#i uhhh i spent a very long time on this and i'm still like
transxfiles · 2 years
lost phineas and ferb episode where perry is called to investigate what dr doofenshmirtz is up to because carl the intern got ahold of some intel that doof has been seen speaking to lawyers and looking up the endangered species act at internet cafes and as major monogram says, "something fishy is going on"
meanwhile phineas and ferb's subplot of "i know what we're gonna do today!" is that isabella needs her environmentalist fireside girls badge so they start researching which species are in urgent need of help in the tri-state area so that they can use new cloning and gene therapy technologies to bring at-risk animals back from extinction
(yes there is a c-plot where buford and baljeet argue the ethics of this idea, i don't have time to explain it all for you rn)
we cut back to🎵doofenshmirtz evil incorporated🎵where we see perry carefully maneuvering around doofenshmirtz's lab scared he might fall into a trap but he hasn't set off a single booby trap and it's clear something is off
he runs into doofenshmirtz and goes to kick him in the gut action movie style but doof steps back one overly confident and says, "nuh uh uh, you see perry the platypus, you are TRAPPED! by the danville section of the endangered species act of 1973!"
doof goes on to explain his tragic backstory: "you see, perry the platypus, when i was a child my parents did not show up for my own birth! but you know that already, yadda yadda yadda they did not love me and then they loved roger more, ANYways i was raised by ocelots! i had a lovely foster mother who took me in and made me one of the pride, and so you see, perry the platypus, i am still legally considered an ocelot. did you know that there are only 50 recorded ocelots still alive in the continental united states? very sad for me as a member of a near-extinct species. it would be immoral for you to hurt someone critically endangered... in fact, you have made many attempts on my life this summer"
[montage of doof's security camera footage of their battles]
"which is why i have decided to bring you... TO COURT!" we cut back to phineas and ferb's back yard where they've decided to start cloning ocelots in their kiddie pool
candace storms outside enraged and says, "phineas and ferb are you cloning ocelots in my duckie momo kiddie pool!?"
ferb's one line of the episode is "well, i guess it's more of a kitty pool, now"
candace storms away saying, "i'm going to tell mom!" and isabella turns to phineas and says, "oh, does your mom have experience in wildlife conservation?"
we cut back to the doof and perry plotline where the two are now in the danville hall of justice and we learn that doof has spent his monthly alimony check on a defense lawyer and perry turns and sees the lawyer and then vanessa helping her organize her briefcase and perry chitters at her and vanessa shrugs and says, "i'm thinking about going into legal defense. sorry perry."
the rest of the doof and perry b-plot is spent in court and perry is about to ask for a public defense lawyer when carl runs into the room and explains that he's owca's official legal defense and perry looks at him like, "uhhh is that even allowed?"
it doesn't matter because apparently the judge is out sick today but because it's danville roger's the judge now because he's the mayor and everyone loves him.
the court case continues.
meanwhile phineas and ferb have successfully cloned multiple ocelots from the original ocelot dna they had on hand and isabella asks phineas if these clones will experience health problems like premature aging, phineas casually explains that ferb figured out the problem while they were experimenting with stem cell harvesting.
back in the courtroom, doof's ocelot foster mother has been brought to the stand along with an ocelot to english translator. doof gets emotional seeing her after so long. she says that he was one of her favorite child and he was as strong a hunter as anyone else in the family. it's incredibly sweet. the jury's in tears.
meanwhile, isabella has established connections with a group in texas who are going to release the ocelots back into their natural habitat and, using the cloned ocelots to prevent inbreeding, help establish an ocelot breeding program. the group explains that they are going to send a helicopter to retrieve the cloned ocelots from danville and bring them to texas soon.
isabella gets her fireside girls badge.
candace manages to get mom to see the backyard only after the ocelots have been helicoptered off to coastal texas, their primary habitat.
mom makes it into the backyard as phineas stares wistfully over the fence and says, "if you love something, you have to let it go." candace goes, "look mom look look look!" and points at the ducky momo kiddie pool, devoid of cloned ocelots, where baljeet and buford are now chilling out, having settled their philosophical debate about the ethics of animal cloning.
back in the courtroom drama, doof looks like he's about to win when an attendant walks into the courtroom and whispers something in roger's ear.
roger looks up, grinning, and says, "good news, everyone! my attendant here has just enlightened me that ocelots are no longer considered critically endangered!"
this settles the case, with perry being decreed not guilty and the entire affair being called off. the courtroom cheers, roger walks over to doof and personally congratulates him on his species' return from the brink of extinction.
doof shouts, "curse you endangered species classification system!" at the ceiling of the danville hall of justice.
perry arrives back home just in time for mom to say, "who wants pie?"
the end.
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stevesjockstrap · 8 months
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Eddie Month day 7
Prompt: Wayne & warm
Wayne knew his nephew had been seeing someone and trying to hide it. He was gone more, smiling more, and if he was being completely honest, showering more. There had even been a few mornings when he’s gotten home from working third shift that he thought Eddie might’ve just snuck someone out of their trailer. He couldn’t be sure of course, but the guilty look Eddie had given him and the quick anxious breathing he had been doing made him think he’d been up to something. There was also a time he'd come home wearing a suspiciously not-his-own jacket that Eddie had gone red-faced and stammery about when asked. Wayne had shrugged it off. He was a nineteen year old boy once, too. He was a little more put out by the fact that his nephew hadn’t told him about this person and instead thought he had to sneak around. 
When he switched days with a guy at work, he maybe forgot to mention it to Eddie.
“You got plans tonight?” He drawled, keeping his voice casual as his nephew came out of the shower with a shirt that wasn’t ripped to shreds (the jeans were still ripped in the knees but he was done trying to have that conversation). 
“Uhhh, yeah, why are you- uh, I mean, it’s Friday, shouldn’t you be at work?” Eddie turned his wide eyes from him to peer out the window anxiously.
“Swapped with Gary for Monday. Your date coming here, then?” 
Eddie’s shoulders slumped. “Fuck, Wayne. How long have you known?”
“Just guessed, it’s been good to see you happy, is all.”
He sat at their tiny dining room table with him, leaning over to hang his head into his hands. “I wasn’t not telling you, I just… didn’t want to get excited over nothing, or, I dunno, jinx it. He's-" His head shot up, his eyes even wider and stared at him like he hadn't meant to say that. Like Wayne hadn't been expecting that or knew his nephew well enough to know the truth since right after he came to live with him.
"He treats you right?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah, he does." A small smile appeared on his face.
"That's all I care about. So, do I get to meet him finally?"
"Oh. Um, yeah, sure. Of course. He should be here soon. His parents are home, so, uh-" Eddie looked sheepish again.
"So you were going to be here, and I'm crashing your date. I can clear out, that's no problem."
Eddie looked even more put out, somehow. "No! No way. I'm not kicking you out on your only night off, you can hang out with us, we're just-"
The door opened and one Steve Harrington was standing in his living room staring at him. "Oh. Um, hi Mr. Munson, I was just, uh, stopping by for..." he stared between the two men at the table then finally grabbed the back of his neck anxiously.
"It's okay, Steve, he already knows." Eddie was grinning at him, and stood up to pull his hand away from his neck to hold it. "Guess we weren't being very covert. Uncle Wayne, I know you already sort of know Steve, but uh, this is my boyfriend."
"Good to finally meet you, Steve. I hear you two were supposed to hang out here, and I don't want to interrupt, so I can get out of your hair-"
Steve's eyebrows came together in a frown and he looked at Eddie. "No way, we're not kicking you out of your own house, we're just watching a movie and hanging out. If you want us to clear out, we can, we just- why are you both looking at me like that?"
Eddie and Wayne shared a knowing grin. This boy was good for his nephew, and he could tell he was genuine about his not wanting them to bother him. "That's almost word for word what Ed just told me when I offered."
"Oh. Well, that's good. What do you like on your pizza?"
They spent the evening watching some new horror movie that had come out on tape, the boys snuggled under a blanket on the sofa and him in his recliner. He was sure there were some kisses he didn't catch but other than that it felt calm and casual, like he had pictured any normal family movie night like he'd dreamed about having with his own family. Towards the end of the movie, he looked over and Eddie was asleep with his head on Steve's shoulder. They shared an affectionate smile and Wayne got up to rewind the tape before the static could wake him up.
"He always says he's going to make it 'til the end of the movie, but he never does. That's part of the reason I said it wouldn't matter if you stayed, this was pretty much the extent of our plans."
"It's good for him. And it means he feels safe with you. So, how long has this been a thing?" Eddie chuckled when Steve ducked his head. The kid definitely wore his heart on his sleeve, just like his nephew.
"I don't really know how to give a timeline, we sort of just fell into being friends, then suddenly it became more? We were kind of idiots for a while there." He laughed and when it made Eddie shift closer to him, he stopped with a shy smile.
"It seems like it's going well though," he surmised. 
"I think so. I'm sorry we didn't tell you, and I'm sorry for all the sneaking around. We didn't like it either. Eddie was a mess. There was one day I definitely passed your car because we didn't time it well enough."
Wayne nodded. "Well now you can just spend the night and there won't be any issues." Wayne chuckled again at the look Steve gave him.
"Oh. Um, I mean if that's alright with you. I'd understand, like, I can sleep on the couch, or-"
"When you were sneaking out, were you sneaking out from my couch, son?"
"No, sir."
"None of that, either. You're family now," he waved his hand in the air. "Keep taking care of my boy and I won't make a fuss about where I know you've already been sleeping. Far be it for me to take issue when I've seen how happy he's been."
Steve pulled his arm tighter around Eddie and nodded. "I'm really happy, too."
@eddiemonth @lighthousebeams
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hotchfiles · 5 months
finale. damn your love.
