#interview transcription
successionable · 1 year
Kieran Culkin on the "Variety Awards Circuit" podcast 27th April 2023:
Host: Also, I have to ask you [about] Tom and Greg, man.
Kieran: (laughing)
Host: I mean, it’s Jack and Ennis [the two lead characters in Brokeback Mountain]. It’s the most beautiful thing. It’s the most beautiful love story on television. (laughing)
Kieran: It’s pretty great, yeah.
Host: It’s great. And I know you auditioned– or wanted, or read for Cousin Greg?
Kieran: No, they sent it to me to read for Greg, and I knew that I wasn’t.
Host: You knew.
Kieran: I knew right– before even reading the first line of dialogue that said, "Greg, 26" and I think I was like 36 or something like that, and I was like, okay, well the age is wrong.
Host: You have aged remarkably though, by the way.
Kieran: Why thank you. [Explains about how he ended up asking to read for Roman instead; the rest is history]
Kieran: But [back to] Tom and Greg, it worked out well. Tom and Greg, while we shot the pilot, you know, the way that Adam McKay is very like, fluid with the cameras and sort of– it’s very alive. We’re at the softball game, and he yells out to the cameras like, "go to Tom and Greg!" and very far long lenses, cameras turn, and they know to do a scene that they hadn’t rehearsed yet, which was the, "Will you kiss me?" (pauses) That thing at the very beginning that was like, "Will you kiss me, Greg?" They hadn’t rehearsed it. They hadn’t blocked it, they just started doing it, because it was like, I guess there’s still more film left, go, do that part! And I watched that from the other side of the field, and went; Oh, this thing. These two guys is– this is the show.
Host: Oh my god, that’s awesome.
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appliancealliance · 3 months
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So Dafuq had an interview with one of the ST theory channels, specifically EliteCameraman, which I know quite a few of you do not bother watching because of the AI voiceover. So uh, yeah, I watched it for you so you don't have to. I'll say this, Elite Cameraman and Dafuq do actually keep in contact with each other, so these are actual messages from Dafuq himself. Any personal thoughts I interject below will be marked with || thought || and is not part of the interview
[ID:A series of Discord messages between EliteCameraman and Dafuq?!Boom!
EliteCameraman: First let's start with more general questions and after these I'll move on to more specific questions about the next episode Which episode are you most hyped for in the foreseeable future? Dafuq?!Boom!: 73, 74, 77, 80 are all fire episodes tbh
EliteCameraman: Also you said that we'll be getting more episodes compared to before after episode 79 and since now that season 24 is starting how do you think the upload schedule will be and how long the average episode length will be because the last couple episodes before 71 were quite the long episodes. Dafuq?!Boom!: I was expecting the episodes to come out faster, but stress after 70 pushed hard, so I started of slow and still going quite slow. I'm also trying to improve combat in the episodes which I think takes quite some time. I think at some point soon episodes will be rolling out faster.
EliteCameraman: Who is your favorite character in skibidi toilet? Dafuq?!Boom!: I have multiple
EliteCameraman: Are you excited for any new characters that you'll be introducing like the detective cameraman who was in the secret scenes? ||from the full season 23 video|| Dafuq?!Boom!: There's many more old and new characters coming in very soon.
||I skipped a troll question here. it wasn't that relevant, but it was about some fake troll scenes dafuq made about the naked microwave man||
EliteCameraman: blud must be trolling How do you think the astro toilets will effect the power scales? because from what we've seen so far they seem like they can actually hold off against the titans but it looks like they have a different plan. Dafuq?!Boom!: We have yet to see the strongest yet.
