fucks me while I beg him not to cum in me. He tells me he's just trying to help, he knows how expensive sperm is. He then talks to my partner and offers to donate his sperm for them to inseminate me with. So even if I got pregnant from him fucking me no one will ever know.
Oh, this is fun. You're ready to make a baby, but you're not ready to do it via cold clinical insemination - you're ready to be knocked up. Your partner wants you to be pregnant, but you want to be bred: to have the first cock you've ever seen be the one that beats against your cervix and swells your belly.
It would be awfully kind of a friend to help you with that, wouldn't it? One who knows what you crave. Maybe a man who sees your eyes reflexively dart to his crotch when you mention that you're planning to have a baby, and realizes that it's not just sperm you're needing. Who knows that you couldn't possibly cheat on your partner, especially not when you're planning to start a family... but that it's not cheating if you're begging him not to. No matter how many times you come on his bare cock.
God, imagining myself in that position... It would be so sweet to hear your breath catch in your throat as I made the offer to you and your partner, afterwards. To watch you try to keep your expression steady while you were thinking about the feeling of my cock pulsing inside of you and the hundreds of millions of sperm already in your womb.
And if they accepted the offer... how beautiful it would be to see your belly growing, month after month, and know that you'd always wonder whether you got pregnant from the carefully-planned ministrations of your loving partner, or from losing your mind on my cock as I raped you full of your first load of cum.
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split-spectrum · 3 months
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Pairings: Obi Wan/FemReader
Warnings/Tags: (more to come) sexually explicit content, explicit language, edging, orgasm denial (like a lot of it - that's the whole fic)
Chapter Length: 3K
Description: Obi Wan chooses to undertake a trial that prevents him from sex for one year, and asks you to serve as his witness. As his close friend, you don't mind helping him.
The rules of the trial are very clear. You make it your personal mission to find the exceptions.
"They call it the Nikkama."
"A full cycle?"
He pauses, taking in your incredulous tone. "Yes. A full Coruscant cycle."
"And you're asking me to... what, participate?" 
He shakes his head. "Of course not. This is simply a... personal matter for me."
You raise a brow even higher than it already was, not saying anything in response. He seems to be on the edge of an explanation, but never quite getting there. Your silence invites him to continue. 
"By the end of a standard year, it is my goal to come away with a new understanding of the Force, and of myself."
"That's very... respectable," you manage. "So, if you need someone as the keeper of this... trial, why not ask a master? Why me?"
His eyes search your face. He's trying to determine if you're toying with him. The truth is, you have an idea of why he wouldn't approach Yoda about this, but you want to hear him say it. 
"I had... rather thought it would be obvious."
So you had guessed correctly. But he won't admit it. 
You smirk; an acquiescence. You won't make him dance around the details any longer. You are friends, after all. Friends who happen to know one another more intimately than most friends do - the real reason he's come to you with this request. 
"Alright. Tell me the rules."
No sex. That's the essence of it. 'Seeking bliss through denial', as the ancient Jedi texts stated it. To complete the trial, one must deny themselves the pleasures of the flesh for the time it takes the Jedi temple to finish one full cycle. 
The rules are quite simple: The Jedi must make the trial known to one witness - the keeper. The Jedi can not bring themselves to completion through sex or by any other means. There are allowances, of course. Orgasms beyond the Jedi's control are permitted. This way, one cannot fail the trial while sleeping. Finally, the Jedi must not speak of the trial with anyone aside from the keeper. Like many other trials, it was a battle meant to be fought internally.
If he failed, Obi Wan had explained to you that he could not simply begin again. One was not allowed to attempt the Nikkama for ten more cycles. It was not meant to be taken lightly. Much like everything Obi Wan has ever done, but especially like the things he's been doing lately. 
Since becoming master of the Chosen One, it seems like all he's done is push himself, as if trying to prove he's worthy of the position. Having known him since padawanhood, his capability has always been clear to you. But with his new responsibilities, he seems to be seeking new and creative ways to strain himself. You know nothing you say will be enough to slow him down, so most of the time, you can only offer your begrudging support. 
Three months in to this latest self-imposed trial, you can already tell the strain is starting to wear on him. 
"Anakin, I've told you before," his voice carries over the crowd of padawans on the landing platform as you walk past. "The way we present ourselves is a choice."
"Yes, master," mumbles the boy in front of him, his eyes clearly more focused on the ship he's about to board than his master's words. 
"...and today you've chosen to present yourself to professor Huyang with a wrinkled robe because you did not hang it properly as I asked, did you?"
"Sorry, master." Anakin's words are contrite, but the way he shrugs Obi Wan's arm off his shoulder says this will not be the last conversation they have about it. 
Obi Wan looks around, clearly asking the Force for patience. He squeezes a blink just a little longer than normal, gathering himself, and when he opens his eyes, he catches you watching the display. You press your upper lip down into a poorly-hidden grin and keep walking, using the mug of caf you'd retrieved from the refectory in the temple's main hall to hide your smile.
Once Anakin is sent on his way with the other padawans, Obi Wan strides down the hall to match your pace.
"I saw that," he grouses. He's putting on a half-joking tone, but you can tell there's a current of real irritation running beneath. "You won't find it quite so entertaining when you have a padawan of your own."
You let your grin loose. "That's the beauty of volunteering for the most distant and dangerous missions. They can't keep me at the temple long enough to assign me one."
It's an exaggeration you're putting on for him, but it's partially true - you do tend to volunteer for the most exciting assignments you can find. That's where you and Obi Wan differ the most. Part of you craves adventure in a way that's almost unbecoming of a Jedi. Obi Wan starkly contrasts your eagerness, content with whatever duties he's given. He always has the serene air of a proper Jedi knight about him. And you truly enjoy pushing his buttons until his calm demeanor breaks. 
