#in any case hope you all had fun and happy halloween again!
Happy Halloween!
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And happy last day of the prompt week!
You can find a summary of the week's prompts and what this event is about HERE.
Today's prompts are:
- Control -
- The Worst Thing I Could Do -
- New Clothes, New Self -
You can participate by creating any kind of fanwork, including fanart, fanfic and fan discussions centering the villains in RotE. If you tag me on this account, I'll be sure to boost your post:D
If you feel inspired by these prompts, feel free to create something for them and tag me even after the week is over! Time is only a social construct anyway. This account will stay up to keep up the villains appreciation:D
Happy creating! 👻
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i-spaced-sorry · 7 months
Happy Halloween Eve! I am posting 2 stories about Halloween (today and tomorrow), today's is a Halstead Sister one and tomorrows is a Halstead brothers one. Both stories actually happened to me growing up, so enjoy!
What are you supposed to be?
“Mama mama, can Jay and Will take me trick or treating this year?” y/n asked. Y/N was 7yrs old and wanted to be a big kid just like her 10 and 13 year old brothers. 
“As long as you stick close to Will and stay in the neighborhood” replied your mom. 
“Yes!” you shouted while running to put the finishing touches on your costume. 
An hour later, Jay walked into your room dressed in his army guy costume, 
“Are you ready to go?” he asked. 
“Yup” you stated while shoving the rest of your hair into your hat.
Turning around Jay shook his head, “weren’t you that last year?”
“Yea and what’s it to ya?” you sasses back. 
“Nothing, sorry I said anything, let’s go. Will said the house at the end of the street has king sized bars”
To any child, especially under the age of 10, that was the music to your ears and thus you grabbed your brother’s hand and pulled him towards the door, where your other brother was.
“A wizard? Again?” asked Will when he took in your costume.
“What’s wrong with recycling a costume?” you asked.
“It’s just -” started Will but he cut himself off when he noticed your mom walking in the room with a camera. 
“Just what?” you dared to ask.
Will stayed silent and wrapped his arms around you and Jay in a way to distract. 
“Just what, Will? You pestered while turning to look at your eldest brother.
“Leave it Y/N” hissed Will while turning your head to face your mom.
“Cheese” the three of you smiled. Once your mom was done with taking the pictures, you bugged Will again, “Will, come on spit it out. Why does me wearing a costume over again matter?”
“Leave it Y/N” hissed Will again. 
Jay, who had enough of this whining blurted out, “because it makes us look even more poor than we are Y/N, happy?”
“Jay!” shouted Will
Jayson Alexander” shouted your mother from the other room. 
“Oh” was all you could mutter shyly.
“Let’s hit up the house at the end of the block, Connor was saying they have king sized candy bars” exclaimed Will while you guys walked away from Ms. Carmicals house. 
“Yea!” you and Jay exclaimed while slinging your pillow cases over your shoulders. 
As you approached the house, you noticed little kids dressed as various different animated characters walking away from the house. All with big candy bars in hand. You skipped ahead in anticipation for your chance at the big candy. 
“Well, what do we have here, a buzz lightyear, an angel, and a mario” stated old man O’Riley while dropping candy in each of the trick or treaters bags. “You all look so good” he stated while they walked away. 
Next in line was you, Jay, and Will. 
“Well, Well, Well, what do we have here? An Army man, a doctor, and ah-” faltered old man O’Riley.
“What are you supposed to be, little man?” he asked. 
“I’m a girl” you stated confidently. 
“Oh, my, well what are you supposed to be?” Old man O’Riley asked again while your brothers stifled laughs. 
“I’m a wizard!” you exclaimed while holding out your pillowcase in hopes of getting your candy. And sure enough, old man O’Riley placed a king sized bar in your bag. 
“Thank you” the three of you exclaimed while walking away. 
“I remember that! You were mortified” laughed Jay while taking a bite of his pumpkin pie.  You and your brothers were sat around the kitchen table reminiscing on Halloween growing up.
“And I remember you and Will just laughed and made fun of me” you bit back. 
“We can’t help that you were such a tomboy growing up that you even chose costumes that were geared towards boys” stated Will.
“Costumes shouldn’t be defined as girl or boy centered, I always liked the idea that you can dress up however you like” you confidently replied. 
“And that’s what we will always love about you” started Will
“You dance to the beat of your drum,” added Jay. 
Smiling, you ate some pie and asked, “So, do you guys have any crazy stories from Halloween growing up? Maybe one I haven’t heard before?”
“Did we ever tell you the time Jay walked right into someone’s house while trick or treating?” asked Will while looking at Jay. 
“No? Do share” you choked out after swallowing your pumpkin pie bite. 
tag list: @fangirlfrom-hell
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joelswritingmistress · 7 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 6
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Warning: Angst/Mild Language
Pairing: Joel x f!reader
"Things are moving so fast." You locked yourself in Jessie's room, more or less holding her captive in there while you indulged in all of your feelings for Joel.
She laughed when you pinned yourself against the door and leaned your head back against it.
"Do you want them to?" She asked honestly, despite the silly nature of your conversation.
You sighed and hugged your body. "Yes. I mean.. I just wanting expecting any of this. I thought I would offer him a free coffee or maybe just be friendly with him when he came into the shop." You sunk down into a seated position. "I never thought I'd feel like this about him.. and so fast."
"Did you find out how old he is?"
You cleared your throat and purposely muffled your response.
"What?" Jessie asked, swigging from a Poland Spring bottle.
"He's.. 41."
Jessie almost spit out a mouthful of water. She put a hand over her mouth and you could see water begin to trickle out from beneath her palm. When you began to giggle, she let it out with hearty laugh and immediately began to wipe the water off of the front of her shirt that came bursting out.
"Shh.." you put your finger to your lips and laughed.
"That's like.." Jessie began counting on her fingers, "Carry the one," she joked as if the math was that incredible. "He's 14 years older than us." She wiped the lingering water from her chin and glanced down. "It's on the hardwood floor."
"I'm sorry." You laughed and then shrugged. "I can't get enough of him. When I'm not with him I'm thinking about him."
"Are you gunna put out tonight?"
"Oh, spare me the "that's not ladylike comment"," she said with another laugh.
"I wasn't going to say that."
"Well, it's an honest question that I need to know the answer to for scientific purposes."
You began to laugh again and sighed. When she continued to stare at you, awaiting your answer, you smirked. "If I didn't have to work today I probably would've already."
"You're really into him," Jessie concluded.
"Yeah, I am."
"Just be careful," your friend said. "I don't want to see you get hurt. But at the same time, I'm happy that you're this happy."
"Thanks." You smiled.
"Now I need a hot, forbidden romance and we'll be all set."
"We could double date," you teased back.
"We could definitely double date." She smacked her lips together and eyed the ceiling. "41. Wow."
"I'm not making fun," Jessie explained. "I'm just.. wow. You're a woman amongst girls."
You rolled your eyes and reached for a duffel bag in your friend's closet just in case Joel invited you to stay over.
Jessie pranced over toward you and opened the bedroom door. "I'll help you pack."
The lead up to seeing Joel again was somehow like someone was fast forwarding and moving the clock in slow motion all at once. You made iced coffee after iced coffee. Every time there was a lull in the customer rush you were checking your phone. If Joel texted you, a rush of dopamine sent your brain into overdrive. If he didn't, it was the exact opposite.
By seven o'clock the coffee shop was dead. You looked over toward the little table where Joel had sat so many times.
And then you thought of him sitting there alone again and again, and you never said a word to him. It had been weeks, months. He was always alone. He had no one. His walls were closing in and you had said nothing.
Despite having a good day with Joel and having some silly talks with Jessie, you felt your chest tighten and then tears began to streak down your face.
Joel was so alone for an entire year, you thought and cried harder. He didn't deserve that.
You hoped no one would walk in to purchase a coffee at that moment. The abrupt rush of emotion came out of nowhere and hit you like a wave.
You rushed to scribble a makeshift sign on a paper plate that read, be back in five minutes, before walking to the bathroom to decompress. In there, alone, you allowed yourself to feel it. You cried hard and it felt good to let it out.
What triggered this? You thought. The table? The fact that Joel had confided in you and told you the whole story earlier that day? The fact that he was such a sweet, vulnerable person who had to deal with both grief and disrespect every single day? The fact that he had to deal with it all alone after he almost died? Or maybe that you were falling hard for him so quickly? It was everything. All of it. It was one big emotional rollercoaster.
You finally heard the jingle of the bell that let you know a customer had entered the place. With a deep breath you got yourself together but cursed when you looked at yourself in the mirror.
"Fuck!" You had spent a little extra time doing your makeup earlier and now you were left with running, black mascara making you look like, what you thought in your mind, a combination of Uncle Fester and Beetlejuice. Not to mention the puffy redness of your eyes.
"Be right with you!" You shouted, attempting to wash your face up as best you could without messing up your hair before heading back out into the shop.
"Black coffee, please." Joel stood there in front of the register with a wide smile on his face. All at once you wanted to laugh and cry. "What happened?" He immediately ran around the counter when he recognized you had been crying.
"I'm fine." You smiled and tears began to fall as he pulled you against him.
"Did someone come in here? Did someone-"
"No," you cut him off and pulled back to look at him. "No, I.. I just looked at the table where you usually sit.." you took in a deep breath and his hands fell to the sides of your face. "And I just started thinking about what you told me today and all you've been through and I just.." you shrugged and your voice cracked, "..started to cry."
You took in another deep breath and felt more tears leak down your cheeks when you closed your eyes for half-a-second. You reopened them and smiled, trying to ease the concern that was written all over Joel's face.
"I'm okay," you assured him, sliding the heel of his hand to your lips to leave a gentle kiss there. "I was just having a moment but I'm fine." The last thing you wanted was for Joel to see you so bent out of shape.
"I've had a rough year," he said keeping one hand on your face. "But.. I finally feel okay. Because of you." Joel added. "I'm happy."
Joel's presence eased your mind and you took a long, decompressing breath. Tears continued to wreak havoc on your eyeliner.
"So much for makeup." You motioned to your eyes and managed a laugh.
"You don't need it." Joel used his thumbs to dry beneath your eyes and then retrieved some napkins from the holder on the countertop.
"Thank you." You inhaled deeply again and dabbed at your eyes once more. You could tell Joel still looked concerned you reassured him that you were alright.
He pulled you in for another hug and you held him hard.
"Sorry," you said, "If you had walked in, like, five minutes earlier I probably wouldn't have cried. I just had too much time to think." You looked up at him, "Still want that black coffee?"
Joel grinned and then leaned down and kissed you once on the lips. "I'll tip well."
You chuckled and parted from him to prepare it.
"No egg sandwich tonight, though. I'm about to go home and make spaghetti for my girlfriend."
Your head whipped in his direction and a smile spread across your face. "Your what?"
"You heard me." He smirked back.
You capped the coffee cup and rounded the counter again, placing the beverage down on the counter so you had both arms to wrap around him when you kissed him.
"I'm your girlfriend?" You asked against his lips.
He smiled back. "I don't know. Are you?"
"Well, am I the one you're making spaghetti for?"
Joel nodded.
"I guess that makes me your girlfriend then."
"Mmm." He leaned down and kissed you again. "Are you okay?" Joel asked. "Do you want me to stay or-"
"No, it's okay. I'm fine." You couldn't keep your hands off of him and kissed him again. "Especially now."
"You sure?"
You nodded and reached back to give him the coffee. "Don't forget this."
"Thank you.I'll see ya soon."
Joel leaned back in to kiss you once more and then headed outside. You walked to the window to make sure he got back on his bike safely. When he began to speed away you sighed and took a moment now to soak it in - that you were Joel's girlfriend now. Not that you hadn't felt that way, but the fact that he was the one to bring it up and phrase it in those words made you swoon even harder.
You eyed the clock on the wall, knowing the last half hour of work would drag. But you knew there was the greatest prize waiting for you when you were finished.
7:35 slowly tucked its way to 7:40. You wiped down everything, served the lone customer a stale scone and then got everything in order before finally locking the doors promptly at 7:59.
"Okay." You took a breath, attempting to keep your racing thoughts in check, and made your way to your car, immediately putting Joel's address into the GPS on your phone.
Six minute drive. You eased the car onto the main road, passing the town green that sat across from the coffee shop, and rounded a bend that lead you in the right direction.
No music played. You hadn't even thought to put your playlist or the radio on. The robotic female voice was your guide. Take a left.. drive 0.2 miles and take another left. Take a right. In 500 feet, the destination is on your right.
You remembered what Joel had said about going slow so you didn't miss his house. When a smashed up mailbox came into view with Joel's house number dented in at an impossible angle, you scowled.
"Assholes." Someone had smashed his mailbox. The driveway followed in between a pair of towering trees and you eased your car down.
The house emerged after a thick patch of oaks and maples gave way to the front yard. Lights shined in the oversized front window that sat beneath the low, overhanging roof of the front porch.
