#im a bit rusty at it but I like how this came out sort of
mp100days · 2 years
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zazima · 5 months
im rusty. so rusty. and also extremely late for christmas. i may as well have waited 350 days until the holidays came around again, but im trying to write more this year, so hear you go? eek im nervous. please pardon any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. enjoy! also tumblr doesn't seem to have line breaks so sorry if any time jumps are confusing.
also a warning for language and mentions of wanting to step in front of a bus as an extreme response to being embarrassed. i swear this is all fluff otherwise.
Harry doesn't know what to get Sirius for Christmas.
Well, to clarify, Harry doesn't know if he can get Sirius anything adequately worth a damn. Because how can a game (magical or not) or piece of art or trinket or any sort of anything say hey Merry Christmas and by the way, thanks for saving me from my horrible abusive household where I lived in a cupboard and for wrangling a fucked up wizarding judicial system so that it both exonerates you from a murder you didn't commit and lets you adopt a kid you only properly met six months ago.
Harry would also like the gift (if he ever manages to find something) to say also thank you for giving me my own bedroom and for making pancakes every Saturday morning and for letting me visit my friends and for playing two-man Quidditch with me and for ruffling my hair and for always letting me pick the film that we watch and for telling me stories about my parents and for always being just enough and for not pushing me when I have nothing to say and for calling me by my name instead of shouting boy angrily-
Harry figures that he should cut himself off there. Any more gratitudes and the gift will literally be impossible to find, lest it be the size of Hogwarts in an effort to cram any and all unspoken messages Harry doesn't have the courage to voice out loud.
So Harry does what he usually does in a sticky situation. He turns to his friends.
No clue mate, Ron writes. I normally get Mum perfume and Dad whatever Muggle trinket he's been obsessing over. So unless Sirius wants a rubber duck, I probably won't be much help. But you could probably give him one and he'd be ecstatic. You're pretty much his favorite person right now.
Ah bloody hell. Do you think I should get Sirius something as a thanks for Pig?
Even though he's sure Ron's right (although Padfoot might enjoy a rubber duck more than Sirius), Harry doesn't have time to add Ron's own gift conundrum to his list of problems, so he turns to Hermione, who ends up being a bit more helpful.
I know you said that Sirius was interested in curse-breaking and how it can be used to help with cleaning up Grimmauld Place, so maybe something pertaining to that? A book or starter kit? Or perhaps something a bit more personal, something he couldn't just buy in a shop. Don't worry too much, Harry. He'll love whatever it is you give him because it's you.
Harry disregards the book suggestion immediately. Sirius does read; over the holiday break the two of them have taken to sitting quietly on opposite sides of the couch in the sitting room, reading books from the Black family library and munching on the latest treat Mrs. Weasley has sent them while flames blaze in the fireplace, only breaking the peaceful quiet occasionally to share whatever interesting passage has just been read. But Harry doesn't want to give a present that reminds Sirius of the exhausting work they do every day trying to make Grimmauld Place a habitable home.
Hermione's other suggestion, however, gets Harry thinking. Something he couldn't just buy in a shop. That obviously eliminates all of the last-resort items Harry had on his mental list, as they were dumb things he had planned to frantically order by mail once he gave up on the idea of finding something good enough for Sirius. But it also opens up a new idea, something that Harry himself had appreciated when he had received it a few years ago.
He begins firing off letters and mail-in order forms with an efficiency Hermione would admire. The owls return in quick fashion, up to three or four a day. Sirius doesn't notice anything at first, but when Hedwig taps on the kitchen window for the second time that day during breakfast, he gets up and lets her in with a raised eyebrow at Harry.
"Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment?" he asks, somewhat incredulously, peering at the label on the package. "Harry, love, you know we can just go to Diagon Alley whenever you'd like. No need to rely on owl post if you're running low on supplies."
Harry flushes and snatches the small, soft package from Hedwig, stuffing it under his armpit and looking determinedly at his porridge. He hopes he doesn't have ACTUALLY IT'S PART OF YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT written all over his face.
"It's fine," he shrugs, aiming for casual nonchalance with his tone. "It's just a small thing. No point in going all the way down to Diagon Alley. Besides, the crowds would drive you crazy. They'd probably give you a concussion trying to get a picture."
Sirius grimaces, probably thinking of their last attempt to go for an ice cream at Fortescue's shortly before Harry had left for the fall term. They'd returned to Grimmauld Place ice cream-less and with a giant tear down the front of Harry's robes.
"Nothing a Glamour Charm wouldn't fix," he responds, grabbing his own empty bowl and bringing it to the sink. "Anyway, it's not fair for us to be shut up in this damned house because some people can't behave themselves in public. You just let me know whenever you want to go out, alright? I promise I won't breathe down your neck while you look at potions ingredients and whatnot. Even if they all suspiciously happen to be ingredients for an Enlarging Potion."
He manages to ruffle Harry's hair before the boy squawks out a "Sirius!" and darts out the kitchen, cackling in response to Harry's sputtered "I'm not... I wouldn't... SIRIUS!"
As Christmas approaches, Harry begins to stay up later and later into the night, working frantically to finish Sirius' present. One late night (or early morning, really), he hears a gentle knock on his door. He jumps and shoves the half completed project under his comforter.
"Come in!"
Sirius peeks his head through the cracked open door. "Are you alright? I was getting a glass of water and noticed your light was still on."
Harry nods, trying to convey a casualness he doesn't feel beneath the stress of wanting to have the present ready by Christmas morning. "Yes. Fine. I was just... reading." He reaches for his nightstand and holds up the latest book he's knicked from the Black family library for this exact purpose.
Sirius raises an eyebrow. "You sure? I've read that one before. Couldn't last more than thirty seconds at a time without falling asleep."
Harry glances at the cover. He hasn't even cracked it open yet. "It's actually quite interesting. I've always been fascinated by... the evolution of wizarding legalese from 1500 to 1800." He internally winces as the subject matter is finally made apparent to his sleep-deprived brain.
Sirius pauses, clearly sensing that something's up. He must decide that now's not the time to probe further because he says, "Alright. You're stronger than me, then. Let me know if you need anything though." He begins to retreat and close the bedroom door but stops right before he actually does. "I forgot, " he murmurs, opening the door wide and stepping fully into Harry's bedroom. He approaches Harry where he's sitting on his bed. Harry tries to discretely shove the half-finished present further under the covers. "You had a letter downstairs. We must have missed it earlier. I only saw it when I was getting water." He hands over a rather thick envelope to Harry, who flips it over, notes the name of the sender, and smiles, relieved.
Sirius lets out a small puff of air, and Harry looks up at the sound. Sirius pastes on a rather strained smile. "Do you often write to Mrs. Weasley?"
Harry's brain scrambles for a response. "Erm. Not really."
He doesn't say anything else, unsure how to explain away the situation convincingly. A rather awkward silence settles between them. Sirius looks as if he's summoning the courage to say something.
Sirius takes a deep breath. "I'm here if you ever want to talk, Harry. I know the Weasley's have always been great to you, and I never want to feel like you're getting that taken away. But, I just want you to know that I'm also here, in addition to them. For anything. No questions asked or judgement cast. Alright?"
The letter slips out of Harry's grip, as he frantically waves his hands in front of him, desperate to correct Sirius' perception of the situation. "Oh, no, Sirius, I know! I swear it. We were just... planning Ron's birthday present this year. They wanted to throw him a party." The fib comes easily.
Sirius visibly relaxes. "Oh. Ron's birthday's not until April though."
"Yes," Harry's brain scrambles for an explanation. "But you know how Mrs. Weasley is. Always trying to stay ahead. She's already starting to plan the menu. Fretting between bacon sandwiches or chicken legs for the main course."
Sirius shakes his head, a genuine smile starting to form on his face. "Well you know my vote is always for chicken legs. Assuming I'm invited of course."
"You know you're always invited. Mrs. Weasley always wants an opportunity to make sure you're feeding me properly," Harry rolls his eyes. "And Ron thinks you're pretty cool too. Even though you broke his leg."
Sirius gives him a mock scowl. "Hey now! I wasn't in my right mind that night. And I gave him an owl to make up for it! Even though I was probably doing myself more of a favor than him. That damned owl was driving me mad."
Harry giggles, and Sirius' smile grows wider at the sound. He lets out a dramatic sigh and leans over to ruffle Harry's hair, ignoring the sounds of protest that come in response to the action.
"Alright then, love. I'm off to bed. Shout if you need anything, and I'll be here in faster than you can say chicken legs. You hear me?"
Harry nods. "Yes sir."
Sirius scowls for real this time. "None of that now, remember?"
Harry nods again, this time rather sheepishly. Sirius bends over to kiss his forehead before heading out of the bedroom, shouting a "Good night!" over his shoulder before he closes the door behind him.
Harry sighs in relief, pulls the present out from underneath the comforter, tears open Mrs. Weasley's letter, and gets back to work.
The morning of the 25th is bright and cold.
Harry is a ball of nerves as the breakfast plates get cleared away and the two of them prepare to go to the sitting room to open presents. Padfoot had barged into Harry's room at half past seven, barking loudly and leaping onto the bed, nearly giving Harry a heart attack in the process. He'd only finished Sirius' present in the wee hours of the morning and had barely managed to shove it into his desk drawer before he'd fallen asleep.
Sirius had dragged Harry into the kitchen for special Christmas chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate but had only allowed Harry to start eating once he agreed to don a ridiculously oversized Santa hat that matched the one Sirius had on his own head.
"If I'd known you liked Christmas so much, I'd have taken you to the Muggle mall to get a picture with Santa," Harry grumbles only half-heartedly as he watches the milk heat up on the hob. Sirius was adamant about making hot chocolate the old-fashioned way.
Sirius laughs loudly and hooks his arm around Harry's neck, pulling him close and planting a kiss on his forehead with a loud smack. "It's our first Christmas together, kiddo! First of many. You can get past your anti-morning attitude for that, can't you?"
"I gueeeeeeees," Harry mock-whines, drawing out the word as he adds the chopped chocolate to the steaming milk. He's secretly pleased that Sirius seems to somewhat enjoy his company. It shows he's not such a terrible charge.
"Thank you for your sacrifice," Sirius states dramatically. He gives Harry one last squeeze before releasing him. "Now come on, let's get to presents. I call going first!" He darts off to the sitting room where, overnight, a large pile of presents has piled in front of the eight-foot tall tree Sirius had dragged home one afternoon (with lots of swearing).
Harry gulps nervously as he pours hot chocolate into two mugs and tops them both with a handful of marshmallows. His hands are slightly shaking as he brings them both to the sitting room. Sirius is poking around the heap of gifts as he enters the room, and Harry spots the hastily wrapped, lumpy package he completed only a few hours ago.
Please like it, please like it, please like it, he silently begs as he sets the mugs on the coffee table. The sight of the gift is almost nauseating, and he keeps his eyes fixed on the hot chocolate.
Sirius turns at the sound to spot Harry and grins. "Alrighty, kiddo, what do you want to unwrap first? I did go a bit overboard this year, you'll have to forgive me. But there's plenty here from your friends!" He's practically vibrating with excitement.
Harry straightens his back and clears his throat. "Actually, do you mind if you do the opening first?"
Sirius pauses. "Are you sure? I swear mine are quite good."
Harry nods vigorously. "Yes. You can start with mine. It's right on top. The green wrapping." Let's just get this over with, he thinks.
Sirius picks up the package and shakes it gently. It makes no noise, and Harry can't help but let out a chuckle despite the knots in his stomach. Sirius grins at him and begins to carefully unwrap the gift.
Harry's legs suddenly feel like treacle tart filling. He lowers himself onto the couch so he doesn't pass out.
The wrapper paper gently falls to the ground, revealing a mound of knit material. Sirius unravels the pile to reveal a rather lumpy, oversized navy blue sweater with a slightly misshapen black dog woven onto the front.
Sirius doesn't say anything.
Harry's heart drops to his stomach. He opens his mouth, desperate to explain away the situation. "It's uh... it's... erm... it's a sweater? I made it?" As if that wasn't fucking obvious, he internally snarls at himself. He shakes his head, trying to organize his thoughts. "Yes, I, um, I made it. That's uh... that's Padfoot. On the front of it. I knitted it."
Sirius doesn't say anything.
Harry's words start coming out faster and faster, hoping something comes out that remedies this clusterfuck of an event. "Mrs. Weasley helped me. She sent me instructions. And the patterns? That 's why she was sending me so many letters. I didn't know how to do it. They aren't throwing a party for Ron."
Sirius still doesn't say anything.
Oh fuck! Harry thinks wildly. He's probably livid I lied. Oh fuck fuck fuck. "I'm sorry I lied to you! I just wanted it to be a surprise," he manages to get out. "That's why I was ordering so much through owl post. I had to get the yarn and the needles. And I kept having to order more yarn because I kept getting frustrated and messing up a lot. I didn't want you to know. Until now, that is. Obviously."
Sirius. Still. Doesn't. Say. Anything.
Harry wants to crawl into a hole and die. But for some stupid, idiotic reason, he keeps speaking. "I wasn't sure if you'd like the color? I actually realized that I don't know what your favorite color is. But whenever Mrs. Weasley makes one for me or for the Weasley kids, she usually does our favorite color. Or house colors. But I figured you have lots of things in Gryffindor colors? Like your wand holster. And then I noticed that you wear a lot of navy. So I thought that might be nice."
If Sirius doesn't say anything, Harry just might call the Knight Bus so he can step in front of it. He decides to get everything off of his chest before he has to do so.
"Mrs... uh... Mrs. Weasley made me one," he explains softly. "My first year. And every year after that. It means a lot to me. I think it was probably the first gift I ever got. And it kind of made me feel like part of their family? A little bit at least. So... so I wanted to give you one. Not from her, of course. But from me. So you could feel like a part of... our family?" His sentence embarrassingly ends like a question, so he hastily tacks on, "If you want to, of course."
Sirius finally moves, and Harry shuts his mouth. He gently sets the sweater down on the armchair next to him, walks over to where Harry is sitting, and pulls him up into the tightest, fiercest hug Harry has ever experienced.
Neither say anything for a few moments. Until Harry can't deal with not being able to breathe and squeaks out, "Uh? Sirius? I can't really inhale."
Sirius releases him quickly and takes a step back. "Sorry."
Harry feels awkward again. He clears his throat, hoping to fill the silence with something. "I hope you like it. But I know it's not done very well. So I can take it apart if you'd rather that. The shop said they'd take the yarn back as long as it wasn't too worn."
Sirius' head snaps up. "What? Harry, my love, I don't not like it. I love it."
Harry's mouth goes dry. "What?"
Sirius gives him a small smile. His eyes look suspiciously glassy. "Harry. You made this for me. You made this for me! It's my favorite color, and it's got me on it! Of course I love it. Not just because you took the time and the effort to make something for me. Because, my goodness, how do you even start with something like this? It must have taken you ages. But also because, well, you said it yourself. I mean, I already felt like part of the same family with the whole adoption bit and knowing you since you were a baby and whatnot, but it's always nice to know you feel the same. And I'm so honored to be a part of your family. Always will be. You have to know that, alright?" Sirius presses their foreheads together. "Alright?"
Harry nods, feeling a little something catch in his throat. He nods.
"Thank you for my gift," Sirius says softly. "I love it. No talk about talking it apart. I'll be proper mad if you do, you hear me?"
Harry nods again. Sirius releases him. He grabs the sweater from the armchair and pulls it over his head. The hem is uneven and the dog looks more like a cat once the sweater settles on his body, but Sirius only looks down at it and grins.
"Now come on, it's your turn to open presents. I don't think any of mine are as good as a handmade sweater, but I hope you like them anyway. And that's got me thinking, we ought to do a Christmas card no? Especially now that I've got a nice sweater on. Mrs. Weasley might tear up at the sight of a photo of the two us. Come on, come on, pick a present."
Harry rolls his eyes without any real heat behind the action. And he doesn't say anything later when he feels a burst of pride when he sees the photo they take in front of the Christmas tree that afternoon, Sirius wearing the sweater with the biggest, proudest smile Harry has ever seen.
He just bottles the feeling and hopes to remember it forever.
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sstardustt3 · 7 days
May I have Y/N babysits Kagekao, and Ben? Y/N has to deal with these these two bullies of Creepypastas. Y/N being mature adult that gives me a housekeeper vibes.
Authors notess- Holy shit this ended up way longer than I thought it would be um im so sorry to all of you for being gone for this long but umm good thing is summer break is soon and I might get my computer back so (yippeee!!)
Summery- y/n after an incident has to seek refuge in the creepypasta mansion and in exchange for staying rent free they work tirelessly as a housekeeper despite being treated like shit by almost everyone especially an ai named BEN and a mystery man named kagekao. One day everyone in the house is busy which leaves y/n and the two entities and then shenanigans ensue that might cost their job if they don’t figure it out
Housekeeper!reader babysits kagekao and BEN, shenanigans ensue
Tags- Ben and kagekao being little shits, Gn!reader, no use of y/n outside of the summary, slightly inspired by home alone???,gn!reader, reader is so done, mentions of other creeps (Toby, Nina, Jeff, Jane, sally, etc)-
Word count- 1.912k
!not proof read!
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When you kill someone, are you supposed to have a plan? I mean i guess if it was pre-meditated than i suppose you would’ve thought it all out. Sad to say you didn’t. You barely realised you actually killed someone, even when you were cleaning the blood off you’re hands and burying the body you didn’t realise just what you did. But when you did, it hit you like a semi. What were you supposed to do? It was messy and the poor bastard lazily just got thrown into the river. They would be found eventually…shit you could barely remember their face. Either way you needed to leave before you were ever found out. You could fake your death and run to another state. Blame it on someone else, fake a disappearance. You could have but thst required too much preperation. You needed to leave now. But where would you go? If you left you wouldn’t have a job, you would have to have a fake id. Jesus, never did you know just how hard murder is. It requires a lot of thought, for the most part. You were at a loss, that when that damn thing came. Just at the right time. It spoke to you, and comforted you. It saved you from the undeniable fate that was awaiting you. It gave you everything you needed for your escape. A home, of sorts, a job. Although the job could have been a tad bit degrading to some, anything was better than watching the sobs of that mans family. Calling you a monster for what you’ve done, asking if you had any shame. Hoping for your dmise in that rusty cell, hoping that you die from being around oxodized metal 24/7. Being a housekeeper was ten times better than that.
It’s been around..nine months since you’ve started working there. No, working isn’t the right word. More like slaving away for a murder house all day. Slaving was defenintly a more fitting word. They had no respect for you, treated you like some type of dog. Sure some were nicer than others. Like that little girl sally and liu, sometimes jane. Some would ignore me like i wasn’t there and only called when they needed something, and a lot of them just pushed me arond and treated me like a stray dog. Can’t say i expected much out of them. Most of the people here deserved to rot in a mental faclity. But there were two spesfically, Ben and Kagekao, they treated you the worst. Ben was nothing short but an ass, he would just say the worst shit to upset you or make you uncomfortable and kagekao just like to try and get you to burst into tears or just get a rise out of you. Actually, that goes for both of them. They were absolute nightmares to be around and god forbid they’re around you the whole day. But you don’t seem to be gods favorite, that’s was made abudently clear when you wound up here in the first place. By some miracoulus luck, everyone had something to do. Which would normamly be amazing. Made your job ten times easier, but everyone was gone except ben and kagekao.
“Don’t you two have anything else to do? An assignment, a hobby, a job?”
“Hey we are doing our job sweetheart” ben argued quickly and kage nodded in silent agreement.
“Your job is harrasing me?”
you sighed as you dipped the mop into the water and started working on the kitchen.
“Oh wow, stupid over here finally grew a brain and figured out the obvious.”
he joked, giving you a harsh slap on your back. For a hologram, he hit redicously hard. But i guess thats the perks of being a virus who can alter almost anything about your self.
“Can you just say what you want instead of giving weird ass riddles.”
despite you’re wishes to god for today, just for today not to get some weird cryptic bullshit request, but you knew that was extremly unlikely
“Now where’s the fun in that?”
ben laughed, the sound of faint and grainy static invades his voice. You’ve learned from never being left alone by ben in particular what that meant, he already had some stupid humiliating request of you.
“It’s like that stupid little noggin’ there has nothing in it but cooking and cleaning.”
he began beating on your head like a wood pecker chipping wood. You took the split second that his hand became less digital and more like and object and attempted to reprimand him. It was odd to say the least. His skin felt thin and drenched, weather it was sweat or water you couldn’t tell since of now quick he disappeared and spawned away. His voice was undeniably delayed and his body glitched. There was a sense of nervousness in his voice.
“Heyyy- w-what do you think y-your doing?”
He chuckled
“Don’t put your d-d-d- dirty little hands one me okay? Is that so hard for you to under shit for brains, of course it is, probably because your brain is rotted with porn and maybe thats why you can’t even understand the most basic things.”
He chuckled and he was about to berate you more before kagekao got his attention
what the fuck are you doing”
he said back with a scoff. Folding his arms and moving to where kagekao was and looked over his shoulder perched up like a cat. They said nothing for a solid thirty seconds until kagekao muttered something with a somewhat amused tone.
“Shut up you nasty little- you know if you were just honest I wouldn’t have to-”
“Hey, i’m still here just so you know. If you’re gonna sit here and try and kill each other, do it outside of my line of sight.” you said dissmisvly as you finished up what you were doing in the first place. They didn’t care enough about a word you were spouting but either way exited out of the kitchen
It was quiet for a while which was exactly what you needed, peace and quiet, no interupptions, no snarky remarks. Just wonderful silence. But a feeling lingered in the back of your mind that something wasn’t right about this. Complete dead silence In a house with ben in it was never a good sign. But there was nothing for you to really do about it, dealing with them is above your paycheck anyways. As you went upstairs to your room you heard some faint giggling and mumbling. You decided against your better judgement and pressed your ear against the door and listened.you heard a tv playing it sounded like..home alone and the slight sounds of hardwear and tools. You tried to push the door open a little more to see exactly what was going on You’re not very discrete because as soon as you did that ben’s voiced called out to you.
“ listen fatty, your number two from rasing canes isn’t in here if thats what your looking for.”
“What your just gonna sit there with your Quasimodo humpback whale looking ass? Move it.”
Jesus christ, and you wonder why you don’t jump off a damn cliff. You continue on your way and for a few hours you were good, the other creeps would be back soon, everything was fine. Maybe god has finally answered your prayers of having a somewhat peaceful day. until you heard…a megaphone?
The voice calling from the megaphone was robotic, eerily energetic. Almost manic. Without a shadow of a doubt it was Ben. You immedeatly knew it was something going to throw your entire day off. Maybe even cut your pay but it was either that or get harassed by the two which you most definitely didn’t want to deal with. Sure you’ve learned over the months you’ve been residing here how to handle them. At the end of the day they are not really all that harmful, to you anyways. But never the less you rush to the stairs to see kagekao and ben siting there with a megaphone and a bunch of supplies and chemicals, most likely stolen from cody.
“Now now, i know we haven’t haven’t had the best track record together , but hey just listen me and kage here have a little proposal for you.”
their eyes shifted towards each other with a cheeky smirk and giggle
“Your good at construction righttttt?”
He leaned forward all the way almost nose to nose with you.
“Ah well, doesn’t matter. We need your help lowley human.”
Your eyebrow quirked up in aroused suspicion.
“Well, we’re trying to murder-“
You sharply stated rather bluntly
“But why..”
He whined like an infant, but never wiping that impish grin off his face.
“Listen okay if you hear us out on who-“
“Let me speak you good for nothing slut!”
He snapped like how a rabid dog snapps it jaws at any sense of movement and then cleared his throat,
“It’s Jeff”
You were about to reject again but then thought about it. Sure you hated Ben and his silent antagonistic friend but Jeff was also a bigger pain in your ass. But on the other hand you’ll probably get a pay cut or kicked out…was seeing the pitiful look on his face really worth getting kicked out and possibly man hunted?
You didn’t understand half of what he said. Kagekao spoke to fast for you to grasp a word he said but the only words you heard were ‘not technically killing him’ and ‘just a little pain’
“The bell do you mean just a little pain?”
You asked as your eyes shifted between the two of them. Kao almost looked a little shocked at your semi understanding and the fact you understood so quickly seemed to tick Ben off more.
“Since when did you understand Japanese?”
He asked in a way that you could tell he was holding back some minor jealousy and irritation.
“You think I wasn’t gonna try to understand the slew of letters sent to my room on the daily.”
Ben paused and looked between me and kage and shrugged.
“Well anyhow,do you think you could help with us hurting Jeff? He’s been pissing us off recently and we need a little help, give him a little scare.”
Kage simply snickered at the idea and Ben continued
“Hey, hey, hey-! Before you reject us again, we’ll pay you..”
That definitely caught your interest.
“With what?”
“How much?”
“5 thousand give to take.”
Ben has a real funny way of convincing people to Participate in his little schemes. Either that or the bar is in hell for you. But who says no to a fat stack of cash, not like you had anything better to do, but your job…
“Fine. I want cash up front though.”
And like Jesus turning water into wine he took a loaf of bread out of his disgusting back pocket that was probably a breeding ground for diseases and turned it into your 5,000. You quickly snatched it and shoved it into your back pocket. With a delighted grin and the faith in the god lord that you would keep your promise you were dragged upstairs like a doll.
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ketastore · 2 years
the science team with scientist!reader
this one is sort of platonic but romance is implied from gordon's side
3rd pov, y/n used
the sound of glass breaking could be heard in the corner of the room, as gordon smashed the window glass of a vending machine into small bits with an old, rusty crowbar.
