#isabella rivera (oc)
yourlocalqreator · 1 year
Isabella and Aleks
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Isabella “Bell” Beaufort @yourlocalqreator
Aleksandra Clarke Rivera @alypink
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water-you-doing-bro · 11 months
Requesting by a sweet anon for poly jercy + their oc Isãbella, the daughter of Thanatos! Fair warning, this is my first time writing jercy and I haven’t read it in a while so idk how well this is gonna work out [sweat drop] I hope you like it, nonnie! <33 Characters: Percy, Jason, OFC Pairings: Percy/Jason/OFC Warnings: none that I can think of but please don't hesitate to let me know if I should add anything! Word Count: 2,867
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Things had been quiet lately. That should have been the first sign that things were about to go to shit. 
But after everything, everyone just wanted to relax and take the time to heal. They let the drop in monster attacks and the lack of prophecies lull them into a false sense of security and now they were paying for it. 
It started off as a normal enough day. Isãbella got up, showered, and met her boys outside so they could walk to the pavilion for breakfast together. 
“Good morning, boys,” she said, smiling and biting back a laugh. Jason was dressed, bright-eyed and bushy tailed as ever. Percy, however, was leaning heavily into Jason’s side, head dropped on the blonde’s shoulder as he drooled. His hair was a mess, as always, and he was still wearing his pajamas. 
Isã pecked his cheek and giggled when he mumbled something that could have been anything from ‘good morning’ to ‘fuck off.’ He really wasn’t a morning person. 
Together, she and Jason dragged Percy to the pavilion and sat him down at the Poseidon table. Isã ignored the rules, as usual, and sat with him, while Jason had to go sit alone at the Zeus table. But he was only alone until Leo skipped over and plopped down beside him, also as usual, with a complete and utter disregard for the rules. 
After breakfast, with Percy now fully awake and fit to bursting with energy, they went to the arena to spar together, training in each other’s weapons. 
Percy and Isã were both quick to pick up the spear from Jason. Percy because he was, infuriatingly enough, a natural with just about any weapon he got his hands on, and Isã because it was close enough to her scythe that she made the adjustments easily. Jason already had experience with a sword, so he had a leg to stand on, but Isã struggled a bit with the difference in reach and weight distribution. Both of her boys were absolutely terrible with a scythe, though, and Isã had a field day watching them swing the top-heavy weapon around with no finesse. 
Once they’d had enough of that for the day, and after they’d cleaned up, Percy bundled them into his car and drove them back to the city to visit his mom, Paul, and little baby Estelle. They had to stop to fill up on gas a few miles from the city. Percy pulled into a little run-down gas station and Jason went inside to buy them drinks. 
Isã chatted absently with Percy while he pumped gas, her leaning against the side of the car and Percy against the gas pump. Only a few minutes had passed before there was a loud crash from inside the building and they heard Jason yell. 
Isã and Percy were both moving in an instant. Riptide sprung to life in Percy’s hand and Isã summoned her scythe Theristí̱s, Reaper, into her hand and the world seemed to darken as they barreled into the little shop. 
“Jason!” She snarled when she saw the cyclops towering over Jason and lunged without a second thought. She swung Reaper with a guttural cry. The monster whirled around and caught her blade on his club with a laugh. 
“Little spawn of Death, huh?” he chuckled and dodged her next swing. “I haven’t met one of you before.” he smirked. “Not often that dear old Thanatos meets a mortal and leaves them alive long enough to get pregnant, let alone actually give birth to the monstrosity. Though I guess he came back for her soon enough, huh?” He leered at her, and Isãbella saw red. 
Her mom was a bit of a sore spot, and apparently this random cyclops had managed to figure that out. She’d met her dad, learned about the demigod world, and lost her mom all in one terrible, horrible night. Amanda Rivera was the most wonderful, kind-hearted woman and she had been the best mother to someone as weird as Isãbella had been growing up. And then one night, when she was eight years old, Isã had woken up in the middle of the night to a loud crash coming from the living room. 
