#i was just thinkin when i drew this about just how horrifying it is to have such an amazing weapon with great powers that could i dunno
iknowicanbutwhy · 2 years
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Monkey King VS Monkie Kid! Who will win? Probably not the kid who doubts his ability to win and has the lives of everyone in the world resting on his shoulders.
I looked at @xynnoix 's AU and went "oooooh, angsty," and I thought of this idea and went "oooooh, angsty," and I looked at how many panels I couldn't keep from drawing and went "oooooh, angsty," which is really just my thing, you know?
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ampleappleamble · 4 years
I did it again. I wrote more PoE fanfiction. I keep doing it!
My AO3 account is all set up! I’ll have to transfer my writing from my tablet to my PC (it’s more comfortable to edit stuff on desktop) but once I get what I feel is a respectable amount of writing done (I wanna at least get out of Gilded Vale) I’ll go head and upload that shit to my AO3 and link it all here. I plan on changing the name of my tumblo account to reflect my AO3 name very soon, probably within the week. Mostly because I’m not particularly fond of “Grandma Mohawk” anymore. My new name is/will be much, much more annoying to say. So uh, be on the lookout for that, I guess!
As always, thank you all sincerely for reading about my grouchy furry lady. She loves you all, and so do I. ♡
Chapter 3: At Your Service
One foot in front of the other, Axa. One step at a time.
The orlan woman walked slowly, deliberately, carefully making her way down the dirt and gravel path to the only inn in Gilded Vale. She kept her head down, eyes fixed on her boots and the road beneath them. If she saw one more person glare at her with open disdain, she feared she'd lose what remained of her tattered resolve and simply crumple to the ground, defeated.
And if you see one more phantasmal torture victim...
Yes. There was that to consider too. Although she hadn't seen any... apparitions manifest directly in front of her since she'd left the ruins, she still heard whispers just beyond the edge of her hearing, still saw flutters and flashes of movement in the corners of her eyes.
All the better to keep your eyes on your feet, then. Not much farther.
The inn was so close she could smell it. This spoke to the quality of the facility, but Axa was in no position to be choosy. She knew that she'd most likely be curling up on a hard wooden floor that night, but even so, the Black Hound Inn was the very, very last sanctuary she had. It was the only place she could turn to to keep from spending her first night in her new homeland sleeping on the street.
So of course there had to be yet another obstacle between her and her goal.
She heard them before she saw them: just outside the inn's doors, a group of four kith arguing loudly. She wanted to pretend the raised voices were simply another trick of her soulsick mind, but she knew they were too real, too distinct to be hallucinations. ...And none of the whispers she'd heard so far had called anyone a cocksucker like that.
Just relax. You don't need to get involved.
She reluctantly lifted her head and got visual confirmation: three clearly drunk people, two folk men and an elf woman, posturing and poking their fingers in the chest of one slightly smaller figure that was mostly obscured from Axa's view. She could see the other kith's raised hands and rounded shoulders, though.
Three against one? Mob justice seems to be the norm around here. She furrowed her brow.
...Something's not right.
"I do apologize, sincerely, for the misunderstanding." Axa's ears perked up. The target of the angry drunks was an Aedyran apparently, and a man. As she got closer, she subconsciously slowed her pace, trying to peer around the backs of the belligerent villagers to get a better look at the other foreigner without alerting anyone of her presence.
Although his hood partially hid the characteristic long, pointed ears, she could tell well enough that he was an elf, and a somewhat younger one. His body language suggested that he knew he was in significant danger of bodily harm from these people, but his face wore a diplomatic smile. Unfortunately, his genteel mannerisms only seemed to be pissing off his aggressors further rather than placating them, and their flushed faces and clenched fists suggested that their patience for his attempts at a truce had been worn clean through.
He could see it too, but he was clearly out of options. He closed his eyes, pressed his hands together in front of his chest, bowed his head slightly in a show of submission. "W-why don't we... put this unfortunate matter to rest with a drink, yes? Ah... My treat, of course!"
"There he goes again, thinkin' he can buy us off." The elf woman spat at his feet, and her folk companions clapped her on the back, thrusted their chests out at the other man. "There's what we think of your fancy Aedyre coin, copperfucker!" The men with her barked their agreement, and the elven man shrunk back, obviously struggling to keep from panicking.
Axa gritted her teeth. Oh, fuck this. I've seen enough unfair fights to know where this is going, and I've had my fill of seeing dead people today. Besides, they're in my way. I'm getting involved.
"Excuse me."
Suddenly four pairs of eyes were fixed on the little redhead, three of them red and bleary with drink. Axa gazed evenly into each of them in turn, before gesturing to the building behind them. "This is the inn, right? I've only just arrived here--" here she looked pointedly at the Aedyre man for a second "--and I'm in need of shelter for the night."
The hayseed triumvirate took her in, scowling. "Just what we need," one of the men grunted, "another wiseass foreigner coming in here and mocking us to our face. You ought to mind your own business, girl, if you wanna stay in our town."
"If you wanna stay alive, you mean," the other man added, glaring at the hooded elf. "Unlike certain other guests around here who've worn out their welcome." Now all eyes were on the Aedyran again, who appeared to have been blindsided by Axa's interruption and was now staring in mute shock at his would-be assailant. "Go on," the folk man growled, advancing slightly toward the hooded elf. "Say it again. I want you to." The man grinned a predatory grin, feeling the tides of the argument shift in his favor again. By Magran, he'd stick this snobby little bastard for what he'd said.
Oh shit. Shit! Axa felt the shift too, knew she had to move, now, get between the two of them before it got violent--
"I dare you. I'm itching for an excuse--" he snarled, and before Axa could intervene, she saw the elf man... change.
His posture straightened, his lip curled, he angled his face down but his eyes up to glare defiantly at his adversary.
"Fye, yer itchin' fer th' kindlin' touch o' yer sister, ye coxfither!"
It was as though he'd been temporarily possessed, and the spirit was gone as quickly as it had come over him. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his triumphant smirk melted into a horrified rictus, as though he had suddenly realized exactly what he'd said.
Axa was just as shocked as the three locals, and the four of them stared at him, stupefied into silence.
What the-- was that Hylspeak??
It didn't last long. The drunks recovered quickly and screamed, incensed, wordless cries of rage that the Aedyre man could only cower in response to. "You son of a bitch, I'll cut that barrel-licking tongue right out of your cocksucking face--"
Axa had been too slow before, but she couldn't afford to make the same mistake twice. As the elf tried to insist they'd merely misheard him (a ridiculous suggestion-- was he trying to bait them...?) she finally found her voice again.
"Stop." She kept her voice even and steady, but put a little extra force behind it as well, just to be certain she was heard. Chanter training coming in handy there, she thought as the drunks turned to her again, compelled just so by her intensity and timbre. Axa took a deep breath.
"Listen. I know you're angry. But anyone talking as big a talk as he is when they're this badly outnumbered is either out of their mind, or they know something you don't." Her gaze flitted between the three puffy red faces, looking for comprehension... and mercifully, finding it. She pressed on, encouraged: "Either way, it's probably wisest to just walk away. Look, he's even carrying a grimoire-- he's probably a wizard. Wael knows what he's capable of! Right?"
She directed her gaze at the Aedyre man, now, and found him looking back at her. Their eyes met for only a second-- and then he changed again, quickly casting a dangerous, aggressive look at the Dyrwoodans. "We've nye quarrel," he growled, before blinking rapidly and going pale again.
"He's not worth it," Axa added quickly, glaring at him out of the corner of her eye. Wael's bowels, is he trying to fuck this up? He glared back at her in response, as if to challenge her assessment of him.
"Fine," the taller of the two men hissed at last, his cohorts gawking at him in surprise. "But don't think this is over, outsider. You've got a lot to learn about Dyrwoodan hospitality. Watch your back around here."