EliteCameraman: A lot of people have been wondering about simp cameraman ||browncoat cameraman|| and if he'll ever return. And as you know I'm quite a fan of simp toilet because of his incredible beliefs. Can you give us some info about if he'll return and if he does, will he still side with the alliance or join the dark side. Dafuq?!Boom: I have some interesting plans for him. ||so browncoat confirmed as not dead?!||
EliteCameraman: (crying skull emoji) Did you ever see a theory that guessed everything correctly even stuff that we haven't seen yet? Dafuq?!Boom!: No theories have guessed entire plot correctly, but partially some were very close
EliteCameraman: How long will episode 72 be? Dafuq?!Boom!: 3-4 minutes EliteCameraman: damn blud's been grinding fr fr This episode truly will be a new beginning for the series for the first time ever we got a conclusion for one of the evil characters and the last battle really had some crazy consequences. Do you think people are ready for what's about to come? Dafuq?!Boom: Y'all ain't ready.
EliteCameraman: You said we won't be seeing the titans in episode 72, are we going to see a different P.O.V from the last fight in the bunker once again or is it fully uncharted territory from now on. Dafuq?!Boom: Not bunker, but with territory of Alpha-Hills complex (huge territory).
EliteCameraman: We saw that all the titans have suffered some damage, normally whenever they go back to the bases for repairs it takes them about 10 to 20 episodes to come back, will it be the same or will we see them getting fixed on the fly just like how they got upgraded on episode 69 part 2? Dafuq?!Boom!: Now that the Alliance is dominating and pushing Skibidi Toilets, they don't have plans to retreat. Unless something truly unexpected happens.
||that doesn't sound ominous at all||
EliteCameraman: Also about the astro toilets, how was the claw astro toilet able to speak English while we haven't seen any other toilet speak normally? Does it have to do with their helmets because they all seem to have helmets and we don't know their uses. Dafuq?!Boom!: Skibidi Toilets posses all earthly languages. They just chose to speak on their superior, far more complex "skibidi" language. EliteCameraman: Thx for the answers bruh, now Imma leak it all.
End ID]
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transcriptioncity · 30 days
Mastering Global Communication: The Essential Role of Translation Services in Business and Culture
The Evolution and Impact of Translation Services Translation is more than the act of converting words from one language to another. It is an art that bridges cultures and expands horizons. From ancient empires facilitating trade and diplomacy to modern enterprises connecting global markets, translation and communication has been integral to human progress. This post explores the rich history and…
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legalservices123 · 2 months
Digital Transcription for Creating High Quality Bulk Content
Several industries have bulk transcription requirements and partnering with a digital transcription agency can ensure top-notch content. https://www.legaltranscriptionservice.com/blog/digital-transcription-service-for-high-quality-bulk-content/
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privategovjobs · 5 months
How to Make Yourself Comfortable in Front of Interviews | 7 Key Steps
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How to Make Yourself Comfortable in Front of Interviews. Job interviews often elicit nervousness and anxiety among many individuals, as the prospect of being evaluated and scrutinized can be intimidating. The pressure to make a positive impression and effectively communicate one’s skills and qualifications adds to the overall stress. Despite these challenges, adopting the right preparation strategies and cultivating a positive mindset can significantly contribute to transforming this nerve-wracking experience into a more comfortable and confidence-boosting endeavor. This article aims to guide you through a series of seven key steps, offering practical insights and techniques to not only ease the tension associated with interviews but also enhance your ability to navigate them with confidence, ultimately improving your chances of success in securing your desired position.
Here are the 7 Key Steps 👇👇
How to Make Yourself Comfortable in Front of Interviews
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tripleatranscription · 9 months
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Triple A Transcription has gained expertise in offering interview transcription in Sydney as well as other parts of the country in different formats. Some common formats include student research, podcast and radio interviews, telephone interviews, University research interviews, insurance fraud interviews, one-on-one interviews, etc. The company always maintain standard work ethics in dealing with the valuable data of clients with utmost care as well as sensibility.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 23 days
David Tennant talks about Good Omens Season 3 at the BAFTA TV Awards red carpet :), 12.05.2024
Int: Are we getting another season?
David: Of Good Omens?
Int: Yes.
David: We start filming in January. It's the final one, though.
Int: Right?
David: So one more and it, the whole saga will come to an end.
Int: So no more Michael Sheen kisses.
David: Well, you don't know how many we've got lined up for Series Three. I mean, neither do I, to be honest, but, you know.
Int: Are you having a good time filming this?
