#imagine him on tiktok
spadesofspader · 2 months
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this genuinely took me by total surprise bdbdbd why did they make grandpa say that
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ohnopeh · 2 months
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touchlikethesun · 1 month
if you told kageyama and hinata that they could improve their timing and strengthen their hitter/setter bond by kissing they would immediately start making out. even if they weren’t interested in the other like that at all before, those boys would do anything for volleyball
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dervampireprince · 10 months
hey guys psst hey guys psst hey guys psst hey guys psst
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and yes it's a public one, not a patreon exclusive. it'll be posted either tomorrow if i get the art done in time or if not then it'll be the wednesday after. but i'm going to try my best to get the art done so it's up tomorrow.
(also the gender tags don't reflect the genitalia of the listener, it just changes the pet names to 'good boy' or 'good girl' or neither. no specific genitals mentioned on any of them. we t4trans-inclusive content over here.)
EDIT: it's done! check the most recent posts on my blog or do a lil search on my blog for astarion or look my youtube! there's also a direct link in the reblogs and replies to this post!
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bjurnberg · 9 months
@stealingyourbones I have the perfect dog for you. Look at this good boy.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok where he says, “Here is a reenactment of a real conversation I once heard Dustin and Steve have.”
Eddie as Dustin: Steve, what do you know about the X-Men?
Eddie as Steve: ex-men?? I think they’re just called women.
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vampyrsm · 1 year
okay so you know how celebrities have fans who make thirst edits of them??
that but with bakugou aka dynamight. they’re edits of him when he’s about to take off, or mid-fight. omg when he’s finished the fight, he’s all sweaty and they managed to get a glimpse of when he pulls up the bottom of his shirt to wipe at his face. he’s just so grimy looking but he’s got a cocky grin — okay anyway, those but edited.
now imagine being bakugous partner, and he’s settling into bed next to you. you’re already in bed and waiting, on your phone scrolling through tiktok/twitter (whichever). there’s music suddenly playing from your phone and bakugou can’t help but glance over, and immediately he’s frowning.
“why the fuck are you watching that?” and his voice is so close it makes you jump, your head turning to meet his but he’s still glaring at your phone that’s now repeating the edit.
“what, i can’t appreciate big strong dynamight sweating after a long fight?” and he just levels you with this stare, deadpan look that says ‘are you serious?’.
“you just had me sweating all over ya, is that not enough for your greedy ass?” a pinch under the bedsheets to your thigh, a playful look in his eye.
“it’s just different! you’re never that sweaty.” he knows what you mean by that, the sweat after a fight is usually bad. he has to take at least two showers before he heads home — only to have another when he’s there.
“yeah? you want me to fuck you after patrol?” and he’s grinning, wickedly and you don’t get a chance to say anything. always the one to be so crude without an ounce of shame. “come by the agency tomorrow, i’ll give you what you want.”
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toxinoire · 6 months
Kara never thought of it when Lena first asked her this question.
"What if someone says; in like a few years maybe, I'd be...gone?" Lena asks, staring at the distance.
Kara got confused at this question. But decided to answer anyway. "Well, I'd most likely, punch them or something. I'm not letting that happen."
Lena chuckled. "You're right...I guess it's just another existential crisis."
"Want to talk about it?" Kara asks softly. Lena just smiles at her. "No, darling. It's alright. It's just one of those times."
"Well, if you need anything...food, movies, a hug, I'm right here."
Lena laughs and nods. "Got that."
She didn't ask that question for no reason. She isn't sure if Kara already figured this fact out already, but their time is limited. Because Kara won't die unless she gets killed with Kryptonite or the day the yellow sun flying over them dies.
Lena knows there's a chance that Kara's life could be at stake at any given moment, but at the same time...there's a possibility that she could have Kara for the rest of her life. While Kara won't have Lena, nor the rest of their family for the rest of her life.
See here's the thing, Kara knew that. But ignorance is a bliss, as they say. She pretends that the day won't come.
But...maybe she indulged herself too much.
Because right now, Kara, swear to Rao, drops the car she's currently carrying as her eyes widen in fear. Through a window, not that big, but big enough for her to witness it firsthand.
Lena, sweet, gentle, beautiful Lena, with a knife pierced through her neck. She heard the enemy responsible for it, the one who's back is facing the window, laugh. Fucking laugh. Kara and Lena make eye contact through the window, Lena smiling gently, softly, warmly, at her. Muttering something no human could hear, but Kara heard so clearly. Her voice as soft as her gaze.
