#in stars and time for palestine
isatforpalestine · 2 months
In Stars and Time for Palestine
Requests: Open! | Goal: $400/750
(To sign up to volunteer, please fill out this form or DM this account/@siffrin-enthusiast! Whichever is easiest for you!)
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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We ask that receipts/proof of purchase be included with the request to help keep track of things.
To sign up as a volunteer, please fill out this form or DM this account and or @siffrin-enthusiast! Whatever works for you!
You will receive confirmation that your request has been received and when work has started.
You can ask for updates on your request, but please remember that artists are human and have busy lives.
Shipping requests and requests for multiple characters or specific poses are allowed, but may be less detailed and take longer than asking for a single character.
NSFW and gore requests are not allowed.
If an artist asks for credit, you must give credit.
Please do not send donation requests in our asks as unfortunately this is a common way to scam donations.
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Donations can be made to any of the following reputable charities:
Palestinian GoFundMe Masterpost, regularly updated
Palestinian Evacuation Fundraiser Masterpost, regularly updated
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
Care For Gaza
eSims For Gaza
Diabetics in Palestine
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Doctors Without Borders
Due to GoFundMe's giving money to Palestinians directly and immediately, donations to them are highly encouraged and requests made through GoFundMe donations will be given preferential treatment (assigned and completed first). Donations to charities are still of course open, encouraged, and accepted, but if possible please consider donating to a GoFundMe!
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Prices have not been set in stone yet, as I'm waiting on feedback and sign-ups from other artists, but they're around here!
$1-9 = Sketch/doodle.
$10-14 = Lineart, uncolored.
$15-20 = Colored sketch.
$21-30 = Flat shading.
$31-44 = Detailed shading.
$45-59 = Rendering and a simple background free of charge.
$60+ = Rendering and a colorful background free of charge.
$99+ = Collab piece with multiple artists with the artist selection free of charge.
Additions to add on to the original price (unless it's included in the price, i.e., if you spent $45-59 you would not have to pay for a simple background). Please note that these will almost always increase the time it takes for your request to be completed.
$5 for a simple background.
$5 for another character sketch or uncolored lineart.
$10 for a detailed background.
$10 for very complex poses.
$15 for another character in flat shading or colored sketches, with $10 each for any additional characters.
$20 to select the artist of your request. Note that if they're busy with other requests, this will take longer than letting us choose.
$25 for another character in detailed shading and above, with $20 each for any additional characters.
$30 for another character with rendering, with $25 each for any additional characters.
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Meet our volunteer artists!!
@outeremissary can make doodles, uncolored linearts and colored sketches!
@pied-piper-pluto can do everything on the list, from doodles to rendering with complex poses, multiple characters, and colorful backgrounds! he can do digital or traditional medium, or watercolor for large donations!
@siffrin-enthusiast can draw sketches, doodles, flat/detailed shading or take other requests/make edits, but doesn't know how to render. i'll give it an honest shot if you want though!
@moopermoment can do everything except detailed shading, rendering, and complex poses!
@kadethecat does sketches to flat shading and enjoys collab pieces!
@benjibots can do sketches as well as flat shading!
@kensiesss who can do anything except for complex poses!
@forgetful-storyteller can make anything from sketches to rendering with a simple background, but might take a bit to finish complicated pieces due to a busy schedule!
@tekabecca114 can do b/w comic panel style images!
@agriocnemis does everything on the list!!
@novelist-on-strike can make simple custom logos/graphics!
@mnemonicmew does everything except for collab pieces and colorful rendered backgrounds!
(To sign up to volunteer, please fill out this form or DM this account/@siffrin-enthusiast!)
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We do not handle any of the money donated to ensure that 100% goes to Palestine as soon as it physically can. Please blur out any and all personal information in your screenshots while submitting your receipts.
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
// in stars and time for palestine
hello in stars and time fandom! do you want to do something for palestine but don't know how? introducing in stars and time for palestine, the fundraiser for palestine by the in stars and time community!
the process is easy: donate to a palestinian charity, send your receipt to us with your drawing request, and we make you beautiful art!!
most everything has been set up! if you would like to help/volunteer in any way, from management to art, please consider signing up by DMing me or filling out this form! this is a fundraiser where 100% of the money goes straight to palestine so we can save lives while creating art!!
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ennieasys · 1 month
Literally counting out pennies so I can buy the Palestinian Relief Bundle (https://itch.io/b/2321/palestinian-relief-bundle) Absolutely support it, all proceeds go to Palestine's Children Relief Fund and it's also just a good investment considering you get $1300 worth of games for $8. So if you can, please support it, it's for a good cause.
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7amaspayrollmanager · 7 months
Alright let's imagine a scene that is all too normal in palestine. A palestinian business owner finds his building covered in graffiti stars of Davids and Hebrew that says "gas the arabs" and "death to arabs"
Now imagine there's a reporter there and asks the palestinian business owner what happens and they say "the jews attacked my business"
Pause. Now your response might be "uncle no. Say israelis not jews" and then this is when he would look at you like youre stupid because the israelis doing this are jewish. They are not the Christians or the druze or the palestinian ones with Israeli citizenship. They are Jewish israelis who believe in their religious supremacy. When you graffiti stars of david all over a palestinian business, car, or the street you seek that conflation. it sends a message, this is jewish land and you're next.
