#inspired by previous reblog
aubieinsanity · 1 year
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“I’m known for my bullets never missing their mark, especially if it’s the heart of a beautiful lady. BANG!”
[ID: A Trigun 98 gifset. Vash is drawn in an shoujo style as he raises a finger gun with a wink. Marianne smiles as Meryl shrieks with dramatic disgust.
Then Vash smiles and exclaims “Bang!” while pulling the “trigger.” Meryl clutches her chest, eyes going white with despair, and keels over. Milly exclaims worriedly while Vash looks surprised and inspects his finger with confusion. End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
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flownwrong · 1 year
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Date idea!
We going to the library and pick each other books then fuck in one of the deserted area.
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It's kinda sad people accept more when I say "I'm not interested in dating" than "I'm aroace" (or similar). They assume the first one is temporary, they can't accept I'm not like them and not liking someone ever doesn't mean something's wrong with me
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mellancholy-mushroom · 6 months
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fantasy high junior year bingo!! i think some boxes are much more likely than than others but i’m excited to see ashsjsh :3
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etrevil · 6 months
Just had a deranged conversation in my head while studying social studies and-
Dazai: no, no- I mean. I can most definitely beat someone up in a fight. And I can hold myself up against Chuuya. Reference? Season one's dungeon scene- anyways. Yeah. I can, technically, but I let him. Cause why the hell would I defend myself against his attacks? It's hot, I'm serious Kunikida, I'm-
Kunikida: keep your fucking kinks to yourself.
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studyblr-perhaps · 7 months
I really want to make a series of posts explaining in simple terms the different maths/physics concepts I struggled with when I first learnt them.
Would anyone be interested in it 👀👀?
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morgenlich · 2 months
(worded as “blogs” not “people” due to the existence of sideblogs and such)
also feel free to mention how old your account is in the tags!
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youmightbeautistic · 10 months
‘Fancy Believing in the Goblin King’
My friend told me a story he hadn’t told anyone for years. When he used to tell it years ago people would laugh and say, ‘Who’d believe that? How can that be true? That’s daft.’ So he didn’t tell it again for ages. But for some reason, last night, he knew it would be just the kind of story I would love.
When he was a kid, he said, they didn’t use the word autism, they just said ‘shy’, or ‘isn’t very good at being around strangers or lots of people.’ But that’s what he was, and is, and he doesn’t mind telling anyone. It’s just a matter of fact with him, and sometimes it makes him sound a little and act different, but that’s okay.
Anyway, when he was a kid it was the middle of the 1980s and they were still saying ‘shy’ or ‘withdrawn’ rather than ‘autistic’. He went to London with his mother to see a special screening of a new film he really loved. He must have won a competition or something, I think. Some of the details he can’t quite remember, but he thinks it must have been London they went to, and the film…! Well, the film is one of my all-time favourites, too. It’s a dark, mysterious fantasy movie. Every single frame is crammed with puppets and goblins. There are silly songs and a goblin king who wears clingy silver tights and who kidnaps a baby and this is what kickstarts the whole adventure.
It was ‘Labyrinth’, of course, and the star was David Bowie, and he was there to meet the children who had come to see this special screening.
‘I met David Bowie once,’ was the thing that my friend said, that caught my attention.
‘You did? When was this?’ I was amazed, and surprised, too, at the casual way he brought this revelation out. Almost anyone else I know would have told the tale a million times already.
He seemed surprised I would want to know, and he told me the whole thing, all out of order, and I eked the details out of him.
He told the story as if it was he’d been on an adventure back then, and he wasn’t quite allowed to tell the story. Like there was a pact, or a magic spell surrounding it. As if something profound and peculiar would occur if he broke the confidence.
It was thirty years ago and all us kids who’d loved Labyrinth then, and who still love it now, are all middle-aged. Saddest of all, the Goblin King is dead. Does the magic still exist?
I asked him what happened on his adventure.
‘I was withdrawn, more withdrawn than the other kids. We all got a signed poster. Because I was so shy, they put me in a separate room, to one side, and so I got to meet him alone. He’d heard I was shy and it was his idea. He spent thirty minutes with me.
