#iron factory girls
wavesinereverse-blog · 2 months
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a quick look at Iron Factory Starwing
not quite sure why Iron Factory decided to make a mecha girl version of Starscream (et. al.) but she's cute so it doesn't really matter
not sure if I want to use the extra decals she came with; they're very bunny-themed (and I probably should have taken a photo)
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butchjess · 1 year
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Well. hrm. the way they all connect to each other. like it’s all starting to look like a circle of some sort. jess as rory’s mirror/reflection/narrative foil but also jess as he pertains to luke and jess as he pertains to lorelai. luke breaking the church bells luke who says he was troubled but they gave him a chance and just bc a kid has issues doesnt mean they don’t deserve that. luke who is a figure placed against the rest of the town, just in the sense that he is not like them, he does not hold their values, he doesn’t even sound like them. which is of course a result of scott patterson’s new york accent, but adds to this theme anyway. and they use jess to build this picture, because they walk the same and talk the same and they’re stubborn—independent to a near self-endangering degree—and emotionally repressed in the same way and luke himself admits that he spent more time working at his dad’s shop than he did at school, which jess also does. but jess and luke are also. very very different when you get past these similar values that are maybe ingrained into them through different circumstances and same genetic makeup. and in their differences you get a lot of jess and lorelai’s similarities. when it comes to their family dynamics and how it’s affected them in particular. it’s made them independent yes, but it’s also made them hypervigilant, almost paranoid in the way they are allergic to accepting help and especially accepting help from the people who hurt them. jess only goes to his mother’s wedding because luke asks him to, lorelai only asks her parents for money because rory needs it for school. and they, and this is where they differ from luke, don’t know how to trust people and so they don’t know how to talk to people. where luke’s particular brand of emotional constipation comes from a general cluelessness as to how to do it—which is why the tapes helped him so much—lorelai and jess’ come from emotional responses to the situations they grew up in. while it was different—lorelai growing up rich, jess growing up poor—the effect it had on them still resulted in something similar. lorelai with her overbearing manipulative mother and (emotionally) absent father, and jess with his neglecting manipulative mother and (in all senses of the word) absent father. the ways that, despite their effort to distance themselves, they still end up with similar mannerisms to the parent they have the most conflict with (lorelai and her controlling nature + that scene where they have the same nighttime routine, jess and his love for books + tendency to run away). and of course, their romanticism. their big confessions and period drama-esque speeches and, yeah, i do think in a way jess was asking rory to marry him in 4x21. come with me. let’s get married. luke and rory both being the most important people in their lives. literati+javajunkie where they are all melding into each other, and luke is rory and lorelai is jess but on the surface level dynamic luke is jess and lorelai is rory and they are all each other. on accident. by sheer nature of making jess as a character for the sole purpose of interfering with luke and lorelai’s relationship (which means he is important narratively to them both) and by making him rory’s love interest/foil (because ASP casted him before she even had the idea for the character) you have now made an accidental blending of them all together. he is like a skeleton key of a character. Okay. okay.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Could I request a reader who is an adult probably scavenging some parts or an ex maintenance worker who rescues Cassie with the help of roxie and Monty who was fixed by the reader.
As the young girl came to her senses, she could only groan in pain, although it was violently cut short when she began coughing due to the surrounding dust.
She then felt a warm liquid trickling down the side of her head, eventually landing on her bottom lip where she tasted iron.
Spitting it out in disgust, she could see it was crimson red.
'What happened to me...?'
Cassie tried to move, but quickly found that her leg was pinned underneath rubble, and above that was a slab of concrete that would be impossible for her to lift up on her own. She still tried to free herself, only to stop when she felt pain.
Her eyes eventually found the smashed maintenance elevator she was thrown out of, her memories becoming clearer. 'That's right...the elevator..'
Soon her gaze fell upon the shattered Roxy-Talkie device that was once her only connection with the outside world.
Her only connection with Gregory.
Or...at least who she thought was Gregory, only for it to be a lie.
And just as the real one managed to contact her and save her from that evil endoskeleton who was mimicking him, he betrayed her by dropping the damn elevator.
"Th-That jerk...!" She coughed. "He-"
'Cassie! Is that you?!"
"Cassie! If you can hear us, hang on!"
Blinking, she turned her head to see a familiar wolf coming to her rescue, alongside an adult who looked like one of the Fazbear technicians.
"Cassie! Thank goodness. We thought you were a goner.." Relieved, Roxy began shoving aside whatever she could to reach Cassie. From pipes to rocks to metal sheets.
"I-I thought you were, too." The girl shuddered, feeling her tugging on her arms.
But she remained stuck and cried out in pain when Roxy tried pulling her out, to which she immediately let go. "What's wrong? I-Is your leg broken?"
"No. She's just trapped under a giant concrete slab..you're not gonna be able to lift that, Roxy. That means you're up, big guy."
"Leave it to me, boss."
Cassie felt her blood run cold upon hearing the other familiar voice...one that she wishes she didn't hear.
Within seconds, the slab was lifted, and she was free to look up at whoever saved her.
It was Monty, his upper body now affixed to a glamrock endo's lower half. He loomed over her, teeth gnashed together as he stared back down, looking annoyed. "I can't hold this all da-"
"AHH!! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" With a scream, she scrambled to her feet despite being in immense pain, determined to get as far away from the monstrous gator that stalked her all night.
She couldn't let him catch her.
Not again.
And so she ran-
Until she crashed into you, nearly knocking you over.
"Cassie! It's alright!" You kneeled down, holding her closely as her panicked breathings kept getting worse--to the point of hyperventilation. "It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you, shhh."
"B-But he's...h-he's...he's....!!!" She struggled to finish.
"Cassie, it's okay. Monty's on our side now. Look."
Hearing the comforting voice of her favorite animatronic, she slowly calmed down enough to look back, seeing Roxy standing there beside Monty, who had dropped the slab.
She blinked several times, confused at why he was so calm now and wasn't trying to chase her. "How did he...? He was in the water, and...I fried him-"
"It seems like you pushed the factory reset button on him," you spoke up. "Whatever you did worked pretty well. He's got his old personality back, although I don't think he remembers what exactly happened.."
Cassie gazed at you. "I-I'm sorry..who are you?"
"[Y/n]." Smiling, you set your hands on her shoulders. "I used to work with your dad, and-"
However, you fell silent when she began sniffling, eyes watering up as her lips trembled, clearly trying to stifle her sobs. You frowned and hugged her closely. "Oh, honey.."
That was all she needed to burst into tears, burying her face into your jacket as the stress of her journey finally came crashing down on her--in the emotional sense, this time.
She had no words to described how hurt and betrayed she felt; all she could do was sob and sob as she clung to you.
Roxy almost ran to comfort her on instinct, but Monty held her back by the arm and shook his head, assuring her that you both needed the space. The last thing she needed was two dangerous-looking animatronics hovering around her.
He knew that very well.
She reluctantly listened, watching as you picked up Cassie and allowed her to hug you around the neck.
"I-I wanna go home.." She hated how pathetic she sounded, though it was the truth.
She was so very tired.
"We'll get you home, I promise." You reassured her. "We found a way out."
"B-But..what about that endo?" Sniffling, she raised her head to look at you, wiping at her smudged makeup. "I-It's still here..what if it gets out, too-?"
"Oh, it ain't going nowhere anytime soon."
Confused, Cassie glanced back at Monty, her eyes widening upon seeing the head of the Mimic in his claws. "My trophy." He grinned from ear-to-ear, before attaching it to his hip.
You chuckled. "He tore that thing up in two seconds flat. It didn't even stand a chance."
"We both kinda ganged up on it." Roxy nudged her bandmate's elbow. "Nobody messes with the Glamrocks..especially us."
"Haha. Got that right!"
"That's good.." Cassie muttered, finally calming down as she realized he was indeed back to his old self, relieved the Mimic was no longer a threat. "But..what about the elevator?"
"It's not our only way up. If I know one thing about this place, it's that we got too many damn stairwells." You huffed. "Fortunately Monty cleared a path to one that was hidden. That's how we got down here and found you."
"Yeah, I did that." The gator boasted. "You guys should be thanking me!"
"We will after we get out of this dump." Roxy reminded him, rolling her nonexistent eyes. "I need to find Gregory so I can....." She paused, feeling as though you're staring at her, before she changed her wording carefully. "....tell him what a bad "friend" he is."
"I'll tell him that myself, too.." Cassie grumbled, resting her head against your shoulder. "Can we go now?"
"Yeah." Nodding, you took out your flashlight. "Let's not stay here any longer than we need to."
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phoward89 · 1 month
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WARNING ⚠️: Coryo is his own warning in and of himself. Delusional!Coryo, Soft!Dark!Coryo, Soft!Dom!Coryo, Reader has some survival instincts, Reader knows keeping Coryo happy keeps her alive and well, cussing, possession, obsession, slight manipulation, smut, fingering- f receiving, p in v, creampie, breeding kink, praise kink, marriage, Sejanus thinks both Coryo & Reader are Delulu
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Chapter 6:
Private Snow and Private Plinth were on factory watch duty this afternoon. They're stuck on the loom floor of the Peacekeepers’ Uniform Factory, standing guard to make sure that none of the sweatshop workers takes an early break, skips off before the end of shift, or to prevent any ruckus from starting and spreading. They both hated factory watch duty, but right now Coriolanus loathed it because he was stuck overlooking that ratty whore who thought that she could just swoop on in, after abandoning you to die, and steal you away from him.
Ugh, Ashlie. How he hated her.
Stupid district whore.
And then Coriolanus couldn't help, but, to find it ironic that he only now got assigned watch duty in the uniform factory that you were once employed at (he takes care of you now so you're never working in this shithole again). That all the other times he was on watch duty with Sejanus they were always assigned to one of the fabric factories or fashion warehouses on the other side of the district.
Sejanus noticed how his best friend and brother in arms seemed to be extremely happy today. He's never seen the stoic blonde so overjoyed before; it was, quite frankly, concerning him.
But before Sejanus could ask why his best friend's in such a good mood, the platinum blonde turned to him with a smile so wide that it was a bit frightening. Coryo's voice, that was usually so elongated, seemed to be a light and airy baritone as he announced, “Sejanus, I need you to come home with me tomorrow night. Y/N and I’s getting married in the District 8 traditional style and need you to perform the ceremony.”
“What?” Sejanus blinked in disbelief. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? Just to clear the air, he asked, “You and Y/N’s having a handfasting tomorrow night and want me to conduct it?”
“Is a handfasting what the marriage ceremony’s called here in 8?” Coriolanus asked instead of saying yes or no.
Clearly, the platinum blonde peacekeeper doesn't have a firm grip on life in the districts despite shacking up with a district girl. Oh boy, Sejanus doesn't want to deal with this right now. And isn't Coryo supposed to be the level headed one between them?
Oh, yea…
That's right, when it comes to pretty district girls and love, all logic goes out the window where Coriolanus is concerned. He makes brash decisions and thinks with his wrong head.
The teddy bear of a man, cursed to wear peacekeeper denim fatigues for the next 2 decades, nodded. “Yes, Coryo. That's what it's called.”
“Then yes, we're having a handfasting tomorrow night after work; I’ll be bringing you home with me to make sure it's legal.”
“Um…” Sejanus bit the inside of his cheek, trying to think of the right thing to say to his friend about his upcoming wedding. Something he thinks Coriolanus is going into too quickly and blindly. “Coryo, brother, I know you love your girl, but don't you think that maybe this handfasting’s a bit rushed?”
Coryo narrowed his icy eyes at his comrade, making them look like hardened steel. “No, I don't see how it's rushed, Sej.” Was the tall blonde's sharp reply.
“It's just, I dunno, Coryo-” Sejanus sighed, shaking his head. “Just that you two haven't really been together that long.”
“We live together, Sejanus. We've been together long enough to make that commitment; to get married too.”
If Sejanus only knew that Coriolanus' remark of long enough really meant since your whipping, well, he'd be stroking out and probably trying to get his bestie some mental help.
“Privates in the Peacekeepers aren't allowed to marry until their 20 years are up.” Sejanus pointed out as a last ditch effort to get his best friend to rethink or even cancel his handfasting.
Sejanus thinks Coryo's moving too fast with you. He's just trying to look out for his friend. Having a girlfriend’s one thing, but a wife's different. Divorce is outlawed and banned in the country of Panem; Coryo and you will be stuck together forever. Sej just doesn't want his friend to have regrets later on about a hasty marriage.
“Good thing I’m not staying Private Snow for long then, isn't it?” Coriolanus asked rhetorically, only to follow it up with a confident, “After taking that Elite Officer's Exam I estimate that I'll be shipped out for training right after the New Year.”
“You can still bring her with you, Officers can have their girlfriends with them.”
How dare that district Plinth dog tell him not to marry you? Who the hell does he think he is, telling Coryo to just keep living with you as his girl. Coryo promised to take care of you, to get you out of the districts, and above all he swore to marry you.
Coriolanus knows that he's a slithering snake tongued liar to people, but not to you. Your relationship is built on honesty, an integrity that he shares with you and only you. So, when he promises you something it's with the intention of fulfilling it. And he's going to fulfill his oath to marry you, no matter if he has to hogtie Sejanus and drag him home to your apartment to do it.
“I'm bringing her with me as my wife, Sej. So just shut up and come perform my district 8 ceremony tomorrow night.”
“Too bad we're not in 2. All you'd have to do is just exchange gold coins.” The broad Bones, dark haired peacekeeper half-chuckled.
Looks like he's stuck performing his best friend's handfasting tomorrow whether he wants to or not.
“So, you'll do it? Marry us?” Coryo asked, looking hopeful as the sound of looms being operated loudly sounded out in the air.
Against Sejanus' better judgement, he gave his friend a tentative smile and said, “Yes, Coryo, I'll do it.”
It was the least Sejanus could do. After all, Coryo stood by him during the 10th Hunger Games when he was doing some radical things that could've gotten him- them- killed. Coryo didn't agree with everything that Sej did, but he still stood by his side. They're best friends, brothers, and it's time for Sejanus to return the favor. He'll stand by the platinum peacekeeper’s side, as a brother should, even if he doesn't agree with him.
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The food’s on the stove, done and waiting for Coryo to come home. You know that he's at the market, buying you some blue material to make your wedding dress with, so you're not concerned that he's not home at his usual time. Between work and the market, you imagine that his day’s a bit busy.
And you can always reheat the food real quick if it's cold when he does get home. You don't mind. You're just happy to have enough food in the house to be able to cook meals. Real meals, not some slop from stale oats or something.
You're grateful for Coryo and how he takes care of you despite the fact that he's the reason you still have at least a couple more weeks to heal from your whipping. At least a good thing came out of that bad, scary experience. You met Coryo and he, for some reason beyond your comprehension, decided to undertake your caretaking. He decided to make you his girl.