She’d crawled out of bed and snuck down the hall. She peeked around the corner and saw a giant, monstrous black dog snarling at her mom. Her mom was waving a weird, glowing stick at it and yelling. There was a weird twisting in her tummy and it was scaring her. Then the big dog had lunged at her mom and they both screamed. Something dark and scary burst inside her belly and suddenly the dog was looking right at her with glowing red eyes. Isãbella lunged for the weird glowing stick her mom had dropped and in a blind panic, swung it at the dog. It exploded into a weird golden dust and Isã just stood there for a moment, panting. She was confused and scared and she wanted her mom. But when she turned to find her, she saw red soaking into their carpet and a strange man cradling a second, sorta see-through copy of her mom in his arms. He had long black hair, ghostly pale skin, and huge, dark wings sprouting from his back. He promised to be right back after he took her mom ‘home’ and when he returned, he explained that he was her father and she was a demigod. She got brought into the world of gods and monsters the hard way, like most demigods did unfortunately. After explaining everything to her, Thanatos had scooped her up and carried her to Camp Half-Blood where she lived in the Hermes Cabin as just one more unclaimed little girl with no family and no home. 
When she turned twelve, however, Thanatos had appeared in the middle of the night and taken her away from Camp. He explained that there was a war coming and he did not want to lose her to it. So he trained her and kept her hidden away from the other gods. Took her with him to collect souls and disguised her as a nymph so no one would question it. She learned to harness her powers and how to defend herself. 
After Kronos was defeated, Thanatos sent her to another camp, Camp Jupiter, to help Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, as an ambassador of the Underworld to the Romans because apparently there were Romans now. She and Nico grew close pretty fast, and she helped him resurrect his sister Hazel, even though she knew it meant something had happened to her dad. 
When Percy Jackson suddenly showed up at Camp Jupiter with no memories except for his best friends’ names, she had tried to stay away. But Percy was magnetic. He drew you in without even trying and before you knew it, he’d dragged you down into the undertow and there was no escaping it even if you’d wanted to. She hadn’t had the chance to get to know him when he first arrived at Camp Half-Blood since her father had snatched her away barely a year after he arrived. But now, she could see why everyone was so drawn to him, why Nico loved him. 
Then she’d met Jason Grace and he was almost Percy’s polar opposite. Where Percy was dark and wild, almost blurry around the edges like a glitching video game, Jason was bright and rigid, all sharp edges with fraying seams like a paper that had been folded and unfolded too many times until it was on the cusp of falling apart. Where Percy wore his heart on his sleeve and put love and friends and family and loyalty above all else, Jason was hard to read, keeping his emotions close to his chest and putting duty and honor before all. 
But they were also so terribly similar. They both exuded a warmth and calm that made you feel safe and loved and protected. They both fought with a vicious fury for what they believed it. Neither of them knew when to quit or how to say no. They both gave all of themselves when asked, put everything they had into everything they did. They were both stubborn and gentle and unwaveringly kind. They both had a terrible habit of self-sacrifice and were prone to aggressive overprotectiveness. 
Really it was no wonder they fell for each other. And it was no wonder that Isãbella fell for both of them. 
When Percy fell into Tartarus with Annabeth, unwilling to let his best friend suffer alone, Jason had just about fallen apart. All of them had. When they got Percy and Annabeth back, as soon as Percy woke up, Jason had pulled him into a desperate kiss and begged him to never do that again. 
Isã had been okay, at first, watching from afar. She was content to just be their friend, even if she wished they could be more. But then Cupid had to go and fuck with them, forcing Nico to out himself and forcing her to admit her crushes on both Jason and Percy. It was rough, and it hurt, but they would have managed. Except Jason had been there, had heard and seen and witnessed it all and Isã knew that she was going to lose them forever. 
Except then Jason had hugged her and told her he loved her and Percy loved her too but they had both been too scared that she would find it weird to date both of them while they were also dating each other but he was so happy she felt the same but he also assured her that he wouldn’t say anything to Percy until she was ready and he promised Nico that he wouldn’t tell anyone about his secret without his permission. 
For a few weeks, everything had been perfect and Isãbella could almost forget that they were facing the end of the world. Nico had taken off with Reyna, Coach Hedge, and the Athena Parthenos to shadow travel them back to Camp Half-Blood and hopefully stop the two camps from going to war while the rest of them sailed off towards Greece to face down the Giants. 
Sometimes, Isã felt like she shouldn’t be there. She wasn’t a part of the prophecy, she wasn’t one of the Seven, but the others assured her that with an extra pair of hands and her rather terrifying weapon, well, the more the merrier, right? And she quickly found that she could talk to Nico in their dreams. 