"everyone!! get the drinks!!" gordon shouted as he watched the rest of the science team run over to the broken vending machine and start sipping and slurping on the drinks like wild animals. the science team was tired from all the walking and fighting and decided to take a well deserved break in a room they found and possibly scavenge for food. that's why the vending machine is now broken.
the only one who wasnt near the vending machine was y/n, who instead decided to look around the room and hopefully find some food or other helpful stuff inside the boxes on the other side of the room. they seemed quite satisfied with the task at hand, looking around with a smile on their face while listening to an ambience of certain 3 men sipping soda loudly and gordon dying of laughter over the slurping cacophony.
oh, speaking of gordon! as soon as he finished laughing and noticed y/n not being present near the vending machine, he looked over at them and sighed. not in annoyance, but rather in a "im so hecking glad there's at least one sane person here besides myself" way. yea, for the majority of the day he had to babysit 3 men babies and benrey (who has been currently missing for a few hours now. not like gordon cares where he is though!). y/n on the other hand, seemed pretty normal, mature even, which was gordon extremely glad for cause.. he really didnt want another careless adult to look after.
gordon then quickly shook his head. no more bad thoughts!! he thought to himself as he looked over at y/n. for now, he just wanted to take a break and chill with them, as they (like previously stated) seemed like the most mature out of the bunch.
putting on a little grin, gordon walked over to y/n and raised his hand in a friendly way, ready to start a conversation!
"y/n, buddy! what's u–"
"GUYS! i found some cute stickers!!"
what the heck. there's no way. gordon's expections of y/n's maturity immediately all disappeared as he watched the supposedly "mature" adult jump around in a childlike glee, waving with a few pages of colorful stickers in their hand!! gordon face palmed in disappointment and sat down with a groan. how could even such silly items end up in black mesa? and most important, why is everyone so damn happy about it?
because as soon as y/n informed everyone about their interesting find (loudly, might i add), everyone came up to them, visibly interested in the stickers as well. "good job, dr y/n! we all knew we could count on you!" dr coomer said in a happy tone, sounding proud of the younger scientist, to which y/n replied with an even happier "thank you!"
the first one next to y/n was tommy, who seemed the most curious about the stickers , "ooh i love stickers, show me!", he bend down to y/n's height and looked over their shoulder at the stickers, gasping at the cute designs and colors, "the star ones look so cute!". reacting immediately, y/n grinned and looked up at the tall man next to them. they then procceeded to carefully take one of the star stickers and stick it on tommy's right cheek. "tada! now you look very handsome!" y/n said happily, grinning even more after seeing tommy smile widely. he seemed very happy to be called handsome!
the little interaction of the two seemed to attract the rest of the science team, aswell! coomer along with bubby quickly squeezed themselves between y/n and tommy, both demanding y/n to give them some stickers too, to which the young scientist agreed to with a quick nod. "of course!! there's a lot of them for everyone!!"
the room was quickly filled with laughs and giggles as the scientists shared cute stickers between eachother, all of them enjoying the silly, yet fun activity!! soon all of them were covered with stickers; tommy's face was the most covered - with 2 star stickers on his cheeks, 1 heart sticker on his chin and 1 rainbow sticker above his left eyebrow - the 2 older scientists were decorated in a similar manner, except that bubby refused to take any girly stickers (although he didnt seem against putting a kuromi sticker on his chest pocket, to match with coomer's my melody one), y/n themselves picked primarly heart and flower stickers of various colors, decorating both their face and their lab coat with them. needless to say, they all looked very cool and stylish!
unfortunately, not everyone seemed to share the same opinion.. this all looked so silly in gordon's eyes! why yes, he has been sitting there this whole time, watching everyone have fun and exchange stickers! at first, he was quite annoyed at how bizzare it all seemed, playing around like little kids while they were locked up in a huge building with monsters everywhere..
the science team looked so happy though- despite often feeling frustrated because of them, gordon still cared a lot about them. they were his buddies after all! he enjoyed spending time with them, and needless to say, he even slowly started to feel a desire to join the fun. gordon felt his grumpy mood slowly getting better as he looked back at the rest of his team, grinning at the sight of benrey casually chatting with y/n.
wait wha- when did benrey get in here??? his grin quickly fell. noticing the security guard who seemed to appear out of nowhere, gordon immediately sprung to his feet and stomped towards benrey, who stood right next to y/n, asking them for a few fruit stickers to decorate his helmet with. gosh, gordon couldnt stand this guy. "what are YOU doing he-!!" "oh hey bro. hey man. whats up, bro. you- you doing good?" benrey cut him off with his monotone voice before gordon could finish his sentence, not even bothering to look at the taller man with a ponytail as he rather admired his helmet him and y/n just finished decorating. "havent seen you in a while." benrey added with a smirk on his face, most likely intending to piss off gordon even more; which worked because upon hearing that, gordon could feel his temper rise tremendously fast.
sensing the negative atmosphere around, y/n panicked a bit. they didnt want anyone to start a fight, especially not when everyone seemed to be in such a good mood until now! so, without thinking, the young scientist took a random sticker and quickly put it on gordon's left cheek, hoping for it to work as a distraction to cool down gordon.
this of course, surprised gordon as he went completely silent and stumbled back a bit, not expecting such an interaction. y/n looked at him with a sheepish, yet cute smile, letting out a laugh to releave the awkward situation they just got themselves into. lol what a silly clown. for a while, the two just stared at eachother, not sure what to say or do, until y/n finally let go of gordon's face and laughed yet again, this time with much more confidence. y/n just noticed that the sticker they just put gordon's face was the same one they already had on their face, what a coincidence! "cool, now we're matching!"
gordon was totally speechless, unsure what to say or do. he was left confused after the whole sticker thing but he was very certain about two things he just realized; y/n's laugh was the most beautiful thing in the world and he really wanted to hear it again. for now, he just continued to fondly stare at the the smilling, sticker-covered scientist in front of him.
unfortunately, the fuzzy, yet pleasant silence was soon broken by bubby punching a microwave he found in the room and then throwing it on the ground, causing a small explosion-
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insomniackae · 1 year
- Someone to Hold -
(F!Reader x Kaeya) | Fluff, rusty writing, grammar and word mistakes, short asf
Eyyo Im back with a rusty piece of work featuring, drum roll please! Kaeya! Who would've guess huh? This one is sooo short ngl. I think this is the first time I wrote fluff with no angst whatsoever sooooo rookie fic tbh
"Hey, fancy joining me at the tavern for a bit?"
" How could I decline if you ask me with that charming face?"
Kaeya chuckles after hearing your words. It's not like he never receive such compliments before, so it's a wonder why it felt so different when it came from a beauty such as yourself.
That was the first interaction you had with the Cavalry Captain. You both soon became "friends" . It was obvious that you have some sort of romantic attraction to the captain, though it seems like the captain doesn't realize it. Or does he?
"Say, [name]. Why is it that I always see you wandering around without your partner?" Kaeya asked when he helped you carry some boxes to your home.
You laughed at his question and answered, "Isn't it obvious? I don't have a partner, silly. I don't even have exes or admirers " Though, it seems like Kaeya doesn't believe that.
"What? That's impossible! How can a fair maiden such as yourself doesn't have a partner?" Your face redden by his " hidden" compliment.
"If it's that unbelievable, how about you become my first one?" You draw your step faster, leaving Kaeya behind with a stunned look.
One night in a drunken state you blurted out how lonely you are, how you wish there's someone who is willing to be your partner , hugs you to sleep and all romantic fantasies you had to Kaeya while he carried you on his back to your home.
"I alsho want someone to be lovey dovey wih you knourr! I want SOMEONE to kish mey forrhead wen I wake up" Your word may be slurred but kaeya gets everything.
"Hey Kae! Hmmmm won't yuo date meee???" You move kaeya's head to the side to look at him properly. His blue locks hits your face but you don't care, you were mesmerized by his beauty and handsomeness. "You are shoooooooo prettey you knourrr?!?!?"
Out of no where tear spills out of your eyes, sobbing on his shoulder uncontrollably. "Hey? Why are you crying [name]? Are you okay?" Kaeya puts you on the ground, letting you stand by yourself. He bend down to take a look at your shaking figure.
You look at him teary eyed, crying as you say " I luvw you you knouw?! You're just soo nice and I just can't {inaudable} - " Kaeya pulls you into a hug as you cry in his arms. Even though you were crying, kaeya was blushing with a smile as bright as the sun.
You woke up with an awful hangover the next day. Not only that, you remembered everything you said to him the night before. Embarrassed and mortified, you avoided the poor Cavalry Captain for almost a week.
Kaeya calls out your name while knocking your door. You decided to no longer avoid him and answered the door. As soon as you open the door, the tall figure wrap his arms around your anatomy. "Why are you avoiding me?"
"Im sorry, I was just... ashamed" Your apology drew a smile on kaeya's face.
"Ashamed? Why would you be ashamed? Is it because of your confession?"
You nodded, indicating that what he said is indeed the truth. Kaeya laughs and place a kiss on your forehead.
"I love you too, [name]."
A kiss on your right cheek
"I love how beautiful you are"
A kiss on your left cheek
"I love how kind you are"
A kiss under your right eye
"I love how adorable you can be"
A kiss on the left
"I love you, so so much."
And you both share a kiss of two mouth. That day, you finally have someone to kiss you goodmorning, cook breakfast with and hug you to sleep.
The sound of bird chirping and singing gleefully brighten up the morning atmosphere. You open your eyes and behold the most charming ice boy sleeping next to you. Observing his face features, from his locks of blue hair, to his lips. You cup his face and rub his slightly rough lips with your thumb. Wondering if this is all a dream.
"Good morning princess." Kaeya leans into your hand and give you a kiss on your forehead.
"Good morning handsome, did you have a good night sleep?"
Your boyfriend nodded and pulls you closer to his shirtless figure. Keeping you as close as possible to him. "There is no night where I can't sleep if I have you in my arms''
You chuckles after hearing his claim. " I would love to cuddle more but you need to go to work, dear." A low groan came from kaeya, a tad bit upset by the thought of leaving you just to go to work.
"Can't we stay like this for a little more? Just 5 minutes I promise. Pleaseeee!". He begs you to cuddle him more. Though, you won't be deceived by his empty promises.
You know that if you stay there being hugged by him, kaeya won't move a budge. So you untangle yourself from his arms and walks to the bathroom to take a morning shower. "Won't you come and join me, boyfriend?"
"Oh I would love to".
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yandere-sins · 2 years
I don't tend to send requests often, so im very sorry if this is done badly, but i read that one with Geralt and falling for modern reader who's trying to get home and i loved it; is there any chance you could maybe do something about either once they get to kaer morhen, or maybe the reader tries to escape before they get there, bc they're past the point of suspicion?
I do love your work so much, tho. It's very well written, and quite compelling!!
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I think this is one of the most (if not the most) requested request on my blog ever :’D And now the sweet @yanderewulf made a donation for Ukraine to have it continued too ♥ I was going to wait for a bit longer for an idea but with all of your ideas and inputs, here’s what we got! Hope you all enjoy it, thank you for requesting & commissioning this continuation ♥
[First Part]
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
“Come on… come on!” 
You cursed the damned lock on your ankle cuff under your breath, feeling more frustrated than all this time you spent in this damn prison. It didn’t help that you only had a rusty lockpick and one arm to maneuver it, but every time you messed up, you tried again. Patience may not have been your virtue, but the feeling of oppression that you had to experience every day was enough to keep you from giving up. 
Perhaps you were exaggerating. Kaer Morhen was nicer than you expected, and much like Geralt told you it would be. However, it was the Witcher that made all of it unpleasant. Admittedly, he had yet to do something, well… disturbing. At least more disturbing than putting an ankle cuff with a long chain on you to keep you locked in just one room of the seemingly endless building that was Kaer Morhen. You barely saw half of it before Geralt snapped, and yet it already frightened you to think about having to roam it alone. 
A part of you still hurt just thinking about how fooled you were by the Witcher. How you really thought he was an ally, a friend. Geralt was nothing of that sort, not even a honest man true to his word. He said he would help you, led you through months of traveling, and always ensured no harm would come to you. One could say he played his cards well up to the last moment, the one night that he fueled your anxiety and doubts about him. 
Had you not been awake… who knows what would have happened to you. Well, nothing worse than this, you were sure. The broken arm was partially your fault for trying to run. After he suggested coming here - to his home - the memories of him mumbling about locking you up and never letting you go home to your world had just been too much. All you remember was him telling you there’d be one more town before you would reach Kaer Morhen—a place you dreaded without even knowing what it looked like. And then, when night came, you took all the courage you could muster and ran. 
As if stung by a bee, you rushed through the forest with no orientation. Branches bruised you black and blue as you ran into them, bushes scratched open your skin, but the only thing on your mind was getting to town and seeking help from anyone but this Witcher. If you could have stayed hidden for a while, maybe Geralt would have given up? He never struck you as the persistent type, though by now, you weren’t sure what personality of his to believe anymore. 
It was just your luck that made you fall right into a monster’s lair. The fall into the underground cave broke your arm and alerted the monsters. Your screams must have been heard far and wide as pain and fear destroyed your mind. Afterwards, you hardly remember anything but being held and comforted while you were delirious. And then you woke up here, in a bed, chained and closer to a monster than you had ever been before.
You haven’t known peace ever since.
Geralt was always there. Whether he was fussing over your wound, forcing disgusting potions down your throat that simply didn’t work on you, or sleeping by your side with no care in the world. He never let you out of sight. Even when you kicked and screamed, assaulted him, pleaded with him, he simply became cold and distant. The silent treatment seemed to be his preferred way of handling your outbursts, and what you didn’t have in patience, Geralt had hundredfold. Every time you were done, out of breath and tears to shed, he simply pushed your hair back behind your ear and asked if you wanted dinner or a bath first, neither of these options something you’d be enjoying alone. 
It almost made you more furious that he acted so calm and collected, but there wasn’t much to do. When he was out in the kitchen or fetching you new books or water, you searched for other methods. Something that would actually help you in comparison to the unwanted companionship Geralt provided. Potions, weapons, anything. You were rarely successful, and when he found you searching his things, Geralt would take everything from you wordlessly. He didn’t seem interested in scolding you, but the glare he was giving you as he robbed you of your hope made you cower and fear him just as much. 
Both of you knew it was a race against time. Either you’d give up, or he’d snap before that. 
Neither was desirable, but Geralt’s disbelief in you being able to find a way home was scratching on your own faith as well. What if there was no way home? What if you were stuck here forever? If not Geralt, would there be someone or something else that would cause you harm? Would you ever find someone to trust again? You couldn’t take that risk. The risk of settling for this. 
This wasn’t your life, and you wouldn’t live it even one day longer. When you snatched that rusty lockpick from Geralt’s bag after he fell asleep the night before, you knew your time had come for a change. Going home was long overdue. Just how?
The lock opened, and you were overcome by momentary joy. Even though the cuff was a little rusty as well, it unfurled just fine, and you briefly wondered why someone would need a cuff and chain in his bedroom. However, questioning these mysteries never brought forth any nice explanations, and you really didn’t want to think of the possible horror it was associated with. Right now, there were more important, more urging matters to occupy your mind with. 
Jumping up, you felt incredibly free as if a huge weight had been lifted from your whole body rather than just your leg. A wave of strength and hope washed through you after succeeding in freeing yourself. Kaer Morhen - and thus, Geralt - running out of food had been the best thing that could have happened to you. You had almost believed that he’d never leave your side again. The sour look on his face as he announced this morning that he had to go hunting had only been the icing on the cake, and it made you chuckle to yourself now. Winter was harsh in this strange land, as Geralt had told you before. He worried a lot about getting the herbs he needed for healing potions and to care for your arm, and with you occasionally refusing the meals he was preparing, you two burned through his reserves rather quickly. 
Geralt didn’t like to ask for help, which was his doom, you decided. If he rather wanted to go out and hunt instead of keeping watch over you as he always did, he should not be surprised if he returned to an empty room later on. Not that you had any guilt over what you were doing! Who knows how long your escape had dragged out under his eagle eyes had he arranged for help from the farmers and townspeople? But it suits you well, so you didn’t even think about complaining. You certainly would not miss him, no matter how good you two had started out.
Stepping up to the door, you listened. Realistically you knew a hunt couldn’t go as fast as that Geralt would be back. Still, if he walked normally on the stone floor, you would have heard it even without Geralt’s heightened senses, and prepared yourself accordingly. You felt ready and excited when you finally gave yourself the go to step outside. Your heated emotions caused your body to stay warm, and though the snow outside made the castle’s insides colder, you didn’t feel anything but pure, hot adrenaline rushing through you. Having come this far, you were no less pumped up than a child after eating sugar. You left everything behind in the room, be it a blanket, the few small possessions you had accumulated in this world, or the feeling of helpless imprisonment. 
You still faintly remembered the layout Geralt showed you, stumbling back to the kitchen, praising yourself for making it this far. Just a little more, and you remembered there was a library that Geralt deemed “full of useless junk,” but one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?
Other than that, you had no better lead on where to go. Outside would have been your death. The keep was too high up and hidden to escape quickly with your flimsy clothes and no map to guide you. You’d be lost in no time again, risking another - this time fatal - encounter with monsters or even just wildlife. No matter how much you wanted to believe in being able to return to the nearest town, scouting Kaer Morhen seemed to be the safest option at the moment. 
Making your way to the library, your anxiety rose. What if you didn’t find anything helpful? What if it was, indeed, just full of useless junk? You shouldn’t have allowed doubts to cloud your mind, but you couldn’t stay as optimistic as you had been stepping out of the room Geralt held you captive in. And yet, you were immensely relieved to see that there were indeed books in the library and not just sheer endless shelves of nothingness. 
Browsing, you bit your tongue at some of the book titles you encountered. Some you could read just fine, but every few, you were either unable to make out their title due to frivolous, unreadable font or them being written in a language that seemed familiar and yet not your own. It almost made you wish you’d have asked Geralt to teach you some of his language skills back when you two were still on good terms. He’d probably not have any problems reading these books while you could only envy him. 
And yet, somehow, your eyes still continued to wander, focusing in and out. There were books about herbs, animals, monster encyclopedias, and the few odd ones that could have been romance novels. You didn’t know better how else to describe them when their titles were so… cheesy. But luckily, you stayed focused, running your fingers over the countless book spines until you spotted something you didn’t expect. 
It seemed casual enough, laying open on a desk near the window. Without being able to read the title, it might not have caught your attention, but the magic circle inside of it alerted even someone untaught as you. You didn’t know much about how this land’s magic worked, but being here already seemed too magical to deny its existence. Pulling the book off the table, you sat on the ground without hesitation and started to browse its pages. In some played the ink was smeared or a page would be missing, the pages themselves feeling very old and brittle between your fingers, and there were lots and lots of spells in it. You didn’t have the time to wonder about who wrote it, why it was here, and what it was used for, so you skipped through most of them when their short descriptions didn’t match what you were looking for. 
However, there were a few spells about portals and other realms. It left you wondering if that extended to other worlds too. You were engrossed in the fine letters that decorate each page, explaining the spell’s use and why you should or should not use them. Sometimes, little comments were written between lines, deeming the spells useful or useless. The more you read, the more you were concerned if you could do these magical acts. Geralt never gave you the full run-down about magic in this world, but maybe you would be lucky and could do them as well? 
You were sure they’d be able to get you away from here. Far away. Maybe to a better place, maybe to a worse one. But everything was better than being here with Geralt, right? 
Maybe they’d get you home. 
It was a little too good to be true, but still, you paid attention to the ingredients, instructions, and ratings of whoever tried those spells before. You absorbed every word you read; every small letter full of knowledge was ingrained in your mind. And with every page more, you felt more confident, more optimistic again about your future. Dread had eaten away on you for a long time, but it was time to wake up from this nightmare. Yes, you’d finally get away. You’d make it!
Reality didn’t hit you in the form of a cuff and a chain this time. It came unexpectedly in the form of a body pressing against your back, forcing you to hunch over the book and shaking you out of your enthusiastic optimism with a cold that you didn’t expect. 
“Why are you not in your room?”
Geralt’s husky voice felt like icicle being slammed into every muscle, your newly built hope being crushed by the wetness of his clothes that brought back the cold to your scarcely clothed body. “Why am I finding you here when I was expecting you to wait for me by the fire?”
He buried his face in your shoulder took a deep breath to either calm down or smell you, both options giving you the creeps. His face was just as cold as the rest of his body, his beard causing a rash on your skin. The ominous feeling of an arm snaking around your torso resembled that of creeping danger. Any moment now, it would tighten, sitting firmly above your hip and sealing your fate to being dragged around like a doll. 
You couldn’t let that happen, not after everything you’ve gone through. 
Grabbing the book with your free hand, you jumped into action, up and out of the hovering cage he tried to make with his body. Your eyes locked on each other, his tired and annoyed, and yours full of determination, before you began to sprint. There was no indication on where would be ‘safe’; how you could escape him unscathed. But giving up now wasn’t an option, now that you came this far. And so you ran, only hearing the loud sigh behind you as you stormed back to the kitchen, stumbling over dead animals that Geralt must have brought back from his hunt. 
Their blood coated your feet, but you continued to run, further and further, until the light of Geralt’s room interrupted the darkness of the hallway. Who’d have thought that you’d return here of all places? And yet, you slammed the door shut behind you, throwing the book aside to barely move the shelf right next to the exit. With just one hand, it was impossible to truly barricade yourself in. Still, the overlapping edge at least stopped the door from opening as you ran back to the book, trying to find the page again with the most promising portal. You had some chalk in this room and plenty of herbs. Maybe you could do it! And if not, you could at least hide the book somewhere, throw another one into the fire to say you burned it. The situation was rough but not hopeless.
The door handle made an alarming sound as it got caught by a shelf board before it could unlock the door. You heard rattling while you frantically browsed the book, then knocking. “Let me in. You’re wounded. I need to take care of that. Stop playing around.” Geralt’s annoyance was clearly audible in his voice, then the banging of his fist against the wood shook you to the very core. You crossed your fingers and prayed the wood would hold. Give you enough time to do what needed to be done, but while you were thinking this, you heard the slam of an axe and the splintering of wood behind you. With a yelp, you jumped out of the way of the shelf as it came down from the force, the door opening not a second later. 
You desperately tried to shove the book under your shirt, realizing much too late it wasn’t a good hiding spot, but with your back turned, cowering and hunched over, you tried not to draw Geralt’s attention to you. The problem was just that you had all of his attention on you always. From the good to the bad, you were his only point of focus. 
“Give it to me,” he asked—no, ordered. His voice was sourly underlined with frustration, telling you he wasn’t up for jokes or debates now. You heard the chains in his clothes rattling as he approached you, and yet, you dared to defy him, turning away from where you thought he was standing, squeezing your eyes shut. You probably did it this time... You really made him mad. So what choice did you have?
“Please, no,” you whimpered, not daring to look at him still. “I just want to read it. Please leave me alone.” 
“We both know that’s not true. Give me the book.”
Rattling right next to your ear made you flinch, his outstretched hand was to your right side, waiting for you to be reasonable and do as he said. 
Just saying the word was painful. The idea of being treated worse than you already had been made your defiance hurt more than anything. It was a betrayal to your survival instinct, and your subconsciousness went berserk because of  it. Not even one dead cell wanted to submit to Geralt, but at the same time, you weren’t ridden of the fear of what he could do to you. It was only made worse when you realized you were right in being scared of him. You had been all along. 
The yank on your hair wasn’t as painful as your broken arm, but still enough to pull your head backwards and open your eyes again. There he was, in all his unholy glory, Geralt of Rivia and his disgusting feelings for you. Because even now, angry and without restrain, you could still see it in the slits of his eyes that he did it because he adored you. His gaze was scolding you for what you didn’t allow him to do: fully and wholeheartedly love you as he wished. 
The next thing you knew, he grabbed you by the neck like an unruly kitten and pulled you to your feet. You weren’t in any position to resist as he shook you like a rag doll, the sound of the book hidden under your shirt falling to the ground echoing loudly in the room in stark contrast to your whimpers. He snatched it as you crumpled to the ground, and it was too late when you turned towards the fireplace, the book already turning into black coal as Geralt, without even looking at it, disposed of it.
The crackling of the fire perfectly matched the breaking of your heart as you had to watch your helpful guide home burn into crisps and then ashes. You couldn’t even do anything before it was swallowed by flames, too overwhelmed by your hopes being destroyed once again as if they were mere dirt under Geralt’s feet. He passed by in front of you, crossing your vision, but you took no note of him until he kneeled before you, forcing your eyes on his chest. 
You felt treacherous warmth as he pulled a blanket tightly around your shoulders before lifting you up by your arms. But the moment your soles felt the hard ground under them again, you snapped out of it, your hand flying before you could think. The slap didn’t hit Geralt very hard, coming from your healthy but not dominant hand. Certainly, he felt it but didn’t feel it physically. His feelings were hurt more than his skin, that much was sure. 
“How dare you,” you hissed, baring your teeth and holding back the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “What right do you think you have to treat me this way?”
Your anger made you tremble, and you had to take a deep breath before you could even continue speaking. Otherwise, it might have just been jumbled, meaningless words tied to each other. How could he do this to you? What in the world could justify this treatment? Why would he burn the only book that might have helped you, knowing full well he was standing in the way of how things should be for his own, selfish gain?
“You are exactly like the monsters you kill—no, you’re worse.”
This seemed to shake him as he opened his mouth, stepping closer to you. You didn’t budge. Even if he expected you to try and escape from him again, you stood your ground. Something you couldn’t even be proud of anymore as it was fueled by apathy. When he destroyed the book, he also destroyed a part of you. The part that was too scared to be rebellious and would cower, as well as the part that still hoped that your current life would change. So what if he hurt you? So what if he ended you right here and now? Why would  it matter when every chance of being able to go home was brutally ripped from you with no remorse? 
Geralt snatched your chin between his fingers, and you provocatively pushed it into his direction, not breaking eye contact with him, no matter how your instincts told you to not stare a wild animal in its eyes. “Whether I am a monster or not…” he muttered, leaning forward to whisper the rest of the sentence against your lips. 
“Has always been up to you.”
Hearing these words, something inside of you just gave up. You wanted to defy him, kick his shin, and aim for his balls right after. But you also realized that maybe, things would have been different if you had tried to accept those twisted feelings he harbored. He wouldn’t have let you go still, but you’d not be in this kind of pain and frustration, anger and deep, deep sadness. You’d not love but be loved just because of some man’s obsession. 