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pairing: james x fem!reader.
content warnings: james being kind of an ass, cheating on lily, lily will be probably shit talked (i luv her i'm very sorry !), mistress!reader, uhhh cursing, not totally AU but like... canon divergent i would say. probably hurt/no comfort unless i switch the ending but--
worth mentioning: reader insert with no use of names or “y/n”. paragraphs completely in italic are flashbacks. pro quidditch player!james. muggle born!reader.
word count: 2,1k
previous chapter
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chapter 4, finale.
you spent the whole afternoon with some cousins, talking about the whole france thing, asking questions and trying to understand why they didn't move there when your aunt, their mother, did. stable job, pregnancy... all reasons you certainly didn't have to hold you back. you could ask to be transferred to france's ministry of magic, or just take a muggle job as you thought about sometimes. and you definitely didn't have a baby on the way, nor a husband, or a boyfriend.
still, your heart was full of uncertainty, is the perfect place to fall in love, one of your cousins said, and you laughed as if love wasn't the problem to begin with, as if love wasn't the one thing pushing you away from your home town because you were too weak.
you got home and by instinct started roaming around your apartment, looking at every picture, the place was full of things you loved, things you were dearly attached to and would deeply miss like your friends, the rest of your family, the london weather you could always see from your window... and obviously, james.
you weren't innocent to believe he would even remember you when making a decision like this, you very much knew if the roles were reverse he probably would be in france by now, and that hurt, that cut your hurt deeply, knowing he didn't care was a terrible feeling, but still, you cared, you didn't really want to live away from him, because even after everything he put you through, you loved him.
even when you were angry you couldn't imagina a life without james, it wasn't easy to switch your brain around completely, fact was that for too long you were sure that being close to him, that having him even for a night was the best for you, because you had him. and a life where you wouldn't have him at all seemed... empty. but that emptiness seemed like such a relief if it came with no longer being his second option, not having to hear her name, not being the one he looks for to complain about her while also not doing anything to leave her. that seemed comforting. and the right thing. but you still were confused. it was too big of a decision that you had to make all on your own, anyone you told about it would certainly tell you to move and leave him behind. it was the right choice. so you couldn't.
while looking for a painkiller in your drawers (crying always gave you a headache, and you've been doing it a lot the last few days) you found the worst possible thing you could: a memories book. you and james had made two of those the last year of hogwarts. with pictures and little notes and diary entries. the first page was your first picture together from when you were eleven, it was winter time, you both had your cold clothes on but still your cheeks and noses were extremely red. the picture itself was already a punch to the gut, but alongside there was his handwriting, meaning you probably left something on his as well, "you complete me since i was eleven. back then i didn't know how big that was, but now i do, meeting you was the most important thing to ever happen to me. you're my best friend and i love you. from eleven to forever."
you tried to hold back the tears but it was inevitable, it was terrible to see how much things had changed since then, the person who once said you completed him, now would go months and months without talking to you, and then appear out of nowhere at your door in the middle of the night, it was always like that now.
now the moments where you really felt like he needed you were rare, very different than how he was as a teenager, then there was a constant need to listen to you, to be helped by you, to touch you. and it was the same for you, and it hasn't changed for you, but it has for him.
each picture from that album was a different knife to your chest, each photo causing you a another wave of sobs as you compulsively cried. every memory confused you even more, because in london you had that man, not always, but when you did it was like you were complete again, and when you were away from each other, you felt empty. you didn't want to feel empty forever.
in a moment of pure nostalgia you came to the conclusion that your james, the james from those pictures, still existed, even if just deep down, well in the back of his mind, he did still exist, and if you two could finally talk with honesty without fighting, you could bring that james back and you could work it out.
before you would loose that single string of courage, you took your wand from your nightstand and conjured your patronus, non corporal as always, with time it began to feel humiliating to have yours mirroring his after so many years, your message with it was simple, yet desperate: i really really need you right now, come see me.
you felt relief, knowing he would be there soon and you two would talk. at least that's what you expected him to do. but he never came. nor did he send a response. and truly, you could expect anything coming from him, but not that, you were clearly distraught in your message, and it still didn't matter. just a new way to disappoint you.
then you finally, finally saw the problem for what it was: you romanticized everything about that man, you could find beauty in every disappearance, you saw loving gazes when there was only lust in his eyes. there was no love coming from james, not for you. and you should have noticed that the first time he disappointed you. but you loved him too much and you thought things would be fine one day.
and nothing would ever be fine, not as long as you let him treat you like that, not if you kept answering to his pleads. not if you still opened the door for him.
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you were very nervous, but in the best way. it had been some weeks since the last time you had seen and talked to james, being one of appleby arrows' newest and youngest chasers was very time consuming, and you respected that. but he was home, you knew he was, sirius had told you over letter when he would be back. you wanted to surprise him.
you weren't dating anymore for some time now, for no other reason other than the fact he couldn't be the boyfriend you deserved right now because of the team. you understood that, you thought it was endearing how he was thinking of you that way, and you still missed him when he was gone, you missed his smile, his eyes, his voice, his curls, his blurred glasses you would always have to clean.
you two had an unbreakable bond, best friends who were always there for each other, and even after breaking up you both had spent a few nights together, some just cuddling, some more than that. you didn't mind because you knew james loved you, and that he was just busy right now.
you apparate directly at his door without notice, the perks of being of age, and knocked on the door a few times, not even trying to hide the smile that took half of your face, you were so excited to hear him talk about the games, to see him, to feel his arms around your waist. to just think you were a few steps from feeling his scent... you were glad the torture of being away was over for now.
ms. euphemia is the one to open the door and you try not to notice how her smile simply disappeared as soon as she noticed it was you by the door, it was probably your imagination, she always liked you, actually, she loved you, you were always called for family dinners and vacations, you were part of the family, just as james was a part of yours.
"darling! didn't expect you so soon..." she sounds concerned, her head turning around for a slight second, seemingly checking for something, before giving you room to come in. "come in, sweetheart." you hug her in appreciation, and also because you've missed her almost as much as you missed her son.
"jamie's home, right?"
"yes dear, in the kitchen... but be careful." you don't understand what she means at first and you don't try to hard to, you don't have time to, your steps quick to the kitchen, regret filling your mind and your heart as soon as you did so.
james had a girl by his side, you knew very much who she was even, from hogwarts, gryffindor like the both of you. lily evans. their hands were intertwined, his smile that once was only yours was freely being directed at her, and worse than that, you see him brush his lips, that were also yours, on hers.
your heart shatters. you feel like there's no floor to fall to anymore. you didn't know what to do, how to deal with that. you were so sure he loved you, that he didn't want a serious commitment simply because of his job, and now you saw with your own eyes that he just didn't want to commit to you.
you take the deepest breath you've ever taken, holding your tears back as you try to maintain at least some of your pride. he didn't even notice you were there, too busy completely lovesick for the one in front of him. you turn around and get out of their sight, euphemia looks at you with the saddest eyes and calls you with her hands for a hug, which you gladly take. you can't hold the tears anymore, so you cry.
"i'm messin' up your blouse." you whine, feeling so sorry for that you couldn't even put into words, it was silly.
"dear, my son broke your heart, don't mind the blouse." she hugs you even tighter as you both hear laughter coming from the kitchen, "you'll always be my favorite. my james will see how wrong he is, just wait a little." you slowly agree with a nod, and as you both notice steps approaching, she lets you go from the hug.
you can hear james asking her if it was you just as you close the door and apparated back to your house. that was the last time you saw both of them for... you don't even know how long.
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euphemia told you to wait a little, and unconsciously you followed her advice, but you couldn't wait anymore, that was too much, it had been years, too many years, he made your life hell by taking advantage of the fact you felt in heaven by his side.
you let yourself sob, this time in total and complete rage, taking the book full of memories in your hand and throwing it in a trashcan.
you were going to burn him out if you couldn't ignore the memories. you watched the flames dance as they destroyed the paper, but the feeling in your gut didn't get smaller. and to think he was probably having a nice time with his girlfriend by now made you even more angry. angry at him, resentful at yourself for letting it get this far.
you went back to the room and screamed in fury, throwing every single one of the frames containing pictures of you two on the floor, you desperately wanted him out, you didn't want anything to do with him anymore, you wanted him gone, gone.
you spent the next hours going through everything you had, burning pictures, breaking cds, destroying plushies, ripping clothes apart, you knew for sure your neighbours would call the police at some point because of the breaking sounds and your yelling, but you didn't care anymore.
and then... your eyes fell to your bed, and you realized it didn't matter how much you tried to get him out of your home, james had plastered himself everywhere. everything reminded you of him. you truly couldn't be there anymore. you couldn't sleep in that bed, in that room anymore.
and you knew, there was no confusion. london wasn't your home anymore.
so you left. your apartment. your hometown. your beloved country.
and most importantly. you left james.
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tag: @xcinnamonmalfoyx @dreamsygirl
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boopshoops · 2 months
💆 and 🏘 for yuu if thats alright?
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OK- so a lot of yall asked for the same emojis SO i'm gonna format Yuu's all in one post then do another for Jocia+Ezra-
UHHH DJJDJD THIS IS MY FIRST TIME ANSWERING QUESTIONS IN CHARACTER so lets say the default text is me/narrator then orange is Yuu
@ceruleancattail @the-trinket-witch @rabioa @scint1llat3
💆how do you relax?
"Well, let's get right into it then, shall we?" Yuu clasped her hands together, a sly smile spreading onto her lips, "Relaxation... well I guess listening to music would be my go to. Genre doesn't matter to me mostly," The woman tapped her chin, lightly humming as she thought, "Though I suppose my definition of 'relaxing' isn't exactly universal... I often enjoy getting up and around and even dancing a bit, maybe having a quick chat as well... it helps me center myself. Too many thoughts in this big brain of mine sometimes!~ A way to focus is most definitely what relaxation is to me. Some people find it chaotic, but I don't care about some people. It's fun to me. Besides, it's not like I never sit down and rest."
🏘️where's your happy place?
"Huh... some of these questions are rather deep, aren't they?" Yuu cleared her throat, doing her best to keep a neutral expression, "Much like a lot of people, my happy place isn't an actual PLACE. It is more like a state. All that being said, I'm... not quite sure. Not to say that I'm not happy, of course! There are hard times and good times, but I suppose I'm still trying my best to find such a 'place' for me in this new world. Let's call this one a work in progress, yes? I'll get there eventually, not to worry. I have my plans, of course~"
✏️What are your hobbies?
"Oh! This is a fun one. I'm a musician. I have been taking band and theater courses my whole life," Yuu lifted her head triumphantly, gladly taking the opportunity to brag, "Singing, acting, playing instruments... I managed to get into a pretty prestigious performing arts school back home, and what more could one ask for than to spend their life doing what they love?" Her peppiness suddenly dropped, resulting in a roll of her eyes, "Not that it's useful now that I'm stuck here though. Damn Crowley."
🥣what's your favorite food?