Death and Dreaming were closely related after all, and her father had told her that she might have some control over dreams. So she was able to keep her friends updated on Nico’s progress and keep Nico updated on how everyone else was doing as well. She played messenger between her friends on the Argo II and people back at the camps, trying to stall the battle long enough for Nico to arrive with the Athena Parthenos and for the Argo II to arrive at the Parthenon in Greece and put an end to the Giants. 
When Gaea woke, and Jason and Leo and Percy had faced off against her (to storm or fire the world must fall) she had been terrified. The dark, twisting sensation she felt in her gut whenever someone died and their soul was ready to be passed on to the Afterlife was omnipresent that whole fight. She couldn’t rely on it to tell her if one of her boys was dying because so many demigods and monsters were dying all around her, her senses were overwhelmed with deathdeathdeath and it was all she could do to stay grounded in her body enough to be aware of her surroundings. 
She felt her wings explode into the physical plane, so dark they seemed to suck the light out of the air surrounding her. With a mighty flap, she had launched herself into the air and sent shadows rippling across the battlefield. She cut through monsters and pulled their essences into her shadowy wings, calling them into Death and holding them there. 
She tried not to focus on the hurricane and the firestorm and the raging winds behind her, couldn’t afford to split her attention like that. Still, she prayed to her father that they would be safe. She knew the prophecy, knew that one of them was going to die (an oath to keep with a final breath) and she didn’t want to lose any of her new friends. But selfishly, so gods damned selfishly, she couldn’t help but pray that it was anyone but Jason or Percy. 
When the dust settled and the battle was over and she could finally, finally shift her focus, she was met with the sight of Jason and Percy stumbling to shore, their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders for support. She launched herself into the air once more and flew over as fast as she could. At the sight of their grief-stricken faces, she knew Leo was gone, that he had given his life to bring Gaea down. She pulled her boys close to her and wrapped them safely in her arms and cocooned them within her shadowy wings even as they flickered and began to disappear back into their plane of existence as her emotions dropped. 
Things had been hard, afterword, with funerals and rebuilding and trying to make amends and create a relationship between the two camps. Then Leo came back, Calypso in tow. Then the camps were rebuilt, Greeks making friends with Romans and Romans making friends with Greeks. 
Things were finally getting better. 
But then a monster attacked Jason in a little run-down gas station just outside NYC and suddenly Isãbella felt all of eight years old again, watching her mom get attacked by a beast she had no name for. 
She screamed, something raw and primal exploding inside her as she lunged once more at the cyclops. At some point, she’d dropped her scythe, so she drew the knives she kept hidden in her sleeves. Her wings burst into existence, sending cheap shelves crashing to the floor and breaking through decaying wood. It was cramped and she had no room to use them but in her blinding rage she could not will them away so she simply pulled them in tight to her back and ignored them. 
Somewhere, Isã could hear Percy yelling at her to stop, to calm down, but he was easy to ignore with the rushing in her ears and focus instead on the sound of the cyclops’ laugh. She snarled viciously and the lights in the small store exploded. 
They were plunged into darkness. 
No light streamed through the windows even though it was just past noon, and Isã knew that the only light the others could see in the room were her bright, silver eyes as they glowed and the glint of her teeth when she gave the monster a feral grin. 
She could see in the dark perfectly well, but the cyclops couldn’t. Therefore, it never saw her coming when she snuck up behind it and slit its throat with her knife. 
She watched as it choked, then crumbled to dust, mind blank. 
Sunlight slowly seeped through the windows and illuminated the store once more and she felt her wings flicker out of the physical plane. 
She kicked the pile of dust and spat on it for good measure before turning to finally check on her boyfriends. 
Jason was sitting up now, leaning against Percy’s side and blinking at her dazedly. Percy watched her calmly, his arm wrapped around Jason’s shoulders. 
“He’s alright, Isã,” Percy said softly, no doubt reading the lingering fear and worry in her tense muscles. “He’s probably got a small concussion but it’s nothing a little ambrosia won’t fix.” 
Isãbella let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding and walked over to them, dropping to her knees. She reached out to cradle Jason’s cheek and let out a shaky breath. He gave her a tired smile and leaned into her palm. She reassured herself that she could not sense Death lingering around them, couldn’t feel her father’s presence about to swallow the warmth surrounding them in that moment, and finally let herself relax. 