His kiss was salty from your tears, his lips still cold from the outside. It made you wonder if Geralt could even be warm, either in his actions, thoughts, or body. If not, was this the fate you were bound to as well? Forever be cold and bitter, chained and locked away here until you die? 
When his arm finally snapping around you, he forced you against him, supporting you, and only then did you notice your legs were giving out from under you. Everything... it was all too much. You let him carry you over to the bed, his shoes and armor coming off before he slipped under the blankets with you, splaying you out on his chest, so his grip was all around you. His actions silently told you there would be no more escaping from him while he had so much more for you to hear. 
Why wouldn’t it stop, you wondered. Why did his voice nag and keep you awake when all you wanted was to fall asleep. “You’re nothing in this world without me,” it whispered cruelly into your ear. Geralt was playing his dirty with you, and you had no energy left to counter them. 
“I fed you and took care of you when no one else would. I protected you and continue to keep you safe from all harm. Without me, you’d not have survived this long and you know it.”
Was that enough to give him the right to treat you like this? Was survival worth more than your freedom and the ability to make your own choices? Was it even a life if you could only live as he wanted you to?
His arms held you tightly, hands wandering up and down your back. Rubbing over bruises and sore muscles in an imitation of comfort. He couldn’t fool you, not even one bit. No word of his had any ground to stand on, his thoughts wholly twisted if that was what he believed was true. 
But somehow, you began to warm up. Your body against his, the back rubs, everything helped make the cold disappear. As disgusting and dirty as it was to lay in his arms, it also lulled you into a state of calmness. You felt numb, no thoughts left, and his voice, too, faded into the background like a humming far away. Maybe you should have listened, but nothing good could come from him telling you he loved you. 
That you owe this to him. That it was fate. 
Who knew what was right or wrong. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore or matter for that case. You couldn’t be sure whether resisting or surrendering was what you were supposed to do in the future. The only thing you now knew and promised to never forget ever again was…
Geralt was exactly the monster you always hoped he wouldn’t be.
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red handed; colby brock
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request:  im not sure if you do requests or even any imagines for colby brock anymore but i was wondering if you cold make a exception, so basically the plot is that the reader met colby through kat and since then they hit it off, now their in a secretive relationship the only person who knows is kat but she only knows the reader has a crush on colby. one day everyones hanging out in the same room room and colby is sexting the reader, sams curious to whos hes texting and they find out their dating.
dedication: @whydontweanons​
genre: fluff, subtle smut?
pairing: colby brock x gn!reader
characters: colby brock, sam golbach, katrina stuart, corey scherer, jake webber, kevin langue, brennen taylor, devyn lundy, tara yummy
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, what would probably be underage drinking, NSFW (barely), sexting (duh), mentions of COVID-19, quarantine
a/n: of course i’ll still write for sam and colby!! it’s just that, since i’m not as active of a follower of them as i used to be, my goal is to write for fandoms that i’m more invested in at the moment. but, honestly, i don’t think i could ever really stop writing for them. i love those boys so much. also this plot made me laugh so hard when i saw it in the best way possible. getting this request honestly made my day, so thank you for that!! anyways, i’m a little rusty, but here we go.
important links: masterlist
find more fics at my new blog @trapboysbunny
You and Colby had known each other for a long time - pretty much since he’d moved to LA with Sam - and you had been involved romantically just as long. You had met him and Sam through Kat on a boring Saturday night when all their friends flaked on coming to a little kickback they were hosting. Trying to be a good friend and cheer the boys up, Katrina had invited you to hopefully kickstart some emotional momentum. Your eyes met Colby’s for the first time and you clicked. Something in your gut had told you that the two of you would end up being close, and it was right. You had hit it off immediately, not taking very long to start laughing at one another’s corny jokes and telling stories over Smirnoff Ice while some random late night show played in the background. From that night on, it was history.
Since then, you two had been practically attached at the hip. If you weren’t sitting on the same room or facetiming, you were definitely texting one another. It became a running joke in your friend group that you two had evolved into a pair of siamese twins, or that being without you gave Colby separation anxiety. The two of you found it even more amusing when you actually began dating, not long after that fateful first night. It amazed the both of you that you were able to hide your relationship so well. No one had a clue. The two of you laughed about it quite often, actually, over late night phone calls and tipsy afternoons spent only with each other. No one knew, and nobody needed to know.
Colby, due to the internet and his fanbase being the way it is, preferred to keep his personal (and especially romantic) relationships more on the private side. His intent wasn’t necessarily to hide his feelings and relationship with you from his friends, but that particular topic of conversation never really came up in your friend group. Everyone had just kind of figured that everyone single would simply date someone when they were ready and tell everybody about it when they felt the time was appropriate. It wasn’t that Colby didn’t want to tell them, he just didn’t see the point in going out of his way to tell all of his friends hey after God knows how long I finally have a partner. He just didn’t want to make a big deal out of your relationship. Knowing his friends, they would definitely make it into some type of big thing, not to mention that Jake would dub the occasion as “cause for celebration” (which was really just an excuse to drink more). So Colby preferred to keep things on the quieter side for you two; neither of you wanted to make your relationship into an object for speculation.
Kat was the only person out of all of your friends to have any knowledge of your feelings for Colby. And thank God for her; if you didn’t have her to gush about Colby to, you probably would have either exploded or died. Or both. And she was there for every single second of it. She loved hearing about your movie nights, your urban exploring adventures, the sweet yet mundane things he would do to make you happy, literally anything. She ate that shit up like a man starved, and you did the same for her and Sam (regardless of the fact that their relationship was public already). You hadn’t told her explicitly about the nature of your relationship with Colby, really just gushed about your ever-growing love for the boy. Unbeknownst to you, she firmly believed that you only had feelings for Colby, clueless to the fact that the two of you had actually been dating for quite a while now. With her “go get ‘em, tiger” comments, along with similar remarks, you assumed that she had some sort of idea about your relationship with Cole, hence why you had never explicitly told her about your secret boyfriend. Kat, being the good friend that she was, never spilled your “secret” feelings to anyone else. Not even her boyfriend.
Eventually, quarantine started up amidst the international COVID-19 pandemic and you had begun practically living with the trap boys. A day without you in the house was enough to prompt concern for the boys, minus Colby who always knew the real reason why you weren’t coming over. This soon became the new normal, you taking a “day off” every few weeks to get tested just in case. At this point, it was almost comical that no one had figured out you two were dating yet.
One particular weekend afternoon, everyone in your friend group was hanging out at the house. You and Colby were sitting on opposite sides of the room, you next to Kat and Colby seated beside Sam. It was particularly warm today seeing as this Saturday landed smack in the middle of the infamous August heat wave, so you had thrown on a tank top and some shorts, nothing to flashy. Colby had dressed similarly, wearing only a muscle tee and a pair of trunks.
You were sat beside Kat, the both of you trying to listen to the story Devyn was telling. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t ignore the way your boyfriend was staring at you from across the room. You looked away from Dev for just a second to shoot him a glare when you realize exactly why he’s looking at you. The speed at which the blood rushes to your face is dizzying, and you drop your head to stare at your lap. Motherfucker- You sigh as you pull your phone out of your pocket. “Quit it with the blowjob eyes asshole,” you type before pressing the blue send button.
You feel his gaze break as his phone vibrates. Trying to ignore him, you refuse to meet his gaze again, putting all of your effort into focusing on Devyn’s story. Seconds later your phone vibrates in your pocket. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the screen reads, and you shake your head.
“Uh huh sure ok.” You pressed send again.
Another few seconds passed and your phone vibrated again. “That shirt looks really good on you.” 
You blushed as you read the message, flustered by the comment. Brows knitting together in confusion, you looked up to find him staring back at you with a dopey grin. You hunched over your phone and sent a message back. “You really think so?”
“Yeah, of course,” Colby replied, a gray typing bubble sitting under the message. “But you know how it would look cuter?”
You cocked your head to the side and typed out your response. “How?”
“On my bedroom floor.” You almost snorted at that, clamping a hand over your mouth to prevent any noise from escaping. Typical. Thankfully no one had been paying enough attention to you to notice that you were distracted.
Colby, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. “Give me this, dude,” Sam said, snatching the phone out of Colby’s hand and effectively bringing the conversation on their side of the room to a halt. “You haven’t been listening for like the past 20 minutes, dude. Now let’s see what’s got you so distracted.”
“You don’t need to look at that, Sam, it’s not that important-” The tall brunette sounded slightly panicky as he reached and grappled with Sam for his phone. Sam played around for a little bit before finally reading the screen, eyes widening in amusement.
Upon finishing his reading, Sam lowered the phone and Colby relaxed, already knowing that he was caught. “So who’s ‘angelcakes,’ huh Colbert?” Sam prodded teasingly.
Colby blushed ever so slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “They’re just a friend-”
“Which friend, huh?” Sam continued his teasing, growing louder and louder with every response until all eyes were on the two boys.
Colby shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but looking more stressed than ever in actuality. “Just a friend.”
“What do you say we call this friend, huh boys?” Sam suggested.
Kevin nodded, agreeing. “I think we definitely should.” Brennen also nodded when Sam looked to him for approval, essentially finalizing the decision.
“Okay then, let’s do this thing!” Sam yelled, earning cheers from all the other curious folks in the room. The blonde boy pressed call and Colby simply held his face in his hands.
You jumped when your phone rang, honestly having forgotten that oh shit, I’m angelcakes. Everyone turned to look at you curiously, Colby even peeking through his fingers. You didn’t even pick up the device, already knowing whose name would be lighting up the screen. “You gonna pick that up or something?” Corey asked awkwardly.
You shook your head, leaving your phone face down in its spot beside your thigh. “No, it’s probably not important anyways.”
A beat of heavy silence passed before Tara spoke. “Gee, they sure aren’t giving up. Maybe you should answer it.”
“Nah, I’m sure it’s just-”
“Yeah, you should answer the phone, Y/N,” Jake agreed, the pieces seeming to click in his head.
You sighed, burning bright red to the tips of your ears. “Okay okay, fine.” You stood and clicked the answer button. “Hello?”
And there it was, your voice echoing from Colby’s phone. The room erupted in cheers of disbelief, the boys pouncing on Colby and the girls slapping you in playful excitement. “I knew there was something going on between you two!! There’s no way there couldn’t have been -- I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Kat squealed, smushing you in a hug.
The rest of the girls echoed the sentiment, a chorus of ‘same’s and ‘I can’t believe you’s. It took a while for everyone to calm down but, once everyone settled, you and Cole managed to get some alone time. The two of you escaped out back, the less than mediocre breeze cooling the sweat that slicked your skin. You held each other, almost as though you were about to start slow dancing. “Damn, caught red handed, huh?”
You laughed breathily, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “It was only a matter of time, ya know?”
“I know,” he agreed, cheek pressing against your hair. “I’m glad we don’t have to be weird around them anymore.”
“Me too,” you hummed.
Colby pulled away a little bit, just enough for him to look you in the eyes, your arms still around his neck. “Hey.”
You giggled, confused. “Hey.”
“I love you.”
You smiled your confirmation, eyes twinkling under the cheap backyard lights. “I love you.”
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oligbia · 3 years
Hi hii~
Could you do a truth or dare (or 7 minutes in heaven) Eijiro Kirishima short story (maybe nsfw if possible heh), please? 🥺
Keep up the great work!! 💕
Of course you can darling! Im super excited to get any and all requests and im really excited to do this one! Thank you so much for your support, it means the absolute world to me. I haven't written a lot of smut with guys recently, ive been on more of a wlw thing, so im a little rusty hehe. . .
I honestly didn't do a lot of editing on this once it was done, I had it going like "all the way" then realized Kiri wouldn't do that on the first day- anyways it'll make sense. If you want more Kiri stuff I can totally give you more, just let me know :)
7 Minutes In Heaven
Pro Hero!Eijiro KirishimaXReader
NSFW, Minors do not interact
Warnings: Sexual behavior, giving and receiving oral, making out in a closet, mild swearing
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A hero gala was an event like none other.  It was a night were all Japan's hero's and their dotting staff would all assemble to accept awards and receive rankings. It was a night for citizens to see their favorite hero's dressed to the nines and hash out who was truly the best hero on social media.
And, for starter hero's, it's was night to get shit faced, since the likelyhood of them reciving any award was slim anyways.
Pro heroes Red Riot, Pinky, Cellophane, and Chargebolt where no exception to this. They were all still pretty low in the ranks of heroes, especially considering they were all fresh out of UA only a few years ago. The only two UA graduates to jump into the hero world right were no surprise Deku and Dynamite. Deku practically left UA the top hero, entering in at the 5th rank overall. Dynamite took a little work, he still wasn't a fan favorite, but his work was undeniable, he was easily starting in at rank 10.
The formerly-known bakusquad sat comfortably at the back of the gala room, all a little tipsy. They watched as Bakugou was being practically held on a child leash by Best Jeanist, forced to be on best behavior.
Denki watched the room quickly, his shifting glances moving quickly. His eyes landed on your figure somewhere across the way.
"Oh my god, is that Y/N? We haven't seen her since UA!" His voice wasn't at all hushed, people around the table glancing at him with slight disgust.
"Woah, that totally is!" Sero joined in on the ogling. "She's like, totally hot now!"
Kirishima looked your way, practically chocking on his champagne. He let out a few strangled coughs when his eyes landed on your form. The dress you were wearing was long and elegant, showing off your curves and hugging your waist. He was able to see your toned arms and watch as they elegantly moved as you spoke.
Mina poked Kiri's now flushed cheek. "You always had quite the hots for Y/N in UA, huh? And she wasn't even in our class."
Kirishima rolled his eyes. "I didn't 'have the hots for her.' I just thought she was...manly."
Denki and Sero puckered their faces, making kissing sounds, their drunken state throwing them back to a bunch of 14 year olds, rather than the 24 year olds they were now.
Kirishima waved them off, shaking his head. Mina abruptly stood up, waving you over. It was no time before you turned around, your gaze meeting her as you flashed your smile at her.
Kirishima swatted at Mina, trying to pull her back into her seat. "Mina, sit down, you're embarrassing us."
"Oh please, those two are embarrassing. I'm helping."
Kirishima watched as you moved your way to his table smiling softly. "It's great to see you all. I haven't seen you guys since we graduated."
Kirishima wanted to say something, but his tongue was sadly caught in his own mouth.
"Crazy, I know! I see you're doing well as a support gear engineer, that's exciting!" Mina made easy small talk, her foot kicking Kirishima's calf under the table. "You know, Kirishima here has been needing some new support gear!"
You smiled at Kiri, your own face going a little red. He was much older now. His jawline was more defined, his build larger. You couldn't tell from his suit how much stronger he was, but you could tell he was clearly built and taller. His hair had grown out a bit, it neatly tied back into a manbun.
"Oh? Does Fatgum not have someone who can make it for you?"
Kirishima smiled, laughing awkwardly. "He does, or, we do. They just, aren't as good at you."
"You haven't seen my work since UA, it's not l that improved. I still have a lot to learn before I'm good…"
Kirishima shook his head. "Don't say that, you were always super smart and made us amazing gear!" Kirishima blushed at his sudden enthusiasm.
Mina stood up, offering you her seat. "Y/N, would you mind staying here with Kiri for a moment, I think Denki and Sero needed to excuse themselves but are a little, ya'know." Mina made a drinking motion with her hand, elbowing Sero and Denki to follow her lead. The two had been snickering the entire time while simultaneously drooling over you.  
The trio walked off, leaving you alone with Kirishima. Kirishima chuckled softly, lost for words again.
"So, how's the side-kick life?"
Kirishima looked up at you. "It's alright. Fatgum is an amazing hero. He's super manly! And working for him is great too! Especially when he feeds me during patrols!"
You smiled at him, that smile that drives him crazy. "Well, you're definitely in the favor of girls everywhere. Your girlfriend is probably thrilled to have such a stong-"
"I don't have a girlfriend!" Kirishima practically leaped from his seat to assure you that he was indeed single. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain some composure. "I don't have a girlfriend. I am, completely single."
"Oh. I just figured someone as amazing and pretty as yourself would have a girlfriend." You looked down at your fingers, fidgeting with them as a soft blush spread across your face.
"You think I’m pretty?" Kirishima looks over at you, flashing you a small, toothy, grin.
"Is that weird?"
"Not at all! I think it's manly!"
You both laughed awkwardly. You both sit in silence for a moment, an incredibly awkward silence.
Kirishima spoke up first. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
You shook your head no. Kirishima nodded. Muttering a “cool, cool” under his breath.
Shortly thereafter, much to Kirishima’s relief, Mina returned with Denki and Sero. She smiled at you, her gaze warm. “These two are a bit over the edge and about to make a fool of themselves. I think we should go to Kirishima’s place and continue this party there, yea?”
Kirishima groaned. “Why my place? You have your own house, Mina.”
“I know, but yours is so much bigger and it’s closer to the venue.” She winked at Kirishima and glanced at youquickly, dropping hints. Kirishima, a little confused, gave up any sort of bickering he had.
“Fine.” He scratched the back of his neck, smiling at you. “Did you want to come, Y/N?”
You nodded, thanking him for the invitation. Mina threw her hands up excitedly, grabbing Denki and Sero, pulling them out behind her. Kirishima stood up, offering you his arm. You rested your hands on it, allowing him to lead you out of the venue.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Let’s play truth or dare!” Denki called out, laying sprawled out on Kirishima’s living room floor. Sero was laying near him, half asleep. Mina was cast over a chair, her legs dangling over one of the armrests. You were seated comfortably on Kirishima’s couch, wearing a pair of his sweats and hoodies. He had offered you the change of clothes when you came over with the group, wanting to keep you comfortable. To him, seeing you in his clothes was some fantasy of his. The way his clothes hung off your smaller body was adorable and was doing something to him he wasn’t sure he could explain.  
Sero shoots Denki a look. “Isn’t that game for middle schoolers? People our age play, I don’t know, checkers?”
Mina perked up at the mention of the game. She was, of course, the matchmaker of the night, determined to land Kiri a girlfriend out of the girl he spent his entire high school experience crushing on, or, at least, give him a solid one-night stand if you both were willing. “Don’t be such a drag, Sero! It can be fun. We’re 24, not 64.”
Mina spun herself around in the chair, sitting cross legged and facing the group. She looked over at you and Kiri, who was sitting a considerable distance from each other on the couch. “What about it, you two. Are you both down?”
Kirishima shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat, unsure of Mina and her antics.
“Why not?”
Kirishima’s face shot to face yours, his eyes wide in surprise. “I’m in too, I guess.”
Mina clapped her hands together. “Okie dokie, zappy, you get us started.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
After being a few hours into the game, Denki was officially dumbed out and Sero was asleep on the couch. Mina giggled, looking over at you. “Okay okay Y/N, truth or dare?”
You hummed, thinking. “Truth.”
Mina groaned. “C’mon, pick dare for once!”
You shook your head. “Please, last time I did, you had me eat a spoonful of that random shit Kirishima had in his fridge.”
Kirishima chuckled, “I swear to you, it’s Bakugou’s.”
Mina sighed. “Fine. Back in your UA days, was there ever someone you had a crush on?”
Your face grew red as a blush laid across your cheeks. “What?”
Mina teased you, “A crush! You got to build hero gear for all those classmates and see them in their trained glory. . .you had to have liked someone.”
“I mean, there was someone. But it’s long done, they wouldn’t have liked me anyway and we’re grown up now.”
Mina pouted. “C’mon, Y/N, that isn’t true. You’re so pretty, any guy would have liked you! Who was it?”
You inhaled a deep breath, looking at the ground, Kirishima and Mina’s eyes both peering daggers into you.
Denki, finally coming back to reality, slurred his words together. “It was definitely me, wasn’t it?”
You shook your head. “In your dreams.”
Denki pouted, but Kirishima let out a breath of relief. His chances of knowing you maybe had liked him back at one point was the right amount of reassurance he needed.
You looked at Mina. “If I tell you, you have to swear to me you’ll keep quiet.”
Mina motioned a zipper over her lips. “Sister’s honor.”
You lean over your end of the couch, pressing your face against Mina's ear. You cup your hands, whispering into her ear the name she was waiting for.
And like gears working in clockwork, Mina was working on the ultimate plan to get the two of you alone.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Kirishima, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Hit me with the best you got.” It was well into the early hours of the morning now, the hero gala long over. You still were at Kirishima’s house, playing truth or dare. You were sitting closer to Kirishima now, sharing a blanket over the two of you, legs brushing softly. His hand was constantly inches from yours, the idea of holding it constantly toying in the back of his mind.
“7 Minutes in Heaven with Y/N.”
Both of your jaws practically hit the floor, a deep crimson spreading over both of your cheeks. You looked away from Kirishima, trying to hide your fluster. He placed a gentle hand on your knee, speaking to you softly. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can take you home right now if you want.”
Thoughts spread through your mind, deciding what to do. You liked Kirishima, you had for years now. You did at UA when you worked to design his hero gear, and your affections never wore off, watching him do his job as a hero sidekick only fueling the admiration you had for him.
“I’m okay with it.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The closet in Kirishima’s room smelled like fresh laundry, his calonge, and teen-turned-young-adult pheromones. It was dark, you were hardly able to make out the tall and well-built man in front of you, his muscles and long mane outlined softly. He went to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly, accidentally bumping your smaller form. He rushed out a frantic apology, the blush growing on both of your faces.
“Hey, Y/N, who was it you liked at UA?”
You looked away from him, trying to hide your face. You mumbled softly to yourself some answer he wasn’t able to hear.
“What was that?”
You remained quiet, not budging. Kirishima gulped, swallowing the massive lump of pride that was making his mouth dry. “I guess a closet during a game of truth or dare is a pretty good time to tell you,” Kirishima fumbled over his words a little, grabbing for your free hand. “I always sort of liked you. I mean, I liked you when we were kids at UA. But then we graduated, but, I guess I never really stopped. I’m not sure how manly that is-”
“I like you too.”
“...but you probably like heroes like Midoriya or Bakugou- wait what?” Kirishima stopped his rambling, trying to find your eyes in the dark. He locked onto the faint glimmer of your eyes in the dark. He was always one to think that being manly meant taking a risk from time to time, and he was everything that was manly.
Kirishima pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips to yours. The hand that wasn’t holding yours wandered to cup your face, holding it close to him. You gasped into the kiss, his sudden embrace taking you for a surprise. His lips were surprisingly soft, tasting faintly of cherries and champagne. The kiss was initially gentle, but, feeling your body press flesh against his, Kirishima dipped your head, deepening the kiss.
The hand that was grabbing yours found its way to your waist, tugging you closer to him. You sighed into the kiss, Kirishima’s breath warm against your skin. His tongue gently brushed across your bottom lip, his teeth accidentally grazing yours in his rushed attempt to draw you both even closer.
You pulled away first, looking up at Kirishima with half-lidded eyes, painting slightly. You licked your lips, taking in the remaining taste of his cherry taste. Kirishima let out a husky and shaky breath, still holding your waist. He blinked a few times, realization hitting him over what he had done.
"Oh my God, Y/N, I am so sorry, it isn't manly to not ask for consent first and-"
"Kirishima, it's okay. I agreed to come into this closet with you like we were kids or something."
Kirishima pulled you against him again, hovering his face against your ear. His voice was soft, growing husky with his hushed volume.
"Then, can I kiss you again?"
You nodded softly, anticipation growing.
"Perfect." Kirishima grabbed your face, smashing his lips into yours. Your hands traveled to hang off his neck, gently toying with his long locks. Kirishima gently moved his hand from your waist, letting it rest on your lower back as he pulled you even closer to him. His tongue licked your bottom lip, gently pulling it with his bottom lip. You mewled softly into the kiss, letting his tongue meet yours as it lapped up your mouth.
Needing air, Kirishima pulled off from your kiss, going to press kisses along your jawline and neck. He pressed fast and quick butterfly kisses to your neck, your hands tugging at his hair. He grunted, frustrated with the restraints of his hoodie you were wearing. You gently pushed him off, pulling his hoodie over your head, landing somewhere amongst his closet. Kirishima smiled at your now exposed top, your breasts filling out the bra you were wearing.
"You are absolutely stunning." He caressed your cheek with his thumb. "Can we keep going?"
You nodded, and Kirishima took no time going back to kissing your neck, this time leaving sloppy open kisses, his tongue leaving wet and sloppy marks along your skin. His teeth grazed at your skin ever so slightly, sending shivers up your spine. His teeth grazed over your sensitive spot as you moaned out involuntarily. Your hand quickly shot up to cover your mouth, aware of the fact that people were sitting in Kirishima's living room, possibly hearing you.
Kirishima pulled away, looking at you confused. He gently moved your hand from your mouth. "Why would you want to be quiet? You sounded so pretty?"
Kirishima, without hesitation, nipped at the sensitive part of your neck, desperate to hear you moan again. He kept nipping at your neck, sucking at the skin softly to sooth it. Your little mewls and moans nagging him on and on.
Kaminari looked up from his watch. "Mina it's been forever, go let them out."
Mina, pressed against the door, giggled as she returned back to Kaminari and Sero, who was now awake again.
"No way! Those two are totally going at it. I successfully am the new cupid boys!"
Sero groaned. "Are we going to stay here all night then? I don't want to hear that all night."
Mina shook her head. "No, we'll leave then be."
The trio showed themselves out, but not before Mina could slip a couple pain killers and condoms into your belongings on the way out.
Kirishima's hands dipped to your ass, lifting you up. He held you one handed, his strong arms and large hands being bigger than your small form. You pressed lazy kisses to his neck as he fumbled for the doorknob behind him, trying to open the door to his bedroom.  
After you had kissed up and down his jaw and neck, leaving smears of lipstick from the hero gala, Kirishima was able to get the door open. He threw you gently onto the bed, crawling on top of you. If you hadn’t already realized how massive this man’s form was now, you definitely made the connection when he was looming over you. His chest heaved heavily, the muscles in his arms and under his shirt contracting and rippling. His hair was long, falling into his face.