He meant it to be threatening, and the elven man seemed thoroughly cowed. But now that she really looked at him, Axa couldn't help but see the blustering, drunken buffoon as anything but pitiable.
The three of them staggered away at last, and once she was sure they were alone, she turned to the hooded man. The final obstacle between me and that floor I'll be sleeping on tonight, she thought, planting her hands on her hips and hanging her head as he drew near. Hopefully he's easier to get rid of than those drunks were. Gods, that was bad...
"Well. That was not exactly how I'd hoped to meet the neighbors," the elf man sighed, his voice much calmer now that the danger had passed. He fidgeted with his hood, and Axa caught a glimpse of long, dark hair resting against the man's cheek. "I must extend my gratitude to you for your assistance with that... ah... awkward situation." He smiled politely down at her, and Axa shook her head.
"No need for thanks. Couldn't leave another kith outnumbered like that. Wasn't right." She spoke softly, but then shot him a look like a bolt of lightning between his eyes. "Could have done without the extremely blatant goading, though, friend."
The color drained from the man's face and his expression went slack for just a second, but he recovered quickly, laughing a nervous little laugh. "Ah... well, it's... that is, that... wasn't all exactly as it seemed, let me assure you." He paused, seeming to reconsider his words, and then he went ahead and just started over: "P-perhaps introductions are in order?" Here, he stood to his full height, crossed his arm over his chest, and bowed slightly at the waist, extending his other hand to the orlan. "Aloth Corfiser, at your service." His voice was smooth as silk, his movements measured and precise.
Oh gods, she thought, this lad's for real, is he? Axa felt simultaneously charmed and condescended to, a strange, unexpected smile spreading across her warm face. It doesn't help that he's pretty much exactly my type... for all the good "my type" has ever done me. She thrust her fuzzy hand into his, shaking it quickly. "Axa Mala, at yours. Now-- care to explain what you think you're doing, going around cursing out drunk locals?"
The hooded man, Aloth, blinked at the little woman as he withdrew his hand, stammered an apology for dragging her into it, but Axa merely crossed her arms in front of her chest, narrowing her eyes.Thought that part of the conversation was over, did you? Sorry, friend. You're not that charming. She waited for his answer.
"As I said before, all that was just an extremely unfortunate misunderstanding. I... probably used a term that means something innocuous back home in the Cythwood-- in Aedyr, I mean-- but unbeknownst to me means something vulgar here. It's a distressingly common occurrence when one--"
"Are you trying to tell me it's an Aedyre custom to tell people to fuck their sister?" Axa cocked a burgundy eyebrow at him. "Because I'm pretty sure that's what you told that fellow."
The man's expression was neutral, but his face was a twitching, sweaty mess. "I... perhaps... both of you misheard. That must be it. Surely."
"Fye, yer itchin' fer th' kindlin' touch o' yer sister, ye coxfither," Axa stated, clearly and boldly, without emotion. "Isn't that what you said?"
And for a split second, he did it again. He changed. It was over almost before Axa had time to notice, but the elf was definitely having some sort of... emotional turmoil in the privacy of his mind, and his body reflected it. He twitched and spasmed, his shoulders locked. He bit his lip, hard, and the odd, impish grin he was wearing crumpled into a tightly forced smile.
"...I should speak more clearly, next time," he stated placidly, a vein bulging on his temple. "My apologies."
... Is he joking? Or mad? ...Or does he just think I'm remarkably stupid?
"What exactly are you doing in this backwater village anyway, wizard? You don't exactly look like a settler." Axa let her gaze wander over him. His clothes and armor were of fine quality, but just starting to fray from constant use. His face was angular and delicate, his skin smooth and clear, but dark circles were just beginning to form beneath his eyes. Whoever he was, he was clearly from money, maybe even nobility of some sort, but he seemed to be suffering a rough patch as of late.
"Begging your pardon, but neither do you," Aloth shot back, looking her up and down as well. "Nevertheless, I imagine we're both here for that exact reason-- lured by cheap land offered by a desperate lord. In my case, my relocation was forced by opportunities for my chosen vocation-- I trained as an arcane knight-- being quite scarce in my homeland. So, I... sought a new beginning elsewhere." He smiled sympathetically. "A familiar story, I'm certain. You were told of the land offer being conditional on the good Lady Raedric's successful delivery, too, I suspect?"
Axa swallowed, remembering the smug, sneering magistrate. "Yes. Only after arriving, of course. I came here with a caravan that... we ran into some trouble near some ruins north of here, and I had to walk here alone, and he tells me to sleep in a stable..."
"Ruins? Engwithan ruins?" Aloth peered at her with interest, curiosity shining in his eyes. "...I've heard rumors about them, but never been near one, of course. Not when the Dyrwoodans would arrest you for trespassing and the Glanfathans would skip the formalities and execute you on sight."
Axa said nothing. She thought about Odema with his guts around his ankles. Calisca and Heodan limp on the ground.
"Tell me," Aloth murmured, leaning down towards the smaller kith. "What exactly did you find out there?"
For a moment, she wondered if she could just... not tell him. Not talk about it. She certainly had little desire to dwell on the events of the day, and even less desire to discuss them with a stranger. And he seemed to be educated well enough in etiquette and manners to leave the topic alone if she asked him to.
"A bîaŵac." She stared directly into his eyes as she said it, and he reacted as though she'd thrown a cold drink in his face.
Never could resist that urge to be dramatic, could we?
She instantly felt oddly ashamed of herself, and looked away from him, at the door to the inn. Gods she was tired. "Can we... continue this conversation somewhere else?"
He held the door to the tavern open for her. She appreciated that.
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justatiredghost · 4 years
Klaus and Dave like to try new things, unfortunately they decided to try their hand at hiking in the middle of winter and have Regrets.
“I think I’m starting to regret this,” Dave called from up the path a ways. They’d chosen a fairly easy trail for their first hike so challenge wasn’t the problem. The cold, on the other hand, was absolutely miserable. Why did they even decide to do this in winter, anyway?
“What’s the matter, not up to the challenge?” Klaus asked despite his chattering teeth, his breath coming out in plumes of fog in the freezing air. He rubbed his hands together, trying to get some warmth and feeling back into his fingers.
At first it had been kind of cute, seeing Dave get all bundled up in the giant poofy coat and silly hat with ear flaps. That was still technically true, especially now that his nose was a rosey pink from the cold. It was just a little hard to enjoy when his nose wouldn’t stop running which was disgusting, and every bit of exposed skin burned painfully from the cold. He couldn’t even remember what it was like to be warm. He tugged his hood down a little more, he pulled the string tight leaving it a small circle just big enough to see through.
“Oh, I’m gonna make it to the end,” Dave assured him with a confident smile, coming to a stop so Klaus could catch up, although he continued to stomp his feet to try to stay warm, rubbing life back into his fingers. “I didn’t come all this way to give up now.”
“Good, because this was your idea,” Klaus said, sticking his tongue out at him.  Not that he was actually annoyed, he loved that Dave was just as impulsive as he was and they were always getting each other to do new things, even if those things ended up being terrible and he’d rather never do them again. Like now. He was definitely more suited to the city than mountainous countryside.
“Not to be the obnoxious kid in the back seat, even though you know that’s exactly who I am, but how much farther is it?”
“It should be just around the bend,” Dave said before a giant grin spread across his face as an idea came to him. “Race?”
Instead of replying, Klaus gave him a shove and took off down the path, ignoring Dave’s mock outraged cry that almost immediately turned into laughter as he scrambled to his feet and gave chase. Sure enough, Klaus didn’t have to go far before the path curved around and the trees thinned out into a little clearing.