She dropped her head on Jason’s shoulder and took a moment to just breathe. She hated seeing either of her boys hurt, it gutted her and twisted at something deep in her chest every time it happened. 
Jason shifted and gently kissed her temple. She felt Percy start running his hands through her hair. 
“Come on,” he whispered as he pressed a kiss to her crown. “Let’s get outta here. Can’t keep Estelle waiting forever.” 
She let out a watery laugh, not entirely sure when she’d started crying, and helped Percy pull Jason to his feet. There was ambrosia waiting in the car and once they’d broken off a corner for him to eat, Jason would be right as rain. 
They made it to Sally’s apartment just in time for a late lunch while helping her bake blue chocolate chip cookies. 
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rainestorm2556 · 3 months
Snippet from my newest WIP
Isabella was in her room watching TV. She heard a knock on the front door and her mother yelled for either her or her elder sister to get it. So Isabella paused her show and opened the door. She saw a girl about her age with dark brown hair and eyes. She felt connected to her somehow and then before they could say anything a golden lyre hologram appeared above her head. “Oh fucking shit.” They both spoke at the same time.
“So uh you kinda gotta go with me now.” The girl standing before Isabella said.
“No way/ Why would I go with you?” Isabella asked. Then, her older sister Amber appeared and when she saw the glowing lyre and a green glowing trident appeared above her head. The girl across from Isabella looked panicked.
“Look, there's no time to explain. You just have to come with me.” The girl quickly wrote some ransom note and took the sisters with her. They fled down the stairs quickly and began sprinting towards Camp Half Blood. The most horrible monsters they could imagine followed them. A bat-like creature with claws of brass and glowing red eyes sneered at them and followed them all the way. It had a shriveled face and wore a horribly crumpled up and wrinkled velvet dress. Her wings looked almost leathery and her feet had sharp talons. “So you guys are children of the Greek gods. I’m Alex, my dad is Apollo. Just like yours is.” She pointed at Isa as they ran. “Yours is Poseidon. Now please introduce yourselves so if you die I know the names to give to Chiron and if I die you you know the name to give to Chiron.” The two girls nodded.
“I’m Isabella and this is my older sister Amber.”
“We’re almost there. If we can get to our destination we’ll be safe. We don’t stand a chance of fighting this fury so our only option is to try to outrun her.” Alex was out of breath but stopping meant dying.
“Why is a furry chasing us?” Isabella asked.
“Fury.” Alex corrected her half sister. “It’s a kind of monster from Greek mythology.”
“Okay furries may be weird but I wouldn’t call them monsters.” Isa responded and Alex internally face palmed.
“Fury! Not furry!” Alex chided.
“Ohhhh!” Isa realized. “By the way, you can call me Bella.”
“Yeah no. I’m calling you Isa. Your sister gets to stay Amber though.”
“Okay then I guess I’m Isa now.” As they ran Alex saw a tree on a hill in the distance and this brought her spirits up. They sprinted towards it like their lives depended on it because well they did. When they finally reached it Alex took a moment to catch her breath before bringing the Torres sisters to Chiron. They seemed hesitant to part but once they entered their new cabins they felt right at home.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months
My Ships;
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Chil (Gil and Chad).
Dizzy x Celia (don't know their ship name).
Cevon (Cj and Zevon).
Soaring Angel (Claudine frollo and LeFou Deux).
Bronze Mate (Sammy and Gaston the 3rd).
Hunted flower (Clay and Ginny).
Mad Governor (Mad Maddy and Rick Ratcliffe).
Tiger Hood (Tiger Peony and Bobby Hood).
Jade and Jonas (Jay's cousin and Uma's crew mate).
Hunter x Eliza x Jim jr( Carlos's cousin and Jane's cousin, and The kids from Lady and and tramp).
Melody x Zephyr (Ariel's kid and Esmerlda's kid).
Captain Tremaine (Anthony and Harriet).
De viled Dwarf (Diego and Derek).
Mad de vil (Ivy and Gordon).
Lil Chaca (Li Shang Jr and Chaca).
Pinocchio x Alice.
Lottie and Lars (Charlotte and Hans' nicest brother).
Heddie (Hermie and Eddie).
Rela (Reza and Yzla).
Rap (Ruby x Hap).
Flirty Goth (Anxelin x Tyrone ).