“Kirishima, what if they’re still here…”
Through heavy breaths, he kissed on your neck again, using the same butterfly kisses as before. “Don’t care.”
You hummed at the pleasant feeling of his soft kisses on your skin and the light tickling of his hair grazing your cheeks. “We should check though… they may be worried.”
Kirishima pulled his head back, looking behind him at the door. “Mina?” He yelled out, waiting for a response. “Nothing. It’s just us baby. Are you okay with that?”
You nodded, giving him permission to keep going. His hands traveled up your waist and sides, landing next to your breasts. His locked his lips to yours, his tongue wasting no time dipping into your mouth. Kirishima moved his hands to gently cup your chest over your bra, squeezing softly. A small moan escaped through your mouth, your breasts becoming sensitive under his touch. Your hands traced over his chest and arms, fingertips taking their time to feel each of his muscles. They found themselves in his hair again, pulling at it gently as you raked your hands through it. A shallow moan left Kirishima's lips as he pulled away from you, gently tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth as he pulled away. He looked at you with lidded eyes, a hunger glistening over his face. He looked at you with that same charming smile he always had, pulling his shirt over his chest. Your eyes widened at the sight of him. He had definitely grown since he was in high school all those years ago. He was built like a greek god, his pecks large and his muscles toned. Your fingertips gently felt up his chest and abdomen, shivers traveling up Kirishima’s spine.
“You’re beautiful, Eijiro.”
“Eijiro? We’re that close already?”
You giggled. “I mean, by the way you grabbed my chest, I would think so.”
Kirishima shook his head, lowering his body back down to yours. He kept himself propped up on his arms, leaving soft kisses along your face and jaw before hovering over your ear. “Well, I would love to do more if you let me.” His teeth nipped at the bottom of your ear.
Kirishima’s hands fumbled with the back of your bra, unhooking it and pulling it off you. His hands held your tender breasts. He placed gentle kisses along your chest, fingers toying softly with your nipples. His thumbs brushed over the sensitive buds, pulling them ever so gently. Soft moans sounded from you, only pushing Kirishima further with his teasing.
He looked at you with a wink and a smirk, before placing a gentle kiss over one of your breasts, sucking on it gently. His tongue worked circles around your nipple, your body squirming slightly under his touch. He tugged at it gently with his teeth, pulling away and giving the other breast the same attention. Your hands pulled at his hair, a grunt sounding out over your breast when you found a sensitive spot on his head.
He pulled up, admiring your form under him. Your face was pink with blush, your hair falling in a mess over his face, your lipstick smudged around your lips. Small bruises were adorning your neck and chest, breasts slick with his spit.
“You are absolutely perfect, sweetheart. The best thing I have ever seen.”
Eijiro moved his hands around the sweatpants you had borrowed, pulling them off your legs. His hands grazed the side of your leg, following up from your ankle to you hips. “So, so beautiful.”
He placed gentle kisses along your inner thighs, gently massaging them with his hands. His face was ever so close to your clothed folds, the teasing leaving you a mess. Kirishima took you by surprise, biting down on your thighs. Your moan was louder than any had been so far, the pain being laced with pleasure. You would definitely be able to see his bite marks and a bruise in the morning.
“You like that, huh? You like when I mark you up, make you all mine?”
You nodded, eyes closing as Kirishima bit down on your other thigh as you moaned out in pleasure. He placed gentle kisses over the new bitemark, lapping at it gently with his tongue.
His fingers hooked over the band of your underwear. “Is it okay if I keep going, sweetheart? Only if you want me to.”
You nodded your head, trying to rub your thighs together to get any sort of friction to aid your growing needs.
“Let me hear you, baby. Can I keep going?”
“God, yes Eijiro, please keep going.”
Kirishima smiled and pulled off your underwear, throwing it aside somewhere. His thumb gently felt along your folds, grazing across your clit. “God, every inch of you is absolute perfection. You're so pretty, baby.
You mewled at his touch, your folds already wet in anticipation. Kirishima dragged his tongue across your folds, lapping gently, teasing you. He was practically purring against you, losing his mind. He had never, ever, thought the girl he liked the most would be so completely unraveled under him. He sucked against your clit, moans and strings of babbled phrases leaving your mouth.
“Stop teasing me, Eijiro. Please, give me more.”
He pulled away, blowing softly against you, the cold air sending you squirming again. “So greedy, sweetheart. I promise I’ll make you feel so good.”
He rolled your clit with the pad of his thumb, moving it in soft circles. Your waist bucked forward under his touch, a growing tension in your stomach. Kirishima gently placed two fingers in you, pumping them out gently. You moaned, the stretch of his large fingers was absolutely unraveling. He pumped them in and out slowly, wanting you to get adjusted the best you could. He watched as you clenched around his digits. His thrusts turned to a scissoring motion as he added a third finger. The new stretch was absolutely mind numbing. He pumped the three fingers in and out of you, barely grazing the spot that needed him most. You bucked forward to him, trying to lower yourself further onto your fingers. Kirishima watched with intention, thrusting his fingers in deeper and faster. He hit the spot you needed, the moan leaving your lips was sinful and the best thing he had ever heard.
“Right there, Eijiro. Please, right there.”
“Is that good, baby? Do you feel good?” Kirishima’s voice was low, a practical growl. You mewled, legs shaking.
“I, I think I’m close.”
"That's okay, you can come when you're ready. I want you to feel good."
Kirishima thrusted his fingers in and out of you, curling them against your g-spot. You felt a knot grow in your stomach, snapping as Kirishima rubbed against your clit. Your body shook as you came, moaning his name.
Kirishima pulled his fingers out gently, locking eyes with you as he licked your juices off his fingers, sucking them slowly and licking them clean. He licked a clean stripe against your folds, sucking any remaining juices from you. You mewled and moaned, sensitive to his touch.
"You taste so good, so perfect, Y/N." Kirishima's face was covered in your slick and sweat, your lipstick still smeared on his neck. His hair was a mess, tangled from where your hands had been tugging at it.
You sat up a little, "Can I take care of that?" You glanced down at the tent that was straining against his pants.
"Only if you want." Kirishima pulled you closer to him, sitting you on his lap at the end of the bed, moving you around with ease. His head rested against your ear, voice low. "I want you to feel good, sweetheart."
You pressed a gentle kiss to his temple, sliding off his lap and sitting on your knees on the ground. You felt the fabriced bulge, watching as Kirishima shivered, eyes never leaving you. You slowly undid his belt, pulling his pants off him, letting them rest at his feet. His erection sprang through his boxers, precum peaking through. You licked a strip over, the fabric growing damp under your touch. Kirishima's grip tightened on the sheets of the bed. You palmed the length, trying to rub it, but it was honestly much to large for one hand to manage. Your mind was putty imagining how much he was packing.
You hooked the band of his boxers around your fingers, pulling them off his legs. Your eyes widened, gawking at the sight of him. He was, large, to say the least. You honestly weren't sure if you could manage him.
"Like what you see, baby?" Kirishima smirked down at you, eyebrows raised.
You nodded, rubbing a circle around his tip with your thumb. Kirishima let out a shaky breath, his composer slowly breaking.
You tried to stroke him up and down, your hand unable to fully wrap around his shaft. You pumped up and down gently, picking up speed slowly. Kirishima threw his head back, mumbling your name under his breath.
You took him into your mouth slowly, tounge swirling around his tip.
"Fuck, Y/N" Kirishima's voice was breathy and full of need.
You bobbed your head up and down his length slowly, trying to take in as much as you could. When you hollowed out your cheeks, taking in enough of him that you hit the back of your throat, Kiri let out one of the most sinful moans you had heard. He was one of the last people you would expect to be so vocal, but if you said it wasn't the hottest thing you've heard, you would be lying.
Kirishima grabbed onto a bunch of your hair, his hand massive against your hair. He pulled you gently up and down his length, guiding you through what felt good.
"Just like that, baby. Good girl."  
You grew faster, stroking the lengths you couldn't reach with your mouth. You felt him twitch in your mouth, his grip on on your head tighter.
"I'm so close, Y/N. Fuck, you're so good. Take me like the pretty girl you are."
You stroked him faster, licking against him as he moved in and out of your face. You watched his face contort as he came in your mouth. You liked your lips, swallowing his load the best you could. You coughed a little, not anticipating so much. Kirishima panted, relieved. His eyes widened, realizing what happened. He looked at you, leftovers come sitting on your face.
"Oh my God, i'm so sorry. Hold on-"
Kirishima pulled a towel out of the closet, cleaning your face off.
"You don't have to apologize. I just hope I did okay?"
He smiled, pressing a kiss to your hairline. "You were perfect. Thank you."
He helped you stand, holding your waist. "If it isn't too much too soon, we can shower and you can maybe sleep over?"
"I would like that, Eijiro."
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sakumareikun · 3 years
arghhh i hope im not too late uhh,, may i request current tsumugi with a bit of a sickly s/o? if not all of the req slots are filled up ofc ahaja
it has been A While since i've written him, so forgive the rustiness lmao
i think i ended up writing this with a "reader is sickly enough to be stuck in the hospital" perspective which idk if it applies or not 😟💦 I HOPE it's still satisfactory!
⇨ It probably started based on that sickliness. You were just out somewhere when the symptoms flared up. Tsumugi, who happened to be in the general vicinity, immediately worried about you, offered to take you to a hospital or infirmary, etc. He knows the signs of illness and would not hesitate to offer. (He used to take care of Eichi to an extent, after all.)
⇨ So, assuming that offer was taken... Maybe he came back to check on you? Even if you were complete strangers, his horoscope that first day said he'd be lucky when meeting new people.
⇨ For the sake of plot, let's say you were hospitalized for a little bit longer than expected? He'd visit and bring a lucky item to "ensure safe recovery!" He still talked to you after you'd left it, maybe you'd both exchanged numbers or something.
⇨ You're friends before you know it! Wow, he's an idol? Isn't he busy? Yes, but he needs friendships outside of work. (Rei's close enough with Tsumugi to say that, so that's who encourages him to keep going, no matter how often Tsumugi’s self-deprecating comments happen.)
⇨ The moment he recognized he had developed romantic feelings, he double-checked the compatibility of your horoscope with his own. He knows the zodiac inside and out, but it never hurt to have a second opinion, right?
⇨ Natsume was not amused when Tsumugi asked him to divine how likely it was you'd have feelings for him as well. "This is your probLEM, Senpai. You have to do it yourSELF."
⇨ Sora agreed with Natsume on that he should handle his feelings for you on his own. But, he definitely noted when Tsumugi's color looked different. "Are you thinking about them again, Senpai? Your color's all flushed." ♪
⇨ It was probably a group effort, since it took the entirety of New Dimension to convince Tsumugi to ask you out and confess. He was so honest normally that it was pretty shocking to hear he wasn't just acting on those feelings.
⇨ The only thing Natsume agreed to do was the Tarot card reading of how well his asking out/confession would go. (The reading was favorable. With fortune-telling, Natsume can encourage people to act in ways that will benefit them, and he'd gotten sick of hearing about Tsumugi's First Real Crush by then.
⇨ (It’s unfortunate that Tsumugi didn’t shut up after it went well.)
⇨ The following dates went great! Probably! He might’ve made a lot of dumb mistakes on them, more of his low self-esteem showing, but you’re probably good about that, understanding or helpful, etc.
— And now you’re dating him! —
⇨ As stated before, the entirety of New Dimension knows about you and him being in a relationship. Everyone. See above.
⇨ That probably means members of Knights visit, sometimes Madara too. Tsumugi worries a lot less when he knows you’re safe, so if he can't personally bring you the lucky item of the day, someone else will! (I know nothing about her but I’m pretty sure Arashi would love to do that?)
⇨ Every morning, he texts you info about your sign’s outlook for the day. What do you avoid today? What might go well? Will you have good luck with this or that?
⇨ He works way too hard. Please make him relax once in a while. Texts just aren’t enough. Maybe help sort the paperwork? Clean the office a little? Physically put whatever he’s working on down?
⇨ Tsumugi, shortly before your birthday, stressing because he still hasn’t picked the perfect gift: “Natsume-kun, what do I get them?” “Senpai, this is YOUR PartNER, why are you asking ME?”
⇨ If you manage to go visit him for no reason, or as a surprise, or bring lunch/snacks, stuff like that, he will brighten up way faster than a lightbulb. On the days the symptoms are worse, sending Arashi is fine in your stead.
⇨ I know so little about all of Knights, but considering that’s the entire theme, I’m sure at least one of them takes escorting you REALLY seriously. Tsukasa looks serious. Doesn’t Izumi fuss a lot? Maybe he’ll end up fussing over you eventually?? Just tossing out ideas, no clue if they’re accurate or not.
⇨ tl;dr: Despite your frequent/chronic illnesses, you have so much power now. Use it responsibly.
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off-the-heezys · 3 years
@jaspvid-week Day 2: Camping/Baking + Day 6: Weather
Jasper and David are stuck inside because of a nasty storm, what will they do? Make a pillow fort, obviously.
combines two jaspvid prompts bc i felt bad for skipping day 2 haha im a bit rusty at writing so pls bear w me you can read it here on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/32102020 or if that’s not your style, you can just read it here on this post
David had wanted to go camping that weekend. He was so excited, of course. Camping was one of, if not his most favorite thing to do. And to share the experience with Jasper always made him giddy. Of course, they stayed on secured camping grounds, both of them having bad memories of.. straying a little too far off the beaten path, you could say. But the day they were set to leave, a heavy rainstorm came down. Weather is always unpredictable, Jasper had told him, but seeing David so upset over it made his chest ache. Seeing David sad was like seeing a sad puppy. No one wants to see a sad puppy. So, dragging his lover with him, they both made a pillow fort in the living room, stealing away pillows and blankets from their bed and closet.
Jasper made a lot of these when he was a kid, staying up late and reading comics or playing video games in them. So he liked to call himself a “pillow fort master,” despite the several times it could cave in on him, making David laugh. Maybe he was a little rusty. After lots of trial and error, they finally had one that was stable enough to move kind of sort of freely in. They were a little too big for it, but that wouldn’t stop them. A couple of fake candles were littered about (David worried a real one inside the fort would be some sort of fire hazard), and Jasper had set up his laptop right outside the entrance of the fort. It was playing an hour long video of a campfire, which made David huff out a laugh and roll his eyes, smiling.
“It’s really pouring down out there.” David hums in agreement as Jasper hands him a plate with microwaved s’mores. The blonde lifted a blanket slightly and sat down next to the other, careful of the other pillows and blankets.
“Not as good as roasting marshmallows, but,” Jasper takes one off the plate. “It’ll help with the mood,” he said, taking a bite, careful of some of it oozing out of the sides.
“I didn’t even know you could microwave marshmallows,” David says, trying to find out how to hold his s’more without getting his hands too dirty.
“Really?” Jasper tilts his head. David nods, finally taking a bite out of his snack. “I used to do it all the time as a kid- I liked seeing them get really big. And-” he lifts up his s’more a bit. “They make for some really messy snacks.” He takes a bite out of it.
They both turn to the window in the living room as the rain comes down harder, drowning out the sound of the fake campfire for a moment. Then, David leans against Jasper, resting his head on the other's shoulder.
“Thank you for doing this,” he says softly.
Jasper leans into him, finishing his s’more before brushing his hands together and wrapping an arm around his lover, squeezing his shoulder.
“Of course. I’d much prefer you in here, with me, where it’s dry and warm, then out there, where it’s wet and cold.”
“Yeah- it is much more cozy in here,” David says, shifting his head on Jasper's shoulders so he could look up at him. He then reaches up and wipes some chocolate off the corner of Jasper's mouth, licking it off since they didn’t have any napkins around.
“Eeew, now you’ve got my cooties,” Jasper teases, leaning in closer to him and scrunching up his nose, squeezing David’s shoulder more. The redhead just laughs.
Just then, a loud crack of thunder makes them jump, and the power flickers out, a stillness settling through the house. Their only source of light was the laptop and the little fake candles scattered about.
“Hm,” Jasper says, sticking his head out and looking around in the dark room. “Good thing I microwaved those when I did, huh?”
Their campfire video went on for only a minute or two before buffering, the internet having also been cut out. The blonde closed the laptop with a quiet sigh.
“What now?” David asks quietly. Jasper looks over at him, almost wanting to tease him for being quiet despite it being just the two of them. He hums, thinking, before scooting some candles out of the way and grabbing a spare pillow, carefully laying down. His feet stuck out from the back of the fort from being too big for it, but just a little bit.
“I guess we’ll just have to keep each other warm,” Jasper says, opening his arms out for a hug as he lays on his back, a warm smile on his face. How could David say no to that?
The redhead slowly shifts down into Jasper's arms, carefully trying not to bump into anything with his legs. He wasn’t careful enough, because his leg bumps into something and the whole thing falls down on top of them, getting a small squeal out of David. He pulls the blanket off from over them, a pout on his face.
“Sorry…” he whines, making Jasper chuckle.
“It’s chill, babe,” the blonde says, shifting around slightly to get more comfortable now that the fort isn’t restricting him. Once he was fully relaxed, David cups his head and peppers kisses all over his face, making Jasper giggle.
“Next time, I think we should have more snacks,” David says. Something in Jasper's chest blooms when he hears the words ‘next time.’
“Maybe we can put on a movie if the power doesn't go off again,” Jasper suggests. They could either play it on their TV, since it was right in front of them, seeing as they made their pillow fort where the coffee table usually is. He knew David would want to play some outdated, cheesy romance movie, so for the effect they’d probably play it on the TV.
“And we’ll definitely need to build a bigger fort.” David looks at their dining room chairs that had been holding up the blanket and pillows. Jasper chuckles. “Not my fault you’re so tall,” he smiles, “and handsome.” David looks away with a shy smile on his face that Jasper could barely see since the room was so dark. He knew it was there, though.
After a few more minutes of discussing a future pillow fort date, David lays his head down on Jasper's chest with a loving sigh. Jasper, almost on instinct, moves his hand up and combs it through his red hair gently.
They didn’t need to say anything. The interaction radiates the words ‘I love you.’
The sound of the rain coming down faded out as they fell into a blissful sleep.
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Not Alone: Chapter One
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :3 anywho i hope you enjoy :)) The main love interest will be reader and bakugo i think edit: it is not going to be just bakugo it will be a love triangle k byebye for the second time oh also this is fem reader k bye lol
-> Word Count: 1.9k (I lowkey popped off)
-> Warnings: None rly just mentions of guns and blood
-> Tag list: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat
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Chapter One
People would tell you that the world was made for two, but as Y/n sat in the silence of the old cellar two felt like a long lost dream. It was like wind rolling around you gently, trying to persuade you to move in all directions. It’s an ice cream cone on a boardwalk with the sun above and the salty ocean below. It’s a perfect place no one tries to remember.
Any mind left functioning in the world has evolved to be built for pain. Maybe once upon a time there had been a time and place where love and compassion was something for people to look forward to in life.
This wasn't that world anymore.
To Y/n, that type of world never existed anyways. The world had always been a selfish dark place where love is fleeting and the people are brutal. Once upon a time, true love accidentally affected those who were fortunate. But like every other beautiful thing, they polluted and corrupted it, and like everything else, it got sick.
Y/n’s seen it all. And in the end when it’s taken away the people who protested or cried the loudest, were the one who had taken it for granted the most.
Y/n looked around the cellar, in three days she barely moved. It’s her rule and because of it she can leave easier with the feeling of safety. She always ended a shopping trip with a quiet few nights in a cellar or basement.
Y/n wasn’t born to do this, she had to learn to move around quietly, how to sit still. She knew what she had to do to survive. She had lain amongst the dead, she had run through the dark woods, having to feel her eyesite clear like a wild animal and embrace the darkness.
She crept out into the beam of dust lingering in the stale air, sparkling from the sunlight that found its way down two stories into a dark cellar. The beam of light almost made her smile as she admired the light's determination. Y/n shook her head to bring her thoughts back to the harsh reality as she took her first step towards the stairs.
The explosions never seemed to destroy this home in any way. The stairs were in one piece, which had become a bit of a novelty to her. The old farmhouse was too far from any major centers or roads to have even known of the problems, at least in the beginning. The blood stain smears on the white siding outside proved that sickness has touched every single inch of this world.
The hard wood creaked under the weight of her first step. She held her breath and hoped that the creak went unheard. She slowly took another step up as she let out a shaky breath. On the third step she hesitated, listening for any sort of alarming sounds. Her heart was beating like it was trying to free itself from her constricted chest. She waited a second longer, it was another rule of hers. Never leave when you feel safe, always wait three more seconds.
She put her feet on the far sides of the stairs, where the rusty nails attached the boards to the frame. Shallow breaths make sounds in this new world, in the borderlands anyway. There was no electricity, no cars, no phones, no buzz. The world now sits quiet, as if it was sighing and taking a long inhale after what seemed like forever with mankind and the noise pollution. Y/n was at peace when she was at home, but here in the open world she was one of them. One of what was left of humanity. What scrambles to survive, most of the time seperate from everyone else.
Y/n looked through the cellar door and tried to keep her anxious heartbeat low and her breath quiet. She knew that her body needed to make some noises, but others she could control.
The house was simple. Farmhouses were always the best houses according to Y/n. They always sat a long way off the road, not that roads mattered anymore. They always have canning and pickling that would outlast any human. They always have safety supplies and extras of everything. Farmers lived the longest, just as Y/n’s father said they would.
Two trips a year was rarely enough, but Y/n knew that if she traveled any more than that she would be caught.
She walked through the small kitchen and was amazed at how pristine it still was. Everything was still in its place, just as it was the first time she came to the farmhouse, although now layers of dust had found their way into the home, along with the bits of weeds that grew in through the cracks. With no busy grandmother to buzz around cleaning and dusting the mess, everything shows the house’s years of abandonment. Vines grew up the sides of the house, like all houses. As always, she stood against the doorframe and put her hand at the top of her head as her measurement. She turned and looked at how much higher it is than the mark she foolishly put there last time she came.
She looked away from the mark and pushed away the memories of the happy little girl she used to be. She walked low to the ground toward the backdoor. She couldn’t help but laugh inside at how ridiculous it was that she still felt safer going through the backdoor, even though there was no front or back. There were only doors. They didn’t go anywhere anymore. There was no direction.
Nothing goes anywhere.
Y/n positioned the heavy pack on her back carefully. It contained jars full of heart and soul and survival. To Y/n each jar was like a gentle kiss from the old lady who canned and pickled from her own farm of fresh vegetables. She assumed there are no preservatives, no added colorings, no added salt. There weren’t any labels to contradict anything. For all she knew there was MSG in everything. Y/n found herself smiling at the letters MSG, they meant something to humanity once. That was before.
She fought back memories of nice old ladies and the world before. She had been to many worlds in her life, and being nineteen felt more life sixty most days. She took a deep breath and creaked the door open, as if the wind had opened it. She closed it and opened it again. It felt like the wind coming off the brown dirt field was playing with the door.
Her sharp eyes focused on the dirt yard. Nothing moved, everything was standing still. She knew that she should’ve been waiting for the night to travel, but she had stayed too long this time. She needed to get back. Things only lived so long alone, she knew this well. Her garden had died many times before.
The old barn door swung in the soft breeze, making it creak slightly as the long tan grass swayed and small pebbles scuttled along. Everything moved in sync with the wind. Y/n learned how to spot that.
Y/n pulled the door and cringed, she knew this was always the worst part of the walk home. She hated leaving this house.
She felt her eyes squint shot, as the intense light of the sun nearly blinded her. Her pack felt like tons of bricks on her back, but she took her first steps, desperate for the walk to be over with already. She tried not to jostle her bag too much because she didn’t want to break any jars. She learned the hard way that pickle juice is hard to get out and that backpacks were even harder to find.
Walking across the dirt and gravel driveway to the field was the worst. Y/n looked around, walking with her shotgun in her hand. She usually practiced often with her rifle and silencer at home. But on the road she always brought her shotgun. She saw it as her lucky gun. The thick cold metal made her feel strong, even though she knew what strength was.
To her, strength was not pulling the trigger. At this point in life she has yet to prove her strength to her own self. She always took the cowards path. Just like her dad told her to.
Her boots crunched along the path. She walked softly but some noises were unavoidable. She knew the noise would last until she reached the huge wheat field. Then she would be a whisper in the wind. She entered the field without looking back, when she reached the field she knew the rule.
Her legs groaned under the first steps, but after the first quarter mile she started to warm up and she enjoyed running. Her back was the issue, what with the pack being so much heavier than she had ever trained with. She gripped the shoulder straps tight until her arms couldn’t stand it for another second. Even then, she kept pushing until she reached the forest.
She ran deep intothe woods, always on the same side. Never the same path but always the same destination. The branches whipped past her. The edge of the forest was always the thickest. As the forest clears I see him. He’s smiling like always. He’s calm. He doesn’t run and jump. He waits to confirm that she hadn’t brought anything with her. He’s seen them before. He knew how bad it could be. Together both of them had seen the people get swarmed and taken, usually women.
“Hades.” Y/n whispered out of breath.
Instead of the warm greeting they both want, she quickly turned around and held her shotgun up. She walked backwards as Hades sauntered over to watch the forest. They sat behind a tree and waited and after a few minutes she put the pack down gently and climbed one of the huge trees. The thick branches were very rough against her hands. She sat on a branch and looked through her binoculars from the high viewpoint.
She could see the entire field of brown hay from where she was sitting. Y/n let herself have a weak moment and let herself imagine living in the farmhouse one day and harvesting hay. She felt her eyes strain as she tried to find even a single strand of grass moving in a way that would mean she was followed. She looked at the farmhouse sitting still and alone and hoped it would stay that way until her next trip.
She looked past the farmhouse and watched everything move just as it should. After coming to the conclusion that no one had followed her, she climbed down the tree, eager to lay in her own bed.