And tomorrow night he'll make you his wife.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open followed by heavy bootsteps entering the one-room apartment. You turn your attention from the book you're reading and onto the tall blonde that just walked thru the door. You smile, seeing that he has a paper bag in his hand.
You get up to greet him by the door as he closes it. “So, you got the blue material.” You state, not ask, as you reach his side.
“Yea.” Coryo nodded, handing you over the paper bag. “I also got us a long, thick red ribbon for the handfasting.” He added in, taking off his coat and hanging it up. “Sejanus says that the ceremony's called a handfasting-” Your fiance began, taking off his boots, only for you to interrupt him with a one word question.
“Red?” You ask with a quirked brow.
“It's my favorite color.” Coryo explained before gesturing to the bag and urging, “Open it, baby, and see what I got you for your dress.”
The platinum blonde wore a proud smile on his face as you obliged him. First, you took the red ribbon out of the bag. It was blood red.
Oh boy…
Still clutching the ribbon, you took out a few yards of folded up material. It was simple and made out of cotton, but the shade was beautiful. It was cerulean and it matches Coryo's icy eyes perfectly. It was literally the same shade of blue as his eyes. The material enchanted you in a way.
“Do you like it?” Coryo asked, placing a hand on your shoulder and tilting his head slightly.
He prayed that you liked it. Coryo felt that the other blue fabrics in the cheap market stall he went to were either too dark or drap for you. He wanted his wife to have the best. To have a beautiful blue fabric for her dress.
You only get married once; he thinks you deserve the best despite the ceremony being district.
Nodding, you weakly smile, “It matches your eyes.”
“Yea?” He lightly chuckles. Honestly, he didn't even notice that the material’s the same blue as his eyes. But now he knows it is; he assumes you like it too.
“Yea.” You confirm with a nod. “Putting the material and ribbon back into the bag, you give him a hug. “Thank you, I love it.” You smile into his chest.
All Coryo can do is wrap an arm around you and caress your hair softly with his long fingers. “I have my parents' wedding rings in my bag, would you mind exchanging them before our hand binding?” He asked, hopeful that you'd say yes.
Lifting your head up, your eyes met his cerulean blue ones, as you told him, “I'd be honored to wear your mother's ring, Coryo, but you're not an officer yet; you're not allowed to wear a ring.”
“I'll wear it around my chain with my dog tags til I pass my exam.”
Threading his fingers into your hair, he sadly smiles, “I have a few family photos in my bag too. Perhaps we can put them up?”
“Of course, Coryo.” You smile, assuring him that you're fine with him decorating your meager one-room apartment with his family photos.
In fact you're more than fine with it. Him wanting to display his pictures of loved ones makes him human. Not just a mindless, Capitol born and bred peacekeeper that you're stuck with, but an actual human capable of feelings.
Capable of love, despite his condescending attitude at times.
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You worked all day Thursday sewing a simple dress. You weren't a professional seamstress by any means, but you've been living in 8 long enough to pick up a thing or two. You could sew good enough to get by. You could also make simple patterns for simple dresses.
The only thing that was a pain in the ass was the fact that you had to sew your dress by hand. Thank the gods that Coryo had bought you light blue thread to match the material for your dress because the only blue thread you had in your sewing kit was navy.
Also, you noticed that your red thread was almost out, that it was wrapped thinly around the bobbin. You have an idea as to why it's nearly gone. You think that Coryo used it to stitch up the deep lacerations on your back.
He did tell you last night that red's his favorite color.
You spent practically all day huddled over your kitchen table, sewing your cerulean dress by hand. Since it was winter the sleeves were long and your skirt was knee length. It was a simple design, but when the dress was done you felt proud of it. You just hope that Coryo likes it.
You had enough scrap material left over to make a hairbow with. You decided that you're going to pull your hair back with a big, blue bow for your wedding. Yes, it's just going to be a very simple District 8 handfasting and reception dinner, but you still want to look pretty.
It's only natural. Every girl wants to look pretty on their wedding day.
So, after finishing both your dress and hair bow, you cook up a couple of dishes and bake an apple pie for dessert. You finished cooking with just enough time to get dressed before the groom and the best man arrive home.
You're standing in front of the family photos that Coryo set up on the bedside table last night. You can't help, but to think that he was a cute little boy with his curls as you stare at the family picture of him, his mom, and his dad. Coryo looks just like his father, General Crassus Snow, except that his father's eyes seemed cold and stern while Coryo's eyes were more mischievous. Or at least they were in your option.
His mother, Demeter, was very pretty. In the photo of Demeter holding a baby Coryo in a rose garden, you could see that he had inherited her smile. It was the only thing he inherited from her, looks wise. And in the picture his mother was wearing the orange scarf that he had given you. The scarf that matches your sweater perfectly.
There was a picture of his Grandma’am sitting regally amongst some roses and a picture of a young blonde girl that you knew had to be his cousin, Tigris. She definitely had the prominent Snow noses, but a tender softhearted smile.
After seeing a picture of Tigris, you're shocked that she lied to Coryo about something so important. You also feel bad for Grandma'am, she seems like such a high class lady and to lose everything and end up in hospice due to not having the will to love's horrible.
And on the table, in front of all the small framed photographs, was the wedding rings that belonged to Coryo's parents. One band was a simple gold one while the other was gold with a radiant square cut diamond. The diamond wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. It was just right and gave off a timeless, classic style.
“Baby, we're home.” You hear Coryo call out mixed with the sound of the door opening.
Sejanus followed his best friend into the apartment, secretly dreading having to marry you and Coryo. But he couldn't help, but smile whenever his friend gasped up on seeing you in your simple blue wedding dress and matching hair bow. It was clear to him that Coryo was in love just by how his face lit up at the sight of you.
“Darling, you look so beautiful.” Your soon to be husband declared while joining you by the bedside table.
“Thank you, honey.” You responded, feeling elated that he likes your outfit.
“Honey?” He asked, a brow raised in amusement.
“It just slipped out.” You sheepishly replied.
“It's fine; I'll let it slide, Mrs. Snow.” Coryo told you, his voice a slight bit husky, as he strokes your cheek softly with his calloused thumb.
Clearing his throat, because the sexual tension was so thick it could be cut with a butter knife and was making him feel uncomfortable, Sejanus asked, “Um, Coryo, do you want to start the ceremony?”
“Yea, just stand over there and we'll join you.” The platinum peacekeeper told his comrade, pointing to the spot he wanted him in.
Sejanus just nodded and went to stand where Coriolanus wanted him to. Coryo grabbed the rings and the red ribbon off the bedside table before escorting you over to Sej, the makeshift officiant for the wedding.
“We're going to exchange rings, like in the Capitol, then you can bind our hands.” Coryo told his dark haired friend while handing him over the ribbon for the hand binding.
Of course, Coriolanus Snow had to implement some kind of Capitol tradition in a district ceremony. Sejanus wouldn't expect anything less from his friend.
“Okay.” Nodded the aspiring medic with a heart of gold. Hey, what else was he supposed to do? If Coryo wanted to exchange rings then so be it.
Coryo handed you over his father's ring, now his, and kept his mother's ring, now yours. He just smiled and held the ring to your fingertip, causing you to do the same. Silently, you both slide the rings on each other's fingers before holding hands.
“I'm from District 2 and was raised in the Capitol for the past decade, so I'm not too well versed in handfasting.” Sejanus tells you while starting to wrap the long red ribbon around you and Coryo's entwined hands.
Looking over at Sejanus, you tell him, “I'm originally from 12, so all I know about this ceremony is what I've heard.”
“They do a toasting where she's from, but we don't have a fireplace so we had to settle with the handfasting.” Coryo added in, shrugging at his friend.
“Ah.” Sejanus slowly nodded as alarm bells went off in his head. Of course you're from 12. It seems like Coryo has a type and it's basically pretty girl from District 12. Now, he can't help, but worry that his platinum blonde friend is going full steam ahead with you so quickly because of your district of origin.
“You can exchange your words now.” Sejanus prompts, knowing that words are said in a handfasting once the ribbon is wrapped around the clasped hands of the couple.
“You first, Y/N.” Coryo smiles, only to quickly add in, “Women always say their vows first in the Capitol.”
Sejanus wanted to cringe. Coriolanus just has to bring up Capitol wedding traditions, again. For marrying a district girl he's really trying to incorporate as many Capitol things as he can. Or at least Sejanus thinks so.
It bothered Sejanus more than it did you. Coryo talking about Capitol wedding traditions. You didn't mind, he was from there after all.
“Okay.” You nodded before smiling and telling your husband a quote from the tragic Pre-Panem love story he's been reading to you- Wuthering Heights.
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
You're bound to him forever now, so you decided to tell him a book quote to express that.
Coryo’a grin spread wide across his face. He looked a bit manic, a result of your words. Oh, how hearing you say that your souls are the same just made his heart burst.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
You're his now and will be forever. You're not just his wife, but his most treasured possession now. Being your husband, knowing that you're at his complete mercy, makes him feel all powerful.
Sejanus can't help, but feel like you're as delusional as Coriolanus right now after hearing the Emily Bronte quote you recited. Oh, Sejanus has read the book it's from and he thinks there's nothing romantic about the main and tragic relationship. God, he hopes your relationship with Coryo isn’t marked by tragedy, obsession, and extreme codependency like the haunting relationship between Cathy and Heathcliff was.
Coryo’s icy blue eyes are looking into yours intensely as he recites the standard Capitol vows of, “I promise to love and support you, to take you under my protection; to provide for the children that I will gift upon you. I promise to love you; to spend the rest of my days with you.”
You couldn't help, but swoon at the Capitol vows. To you, they sound so romantic.
But to Sejanus they sound like honeyed words used to shackle couples that grow old together in either indifference or hate.
“Well, that's it then. Coryo, Y/N, you're now married.” Sejanus announced before quickly unwrapping the ribbon from your hands.
Once your hands are free, Coryo grabs your face gently in his large hands and presses a sweet kiss to your lips to seal the marriage bond, like they do in the Capitol.
It's official, you're Mr. And Mrs. Snow now.
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After the ceremony, Sejanus ate dinner with you and your new husband. Coryo even arranged for Sejanus to take you Christmas shopping on Monday while he's occupied taking his Elite Officer's Examine, which he's positive that he'll pass. The conversation during dinner was nice. You like Sejanus and you're glad that Coryo has him as a friend. He's a nice guy, very down to earth and friendly.
After dinner, Sejanus said his goodbyes to you and Coryo and left. Traditionally, the folks of District 8 stay for hours after the handfasting ceremony, but you reckon that Sejanus left after the pie was served because he needed to head back to base. Unlike your husband, Private Plinth actually sleeps in his bunk at the barracks.
You had already put up the leftovers and you're washing the last dish whenever Coryo comes up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist. His nose nuzzles your neck and he presses a kiss on the sweet spot below your ear. “I’m ready to fuck you, Mrs. Snow; make you mine in every sense of the word.”
“How’re we supposed to do that, Coryo? My back needs at least a couple more weeks to fully heal.” You ask, placing the dish onto the drying rack with the others.
“Snow lands on top.” He smirks into your neck. Turning you around after you unplugged the drain, he told you, “You'll have to ride my cock til your back’s healed.”
*Oh.” You squeaked, eyes slightly wide.
“Don't be nervous, baby. I'll guide you thru it.”
“Okay.” You simply nod, since you didn't really know what else to do.
You know that you're going to have to fuck him. It's a given now that you're married. You're honestly surprised that he didn't make you ride his cock earlier, before you even got married.
“I can always take you behind, doggy style too.” Your platinum blonde husband remarked, causing you to just nod.
Yea, there was that too. But then he'd be staring at your back. Your stitched up, scarred up back, during the do.
You're not sure how you feel about that.
Caressing your cheek in his large calloused hand, he lightly smiled. “But I think for the first few times it'd be nice to look at each other's faces. Yea?”
“Yea.” You softly agree.
He presses a kiss full of heated want on your lips only to pull away and take your hand. “Come on, let's go to bed.” Coryo tells you while leading you over to your bed.
To the point of no return.
Coriolanus stops you right in front of the bed, only to cup your cheeks in his hands and bend his head down to kiss you with every fiber of his being. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in closer while syncing your lips with his; kissing him back with as much vigor as he's shown you.
Kissing Coryo was an experience in and of itself. His kisses could be chaste and innocent, but then they could be fiery and passionate: full of need and hot blooded desire.
The kisses you're sharing right now are the latter. They're passionate and fiery, full of an unquenchable desire. Coryo's mouth literally slots over yours, noses bumping together, as his tongue slips into your mouth with such urgency. An urgency that can only be attributed to desire and need. To passion and lust.
You let out a moan at the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth. Your own tongue finds its way into his mouth, exotically dancing with his. Coryo's fingers entangle in your hair while his other hand holds your jaw in a vice grip. Your hands are clutching at the back of his neck, trying to anchor yourself as you continue to kiss him passionately.
Coryo pulls away, leaving you both breathless and panting. He leans his forehead against yours, only to whisper, “Is this real, Mrs. Y/N Snow? The way you feel about me? It's real for me and I-I was just wondering if it's real for you too.”
The vulnerability in his cerulean blue eyes took you aback. You've never seen him like this before. You're so used to Coryo being condescending and cunning, sweet, but in a reserved way.
You've never seen him vulnerable before. And that sight makes you realize that there's more to your husband than what meets the eye. That deep down, he's just an orphan boy that wants to be loved. And you understand that wholeheartedly since you're an orphan girl that wants the same thing.
To be loved.
Unwinding a hand from his neck and softly stroking his cheek with it, you tell him, “It's real for me too, husband.” Giving him a small smile, you carry on with, “We’re all each other's got, Coryo. And I'm grateful for you.” You notice that your words are having a calming effect on him, which is good. “I wouldn't have married you if I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You assure him, bringing your other hand up to his cheek.
Honestly, you married him so that you'll have stability. So you'll be able to always have a roof over your head and food in your belly. Yes, you like him, but the marriage is so that you're not on your own struggling to get by.
Coryo's determined to take care of you; to make up for ratting you out and getting you whipped. He wants to get you out of 8; who are you to stop him?
You married him out of self preservation, but you honestly do like him. He's a very handsome man- unlike any you've ever met, and you enjoy his company. If he's delusional to think that you're in love then so be it. At least you'll be able to sleep in a warm bed with a full belly every night.
Your answer was exactly what Coriolanus needed to hear. His icy eyes light up and he kissed you once more with power and passion. A promise of things to come.
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Coryo's sitting on the edge of the bed and you're straddling him. He's in nothing, but his white boxers, while you're naked. He's got a hand on your hip, balancing you, while the other's between your legs. Two of his fingers are shoved deep inside your cunt as he fucks you furiously with them. His thumb rubs quick, sloppy circles over your swollen clit, as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“You're close, baby. You're gonna cum soon.” He knowingly states, not asks, as he picks up his pace.