It was a viewing area of sorts that went right up to the edge, a fence protecting them from the fairly steep drop on the other side and a little bench for anyone wanting to linger. Not that anyone would want to sit on it now, covered in ice and snow as it was. Below was what they were here for, the whole expanse of the valley laid out just for them. It was stunning, snow pristine and untouched, hoarfrost clinging to the trees making it look like a forest made of ice or crystals shining in the bright sun.
Klaus stood there taking it in as Dave came up beside him, gasping to catch his breath. They stood in silence for a moment before Klaus elbowed him gently.
“I won,” he said.
“Barely,” Dave conceded.
“So, what do you think? Worth it?”
“Not really,” Dave laughed. “I mean, it’s pretty and all, don’t get me wrong, but we could have stayed inside and looked up pictures.
“Oh thank god,” Klaus said, sagging against him, elbow on his shoulder. “I was worried you’d want to do this every year. I love you but that’s pushing it.”
“Don't worry, I think once is enough,” Dave said. “It was kinda fun to try, though. “If you ever get the urge again, let’s at least wait for summer.”
“Deal,” Dave said, the two of them standing side by side as they enjoyed the view, an arm around each other. “Thank you for coming on this doomed expedition with me, you are amazing.”
“About time someone noticed,” Klaus said, a little sarcasm in his voice. Dave studied him for a long moment, eyebrow raised, before facing the valley again. Klaus thought the conversation was simply done despite the incredibly suspicious look, but then Dave cupped his hands like a megaphone and shouted out into the silence.
“Klaus is amazing!” he called, voice echoing faintly across the valley.
“What are you-- I was kidding, knock it off,” Klaus said, grabbing at his arm as he laughed at the absurdity of it all.
“He’s the nicest guy I know,” Dave continued.
“Dave is the amazing one!” Klaus yelled over him, because what else was he supposed to do?
“This isn’t a competition,” Dave continued to yell to the valley. “We can both be amazing!”
“Fine then, we’re amazing!”
They both laughed as they leaned against each other for support, and it was easy enough for them to find themselves wrapped in a loose hug. This close, their hoods touching, it blocked out the cold and made it almost tolerable.
“If you don’t hear it enough,” Dave said, voice quiet now, just for him. “I’ll have to keep yelling it until everyone sees it too.”
“Pretty sure that’s how you get kicked out of places,” Klaus said but he couldn’t help but smile. It was sweet if ridiculous, which meant it was perfect. He wasn’t sure if he believed his words, but Dave did and somehow that was all that really mattered. “Sounds fun, I’m in. We’ll see who gets kicked out  first.”
“I love you, Klaus,” Dave said, leaning ever closer. “I don’t think I say that enough.”
“You say it all the time but I certainly don’t mind,” Klaus said, leaning closer as well. “I love you too.”
And then they were kissing. The cold forgotten in the moment, the heavy coats and gloves became an unfortunate barrier between them as he desperately wanted to feel Dave’s hair threading through his fingers, or the warmth of Dave’s hand on his back. They were clumsy and awkward with the added layers too and they couldn’t help but laugh against each other. Klaus couldn’t deny that it was nice, especially here in this crystallized world of their own. When they finally drew away enough to catch their breath, Dave chuckled.
“Okay, now coming out here was worth it,” he said, gloved hand brushing against his cheek.
“I have something to tell you,” Klaus said, trying very hard to suppress a grin.. “Oh yeah?” Dave asked, still looking a bit dazed.
“You should probably know, it’s taking all of my self control not to shove snow down the back of your jacket.”
“Fuck, I’m so lucky to have you,” Dave said as he burst out laughing. Then he kissed him one last time and finally, unfortunately, drew away. “Now come on, let’s bail before we freeze to death up here.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice, let’s go somewhere warm,” Klaus said. “What are you thinkin’?” Dave asked. “It’s only fair you get to decide.”
“Have you ever been to an arcade?” Klaus asked before a horrifying realization struck him. “Wait, do you even know what an arcade is?”
“I’ve been here long enough to know what it is,” Dave said. “But yeah, I think they were a bit after my time.”
“Oh, you are gonna love them,” Klaus said, taking his hand as they started hurrying back down the path, doing their best not to slip and fall, dragging the other down with them. “This is gonna be so much fun.”
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movedthechangingman · 4 years
ok one piece fandom moments but under a cut bc ppl reblog weird stuff from me sometimes and these are just for you guys
responding to anon hate w those like really shittily drawn “vivi pass me that doobie” pics
and related: those horrifying MS paint drawings i did
the weekly tinychats i did which TBF were really fun when ppl came to them
someone else receiving anon hate meant for me
space au which then got ripped off my by ex mutual and a group of ppl from a ship fandom that didnt like me for being an anti
when i was 15 i drew some like ahegao art of luffy by request (questionable choice from me on account of being 15) and a 25 year old vagued me on their private account about how i was an aphobe because oda had that quote that was like “luffy is too stupid to know what sex is” and like ppl were like This is Peak Rep
a long time before he became periodmatsu/his Secret Os*matsu Twitter got exposed he was in my friendgroup/groupchat like i Knew that dude
to be fair this was a red flag already bc it was like me 3 other kids and like 4 or 5 adults and it was primarily nsfw focused groupchat but thats more emotionally damaging than actually funny
this isnt anything involved w me but that one person who drew sanji in like a “CONSENT IS COOL” shirt despite it literally being. sanji
my tumblr+twitter mutual/acquaintance responded to someone on twitter like using my name/url to complain about my AU and i saw it via like searching my url on twitter 😂😭😂
someone 23 or so who like aggressively f/o’d this one character (like posting self insert nsfw art in the main tags.. also like they were 100% a pedophile but #Sly about it) but they would reblog my art of this one character w like super long descriptions of their domestic life together
technically also not directly me but i fueled the fire by doing it also my popular friend like made a mermaid au and other ppl were like omg so fun! we’ll design our own mermaid AUs and like my friend got upset bc “ppl were copying them" despite literally just mermaid aus
the 2nd biggest fandom bigwig was like 24+ and dated another big fandom person who was 16 and they were like hangin out irl and shit and everyone turned a blind eye still thinkin about that one actually
there was definitely more drama than this but i gotta like ponder on this for a minute to remember the worst of it
and a shout out to the twitter/tumblr mutuals i still have from that fandom despite literally none of us sharing fandoms anymore youre all real ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💚
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bevioletskies · 6 years
Here's a Starmora prompt for you to consider. An AU where Peter and Gamora are private investigations based on Knowhere like Sherlock and Watson and cross paths with the crime lord Thanos.
(sorry for the delay, anon! i had way too much fun with this prompt)warning for canon-typical violence and non-graphic mentions of blood and injuries.word count: 7.9k | ao3
Peter leaned back with a thoughtful hum, the well-worn chair creaking precariously beneath him in warning. His eyes were fixated on the old-fashioned corkboard before him as they so often were, attempting to make sense of anything he was seeing.
“If you get any closer, all you’re going to get is cross-eyed.”
He startled out of his own thoughts, turning in his chair to watch as Gamora stepped into the room with two coffee cups and a sly grin, passing one cup to him. He smiled gratefully before downing half of it in one generous gulp. “We gotta be missin’ something. Thanos had three separate factions, right? One led by two brothers, one led by a married couple, and one led by two sisters. All dealin’ in drugs, weapons, and murder.”
“Yes,” Gamora said evenly. She leaned against the desk, taking a neat sip of her own drink.
“We saw the brothers - Cull and Ebony - shakin’ down that Kree warlord, Ronan, on Hala, for information on the Kasius family.” Peter stabbed a pushpin through the photo he’d taken of them arriving at an abandoned loading dock. “The married couple, Corvus and Proxima, makin’ a deal with the Astrans so they’ll vote Qovas into the Confederacy in exchange for the mines on Easik.” Another pushpin, this time into old mugshots from the time they’d been caught with Chitauri weapons while passing through Sakaar.