"You look like you could use one of these," you tell him, changing the subject by pointing to the mug in your hand. 
He looks down at your hand, then glances dejectedly out of one of the windows as you pass it. "Oh, I could use something much stronger than that. If only I had the time. I promised Master Sinube I would help him question some suspects for an investigation this afternoon."
You click your tongue against your teeth. "Poor thing."
"Yes, no rest for the wicked, it seems."
"More like 'no rest for the stubborn'." 
He gives you a look. 
"No rest for the decidedly overbooked," you go on, pushing those lovely buttons of his. 
He sighs, shaking his head in annoyed bemusement and not rising to your bait. 
You turn to face him before your path peels away, dropping your antagonizing grin. "If you're too busy this afternoon, what about this evening? We could meet up in my quarters for 'something stronger' if you'd like. I have a bottle of Alderaanian red that's been gathering dust."
"Hm. Dusty wine; how very tempting," he sniffs, crossing his arms at you. 
You roll your eyes, but he doesn't give you a chance to retort. 
"It's a kind offer, but-"
"But, Anakin is gone for the week and you'd rather be alone in your quarters, falling asleep early?"
"Well, yes, in fact, I would."
You shrug. "Do as you please, then. My charitable offer stands, if you decide you'd rather enjoy yourself than become a hermit at the ripe age of twenty-seven."
You turn down an adjacent hallway, leaving his mood behind you without another thought. 
Later that night - very much later, in fact - you had almost forgotten about your offer when a knock at the door to your private quarters reminds you. 
"Obi Wan."
You won't spoil the surprise by gloating, though you sorely want to. You just smile instead, glad to see him despite his dour expression. 
His lifts his eyes tiredly. "Might I request that you hold off on any clever commentary until I have my promised drink?"
Your grin broadens as you step to the side, inviting him in. "You might request it, but my cleverness won't be silenced." 
Passing you, he manages to flick up an eyebrow despite his otherwise muted demeanor. "Oh, dear. If I had known you'd started without me, I'd have-"
"You'd have come sooner?" you finish for him, sweeping up the bottle on your counter and topping off your glass. 
He drapes himself over your couch, sinking into the cushions as he spreads an arm over the side. 
"I may not have come at all. I would have gone to my quarters and gotten some well-deserved-" You hand him a filled glass. "Thank you. Some well-deserved rest." 
He finishes his statement with a long sip, then swirls the glass and closes his eyes, pinching his brow with his other hand. 
You just roll your eyes, nudging his boots to the side and sinking into the couch next to him. "Master Sinube really putting you through your paces, then?"
He sighs through his nose. "Master Sinube is a wonderful teacher in the art of... patience."
Your lip quirks upward. His patience has never been tested before by the kindly old Cosian. And it's rather odd for Obi Wan to admit it. You consider pointing it out, but seeing him so worn out by the experience dampens your desire to wind him up. You turn on the holovid screen instead. 
"After a few more glasses of this, trust me, you'll feel better."
When you awaken, you feel something soft and warm beneath your face. It's the cloth of Obi Wan's tunic. 
Your head is buzzing faintly as you press your nose into the fabric, breathing him in. You only marginally care that what you're doing is inappropriate. It's been a long time since you've been this close, and you can blame the drinks if you really must.
You swallow, blinking slowly as you register that the room is filled with the sound of some holodrama you've never watched before. The music is swelling, and you reach over Obi Wan's chest to press the volume button on the remote. His head turns, following your movement though he's still half-asleep. 
You feel his breathing pattern change below your cheek, and you look up at him. His long eyelashes part slowly. His body shifts so that he's facing you, though he removes the arm that had fallen to your shoulder. He puts a hand on the back of the couch. 
And he looks at you.
The moment where he should have moved away - where one of you should have - comes and goes.
You lift your face, staring at his lips. You know you're caught in his gaze. He's watching you, not saying a word. 
The idea of leaning up to press your lips onto his is so far removed from your mind that it's basically an impossibility. You aren't padawans stealing moments in the temple anymore. Your heart doesn't pound with the fear that you'll give into your baser instincts. You're fully aware of what you're enjoying - the look in his eyes; the space between your mouths. Holding your faces so close that it's almost another kind of kiss. 
Then you shift your hips, just slightly, and you feel it. You feel the way his clothes pull tight at his center. Your leg brushes the taught line of fabric just below his stomach, running up his thigh. 
Considering his circumstances, it's a normal reaction. You tell yourself this as you feel a blush spreading over your face and down your neck. It's a physical response to repressing his body's urges. You try not to take it personally. You won't mention it. 
You blink, lowering your gaze from his and starting to extricate yourself from his side. He swallows, pulling away from you.
"I'm sorry-" His voice is throaty and a bit slurred. "I-"
The inner side of your hip brushes against him as you turn to get up, and a soft, almost dejected moan pours out of him. He snaps his mouth shut. You freeze, looking up at him.
That noise will not be so easy to avoid taking personally.
Suddenly he's sitting up. "Terribly sorry, I- I don't know what came- came over- "
You force a smile, though your heart is racing, and you pat his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Only nine more months to go, right?"
A slight look of relief passes over his wide eyes. "Yes," he agrees, clearly grateful you've decided to blame the trial and not him. "Yes. Quite right. My apologies."
When Obi Wan finishes his many further apologies and excuses himself, leaving you alone in your quarters, you are grateful for one thing: As you lie back in your bed, imagining the way his hips had twitched at the slightest brush, you thank the stars that the Nikkama doesn't go both ways. 
You'd had your fun. 
That's what you keep reminding yourself. When you have to keep your eyes from lingering a little too long during a shared smile. When your heart kicks up a little faster anytime you see that he's returned safely from some far-off world. When you kiss someone else and it doesn't feel the same. 