"Bungeoppang!" The prefect chirped, leaning forward in her (imaginary) seat for this (imaginary) interview, "Or, ah- taiyaki, or bread with a sweet red bean filling. I was trying to learn more about my ancestry, and came across this pastry thanks to my father. Originally I didn't think I was the biggest fan of sweets, but, wow~ Only then, after I fell in love with it, did I learn it wasn't even a traditional dish from my father's home... figures. Nonetheless! You'll have to try some!"
"Ah, Here's a fun fact for you, I learned the language a long time ago along with trying to learn more about my family's history, but no one here seems to recognize it, which... makes sense, I guess. It was a bummer at first, but then I learned I can simply say whatever I want without them understanding me. What a breath of fresh air~"
The woman momentarily giggled, "...배고파요"
🙂where do your morals lie?
"Hmph. What a complete 180 of a question..." Her lips pursed into a pout. She offered up a quick glare, but it didn't last very long at all, "I'm just trying my best to exist and let others exist at the moment!" She beamed with the flip of a switch, her suspiciously innocent smile nearly blinding. She kept this one brief. Barely an answer.
🥰do you think you're attractive?
"Yes," The woman answered... almost too quickly, "I like how I look. I spend a lot of time on myself, so it's only natural to get a bit of an ego boost from that, yes? Confidence is a healthy thing! I spent a lot of time carefully crafting my sense of style, it makes me feel... like me." Yuu momentarily fluttered her lashes, accompanied by laughter through a rhythmic tease, "Come onnnn~ you get it, right? You know I'm just a sweetheart? Completely innocent and well-meaning? Aren't I just like a princess? Of COURSE I'm attractive."
😍are you a romantic?
"....Hm," The woman paused, thinking deeply about the question in a moment of silence, "It depends on what your definition of 'romantic' is in this case, but I'd say I'm rather neutral. It's been awhile since I've been in a relationship myself, so I can't really say for sure..." Yuu tilted her head, crossing one leg over the other as she leaned back in her seat. Striking a pose to simply ponder.
"I'm not a hopeless romantic, but I highly value romantic gestures. Does that make sense? I particularly value physical touch along with gift receiving as far as love language goes. At least, that's how it used to be with my ex-girlfriend. I don't think that has changed too much. So, hey! If you're interested, feel free to just hand over your credit card as a gift, I'll get back to you," The woman finished with a joke, attempting to turn the mood away from being sour.
The prefect blinked, leaving an uncomfortable amount of awkward silence as she read the words on the page of (imaginary) interview questions.
She held back a snort, doing her best to hide a guilty grin along with her horrible sense of humor, "Wh-Who wrote this? Who wrote these questions?" She giggled to herself, setting down the page in finality, "Sevens, that's awful... I love it. I'm well aware, but thank you. I needed the laugh today."
"Will that be all?"
Ask game!
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aloekat · 2 months
giving pokemon teams to d20 characters!
The Unsleeping City S1 & S2
pt 2/?
part 1 || part 2
second verse same as the first, check out part one for my guidelines on how i made the teams! short version is only 4 pokemon per team, no repeats, and little to no shinies or legendaries
fun fact the unsleeping city was actually the first season i thought of pokemon for, and why i started to make teams in the first place!
i also like unsleeping city a uhhh a lot less than fantasy high so my fantasy high picks (part 1) are a lot more thought out and maybe cooler than these picks but hey i'm still happy with these!
oh also unsleeping ch. 1 and 2 spoilers ahead of course :]
Purugly - symbolizing La Gran Gata! also it just feels like Sophia would have this pokemon it fits her Vibe
Furfrou (Heart Trim) - she is a hair stylist!! of course she would have the hair stylized dog!!! she mainly keeps her as the heart trim but it doesnt 100 percent always stay that way
Mienshao - cool and cute monk pokemon for obvious reasons lol
Raticate - represents kugrash after he dies(?). shockingly the raticate and purugly get along well, and are actually pretty nice with each other
Boltund - there’s no dalmatian pokemon (which there should be maybe) so this is the closest i got to representing Ox! boltunds are VERY fast though so it still works lol
Blastoise - what better pokemon to have as a fireman than a giant water tank? probably got a squirtle when he was young and it evolved as he grew up :]
Kleavor - represents the fireman ax he carried
Machamp - Ricky is all about exercise so naturally i gave him the super buff pokemon. they probably train together and like do pushups or whatever fit people do
Dachsbun - representing both the dog he gets in season 2 along with bagels in general, which seems to be a symbol for him (see the vox populi pin)
Drampa - similar to how i imagine the dragon of bleaker’s street would look, it also just feels like an old man of a pokemon (which kingston is)
Blissey - i like to imagine doctors/nurses get blisseys once they like are hired in healthcare to help their trainers with the patients (and also blisseys are absolute TANKS in terms of defense)
Magnezone - Kingston did that cool tech shutdown/takeover thing in one of the season one battles at the stock market and i thought that was cool. and also it fits because Vibes
Misty / Rowan
Gardevoir - a beautiful pokemon that always looks youthful, just like Rowan
Primarina - a singing pokemon that wouldve helped Misty practice her singing for plays
Meloetta - same reason, a singing pokemon lol
Scream Tail - rather than a standard Jigglypuff i would like to imagine an ancient thousand year old one was much more interesting! it also ties to Rowan's reincarnation thing she has goin' on
Goodra - a dragon to represent the storybook dragon inside of the chest she has! i didn’t do charizard because i saved that one for a future season team (take a guess who)
Gimmighoul - a chest pokemon because. she. she has a chest thats very important to her. yeah!!!
Perrserker - pure vibes i just feel she would have this pokemon lol
Hatterene - also mostly vibes, she Is a psychic so it works but yeah she gets a hatterene because i say so
Rapidash (Galarian) - unicorn totem
Unfezant (Male) - spicy pigeon totem
Ladyba - juicy cockroach totem (i didn’t do kricketune because i want to use it for a later team. can you again guess who)
Arceus - our first true legendary! kugrash literally becomes omnipotent so you know what he can have pokemon god on his team
Aegislash (Shiny) - it’s literally The sword pokemon of course Cody would have one. it’s shiny because if he spent a long time growing his real sword collection he can spend a long time finding a shiny. also it’s black and red like Thirsting Blade Dark Excalibur Mega Genesis
Grimmsnarl - the most emo pokemon ive ever seen so of course Cody gets it. as a treat
Houndoom - “but aloe why didn’t you give this to Fig?!” shshhhshshhhh. listen my sweet child. houndoom is for the emo boys. which Cody is. and also also it parallels the other paladin on the team, Ricky, and his dog pokemon, Boltund. does that make sense….
Corviknight - emo pokemon #3 on the team. also knight means sword so in a roundabout way it’s another sword related pokemon
Polteageist - Pete has a teapot in his official art and while yes. it is blue and so is the non-shiny form i think purple in general fits Pete a LOT more than blue so here we are lol
Musharna - literally the dream pokemon this was an easy peasy pick and very obvious
Hypno - another dream-like pokemon but much more scary to maybe represent a sort of nightmare compared to the sweeter dreams from Musharna
Vivillion (Garden Pattern) - representing Luna his green butterfly familiar! i feel like everyone (including the PCs) forget Luna exists and it makes me a little sad :(
that's all for this new york team! i plan on doing a crown of candy next :]
have any suggestions or changes you would make? let me know i would love to hear your takes on the teams :D!
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maximotts · 2 years
hey bestie,,, uhhh for those NSFW alphabet fun things,,, you know I gotta do it… leigh shaw PLS I am begging and offering french toast 😌🙏🏼
Ignore that I'm finishing this at 8pm
We all know I love Leigh endlessly and god, doing this was so so fun!! I'm excited to do the others!! Also this is a good time so post this because this is the week my Leigh fic comes out hehehe 💖 so without further ado..
NSFW Alphabet: Leigh Shaw
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Oh she's so sweet. Even if Leigh is dead tired, she'll make sure you're feeling okay and that you're both all cleaned up and settled properly. When she's too out of it to do it herself, she'll prod you to do get up, have some water, get all cozy, etc.
Above all, she's so very caring and she wants to make sure you're in your best headspace after sex. If Leigh knows you're alright, she'll feel a thousand times better.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Leigh loves her legs, mostly because she obviously does a lot of work with them at the studio and in her classes! She doesn't mind showing them off, laying them over your lap, letting you massage her thighs while you watch movies, and she absolutely melts whenever you mark up her legs with dark hickeys.
Her favorite on you are your hands. Before she met you, she was in severe drought for a caring touch. While you were just friends, you still always met her with such love, it almost brought Leigh to tears.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
When you first started dating, Leigh was more squeamish about it. Not in a prudish way, but she always looked away whenever you licked your soaked fingers after pulling them out of her.
Now she thinks it's hot and typically she's the one to pull you up for a kiss after you've finished eating her out.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It's a simple thing, something she doesn't truly need to keep secret, she just hasn't been able to figure out how to ask you for it: Leigh is fairly sure she's got a bit of a degradation kink, based off the times you've gotten more carried away and said things you apologized profusely for later.
She wishes you'd stop apologizing and call her your pretty little slut again because she's never cum harder.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
While she's very much not a virgin, Leigh had never been with a woman before she met you. That meant she often felt really out of place/unexperienced whenever she was with you, but you never looked down on her for it.
Leigh's a smart woman, hates feeling out of the loop tbh, so let's just say she was very intent on not being inexperienced for long. There was a lot of reassurances because as much as you'll never say no to Leigh wanting to take control, you didn't want to pressure her, but nowadays she is very knowledgeable and very good at what she does.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
She loves being on top, even if you're the one calling the shots. Especially if you're using a strap. There's nothing better than that deep, full feeling when she gets to ride you until she's fully spent.
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G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It's very easy for Leigh to fall into her head and that's when she'll get more serious about it, or when she wants you to fuck her for a distraction. Either way, she loves that you always try and bring levity in- if you tickle her sides, she'll giggle; if you blow raspberries on her tummy, she'll poke at you for being silly.
Some days it can be hard for her to truly let go, but she appreciates it so much when she can. Leigh loves to laugh and have fun during sex, it's more satisfying for her that way!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The girl is so Type A I feel like she's always well groomed. Not that she waxes necessarily, I don't see her doing that all the time, maybe more for vacations or beach days. On the daily, I'd say she's trimmed and neat about it!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
She likes intimacy, but she doesn't need it to be romantic to enjoy sex. The first few times you fucked certainly were nooot intimate at all; they were quick and had no strings attached... but then she started having feelings for you.
As soon as she did, Leigh needed that intimacy, needed you to know how much she felt... her demeanor changed, her kisses lingered, she wanted sex to last longer.