You saw a truck parked in front of a detached garage set back to the right side of the house. Joel's motorcycle was beside it.
When you eased your car behind the truck you took a deep breath and gave a glance at yourself in the mirror and glanced at the duffel bag in the passenger seat. You weren't about to bring it in, but you hoped he would ask you to stay.
"Okay, here we go," you whispered to yourself as you clicked open the door and made your way up the little sidewalk to the front porch.
You reached a hand up and gave a knock, eying a small lantern-like lighting fixture to the side of the door.
A second or two later, the front door opened and the butterflies in your stomach came back full force.
"Hi." You greeted him with a smile.
"Hi." Joel stepped to the side with a hand still holding the door open. "Come in."
You sighed through your nose and walked in past him. Joel grabbed your forearm gently and you closed your eyes when he connected his lips to yours in a brief, but intense, closed-mouth kiss.
When you parted, he towed you by the hand. "Come on. I'll give ya a little tour."
"Oh, Joel, your mailbox was, like, smashed in."
He nodded with a little helpless grin. "I saw it." He shrugged. "Come on."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx
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emberfrostlovesloki · 7 months
Halloween Honey [Emily x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@ancientsstudies) Center (@zendobx) Right (@iambrochella)
Prompt: Emily introduces the reader to the team at Derek’s townhome on Halloween night. After they get back to Emily’s apartment, they take their relationship to the next level. 
Pairing: Emily x female presenting reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns 
Category: Fluff/smut 
Word Count: 6.5K 
A/N: Content Warnings below the cut. This is an 18+ story. Minor’s DNI. Please respect that boundary. Good evening and Happy Halloween!!! I hope you are all having a fun and safe Halloween. This is the third installation of my informal Emily Prentiss x reader series. Parts I and II can be found (here) and (here).  I thought that it was about time that the reader got to know Emily’s friends, aka the BAU team. You could also read this as a stand-alone. The only background I think you need is that the reader is an intern for a senator. The title is based on Derek’s infamous line in the show. I hope you all like this and have a good night. If you do enjoy it, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! Love - Levi. 
P.S. The Latin is just a mistranslation of the rite of exorcism. It's Google translated, so it might be wrong.
Content Warnings: Sex (Emily and reader receiving [oral - Emily and fingering - reader]), the reader has some anxiety, a horror movie is watched/discussed (The Conjuring), brief mention of dead bodies, light drinking. If I missed any, please let me know. 
List with all stories
_y/n_ = you name 
_l/n_ = your last name 
_y/f/s_ = your favorite senator 
_f/j/t_ = your favorite jewel tone 
_y/f/s/t_ = your favorite shoe types - aka, heels, sneakers, creepers, loafers, etc. 
_y/f/c_ = your favorite color 
Emily and _y/n_ were cruising down the road. A Florence + The Machine Spotify playlist was on shuffle playing from the stereo. It was quiet for a moment, and Emily briefly looked over and took her eyes off the road to look at her partner. _y/n_ was twisting one of the rings on her left hand, looking at her fingers with an apparent, deep interest. Prentiss focused on the road again and asked, “_y/n_, what’s on your mind? You seem a bit preoccupied.” _y/n_ flushed slightly. She looked at Emily, who was softly illuminated by the lights on the dashboard. When Emily told her more about the actual science behind profiling. She particularly stated, “It’s nothing like NCIS or CSI. Though the team's cases might look interesting and sound exciting, the real thing’s no fun at all. It’s just stress and dead bodies..” _y/n_ had nodded along. She understood where Emily was coming from. _y/n_ often got the same response when she told anyone that she worked in politics. Someone was always bound to say, “Oh, so like Parks and Rec?” with an uninformed laugh. She normally didn’t correct them. It wasn’t worth the work. Thinking back to the conversation with Emily, she had asked, “So, are microexpressions real? Can you tell if someone’s lying or not?” Prentiss had thought for a moment, and replied, “Well microexpressions are real, and there is a science behind it, but I think they're exaggerated in the media. Those expressions are just there on the face for a millisecond. Unless it’s on film, people can’t really see them. There’s only one person I know who might be able to use microexpressions as a defense.” This had piqued _y/n_’s interest, and she asked, “Who is it?” Em laughed and said, “Aaron, our Unit Chief.” _y/n_ nodded along. She was slowly getting to know more about the team. Their names, of course, and smaller things like the normal roles they took in cases, and their personalities. Emily had promised that _y/n_ would like JJ and Garcia, and she was looking forward to meeting them. Emily had promised _y/n_ early on in their relationship that she wouldn’t profile her. But it didn’t take a profiler for Em to tell that _y/n_ was anxious about something. Finally, _y.n_ replied, “What if they don’t like me? The team? They sound so smart and talented. And if they’re anything like you, well then that just confirms it. I’m just boring old me, ya know.” 
Emily briefly turned to look at _y/n_ and took her right hand off the steering wheel. Em placed it on _y/n_’s hands, stilling the nervous tick of twisting the rings on her fingers. When _y/n_’s hands were calm, Emily moved her hand to _y/n_’s shoulder. She quickly checked the road before returning her gaze to her partner. The slightly worried look painted _y/n_’s face in the way her brows were pressed together and the tension in her lips. Prentiss let out the smallest of breaths and replied, “_y/n_, you’re wonderful and beautiful, and kind, and you’ve been so good to me. You’ve been patient and loving, and you understand when I’m stressed and need space.” When Em was sure _y/n_ was listening, she focused on the road but continued speaking. She said, “The team is going to love you. Penelope and JJ have been dying to meet you, and I know that you and Spencer could probably write a dozen books together. Yes, the people on the team are smart, but you are wickedly intelligent about the law and handling people. Getting them to listen to you. This isn’t a contest; I want you to get to know the other people in my life.” At Emily’s encouraging words, _y/n_ relaxed. She felt better after being hyped up by Em. “Thanks, Em. I needed that.” Emily smiled and said, “Anytime, love.” Emily could feel _y/n_’s gaze on her. She could feel _y/n_ beaming at her, and she felt slow warmth pool in her stomach and drip downwards. _y/n_ was a very affectionate person. She loved physical touch. Emily was less so, but they had started a few routines that met both their needs for touch. They would hold hands under the table at dinner, and as they walked down the street from various cafes, art museums, and curio shops, Emily would snake her arm around _y/n_’s back, holding her waist securely. 
It was only a few minutes later that they arrived outside Derek’s townhouse. Emily recognized Garcia’s and Spencer’s cars parked right out front. Emily parallel parked, and once her keys were out of the ignition, she turned to look at _y/n_. _y/n_’s eyes were shining in the darkness, and Prentiss couldn’t stop the grin that she gave_y/n_ as she said, “Come here you.” They both leaned forward over the center console and kissed. As their lips met, their breath on the other’s face made them flush. Their lips were a bit tacky as Emily was wearing matte red lipstick and _y/n_ was wearing a glossy black lip. The kiss turned a bit more passionate, and Emily threaded her hands through _y/n_’s hair. _y/n_ similarly put her hands around Emily’s neck. When they pulled apart for breath, they both could feel the sexual tension in the cab of the car. Emily cleared her throat and asked, “You ready to go in there?” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I am, but maybe you should look at your mouth first?” Emily looked at _y/n_ quizically before _y/n_ turned on the lights in the car and pulled down the visor with the mirror. Emily flushed when she realized that some of _y/n_’s lipstick had transferred to her mouth. Emily spluttered slightly and fished around in her purse. She found some tissues and removed the transferred gloss. In doing so, she took off a good bit of her own makeup. Prentiss looked in her bag to reapply her lipstick. When she didn’t find the tube, she softly said, “Shit.” She had left it on her vanity. When Em looked up, _y/n_ was extending her black gloss. Emily looked apprehensive, and _y/n_ said, “I think it’s either this or you take off all the lipstick. You know you look great in black Em, I’m sure some black lipstick will look incredibly hot on you. Plus, we can kiss that way and none of your friends will know.” Prentiss flushed at the compliment and the idea of her kissing _y/n_. She took the offered makeup. Before she put it on, she said, “See I told you you were smart, _y/n_.” Em booped _y/n_’s nose with her finger before she turned to the mirror. 
The couple reached Derek’s door, and Emily knocked twice. After a moment Morgan’s strong build opened the glass door, and he gave one of his best smiles to Emily and _y/n_. Morgan extended a hand to _y/n_ and said, “Hey, _y/n_. I’m Derek, Morgan.” _y/n_ smiled back and said, “_y/n_, _l/n_. I’m so happy to meet you.” Derek extended a hand and _y/n_ took it. The shake was firm, steady. Em had described Derek as the protector of the team. Rash sometimes in his desire for his friends to be safe. As _y/n_ stood in front of the man now, she could see how that might be true. Morgan moved back a step and said, “Please come on in. The gang’s all here. As they stepped into the nice space, Morgan gave Emily a side hug and one of those smiles that said, “I like her already.” As they moved through the hallway toward the living area, Morgan pointed out the kitchen and the guest bathroom to _y/n_, stating, “Please make yourself at home. Drinks are in the kitchen and if you need anything, just let me know.” _y/n_ nodded and thanked him for his hospitality. Of course, Prentiss knew where all of these things were, but Morgan was particularly about meeting new people and showing off his space. When Derek had first invited her over for a friendly dinner, she felt a bit awkward, but once she had gone, Prentiss realized that her friend was a natural host. Gifted at making people comfortable in his home. Now, whenever Morgan was hosting, she attempted to make it. Emily was happy that this was where _y/n_ was going to meet the team. 
As the trio moved into the living room, everyone that was seated stood. Penelope was up first, bridging the gap between herself, Emily, and _y/n_. Garcia extended a hand and said, “Oh my gosh, hi. I’m so happy to meet you!” _y/n_ smiled and said, “It’s lovely to meet you too… Penelope?” Garcia did a little happy dance and said, “Yes! How did you know?” As soon as the woman, wearing bright neon colors, with blond hair in pigtails had approached _y/n_, she knew who she was. Instead of saying any of that, she said, “Oh, you know, just my telepathic abilities.” This response made Garcia so happy that instead of offering a handshake, she said, “I’m sorry, but can I hug you? I think you may be my favorite person to ever exist.” _y/n_ lending into Garcia’s open arms and relaxed at her touch. In Garcia’s arms, _y/n_ felt warm and safe, and she made the observation that Penelope smelled distinctly of bubble gum. When they parted, Garcia ushed _y/n_ toward the others. JJ and _y/n_ shook hands and had a brief introduction. JJ looked over _y/n_ quickly. The Media Liaison realized exactly what Emily was talking about with _y/n_ being not only beautiful but also fully present. When JJ looked at _y/n_ there was no distraction, no wavering energy; she was fully focused on what JJ was saying. As someone who interacted with loads of people on a daily basis, having someone so centered felt like a breath of fresh air. JJ said, “It’s nice to finally meet you _y/n_. I can’t believe it’s been almost three months since Em met you in that dressing room. _y/n_ flushed at being reminded of how Emily and her met. It was still one of her favorite memories. Sometimes she forgot that JJ had been on the other end of Emily’s phone call when she had complimented Emily. The last introduction with Spencer was calm. Reid extended his hand and introduced himself. _y/n_ thought that maybe he was a bit shy. _y/n_ hoped to see more of his personality, and his smarts eventually. With how much Prentiss lauded his brain, she was excited to see it in action for herself. Everyone found a spot in the living room. Derek and Garcia were on the couch with Emily and _y/n_. JJ found herself on the loveseat adjacent to the couch and glass coffee table. JJ patted the spot next to her, but Reid opted to sit on the rug by her feet instead. Derek said, “Reid, what are you doing?” Spencer looked over to Derek and said, “I don’t want to be on eye level with the screen. If I sit on the couch, I’ll be looking directly at the movie, and you know I don’t like the possession or doll stuff.” Derek chuckled and said, “Well, suit yourself pretty boy. Also, how can you do this job and be afraid of a ghost or some dolls?” Spencer reddened and made some small protestation while the team ribbed him gently. It was all in good fun. The team had voted on three possible films: The Exorcist, The Conjuring, and Brahm’s The Boy. As everyone debated which film to watch, Emily went and grabbed her and _y/n_ some drinks. 