The Jedi are not forbidden from physical pleasures. There's no reason not indulge in sex, so long as attachment isn't involved. But when you'd both realized as padawans that kissing and touching was swiftly turning into longing and wondering, you'd agreed it was for the best not to continue. 
That conversation was so long ago, and the boy who'd made that promise was so far removed from the man who was currently pinning you down on the training room floor. 
"Yield," he pants, teeth glistening in the fading sunlight. His breath is hot, and you're swallowing it with gasps of your own. 
You flex your thighs, using the Force to lift both of you off of the ground. "Not until you've beaten me."
Huffing an exasperated laugh, he looks over your head in disbelief. Then he tightens his grip on the hand that holds your lightsaber and feels where your thumb is located. He stills. You're holding the empty hilt against his side, and your thumb is just below the pressure sensor. You grin, open-mouthed, sweaty, and undefeated. 
"In a non-lethal match, I have indeed beaten you."
You're just about to reply when he crushes your wrist in his palm, wrenching it upward and holding both of your arms harmlessly above your head. You yelp in surprise and no small amount of pain as he presses the weight of his body onto you, holding himself up by pinning you down. 
"But just for good measure - there," he says, digging his knees onto either side of your hips to hold you still. "Now yield."
You struggle against him, but it's like trying to break out of a durasteel cage. Then you catch sight of a dewy patch of golden skin and make a move that neither of you are expecting. 
Your teeth sink into his neck before you can catch the impulse, and the muscles there vibrate when he gasps in shock. He releases your hands, but catches them again quickly. His face is suddenly flushed when he pulls away.
"There can be some honor in defeat, you know," he scowls down at you. 
You smirk, pleased at getting a rise out of him. "A Jedi doesn't accept defeat with any reasonable chance at victory."
You lift your hips again, this time sending a concentrated pulse through the Force to try and wriggle out from under him. He holds you steady and you rock to one side, attempting to flip him off and reverse your positions, but to no avail. You take a few deep breaths, then try rolling your hips one last time. 
"Stop that."
His tone snaps you out of your concentration. You look up to see him glaring down at you, looking unsteady for the first time in your match. You hesitate, then decide to take the opportunity he's giving and make the same move again. You grind your body against him and watch as his eyes widen. He releases your wrists and rolls off of you, standing up. 
"I yield."
His turns his back on you, stalking over to where you've left your water canteens, and takes a long drink. 
You lie there a moment in stunned silence, then shake it off and stand up, following him. "Are you... okay? What was that?"
"It's nothing," he snips back immediately.
Then you see his shoulders soften and he turns to face you. "Forgive me. I'm not... feeling very well."
He gives you a forced smile, then reaches to pick up his robe from the floor. "Perhaps we could continue this later?"
You shrug, at a loss. "Sure."
"Very well," he answers, heading for the doorway. "Thank you."
You frown, his sudden formality making you uneasy. "Obi Wan... did I do something wrong?"
"No," he says, shaking his head. "I just need to get some rest."
You take a beat before pressing him again. "I'm sorry about the bite."
He sighs. "There's no need to apologize. The fault is mine. Perhaps... it would just be best if we hold off any sparring sessions for the time being."
"Oh?" you ask quietly. "For how long?"
"Just... just for now."
You furrow your brow. Then it clicks. "Until the end of the Nikkama?"
He looks caught-out, sending his gaze past you.
Of course. It's been six months, now. He hasn't mentioned it, but you might have known by his mood.
Now you're the one struggling to make eye contact. You pick up your own canteen, drinking, then wiping your mouth. 
"Is it that bad?" you finally ask.
He lets out a soft laugh. "Well, it's not meant to be easy."
There's a long, unbroken silence as you wonder how to approach this. Or whether to approach it, at all. 
"Do you... want to talk about it?"
He shakes his head. "It's simply a matter of discipline. There isn't much to talk about."
"Well," you tell him slowly, carefully. "I've read the texts. And I want you to know that if you need... help, getting through to the end, I'm here for you."
His face drops. "What does that mean?"
You take a step closer, your heart pounding as you try to put the words together. "The trial has rules against you seeking pleasure. But, everyone has needs. And if you aren't seeking it... if it- it just happens..."
He looks down at the space between your bodies, and it's like you can see every thought running through his head. He doesn't answer for a very long time. 
"Anything that were to happen," he says in a low tone, nearly a whisper. "Would need to be without my request."
Your breath is shortening with every word he says. "You asked me to help you with this," you reply. "And we are friends, are we not?"
He nods. "Of course."
"Then if you need it, let me help you."
Your hand tingles as you reach out to touch his side. He gently takes your hand and lowers it, almost grazing between his legs, and holds you there just a moment too long. 
Your fingers lift from his hand to unclasp his belt, but he pulls you back. 
"No," he says, swallowing and letting out a few slightly labored breaths. "No, I wouldn't- No."
You wait for an explanation, but he doesn't finish his thought.
"Well, as long as you know the offer stands," you tell him, straightening up. "If you change your mind..."
"I won't," he cuts you off. "There is no- no need."
Smiling for his benefit, you nod. "Of course. My mistake."
You can feel his gaze follow you as you bend over to pick up your own robe and brush past him out the door. 
In any other situation, Obi Wan would hold his own in a debate. He's quite well known for having opinions that aren't easily swayed.
In this matter, against your better judgment, you find yourself wondering if you might be the exception. 
A/N: I'm planning for this to be a short multi-chapter, maybe 3-5. Completely self-induglent. I want this man to be edged within an inch of his life. I want him whimpering, your honor.
