#i want this man
squidflavoredsoup · 2 months
charlie smiling friends doodles
forgot to post these here yesterday
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mangoposts · 4 months
imagine waking up in the middle of the night, chris’ arm around you lazily. his lips are slightly parted and pink, his face completely relaxed as he lets out little snores.
you move slightly to get comfy again, chris mumbles in his sleep “baby.. come back” his eyebrows furrowed as he pulls you to him tightly.
you giggle as you move closer, you push the hair away from his face as you whisper “i’m not going anywhere” the moonlight shining through the windows showing the little freckles that decorate his nose and cheeks.
you think he’s asleep until he lazily pouts his lips at you, signalling he wants a kiss. you give him a soft but long peck and he smiles, his eyes still closed.
he pulls you to him, you snuggle your head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent, as he rests his chin on top of your head. his hands lazily comb through your hair, your legs intertwine with his as you slowly start to fall asleep.
he presses a kiss to your head, his raspy voice mumbling “love you baby” as he rests his cheek on top of your head again.
Bye im gonna rip all my hair out
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 2 months
Because clearly, One Piece Fanbase enjoys overlooking this beautiful man.
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(silly little sketches under the cut)
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A giant axe and a figure that looks like he could just bend you in half only by one hand? Sold.
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ashpkat · 7 days
erm. tried to do another lighting practice but i kinda messed up. here’s master joseph tho
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dislocatedshoulders · 3 months
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I want to feel his hands.
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I want to run my fingers through his hair.
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I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love I am in love
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ivanzplaid · 2 years
Hii 🫶🏻 me again. Could you write a grabber x reader fic where the reader gets really sick. I’m talking fever, chills, can’t keep anything down. So the grabber takes care of them relishing in the fact they are so dependent on him in this state.
i love seeing your requests, so don't hesistate to sumbit more, but ohhhh yesyes, i love the fact that he likes the dependability of the reader, it makes fics so much more interesting to write!! because on one hand the reader is absolutely suffering right now, destroyed by the sickness, and the grabber is mildly concerned for your health, he wants you to be well, but he also loves you needing him, you just easily abiding by him🫣 This may be a bit shorter, but i promise for the future, long fics are always in my ability🫶🫶
i take all requests as always, and thank you again for asking!!
Warnings: Obsession, Slight slight nsfw, Abuse ( keeping you weak ), Manipulation, The Grabber, Kidnapped reader
Somehow, someway, from being isolated in a basement, you had contracted something. And now you could stand having the flu, or anything light, but again, whatever was down in that basement, it was set on killing you, you had constant chills, and a foggy memory set in not long after. The stuffy nose and sore throat came in even later, but with all that, nothing could compare to your stomach. In the midst of being trapped in his basement, which you were sure he had no knowledge on sickness or affection or anything else upon those lines, so you felt helpless.
When he finally noticed, maybe the second day after it all started, he was too shocked by the effect it was having on you. You were asking for him to stay longer, requesting blankets or his body warmth, or just anything to hang on to. He soon saw the way it affected your diet. You went from eating anything he out infront of you, to observing you staring at the food, obviously wanting to eat, but knowing it wouldn't end well. At first, he joked about his cooking getting worse, but he saw that when you only drank the soda, the way it had you shaken up only from a sip, how badly you really needed his comfort and attention. You didn't have the energy to fight back, so the once defiant and suspicious victim he had, turned into the one that lightly thanked him for taking you upstairs, asking what you felt like, and when you two were downstairs, he held you on him, his arms wrapped around you, and every so often, he would take his palm to your forehead and sigh.
With the condition you were in, you weren't exactly choosing your words carefully, or with thought. And on occasion, something would slip out, something along the lines of,
"Thank you so much for being with me,"
"I need you here, I'm starting to feel dizzy."
He would shower himself in those words. He knew without his care, you'd get worse, maybe even starve if it didn't clear. So he did what he could to care for you. To your surprise, he knew a lot about medicine, but wouldn't share how. The fact he knew so much gave him even more of an advantage, because he would obviously care for you, but sometimes, he would prolong the times he gave you meds, his reasoning seeming rational to him, but he just wanted you all over him for longer. It wasn't a crime, he just couldn't get over the times where you would lay on him, legs around his waist, arms resting on his chest while you slept soundly, or when you would beg him not to leave, the sound of you pleading with him to stay for just five more minutes made him even more confident, and to be honest, at certain times he wasn't ashamed to be aroused. You being sick kept you behaving, needy, and dependent, everything he's ever wanted out of you. And because you weren't being bad, you tunneled a spot in his heart deeper, what began as a small infatuation grew to obsession. He would do whatever it took to keep you like this, he needed this more than you'd ever realize. He loved you in your submission and he loved you when you relied on him, and he decided it was something he'd put to good use in the future, but for now, your few words were music to his ears, and he helped in the ways he could, and the ways you asked.
These paragraphs were definitely longer than intended, but i just wanted to get my thoughts down for this, if you'd like me to revise it, dont hesitate to ask :) but your prompts def make the fic what it is,
as always requests are opeeenn, i love talking to you guys, so my messages, inbox, reposts are all welcome!! and of course likes, etc. keep me motivated!
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Vincent Price as Joseph Curwen/Charles Dexter Ward - The Haunted Palace (1963)
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shinywitcheagle · 9 months
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(credit to OP on tiktok)
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100lxtters · 1 year
I think about this image everyday🥰
Like I’m just imagining myself kneeling in front of him as he looks down at me
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xxalphaclownxx · 4 months
so, uhm, recently i learned that you are not allowed to use tumblr specific vocab in casual conversation - evident by the fact i said ‘Bella Swan’s dad is so babygirl, I want him carnally.’
Some information about me: i am aroace, i do not like the twilight movies, i bought the twilight book to hate on it.
consider this a warning, people of tumblr, do not tell people you’d like to be bella swan’s new dad (in a gay way)
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mochiinapp · 7 months
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I saw this goofly like idea of tiktok and tan with it
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This man has a hold of my brain right now what do I do
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tascha-schwarz · 6 months
Mad-Eye Moody the father of heavy metal
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valeskhoe · 10 months
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vampsquerade · 2 years
besties, is it weird for me to say that i am genuinely more attracted to Smoke because of the way he yells when he’s been friendly fired or is patching up a downed operator
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jennrypan · 9 months
Oh to be called a good girl by Miguel <3
Like just a off handed comment..omg
(I'm delusional-)
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