If she's in a relationship, she expects some sort of intimacy even if it's just a quick wellness check in before you fuck her into the mattress.
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) 
Leigh splurged and bought herself a lovense lush toy, fully thinking it was gonna be super overhyped, but when she got it, she found out it really was just as good as it seemed. For a while she just loved the discreet nature of it, how she could put it in while she was on FaceTime with you and if she was sneaky enough, she could get herself off even while you were busy working.
Eventually she let you connect to her toy control's though and you made up for all of those times you missed out on her orgasms.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
We already talked about the semi-hidden degradation kink, but on the whole, Leigh is unapologetic in asking for what she wants. This kind of goes in hand with the degradation, but she absolutely loves dirty talk.
Talking in general is a big yes from her because it helps her stay present, but talk her through her orgasm well enough- "fuck, you're taking my fingers so well, already clenching around me and everything... I want to watch you cum for me" and you'll find her eyes rolling back to her head, nails scraping down your back, etc.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Her favorite of all is bed; sometimes she thinks that makes her boring, but she doesn't care. She likes being comfortable and she can go longest by herself or with a partner sprawled out in bed.
Also it's perfect for falling asleep right after you're done and she doesn't have to worry about anything past changing her sheets after particularly messy nights.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Leigh adores feeling wanted. Nothing turns her on more than watching your face light up when she wears a nice set of lingerie for your enjoyment or honestly, something as simple as telling her what a good job she's done planning a new event as work.
During sex, whispering about how good she feels, how pretty she looks, etc. can make her cum on the spot
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Any hard kinks, specifically anything that involves pain. The last thing she wants to do is hurt you or mark you permanently nor would she want you to do it to her either.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She ends up receiving most often, but doesn't have any problems giving. It's partially due to Leigh's inexperience (as we mentioned before) with going down on a woman prior to meeting you; you never want to push or overwhelm her and typically fall into making your way down her body and staying until her brain is too fuzzy to function.
That being said, Leigh isn't bad at oral by any means! She's great, you taught her well.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
100% a fan of slow and sensual if she's in charge. She wants to see you, needs to know you're real and present and not going anywhere. She loves holding onto you, scratching her nails down your back, burying her face in your shoulder, really surrounding herself in all of you.
She's not opposed to rough though, loves it too, but she doesn't ask for it that often. Usually you're the one who'll manhandle her or set the tone for some fast sex that she'll fall into it. Which works because some nights the poor girl just doesn't want to think and she needs you to force it all away.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
For Leigh, they're a means to an end. She prefers proper sex, but she won't say no to a romp in the car or even in the park if you promise to be quick about it.
Occasionally she'll say no because the location embarrasses her (i.e. a store fitting room or the locker rooms at the gym), but if you get your hands on her fast enough, it's not too hard to weaken her willpower.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
It's rare she initiates an experimental thing, mainly because she wouldn't know the first place to go looking for things to try. But if you bring something up to her and it's clear you really want to give it a go, usually you can persuade her into doing anything at least once.
Even if she complains about it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Ohhh when you first met her, you thought she'd tap out after just one, but you were pleasantly surprised Leigh can go all night if you pace her out enough.
She wants to hate when you do... the edging, the overly-sensitive orgasms, how sleepy she gets only to be met with your smug little grin inches away from her face... but she can't; you make her feel too good.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I'd say Leigh owns a few vibrators, definitely at least one dildo. She uses them on herself mostly, but there have been times where she uses them on you. She doesn't admit it often, but she loves to watch you squirm and shake, especially when she can take credit for it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She'll tease if she's feeling up to it, like if it's a special day or if she wants your attention. She can be very persuasive when she feels neglected!
In general, Leigh's a cute tease above anything, examples are: bending over in shorts she knows you can see her ass in, going in for a sweet kiss only to blindside you with her tongue in your mouth, sliding past you in tight spaces to wiggle against you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Leigh tends to be fairly quiet; not because she's necessarily ashamed, but she worries that if she's too loud you'll tell her to hush.
Further into your relationship, you start noticing how she bites her lip or finger to hold herself back and you're quick to stop her, forcing her jaw open or pulling her hand away from her face. Now she knows you like to hear her... but she still makes you work for it.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Early in your relationship, Leigh was still learning your schedule, assumed you were at bored at work, and sent you a... quite suggestive picture of herself in her post-class outfit half out of it really.
Turns out you were at home and, living pretty close to the studio, you rushed down there and fucked her in the same room you found her in. Thankfully she was between classes, but every time Leigh looks at the mirror panel in the far corner and remembers how you'd stretched out her shirt and nearly ripped her leggings with how frantically you needed to get your hands on her, she shivers.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants, picture or words)
For lack of a better word, Leigh is just... beautiful. The first time you were allowed to go down on her, you stared until she closed her legs out of nerves, but as soon as you could coax her to part them again, you dove straight in.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It ebbs and flows really. Some weeks she'll be on you every time you turn a corner, pulling you to some secluded area for a quick fuck, or anything she can get out of you in the limited time she bought.
Other times, when Leigh isn't having a great brain time, she's just more shy and reserved. If she asks for something, it most likely comes in the form of her arms around your waist and gentle kisses until you catch on to what she's after.
Z = ZZZ ( how quickly they fall asleep after sex)
If she's not too in her head, Leigh will snuggle up and sleep so easily, it startles you. Truly she can be mid-sentence and then you'll hear silence and after, light snoring.
Sometimes, she'll beg you to fuck her to sleep which of course, you oblige happily.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
assigning the ikevamp characters that live in the mansion love languages with my very limited knowledge of their characters because i thought it would be fun
(part two: ikepri)
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napoleon gives acts of service simply because he protected mc in the prolouge. also he seems very sweet in general so i'd imagine he tries to take care of them to the best of his ability in his route C:
mozart is such a bitch in the prolouge and idk if that gets any better in his route BUT he gives quality time!! i crossed off physical touch and words of affirmation pretty quickly bc he seems too prickly but yk when i get to his route i might be proven wrong!!
leonardo gives gift giving??? like im not sure why but he seems like he'd buy you random shit he thinks you'd like.
arthur is SO physical touch coded??? maybe its because he's a flirty but i feel like hes such a hand holder. and a smoocher. and a cuddler. very grabby.
if vincent's CANON love language isnt words of affirmation i will be SHOCKED. IDC!!! he seems so sweet and kind and loving :(( hes very warm and i can imagine him showering his s/o in praise so easily ahahhawawh
theodorus stumps me. but uhhh hm. maybe acts of service??? i literally have no idea i am so sorry theo kissers
ISAAC MY BABYGIRL :((( um i started playing his route recently so i know a little more about him than teh rest of the characters and i think quality time!! but the quality time were its just him existing with someone and were they pull him out of his shell to go do things (like teh tour!!! aaaa that was so cute!!!!)
i don't know a single thing about jean but if i had to guess...sorry i spent like twenty minutes thinking it over because i KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM so i'm going to guess physical touch. he seems like he needs to be held.
dazai seems like a little shit from the interactions ive seen in isaac's route LMAO so physical touch or words of affirmation. eitehr one i am debating. its probably both. he can be special SHUT UP!!!!!
still trying to figure out how to spell Comte de Saint-Germain because why is his name so long. anyways. um acts of service. he seems like he'd like doing things for the mc.
sebastian is probably acts of service and yes its because he serves people all the time and he really admires all of the residents BUT ALSO i think he'd like receiving acts of service too!!!
a bonus shakespeare because hes technically a resident i think??? but words of affirmation totally. this guy wrote sonnets and he's going to write some for you. (shakespearean sonnets are actually pretty fun to write!!!)
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mii-cherry · 7 months
The Curse of Ramshackle
I try my best to hold on to the vision to try and find it again in the dark of my dreams but nothing is coming back, Frustration fills my head.
Why? Why do these visions come by with meaning to this world , only for most of them to be so useless!
Why?. . .
Why?. .
I'm shot up from my sleep, breathing heavily with sweat on my forehead my chest is tight with frustration I come back to seeing my room again and how bright it was through the curtains.
"What was that all about Kuro!? Did something eat our food!?" Grim asked confused from my earlier outburst.
Calming down a bit I answered Grim's question "It's nothing, I just had another one of those dreams again."
"Eh you mean the ones you had about the seven? But didn't you already go through all of em?" Grim asked confused.
"Yeah, I thought so too but this one was about a. . . Sack man and . . . Santa Clause?" I still try to wrap my head around the dream this time around.
" Uhhh what's a Santa Clause?"
Oh, right twst doesn't seem to have a Santa Clause at least that I know of.
"He's a guy that gives presents to behaving kids around winter from my world he's a holiday figure" I try to explain but I'm not gonna bet on Grim getting it right away.
"Well any important info about the dream?" Grim inquiries
"Nothing that is relevant at this moment maybe it will be useful later?." I'm not very confident with this dream it doesn't seem to have any relevancy with the seven and any of the dorms.
"Well, if It's not useful to us I will be getting my morning tuna!" Grim said excitedly hopping off the bed to head downstairs
I sigh letting my last bits of anger go, taking my phone from the night stand I look at the time.
10:34 am
Oh right Ace and Duece are coming over today, I should probably get up too.
I get up to start the morning but the last moment my dream nags at the back of my head it seems more significant more. . . Present? The hole in the wall felt real it felt like I could reach it right there.
The rest of the morning goes normally and before I knew it there was a knock at the door already.
"I'm gonna get the door."
Opening the front door revealed the two Heartslabyul trouble makers Ace already waiting impatiently.
"Sup, Kuro! Didn't get bored without us did you?" Ace said in his snarky way as always.
"We brought some dessert from Trey-san!" Duece holds up a basket of pastries.
"It was only a day believe me I was fine." I replied back.
I stepped aside with Ace making himself at home right away on the couch, Duece placed the basket on the coffee table taking a seat next to Ace.
"Mra, you guys brought dessert!" Grim appeared already taking a pastry from the basket.
"Oi, don't eat everything I still want some too!" Ace scolded Grim taking one for himself as well.
The rest of the time was spent talking about everyone's week and also mostly Ace complaining about random things
an hour has passed by now with Ace still going on about Riddles punishment from yesterday.
"I think it's unreasonable to have to do all these dumb rules while I have way more important tasks to do!" Ace complaint
"Yeah, busy doing nothing you were just playing games on your phone!" Duece retorts back.