“Your point, Quill?” Gamora sighed.
“The sisters!” Peter exclaimed. “I know you’re still kinda green to the whole P.I. business, but they haven’t been seen in over a year. No one knows their names, or why they worked for Thanos, or where they went, but they were known for bein’ the deadliest women in the galaxy, and suddenly poof - gone.”
Gamora swallowed. “Isn’t it obvious?” Peter looked at her curiously. “They’re probably dead. That lead is going nowhere, Quill. Focus on the ones we know about. We’ll get Thanos someday, but focusing on two women who are either rotting in a jail cell or six feet deep in the ground won’t bring us any closer to finding him.”
“But doesn’t it bother you?”
More than you know, Gamora thought privately. “Don’t dwell on it, okay? The Corps are counting on you, of all people, and we’ve got better things to be doing than chasing shadows. Rumor has it that the Grandmaster is paying a visit to his brother at the casino tonight, and he’s bringing the weapons that were confiscated from Corvus and Proxima in exchange for one of Tivan’s toys. Chances are, they’re coming here to Knowhere to get them back. We gather the rest of our investigation team, go undercover, and see if we can parse some more information about Thanos’s whereabouts.”
“We’re not gonna arrest them?” Peter protested disbelievingly as Gamora moved to sit at her desk, opposite his.
She merely smiled. “Patience, Peter Quill, is a virtue.”______
Peter, Gamora, and the rest of their team arrived at the casino hours later, appropriately dressed and for the most part, secretly thrilled. Their dingy little investigation office, started by Peter and Drax, had really grown over the past couple years, but right from the beginning, it had always been about taking down the Mad Titan’s crime empire. Their smaller jobs were, of course, interesting enough, but it was the ones that took them one step closer to Thanos that really got their adrenaline going.
Gamora glanced around the rented car at her companions, feeling uneasy. After hearing about their successes and surprisingly decent reputation almost a year ago, she was quick to travel to Knowhere and offer herself as another partner, fudging her credentials and references so they would take her seriously. They had immediately accepted her into their little clan, almost as if she’d been there from the beginning, and she had become irreversibly fond of them, Peter in particular. It was hard to look at him sometimes, though, when he got uncomfortably close to the truth, and this was one of those times.
“You look real pretty. Don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress before,” Peter said teasingly as he helped her out of the car.
“Don’t get used to it,” she replied dryly, pushing her hair out of her face. “Remember, Tivan doesn’t usually show up until the end of these parties, but there’s a good chance Corvus and Proxima will arrive beforehand, or possibly send scouts to ensure the legitimacy of the deal. Any suspicious behavior, and - ”
“And we report it to you. We got it, Gam.” Rocket scoffed. “You’d think we haven’t done this a million times before.”
“We haven’t,” Drax interjected unhelpfully. “This is perhaps only our third time infiltrating the Collector’s place of business - ”
“I was just exaggeratin’, you big lug.” Rocket elbowed Drax before he could continue on. “Me n’ Groot are gonna be at the tables. You got a problem with that?”
The two of them walked inside before anyone could object, though Peter called after them in vain. “Don’t spend all our money like last time! I still can’t show my face in the bar on 12th, no thanks to you.”
“Drax and I will go talk to bar patrons,” Mantis offered with a sunny smile. “I promise not to let Drax get too drunk.”
“What are you implying?” Drax protested, though Mantis dragged him away before he could defend himself. Peter glanced over at Gamora, who seemed unusually fidgety.
“Guess it’s down to you and me to hang out up high,” Peter said, nodding towards the balcony that overlooked the casino’s enormous entryway, where the rich and shameless were currently tossing their spaceship keys to the valets like they were worth nothing at all. “Ready, partner?”
“I suppose,” Gamora said reluctantly, allowing him to lead the way. Once they were upstairs, she could almost see that telltale glint of mischief in his eyes, something that told her he was thinking about it again. “Stop.”
“I didn’t - what?” Peter looked bewildered.
“You’re thinking about the sisters again, aren’t you?” she said accusingly. “You have too many tells, Quill. I’m not sure how you made it as P.I. in the first place.”
“Hurtful.” Peter clutched at his chest in mock offense. “But nah, I wasn’t. I…uh, I was actually thinkin’ about you.”
Now it was Gamora’s turn to look confused. “Me?”
He smiled almost shyly this time, lacking the usual smug, upturned corners of his mouth. No, this was something softer, sweeter. “Well, we’re comin’ up on one year of you being with us, and um, it’s been pretty awesome, don’t you think?”
“It’s had its moments,” Gamora said diplomatically, though she couldn’t help but smile, too. She stepped closer to the edge of the balcony, resting her hands on the railing as she stared out at the night sky. “I’ve enjoyed myself. Really, I have. Not just the work, but…the people.”
“Yeah? You got a favorite?”
Gamora laughed. “Are you actually asking me to compliment you? How the arrogant have fallen.”
“Can’t hurt to try, right?” he chuckled, taking a step closer. His hand settled on the railing by hers, their fingertips barely brushing. “I’m kidding…mostly. I just…I wanted to say that I’m really glad you’re here. Y’know, it kinda felt like the team was - we were doing great, but we were missing something, and when you showed up at our door…it all made sense again. And you’re not just our co-worker, Gamora, you’re our friend. I hope you know that.”
A lump formed in her throat, her fingers tensing around the cool metal. “You trying to soften me up for something, Quill?” she said hoarsely. “Vacation time, maybe?”
“No.” Peter laughed again, but this time, he sounded far more nervous. “I wanted to ask, if maybe, you’d, uh…be interested in - ”
Gamora’s blood ran cold as she slowly, but reluctantly turned on her heel; that voice was unmistakable. “What are you doing here?” she said in a horrified near-whisper.
“Saving you, if you can believe it,” the other woman said snidely, snatching up Gamora’s wrist and yanking, hard. “Come on.”
“Hey, hey, hands off!” Peter tried to pry her fingers from Gamora’s arm, only to get backhanded across the face for his efforts. “ Ow - hey, you can’t just do that - ”
“Nebula!” Gamora scolded, wrestling out of her grip. “Quill, it’s okay. She’s my sister. Saving me from what, Nebula?”
Nebula scowled at them both. “Corvus and Proxima are coming here tonight.”
“I’m aware. Why else would I be here, of all places?” Gamora snorted.
“No, I mean they’re here for you,” Nebula snapped. “You think they give a damn about Chitauri weapons? They’re a unit a dozen on Sanctuary. They were always going to find you eventually, since you’re so insistent on trotting around with the rest of your team, solving mysteries and stopping crime like a good little detective - ”
“And they intend to kill me?” Gamora drew to her full height. “I’d like to see them try.”
“Wait, why’re they after you specifically? It’s my agency,” Peter interrupted, but both sisters ignored him in favor of narrowing their eyes at each other.
“They intend to bring you to him.”
Gamora finally fell silent, her heart drumming painfully fast in her chest as she tore her gaze away from her sister. She leaned against the railing once more, only this time, she wanted to vomit. Of course it was always going to come to this; how could she have been so naive? It was only a matter of time before her past caught up to her, before he caught up to her. “Then we have to go into hiding. Tell me you have a ship.”
“Registered, but untagged,” Nebula nodded. “Come with me, we’ll have wheels up in two minutes flat.”
“Seriously, can you guys tell me what the hell is going on? I can help, okay, I still got some pull over at the Nova Corps. We can do this together!” Peter squeezed Gamora’s shoulder. “C’mon, Gamora. Let me help.”
Gamora turned back around to face him, her eyes now filled with unshed tears. “Not tonight, Quill. You’ll have to finish this job without me.”
