#if i got anything wrong in here PLEASE let me know im happy to be educated more
peachypizzicato · 1 year
The Five Of Cups: An Open Letter to Dorian
Hey everyone! Welcome back to my soapbox (or, if you see this and by some divine happenstance don’t know me: Hi! I’m Felix! Or Anemone. I go by many names.)
As you can tell by my Big Boy Letters, I’m comin’ to talk about kind of a serious subject. At least, it’s serious to me anyway. I wanted to talk a bit about the game The Arcana. You know the one. The definitely not at all divisive one. That Arcana. (/s)
(Warning: I will be touching on depictions of racism, misogyny, anti indigenity, antisemitism, and just general mistreatment of marginalized people!)
TLDR; The Arcana is full of harmful portrayals of marginalized people and the fandom at large ignores it at best and encourages it at worst. The best thing we as the community can do is make it abundantly clear to the company that this is not okay and should not continue.
To be completely upfront here, I’m not going to be going in-depth on every single problem with the devs or the distributors or anything. We’re all busy people and there’s not nearly enough time in the day. But what I am going to do is touch on a few things I’ve witnessed firsthand that I think are worth sharing with the wider community.
One of the behaviors I’ve noticed most often is what I can only think to call… Strange treatment of the love interests. Not by everyone, mind you, but on a startlingly normal basis. Now, what do I mean by “strange”? Well, it really depends on the character honestly.
With Asra, much of the portrayals feel significantly more sexualized than that of their peers. Drawn and portrayed as if their body exists to be ogled by someone else rather than lived in by themself, y’know what I mean? That, combined with blatant orientalist imagery baked into much of their designs, makes for a feeling of feast or famine when seeking out content. And this isn’t even to comment on the intense focus on them as defined by their relationships to others– namely Julian– and all of the mischaracterization that comes with that.
It’s not much different in regard to Nadia, if you can believe it. The image of “step-on-me-queen dominatrix” cultivated by the original writers persists in the community, with overwhelming focus put on her body and her sexuality over anything else. Anyone who’s known me since I discovered the game knows I actually really liked her at first, but it’s hard to have a genuine attachment to a character who seldom even gets to have a personality outside of basic traits and Having Tits.
Julian is, admittedly, a difficult one. I am not jewish myself, but I’ve heard testimony from jewish fans that his portrayal is less than ideal (to put it lightly). At the very base, his design itself is riddled with common antisemitic imagery and was based primarily on a real brown-skinned jewish man whose melanated skin they excluded, surely coincidentally (/s). but it goes even further than that (depicting a jewish man as a bloodsucking vampire, anyone?). I don’t claim to speak for any groups I do not belong to, but with the knowledge I do have it simply makes things uncomfortable to witness.
Muriel. Oh, Muriel. Again, if you’ve known me for any significant amount of time, you probably knew I was dreading this. But as much as I’d like to think nothing could ever be wrong when he’s around, there are definitely problems. Now, I could go into all the issues with the way the writers concocted his route, his story, his character as a whole (brown man with a ~foreign~ type of magic lives in solitude in the woods and is “in tune with nature” to the point of communication, very original /s), what I really want to touch on here is how this informed the way the community treats him. Listen, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this, a lot of Muriel fans are not subtle about their (most often white, but not always) savior complexes. More times than I care to remember I’ve seen him babied, treated like he’s incompetent, made at best into an animal to be tamed and at worst into an uncontrollable monster. I’ve seen pieces of fanfiction call him, a very blatantly indigenous-coded character, a real actual slur. Not to mention how watering down the trauma he faced has become something of commonplace. And this isn’t even an exhaustive list of ways he’s mistreated! For as much as it makes me angry, it’s also extremely saddening. The devs and writers made one of their most genuine kindhearted characters into a metaphorical punching bag, and the community has only continued swinging for years afterward.
But, I think I’ve made my point. Moving on.
Portia is a combination of problems I’ve already touched on. Conveniently, all of the stereotypical traits that Julian inherited happened to skip right over his little sister. What didn’t skip over, however, was the gene of being shamelessly and gratuitously oversexualizing of her. Take a look at any of her CGs; most if not all of them are centered on her chest or otherwise use color and design to draw the eye there. Every one of her sprite outfits are low cut to show varying levels of cleavage. And the few vocal fans she does have only serve to perpetuate this over and over again. To be completely clear, there’s nothing wrong with characters who embrace their sexuality. That goes without saying. However, for being the one “plus-size” love interest– which really in this case only means short and curvy– the emphasis on her body over anything else about her is startling and sad.
Finally, we find Lucio. Our one ethnically white male love interest. You may be wondering how a character like that could possibly receive “strange treatment”. Or maybe you’re not. I will elaborate anyway. The biggest problem with Lucio, with the fans and absolutely with the teams behind the game, is and has been for the longest time the complete and utter lack of awareness of his role in the world and the consistent retroactive rewriting of his character. What I mean by that is this: Lucio, originally and in every route but his own, is blatantly written to be an unforgivably cruel and immoral man. He seeks the best treatment he can get while cityfolk all but die in his streets, he takes advantage of the kindness and generosity of others and punishes their trust. There are many assumptions that can be made but we are shown explicitly that he can know Asra, a child (as an adult himself), and make sexual advances on them in adulthood with absolutely no guilt. He blackmailed Muriel into being and staying his slave and in turn forced him to perform brutal public massacres for an indeterminate amount of time: all we know is that it was long enough for a colloquial name to become well known and for his appearance to grow unkempt and haggard. All this plus more things that I don’t even have the time to list. And yet, he is arguably one of the most popular characters. Take two steps into the fandom at large and you’ll see countless postings about how his childhood was so tragic and how he’s so very sorry, he’s just a little oopsie whoopsie uwu soft boy! The few times I personally have seen his horrible actions even addressed by his fans was to underplay them, to insinuate that he has it worse than anyone he hurt. In spite of, or maybe even because of his extensive list of broadly observable crimes, he thrives in the community. The people love him. I don’t think I really have to explain why this in particular is so extremely chilling to me.
So, with all of these things laid out… What now? We’ve acknowledged the problems, there’s pages upon pages of other posts outlining ones I didn’t even cover here, so now what do we do? What’s the solution?
The answer to this isn’t quite cut and dry. There’s no simple solution to murky waters that run as deep as these do. But, for what it’s worth, I have a few suggestions I’d like to propose.
First off, I understand that all of the routes are finished. They had all completed well before the Dorian acquisition, I’m fully aware of that fact. However, in regard to said acquisition, I feel as though Dorian dropped the ball when transferring the property to their own app (and I’m not even talking about the writing of the tales, which is its own can of worms). Rather than simply copy-pasting the routes from the existing app, things could’ve been redone, remade better. Problems could have been solved now that the game had gained new life. This was much of the inspiration behind my own reworking of the concept, to address the problems and fix them. I don’t even believe that it’s too late for them yet; routes have only just begun being uploaded to the Dorian app, in theory there’s still room to reconsider things.
But that’s the problem. I don’t believe that the crew behind Dorian really cares. I don’t believe the original development team or Nix Hydra crew really cared. If the people involved really cared about these problems, there was ample time within the last nearly five years to fix things. They did nothing. They continue to do nothing. People like me shout endlessly into the void, hoping someone will hear and actually listen to the issues happening within their game. But they don’t care. They continue to make money, they continue to draw in players, why should they? If racism and misogyny and every other form of bigotry under the sun doesn’t hurt their bottom line, why change anything? Why care, why change if the community at large not only ignores it but actively encourages and supports it? Why listen to criticism if you can just block it and soak up praise from your unconditional fans? Why?
As I said, I don’t have a simple solution for any of this. But I’ve made personal choices in my own life to give less of my time and money to the company. If I want merchandise, I seek out independent artists. If I want to see or read something again, I can find screencaps. As much as I miss certain things, I don’t play the game anymore. I can’t help being attached to characters who have been important to me for as long as I’ve known them, but what I can do is make purposeful choices in response to the affection I feel. Maybe my singular actions won’t mean anything to them, but specifically and purposefully refusing to support the profits of a fundamentally flawed game that doesn’t even have the self awareness to be ashamed of itself means everything to me.
Thanks for listening. I hope anyone who happened to make it to this point can take something good from my impassioned ramblings.
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landososcar · 1 month
so american ; CL16
pairing(s) ; charles leclerc x american!reader
summary ; in which a trip to monaco turns permenant because of one ferrari racing driver
warnings ; fast paced relationship, smau, google translated french (pls correct anything that’s wrong) & FLUFFF
note ; lol sorry i lowkey disappeared. anyways. here’s charles and leo (aka everyone’s fav duo)
instagram !
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liked by friend1, charlesleclerc, and others
youruser leo & i might never leave 🥰🇲🇨
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friend1 monaco is so so beautiful
yourbff you can’t leave me here alone in the us
youruser but…
charles_leclerc im stealing her
yourbff you’ve know her for 3 weeks
charles_leclerc whats your point ??
friend2 the states miss you come home
friend3 leo has a new lap to sit in????
yourbff i feel cheated on
charles_leclerc i’ll make sure you don’t leave ☺️❤️
youruser having the best time of my life with you🫶
yourbff saying you’re not gonna let her leave is kinda creepy not gonna lie…
charles_leclerc you’re just jealous coz she doesn’t wanna go back to the us and wants to stay with me
friend4 you look so happy😁
instagram !
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liked by fan1, fan2, and others
cl16updating recent pictures of charles with a puppy, fans who asked him about the dog say his name is leo and he is not charles dog but he is staying with him for a while!! we are also unsure who the girl in his car in the last picture is, if anyone has any idea please share her instagram @ with us!!!!!!!!
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fan1 omg he’s not his dog??? i’m devastated now i wanted leo paddock appearances
fan2 idk maybe if you guys find her instagram @ don’t share it,, if charles wanted us to know about her he’d share with us
fan3 if she doesn’t want us to know about her maybe she shouldn’t hang out with the prince of monaco
fan4 she should be able to hang with whoever she wants. some of y’all are so weird
fan5 imma steal that dog
fan6 that means we probs won’t get leo in the paddock😭
fan7 maybe leo is the girls’ dog and she’s a friend of charles visiting him or something idk
imessages !
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translation 1: ‘i’ll miss you so much’
translation 2: ‘we can be crazy together, my love’
twitter !
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instsgram !
youruser added to the story!
charles_leclerc added to his close friends story!
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charles_leclerc replied to your story
↳ you always do baby
↳ god you’re so cheesy
↳ i hate you
↳ can we go back home i miss leo
↳ charlie babe leo will be fine by himself for 3 hours
↳ i know i know
↳ i just love him so much
you replied to charles_leclerc’s story
↳ LEO GOT OUT??????????????? WHERE IS HE ??? IS HE SAFE??? DID SOMEONE FIND HIM??:??;??/??
↳ omg baby no leo’s fine i’m sorry for worrying you
↳ why would you joke about that
↳ i think i nearly had a heart attack
↳ you’re more obsessed with leo than me
instagram !
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liked by user1, user2, and others
f1wagupdates charles and his girlfriend (leo’s mum — we don’t know her name) this saturday. the owner of the first pic said that they were out for dinner with pascale, arthur, lorenzo, and their girlfriends.
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user1 she so beautiful oh my god
user2 where’s leo
user3 girl she doesn’t have to take him everywhere
user4 i think her name is y/n… my cousin in america said that she looks like someone she used to go to school with
user5 i looked through charles’ following and he follows a private account with that name @youruser
user6 ooo that could be her fs
user7 did she really leave leo alone.. she’s a bad owner wtf
user8 leo is a dog he’ll be ok by himself for a few hours omg you just want a reason to hate her go touch grass
twitter !
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twitter !
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instagram !
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liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and others
charles_leclerc happy gorgeous amazing month ☺️❤️
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user1 CHARLES who is THAT
user2 Y/N CONTENT ON THE MAIN ‼️‼️‼️
carlossainz55 whipped
user3 omg is she playing his piano
user4 yes with her feet
youruser love love love you
charles_leclerc chérie💓💓
user4 anyone else think they’re moving REALLY quickly…. like i heard they’re living together already
user6 it’s none of our business
yourbff you’re all she talks about oh my GOD
charles_leclerc are you jealous
instagram !
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff, and others
youruser “too much, too soon” i’m living with him lol
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yourbff remember when we had conversations that weren’t about him
youruser wdym
yourbff i hate him
yourbff you’re OBSESSED with him
yourbff you guys are DISGUSTING
youruser you sound jealous
yourbff i AM. that little french driving man STOLE my best friend
charles_leclerc FRENCH????????
friend1 miss you 🫶🫶
joris__trouche ❤️
friend2 come visit soon we miss youuuu
friend3 you’re so so so gorgeous
charles_leclerc MON AMOURRR
yourbff can you get me a ticket to the miami gp so i can see my wife pls
charles_leclerc no you’re gonna try steal her back
yourbff @youruser ur boyfriend is being mean to me
youruser charlie i lost my miami paddock pass can you get me another one pls but like could you put it under the name y/bff/n y/bff/ln please, for no reason☺️
charles_leclerc okay baby💓💓
youruser stop it i love you so so much you’re so adorable😭
leclerc_pascale Leo ❤️
youruser he misses you 🥰
imessages !
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my other works !