"You guys can't go on an hour without bickering eh" Grim said pasty in his hands
There is a cracking sound echoing in the distance
Do they not hear it or am I being crazy?
I look at the hallway and the sound seems to be somewhere where the cracking of wood is blurred, I have long tunned out Ace, Duece and Grim my sight is only on the faraway noise.
Whatever conversation that happened was put to a halt all four of us staring in the hallways direction.
"Uhh, what was that?" Duece asked
"Maybe It was the rats!"
"Rats? No way that was rats, that was super loud!" Ace looked at Grim confused
Getting up from my seat I start to head to the source of the noise
"Wait, Kuro you don't know what made that noise! It could be a super rat for all we know!" Grim came after me scared with Aduece duo coming fast after.
"Really? Super rat is the best you can think of?"
I follow where I think the noise came from, It seems to come from the complete back of Ramshackle the way is blocked by a door at end of the hall walls and floor is allot more dirtier and broken than in front because nobody comes here.
"Wait, wait, wait we're not going to actually go through the door, right?" Duece asked concerned about what could be found.
"What? You scared?" Ace teased
"A-Am not! If anything you'll be scared!"
I open the door, for some reason I feel drawn to the noise.
I need to know
I need to know what that is. . .
Holes and wild spider webs hang along the walls of the room the decay is all over this room, It seems to have been a study of some kind broken book shelf with withering books laying about.
"I don't think we've been here before." I say moving more inside the room to get a better look.
"Be careful guys we don't know what could be hier." Duece said to all of us.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Ace and Grim said I unison.
Duece just rolled his eyes at their antics
I come to the middle of the room at the end of a wall is a giant decorative mirror with a green glowing gem at the top embedded in the mirror there are also big cracks in it, it seems to ooze a black goo.
"Oi, What's that gross looking stuff?" Ace looked curiously from afar at the mirror.
"Eh, it smells pretty tasty!" Grim sniffed the air for more of the scent
"Grim, please don't eat that!" Duece pleaded with him.
Approaching the mirror I watch the goo I take a good look at it and recognize it
"It's. . . Blot." I said worriedly
"You sure Kur-
The door where we came from slammed itself shut we all immediately rushed toward the door
Ace tries hard to open the door again but to no avail it stays firmly shut
" Ugh! Fuck it won't open!" Frustration comes from Ace.
" Let me try!"Duece yelled determined, he placed this foot against the wall hands tightly to the door knob and pulled as hard as he could but nothing budget.
"C'mon try harder!!!" Grim started to panic
We look back to the mirror and it gained more cracks suddenly the blot oozing out of them more vigorously than before
"Break down the door if you have to!" I yelled toward the others.
A deranged laughter is heard beyond the mirror I look back to see the blot coming together to form something
The form is now part of a formed person head and chest out with a single arm reaching out of the mirror.
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"I might just split a seam with all this excitement!"
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Married P2
Media The Maze Runner X Fantasy
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I spent hours pacing around my room in utter fury trying to find a way out of all this. I know my father has been trying to marry me off but I assumed I'd have more time! How on earth does he think it's appropriate to wed me off to some lord, uproot me from everything I've ever known and move me a week away. To live in some posh manor as some regal lady to some grubby lord twice my age! To wear fancy dresses, push out heirs and Embroider! Like some milkmaid! I refuse I utterly and completely refuse! I am not marrying him! I am finding another man to marry me within the day!
Ughhh! But father doesn't let me out I don't know any men!
How does he expect me to find someone willing to marry me If he never lets me go out and meet men!
How am I going to find a man to marry me! When I don't know any men!
I may not know any men…
But I know a newt.
Close enough!
I got dressed into something my father accepted a long blue dress before I bolted downstairs but immediately was stopped by the kitchen door by Lillian.
“Where are you going?”
“Taking Ester for a ride. And potentially coming back with a husband,”
“... alright,”
I happily bolted out grabbed Ester and rode off as fast as I could towards the farm jumping fences and creeks riding like my life depended on it I saw him outside the barn bringing in some hay bales,
“NEWT!” I yelled,
He perked up curious why he could hear his name being yelled,
“NEWT!" I yelled again,
He looked up and saw me and almost had a heart attack as he saw the speed I approached, I stopped Ester inches from the water and jumped down onto Newt throwing him into the mud,
“...oow… hi y/n,” he groans, 
"Hi!" I smiled,
"Sallianne hasn't had her lamb, so why are you attacking me?" he complained as he sat up in the mud, 
"Marry me."
"... what now?" He gulped,
"Marry me. Today."
"Ah- I- y/n..." he said shocked, "WHAT!"
"Marry me!"
"Have you lost it!"
"Newt. Yes or no do you want to marry me?"
"Well, I- I-" he stuttered, "I... Want to,"
"Good. Then we are engaged," I nodded before heading into the barn,
"What! Just like that!" he rushed in after me, "Don't I need to ask you out? Don't we need to date? hug? kiss? court? don't I need to buy you a ring? don't I need to ask your father?" He asks clearly panicking, "I feel like we're skipping a lot of steps here!"
"Newt I've known you since we were infants I think we can skip the pleasantries," I laughed as I headed to see Sallianne, he came over sheepishly and stood beside me,
"Are uhhh are you sure about this?"
"I'm sure," I shrug,
"Okay... there uhh there a reason for the sudden marriage proposal? Did a fairy come to you in the night or something?"
"No," I shrug, "My father is insisting I act like a lady,"
"That explains the dress." he nodded,
"Yeah," I complained,
"which you look beautiful in! just saying..." 
"Awww thanks Newt," I smiled, "But my father is insisting I act lady like, and he has a man coming to sell me off to."
"So... why are we getting married?"
"Becuase my father said, and I quote I have to be married but he doesn't care who too so either I bring him someone willing to marry me or he sells me off to Lord Janson," 
"Ahh..." he nods, "I am getting it now," he nods,
"Yep, so I needed someone to marry." I smiled, "Which is where you come in,"
"what's in this for me?"
"You're debating now? after you already agreed?"
"Okay yes, not my best haggling but still,"
"You're family won't wed you off to Teresa the miller's daughter,"
"they wouldn't Tommy has been after her for like six years,"
"Yes, but we both know her father is never going to let him marry her,"
"And your parents have been getting shovy,"
"They have, that's true," He sighed, "So I'd get to marry you,"
"Yep, I don't care if you do your marital duties or not-"
"Ohh I'm doing them." He nodded, "Very happily," 
"If I'm marrying you, it's a proper marriage, we have to love each other, kiss, cuddle, share a bed, and have children someday,"
"EUghh.." I sighed, "I'll allow cuddling, three nights a week sleeping in my bed and I'll learn to love you?"
"Kissing. Cuddling. Every night a week, three children and you learn to love me?"
"Every week, kisses, cuddles, and one child."
"Two children and you learn to love our relationship. And monogamous." 
"you are getting a lot out of this!"
"You want me to be your husband or not? you need me to get you out of this on short notice so I get to make the rules little lady,"
"Fine!" I complained, "Kissing, cuddling, we will share a bed But! we buy two duvets so we don't fight, one child Eventually and I will be monogamous and love you," 
"I'm actually with you on the duvet thing," He nodded, "Alright, but you don't close the door on more kids someday,"
"Agreed." I nodded,
"...Wait if I'm marrying you does that mean I'll... be a lord?"
"kinda yeah,"
"Oohh... do I have to do anything?"
"My father doesn't so I assume not," I shrug, "You can handle all the county farmlands,"
"Oooohh Ultimate power! I can make Wintson cut that bloody hedge!"
"See won't that be fun?"
"It would be fun," he smiled, "So we are actually gonna get married?"
"Yep, we'll go see Father later and get things sorted for a quick wedding within the week," 
"Hu..." He nodded, "This is just... kinda a little weird, all so sudden,"
"I know it's sudden I am sorry but I can't marry Janson,"
"I know, I don't want you to," He says taking my hand, "I couldn't bear to see you be married off to some man like that, it's not fair, it's cruel." he said, "I... I have to admit, that I have thought about asking you more than once," 
"You have?" I chuckled, "That's why you agreed to quick?"
"Kinda," he blushed, "I have wanted to marry you for a good while,"
"Awww that's sweet Newt," I smiled, "I admit... I had thought about marrying you too." 
He blushed and smiled, "This is really happening then?"
"If you want it to," she smiled,
"I want to," He nodded, "I just... kinda wish I had... I don't know- it all so fast and everything just kinda wish I had something to know this is a good idea," He said, 
And just as I said that as if the Gods themselves had heard him Sallianne kicked and moved in her pen as she gave birth to two adorable little lambs both of which she began to lick and clean, 
"Awwww Sallianne had her Lambs!" I squealed excitedly, jumping over to help and cuddle her, Newt of course jumped over too as we made sure to help out even if everything went as perfectly as it could have been,
"I uhh I guess I did as for a sign," he chuckled,
"You did," I laughed,
"You think this is a good idea Sallianne?" He asked,
Of course, the sheep didn't care too busy with her two new lambs,
"Well, I guess that's decided then," He smiled taking my hand, "Can I uhh can I give my soon-to-be wife a kiss?" 
"You may soon to be husband," I smiled squeezing his hand, before our lips met. 
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Miguel O Hara (Across the Spider Verse)- Oneshot - Extra 2
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Stepping into Spider Headquarters is strange. 
You've never been away for this long before. Miguel requested that the second you got there, he wanted you to report straight to him. Walking to his office, a few of your colleagues stop to greet you.
You run into Gwen and Hobbie in the hallway.
"You're back!"
She runs up with a grin, and you nod.
"I got into a sticky situation, but I'm back. Have you both met with Miguel already?" Hobbie nods.
"Careful, he's glaring at the screens again, love." You giggle.
"When is he not?"
It takes a moment for you to realize that Gwen is still surveying you.
"Are you sure you're okay? Lyla said you were shot." She questions. Hobbie looks a bit more attentive and you wave it off.
"I promise I'm fine. Miguel actually took pretty good care of me."
"The drill sergeant did?" Hobby inquires.
You nod with the biggest smile.
"He stayed with me for a few days until I could move around comfortably. I think he's a lot more emotionally in tune than we give him credit for." You peek over your shoulder, moving closer as you urge them in. They're both invested.
"Between you and me, Miguel has a big cru-"
You straighten with a salute.
"Follow me."
You make a stiff turn, and Hobbie smirks as Gwen waves.
"See you later!" She calls. You smile at the teens, walking with Miguel.