On a side note, forgive me for this interruption in posting Water and Rock! It's been challenging because I've needed to basically write the full ending before I can be sure the plot/pacing is right for this chapter. It will be up soon, promise! In the meantime I've been using this side fic as a bit of a creative outlet lol.
As always, if you'd like to be tagged for this fic, feel free to comment or message me. :)
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Headcanon: Katniss tries to help Peeta at the bakery and burns her wrist. From then on until it heals after her bath at night Peeta sits behind her on the bed and brushes out her hair slowly and rhythmically
Can I interest you in some domestic post-mj fluff (or maybe it's hurt/comfort?). You'd think I'd know how to classify this by now. Rated somewhere between G and T depending on how you feel about non sexual nudity.
<3 kdnfb
I’ve always hated burns. The way even the smallest of them causes excruciating pain. And now I have hundreds of reasons to hate them. And even though, as a baker, Peeta’s used to small burns on his own skin, he always submits to my care when I demand he let me soothe his hurts with whatever cold substance we have available. Ice from the freezer. Cold water from the tap. Snow from the ground if it’s winter and he tells me about the burn while we’re walking home.
But that hasn’t made it easy for me to accept his caring when I hurt myself. Sometimes, I’d rather hide it from him and find a closet to hide in while the memories of my sister feel contained in that tiny new burn, making the already unbearable pain into something unimaginable. At times, I think I may combust once again, the blaze starting at the new wound and consuming me within seconds.
This time, though, I can’t hide it. Peeta was right beside me as we were baking. He was trying to show me how to make the cheese rolls I love so much.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper as he holds my arm under the tap, running it full cold over my wrist. His grip on me is too tight to allow me to even pull back, let alone escape and run away.
I watch his jaw clench and rest my forehead on his chest, repeating my apology as the tears in my eyes burn almost as badly as my wrist. I want to collapse, but Peeta’s body pressing me against the sink won’t allow for even that.
“Stop it, Katniss. Stop apologizing.”
“I ruined them. I ruined the rolls,” I whimper and turn my head enough to spot them still scattered on the floor from where I dropped the tray after it slipped just enough in my grip to burn my wrist.
“I don’t care about the rolls,” he says and then twists his body, reaching for the cabinet where we keep the burn creams.
He sets it down on the counter and then grabs my chin, forcing my head up to look at him.
“Hey. Look at me, Katniss. I’m right here. Don’t look away. Say it.”
I take a few deep breaths, entranced by the depths in those blue eyes. The plea in them that whispers to me, begs me to understand his terseness. “You don’t care about the rolls.”
“I really don’t. Come on. Let’s get some ointment on this.”
It still stings, the ingredients designed to continue cooling the area and numb it as well. But it’s never enough to completely get rid of the pain.
I only know when he’s done because Peeta scoops me into his arms and carries me upstairs. He sets me down on the bathroom counter and starts the water in the tub, drizzling in fragrant oils. 
“I’ll be right back,” he says and gently kisses my forehead. “I’m just going to make sure Buttercup doesn’t find the rolls and try to eat them. Don’t get in the tub alone.”
He’s only gone for a few minutes. I don’t budge during that time, but the tub is close to being full so Peeta turns off the water and helps me down from the counter, slowly stripping me, careful of my burned wrist. Then he lifts me up and lowers me into the tub.
As his arms retreat, he grips my injured arm and holds it out of the water before setting it on top of a rolled towel on the edge of the tub. I’m only half there as he brings a stool, screeching loudly on the tile floor, right next to the tub. Only half noticing the feel of his hands washing my body, all except for the injured arm. 
But he must wash my hair because when I am able to note my surroundings again, we’re seated on the bed, positioned so that I’m gazing out the window, watching the breeze play with the curtains and the vibrantly red, orange, and yellow leaves shivering in the trees outside. I turn my head slightly when I feel a tug on my hair and realize that Peeta is drying my hair. Carefully gathering up bunches of it and squeezing out the the water, absorbing into a soft towel. Again and again and again.
“Start your list,” he suggests and I inhale the soothing scent of the cream I use in my hair to make the tangles easier to brush out. The scent of rose oil, but not the cloying, mutated smell of Snow. Gentler, wilder, softer. Peeta works the oil in my hair as I start the list, with Cinna this time, because Peeta’s hands in my hair reminds me of my old friend.
My eyes drift shut and Peeta hums encouragingly as I keep talking. He brandishes a comb and when I shiver, he pauses.
“Are you alright?”
“It’s soothing, don’t stop just…” He waits and I breathe in deeply. “I used to comb Prim’s hair, when Mom couldn’t and… I miss my mother braiding my hair.”
“I know. I’m sorry I’m such a poor substitute,” he says, lighthearted and without any self-pity.
No one needs me.
I lean back and turn my head, until I can see his face. I bend my uninjured arm to cup his jaw and his hands fall away from my hair.
“Say it,” I whisper and tug on his blonde curls until his lips brush mine. “Say it, Peeta.”
“You like it when I comb your hair. Real or not real?”
“Real. Say the rest.”
“I’m not a poor substitute.”
We’re distracted for a moment as his lips move over mine. Until he gently pushes me forwards again.
“Let me finish, impatient,” he teases and I smile, ever so slightly. 
He resumes combing my hair. Steady and rhythmic, not unlike the way he kneads dough in the bakery, only much softer and gentler. Still, I find myself humming a quiet tune. A love song I remember my father singing for my mother. I don’t sing just yet though and the smile still curves over my lips when he’s done and secures the end of my braid with a leather hair tie. He bends over then and kisses my bare shoulder. 
It’s only then that I realize I’m wrapped in only a towel and stand to put on a nightgown. After, Peeta applies more ointment to my arm.