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rafeysdoll · 1 month
i’m literally FERAL
could you please do one where rafe somehow convinces reader and he FINALLY gets to be inside of her🫶🫶🫶
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"rafey," you mewl, tugging at his polo as he laid on the couch, writing emails and conducting business. "im.. needy, want help." you whisper, biting your lip as you tilt your head to the side. "what was that?" he taunts, shit eating grin displayed on his face as he dismisses his phone, tossing it aside as he gets up anyway.
you eagerly head back into his room, quickly jumping to his bed as you wait for him to lay, ready to hump him as if he was your very own toy to get rid of all your overwhelming desires.
but yet he remains the same, standing still with his tongue nudging at the side of his cheek as he sighs rather dramatically, hand now over his hip. "you know, baby.. i.. uh," he pauses, tactifully letting silence fill the room for you to worry, wanting you get yourself worked up.
"i just dont know how to say it," he continues, turning around so he can only give you a show of the back of him. “what is it?” you question, voice bordering a whimper. “did i do something wrong?”
rafe smiles menacingly, taking a deep breath. it was time for the last stone to be set.
“here, come stand next to me alright?” he requests, turning back around to offer his hand. you quickly listen, right besides him in seconds as he caresses your hand in his own. “baby, i don’t know if i can do this.” he states, brows meeting together in a tight line, leaning in slightly as if he was offended.
you take a shaky breath and gulp, a strong queasy feeling in your stomach. “w-why?” you reply, bottom lip put out. “you.. you don’t like it?” you frown.
“no, no i do. that’s the problem, im a man.. and, well uh.. it’s hard, you know baby? got all these feelings and i can’t even act on them. i mean, it can’t be fair.” he confesses, pretty blue eyes staring at your own.
“oh,” you realize, looking down at your connected hands. “well.. well that can change, can’t it? we can just.. you know.” you whisper, heat and desperation tingling through your body. you didn’t want any of this to end, you were willing to do anything before he had to be ripped away from your hands. “oh.. oh i dunno baby, that’s a big step.” rafe pretends to deny, his cock already twitching and throbbing. he was so close to what he had been working towards for so so long.
“no, no really rafe. i.. i mean now we can both.. enjoy it.” you carry on, nodding. “please? don’t wanna go to anyone else,” you plead, small tears collecting in your lower lash line. “you.. you sure?” he smiles, his own heart thumping profusely in his chest. “i’m sure, ray.”
the rest was a fast blur, your best friend’s thick length bullying himself inside you, crying at every single ministration he gave you, hoping this could never end.
it was the first night rafe finally got through to your tiny hole, writing and squirming under his touch as he mumbled sweet nothings besides your ear — telling you he had been waiting for so long.. that the wait was worth it to finally do this. it was perfect in both of your minds.. rafe finally getting his best friend on his cock and you simply thinking you were only making both you and him happy.
you were always rafe’s girl, even before you ever realized it.
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daenysx · 2 months
hi love <3
first off i wanted to say that i find myself lurking in your blog way too much than I should (i mean i have a life and i cant spend all day reading your fics, OR CAN I?) and i love how you write and hejsusjsjsj you just make my day, so i hope you’re having a wonderful day gorgeous💗
second of all, can i please request either a poly marauders or a sirius (or James whichever you think fits the story better) x fem reader where her birthday passed and just no one seemed to really care except for the boys? Some of her friends forgot and some others gave a half hearted birthday wish and she just feels sort of unloved? and just lots of hurt/comfort/cuddles/fluff hehe thanks
if u cant tell, im projecting🤧 my birthday was on the 9th and lets just say it was not that important of a deal for most people :)
you are the sweetest angel, my love, happy late birthday!! i'm really sorry, you deserved the best birthday and i hope you can accept this little fic as your birthday gift!! ♡
it's my first time writing for poly!marauders, please share your thoughts with me!!
poly!marauders x fem!reader, fluff + a little hurt/comfort
your cheeks ache from giving smiles to your boys all day.
it wasn't an eventful birthday for you, but it was so so nice. you woke up to kisses from james, his whispers of sweet nothings as remus came back to your side from kitchen. sirius's hair was wet from the shower he took as he does every morning, you and james watched how remus took care of his curls from bed. you spent more than an hour just staying in bed, feeling more loved than ever with their words and kisses.
when remus finally convinced you to leave the bed, james offered to carry you in his arms all the way to kitchen. "anything for my birthday girl." he said, your lovely boy. sirius kissed your lips as he handed you a cup of coffee, pancakes and fruits were just like you enjoy. a perfect birthday breakfast, you laughed at every joke sirius made, accepted every forehead kiss from james. remus was giving you heart eyes, you blushed from the attention you got. he gave you an easy smile and you blew him a kiss.
the boys had plenty of offers for your birthday celebration but you decided to stay at home. you wanted a quiet day with them, just being lazy and careless. thinking about wishes and dreams about your new age. you liked how easy it was to do as you wanted with them, no explanations or excuses needed.
you could hear the whispers coming from kitchen when james got you comfy on his chest, cuddling on the couch. he kissed your hair, your arms tightened around his body. legs tangled, fingers curled up on his shirt.
you checked your phone, the screen was bright, showing there's a birthday message from lily. you smiled, replied her long text. there were other texts from a few of your friends. well, technically they were birthday messages but- none of them felt like they actually wished you the happiest birthday. why would people text like celebrating someone's birthday is a chore? you frowned, couldn't accept the fact that you were in fact, waiting for something better. didn't you deserve it?
james noticed how your smile fell, he could see the texts on the screen. "happy birthday, love u." that girl was supposed to be one of your closest friends. you really were expecting something more- heartfelt? you always tried to make sure people you like know how much they are liked by you, texted the sweetest messages to them, cared about their birthdays more than yours. it didn't feel fair. still, you didn't want to jump into conclusions and ruin your day. you let go of your phone to wrap your arms around james.
he held you gently, kissing you again. "anything wrong?" he whispered. you shook your head. it was nothing important. he nodded, giving you a little time to collect your thoughts.
"angel." he said, "there's something here you may want to see."
you looked up, saw your boyfriends holding a birthday cake for you. it was beautiful, covered in silver colored candles. remus held the cake for you to see better as you sat up, the candles were definitely sirius's choice. you forgot about the texts, seeing them smile at you like you were the most precious thing in the whole world was making your head dizzy with affection.
you blew the candles, making a wish. james's fingers were drawing circles on your arm. you kissed your boyfriends thank you, a slow but happy tear rolled on your cheek. "come on, sweetheart, there's nothing to cry about. you're still young." sirius said, winking. his lips were curved into a playful smile.
"let's eat the cake." you said. "god, it looks so good."
"you remember remus's friend who owns a bakery? we got the cake from his shop." james said.
"who, charles?" you asked, remembering details about charles for a second. "i always see the cakes he makes on instagram, he's really good."
"first slice for the birthday girl." remus said, giving you your cake. "happy birthday, sweetheart. we love you so much."
"i love you so much." you said before taking a bite. "it's delicious. thank you."
sirius ate his own slice in three seconds. "this is better than i expected. another slice, please moony."
you kissed his chocolate covered lips fondly. hours were spent on eating cake, gossipping about sirius's workplace, drinking tea, and changing into different cuddling positions. your phone was silent, no one called. there were no other texts. it's weird, you thought. even the people who celebrated their birthdays with you didn't bother to give you a small text.
the day is almost finished, you are full with cake and sweets. james insists on doubling up the princess treatment he gives you every day and helps you with your skincare. you are sitting on bed as his fingers apply your night cream on your achy cheeks, sirius and remus brush their teeth at the bathroom after you and james leave for bed. your hand reaches to your phone. nothing.
"i think," james starts. "it's time you should tell me what's been on your mind all day."
you shrug. what can you tell? expecting birthday wishes from people feels weird. maybe they forgot. maybe they didn't care enough. should you remind them it's your birthday? no, that's stupid. is it? you don't know.
"what's upsetting my baby on her birthday?" he says. "tell me."
"there's something upsetting our baby?" sirius steps in after remus. "what happened?"
you give them a smile that says you're okay. "nothing." you start. remus's eyes find yours, worry sparks in them. "it's just- the girls and my friends from work- some of them forgot about my birthday, and other messages were a bit weird."
"i'm sorry." remus says, holding your hand. "i'm really sorry about that, angel."
"it's okay." you say. "i mean, no one has to remember."
"um, yeah, they kinda have to at some point." sirius says. "you do your best to remember things about your friends and you have every right to expect the same from them."
"i know." you say. you know, but what can you do?
james leans in to kiss your cheek. "i know it's terrible. you don't deserve it. i think- it's not your fault, yeah? you didn't do anything wrong. you deserve the best."
he says the last part silently like he's sad and it breaks your heart. they tried to make your day perfect, they don't deserve to end it sad. you don't deserve to sleep upset on your birthday. you look into james's eyes. "i already have the best." you say. "have you seen our boyfriends?"
you are being sweet on him. "have you seen yourself?" you say, pulling his face to kiss him. he smiles into the kiss. "i'm okay, really." you say.
"of course you are." sirius says. "in what world the birthday girl goes to bed upset?"
remus brushes a kiss on sirius's curls. they are lovely, sitting up in bed to comfort you the best they can. you need a bit time, you think. it's a hard thing to carry, feeling like you are not loved by some people you care about. it's not fair to the boys though. you are so incredibly loved by them and you feel it in your every breath. you can think about the others later. for now, you only need to show your love to your boys. the three people who deserve it the most.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
in which the older sister of lando norris finds herself teetering dangerously towards the precipice of her brother’s, significantly older, colleague.
( fernando alonso x norris!reader )
track one: gold rush. track two: delicate. track three: labyrinth. track four: false god. track five: happiness. track six: the 1. track seven: daylight. track eight: lover.
✩⡱ warnings: age gap! reader is 25, fernando is 41.
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liked by isahernaez, estebanocon, and 78,294 others
yourusername back in london town
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landonorris mum asked if you’re coming to dinner on sunday?
⤷ yourusername tell her yes, i’ll bring dessert, and please teach her how to text
user queen is back in the same city as me i might cry
lewishamilton i’ll be around next week, we should grab coffee!
⤷ yourusername only if you bring roscoe
⤷ lewishamilton yes ma’am 🫡
user im going to miss her in the paddock :(
⤷ user fingers crossed she’s back after the break
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it was rather refreshing, to be back in your own apartment after weeks of living hotel to hotel. knowing where everything is, cooking for yourself, spending every night under your own covers. granted, after nights spent close to fernando’s side, your double bed felt much emptier than it did before.
with the summer break begun, the lack of work was leaving you with little to do. and the apartment had been sitting empty for weeks, desperate for a deep cleaning. so, clad in an old shirt and some shorts, you got to work. halfway through wiping down the entire kitchen, your phone rang, silencing the nineties hits playlist you’d had on.
hurrying over in your fluffy socks, you glanced down at the ringing screen. fernando. you hadn’t seen him since that morning lando had shown up in your hotel room. frankly, after your conversation with your brother, you fled the country as quickly as you could.
“hi,” you greeted him tentatively, after answering the call. he was quiet on the other end, your heart picking up its pace with every moment of silence.
“you left without saying goodbye,” he eventually speaks, voice monotone and heavy. you curse him mentally for being so unreadable, so plain when he wants to be.
you sigh, a finger rubbing your brow bone as you settle yourself on the couch. “i’m sorry, ‘nando.”
you weren’t sure of what else to say. you glanced at the time, ten minutes past eleven, wondering what time it was where fernando was. still in belgium? back home in spain? he wasn’t here, and that seemed to squeeze at your heart.
“so, what does this mean?” the question you had been dreading. the question you had asked yourself the whole plane ride home, and every moment since.
“i don’t know,” you murmured, truthfully. “it’s so complicated. if… if we keep this up, we’ll only get attacked. and lando will constantly be on edge — i don’t know if he could ever really accept it.”
“we could make him—” fernando begins to argue, and you can hear the frustration in his voice now.
“please, just listen.” he falls quiet and you lean back into the cushions. “i won’t be able to live knowing my brother didn’t approve. i can’t lose him, ‘nando, he’s my best friend. but…”
your lip wobbles, a tear slipping down your cheek. one you quickly wipe away, willing your emotions to get back in shape. fernando notices the shake in your breath, and his heart breaks when he realises he can’t do anything to help.
“but… the time we spent together, it was wonderful. you’ve taken my whole heart and i’ve happily let you keep it. it’s not something i want to let go of.”
“can’t we have both?” fernando asks, ready to beg you to stay. “lando will come around. and who cares about the press? we’d have each other, that’s what matters.”
“and what if it goes wrong?” you ask, almost too sharply. “what then? i can never come to a race again, because i won’t be able to face you? or we make it awkward between you and lando? he really looks up to you, fernando.”
“what could go wrong?” he asks, though he knows the answer. he knows about his own mistakes, and the reputation that came from it. but he would never dare break your heart, for it would only ruin his own.
“mi amor, please…” he doesn’t care how desperate he sounds, because he is desperate. desperate to love you, to have you forever. “at least let us try.”
you consider it for a moment, you really do. torn between the possible love of your life and your baby brother, the hellish debacle of the century. but blood ran thicker than water, right?
“we never should have started this,” you brave the words, though they stab you in the process. but you know the only way to do this is to hurt him, to give him a reason to stay away. no matter how it kills you. “we can’t go on. it’s not like it ever could have worked, and you know it’s true.”
“no,” he replies firmly, holding himself together. “no, i’m not letting you go that easily.”
“i’m sorry, fernando. try and enjoy your break, okay?” you click the red end call button before he can reply, turning your phone off and sinking into the cushions, body soon racking with gentle sobs.