“Coryo…please…” You whine, feeling as if you're going to explode and see stars any minute by how hard, fast, and deep he's fingering you. Hell, you never knew that being fingered could feel like this. But yet again, his fingers are much longer than yours…
His fingers hit the spongy spot deep inside of you, over and over again, making your hips back against his as you chase your high.
“That's it, baby. That's it, ride my fingers. Good girl, just like that.” Coryo cooed praises into your ear as your head drops to his shoulder while you ride his fingers, chasing after your orgasm that you're oh so desperate to feel.
His hand on your hip helps guide you as you quickly roll your hips forward and back, riding his fingers, as little moans and mewls escape your lips. They're mostly muffled by his shoulder, since you're resting your head in it. But Coryo can still hear a few. The few noises you make that echo in the room mingle with the loud, lewd, wet squelching sounds of his fingers pumping in and out of your cunt.
Suddenly, your clawing at your husband's back and canting your hips quickly as your orgasm fastly approaches. “Coryo…I'm close.” You mutter out into his shoulder.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Be a good girl and cum right now, baby.” Coryo ordered, his voice hot and thick with lust, as he thumb pressed hard against your clit while he pounds your pussy relentlessly with his long fingers.
And you do. You cum hard around his fingers, moaning out his name like a prayer. Coryo helps guide your hips as you ride out your high on his fingers.
When your body goes slack, he pulls his hand out from between your legs. “Look, darling.” Coryo orders while spreading his fingers apart, causing your juices to create a web between them.
You feels your cheeks heat up as you look at your husband's hand, the one that had just been between your legs. You weren't aware that you let out that many juices when you came. Seeing them webbed and stringing against your husband's fingers…well…
And when your husband curled his fingers into a fist, so only his wet ones were standing upright, and smelled the two wet fingers- causing his eyes to flutter shut as he declared in a shaky exhale, “Your cunt smells so good, darling.”, You nearly died of arousal.
Oh boy, did that turn you for some ungodly reason.
And when he stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking your juices clean off of them…oh yea…you felt yourself grow wetter. You felt your core ache for his cock.
Coryo pulls his fingers out of his mouth with a wet pop, only to help you off of him while saying, “I'm going to take off my boxers and lay down in the bed, okay?”
“Okay.” You simply nod, watching as your husband stands up and slides down his boxers.
You know he has a big cock by the large bulge that was in his boxers, but when you see his cock rise to full attention and slap up against his stomach, you can't help but to look at it in awe. It was long, at least 8 inches, and very girthy too. Damn, even his balls are big. Like everything on Coryo's big.
You guess what they say about y'all men with big hands, big feet, and big noses is true. Cause right now, you're looking at the living proof that the saying isn't a myth.
It's true. Very, very, true.
Tall men with big hands, feet, and noses are blessed with big cocks.
“Like what you see, Mrs. Snow?” Coryo asks with a cocky, lopsided grin as he closes the distance between you after kicking his boxers to the side once he stepped out of them.
“Yes, I suppose so, since it's the only cock I've ever seen.” You tell him, locking your eyes with his icy blue ones.
Taking your hand and bringing it to his cock, which has veins running along it with an angry red head that's leaking pearly drops of precum, he tells you, “You can touch me, you know.”
“Is there a certain way you like to be touched?” You wonder.
You don't know how experienced Coryo is and you really don't care. He's your husband now, so any and all experience he has is just going to make you feel good. But you lack experience. So, of course you want to know what your husband likes, it's only natural to ask.
The platinum blonde gives you a thin smile, one that's barely holding back how horny he is, and tells you, “Use your thumb to gather my precum and spread it around my cock before pumping it up and down. You can also swipe the slit on my head too.”
“Okay.” You nod before doing as you're told.
“There ya go, baby. That's it, you got it.” Coryo praised, lust blowing his pupils black, as he watched you slowly, but surely jack him off.
After a few minutes, Coriolanus’ breath began to hitch. He placed a hand on yours to stop you, all the while saying, “I think it's time I get in bed and you get on top of me.”
You just nod, watching as your husband fluffs the pillows and lays down comfortably on his back.
“Come here, baby.” He motioned with an outstretched hand.
You get into the bed and go over to him, straddling his hips. You're hovering over his hard cock, balancing yourself by resting your hands on Coryo's chest. One of his hands went to your hip while the other grabbed his cock, teasing you by rubbing his tip along your slit; bumping into your clit once or twice.
“You ready, darling?” Coryo asked, locking eyes with you.
“Yes.” You nod. After how good of a job he did warming you up, you'd be a fool not to be ready.
“Just sink down slowly; take your time til you bottom out.” He instructed, rubbing soothing and supportive circles in your hip bone.
Nodding, you listened to your husband and slowly sank down on his cock. You felt a burning sensation tearing you apart as his cockhead parted your petals and entered your virgin cunt. It wasn't painful per say, just uncomfortable. The burning sensation at the stretch his cock made to your tight walls had you biting your lip and letting out little whimpers.
“I know, baby. I know, it's a big stretch.” Coryo cooed, the corners of his mouth turned up. He took the hand that was on the base of his cock (feeling that you're doing a good enough job guiding yourself down on it that he doesn't need to hold it anymore) and cupped your cheek. “You're doing such a good job, baby.” Coryo softly ran the pad of his calloused thumb against the apple of your cheek. “Just a lil bit more and I'll be picking your cherry, my sweet girl.” Your husband assured you, his baritone honeyed and lustful.
You've heard that getting your cherry popped hurts like hell, or at least that's what the girls said at school. Hell, even your old friends Lil and Lucy Gray back on your old street in the Seam said it hurt like no other. So you're sure that it's going to be the worst pain in your life.
But your husband's assuring words, sweetly melodic but ardent, put you at ease. His simple action of soothingly stroking your cheekbone with his thumb eased your nerves; your fears as well. Who would've known that Coryo, a tall, imposing peacekeeper with a platinum buzz cut and mischievous baby blues could be so soft and gentle, so reassuring and understanding.
In that moment you, without a doubt, knew that you made the right choice in marrying Coryo. How many other young men would be patient enough with you to let you go at your own pace during your first time? Not many, or at least not the type of men that your old friends had would be patient.
You really hit the jackpot when you got with your peacekeeper. Yes, you know that the way ya'll got together wasn't ideal, but he's truly been nothing, but amazing since he brought you home badly whipped, bleeding profusely, and nearly unconscious with pain. Private Snow, soon to be Elite Officer Snow (if all goes according to plan and he passes his exams), might be a condescending asshole at times, but he's also a caring, loveable man at others. And right now he's a tenderhearted lover.
Your breath hitches as you feel Coriolanus' cockhead breach your barrier; breaking your hymen and taking your virginity. Your nails scratch at his chest and you bite your lip in reaction to the stinging sensation that you feel throbbing in your pussy.
“Are you alright, Y/N? Did I hurt you?” Your husband asks, looking up at you with genuine concern flashing in his icy eyes, as you bottom out on top of him.
“I'm not hurt, Coryo. It just stings a lil bit, that's all.” You honestly tell him, not wanting him to worry.
“You just just cockwarm me til you feel comfortable to move, okay?”
“Okay.” You nod, a tiny smile stretching your lips.
“Come ‘ere, baby.” Coryo instructs, sliding his hand down your cheek and down to your neck only to guide your face down towards his. As your lips ghosts over each other's, he commands in a husky tone, “Kiss me while you sit on my cock.”
And who are you to turn down your husband's request when his plush lips look oh so kissable. You quite enjoy kissing him. It's a sensation that you'll never grow tired of.
Your hands slide up Coryo's toned chest, only to hold onto his shoulders for leverage, as your lips meet his in a kiss. A kiss that quickly turned passionate and sloppy. Your tongues danced exotically as your body grew accustomed to his large cock stretching out your walls and filling you up all the way to your womb. A breathy moan fell from your lips as your kiss broke apart, so the two of you could catch some air.
Coryo's lips we're mere inches from yours as he asked, “Think you're ready to start moving, my darling rose?”
“Yea,” You nod, “I'm ready.”
“Remember how you rode my fingers? Just do that, alright?”
“Alright.” You parroted before slowly and experimentally rising and falling down onto your husband's cock; causing him to let out a low moan of approval.
It didn't take long for you to find a comfortable rhythm. And before long, you're riding your husband with the desperate need to cum, arms wrapped around his neck as he's sitting up, sucking on one of your nipples while squeezing and grabbing at your tits with the need of a hungry, starving madman.
“Fuck! Coryo…” You loudly moan as his teeth scrape again your pebbled nipple, sending pleasure shooting straight to your core, before he lifts his head and attaches his kiss bruised lips to your neglected nipple. As his lips start sucking your other nipples, his thumb soothingly rubs over the one that he just bit, making your cunt grow even wetter.
“Oh gods, Coryo, I'm so close again.” You choke out on a high pitched moan, feeling his cock dive deep inside of your cunt and kiss your cervix as you bounce down particularly fast on him.
Your husband lets your nipple fall from his mouth with a loud, wet pop and he stops feeling up your boobs. One of his hands grabs your ass while the other goes slightly behind him, resting on the bed to give him leverage, as he sits up a bit straighter. Bending his knees slightly so that his feet are flat on the bed, he orders you to, “Hold onto my neck and wrap your legs around my waist. I'm gonna finish us off.”
“Okay.” You smile before doing as your told.
Not a second later, Coryo's fingers are digging into your ass cheek while his hips are wildly bucking up; causing his cock to piston deep inside of you. So deep that you're seeing stars.
“Coryo…I think I'm gonna cum.” You tell him, lips hovering close to his, as you feel the knot in your lower belly about to come undone.
“I'm gonna cum right after ya, baby.” He groaned, snapping his hips even faster. “Fuck, I'm gonna fill you up with my seed; knock you up tonight, babygirl.” Coryo grunted thru clenched teeth as his cock pounded your tight pussy with wild abandon. "I swear, you're gonna look so beautiful all round with my child."
Were you ready to be a mom? Who knows, who cares. You'll deal with it when the time comes. All you know is that your husband's fucking you so good and you're about to cum on his gigantic cock any second now.
“Coryo…” You mewl while your cunt flutters around his cock. The dam of pleasure’s about to burst and all you can think about is how badly you want to kiss your husband.
You unwrap one of your hands from around his neck and grab a hold of the chain around his neck. The one that his dog tags are one. The same dog tags that are bouncing back and forth between both of your chests. Using the chain, you pull him a few inches towards you until your lips meet his for a kiss. A kiss that's desperate. An open mouth kiss that's filthy and full of both tongue and spit swapping as you cum hard around his cock.
Coryo's icy eyes literally roll into the back of his head as he feels your tight cunt spasm around his cock and soak his cock and thigh as you cum. Fuck, you're a squirter and that turns him on. It turns him on so much that the next time he bucks up he's shooting his load of hot, thick ropes up cum deep up into your womb.
He continues to slowly rock his hips up and down to ride out your highs. Your lips are no longer engaged in a dirty open mouthed kiss. Instead, your foreheads are resting on each other as you just get lost gazing into each other's eyes- looking into the windows of each other's souls.
Souls that are truly so similar considering you both are orphans with a self preservation streak.
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After a little while, he stops moving and lays flat down on his back. He adjusts your legs so that you can comfortably lay down on him. He even places the blanket on top of you two so that you'll be warm.
“Shouldn't I get off of you?” You ask, referring to his cock still being stuffed inside of your cunt.
“No.” Coryo shakes his head against his pillow. “Don’t worry about it, babe. My cock’ll slip out once it softens.” He assures you with a satisfied smirk while tucking a strand of sweaty hair behind your ear. “You were amazing, Mrs. Y/N Snow.”
“Thank you, Elite Officer Snow. I have an amazing husband for a teacher.” You playfully smile back, tracing patterns on his toned chest.
“Remind me to thank that amazing husband of yours for teaching you how to ride cock like a pro.” Coryo teasingly chuckled, earning him a playful smack in the arm from you.
Then, you decided to bring up a serious topic. One that was tied to some dirty talk your husband said while fucking.
Looking up at him with big, curious eyes, you seriously ask, “Coryo, do you really want kids?”
“Yes, Y/N, I really want to have kids with you.” Your husband answered, only to follow it up with a question of his own. “Don't you want them, my darling rose.”
“I never really thought about it, but one day I'd like to be a mom.”
“Babies come when they come, darling.” Your platinum peacekeeper tell you so casually that it's as.of he's telling you the weather forecast.
“I know.” You simply tell him. Then, worry crosses your features as you seriously ask, “Since they'd be born in the districts would they be eligible for the game's lottery?”
“No.” Coryo's quick to assure you with a shake of his head. His large hand comforts you by soothingly rubbing your arm up and down. “Officer’s children are born on a Capitol run base in the hospital and live on base or base approved housing. They're registered as Capitol citizens at birth; they're parents no matter their origin of birth are considered Capitol as well.”
You let out a loud, incredulous laugh, only to tell your husband, “So I fucking stood in line 7-fucking-years for the reaping when I didn't have to all because my brother refused to hand over my papers when it was time for game registration.”
“What?” Coryo asked, his voice full of confusion, as he stared at you slack jawed.
“Close your mouth, honey. You'll catch flies with it open like that.” You tease Coryo, snapping his jaw shit with your fingers. Knowing you have to tell him the truth, the very same truth you learned right after your brother died, you sighed and explained, “After my brother died we went thru everything in the house to see what we wanted to keep, sell, and give away. Hidden in the end table by his sitting chair was an old picture of my parents and my birth certificate.”
You had to pause to collect yourself. You never planned on revealing this, but it seems like gate has other plans. Coryo just looked at you with support flashing in his eyes while gently squeezing your hand. He wasn't dumb, he was putting the pieces together fairly quickly. But he wanted to hear you say what he's thinking, to make sure that it's right.
When you feel ready to continue, you tell your husband, “I discovered that I was born on PK Base D-12 to a Colonel Javanis Halvir and a Helenium Halvir.” Shaking your head, you bitterly spat out, “I even have a Capitol name too; it's actually a longer version of the name my brother grew up calling me.”
“So you're half Capitolite then or were both your parents-” Coryo began to ask only for you to abruptly cut him off with, “Half. My father was a Capitolite and my mother was from District 12; Rein was my half-brother from her first marriage, but my dad must've adopted him since he used the Halvir name.”
“Do you want me to write the Capitol about this? I know some people that could look into your family, see if perhaps you have an inheritance tied up in probate or any relatives still alive?”
“You don't have to do that, Coryo.” You softly decline. Honestly, you never considered finding your long lost family. Plus it's not like they were looking for you either.