David: Deeply joyous. It's deeply joyous. I mean, mainly because I get to hang out with Michael every day. And talk nonsense and, and they're great scripts and it's just a brilliant, kind of mad, crazy world, so. I love it, yeah.
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miniwritesworld · 1 year
Machine To Human: Transcription & Data Processing
Transcription is a task that is easy on the outside but difficult on the inside. It looks like a very simple and not-so-useful approach for business, but you will be amazed at its benefits.  By definition – transcription is the process of voice-to-text conversion. But there is certainly a lot more to it. It is estimated that a person can speak approximately 150–170 words per minute. Most of us…
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greedandenby · 8 days
Transcript of all the French dialogue in Interview with the Vampire S2 E03 "No Pain".
You asked, yours Frenchly delivered. Bonne lecture ! (long-ass post incoming)
(did not use timestamps as these may vary, but rather scene descriptions)
Armand’s Children of Darkness:
Coven vampire: La mort punira toute infraction de la première et de la cinquième des grandes lois.
Armand sees Lestat at the theatre (performing Marivaux’s Le Triomphe de l’amour):
Lestat (as Arlequin): Ah ! Vous êtes donc des femmes !… (vous êtes deux) friponnes !… et par-dessus le marché, un honnête homme !...
Armand: Tu es le bâtard de Magnus. Je sais que tu peux m’entendre, mon enfant.
Lestat: Qui m’appelle « enfant » ?
Armand: Il est mort, n’est-ce pas ? Je peux prendre soin de toi. Je peux t’apprendre ce qu’il ne t’a pas appris. Viens à moi.
Lestat (as Arlequin): Mais de quoi s’agit-il, mes libérales dames ?
Armand: Viens à moi.
Lestat (as Arlequin): Encore plus honnête.
Armand confronts Lestat and Nicolas:
Armand (to the coven vampires): À la maison.
Coven vampires: Oui, maître. Désolés, maître.
Lestat (to Nicolas): Tu es si distrayant dans la fosse que je ne me rappelle plus du texte.
Nicolas: Je ne peux pas lire mes notes quand j’entends tes pieds sur le plancher… Nous allons nous faire attraper.
Lestat: Je l’espère… Entends-tu cela ?
Nicolas: Par-dessus tes incessantes divagations ? Comment pourrais-je entendre quoi que ce soit ?... Qu’est-ce ?
Lestat: Là… Quelqu’un me regarde.
Nicolas: Tu es toujours au centre de l’attention.
Lestat: Il pense que je ne sais pas qu’il est là.
Nicolas: Est-ce encore de la poésie ?... Viens plus près de mon oreille. Je peux seulement comprendre quand tu t’approches.
Lestat: En pardessus.
Armand: Gardes-tu ce garçon comme aide-mémoire ?
Nicolas: Lestat, connais-tu ce gitan ?
Armand: La solitude que tu ressens, il ne l’atteindra jamais. Sois avec les tiens.
[Side note: they translated « the loneliness you feel, he will not reach it » for « atteindra », but i think Armand is actually saying « il ne l’éteindra jamais », in the sense of « he will not extinguish it ». It makes a LOT more sense.]
Lestat: Et abandonner mon gilet à carreaux ? Mon col jabot ? Vivre comme une larve ?
Nicolas: Lestat, que se passe-t-il ?
Lestat: Rien. Il n’est rien… Bonne nuit, homme étrange !
Armand: Lestat ! Là !
Nicolas: Lestat ?
Lestat: Nicki !
Armand: Tu ne lui as pas révélé ta vraie nature, n’est-ce pas ?
Lestat: Quel est ce pouvoir ?... Je n’ai pas ce pouvoir !
Armand: Mais tu l’auras. Tu as le sang de Magnus. Tu gâches ton potentiel en menant cette vie-là.
Lestat: Relâche-le ! Relâche-le !!!
Armand: Et voici un buveur de sang !
Lestat: Qui es-tu ?
Armand: Je suis Armand. Je suis le chef de ton clan.
Lestat: Nicki !
Armand: Ramène ton gilet chez les larves, veux-tu ?