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, and 302,834 others
lando.jpg home sweet home
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user back with the y/n content, the people’s princess 🫶🫶🫶
pierregasly y/n’s cooking 🔛🔝
carlossainz55 i want a norris family dinner rn
user Y/N’S SO CUTE
fernandoalo_official enjoy ❤️
writers note: whoopsies. this is short sorry i’m super duper busy atm 💌
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astra-kamari · 3 months
Anything Aang or Sokka related!!
I need my fix I just want some Aang or Sokka fluff please and thank you(there is not enough💀)🙏🙏!
So real for that-there really is not enough.
Im going to make this place your home
Summary- After the war you have no where to go so Sokka takes you to the southern water tribe and tries to help you find your nee home
A/n-Was listening to home by philip philips and got inspired, kind of all over the place but here ya go.
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The war was over. That was it-you had won. You still couldn’t believe it, Aang took away Ozai’s bending-Zuko was fire lord, all was right.
Except that it wasn’t. You had no where to go, nobody to go home to. All of your family was dead, and you didn’t have friends outside of the Gaang.
They were all so exited to go home, why wouldnt they be? They had something to go home to. You were happy for them, you really were. It just hurt that they wouldn’t need you anymore. You would all go your separate ways and you’d be alone again.
You were on a balcony at the fire nation palace, full, and with clean cloths for the first time in who knows how long. You looked out at the sky and sighed. It hurt knowing they would all leave, everyone had their own lives.
Aang was the literal avatar, leaving to help where he could.
Suki had gone back to the Kioshi warriors.
Zuko was a very busy fire lord, trying to rebuild in Ozais wake.
Katara and Sokka were going to rebuild the southern water tribe.
Thats what hurt the most, Sokka was going to leave you. You had seen it coming, nothing lasts forever. He had a life to get back to and he would leave you behind. You let a tear fall down your face, looking down at the ground.
“Y/n?” You hear from the room behind you. “Y/n!”
You turn to greet an ecstatic Sokka, quickly wiping away your tears.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! We are all going to go-“ he stoped as soon as he saw your face.
“Whats wrong?” He asks calmly grabbing your hand.
“Its nothing don’t worry about it” you say smiling up at him.
“Hey, no. No, dont you do that.”
“Do what” you ask innocently.
“That, pretending your feelings dont’t matter, pushing them aside. I’ll ask again. Whats wrong.”
You just look up at him, you weren’t ready to break, not yet. You rushed forward and hugged him, burying your face into his neck. Tears threatening to fall once more. You two stayed like that for what seemed like forever. You didn’t want to let go, you were scared he was going to leave you for good.
“You know the Gaang is waiting for us?” He says as you look up at him.
“Really? Why?”
“We are all going to take one last ride on Appa, before we separate for a few months.”
“Thats great! Lets go” you say putting your smile back on. At least you could pretend that your world wasn’t crashing down on you.
He pulls you back, “i know that theres something wrong, but we can talk later, when your ready.” He gives you a kiss then pulls you down stairs to the rest of the group.
This was it, the day you were dreading. Evryone was going to leave today. And you still weren’t sure where you would go. You didn’t want to go back to roaming the earth kingdom, but thats all you’d ever done. Town to town, what else were you supposed to do?
You were standing in the balcony once again, looking at the ships waiting on the beaches to take your friends away. You hear a door behind you. You turn and see Sokka, all his bags packed, either an unreadable expression on his face. You weren’t ready, you had been mentally preparing yourself for this moment, and you still weren’t ready.
“Y/n? Um, we need to talk” he said nervously. “Everyone leaves today, im going back to the south pole…”
“You dont need to say it”
“I dont?” He looks surprised.
“No, ive seen this coming. I knew you would have to break up with me and go back to your tribe.”
Now he just looked confused. “Break up? Wait you want to break up?”
“No! But i thought thats what you were going to do? Dont you have to go back to your people?”
“No! Well yes, but no! Thats not what I was doing.”
It was quiet for a minute.
“So” you pushed.
“Right, so um.” He took a deep breath. “You know how you dont have anywhere to go?”
“Yep, thanks for the reminder.”
“Thats nit what i ment- i just. Doyouwanttocometothesouthernwatertribeandstaywithme?” He rushed out in one sentence.
“What?” You laughed.
“Do you want to come and live in the southern water tribe with me?” He looked up nervously at you.
You were shocked. Was this really happening? You didn’t have to be alone! You must have been stuck in your head because he cleared his throat.
“You dont have to of course. I was just thinking-“
“That it would be fun and-“
“And you didnt have anywhere else to go-“
“And I’ve already checked with katara and my dad and they’d love to have you-“
“There and it would be awesome so-“ you kissed him-the only way to get him to shut up.
You pulled back and looked up at him. “I love to”you smiled before pulling him in again.
After a week or two of sailing, you had finally reached the southern water tribe. To say you were exited would be an understatement, with all of the stories Sokka told you, you couldn’t wait.
Sokka walked up and hugged you from behind. “You exited?”
You turn your head and kiss him on the cheek. “Of course! What are we gonna do first!”
“Well first we need to unpack” he says laughing as you pout.
“Where am i gonna stay?” You asked, you’d thought about it a lot and didn’t want to overthink anymore.
“My hut..if thats alright? Of course we could have another one made for you, if you’d prefer?”
“Your hut sounds perfect.” You smiled, you were happy to finally have a home.
You and Sokka got all unpacked and went out for a walk. The ice was beautiful like you’d never seen.
“I was thinking, maybe we would go see the-.”You looked up to him. “Actually it’s going to be a surprise.”
“Sokkaaaaa.” You whined “you know i hate surprises!”
“This will be a good one i promise.”
You and Sokka left when it was dark and no one was around. You quietly tip toed out of the village towards huge glaciers.
It had been a while of hiking and you were starting to get tired. “Sokka how much farther?”
“Not far just trust me.”
You hiked in silence until he stopped looking up at the sky. “This should be good enough”
You looked at him puzzled. He laid down and pulled you down with him. You rested your head on his chest, happy with the surprise.
“Look up.” He whispered. You looked up and saw thousands of lights dancing through the sky. So many colors, alls different shapes and sizes. There were colors you had never dreamed of, it was breathtaking.
“Sokka it’s beautiful.” You whispered, captivated by the beauty. You both lay there for a while in a peaceful silence.
Until Sokka sat up, pulling you with him. You were so close your foreheads were touching. “I know you never felt like you’ve had a home.” He says as he gives you a kiss. “But im gonna make this place your home.”
And you never felt alone again.
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babybluebex · 2 years
oh please for a blurb im obsessed with super innocent reader and pervy eddie? if you’re comfy with it of course. thank u <3
ooh yes i love this trope so much, thanks for sending it in! cw innocent!reader, dubcon, coercion, trading sexual favors (nudity) for drugs
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"Luckily for you, princess, pretty faces work on me. How about $15?"
You shifted slightly on the old wooden bench, chewing your bottom lip. You had never bought weed from Eddie Munson before— you had never bought weed before, period, but your friends had convinced you to be the one to see the deal through that day. You didn't smoke when your friends did, you didn't drink when they did, you hardly partook in any of their nasty habits, but you loved your friends, and you would do anything for them, so you agreed to be the one to buy the weed for that Friday night.
"I dunno," you mumbled. "I, umm, don't wanna rip you off or anything..."
"$15 for this much is pretty cheap," Eddie started, swinging around the plastic sandwich baggie full of the little green buds. "Why have I never seen you before, though? Like, I see you around school, but here you are, suddenly buying my weed and robbing me blind while doing it."
"Oh," you started, and your fingers twirled in your pink skirt. "Umm, my-my friends wanted me to buy it today. S-Said, umm, that you'd like me and give me a good deal."
You didn't miss the way that the older boy's eyes swept your frame, from your precious white sweater to your pristine white sneakers and socks and cute little pink skirt that matched your backpack. You knew that maybe it was a little childish to like pink so much, and, sure, people made fun of you, but you never saw anything wrong with it. But Eddie wasn't looking at you like he wanted to bully you; he was looking at you oddly, in a way that nobody had ever looked at you. Your tummy did a flip, and you wriggled again uncomfortably.
"Well, princess, I sure do like you," Eddie said. "I've liked you for a while. But I can't just part with this much weed for $15, I could hardly do it for $25, and even pretty girls like you should know that much."
"They only gave me $15," you said, your voice wobbling, and Eddie pouted. "Please, Eds, I-I'll do whatever you want, just don't—" You sighed. "I don't wanna go back to them and tell them you wouldn't sell to me. That's so embarrassing."
"It is embarrassing, princess," Eddie agreed. "Your friends don't seem very nice... But I'm nice. How about this, you can do one thing for me, and I'll let you off with all of this for that 15, how does that sound?"
You nodded quickly. "Anything," you said. "I-I'll do your homework or something, I'll do anything."
"Come stand over here," Eddie said, beckoning you across the picnic table with a single finger. He pointed to where he wanted you to stand, right in front of him, almost between his knees, and you did it, settling yourself as close to him as you could. "Lift up your shirt."
"Huh?" you asked, your mind going blank.
"I know you've got a pretty rack under that sweater," Eddie told you. "Probably have on a little pink bra, huh?"
"What's a rack?" you asked softly, and Eddie's eyes went wide, almost like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Do you really not know..." Eddie started. "Oh, you sweet thing. Sweet little princess... Your tits, baby. Show me your tits and I'll give you that weed."
"My tits...?" you repeated, looking down at your body. You knew what tits were, and you could figure out what Eddie meant by "rack", and your leg shook as you tugged at your sweater. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, sweetheart," Eddie said, reaching forward and pressing his hands to your waist. "I'm positive. Just a quick peek under your sweater, and I'll be happy."
You gulped, and you muttered, "Does that mean you're my boyfriend?"
"Excuse me?" Eddie asked sharply, and you felt silly for even asking.
"I mean, girls only show their tits to their boyfriends," you started. "And I'm going to show you my tits, so that means... Right?"
"Sure, baby, sure," Eddie said quickly. "Sure, I'll be your boyfriend or whatever. C'mon, lunch period's almost over, and I'll get in trouble if I'm late to O'Donnell's again. You don't want your boyfriend to get in trouble, do you?"
"No," you said, shaking your head. Finally, your hands grabbed at the bottom of your sweater, and you lifted it up to your chin, exposing your chest to Eddie. His eyes were wide as he took in the sight of you, your tits straining with each breath against your bra, and he leaned forward a little bit, almost like he wanted to press his face between them. He stopped himself before he got too close, though, and he sighed.
"Look at those," he said. "Jesus Christ, you've got some nice tits, baby. Thank you for showing me." He sat quiet for a moment, getting an eyeful of you, and he only snapped out of his trance when, distantly, the bell for the end of lunch period began to ring. "Here, take this and go, don't worry about the cash. I'll call you sometime."
Eddie hastily shoved the sandwich baggie of weed into your hand, and you dropped your shirt as your heart soared. "Oh, thank you, Eddie!" you exclaimed, and you threw your arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Hey, princess?" Eddie started as you shoved the baggie into your backpack, and you looked at him with perfect doe eyes. "Don't tell your friends how you got that weed. That's the sorta thing only boyfriends and girlfriends talk about, okay? They'll call you mean names if they knew what you did."
"Okay," you said quickly; you didn't want your friends to make more fun of you than they already did. "You said you'll call me?"
"Sure will, princess," Eddie said, flipping shut his lunchbox. "Expect it tonight."
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formulaonesmut · 9 months
Better in red – CL16
important message
writers note: I have dyslexia, which means that writing is difficult for me, but I really want to continue doing this. Sorry if everything isn't always right!
Warnings: Smut 18+, P in V ( be safe!) sort of first time, sweet Charles turning into dom. Insecure reader.
Sorry for not posting this but I really don't like this fic, I don't know but I'm not happy with this one.
let me know who you want to be next!
this is my work and i do not consent to use this
Saturday 19 November 2022 ahu Dhabi Final race,
Exactly on this day, 4 months ago you met the one and only Charles leclerc. A dream that came true. You started a year ago with your new job at F1, you started with being a extra hand. That meant that you helped with the interviews, making it ready, making sure everything was there in time.
Almost a year later your dream came out, you started officially working as a journalist for f1TV. And there it was, questioning drivers about their races was amazing but not the easiest job. And it didn’t got any better when you started to gain feelings for Charles leclerc. At first you thought that it was only a crush and he didn’t seemed interested, until 4 months ago. You were standing alone in the doorway, Charles passed by but within 10 seconds he called your name
´´yn is it right?´´ he smiled, offering you a hand, of course you took it before you gently shaked it.
´´ yeah i am. Is there anything wrong?´´ you blushed, he totally caught you off guard and you were already preparing yourself
´´ so ehm- im not really good in this, and if you don’t want too is that okay, but eh´´ Charles rumbled but you were quick in stopping him.
´´ hey, its okay! Go on spit it out leclerc´´ you chuckled, your finger pads slowly running up and down over his hand palm.
´´do you wanna go out with me?´’´
There is were it all started, and now you guys are dating. It still feels unreal sometimes, your dating the one and only CHARLES LECLERC!!!!!
Its weird and iknow many people wont believe you, but you guys haven’t had sex, or something you needed to be naked for. Yes hand jobs and fingering were something, but Charles knew that you just had sex, for once. He always letted you set the pace, and making sure YOU were comfy with it.
Maybe it was weird, but you guys didn’t wanted to make it official for the world, so you both decided to not share a room. This so no one noticed that you guys were almost a couple. And to be honest, it was hard to act normal when you were in the paddock. This guy had you around one finger and you loved him so so so much.