Michael John, son of Milo and Kida and Kailani, the daughter of Nani and David Kawena.
Jackata (Jackson the son of Tarzan and Jane and Katalina, daughter of Kuzco).
Yi-min and Quincy son of Quasimodo and Madeline.
Elle x Jace Badun.
Nakoma x Thomas.
Nizhoni (Nakoma and Thomas's daughter) x Marlon (Merida's emo son).
Herkie x Emile (Zephyr's sister).
Attaang (Nakoma and Thomas's daughter) x Shilo/shy.
Nina x Grouchy (Tina's daughter/Tyrone's twin and Grumpy's other son).
Hanny (Hadie x Danny Darling).
Mozenrath and Sadira.
Isabella Madrigal x Bubo Marquez.
Mirabel Madrigal x Miguel Rivera.
The canon Encanto ships.
Luisa Madrigal x Ryder Nattura.
Tartie= Tulip Lampwick x Artie Pendragon.
Foul Puppet/Puppet Fellow= Pin x Julie Foulfellow.
Hans Westergaard x Drizella Tremaine.
Anastasia Tremaine x Jacob Laythn (the baker).
Tiger Lily x Lampwick.
Jordan x Ally.
Freddie x Zevon x Cj.
Sea three x Royal two.
Nina x Aziz.
Princess Eilonwy x Alexander.
Weighted Tremaine= Gaston Jr and Debbie Tremaine.
Featuring some ocs of @casinotrio1965 , mine, and @cleverqueencommander .
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
3. have they died before? for any of your ocs
Uuuuh just from self-inserts:Makoto Yaoyorozu,Summer Kent,Twilight(She Ra),Cassandra(Hades),Marnie Guerrero,Isabella(Ok Ko),Dani Domínguez,Prim/Paulina,Lluvia Addams,Thalia Rodrigo,Grace Rivera,Solana Cristalina,Autumn Diamuertos,Stephanie Parks,Headless Summer,Aurora Lanewalker and Peni Delgato!!!I'm Ghostkin and it shows😭😭😭😭😭
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Hyper pop au characters are
Mei Mei, Abby, Miriam, Priya, and 4*town - Turning red
Violet and Dash - The Incredibles
Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet and the Fireside Girls - Phineas and Ferb
Craig, Kelsey, and Jp - Craig of the creek
Russel Wilson - up
Molly McGee, Darryl, Andrea, Libby, Kat, and Sheela - tgamg
Miguel Rivera - Coco
Hiro Hamada and karmi - Big hero 6
Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright - Amphibia
Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Willow Park, Hunter Noceda, Guz Porter- The owl house
Luca Paguro , Alberto Malcovaldo, Giulia Malcovaldo - Luca
Lilo Pelekai - Lilo and Stitch
Mirabel, Camilo, And Antonio Madrigal - Encanto
Penny Proud(her "friends" will never be in this group) - Proud Family
Vanellope Vonshweets + sugar rush racers - Wreck it Ralph 1&2
Riley Anderson, jordan - Inside out
Penny Forrester - Bolt
Andy, bonnie, sid, and molly - toy story
Christopher Robin - Disney
Penn, Sachi, and Boone - Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
Merida - Brave
Lewis, Wilbur, and Franny - Meet the Robinsons (lewis and wilbur are brothers in this au )
If there are more I need to add please tell me and OC's can be added as well
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bunnyai · 10 months
FUN RELATIONSHIP CHART because i'm unhinged to a delightful extent and since i don't want to bug anyone with my oc chatter it's you folks to have to suffer
miriam "mimzie" elizabeth dixie - 23 - Councilor Johnathan "John" Thomas Dixie (brother, 35) - Dr. Micheal Joshua Dixie (brother, 32) - Daniel Richard Dixie (brother, 28) - Tyler Ryder Dixie (brother, 25) - Mary Ellen Elizabeth Dixie (mother, 57) - Grayson Alexander Dixie (father, 55)
vincent "vince" xavier clark - 27 - Olivia Grace Clark (mother, 50) - Dr. David Oswald Clark (father, 58)
cole theodore walker - 32 - Harrison Oscar Redmond (husband, 34) - Reece Louis Walker-Redmond (son, 5) - Charlotte Sophia Walker (mother, 65) - Samuel "Sammy" Benjamin Walker (father, 65) - Elijah "Eli" Henry Walker (brother, 24)
darcy "cici" isabella rivera - 29 - Elena Rosa Rivera (mother, 60) - Félix Antonio Herrera (step-father, 53) - Catalina "Cat" Alma Rivera-Herrera (half sister, 22)
yvette - ?? (assumed mid-late 20s at best) - unknown brother - 3 unknown sisters - unknown mother - unknown father (deceased)
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Just because Hector doesn’t know what his parents look like doesn’t mean you can’t know! Here are Diego and Isabella Rivera!