But Coryo wanted to inquire about your family, that Halvirs. If they had money or if you had an inheritance then as your husband he's legally bound to be the recipient of it. And Lord knows how much Coriolanus Snow craves money, power, and glory. How he wants to get back to the Capitol, with you and any children you have in tow, to become the youngest president in Panem's history.
But he can't tell you that, now can he?
So, instead he tells you, “Y/N, baby, you're my wife and I love you. Let me use my Capitol contacts to help you find your family.” Giving you a slight pout and a pair of big cerulean blue puppy dog eyes, he adds in the magic word of, “Please.”
How can you say no to that? You can't. So, you tell him okay.
Coriolanus is overjoyed, but he doesn't let it show. Instead his baritone is calm and collective as he tells you that it's time to go to sleep. As you yawn and settle down on his chest, visions of a newfound rich family or a large inheritance sum are dancing around in his head, much like sugarplums dance around in children's heads on Christmas Eve.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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apollosdaydreams · 7 months
I would like a request with Max Verstappen and Y/N are siblings. She is his younger sister and she is MotoGP driver and…
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Im sorry, I wasn't better.
Max Verstappen x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, adult language 
Author's Note: Sorry if this isn’t 100% accurate. I don’t know much or really anything about MotoGP, but I will try my best. 
Wordcount: 1476 (kinda got carried away) 
DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to hurt Max Verstappen and the Verstappen family! This is just an imagine. Again this is in no way meant to harm the Verstappen family!
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Racing. Racing is something that you loved, something you lived for. Your family however always would put Max above you. Their reason to not care about your racing was that you are a girl, and girls don’t belong in racing, girls don’t belong to have a seat. No matter what you did, it wasn’t good enough for Jos, your father. You used to have a great relationship with your other siblings, especially Max. The bond you and Max had was something that couldn’t be explained. You two were closer to each other than you and your twin, Victoria. But as you two both got older, that bond broke. You both started to snap at each other easier, say nasty things to each other and never say sorry. You couldn’t take it anymore. The hate coming from your father, mother and your brother. You left. Moved out, when you turned 18. You cut off contact completely. Blocking their numbers and their social media accounts. You thought you were never going to see them again, oh how wrong you were.
Today was your 24th birthday. Today was also your home race. You were a part of the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing team, ironic. Everyone knew you were a Verstappen, they also knew you didnt talk to your family. People would ask, you wouldn't give them an answer no matter how much they begged. Everyone knew that the Verstappen kids were strong, powerful drivers. You were often being compared to your older brother, Max. When compared to him you would always tell the interviewer that you are your own person and you don't need to be compared to your older brother. 
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You quickly pulled on your race suit, shoes and gloves. Trying to shake off the fact that today was your 24th, you haven’t spent a birthday with your family in 6 years. You didn’t care though, they had torn you down, thinking you couldn’t do anything in life. That this dream you had was impossible. Oh how you proved them wrong. You were making history. You were the first female rider in MotoGP, and you were amazing, this was your rookie year and you have already won three races. You dealt with contestant hate, with MotoGP being male dominated. They thought that you definitely had to sleep your way up to the top. Which was something that was just a lie. Something to make them feel better about themselves. 
You walked over to your bike, you shook your hands in a way to calm your nerves. You stretched out one more time. Then you climbed on to your bike. You then drove to your starting point. P3. You stopped your bike and put your feet down beside you. You were taking deep slow breaths to calm your nerves. As this was your home race you had felt a lot of pressure on you. Once you heard the final beep, and the lights turned green you started to move. 
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You drove over to the number 1 spot, and got off your bike. You quickly put your hands up in the air and then ran to your team. You quickly hugged your team principal. As you hugged him you quickly thanked him. You then had to run off to the cool down room. Once it was time for you to go on the podium you walked out of the room and walked over to this lift, where they would lift you and your bike on to the podium. As you were being lifted you couldn't contain your smile, this was your first win at your home race. You have won a couple races in this season, but winning at home would always be a different feeling. You felt on top of the world. No one could wipe that smile off your face. Right? Once you got handed your trophy you raised it high in the air, with the biggest smile on your face. Once everyone else got their trophy you all three quickly put them down and grabbed the champagne. You then all started to spray each other, you ran over to your team principal to spray some on him as well. Eventually they stopped spraying. You wiped the champagne off your face and set the bottle down and picked your trophy backup. 
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You were now back in your team paddock, you were talking to one of your teammates when you looked up and you saw someone you thought you would never see, see in person ever again. Your father, mother, brother and sister all stood in front of you. Your teammate knew that you didn't have the best relationship with your family. Before he left, he patted your back and told you that he would be over in his room if you needed him. You didn't know what to do so you just nodded. You just stared at them, not knowing what to do or what to say. 
“Y/n, sweety. You did amazing.” Your mother said. 
“Yeah… thank you..” You said. You were starting to feel overwhelmed. 
“Mom, dad, we should let her breathe, let Max talk to her.” Victoria whispered. 
You were starting to tear up, but once the other three left and it was just you and Max you couldn't stop the tears from falling. You were both angry and sad.
“Why are you guys here?” You had asked Max.
“y/n- I, we wanted to apologize.” 
“Well don't you think you are about 6 years too late.” You said. You were starting to get more angry than sad. 
“I know y/n and I'm sorry, we shouldn't have ever treated you like that. We should have apologized years ago.” he said while taking a few steps closer to you. You didn't move.
“Why?! Max, why?” you said. “I wanted a family, a brother who loved me, but all you guys did was tear me down.” You started to cry even more. Your anger is now turning into sadness. “What did I do to make you guys hate me so much?” 
Max’s heart broke at what you were saying. He quickly moved over to you and hugged you. He was expecting you to push him back or hit him. He wasn't expecting you to hug him back. “I'm so sorry y/n I'm so sorry.” He kept repeating. You started to take a deep breath. Trying to calm yourself down.
“Max, I want to forgive you guys, or at least you and Victoria.” You started to say. “You guys were also just kids, mom and dad on the other hand, i think it's going to take a while to forgive them.” 
This was the last thing Max had expected. He was not expecting you to forgive him so easily. “I promise y/n I’ll do better, I'm the big brother. I'm sorry I wasn't better at it until now.” He told you, tears now falling down his face. You smiled up at him and wiped his tears away. “It's ok, I trust you to change Max.” He smiled back at you.
“Can you bring in Victoria? I want to be able to talk to her as well.” He told Max. He quickly nodded and ran to go get Victoria. Once you saw her you both ran to each other and gave each other a hug. You couldn't remember the last time you two have hugged, all you knew is that it's been way too long.  
“Y/n im so sorry, I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you, i'm your big sister that's my job.” She told you. You couldn't help yourself. “You are only 7 minutes older than me V.” You had told her. She couldn't help but smile more, and she hugged you tighter. You saw Max standing awkwardly at the door. You motioned for him to come closer. You then all hugged each other. After a few minutes of silence you started to speak.
“I think I'm ready to talk to mom and dad.” You said. “But I want both of you to be here.” They both looked at each other and nodded. Max then went to get your parents. You then saw both your parents walk through the door. You didn't know what to do. You haven't seen or spoke to your parents in years. Victoria sat down on the couch with you, you heard hushed whispers behind the door. The door then opened, Max was at the front and you could see your mom, Sophie and your dad, Jos standing behind Max. You didn't know what to do, your parents stood in front of you. They tore you down, made you believe you aren't worth anything, that women couldn't be in moto sports. You saw your mom walk towards you. You didn't know what to do, you didn't know what she was going to do. Your dad stayed a few steps behind her. Max was on the side waiting just in case anything would happen. 
“Oh sweety, you look amazing. You did a great job on the race! I'm so proud.” You never thought that you would hear those words come out of her mouth. All you wanted as a little girl was to hear that your parents were proud of you. She went to sit down next to you, but you moved away. You weren't ready to be this close to her yet. Your father looked like he didn't want to be here, that he would rather be somewhere else. Typical Jos. You thought to yourself. Sophie understood why you wouldn't want to be close to her, that it would be hard for you to forgive her and Jos. 
“Mom, dad….. I don’t think I'm ready to forgive you just yet. I think that you have to prove that you changed, or are willing to change.” You said, while looking down at your hands picking at your nails. 
‘Of course honey, I promise that we have changed.” Your mother quickly said. Jos was still standing, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Can we go to dinner tonight?” she suggested. 
“We can do that.” you said, while looking up at Jos, waiting for what he would say. 
“I would love to.” Jos said. You looked next to you at Victoria and then up at Max and smiled. Maybe they were going to change. Maybe now my family is going to be my safe place. 
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I hoped you guys liked this! If you did please let me know! Sorry if everything doesn't make sense. I don’t know much about MotoGp, but I tried my best!!
It would be greatly appreciated if you would like, comment and repost!! 
© 2023 on tumblr apollosdaydreams do not translate/remake/repost my works in any platform without authorized permission.
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radwitchhh · 28 days
This mother's day. Remembering all the mothers who didn't want to become mothers but had to go through coerced pregnancies for centuries. All the teen girl children who were denied abortions and were forced to carry children of their m@le rapists. All the mothers who suffer immense trauma during and after childbirth, and thus disassociated themselves from their babies and at times, wanted to k!ll their own infants because no one understood their pain. Mothers who perform extreme domestic and emotional labour for their babies but never get anything in return except for patriarchal glorification and romanticization, so that they continue sacrificing their lives when they don't want to
Mothers who lost their children because of m@le supremacist custody laws. Mothers who are raped by their own sons. Mothers who are violated by their husbands while they are pregnant. Mothers whose health was compromised because everyone prioritized their babies' health only. Mothers who are accused of being selfish for prioritizing themselves when they are entitled to it. Mothers who are Gods, who create us all but the insignificant father gets to take complete control over the children.
Surrogate mothers, whose wombs are exploited as privileged folks oppress them via mass commodification of their bodies and their capability of giving birth. Mothers who kill their m@le partners for abusing their daughters. Mothers who are shamed for breast feeding and showing their pregnant bellies in public. Mothers who are the natural protectors, because every cell of her body gives life and strength to her children. Mothers who give away their food and utility shares to their children and survive on crumbles.
Mothers of P@l3st!ne who are suffering alone and have lifelong traumas, as they are carrying the dead bodies of their children daily, made to go through c-sections without anaesthesia and are giving birth with no aid, relief, food and water. Mothers of Congo losing their children to mine exploitation daily. Mothers of Sudan being abused by Ar@b militia m3n. Mothers of Yemen, Syria, Lebanon. Mothers of Iran mourning their daughters' lost lives after their abuse by the m@le supremacist I$lam!c regime. Mothers of Afghanistan whose daughters can't study and who can't move around the country without the permission of a m@le guardian.
Mothers in South Asia forced to go through multiple pregnancies because their in-laws want a son. Mothers in Sindh and Punjab suffering fistulas. Mothers in India, Pakistan and China made to see the murder of their new born infants because their babies are females. Black and Hispanic mothers in US denied abortions and facing medical misogyny. Indigenous mothers fighting to protect their lands. All the refugee mothers of war and climate change displaced with no homes. Mothers in garment factories of Bangladesh making clothes of the whole world in abusive working conditions. Mothers who are called misogynist derogatory labels of "uterus havers" and "menstruators", when only females can be mothers and no m@le can ever be.
Animal mothers being brutalized in the meat and animal industry. Mother cows, chickens, goats, sheeps and pigs abused for irregular and exploitative meat and milk production. Mother orcas fighting elites to protect their children. Mother dolphins mourning the deaths of their children due to m@le created pollution in the ocean. Every animal mother finding it difficult to survive and keep her children safe as m@les ruin the goddess Earth's natural ecosystems daily.
Also, motherhood is not a monolith, mothers are not angels and don't have to be. While, mothers are divinely great there are mothers with internalized misogyny, who further make their daughters suffer the same misogynist traumas. Mothers who sell their daughters into prostitution and arranged marriages, and continue being strongest foot soldiers and secondary agents of patriarchy. Mothers who brutalize their daughters with fgm and breast ironing. Mothers who deny food to their daughters.
Mothers are the Creators, the Gods who have faced oppression by the m@n's world for centuries. The whole world of m3n will shatter without the labour of these Gods. You can love or hate your mother as a daughter based on the relationship you have with her
Happy mothers day to the creators of all human beings!!!
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fitgirlfemdom · 6 months
✧∘* ✧・゚welcome to my page!✧∘* ✧・゚
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this is my current nsfw/18+ tumblr for my horny rants and rambles. enjoy your stay!
who are you?
i'm fitgirl, and i'm a 19-year-old girl, tomboy-ish with a fucked-up side. i've been a long-time lurker of kink content on here, and i finally decided to take the plunge and make my own page.
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can i send you pics of my body / give you money / request services outside of conversation?
no! i do not want to get involved in your personal life, and you want no part in mine.
main kinks:
-degradation -bimbofication -dumbification -weight gain -breeding -femdom -mind break -hucows my beloved
kinks i'm picky about:
-cnc (riddled with misogyny and ruined by tiktok normies!!1!1) -extreme pain/guro (only specific areas of the body and this blog is not for that side of me) -pregnancy (the act/fear of getting pregnant is hot but i don't find pregnant people attractive due to their pregnancy) -crossdressing (bikinis, bras, panties are hot--anything more and ur doing too much tbh)
hard no's:
-shit, piss, vomit, bodily functions, etc. -inflation -vore -ass play (i'm not one of those dom females that busts out the strap)
non-kink stuff / interests (if u care):
-metal (Pantera, NIN, Slipknot, Children of Bodom, Sybreed, Fear Factory, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Gojira, Tool, Opeth, Wintersun, etc.) -anime (berserk [manga + 1997], watamote, nana) -making earrings, baking, sculpting, digital painting, candle-making, candy-making, and other dumb hobbies
i hope you enjoy reading my posts, and if you don't, i hope you have a good day! <3
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What are the characters favorite/least favorite food.
I'm sure they aren't picky after being starved for 10 years, but I'm sure that Angel said it was okay to dislike something
Oof, it's about time I answered this!
Poppy loves desserts, but brownies and cakes are her favorites. She detests dragon fruit – so pretty, and it tastes like that? Horrendous!
Huggy has a hard time eating salads in general thanks to his teeth and poor control over his movements. Loves gummy bears, though! They're SUPER squishy and nice to munch on.
Kissy doesn't like eating meat or anything crunchy, as it reminds her too much of what she had to eat at Playtime Co. She however loves soups since the day Angel first made one, which was two nights after the rescue!
Mommy Long Legs loves spicy food. She's tearing up and her mouth feels like burning but she WILL keep on eating whatever spicy food there is until it's all over. Also really likes pumpkins! But please don't let her even near beets. She thinks it tastes like dirt. Also doesn't like overly sweet things.