Peter stared at her, alarmed. He’d never seen her so shaken before. “Who is ‘him’, Gamora?” he asked softly. She merely shook her head and stepped out of Peter’s grasp, moving to stand beside Nebula. Still, his eyes followed her. “Is he…is it Thanos?” His gaze flickered between her and Nebula and suddenly, everything fell into place for him - or more accurately, came crashing down. “You…” he breathed. “It’s you. You’re the…the sisters.”
“Quill - ”
“You showed up on Knowhere two months after they went missing,” Peter whispered. “After you went missing. Said you had no family, but you had experience, and you knew we were workin’ hard on bringing Thanos down.”
“Please, Quill - ”
“Did you come here just to take us down? Dismantle our agency or, or…or kill us?”
Gamora bit her lip so hard she drew blood, hot tears spilling down her cheeks before she could stop herself. “I have to go,” she murmured shakily. “Please, just let me go. Tell the others…tell them I had a family emergency.”
His eyes darkened. “Oh, I’ll tell ‘em a lot more than that.”
Nebula didn’t give Gamora a chance to reply, digging her nails into Gamora’s arm and harshly pulling her away, knocking people over as they disappeared into the crowd. Peter was left staring at the spot Gamora once occupied, truly and utterly speechless.______ 
The rest of the night went by in a haze; Peter could barely concentrate on looking out for Corvus, Proxima, or any other suspicious behavior, only focusing on what seemed to be Gamora’s complete betrayal. He tried to give her the benefit of the doubt; from what he could tell, she was no longer on Thanos’s side, judging by her terrified reaction at the mere thought of him. Still, she had kept it hidden, played it off like it was nothing, stood by Peter’s side for almost a year and said nothing, did nothing. She probably had all the inside information he could ever want and more, and here he was, begging for scraps, desperate to catch a glimpse or a whisper of anything that would bring Thanos down, once and for all.
“Where is Gamora?” Drax asked when the team met up again at the end of the night.
“Left early. Family emergency,” Peter muttered, running his fingers through his hair.
Mantis frowned. “I thought she doesn’t have any family.”
“Then she lied, I guess,” Peter grumbled. Wouldn’t be the first time. “C’mon, let’s go home.”
He was silent the whole ride back, only perking up to absentmindedly say his goodbyes whenever someone exited the car. When it was down to just him and Mantis, who lived in the same building, she leaned in closer to look at him inquisitively. “It was not a family emergency, was it?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Peter said tersely, waving her off.
“I know you wanted to ask her out,” Mantis said sympathetically. “Oh, Peter, did she say no? Is that why she left?”
He scoffed. “I wish that was what happened. No, Mantis, just drop it, okay? I’ve got some stuff to figure out.”
Peter tossed and turned all night, at a loss for what to do. Objectively, he knew he couldn’t let his emotions dictate the rest of the case. He needed to report her to the Nova Corps; after all, they were the one who legitimized his operations in the first place. He had to tell them he’d found the two missing daughters of Thanos and that Gamora had been lying this whole time about her qualifications, her background, her everything.
However, he still couldn’t help but feel hurt, betrayed, and yet, still worried about her well-being. After all, Thanos was probably going to do unspeakable things to her and her sister if he ever found them - in the end, they would welcome death. Peter hesitated. Maybe it would be better for him to bring her in instead of call her out…only the Nova Corps would surely shut him down the second they found out he was protecting her, maybe throw them all in jail. Groaning, Peter face-planted into his pillow. He really needed to sleep.
Unsurprisingly, he woke earlier than usual, unable to get more than four hours of rest. He reluctantly pulled on his coat and dragged himself to the office, hoping Mantis couldn’t hear the squeak of his door hinges from her apartment across from his. He could barely keep his eyes open when he flipped the lights on, and it took him a second to even realize they were switched off immediately after. “What the hell…”
“Please. No one knows I’m here.” Gamora stepped out from behind him, holding her hands up in surrender. “Well, except for Nebula.”
“Gamora,” Peter breathed, almost dropping his bag in shock. “What - ”
“It didn’t feel right, not explaining myself. Besides, I figured you were either going to report me to the Nova Corps or hunt me down yourself.” She let out a dark laugh. “I wouldn’t blame you either way.”
“You said you needed to hide. I saw some of Thanos’s Outrider agents at the casino last night, probably lookin’ for you,” Peter said in disbelief. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“According to Nebula’s intel, the other Children of Thanos know about you, but not the others. I’ve been seen with you in public too many times.” Gamora sucked in a breath. “So…I need to protect you, too. You have to come with us, and I’m hoping you’ll come quietly. I can’t let you report me, and I definitely can’t let you kill me.”
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Peter groaned, rubbing his hands over his forehead.
“I know the last thing you want to do is trust me. But my only option, for both my protection and yours, is to take you with us. We don’t have time to argue, okay? I saw the Outrider agents, too. They were outside the safehouse that Nebula and I were staying at, ready to tear the place apart.” Gamora held out a trembling hand. “Please, Quill. Don’t make me ask again.”
His heart felt like it was racing in his throat, his head spinning, though that might have been from exhaustion. Sighing, Peter hefted his bag over his shoulder. “Fine. But don’t think I don’t got questions for you. A lot of questions.”
Once they boarded the ship parked out back and Nebula got them in the air, Peter was feeling more and more uneasy. What was he doing, uprooting his life and going against protocol to let Gamora, a supposed former lieutenant of Thanos, drag him along with her? He needed to call the Nova Corps, or Mantis, or Drax, or hell, Yondu was probably skulking around a few planets over, just something -
“Give me your communicator.”
Sighing in defeat, he pressed the device into Gamora’s palm. “You’re really not helpin’ your case here.”
“You don’t have the authority to arrest me, only the ability to call it in. Excuse me for being cautious,” Gamora retorted, tucking it neatly into her belt. “We’re on the same side, Quill, I promise. I just…I needed a way into Thanos’s head that wasn’t my own. And legitimacy.”
“And yet you came to me and Drax, of all people. Why? Why didn’t you just go to the Nova Corps directly?” Peter shot back.
“Because the Nova Corps would either imprison me or kill me on the spot. Believe me, they won’t give me or Nebula the time of day. They’ve seen our faces before. You hadn’t.” Gamora sat on the bench opposite him, her shoulders slumping a little. She looked absolutely exhausted. “When I heard there was an investigation office working to take our father down…I had hope. I still do. But now, you know too much, and they know who you are, and…I just want to keep you safe, okay?”
Peter leaned closer, eyes narrowing. “No, you want to keep me quiet. That’s why I’m here. You spent years doing Thanos’s dirty work, why stop now?”
“Guilt, pain…though really, that’s an understatement.” Gamora shrugged sadly. “Nebula and I were tortured for years. Physically, mentally. Every morning, I woke up wishing that Thanos had just killed me alongside my family instead of taking me to be a part of his. Usually, we had to travel in groups, but this time, it was just us. He wanted us to retrieve an Infinity Stone from Morag. We fled to Knowhere instead. We already knew Tivan from a previous job, so we called him and he set us up in a safehouse, no questions asked. Told us where we could find you. The rest, you already know.”
“And why all the secrecy? A whole year, and you never once spoke up! All those times that I speculated about who the sisters were, where they went. I was practically begging for just a hint of information about Thanos’s whereabouts and his deals, and you just sat there and pretended.” Peter scoffed. “You’re damn right, I don’t trust you.”
“That’s fair.” Gamora smiled remorsefully. “I was going to tell you someday, but honestly, I didn’t know much more than what you had already uncovered. You’re clever, Quill. Resourceful, too. Really, the only things that I knew about that you didn’t already figure out were mostly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Little illegal dealings here and there, a few trafficking operations that were already dismantled by the appropriate authorities. But we are after the same endgame here - taking him down for good. And he’s not an easy target to find.”