Post these two were introduced in, along with Ernesto’s family: https://preguntaaloschicos.tumblr.com/post/646376271621832704/ooc-whew-im-finally-back-bby-sorry-i-was-away
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About me
Name: Diana
Pronouns: she/her
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Aesthetic: asleep feelings, wide awake thoughts
Lover of: literature, history, art, cinema, concerts, italian food
Hobbies: writing, reading, listening to music, daydreaming, thinking about fictional characters, surviving life
My OCs (Wattpad):
Rose Salvage — Thomas Shelby, Peaky Blinders
Eleanor Tadman — Jonathan Crane, Dark Knight trilogy
Cali’pso Navu — Kylo Ren, Star Wars
Annisa Shanty — Gar Logan, Titans
Isabella Rivera  — Dick Grayson, Titans
Wattpad: endIesstars
Instagram: endlesstars.wp
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vamprnce · 4 years
BRO tell me abt yr saints row ocs. all of them. literally anything. tell me what yr ACHING to tell. I wanna hear it 👀👀👀👀
aaa Jake okok!!! 😭💕 I dont have too many tbh, they're more from Chris' backstory, like friendships/relationships/family etc and not like in the saints gang hngnfbc sorry if this gets long LMAO
okay well ofc there's his parents and baby brother :')
Victoria Ramos Florez is his mom and she spent her time in college when Chris was 11 to become a nurse, since sr1-2 she's work at Stilwater's memorial hospital, during post sr2 she goes on to be a doctor!
Rafael "Ace" Alvarez Rivera is his dad, him and Vicky basically knew each other since high school and had an on and off relationship. they were planning to get married at one point, but then they had Chris when Vicky was 20 and Miguel 2 years after. Their relationship kinda got rocky and just basically they ended up as friends, but they didn't want to ruin the relationship in front of the kids so Ace stayed around to be a father to his two boys. Also his career is basically professional poker, hence the nickname, and he's been playing at the Poseidon since post sr1 into 2! before that he just did odd jobs around town
Miguel Alvarez Ramos is Chris' baby brother and Chris would die for him, he loves him so much even through their relationship is rocky since Chris left home when he was 17. Miguel went through college as well, tho I haven't figured out fully what that is atm, I did wanted him to do something with flowers and plants tho. in sr2 he met his now wife Isabella De Luna, then had two daughters Delores (oldest) and Cecilia (youngest) :')) they end up moving from Stilwater to Steelport in 3, too, and that's when Miguel and Chris reunites again
none of his family "dies" bc of sr4 tho, I couldn't do that to them I love his family
Cortez and Miranda Nieves are Chris' (and Miguel's) childhood friends from the Row, at age 17 leaving home after fighting with his mom, he goes to live with them. The three of them plus Sierra were in a tiny gang called black devil's, they're main goal was with distributing/selling drugs which was hard when LC was big in the market. not to spoil the whole backstory (I might write it out sometime) but basically Cortez was leaning hard to work with LC's, which later makes the relationship rocky with him, Chris and the rest of them. Cortez ends up a rival to Chris in sr1, Miranda ended up moving to Chicago a year before 1 started
I made a few posts abt Lee but he's Chris' first boyfriend. I dont have a full background for him/them yet but he's a LC member that's not really high in the ranks, he's Cortez's best friend and is a good resource with info with products/gang info. On the side he usually does underground fighting that isn't affiliated with the gang itself but usually Lee's crew is hanging around there anyways. Lee and Chris mainly met thru Cortez, he tagged along as Cortez was getting better info from Lee. Chris peaked his interest seeing him with him and asked him to join the fighting club, wanting see how "big" he really is. Chris did accept that challenge seeing how he was teasing him, long story short he kicked LC members asses after that. Lee was impressed and would be lying if he didn't have slight feelings for him. Again, Cortez had Chris tag along to go to a party with LC members there to meet up with Lee again weeks after, during the party is where both of them started to get to know each other more and really show they're feelings. awhile after is when they started dating officially! the timeline isn't clear yet and I'm still working on it so I'm missing details atm, so it's a fast summary how they met and got together plus Chris really hated Lee when they first met, mostly not liking the teasing and just out right distrustful with the gang
There's not a lot of characters but these are the main ones I usually focus more on with Chris' life, I'm pretty sure that's all abt them I have for them but idm other asks :') TYSM again for asking, my thoughts are scrambled but I hope this is good enough/comprehensive sjshdafhfg
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gleedalehq · 5 years
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HOLY SHIT IS THAT [ ESTER EXPOSITO ]?! Oh, wait it’s just [ ISABELLA RIVERA ]. Damn, [ SHE/HER ] looks good for [ 22 ], good thing that they’re [ BISEXUAL ], I might have a chance. I hear that they call them the [ THE VIXEN ] of the [ NORTH SIDE ]. I guess that’s because they’re [ CHARISMATIC ] and [ RESOURCEFUL ]. But I don’t think a lot of people know that they’re also [ EGOCENTRIC ] and [ JEALOUS ]. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble [ Ale/23/Central ] will bring.