"I love you."
Kara barges in, breaking the whole wall, she rushes to her, hoping she could still save her. Hoping she wouldn't lose her. She can't lose Lena, she just can't.
However, it was too late. The knife stabbed a very fatal spot, and Kara witnesses Lena drop to the ground.
Kara can no longer hear her heartbeat.
"Aww, look at Supergirl. The Paragon of Hope, looking hopeless-"
Before this asshole can finish, Kara pushes him, actually pushes him off the broken wall, she hears him scream and plummet down, but she doesn't care.
"Please, no. No. Fuck. Please don't leave me, don't take her too, please." Kara tries to get help, but to no avail.
Lena Luthor's death was publicly announced two days later. Many were happy at the fact that there was not a single Luthor left. The Superfriends grieved in their own ways. At least some people in the city actually acknowledged what Lena did for the world and paid their respects. The Superfriends tried to comfort Kara. She appreciates it, of course, but it won't bring Lena, Kara's...everything, back to her.
Now everywhere she goes, Kara just sees Lena.
She would try to go to Big Belly Burger, she just remembers that time they celebrated Lena's birthday there. Noonan's? She just sees Lena's smile when Kara gives her coffee from that place. The park in National City? That time Lena used her magic fully for the first time. CatCo? She remembers every hall Lena ever walked in. She sees a book? She remembers Lena giving her one.
Her own apartment also reminds her of Lena, all the times they had there. Certain foods remind her of Lena. Everything around her is now just a ghost of Lena. Even fucking kryptonite reminds her of Lena.
She's everywhere Kara goes.
No one in the city realized how much Supergirl was so torn over the loss of Lena Luthor.
Some dickwads actually thought she was happy about it, which some idiot reporter asked her one day.
"You must be really relieved that the last Luthor is no longer a threat."
Kara stays silent, yet her eyes emmit everything she wants to say.
Kelly holds back an angry Alex from hitting someone, but Kelly herself is yelling about how insensitive that was, about how this reporter is disrespecting the dead, about how they forgot that Lena worked with Supergirl. Both Brainy and Nia list down everything that Lena has done to save the city.
Kara? She's been silent, before taking a deep breath, looking at the reporter, knowing there are cameras surrounding her, she says,
"This world is nothing without her."
Then, she flies away, higher into the blue skies and screams.
Would you look at that, world. There's a Luthor that successfully broke a Super.
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mueslicrumbs · 1 year
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soupinaboot · 2 months
You think anyone in Gotham has ever made an edit of Bruce Wayne? Like I know he's not really like a, super celebrity, but I mean he goes to all these galas and events where a lot of really well know celebrities go, and there are reporters going to them too so there has to be some photos or videos of him. Or like those edits people make of older celebrities and the younger version of them.
Just saying, they would have the videos to make an edit. 🤷‍♀️
And yeah, maybe people don't really give a shit about him since he's not like an actor or musician or influencer or whatever, but people make edits of random, semi famous people all the time so it's possible that one or two people have made one.
I'm just thinking about one of the batkids stumbling across one of them.
idk man I've just been thinking and don't know how to write out my thoughts
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coolestclowns · 1 year
Uhhh AU where Hermie fakes his death to open a portal to goofs since they wouldn't listen to him
(CC under the cut)
N: "I usually get sweet tea with chick-fil-a, that's what I've always paired it-"
H: [Strained] "I showed it to my uh-" [choking] "I- WAIT-" [continues coughing] "MOTHERFUCK-"
N: [In increasing volume] "Ryan? Ryan?! RYAN!!"[screaming]
H: [Light cough]
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cyravillaria · 5 months
"and lastly i vow that when death does choose to take me by the hand, i will hold you with my other and i will find you in every lifetime."
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how fucked up would you be if you were told the embodiment of the worst parts of you was capable of killing members of your family
[ID: A sketchy two panel sepia comic. In the first panel, Sun Wukong is dressed in traditional deep mourning garb and kneeling before a grave, back to the viewer. The second panel is a close-up on his face. He has a hollow, terrified wide-eyed expression and half of his face is in deep shadow. He thinks, "Could I have done the same?" End ID]
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foxy-kitsune · 12 days
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evansbby · 12 days
bro now it’s actually pizsing me off the hate this poor young woman is getting for playing Juliet in some random play in London like not even a Hollywood movie but a random play 😭😭
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kitkatinahat · 1 year
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