DogDay, unlike MLL, has a huge sweet tooth and can and WILL eat anything sweet he gets his hands on. He likes chocolate the most! Hates having to eat anything spicy, as well as fried foods because his hands always feel icky afterwards.
CatNap takes a long time before he finds any preferences, because to him food is food, but he does love sushi and fish in general. He avoids eating anything that isn't dry and he can hold in his hands at first because he can't move his hands very well, but after some months of training he stops avoiding. Has no food he refuses to eat or dislikes.
Picky Piggy goes vegan. She can't even smell meat for the first few months without risking a panic attack! Loves anything that has potatoes in it though, it's always a 10/10 to her.
Bubba loves curry. He doesn't know why, but it sure makes him happy! Hates beans in general, though, because he always eats them on groups of 4 and he has to make some mental math in order to see if he should add more or not.
Kickin likes pastel. Angel managed to make some and told him it's a brazilian food. Kickin fell in love and can't get enough of it. Also really likes sushi! Hates spicy food and plates that are just green. Spicy because of sensory overload, green because he likes more variety.
Craftycorn LOVES pie, it's the best food ever to her. Hates anything that takes too much work for her to chew or cut because it reminds her a bit of how things were back at the factory.
Bobby Bearhug loves bacon and eggs. And just eggs in general. Also salad. salad with eggs added is something she adores, girl can't get enough. Just please don't ask her to eat fish, she hates those!
Hoppy loves corn and burguers in general. She's stimming everytime she has the opportunity to do so. Hates soup though.
Miss Delight avoids meat in general, but doesn't refuse to eat it. She loves jelly though! She thinks it looks and tastes SO good, she's stimming every time she can eat one, much like how Hoppy is with her food.
Boxy Boo still likes meat, but is horrified at the things Picky makes that LOOK like meat but AREN'T. He feels like a fool, staring at her in disbelief while Hoppy is laughing her ass off.
Bunzo Bunny isn't allowed to be alone near corn or candy anymore because he can and will eat even if not hungry. Ironically doesn't like carrots at all.
PJ Pug-a-Pillar loves cooked veggies and is often following Picky around when she's cooking. He doesn't like chocolate, though.
Angel loves cooked veggies and pasta. They're used to making them because it was easy to do and super tasty, but after becoming a parent it's just comfort instead of "I have no energy to do more" food. Also hates dragon fruit, same reasons as Poppy.
Prototype, like Bubba, LOVES curry. Doesn't have a least favorite food though!
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some-tf-reblogs · 11 months
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Iron Factory Girls Series IFG-01 Starwing.
This figure was in development for a long time and had some big changes. Earlier version was a model kit with two bodies - armored and casual. This is a fully assembled figure except for swappable faceplates - 3 painted and 2 blank with 5 expression stickers.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Martha Masters
Martha Wayne maiden name was Masters. Before she married Thomas, she was known as the heiress of a well-known cheese factory, but that was not the life she wanted.
She ran away from home regardless of the consequences and gave up everything that had something to do with her former family. Sadly she couldn't keep in touch with her older brother and her nephew, little Vlad sure would grow up to be a great businessman but she wouldn't see it.
When Bruce Wayne took a blood sample from "Dani Phantom" he didn't expect their DNA samples to match as family (excluding the weird Lazarus Waters readings), when the girl got bored and confessed being a clone his suspicions got worse, did he had another lost son? A Lost brother perhaps?
Bruce analyzed Danny Fenton and Vlad Masters (Dani told him their identities, mostly because she was sure he wouldn't win against Danny, and bother Vlad was fun) , the family resemblance with the teen was undeniable (Blue eyes, black hair). Ironically, Danny had nothing to do with him, and the truth was that Vlad was his cousin; of course, that wouldn't stop the millionaire from getting suspicious about his supposed lost son.
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limehaspassed · 1 year
To Give a Man His Name
(Thomas Hewitt x M!Reader)
In which you run across four teens along the side of the road.
Part Two
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He was born to the world in a crude and grotesque way, one that can only be described as a living nightmare. His birth was a fatality, an innocent brutality for he was just a babe merely being born. To take someone’s life so young, at such an age, was an image unseen in the world, despite its sordid nature.
From the very start of his life, from the time he was born, he was a murderer, someone who took the lives of those around him. As he grew into a man, once fit for killing, he came to terms with his conditions, realizing that there was only one path he could take within this cruel world.
However, when your hands caressed his face and your lips graced his own, his life felt limitless. All restrictions left and for the first time, he felt as if his strength could be used for something else.
Chapter One
Texas, 1969 …
Texan heat bore down on your body as you swung the knife down repeatedly, a motion you’ve been repeating over and over since the morning’s first light. The smell of salty iron hit your nose, a rough and overwhelming smell, one that encircled your brain in a hazy and intoxicated field of buzzing cicadas.
You were a slave to your practice, a slave to your job. Everyday, you would wake up at the crack of dawn to make your expedition to that slaughterhouse and everyday you would slave away in front of that slab of wood, constantly slamming your knife into its surface over and over, consecutively using muscles most do not know exist. Your body would burn and your shoulders would cry but still, you would attend your job for you had a family to care for.
Your daughter, a young girl within her early teenage years, depended on your job for a life. Of course, your daughter wasn’t really yours, you had merely found her when she was around ten, abandoned on the streets. You had taken her in that day, whether out of pity or quickly growing love, you cared for her and you still cared for her to this day. She was your world now, your reason for continuing the path of slavery, your everything.
You were one in three workers at the meat factory for a while but that changed the day someone new showed up, someone intrusive and observant, someone so excluded yet centered it baffled you. He was a brute of a man, a massive guy who took up a good portion of the doorway. He held strong, sharp eyes, intelligent in a way you haven’t seen within others, not even yourself. He had a strong grip and quiet mouth. He was the ideal worker too, accepting of anything as long as he could work.
He was Thomas Hewitt, a man you would grow to know as the freak of the town, yet, you could never see why. From the day you met him, you’ve never considered him a freak, no matter what the people of that small, sullen town told you. They could express their own misguided hatred to the man all they wanted, but you would never back their statements. After all, on that day, the day you met him, your life was changed forever.
It all started a day before you actually met him, a day before he ever stepped foot into that meat factory. It all started one fateful afternoon when you stumbled upon a group of teenagers who had come from out of state, their car had broken down and they were in need of some help. Being the nice person you were, you aided them the best you could.
“Please, sir, can you help us? Our car has broken down and we don’t know where we are.” They had asked for your help first, reaching out to you like hungry children to a diligent mother.
“Sure, pop the hood why don’t yah.” You spoke casually, having experienced many broken down cars. People didn’t stay in this town but they often passed through and being the curse place it was, problems always occurred.
One of the teenage boys, his name was Carlos, did the honor of popping the hood. You thanked him and walked up to the car, taking a look at the motor. You couldn’t tell what was wrong at first but you eventually found the problem, one of the head gaskets was leaking, a problem that had overheated the engine of the car.
“Ah, I see the problem, your gasket needs replacing. You’re lucky it's an easy fix, all I need are the parts and I can fix it right here.” You explained to which the kids practically cheered. They thanked you and celebrated. You cut them short in their celebratory dances “I hate to be that person but the nearest place that sells gaskets is about three miles up the road.” You explained a guilt slowly trickling into your stomach. You felt bad that you had to ruin their celebrations.
“That’s okay, Carlos and I can go up there and retrieve it and bring it back.” Another kid named Dante spoke up.
You smiled and agreed to watch the girls, Lina and Grace, as they traveled to the nearest store. It didn’t take long for them to leave, waving goodbye to their girlfriends and you.
Once they walked far enough to where you couldn’t see them, you turned to the girls and talked with them. The three of you guys had spoken about a plethora of topics ranging from break up stories, societal morals, and more. They all seemed to be like interesting and nice people on the outside but the more they talked, the more you had begun to realize how different they were from you. You didn’t let this predicament affect you for too long though, always keeping a smile on your face, even when you felt like a complete outsider.
“I just think that the whole Vietnam war is bullshit.” They would say to which you tried your best to control your response. There was a part of you that formed hatred for their laid back words, their carefree attitudes, the way they talked about a war as if it was nothing else but a high school breakup, gossip to go around and around. You hated them and you still do, but you also feel bad for them. After all, they were only kids and they were stuck in the middle of a war.
Hours began to tick by and the boys had yet to return with the gasket. “Where are they? They should be back by now.” Lina had complained, a statement that only added to that trickling guilt. You worried something might have happened to them. A lot of things happened within this small town that no one ever talked about, that everyone was afraid to talk about.
“Do you think we should go find them?” Grace asked, her voice borderline frantic. “What if something happened to them? What if they are hurt or some weirdo snatched them up?” She asked repetitive questions, her mind looping in circles over the boy's case.
You walked over to Grace and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, she immediately jerked away and looked at you with scared eyes. The fear turned to anger and she lashed out at you. “I swear if this weird town of yours hurt my boyfriend, I will behead you. Now, show us where that gas station was, we’re going to find them.” She stated with an authoritative tone that sent shivers down your spine. Her three-sixty in character took you by surprise, She was more than fine merely a minute ago, she was even joking with you, now she’s practically screaming down your throat. Insane.
You backed away from her and pointed down the road. “Fine, but I’ll tell you this. Ain’t no one in this town wants anything to do with you or your little boyfriends. Now stop acting like you own the place and start walking, they ain’t gonna find themselves now are they?” You replied with an annoyed and bitter tone, pissed off that she would even take such a voice with you.
Grace rolled her eyes and mumbled, “whatever” before starting her walk down the road. Lina followed after her with you leading the back.
The three of your walked down the road under the blazing sun, the Texas heat boating down on you like a laser, burning your skin and stinging our eyes. It felt as if the earth was molten lava each time a foot was placed upon that heated asphalt. The heat seeped into the soles of the shoes, reaching up and attacking the foot with a fiery blaze.
It wasn’t until the sun began to set behind the horizon that the three of you made it to the gas station. Grace was the first one to make it inside, barging through the door with haste, not even stopping to say hello to the shop owner. She rampaged through the aisles, calling out the name of the boy’s. When you and Lina made it inside, Grace was already halfway through the store.
“You ain’t gonna find any of them here. Haven’t seen a soul all afternoon I’m afraid.” The lady behind the counter spoke in a calm tone.
Grace turned to face her with an angered look. “What do you mean no one has come in? They were supposed to be here. Are you telling me that they never made it to this shitty gas station?” She asked in a raised voice.
You stepped in front of Grace and held out an apologetic hand to the older lady. “I’m so sorry about that Mrs. Hewitt, her boyfriend is just missing and we’re trying to find him. I’m sorry about her tone, we’ll take her outside, won’t we, Lina.” You shot a pointed look over to the girl who immediately jumped into action and pulled Grace outside.
You didn’t follow them, you stayed behind to talk to Mrs. Hewitt, wanting to further apologize for the attitude Grace had taken up with her. “I apologize about her outburst, Mrs. Hewitt” You started, to which she simply nodded with her eyes closed. “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you, I’m sure it’s given you quite the fright?” You asked with a guilty tone. It was your fault that Grace had come in here, that the boys were now missing, you are the one that sent them down here in the first place.
Mrs. Hewitt opened her eyes and gave a soft smile. “It ain’t your fault, dear. And please, call me Luda Mae. All the formalities make me feel old.”
You nodded and smiled back at her. “Alright. Well, I’ll be back around as always, Luda Mae. See you tomorrow morning.” You took your exit after that.
The second you opened the door of the gas station to exit the building, you instantly noticed that both Grace and Lina were missing. You call out for them and walk around the building multiple times but still, there was no hint of them anywhere. You cursed yourself and kicked a rock on the ground. You had officially lost four teenagers in the span of four hours.
With a defeated sigh, you started walking up the road, heading back to the teenagers car, wondering if they had headed that way, simply leaving you behind. You didn’t get far when the sheriff pulled up, Winston Hoyt, the only officer in his unit here. He had pulled up beside you, driving slow in order to keep pace with you. He rolled down the passenger side window and called out to you.
“Do you need a lift?” He asked, partially yelling to beat the sound of his motor.
You kept walking for a moment before stopping, deciding that it was best that you just get home. Plus, you could hand the case of the missing children off to the sheriff and be free of them for the day.
The car halted to a stop and opened the passenger door, taking a seat inside before closing it. You gave the directions to your house and the Sheriff began driving, heading in the general direction of your house.
“You work at the that butcher place back there, right?” He asks, making small talk.
You nodded and gave a small hum, not in a talkative mood.
“So what are yah doing out here so late? Meeting a boyfriend?” He asked with a tease.
You looked over and visibly rolled your eyes, wanting him to see your expression. He laughed and playfully hit your shoulder.”I’m teasing but seriously, what are you doing out here so late?” He asked again, to which you went in and explained all the details.
You explained everything from the time you got off work to now. You explained how nice they were at first, how willing the boys had been to go get the part, how they never came back, how one of the girls flipped out, how you all went to find the boys, how you lost the girls, and how you ended up walking alongside the road, heading towards the site once more.
“I see. After I drop you off, I’ll go out looking for them. No need to worry about them no more, okay, sweetheart?” He asked, adding on an unnecessary pet name at the end.
You simply nodded and refrained from throwing up at the name he had called you. You always hated being called pet names, they never went well with you. For the rest of the ride, you were silent, not speaking a word, not responding to ending further questions. The only time you talked was to thank the Sheriff when you got out.
You were quick to head inside, your mind spinning and stomach flipped inside out. You felt like you were going to throw up, the guilt of losing those kids eating up at you. You hated leaving the case with the officer but it was the only thing you could do, there isn’t much else you can do, you don’t even have a car.
You went to bed that night with an empty stomach, the contents long since spewed out into the toilet. Your dreams were plagued by their faces and what might have happened to them. You hated it, you hated them, you hated guilt.
The next morning, before heading to work you ran by the site where the car had originally been parked. It was a normal, humid morning, the sky was clear and the earth was dry, despite the wet conditions of the air.
When you arrived at the scene, you were quick to realize that the car was no longer there, not a trace of the kids were left, not even skid marks of them pulling out. It was as if they had passed through the town like ghosts or had come through at all. You could only hope that they were headed out of town safely, that the officer had done his job correctly and handled the case with practiced ease. You could only hope.
After you left the site, you quickly headed over to the factory, not wanting to be late to your shift. Luckily, you arrived a minute before your shift started, just on time. You were quick to throw on an apron and gloves, quickly heading over to your station and preparing for the day.
It was here that you met Thomas, it was here that he walked through the doors with the boss leading him on through, giving him a tour of the place. It was here that he was assigned to share a station with you, and it was here that you would start an odd relationship with the town’s “freak”, as some would like to say.