You were running late for your interview with Carlos in the Ferrari hospitality. Yes, when i say running you were running.
´hey princess´ Charles smiled when he saw you running through the halls.
Your eyes quickly scanned the room before running up to him.
´´ how late are you back? When are you done´´ Charles smiled down to you. God this guy.. so handsome, every time you saw him you just could not hold your self in and just started smiling.
´ may i.. kiss you?´ he asked you, his hand came upwards to cup your cheek. Brushing some hair behind your ear.
´yes .. please Charles kiss me´ you half begged him before he dipped down to your level and kissed you.
It felt so unreal and you just couldn’t stop searching for his touch, his fingers intertwined with your hair both off you don’t want to let each other go.
‘’ah here you are. Love birds I have a interview’’ Carlos chuckled before leaning in the doorway.
Carlos was the only one along side Pierre that knew that you guys are something. Not that you wanted them to know but they caught you already a few times kissing.
‘’I’m sorry Carlos’’ you sight before letting Charles go.
‘’I'm done at 6 babe’’ you smiled before giving Charles a quick kiss.
‘’good, see you tonight baby’’
- later that night –
When your phone ringed you immediately rushed too it, your hands quick in grabbing it and picking it up while you were fixing your hair.
´´ there is my pretty girl´´ Charles smiled through the phone.
´´ hi handsome´´ you smiled while your bottom lip was stuck between your teeth.
The call was innocent, a lot of talking about F1 and small other things. But something inside you snapped when Charles started whining.
´´ baby, cant you pleeeaaase come over i really miss you´´
´´ Charlie, you already saw me today´´ you smiled
Charles is really nervous because he is starting 3th tomorrow in the last race off 2022. There is a lot off pressure that’s on his shoulders, he is standing second with 290 points amazing right? Not really.. checo has the same amount off points and is starting second.
Charles was so hectic today, picking his hands, moving his leg up and down and he was talking non stop. That was for you a easy sign to see that he was nervous, and it wasn’t weird.
You knew you had to do something to take his mind off racing for a night, you knew you were ready and this was the perfect timing to.
You walked to your bed before laying on your belly, lifting yourself up on your elbows. So you were Giving Charles THE perfect look, your shirt was hanging down a bit giving him a sneak peak off your boobs that were covered in your new red and gold lingerie bra. you could see his eyes immediately shooting down, he was really trying not to look. But it just happened and he wasn’t sorry for it, Charles loved your body and always tried to help you start loving yourself.
´´ baby.. don’t make it harder for me to stay in my room´´ he smiled, his cheeks already heating and coloring up.
´´’what’s wrong handsome?´´ you questioned him, but of course you knew what was wrong. And once again his eyes shooed down and stayed there.
´’i can see my pretty baby’s´´ he smiled. ´´ oh come on baby, you know what i mean´´ Charles winked, his eyes quickly shooting from your boobs to your eyes.
´´oh? Do you want a better view so you can sleep well?´´ you teased back, Charles quickly nodded yes before you tugged your shirt over your head. Charles mumbled a quick ´fuck´ before he turned his head away, a big smile was on his face and his cheeks were even more red.
´´were are you staying handsome? I wanna come over´’
´´room 418, be quick. The door is already open´’ and with that Charles ended the call, and fuck he knew what your plans were.
The tension between you two was unwritable, from little teasing through out the day to sending him a photo in your new lingerie.
You were quick in chancing, grabbing only your phone and a bathrobe. You shooed it over your lingerie and rushed out, and yes. The door was already open and when you opened it you could only gasp.
Charles had changed into a white blouse, it was hanging open and the room was dark, but filled with candles. On the bed was drawn a heart and there was music playing on the back ground.
´I knew that you were quick´ he smiled before walking up to you, his hand brushing over your shoulder.
´´ you didn’t had to do this Charlie´´ you smiled while your eyes where wandering around the room.
´´ I wanted to make it special for my special girl´´
You could feel Charles his eyes burning on your skin, even when he stepped a little closer to you. His body pressing against yours, his warm breath on your skin and his eyes trying to look what you were wearing underneath the bathrobe.
´´ give me a kiss handsome´´
And within 3 seconds Charles his lips were pressed onto yours, his tongue parts your lips and you could feel his body shivering with desire,
Charles his hands shooed to the back off your thighs. That was a signal for you to jump into his arms, you slammed your legs around his waist without braking the kiss. And before you knew it your back was slammed against the wall.
´´fuck handsome´´ you moaned into the kiss, giving Charles perfect access to explore your mouth, Charles had trapped you between him and the wall, and on this moments he was so happy that he was an athlete.
You could feel that One off his hands sneaked upwards trying to open your bathrobe.
´´ no no Charlie ´´ you slapped his hands away from your bathrobe while you broke the kiss. Your head overloading with ideas. And one perfectly matched.
´´oh. Didn’t knew you were in charge´´ Charles smirked, that goddamn cocky bastard.
You softly pushed yourself away from the wall before jumping out Charles his arms.
´´what are you-´´ Charles frowned slightly before you pushed him backwards.
´´ come on sit ´´ you patted the edge off the bed. Charles wasn’t a person that loved to obey someone but today, he wanted to give you a chance.
´Your hands slowly moved up and down his chest and his breathing was already gaining up in speedy mode.
You slowly took a step backwards, your hands made a way to the knot in your bathrobe before untying it. The bathrobe perfectly fell from your shoulders, completely exposing your body in the brand new red and gold lingerie set.
It was the set you got from Charles, and he was always complaining about it. He wanted to see you in it.
´´ fuck... so pretty baby´´ Charles breath out, and just completely sat there, admiring your body. his hands came up to feel your body, almost as if he was dreaming this.
´´ fucking hell baby. you look so so good in red baby´´
And yes it was such a beautiful set! The bralette just covering enough off your boobs, it perfectly hugged your skin and it made your body look like you were on fire, but you still felt insecure about it.
Before Charles could talk again you took place on his lap, facing him and Each leg beside his. His mouth hung open and his eyes are locking in with yours.
´´you look so good baby.. Fuck your driving me crazy´´ he repeated, his eyes scanning you up and down again before reaching out for your hands. he could tell you a thousand times how good you looked.
´´feel what you do to me baby´´ he blushed, his hands took yours to his chest. Placing it on his chest so you could feel his heart beating.
´´fuck i cant take my eyes off you. and im so proud to call you mine´´
´´don’t stare so much Charles.. that’s rude´´ you chuckled but he definitely could hear the in secureness in your voice.
´´’don’t see what’s wrong with your body, your perfect the way you are I’m just disappointed that you don’t know how gorgeous you are´´ Charles smiled while one of his finger traced your jawline.
´´ its just.. i think i could be a little more .. trimmed´´ you sighed while looking down.
´´ Cherrie i love your body, everything you ´hate´ about it is what drives me crazy.´´ Charles smiled before softly grabbing your jaw, making you to look at him.
´´fuck you don’t know how many people in the paddock are looking at you when you enter i almost feel jealous the way they look at you´´ he told you. His eyes searching for yours before he brought you in a big long hug
Its almost weird how comfortable you felt yourself in his arms, it immediately felt safe
´´you don’t have to be shy or insecure around me okay? Your my perfect girl and i want you to feel special baby.´´ Charles smiled before he placed his hands on your waist, he adjusted you a little bit better on his crotch before his hands started to roll your hips over his crotch.
´´ mhm fuck Charlie´´ you breath out while you hid your face in his neck. Planting a few kisses in his neck while his hands kept rolling your hips.
Charles his hand shooed to your ass before grabbing the back of your thong, pulling it a bit upwards what made you moan. He pulled it backwards so it was more pressuring your clit and once his hands started moving your hips again you could only moan in his ear.
You have done this so much together, just like two honry teenagers. Grinding on each other, he even made you ride a pillow in front off him because you didn’t dropped your attitude.
´´fuck Charles please i need you so badly´´ you say while kissed his neck.
´´ you sure Cherrie?´´ Charles asked you, he waited 3 months long for his moment. But he had too make sure that you wanted this just as bad as he wanted.
´´ yes Charlie I’m ready and i want you now´´ you smiled while you tried to hide the blush that was coloring your cheeks.
´´ then you don’t hear me complaining, do you want me to be in charge Cherrie´´ Charles was always so caring and it really made your heart melt.
´´ you please. Please please pl-´´ before you could finish Charles connected your lips with his´. His tongue was exploring your mouth while he was quick in flipping you over so he was hanging on top of you, one of his hands came upwards to push the hair that had fallen in front off your face behind your ear before reaching his destination around your throath. He squeezed it gently but enough to make you head go fuzzy.
He took this as a opportunity to get more power over your body, he tilted your jaw up, placing kisses alongside it while his hand is still around your throat. And he clearly enjoyed the feeling when you swallowed.
´´ open that pretty mouth Cherrie´´ Charles demanded you, you were really quick in obeying. You opened your mouth and sticked out your tongue. A string spit quickly followed from Charles his mouth to yours.
´´now swallow it like a good girl´´ Charles breath out. The feeling off your throat moving underneath his hand gave him a powerful feeling. Small whimpers and whines were heard as he licked a stipe down your neck. Charles moved his attention lower, trailing more kissed to the exposed parts off your neck, before sucking a hickey.
You and Charles talked a lot about sex, so knew you that Charles loved to be in control but also loved your mouth, and he quickly knew that you loved it to got treated as a bad girl.
His mouth was lowering to the straps of your bra before grabbing one in his mouth. He carefully shoved it down your shoulder, the feeling of his stubble and the warm breathing on your exposed chest were giving you goosebumps.
When they both were hanging loose around your shoulders he easily flipped you around, his body still towering above you while he settled both knees on the outside of your thighs.
His both hands came down, his fingers tracing from your neck down, over your shoulders down to your bra, too your waist and stopping by your ass.
´´ such a beautiful back baby´´ Charles mumbled before pushing his hips forward, pressing his crotch against your ass, you could feel the outlines of his harding dick against your ass. Each off his hands layed on one of your ass cheeks before gently squeezed it.
´´oh god please... Charlie do something´´ you whined.
´´ I’m going to show you´´ he says while running his hands up and down over your bra before taking it off. ´´ who your god is Cherrie´´ he continued.
His fingers were playing with the end off your thong while he bended down and licked one long stripe up from your ass to your neck.
´´mmhm Cherrie turn around´´ he said while he hangs in a high plank above you.
And so you did, pushing yourself upwards just like a push up before coming up with your knee to help you. Your ass perfectly pushing against his crotch before you could turn around.
It made you both laugh because it seemed easier then it was. And just for a second you didn’t realized that your boobs were fully exposed to him.
´´ such as beautiful as i thought Cherrie´´ he smiled and leaned down to give you a quick kiss, his mouth immediately wandering down, to your jawline, neck and slowly down to your breasts. His tongue painfully slow running over your nipple before giving it a quick suck.
´´ please char do something, i cant- just cant wait any longer. I really need you´´ you whined out, your eyes were almost glued to his arms, those veins that were running over his arm, they looked like they were going to explode.
´´ you want my fingers baby?´ ´Charles groaned
´´ mhm´´
´´ come on use your words Cherrie, where do you want them´´
´´please inside me.. please daddy´´ you could see Charles swallowing by the nickname ´daddy´ even tho he never wanted to admit that he liked it.
He settled himself on his knees between your legs, after his hand quickly made work off your thong.
´´ spread your legs wider princess´´ Charles told you. He could see the scariness in your eyes and it wasn’t easy to just spread them, but you trusted him.
His finger easily found his way down to your already wet pussy, his fingers dipping into your wetness, spreading it over your pussy before circling his finger pad on your clit.
´´ so wet already´´ Charles mumbled ´´ come on darling let me hear you´´
It was scared but you tried to take your mind off that, the way charles his fingers perfectly circled over your clit made you already see stars.
´´fuck yes Charles!´´ you moaned out. Hands gripping the sweets. Nails digging into the fabric.
His finger teased your entrance before giving in and slowly inserted his finger.
´´fuck you feel so good already baby, cant wait to feel you clenching around my dick´´ charles moaned
Charles was definitely a talker in bed, and fuck that was so hot. The way he can turn you on so easily just by words.
His finger started pumping in and out you, those hands can make a woman dream so easily.
he brought his thumb to your clit. Circling it over your sensitive bud The squelching sound of your wetness reached your ears while he pumps his finger in and out you.
His thumb sets a faster pace on your clit, making your toes curl and your nails dig into your hand palm.
‘’ that’s it princess’’ he said while adding another finger , curling them upwards, making sure the pads of his finger where touching that sweet spot inside you, your body begins to shake, your walls clenching around his fingers.
‘’your going to make a mess on my fingers princess?’’ you nod while moaning heavily.
‘’’yes .. yes char.. I’m s-so close’’ your mind falls blank, just feeling and hearing his fingers inside you, touching constantly the sweet spot that was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
And then it just hits you, your back arched off the bed, goosebumps all over your body, toes curled while you moaned Charles his name.
Charles gave you a little bit time, his hands slightly massaged your upper thighs
´´ I’m not done yet baby, I know that you easily could have a second run without a brake´´ Charles winked before diving into your dripping pussy. His tongue perfectly lapping your clit while he pushed 2 fingers inside you, his fingers angled a little bit upwards. Making sure to hit your G-spot inside you.
‘’oh fuck ..’’ a slightly louder moan had slipped out, suddenly as his nose dragged over your clit perfectly while his tongue continued to make your toes curl.