The group had decided on The Conjuring, and once everyone was settled in with a drink, they started the film. The first time Annabell came on screen, everyone laughed. The film progressed, and the Perron family got more scared in their new home _y/n_ relaxed a little and settled closer to Emily. Just as Emily had assured her, the other members of her team were kind and normal people. They laughed at the family's silly responses to the strange phenomena happening on screen. Once they were playing the clapping game in the movie, Spencer said, “The mom shouldn’t be playing this upstairs. With the wrong footing, she could easily fall off the second floor to the first. Did you know that around 1,000 people die from falls on staircases each year, and over 3,456 of all ages and abilities are injured on them annually.” After Reid finished this commentary, Penelope said, “They should hire you as a consultant for whenever the studio makes another cheap sequel.” This got a chuckle from everyone. Once the spirit of Bathsheeba showed up for the first time on top of the girl’s wardrobe, everyone jumped and then Derek said, “Baby girl, I think you need some lotion and to up your skincare routine.” This got a big laugh out of everyone. During the third shot where the camera rotated 180 degrees, _y/n_ added to the conversation, asking, “I know about the Dutch angle and eye level shots and all that jazz, but is there a term for this? It’s starting to get boring as a visual device honestly.” There was a moment of silence as the question lingered, but Spencer quickly said, “Well, I’m not sure if it’s a technical film term, but maybe something like an inverse shot or a flipped angle or something? That might be apropos here.” As the scene got more tense, _y/n_ very quietly replied to Spencer, saying, “That sounds about right.” When everyone got ready for the climax, Emily gently squeezed _y/n_’s hand and gave her a soft kiss on the temple. She whispered, “See. I told you you and Reid would get along swimmingly.” _y/n_ hummed slightly, squeezing Emily’s hand back. The film wrapped up and everyone got up and stretched a bit. Penelope, _y/n_, and JJ took turns in the bathroom. When _y/n_ exited the facilities, she found Emily and Derek trying to comfort the tech whiz. Although Spencer had said he didn’t like films with possession as a theme, it seemed that Penelope was the most affected of all of them. Derek was trying to take the compassionate approach saying, “Sweetness, it’s all just made up. None of it’s really real. They exaggerated and added scary music so you’d feel scared.” _y/n_ stopped herself from commenting on the real Warren family and their troubled history as paranormal investigators. JJ chimed in, “At least the movie ended happily Pen. There was a real hope for that family. Love won. It can’t be that scary if love won.” This seemed to help Garcia a bit. _y/n_ moved into the kitchen and got another drink. As she walked to stand next to Emily, she gave Garcia a pat on the arm. Penelope looked at her and smiled, saying, “Thank you _y/n_.”
Thinking about the inaccuracies of the film, she said, “You know that exorcism scene always bothers me. I know secular shows aren’t concerned about the actual ritual of an exorcism, but still, you could at least get the Latin right.” This comment had the rest of the party looking at her. _y/n_ flushed, and said, “I might have considered a divinity degree before political science consumed my life.” Everyone chuckled and Reid said, “You’re right. Ed says “‘Verte malum de inimicis meis; in veritate tua disperde illos.Omnenus: Sponte sacrificabo tibi,’ where it should be...” Before Spence could answer, _y/n_ replied, “‘In veritate tua disperde illos. Omnes: Sponte sacrificabo tibi.’ It’s not like the church and other religions have been performing those types of rituals for centuries or anything.” As she said this, Reid gave her a genuine smile and nod of recognition. With the topic on the table, Reid started running with it and began to ramble about how the ritual of expelling alleged dark forces had changed over the years. _y/n_ leaned into Emily gently, as she listened with keen attention. Again Emily was right. Dr. Reid was brimming with knowledge. _y/n_ hadn’t expected her girlfriend to lie or exaggerate about her friends, but when she had heard all the descriptions of the members at first it felt a little too impossible to believe. Once Spencer had finished his ‘brief’ history of exorcisms, Derek turned to _y/n_ and Prentiss. He said, “Alright Emily, you still haven’t explained fully how you met _y/n_. And JJ and Garcia are still talking about that first date. Every time I bring it up you say that you’ll tell me soon -- and I think it’s time to pay up.” Emily chuckled and said alright. I’ll tell you.” Prentiss detailed her first meeting with _y/n_ and then described their first date. _y/n_ would chime in with certain funny or cute moments,  and Morgan was eating up the story. After another hour or so, everyone decided to start heading out. _y/n_ said goodbye to everyone, giving hugs or handshakes. As she approached Garcia, Penelope said, “I’d love to go shopping with you sometime. Your style is so cool!” _y/n_ flushed and said, “I pinky promise. I’ll text you, and we can set something up.” Penelope nodded enthusiastically. Derek walked the couple to the door, he gave _y/n_ a side hug and said, “If you ever need anything, you just let me know, alright.” _y/n_ nodded. His sincerity was touching. She thought back again to what Em had said about him being protective, and she fully saw it now. _y/n_ replied, “Thank you, Derek. Thank you for having me over. It was a really great night.” Morgan beamed and said, “Well then, I can’t wait to have you over again.” Derek and Emily said their goodbyes and “See you Monday’s.” 
In the car on the way back to Emily’s apartment _y/n_ said, “Em, they’re all so sweet. So kind. I’m so happy to have met them. And I’d like to meet Aaron and Rossi too if I can sometime.” Emily smiled and said, “I’m glad you like them, and you had a good time. And believe me, Dave asks about you constantly and Aaron has too. I’m sure you’ll meet them when there’s time.” The pair drive back toward Emily’s side of the city. As they moved down the road Emily considered how they had gotten closer over the few months they had known each other. Emily was protective of her past. She had to be with what she had gone through. Revealing too much could make _y/n_ an unintentional target. But _y/n_ had been so open, so gentle with her that she couldn’t help but open up to _y/n_’s warm care and affection. They had become more physical around each other too. They had slept in the same bed many times now. Their bodies pressed close. And on one of those evenings, Emily had moved her hand beneath _y/n_’s linen shirt and brushed her fingers over the buds of _y/n_’s breasts. While she had done this, _y/n_ had stroked over her clothed sex with two fingers. As much as Emily had wanted to take it farther that night, they had both been exhausted. Emily had just returned from a long case, and _y/n_ had had a long night in the office trying to proofread a 500-page long bill from _y/f/s_. The passion was there, but not the energy. Em had promised _y/n_ that she wanted this -- desperately, but that she wanted to give her her all for the first time. _y/n_ had agreed. They rode back toward her apartment, and Emily thought of that first brief intimacy. She began to pool with desire again. She wondered if this was going to be the night that they would reach that stage in their relationship. While Emily thought this, _y/n_ couldn’t tear her eyes off of her partner. _y/n_ tried not to sexualize Emily often. She was too dignified for her to be drooled over. But now and then, Emily would look at her a certain way, or say something so profound that _y/n_ wanted to kiss her all over. To kiss every part of her body. A specific region, flushed and pink came to mind, and _y/n_ had to stifle a needy sigh. _y/n_ had always found Emily attractive, and the night that they had been most close replayed in her mind often. The feeling of Em’s hands, tender yet firm, moving over and teasing her breasts left her breathless and wanting if she thought about it for too long. Now as _y/n_ looked at Em, was one of those times. _y/n_ begged anything out there in the cosmos that they could have that and more tonight. 
As Emily and _y/n_ got into Prentiss’s apartment. There was an anticipatory, hungry feel to the air. Emily turned on some lamps in the living room. She had asked _y/n_ if she wanted to spend the night, as they drove back and _y/n_ had readily agreed. As Prentiss turned to ask _y/n_ what she wanted to do; if she wanted a drink of water, or anything in particular, she was almost shocked at what she saw. The look of pure desire on _y/n_’s face. _y/n_ closed the gap between them and noticed how Em cocked her head to the side almost confused by her want of her. When _y/n_ was flush with Emily, she pressed herself close to her girlfriend. _y/n_ stroked her hands through Emily’s dark hair. After a few seconds of this, _y/n_’s right hand rested on the crown of Emily’s skull and gently guided Emily’s mouth to hers. Emily easily, amicably acquiesced; allowing herself to be guided to _y/n_’s full lips. As their mouths met, Emily felt that pool of desire begins to flow downward again. It took all of her concentration to not moan at the close contact with _y/n_. Prentiss didn’t want to sound needy yet, but she felt that way. She longed for _y/n_’s touch in places yet unexplored. When _y/n_ ran her tongue over Emily’s lower lip, asking for control, she didn’t want to stop _y/n_ from having that access. As Em let  _y/n_ into her mouth, there was a mutual understanding of comfort and dynamics. Neither one of them was acting as a dominant or male persona. They were both just seeking comfort and pleasure in the other. When both Emily and _y/n pulled back for air, there was a moment of silence, of stillness. After a beat, _y/n_ said, Em. I need you, all of you, tonight. If you’ll let me?” Prentiss nodded and breathily said, “Oh God, yes, _y/n_. I was afraid I was moving too fast, and to hear you say that makes me feel so desired. You wanna go the bedroom, Baby?” _y/n_ agreed in a high pitch. Em took _y/n_’s hand. They moved slowly to the mauve-colored room. As they walked, there was a longing that they both let linger. After tonight, they would be joined in a way that would change the dynamic of their relationship from here on out, and they wanted to give space to that fact. 
In the bedroom, with the white door closed, _y/n_ turned to Emily. She was wearing a charcoal grey blouse that buttoned up the front. There was a bow that was tied at the collar. _y/n_ started by gently tugging the bow undone. She settled the strips of fabric that formed the extra edition of the collar behind Emily’s neck. She then moved to the buttons of the shirt. Slowly, with care and precision, _y/n_ began undoing the buttons of the silk shirt. As each inch of skin was revealed, _y/n_ reveled in its exposure. There was a reverence in her gaze that Emily had rarely seen. When Emily had been intimate before, there was always a hunger in the look of her lovers, male and female. A desire for pleasure. This was all fine and good, but the awe on _y/n_’s face was new. There was also a hunger, but not like she was a thing to be had, sucked dry and then left in the cold morning air uncovered. Thinking of this had Emily let you a sigh of desire. Emily’s head was slightly tipped back, her mouth half open, taking needy breaths. Through her half-lidded gaze, she saw _y/n_ smile at her noises. Emily wondered what _y/n_ moaning sounded like, and her sex pulsated at the idea. Her arousal intensified. When the last button was undone, _y/n_ pushed the silk off Emily’s shoulders and to the floor. The fabric fell to the floor with little sound. _y/n_’s gazed over her form. The lovely planes of Emily’s skin shone in the light of the lamps illuminating the room. _y/n_’s warm hands slowly started moving over the exposed flesh. Circling Emily’s stomach. She felt up the side of her waist. _y/n_’s hands then moved higher, ghosting over Em’s covered breasts. _y/n_ noticed that the bra was slightly padded and the underwire looked uncomfortable pressed too tightly under the sensitive tissue. _y/n_ would be sure to address this soon. But for now, she moved her hands to Emily’s clavicle, running over her collarbones. _y/n_ noticed that Emily had some birthmarks adorning her skin. One was above her right breast, and the other two were on Emily’s torso. After spending a bit of time feeling over Em’s upper half, _y/n_ softly fell to her knees and began working at the button and zipper of Prentiss’s black slacks. Emily watched as _y/n_ pulled down the fabric of her pants and realized that _y/n_ was kneeling at her body like it was a temple, and Prentiss thought she couldn’t possibly be loved more than this. When her pants were pooled at her feet, Emily moved her right foot up, and _y/n_ pulled her foot free. The process was repeated with the left foot. 
At this point, Emily had to reciprocate. She helped _y/n_ her feet and said, “You are so good to me. You have no idea how good you make me feel.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I think I share in your feelings, but putting it to voice, especially now, feels a little difficult.” Em laughed softly at the comment, as her hands moved to the zipper at the back of _y/n_’s _f/j/t_ colored dress. The invisible zipper needed a bit of effort, and Emily carefully held the fabric at the top of the dress as she applied more pressure to get the zipper to move. The zipper was fine moving down the teeth until it got to the waistline, where the fabric was doubled. Here, even with her careful pulling the zipper didn’t seem to want to budge further, and it wasn’t because the dress didn’t fit _y/n_. It fit like a glove custom-made for her body. After another minute of struggle, _y/n_ burst out laughing and said, “Sorry. It’s so funny. I didn’t want to say anything because it was so sexy. You were taking my breath away, but as soon as you started doing that, I knew you were going to have trouble. You have to jimmy it a certain way to get it past the waistline.” Emily gave a little huff, and jokingly said, “Well you could have told me that before.” _y/n_ smiled and said, “Well, I have a potential solution from here on out?” Emily smiled and replied, “Shoot.” _y/n_ leaned forward and said, “We can be nude every time we meet from here on out?” Emily flushed and teased back, “How do you think the senator would like that? How about my boss?” _y/n_ gave Emily a large grin, and she said, “They don’t have to know.” While _y/n_ said this, they moved their hands to their back and Emily gave her space to work the ornery zipper past the difficult spot on the track. Once it was past the waistline, _y/n_ let Emily take charge again, and she quieted to let the moment have its full impact. Prentiss appreciated this, as she moved the zipper down the final six inches of track. As _y/n_ had done with her shirt, Emily removed the fabric of the dress, and _y/n_ moved out of its constraint at her ankles. Emily had taken her heels off when she had gotten in the door, but _y/n_ still had hers on. Thus, Em paralleled _y/n_ and dropped to her knees, and helped remove _y/n_’s _y/f/s/t_ and socks. The last article of clothing that needed to be disposed of to make _y/n_ as bear as Em was _y/n_’s tights. Prentiss took care of removing this thin layer of nylon. Prentiss didn’t want her short nails to snag the cloth and tear it. Once the tights were disposed of, the profiler moved and kissed over _y/n_’s clothed vagina. At the intimate act, _y/n_’s breath hitched, and she said Emily’s name with a need not yet voiced. 