Finally, it seemed like Peter had nothing left to say to her, his eyes glazing over a little as he stared out the window to the stars. He got to his feet. “I need a nap,” he muttered. “And possibly some booze, once we get…wherever it is we’re goin’.”______
Peter woke a couple hours later to bright sunlight streaming in through the tiny bunk window and the sounds of two hushed, but urgent voices by the door. “We can just leave him to rot here forever, sister, I don’t see the problem.”
“He’s…he’s important, okay? We spent so long trying to track Thanos’s progress together, abandoning him would do more harm than good.”
“You just said he knows no more than we do.”
“Just…trust me, Nebula. We have to keep him with us. Think of the consequences if we let him go. Not just for us, but for him, too.”
When he finally had enough, Peter emerged from the cabin, catching them both off-guard. “Where are we?”
Gamora smiled tightly. “Sakaar.”
“Oh, you gotta be - ”
“It’s the last place he’d expect,” Gamora interjected. “If you’re done questioning everything I’ve said, there’s work to be done. Let’s go.”
They trekked through the literal garbage dump that Nebula had landed them on, Peter pinching his nose in mild disgust the whole way. “Where are we even goin’?”
“Do you ever stop talking?” Nebula groaned.
“Hey, it’s part of being a P.I.,” Peter said defensively. “Seriously, Gamora, what’s the plan here?”
“I have a contact. One of the lieutenants of the Grandmaster,” Gamora replied, taking long, steady strides. “They’ll make a deal with him so we can hide on Sakaar without intervention, and send forces out for Corvus and Proxima. We can’t let them get me, or else Thanos will gain more power than you can ever imagine.”
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” Peter frowned. He could practically hear Nebula rolling her eyes in response.
Gamora paused. “I know the location of something precious to him. No one, absolutely no one, knows. We need as much distance between him and me as possible. Follow me, the back entrance is over here.”
They slipped in through the ‘back entrance’ - which was really the end of a garbage chute, much to Peter’s chagrin - before emerging in a boiler room. The three of them barely had time to wash up in a nearby supply closet and remove all the grime when the door slammed open and a figure strolled in. Peter let out a startled yelp, while Gamora and Nebula drew their weapons, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Relax, G, it’s me.” A woman stepped into the light with a sort of casual (or perhaps somewhat drunken) swagger. She wore dark armor, white facepaint, and a relaxed smirk. “Who’s this?”
“Quill runs the investigation office on Knowhere. I need him to be part of the deal, too. The Black Order know about him.” Despite herself, Gamora let out a sigh of relief, lowering her sword. “It’s good to see you, Valkyrie. It’s been too long since I last visited.”
“Yes, well, Sakaar isn’t exactly an ideal vacation spot.” Valkyrie dragged her finger through some of the mold accumulating on one of the boilers, wincing slightly as it crumbled to pieces. “The Grandmaster already approved my request for the empty apartment beside mine. It’s not much, but it should serve well as your - temporary - home. There are guards patrolling the halls at all times, not that it’ll do much if your siblings come knocking, but it’s better than nothing.” She gestured for them to follow her, and they began making their way through the maze of hallways in the Grandmaster’s Palace.
“Were you here when Corvus and Proxima tried to smuggle Chitauri weapons by the Sakaaran soldiers a few months ago? I know Thanos also had his eye on the Grandmaster’s champion, whoever it is,” Gamora added.
“The champion doesn’t need weapons, he is the weapon,” Valkyrie replied. “And yeah, I saw those smug bastards hanging around. The good thing is, the Grandmaster does talk to his brother, so he didn’t give up your whereabouts when they asked. But you know, for a P.I., you’re terrible at the ‘private’ end of the deal.”
“Private doesn’t mean anonymous,” Peter interrupted. “And those news articles were - ”
“Whatever,” Valkyrie sighed, waving him off. “There’s a Contest of Champions happening tonight, if you’re interested in chasing down any other leads. They’re a hotbed for illegal activity and just about the only time you’ll see some of the most influential - and immoral - people in the galaxy come out to play. Besides, I know you like a good fight, Gamora.”
“We need a low profile,” Gamora said apologetically. “And an army.”
“You don’t have an arrest warrant?” Valkyrie teased, finally bringing them to a stop in front of their door. “I can make some calls. But I’ll be at the Contest tonight, seeing how my champion is doing. Drop by if you want the information early. Otherwise, I can come by in the morning, provided I even have something.”
“Thank you, Valkyrie.” Gamora’s shoulders finally relaxed for the first time in hours. “If you ever need a favor - ”
“How about a drink?” Valkyrie smirked, yanking the door open. She cocked her chin. “Go on, get inside.”______
Peter, much to his dismay, spent the next few hours sitting on the couch and twiddling his thumbs impatiently, watching as Gamora and Nebula pored over the documents that he hadn’t even realized Gamora had taken - or more accurately, stolen - from his office. They were knelt at the coffee table opposite him, photos and articles spread out all over its surface, muttering to each other under their breaths like they didn’t want him to hear. “What was it like?”
Gamora looked up at him. “What?”
“Your life with Thanos. I guess I still don’t really know the whole story,” Peter shrugged.
Nebula shot Gamora a disbelieving look, but Gamora shook her head in return, moving to sit beside Peter instead. She twisted her hands in her lap, contemplating what she wanted to tell him. It alarmed her to think that she was just about ready to tell him everything. “Thanos started off as an influential member of Titan’s social circles, making his way up the ranks. He became more and more corrupt as time went on, as he began believing in things that no one should ever believe, fighting for causes that were misguided and harmful. He truly thought he knew what was best for the planet, and eventually, for the rest of the universe. He was frustrated by the lack of movement by the Titan government, and believed it simply came down to money.”
“So he started dealing in illegal trade; nothing too harmful, just goods that were banned for one reason or another. Then it became drugs. Then weapons. Then…people.” Gamora swallowed. “Both Nebula and I were taken from our parents as children, and intended to be sold for…other purposes. But for whatever reason, he decided to keep us instead. He raised us to be his protectors, and then his lieutenants. We were never left alone until a year ago, when he became too greedy, and sent out every last one of his Children to carry out jobs for him at the same time. That’s how we ended up being sent to Morag by ourselves.”
Peter nodded thoughtfully. “And he’s making a play on…what was it you said? The Infinity Stones?”
“Tivan is in possession of one. It’s why he helped Nebula and I find a place to stay, free of charge. In exchange, we protect his business and his life from our father, as shady as he may be,” Gamora replied. “And you? How did you come by Knowhere?”
“Finishing one last job.” At her confused expression, he patted the empty spot on the breast of his jacket, where the ghost of a cloth patch remained. “Ex-Ravager. But I wanted to get out of that life, do somethin’ honest. Cleaning up the streets of Knowhere seemed like a good start. Then I met Drax, and he told me all about what happened to his family and countless others…it just made sense.” He smiled apologetically. “I guess I’ve been keeping things from you, too.”
“That’s why the Nova Corps know you so well!” Gamora exclaimed. “You’ve done prison time.”
“More than I wanna think about,” Peter chuckled sheepishly. “Okay, so I was hard on you earlier. We both got pasts that we kept from each other ‘cos it was convenient, and I decided to be a hypocritical a-hole about it. I just…I thought I’d grown to trust and care about someone who wasn’t who I thought she was, at all.”
Gamora smiled gently, nudging his knee with hers. “I wasn’t pretending to be someone else. I promise, all I did was conceal my former affiliation with Thanos. Everything else is true. In fact, I’ve never felt more myself when I was with you and the others. I meant it when I said I was enjoying my time with the team. I never had any intention of harming you, ever. All I wanted was a legal way to take Thanos down, see if I could follow the law and stop him, instead of just killing him outright. When your agency’s name popped up, it just…it felt right.”