He hummed in appreciation of your praise, sending vibrations through your core before he moved his lips to your clit, managing to slip a finger inside you.
‘’ come on princess, let the neighbors hear who you belong to’’ he practically cooed up at you, not wasting any time in adding a second finger, pumping them in and out you in a fast pace.
‘’ oh god charlie.. ‘’ you moaned out, stomach twisting. His lips where back at your clit, causing you to roll your eyes back. He did everything right every time, his fingers stretching you out did not make a wrong move as they thrusted in and out you, his tongue flicked perfectly over your sensitive bud.
´´ you taste so good Cherrie´´ Charles mumbled
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, the knot in your stomach was already forming while Charles settled the pace even higher.
‘’char.. I’m c-close’’
‘’your not allowed to cum baby, keep it in I know you can’’ Charles commanded you.
His fingers perfectly hitting your G-spot while his mouth and tongue were perfect in stimulating your clit.
‘’i-i- cant ..’’ you breath out.
‘’you cant what?’’’ he asked you while he took his mouth off you.
‘’im so close I cant h-hold it’’
Charles didn’t wanted you to finish that quick because he had all the time to make you feel special. He took carefully his fingers out before licking them clean
´´you taste always so good baby´'he smiled before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
‘’you did so good baby’’ he whispered.
*not a while later* ( small time skip, don’t know what to put here XD)
You turned his hand slowly before you pressed the tips on his middle and ring finger against your lips, you gave them a kiss before slowly wrapping your lips around them.
A grunt rumbled through his chest as both fingers sat in your wet mouth, tongue running between and around them. You pulled them out before pushing them right back in, lips tight around them as you slowly moved your head back and forth.
Your hand drifted towards his waistband, Charles was quick in grabbing your hands.
´´let me help you please Charlie´´´ He was making sure you 100% wanted to, and not the feeling you had to. Charles was quick in letting your hands go as you dragged his pants down his muscular thighs. Leaving him in his tight white Calvin’s.
Painfully slow you pulled his Calvin’s down, his hard cock slapping against his lower stomach, the tip coated completely in pre cum. Charles had propped himself up on his elbows to be able to look at you.
´´mhm so big char´´ you blushed.
You teasingly pressed a kiss onto his tip, watching it as it twitched and smiled to Charles who had already his eyes closed in anticipation.
´´ mhm fuck baby you know you don’t have too right´´ you only hummed in responds before your lips closed around his tip. A hissing sound left Charles his mouth, this was the first time he had you around his dick.
Your mouth was slowly bobbing up and down, spit dripping from the tip down his shaft.
Charles thought he was dreaming this. Fuck you were so perfect and just what he imagined
You kept bobbing your head up and down, charles was big but you managed to fit it all. You had no idea what to do so you kept repeating your movements.
‘’your doing it amazing baby- so goo-d’’ Charles moaned one hand intertwined with your hair helping you to hold your hair out off the way.
´´ tu le fais si bien ma princesse´ ( your doing it so good my princess) charles moaned out when the tip hitted the back off your throat.
You sped up your movements a bit in witch charles twitched. Moans filled the room and gosh it sounded so good.
You clenched your thighs together trying to get some friction. Even tho you had the most mind blowing orgasm 5 minutes ago you felt yourself so horny. Your body was feeling hot and it was almost if you could cum without even touching yourself.
Charles his hand came down to your head his fingers intertwined with your hair trying to make a swift ponytail.
´´'is this okay baby.. Fuck!´´ he cursed when you took him down your Throat
´´look at me baby.. fuck those eyes..´´ you followed his instructions while you kept sucking him. When you made eye contact you could only moan.
But before you knew it charles gently tugged you off his dick. And all you could do is whine.
´´stop whining so much or i will make you whine baby girl´´
´´ make me.´´ you told him, your bottom lip tugged between your teeth. You had no idea where the confidence came from but you needed to say it.
´´oh?´´ he smirked before leaning down and almost swallowing your lips. His tongue danced against yours. His hands grabbed the back off your thighs before turning you around, making you lay against the headboard on your back.
His mouth found once again your neck, sucking a hickey. His hand came down to his dick before his tip runned up and down your folds.
´´merde tellement mouillé pour moi´ ( fuck, so wet for me) he groaned before he looked at you.
´´you still sure you want this baby?´´ he asked you.
´´yes yes yes charles please ... please i need you to fill me up please´´ you begged him, your legs slammed around his waist trying to pull him closer.
He was slow and made sure you were okay. He slowly pushed his dick inside you, making you moan out loudly. The tight feeling made charles see stars too.
The way he filled you up was perfectly, the stretch, the sound and not to forget the feeling it was so amazing. His dick already Pressing against your G spot as he stilled his movements, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
´´fuck you feel so so good and tight baby´´ charles groaned. his fingers digging into your hip making you move a bit.
´´fuck baby´´ charles groaned ´´are you okay baby?´´
´´yes Charles please.. just fuck me” you moaned, rolling your hips into his making him groan.
You could feel Charles twitched at your words, his hips gaining speed. Your mind falling blank at the feeling. His dick perfectly hitting your G-spot making your eyes roll back in your head.
‘’fuck, eyes here darling’’ he muttered between the heavy breaths, one of his hands were on your throat, his finger pads digging into the skin. Making your eyes rolling back even more.
‘’I said eyes here princess” he corrected you, his hand was on your neck to hold you in place when the other one rested beside your head.
He had you under his grip, moaning at his touch and begging him to keep going. His lips kissing and pinching at your skin as loud moans escaped your mouth, his trust became harder and harder.
But out of nowhere he stopped, trying to catch his breath while pulling out you.
“Don’t stop Charlie pleas-“ you whined
‘’ get on all fours baby’’ charles commanded you,´´ get on all fours don’t make me tell you again´´
You were quick in obeying him, you felt 2 hands grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge. Making your knees hit the small couch that was standing before the bed while your chest was on the edge off the bed while Charles settled himself behind you.
He got quickly his pace back, hitting every sweet spot inside you, your pussy clenching around him making it even tighter then it was, he spanked your ass having you jolting forward. A load moan escaped your mouth when he slapped you again, harder this time
‘’please charles.. don’t stop.. I really want you’’ you whined out
At that moment he thrusted his hips into yours making sure to fill you full, before pulling out to the tip and slamming in again.
‘’fuck so tight.. ‘he breathed out. He laced his fingers through your hair, pulling it to his chest, so your chest was raised off the bed. With every thrust from charles in his new position, your hips were slamming against the bed edge, causing you pain but the feeling inside you barley even allowed you to register it in your mind.
You let a small giggle at his words ‘’you act like you didn’t like it but we both knew that was a lie’’ he pushed you back onto the bed, his hand that was in your hair was coming down to your neck, his finger slowly wrapping it around your neck as the other was grabbing your hip.
“Fuck you look so good with my dick inside you baby” he groaned
You were grabbing onto the bed so hard that your knuckles were turning white. Charles picked up his pace and with every thrust he was getting deeper than you even knew was possible.
“Ah- I’m so close-“ you breath out, your hands grabbing the sheets digging your nails into the fabric.
“I’m gonna cum” Charles moaned in your ear.
The knot in your belly grew bigger and bigger and before you knew you felt your orgasm take over you as he continued to thrust into you at a steady pace allowing you to ride out your high. Once your orgasm was complete you felt him fill you up.
“ you did amazing my cherrie”
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lightnotyagami · 3 months
hiii!! Do you write on aether?? If yes, can you write a dom!aether x fem reader where the reader is just fucking bratty with him and he decids to punish her? With a breeding kink if possible! Have a good day and take care of you!
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" Untrust us. "
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Aether x fem reader smut
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A/n: you have every right to kill me anon im MONTHS too late for this cuz i was studying to get accepted into my dream school☠️but i did it & had time to reopen this acc so heres your FF!
Summary: your Professor is making you go insane and aether knows just the right medicine against the stress
Tw/cw: breeding kink, school stress, bratty? Reader (im not very good at writing bratty fems im so sorry) , dom aether, harsh smut, could be considered modern au but i thought of sumeru akademia😭 + correct me if i missed anything !!
"Im gonna go fucking- ahh!" you stormed into the apartment kicking off your shoes and walking into the bedroom without even greeting aether. You threw yourself on your bed, face first, letting out an uncharacteristic groan. you got into a fight with one of the Professors, he was makibng you go insane since the beginning but straight up loosing your project and claiming you never gave it to him?? what the hell is wrong with this man?? you thought to yourself as you felt the weight of the bed shift , aether appeared next to you softly brushing your hair out of your face, or at least trying before you hit his hand back "aether do NOT." you growled out. aether simply chuckled lightly, and pulled his hand away from your face, you sat up quickly glaring at the aether in front of you."What's so funny?" you asked as you leaned forwards, placing your hands on your knees."nothing" he responded, giving you a quick smile which you didn't return. You weren' t in the mood to be happy right now. you grabbed a pillow throwing it towards aether who caught it, not saying anything more you laid down again
"you know, i can fix this."
"what the hell do you mean?"
"n-ngh~ aether" you moaned out, arching your back at his harsh thrusts into you "aww come on~ wheres that bratty persona now?" he mocked you as he moved faster "i-m sorry~" you whined out to him , pushing yourself against the sheets as he continued to thrust into you kissing your neck and leaving marks along the way "that's better~" he grinned and pushed deeper inside your body.A sharp pain shot through your stomach causing you to let out a loud scream, tears forming in your eyes ."oh baby! i'm so sorry! did I hurt you?" He asked mockingly now kissing your chest "no..feels good~." you whimpered out, clutching onto his shirt, feeling the familiar wetness dripping down your lower abdomen, you knew thus feeling. You could feel it building up in the pit of your stomach, your stomach was burning and your core was clenching uncomfortably "p-please~" you begged him holding onto his shoulders tighter "shh its alright~" he moaned hiding his face in your neck as you felt a sudden wave of heat burst throughout your body and aethers thrusts slowing down to a stop and pulling out "wha-wait i didnt finish yet!" you cried out
"i know, thats a luxery you get only when behaveing."
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nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
A/N: HII FIRST TIME WROTE THIS FIC. English isn't my first language and I'm still learning, I hope u guys can understand me;) If there's anything wrong please let me know! xoxo
Divider credits to @cafekitsune <3
Part 2
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You were so in love with her. You weren't sure how many times you think that you're the luckiest girl alive because you're dating your girlfriend, Ellie Williams.
Your girlfriend that you dreamt about since you got into high school a year ago. You always thought that it would be impossible if she can be your girlfriend in the future, or at least to be your friend. But it changed when she talked to you for the first time six month ago, when you accidentally bumped her and your drink was spilled to the ground.
You started talking with her after that, since you both have a lot common interests. Three weeks passed, Ellie started to calls you with some petnames such as princess, angel, muffin or even bae. You never asked her why, and you didn't want to ask.
It was perfect. So perfect that you never really thought it'd be end up so bad.
You just got into your second monthversary and you had a really really good time with your picnic date with her. God, you wish you can stay here like this forever.
But happiness won't last long.
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You woke up by the ring on your phone beside you.
You wondering why. I mean, who the fuck is gonna call you this morning? Today isn't a weekday though. You took your phone and staring at the screen and it was your friend who's calling you, Lauren.
"Lau, I just woke—" You stopped your words as you hear how she breathe, it seems like there's something wrong, "Lauren, are you okay?" You asked.
"Am I supposed to be okay?" She sounds so infuriated, "Oh my fucking God, you're being a hot topic on school's blog and everyone's talking about you, Ellie, and her ex, Anne. And I haven't found the original post yet so please don't—"
You hang up the phone before Lauren finished talking, your fingers were scrolling up and down into the browser and school blog. You didn't do anything wrong, didn't you? And you never be a hot topic before so you got a little confused and nervous. The first thing you saw, is someone in anonymous replies was talking about you.
Oh, so Lauren wasn't joking.
"What's going on here?" You whispered, "Don't check the other replies, don't check the other replies..."
Your fingers definitely doing the opposite.
so she stole ellie from anne? such a shame
ellie was just playing with her, guys :( HAHA
I WAS RIGHT. she's a slut by stealing someone's girlfriend. ugh, and if she still have a face to appear in school this monday im gonna kick her ass and fucking spit on her
Your eyebrows furrowed, jaw dropped as you didn't believe on what you just saw through your phone.
No, really, you couldn't even tell what is going on right now. Everyone was talking really really bad to you, they were crossed the line.
Ellie? Anne? And you?
"What the fuck did I do?"
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naturesapphic · 6 months
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I need you
Olivia benson x fem!reader
(Warnings): hurt/comfort, mentions of murder, cussing, Olivia being a simp and a softie
“Benson.” Olivia rasped our tiredly and you smiled at the sound of her voice. “Hey liv.” You said and you heard her sigh “what’s wrong y/n?” Olivia questioned you and you knew something was wrong, you just didn’t know what. “Nothing. I’m just really hungry and was hoping on your way home you could get me a cheese burger with extra extra pickles?” You asked her and she sighed once again making you frown.
“Maybe I don’t know. I’m really busy right now hon. I’m having a tough case and we really need to catch this guy.” She said while you were trying to understand why she can’t be home right now. “Please come home liv…please I miss you so much.” You said getting choked up and she felt her heart break at the sound of your voice but she had to catch this guy.
“I’m sorry baby. I’ll check in on you later okay?” She said and you whimpered back in response and hung up causing Olivia to run her hands through her hair angrily and sigh loudly. She feels terrible. All you wanted was a cheese burger and your wife. She understood that but she needed this guy to be caught and out of the streets for everyone’s safety, especially yours.