_y/n_ pulled Emily up and to the bed. Both moved to remove the other's bra and their hands were a tangled mess, as they tried to both do the same thing at the same time. Again there was a soft laughter between them. Emily said, “If this happened to anyone else _y/n_ I would be so mortified. I would have lost my chill the second the zipper snagged. But with you, with your patience and calm and understanding it doesn’t feel like a big thing. I can honestly laugh with you. It reminds me of our first meeting, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” _y/n_ beamed and said, “You’re someone I want to be real with Em. I want to laugh with you and cry with you, and God do I want to have sex with you.” Hearing this, Prentiss flushed and then both of them moved again as they clasped behind the other's back to undo the other’s bras. As both women disrobed and looked at the other, the feeling of deep longing washed over them. Emily whispered, “You’re so beautiful _y/n_. So beautiful.” She leaned forward and kissed over _y/n_’s breasts. The warm, wet feel of Emily’s mouth over her sensitive flesh caused her nipples to harden. Emily took one of the taught buds in her mouth. She sucked and swirled her tongue over the nipple. _y/n_ let out a sigh, and her own hands moved to Emily’s chest. _y/n_ began kneading Em’s breasts. Without her bra on, the tissue was just slightly less perky than when trapped in the confines of a bra. Em’s nipples hardened too, and _y/n_ used her fingers to pull and tug at the sensitive areas of her body. Emily had to move her mouth away from _y/n_’s breast, so she could let out a gasp of pleasure. Hearing this from Em, _y/n_ moved her hand lower and began rubbing two fingers over her clothed sex. Emily’s panties were wet, soaked through, but _y/n_ hadn’t had the chance to notice, as they were black; hiding the level of Emily’s arousal. _y/n_ said, “Let me get you out of those…” _y/n_ was going to say underwear, but noticed the small VS charm on a tiny silver charm sitting at the center of the delicate bow at the middle of the elastic holding the garment up. Emily chuckled and said, “Hey listen they're comfy and sexy. Two birds one stone?” _y/n_ grinned and said, “There’s no complaints from me love.” _y/n_ leaned down and kissed the second bow, realizing that Emily had had a bow at her neck and a bow down here. Knowing how detail-oriented Em was, it wasn’t by accident. 
Emily was about to ask if she could get _y/n_ off first, but _y/n_ stopped her by saying, “Em, please. You’re out there every day saving people who don’t even know it. Who will never understand the things you sacrificed for them? So please let me do this for you first. After that, you can fuck me into tomorrow, but I want to do this.” Emily swallowed and nodded. With her consent, _y/n_ removed Emily’s panties, sliding them off of her hips and down her legs. The underwear was discarded on the floor with their other clothes. _y/n_ looked at the flushed folds of Emily’s vagina and the small patch of dark pubic hair near her entrance. _y/n_ couldn’t wait to get her hands and face in that hair, that needy region. _y/n_ wanted to ensure Emily’s comfort and pleasure and asked, “Would you like oral, or my hand, or I can use a toy you like if you have one?” Emily took deep breaths and said, “I want your mouth. I want those pretty lips of yours on me; in me.” _y/n_ hummed. Both she and Emily had washed off their makeup, so _y/n_ was ready to dive in. _y/n_ got on her knees on the bed. She also pulled Em’s knees up to a ninety-degree angle and a good distance apart so there would be room for her face. Before she started, _y/n_ said, “Tell me if it’s not good. Tell me if you need to change techniques at any time. And, please put your hands in my hair if it is good. I’ve dreamed of that for that last month and to have it happen for real is making me so hot and bothered right now.” Emily nodded and said, “I promise to do those things if I need to. But most certainly the last will be happening.” With this said, _y/n_ moved down. The heat and moisture was alluring to _y/n_. She started by running her nose up the area and wetting it. After this, _y/n_ ran her tongue over Emily’s folds. The taste was slightly salty, but there was a slight aftertaste of talc or matcha — a drying earthy taste. _y/n_ kept moving her tongue this way, and the words and noises came unbridled from Emily. After a few moments of this, _y/n_ started to move her tongue in an infinity symbol moving from the entrance to the clit with each pass. While this was happening, Em moaned out _y/n_’s name. When _y/n_ started sucking on the clit, Emily knew she was racing toward a strong climax. At this point, she ran her hand through _y/n_ hair, pulling and tugging it gently from the follicle. Her grasp strengthened as the feelings got more intense. In the end, Prentiss was moving her hips to increase the friction, and in a moment of pure ecstasy, she felt her body clench and then let go. Emily cried out in pleasure and held _y/n_’s face where it was, pressed to her sex. _y/n_ slowed her tongue slightly, to let Em down gently. As the waves of heat and joy moved through her in long waves, Emily was sure this was the best orgasm she had ever felt. 
Once Em had calmed and found herself again, she moved with a passion, getting up and looking at _y/n_. Emily said, “My turn. Let me, ‘fuck you into tomorrow’ like you just did with me. So tell me, what gets my girl off? I’ve got toys like a vibe or a strapon. What do you want, Baby?” _y/n_ very quickly flushed and said, “I just want your hands in me. I’ve dreamed about that too.” Em replied, “Well, well, you shall have them. Now grab that pillow and lay down for me _y/n_. _y/n_ did as told, and Emily positioned the pillow at her partner's lower back and then pushed her back onto the mattress. Prentiss took off _y/n_’s _y/f/c_ bikini-style panties and discarded them at the foot of the bed. Emily kissed _y/n_ passionately, as she started to rub _y/n_’s exposed vagina. Emily could feel _y/n_ dripping against her fingers. Sliding her fingers up and down _y/n_’s labia and clit was so easy. After a few moments of this, and when her pointer and middle fingers were thoroughly coated, Em moved her fingers slowly into _y/n’s entrance. _y/n_ was tight against her hand. At this sensation, _y/n_ gave a needy whine and Prentiss asked, “Is that good for my love?” _y/n_ gasped and replied between breaths, saying, “So good. You feel so good in me.” Emily smiled and said, “Good. I’m glad.” Emily started pumping in and out of _y/n_ while her other hand moved to _y/n_’s left breast. As _y/n_ said her name and moaned against her touch. Emily moved the fingers that were inside _y/n_ to curve up so that she reached _y/n_’s g-spot and _y/n_ made a loud, desperate noise. Hearing this, Emily moved the hand that had been on _y/n_’s breast to _y/n_’s clit and rubbed fast circles over it. _y/n_ could feel herself about to snap as Em’s movements became more frantic. The dripping of pleasure from _y/n_ had moved from a drip to water to an ocean waiting to burst free of a dam. With one more thrust of the hand and movement over the clit, _y/n_ broke down entirely, as she lost control and shouted out in pleasure. _y/n_ had never been so vocal in her response. After a second, Emily removed her hands and moved to kiss _y/n_’s mouth, taking the breath from her partner again. Em rubbed her sticky hand over _y/n_’s thigh. As they both came to themselves a bit, _y/n_ said, “I’m so lucky to have you in my life Em. To have met you the way I did. I love you so very much.” Emily nodded and said, “Same here. You make me feel so happy, and so good and worthy.” There was a silence and Prentiss noticed that neither of their bodies were ramping down, and Em asked, “Would you be down for a second round, _y/n_?” _y/n_ smiled and said, “I was waiting for that profiler instinct in you to notice. How about we come together this time?” Em smiled and nodded. As both women got ready for another set of pleasure and release, they both knew that they were meant for the other both physically and in spirit -- and there would be many more nights like this, bleeding into tomorrows. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
! Pumpkin Carving With Eri And Shinsou !
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scenario:- a day of pumpkin carving with eri and shinsou !
pairing:- Hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader, eri x reader x shinsou x dadzawa (platonic)
it was almost halloween and you and shinsou just found out eri had never carved a pumpkin before!
You could NOT let her go another halloween without carrying out this tradition!
so you got a pumpkin from the paatch nearby and set everything up
shinsou closed eri's eyes from behind and walked her into the garden
she was prepared for her surprise!
when he pulled back his hands for her to see the entire station you'd set up (complete with some candy and cookies and juice and water in case yall got hungry)
she was so happy!
she had no idea what you were gonna do so the two of you explained it to her.
her eyes went wide and she smiled the widest smile you'd ever seen and Both your hearts almost meltedd
first you scooped out each of your pumpkins' guts(shinsou did eris too)
next you googled some designs.
eri chose a cat pattern and shinsou made a skull witha smaller pumpkin inside like a brain
you went for a classic ol jack o' lantern
after you had traced out the templated onto the pumpkins,the cutting began
you let eri try a little before you and shinsou alternated between helping her while you carved your own pumpkins
half way through you decided to put on some music and picked a halloween playlist from spotify
the moment 'spooky scary skeletons' started playing,shinsou took your hand and you started to dance around the lawn
he spun you around and at one point you tripped and landed on the grass laughing out loud.
eri who was a witness to all of this started to laugh too and it once again warmed your hearts to see her so happy
just as you were getting up off the grass,monster mash started playing and you carried eri on over to dance with her
shinsou went back to the station and watched with a smile on his face as you and the little girl had the time of your lives.
but after the song ended you got back to work and one snack/dance break later you were done!
you got some floating candles and lit them before promptly placing them inside.
you carried the pumpkins inside after cleaning them and the station up a bit and placed it outside ur room doors
eri ran to show mr aizawa her jack o lantern and you stood there and watched as she babbled on about how much fun she'd had
shinsou leaned his head on yours and exhaled.hed been scared shed get hurt the whole time
but now everything was done and he was happy you'd had the idea to do this.
after you had fully cleaned up you walked into the kitchen to see mr aizawa making himself a cup of coffee
he turned to the two of you and thanked you for giving eri a good time
"it was all y/n's idea aizawa sensei" said shinsou as he placed his arm aroun ur shoulders before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"hmmm either way thank you.she really did enjoy herself"
with that he walked out of the kitchen and looked back to the two of you
Dadzawa totally #Ships yall
after that you head on to his room and have a nice nap
you were both poofedd after all!
eri's pumpkin:-
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shinsou's pumpkin:-
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
hello bee!! Had a tiiiiiny, baby-size depressive episode + panic attack over the weekend. But GREAT news, I created an infinity cube out of Lego while in the trenches. Autism win.
I did have to upgrade my little stim-toy carrying case, since. If you remember me, I’m the anon who mentioned ordering a pinned moth and set of magnet stims when the whole Wilbur situation started overflowing. So my Altoids tin of fidgets got too small after I suddenly had two new ones within a few days, lol. Found a good zipper-container for them. Little spinny-ring, Lego infinity cube, and a set of stick magnets, nice and portable now.
My moth is still on the way :) I’m excited for him to come home.
I started writing on a few of my wips again. It’s been slow going, especially with university. But it’s nice going back to the stories I’ve been working on. I still have to build my stamina up again, I am finding it difficult to sit and write for hours at a time, utilizing his character for as long as I used to. But I’m getting better :)
Just have to give it time, work on it slowly. And it still IS fun. The character is different than he is, and while it’s a bit rattling, it’s just part of the process.
It’s not really an ask. Just an update. But I do feel better than I did a a few weeks ago :) I have some tea. My fidgets. A moth on the way. A haircut appointment in a few days. Found a couple new video-essay channels to watch.
Remember to take care of yourself, too, Bee <3 thank you for looking after all of us and our thoughts. So excited to see more of your writing. I think I’ve gone back and reread this year’s Halloween-special fic six times or so. It’s been a big inspiration for a horror-y SBI writing project of my own :) the suspenseful writing is just so fun.
I'm gonna be so honest I read the phrase "I created an infinity cube out of Lego autism win" and laughed so hard. I love that for you so much /gen
hooray for having so many stim toys you need a bigger container for them!! sounds like you have a great collection going. very excited for you to get your moth!!
yes, just give it time. it's great that you've already started trying to work on your wips again, but don't feel like you have to rush it. while I mostly feel settled about things, I'm still waiting to go back to trying to write any of my wips. take it slow and just be mindful of how you're feeling and all that.
sounds like you have a lot of nice little things going for you right now and I'm so happy about that :)
I'm doing my best to take care of myself. got myself to write some qsmp stuff today so hoping to start posting this wip soon.
also picture me as one of those crying cat emojis rn because I'm so happy you reread that halloween fic. it's literally one of my favorite things I've written and I hold it so near and dear to my heart I'm so glad you enjoyed it <33
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indiekidsau · 7 months
Halloween Special- This is Halloween
Here it is! I’ve been wanting to write a HUGE Halloween Special for Indie Kids since I started this project! Now that I’ve introduced enough characters and we’ve gotten far enough in the story to have such a special chapter!