When her feet touched the dry ground, she looked at Hades, whose yellow eyes confirmed her thoughts. They were alone. She dropped to her knees and greetedhim as he bounded towards her. The large tundra wolf licked her face and raised his massive paws up to hug her. She would hug him so often when he was baby and one day he hugged back.
He nuzzled at her softly and nipped at her arms. She rubbed his huge soft ears and stood up. She patted him gently on his head.
“Ready?” She asked.
She picked up the heavy pack and adjusted to having it on her back again. The walk home would take an entire day if she could manage to keep a solid pace. Hades started the walk home by heading past the old broken oak tree. Their meeting place.
I worked really hard on this and so i hope people enjoy this although ik this chapter is a lil boring but i promise next chapter will be better k goodbye have a good day love u
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devine-star · 4 years
Left For Dead
Fandom: The Last Of Us 2
Jesse x Male Reader! 
Warnings: F slur is used, Homophobic character. 
Nothing else! Enjoy! 
Y/n rolled over groaning at the sound of knocking at the door "wake up lazy!" a kid's voice called. "Im comin..." he grumbled getting out of bed and opening the door to see the 13 year old girl smiling at him "We're on kitchen duty today Bugs!"
Y/n smiled at the nickname and ruffled her short hair "alright kid, let me get dressed." he closed the door and rubbed his eyes as he walked over to the closet; grabbing a pair of jeans, socks, a t-shirt and his jacket that was resting on the chair.
After a quick look over in the mirror, he headed outside to see June playing in the dirt "Come on ya rat," he said playfully causing her to jump up with a smile.
The walkthrough town was filled with greeting from everyone and chatter with June. "Look," she nudged Y/n "there's your boyfriend" she sang teasingly as she pointed to Jesse who was in a tank top and jeans helping unload some logs from a truck.
Y/n blushed and gently shoved the girl "shut up! He isn't my boyfriend" "You wish he was thouuuugh" she sang pushing her way into the cafeteria.
Y/n let their eyes linger on Jesse's arms and the sweat dripping down his back in the summer heat before blushing harder and making his way inside.  
"Bugs!" Seth greeted as Y/n walked into the kitchen "sup boss," he replied with a smile as he grabbed an apron off the hook and slid it over his head tying behind his back.
"Here, cut up these vegetables for me," Seth stepped away from the cutting board and bell peppers and other various vegetables "hey! I could do that!" June said happily.
"Not yet kid," Seth gruffed as he patted her on the shoulder "you're gonna wash the fruits and vegetables as they come in," June pouted "You always get the fun stuff," she hit Y/n's shoulder gently before stomping over to the sink.
In the midst of cutting and cooking the vegetables, Y/n got hot. He slid his jacket off and tossed it to the side before getting back to work; "hey Junnie! Turn some music on will ya?" he said over his shoulder.
After a while, Y/n began dancing a bit while he cut the vegetables and singing to himself. He pushed aside the carrots and grabbed some tomatoes and began cutting but soon stopped with a loud curse "fuck!" he held his finger close to his chest while hissing in pain, he cut himself.
"You always do that," a familiar voice came from behind him, he turned around and saw a very sweaty Jesse.
"Let me see," he said coming closer and holding out his hands, Y/n slowly placed his hurt hand into the hands of his crush with a slight blush.
He then followed Jesse over to the sink and watched as Jesse cleaned his wound with a focus on his face. "I could have cleaned it.." Y/n said softly looking down at the small slice in his finger.
"Yeah but you probably would have hurt yourself, even more, God of Destruction," he teased with a smirk before grabbing a clean stray towel and drying Y/n's hand.
"I am not THAT clumsy," he argued looking down at his hand once Jesse let go of it, "You aren't allowed on runs because Marie is scared you'll DIE" he laughed a bit before plucking up a carrot and popping it into his mouth.
"Hey! Your hands are dirty! Stop!" Y/n said taking the towel from his apron and slapping Jesse on the shoulder a few times. Jesse laughed and raised his hands "Alright alright," he chuckled shaking his head a bit.
"Oh hey, Jesse!" June said popping her head up over the ordering window with a goofy smile "Sup Junnie," he greeted with a wave.
Seth looked through the door "If you aren't assigned here son, ya gotta go," he scolded nodding his head towards the door.
"Fine fine, I'm out." Jesse turned to leave before turning back and winking at Y/n "See you at the bonfire tonight," Y/n blushed and went back to work after putting a bandaid on his finger, his mind running with possibilities of how the bonfire could go.
Later that night, Y/n was leaning against a building, beer in hand, watching the kids run around and the adults all laugh and have fun. "You wanna play tag with us Bugs?" June asked running up to him with a group of kids behind her "Nah you go ahead this time Junnie," he waved off causing her to shrug and run off after slapping a boy called Ian "Tag!"
About 2 hours into the bonfire, Y/n hadn't seen Jesse not one bit he asked around a few times and no one has seen him. Anxiety grew slightly as he realized Jesse was out on the River Route; He was careful but there was always a chance.
Y/n had made his way closer to the fire and was sitting on a bucket bitting his thumb as he stared into the fire with nothing but bad thoughts running through his head. Nothing but images of Jesse being bitten and him turning into a runner or a clicker...
"Fuck!" Y/n called out of fear as a hand was slapped on his shoulder scaring the shit out of him. He snapped his head up and there stood Jesse, hands on his hips with a smirk "Hey Buggie" he said
Y/n jumped up and hugged him tightly "my anxiety.." he mumbled as he buried his face in Jesse's neck.
"Woah...Woah.." Jesse chuckled a bit hugging Y/n tightly before frowning as he felt his neck get wet "A-are you crying?" he pulled away and looked at Y/n with shock "Hey..Hey, I'm okay!" he said calmly with a smile before glancing around "let's get you outta here...Too many people for your anxiety,"
Y/n stumbled his way out of the bonfire, his vision going blurry and black every now and then as a full-blown anxiety attack racked his body. He didn't know where Jesse was taking him or what Jesse was trying to say to calm him down all he knew was that it was hard to breathe and felt like the summer heat was suffocating him.
Y/n was pulled into a building and sat on a couch, the sound of an A/C turning on was noted in his mind as he began tearing his clothes off himself. First his jacket, then his shirt and as he began to remove his pants, two hands stopped him "stop, stop, you dont need to take everything off," Jesse said calmly.
He sat next to Y/n before kind of laying against the side of the couch and pulling Y/n into his chest and pressing his head against his chest.
Y/n gripped onto Jesse as hard as he could as he tried to even his breathing, and focus on Jesse playing with his head and humming softly to him.
About an hour passed before Y/n was calm enough to stop crying and to breathe evenly with small little huffs every now and then.
"What caused that..." Jesse asked softly looking down at him with worry in his eyes. "I thought...I thought you were dead...or got bitten.." he explained closing his eyes tightly "my mind wouldn't stop playing the image of you being bitten and turning and-and" he began shaking his head as tears returned.
"Hey! Stop!" Jesse sat up and held Y/n's head in his hands "look at me, look at me in my eyes!" Y/n opened his eyes slowly before looking up at Jesse, his eyes meeting and seeing nothing but fear and worry reflect back at him.
"I'm okay! Not bitten, I'm here with you!" Jesse said sternly as he gently rubbed his thumbs over Y/n's cheeks. "I'm here with you.." he said softer this time with a gentle smile.
Y/n took a stuttering breath and sighed before smiling gently. "I..I'm sorry," he mumbled searching Jesse's face for any sort of annoyance.
"It's okay, You're one of my best friends, I..I would have reacted the same way.." Jesse said finally letting go of Y/n's face once he realized how close their faces were.
Y/n leaned back trying to ignore the blush that was on his face before taking notice of the one on Jesse's and choosing to ignore it.
"Yeah...We gotta look out for each other.." Y/n mumbled wiping away a fear stray tears before looking towards the clock on his bedside "it's midnight," he noted out loud "Don't you have patrol tomorrow?"
He looked back at Jesse to find him already staring at him when he didn't answer right away, Y/n snapped his fingers "hey," Jesse jumped a bit and blinked a few times "huh?" he looked towards the clock "oh, yeah I do...That's another reason I came to find you tonight."
Y/n narrowed his brows and tilted his head a bit "What?" "Maria wants you to go on route tomorrow with Thomas," he said scratching the back of his neck before sighing "She wouldn't allow you to come with me, says we'd be too distracted..."
Y/n nodded a bit "Oh..Okay.." he slowly stood and stretched his muscles "Thanks for letting me know," "You arent scared?" Jesse asked standing up.
"No, Before I came here, I dealt with millions of those fuckers" Y/n said with a shrug "I'm a good shot," he shook his head a bit before looking over at Jesse. "I may be a bit rusty, but I'll do it," he crossed his arms.
Jesse walked closer and placed his hands on Y/n's shoulders "be careful...I.." he stopped before looking away "care about you," he finished patting Y/n's shoulders and heading out the door.
Y/n couldn't stop his heart as his heart fluttered as Jesse walked out the door, "he cares for me..." he mumbled with a small smile, he hadn't heard Jesse say that much but every time he doe, it drives him crazy.
The next morning Y/n wiped the sweat from his brow as he made his way to the stables, it was early but still, it was hot already. "Morning Bugs"
He looked over his shoulder as June came jogging down the street after him, he slowed a bit so she could catch up. "Hey June," he said sleepily "What are you doing up so early?" She asked.
"I could ask you the same thing kid," he gently bumped shoulders with the surprisingly tall girl. "I got called for stable duty, you?" "Im on route duty,"
June burst into laughter before hitting his shoulder "No! Seriously!" "I was! Why do you think I have my pack with me?" He asked jutting a thumb over his shoulder to the pack on his back.
June stopped with a look of fear "Youre serious?"
For as long as the two have known each other, Y/n hadn't been called for Route duty, but now that he has; June was scared.
"Don't worry JuneBug, We're the two Bugs! can't be separated!" He ruffled her hair as they approached the stables to see all the routes people there.
"Hey Y/n," Thomas said gruffly, he was a man in his mid-30s, never really liked Y/n. "Hey, I'm your route partner today!" he said trying to sound cheerful, "So I've been told," he said rolling his eyes "Pat's in there," he nodded his head towards the stable.
"Wow, grumpy," June said following Y/n into the stables "Yeah, ever since we met he hasn't liked me," Y/n shrugged "Just always tried to be nice but, guess he isn't willing to do the same."
Y/n smiled as Pat came into view, his horse he saved from infected a long time ago. "Hey girl!" he said happily as she snorted and stomped feet at the sight of her owner.
Once everyone was gathered at the gate Jesse began his briefing "Follow your routes, take out infected if you come into contact with anything you can't handle," he glanced Y/n's way "come back,"
The gates opened and everyone was off their own ways, Jesse glancing over his over to catch a glimpse of Y/n trying to make conversation with Thomas as they left "be safe Buggie..." he mumbled before heading off.
Pat clipped and clopped as she walked through the river with Y/n on her back, he wiped sweat from his face with a rag as him and Thomas road into the city.
The sound of infected coming from a nearby building caught his attention "Tom," he called holding out a hand then bringing a finger to his lips. He dismounted his horse and made his way towards a grocery store and peering into a boarded window "infected inside," he mumbled looking back at Thomas.
He stepped back and sighed "Let's get in the-" "You don't call me that," Y/n looked back at Thomas confused "what?" "You call me Thomas, I ain't Tom to you," he glared "Oh okay, sorry, I just figured-" "Figured you could use it cause Tommy lets you call him that?" he rolled his eyes "Call me Thomas or nothin at all,"
Y/n nodded before shaking his head and beginning to search for a way in, "Thomas, over here," he called before pulling himself into a broken window and jumping inside.
He quickly hid behind an overturned vending machine as he heard the infected. Thomas hopped in and hid next to him before he moved to take out a nearby infected.
Y/n did the same taking out the knife Jesse gave him and attacking a clicker from behind. Once done he noticed a half-open door, "over here," he said moving towards it and climbing under it and shimmying through.
He noticed all the infected in the room and quickly turned back and quietly said "come on Thomas, Ill lift this and you crawl through."
But he didn't see Thomas behind him "Thomas?" he whisper-yelled. He then had to quickly move out of the way as he saw a makeshift noise bomb come through the whole. He stumbled to the side as fear raised in his chest "Thomas!" He yelled in surprise.
The bomb went off alerting all the infected of Y/n's position "Good luck getting out faggot!" Thomas yelled laughing before covering the door with the vending machine.
"No! Help me!" Y/n yelled in fear before he began to fight off the infected. This had to be a whole hoard lured into the grocery store by someone or something.
"Fuck!" He cried as he pulled out his gun and began shooting infected one by one, soon running out of bullets. He took out his knife and ran, hiding every now and then.
He let out a loud yell as he was attacked from behind, he stumbled, fell before reaching around and pushing off the infected and stabbing it on the throat.
Y/n fought for his life for around 2 hours before collapsing exhausted.
The silence in the room rung his ears, pain from scratches after being thrown to the ground and shoved against shelves. And he had even accidentally cut his own hand trying to stab an infected in the throat.
Tears streamed his face as he stumbled around collecting what little supplies there was before pushing open a door revealing what looked to be a worn-down hold-up area. It had a bed and a few crates of stuff.
He collapsed onto the bed and groaned in pain, 'why would Thomas do that?' he thought to himself. The last words were spoken to him ringing in his head before he finally caught what the last word was "faggot" Thomas hated him because he was...bi? Gay? Hell y/n didn't know what he was...
But before he could contemplate what his sexuality was, blackness overcomes his senses and he passed out.
Thomas climbed back out of the building hear Y/n scream for help, ignoring it he made his way back over to the horses and unclipped Pat's saddle and pulling it off "get outta!" he called spooking the horse and it ran a few feet before looking back, she didn't wanna leave without Y/n.
Thomas rolled his eyes at the white and black spotted horse before hiding the saddle in the trunk of an abandoned car and sighing.
He then took his knife out and began ripping his own clothes and wincing as he cut himself up and smeared blood all over himself, "that'll do," he grumbled climbing on his horse and heading off towards Jackson once again.
Once he got close to Jackson, he started fake crying, if he wanted people to buy the fact that he and Y/n were actually attacked by a hoard; he had to fake it well.
Once at the Eastside gate he started yelling to open the gate, once inside he got off his horse while fake crying "Y/n was mauled!" he cried out catching Jesse's attention from the stables.
Jesse ran from the stables over to Thomas "What? What happened?!" Thomas looked at him and clung to him "I tried to save him, Jesse! The hoard! I couldn't save him or his body!" he cried.
Jesse pushed off Thomas as he felt his heartbreak "You said you would keep him safe!" he yelled as tears began to run down his face. "I tried!" Thomas yelled back, obviously lying.
"I have to go get him!" Jesse cried rushing to his horse "Jesse stop!" it was Tommy and Maire "he's dead meat out there!" Tommy grabbed Jesse before he could get onto his horse and held him back.
"What's going on? Where's Y/n?" Jesse looked over to see June "June.." he said softly "No...You're lying!" she cried, immediately knowing what was happening. Jesse pulled his arms from Tommy and made his way to June, pulling her into a tight hug "Im sorry June... it was a hoard.." she pushed him away.
"Y/n was a good shot! Always careful! Something must have happened!"
Later that night Jesse sat on the porch of Y/n's house, he was flipping through his sketchbook with tears in his eyes. Something must have happened...Y/n was always careful, he may have been one clumsy son of a bitch but he was careful whenever outside the gates...
Determination filled Jesse's body, he stood grabbing his bag and slinging it on his shoulders and storming off to the stables, he was going to get Y/n.
When Y/n woke it was dark outside, his body was on fire as he slowly sat up. Memories of what happened flooded back and he sighed before standing. But his legs didn't hold him up, he fell to the ground of pain filled his stomach; hunger.
Y/n didn't eat that morning or the night before and Thomas had the route food. He looked around and got on his hands and knees he didn't know what to do...
Jesse gripped the reins of his horse as he looked back and forth with his flashlight, he didn't see or hear any infected. If there were a hoard he would have heard them by now.
He stopped and jumped out of fear as he saw a flash of black and white run across the road by the grocery store up the road. He looked around with the flashlight before slowly moving forward and dismounting his horse once close enough.
He slowly made his way closer to the grocery store then yelled in fear as the white and black spotted horse reared its legs and whined loudly "Pat!" he yelled "Woah girl! Woah Girl!" he called out calming her down and whistling for his horse to come closer.
"What are you doing girl? Where is your saddle?" he asked eyeing the horse who whined and scratched the ground with her head looking towards the boarded-up store.
Jesse looked at her then back at the store and nodded a bit patting her nose gently.
He then climbed inside the same window Y/n had and quietly listened, he heard a body fall to the ground with a thud and moan; infected. He searched the room he was in the noticed the vending machine in front of the door; he pushed it out of the way as quietly as possible and noticed the opening.
Crawling through the opening was kind of hard, once through he pushed the cabinet out of the way and opened the door fully in case he needed a quick escape.
The flashlight shown across the room showed nothing but dead bodies, no live ones. He then noticed an open door on the other side of the room, 'clear it and look for supplies' he thought to himself.
Once inside the room he noticed it was an old holdup, he looked around the room; empty. He walked further into the room then gasped as someone attacked him from behind "hey!" he called out struggling with the person.
Y/n was flipped over the shoulders of the intruder and had a gun pointed at their face. They used one hand to shield the light from the flashlight attached to the person's backpack "Please dont.." he whimpered.
"Y/n?!" he looked closer after the light was turned down "Jesse?" he asked hopefully hoping this wasn't some pain and hunger-induced hallucination.
"You're alive!" Jesse cried pulling him close and hugging him for dear life.
Y/n hugged back tears coming down in streams "you came for me," he whimpered "of course I did, when Thomas came back all cut up and fake crying, I knew something happened..." he said pulling away and holding Y/n's face in his hands again.
"He did this.."Y/n whispered closing his eyes and leaning into his touch "what?" "Once I got through the door to clear the infected, he threw a noise bomb, told me 'good luck getting out faggot' and he ran," Y/n said sobbing softly.
Jesse's anger was almost overflowing but for now, he needed to get Y/n back to Jackson. "Think you can walk? Pat is still outside," Y/n nodded and they slowly made their way outside.
"Where is her saddle?" Y/n asked leaning against Jesse for support. "I don't know, but you can ride with me, I'll lead her back home."
The arrival back to Jackson was filled with rushing to get Y/n medical attention and yelling. Jesse waving a gun in Thomas' face yelling at him for leaving Y/n the way he did.
Once things calmed down, Jesse visited Y/n at home, his injuries weren't serious so he was fed and sent home.
Jesse knocked on the door, that next morning. A soft "come in," prompted him to open the door and peek his head in before going in.
"How you doin Bug?" he asked sitting next to Y/n on the bed. "I'm okay, better now that I'm fed," he chuckled setting down the book he was reading and looking over at Jesse.
"Thomas is being kicked from the town," Jesse said flat out "I.."Y/n looked away with his eyebrows crunched "because of me?"
"Hey, he left you to die," Jesse used his hand to bring Y/n's face to look at him "He might as well have murdered you himself, that goes against all our town rules and morals Y/n"
Y/n nodded gently and sighed looking up at Jesse "Thank you.." he whispered "For looking for me," Jesse smiled a bit and shrugged "I couldn't leave you to die, I.." he bit his lip and looked away.
Y/n felt annoyance fill him, he shifted until he sat up "you what?" he said, he's tired of Jesse doing this "Care for you," he said looking back.
"You always do that..." he said shaking his head and picking up his book again "do what?"
Y/n looked at him before dropping the book back onto the bed and getting out of it limping away from Jesse "You always go 'I...care about you,' like you don't mean it or something, it annoying"
"I do care for you!" Jesse argued, standing and following behind him "Then prove it!" Y/n said turning around and throwing his hands in the air "I just saved your life!" Jesse shouted moving closer.
"That's...that not what I meant.." Y/n said with a cold laugh and crossed his arms leaning against his desk.
"After all these years Jesse...After years of flirting with you..you still don't get it, do you?" Jesse furrowed his brow and crossed his arms and slowly moved forward.
"What do you mean?" he asked stopping in front of Y/n, who refused to look at him. "Look at me," Y/n refused "Look at me" Jesse grabbed Y/n's chin and made him look up and in his eyes.
Y/n couldn't help himself, he lunged forward pressing his lips against Jesse's and wrapping his arms around his neck. He poured his heart and soul out into that kiss hoping that Jesse would understand what he was trying to say.
He slowly pulled away and stared at Jesse's shocked face "Get it now?" his voice was soft and filled with anxiety, hoping he didn't just ruin a wonderful friendship.
Jesse nodded before leaning over and capturing Y/n's lips in another kiss, this time it was fast and needy. Teeth clashed and hands were in hair, Jesse lifted Y/n up onto the desk and moved closer to him, soft grunts leaving the two men in the process.
A knock on the door interrupted them. They pulled away panting for air "Y/n!!" a voice yelled from outside the door, June.
Jesse stepped away and Y/n stepped off the desk, he then limped over to the door and opened it.
June lunged at him hugging him tightly causing him to fall to the floor unexpectedly. "Woah! June!" Y/n laughed and Jesse rushed forward and pulled June off of Y/n "Careful June, he's still sore,"
June looked towards Jesse then back at Y/n, noting their messy hair and flushed faces "And what were you two doing in here?" She giggled smirking a bit "Shut up," Jesse blushed and playfully kicked her from her spot on the floor.
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Virago 14. Leap of Faith
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 09.04.20
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 02x03 “Repercussions”
100 Master List
Clarke starts to try to unlock the cage Anya is in but there’s no luck, “We’re gonna get you out of here,” Clarke reassures Anya. 
Clarke gets up and looks for something to break the lock open and you follow after. As you look around you find a rusty bar that you could pull off the wall.  You hand the bar to Clarke who quickly pries open the lock on the cage. As soon as Anya was about to get out of the cage you hear some beeps coming from one of the doors and watch as Tsing walks in. You quickly find an empty cage on the bottom row and crawl in as Clarke crawls into Anya’s. 
Tsing grabs a blood bag from a container before making her way near the cages to check out the commotion the grounders are making. She walks in between the cages inspecting them before walking out of the room.
“Okay. We’ve gotta go. Now.” You say quickly getting out of the cage and helping Clarke with Anya. She wraps an arm around each of your shoulders as you guys make your way out of the room. You and Clarke grab ahold of a door labeled “END CONTAINMENT AREA” and make your way out.
You guys find yourselves in a small room with what looked like a door underneath. As soon as you guys made it into the room. The door behind you guys started to close. Clarke tried to open it back up but it was not luck. 
“What is that?” Anya questioned as an alarm started going off.
“I don’t--” You started before the ground below you three disappears. You fall down a chute into a bin. You soon discover that you’re laying on a pile of bodies. You and Clarke quickly get up as Anya examines the bodies. 
“Anya! Take my hand.” Clarke yells holding her hand out. Not too long after Anya takes Clarke’s hand and you get out of the bin. As you take in your surroundings you notice that you are in some sort of tunnel outside of Mount Weather.
“We’re out,” You say after getting ahold of yourself and Anya just stares at the grounders in the bin.
“Hey. Come on, get dressed. We can’t cover any ground like this.” Clarke says making her way to a pile of clothes.
“I won’t leave my people behind,” Anya protests as you look through the clothes.
“Anya, listen to me. My people are still inside that place too, but they have guards. They have weapons. Once we get out of here, we can find help. We can come back--” You start.
“There is no ‘we’” Anya interrupts. Soon after you hear shouting down the tunnel. “Someone’s coming,” She says as the voices get louder. 
“Not just someone. Reapers,” Clarke says recognizing the speaking. Anya quickly goes over to pick something up. “Hey. Anya, you can’t fight. You can hardly stand. I have a better idea. Come on,” Clarke points out and pulls Anya towards another bin. 
You and Clarke help Anya get into the bin and you follow after. Clarke quickly grabs clothes and throws them into the bin before getting in herself. The three of you lay quietly as the reapers continue to approach. The next thing you know you have the grounder bodies tossed into the bin and on top of you. The reapers continue to pile the bodies atop of you guys before wheeling you guys away. You feel the panic start to rise but stay as calm as can be for the sake of living.
After being wheeled for what felt like forever, you finally stopped. The reapers pulled out a body. Clarke got up to inspect the area. “Okay. Come on,” Clarke whispers getting ready to get out of the bin.
Anaya gets up and cups one of the grounder’s heads, “What are you doing? Let’s go,” You whisper wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
“Yu gonplei ste odon,” Anya says, before snapping his neck. Clearly a phrase in grounder that you didn’t understand. The three of you then make your way out of the bin, throwing the clothes over as you do so. You grab some of the clothes and the three of you quickly sneak away down the tunnel.
The three of you quickly get dressed in the clothes and continue down the tunnel, clueless of where you are, “Damn it, this place is a maze,” You say.
“What are they doing to us?” Anya questions taking a moment to herself.
“They use your blood. I saw a soldier come in with radiation burns. Hours later, he was fine. It’s like your blood is healing them somehow. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Clarke explains out of breath.
“Come on. This way,” You say after slightly inspecting the tunnel a bit more. But Anya starts to walk off in the direction you just came from. 
“Hey. Hey. What are you doing? That’s the way back to the reapers,” Clarke questions noticing Anya didn’t follow.
“You two go your way. I’ll go mine.,” Anya states.
“Anya, we need to stick together,” Clarke quickly responds.
“I told you there is no ‘we’”. You two have eachother,” Anya replies back.
“We saved your life,” You add-in.
“You saved my life because you need me. I know the way back to your people. I know where the traps are hidden. You two would never make it alone,” Anya states.
“We don’t have time for this. Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together. All we can do is keep moving and hope--” Clarke says as the two of you continue down the tunnel. But you turn around and find Anya gone and alert Clarke to it.
“Anya,” Clarke says in hopes she wasn’t far. 
“Come on, let’s go find her,” You say and start to run back from where you came.