~ a couple hours later ~
Olivia went by McDonald’s on her way home to get you your cheese burger. It was around 11 o’clock when she finally got off of work. Fin came into her office a few moments after the phone call she had with you and filled her in about how they caught the guy and he’s in the station being processed. She couldn’t be more happy and grateful that he was finally Caught. But it dawned on her how she treated you and she felt awful.
So, Before she went home with your bag of food, she decided to go to the store to get you some of your favorite flowers, chocolates, snacks, and candy. She feels awful and she wanted to make it up to you. She headed back to y’all’s house and opened the door with her keys. The jingling sound made you startled and you jumped up and got a knife from the kitchen. You slowly walked to the door and was about to attack when someone grabbed your arm and turned on the light. “Liv?! What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” You said breathlessly and handed her the knife. “Well at least you weren’t almost stabbed by your own wife.” She chuckled and you rolled your eyes at her with a small smile on your face.
“I thought you were supposed to call to check in on me? But seeing you is much better.” You mumbled out and she sighed. She took you into her arms carefully, trying not to hit your bump as she held you in her muscular arms. “Well…we caught the bastard and decided to get you “im sorry for being a jerk of a wife” gift.” You looked at her confused until she held up some bags filled with your favorite things and your cheese burger. You immediately snatched the McDonald’s bag from her and started eating it. “Thk y-u..” you mumbled out with your mouth filled with food. She chuckled and kissed your forehead softly. “Anytime sweetheart. Here, let’s have you sit and I’ll give you a foot massage as I tell you what happened.” She explained and you nodded. She guided you to the couch with your food in hand and she sat you down as she placed your feet in her lap. She started massaging your feet and you moaned loudly which caused her to smirk.
“Oh get that smirk off your face you horn dog.” You grumbled out and she laughed which made you smile. You continued eating as Olivia told you a brief summary about the case since she can’t share all of the details to you. She told you that this guy was killing pregnant women and how she wanted to catch this son of a bitch in case he went after you. Olivia wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you, she will protect you with her life. You finished your meal as she finished her story and you gave her a soft smile. “I wish you would have told me…I honestly thought you were being distant with me…” you confessed to her and she gave you a sad look. “No sweetheart…im so sorry that I made you feel like that…I just really wanted to catch this bastard and I wanted him off the streets as soon as possible.” She explained to you and you leaned up to her and kissed her softly on her lips.
She kissed you back gently and held your face in her hands. The both of you pulled back and gave each other big smiles. “So…what else did you get me to eat.” You smirked and she laughed. “I got you your favorite chocolates, snacks, and candy.” She replied and you gasped excitedly making grabby hands at the bags on the floor near Olivia. She chuckled as she handed you the bags and you stared munching on them while Olivia watched you with a adoring look on her face. “Do you forgive me babygirl?” She asked you and you smiled at her. “Of course I do silly. I couldn’t stay mad at you. You were just doing your job I know that. I was just a little insecure I guess.” You said and she gave your forehead another kiss “I understand baby…but just know that I don’t distance myself from you on purpose. I just get so caught up in my work that sometimes Im distant. But just know that I love you so much darling.” She explained to you and you gave her a loving smile.
“I love you most liv.” “And I love you too little bean-son.” She joked and you giggled at the nickname she kept calling y’all’s unborn child. You felt the baby kick in response and you quickly laid Olivia’s hand on your bump and the baby kicked again which made Olivia break out a huge smile. She leaned down and gave your bump a gentle kiss. Olivia started talking to the baby as you ran your fingers through her short hair and she kept giving your stomach loving kisses.
A/n: my first Olivia benson imagine! I hope y’all enjoy and know that winter/Christmas requests are open for all the people that I write! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y’all! :)
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romanarose · 9 days
About a Girl: Chapter 1
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Beautiful header by my beloved @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Joel Miller x Trans!Fem!Reader (Nickname, Blue)
Series Masterlist : The Last of Us Masterlist : Full Masterlist
Summary: Joel is a simple man. He goes to work, he takes care of his kindergarten age daughter, he tries to make sure Tommy doesn't die and occasionally Tess comes over. He works on Frank and Bill's farm with Tommy, Tess, and another coworker, Max. For his birthday, Tommy drags Joel out to a local grunge band's show, music he knows Joel hates. Joel is surprised to find Tess's girlfriends best friend, a girl they all call Blue because of the blue in her hair, has caught his attention.
What he doesn't know is she is trans. When he finds out, he's very confused, not because he judges her, but because he's not sure what it means for him. Does it make him gay? What does trans even mean? He's very confused. Still, despite all the confusion Joel has an open mind and he just knows that he has a lot of feelings for you and he wants to try. Joel goes on a journey of learning, not only what your trans identity means but also how to take care of himself, how to set boundaries, and learning he doesn't need carry the whole world on his shoulders.
Joel loves country, is as yeehaw as they come. Blue loves grunge, and looking as edgy as she can get by as a school teacher. Can you and Joel make it all work with the one thing that bonds them both together; flannel?
Warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter: 18+ ONLY!! I cannot warn against everything, but these are major themes. Joel is a lil ignorant but not out of hate. He just doesn't know. He's trying his best. There will be smut. Penetrative sex, all of the anal play, oral. There will be transphobia from other people. Addiction and alcoholism. QUICK child neglect not by Joel but I promise, Sarah is fine and is having a great time in life. Fetishization of women attracted to women by a shitty guy. Will update as needed. Again, this is adult content. Expect adult content.
Immersivity: Reader is transgender, AMAB female, reader has had gotten bottom surgery, not top, and is on hormones. reader has visible hair and a blue streak in hair, but not described. Could be braids, could be natural hair, whatever. Header is for aesthetics only. Reader is about Joel and Tommy's height. Let me know if i miss anything!
A/N: I am not a trans woman, but I am trans. I am doing my best research! If I got something wrong or accidentally say something offensive, please tell me! Same with Sarah's hair. I learned a LOT about black hair care from living with my black roommate for 2 years, and watching a lot of youtube. Again, if im incorrect or offensive, let me know and ill correct! I just want Joel to care about his daughters hair <3
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It all started with Tommy, as most adventures do. Joel was certain Tommy would make sure to mention that fact during his best man speech.
“You have got to get out more. You’re making me stir crazy just watching you sit at home.”
Joel rolled his eyes, packing Sarah’s lunch. He was happy to throw in some plums, Sarah’s favorite fruit, that he got from the food pantry. Since Sarah started kindergarten and he didn’t have to pay for nearly as much childcare, things had gotten less horrifically tight financially but now he was playing catch up. Catching pneumonia last winter had drained his little savings with an ER visit. Joel desperately wanted to not rely on charity, but he also didn’t want Sarah to go without. 
“How would you know, you’re never even home.” Since getting out of the army, Tommy has not adjusted well. Joel was happy to let him live in the house he built for his ex-fiance on his parents land they gifted when Sarah was born. Tommy was a help with Sarah and was good company when he wasn’t out partying.
“Hey.” Tommy looked a little offended. “I’m here plenty. Just ask Sarah.” Sarah adored her uncle.
Joel sighed. “You’re right.” He wasn’t. “But I ain’t going. I can’t afford that, and I’d like to spend my days off with Sarah.”
Tommy tossed a cosmic brownie from the box he bought into Sarah’s lunchbox. “Come oooooon. Sarah loves the babysitter, and one night out won’t traumatize her forever. I’ll pay for the sitter, I already got tickets and I’ll even cover your drinks.”
Joel would rather the money go towards Sarah’s next dental appointment, but he couldn’t tell Tommy where to spend his money, and he knew there was no saying no to his brother when he gets like this. “How many bands are playing? I ain’t sitting through three openers, Tom.”
“Just one! You’re coming!” Tommy ran out of the kitchen and took the stairs two at a time before Joel could protest. “Sarah! Guess who gets to hang out with Jessica tonight!” Joel could hear the sound of springs bouncing as Sarah cheered and called out if the bed breaks, Tommy’s fixing it.
After getting Sarah dressed, he sat her down on a chair in the kitchen and looked at the clock. “Only got time for a ponytail, baby girl.” Joel had figured out some simple hair care for thick hair he wasn’t quite equipped to work with. Before Sarah was born, he didn’t know how to do a single braid. Joel had practiced a little before Tommy had to chop off his hippie curls for the army but he still was lost in a lot of ways. 2 years ago, Joel must’ve looked particularly lost in the ethnic hair aisle with Sarah in the cart and a kind woman guided him to some hair gel, argan oil, and an edge brush, scribbling a few instructions on some scratch paper. That’s what's gotten him through this far. Joel kept thinking he needed to reach out somewhere or maybe find a book… but with what time? 
Kayla, Sarah’s mom, wasn’t much help either. Kayla was mixed and absolutely inherited the polish side as far as hair, where Sarah got her late grandma’s genes. Kayla wanted to chemically straighten Sarah’s beautiful curls last year when she had her over Easter, but Joel put his foot down. When she was older, if she wanted to do whatever she wanted with her hair, braids, relaxed, wigs, she could but there was no way he was letting all those chemicals into a 4 year olds head just to make it “easier.” Joel could handle it.
She looked cute with her little puffball on the top of her head, anyway. 
“TOMMY! LETS GO!” Why was Tommy harder to get out the door than Sarah was?
Little hands tugged at his shirt. “Daddy I want coffee.” 
“No baby”
“It’s not good for little kids.”
“Uncle Tommy lets me have coffee.”
Joel sighed loudly. “Of course he did. Well, Sarah, that’s an uncle thing, I don’t know what to tell you. TOMMYYY!”
Tommy’s heavy footsteps clomped down the steps, dashing out the door. “Come one Jojo, whatcha wait’n for?”
How did little kids have so much energy in the morning? Tommy included. Sarah was chatty as ever on her way, talking excitedly about the eggs in the classroom's incubator. He tried to pay attention, he really did, but he was busy trying to figure out what bills he still owes. It was only September, one month into not having to pay out the ass for Sarah’s daycare. Was he even gonna be able to catch up at all before the summer comes? Her mom said she wanted to take her for the summer, but she was single right now and slightly more involved. When she finds a new man, she suddenly becomes much less interested in her child. Joel didn’t want Sarah around strange men all the time either.
“Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?”
Tommy nudged Joel, calling him name for Sarah’s attention.
“What?” Joel said, not unkindly but perhaps a little too harsh than he wanted to speak around his daughter. 
“Happy birthday daddy.”
Joel closed his eyes briefly, wincing at his prior tone. “Thank you baby. I’ll bring home a cake, how about that.” He felt like he could cry, snapping at his sweet girl for trying to wish him happy birthday. He was so bad at this.
Both children in the car cheered.
Joel dropped Sarah off with several kisses on her forehead, then ran off to the truck. He might just be on time if he speeds a bit. He didn’t speed with Sarah in the truck, he was less careful with Tommy. 
“Just in time!” Tess’s voice greeted them in the farm house. “You guys eat?”
She knew the answer. Sarah’s kindergarten had a free breakfast program, leaving Joel and Tommy on their own and god knows they didn’t take proper care of themselves. Luckily, they had great bosses.
Joel, Tommy, and Tess all worked for Bill and Frank on their farm. Joel had stumbled on this job shortly after Kayla left and God, what a blessing. Bill and Frank had trouble finding help being the only gay farmers on the planet to felt like, but Joel wasn’t really in a position to deny a good paying job, not in this economy, not with a baby who barely had a mom around anymore. This was before Tommy came back from the army, and Joel’s parents dead a few years prior. He was alone.
That’s where he met Tess. She was something else. A woman working as a farm hand alone was surprising enough, but she was the first openly bisexual person Joel had met. Hell, she was the only the third gay person he knew of and the first woman. He’d lived a sheltered life. Still, Joel didn’t really see an issue with none of it. Wasn’t his business what two grown adults did, that was his thought on the matter. Not that he really had enough time to have thoughts on much of anything other than keeping Sarah and Tommy alive. When Tommy came back, he started working on the farm too.
Tess slid the men some pancakes, stating she knew it and went ahead and made extra.
Frank entered the room with something in his hand. “Wait!” He placed the item, which Joel saw was a candle on the the pancake.
“Oh, no, you guys don’t gotta-”
“Shut the hell up, Miller.” Bill entered the room with a pack of cigarettes in one hand and a lighter in the other. He lit the candle, and then a cigarette. 
Frank took it out of his hand, putting it out under the sink. “If you absolutely must smoke, you’re not smoking inside our home.” He then turned back to Joel. “Happy birthday, Joel.” The forth employee, Max, enters the farmhouse and then embarrassingly, Franks leads everyone (except Bill) in a very shitty rendition of happy birthday.
“Hey,” Tess nudged Joel as she attempted to fix the clutch without calling Bill up. “You coming tonight?”
Joel rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Tommy convinced me. He also told Sarah it’s my birthday so now I gotta bring home cake and do a bit of the birthday thing with her. I was hoping to avoid it another year.”
She laughed at that. “Ah come on! It can’t be that bad.”
“She’s not, it’s my birthday that is.” 
“I know.” Tess patted his back.
Joel and her worked in silence for a moment, but he figured this was as good a time as any. “Hey uh… so. You and Tommy.”
Tess smirked, but didn’t look at him. “What about my dear friend?”
“Well uh, that’s just it…” Joel cleared his troat, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just, you guys been spending a lot of time together, and I’m just… well you know he’s at tough spot right now…-”
“When isn’t he?”
“Right. Well. I’m just wondering… Well.”