‘He gave me this mask. This one. Look.
‘He said: ‘This is an invisible mask, you see?
‘He took it off his own face and looked around like he was scared and uncomfortable all of a sudden. He passed me his invisible mask. ‘Put it on,’ he told me. ‘It’s magic.’
‘And so I did.
‘Then he told me, ‘I always feel afraid, just the same as you. But I wear this mask every single day. And it doesn’t take the fear away, but it makes it feel a bit better. I feel brave enough then to face the whole world and all the people. And now you will, too.
‘I sat there in his magic mask, looking through the eyes at David Bowie and it was true, I did feel better.
‘Then I watched as he made another magic mask. He spun it out of thin air, out of nothing at all. He finished it and smiled and then he put it on. And he looked so relieved and pleased. He smiled at me.
‘’Now we’ve both got invisible masks. We can both see through them perfectly well and no one would know we’re even wearing them,’ he said.
‘So, I felt incredibly comfortable. It was the first time I felt safe in my whole life.
‘It was magic. He was a wizard. He was a goblin king, grinning at me.
‘I still keep the mask, of course. This is it, now. Look.’
I kept asking my friend questions, amazed by his story. I loved it and wanted all the details. How many other kids? Did they have puppets from the film there, as well? What was David Bowie wearing? I imagined him in his lilac suit from Live Aid. Or maybe he was dressed as the Goblin King in lacy ruffles and cobwebs and glitter.
What was the last thing he said to you, when you had to say goodbye?
‘David Bowie said, ‘I’m always afraid as well. But this is how you can feel brave in the world.’ And then it was over. I’ve never forgotten it. And years later I cried when I heard he had passed.’
My friend was surprised I was delighted by this tale.
‘The normal reaction is: that’s just a stupid story. Fancy believing in an invisible mask.’
But I do. I really believe in it.
And it’s the best story I’ve heard all year.
— Paul Magrs
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fiendishfyre · 3 months
We do need more art of old(er) marauders. Let them be alive, let them have lived and it show.
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psychopathicfreak · 11 days
Thinking about keeping a delusional, paranoid bitch reliant on me by convincing them that everyone who is talking to them, telling them to get away from me, is trying to manipulate them, trying to isolate them from their support network, and can’t be trusted .
Playing right into their trust issues and fear of being used in order to make them cling to me, convinced I spared them of connections that would only deeply shatter their fragile mind .
Making them feel so helpless and frantic that they agree to anything I tell them . After all, I’m the only one they can trust . I’m their protector . They need me . They should be grateful that I’m keeping them safe . . . Wouldn’t they owe me ? Why wouldn’t they take extra care to make sure they’re constantly keeping me satisfied ?
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yardsards · 11 months
"childhood is such a carefree time, everyone wishes they could be a kid again" no. your experiences are not universal. child me was experiencing Horrors beyond adult me's comprehension on a daily basis
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absolxguardian · 1 year
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castielsparkle · 11 months
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merlinjoyer · 10 months
Merlin loves magic
Not in the way that he loves magic because magic gives him power. He doesn't abuse it to threaten his enemies and take higher positions, like most of the evil sorcerers do. He never used his magic to torture someone.
Merlin sees magic as something pure and beautiful, that's why he loves it
This boy creates little dragons and unicorns, butterflies and flowers. Although, he can do more. He can really cause a lot of damage like when he summoned a hurricane. But he did it at the very last moments, desperate to help people.
And that's why he is so powerful
He loves magic as it is. And magic loves him back. Magical creatures tries to help him a lot of times. Druids feel it as well.
He could be the most dangerous sorcerer. He could easily destroy Camelot. Come on, Merlin can summon a giant dragon and command it to burn everyone and create hurricanes, earthquakes etc. But what he does when magic comes back to him after Morgana tried to get rid of it? He creates a butterfly. A life. A hope. And he is smiling. Pure joy.
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siliconeyes · 4 months
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That is why we live like heathen
Stealing from the trees of Eden
Aurora, Heathen
like or reblog if you save 💖
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