Every day after that, he helps me bathe and braid my hair, careful to keep my injured arm clean and dry until I can stand water on it again. When we finally deem the burn healed enough to no longer need bandages, I ask him to join me in the tub and scoot forward after he undresses, leaving room for him to sink into the water with me, His thighs hugging tight to my hips and his lips soft on my shoulders, the back of my neck. He gently grasps my wrist and bends my arm until he can kiss the small new scar. And after we bathe, he combs and braids my hair for bed.
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whatamesswehavemade · 2 years
Fuck, I'm So Sorry- Eddie Munson x Reader
Requested: Yes
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
Requested: Yes
Word count: 1,319
Warnings: swearing, crying, Eddie yelling at you but makes up for it.
100% Fluff
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GIF not mine
“Now put your finger here and strum light like this,” Eddie guides your hand from behind you. You’re sitting on your bedroom floor between Eddie’s legs. He brought his guitar over to your place after months of begging him to teach you. He was worried about you damaging his poor guitar, but you promised him he could keep his hands on it at all times to make sure not even a scratch could happen.
You strum, and it makes a way prettier noise than five minutes ago in your first part of the practice. You turn your head and smile at him. He rubs his nose against yours before catching your lips with his. He meant it as a peck, but you got lost in his intoxicating taste. You turn as much as possible in his lap, letting go of the guitar. 
It slips from your lap and hits the floor. You both jump, and he reaches around you and grabs it, laughing. “At least we’re not on your bed. That would’ve been a nasty fall.” He slides the guitar back in your lap.
“Sorry, Eds. I got a little carried away there.” You flush, putting your hands back in position on the guitar.
He leans over and kisses your cheek. “It’s fine, babe. Anyways, where were we?”
The next hour, you learn simple strings while the rain splatters against your window.
Lightning flashes over your room, causing you to jump a bit.
“I’ve got you, babe, don’t worry, your pretty little head.” He kisses the back of your head while bringing you impossibly closer.
“Are you talking to me or the guitar?” you laugh.
“Of course, I’m talking to you––” A deep, rumbling thunder cuts him off. 
It was close and caused you to yelp and jump while tightening your hold on the neck of the guitar. The sharp jump movement with your hand's opposing force caused the neck to crack. You both hear it, looking down at the neck and seeing the crack, only another hit away from the entire top breaking in half.
“Fuck, Eds! I’m so sorry!” You let go of the guitar to let him grab it. He jumped up with the guitar, inspecting it.
“Fuck, Y/N! I knew this would happen. This is why I didn’t want to teach you. Fuck! I have a show this weekend, and this is gonna cost an arm and leg to fix. Probably my kidney too!” 
You’ve never seen him so mad at you. You’ve definitely seen him angry, but it has never been directed towards you. You jump to your feet with your hands out, unsure whether to grab Eddie or the guitar, but you’re frantic. “I’m so sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean it.”
He puts the guitar in the case, latches it shut, and stands up, walking to your door. “I’ve gotta go see if I can fix it myself or something.”
“Eds, let me help. I’m sorry. I didn’t ––”
“It is what it is, Y/N. I gotta go!” He stormed out of your room, and a few seconds later, you heard your front door slam shut.
You sink to your knees and start crying. You hear his van start over, the loud rain pings hitting your window. You hold yourself, rocking back and forth.
“It was just an accident,” you whisper to yourself.
After a few minutes, when you ran out of tears, you looked over at the clock. It only takes him about 10 minutes to get from your house to his. In the rain and at night, maybe an extra few minutes. He’s been gone for roughly 15 minutes now.
You pull yourself off the ground and go over to the phone by your bed. You dial his number and let it ring. He doesn’t pick up.
You try again. Nothing.
Now you start to worry. What if he didn’t make it home? 
He did drive off pretty fast, and he was mad, so now you start to think the worst.
You dial again. And again. Now that it’s your fifth time calling, if he doesn’t pick up this time, you swear you’re going to jump in your car and go check.
“What?” He snaps on the phone.
“Eddie, a-are you OK?” your voice breaks.
He sighs. “Yes, I’m fine. Now stop calling. You’re gonna wake up the neighbors. I’ll talk to you later.” He hangs up.
You start crying again. You roll up into a ball on your bed, ending up crying yourself to sleep.
An hour or two later, you hear tapping on your window. You ignore the taps, thinking it’s the wind or the rain, and rollover. Your head hurts from the sobbing.
The taps continue, getting louder. They became knocks.
You jump up and grab the baseball bat you keep under your bed–– your parents leave you home alone often–– and stalk slowly to your window. Once you get close enough, your hands tightening on the bat, a figure pops up in view. You go to yell but realize it’s Eddie, soaking wet. He lightly smiles at you. You drop the bat and open the window, letting him jump in.
His hands go up defensively. “Damn, were you gonna beat the shit outta me? Well, I know I deserve it.”
“Let me go get you a towel; you’re soaked.” You go to leave the room, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his soaking form.
He kisses the top of your head and sways you back and forth. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It wasn’t even that bad. I have a friend who will help me fix it tomorrow.”
You look up at him and sniffle. “You said you didn’t want to teach me. That you knew that I’d break it. I didn’t mean to….” you trail off, feeling the tears well up.
“Hey, hey, no. I was dumb. I was being an ass. I’m sorry, babe. Fuck, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry,” he shoves his face into your hair, tightening his arms around you.
The two of you stand like this for a while, waiting for you to settle your breathing. You look up at him and give a weak smile. He leans down and rubs his nose against yours. “I obviously love you more than the guitar, princess. You know that, right?”
You lean up on your toes and kiss him lightly, pulling away. “I know now. I love you too, Eds. Now let me get you a towel and a change of clothes because I’m not letting you back out into that storm.”