With a chuckle, she put down the wrench and turned to look at Joel with a smile. “You’re wondering if Tommy and I are an item.”
Cringing hard enough his eyes were closed, Joel nods.
“Don’t worry about your baby brother, he can handle himself.”
“Can he?”
“Joel. Look at me.”
Joel forced his eyes open.
“Tommy and I fuck sometimes to blow off steam, don’t act you’re much different.”
“It was one time!”
“It was 4 times, glad to know that I’m that forgettable.” Tess continued with her teasing before Joel could protest. “Listen, I know you’re worried about him, but Tommy and I aren’t interested in dating each other. It’s just for fun sometimes. Tommy puts up a tough front but I’d eat that boy alive.”
Finally, Joel laughed. Yes, she would.
Tess went back to work. “Besides, you’re meeting my new girlfriend tonight, birthday boy.”
Joel was exhausted, washing his hands and forearms and face before leaving to get Sarah. He tried to stay as clean as possible for Sarah. She didn’t need to know how hard he worked for her.
“Hey Joel, I get to watch Sarah this fall don’t I?” Frank asked as he sauntered into the kitchen. 
Joel tried to protest, as he did every year, but it was merely a formality to be polite. He couldn’t afford childcare in the late hours it took to get harvest done. Hopefully it wouldn’t be so bad now that Max was hired on, he didn’t see Sarah hardly at all harvest. Joel would come back to the farmhouse to find Sarah asleep on the couch with Frank, who was no help with farming. He handled the finances and paperwork, and functioned as a babysitter in pinches. Joel was forever indebted to the couple, inclduding Bill despite his facade of toughness.
“Nonsense Joel. I look forward to seeing her every time.” Sarah fucking loved Frank. He was teaching her painting and how to have a proper tea party, real tea and all. But with a lot of sugar. 
Speaking earnestly, Joel tried to express his appreciation. “Thanks, Frank. I appreciate it. I couldn’t do this without you.”
Frank clapped Joel on the shoulders, sliding him a card. “Thank you for everything you do. We really value you. I know Bill doesn’t say it much, or at all, but we appreciate you here.” He walked off, knowing Joel would protest the $500 cash inside the card.
“Daddy! Daddy! I made a friend!” Sarah exclaimed excitedly, running up to her father still covered in her paint smock that quickly transferred the red and blue onto Joel’s jeans.
“Is that so? Who is it?”
Sarah pointed to a little brunette girl sitting in time out. “That’s Ellie! She’s in trouble because she pretended a block was a gun.”
At home, Joel went through the evening routine with Sarah, Tommy having gone with Tess to pre-game. He fed her as much of the macaroni she’d eat, bathed her and made sure to make things as easy for the sitter as possible. When Jessica came over, a nice local teenager that was great with Sarah, he briefed her as he tried to clean up the kitchen. 
“Daddy? Where’s the cake.”
Goddammit of course he forgot something. He just can’t do anything right, can he? He was a shitty dad, a shitty brother, a shitty boyfriend, a needy employee-
“Where's the birthday boy!” Tommy burst in, followed by a group of people, some he knew, some he didn’t. With him was Tess carrying a cake.
“TESS!!!!!!” Sarah shouted, but went more for the cake she carried.
“Hiya, love bug!” She patted her ponytail. “Ready to sing happy birthday at the top of your lungs?”
Hadn’t she had enough happy birthdays? She must’ve known he’d forget the cake. They hadn’t been pregaming at all, they were making him a cake.
Tess hands the cake to Tommy, then gestures to the women next to her. Dark skinned, tall, her hair in… locks? Were those called locks? He was cooked. He needs to learn hair. “This is Talia, my girlfriend.”
Talia smiled brightly, extended a hand which Joel shook. “So nice to meet you, Mr. Miller. Tess talks a lot about you Tommy and Max, it’s nice to put faces to the names.”
“Please, Joel is fine. I may ache like an old man, but I’m not one yet.” Joel joked with a soft but tired smile. He turned to tess. “Max coming?”
“Yup.” She shot him a look to be nice. Joel wasn’t fond of max. Good worker, shit head of a person. Joel knew he couldn’t really blame all Tommy’s shit on bad influences, but Max didn’t help. “And this,” She gestured over to another woman who he had just been too flustered to notice until now. “Is Talia’s best friend.”
You were absolutely fucking stunning, unlike anyting he’d ever seen in his life. Tight white tank top, tight leather pants and a leather jacket. In your hair was a streak of vibrant blue. Your eyes connected with his and for a moment, he forgot about all the other people in the room. 
“Oh, um, hello,” Joel shook your hand when he snapped out of it, repeating your name.
You smile at him. “Actually, most people just call me Blue.”
A small voice from Joel’s hip. “Is that because of your hair? Why is it blue? Are you sick?”
“Sarah! Don’t be rude.”
Chuckling brightly, you promise it’s okay and crouch down to Sarah’s eye level. “I’m not sick. I actually dye it like that.”
“But why?”
Internally, Joel groaned, thinking you’d take offense at the line of questions Sarah’s certainly had ready, but you just answered. “Well, I think it makes me look pretty, just you’re cute hair style makes you look pretty.”
Sarah lit up at that. “My daddy did it!!!”
“He did? That’s so awesome! You have such a nice daddy.”
Sarah nodded in avid agreement. “He’s the BEST!”
Joel couldn’t help smiling at that. He always felt like he was failing her, but she loved him regardless. “I can’t do a lot, but I’m trying to learn. I can do a mean ponytail.” Joel caught Tommy smirking at him.
Once the babysitter took Sarah to wash up for cake, Talia quietly spoke to Joel, still attached to Tess's arm. “Tess told me her mom isn’t really involved. I’d love to help you learn how to care for black hair.”
Joel felt his heart drop. “Oh shit, does it look terrible? I really tried but I don’t even know where to go and-”
Talia cut him off with a laugh and a hand up. “No, not at all! It looks very healthy. I just mean if you’d like to learn how to do more, especially as it gets longer.”
Always embarrassed to ask for help, he always swallowed his pride for Sarah. “Yeah, yeah actually I’d really like that… I’ll play yuh, don’t worry I wouldn’t make you do it for free-”
She attempted to say he didn’t need to pay, but Tess told her it was useless to try and fight. Joel figured the bonus from Bill and Frank could pay for Sarah’s dentist cleaning and the rest he could pay Talia. 
After a terrible happy birthday and saying goodbye to Sarah longer than really necessary, Joel was dragged out of the house to go to some shitty local grunge bands show for his birthday.
Joel fucking hated his birthday.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I can't beleive people actually wanted to read this!!! We need more trans rep in this fandom <3
First chapter setting things up, then one chapter per week for 6 weeks for my Oscar/Pedro pride event!!! each chapter 2-7 will follow themes of the week until the happy end <3
Talia Monroe
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Tess's girlfriend, Blue's bestfriend. Talia is joyfriend and high energy. She offers to help Joel learn black hair to properly care for Sarah.
Max Waltz
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Works on the farm with Joel, Tommy, and Tess. Tommy likes him, Joel hates him, Tess ears towards liking him but tries to keep him in check. Max is a generally barzen man, hates his wife, is loud and annoying to Joel.
Kayla Carter
*no face claim right now*
Joel's high school sweetheart and ex-fiance, Sarah's mom. Kayla is in an out of sarah's life, lives out of town and is only around when its convinient, leaving Joel with alone.
I don't do tag lists for one shots but I do still for series so
How to keep up with the series:
Follow About a girl series on tumblr
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I really enjoy writing this series so I hope you like it too <3
Please remeber to reblog or comment or engage in some way <3 community keeps us all writing and drawing
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @ashleyfilm @bumblepony @snnyc @casa-boiardi @del-ightfulling @joelsoftie
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multific · 10 months
Changed Man
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: After an appointment with your therapist, you want to speak with Spencer.
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"And how's life with your husband, Y/N?" you let out a long sigh before you looked at your therapist.
"I have noticed a lot of changes in him. I honestly thought that this talk about how jail changes people were fake, but I’m afraid it's true." you let out a long sigh.
"What about him did change? Did you notice anything specific?" you were more than comfortable talking about this with her.
"At first, I didn't even notice. It is hard to explain but I noticed it when we were having sex the other day. He was more dominant."
"Did he hurt you? Or do something you didn't like perhaps?"
"Nothing like that! It just struck me, he used to be almost nervous every time, but now he was so confident. I liked it, I just don't know what to do with it."
"Did you mention it to him?"
"No. I was afraid he would call me paranoid."
"Then why don't you just have a sit-down with him? Try to tell him about your side of things, he is a smart man, I'm sure he will understand." 
"Yeah, I’ll try that. Thank you." you offered her a smile and just as the session ended, you were on your way home.
"Hi Babe." you said into the house as you locked the front door.
"Hi." came the voice from inside, you soon entered the living room and found Spencer reading.
You headed over to him and placed a kiss to his cheek, he offered you a smile.
"How was your day?" he asked.
"Busy. Very busy."
"That's what you get for being a CEO I suppose. Did you eat already?"
"No, did you?"
"Nope, let's order then." you heard as he called and ordered some pizza while you took a quick shower.
You let out a long sigh as you finally put up your feet and eat something.
After eating, you felt pain as you groaned a little as you started to rub your neck.
"Do you want a massage?"
"No, no I'm good Spencer, thank you."
"It's okay really." he tried to get closer to you but you jump up from the couch. "What's wrong?" you basically heard his heart break as he asked and looked at you.
But to be honest, you weren't too sure either. 
"Everything? No, not everything... it's just, I have to figure this thing out and I'm... I don't know."
"What are you saying Y/N?" 
"I'm scared Spencer."
"Of me?" he asked, surprised and hurt.
"No! Not of you." you were quick to reply.
"Then what is it Y/N?" he started to raise his voice out of frustration. "Do you not want to be married to a criminal anymore? Is that why you visited me so often in jail? To justify your thoughts of wanting to leave me out of shame?"
"I'm scared that you changed and you won't want me anymore!" as you said that your hands started to shake. All the past months came crashing down on you. "I'm scared you will realize you don't love me anymore, I'm scared that you will find someone better. I'm terrified that you will leave me." as you said that, all of your tears began to fall. 
"Sweetheart," he hugged you and calmed you before he began to speak. "I will never leave you. I love you much." when he pulled back he could see you searching his eyes, trying to figure out on your own if he was lying or not.
"I married you for a reason. I have loved you and I will continue to do so."
"Please don't quote some philosopher who said something about love. Just kiss me and never leave me."
And he did.
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart." he whispered as he put his forehead against yours.
"You have nothing to apologise for. You went through something terrible, I should be more understanding, but my insecurities got the best of me."
"It's okay. I'm just happy we are here together. I love you."
"I love you too." you put your hand on his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.
Letting your insecurities wash away.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 11 months
could you write about Toxic! Rafe Cameron x reader where he makes her quit her job?
im OBSESSED with your toxic! rafe writings! i mean- truly!
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
WARNINGS: Toxic/AbusiveRelationship.
AN: Hope you like this :)
Please, reblog and give me feedback.
You touch his arm, feeling the muscle tensing beneath your fingers. He doesn’t even look at you, his jaw clenching as he focuses on the road. 
“I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I swear.” 
He snaps his head to the side, glaring at you. 
“So you weren’t trying to get fucked by that guy? Really, huh?” he hisses. You remove your hand from his arm, wrapping your arms around your body as you look out of the window.
“I have to be nice with him, Rafe.” you explain, getting a deja vu feeling. You’ve had this conversation with Rafe so many times that it feels like you’re stuck in a loop.
“He’s a customer, although not sure if he’s still gonna be one after what you did.” 
Rafe scoffs, hitting the wheel with a hand. 
“So it’s my fault now? I see my girl flirting with another dude and I’m supposed to let that happen just because it’s her job?” even with the dim light inside the car, you can recognize the angry expression on his face. 
“If this is about money, I’ve told you a million times that my money is your money. Fuck, you don’t have to work anymore, you know it would me more than happy to take care of you.”
You don’t answer him, looking outside the window.
Closing your eyes, you feel your head starting to pound and you blame that on Rafe, he’s always so jealous that he can’t even let you work without constantly blaming you for cheating. 
You hear Rafe sighing, an inaudible curse falling off his lips and soon his hand is reaching for your hand. You look at him as he squeezes your hand. 
“I’m sorry, okay? You’re right, I’m being an asshole, fine? You were doing your job and I get that, okay?” something about his apology doesn’t feel right but you nod anyway, reaching to kiss his cheek.
You just want this argument to be over. 
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“We’re so sorry, Y/N.” you swallow the lump on your throat, feeling your throat dry as a desert. You can’t believe that you just got fired. 
Your manager supportively squeezes your shoulder before leaving. You drop yourself into the couch, burying your head into your hands. 
You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re a good employee, you’re sure of that. And yet they are dismissing you. 
The door opens again and you quickly stand up, hoping to see your manager or one of your co-workers, but it’s Rafe. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he reaches closer, hands grasping your face, his blue eyes going over through your sad expression. 
You shake your head, fighting tears.
“They fired me.” you whisper. 
“Oh baby, that’s so unfair.” he starts, “Such a pity, but maybe it’s for the best.” 
You look at him, incredulous. Was he insane?
“You worked so hard and they just didn’t appreciate you enough, see? That’s why you should have never worked here. You just wasted your time. Time that you have spent with me instead." 
“Rafe… what the hell? How can you say that, I love this job so why can't you just...”
You slowly pull his hand away from you, realization sinking in. You can’t believe this, but you know you’re right. 