It doesn't take long. The doors close the moment you get inside and Miguel begins going over some of the progress that's been made in regards to the anomalies. He also gives updates on what missions you'll be assigned to until he deems it fit for you to go on the more vigorous tasks.
You should be listening, but standing there feels a bit daunting.
You can't forget that moment you shared with Miguel.
Nor the week he'd spent bringing you groceries and helping you with your bandages. The last time you saw him was a few days ago. He'd explained that he needed to get back because Peter was getting way too comfortable in his space. You'd just laughed at the explanation and thanked him for all his help. He gave you one of those rare smiles and kissed you before he was jumping out of your window. Leaving you sitting there in bed with a dazed look on your face and cherry cheeks.
Now that you're back, it doesn't feel like anything has changed. He surely hasn't. Yet his demeanor with you is very different.
You have certainly become more conscious of him. Because it dawns on you that the entire time you thought you were nothing but a nuisance, he actually held feelings for you.
You fidget on the spot, and Miguel diverts his gaze when he realizes you haven't said anything for a full minute.
Completely out of character.
He approaches slowly, looking at your right arm. The bandages are gone. You've pretty much healed already, but there could be residual pain.
"Estás bien.."
You tune back in, and you're a bit taken aback. You hadn't even noticed he'd gotten so close.
"Uhhh..I-I'm okay!" You sputter out.
He raises an eyebrow, and you look off to the side awkwardly.
"Sorry I.."
You're not sure how to act around him anymore. Somehow you feel as though you're going to cry. He sees the glistening behind your eyes, and that vulnerable look that you send him has an effect.
"You..did you just do it out of pity or do you actually..care about me?"
A part of you doesn't think that this is real. Maybe it was just guilt.
"So that's it.."
For a moment he really was worried.
"Do you really think I would do that for such a ridiculous reason?" He shakes his head, running a hand through his hair to push back the rebel locks. Suddenly, you look unsure.
"So you actually-"
"I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for months."
Your mouth slid shut and Miguel looked off to the side. Lyla pops up right in front of you.
"It's true. When you left that shirt he wouldn't stop staring at it. Then this other time I caught him staring at that picture you all took at the Golden Bridge."
You blush and Miguel swats his hand right through her holographic figure with a bunch of angry swears. She disappears with a giggle, and he frowns. There is an expression you're used to. He's visibly annoyed that he's been outed, but you can't help but smile.
"This whole time I thought you just saw me as a pest."
"You are a pest." He states.
"A pest that you're in love with." You tease. Now you're looking way too comfortable. He turns his back, heading to his platform to get work.
"I take it back."
"Nu uh, no take backs!!"
You run, hugging him from behind and he halts. He expects some kind of teasing to follow, but you sigh, enjoying the feel of him.
"Thank you."
You mumble.
"I didn't do anything. I'm your boss. I'm supposed to take care of you."
It's cute how he's trying to play it off.
You pull back slowly, and it's apparent that he already misses the contact. Because he turns to you in question. You're just wearing a smile.
"I like you too Miguel."
Your confession has that tough exterior lowering just a bit. He reaches for you, and when his large hand cups your cheeks, you can't fight the blush.
"I-I don't think I'll ever really get used to this." You admit.
You're acting like a kid, but you don't really care. Neither does Miguel.
He leans down, and your eyes follow his lips until they press into yours. Another satisfied sigh leaves you as you close your eyes and enjoy the feeling that follows. Your hand reaches up slowly, and you place it on his bicep, squeezing softly. His hands have secured themselves around your waist as he pulls you slowly off the ground. Your frame is significantly smaller than his in comparison. You never truly realized until now. You're never really been this close to him until now.
It takes a while for either of you to part. When you do, you nibble on your lower lip. Miguel doesn't miss the action.
"Please be careful from now on."
"I will, boss."
You give a little salute, and he can't help but smile with you. 
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fallenasleepyetagain · 5 months
Scars - Nightmare/Blue Fic
Media: Undertale AUs/UTMV
Genres: Romance, kinda technically pre-established relationship? but not in an official relationship, Flirting, telling stories, uhhh idk characters r telling stories, it’s kinda cute I think
Characters: King Nightmare, Blue, Dream (mentioned)
Pairing(s): Nightmare/Blue
CW/TW: Talking/Touching of scars, scars caused by violence, scars caused by magical trauma, mentions of gore/blood, suggestive comments/actions
Word Count: 1470 Words
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"How long have you been there, you little pervert?"
Heat rose into Blue's cheeks, and he hid away in his scarf. The massive door to Nightmare's bedroom shut behind him, and he refused to look away from the floor.
On the opposite end of the room, was Nightmare, almost completely naked. His black hair was damp from his shower, and it was slick against his face. The only piece of clothing he had on was a pair of boxers; his black satin robe draped over a chair.
Staring at Nightmare after his shower wasn't what he was there to do, but he just couldn't help it. He wasn't ogling at him, of course! His eyes couldn't leave the scars jutting across his back.
Disgusted was the wrong word to describe Blue's morbid curiosity. In awe, was a better descriptor. Blue wasn't one to pity those with scars, he was the opposite, in fact.
Scars tell a story. That's what he always thought. He believed that scars shows courage in the face of adversity, and he loved learning about them. Loved to gently touch them. Loved to let the person with them that he knew they had been through shit, but adored them anyway.
Blue knew what it was like to have scars, he had them himself. A large, thick scar that stretched across his chest.
There was nothing more he hated than it.
A bit hypocritical, maybe, but he wasn't perfect.
It was likely that he adored others to hopefully one day love his own. He hadn't gotten to that point, though.
"N-No! I wasn't staring at you like that I promise!"
"Not an answer to my original question but alright. And, I do find that hard to believe." Nightmare had slipped on his robe at that point, and had come over to Blue. He leaned against the doorframe, effectively pinning Blue against the door.
"I haven't been here for very long," Blue said with a huff, trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks. "A few seconds, maybe."
"Mhm. And what's this?" Nightmare hummed, taking the small package from Blue.
"It has your name on it, and I figured I'd deliver it to you."
It was, unsurprisingly, a book. Nightmare tore into the packaging without issue, a tentacle tearing out of his back to take care of it. Where it went, Blue couldn't say, but he assumed Nightmare disposed of it properly.
"Ah, glad to see it finally game in." Nightmare turned the book around in his hand. He glanced back at Blue, a small smile on his face. "Thank you."
"Yeah, 'course." Blue nodded, fidgeting with the ends of his scarf. He was desperately trying to keep his mind occupied so his eyes wouldn't wander to Nightmare's chest. He wasn't trying to be indecent or anything, but could anyone blame him when his pecs were right there.
"I'll be going now then. Enjoy your book."
"Ah ah, no you don't." Before Blue could go anywhere, Nightmare grabbed him by his wrist and kept him in the room. "I still have to talk to you."
"About what?" Blue said, exasperated.
"You can look at me, you know."
"What are you..."
Nightmare rolled his eyes and took Blue's chin in his hand, tilting his face upwards. His head turned to the side as if inspecting Blue's face. His hand was large, his fingers easily wrapping around the bottom of his face, most of his palm not touching anything. "You can look at me. There's no need to be shy."
"But-" Blue sputtered, his cheeks practically glowing with blush. "But that's...rude? I-I mean, I don't want to stare at you, you're a person not a..."
"I spent so much time crafting myself, my body. I'm proud of it." Nightmare continued, a small smile on his face. His tongue ran across his upper lip as he thought for a moment. "If I didn't want you to look, then I wouldn't be showing it off right now."
Of course it was intentional. The way the robe was parted to show off his chest perfectly and the rest of it teased the eyes, the mind. He was somehow showing off the perfect amount, and too little.
"Look at me."
And he did. Blue's eyes fell to Nightmare's chest, his body. Nightmare wasn't skinny, not by any means. He was fat, muscular, and utterly perfect. His skin was dark brown, and it was like his body came straight out of a Renaissance painting. Blue's eyes traced the curves of his body, his hands flying up to his scarf to fidget with it.
"You can touch me too."
"Why are you letting me...?
"Oh my god," Nightmare snorted, partly amused. "You amuse me. I like you. And besides, a handsome little man like yourself getting familiar with me, my body?"
Nightmare leaned in closer, his lips nearly touching Blue's ear, "That doesn't sound like a bad time. If you're down, I'm down."
"Can I touch you anywhere?"
A small snort came out of Nightmare as he stepped back, holding his arms out, "Anywhere, sweetheart. I'm all yours."
Without a moment of hesitation, Blue walked around Nightmare, going towards his back. Nightmare raised an eyebrow but allowed Blue to do what he wanted. In one fell swoop, Blue yanked the robe down, revealing his back.
"Wo-ah, what are you doing back there, hm?" Nightmare hummed, a smirk wide on his face.
Blue's hands immediately went to the massive scar that went across Nightmare's entire back. Across the folds, the curves, almost the entirety of his back.
"...Ah. That's what you were looking at."
He sounded almost disappointed.
"It's beautiful." The words slipped out of Blue's mouth before he could stop himself. "L-Like the rest of you, haha."
"Thanks." Nightmare snorted, slipping the robe off of his arms and keeping it in his hands.
"Where did you...? Blue asked, fondling the skin of his back.
A tentacle was summoned from his back, scaring Blue off with a squeak. "Don't be afraid. Just look."
Three more were summoned from his back, and Blue stepped back to get a good look at it. The scar matched up perfectly with the tentacles, as if his skin had been pulled back and ripped to shreds before growing back...wrong. Mis-colored, coarse. Scarred.
"This was because of the apples. Dream has told you?"
Yes. Oh yeah, Dream had told him. He knew all about the apples and the Tree of Feelings and what happened on that fateful day. He nodded, an "mhm" coming out of him.
"The first time I ever summoned my tentacles...wasn't pretty. My body hadn't caught up to the amount of magic in my system, so when I summoned them almost immediately...
"Well." He gestured to his back, stretching it out slightly, the tentacles retracting back into himself. "They destroyed me. Blood and muscle...everywhere."
"Yes. It was."
"Are you okay?"
"Talking about...it. Y'know..."
Nightmare turned around, slinging the robe back over his shoulders, "I don't mind talking about it."
"Oh. But Dream-"
"Dream...throws a tantrum whenever he talks about it." Nightmare leaned against the back of the door, his arms crossed, a smirk on his face. "For him, it was the worst day of his life, I don't blame him, but, for me? Me? Hah, it was the best day of my life. I got everything I wanted.