Once getting a change of clothes from your dad’s closet–– an old shirt and shorts you know he won't miss–– and a few towels, you come back with a confused look on your face. “Eds, you do know my parents aren’t home, right?” you toss the towel at him, going and grabbing new pajamas for yourself. 
He starts to change as you have your back to him, slipping on a new top and sleep pants. “Yeah, I know. Why?”
You turn back to him. “You climbed through my window. In the rain. I have a front door, you know.”
He smiles, ruffling the towel through his hair. “I thought it’d be more romantic to scale your house to apologize. What, is there a problem with that?” He throws the towel in your face jokingly.
“You could’ve been struck by lightning. Or fallen. Or now catch a nasty cold since you were in the rain for however long.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“Aw, I love when you care too much, babe. C’mere.” He reaches out and grabs your waist, bringing you in for a kiss. “And when my guitar is all fixed up, I promise I’ll go back to teaching you how to play. Just, probably not during a storm next time.”
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 14/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
The next part might be a pov from the hotel with Charlie and co.
It's not going well.
Everyone is close to their breaking points. Lucifer curses under his breath as another overlord and a Goetia pass out.
They've been performing the ritual for 4 hours straight and every time they manage to possibly succeed, a stronger wave comes out- the worsening poison of the miasma sure isn't making things easier.
His infection throbs.
Paimon: My Lord! Another Goetia has fallen!
Asmodeus: We're losing numbers, Luci! We should retreat for now!
Lucifer: No! We can't afford to lose a Ring.
Shit! Even with Goodie's powers, it's not enough. Lucifer begins to think that maybe he should've tried with Heaven- No. He shakes his head. Heaven would rather sacrifice humanity if it would mean destroying all of Hell.
Lucifer: Goodie!
Goodie: I cannot give more of something I do not have, angel. I warned you that my support alone will most likely not stop this.
Lucifer: We should at least be denting it!
At that moment, the sea of flowers let out piercing howls bringing everyone to a stop, hands flying up to their ears to block the noise. Lucifer himself felt his own ears bleed from the sound.
Dark roots began to move upward, carrying the screaming flowers to the skies. It went up until it reached the giant pentagram in the sky, essentially forming a giant tree. Some sort of whole then opened itself up at the bottom- like it's giving way. Like it's-
Lucifer: A door.
Someone beside Lucifer yelled for him.
Leviathan: Luci! Your marks!
When he gave the Sin of Envy a confused look, Alastor summoned a mirror for him to use. The radio demon's smile never leaves his face but Lucifer can see it strained.
Alastor: Sire, it seems that I have lost in being the first to devour you in your entirety.
Lucifer ignores the TV guy's indignant 'what the fuck?!!' in the background, instead he focuses on his reflection. It looks like Alastor was talking literally and not making a weird innuendo.
The infection he got from touching Roo's remnants has now reached his face. His right eye has turned black from the infection, and it's slowly making its way to the left.
The King doesn't feel it until he sees it. He vaguely hears Belphegor's cries, noises of disbelief, and the pained groans of the demons around him.
There's still a way.
Lucifer: Goodie. What do I need to do?
The Good of Humanity produces a piece of paper and blows it in Lucifer's direction. It melted to his skin as soon as it made contact.
Goodie: This might be the only way to stop my sister. That is an ancient seal from before the Nothing- strong enough to render God and beings like Roo weak.
Satan: Huh?! Then why didn't you just let us use that from the start??
Goodie: Because there is a condition.
Lucifer: And what's that?
He asks but he has a feeling he already knows.
Goodie: It must be performed from the inside. It needs to be as close as possible to the one you are sealing. The hold will be stronger with proximity. And with you being the highest power here...
Belphegor: Then that means-!
Lucifer: I need to be the one to go in there.
Immediately after he said it out loud, multiple protests erupted. The Sins are trying to talk him out of it while Paimon and a few Goetia are yelling at Goodie.
Mammon: Mate, this is fucked-
Satan: I'll go to Heaven myself if I have-
Belphegor: There must be another way-
Asmodeus: We'll save our strength. Lust can handle-
Beelzebub: You're crazy! You're gonna die-
Leviathan: I am not letting you go on this suicide mission, Luci!-
All the while, he and Goodie never broke eye contact. Lucifer stares, looking for something he doesn't really know in her expression. He raises his hands and everyone quiets.
Lucifer: Are you sure this will stop her?
Goodie: You are the key, angel. It must be you.
Lucifer finally looks at the camera in the sky. It had been there the whole time, probably by the TV demon. He thinks of his little girl who is probably watching with worry at the safety of the hotel. He can only hope that his next course of action won't hurt her in the long run.
that's suspicious.
that's weird.
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satantica · 1 year
how haikyu boys would kiss you
you couldn’t go to bed without him. you were patiently waiting for his return from work by reading a book in a muffled light when you heard the door slam. you put the book on the nightstand near the bed as the door in the room opened. he looked exhausted, the tie half taken off, the top of the shirt unbuttoned, eyes extinguished. he slowly sat down across the bed and carefully put his hand on your ankle. he nervously exhaled as he squeezed your ankle a bit harder. you rushed to move closer to him taking his hand and making him look at you. he looked up in your eyes. there was no need for words. you could feel his desperate wish to forget about everything with you. he was tired and couldn’t ask more from you. the muffled light looked so good on him even though he was overwhelmed. your hand drew his head to you. your neck was covered with goosebumps as you felt his warm breath. he started kissing your neck slowly but desperately. he put all his gratitude and adoration in every kiss. your skin responded to every touch of his lips. it was so gentle, so careful and persistent at the same time as he was scared that you would disappear. he moved his hand from your ankle to the scapula pulling you closer. his lips held onto your skin longer with every time. he couldn’t get enough of you.
