#ill post the finished one later
hedgewizardsdev · 1 year
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Scrapped grappling hook design
I like the internal spool concept but I couldn't make it work.
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camphelion · 11 months
hiii love your art soso much it’s so pretty !! omg if u take rq maybe some dadvid art for the starving troops :,3c
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omg i love you..... and ofc !! ill draw them more in the future obviously but heres some doodles ! we r in the trenches fighting for our lives rn
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soranker · 1 year
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…..im wolfwood pilled atm 😆🤞
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garlicrrow · 2 months
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like whats up doomed yuri
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cloudysarts · 4 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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wyrmswears · 10 months
yayayaya hi
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 10 months
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These jesters got it hard, man
Edit: the very late continuation
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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he's trying to pick a good color
FINALLY finished this drawing i started a while ago,, i had everything done except the bg and left it as a wip for weeks, but today i decided to just sit down and finish it!
context for this drawing? he's buying nail polish during a 2 am grocery run, that's it
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catominor · 5 months
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did someone say sulla and his harem of guys.
(from left to right: pompey, metellus pius, crassus, sulla, lucullus)
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upsidedowngrass · 7 months
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yeaaaa so ummmm
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So, I haven't gotten too far into Nightbringer to write any specific smut for it. (Literally only just started lesson 6). But I do have some ideas!!
A lot of my ideas revolve around being the demon's "first" in something. Like, you know your demons inside and out at this point. You know all their kinks, fantasies, and where to touch them to make them squirm. So you can introduce them to all sorts of things that make them scream in the future but they have no experience with now.
For example, showing Lucifer how much of a masochist he is. I don't think Lucifer is a complete virgin in Nightbringer as I think he fooled around as an angel at least a few times. I mean, he's still a few thousand years old, he was bound to get curious and try getting frisky with a few angels. But him trying out BDSM? I seriously doubt it.
So once you and him finally fall into bed together, you show him all the ways he didn't know he loved to be touched. Having such an inexperienced Lucifer is a bit of a novelty and a bit of an annoyance. Present day Lucifer knew what he wanted and he wasn't ashamed of asking for it. The Lucifer you're currently bedding? Doesn't know what he wants.
It's actually really cute how shy Lucifer is. How he tries so hard to stifle his moans when you heard much louder, much needier ones from your present Lucifer.
And you don't want to push him. It's entirely possible that past Lucifer has no interest in BDSM. That his particular taste for masochism and being owned evolved after many centuries.
But you still want to try, to possibly open his eyes to a new world of domination and submission.
So one evening, one careful evening you've been planning for. One evening in which you make sure that his brothers haven't wreaked havoc, one evening where Diavolo doesn't up to distract Lucifer cause him stress. One perfect, relaxing evening, you spring the question onto him.
"Lucifer, have you heard about BDSM?" You ask in your most light, most casual tone to not raise any alarm bells and spook the demon.
Lucifer pauses his undressing, his hands suspended in the air as his tie hangs loosely around his neck. He turns to you in slow motion, looking so bewildered and confused that it makes you want to laugh. Surely your demon couldn't be that pure right? You know he's only been a demon for a little more than a year now, but, come on.
"I'm sorry, have I heard about what?"
"BDSM! Like, Bondage, Domination, Submissive, Masochism. Have you heard of people doing that sort of thing in bed?"
Lucifer's face turns a bright scarlet and he turns away from you. Like, actually physically turning his full back to you, turning away from you. You can see his ears still burning though, and elect not to tease him about it in worry that if you do, Lucifer might become so embarrassed he'll stop being the Avatar of Pride.
"It's fine if you haven't. If you would rather I never bring it up again say the word and I wouldn't." You tell him, concern starting to creep in.
"No. No, it's fine. I just. Why did you choose to bring that topic up?" He asks stiffly, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. A classical Lucifer "I'm nervous about this topic because it inflicts Feelings in me" move.
"I was just wondering. I have been in dom/sub relationships in the, um, past, and was wondering if that was something you'll be into," you say gently, so extremely gently. "It's fine if that's not something you're into." You add.
"You have?" He asks in surprise, and because you know him so well, with a hint of excitement. "What... what role did you fall into?"
Relief crashes into you like a tidal wave. He's into it. He's really into it from what you can tell. He hasn't had any experience with subbing, you know because your Lucifer didn't when you meet him, but he was so desperate to finally try he practically threw himself at your feet.
Not this Lucifer though. This Lucifer most likely knows of the idea, maybe he picked up some porn featuring a dom/sub relationship and knows on some level that he's interested in subbing, but hasn't had the time to stew in that knowledge like your Lucifer did.
"Dominate." You say with confidence, a grin painting your face. "I like control in the bedroom."
And judging by the shiver that shoots up Lucifer's spine at your words, so does he.
Grinning, you stand and begin stalking towards your prey.
"I like taking control of my partner. Make them beg for relief. And if they misbehave, I like to punish them."
"Do. Do you?" Lucifer asks breathlessly.
You're standing behind him and you know he knows you're there. His demon sense picking up on it, and by the way he almost leans backward as if to meet your touch, you know he wants you.
"I do." You state confidently, mere inches away from Lucifer.
"But," your hand grasps Lucifer's shoulder and he flinches. "If my partner didn't want that...." You give him a light pull and he complies, turning to face you.
And oh, what a sight that is.
You missed your subby little Luci. You missed his cute moans, his tears as you edged him, and his screams when you overstimulated him. And you missed his flushed face when you lowered him into subspace.
And this? This perfectly mimics that face.
"Oh, baby." You breathe out, fighting the urge to pepper his face in kisses and pull him into your chest.
"And what if I do? Would you do those things to me?" Lucifer asks, and you're so, so proud of him for asking.
"Darling, I would do all that and more." You say as you kiss him.
Like your Lucifer did in the past, like he will do in the future, he lets you take control.
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osaemu · 6 months
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quinn-pop · 10 months
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how does it feel to be half of yourself
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maxaroniiiii · 1 year
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ingo plays a very unfunny prank on his brother
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calmingpi · 11 months
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Hi, Barbie!
Agatha - NASA Scientist Barbie (2017)
Gil - College Graduate Barbie (1963)
Tarvek - Holiday Barbie (1988)
Krosp - Barbie (1959)
Zeetha - Three Musketeers Barbie (2009)
Violetta - Pretty in Purple Barbie (1992)
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mistycrunch · 1 year
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Desiredemon/dream!anders idea from @meowmeowmage
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