Thanks for reading loves 🖤
Part 1/9
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the-solar-system52 · 10 months
I don't know where I first heard the "RGB's dreams are based of silent film action stunts" theory, but I do know it's very popular in the fandom. Yet, I haven't found a complete list of what dreams are references to what stunts so I decided to do that myself! Plus a bit of theorising over what they represent!
A majority of these references are from Charlie Chaplin films, but a few are Buster Keaton and other actors. Apologies in advance if I get them mixed up at some point, since I don't know a lot about silent films and this was all first-time research.
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Its no doubt that Charlie and RGB look very similar, sporting the same suit, hat and bamboo cane. The parallels between these two may suggest that RGB was an actor around a similar time frame. Charlie and Buster were known for doing most of their own stunts, some of which were quite dangerous. Not only are RGB's dreams references to these stunts, but they also portray what would happen if they went wrong.
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Diegesis page 74 is a reference to the 'falling house' stunt from Buster Keatons 'Steamboat Bill, Jr' (1928) In this stunt, the front of a house fell behind Buster but he was able to avoid getting hurt by standing right where the window fell. In RGB's dream, there are voices exclaiming to him that he is 'off his mark', meaning he isnt standing where the window will land. The house falls and presumably kills him, then RGB notes this isn't how he died.
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The first panel of Hoofers page 248 depicts Harlod Lloyd's 'Safety Last' clock scene. In this scene, Harold is climbing a building and grabs onto a clock. The panel shows RGB losing his grip on the clock a plummeting to the ground below.
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The second panel shows a pair of roller skates. This is a reference to Charlie Chaplin's 'Modern Times' where Charlie is seen roller skating dangerously close to a drop. This may just be a coincidence, but I should note that Charlie is blindfolded in this scene, and Human RGB is usually seen with something covering his eyes. May be another parallel??
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Guys I'm sorry but I genuinely have no clue where this is from??? If anyone knows please comment it.
Edit: Thanks to the-property-of-stupid for pointing this out! This stunt is from 'Girl Shy' by Harold Lloyd, where Harold is holding onto a firetruck using a firehouse!
Also thank you for all the thank yous!!!!
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The second panel in Flood page 505 shows a stunt from Buster Keaton's 'The Three Ages' where he trys to jump from building to building using a wooden plank.
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The third panel is a reference to Charlie Chaplin's 'Modern Times' in which Charlie is swallowed by a factory machine.
I THINK that's all of them, but let me know if I missed any. As for what these mean, it's shown in RGB's dialogue in his dreams that he is willingly playing out these scenarios to try and figure out how he died. Despite Negative being based off silent film actors, and RGB being an actor before he died, I don't think these references actually have much to do with the lore. As in, I don't think RGB was ACTUALLY swallowed by a factory machine. Most of the time, something else out of RGB's control happens in the dream with lore in it (example: the iron, the train, the doctor)
That was until I found these three reblogs from ModMad on the TPOH wiki! They were of more silent actor photos, and the captions implied they would be used in the future of TPOH.
But since they were reblogged all the way back in 2013, I asked Mod to confirm if there was still plans to use them. And they (in their usual Mod cryptid-ness) said yes.
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So onto speculation!!!
On thing I find particularly interesting about these photos is that, to my knowledge, they are not stunts. They don't depict particularly dangerous situations and it's a bit of a stretch to say a HUMAN would die from these conditions. Because of this, I don't think these will show up when RGB is acting out scenarios on how he may have died. Instead, I think these will be used in a more lore-filled dream, since the events in the photos have more relation to RGB's character.
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The first photos are of Charlie and Buster posed in bathtubs, with those omnious reblogs. My guess is that these photos will be referenced in a dream where RGB ends up in a bathtub and yeah I won't beat around the bush here these are most likely about Negative!
And since RGB knows about Negative now, it makes sense he'll have a creepy dream about him at some point!
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The next is a clip of Charlie lost in a mirror maze. I'm not great at understanding tone through text, so I'm slightly confused as what Mod means in this reblog. Do they mean 'it's going to be hell' as in it'll be hard to draw/write? Or do they mean it'll be sad?? Or hell for the characters??
Anyway, I still have a good guess as to what will happen in this dream mirror maze. RGB will look into his reflection and see Negative and/or Human RGB. We all know RGB has major identity issues, so putting a horror spin on a mirror maze will be a great way to drop lore about him! The classic comedy scenario of 'not knowing which reflection is real' could be symbolism on how he doesn't really know who the real him is.
Though, lately I've been noticing a running theme of me thinking of a theory but never saying it and then it ends up to be true sooooo just in case I do have one note to make about the mirror maze. Even though I HIGHLY doubt it, it is possible this scene won't take place in a dream at all, but in The House of Lead.
The House of Lead is also black and white, has lore relations to RGB, can create rooms and change its shape at will. Overall, it's very similar in aesthetic to RGB's dreams. It's not outlandish to suggest that RGB could get separated from Hero in the house and end up in this room. This was the place where Hero told RGB about Negative
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Plus, this staircase was already styled to look like Negatives eye! This could just be a neat visual gag, but it's worth mentioning.
But the reason I'm so hesitant to say it'll happen in The House of Lead is because it feels much too SOON. Mod made these posts 10 YEARS ago, so it's clear their playing the long game. I really have no way to predict when these references will pop up, but either way, I'm super excited!
Overall, it was actually really fun watching all these silent films and now a keep imagining RGB doing a bunch of other, more silly, stunts. Please comment if i missed anything though!
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gurlbesimpin · 11 months
ppl stop writing for Heisenberg... how about our magnetto man with a punk/alternative SO??
OUHHHH yessssss!
pairing: Karl Heisenberg x GN!reader
{{note: I generally write REVillage fics Post-canon/alternate universe, assuming Ethan and rose, Mia etc. never existed sry XD}}
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of gore, very mild sexual themes
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Ohoho where do I begin?
Karl when he first spots you is... intrigued to say the least.
You weren't like the others, you dressed differently, acted differently, and most importantly... you weren't like the other villagers, blindly following and worshipping Miranda!
Now, Karl being Karl... he thought about pulling his usual BS about "I'm a metal lord, fear me!" but quickly decided against it; not wanting to scare you off or anything. Especially since you didn't seem local, therefore not knowing who the fuck he is.
{and pshhh don't tell anyone i told you this, but despite his huge ego... he might not actually want you to know who he really is at first. So he'll try his best to act "normal" and as human as possible}
After he finally approached you and engaged in a regular conversation, he quickly finds himself craving more.
Long story short, he seeks you out in the village again the next day, inviting you over to his factory because... he didn't really have a house. Anyway, he wouldn't show you what he actually does in there... you two will be in his office on the first floor, he ain't taking you down into the actual factory until he is sure you won't freak out.
This "friend meeting" (totally not a date ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) goes smoothly surprisingly. He'll ask you about your tattoos and/or piercings, scars etc. {if you have any}.
After a long-ass conversation about all kinds of shit, he'll just ask the question we've all been waiting for.
"So buttercup, you... eh... one of those emos?"
Time for the explanation between emo, goth, punk, rock. Two minutes into this, Karl stops listening... he got his answer.
You listen to heavy music.
And so does he.
Start talking about Metallica, Slipknot, I prevail, Rob Zombie, ACDC, black sabbath, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, hell.... even SOME my chemical romance and Seether- and i promise, you'll get his attention piqued!
Especially if we're talking german bands such as "Rammstein" or "Die Toten Hosen" and he'll just... scream internally?
Like first of all... there's someone who also hates mother miranda besides him, they are funny, hot AND love german bands?!
Needless to say, you two started a relationship quickly.
Despite needing to make his huge ass metal army, he takes a day off to make a bigass stereo...
{and then later that day Lady Dimitrescu complains about the loud ass music coming from his factory that even SHE and her three girls can hear from her castle. lol. Heisenberg tells her to shut the fuck up}
His huge goal is obviously to kill miranda... and then after escaping this shit village together with you. When the day comes, you two will celebrate with flipping off Lady supersized bitch and rolling off to a concert
{which likely isn't a good idea... imagine Karl wanting the microphone from the singer or something. You be chillin and there's just... a floating microphone... you be like... "Karl? what are YOU DOING?!" meanwhile Karl just has a shit eating grin as the crowd screams}
But let's not jump to far into the future...
Right now, you two are stuck under Miranda's disgusting-ass thumb.
Dark times man. It's shit, but whenever you waddle into his office whilst he's working... just y'know... get your phone out and play one of his favorite songs!
This man will {depending on his mood} shoo you away, or most-likely drop what he's doing and just... *grab* you and start juming around the room like monkies in a moshpit.
Once the song finishes, his hand will move from cupping your cheek, to cupping CHEEKS. Just him seeing you rock out to his favorite songs... is enough for Karl to get all hot 'n bothered. So expect some bending over the Work-bench and nice grindin' whilst 'Closer' by nine inch nails plays ;)
if you like steampunk
Scramble to collect little gears and screws... making little earrings, rings, necklaces etc.
stud bracelets.
and if you like wearing chokers
be careful
that awakens a beast within him
"oh ho ho buttercup! What do we have here? Want me to attach a leash and make you *my pet*?
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𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐴 𝑀𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑟
Warnings: Heavy descriptions of death, Clickers, mentions of blood and trauma, Joel and reader being harsh to each other, implying on not being enough, mentions of SA
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“Look, all I'm saying that a boyfriend would be good for you Y/N! I didn't insult you or anything!”
“It's an insult for me, Tommy and since when are you a matchmaker?”
“Since my best friend decided that it was a good idea to spend her life alone in a shitty world!”
You chuckled under the mask at his playfullnes and shook your head in fake disappointment. Ever since he rescued you, he and Maria had been nothing but kind to you, even having you over their house almost all the time in the town they made, Jackson. You were grateful for the second chance given to you, and in exchange you wanted to keep the town and everyone living in it safe...
Therefore suggesting to take over an iron factory, and creating a weapon strong enough to kill whoever stood before you...
Who knew an anime would come true?
“Is it not heavy for you? We’ve been walking for quite some time...” he asked, eyeing the heavy weapon over your hips apprehensively, which caused you to raise a brow playfully.
“No, it’s not... I’m used to wearing them all the time Tommy, and besides I was meaning to ask you something.” He groaned at you not caring about what he said once again, dismissing the topic entirely but nodded nonetheless while cutting the plants that made it harder to move. It wasn’t like he wanted your bad, he just wanted you to be happy with someone who could understand you, be there for you...
But it seemed that your decision was made.
“You and Maria normally send me to further areas, you know close to bandits and Fireflies to kill them... Why are we patrolling a dead city?”
“Because... I don’t know, I just felt like there was gonna be something important...” he mumbled and looked to the back of the building you two were standing on, watching the area on a rooftop with guns ready. It wasn’t a good explaination, it wasn’t enough to convince you but you trusted him.
Besides it wouldn’t be too bad to go some sightseeing-
Seeing a movement in front of a building away, you squeezed your eyes to see it and cocked your gun out to zoom on them. Humans... Two humans, entering a building where there were probably a bunch of infected...
“Oh Jesus fuck..! Uhh, Tommy? I’m gonna say something but you aren’t gonna gasp and choke, okay?”
In the end, he did it anyways and you both ran to save whoever they were. Adrenaline pumped through you, getting slightly excited to kill an infected but you two rather found...
“Bandits... always popping out from somewhere...” you sneered angrily while ducking behind a wall, watching them taunt a little girl. You knew how bad those fuckers were and hurriedly made a plan. Tommy would circle behind them to get whatever you two needed while you dealed with them and later, you two would decide on what to do with the girl.
“Hello there~”
And in the end, they weren’t that strong to do any harm to you. All of them laid either dead or unconsccious, which was good enough for you turn and worry over the girl who had been watching you with wide eyes. She had never seen someone be so fast and strong, someone especially a woman make people shake in fear.
You were the first one she saw, after Joel...
“Hey, kid... Are you oka-“
“JOEL, DON’T!” Your body hit the ground harshly with a man on top of you, trying to attack you. The sight of a man above you brought unpleasant memories, resulting in your pulling your legs to yourself and kicking his stomach, knocking the air out of him. You brought your sword above your face as the man tried to hit you with one of his knives. You both grunted at the sheer force both sides applied and you widened your eyes at how the veins in his arms were popping.
Holy shit, just how strong is he-
“Joel, stop! She didn’t hurt me, she saved me!” Ellie screamed at Joel in fright, shaking off the ropes around her wrists to make him stop. The anger and adrenaline started to go away at hearing her voice and Joel was able to see what's in front of him...
A woman...
The red wore off and he got up on his feet while you jumped up and pointed yoyr sword to him, while he watched you warily with his hand above. “What the fuck you asshole? I saved your lives and this is the thanks?!”
Though you screamed, your face was still neutral with no hint of just how much you were scared a few minutes ago. “No one wanted your help, woman! Who the hell are you anyways?”
Before you could have opened your mouth, Tommy appeared from the door way and you instinctively tried to move closer to him...
But the sight of both men widening their eyes and slowly walking to each other made you and the young girl tilt your heads confused.
Ain’t no way...
“For fucks sake, just when I think it couldn't be worse...” you sighed exasperatedly while swinging your sword around. Tommy chuckled and hugged Joel happily, seeing him well and alive had been one of his dreams and he never thought that the people they would be saving were them...
“It’s good to see you in one piece, brother.”
“It sure is, Tommy... God, I can’t believe- Where the hell were you?”
“I strayed a bit but then found a community, a safe place. I save the survivors and bring them there with her. You’re lucky that we have been patroling here and that she was here with me.” Joel eyes your form looking at Ellie’s wounds and helping her, still apprehensive of you. If the life he lived tought him something, it was to never trust anyone.
Especially ones who had such force with them, like you.
Seeing him look at you with pure bad intentions, non-trusting eyes, Tommy sighed and patted his shoulder. He knew that it would take a while for him to get used to you, with your snarky comments and his grumpy nature, but he hoped that you two would get along well. “ Look, I know what you’re thinking but she isn’t all that bad. You attacked her first and she did what any normal human would-“
“I can hear you two talking behind me, guys. I’m not deaf.” You pointed a knife to them carelessy while your back was turned and your crouched down to inspect her wound, to wrap a bandage around it.
“ Good, you were meant to...” You rolled your eyes at the man who stepped closer to you and looked at the girl closely for any injuries, and the ghost of a smile over his lips almost made you faint because holy shit, he actually smiles other than insulting!
“I don’t care if my brother trusts you, I don’t. And until I do, you aren’t getting close to us.”
“Oh yeah, and what were you planning to do with all the bandits and infected around?”
“What I have been doing for the past years, kid. Kill them. Something you clearly are bad at. Who do you think you are, just because you killed some men?”
“ Just a humble trash can trying to roll my way through life, old man. Who are you?” Normally you would have bit down your tongue and keep your sarcasm to yourself, especially in a situation like that. But all your comments always amused Tommy, and now Ellie too.