Welcome to GleedaleHQ ISABELLA RIVERA! Please read the Checklist and send in your account within in 24 hours.
ester expósito fc and one (1) OC spot now taken!
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My demigods OCs part 2
1: Audrey, youngest of Rivera and Marcos’s children and their sextuplets 
2: Isabella, demigoddess child of the goddess Nocturna and Robin Vampyrum 
3: Maeve, daughter of Isabella and Alvaro 
4: Persephone, daughter of Ember and Aabinus
5: Ash, son of Ember and Blade
6: Irilea, daughter of the god Gideon and Orchard the Fruitbat. 
7: Aideen, daughter of the sun goddess Thea and a Vampyrum King named Axel
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jynsongxvii-blog · 7 years
oc & ooc  + spreading love
i feel like this selections has been pretty stressful for a lot of us, so maybe this will help! I tried to at least find something to say about all of you even if i don’t know you or your ocs that much... i’ve been busy and haven’t been able to keep up with all, but i tried! 
~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ↬   is for the girls [possibly] leaving soon for their own health. we will miss you even if we didn’t know you well! sending all the hugs.
ღ Theia Nina Huntley  ↠  i wanna read your fics, they look promising! i’m sorry i haven’t had time, but i still think you’re nice. wish we could see more of you on the gc ღ Melody Aurelia Nolan ↠ great separation of oc rudeness and ooc friendlyness. from what i’ve seen, also open to talk out ideas for plot-lines with others! has given thought to her backstory.   ღ Annette Victoria Rose Martel ↠ have you seen her fc? gorgeous. also crazy but beautiful pasta queen we all love. supportive, funny and GR92894839282. amazing fics cause she’s poetic af (i will fight you on this Net).  ღ Emmalyn Atwood ↠ cutest bean. super sweet in & out of character. oc family is also cute. conclusion is emmalyn = cute.  ღ Isabella Faulkner ↠ pretty reblogs of dresses, space and nature. i’ve been told you’re super nice and sweet ooc!  ღ Charlotte Elara Bane ↠ i’m also in love with her fc. adorable fics. cute oc that just wants to know the world. whoop whoop bts is rocking. adorable bean. (char-low ajshdfjgkhl i get it right sometimes)  ღ Calista Persephone Ledger ↠ sweetest bean. spreads all the love too. so positive. has a disabled oc which no one has done before! newsletters are cute and pretty.   ღ Aiko Rosette Ellis ↠ fc is so cute. pretty edits. aesthetic blog. nice ooc too.  ღ Seraphine Regina Chamberlaine ↠ fc is so pretty. we didn’t get to see much of you but still. watch out with that poison of yours ;)  ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ღ Nina Ivanenko ↠ crazy bean. always nice ooc. pretty edits. aesthetic blog MOUSE SPARKLES WHEN I MOVE ASDFGHJKL. (i will always be your hot taquito)  ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。  ღ  Ruby Stones ↠ do i even have to mention how asdfghjk your fc looks? so much effort into your fics! i love your descriptions that make everything sound so pretty. just wow. also pretty edits. 