Before Peter could respond, Nebula let out a sudden snarl of distaste. They both looked up, only just realizing that she had crossed the room to stand guard by the window. “Chitauri,” she hissed.
“You see the weapons?” Gamora jogged over to join her, Peter following closely behind.
“No…Chitauri.” They both followed Nebula’s pointed finger, eyes widening in horror as at least thirty Chitauri soldiers marched their way through the startled Sakaaran crowd, knocking over every last passerby without so much a glance. They didn’t appear to have a commander with them, or a particular target, but their presence could only mean one thing.
“Thanos is here,” Gamora said in a near-whisper, stepping back from the window. “He might not know that we’re here, but he’s already come for the Grandmaster’s champion.”
Peter blinked. “So, uh, something tells me we should rethink skippin’ out on the Contest of Champions, after all.”______
Valkyrie, unsurprisingly, was delighted to hear they had changed their minds. She sent some clothes ahead for them in preparation, and invited them to sit with her in the Grandmaster’s private box (“I usually decline since some of his other favorites are creepy, but if you’re taking on the Mad Titan himself, you at least deserve a good view,” she had grinned salaciously). Peter, meanwhile, felt like he was experiencing deja vu from the previous night (had that really only been just yesterday?) with Gamora on his arm, only this time she was wearing ceremonial Sakaaran armor instead of an evening dress.
“Scrapper 142, how about that! You finally decided to join me, after all these years,” the Grandmaster beamed, squeezing Valkyrie’s hand with a vigorous shake. “You’re always hidin’ up in the nosebleed section on that rustbucket of yours, I was almost about to give up asking. But I’m sure glad I didn’t, hey?”
“I brought my guests with me. I thought they’d appreciate the view,” Valkyrie replied, gesturing behind her.
“Why, hello there. Aren’t you all somethin’ to look at?” The Grandmaster’s scrutinous gaze was intense enough, but the twitchy eyelash fluttering soon became too much for anyone’s comfort, and the three of them quickly settled into their seats on Valkyrie’s other side.
“You must have seen the Chitauri soldiers arriving earlier,” Gamora murmured to Valkyrie, who hummed in confirmation. “Any progress on finding combatants?”
“Let’s just say that you really owe me that drink,” Valkyrie said, grinning. “How does the full force of the Asgardian army sound?”
Peter leaned around Gamora. “How’d you pull that off?”
“It’s…a long story.” Valkyrie’s face fell a little, her mouth twisting unpleasantly. “Now hush, it’s starting.”
The next hour went by in a blur, starting with a couple warm-up fights that were only mildly interesting. They were far more invested in scanning the crowd for any signs of the Chitauri or worse, the Children, than to pay much attention to some lackluster combat. Gamora was steadily becoming more anxious as time went on, half-expecting Thanos to burst through the fighter’s gates at any moment and tear her apart. Then:
“Is that him?”
Gamora and Nebula went numb, cold sweat breaking out across their foreheads at the familiar baritone that rumbled not too far behind them. Oblivious to their predicament, the Grandmaster go to his feet, cheerful as ever as he greeted the newcomer. “No, no, not yet, much too soon. Trust me, you’ll know my beloved champion when you see him. Sit, sit. I’ll give you the rundown on what you’ve missed, huh?”
“Aw, crap,” Peter muttered under his breath. Through his peripheral vision, he watched as the Mad Titan himself settled into the chair on the Grandmaster’s opposite side, resting his elbow on his knee as he leaned forward, furrowing his brow, squinting intently into the stadium. He didn’t need to look behind him to know Gamora and Nebula were absolutely petrified. “Hey, uh, Valkyrie, can you do something?”
Valkyrie stood abruptly. “I’m taking my guests to the bar,” she announced loudly, quickly yanking Gamora and Nebula up by the wrists and practically shoving them out the door. Peter sprinted after them as they exited the Grandmaster’s private box, ducking into a side stairwell, away from the watchful eye of the Chitauri soldiers stationed at the doors.
“I wasn’t expecting him to be that close,” Gamora said breathlessly. She seemed seconds away from vomiting profusely. “We didn’t plan for this. We can’t take him on, not now, not without the full force of an army behind us.”
“So what, we run? He’s right there!” Peter exclaimed. “Let’s get the frickin’ guy and get this done.”
“You don’t know him like we do, Quill. He may look like nothing more than a brute, but he’s far too clever. He would have to be to get this far.” Gamora raked her fingers through her hair, pacing back and forth, her heels clattering against the metal grates below. “Our only option is if we can catch him by surprise. I might have an idea, but it means we have to go find his transport pod and wait for his return.”
“This better be a damn good idea, because I didn’t come here to die,” Nebula grumbled.
“It’s the best I’ve got,” Gamora shrugged with a wistful smile.
“I’ll go back to the box and keep an eye on him,” Valkyrie offered. “Besides, the Grandmaster’s champion is my friend. I need to make sure he doesn’t get traded off Sakaar, not before his other friends come to take him home.”
Peter looked puzzled. “Friends?”
“Another long story. Now go before the Grandmaster gets suspicious. It doesn’t usually take me this long to order drinks,” Valkyrie chuckled wryly.
The three of them moved to leave, keeping their eyes and ears open for Chitauri soldiers, though Gamora couldn’t help but call over her shoulder, “At this rate, I owe you the entire top shelf!” as she sprinted away.______
Thankfully, it wasn’t too difficult to find Thanos’s transport pod among the swarm of vehicles and spacecraft crowded in beneath the Grandmaster’s Palace, considering it was surrounded by Chitauri soldiers. They ducked behind a rundown M-ship, watching intently as the soldiers circled the pod in slow, menacing strides. “You’re lucky I remembered to take my blasters to the office,” Peter whispered, unearthing them from his bag. “And you guys got your - where the hell have you been keeping swords?” Nebula merely glared at him in lieu of a verbal response. “Alright, alright, sorry I asked.”
“Forget your guns, Quill,” Gamora murmured, gently pushing his hands down. “The Chitauri are tough; they require brutality, not bullets. Remember my instructions?”
“Get into the pod, send out a scrambled tracking signal. Once the pod docks with Sanctuary, we can track him wherever he goes,” Peter recited diligently. “I mean, not gonna lie, I’m kinda bummed out we’re not gonna take him down for good today.”
“It’ll be better in the long run,” Gamora smiled sadly. “Find the rest of his operations, all the little hiding spots that even we didn’t know about.”
“Yeah, makes sense,” Peter nodded. “We don’t exactly have the authority to kill or arrest him, either. Hell, he could probably kill me with a snap of his fingers.” The sisters both stared at him incredulously. “What?”
“Stay here and wait for our signal,” Gamora said firmly. “When you have a clear path, make it quick - get in, get it done, get out.”
“Yeah, I got it - oh.” Peter watched helplessly as Gamora and Nebula went barreling over the broken wing of the ship, charging into the crowd of Chitauri soldiers with a mighty cry. They barely had time to react before the sisters descended upon them, slashing their way through every single body like they were made of paper, the ground rumbling with the sheer weight of the army’s sudden collapse. “Okay, I’ll just be back here - ”
“Now, Peter!” Gamora hollered over the sounds of metal hitting flesh and the helpless screams of fallen soldiers, driving her sword straight through a Chitauri’s heart.
Peter nearly tripped over his own feet as he sprinted towards the pod, using his blaster to blow the door open - this was no time to hack the autolock. He collapsed into the pilot’s seat, and with trembling hands, yanked open one of the utility panels underneath the console and began digging around, holding a penlight between his teeth. “Focus, Peter,” he muttered to himself as his shaky fingers untangled the wires that connected the navigation system. The minutes felt like hours as he worked, sweat rolling down the back of his neck. He tried his best not to look out the window to keep an eye on the sisters as they fought a seemingly endless stream of Chitauri, though his heart beat painfully fast out of nervousness for both him and them.