Lestat confronts the Children of Darkness:
Armand: Je suis heureux que tu sois venu. Il est sain et sauf.
Lestat: Il est saigné. Il ne se réveille pas… Est-ce si amusant de vivre dans une telle saleté et la puanteur ?
Coven vampire: Nous devons servir Dieu au travers de Satan et au travers d’Armand.
Lestat: Ah… Une trinité crottée.
Coven vampire: Tu vas attirer la colère de Dieu sur nous avec tes péchés !
Lestat: Qui sont ?
Coven vampire: Tu vis parmi les mortels ! Tu marches dans le temple de Dieu !
Lestat: Il parle de l’homme triste avec les mains clouées ? Ah… Bien. C’est un arbre tombé. Raboté simplement pour les simples d’esprit. Du même arbre, on fit le pied d’une table et, là, une flûte ! Rampez hors de cette prison qu’il bâtit pour vous… Dieu… Satan… Armand… Est-ce vrai ? Hm ? Nous sommes les Dieux. Vous êtes les Dieux !
Lestat visits Armand:
Lestat: Que s’est-il passé ?
Armand: Je pourrais parler jusqu’à la fin du monde sans jamais te dire tout ce que tu as détruit ici.
Lestat: Nous sommes seuls. Satan ne nous écoute pas… Comment transformes-tu l’air en feu ? Comment bouges-tu des objets par la simple force de ton esprit ?
Armand: Demande-t-il, tout en dansant dans les cendres… Tu as fait de ton Nicolas l’un des nôtres ? Est-ce que le garçon a accepté le don ?... Trop fragile. J’aurais pu te prévenir.
Lestat: Il s’en remettra.
Armand: Certainement pas.
Lestat: J’ai une idée.
Lestat performs for Armand at the theatre (again, Le Triomphe de l’amour) :
Lestat (as Arlequin): Oh ! Mes mignonnes, avant que de vous en aller, il faudra bien, s’il vous plaît, que nous…
(As Lestat) Ils viennent accompagnés, séduits dans un élan collectif. Ils rient ensemble, pleurent ensemble.
Armand: Qu’est-ce, pour un vampire ?
Lestat: Une opportunité. Hamlet est mort sous les coups d’une lame empoisonnée, mais l’acteur qui gît sous leurs yeux respire encore. Dans ce temple, croire protège. Annonce que tu es un vampire. Bois le sang à la vue de tous. Mets en scène les rituels de ton clan, pas depuis les égouts mais depuis le premier balcon.
Armand: Je n’ai pas de clan. Tu m’en as privé.
Lestat: Au contraire, maître.
(as Arlequin): Je n’ai encore qu’un commencement d’envie de n’en plus faire.
Outside the theatre:
… assouvir vos cruelles envies au théâtre des vampires !
At the theatre performance:
Victim: J’ai tant d’années ! Tant d’années !
Theatre vampire: Des années ? La mort ne respecte pas l’âge !
Armand: Regarde comme ils sont immobiles. Ils croient vraiment que c’est une pièce de théâtre. Des clous sur une porte à Wittenberg. Tu as mené une réforme, Lestat.
Lestat: Nous l’avons fait ensemble.
Armand: Tu fais une meilleure Mort.
Lestat: La faux fait tout le travail.
Armand: Après une centaine de nuits ici, tu t’ennuies déjà ?
Lestat: Seulement avec le jeu d’acteur… Allons-y.
Armand: Ici ? Maintenant ?
Lestat: C’est une loge spacieuse.
Armand: Il nous observe.
Lestat: Il devrait regarder sa partition.
Armand: Lestat… Je t’aime.
Lestat: Oui… Je t’aime aussi.
Aaaand that's it (for now), folks! Will do subsequent episodes if there's more French in them (more likely than not!). Bisous !
Episode 2 here
Episode 4 here
Tagging the peeps who requested: @nalyra-dreaming @indelicateink @chicalepidoptera @zailafaneez
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ecruvianfancontent · 2 months
My favorite thing about that interview is that, well, imagine Stanley Pines's face if he realized that Stanford was literally hand-designed by God himself to annoy him in particular as much as possible.