akaashi keiji, KEISHIN UKAI, osamu miya, oikawa tooru, TSUKISHIMA KEI, SAKUSA KIYOOMI, kenma kozume
you were studying for your midterm as he was sitting in an armchair reading some magazine. “it’s so cold here” he said unobtrusively. you smirked but didn’t look away from the papers “then put some clothes on.” you could feel his unsatisfied gaze at you. he put down his magazine and crossed his legs. “my love, can you bring me my hoodie? i would’ve done it myself but I don’t know where you put it. I think you could use a little break. I bet these papers got the best time of their existence by getting your undivided attention. your eyes shouldn’t work that hard.” you agreed with him and got up. your neck was a mess after sitting with all these notes for several hours. and as you were passing him he grabbed your hand making you fall onto his lap. “seriously, that was your plan?” you laughed. he grinned getting your hair behind your ear “not yet.” he raised his knee so you would lean on his chest. he moved his finger to your chin drawing your lips to his. “god, I missed them these hours” he said before kissing you impulsively, supporting your back with his free hand so you wouldn’t fall. after a while he would grab your other leg managing to get you completely sit on him.
IWAIZUMI HAJIME, terushima yuuji, SUGAWARA KOUSHI, morisuke yaku, goshiki tsutomu, yamaguchi tadashi, SAWAMURA DAICHI, suna rintarou
you both finally got home after exhausting party at work of yours. you two were a little tipsy as you thought it would help to take the stress off. and since when he hadn’t stop from commenting on everything and you hadn’t stop laughing at every his line. you finally took a break and said tiredly "oh gosh, I wish we didn’t have to change and just went to sleep like that.” he glanced at you while taking the shoes off and smiled. “alright.” he effortlessly lifted you in the air holding you under the arms. he carried you this way to the living room. he laid on the couch putting you on him. he was trying to get in the right position so you would feel comfortable. you tried to resist at first but finally let your head rest on his warm, giant chest. you’ve never felt this secure and safe. he patted your head softly, kissing it every time his hand got to your neck. when you fell asleep he couldn’t help it and carefully placed your hands closer to his head, so he would lovingly kiss them in order not to wake you up. this was the moment he wanted to carry with him everywhere for the rest of his life.
azumane asahi, BOKUTO KOUTAROU, haiba lev, wakatoshi ushijima, OSAMU MIYA, kita shinsuke, KENTARO KYOTANI, kageyama tobio
you were having breakfast and tried to concentrate on the amount of things you had to do today. “mood spoiled from the very start of the day?” he tilted his head surprised by how cute you looked. you frowned and put the phone away “just a list of things I got to do.” he smirked “am I on this list? oh fuck, I’m gonna be late.” he pulled your chair closer to him with his foot enjoying the view and then suddenly enfolded your face with both of his hands. he devilishly suffocated you with his lips not letting go of your face. it was so passionate as if he literally drank all the blood from your lips. he stopped as his hand was sliding from your cheek to your chin. he definitely was going to do all of that it again. but then he froze in millimeter from your lips and whispered “don’t forget to return me this one when I get back.” he left giving you an air kiss. oh, this man… what you had to do today by the way?
ATSUMU MIYA, tanaka ryuunosuke, KUROO TETSUROU, yamamoto taketora, tendou satori, OIKAWA TOORU, nishinoya yuu, suna rintarou
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indecenthoney · 4 months
"One Too Many"
I never really had an eventful life. Not because I haven't lived it, it's just that there is a certain comfort to being at home. I'd love to go to a party with friends, but I'm not the best at talking to randoms. But one random night, just like any other night, I got a call from one of my friends asking me to pick them up. It so happens that my friend wasn't doing so good at this party. I quickly rushed over to pick her up. She smelled of booze; carrying herself in a drunken stupor. My other friend managed to open her phone and call me up. They continued to party while I was tasked to bring her home. Not quite how I wanted to spend my evening but what are friends for? I guess.
"Hey... Dude... We're here... Get out... What do you mean you can't walk? Fuck... Of course, you can't walk... Do you know how shitty your tolerance is with alcohol? I mean... Why the fuck are you drinking? What do you mean don't be mad at you?!? Don't you dare start crying... Ughhh... Okay... Okay... fuck... I'm sorry for shouting at you... Tomorrow I am lecturing you till your ears bleed... Get up... I'll drop you off... Careful... careful... Where are your keys? Uhuh... Alright... If you need to vomit... I left your garbage can next to your bed... Call me in the morning..."
After settling her in, I quickly made my way to the door only to be stopped by a quiet voice. Something that I would usually ignore but quickly followed a barrage of tears and sniffles. How could I leave her alone?
"Nooo, I wasn't leaving... I was just going to grab you some water... What's wrong? Do you need to vomit? No? Thennnn.... why are you crying? You don't wanna be alone... Did something happen at the party that I should know of? There was a guy... and he was hot? And you wanted to bring him home... but you said what? Oh my fucking god... You didn't... No shit that would scare him off... Okay okay... I'm sorry I'm sorry... So you're upset that you screwed it up... It's okay we all fuck up sometimes... What? Dude you're plenty pretty... You'll get another chance... Maybe next time don't drink too many drinks before trying to flirt with someone... Especially if you plan on bringing them home..."
I was jealous. I shouldn't be complaining seeing as how I never made an effort to put myself out there. Plus I wasn't exactly ugly or bad-looking. It's more like a hidden treasure type of deal. Under the scowl and heavy clothing, I had a good smile and I was pretty hot. I just never really had the confidence to show myself off or flirt. What's more, is that I always wanted someone to come up to me and shoot their shot. Hearing her talk about some random guy, irked me. But, I hid away the jealousy and wiped away her tears. Searching through her drawers for some tissue to clean her snot-filled nose. She's such a baby when she's drunk.