But not Joel.
All the things, all the deaths happened in front of him and all the stress came out like tide waves. Even a man like him had a limit and unfortunately, you were the one who was at the reciveing end.Both Tommy and and Ellie yelled at him when he cornered you against a wall, sneering at you but you didn’t phase. Men, no longer scared you. Especially those who were like Joel.
“Listen, if you think you can win me over with those sarcasm,  think again. I have seen and experineced more than you, lost more than you-“
“Oh yeah? I didn’t know your mind was amongst what you lost but here is the drill: You’re calling me selfish and mighty, but look at you, thinking your pain is worse than anyone. Let me tell you something quick, motherhugger,” you said, pointing your knife that always stood hidden to his stomach which caused him to step away from you and put a distance while he watched you with angry eyes, shocked to see such passion from you while Tommy tried to stop you from potentially killing him or saying anything you might regret later.
Because he knew that you would be offending him in the most dangerous way.
“ Maybe you lost someone dear to yourself, but trust me everyone in this room lost everything they had! We all faced death, and no one acts like the apocalypse only hit them! So, stop thinking with your dick above your head and let go of-“
The first rule of a zombie apocalypse was to be always careful for any movement around you...
The second one was to be silent...
And guess which one you didn’t apply?
The only sound that would stop an entire room and go silent in this world, was the sound of a Clicker.
And the only thing that would be able to scare Tommy, was four of them standing right before your group.
Joel thought that you would scream or trash around while he had to be the one handling the situation, but to his surprise you went silent and unmoving as a corpse, eyes strictly trained on the Clickers, watching them lurk deeper inside the building. Your eyes turned to Tommy who was keeping Ellie silent, and he shook his head agressively at what your eyes told him. Rolling your eyes at him, you nudged your head towards Joel and signed to him.
Tell your brother to let me go and deal with them before more of them comes...
“You can’t do that... There are so many of them, they never lurk alone...” he whispered angrily before you made a face that made him shut up.
“Cut the shit, Tommy... I’m the only one with the gear and you know of the things I did with this. So, Joel, move your ass so that I can save your asses.”
Lightly shoving him away from you, Joel made a move to stop you from getting yourself killed when Tommy stopped him with a shake of his head and he stayed back while you slowly moved away from them, an eye on the ground looking at the soil while Ellie nudged Tommy to ask what you were doing and he silently whispered to not alert anymore of them.
“ The infected are connected through soil, like a hive. One movement on the part where they are connected and a thousand of them would come... She is looking out so that she wouldn’t alert any...”
Joel nodded in amazement, his anger from before dying out and watching you walk cautiously. He didn’t expect someone to know that much, and probably that was one of the reasons you survived...
She wouldn’t be a bad partner... I guess...
It is odd, you thought while looking over the walls that had many fungi attached to it. When there were four of them here, now none could be seen except the ones glued to the wall at the corners in an odd shape.
They couldn’t have died that soon, right?
“Holy mother of rectangles...” Tommy and Joel turned to each other at your voice from the other side and followed the same path as you. When they entered they saw you closely looking at one of the infected with an amazed look and an unknown protective side made Joel run to you and snatch you away, not caring you utter in shock and amazement.
“Don’t come here! Those things spread spores like shit, you could get infected...” you held a spare mask out to him, urging him to take while he looked at you a bit baffled but accepted nonetheless. He took his lighter over his shoulder to put it on, and didn’t hold back from asking. “Why are being worried about me? Thought you wanted me dead?”
“Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I care. Your death would be a minor inconvenience in my end but a major one on his. That’s all.” You said, pointing to where Tommy and Ellie were looking to find something while him and you were crouched down next to the body on the ground. What his brother said raked through Joel’s mind, that you knew a lot and that was one of the reasons you survived for so long, and at first he didn’t believe like any sane man. You didn’t look much older than 40, and you would have been a 20 something when the Outbreak happened...
But his curiousity got the best of him.
“You’re lookin’ at the body as if you had been doing that for a long time...”
“Do what exactly?”
“Inspecting bodies, analyzing, that type of shit.”
Snorting slightly at him and how he said all of those, probably understanding no shit, and how unfazed he was even after you telling him that you were fine with leaving him dead- though you didn’t really mean it- you bit your lip and got up while dusting yourself. “I used to do science when I was younger, anotomy always fascinated me... Too bad that... I can’t...” your voice slowly died down and Joel shook his head in question why you did so suddenly when his lighter found the two Clickers standing behind you and his eyes widened in fear...
What would have been a worry for his life only, now has spread to your life too... And it scared him more than the Clicker before him.
You looked ahead, not moving an inch, fearing that they might caught you and looked over to Tommy to see him with wide, scared eyes and a terrified Ellie. It was no wonder, Tommy had been your best friend for so long and Ellie was just a kid...
But what caught you off guard was that Joel having the same expression on his handsome face-
Wait, did I think of him as handsome or...
You squeezed your eyes momentarily and re-opened them, feeling their disgusting breath on your neck while the clicking sounds they made sent shivers down your spine. Your hand twitched, tingled to get a hold of your weapon and kill them...
And that was what you will be doing.
The swishing sound of a sword being pulled out alerted them and they ran to get to where the voice came from and Joel yelled curses at you while Tommy knew what was gonna happen in a few minutes.
Joel and Ellie watched you with shock as you swinged your swords to your back while the four Clicker from before came closer and killed them with one, clear cut, sending their head flying away. Unfortunately,  one of them hit the connection while dropping and the body you were inspecting before suddenly came back to life...
And Joel was its closest prey.
With a pounding heart, you readied yourself to throw the sword to him but a Runner came from nowhere and sent you tumbling down. It went straight to your neck, trying to bite on you but your sword stopped it from getting any close and with a kick to its body, it went away from you but not enough.
It’s not a big deal, that’s enough distance...
Taking out the axe you kept on your back, you cut its neck and it limped before going down and choking on its blood. You huffed out in relief, not having a zombie all over you when a gluttural growl made you turn swiftly to see that two more of them tried to attack Joel, Ellie And Tommy, the last one dropping his gun and being cornered alongside the other two. Not stopping to think even for a second before throwing both swords right at the back of the two Clickers, you sent them into the sweet embrace of death.
Tommy slumped back in relief and for a second, you thought the older male had heart attack when he snapped his neck up and scolded you angrily.
“If I die, I'm haunting you first, you crazy woman! Stop giving me scares all the god damn time! I’m old...” you giggled at him and pulled him up while Ellie did the same and pulled him to the exit with a deep heave.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous Tommy! At least your ghost would be stuck with a chick like me!”
Ellie, now shaking with amazement and a slight, barely-there fright let out a curse and you turned to look at her while pulling the swords out from the bodies and cleaning them for now.
“Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often... You just went woosh, and they went bam!” you smiled sweetly at the girl, kinda starting to have an impression how she was. She had the mouth of a sailor, that one was for sure. She was witty, and snarky much like you but still, there was a sweetness that coated her that you just wanted to hug her...
Not in your current state though.
Joel grumbled under his breath, and you bit your lips hard at hearing it. It seemed that no matter what you did, he would still hate you. And you didn’t see, but Tommy gave him dead stare for what he said, for causing slight tears to appear in your eyes.
“yeah it came a bit late... No wonder people died on her...”
“That’s it! What’s your problem with me, huh?” you took fast steps to him, panting angrily and feeling your hands go cold in fight or flight mode. Chest to chest while he looked down on you and chuckled humorlessly...
And spat his poison unmercilessly.
“ My problem is your saviour complex, honey. You act all smart and strong but I can see your true shit. You are a little girl who wasn’t able to do shit before, and thinks she is at the top of the world because she saved three people now...”
Something snapped inside, heart breaking inside. You didn’t have to be reminded of your failures, of the count of how many people you had lost and how much blood you had on your hand Right at that moment, looking inside his brown eyes, all you wanted was to hurt him. Make him feel the same kind of pain he inflicted on you...
“You know what? You’re right... But at least I don’t act like I’m a saint when I killed people willingly. I worked my ass off to save them, to protect them when you only shed blood of others because your little heart was hurting. At least I got to save people, when you couldn’t save any...”
And with that, you slipped away and to the car outside to drive back to Jackson while Tommy and Joel had a scuffle with Tommy stopping Joel and defending you, calling out to how shitty he behaved and how he had to get along with you if he was gonna live in the city.
Damn, it’s gonna be one hell of a journey with them, right?
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You watched the girl you saved alongside the man earlier, Ellie and Joel, you learnt later, sat down in front of you with a cautious yet noncholant face which made you raise a brow at her in question. For someone who had been chased by a Clicker, she seemed like she didn't care and was rather interested in your guns and fighting skills. Ever since you brought them to the safe zone you had helped Tommy and Maria build and protect, she always asked you questions about the “Tactical Gear” you had made which was the same gear the people in an anime you used to watch when young.
Happy, unaware of the future and your only worry being getting good grades...
But those days were no more.
Now all there was is blood, chaos and death in the apocalyptic world. Busses that once drove kids to school was now left to wither, the memories of the good days now a distant memory. Buildings that was once the sign of how strong the human kind was crushed under the heavy smell of death...
Mother Nature, in the end, took her sweet revenge in the most deadly way possible and you had no one to blame except yourself, and other humans.
The only part where you felt like crawling into your bed and cry like a little kid, was the children. So many times you crossed paths with them, and so many times there was nothing to do for them.
Except granting them a quick death.
It wasn’t by shooting, but a kind of poison to put them in a deep sleep, one that they could never wake up from...
One that you made back when you weren’t in Jackson, one that you used all of your scientific knowledges....
“So, uh... Ellie, right?” she nodded at you happilly and looked at you as if you were a star which made you chuckle slightly. You liked the girl for the smart-ass she was, and hearing her roast Joel was way funny to you.
And you guessed that they were both hungry and Tommy couldn’t cook anything to save his life. “I believe you’re hungry, as well as Joel. Do you like chicken?”
And if there was any reasons to not like you for Ellie, there was absolutely none, now that you offered the best looking full course of meal to her. “Holy shit, you made all these?!”
“Hmm, Jackson is far larger and bigger than you think it is. We have a healthy farm, and clean soil to grow food. The weather is fine here, too.”
“You are my second favourite person from now on, gosh this tastes amazing!” you smiled warmly at the blush on her cheeks and how happy she trully looked. It has been a while since I saw a kid genuinely happy in this shithole, you couldn’t help but think and sat down before her with a hum and a groan at the bruise forming on your back after being thrown away by one of the fuckers you saved them from.” Well, I guess it’s a good thing but who is the first one for you hmm?”
“Joel, of course. He found me and saved me first and you did for the second place.”  She didn’t lie when she said that, surprised that you actually thought of the man who insulted you, riduculed you right in front of them. You actually didn’t do it for his own good, buth for the sake of Tommy and it showed in the way your face twisted angrily.
Ah, that pain in the ass of a man...
You couldn’t help but let a scowl appear on your face, lips snarling and eyes burning. Ellie let out a “opps” and gulped down the last bit of her water hurriedly. “So, uh I know you and him don’t get along, after that exchange...”
She remembered how you went back and forth between throwing snarky comments at each other while walking back to the cars... With you not giving him a fuck which annoyed him more.
“Are you even listening, woman?!”
“Yes, it just takes some time for me to process all the stupidity all at once!”
Or that when time when you killed a horde of infected as cool as a cucumber that this time, it was him who couldn’t keep his tongue. “ She is crazy! It’s been a few hours that I knew her and I started to think I reached the bottom of it... Seems like there is a whole underground city there!”
Or that time when neither she nor Tommy understood whether you and Joel were flirting or fighting...
“ Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying, you newborn baby?!”
“Nah, darling but probably both...”
Ellie knew that he was both irritated and impressed by you, but apparently the only thing you felt for the man was... anger, by the angry scrubbing ot the plate as expected. Normally, she would boost whoever was making fun of him or having an argument but through time, she came to love him like a father, knew his soft side whenever he would shield her or give her the warm place to sleep.
So, she wanted you to see that side too.
“You know... Even though he doesn’t talk much, I know that Joel only talked like that because of the pain. He lost many people.”
“I know that Ellie, trust me. Even if he sees me some kind of a kid when I’m a whole ass adult.” You sighed exasperatedly and continued with cleaning around the kitchen while the girl watched you with keen eyes. Ever since you found them, she had been watching you, observing you. You mostly kept to yourself, never giving more than a few curt answers to them while walking ahead of the group, eyes careful for the slight noise that would alert you.
But deep down, she knew that you had a good, kind heart. She saw how you tried to give the quickest blow on those who were infected so that they wouldn’t hurt any longer than they already did, how you helped around the people around the safe zone...
You reminded her of how Joel was, she knew that he was amazed by you even though he said you were being stupid, and even though she heard Tommy talk about how Joel was at the first year of the outbreak... He still had enough goodness to help her and do what he was doing now.
Save as many as possible.
While she pouted at the thoughts running through her mind, she flinched when she heard the harsh thud of your hand on the counter and saw you bent over it while panting hard.
Anger, it was anger coursing through you.
It wasn’t like you hated his guts, no. You understood why he was the way he was, harsh and even rude, and for the sake of Tommy, you didn’t say anything but his behaviour...
He was acting like he was the only one who lost everything.
And he had no right for that.
“ I can understand the pain he went through Ellie, really. But you can’t tell me that he is the only one. Fred, Dina, Eric, everyone! Even Gustavo, the ever cheerful man, lost someone!” your chest heaved up and down, harsh breaths leaving you while memories of your past life resurfaced.
Blood, screams, tears, more blood...
Ellie was, for once, left speechless as you burst out. She had seen some people do that, not in front of her though, and thought of you to be that invincible woman.
But the dangling bracelet said otherwise.
She felt her heart pound at her chest, breaking a little as the single tear that ran down your cheek and scooted closer to your form on the chair sitting defeatedly, playing with that red string your sisters gave to you before they...
“I used to have a family too, despite what might people think...” She gasped silently at the words, realizing you wanted to tell her your story, unaware of the man standing behind you.
“You know the kind where they annoyed each other but loved everyone so much? Yeah, that was my life. My only worry was to get high grades, graduate and do what I love. I would occasionally take care of my two sisters, who were in my opinion little gremlins, who wouldn’t leave me alone.” Ellie smiled at that, even though she didn’t know what you were talking about. But she understood that they were your family, people to be always there for you and... she knew that feeling.
“ Before the shit went down, they came barging in my room in the middle of studying and begged me to close my eyes, putting the bracelet around my wrist happily. They said that even if they annoyed me, it was because they loved me and that I was the best big sister ever... And then, the infection happened, everything went to south and now we were trying to survive while protecting our mental health.” Looking at the almost worn out bracelet in thought, your heart clenched painfuly at your chest and you brought a hand to where your heart was, rubbing it for some comfort while Joel watched you with wide eyes and guilt crawling inside him like a spider.