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imperialintelligences · 3 months
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innerslumber · 10 months
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(Please click on the images for full size and ease of reading)
Click here for the magazine transcript and an "After Interview " fic!
Title: Sharper Knives
Ship: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: Mature
Square: N4 "Friendly Competition" August adoptable. @allcapsbingo
Tags: AU Modern - No Power, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship.
Summary: Steve and Bucky have been best friends since childhood and are seasoned actors. After many years, they finally got to make a movie together. Much thirsting ensues.
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 6 months
Con O'Neill interview with Awards Radar's Steven Prusakowski 😭😭😭❤❤❤
SP: Busy time of year, but, you know, starting to slow down in just enough to hang out with the family and do all the cooking for, like 48 hours and then.
Con: Are you the main cook in the house?
SP: I am the main cook.
Con: Yeah. So am I. I love it.
SP: I love it, too.
Con: It's my go to place.
SP: Yeah.
Con: Because when I left school, I trained to be a chef.
SP: Oh, wow.
Con: Briefly. Another story.Okay, let's rock and roll.
SP: Well, that passion never leaves you, I think. I think once you start, especially when someone enjoys and says, hey, I really liked your food.I hear from my daughter's friends or their parents, she loved your pasta or whatever it was, I'm like, okay, now I'm...
Con: It's the best feeling, isn't it?
SP: It is. It's wonderful.
Con: And just that kind of inherent, nurturing thing of just going into the kitchen empty handed and coming out with a meal for people is really rewarding. And I love it. It's intoxicating. I absolutely love it.
SP: Same here.
Con: Because I travel so much, I don't always get a place with a kitchen. And that's why I always try and get an apartment when I'm filming because it just gives me a place to be in my head that isn't about work.
SP: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I can talk cooking forever, but-
Con: But we should.
SP: I know we're short on time and I have a ton of questions and I won't get to all of them. So let's just jump into the series and maybe we could pick it back up. Sorry to interrupt, but I love the series. I love your character and your performance.
Con: Thank you.
SP: It's a stellar, and there's so much to Izzy that we see on the surface, but there's so much more to him beneath. How was this character originally pitched you and what did you initially want to bring to him?
Con: The thing about this character was he wasn't in the pilot. So when I spoke to David about it, there was nothing written. So he explained it in very broad terms. But then I quite like specifics when I'm choosing projects. And kind of... he brought up Salieri from Amadeus, and I really hooked into that. Now, I don't know whether we went that way with it in the end, but it was a really good hook for me because Salieri is that guy with a mission who is on the surface wanting, but is underneath something else. And I think initially, Izzy was that, but then we exploded him in several other ways and Salieri diminished to something else. But it was a good hook for me
initially to get in by thinking about Salieri.
SP: Yeah, I like it. I could see that for sure. And to start the season two. So going into that, he's a shadow of himself from this feared, intense, strong man to a broken man. And what was it like taking this character and exposing that humanity and starting to peel away some of that shield.
Con: I mean... David had spoken to me before we started shooting and explained most of the hulk to me, and I'd always played Izzy as a man who was in love but didn't know he was in love. And for me, the key into this season was a. the design, but more importantly, was the Taika's performance. To see a man that I love to be that broken and to be that vicious because of the heartbreak, it was profound for me to see what he did with Blackbeard, and it did break my heart a little bit. So the emotional journey was quite clear that at the end of the day, all hatred of Stede had left him, and all he wanted to do is fix Blackbeard, and he risks his life to do that. He literally puts himself on the line for that because, like always. And what I loved about what David and the writers did was they didn't remove Izzy from season one in season two, he's still there. And what Izzy does is about the crew. He puts his life on the line because Blackbeard is killing his crew, and he risks it all for that. But it breaks him seeing the the man he loves so fragile and broken and angry, it breaks him. So, It wasn't an easy job. It was quite a lonely job. It was quite a difficult job because it was going down that path that I knew inevitably we were going to go down. But I thought it was beautifully written. So most of what I needed to do was on the page, to be honest-
SP: -I'm sorry-
Con: I just had to throw myself into it.