“Please tell me you didn't do anything." you beg.
There’s a glint in his eyes as his lips curl into a wicked smile. He only shrugs his shoulders. 
You stare at him, horrified. 
“Shh.” his index finger touches your lips, pressing against them “See, you can’t go against my word. I’ll make you bend to it, whether you like it or not.” 
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Favorite crime. Final part (miles morales x reader)
before we get started I just want to say please send in requests! I’ll see if I can do them I love writing angsty stories! 💓 please read my little notes at the end just to see some of my thoughts throughout writing
When miles finally returned home..saved his dad, all was well in his universe. The only thing hurtful was instead of grieving for his father..they were grieving for her.
his partner in crime..
his willing accomplice..
his alibi..
his favorite singer..
his favorite person..
his lover..
Gwen was no longer someone he wished was there instead, all he wished for was Y/n. He forgave Gwen and everyone once again…but no once can replace Y/n. Not when she was the one who defended him and gave up everything for him.
Miles and Miguel settled their differences and Miles put in one last request that could never be accepted.
“Please! Just let me go back and save her! She can’t be happy there! I know it! Please..”
“Miles. You know I can’t! You fixed your timeline, you got your dad. She gave her life up for you and him! Just take it.”
“I can’t..it’s wrong! I just handed her away and I don’t even know what he’s doing to her?! I don’t know if she’s ok.”
Miguel couldn’t hear or handle talking gently to miles not when he was so persistent on something he knew couldn’t be fixed.
“Miles! Stop! Just stop! She wasn’t tied down to your universe! She had nothing there! Just your parents and you. She gave that up to save you and your dad. How many times do I have to say it?!”
“No! She doesn’t even remember you! She’s making her life there! She forgot all about you! I made sure Miles 42 didn’t remember you or his uncle! I fixed that. But y/n forgot you on her own..that wasn’t my doing.”
Miles broke down on his knees to this news…he couldn’t take it, not when she was always meant to be his.
“…let me see her..I won’t do anything just let me look at her..from a far.”
“Fine..but you have to promise you won’t even try to do anything. She’s healing that universe and that version of yourself. It’s only ok that she’s there because now they have a spider-women to fix and protect them. Don’t try anything kid.”
Miles agreed and opened a portal immediately to see Y/n…
when miles arrived..he went straight to his home..and there she was.
Y/n was cuddled up beside him giggling as she played with his curls, he had finally took out his braids listening to his girlfriends advice.
“Miles! Stop tickling me!”
Her sweet laughter was heard once again while miles picked her up and got off the bed twirling her around the room.
“Ahh! Im getting dizzy! Babe put me down!”
After awhile Miles did and both of them fell back onto the bed giggling and staring at the spinning ceiling.
A creak at the door caught their attention as Rio looked at them with a playful stern face.
“You two, always playing around! Cmon and eat, food’s ready!”
Both teens smiled at Rio as she walked away, silence was still between them
“….whoever gets there first gets to buy dinner tomorrow!…”
“Oh you know I won’t let you win princesa!”
Miles 1610 couldn’t help but witness everything in sorrow. Princesa was always his nickname for her…it all started when they were kids…
“…Y/n aren’t you grounded?”
Miles was so surprised to see his best friend at his front door.
“My parents didn’t even notice I left! My father is overreacting! How was I supposed to know they were arguing? I just walked in by accident and he got mad I saw them fighting.”
The little 8 year old had a lot of sass yet gentleness in her voice but Miles knew she was right.
“Well come in! Im here to save you!”
Y/n giggled at the silly statement
“I came here on my own! What are you pretending to be? My night and shining armor?”
“If that’s what you want princesa! I am here! And now we are going on a conquest to fight off bad guys!”
“Ok! Let’s fight! You and me! Together forever! ”
So it was true…she did forget Miles 1610. It didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt, she cried and mourned for days but soon enough…she forgot why. Her brain has so traumatized that it just made everything a blur for her.
She learned to love Miles 42, that wasn’t hard for her. However it wasn’t an easy road..she had to guide him into giving up that life. He gave up being the prowler for her. Y/n was saving the world left and right and what made her the happiest was coming home to Rio and Miles. In many ways she healed herself and him.
Miles 1610 couldn’t believe it…he didn’t want to see it. If he were to leave right now, he’d be dragging his feet and dreading it…maybe just for a little while…just a little longer..he’ll stay.
It was truly bittersweet to think about the damage that they did..how they overcame it. In a way Y/n did everything just to call Miles her’s. And she’d do it all over again.
When they came back from eating Miles 1610 became invincible once again staring at them from the corner of his room.
“You knew I was gonna win and nowwww we’re going out to eat pizza tomorrow and I’m paying!”
“Ughhhh I hate you!”
Y/n didn’t mean it…she said it with a smile on her face.
“Yea right..you know you love me.”
“yea…I do.”
They shared a kiss and Y/n held the brightest smile.
“Mmh…right now I’m getting a spidey sense and it’s saying…go downstairs to get snacks! I’ll be right back! You stay here and pick out a movie! It should be quick!”
“Princesa you know i don’t want you going out by yourself-“
“Excuse meeeee! I’m spider-women! I got this! I’ll be right back and change into comfy clothes!”
Miles 42 changed into his regular comfortable clothes the one that Miles 1610 was wearing…a white t-shirt and grey sweats..perfect.
Miles 1610 followed Y/n outside and followed her to the tiny bodega down the street.
“Y/n! Here to get the regular? Or are you trying new snacks with miles!”
“Ehhh I was going to get regular but now that you say that I might try some new chips.”
Miles 1610 walked in right after her and Mr.Delmar greeted him as well taking him by surprise.
“Miles! You doing good?”
“huh? Oh- yea yea of course!”
Y/n turned around confused
“Miles? I thought I told you to pick the movie!”
Here it goes, miles was going to play along with it…he’d do anything to speak to her just for awhile.
“I did princesa! Just wanted to make sure you were ok!”
Y/n giggled and took his offering hand guiding him to pick their snacks. Miles had missed her for so long…missed her touch…her candy sweet scent..her voice.
“…what do you think about trying out blue takis? we usually always get the purple ones.”
Miles stared at her admiring all her features, taking her in and falling in love with her all over again.
“…miles?..babe come back to earth!”
He shakes his head yes and just agreed to whatever she wanted…he couldn’t resist not holding her closer any longer.
“I miss you.”
Y/n couldn’t be anymore confused then she was right then and there.
“babe! We’re with each other right now! What do you mean?”
It was affection like that, it made Y/n laugh right in his face..they had each other right? So what was up?
“I know but I just…I miss you all the time even when I’m with you, I love you.”
“I love you too..”
The two shared a kiss and walked up hand and hand at the register paying for their snacks and walking home.
When they approached the building miles knew he needed to leave..he gave her one last quick kiss and requested one last race with her.
“Whoever gets upstairs first wins!”
“What? Babe!”
Miles ran upstairs and went out the window in the hallway rushing his way into the room to watch Y/n and Miles 42 once again.
Y/n walked in out of breath, exhausted.
“Damn babe, going up the stairs..I just realized you always beat me at races..what movie are we watching?”
Miles 42 didn’t question what she had said considering he raced her earlier before dinner, he laughed at her exhaustion and pulled her into him to cuddle once again.
“I was thinking about fast and furious or something?”
“Our favorite movie? Shockerrrr! You know I’m always down to rewatch it mi amor!”
Miles 1610 sighed in jealousy. He now had envy for another version of his life…he wished he had her in every way. He missed her and he hoped that she was genuinely ok.
Y/n was meant to be his lover forever in his dimension but due to him telling her to go…he changed her path. Miles committed a crime…oh but she was his favorite crime. Since they didn’t talk for weeks and she took a walk by herself in attempts to heal her wounded heart…she got bit. When she gave herself up for him...Y/n opened a door to save the most broken version of Miles. They healed each other in that dimension but…Miles 1610 cried for nights thinking about Y/n…the girl who forever had his heart.
there was tiny parallels here! The way miles and Y/n still played around and got caught by Rio! Just like they did when they were kids! The way Miles 1610 watched Y/n from afar with Miles 42 having the same feelings and hurt she did when she saw him with Gwen! Then the whole thing with Miles calling her Princesa! If you haven’t noticed I kinda tried to coordinate the song with the story. Hope you loved it 🫶 stay safe
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi
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strawhatkia · 10 months
golden hour.
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INCLUDES ! katsuki bakugou, shota aizawa, mirio togata, tamaki keigo
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! they catch you at golden hour
WARNINGS ! a lil bird tom foolery, let me know if i missed anything, edited!
A/N ! another repost for mha ! it was originally requested ->  “hcs of Mirio, Bakugo, Aizawa, and Hawks reacting to their black gf’s skin glowing in golden hour? She doesn’t even notice it, she’s reading or scrolling on her phone but she so damn fine”
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🧨💢✧ KATSUKI BAKUGO !
he couldn’t believe his fucking eyes 
there you were, sitting like an actual goddess before him, all cuddled up under the sun readin’ yo favorite book
mans has neva felt more blessed in his life nigga crying and shit
he originally came in to bother you cuz he was bored but now all he worried about is getting a damn camera-
“hey, angelface!-….” “yes, kats?” “….” “..kats? baby?" *he stomps off into the distance* "katsuki! is something wrong, why are you stomping away!?” “WHERE IN THE FUCK IS THE CAMERA DAMN IT?!”
my mans said he needed a polaroid so he can keep that shit in his wallet cause that's exactly where that picture is going
tbh, he already has a different pictures for both his lockscreen and homescreen on both his phone and laptop but rested assured, he gon get that picture ! 
once he got the picture, he couldn’t stop looking at it (believe this: he flashes his wallet to show off that picture to girls who hit on him with the biggest smirk, "im already taken! now piss off.") 
“you know the real thing is over here, baby” *cue the blush* “shut up, dummy”
— ☾⋆⁺₊🌟🫨✧ MIRIO TOGATA !
it went something like this
he walked in with a “hey, sunshine!”, looked up, saw you in bed in yo bonnet and his big shirt, scrolling on yo phone under the sun and froze
your skin just glistening and shining- he could have sworn that one of the angels came down to visit him in the form of you
problem is…he hasn’t moved in the last 2 minutes 
“mirio…mirio…mirio, baby, BLINK!!” “huh?” “damn boy, did you meet Jesus while you was gone?” “why would I do that when I have a goddess right in front of me?”
being as black as you are, you could have SWORE that yo cheeks started to heat up from that comment and he is so proud for his quick thinking
“shut up, cheese ball” “but sunshine~ you love me and my cheesiness” “…unfortunately” 
he eventually joined you in bed and just laid in your lap, looked up at you with a goofy look on his face
he spends the rest of his time admiring you, even after the sun went down
goofy ass nigga- i love him so much
— ☾⋆⁺₊🪶🪽✧ KEIGO TAMAKI / HAWKS !
i’m gon clown him a little 
aight, birds like glittery things…he’s a bird man…your melanin looks like jewels under the sun…i have connected the dots
no but seriously, he just saw you sitting there and was instantly pulled in 
you were laying on his couch trying to take a nap under the sun cause let’s be honest, the sun is soothing as fuck on melanated skin
he had just out the shower and was in sweatpants gray and no shirt YUM
he just really loved how relaxed you were that i gave him a sense of pride to know you felt safe enough in his home
i can imagine him being a lil paranoid that you deem his house safe enough to hang out with so you spending your time just visiting or staying over night made him feel really happy
“comfortable there, dove? you know there’s a bed, right?” “i like the sun, keigo. It feels nice.” “if you say so, baby.”
ain’t no more room on the couch for him and his humongous ass wings to join you, so he settles for taking a seat on the coffee table and taking a couple of pictures of you looking so peaceful
"stop snapping pictures of me, creep." "aw, you'll hurt my feelings, baby" "im tryna sleep and your phone is distracting with that loud ass clicking sound" "sorry but i need a new background picture to switch out the old one" "yea yea whatever" "just go back to sleep" "stop taking pictures of me" "no ❤"
he put it as his computer background and the lock screen on his phone
bonus: he took a of video of him stroking your face in your sleep and you leaned in to it. in the background if you listen closely, you can hear him say “my baby is so beautiful🥺” "kei, baby, lemme sleep" "alright, love ❤" 
i will fucking CRY
i don’t think he would be up enough to catch you at golden hour 
but after the one time he did, he took a mental note to do it more often
you looked so ethereal- he didn't even know he could feel so relaxed just by looking at something 
you were sitting in the corner of bed where the suns rays come, reading something on yo phone and just looking completely relaxed in life
he just stopped at the doorway, where you couldn’t really see him and leaned against the door frame, softly smiling at your relaxed figure
“she looks so peaceful…how did I get so lucky?” this was the moment he felt like he hit the lottery
however when you did notice him, you nearly jumped out yo skin
“OH SHIT!! AIZAWA?!?!” “yes?” “HOW LONG YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!?!- WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING!?!” “sorry-”, he chuckles, “-you just looked so peaceful, i didn’t want to interrupt.” “that’s sweet, honey…but don’t you eva scare me like that again.” “yes ma’am”
y’all ended up taking a nap together
after that he just always seem to find you at this time or somehow put you in sun’s rays just so he could admire you 
bonus: he took polaroid pictures of you sleeping at golden hour and carries them with him. class 1-A found out about it and teased him about for weeks (which lead to brutally training for weeks on end, them stubborn ass kids would nawt let it go.)
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
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boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | multiple characters
taglist: @mypimpademia @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
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