Never in his long life would he think that someone so stern, rude and cold would endure all of these... Endure what happened to him. He felt the sharp pricks of guilt hit him heavily and after 20 years, he felt like a total douche for treating you with nothing but harshness. He remembered how he said that it was normal for people to die on you, as if you weren’t capable enough to protect and fight...
And how it affected you...
But, a part of him wanted to listen more, hear more about you and your story. He felt like you wouldn’t be this vulnerable with anyone, let alone him after asking about you around the town only to receive shrugs, and this was his one chance at understanding you and he shuffled closer to the door when you spoke again.
“ It was first my mom, who got infected. My dad, the man I thought that wouldn’t break, couldn’t kill her and after securing my sisters, he gave me his gun and told me to kill both of them... I was just 16-17 or something, I didn’t understand why he was doing it. But soon got my answers when he let her bite him and he too became one of them. That was my first two kills, to protect my sisters. Even to this day I still blame my dad for everything that happened but a part of me understood why. He just didn’t want to be without her, knowing that he was her killer... But wanted me to live as their killer.”
“You aren’t their killer, I’m sure that they also know it. Humans had done far worse things than that and I dunno, I just feel like they are happy you did that because if you didn’t, someone else would and you would be both dead.”
“Maybe, you’re right... Still doesn’t help though. Anyways after that, I did anything, anything to protect them. I became the shell of the girl I was, killed mercilessly, trained non-stop and became one of the most feared woman. I raised two girls when I was a child, protected them from the insane part of humans...” you spat the last sentence disgusted and both Joel and Ellie tilted their heads at the meaning behind it.
“What do you mean by that?”
Chuckling humorlessly, you faced the girl with a sad stare. You didn’t want her to know everything, but she too was a girl and the world that waited her wasn’t good anymore.
It was her destiny.
“You don’t know, but the way women and children were treated when this shit didn’t happen was bad. Women was raped, children was kidnapped, there were pedophiles who raped or assaulted kids... And those all happened even when there were laws and governments. No punishment was given, and police wouldn’t do anything about it... What do you think would happen to them in a world like this?”
Joel clenched his hands angrily at what you said, knowing how bad it was. He remembered how many times he watched them on the breaking news, how Tommy and Sarah would look in disgust and worry...
No wonder you had been that cold to him, and was able to knock the air out of him when he jumped on you, thinking of you another bandit, fear evident on your orbs for a second.
His heart softened at everything he learnt, how similar your lives were. Your sisters are lucky to have you, they would be good friends with Ellie- Seriously, where are they? The house seems empty-
“I’m... I’m sorry.” Ellie seriously didn’t know what she should think. She wasn’t stupid by any means, she understood  what you meant and felt envy. She never had a person like that in her life, no one was there to protect her until Joel and she couldn’t help but wonder if you would do the same for her.
But a part of her, a part of humanity and child, wanted to meet them and see how amazing they were. Were they like you? Better? Where were they?
“Your sisters must be proud of you so much! I really want to meet them, where are-“
“I hope you never do, Ellie...” you smiled at her obvious innocence and squeezed your chest as if you were in pain at how she reminded you of them. Ellie tilted her head curiously, not understanding why you suddenly became 10 times older and why you didn’t want her to meet them...
But Joel did.
“No, don’t say that...”
“Because they are dead, Ellie... I killed her.”
Her mouth was left open at shock, not expecting that much to happen to you. She knew that a lot happened to you, that you did pretty unimaginable things... But this was too much even for a grown-up.
“How did it...” she asked unsure, her mind slowly realizing that you were no hero but a real human.
“The older one begged to come with me and I let her, she was 15 at the time. It was a simple mission but there were a bunch Clickers and one suddenly jumped at us. I was able to move away but... she wasn’t. It bit her and she begged me to kill her so that she wouldn’t turn to them. I had to do it and... well, she died between my arms.” You shrugged your shoulder as if it didn’t bother you anymore but in reality, you were crushing under it.
The way your sister screamed at you in anguish to kill her..
Sister, please! I don’t wanna be like them!
“And what about the other one?”
“The fuckers who hated me waited so that I would leave, they killed the man I trusted the youngest one with and kidnapped her... I searched everywhere, every place but... I guess she is also dead too... For days, I wasn’t able to wash off her blood and for months after that, the only thing I saw was blood of them...and the hands of a murderer...”
Silence welcomed you, Ellie was heartbroken for all the things that happened to you and even more amazed at how you still had that good side in you. She always wanted to be a strong woman, but now that an amazing role model was sitting down before her, she knew what her next goal was.
You gave a soft smile at the girl who was already worming inside your heart and got up, slapping your knees playfully and trying to ease the sad vibes.
“And that’s the story of how I became that cold bitch around here! I’m sorry I dumped my trauma at you but I guess, I kinda needed-“ your voice died down at the shocked man standing beside your door, hands crossed in front of his chest while he stood frozen, not expecting you to turn around so fast. Your face went pale at the realization, knowing that he heard everything. Clenching your hands thighter on your sides, Ellie’s curse went to deaf ear by both adults who were busy looking at each other.
And you were surprised to see a tear sitting at the corner of his eyes.
Joel wasn’t  a stranger to self-loathing, to hate himself more than anyone in this world. He, too killed people and most of the times, he didn‘t care. Maybe, that was one of the reasons he got angry at you for pointing that out.
Because you were right
The first night it all happened, he saw how humanity would go berserk with one little thing and how government would do anything to protect their power.
How they would kill without a reason and decided that why couldn’t he do that too, if the worl wanted him to?
But looking at you, he trully never believed you to be a murderer, even when his tongue betrayed him. Not because of your smaller form but for the way you still had compassion, saved people to get them to a safe zone. He was shocked to see many of town’s folk greeting you happily while children horded around you and jow sweetly you smiled at them even when you were dead tired. And for the first time ever since meeting you, he trully looked at you for you and saw how kind and nice you were. How authoritative you were but gentle enough to pat the heads of the children and selfless enough when one of the younger teen in your squead came rushing to you with a happy frin and whispered something in your ear that made you grin at the young boy.
He would never say it to your face, but he found you to be slightly annoying and pretty much impressing. The brutal force you used required to be trained all the time and your agility and stealth was not to be messed with.
It was enough for him to not realize that you sneaked upon him with him noticing.
He cursed at himself for being an asshole to you, especially after learning why you were the way you were. Tommy’s words rang in his mind and for once, he wished that he wasn’t right, that he wasn’t fucked up and needed to apologize...
You don’t know her story, Joel... You two are more alike than you realize...
Too bad that he only stood like a dumb young boy there, umable to form words which only fueled your anger.
You scoffed at him, even though he didn’t do anything bad particularly. But protecting your dignity was more important at that time and that was what you did.
“Wow you are really a douche enough to barge in my home and listen, huh? Didn’t expected that low from you, Miller.” You said, disappointed and tired while slipping away and into the street with Ellie running after you, worrying meanwhile Joel tried to find a way to do something he hadn’t done in a long time.
But for now, you didn’t want any apologies. You didn’t want to see people, and their pity.
You just needed air.
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theaawalker · 6 months
Fandoms I'll Write For
Marvel (not Iron Man, Starlord, Loki, Thor, Doctor Strange, or Hawkeye, Drax, Victor Creed, Antman, Adam Warlocke, AG's Spiderman, or Cyclops)
DCEU (not Peacemaker, Killer Croc, JL's Joker, RP's Batman, or anyone from Gotham except Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska)
Scream Queens (not Chad Radwell or Pete Martinez)
American Horror Story (only Murder House, 1984, Freakshow, and Cult)
Hunger Games (not Gale, Maymitch, President Snow, or Cato)
The Maze Runner (not Ava Paige, Jorge, or Janson)
My Little Pony
Once Upon A Time (not Hook, David, Rumple, Neal, Peter Pan, or Zelena)
Pacific Rim (not the sequel)
Twilight (not Seth, Edward, Carlyle, or Jasper)
Stranger Things (not Will Byers, Billy Hargrove, or Jim Hopper)
IT (2017, 2019, and tv series) (not Henry Bowers or Pennywise)
Jurassic Park/World (not Owen Grady or Ian Malcolm)
Jumanji (1997 & 2017)
Zathura (not the dad or robot)
Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill)
Girl, Interrupted (not Jared Leto's character)
The Black Phone (not the Grabber or Mr. Blake)
Teen Wolf (the film & series)
Equestria Girls
Teen Wolf (not Peter, Jackson, Theo, or Derek)
The Office (not Jim, Ryan, or Dwight)
Now You See Me (not Dylan Rhodes or Merritt McKinney)
Descendants (not Chad, Harry, Ben, Jay, or Carlos)
Sky High (not Zach or Speed)
Percy Jackson films (not Luke Castellan)
The Umbrella Academy (not Five)
TMNT (live action ver. only)
Dance Moms (not the final season)
Ender's Game
Wednesday (not Xavier, Tyler, or the Dean)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (not Mentor Peter Parker)
Unbreakable (not Hedwig or Dennis)
Big Hero 6
The Black Mirror
Dynasty (not Culhane, Adam, or Blake)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Spy Kids
Sharkboy & Lavagirl
Clue, Knives Out, & Glass Onion
Back to the Future (not Biff), Breakfast Club (not Bender), Sandlot, Stand By Me (not Ace Merrill), Mighty Ducks, The Outsiders (not Dally, Two-Bit, Randy, Bob, Steve, or Darry)
I’m willing to write imagines for underage characters so long as there's no romance (examples: hang out with the Losers Club at the barrens; go shopping with Eleven and Max; play baseball with Finney and Bruce). I’m allowed to deny any request and the longest I should take ever to write one is about 2 weeks. I’ll write smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, LGBTQ+, etc. Generally most of my x readers are female unless stated otherwise.
What I won’t write-
I won’t write anything to do with rape, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, romance with anyone younger than 18, gun play, anything about poo(sexually), anything about urine(squirting is fine considering it’s not technically urine), age gaps. See guidelines for more details.
Thanks for reading❤️
A.A. Walker
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escapingpurgatory · 1 year
Welcome To The Morgue...
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welcome in 🤯 my name is taylor, you can call me tay if you'd like!
facts about me!
i love horror and gore, so please be prepared for that whilst looking at my blog
i'm a cis female, my pronouns are she/her
i'm a metalhead and a punk 🤘
my favorite colors are red and black
i'm bisexual 😱
DNI if...
you're homophobic
you're transphobic
you're a nazi
you're racist
you're a pedophile
you're a p0rn blog
you're a terf
you're a z00ph1le
stay away from me and my blog if you are any of these things.
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Favorite Bands/Artists
45 grave, 55gore, 6arelyhuman, abscess, acid, acid bath, alex g, alice in chains, anthrax, apati, artillery, autopsy, a7x, ayesha erotica, babes in toyland, bathory, bauhaus, beherit, bethlehem, bikini kill, billy joel, bio-cancer, black flag, black sabbath, blod besvimelse, bodily stew, bolt thrower, bon jovi, bones, bratmobile, cannabis corpse, cannibal corpse, carnivore, car seat headrest, christian death, cigarettes after sex, corneus, the cramps, crass, crystal castles, the cure, cursed pumpkin, dark angel, darkened nocturn slaughtercult, darkthrone, david bowie, dead kennedys, death, deftones, deicide, destruction, doom, the doors, d.r.i., duster, dystopia, ecpatia, the electric hellfire club, entombed, erotic gore cunt, ethel cain, evanescence, exhumed, exodus, fiona apple, fluids, forgotten ruin, forgotten tomb, ghost, ghoul, gorepot, grave, green day, grausemkeit, haggus, happy days, have a nice life, hellhammer, him, hole, hulder, hypothermia, immortal, insane clown posse, iron maiden, jack off jill, joan jett, johnny cash, joy division, këkht arähk, kittie, kmfdm, korn, kreator, kvävning, lana del rey, last days of humanity, leviathan, lifelover, mäleficentt, mayhem, mazzy star, megadeth, melanie martinez, mercyful fate, metallica, mindless self indulgence (fuck jimmy!), ministry, misfits, mitski, morbid, morbid angel, mortician, mortuary drape, mötley crüe, municipal waste, murderdolls, mxmxm, my bloody valentine, my chemical romance, nails, napalm death, nausea, nicole dollanganger, nine inch nails, nirvana, nocturnal depression, nuclear assault, obituary, the offspring, opiated devilsperm, overkill, party cannon, pierce the veil, pink floyd, pisdati bylat, possessed, psychonaut 4, queen, putrid stu, radiohead, rammstein, rob zombie, the runaways, salvia palth, sarcófago, scary bitches, sebum excess production, shining, sign crushes motorist, sisters of mercy, skag, skinny puppy, slayer, sleeping with sirens, slipknot, slowdive, the smashing pumpkins, the smiths, sodom, s.o.d., sorry..., specimen, spectral decay, subhumans, suicidal-idol, suicidal tendencies, system of a down, tankard, tenebris, toxic holocaust, tu carne, tv girl, vampirska, venom, watain, weedeater, whiplash, white zombie, xasthur, and many more!
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Favorite Films/TV Shows
orphan, a nightmare on elm street, kill bill vol. 1, death proof, i tonya, scarface, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, the dark knight, billy madison, terrifier, terrifier 2, spider-man (2002), meet the parents, the cable guy, dumb and dumber, the evil dead, evil dead II, studio 666, house of 1000 corpses, morbius, the nightmare before christmas, school of rock, hannibal, the silence of the lambs, speak, pulp fiction, walk the line, the emperor's new groove, kronk's new groove, ratatouille, barbie, joker, beetlejuice, inglorious basterds, django unchained, happy gilmore, wayne's world, beauty and the beast, the princess and the frog, scream, black swan, metal lords, x, pearl, howl's moving castle, christine, mulan (animated!), beavis and butt-head do america, girl interrupted, zoolander, anger management, e.t., the wizard of oz, doctor strange, fight club, mr. deeds, twilight, edward scissorhands, coraline, the virgin suicides, a goofy movie, an extremely goofy movie, the great outdoors, superbad, monster house, liar liar, the conjuring, signs, annabelle, annabelle: creation, napoleon dynamite, mean girls, the truman show, the simpons movie, jennifer's body, the menu, clueless, dracula (1931), heathers, american psycho, the breakfast club, thirteen, the craft, disturbing behavior, the shining, hell's kitchen, kitchen nightmares, the simpsons, gilmore girls, death note, beavis and butt-head, wandavision, a series of unfortunate events, brooklyn nine-nine, metalocalypse, hotel hell
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That's All! Have A Good Rest Of Your Day/Night. Take Care Of Yourselves!
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