The problem is that these videos circulate in zionist circles. "Watch this video of children in gaza calling for the death of jews" "watch how they say they want to fight and kill jews" those children are referring to Israeli soldiers that come in night and do their raids with the star of David attached to their uniform or the ones that bomb them. It's easy to watch those videos and assume that palestinians are indoctrinating their children on anti semitism or you can realize that those children's only interaction with jewish ppl is through violence and parents cannot protect their children from this. Doesn't matter context is lost
Abby Martin went to Jerusalem and interviewed israelis for 2 hours and she says every israeli was extremely confident to say that this land is for them and that they should push the Arabs out and when she interviewed palestinians they spoke of freedom from occupation and their dreams. That's reality. Not the soundbites.
And yet we have invasive youtubers and interviewers constantly in the street of ramallah or wherever in palestine asking palestinians "do you hate jews?" And in those videos you hear those palestinians say "no we have no problem with jews we have a problem with occupation and we have a problem with zionism." Bc this is how we are trained to respond to this trope. Palestinians are very aware what the world thinks of us and the reality is that many palestinians have internalized it and we grow up reading books on the Holocaust and train ourselves to recognize anti semitic dog whistles so zionists don't get the soundbites they want.
So we say "anti zionism is not anti semitism" and we say "israeli zionists" and we do not say "jewish supremacy" even thought it exists in palestine but "zionist supremacy" and in these carefully worded speech we water down what is happening to us in an effort to not deter people away from solidarity. But it means nothing. The world categorically blames palestinians for rising anti semitism they blame us for jewish insecurity globally.
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schwoobzilla · 4 months
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comfort characters for a Free Palestine
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fruit-sy · 4 months
[Closed for now] Send a minimum of $5 in donations for Palestine and I draw you art! 🍉🎨
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Will do ✅ : Fanart, OCs, ships
Won't do ❌ : Heavy mecha, furry, nsfw, gore, backgrounds
Note : Prices are for 1 character. For each additional character, the original prices are added to the total.
Also, $20 dollar drawings are limited to 5 people until further notice
After donating, DM me a screenshot of the receipt/proof and request away! Might take a bit of time because I'm busy with uni 🙏🙏
Please don't use one screenshot to make multiple requests (ex: you requested a drawing of 2 characters first and then make a request to make another drawing separate from the first request), please don't also use the same screenshots you've used to request another artist.
Where to donate :
1. Gaza esims <- For info on how to buy and send esims
Extra info on esims
ESIMNOW <- 7% discount on Holafly
BREN79PP <- $3 off on Nomad
2. Care for Gaza (twitter)
3. Direct Aid to Gaza (twitter)
4. Palestine Children's Relief Funds (twitter)
Additional donations can be found here
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letgoofthatego · 2 months
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i wish she was kind.
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doctor-octiddius · 6 months
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Made by @ancovickacz who is doing charity commissions for Palestine ‼️‼️‼️ So check that out, reblog, and donate (and get amazing art out of it) if you can ‼️‼️‼️
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
i consider myself a man of religion (<- praying to god that the mandalorian season 4 gets cancelled)
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mogai-sunflowers · 6 months
i told off so many old white Catholic men at a march tonight. one legit just started yelling at me that I was a baby killer and I just said “you would know about that wouldn’t you, old white Catholic man”
apparently I live to spite them now. one tried to imply I was a bad Christian like bruh I spent half my day sorting presents for homeless children at my church. All YOURE doing is yelling at someone for holding a sign you don’t like. how Christian of you 💀
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steffyanie · 1 month
gods fuckign damnit mark, why.........
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isatforpalestine · 20 days
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Thank you so much for the anon $50.00 donation to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund!!
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
im gonna have a moment ogh my god . thank you isat fandom and all the kind non-isat artists that decided to help out for palestine. this means the world to me and i can't wait to do something to help people with y'all. thank you all so so much
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7amaspayrollmanager · 8 months
Idc about the anti semitism accusation hurled at palestinians but like what does it say that anti semitism is mostly brought up in the west when it comes to palestine and ppl say palestinians are "generally antisemitic" ignoring the fact that many of us at a young age internalize that stereotype and do our best than most non Jewish ppl to educate ourselves on "what not to say" meanwhile Canada invited and clapped for a Ukrainian Nazi in its legislature. Like r u sure its palestinians making this world more unsafe for jewish ppl or is it the rise of Christian fascism in the west normalizing nazis for their stupid little proxy war against Russia
#anyway read mohammed el kurds newest article in mondoweiss#bc holding back rhetoric such as jewish supremacy really fails to allow us to articulate something factual that is occurring as a result#of israelis using their religion to justify an innate right to palestine#like the way we talk about it is important to identify what is happening and what needs to go but we dont say it bc some anti semite will#use our words#and regurgitate it to something harmful#but im sorry in 'israel' jewish supremacy exists and it needs to be pointed out for what it is#does that mean the way israelis r colonizing palestinian land and killing palestinians is innately jewish no its not#but its important to discuss why israeli settlers come down from their settlements to spay blue stars of david on palestinian#-buildings and cars etc#its important to point out that soldiers carved the star of david on a palestinians face#why? and then u get to understanding that its not a religious conflict but the israelis do use religion as a semantic weapon-#against palestinians for a reason#it works all the time#also bc many of them really do believe that they have the right to treat palestinians like biblical enemies#its why settlers on camera are caught saying that what theyre doing is racist and immoral but they have a right to it#whats the right? the idea of divine right#but that divine right is not given to them thats a zionist warping of judaism but it has becomes ingrained in jewish institutions everywhere#and that needs to be rectified
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agentfascinateur · 5 months
Where is the Western media outrage?
100 journalists killed by Israelis.
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josiebelladonna · 7 months
poking my head in to say that i did not realize i followed so many antisemites, oh my god.
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