Also in case anyone was gonna ask, yes this chapter will take place between Chapter 21 and what was originally Chapter 22 (now Chapter 23).
Big thanks to @gigilefache and @mun-auroralore for being my beta readers!
Hope you enjoy and hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!
It was a chilly Halloween night, and the kids at the Indie School were getting their costumes ready before heading on over to Cooking Cat’s house for a Halloween Party.
At Cuphead and Mugman’s house, Miss Chalice was getting her costume ready, and she decided to go as a masked mystery hero. Or maybe she was a villain….
Her costume consisted of a blue and purple cape with a butterfly stitched on the front of the cape, and she wore a purple butterfly masquerade mask.
“Aha! Now the Masked Butterfly is ready to party!” Miss Chalice beamed. 
Since she got her invite to Mu’s party, the young chalice was excited to go as she’d never been invited to any parties, so she wanted to make this a night to remember. What better way to celebrate than by getting all dressed up for a Halloween party?
Though looking at her costume again, she felt something was missing. Maybe more glitter, a change of shoes… with a snap of her fingers she figured out what it was.
Miss Chalice went into her ghost form and laughed seeing her spectral costume. “Okay, now I’m the Phantom Butterfly!” Miss Chalice beamed.
Soon a knock was heard at the door. 
“Chalice! Are you ready yet?” Cuphead asked.
“Our costumes are ready!” Mugman yelled.
“Coming!” Miss Chalice called out. She opened the door and frowned seeing Cuphead and Mugman’s costumes.
Cuphead was dressed as a bottle of ketchup, while Mugman was dressed up as a bottle of mustard.
“What in the world are those costumes?” Miss Chalice asked.
“What will it be, Chalice?” Cuphead asked, “Mustard or ketchup?”
The cup bros started laughing, as Miss Chalice glared at them for being silly. They kept laughing, until Mugman saw that their friend wasn’t chuckling. 
Mugman nudged his brother to make him stop laughing, but he continued until Mugman gave him another nudge. This time, harder.
“Ow! Mugs!” Cuphead shouted.
Mugman pointed to Miss Chalice glaring at them, which made Cuphead let out a nervous chuckle, calming down.
“S-Sorry Chalice,” Cuphead said.
Miss Chalice giggled. “That’s alright. I figured you would wear something spooky for Halloween?” she asked.
“Well we did, originally,” Cuphead replied, “but I figured it would be fun to dress up silly for Halloween, too.”
“Well, as long as you're happy,” Miss Chalice said. “I’ve updated my costume to make it a little more spookier.”
“Doesn’t everyone know you're a ghost?” Mugman asked.
Miss Chalice nodded. “Plus I got a few tricks up my sleeves!” she sang.
“Oh no,” Cuphead and Mugman said at the same time.
“Relax fellas,” Miss Chalice reassured them, “I’m not gonna go too far. Just a few pranks here and there. No one will get hurt.”
Miss Chalice floated towards the front door and opened it, letting her friends leave before her.
“Let’s hope no one gets hurt,” Mugman whispered to his brother.
Cuphead just shrugged it off as the three made their way to the costume party.
As the trio walked along, a rustle in the bushes made Mugman flinch and slowly turn towards the bushes.
However, instead of a jumpscare, it was just Hat and Bow walking out as normal. Mugman was relieved to see it was just his friends.
For Halloween, Hat decided to dress as a cat criminal. Her costume consisted of a pair of purple cat ears, a face mask with cat whiskers and a mouth on it, a purple and yellow jacket, purple pants, and purple and white sneakers. She also carried a baseball bat.
Bow decided to go as a witch for Halloween. Her costume consisted of a black dress with a purple belt and collar. She wore striped purple socks, black boots, and a purple and black witch’s hat. 
“Oh, it’s just you girls,” Mugman sighed in relief.
Bow giggled. “Hi, Cup Bros and Chalice!” She beamed.
The cups waved at their friends.
“Let me guess: ketchup, mustard, and a phantom?” Hat Kid asked.
“Correct!” the three replied.
Hat and Bow giggled. “Well, you three wanna walk with us?” Hat Kid asked.
The cup trio nodded and joined Hat and Bow at the Halloween Party. As they walked- or floated in Miss Chalice’s case, Cuphead noticed that they were not with their teacher, Mr. Prince.
“Hey, didn’t you two say you're going with your teacher?” Cuphead asked.
“We were, but Mr. Prince said he’s gonna be busy for Halloween,” Hat Kid explained.
“He said something about a project he was working on,” Bow Kid added.
“Aww, that’s a shame,” Miss Chalice replied.
Hat Kid shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I understand, he’s a teacher and didn’t want to party with us, kids.”
Cuphead thought about it and nodded, “You're right about that,” he added.
Hat Kid gave a soft chuckle, but quickly froze and stopped everyone. She sensed something was wrong.
“What’s wrong, Hat?” Bow Kid asked.
“Trouble is brewing,” Hat Kid replied. She looked around the area and smirked as she saw a red tail sticking out of a tall tree. She walked over to the tree with her arms crossed. “Nice try, Michael, you can come out now. No reason trying to scare us.”
“DAMN IT!” Michael yelled, appearing from behind the tree.
For Michael’s costume, he wore a dark blue pirate costume with an eye patch and a pair of fox ears and a tail.
Soon, Evan and Elizabeth came out from behind the tree dressed in their costumes.
Evan wore a black vest over a golden long-sleeved dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, a dark blue top hat, and a pair of golden bear ears.
Elizabeth wore a red princess dress, with red dress shoes, and had her hair tied in pigtails with green ribbons.
“I told you she’d find us,” Elizabeth said, giving Hat Kid a small glare.
Hat Kid replied with a smug smile.
“Yeah, but how did you know I was there?” Micahel asked.
“For starters, Halloween is a holiday where you scare as many kids as you can, and second, I can just sense you're around,” Hat Kid explained.
Michael felt weirded out that Hat Kid was able to sense him and his tricks from a mile away. Then again, Hat wasn’t a normal human, so it made sense. Still, it freaked him out that she was able to do this.
“Well, since you guys are here, wanna join us?” Miss Chalice asked.
Michael shrugged. “Why not?”
The Afton Siblings joined the crew as they continued their way to Mu’s house. As they walked, Michael noticed that Miss Chalice was in her ghost form.
“Uh, why are you in ghost mode?” Michael asked.
Miss Chalice leaned in and whispered, “I plan on doing some innocent tricks at the Halloween party.”
Michael’s eyes widened, as his interest piqued. A smirk formed on his face, getting an idea. “Do you need a partner for this?” he asked.
“Sorry, I always go solo,” Miss Chalice replied.
Michael groaned and rolled his eyes.
Soon, the group made it to Mu’s house and saw the party going on inside. Hat smiled and ran straight to Mu’s door and knocked on it.
Wasn’t long until Aubrey- dressed as a werewolf, came to the door. 
“You came!” she beamed.
“Yep!” Cuphead replied.
“Well, come on in and enjoy the party!” Aubrey beamed as she stepped aside to let the group in. 
The group went inside to see everyone having fun and dancing to some Halloween music. During the party, Mu- dressed as an assassin- smiled and excused herself from Timmy- dressed as a robot- to meet with her friends.
“Hey guys!” Mu beamed as she ran up to the group, giving Hat Kid a hug.
Hat Kid chuckled as she hugged her friend back.
“Glad you all made it!” Mu exclaimed.
“Yeah! Thanks for inviting us!” Bow exclaimed.
Hat, Bow, and Elizabeth ran off with Mu and joined Timmy to talk and have fun.
“Well, I’m gonna have my share of fun! See ya!” Miss Chalice beamed as she went invisible, only her costume is still visable.
Cuphead and Mugman looked at one another. Both knowing this plot wasn’t gonna end well, they decided to follow and keep an eye on Miss Chalice.
The brothers followed Miss Chalice to where Sunny, Monika, Boris, and Bendy were bobbing for apples. Sunny was dressed as a mummy, Monika was dressed as a bat, Bendy was a ghost, and Boris was dressed as a vampire. 
It was Boris’s turn and he was ready to grab an apple from the barrel. However, the apple kept on moving away from Boris. 
“Come on.” Boris paused as he tried to grab the apple. “Tricky little apples, aren’t ya?”
Bendy gasped for air as he grabbed two apples in his mouth. The demon picked up his costume and put it back on as he ate the apple.
Boris tried again, but the apple kept on moving on its own.
Cuphead and Mugman knew this was Miss Chalice’s doing. However, Cuphead had to hold in his laugh seeing the toon wolf trying to grab the apple. Mugman elbowed him to stop laughing.
Boris then dived into the barrel and grabbed the apple, causing a huge splash and getting the three wet.
“Boris!” Monika shouted.
“Got it!” Boris beamed. His ears dropped seeing the trio, dripping wet as they glared at the wolf.
Miss Chalice floated away and made herself visible, snickering as she pranked her first set of suckers. “One trick down, many more to go!” She made herself invisible again as she looked for more victims to scare.
As she looked around, Miss Chalice found another set of victims to prank. That being, Kel, Basil, and Alice talking near the food table.
Kel was dressed as a zombie basketball player, Basil was dressed as the Mad Hatter and Alice was dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland.
Miss Chalice hid behind the table as she grabbed a pack of Pop Rocks and poured it into the punch bowl.
Basil took notice of the bubbling punch and tapped Kel on the shoulder. 
“What’s wrong, Basil?” Kel asked.
“Uh… the punch is bubbling,” Basil replied.
Kel and Alice looked at the punch to see it fizzing. Kel took a cup and used the ladle to pour in some of the fizzy punch and drank it. His eyes widened as a big goofy smile appeared on his face.
“I knew it! Mu spiked the punch again!” Basil yelled.
“And it’s delicious!” Kel yelled as he got himself another cup of the fizzy punch. “YAHOO! Try some!”
Basil and Alice looked at each other and took a cup of the punch. The two took a sip and realized the punch was a lot sweeter than usual, almost like candy.
Alice’s eyes widened like Kel’s, while Basil didn’t feel anything. 
“This is amazing!” she cried.
“I know!” Kel yelled. He then looked at Mincy, dressed as a wolf, and went to hand her a cup of the candy punch, “Mincy! You have to try this!”
Basil sighed as Sunny and Monika walked over to him. “Do you guys sense something weird about Mu’s party this year?” Basil asked.
“Other than us getting wet, Alice going on a sugar rush, and Kel being… well Kel times ten, then no,” Monika replied.
Basil nodded, taking note of this situation. “Looks like we got a prankster on our hands.” 
The second he said that, Bendy walked by, his eyes gaze on the punch bowl.
Basil, Sunny, and Monika looked at the demon, then looked at each other then back at the demon.
Bendy poured himself a cup of punch, but the stares from the trio made him uncomfortable. 
“Look, if you guys wanted some, you could’ve just asked,” Bendy stated.
“Uh… Bendy, you probably shouldn’t drink that,” Basil warned.
Bendy then turned to Kel and Alice- who were being party animals on the dance floor. He remembered seeing the two drinking the punch, and wondered if this was the cause of it.
Ignoring the warning, the demon drank the punch- and his eyes widened at the taste.
“And he drank it,” Basil sighed.
“YAHOO!” Bendy cheered and whistled, before dashing off.
“Looks like it's just us three finding out who is doing this,” Basil said.
Quickly, Miss Chalice left underneath the table and decided to hide for a bit. She made herself visible and danced along to cover her tracks.
Miss Chalice turned to see Cuphead and Mugman glaring at her, to which she replied with a sheepish smile.
“Come on Chalice, take it easy on the pranks,” Mugman said.
“Yeah, but by the way, can I have what you put in the punch?” Cuphead asked.
“Cup!” Mugman yelled, turning to his brother.
“What? Just asking.”
“Guys, guys, relax!” Miss Chalice reassured her friends. “I promise I won’t go that far!”
Cuphead and Mugman gave her an unimpressed look as they pointed to Alice, Bendy, and Kel going sugar-crazy over the drink she made. Most of the kids had to step back with how wild they were acting.
Miss Chalice gave a nervous chuckle. “Guess that drink gave them a kick, after all.”
Seeing that her friends weren’t easing up, she sighed in defeat. “Alright, alright, no more pranks. Let’s just have some fun.”
Cuphead and Mugman smiled. “Perfect!” Mugman beamed. “Come on, let’s hit the dance floor!”
The cup siblings went off to dance with Miss Chalice following behind. What they didn’t notice was that Chalice crossed her fingers, as she had one last prank before the Halloween party ended.