Just as he was finishing up, an enormous thud erupted from somewhere above his head, almost like someone had jumped on top of the pod. Slowly, Peter peered out of the dashboard window, his blood running cold at the realization of who it was. He held his breath as he retreated into a shadowy corner of the already-miniscule pod, quietly closing the door behind him.
“Daughters.” His deep baritone rattled its way through everyone’s bones. “What a surprise.”
“Believe me, we aren’t excited to see you, either,” Nebula growled, brandishing her electrified blades.
“You’ve been doing this for too long, Father. All the pain you’ve caused people…the pain you made us complicit in…it needs to end.” Gamora drew her sword as well. “Either we take you in, or we take you out.”
“You think because you’ve chased a few leads, solved a couple crimes, called yourself a private investigator, you’ve absolved yourself.” Thanos let out an unsettlingly dark chuckle. “Oh, Gamora. Still unbearably naive, all these years later. Still believe that your purpose is to help others, when your purpose is to save them.”
“I will not help you find the Soul Stone. It will do you no good in your quest for ‘salvation’ or whatever it is you tell yourself to feel better about your irreversible sins,” Gamora snarled. “I want to wash my hands of your wretchedness and atone for my own. We can do this the easy way, Father. Let us take you to the Nova Corps. Confess to everything you’ve ever done - give them numbers, give them names. Live the rest of your days freed from your truths, or they will hunt you down for the rest of time.”
“And you think they’ll listen to me?” Thanos advanced, his strides long and thundering against the dense Sakaaran soil. “Or will they kill me where I stand? What do you know of freedom, Gamora? Or truth?” He leaned down, bringing himself eye-to-eye with his daughter. She held her breath for a moment, taunting him with her silence. Then he knocked her sword clean out of her hand and grabbed her by the wrist in one fell swoop, yanking her up into the air. Gamora shouted and spat in his face, struggling to free herself, but his strength far outmatched hers. Peter, still hidden in the pod, dug his fingernails into his palms in anger.
“You always told us we were terrible liars.” Nebula stood tall. “And our freedom began the day we left for Morag.”
With a roar that rivaled his, Nebula ran straight for him, propelling herself up and slashing across the tops of his shoulders with her blades. In his haste to retaliate, Thanos dropped Gamora, who snatched up her sword and went sprinting for the transport pod. Peter watched in confusion as she ducked out of his view, his heart speeding up even faster as Thanos and Nebula continued to spar. The sisters’ reputations, he found, were not for nothing - Nebula, despite her relative size to Thanos’s enormity, was doing her best to keep up, though she seemed to be directing him closer and closer to the pod, the expanse of Thanos’s back grazing the glass every few seconds as she pushed him back.
Finally, there was a pause, though if either of them were out of breath, they didn’t show it. “What do you really think you can accomplish here, Nebula?” Thanos sneered. “Your life was best lived under my guidance, and even then, you had half the strength of your brothers and sisters.”
“And you think you can rattle me, spit venom in my face and pour salt in my wounds. But your words do nothing but fuel my desire to kill you where you stand,” Nebula hissed, narrowing her eyes. “But today…and just today…we have something else in mind.”
Thanos barely had time to blink before Gamora leaped from the top of the transport pod, slicing her sword clean through the shoulder wound on his left, severing his arm completely from his body. He let out a bloodcurdling scream of anguish, collapsing to his knees with a dizzying thud, trying and failing to brace himself on his right hand as his nose hit the dirt.
Gamora landed neatly on her feet, pacing around to his front in a deliberate manner. She pressed the tip of her bloodied sword into the back of his neck, leaving the slightest, almost surgical incision at the top of his spine. “Consider that a warning, Father. You taunt us and doubt us like you weren’t the one who instilled our thirsts for violence and fear.” She glanced briefly at Nebula. “We’ll let you go. But only because you’re currently more useful alive than dead.” Gamora smirked. “Besides…I don’t have the authority to arrest you.” She tilted her chin in the direction of the transport pod. “Leave us. Now.”
Thanos only just managed to struggle to his feet when Peter came crashing through the door of the transport pod, donning a mask and additional gear that Gamora had never seen before. He somersaulted through the air, slapping a small device onto Thanos’s back before flipping right over his head, coming to a stop by Gamora’s side, hovering a few feet above the ground in his jet boots. “Catch you later!” Peter said cheerfully, pressing a button on a remote that also seemed to have come out of nowhere.
Gamora and Nebula watched incredulously as Thanos was suddenly yanked back into the pod with a mighty clang, the door slamming shut after him. Peter unearthed a tablet from his bag, and with a couple quick commands, the pod activated, its engine and systems humming for a brief moment before it shot straight up into space at an immeasurable speed. The three of them stared up at the night sky in dumbfounded awe, Thanos’s helpless thundering shouts fading into the distance.
“Peter…what the…” Gamora breathed, turning to look at him in half-pride, half-disbelief.
Peter merely shrugged. “What? I was in there for a long time. Figured I could put some of my other skills - and old Ravager tech - to good use.”
“Looks like my sister’s faith in you wasn’t as misguided as I thought.” Nebula patted Peter almost condescendingly on the shoulder before turning and walking back toward the Grandmaster’s Palace, stashing her blades back into her boots. “Well? Are we leaving this literal trash planet or not?”
Peter and Gamora looked at each other. “Don’t have to ask me twice,” Gamora remarked with a relieved smile.______
“Still doesn’t feel real.” The three of them had returned to Nebula’s stolen ship after saying brief goodbyes to Valkyrie (and, to their chagrin, the Grandmaster as well). Peter and Gamora were once again sat on the bench, though side by side this time. “I’ve been chasin’ that bastard for ages, and to be that close…to almost beat him…I know I should be more pissed about letting him go, but you made the right call. And the fact we survived at all is a major win.”
Gamora nodded in agreeance. “You know what? I feel the same way. I’ve spent so long running from him and chasing after him at the same time, and to get all the way here…looks like joining your office wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”
Peter grinned triumphantly. “So…what’re your plans now?”
She frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I’m heading back to Knowhere so I can return to my life, the team. I bet Mantis freaked out the second she realized I was gone. Plus, you kinda took all of our stuff.” He gestured towards the stack of documents currently stashed in her bag. “Anyways, you and Nebula don’t have a place to stay anymore, and there’s no way the Black Order aren’t gonna come back. So where are you gonna go?”
“I…was thinking we would go to Knowhere with you.” Gamora chewed her lip. “After all, we managed to make it this far. Who says we can’t do it again? Actually take Thanos down for good?”
Peter smiled, something soft and sweet and a little mischievous, just like two nights ago on the casino balcony. “Sounds like a plan.”
She broke her gaze, the intensity of his eyes becoming far too overwhelming for her senses, opting to look out at the stars instead. “You had something you wanted to say to me, back at the casino. Something you wanted to ask.”
“Oh,” Peter chuckled awkwardly. “I, uh, don’t worry about it, really.”
“Try me,” Gamora said simply, glancing back at him.
“I was gonna…well, I was gonna ask if maybe, you’d be interested in going to dinner sometime. Just you and me. O - or, it doesn’t have to be dinner, we could go to - I mean, there’s nothing really to do on Knowhere that’s legal, exactly, but - ”
“Elsewhere, then,” she suggested, her smile growing. “We’re both seasoned travelers, after all.”
“Yeah?” The crease between Peter’s brow slowly relaxed, his smile widening in anticipation. “You want to?”
“Oh, why not? I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to ask, or if I should just do it instead.” Gamora reached over to squeeze his hand between both of hers. “So it’s a date…partner.”
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