“No, we need to get out of here,” Clarke pulls at your sleeve to run the original direction you were going.
You and Clarke continue to run through the tunnel but are still lost. Soon enough you find yourself faced with a reaper. As the two of you try to run away you find yourselves surrounded by them.
“Clarke, what do we do?!” You ask with urgency.
“I don’t know,” She says as you’re backed into a wall. Before you are mauled by the reapers a high-pitched wailing fills the tunnel and the reapers run away.
“Get back. Get the hell away from them,” You see two Mount Weather people in suits make their way to you.
“Clarke Griffin and Y/N Y/L/N, you’re coming with us,” One of the men say. Each of the men grabs one of your arms and drags you back to a door into Mount Weather.
“We saw everything. We know what you’re doing to them,” You tell the men.
“That’s why you two are going in the harvest chamber with them,” The man states. “Alpla-delta two. We reached the intake. Two prisoners in custody,” He says as the other man goes to the keypad. 
“Your mission was to bring back all three. The outsider cannot be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha-Delta One is coming out now,” A man says over a radio. Soon enough you hear screaming and one of the men is taken down by Anya. You pull off the mask of the man holding onto you.
“His mask,” Clarke yells to Anya who is smashing the guy into the wall.
“I found a way out. This way,” Anya yells and runs off. You and Clarke follow but not before she picks up the gun on the ground. You hear the men follow you as you make your way down the tunnel.
You see the light in front of you and continue to make your way towards it. But stop just short after noticing the huge drop off in front of you.
“Wait. There has to be another way,” Clarke says unsure of the escape route.
“There isn’t!” Anya yells back.
“Just give up Clarke and Y/N” You got no place else to go,” A man says as the group of men catch up to you guys. Anya doesn’t hesitate to jump off and disappear into the water below.
“We don’t have to kill you two. Do you hear me? It doesn’t have to end like this. Drop your weapon,” The man says. Clarke does what the man says and puts her hands up, you follow after her.
“Clarke, we have to jump. We can’t save our people from inside here,” You say just barely loud enough for her to hear over the roaring waters below.
“I know. Just follow my lead. Together ok?” She says walking forwards and you do the same.
“Take the prisoners,” The man says to his team. As soon as you notice Clarke turn around you run and follow her. Jumping into the water below.
You gather yourself as you feel the force at which you hit the water. You loom around for Clarke and find her unconscious. You muster all the strength you can and pull her with you down the stream. As soon as you felt you were far enough away, you pulled Clarke to the edge of the stream and see Anya make her way up to the two of you. She helps you pull Clarke into a small clearing.
Luckily Clarke woke up, “Thank god. We made it out,” You tell her as Clarke gathers herself.
“Thank you,” She says turning to Anya whose sitting on the other side of Clarke. “I think we should go back to the dropship first. So we can see if my people--” Clarke says before Anya takes a rock and smashes it to Clarke’s head and doing the same to you.
“We’re not going back to your dropship. You two killed 300 of my warriors. I can’t show my face without a prize. Might as well make it two while both of you are here,” She states as she starts to tie both of your wrists together and dragging the two of you off.
A/N: Y/N made it out of Mount Weather, but is a prisoner of Anya’s along with Clarke. Yes, I’m sure you’re thinking, Y/N and Clarke could totally take on Anya together, but she’s a badass and I wanted to stay cannon to this part as much as possible. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @im-a-writer-right​ | @marsbar-inspace32​ | @zestylemon99​ | @unrvquited​ | @thebeautifulbookworm​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @simonsbluee​ | @iwishilivedinthesims​ | @awkwardspontaneity​
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Familiar Faces
Cal Kestis x reader
a/n: ohhhh my god im sorry this is the last cal idea i had im so sorry there are requests for him now ahhahahhah
prompt: it’s been too long since cal and y/n had seen each other
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“Cal, can you hear me?” Cere asked over. the comms. Cal was making his rounds on Zeffo, he’d probably be here a while.
“Loud and clear, Cere. What’s going on?” Cal slowed his run to a walk to hear what Cere had to say, she sounded serious and he could hear the Mantis getting ready to move.
“We intercepted more imperial transmissions and it sounds like you inspired another Jedi to come out of hiding. Greez and I are going to find them before the Empire does, are you going to be okay here?” Cere explained and waited for Cal’s response.
“Of course I’ll be okay, go find our Jedi, I’ll talk to you soon.” Cal stopped in his tracks and proudly smiled to himself, glad that he wasnt alone on the front lines anymore. Hopefully. He went on with his journey, running into some sort of trouble every few steps. So much better than hiding, for sure.
Meanwhile, you were on Tatooine, dodging every authority in sight. You didn’t actually want to be found, but some people want their payday. All you wanted to do was finish up the ship you were being paid to tune up and make some money, but here you were on a middle of nowhere planet with the galaxy’s most ruthless soldiers on your tail. It was a good thing you’d kept your lightsaber all these years, something told you that you were going to need it.
“‘Go to Tatooine,’ they told you, ‘no one’ll ever look for you there.’” You muttered to yourself as you peered out the alley to see if the coast is clear. It wasn’t. You saw your boss talking to an inquisitor and her troops. “This isn’t gonna be good, is it?” You asked yourself and overheard your boss telling them which way he saw you go and exactly where you lived. “Oh, come on, Sal, I thought we were friends.” You rolled your eyes and turned around to see an older woman standing at the end of the alley with her blaster in her hand. She saw your lightsaber and you thought this was it, but she put the blaster back in it’s holster and approached without fear.
“I’m Cere, I’m here to help.” She told you with her hand extended for you. “I can’t explain everything now, but we came here for you. We have the other Jedi.” Your eyes went wide as you realized she really was here to rescue you. “Let’s go.” She backtracked to her ship without being spotted by any imperial enemies. Only problem is, the ship was far off in the desert so that it wouldn’t be spotted. “You haven’t talked the whole way here.” Cere sat down on the couch and invited you over by patting the seat.
“Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.” You accepted her invitation and leaned your head back. “Today didn’t exactly go as planned.” You blew a piece of hair from your face and leaned forward, turning your head to her and holding your hand out. “I’m y/n, I realize I haven’t told you my name yet.”
“Well, y/n, are you ready to restore the Jedi Order?” Cere asked and took you off guard.
“That’s what I’m doing here? Wow,” you chuckled with a look of disbelief stuck on your face, “where’s the other guy?”
“On a planet called ‘Zeffo.’ He’s supposed to be searching old Jedi temples by now.” She explained. “I’d like you to meet him without any preconceived notions from me. You’ll see him very soon. Would you like something to eat?”
“Oh, sure. Thanks.” You closed your eyes and wonder what it was you had just gotten yourself into. “Who’s the captain of this ship, huh?”
“That would be Greez. You should head to the cockpit and say ‘hi.’” She suggested while fixing up some leftovers. You figured there was nothing better to do and took a look in the cockpit.
“Hey! There you are!” Greez greeted you with a bundle of warmth. “I’m Greez Dritus, captain of the Mantis, and you are..?” He waited patiently for a reply.
“Y/N L/N.” You answered respectfully. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Lateron.” You observed his four arms and he let out a hearty laugh.
“Oh, yeah? Get used to it! Hope you didn’t track any sand onto my ship.” You could tell he was joking. “I like you, kid. Cere told me I wasn’t allowed to talk about our other Jedi friend until you met him, not sure why, but oh, well. More time to talk about me!” Greez joked and you joined in his laughter. “We’re almost to Zeffo, kid. Take a seat.”
The Mantis landed on Zeffo and was greeted by heavy fire from an AT-ST. Since it wasn’t the worst threat, you quietly ate your warmed leftovers in the kitchen while Cere called the mystery Jedi that you would be partnered with.
“He’ll be here soon.” She informed as you stared at your glass of water. “Have you used the Force since Order 66?”
“Not really, I haven’t had to. I’m probably a bit rusty.” You admitted, getting a bit distracted by the sound of the imperial walker taking shots at the ship. “Are you sure were safe in here?”
“We’re perfectly fine, I’d like to see you use the force on that glass, if you’re up for it.” She motioned to the water and you gulped and heard the AT-ST start to shoot in another direction, which made you feel better.
“Uh...yeah, okay.” You lifted your hand gently and closed your eyes in an attempt to concentrate, feel the Force around you. You had to open yourself back up to it.
“You’re doing good, y/n.” She told you as she saw the glass levitate slightly, but you suddenly jumped and the glass flew across the room and shattered. You were gasping for breath and she put a hand on your shoulder to calm you. “Hey, that’s not a big deal. I can clean it up.”
“I’m confused about your relationship to the Force.” You told her and she chuckled.
“Well, I was a Jedi, but—” She was cut off by the sound of the door of the Mantis opening for the other Jedi. You looked up and watched as the young redhead boarded and greeted him crew, then turned his gaze to see you on the couch. You were quick to get up and stunned at who you were looking at.
“Cal Kestis?” You asked in disbelief while slowly stepping towards him.
“Y/N L/N?” He did the same and suddenly the two of you had your arms locked around each other, his hand was placed at the back of your head, tangling with your hair.
“I...I thought you died.” You whispered with a shaky voice, you were filled with all sorts of emotions during this reunion. You blinked back tears and let out a soft chuckle after realizing that you got one of your best friend’s back.
“Well, that makes two of us.” He pulled you away and you moved your hands to his face, tracing his scars.
“Where have you been?” You looked into his teary eyes and he held onto your hand that was caressing his cheek.
“Bracca, and you?” Cal couldn’t help but smile upon closer look of your face.
“Tatooine.” You placed your head onto his chest and bit your lip to keep it from shaking.
“So, you two know each other?” The pair of you turned to Cere with her arms crossed and a himt of a smile.
“Me and y/n were padawan learners together, our masters had us train together often. We were best friends as kids.” Cal explained to Cere.
“Well, I’m glad there’s some familiarity. Why don’t you bring y/n to your quarters and catch up, maybe explain the mission?”
Well, in the end, things didn’t exactly gonas planned, you were just glad that everyone was okay. You were sore, so sore from all pressure you had put on your body, it was all so sudden. You passed out on your bunk above an injured Cal, the last thing he could remember was you dropping when Vader had thrown you across the hall of the fortress. He shot up from his sleep and nearly hit his head. He dreamed you died, scrambling to figure out if it was true.
Cal spotted your arm hanging off the side of the bunk and hoisted himself up to you to investigate. Fortunately, you were still with him, but he woke and startled you, sending you backwards with a gasp.
“Oh, god, Cal!” You launched yourself into his arms and he fell back, you laid on top of him, nuzzling your head into his neck. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Are you kidding me? I thought you were a goner while we were still in the fortress. You nearly gave me a heart attack!” He stroked your back and you listened to his breathing. “I don’t think I can lose you again.”
“You won’t. I promise.” You lifted yourself off of him and slipped your eyes down to his lips, but quickly back up. Bad idea. You hoped that Cal didn’t notice, but of course he did.
“Come on, let’s go see the team.” He suggested before you sheepishly crawled off of him and waited for him to hop off the bunk. You paused with your legs draped over the side of the bed and stared at your calloused hands, trying to picture your fate if it weren’t for Cal and the others. “Are you coming?” You noticed he was watching you the whole time and looking a bit worried with a grin to ease himself.
“Uh—ye...yeah.” You stuttered and dropped from the bed, Cal caught your sides and held you momentarily, keeping you close to him. “The crew?” You whispered.
“I know, I know. I just...need a second.” Cal placed his forehead on yours and closed his eyes. “We’re Jedi.”
“Right.” You agreed, trying to be rational in your mind, trying to figure out what he was getting at, trying not to get your hopes up that he might be implying that there was a reason he would want to break the Code.
“There’s no Council.” He added, making your lips part ever so slightly upon realization.
“Yeah.” You moved your rough, worn down hands to his cheeks and he opened his eyes, you sensed confliction in him, but he could say the same for you. “Cal?”
“Yeah?” Cal answered but you cut off your thoughts and watched him standing there in front of you, each of you still a bit battle damaged, but it was okay because you still had each other. There was a moment of realization where you thought that was all you needed, each other. Damn the Jedi Code.
Cal didn’t exactly grow impatient, he just couldn’t go another second without learning how you tasted. He tightened his grasp on you and leaned forward to your lips, joining them with yours. You pushed forward and wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders to deepen this experience, he was gentle, moving his hands up your waist a bit. He enjoyed the hums that were slipping from your throat.
“I can’t lie to you, I’ve been waiting to do that for a while.” You shyly admitted and gave him a quiet chuckle.
“I know, me too.” He placed a separate kiss on your forehead. And your nose. And your cheek. And your other cheek. You were giggling, he was happy, then he took your hands into his and whispered. “This is our new path.”
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yoonglie · 4 years
Double Trouble | jjk.
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⤞ pairing: jungkook x reader
⤞ genre: university!au, cursed!au, tutor!au, fluff fluff, angst, smut
⤞ summary: jeon jungkook isn’t who he says he is, and all you want to do is help.
⤞ word count: 13k
⤞ warning: smut, cursing, attempted sexual harassment (not from main characters)
a/n: this is inspired by the otome Cinderella Phenomenon, which revolves around fairytale curses (10/10 would recomMend), and this tiktok by @/taestyfeed (which is REALLY hot btw). Also it’s been a while since I wrote something omg im very rusty. 
“Ugh Jimin I just don’t understand!” You dramatically threw your hands up, flinging your pen and slamming your face on the book in front of you. It was a good thing you both decided to hang out in the learning commons as opposed to the library, you were then able to groan your frustrations freely without being shushed so often. 
Jimin laughed and patted your head “What even are you studying for?”
“Art appreciation” You grumbled as you lifted your head and propped it against your palm.
Jimin laughed even harder “Isn’t that supposed to be pretty easy?” He asked.
You snorted. “It isn’t as easy as easy as I though it was.” 
“Well I���m sure you’ll get it soon. It’s getting pretty late and I’m sorry to be leaving you like this but I have to go, I fortunately don’t have any schoolwork going on and I’d rather spend the rest of my time watching netflix than listening to you groan your ass” He stuck his tongue out and you did as well.
You were thankful to have a best friend like Jimin but he really did suck sometimes. Sighing as you gave a small wave as he was nearing the exit, he sent a flying kiss your way. You just rolled your eyes. 
Okay I can do this
You cracked your knuckles in an attempt to hype yourself and got down to work, jotting down some points along the way. You didn’t realize you were so into your work that you were mumbling audibly the topic you were reviewing on. It was a voice that made you stop.
“That’s wrong” 
You look up and see a man across across the table to the left, holding a book. He has soft features and neatly swept straight hair. He looked really clean and presentable and the crisp white button up he was wearing really wrapped his whole look up. In short, he was cute... really cute. 
You didn’t notice you were slightly staring until he tilted his head, lips pressed in a thin line but with curious doe eyes. 
“Excuse me but what was wrong?” You asked. 
“It was André Derain and Henri Matisse who were the leaders of the fauvism movement” He said simply and went right back to his book. You looked your notes and he was indeed right, you wrote down wrong names. 
It was as if a light bulb shone above your head and as much as you didn’t want to do it, desperate times need... desperate measures. 
You stood up and propped your elbows on the desk. You honestly couldn’t care how stupid or desperate you looked, you needed this.
“Are you good at this subject? art appreciation?” You hurriedly said. 
The guy stared for a bit, noticeably taken aback and scratched the back of his neck “Uh, I guess?”
“Oh my god can you please please tutor me! I’ll uhh ah! I’ll tutor you too on any subject you like given that I took the class as well. Please, I’m not usually this dumb it’s just I took this class this semester thinking it was easy and did not pay attention this semester at all! I ended up flunking most my exams and I had to beg the professor not to fail me for the whole subject and so I ended up with a one-on-one presentation due in 3 weeks summarizing literally the whole semester so far! I’m at my wit’s end. Please help me” You beg, eyes even slightly watering. You weren’t usually this emotional but the stress and fatigue has definitely caught up to you.
You both were just looking at each other, you praying a silent prayer over in your mind. “Well... I am struggling with psychology a bit” He said sheepishly.
“Psychology? Great! I swear I am above average in terms of other subjects, it’s just this one subject that bit me in the ass. You don’t have to worry about me teaching you weird things.”
“It’s okay” He said.
You stuck out your hand to him “I’m Y/L/N Y/N”
He clasped his to yours a small smile gracing his face “I’m Jeon Jungkook, but please call me Kook” 
“Wait wait, Jungkook as in THE Jeon Jungkook” Jimin asked while you both were eating lunch at the cafeteria.
“He prefers being called Kook but yes, what about him?” You said while sipping on your favorite strawberry drink.
Jimin leans forward a bit and with a hushed voice he said “Honestly Y/N be careful, I heard some weird things about him”
“Like what?” You said in an equally hushed voice.
“Despite his quiet demeanor he’s actually a beast after night, a real party goer” He said.
You let out a breath you were holding, slightly terrified you might have had a creep as a tutor but was relieved “That’s it? I mean what’s wrong with that? Being the life of a party doesn’t mean you have to be one at uni too, must be tiring”
He placed a hand under his chin “Hmm you may be right but I don’t know man, people didn’t really word it the nicest way so...” He clapped his hand once. “That’s it. I’m gonna meet this guy and make sure he’s not some sort of perv or something” 
“I don’t need a babysitter” You said, rolling your eyes.
“Too bad, now let’s go. He might already be waiting” He pulled you up and you both went to the learning commons. True to what Jimin said he was there, with a book in hand.
“Hi I’m Park Jimin and I hope you take care of Y/-” You elbowed him in the stomach. 
“Okay you had your introductions, please leave” You push Jimin out while Kook was sitting there dumbfounded at the two of you.
“Hey I wasn’t even finishe-” 
“Out” You pushed him away.
Finally getting rid of him, you turned to Kook “I’m sorry about that”
“Seems like your boyfriend was a bit protective” He said with a shy smile.
You laughed a bit too loudly and wiped fake tears out of yours eyes “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s just an annoying little friend” 
You noticed Kook slightly perking up at that but paid no mind. 
“I see, anyway I can’t stay longer than 6pm so we better get started” He said as he started laying down learning materials for you. He came prepared as his station was littered with papers full of highlights and sticky notes. 
Kook looked up to you who was mesmerized by all the materials he had... you looked kinda cute. 
Kook started warming up to you three sessions in and since then you guys hit off pretty well. You realized how much of a gentleman he is, trying to explain the topics in a way that was digestible and easily remembered, knowing your time constraint. He was always motivating you and correcting you calmly even if you’ve said the wrong thing more than twice. 
“No, the Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss was by-” He started saying
“Wait wait! don’t tell me yet. It was by Johann Zoffany” You said proudly, confident that you got it right this time.
Kook chuckled slightly and you swear it was like ambrosia for your ears. “No it was by Antonio Canova” 
“Oh” You said dejectedly, sipping on your strawberry drink and propping your head up on the table while sighing. You were never good at names. 
He noticed how disappointed you looked and, throwing away all caution, reached for your free hand, squeezing it.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it” He said. You managed a weak smile.
You didn’t forget your end of the deal though. As payment for tutoring you, you were also tutoring him. He was a good student who listened intently to what you have to say, often asking relevant questions and picking up topics quickly. You really wondered why he needed help on this subject until he one day came a little late, an unusual thing for him, with a crestfallen look. Still, he tried to give you a small smile. 
You both got to the usual routine of teaching you but noticed he was a bit off so you stopped him. “Hold on” You said.
“Sorry, was I too fast? Are you not getting anything?” He asked with a confused look.
“Yeah, you, I don’t get it” You said with a concerned look. He didn’t say anything which urged you to ask “Hey, what’s wrong?” 
He leaned back on his chair and gave a deep sigh “I received my paper but I had a low mark. I thought I really did good this time. I’m sorry to disappoint you” He didn’t spare a minute telling you what was wrong. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder “Hey that’s okay, I’m not disappointed at all. I’m proud of you for doing your best” You offered a smile to which he returned.
“Thanks” He held the hand that was placed on his shoulder, sending tingles down your spine. Skinship was usual now for the two of you but you don’t seem to be getting used to it, electricity racking your body with every touch. 
“We’ll take the day off then” You said, removing your hand from him. 
“What?” He asked.
“You clearly aren’t in the mood and that’s okay! You don’t have to force yourself to do anything you know” You started “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow” He said. His heart filled with gratitude.
You both even started sitting beside each other in class, so much that your usual seat mate for the class pouts whenever they don’t get to sit beside you anymore (although not minding after a while). The same goes with Kook’s friend Taehyung. 
He arrived class early one time and spotted Kook with an empty seat beside him.
“Hey man” Taehyung was already putting his bag down when Kook blocked him.
“This seat’s taken” He quickly said, placing his own bag down.
“Since when do you reserve seats for others” Taehyung raised an eyebrow, Kook never acted like this.
“Since I realized you were too noisy” Kook rolled his eyes.
“Hey!” Taehyung pouted and got the seat in front of him instead
You got to the room and your eyes immediately tried to scan for Kook, seeing him on the side, you gave a slight wave and bounded over to him.
“Hey is this seat taken?” You asked
“Nope” He said. 
Taehyung’s ears perked at the unfamiliar female sound conversing with his friend and looked. When he spotted them having a conversation he then realized Oh I get it.
“Hey, my name’s Kim Taehyung but you can call me Tae for short. I’m Kook’s friend” He said, surprising the two of you, beaming a boxy smile with arms stretched to shake your hand. 
You shook it and smiled “Nice to meet you, I’m Y/L/N Y/N”
You, Kook and Tae became really good friends. You decided to introduce them to Jimin and he and Tae hit off really quickly, instantly becoming best friends while you and Kook, well, you don’t know how you feel about him. It’s true that you feel fluttering at the pit of your stomach whenever he touches or looks at you fondly, but you didn’t know if he felt the same so you tried suppressing the feelings. 
But it doesn’t help when he constantly makes your heart jump at every chance he gets. 
Head in between pages you groaned, not getting this bit of topic you were working on currently. Kook was very patient in trying to explain but you still weren’t get it and you were growing frustrated, especially since the presentation was nearing. 
Kook had just came back from a so called toilet break when suddenly a strawberry drink was laid in front of you.
You perked up and sipped on the drink, sighing in slight content.
“What’s this for?” You asked him, the giver of this precious gift.
You see his ears that were tinted pink as he scratched the back of his neck “Well you looked really frustrated and I wanted to give you that as some stress reliever. I noticed you keep buying the same drink and deduced it was your favorite”
“It is! Thank you, you really didn’t have to” You said, beaming and heart warming at the kind gesture. 
He dropped his shy demeanor after seeing how much you liked it and chuckled himself “Anything for you, angel”
You sputtered your drink and faced him “W-what? Angel?”
He placed a hand under his chin “Don’t like that? How about pumpkin? sweetie? munchkin?”
Your face reddened at every nickname and waved your hands in front of your face saying no the whole time
Kook laughed that beautiful laughed and pinched your cheek “I was just messing with you. Are in out of your head now? Best you get back to work”
You rubbed your sore cheek and looked down, trying to fight the grin that was itching its way to your face. 
“Jimin, I absolutely CANNOT go to a party” You huffed at him across the table at lunch.
“But your presentation is still next week and it’s a friday night” He said pouting.
“Exactly! All the more I should focus” You scolded.
“But it’s Seokjin who’s throwing the party, the senior, and you know his parties are the bomb” He said whilst gripping your arm and mustering the cutest puppy beg face.  
Seokjin did throw the wildest parties, you’ve seen it firsthand. You weren’t an avid party-goer like Jimin but you also didn’t avoid it, finding it fun, but you had priorities. 
“I really can’t you know” You pinched your nose bridge, slightly annoyed he wasn’t letting this go.
“Tae will be there and I bet so will Kook”
That made you stop in your tracks. You forgot about the word that got around about Kook being a nice quiet boy in school but a beast at night, the life of the party. You haven’t really asked anything related to it, too engrossed in your study, but now it piqued your interest. How different will he be from the quiet gentleman who offers you a strawberry drink because you’re stressed? How will he be dressed? Does he entertain ladies who throw themselves to him? Surely there would be a few, he is a handsome fellow. That thought made your heart twinge.
“I see that got your attention” Jimin smirked “I guess I’ll see you tonight” Flicking you in the forehead, he got all his things and headed out.
You groaned and placed your hands to your face. One little party won’t hurt
You walked to the party, Jimin in tow, with your head a little bit high. You always dolled yourself up for these kinds of events but tonight you glammed yourself extra special, not because you wanted to get a certain someone’s attention no. You were looking for a certain someone when suddenly Taehyung came into view
“Jimin! Hey Y/N you came!” Tae said, sporting his beaming smile “Jimin was dead set in trying to get you to come and I’m glad he did cause you look hot” He grabbed your hand and placed it above your head, twirling you all while you were laughing. 
It was then that you spot him. Kook was chatting with a bunch of seniors at a counter and he looks absolutely STUNNING. He was clad in all black, silver accessories adorning his ears, neck and fingers, with his hair long and wavy. He was dripping with confidence, from the way he stands to the way he talks, the people clearly interested in what he has to say. You notice upperclassmen Namjoon and Hoseok that seemed closest to him. 
It was Tae’s voice that snapped you out of your thoughts “I know you want to talk to him but it’s better that you do later on or just back in uni” He cautiously said.
Respecting his privacy and time with friends, you nodded. 
“I got the booze!” Jimin said, handing you a cup as Tae already had one. You didn’t even notice him leave.
A few drinks later, you were buzzed and confident, ready to take on whatever comes at you.... literally. You bumped into Kook and looked up at him. He tilted his head to the side in confusion but a smirk eventually etched itself to his face. Your heart started beating loudly, in rhythm with the pounding of your head.
“I see” Those were the words that he said as he left.
You blinked once then twice, hurt at the fact that he didn’t even acknowledge you. Then grabbing him by the arm, you made him face you to which earned you a glare as he ripped his arm from your grasp, looking at you disgustingly. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked. 