Inside her cape, she had a bag of powder that- when mixed with liquid- can turn into foam. Miss Chalice looked around to find something that held liquids, and stumbled upon a fountain. A smirk grew on her face as she sneaked away from her friends and made her way to the fountain.
Miss Chalice looked around, hoping no one saw her as she ripped open the packet. She was ready to pour the powder in- 
-until she felt a hand on her shoulder. 
She let out a shriek and dropped the entire packet into the water.
“Gotcha!” Monika exclaimed. 
Soon, Basil and Sunny appeared, disappointed at what Chalice had done.
Miss Chalice gave a nervous chuckle. “Hi guys, what up?” she asked.
“What’s up? Uh… your pranks,” Basil replied.
Miss Chalice groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Come on you three. It’s Halloween, I was just having some fun!” she explained.
Seconds later, the whole fountain started pouring foam out of itself. 
Everyone screamed as they tried to escape the foam to keep it from messing with their costumes. 
Luckily, Sunny was near the off switch, and turned it off.
Everyone started to calm down, but the foam still lingered on the floor. They turned to Miss Chalice, who let out a sigh.
“Guess I went a little too far with this prank. Sorry guys,” Miss Chalice apologized. She released herself from Monika’s grasp. “If you want me to leave, I’ll do that.” 
The chalice was ready to leave- but felt a hand on her shoulder. 
She looked up to see it was Mu.
“Don’t leave yet,” Mu said. “You didn’t hurt anyone, plus this party was missing a few scares.”
“Really? You loved my pranks?” Miss Chalice asked.
Mu nodded in reply.
“Well, not really,” Alice groaned as she rubbed her head. The sugar rush she just had went down, which left her with a headache. 
However, Kel and Bendy came from behind Alice and were fine. “Though it was harmless enough.”
Miss Chalice smiled.
“Plus it was fun!” Bendy beamed. He then leaned in and whispered to Miss Chalice, “Uh, think you can give me tips on your pranks?”
“After the party.” Miss Chalice replied, whispering and giving a wink.
Soon, everyone continued to party and have fun, ignoring the foam on the ground. Sunny turned the fountain back on, and with how long the foam substance had been in the water, it dissolved, leaving little bubbles in the fountain.
“Well Cuphead, looks like Chalice’s pranks did some good for this party,” Mugman said.
“See bro, I told you not to worry,” Cuphead replied, putting his arm around his younger brother.
“You didn’t tell me not to worry, you were the one worried,” Mugman replied.
“Just don’t ruin the moment.”
Mugman sighed. “Alright.”
With that, it was a rockin 'Halloween Party!
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eirist · 2 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 34
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: Happy Halloween! Yes of course there will be a ZoNa Halloween-themed one-shot, Hurriedly written while watching Stardust. Take You to Hell is by Ava Max. Because seriously these two is a match made there. I hope you enjoy it.
Summary: Oh he had seen the devil alright. 
"It's just a story."
Usopp haughtily declared after a few minutes of silence (and after clearing his throat, for like a dozen times). “The-There’s probably no truth in it,” he continued stammering a little before catching himself lest his crewmates realized that he is trying so very hard to be brave.
“If that’s the case then why are your knees trembling?” Nami teased him, her grin catty as ever. She gave him a side-glance and snickered when she saw his legs shaking.
“They aren’t!” Usopp all but screeched at her and she just laughed at him.
They were exiting the Sunny’s galley… after lingering there after dinner to enjoy some additional after dinner dessert of cakes and drinks and some of Robin’s creepy island tales.
“You’re such a scaredy-cat,” Nami commented as she sized him up.
“Oh,” Usopp gasped at that. “And you’re not?”
He was looking at her incredulously now. “How in the world did that happen? Can someone explain this miracle to me?!”
“Because Robin’s story is not true!” Nami exclaimed making him flinch.
“And how did you even know that it’s not?!”
The tinkling sound of a coffee cup being placed on its saucer caught their attention. Robin smiled amusedly at them from inside the galley before speaking up. “Like I said, it’s just a local folklore.” She gave the cowardly sniper an almost creepy smile and Usopp shuddered.
Nami rolled her eyes at the two. “See? It’s just a story. There is no devil lurking on this island or even anywhere, prancing about, visiting you while you sleep!”
“Probably because no one lived to tell the tale!” Usopp hissed at her.
Chopper who remained silent all-throughout Usopp’s outburst finally spoke up. “Ne, Nami. How sure are you that there is no devil, like Robin told us?”
Nami looked pityingly at the small reindeer beside her. She glanced at Robin, who smiled at her. “Because Chopper it’s just impossible. If there is, then this town’s island would be in a constant state of terror and panic instead of holding a costumed party in the town’s square later at midnight.”
“And if there really is one, do you think he’ll survive the monsters of our crew? We’ve got our very own demon on board.”
“You’ve got a point,” Usopp puckered his face.
“Still such tales doesn’t come out of thin air,” Robin stirred her coffee with a small, intricately-engraved silver spoon. There was a mysterious smile on her lips that send shivers down Usopp spine all over again.
“Eh?” Chopper froze.
“Robin!” Nami groaned.
“I’m just stating facts. And I don’t mean to scare you Chopper.”
“Gosh I hate this kind of tales,” the sniper complained. “They give me nightmares.” He glared at Robin.
“Just don’t wet your bed later,” Sanji suddenly interjected from somewhere behind the kitchen counter, definitely making fun of him.  
“Excuse me!?” Usopp screeched as everyone burst into laughter. “You know I don’t do that!”
“Well…” the blond cook shrugged. “You seemed shaken up from Robin-chwan’s story.”
“Still I don’t wet the bed!” Usopp growled at him, peeking inside the galley to glare at chef. “Don’t go around spinning lies like that. That’s my job!”
“Oops. Sorry!”
“It’s just what the townsfolk here believe,” Robin spoke again, opening the book resting on the table near her. It was a bound collection of the island’s folklore. “Every island has their stories after all.”
“Plus, tonight is what they call Hallow’s eve,” she continued on, eyes crinkling with subdued mirth when Usopp started trembling again. “The one night they say the devil is freer to linger about.”
“Kyaaaaaah!” Usopp and Chopper hugged each other.
“Robin!” Nami shook her head.
Usopp suddenly pointed a finger at her.
“Why aren’t you scared Nami?!” He questioned her indignantly. “Why aren’t you cowering like us, like the coward that you really are!”
The orange-haired woman glowered at him. “Because the story’s obviously not true! I mean come on! How gullible can you get Usopp?”
“Hey I’m not gullible!” Usopp retorted, slumping back against the railing. “After everything we have encountered while sailing, the possibility is there! I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”
“Zoro! Zoro!” Chopper suddenly cried out, calling for the swordsman who just came out of the boys’ room. He jumped from the railing and immediately bounded towards the tall lad. “Can I sleep beside you tonight?” He asked the green-haired man with pleading eyes.
“Huh?” Was Zoro’s only reply as he stared at him.
Usopp followed suit, even tripping at his own feet as he approached Zoro. He clung onto him once he was near.  “Me too Zoro! Please?”
“Tch, what is this about? I’m on watch tonight.” Zoro grunted, shooting Usopp a displeased glance. He looked at the reindeer doctor before shifting his gaze at Nami.
“Did Robin tell them another of those creepy stories of her again?” He directed the question at the map-maker.
Nami nodded with a cheeky grin. “I guess Usopp and Chopper will be accompanying you on your watch.” She rested her arms on the railing and leaned forward to peer at him.
Usopp looked at her. “This is the best choice! In case the devil decides to visit us. We can sic our very own demon at him!”
“Good choice actually,” Sanji’s loud and laughing voice can be hear from the galley. “His ugly mug will scare the shit out of the devil himself.”
Zoro scowled at that. “Shut your trap ero-cook and just do the dishe!.” He shouted back and turned to glare at Usopp, who instantly murmured an apology at him. Then he scratched his head looking a bit irritated. “What the hell are you going on about Usopp?”
“Robin told us that the devil walks about at midnight to steal the souls of the innocents especially at a Hallow’s eve night like tonight!” Chopper explained.
“Yeah!” Both Chopper and Usopp nodded.
Zoro went silent for a moment. His gaze darted from Usopp to Chopper who were both still clinging to him. Then Nami.
“Fine,” he finally relented with an annoyed sigh, not taking his eyes off the navigator. “You can join me in the nest.”
“Really?” The two younger lads squealed delightedly, surprised that Zoro agreed so easily. “Yes!!!” They both shouted in glee.
"Ok! It's time to hit the sack!" Usopp announced. He all but drag Zoro towards the ropes leading to the crow’s nest much to the katana wielder’s protest. “Have a good night Nami, Robin, Sanji!” He yelled as he pulled at the large man.
“Good night you guys!” Chopper echoed, pushing at Zoro’s legs to get him to move.
“Oi stop it you two!”
“Have a good sleep you guys!” Nami waved at them, watching with keen amusement as the two pushed and pulled Zoro with them.
“I know it’s just a legend and it’s not really true,” Usopp stated in a confident voice as they made their way across the lawn deck. He gave a nervous laugh as he scanned the island on the starboard side of the ship. “But still it’s better to be safe—”
"No you're wrong." Zoro grunted.
Usopp froze in his tracks and Chopper bumped into his leg.
“Huh? Usopp asked in a hushed tone, eyes widening as he and Chopper exchanged glances. 
"You mean Robin’s story is true?" Chopper inquired in a shaky voice. 
Usopp stared at him. Stared really hard. Zoro doesn’t believe in that kind of things, right? He is one of the most rational and practical person on their ship.
So why?
"You mean you believe it? And you've seen it?" Usopp voice was the softest of whispers. “The devil?”
Zoro looked at him straight in the eye.
“Maybe you’re just… drunk?”
“I’m not.”
The swordsman didn’t bother to elaborate anymore. Instead, he just continued making his way to the rope ladder leading to the crow’s nest, climbing it and leaving Usopp and Chopper in a frenzy of excited and nervous chatter. 
Oh he had seen it—the devil from Robin’s story—in all its wickedness, in all its fiendishness. 
Its sole purpose is to wrap its vicious claws around you… grasping your mind, body and soul into its vile clutches.
He had seen the devil.
With its long hair, the color reminiscent of the fires of hell where it had come from. Its eyes, an endless pool of evil that would get you under its control.
Its smile—beguiling, captivating... 
He looked towards the galley and his gaze met that of Nami’s—who was still leaning at the railing; a smirk gracing her lips, watching them… watching him intently.
Oh he had seen the devil alright. 
It comes for him at night.  
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grahatialiker · 6 months
I'm gonna make a rare personal post about my year because idc anymore it's my blog!!! under a cut though in case it gets long and looks uggo mode
if you clicked to read more HIIII I hope your year is ending peacefully. I wanna just put this here where maybe I'll look back and find some strength in knowing I was actually fine after going through the worst time of my life
I said goodbye to some people I loved, some of them I never got the chance to say goodbye to, some of them I don't want to talk to. I don't really have it in me anymore to care whether or not anyone hates me and casts me as a villain in their lives. I'm too old and it doesn't make a difference to me. anyways back to MEEE it wasn't all bad! I met some new friends, reconnected with some I had lost touch with, I tried a lot of new things and had a lot of fun (I went on a bar crawl on Halloween with friends I dressed up as mimikyuu and got compliments I felt so slay), I finally took the step to start printing and selling my art and I'm gonna keep working on doing more. I guess it's pretty common for a lot of people to fall into a kind of slump after they finish college (I never posted about that did I!!? I got my bachelor's last winter, I didn't even stop and think to celebrate that) and I'm still figuring out my career path, whether that means going to grad school or whatever I end up doing.
Even in grief, I learned a lot about myself and what I want and don't want in my life. I disappeared online completely for a month or so, I left spaces that only brought me down and then I built myself back up again with my own two hands. I'm kind of just like recounting my year in a way to contextualize it as not being pointless, because it wasn't! I just have a tendency to feel that way, especially around winter when the Seasonal Affective Disorder hits. I have hope for the future to be better and I'm excited to see it one day
If any of my friends or family read this, I love you and I can't even express how important your love and support are (AND ALSO MUTUALS TOO you are all so real and I appreciate you so much, even if we don't talk I still see you and I am happy)
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clarktooncrossing · 8 months
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HEY THERE PEOPLE OF TODAY AND ROBOTS OF TOMORROW! IT'S ME, CLARK! There is a madness deep in the dark catacombs of Castle Clarkenstein. For years these claustrophobic corridors have been the home of the ghoulish giraffe himself, watching as the world passes by. He prefers it this way. It gives him more time alone with the voices. The voices tell him many strange things. Yet they always come back to one: make more monsters! Everyday they tell him this. Everyday he is unable to comply. Hey, being a mad scientist on a budget means he can’t afford the fancy scientific equipment needed to breathe life into newborn abominations. Guy’s gotta afford pizza somehow. Luckily, he has discovered a way of sorts to please the voices. During all those years of watching, Dr. Clarkenstein noticed a particular pattern. Every night during October saw artists posting new pictures based on peculiar prompts. Many of them based on children of the night. While the spotted specter might not be able to craft new zombies, he can sure as heck sketch’m! As such, I provide this friendly warning to you all now: Be afraid. Few people can survive the horrors that are DUDELZ of the Damned!