"Power, mostly, but uh," He waved a hand at his chest, his head leaning to the side as he smiled, "I became exactly what I wanted to be."
"...Beautiful." Blue stepped closer, his hands raising to touch Nightmare's body once more. He was stopped, however, with Nightmare interlacing their fingers and pulling him close.
A shiver was sent down Blue's spine as Nightmare pulled him close, his face mere inches away from his chest. "Why don't you show me your scars, hm? I know you have them."
Blue only found the courage to respond when he buried his face in Nightmare's chest, eyes closed. "No."
"No? No, you don't have scars, or no, you don't want to show me?"
"...It's ugly. My scar, I mean. You don't want to see it."
"Don't tell me what I do or don't want." Nightmare hissed, using his hand to tilt Blue's face forward. "It's quite pretentious of you to claim my scars are beautiful but yours ugly.”
"I know that! It's just...hard."
"I know." Nightmare murmured, running his fingers through Blue's hair. He leaned down, his hand trailing down Blue's back, goosebumps appearing along his skin. "Perhaps I could change your mind."
A kiss was placed against Blue's neck, "May I try?”
With a shutter, Blue responded, his knees threatening to cave in. "Please."
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abitohoney · 1 year
So what— wh-what do your muses… smell like? (*ノ∀`*) FOR SCIENCE
Greetings Anon! I love science (actually I love math, but science and engineering are also good)...
Uhhh... Well, considering the nature of most of my content, I'd have to say sex. All of my muses smell like sex. 😆 Jokes aside, here's a list of my main arcane muses and what I think they smell like. Below the cut cause it's kinda lengthy (probably more than you were looking for).
Also, thanks to @master-sass-blast for some of these ideas (in red text to give credit where credit is due)! ❤️
Cigars; something lightly smoky, with hints of spice
Whiskey; woodsy, with hints of honey or caramel
Leather, cause I'm pretty sure her top and/or arm guards are made from leather
Shimmer, but only for a brief period after using it. I imagine this smells somewhat acidic and chemical.
Similarly, I bet her mech arm smells like burning electronics/oil/chemicals for some time after fueling it with shimmer, esp when she uses the plasma blade.
Any other time I bet her prosthetic smells like the oil/grease she has to use on the joints of all those moving parts.
Probably can't even smell the soap she uses, as it's overpowered by everything else. Buuuut... maybe just after she washes, you can catch a hint of her shampoo in her hair. Something like honey and vanilla. Or, I could also see her using that 3 in 1 crap, which I don't even know how to describe that smell... cheap? (she's just efficient!)
Blood and/or sweat; after a fight, sparring, or working out
Fresh and clean. I imagine she uses very simple soaps, both on her hair/body as well as her clothing.
Woodsy, specifically pine. Reminiscent of the time she spends in the forest during tournaments and target practice.
Gunpowder smoke if she's recently been out shooting
Champagne, her drink of choice; citrus, fruity, with hints of spice
Coffee; the good stuff though. I imagine she started drinking coffee to get through long days as an Enforcer, and it eventually just became a habit even at home
Starch; on the days she works, I bet that uniform smells super crisp and clean
Smoke. Even though I don't think they smoke, they spend enough time at The Last Drop to inherit a smoky scent similar to Sevika's.
Shimmer. Between all the time spent at The Last Drop, and partaking in their own fair share of vaping shimmer, they probably carry that acidic/chemical smell with them as well.
Gin and tonic; their drink of choice, with hints of juniper and citrus
Something sort of... gothic? Like cloves and patchouli, from the soaps and/or perfume/cologne they wear.
Starch and bleach; that white shirt of theirs looks pretty crisp and clean (although how the hell anybody in the Undercity can have anything white is beyond me)
Blood and/or sweat; as mentioned with Sevika, after a fight, sparring, or working out
Cigars; similar to Sevika with that light smoky and spicy scent, though probably a bit stronger and more refined, since he smokes the big fancy ones.
Whiskey, also similar to Sevika (I mean these two are like the closest thing to friends a crime lord and a mech brute can be, so they share tastes in some of the finer things). But I think his preferred whiskey has slightly different smell; still woodsy, but with a hint of something nutty
Dapper Dan pomade (lol. Dude's got to use something to slick that wild hair back like that); so a sort of waxy scent, like an unscented candle. Maybe if he uses a scented version he'd go for one that smells a bit like vintage cologne
Foundation, since he's apparently a bit vain and feels the need to cover his scars (but he's beautiful the way he is!)
Paint (like the strong, toxic kind because that's likely all you can get in the Undercity) if he's recently been around Jinx
Shimmer if he's recently received his dose, so that acidic/chemical smell
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alabamasweettea · 5 months
late nights
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(he's so cute <33)
Fandom: The Librarian(s)
Pairing: Flynn Carsen/Guardian!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: "one bed" trope on a late night. that's really it.
she was annoyed, to say the least. and tired. flynn was keeping dreadful work hours; he'd been up since 9:45 PM, and now it was 2:30 in the morning. she sighed, going to prepare him another coffee preemptively. he'd need it soon, if not already.
the kitchen of the library was a truly interesting place, but one that no one spent much time in, and unfortunately it showed. the shelves and cupboards were covered in a thin layer of dust, and each porcelain mug was brittle, old. whenever flynn came down to scrummage around for food, he somehow managed to make it into a worse mess than ever. she only hoped charlene, the resident neat freak, would never visit down here.
"coffee!" the librarian remarked appreciatively, taking a lasting gulp of the warm liquid. it made his eyes brighten just a bit, but she could see that nothing would stem the tide of sleepiness once it hit. with a snap of her fingers, the desk reset itself.
"no more tonight, flynn. look at yourself." it was true. his brown hair was mussed, his tie was missing and three of the top buttons on his shirt were undone.
"oh, come on." she shook her head at his protest, holding out her hands. "you're my guardian, not my mom." he continued to grumble all the way down the hall to his bedroom.
"where do you sleep by the way?" she asked, legitimately having never seen him go to bed.
"jus' down there." he pointed, and she could hear the promise of sleep creeping into his voice. he leaned on her shoulder as they walked. it was a long hallway.
"this is mine." flynn grinned sleepily, head lolling slightly to the side. the door was tall, sturdy, made of oak. it suited him in a way she'd never thought of before.
"right. so, get some rest. i'll be back tomorrow." and she turned to leave.
"why not stay?" his eyes were looking the cutest she'd ever seen them, all big and brown and nearly begging in nature. "why go all the way home only to come back three hours later?" he leaned against the doorframe, eyelashes fluttering in an effort to keep himself awake.
"i'd be alright with that… surely you've got extra rooms in this place, right?"
"uhh, nope."
she rolled her eyes. "you're telling me there is a grand total of one bedrooms in this entire, world-encompassing, magical library?"
"uhhh, yeah." he was beginning to nod off, still standing. "i mean if you'll have me; i've been told i'm a pretty good bedfellow."
"by whom?" and the door closed behind them. flynn started to pull off clothing as soon as the door was shut, disregarding the guardian standing very uncomfortably in the middle of the room. jacket first, then shirt, then pants. then-
"wh- what are you-" he blinked, as if suddenly realizing. with a grin, "i'll keep these on." he stumbled over to the bed, which lay precisely in the middle of the far wall. it was relatively large too; well, at the very least not small.
"a- are you sure there's nothing? not even a couch?" flynn rolled his eyes very visibly and slipped under the covers. mumbling something, he he threw them off the side he wasn't under, inviting her to bed with him.
that… was starting to not sound so awful, especially when he smiled. she sighed and shook her head, peeling off some of the tight layers this job had her frequent. then, she snuggled into the bed. it smelled like him, just like most things did, but this time it was different. maybe it was that she was in her underwear this time. actually yeah, that was probably it.
flynn grumbled softly, shifting to wrap an arm around her waist. she stiffened at the intrusion- skin on skin with her librarian for the first time. he nuzzled into her neck, spooning her. they fell asleep together, cuddled up in the darkness.
when she woke up he was snoring quietly, cutely against her skin. a little groan escaped him when she tried to move.
"mmm, stay." he murmured, half asleep.
"morning to you too, sleepyhead." and she poked him in the side.
"h- ey!"
bonus bit that didn't quite fit in:
they lay together all day, only getting up when flynn's stomach insisted on food.
"mm! this is truly delicious," he was saying, munching on a heavily buttered grilled cheese.
"you know everything about the library, right?" the question caught the man off guard, and he nearly dropped the sandwich.
"uhh…" he gulped down the bite in his mouth,
"yeah. yeah, why?"
"so when you asked me to stay here, you knew i would have to sleep with you?"
here the author would like to remark that the sound of a heavily buttered grilled cheese hitting tile floor is an exceptionally strange one. :)
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scintillyyy · 1 year
I can’t believe I had followed you this long without realizing you had a whole >100k word fic you were working on. I spent the past few days reading My Baby, You are a Gift, One I Will Cherish.
Your writing is honestly so amazing. I can’t remember the last time I read something that long from start to finish in such a short time. The characterizations, the reinterpretation of canon events; so many things were just incredible. It really shows how much work and care you put into it.  