SP: Excellent. And then with Izzy being broken and literally broken, he loses his leg, which is symbolic of much more. It leads to one of the most touching moments of the series, a note with four words: For The New Unicorn. What did that mean to you, and what does that mean to the character?
Con: You know, I've been talking a lot last couple of days - because I'm allowed to now - and, you know, this season is about Izzy coming out. In many ways, he comes out, but that moment, that rest, that beautiful piece of writing again, the writing, where the crew embrace him, and it just releases him. It releases him from his own concept of who he is. It releases him from his own concept of who he has to
be to be a first mate and a brilliant first mate. It released him of concept that he's alone. None of this would have been possible to Izzy pre season one, none of it. And in many ways, it's Stede that brings this into his life. Because before Stede, Izzy never thought of his relationship with Blackbeard as a loving relationship. He never thought of it as being in love. He only realizes he's in love with Blackbeard when he sees Blackbeard lose Stede. That's the only... The reveal is he's heartbroken because the man he loves is broken, and he doesn't know what to do with any of that. He's not emotionally capable. And the crew giving him the letter and calling him the new unicorn and releasing him from all the stuff that he'd done, all that pain that he'd suffered and anger that he'd raged upon them, it's a really accepting moment. So... yeah, I'm waffling a bit now, but it meant a lot, and it was a very beautiful moment to play. And I thought Andy, who directed it, directed it so...Andy was a real shoulder for me to lean on in those scenes, because a lot of those early scenes I'm shooting on my own. And it's quite difficult to play an emotional narrative when you're on your own, because it tends to just be one tone. And he was wonderful, and Alyssa and Alex and all. They were all wonderful in helping me gauge those moments, as were the rest of the cast. But, yeah, that moment touched me enormously.
SP: You know, you have this love triangle that is never really spoken, but it's there.
Con: Yeah
SP: Then it kind of shifts - it's almost like a love square. It's Ed, Blackbeard, Izzy and Stede. And where the love, you know, crosses, it's all... or the hatred is at sometimes, but then it evolves...
Con: Absolutely.
SP: It's so complex.
Con: I mean we all're in contemporary language. We always associate love with romance. That isn't the case here. The love that Blackbeard and Izzy have for each other is deep, man. It's deep, and it's rooted in years of working together, loving each other, saving each other's lives, being constant. This is probably the only constant they both had in their lives, is Blackbeard is Izzy, Izzy is Blackbeard, and then they have this buffoon come in and steal Blackbeard's heart. It's not that Blackbeard falls in love with someone else. Blackbeard falls in love with this guy. This Izzy just can't comprehend, and it's a constant. And then once, I think once Blackbeard hands him the gun, everything changes. And Blackbeard says, kill yourself. Everything changes. And then there's an openness to Stede and Blackbeard that brings him to that place of acceptance-
SP: -It's great to watch also. I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Con: No, that. I mean, I'll waffle again. I'll waffle a lot, because that's what I do. But the more I think about that relationship, the more I go down all these different avenues of what it could have been, and what it could never have been, and what it is and what it wasn't. And as you say, it's layered and complex, and I'm honored to have been able to get to play with those actors, and especially with Taika, who's a profoundly good actor - everyone talks about Taika's director and writer - the man's a fucking great actor to work opposite, and he's... he's exquisite. So, yeah, I could only go where I went because the writers and Taika. Really.
SP: That's great. I... of course, we have to touch upon the end of the season and the end of Izzy, unfortunately, which I'm hoping is not. I'm hoping David has something up his sleeve. But what was your reaction when you learned it and how emotional was shooting that final scene? Because that final scene says a lot between...