By that I mean I decided to do my own take on Sketchtober this year just minus the prompts. Anybody gotta problem with that? Tough, cuz I already drew this crap so you might as well check it out.
MEANWHILE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE: Alecia wanted to try something new this Halloween season. By that I mean she wanted to get out of the house and not binge all thirteen Camp Carnage films. Again. Most of them were garbage anyway. No, there was something far more fun waiting for her! She just had to find it first. It didn’t take her long. Her friend Clark contacted Alecia informing her of an upcoming costume contest with a hundred dollar prize! A prize the masked maniac was determined to win! How fortunate that her spotted friend recently introduced her to a great show featuring a feisty femme fatale perfect for cosplaying! Skin tight military suits for the win!
Honestly, the backstory I make up for this DUDEL doesn’t matter in the slightest. This is simply long overdue vengeance. For the last two years my masked buddy Alec (@burningthrucelluloid) did his own Inktober challenge in the form of Dresstober. Instead of a list of prompts to base your art on, the artists in question are given a multitude of preselected outfits to dress their characters in. Or in the case of my cinephile companion, his characters, a few of mine, and me. You see, for whatever reason my friends get a big kick out of gender-swapping me. All because I dressed up as Sailor Moon the one time. OraTheRebelKitsune, I hope you’re happy cuz you technically started all this! Does it bug me? Yeah, kinduv’. Much as I love it when my friends make any pictures of or for me, it gets pretty annoying when none of them draw me as who I am. Alec is by far the worst offender, spending an astonishing amount of money for people to draw me sporting cleavage with their own gravitational pull. Earlier this year he paid one artist named fallen20xx to draw me as Ms. Marvel from Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. I had gotten Alec hooked to the show while also gushing over Carol’s exceptionally sexy legs. Should’ve known that’d come back to bite me. Just like my friend should’ve known his constant drooling over Maria Hill and Abigail Brand would be his undoing. The latter had a more interesting outfit, hence why my best buddy is wearing it here. Also included is an actual quote he said while watching the show! By the way, I did all this before he paid for fallen’s commission, so really I was totally in the right to sketch this. In any case, I hope you all enjoy this sweet slice of revenge as much as Alec does! XP
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agentofship · 2 years
Trick-or-Treat! I have come knocking on your Tumblr door asking for a treat. You can answer with a meme, a bit of art/fic, a fic recommendation, pictures of candy, or something else! Then go to your mutual’s Tumblr door and ask them for a treat! Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 (don’t answer until October 31)
Awww thank you for the lovely ask <3 Loved it <3 Hope you had a wonderful Halloween! A bit late answering it but here's a snippet of a fun little FS one-shot I'm working on :)
Fitz: Well that's it, I'm gonna die alone. 
Jemma clicked on the attached picture and sighed just as her stomach churned the way it always did when Fitz's divorce was mentioned. He'd told her the divorce would be finalized soon and he had apparently just received the papers. Abandoning all hope of getting more work done, Jemma closed her laptop, took her phone and went to sit on the couch. With the heavy rain and wind howling outside, it felt like the kind of night to spend tucked under her comfy blanket anyway. 
Jemma: Fitz. You're not going to die alone.
Fitz: I'm going to be divorced before I'm 30. Of course I'm going to die alone. Possibly eaten by my cats.
Jemma: You don't have any cat.
Jemma rolled her eyes. If he was getting dramatic again, maybe it meant he was actually starting to get over it and getting his spirits back. He and Callie had been separated for the past six months. It hadn't even been an ugly separation. Just a case of two people getting too caught up into their first real relationship and not realizing too late that they didn't have enough in common to build a lasting marriage. 
Fitz: I'll get one. It'll be nice to feel like someone needs me.
Jemma: First of all, cats are very unlikely to eat people. They're very picky eaters and I've seen the way you eat. 
Fitz: Rude!
Jemma: And also, you won't die alone. You'll always have me. Whatever happens.
Fitz: Even when I'm a weird 29 y-o divorcé?
Jemma: You've always been weird anyway and that's what I love about you <3
Fitz: I love YOU! 
Jemma knew he meant it in a strictly platonic, friendly way but that didn't stop her heart from missing a beat.
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abstractreign · 2 years
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Sorry this one is later than usual, but here's positivity anon wanting to wish you a very happy weekend! Did you get to do anything fun during the week or is there something this weekend that you're looking forward to? Finally, try to do something nice for yourself! Buy that thing you've had your eye on, treat yourself to takeout, etc etc! Remember that you're always loved and needed and that your presence here brightens up the day of everyone who is on your dash! ♡
Positivity anon back at it again! I hope you have an excellent week! Is there anything you're particularly excited about that's happening this week? Or, is there anything you're looking forward to for Halloween? Lastly, only answer this if you feel comfy doing so! What is something that you'd like to let your mutuals know about you? ( → unknown lovely person !! )
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{ heya, it took a bit to answer these, but i wanted to get to them nonetheless because they do mean a lot to me! (i'm just not that used to answering questions about myself, heh)
in any case, as always, the hugest of thanks for all the support and cheer you bring to the atmosphere! i enjoy reading other folks' answers to the questions you send out, and seeing what everyone's getting up to.
speaking of which— things have been all in all quiet, on my end. slightly fluctuating emotional state aside, when i'm not creating, developing, or researching roleplay-related stuff, i'm mostly watching a bunch of anime series (both recent and older releases) or continuing my reading of emily wilson's translation of the odyssey. and of course, there's always the impromptu voice call with friends here and there.
as for what i'm looking forward to: i've got a ton of ideas and a handful of plot developments coming up for my muses! i also hope to be able to branch out from josh and become active with more than just one muse, especially sanae and an oc of mine. (on that note: i do also intend on doing an overhaul over the... outcome of my josh's current, personal narrative arc, but more on that in the future when i've worked things out in more detail.)
(and as for halloween, i'll likely spend it on mischief over here. :3c)
finally, here's a fun little fact about myself i'd like to share with y'all:
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i am less than five feet tall.
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joelmmd · 3 months
kingdom hearts post again. finished kh2!
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couldn't bring myself to keep going for 100% and do all of data organization 13. it took me like a day just to beat 2 of the bosses and i wasn't feeling like grinding the rest out after that and Especially wasn't looking forward to doing the same with lw. i'll probably come back to wrap all that up later, though.
i had a lot of fun with the game! one of my complaints with kh1 was that the combat was ~1 layer of depth away from being engaging for the whole 30 or so hours you'd be playing for, and kh2 has remedied it pretty well. forms are cool and add extra strategy when it comes to which one to use and when, keyblades coming with their own abilities makes it worth switching them around for reasons that aren't just "this has the highest strength/magic", and i feel like some of the abilities here are a lot more impactful than the first game's. the new mp system is weird but ultimately good, rewards players for not getting hit for a while and doesn't enable "fuck you" attacks by letting you stock up like 20 cures to make them not matter. not a fan of using cure Once meaning you can't use magic at all until it recharges but it is how it is.
enemy/boss design (gameplay-wise) is still not great. i'm starting to think this is always the case, and that you just don't see the cracks until the game starts demanding really good play from you. it's harder to get mad about some bullshit way you got hit if it only did like 1/5 of your health, but when it starts putting you at 1 hp you have to actually confront the move and realize "wow that's not ok".
the worlds were really good this time around. definitely appreciated how the game stopped caring so much about justifying why you're helping out the disney guy or riding a skateboard or doing a musical, they just let you do it. i didn't hear a thing about "Sora you aren't allowed to meddle in these worlds!!! Let's just get the keyhole and leave" and it was great.
standout mentions are the pirate world for the realistic ass ghouls & CJS's party member icon looking edited in, halloween town for having christmas town in it, lion king world for being the most egregiously "oc" yet (my lion oc is just a kid but he's super strong... he has spiky brown hair and dark fur and attacks with a Weapon instead of claws and stuff), and timeless river for just being great, it's probably my favorite. they all felt a bit short, though. probably a good thing for some of them, but i would've loved to have more to do after finishing them than just fighting mushrooms.
the story sucks dick. feels as bad as the first game's with way more steps to get there. organization 13 are fine antagonists but they're fighting for the spotlight with fucking Pete. and maleficent. pete really doesn't feel like the right character for "harbinger of darkness with plot to take over world". they end up doing jack dick anyways so i have to ask if they're only here to make sure the tone stays light and to keep the focus at least a little on disney.
i also don't like the whole "nobodies don't have feelings and don't exist and dont have hearts so they're basically nonpeople and it's ok that they're never happy" thing, it feels really weird compared to the rest of the game being generally optimistic and hopeful. especially with the game saying "darkness isn't bad and we need both it and light", feels like a step forward and then a step back in philosophy. waste of potential too! it's a lot harder to get invested in any future nobodies (assuming there are any) if you plain up say they don't have emotion or feelings.
i don't know if i'd say the writing's so bad, there were a few charming moments here and there that stuck with me and it was a lot less "No! The darkness... The light of the heart, Kingdom Hearts, the heartless the darkness... Kairi... Your light..." than the first game. part of it's definitely helped by the better voice acting across the board. there were for sure less moments where it got noticeably bad, and they actually bothered to bring in the whole winnie the pooh cast this time. sora's the big winner here, though, his performance here really elevated the character for me. or maybe he's just more interesting with the extra few years under his belt.
lightning round-prologue is neat in how it kind of prepares you for the real game but it's like 3 hours long, sora's new outfit & the form variations are pretty cool, reaction commands aren't as intrusive as i expected, limits are fun but i usually just healed instead, cure becoming an aoe is a change i like a lot, switching the target you're locked onto is bound to right trigger + flick right stick and it fucking sucks, being able to move the camera around while locked on is pretty great, and donald & goofy were a bit more capable this time around. still died a lot but they very rarely got on my nerves.
long, but i think i've said what i wanted to say. fun times. moving on to Dream Drop Distance now, which i've already got my hopes a bit lowered for from trying it out before. can't imagine it's gonna suck or anything though, as long as i can swing my funny keyblade as riku the game can only be so bad.
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icharchivist · 10 months
Hi icha how did the summer stream treat you? I cried and bawled over the cast shenanigans on twitter and then the news hit me like a truck and I haven't recovered since
I had two friends over and they were sleeping while I was watching the stream (12hr difference with japan on my timezone, so the streams are always very early in the morning) and when they started to announce the skins and saw six I started to cry and fell backwards on my bed, waking up one of them (they later told me they were already awake but I still felt bad)
I was so sure we would get wamdus as one of the summer skins but I guess I was wrong, now I'm wondering if they're going to even continue with the dragons skin rotation, maybe they move wamdus to halloween (daily event focused once again on stardust with the children maybe?) and we end up with christmas/new years luo
And oh damn. Lobelia uncap sure took a turn I genuinely wasn't expecting, if anything his arcatales pose was more in line to what I was thinking we would get coming from him. Happy for his career change and wishing him luck as an opera singer /j
On any case this later half of the month for sure is going to be interesting, and everything else that's coming. Sorry for the long ask,,- have a good day!
Hey hey hey!! so good to see you omg!!
oh my god yeah i thought of you when I saw Seox, it's truly an attack on you in particular. The whole idea of the sleepover was so sweet though but rip your friends for the brutal awakening. Worth it though. For Seox.
And yeah, it's surprising no summer Wamdus, perhaps they really want to be more safe with her and push her to Halloween indeed... if they finish this rotation at all at this rate. there's also Ewi in need of a skin, unless they consider that her base unit works as one...
i could see more Stardust themed Halloween mini event though yeah!
And DLKJFDLKFJFD RIGHT. His Arca tales's art slaps a lot and it is so on brand that to then see his uncap was jarring. Like, yeah i know in theory that they are supposed to change outfit, and also that with their uncap they represent more their own arcana rather than just their summons (like Nier representing more and more The Lovers to accompany Death and stuff) but damn!! the guy truly went in a sharp different direction. I'd say "silly him, the opera isn't going to mask the fact he's a serial killer!" but now i just remembered of a famous masked opera guy who's also a serial killer so. Maybe it's more on brand than i thought.
August indeed seems to be quite the crazy month after all of this, i'm so hyped!!
No worries about the long ask, i'm really glad to see your thoughts and it's fun to see you hype!
As for me, i admit almost 90% of the announcement hit bullseyes for me. Seruel finally getting his summer unit, Yukata Vania, Sandalphon's Ex pose, both Seox and Makora's skins, the Grimnir stuff, just how cool Lobelia's Arcatale skin is (what can i say i appreciate aesthetic depiction of his type of madness).