It’s so nice to have a story that puts so much effort into fleshing out a character like Janet Drake. Was there anything in particular that inspired you when you were writing her?  
hahaha, yep, that's me! that fic is my baby lol. thank you, i get very bashful about my writing lmao. im glad the characterization had been decent, i'm always so worried about that. anyways, this answer might get a little long so i'm putting it under a cut lol
as far as anything in particular that inspired me? uhhh, well i guess i'll have to go into something that you're basically almost never going to see me talk about ever on the internet if i can help it so i'll still keep it vague-ish: i actually have a young child of my own. (i mean. if it wasn't super obvious already. people usually don't get into attachment science on a whim. they do it because it's 4:37AM and someone has only slept in half-hour increments since 11:30PM and they've been crying off and on for the past 2 hours desperately hoping that the someone will just fall asleep for 2 hours please and all they do is research everything about parenting obsessively because that's the absolute only thing they can do-). so i have spent a lot. and i mean a lot of time in parenting spaces. i'm part of my local area moms group in all their glory (they're very, uh, special), and i personally know a lot of other parents, and i'm basically immersed in a very interesting and complex culture (marriage and parenting culture). and i have seen my fair share of conplex, not great marital dynamics. and now that i have a kid that's what the majority of my patients talk to me about, so i get to hear a lot about different views and experiences of parenting from a lot of different viewpoints.
so anyways after the batman came out and my husband and i went on a date night to go see it, i ofc got the itch to get back into reading dcu fanfics and comics after not doing it for years since the nu52 (i also saw that they rebirthed tim's original history back, so i forgave dc a tiny bit), so i got myself the dc app so i could re-read all my beloved post-crisis comics. and it was a nice hobby to pick up again because it was very easy to pick up and put down in 20 minute increments and work around, you know, child care. i was devouring all the most popular fics (which 90% are fanon, lbr) while re-reading old storylines, and while the absolute disconnect between fanon and canon was fine for me at first because it's all fiction and i really didn't care that much, i eventually started to personally get a bit...discontent at fanon in general and the fanon drakes, especially janet (but jack too. like it or not, he does have an established characterization!). like. i read the comics!! she wasn't necessarily a great parent by any means, but the five panels she got prior to being fridged for tim to officially become robin basically showed her being physically affectionate, caring, and generally supportive of her son. who was this weird, cold woman who never once held her son and didn't care about his well-being at all?? she was unrecognizable to me. and as i started to make my way through post-crisis, i also became a bit mad at dc for killing her for tim's character and then basically making her a non-entity that barely got mentioned. despite her failings, tim was legit devastated when she died (and he later said he can't let himself drown in his grief for her--he clearly must have loved her so much) and then they did nothing with it. what was their relationship?? who was she?? why was she a generally loving mother yet left with jack?? did she think tim was okay?? what were she and jack constantly arguing about?? why did jack say to tim that his mother wouldn't want them to be so far apart?? did she maybe have some misgivings about traveling, did she not necessarily like being far away from tim?? how does this woman become the mother she does?? what were her intentions?? she deserved to have more character development in my mind! why does this woman basically get flattened into the worst mother ever? i know a lot of imperfect mothers who are in complex marriages and are just trying and not always succeeding. what exactly did that look like to me? how do i marry the two ideas?
another thing that interested me immensely was the idea of a difference in perception from tim and from his parents regarding tim's childhood. obviously, we know tim's pov. but what did his parents think? did janet think everything was going fine?? did they have a rosier picture of tim's childhood than he did? and thus, the first fic was born. me blathering for 27k words trying to showcase janet as a parent who was trying her best, who was semi-isolated by life circumstances, but was simply unable to balance work, kid, marriage and was unintentionally making tim feel abandoned by her, something she never would have wanted if she had realized. and that was going to be it.
and then i got sad about her, because janet as i view her (i like to think a lot of tim's good traits come from her) i think would have done a lot better with a second chance with tim than jack did! like, she, as a mother, might have a very different response to the tragedies and loss of her husband and try to focus more on her son than jack did. she as a widowed mother would also face very different judgments than jack did (society is obsessed with the idea that boys need a father figure--so she'd probably be more likely to let tim hang out with bruce rather than jack fighting their relationship at first because "it's good for him" to have an older man he can look up to) she's more supportive in her appearances, after all, saying that tim could be just like dick when he grows up. i think that she'd find out a lot sooner. and i think her surviving wouldn't have changed any of the big events, and i became obsessed with the idea of "but how would she deal with this canon event vs jack". she is, after all, a different character who deserves her own internal feelings and motivations. the drakes weren't great, but i don't think they're that irredeemably bad. and i think tim would want them redeemed too!
and nobody else was writing the canon-but-with-janet fic in my head that i couldn't stop thinking about, so i figured i'd give it a shot just in case there was one other person who felt the way i did and wanted to see it lmao.
anyways tl;dr a lot of inspiration comes from the fact that i am a mom and have spent way too many hours dissecting parenting in my head and the fact that i know a lot of moms who are very complex, imperfect humans and i just like stories about motherhood and allowing mothers to be nuanced and to redeem themselves.
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eisforeidolon · 7 months
Question: Hi, my name is Zoey and I'm 13 and I've been watching you guys since I was four. And I wanted to ask what's your guys' favorite childhood memory?
Jared: Hi Zoey.
Jensen: Favorite childhood memory?
Jared: I - I think my - it's kind of a series, it's difficult to think of a specific one? But I had a great time playing outside. So when I grew up, it was before iPhones and iPods and iPads. When Jensen grew up, it was before cars [Jensen nods], y'know. So he had to carry water on his head in a basket, it would drip down and he'd look very handsome, but -
Jensen: My furniture was made out of stone.
Jared: Correct, correct, correct. But I think I spent a long time trying to figure out what the heck was going on in my head because I didn't have all of the now welcome distractions of, uh, social media and whatnot. Uhhh, I will say this. In my - this is kind of pertinent, because mine and Gen's sons ended up in a similar situation two weeks ago. But there were about five or six school friends I had in our neighborhood and we were all kind of [finger quotes] allowed to toilet paper each other's houses? Yeah. Our parents knew it and they were like, alright, y'all are next, then they're next, then they're next, it is what it is. We'd have to clean it the next day, but the excitement of it? I'm like - Zoey, nice to meet you, my favorite childhood memory was a life of crime. I feel like I'm doing a terrible job of, like, parenting right now. [Jensen laughs] But, uh, like getting outside. Being outside, sweating, playing basketball, all that. What's your answer?
Jensen: I mean, I've got many, I'll choose one. When I - there was a rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington -
Audience member: Woo! [Jared makes face]
Jensen: [thumbs up] Texas. Uh, yeah, Arlington. And it was called the Shockwave and it had two loops, right? [looks at Jared]
Jared: [is shaking his head at person in audience][points] She keeps wooing you. [makes eyes on you gesture] I see the [???]
Jensen: Yeah, yeah, she's on the payroll. And I was too short to ride -
Jared: [loud] HA! You don't say [mischievous laugh]. I wasn't! [cracks himself up]
Jensen: And still am, I'm still too short to ride. No, it's - I think I turned, when I was six, I was finally just tall enough. I think they've raised the minimum since then, 'cause I, yeah. But, um - when I was six years old I was finally like, yes, I think I'm tall enough and I went up there and I was. And my brother, who is three years older than I was, he had already been riding it for a couple years. So he was always making fun of me that I was, y'know, that I couldn't ride it. But then I was finally tall enough. And I remember being so excited to walk up and be like, yes, I know I'm gonna be tall enough, I know I'm gonna be tall enough, and I got there and I was, and then I was like, oh no. [Jared laughs] 'Cause I looked up and I just heard the screams as it was going by. But I'll never forget that first ride, and it's something that I can almost, like, still taste that adrenaline that I had as a kid when I was, when it was [imitates the noise of a rollercoaster anti-rollback system].
Jared: Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Jensen: So that's one of them.
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shamera · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bbcphile 🥰🥰🥰
1. How many works do you have on AO3? site says 21! (I also have 50+ on ff.net from when I was younger, and uhhh idk how many that I shoved into my dreamwidth/livejournal never to see the light of day again.)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 619,848
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Mysterious Lotus Casebook! (Although I might sneak something for Love and Redemption or Scum Villain.) I am mostly a writer in the Final Fantasy XIII fandom, although I have spent years in Code Geass and Merlin fandoms. Before that, it was Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.... loads more.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Leave Me Your Starlight, Code Geass fic Nunnally-centric time-travel fix-it
Five Minutes, FFXIII fluff oneshot featuring Noel and Hope
World Enough and Time, Code Geass AU post-apocalyptic rewrite
First (and Second) Impressions, FFXIII modern babysitting AU Noel/Hope
Lost in a Moment (lost in a song), Mysterious Lotus Casebook post-canon fix-it casefic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to! I'm, um. I'm really bad at it. In that I will attempt to respond to everyone in the first few days, but then I get distracted doing/writing something else and I am so tunnel-visioned that you won't hear from me until a week later and then I feel bad about taking so long to respond. Also I am very, very bad at responding because while I love love love seeing comments, it's just happy reactions and incoherent noises from me. How do I words to translate my appreciation???
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? ...probably everything I wrote as a kid? I have very different ideas on angst nowadays, but I guess while I was writing it... between Gedächtnisse (FMA fic) and Sound of Silence (HP fic), I guess!
Newer stuff might be between The Other (FFXIII fic) and Test Subjects (FFXIII fic).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of fluff pieces nowadays! But overall, probably Something About December (FFXIII fic), since it's a Christmas fic or Family (FFXIII), which was written to give Sazh more support in the third game.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Once, someone pointed out my join date on the website and asked me why I was still writing fanfiction.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, but generally don't. Even most of my ships are closer to gen than not. I'm closer to the repulsed spectrum of ace, but I do like attempting to write all sorts of things.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes! Love them! I've written a good handful-- but the craziest one was when I was... 10? 11? and I wrote Orions'Ka on a notebook and when I typed it up, it was well over 60,000 words. It had absolutely everything I loved back then.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not by a person, no. By website bots, yes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have had... people ask me if they could translate my fics? My answer is always yes, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I had an entire online journal with my best friend back in middle school.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? ...MXTX ships, maybe? I don't feel particularly strongly about ships most of the time, only about characters, who I will ship around for the fun of it. But for MXTX pairings, that just doesn't feel right. They just belong together.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? ....my old Harry Potter stuff, I'm sorry. Not a fandom I got back into again.
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told it's characterizations! And descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else. Confidence, I guess. Also energy and interest. And once I overcome those, plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? ...me, or fics that do that? Because I've seen fics do that, full on paragraphs of dialogue in the original language but descriptions in English, and I don't understand. But if it's just... an important word, a statement, something the fandom would normally understand kept in its original language because there's just no good translation in English for it, then it absolutely works. Some things don't translate well, and fans usually like learning more about their canons. I personally try to keep things mostly in English nowadays, though, but I slip time to time.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars. I was in the single digits age, and wrote an introspective ficlet on Luke and Leia's feelings about how the original trilogy's ending, sitting together on Endor to watch it all burn.
20. Favorite fic you've written? ...I don't know if I have one. I either tend to be proud or hate what I've written, depending on the day, my mood, wind speeds, and cats. Currently I want to say Lost in a Moment, because I finished that recently and I had so many doubts about it so I'm proud I got through it.
Tagging... omg, anyone who still follows me all the way from FFXIII days and writes, or all the way from the Gundam Wing days gosh.
but also @seventhstrife, @rhystheceo, @teekettle, @adriannasharp @tunnelofdusk 🤭 ya'll suffer through my random selection because I know you guys are writerssss
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