Con: It was a... listen, I've been around a long time. The writing was on the wall when I started to read the scripts, and David had kind of hinted at it anyway when we went out for the famous dinner where he told me what the plan was, and I was gutted because I loved playing him so much. But, yeah, narratively, yeah, it makes sense. And I have complete faith, respect, love, admiration for David Jenkins, and whatever he thinks or wants to happen in season three will be the right thing if he gets season three, which I, whether I'm involved in it or not, I really hope he gets it, because he deserves it. And the show deserves it. The show deserves its triangle. It deserves it. But, yeah, it took a few days to sink in, and then I was fine. I was incredibly tired by that time. And I was lonely, as... really lonely because I was so far away from home filming all these scenes, and I tended to isolate when I was filming because of the nature of the work. So when I wasn't filming, I was sword training, or I was working out, or I was learning to walk on that fucking leg, or I was whatever whatever whatever. So I found myself isolating a lot. And in a way, it was a relief to be released from it. The final scene David had sent to me several weeks earlier. And I prepped, as I always do, and I prepped and I prepped and we were going to shoot at the beginning of the last week, and then it got shifted to the middle of the last week, and then it got shifted to the morning of the last day, and then it was shifted to the last thing we were going to shoot in the entire season. And there's always a dark cloud around those scenes because you never quite know how it's going to play. And there's a lot of pressure. And it being the last thing we were going to shoot, put more pressure on. And we were on the ship, which is a huge set, hundreds of crew members, the cast, everyone who could possibly be there was there. And I was getting quite unsettled by the amount of cacophony of noise and people. And then we rigged it all up, and it was still just [noise]. And then suddenly it was just me and Taika and just saying goodbye to a character we both fell in love with. And it was... it was a, I'm saying 'profound' a lot, but it was a profound experience doing that scene because everything else disappeared. It was just me and him. It was just Izzy and Blackbeard. And it was a lovely lovely moment.
SP: It was painful, but-
Con: It was lovely to be held by-
SP: -beautiful to watch.
Con: Yeah. Thank you. I mean, it's lovely to be held by another actor just... creatively and likewise with me to him. And David had a playlist playing and it was... elegant to do. It was nice to do. It was a nice, fitting ending to that chapter of this character. And I'll always be grateful that they shot it in that way.
SP: I do have to wrap. I just want to say before we do, I really enjoyed your rendition of La Vie En Rose. fantastic.
Con: Thank you.
SP: That's beautiful. And I appreciate all the work you did in the series, and I hope we see you again. And hopefully maybe you'll have a cooking show too, along the way, because I'd love to see what you make in that kitchen.
Con: Come on and let's bake together. Oh, I can't bake. I'll cook. It's lovely l ovely talking to you, Stephen.
SP: Great talking to you as well. Have a great day.
Con: Thank you. Bye bye.
SP: Thank you.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
Neil Gaiman and Rob Wilkins at the British Library event The Worlds of Terry Pratchett: Neil Gaiman and Rob Wilkins 21.11.2023
Neil: The weirdest bit, the one moment that I remember as being the strangest, most quintessentially writing Good Omens together moment was when we had to copy edit it. And we copy edited it in the basement of Victor Gollancz, which at that point was in 14 Henrietta Street. And the basement was a basement. There were chairs down there, no tables or anything. So we're sitting in these card chairs in this... my recollection is it did have a carpet. And the carpet was kind of damp. You know, beneath that carpet there was sort of strange puddles of... publishing. And Terry and I just sat there and we were both copy editing away. And then there was a point where Terry looked up and chuckled like anything. I said, 'What are you chuckling about?' He said, 'That joke you put in.' I said, 'Which one?' Because, you know, you want to hear which one. He read it out and I said, 'I didn't write that one'. He said, 'Well, I didn't write it'. And at that point you could tell from our eyes both of us had come to the conclusion that perhaps the manuscript was generating itself. And neither of us was prepared to say this out loud for fear of being thought a bit odd.
(you can watch the whole event here :))
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marioandretti · 21 days
The Bus Bros apparently breaking up Oo
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excerptum · 1 year
In films, we are voyeurs, but in novels, we have the experience of being someone else: knowing another person's soul from the inside. No other art form does that. And this is why sometimes, when we put down a book, we find ourselves slightly altered as human beings. Novels change us from within.
Donna Tartt, Chatelaine Interview (2013)
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