But out of all the announcement, i genuinely screamed aloud when the Meg&Mari duet was announced. Out of all the announcement i didn't expect this would me the one that would physically actually make me scream, but in the end, it's pretty on brand as well.
Genuinely probably the best set of announcements we've had in a long while, i remember being completely lurkwarm to some of the announcement last year, so the fact almost everything was a hit is really making me happy.
i'm so happy with what we got, i'm so happy for MeguMari, and i'm so happy for you and Seox jumping you like that ;DDD
Hope you take care and you rest well after all of this!!!
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
Hello! I saw you said you were on a writers block and I randomly thought of something for Halloween, so, Licorice Cookie x Gn!Reader where the two of them take poison mushroom cookie out for trick or treating. Licorice reluctant at first
In any case, I hope you have a good day and happy Halloween O(∩_∩)O
Awww. Thank you so much for the idea!
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“What?” You huffed, puffing your cheeks in annoyance much to liquorice’s amusement, “I said we should take poison out for trick or treating. I think they’d benefit a lot from a night out.” The darkly clothed cookie looked over at the little one sat by the window watching with wide eyes as cookies of varying ages pass by in costumes ranging from ‘meh obviously store bought’ to ‘holy shit that’s really cool and creative,’ wanting nothing more then to join in on the fun that they got up from the window and dashed up the stairs for something wearable whilst liquorice and you were distracted with one another.
“Do I have to?” Liquorice whined, resting his weight on his chair only to let out a squeak of surprise and with a loud thud he found himself flat on his back looking up at you like a newborn lamb while you gaze down at him with a unamused look, accompanied with a raised brow as if to say ‘are you serious.’ “Yes” you said bluntly as you hoisted him up onto his feet, leaving him to dust himself down, muttering inconsistencies as you checked that everything within the plastic bag slumped against the couch was there as if you were scared someone nicked something without you knowing, muttering under your breath, “besides you already look to be in the Halloween mood 24/7 with those robes of yours.” Before liquorice could open his mouth to rant, moan and or complain poison decided to take this momentary slot of stiff silence to jump out and yell “BOO!” Dressed in an alabaster sheet with eye gaps big enough to see their entire face it was clear that they were a small friendly ghost, a friendly mushroom ghost if you will. It was incredibly cute that it drew a smile upon your lips as you bent at the knees to address the spooky cookie.
“Woah! Scary costume! You really scared me for a second there!” Poison giggled, almost tripping over their feet in their endeavour to run into your arms as you lifted them into a more comfortable position as you stood back to full height. “Yeah…really had me jumping out my skin.” Liquorice said unenthusiastically which earned him a sharp glare from you but went completely unnoticed by poison who only asked “are we going trick or treating? We are right?” They looked too sweet to decline, cute you and your weakness for all things adorable! “Of course we are sweetheart! Right liquorice?” The aforementioned cookie flinched at your bittersweet tone that instead of acting like a spoilt brat who wanted nothing more then to stay inside and do absolutely nothing the entire night, writing about his complaints in his little notebooks, responded by lifting his arm in a weak expression of enthusiasm “of course we are…yay Halloween and all that.” Poison copied his action and exclaimed with delight “YAY HALLOWEEN!”
The town was littered with decorative lightnings that took the shape of bats, leaves, ghosts and witches on broomsticks. The streets were littered with kids dressed in costumes, foliage trampled underfoot as the laughter filled the air only made you long for the youth you once lost to experience it for one night more. You’ve spent only 10 minutes and poison had rushed to the first house that met their eyes along with some other kids with their guardians chiming with the age old “trick or treat.” You had told poison prior that not everyone was willing to answer to the door on Halloween and when they asked why that was you only replied with that they were sticklers and or not home enjoying Halloween themselves.
“God I wish I was a kid again.” You said while you waited for your little ghost to get their candy. “Why? They’re a nuisance and irritating and a waste of quality me time.” Liquorice said eyeing you as if you grew three heads and two extra limbs. You smacked him up side the head lightly and huffed, “to have fun! I can’t exactly go trick or treating at my age anymore or else I’d be looked at funny.” “As if you already don’t get looked at funnily enough already.” He snarled under his breath which earned him a harsh nudge in the side “asshole.” You retorted “you love me though.” He mused pressing a kiss to your forehead “sadly” you joked as you watched poison talk to someone about all the candy he got and felt a warmth spread within your chest. “Ready to move onto the next house champ?” You asked, holding out your hand for them to grab. “Yeah! Onto the next house to spook more people!” They cried as you, poison and liquorice made your way to the neighbouring houses.
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therunawaykind · 3 years
Darkness Falls
Pairing: Jane Banner x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Gunshot, blood, cursing, talking about drugs, guns, fluff and angst. ANGST WITH HAPPY ENDING (added this for M Anon)
Authors Note: Just a bit of Halloween fun with Jane for the day that's in it! Happy Halloween! (if you saw me accidentally post this earlier, no you didn't!)
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!*
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“Jane I still don’t understand why we had to dress undercover. It is literally Halloween, our Halloween Costumes could have been our actual FBI uniform.”
You see Jane roll her eyes subtly “Y/N I know trust me but our FBI clothes are far too legit and proper for a night like tonight.” You stop walking as you subtly fix your bulletproof vest under your normal clothes. Yes, you and Jane for Halloween are dressed up as normal people out for a walk… on Halloween night like that isn’t suspicious enough as it is. You stare at her “and what dressing normally isn’t a dead giveaway. I mean even if we had some sort of costume on we’d be blending in.” Jane bites her lip and sighs “Honey, trust me I know I’m aware but any couple costumes I pointed out to you, you disagreed with what more did you want me to do. I was literally going to wear a Scarlet Witch costume, to which you immediately denied and said I couldn’t wear it! Which had me a little shocked considering I know other partners would love to see their girlfriend in the Scarlet Witch costume but maybe you’re special.” she says as she pats your cheek
As you walk on you mumble under your breath “I didn’t want other people ogling you.” Jane chuckles and shoves you slightly “we’re just portraying the boring couple that absolutely despises Halloween.” You chuckle as you walk along holding her hand.
You couldn’t lie you weren’t the most comfortable dealing with a case on Halloween and neither was Jane. You were both warned about the handling, selling and dispersing of narcotics tonight. With everyone in costumes made it just that bit more difficult of who you had to be looking out for. And by slightly more difficult virtually impossible, so it was a night for you and Jane to take a repetitive loop within the radius of where it was suspected to go down. Needless to say, it wasn’t the way you both had planned to spend Halloween well… you both didn’t really know how you were going to celebrate. Ideas were thrown in the air such as a night in watching horror movies, sitting outside by your little campfire also drinking wine while eating absolute rubbish candy also talking nonsense. You could only hope if this case finished early enough you both would be able to do a little bit of both but with how your night was going it was unlikely.
Needless to say, you were way more on edge for this case than any other case. The constant screams of children trick or treating and the constant flow of fireworks wasn’t helping you. What you have noticed though is the constant random strangers approaching Jane to talk to her. At first, you thought nothing of it just a bunch of drunk or possibly high people just talking to everyone and anyone. “Don’t know how you convinced me to do a case on Halloween night! You know it isn’t my favourite holiday in the world.” Jane nods and mumbles sheepishly “yeah I know I’m sorry. But we were the last two agents free so.” You take a deep breath and nod.
Soon after the strangers started making their appearance to you both again. As Jane was humouring them your eyes were scanning person to person. As Jane was occupied you noticed a number of people staring you down, which you thought was a bit odd but you just put it down to a bunch of punks on Halloween. So you kept your eye on them as Jane was babbling to little children, all of a sudden people well young adults, adults and everyone in between every few minutes would bump into you. At first, it seemed like a little accident considering it was Halloween that quickly changed when it started happening consistently.
You as subtly as you could walk over to Jane and whispered “Don’t wanna interrupt your sweet conversation with the children here. But I am pretty sure the suspects we’re looking for are around here and can see us quite easily. “ Jane glanced at you briefly and cleared her throat “why would you think that sweetie?”
“Jane think about it. The constant distractions with you by children, I noticed a few weird people staring me down a while ago and now people of literally all ages are bumping into me constantly. They have to be around somewhere watching us and throwing us off.” Jane stares at you and nods as subtly as she can. As you and Jane were subtly trying to talk to each other, distracting yourselves even more. The child that was talking to Jane very easily walked towards you as they took out any weapons you could use to take them down easily and slip them into their Pumpkin bucket. You had somehow convinced Jane the best plan of action would be to split up cover more ground and hopefully narrow down where they could be. You kissed her cheek and muttered “please be safe and mind yourself. I love you too much to lose you.” Jane grinned and nodded “Please agent Y/L/N I’m one of the best agents in this town.” You chuckled and nodded “of course you are agent Banner.”
As you were walking around trying to narrow it down you stopped abruptly when you saw what looked like two college students trying to be subtle but not subtle at all with what they were handing over. They started to notice you approaching them slowly and they took off running in an instant. You start to run after them as your hands search through your pockets for anything that might be able to subdue them when you realise you have nothing on you. You mutter a low fuck. You grab your radio and bring it up to your mouth “Jane we got a problem. I somehow have none of my weapons or anything to subdue our suspects. But I am currently on foot chasing them, but if you keep walking the way you’re going then turn left it’ll be faster than following my route. If you can’t see me just look for three people chasing each other and it’ll lead you to me.” You can hear the pace of Jane’s walking pick up “Alright Y/N please just be safe until I get there.” You huff as you bump into someone “I’ll be alright I still have my handcuffs but that’s it.”
“God I really need to start running more or something because I am struggling to breathe.”
“Y/N!” You jump at Jane’s sudden voice “sorry didn’t realise you could still hear me.” as you got closer to the suspects all you could think was fuck it so you leapt and tackled the two to the floor. You tried your best to keep them both on the floor as you tried to handcuff one of them. Just as you started to put on the handcuffs you got punched in the face and heard something crack. “Fuck, okay I’ll give it to you, you can punch well.” Jane was approaching when she saw the fight between the three of you, as she was approaching she heard a gunshot. All the memories from the shootouts in Wind river flashed before her eyes.
She got snapped back to reality when she heard you groan in pain. She looked over and saw you had somehow restrained one of the suspects, as she ran over she saw you clutching your abdomen sitting on the back of the other suspect. “Y/N Honey you okay?” You looked up at her and took a deep breath and nodded. Jane walked over and handcuffed the other suspect as you both alerted the police and your boss about picking the two of them up.
As you both sit on the sidewalk waiting for the cops to show up Jane notices your breathing heavy. “Babe, can you move your hand for me?” you wince slightly as you move your hand and she rushes over to you “Y/N! What the hell why didn’t you tell me you got shot!.”
“Because I don’t know I was focused on making sure they didn’t go anywhere!.” Jane starts to remove your bulletproof vest and pulls up your shirt slightly so she can see where the bullet when in, except she sees nothing there is no wound. “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N you better explain yourself right now before I kill you myself,” she says as she slaps your arm and chest. “Jane honey baby sweetie. It was fake blood, fake blood for Halloween. Thinking now it may not have been the smartest choice considering well the gunshot and your past experiences with shootouts. I’m sorry.” You grab her and pull her over to you as you hug her. You hear the quiet sobs from her as she hides her face in your neck, you kiss her temple and any part of her face you can see to try and comfort her.
After a few minutes, you hear the quiet chuckles from her as she mutters “I’ll give it to you now that I’m calm down it was quite funny and a smart idea. But you are a complete and utter asshole” You smirk and hug her tighter “I know I’m still sorry though.” Jane leans back and grins at you. A few minutes later you see the cop car pull up and put the two suspects in the back. You both stand up to give your accounts of the night after that you both decide to take a walk home Jane’s arm around your waist and yours around her shoulder, you both laugh and grin at all the children running from door to door and candy spilling out of their buckets.
You unlock the door to your house Jane goes straight upstairs to get into comfy clothes. You walk outside to the back and start to light the fire to sit out there with Jane. Jane grins as she comes down the stairs and hears the crackle of the fire and the wood-burning. You place a quick peck on her lips as you run upstairs to change your clothes. When you walk back outside to sit with Jane you see her holding to glasses of wine holding her arms out beckoning you to come over. You sit down beside her on the couch outside and place a blanket over the two of you, she shuffles over closer to you and places her head on your shoulder. You take a sip of your wine and kiss her temple. Jane grins as she feels your lips move against her head as you both stare at the flames “I love you so much, Happy Halloween.
“I love you too, Happy Halloween!”
Taglist: @cristin-rjd @Ethanwoods1 @raven-ss @royalityofmultifandom @supuesto @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @olsensnpm @lovelyy-moonlight @hoeforwandanat @marie45019
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