“You” You pointed at his face “Have been ignoring me the whole night” 
He towered over you in an attempt to make you cower in fear but it didn’t have an effect on you, annoyance fueling your system. “Ignoring you? Sweetheart I don’t even know you” The way he says your newfound nickname was sweet, sickeningly sweet that it was unlike the way he usually talks to you, with bite lacing each word. 
You backed away slightly with hurt. He doesn’t know you? Was he pretending he didn’t know you so he wasn’t going to be embarrassed in front of his friends? You honestly didn’t know why he was acting like this.
“Did you forget about my existence? Why are you acting like a dick so suddenly?” You huffed, looking away and getting more pissed at every second. Alcohol not really helping your temper.
He grabbed your chin a little too harshly and tilted it up so that your eyes would meet. He had a small smile on his face but nothing about it was sincere “I don’t know you and you don’t know me. My name’s JK, darling and I don’t owe you any explanations. Now I suggest you go and never approach me again to save yourself from being an embarrassment” He winked and backed away from you, eventually leaving. 
It’s like you’ve been doused with cold water, immediately sobering up though your head was anything but clear. You were hurt and angry and confused. Tae and Jimin found you, but you said nothing and left. 
Monday rolled around and you were actively avoiding Kook. You didn’t sit beside him in class anymore and though he was slightly sad about it, it got worse when you suddenly came up to him just before your supposed tutoring session would start.
“I’m gonna learn by myself from now on, thank you for your effort but I don’t need it anymore” You huffed and Kook became confused
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, his heart slightly twinging and hands clammy. 
“So you just suddenly remember my existence now but you’re embarrassed to be seen with me in front of your friends?” You said, lips pressed in a tight line.
You saw Kook clench his hands, his face darkening. It’s as if he remembered something horrible, but he did not say a word. You sighed and walked away. Kook didn’t know why he didn’t stop you but he was livid. It was as if his body remembers what to do in situations like these and he hated it, he hated that monster. 
You thought it would be better now that you’re ignoring each other, you could get more focus, but you were anything but focused. Kook’s strange behavior definitely plagued your mind but you weren’t going to do anything about it until he apologizes. You gave him a chance but was met with disappointment. Tae and Jimin definitely noticed the drift between the two of you, not hanging with them as often as you all did. You told them it was because you were prioritizing the presentation but saw through your bullshit excuses which caused them to pester you until you told them what happened. Tae honestly couldn’t stand the tension, wanting the best for the both of them, especially Kook. It’s been a while since Kook acted like this, and he can definitely tell he cares about her a lot. Throwing all caution aside he thought This is for the best, I’m sorry Kook.
Tae called you and Jimin at the lunch table, relieved Kook wasn’t with them “What’s this super important meeting for?” Jimin asked.
“It’s about Kook” He started, he noticed how uncomfortable you looked and continued “Just hear me out... it’s just, I can explain why he acted that way” Despite being still angry, you leaned forward in curiosity.
“He was actually born with a curse, a curse that caused him to have two alter egos, two entities, though both of them are still him. The one that fronts in the day is Kook but the one that fronts at night is JK, the one you met” Tae said. You were shocked. Two alters? That explains the rude behavior at the party. That actually wasn’t Kook.
“So the one that everyone has been calling a beast at night is actually this JK dude?” Jimin asked and Tae nodded.
“Yeah, he loves partying but I don’t like him. He’s.... a handful” 
You placed both your hands to your face “Oh my god I feel like shit. He should’ve told me!” You exasperated.
“He doesn’t wan’t a lot of people knowing his secret, both of them don’t” Tae smiled sheepishly
“Well thank you for telling me anyway. Now... do you know where he is?” You asked, determined to apologize. 
“He’s always at the learning commons after school, kind of hoping you’d come back if i’m honest” You groaned at that and headed out.
Kook sighed and looked at the clock, thinking whether he would go home or continue to wait for you, though you said you weren’t going to study with him anymore. He suddenly saw you burst through the door and he stood up, with you tackling him in a bear hug.
“I’m so so sorry Kook! Tae told me about it all and I’m so sorry” You said as you pressed your face against the crook of his neck. 
Kook’s ears burned red as your sweet smell enveloped him. Your warmth made him feel safe and though it’s only been a few days, he missed this, he missed you. He thought that this was worth Tae telling them so he wasn’t going to get mad at him.
“Hey it’s okay” Was what he said after you broke the hug and proceeded to sit down. 
"Our parents apparently angered a spirit back when my mom was pregnant but really didn't pay attention to it. When we were born they noticed something was wrong quickly and took us to get examined only to find out we were cursed. I front in the day most times, while he does at night. We can’t really be out for so long because our bodies get tired easily, leading for the other body to take over. We had a difficult childhood but eventually got into a routine. Doesn't mean I like him though, he's a real pain in the ass" Kook explained, ruffling his hair.
"Are both going to be like this forever? Can the curse be broken?" You asked with caution.
"I heard them say something along the lines of 'when the sun and moon meet' but I don't know what that means. Despite sharing the same consciousness, I don't really get to meet this guy. It's impossible" He exasperated, frustration bubbling in his gut although it went quickly as it came, already accepting this fate throughout the years. 
“Have you tried sending notes to each other?” You asked.
He hummed in agreement “Yes, voice messages too. Nothing worked”  
He sighed although he felt relieved that the secret is finally out but slightly worried what you might think of him. The worry washed away though as you reached your hand to grab his, a radiant smile he so loved along the way. Wait loved?
“Anyway!” He sprung up, clapping his hands. A twinge of pink dusted across his cheeks “We gotta get you ready for the presentation tomorrow”
“I’m fine you know-” You started.
“Nope, all focus on you now, we gotta get you ready” He said with determination.
“Alright, thank you” You chuckled and you both got started on the preparation.
You were pacing around, bouncing on your toes. Fingers quickly going through the flashcard in your hands, mumbling the topics under your breath.  
“You know you’re gonna get more nervous if you keep doing that” Tae stated but you heard nothing, fully immersed in your almost literal last minute review.
Jimin grabbed both your shoulders to make you stop “Hey, quit pacing around. You’re gonna do fine”
“I’m just so nervous Chim” You said, still slightly swaying to alleviate the uneasiness.
“We know you are babe, but if you keep doing that, you’re going to get more nervous” Jimin explained.
You took a deep breath to try to steady your heart and looked at them “Okay I’m going in. Wish me luck”
Tae and Jimin gave you a thumbs up while Kook suddenly patted your head. Leaning in close to your ear, you could feel his breath tickle your cheek. Your ears warmed and your breath hitched at your throat. “You can do it, angel” He said and pulled away.
You finished the presentation with ease. The weeks worth of tutoring with Kook definitely paid off. The professor mentioned how he will announce the fate of your grade in the following weeks so you were still slightly nervous but nonetheless, you feel a great weight being lifted off your shoulders. Because of that, you actually found yourself thinking more about Kook, with the newfound information actually sinking in. 
When the sun and moon meet you thought. The phrase repeating over and over in your mind. You felt the pain Kook went through because of mere misunderstanding and you don't want that. You want him to be happy, you want them both to be happy, even if the other him can be kind of rude. So you gathered and told them about your plan. 
“Okay okay let me get this straight, YOU want to try and break their curse by doing... exactly what??” Jimin asked, dumbfounded. They were shocked about your sudden want to help but it just made you more frustrated knowing that there was a way out and no one tried to help. 
“Well” You started "I don't know exactly what i'll do but it's better if I knew more about him first right?" You asked
"He's not really someone you'd like to know personally. Like what you experienced, he can be very overbearing and hard to deal with" Tae warned "I had some instances with the guy too and it was not pretty"
A hand gripped yours "But if it's something you'd like to do then who are we to stop you. I'm grateful that you're willing to do this for me... for us" Kook said, squeezing your hand. You smiled at him.
"Well if you wanna know his whereabouts, it's better to ask Namjoon and Hoseok" Tae said.
"The upperclassmen?" Jimin asked.
Tae nodded "Yeah, they're closest to JK and are usual party buddies. They know about the curse too. I've talked to them a couple times and they're actually pretty nice." He explained. You placed a hand under your chin and nodded as well
"Alright then, let me pay them a visit"
You bounced on your toes, pretty nervous about meeting them. You had no problem talking to upperclassmen but something about being JK's friends put you on edge, like you have to be of certain standard to them. Finally you saw them walking in the hallway, laughing. You went to them and introduced yourself.
"Hey! I'm sorry to be disturbing. My name's Y/N and I don't know if JK told you about me or not but if he did then-"
"Oh you're the girl who was clinging on to him the whole night" The guy, who you assumed was Hoseok based on the description Tae gave you, exclaimed. He had a wide grin on his face and his voice had a bubbly tone to it. Way different from what you expected from JK's friends. 
"Oh right yeah that's me" You said sheepishly, scratching your neck."Don't worry about it, it's not like you're the first to do that. We apologize on his behalf if he was being pissy about it" Namjoon said, sighing.
"Right, well, I have a favor to ask" You said to which earned you a raise of eyebrows."I know about their curse and I personally want to help. Would you be kind enough to tell me if you guys have plans and where it would be? I kind of wanna make amends and start over with him" You explained.
The two of them looked at each other in shock and to you with curiosity. A smirk etched on Namjoon's face.
"Sure" Namjoon said. They didn't hesitate to give you the address to the downtown club they were going to tonight.
"See you tonight, nice girl!" Hoseok exclaimed as he waved goodbye, a big smile still adorning his face.
Alright, I can do this.
Walking to the club they invited you tonight, you gulped. They sounded like nice people and was pretty sure they didn't send you to the wrong location but you were still kind of doubtful, looks can be deceiving anyway.  
The doubt washed away when you finally spot JK. Still in an all black ensemble, which you can only guess was his favorite shade, hair a wavy mess at the same time still look put together. You took a deep breath and bounded over to him. He caught your gaze to which he returned with a glare. 
"What are you doing here?" He asked, clearly annoyed as he crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry to be so sudden but I know about the curse" You said the last part in a volume you know he'd be the only one to hear 
"And I just want to apologize for my actions the last time we met" You said. 
His face contorts even more and you were sure he hated you right at the moment "Looks like you're here to observe me then. Is it fascinating to you, sweetheart? Finding someone like us who's so different from everyone else? Should I set you up with a private zoo show?" 
Your eyes went wide as saucers "No! no absolutely not! I just- I wanted to just introduce myself" You held a hand out for him to shake "My name's Y/L/N Y/N" You exclaimed, praying you guys wouldn't have misunderstandings anymore. You offered him a smile to show him you were sincere.
There was something about that smile. JK didn't like trusting people anymore but there was something about that smile that felt so warm and familiar. Of course she was familiar, she's probably with Kook. He got annoyed and looked away.
He avoided your gaze for a long time but noted how his features softened for a second before. He clicked his tongue, rubbing his nose bridge before leaving without saying another word. Your hand still raised in the air.
Anger bubbled but you pushed them down, taking a swig of alcohol. You sighed and began to question your decisions until two people stood in each of your side. You realized it was Namjoon and Hoseok as they offered you their glasses to clink with.
"Cheers for a rough night?" Namjoon asked and you snorted as you took another sip.
"I don't even know what I'm doing anymore" You told them, dejection evident in your demeanor. 
"We're sorry that you're dealing with this but... I hope you don't give up on him easily" Hoseok pleaded "It's not everyday someone comes up to us and tells us they want to help the them" 
"Have you?" You ask them.
"We tried but he would never tell us how we could be of help. He also told us to stay away from Kook and his friends or else he wouldn't be friends with us anymore" Namjoon explained "We didn't want to lose the friendship we fought hard to build. We see how lonely he is sometimes and we didn't really want to contribute to that. Plus he's nice if he wants to" He chuckled.
Your heart twisted, guilty for even thinking of giving up. The both of them have been hurting in their own way and it's unfair to give special treatment to just one.
"Do you know where he goes when you guys don't have any party plans?" You ask with newfound determination. They felt grateful as they beamed at you."He goes to a book cafe near here. Since he doesn't go to school in the day, he misses out on the lessons. Though he still gets the information absorbed by Kook, it just isn't as sharp. He makes up for it by reading a lot" Namjoon explained and your heart swelled. 
You took a swig of your bottle and placed it down loudly on the table "Alright then" You exclaimed as you wiped a bit if liquid staining around your mouth.
"Atta girl, I guess we'll see you around then" Hoseok chuckled.
The next night you trekked to the said book cafe. It was very quaint inside, the smell of coffee that hit your nose instantly calming you. The ambience was very tranquil as soft music played in the background. You noticed how there weren't many people in the cafe so it was easy to spot him this time. He was sitting at the very far corner, a book in hand. You were amused at how he very much looks like Kook when we waits for you but you but had to remind yourself that this is a very different person. His black clothes contrasting the white that Kook loves to wear. As you came closer, the difference became more evident as his wavy hair came into view. When he looked up from his book, he grimaced.
"Okay are you fucking stalking me?" He exasperated as he nearly slammed his book down and crossed his arms, a repeat of what happened in the party. 
You stare at each other for a few uncomfortable seconds before you broke the silence 
"I really didn't expect to find you in a place like this" What?
"Oh cause you think I party every night, do drugs and bring girls home right?" His glare challenging and menacing, a look that clearly says 'get away from me'. your eyes widened as it dawned unto you what you said because truth to be told, you were kind of thinking that about him. It made you sick.
"I'm really sorry! I just want to apologize for my behavior and for um creeping you out. If you want me to stop then I will but can I at least share a bit of your time now?" You asked, pleading with your eyes. You want to be as sincere as you can to him and you really hope he'd let you in.
JK was confused. It should've been easy to to just say no. One word and she'd be on her merry way.... then why on earth was he not able to say it? fuck
"Fine, you can stay" was what he said instead. You perked up and took a seat across from him. He rolled his eyes.
"Let me introduce myself properly for the second time then. I'm y/l/n y/n and I'm Ko-"
"I know who you are. I don't know what your relationship is exactly with Kook but I know you're on his mind a lot. Are you his girlfriend or something? How did you meet?" He expected a blush or some sort of shy reaction. He knows the effect Kook had on people, he hates him but he's not ignorant. 
So he was surprised when he was met with you shaking your head instead "No and I'm not really here to talk about Kook. I'm here because... I want to be friends with you, nothing in return for me. I just want to get to know you" 
You looked serious enough that he knew you weren't kidding but he was flabbergasted. No one really wanted to know him like that. All the people he's met either wanted a trophy friend or a trophy fuck. Having a pretty well off background didn't really help. For once, he commended Kook on having such an interesting plaything.
"What's the catch?" He asked, arms still crossed.
"Catch? Nothing. I just want to get to know you so that i'll be able to help. I know how the curse can be broken and although I don't exactly know what to do, maybe I can start by being friends with you" You explained
Ah, he gets it "I see, you're doing this for your beloved Kook then" He said, suddenly taking an interest in the table. 
"I'm doing this for the both of you" You said.
Whatever, it's been a while since something spiced up his life anyway. Maybe you'll last long enough. 
"Okay" He simply said.
You were surprised "Okay? I mean alright! Okay, that's great" You chuckled in relief "I'll see you tomorrow night then?" You asked, hopeful.
"I have plans" He said and you deflated a bit. He saw and sighed. "I'm free saturday afternoon" He said after a short while.
You perked up "Oh! I didn't know you front in the day?" You tilted your head.
"Am I a vampire or something? Of course I do. I'm out during weekends" He scoffed. 
"I really feel like I'm getting somewhere guys!" You tell them over lunch
"That's great y/n. I hope you sort this out quickly though. Kookie here has been moping around ever since your attention has been divided" Tae playfully teased.
Kook kicked him from under the table to which Tae grunted "I do not!" He exclaimed with red cheeks. You only chuckled.
"So what are your plans then?" Jimin asked.
"Well, I did alot of thinking but I hope this really helps him" You excitedly said.
True to agreement, you and JK met up during the weekend at the same cafe, with books at hand.
"Oh sweetheart I really thought you were different but you're as boring as the others" He said, an elbow propped to the table as he lazily sipped on his iced coffee.
You tilted your head at him, still sorting the books "What do you mean?"
"I half expected you to bring me somewhere exciting but as I expected, I am disappointed" He sighed.
"Oh shut up" You said as you flicked his forehead. He jumped slightly in surprise, glaring at you.
"What's all this, a tutoring session?" He snorted.You beamed and clasped your hands together 
"Exactly" You said with a mischievous smile "I heard that you don't really grasp school concepts as vivid as Kook's so I'm here to help you" You smiled at him. 
Although he looks as stoic as ever, you knew from the slight twinge of red on his ears that you've elicited some sort of reaction from him.
He cleared his throat and crossed his arms "How do I know you're not bullshitting me? For all I know you have straight D's in your card" He said. 
You fake gasped and placed a hand to your chest "Excuse me, if you notice yourself getting better at psychology it's because of me, mister" You pointed out. 
He scoffed while absentmindedly flipping through the books you laid out in front of him. 
"Then prove it to me" He looked at you with challenge in his eyes and oh boy you were definitely gonna give it to him.
A few subjects later and JK called for a break. A sarcastic remark is dancing at the tip of your tongue but opted to let it show through your eyes instead. He rolled his as he took a sip from his iced coffee. 
"I still doubt half the things you taught me were correct" He said, playing with the rings on his fingers.
"Oh they were definitely correct" You slumped on your chair, pretty tired yourself as you sipped on your own drink.
Silence hung over the two of you and unlike earlier, it was way more comfortable and tolerable now. You were lightly tapping your fingers on the table to the rhythm of the soft music playing in the background while he was flipping through the pages of the books, not really reading the content inside. This is it, this was your chance to bond, to talk about something other than  academics. You were thinking of a question to ask... anything. Racking your brain of something to say you said "How long does it take to style your hair everyday?" You were slightly embarrassed by such a trivial question but it was better than nothing. 
He chuckled slightly, a sound you notice is darker than Kook's light airy laugh "Darling, I'm all natural" He said, a smirk etched in his face "This curse make it look like we're sharing a body but it's all different too. When I front, my hair naturally becomes wavy. When he fronts, it goes straight again. Same goes with wounds too, unless they're pretty deep. When I get a small graze, he usually doesn't get it" He explained.
"I see" You said. You get what he's talking about, that's the reason why he even looked off the minute you saw him. Not only was he not Kook, he physically isn't Kook as well. Kook has softer and rounder features while JK has the slightest edges to his face, cheeks and jawline more prominent. 
"You staring at me, sweetheart?" His smirk never fading "But I get it, must be tiring to look at someone so ugly all the time" 
You snorted "You do know you guys share most facial features right" You said.
"Oh? Then how about I let your discover what's different about our bodie-"
"Let's get back to learning shall we!" You squeaked as your cheeks reddened. He only chuckled.
You were glad you had some sort of progress with him but it slightly frustrates you that you only gathered minimal information throughout the weeks, though you've gotten more comfortable with each other now, throwing banter here and there. But it’s okay, you’ve just got to be more patient.
“Clearly my answer is correct” He argued.
You rolled your eyes “No you are most definitely wrong” crossing your arms in annoyance.
“Okay i’ll gather people who will support my claim then” He huffed.
“Do you realize you talk too much?” You squinted at him, more annoyed now.
“And do you realize you’re being a big prissy?” He countered.
“Am not!” You exclaimed. If you can drill holes with your stare then you would have by now
“Okay then, if you’re right you can ask me to buy anything for you” He offered
“And if you’re right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
He tapped a finger under his chin as if to think “How about I get one date with you” He said with confidence and your cheeks flared up.
“Absolutely not!” You exasperated, hurriedly cleaning up the materials laid out on the desk. 
“Why? scared i’ll be right?” He chortled while sticking out his tongue. You flicked him on the way out.
He was way more stubborn than Kook that’s for sure, always questioning and challenging you. Despite all that, he is very bright. He picks up topics as easily as he could challenge you, which doesn’t come as a surprise as you can tell he’s an avid reader. When you both started warming up to each other was when you notice how much of a nice person he is behind the hard exterior.
He placed a strawberry drink in front of you. You felt the strongest deja vu and realized Kook did the same thing for you. 
You looked at the drink fondly and then up at him. “What? Kook did the same for you too huh?” He huffed and sat down, looking the slightest bit dejected. He absolutely saw through you.
You then realized how much you were thinking about Kook and it felt unfair. Maybe it’s because you feel a slight swarm in your stomach ready to flutter whenever JK calls you that nickname that used to disgust you but now have grown accustomed to it, or the way his eyes bore into yours, a slight smirk on his lips whenever you explain a topic thoroughly to which he calls you a nerd afterwards. Maybe it’s because he’s been endearing lately and you don’t want to have to choose, opting to direct all your feelings to Kook instead. But that seemed wrong. 
Shaking your head out of the trance, you offered a small smile to him “No he didn’t, thank you” You lied.
He didn’t say anything afterwards and that prompted you to slip a small tease “I didn’t know you can be so nice” You said, sipping on your drink, waiting for a response.
“Oh darling I can be bad, if you’d let me show you” He said in a sultry voice, wiggling his eyebrows. You only rolled your eyes and smacked him slightly on his arm.
You were checking your emails until you stumbled upon an email from your art professor. Your heart started beating loudly. You completely forgot about the announcement. Your cursor hovered over the email, silently praying for a passing grade.
Please please please
The word passed came out in bold and you squealed. All the hard work with Kook did not go to waste and you were extremely elated. You checked your clock which read 8:43. Kook must be gone by now and you’d have to wait until next week to tell him, but you were impatient. Getting dressed, you went out in search for JK. 
Opening the doors to the book cafe you’ve gotten used to, you spotted JK in his usual corner, your usual corner now as well. 
“Well you’re early. I thought we wouldn’t have another session till tomorrow” He said, confused.
“I passed art appreciation oh my god!” You squeaked excitedly, bouncing on your toes. 
“Isn’t that shit easy?” He asked, tilting his head. 
Your cheeks puffed as you pouted “Hey! I was having a hard time okay” You crossed your arms “Anyway, can I borrow Kook tomorrow? I promise we’ll get right back next week. I just need to thank him for helping me out on this one” You explained.
JK’s face darkened “Why? You see him nearly everyday and you’re gonna start seeing him on weekends too?” 
You were surprised at the sudden bite that laced his words “It’s only for a day plus I don’t get to see him the way I do with you in uni” You explained.
“Fine whatever” was what he said before going back to the book that he was reading. He doesn’t care- he shouldn’t care.
Shrugging your shoulders, you walked out of the cafe, excitement filling you up again. What you didn’t notice was JK staring at you, a big frown on his face, as you left. 
The next day, you invited Kook over at your apartment, delicious food ready on the table. You only ever had Jimin at your place before and although you should feel nervous, you were quite calm. 
“What’s the celebration for?” Kook asked, eyeing the food
“Well” You started “I passed art appreciation!” You announced, a big smile on your face.
His eyes widened as his face broke into a grin as well. He suddenly tackled you in a big hug and spun you around, the both of you laughing. “I knew you can do it, angel! I’m really proud of you” He said as he set you down. 
Red dusted both of your cheeks at the contact and you dragged him over to the living room “I know it’s not much but I wanna thank you for the help by treating you to good food and a good movie marathon” You sheepishly said, not making eye contact.
He placed a hand to your shoulder “It’s amazing, Y/N. I love it” He truly was grateful.
A full tummy and a few movies later you were both knocked out, not really paying attention to the movie anymore, though it was still playing. It was getting dark meaning Kook would probably have to leave as JK would front sooner or later, probably still annoyed he didn’t get to front in the day when it was the weekend. You didn’t want him to go though.
“I have a question” You said lazily. He hummed in acknowledgement as you continued “Do you guys share memories?” You asked.
 “Sometimes we do, only in fragments though. We mostly share emotions, usually only when they’re strong. Other than that, I completely do not know what is happening in that guy’s life” He explained.
You nodded as you understood and yawned. You scooted closer to him, finding solace in his warmth and he welcomed you, placing his arms around your shoulder to pull you closer. You placed your head on his chest and let the steady thump of his heartbeat calm you. 
Kook felt like he was gonna combust, with you all curled up against him, your warmth filling his senses, he didn’t know how to think. He watched as your body slightly rose and fell from breathing and mimicked the tempo. He subconsciously ran his hand through your hair to which earned him a small moan, almost inaudible but it still reached his ears. He stopped in his tracks.
“Y/N” He said in a small voice. You looked up and was met with an unreadable expression.
Placing a gentle hand at the back of your neck, he pressed his forehead against yours. You both were staring at each other, not moving as to not break the trance. Slowly, he placed his lips on yours in a feather-like kiss. Seeing how you didn’t feel repulsed by the action prompted him to land his lips on yours again. Your hands reached for his hair to deepen the kiss as his other hand roamed your back, tingles running down your spine with each touch. But before anything can get truly heated, he pulled away.
“I better get going, JK is going to kill me for being out too much” Kook said in almost a whisper of a voice. He chuckled when he saw you pouting and placed a hand on your cheek. “I’ll see you soon, angel” He said as he leaned forward to press his lips against the other cheek. 
You couldn’t really sleep that night. The kiss with Kook still replaying on your mind. Your thoughts drifted to JK, when the erratic beating of your heart calmed down, and you somehow got anxious about the thought of meeting him. Would he get mad you spent the weekend with Kook instead of him? He probably is.
You didn’t have to think too hard because you were tapping your fingers on the table of your usual spot, JK nowhere in sight. It was already dark and you’d hoped for too long he was only running late but no- he totally stood you up. Getting irked, you gathered your things and went out the door. You were standing outside the cafe when you thought about what you should do. Should you just go home or find him? One thing you absolutely hated was getting stood up and your anger would probably dissipate by the time next weekend rolls around so why not just release out now? 
Fishing for the phone in your pocket, you silently thank yourself for getting Namjoon’s number. You texted if he knew where JK was and rang him once to alert him. You were getting more impatient by the minute. Fortunately Namjoon texted back fairly quickly, giving you the address of the club they were in. 
“That little shit” You said to yourself as you stormed to where they would be in a fit of rage.