"Here... Blow your nose for me... Thank you, good girl... I'm going to grab you some water and I'll be back... Promise... What do you mean you don't want me to leave? You really need to sober up... Yes, I'm not going anywhere... What? C'mon, use your words... What do you need? It's hot? Uhm... then go get changed... Help you? No way... I am not going to help you... Do you even understand what you're asking me right now? Hi hello... It's me... Your friend... That'd be weird... Okay okay... stop crying jeez... I'm going to pick out your pajamas...Alright... I'll just be right there... You can see me still... Ugh, dude... I'm literally a few steps away... Fine okay... You can hold my hand and follow me... Better? Good... Yes yes... the fluffy pajamas I know..."
There was a certain appeal to her vulnerability. Funny enough, it's like seeing Batman cry. A rare event. Seeing her cling on to me was nice. Despite that, I had to steel my resolve to get through what came next. Undressing her. I had her sit down on the bed. Unbuttoning her blouse. Lifting her shirt. And finally, finding myself shaking while unhooking her bra. A little difficult considering my eyes were shut. But it was my weak attempt at keeping my morals in check.
"C'mon put your arm through... There we go... Good... Alright wriggle outta that skirt... It looks uncomfortable... You're making me feel hot... Now... Im going to turn around while you put these on... Help you? You're joking right... You're probably just sober and teasing me now... Why would do I have to help you put on panties? I know you're wobbling but... Fine, let's just get this over with..."
Little whimpers escape her lips; each leg is fitted through her panties. Doing my best to stare at the floor than to look at her bare pussy. My thumb grazing along her thighs. A slight tremble feeds back into me. A glance reveals a newly formed wet spot. Upon release, I found my hands around her soft hips. I look back at her; only to find her breathing heavily unsure of what to do with herself. She quickly places herself atop me without a word.
"H-hey... Uhm... We still have to put your pajama bottoms on... Are you-... Wait... Woah woah... S-slow down... You're just a little drunk... Let's slow down before you regret something... I really don't wanna- Mmmph... Mmm...."
Lips interlocked. Time passes both slowly and quickly. Hips picking up speed to ease the tension. My morality slowly crumbled with each and every kiss. Each and every grasp of her body leading us deeper and deeper into sin. Even if she did initiate, I found myself slowly gaining dominance. My entire body leaning into her; needing more. Wanting more. Even her kisses began to stifle at my relentless assault. She gave off a look of complete submission as if to say anything to ease that burning sensation. But enough with pretty words, all I really wanted to do right now was to fill this room with her pretty little moans. My hands finding their way south; rubbing along the newly formed wet spot. Teasing her. An incoherent and feeble attempt at communication was made. Her protests were brought to a halt with every little slide of my thumb. She soon realized the more she put up a fight, the more I would tease her. No amount of bratting would have gotten her out of that situation.
"You're squirming an awful lot... What's wrong? Oh, is that it? Such a needy baby... You want more? What a greedy little girl... Not enough stimulation? What? Unsatisfied? Because I don't fuck you like how the other guys do? Shove my cock into your pretty little holes until completion? Yeah... We don't do that here... You've never been teased properly before, have you? Well, that's no fun... Why don't we fix that? Listen you can fuck whoever you want... however you want... But you're with me right now... And if you want my attention... you're going to have to listen... Let's see... I'll give you what you want... But on the condition that I get to freely do as I please... And all you have to do is sit there and take it... If you can last three minutes without whining or cumming... You can use me however you want... Do we have a deal?"
Not that she was in any position to decline. It was just amusing seeing her struggle to behave. I don't blame her. Kind of hard to resist when the one thing you've been waiting your whole night to have is just right there in front of you. And you can't do a thing about it. It's like placing a treat on a dog's nose. Lesson being, good pups that wait will get their reward. Her hands cover her mouth. Eyes rolling back with every flick of my thumb. Her pussy dripping wet from all the attention.
"Look at you... Doing such a good job... Why so quiet, love? Does it not feel good? Maybe I should rub a little faster then... There we go... Now I can hear you... What was that? Use your words, girl... Slow down..? Now why would I do that? When you're such a drippy little mess... you're basically forming a puddle under us... Aren't you ashamed? Making such a filthy mess... Almost there, sweetheart... Two more minutes..."
Two hellish minutes which seemed like forever. I can only imagine what's going on in her head. To make things worse, my touch slowly lost its vigor. Strokes of my thumb dwindle to a tiny tap on her needy clit driving her restless. An incoherent babble of words. A slight buck in her hips to rub herself against me. It would seem she wasn't aware of what she was doing at this point. All she knew is that she needed to cum. Ten seconds remain. I'll tell you now that I am a pretty sore loser when it comes to these sorts of deals. Without a thought, I was also nearing my limit. Sliding myself into her. I could quickly feel her warmth envelop me. It was nearly impossible to stop thrusting into her. It felt as if she was cumming with each and every thrust.
"Cumming again? How many times was that? Oh? It hurts? You can take it, sweetie... I'm almost there... Just a little longer, alright? I promise... and while you take a break... I'll use you're pretty little mouth... and we'll go for another round or two, yeah? I know you're shaking... but this is what you wanted, right? To be fucked senseless? Now just stay there and... take it... Be a good girl... and take it... F-fuck... "
I lost count of the number of times I came in her that night. Bent over the desk. All around the bed. The living room. The shower. On the couch. Even in the hallway of her apartment. I wouldn't be surprised if someone saw us. But we didn't care. Or well, I didn't care. By the end of the night, I had her mindlessly moving her hips on my cock. Up and down. Unattentive to how much time has passed. A cock drunk little slut waiting on every little word that escaped my lips. I knew then that life was going to be a little less boring.
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