Coming to a club wearing casual clothes and a tote bag full of books didn’t really help blend you in. You were a goldfish in a school of betta fishes. The initial adrenaline was starting to come down as you were frantically looking for familiar faces. This club was more packed than the ones you go to and it was getting harder to breathe by the minute, the stench of alcohol and drugs making your head hurt. You were starting to notice the stares you got from people as you occasionally bump into one and you were getting more insecure. The blaring music and flashing lights made your head pound even more. You were trying to find the phone you slipped in your bag when you suddenly felt it... a hand on your ass.
Flicking your head to where the hand was coming from, you were met with a very intoxicated man, eyes roaming your body. You pushed his hand away, quaking in fear but he only grabbed your wrist.
“Let me go” You pleaded as you struggled out of his grasp. 
The hand was quickly ripped off when an arm snaked around your waist to push you behind their back.Your whole body trembled but you got the courage to look up to find out who your savior was.
JK’s eyes were filled with absolute fury as he was sizing up the guy “She said let go” He said through gritted teeth.
The man scoffs. “Your bitch has some nerve going here” He mocked.
Something snaps in JK as he lands the first punch square to his nose. The guy stumbles backward, holding his face. He spits blood as he threw a punch to JK as well, the rings he was wearing scratching his face. Soon enough it became a full on brawl, punches and kicks thrown everywhere as they moved around, occasionally breaking something along the way. The bouncers finally came and pulled them off each other, hauling them by the collar of their shirts outside. Someone tapped your shoulder and you flinched.
“Sorry” A voice you recognize as Hoseok rang through your eyes as relief washed over your body. You looked at both Hoseok and Namjoon with concern as JK was still being escorted out.
“Take care of him will you?” Namjoon asked as you nodded, still not finding the strength to speak after what happened.
You followed JK out the door and found him wiping the blood off of his cheek, anger still littered his eyes. He was avoiding your gaze but looked when you softly held his hand. 
“You... come on” You dragged him until you reached your apartment, not uttering a word the whole way.
You were met with the dark empty space, JK still silent as he took in his surroundings, occasionally wiping the blood off his face. You took him to the bathroom and made him sit on the toilet while you find a first aid kit.
“I’ll be right back” You told him. He only looked at you with a blank face but his eyes trailed over to you as you went away. 
When you got back, a wet towel in hand, you loomed over him to get a better look. He had a busted lip and gashes from where the rings hit his cheek, thankful that it wasn’t deep enough that it would need stitches. You gently placed a hand under his chin to tilt his face slightly as you started dabbing the wet cloth over his wounds. His eyes bore into yours as he sported a pained look
“Suck it up you big baby, that’s what you get for picking a fight” You scolded, as you continued to wipe the blood off his face and treating the wounds with antiseptic.
“A thank you would be nice you know” He croaked, now averting his eyes from your gaze.
You stopped whatever you were doing and looked at him. “Thank you, but I’m still mad at you for standing me up today” You said as you starting dabbing on his face again, this time on the corner of his mouth. “God Kook’s going to kill you for messing up your faces”
He grabbed your wrist and placed it down, making you drop the towel in your hand. “Can you for one second shut up about Kook”
He stood up and snaked an arm around your waist as the other laid at the back of your neck. He pinned you against the tiled wall as he slammed his lips against yours. Your cheeks flared up as you subconsciously raised a hand to his head and fisted his hair, to which elicited a groan from him. The hand on your waist was strong as he gripped you hard, a bruise sure to mark wherever his hand touched, but you didn’t mind. He moved back as he sat on the toilet, you being brought along with him all while not breaking the heated kiss. His hands roamed up and down your body as you were basically straddling him, trailing his kisses down south to your neck. You moaned and shifted your weight to a better position but soon realized the effect it had on him, a growing tent from right under your core. He kissed you back on the lips before pulling back, the both of you breathing heavily. 
He was still dangerously close to your face, his breath tickling your cheeks. “Do you know how annoying it is to have Kook’s pesky feelings practically take over mine too? You both are annoying little shits” 
Your eyes widened as you hurriedly got off of him. He dusted himself off before making his way out of the bathroom. Noticing your balcony, he wasted no time going there, needing a breather.
You pressed your back against the wall as you put a hand over your chest, feeling the heavy thumping of your heart. You were still breathing heavily as you tried to process what just happened. You felt slightly guilty for being unfair to Kook but you both haven’t talked about the kiss after it happened so it wasn’t like you were his girlfriend. Meanwhile, JK’s touches were like fire. You note the growing wetness on your core thinking about how he slid his hands up and down your thigh, coming dangerously close every time he slid it up. You shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself from such thoughts.
You figured he needed to cool and down and you gave him just that. Taking a break yourself, you finally calmed down. You took a water bottle from the fridge and headed to the balcony. You saw him looking at the view, moon illuminating his features as both his elbows were propped up on the railing, despite his slightly messed up face, he was gorgeous. 
Oddly calm and unembarrassed despite what transpired moments ago, you tapped the water bottle on his arm. “Here” You said as he took the bottle and had a sip. You both were just looking at the view, not speaking a word until you decided to break the silence “Can I ask?” You said.
He looked at you from the side, eyebrow arching but nodded which prompted you to continue “Why do you hate Kook so much?” You asked.
He turned over to you and gave a deep sigh. He stared at you in silence for a few seconds before speaking. “I had to hide because of him. I was always pretty mischievous and I guess my parents wanted a prim and proper child- an obedient one. Kook was everything I’m not” He looked at his shoes, pain evident in his eyes “They thought I was a menace to Kook’s perfect life and treated me as if I wasn’t their child. I was forced to stay in the dark, literally, ever since I was a kid. It was so fucking lonely, Y/N. Everyone was either tired or asleep at night, I had no one to play with or talk to. When I got a bit older, I found out about clubs that were open all through the night and basically got addicted to partying since then” He said, raw emotion dripping in his voice. 
“Not to be rude but, were you not physically able to front at daytime?” You cautiously asked.
“I wanted to impress my parents. I wanted to prove to them that I can be as obedient as anyone else, so when they told me to only come out at night, I followed. After a while it basically became a routine, so much that my body just naturally comes out at night and was tired in the early morning. Because of that, I never really got to bond with my parents, and they never really got to know me” He sighed before he furrowed his eyebrows in anger, hands clasped in fists. “I fucking hate Kook”
You reached out for his first and uncurled it, lacing your fingers around it instead. “You’re strong for being able to withstand all that” You said as you cupped his cheek, his expression softening at your touch. “I’m here if you need me” You told him. He offered you the smallest of smiles as you pulled away. 
“I gotta go” He said as the both of you made your way to the door. He was about to go before he stopped in his tracks. He swiveled around to face you before placing a hand behind your head and pulling you in for another kiss, his teeth catching your bottom lip in a small bite “I’m sorry I stood you up, sweetheart” He said, the sickeningly sweet tone back again as he closed the door. Your heart was pounding again as thoughts danced around in your head.
Ugh I need sleep
But you couldn’t sleep. You thought about JK and what he had to go through and figured that it’s best to let Kook know about this, maybe it’s a step closer to breaking the curse. Filled with determination, you finally let sleep take over you.
You examined the bruises he left on on your hip, frowning as you traced the deep purple marks. You got dressed and set out to look for Kook.
He met you in the learning commons, fond memories lacing this place. There weren’t many people here yet, which you thought was perfect. Kook finally arrived at he set his things down and sat beside you.
“So what did you want to talk about?” He asked, head tilted to the side.
“Well” You started, fidgeting your thumbs. Taking a deep breath, you looked at him “So I had a talk with JK lately”
Kook’s eyebrows furrowed “And?” He edged you on.
You explained what went on in his life, particularly his childhood. You told him how he felt lonely and sad and that he was mistreated by their parents. Kook seemed to understand as he was nodding but he wasn’t looking at you with gleeful eyes anymore. Instead, he had a blank expression on his face, his eyes completely lifeless as he listened to you speak. For a moment you thought it was JK who you were talking to until you took in his appearance again. No this is definitely Kook.
“So I just think... that you should go easy on him. Yes you’ve been hurt but so is he. It would be better if you’d understood each other’s pains” You explained.
Then, something else burned in his eyes, it was something you were completely not used to, something menacing. He slumped back on his chair, arms crossed and you gulped.
“And what about my pain? Do you know anything of it?” He said, sporting the blank look that hid the pain his voice was threatening to spill. “I was dubbed a monster at night and did I want that? I wasn’t able to make friends properly because of that you know” He then leaned forward, elbows propped up on his thighs. “I tried to help him, I left notes, messages, anything. I wanted to let him in the daylight for once, but he didn’t listen and even flat out refused saying that he liked his nightlife. I believed him.” He sat up straight now, his eyes burning with anger “And what did he do? Toy with my life. He sabotaged all of my relationships and that fucker had the nerve to be happy with my frustrations. My friends hated me and as much as I wanted to apologize, what can I say? That it wasn’t me who told them all those things? They’d think i’m either an amnesiac or a psycho. He even tried to ruin my relationship with Taehyung, thankfully he figured out something was wrong and asked me personally, so I told him the truth. He’s been the only friend I had ever since... all because of who? Because of your precious JK. Just wait, when he’s completely obliterated whatever we have, he’ll stop toying around with you too.” He spat out, disgust evident in his face.
He quickly gathered his things and left you dumbfounded. You didn’t notice the tears pooled around your eyes and how much you were holding your breath. Your chest started to hurt at the revelation as you were feeling torn, completely emotionally drained. You slumped back to your seat as you thought about what to do. Now that you heard both their sides, it was best that they knew about it all. So once again, you waited until sundown to talk to JK.
You dragged yourself to the cafe, completely worn out at this point. You spotted JK at the usual spot and ushered for him to talk to you outside. 
“Miss me already, sweetheart?” He smirked and you only sighed.
“Why did you do that?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. You were completely done tiptoeing around.
“Do what?” He asked, mirroring your growing frustration. He was always ill tempered.
“Sabotage Kook’s relationships? He wanted to help but you kept refusing him?” You said, your voice slightly raising.
“Help? From him?” He scoffed “Why would I need help from the one who’s ruined it all?”
“How about you just try to work with your problems rather than avoid it completely? Ruining people’s relationships is a completely immature way of handling this situation” You scolded. You were both sizing each other up, the other not backing down. 
“Oh I see, you just love to side with Kook huh? It’s okay, everyone does. I will always just be in the backseat worshipping the feet of the holy other me” He said in a mocking tone, pacing side to side.
You were getting angrier by the minute, cartoon smoke probably coming out of your ears by now “I’m not siding with anyone! God!” You shouted, raising your hand in the air in frustration “You know what, I’m done. I’m done being the both of you guys’s emotional punching bag. I only tried to help but you both think I’m siding with the other” You placed a hand on your forehead, mock laughing “Ha, and to think we actually had something going on. You were probably going to discard me after you’re done playing with another one of Kook’s relationships right?” You asked him, menace in your eyes. “Am I wrong?” 
He only stared at you, expression growing softer but you were only hurt by his response, or lack thereof.
“Thought so” You said. “You probably haven’t gotten rid of me yet because apparently Kook’s feelings latched unto you. That was the only reason you liked me anyways” 
“No that’s not it” He reached out for you but you only backed away “It’s true that his feelings somewhat caught unto mine but it was strengthened by me. My feelings for you are purely mine and they are genuine” He pleaded.
You came up close to his face, eyes squinting “You know what?” You started “I don’t care. I’m tired. Tell Kook I don’t want to see the both of you until you settled matters in your own hands” You said walked away, leaving him dumbfounded and frustrated. 
Your tears completely spilled all over once you hit your mattress. You were oh so tired. Your hand found your phone, dialing Jimin’s number. After a few rings he picked up.
“Y/N? Where are you? Is something wrong” He asked from the other line.
You were ugly sobbing as you spoke to the phone “I-I’m home but J-Jimin can you come o-over? I need someone” 
“I’ll be right there, Y/N”  
You spent the night bawling to Jimin about how emotionally tired you are whilst eating takeout and playing movies in the background, a common instance for the both of you when one is feeling a bit let down. People have always asked when you were going to date but you never thought of each other that way. He’s always been like a brother to you and you were thankful for the friendship.
He was stroking your hair while you continued to rack sobs, calming down with every second. “You’ve always been such a compassionate soul but you got to take care of yourself too” Jimin said as he lifted your chin up “You’re not obligated to fix anyone. If you’ve done all that you think you can then that’s as far as you can go, at least you’ve done your part" He wiped the remaining tears away from your face. “It doesn’t make you a bad person if you’re unable help everyone because you’re emotionally unavailable, always remember that”
You sniffed and hugged him tightly “Oh what am I going to do without you?” 
“Probably wallow in more boy drama” He jokingly said. “Chin up, they’ll come around when they’re ready”
“Yeah” You said with a small smile, your heart less turbulent now. 
As per your wish, the both of them ignored you throughout uni and in the weekends. You had to admit that it was a bit boring not having them in your life, completely not used to their lack of presence but Jimin and Tae made up for it, Namjoon and Hoseok also coming to hang out with you guys more. 
“You know Kook is very beat about all this” Tae mentioned one time at the lunch table.
“Yeah JK too, he’s absolutely devastated” Hoseok added. “You really had them both wrapped around your finger” He joked as he took a bite out of his sandwich. 
“Guys I really don’t wanna hear about the both of them right now” You said, rubbing your temple. They both squeaked apologies as you all continued eating. 
Slowly, your energy was coming back. You refreshed yourself with friendship and knowledge, often coming to the library to read for leisure with Namjoon when you found out about his extensive knowledge in books. You also hung out with Hoseok in the uni’s dance room, always dragging you along to one of his dance practices for what he claimed as needing moral support. He also introduced you to his friend Yoongi who sometimes makes the music he dances to. But it was Jimin and Taehyung who was with you the most, gluing themselves to your hip. You didn’t really mind, they were like peas in a pod and being with them is entertaining. They often came by your apartment, bringing various food and games to play with. 
“You know you guys don’t have to come here every time, it’s not like I went through a massive breakup” You roll your eyes at them as they set down large tubs of ice cream on your kitchen counter
“You might as well have, with the way you cried over them” Jimin snickered.
“Hey!” You smacked his arm, puffing your cheeks.
“We get to help a friend out as well as have an excuse to eat all this junk. I’d say it’s a win win” Tae said as he slung an arm around your shoulders, laughing. You laughed with them, thankful.
They left earlier than they usually do and you were sat alone eating the tub of ice cream in your living room, watching whatever. You suddenly heard a knock on your door as you set the food down to check whoever it was. 
You were shocked as you opened the door, your mouth agape as you took in his appearance. “Kook? err JK?” You said hesitantly, completely not distinguishing who it was. He held out the flowers he brought to you as you took it in your hands. 
He smiled sheepishly, red dusting his cheeks “I’m both of them now” He said and your eyes widened. That is why you couldn’t tell them apart. His hair wasn’t pin straight like Kook’s nor as wavy as JK’s. His expression also isn’t as soft nor as cold. 
 “And I want to apologize for what I did, I’m truly sorry Y/N. We finally had something in common that we were willing to compromise for and that’s you” He stepped forward and tentatively reached out to cup my cheek. When he realized that his action didn’t make you uncomfortable, he continued “We couldn’t risk losing you and that anchored us more to each other until we just fully fused. I have both their memories but I want us to start over so we can make fresh memories together, me being one entity this time” He chuckled softly. “Thank you for breaking the curse” 
Your heart jumped out of your chest as you pulled him in your apartment. You truly missed him. You set the flowers down as you jumped up to wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. “I forgive you and I’m sorry too” You nuzzled your head closer to the crook of his neck.
He cradled your face when you both pulled away, but still staying as close. “Now we can truly start over” He smiled.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt as you pressed your lips against him in an instant heated makeout. His hand found your hips as he gripped you closer to him “Well this is not what I had in mind but I’m definitely not complaining” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes as you found his lips again, taking his jacket off in the process. You dragged him to the bedroom, kicking off his shoes and taking your shirt off. His touches were like fire as his hands roamed your back, coming dangerously close to the clasp of your bra. He suddenly gripped the back of your thighs as he hoisted you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist you felt something hard pressed against your core. You grinded against him as he grunted against your mouth, biting your lower lip. 
“You naughty girl” His voice was dark and sultry and it shot through your sex, wetness growing by the minute. He threw you on your bed as he climbed on top of you, nearly straddling your waist. He took his shirt off and you took in his appearance. He was very toned, abs lining up his stomach as you gently traced over it. “Like what you see?” He teased.
He started peppering kisses all over your neck as he gripped your thigh, occasionally sliding his hand up your shorts which gave you shivers as you moaned. He brought his kisses lower, stopping at the crevice between your breast as brought his hand under you to unclasp your bra, biting it with his teeth to take it off you. He looked at you hungrily, you looked like sex on a platter.
You blushed under his intense gaze and looked away. He noticed your shyness and his expression softened as he kissed your forehead “You’re beautiful, princess” He said. “We can stop whenever you want, just say the word” 
You shook your head “No, it’s okay. Also i’m on birth control” You said as he peppered kisses all over your face.
“Then... would you let me make you feel good, princess?” He asked and you shyly nodded. 
His expression then changed into that of a big bad wolf “Don’t worry, princess you’re in good hands” You were surprised at how a simple nickname can change from something sweet to dirty in a second but you weren’t complaining.
He took your right breast in his mouth, sucking on your nipple. You arched back in pleasure as he did the same with your left. He then kissed your abdomen until he reached the waistband of your shorts. Pulling both your shorts and underwear off, you were left naked underneath him.
He licked his lips as he started sucking on your core “Hahh- keep doing that, ugh” You moaned as he kept lapping at your clit. The sounds you were making didn’t help the growing tent in his pants as he kept sucking and roaming your thighs with his hands. 
“I-I I’m gonna” You said, rolling your head back as you fisted his hair. Just when you were going to climax, he pulled his mouth away from you in a smirk “Don’t think i’m going to let you off that easy, princess” He said as he took his pants and underwear off.
He was big, really big. Veiny and thick and you just couldn’t wait. You sat up and pushed him back, making him sit. You got on all fours, taking him in your hands as he moaned. He was already really hard and you gave him a few good pumps before putting his aching cock in your mouth. His head rolled back as he breathed heavily “Fuck, Y/N” 
Satisfied by his sounds, you bobbed your head up and down faster, his hands gripping the sheets tightly. Before he could cum, you removed yourself from him and wiped your mouth. You straddled him and aligned his cock to your core as you slid down. “Hahhh, oh god” You said in pleasure.
He gripped your ass and guided your bounce on his dick. “Fuck you feel so good baby, wrapped around me like that” Your eyes rolled back in pleasure as he was deep into you, the sound of skin slapping and moaning filling the room. 
He the lifted you up and laid you down, still inside you, as he placed your legs over his shoulders. With a smirk he then pounded into you, taking in the bouncing of your breasts. 
“Oh god oh god don’t stop oh fuck. Just cum inside me” You moaned as your core tightened, reaching your climax. A few more thrusts and his movements started staggering, soon he reached his high as well, completely stopping as he spilled inside you. Pulling out, he grabbed the tissue you kept on your desk as he cleaned the juices that were leaking out of you. 
He then came up and placed a tender kiss to your lips as he stroked your hair “You did great, princess. You were so good” He said sweetly.
He spent the night at your place, completely tired. When morning came you were the first to wake. You trace his features and took in the difference. His features weren’t as soft but weren’t as sharp as well, it was a good balance. You also note how he was both sweet and cocky last night, his performance smack right in the middle. Gliding your hands over his jaw, his nose and lastly his lips, he suddenly opened his eyes. 
“Are you observing me?” He asked sleepily. You giggled at his cute demeanor as placed your head on his bare chest, the both of you not having strength to put clothes back on last night. 
You tilted your head back up to look at him “I just realized” You started.
He cocked his head to the side as he brushed a hair out of your face “Realize what?”
“What should I call you now?” You asked.
“Jungkook” He said as he placed a tender kiss on your lips.
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
Alright, how about some HC’s for the V3 girls traveling to Texas to visit their (long distance) male S/O
V3 girls visiting their long distance male S/O
Im sorry for being late, and if any of them seem a little out of character. I'm a little rusty with the V3 cast. 😥
Angie Younga
When she finally got off the plane, Angie was so excited to see you again.
She basically ran over to you and jumped into your arms. 
"(S/O)! I missed you so much! Atua did, too!" She chirped. "He kept on telling me how I needed to see you! You're my muse, after all!" 
You two went to tons of little tourist spots, even though many of them were obvious tourist traps
She was rather used to the heat, so she didn't really mind it much, and spent a lot of her time outside.
She would sketch just about everything she found. 
She would almost always stay attached to your side, unless she was praying.
She would invite you to prayer or other devotional activities, but if you didn't want to, she wouldn't mind. 
One day when you came back from work near the end of her trip, she was waiting excitedly for you. 
"(S/O)! I got you a present!" She grinned, pulling out a small canvas from behind the couch.
It was a painting of you and her. 
And then she pulled out another.
A painting of one of the attractions
And another and another and another
Her paintings soon covered your walls. They were a constant, lovely reminder of her.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko was so ready to just move in with you.
With her talent, she could do shows just about anywhere, unlike some talents, which were more popular in one place than another.
There was so little stopping her, besides the memories of her home. 
That's why she decided to visit by surprise...
Then her mana ran low…
You found her cuddled up to you in bed the next morning. 
"N-nyehhh… don't go, (S/O)"
It was your day off anyway, so you might as well just stay there.
You spent the day in each other's arms as you played with her hair and she gave you the occasional kiss.
She had already decided she was staying.
Kaede Akumatsu 
Kaede loved spending time with you, and it pained her that she had to be away from you
She was honestly debating on moving, but she still had school in Japan. If she didn't, she would have gone with you.
You two quickly move back to normality once she came to visit
She would play piano for you, listen to you talk about your problems, give you advice, and just spend time with you in general. 
She gained a burst of inspiration with you, and was starting to compose songs inspired by you and Texas.
When she left, it was bitter, yet sweet. She promised you that she would be moving in with you soon, that was the only sweet part.
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi honestly had felt like a bit of a fish out of water in Texas.
She had never really been to America much for leisure, so it was honestly a little bit of a culture shock for her.
Everyone was so outgoing, compared to how reserved and secluded people were in Japan
she spent most of her time glued to your side, weather it was around the house or when going out. 
It really took her a little while to listen up with you. 
She really did act super nurturing with you, especially after not seeing you for so long.
She would kiss her forehead and play with your hair a lot, as she knew you liked it. 
She worked on cleaning your house for you, too. Not to mention setting up a whole new organization system. 
It was sorta something she did on impulse to make her feel more comfortable. 
She was honestly rather sad to leave, but knew she had to. Her job meant the world to her, after all. 
Maki Harukawa 
Maki honestly hadn't planned on visiting you
The "ultimate child caregiver" "just so happened" to travel to America right before the death of a politician
You got a text from her asking for your address, and she was at your house in just a few minutes. 
She told you that she had been hired to look after a famous child in the country, but was not allowed to say much else about it. 
You invited her in and made her some food. 
She was as quiet as normal, and let you talk your heart out. 
Later that night, you both cuddled on the couch. She was a blushing mess, but looked sort of uncomfortable.
You asked her if she was alright 
"I'm… Not used to affection like this, (S/O)"
"It's nice. I'm just not used to it"
She slowly grew more comfortable with it over the next few days
Soon, she had to go, saying that the orphanage likely needed her. It was the only time she mentioned the orphanage throughout the whole trip.
She packed her bags and said goodbye before you went to work. 
She kissed your cheek bashfully before you left.
She was gone when you came back from work.
Miu Iruma
Miu was so impatient on that damned plane. She just wanted to see you after all. 
She almost sprinted off the plane as soon as she could
You already had an idea in mind for where you wanted to take her. The state fair
She was so excited the whole time. She loved being swept up in fun of it all 
She loved all the food and ate until she was sick.
Even then she was still going on the fastest rides. 
She bought lots of knick-knacks, too. 
Her favorite was an obnoxiously bright pink cowboy hat.
She told you she was going to make a robot to re-create all the fried foods there without any manual labor needed. 
Speaking of robots and machines, she brought tons of them to show you
Some were useful, others were more novel, and many were inappropriate in nature
Though she acted brash and arrogant often, she really did love it when people- especially you- showed her praise for her inventions. 
She honestly didn't want to leave, but her inventions were waiting for her.
She would be coming back soon for sure.
Tenko Chabashira 
You and Tenko were close, closer than she was with any other degenerate male.
You were actually the first guy she felt feelings for 
When you moved for your job, she was devastated. She had to stay in Japan in order to continue her Neo-Aikido training. 
She would visit often to spend time with you.
You guys really did whatever when she visited.
Every once in a while she would come during the State Fair
She was a surprisingly large fan of the fried food, even though she rarely ate unhealthily
She was also super competitive. Trying to see which of them would win the most games, or who could ride the most rides
When you'd get home, she'd be quickly tuckered out.
You'd both curl up in bed and go to sleep together. 
Tsumugi Shirogane
You and TsumugI had never actually seen eachother in real life
You met on a forum and hit it off right away
There was a convention coming up in Texas, and she had asked for all your measurements. 
She had made tons of cosplays for you, and wanted to keep them a secret. 
When she got off the plane, she went searching for you instantly
When she found you, she pulled you into a hug as you kissed her cheek. 
It was exciting to see your girlfriend for the first time. 
You took her to some of your favorite restaurants, where she got noticed once by a fan of her cosplays.
After, you both went to your home, where she pulled out all the cosplays she had prepared
There were a few characters you didn't actually know, but you recognized a few. Link and Zelda (a cliche, she knows), Jonathan and Erina, and Goku and ChiChi
That night you two cuddled up in bed.
"It is really, really nice to be with you, (S/O). I know we do video calls most nights until we fall asleep but… it isn't the same" 
She sounded flustered and quiet as she fell asleep in her arms.
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