ღ Jyn Song ↠ me. the basic hoe. fc is amazing because arden cho. i’m okayish. but i’m nice ooc i think. tries to love everyone. what is anon hate, leave me. i like being aesthetic too much because i have issues. too stubborn to drop out.   ღ Madalena Cruz ↠ fun while it lasted. pretty fc. best 2nd practice challenge tbh. 42/10 for sure. go back to being a power ranger now. sending love, Alex. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Stacey Marie Barret ↠ always nice ooc in the gc the few times i’ve seen you there! ღ Cameron Muirgen Nicholls ↠ nice bean. i wanna hug your oc. your oc’s family is also so nice. except her mom. we don’t talk about her. really liked your first fic i read. real good. don’t drop out just yet!! ღ Margarita Camilla Acosta-Cruz ↠ friendly! active with edits that have nice quotes. fc’s eyebrows on point. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Evadne Regine Leventhorpe ↠ you seem so nice ooc i swear i wanna be friends. i will give your oc all the HONOR. can’t wait to catch up with your fics once i’m done with tests. so much effort into your fics too! all the edits! just your commitment. ღ Madelyn Jean Knight ↠ friendly & nice as oc and ooc. also commitment and so active! your fc looks so cute. ღ Finley Reagan Gansey ↠ i’ve noticed a lot of girls think you’re friendly so hurray for friendly-ness! nice fc too. ღ Aricia East ↠ you’re laughing all the time in your posts/reblogs! so enthusiastic. also, always nice & friendly, be it as oc or ooc.  ღ Maria Fernanda Rivera ↠ haven’t seen much of you, but you seem really nice and approachable both in & out of character. your oc’s background is interesting! ღ Fiona Aliya Rossi ↠ probably one of the sweetest oc. lots of commitment. i know you’ve planned out your character a lot too! blog theme is so pink and fluffy i love it THE MOUSE ALSO THROWS BUBBLES WHEN I MOVE AJSDJG  ღ Katherine Geraldine Dempsey ↠ the cat to my gin. pretty edits. very active! super nice and friendly ooc. funny in & out of character. love her writing style too. good at trying to keep oc rudeness away from ooc! ღ Deborah Varker ↠ sweet and enthusiastic in & out of character. cute blog. very active and approachable! super nice in general.  ღ Annelise Catherina Newstone ↠ don’t see much of you, but i’m sure you’re nice ooc ;)  ღ Berklee Boyer ↠ so, so, so nice. it’s actually surprising how nice. sweet as honey. like bees. very active. super friendly. funny and adorable in & out of character. amazing all around. shares love with everyone. ღ Devon Lea Muerner ↠ fc is so pretty and cute. nice ooc. haven’t seen much of her lately but hopefully we will again!
ღ Même Tanneur Antoineen ↠ pfft, must i mention the fc? amazing. i love your ostriches and their language! thanks for all the jokes and nicknames. you always hoped to bring some levity to this selection and i think we all appreciate you for that. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Ingrid Liljedahl ↠ sweet / friendly in & out of character, even if i didn’t get to know you well. (thanks for giving jyn that present. she loved it) ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 ღ Olivia Christina Palacio ↠ pretty edits from what i could see once! friendly with everyone both as oc and ooc. ~bye★゚':*.::'゚☆。 
ღ also some girls that left before they got to be really active:
~Felicity Jessica Broussard  ~Giselle Clara Langford  ~Crystal Tomlinson  ~Thea Philippa Silver 
ღ And also Alex ↠ for being so organized and active with all of the princes and royals! and rping with a lot of people now and in the future. ღ that goes for you too Livi ↠ aka Alina. you were the first prince we got after all! glad to see you still involved :)
@domschreave @alinaschreave @theiahuntley @melodynolan @annette-martel @emmalynatwood @isabellafaulkner @charlotte-bane @calistapledger @aikoellis @sera-chamberlaine @ninaivanenko @ruby-stones @cameronnicholls @margarita-acosta-cruz @evadne-leventhorpe @madelynknightoftheselection @finleygansey @ariciaeast @marifer-rivera @lady-fiona-rossi @ladykatdempsey @debbieker @annelise-newstone @berklee-boyer @devonmuerner @meme-antoineen @ingrid-liljedahl @oliviapalacio @stacey-bar
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domschreave · 7 years
Practice Challenge 2
Practice challenge 1 was great everyone!!! And now we’re continuing on with the Selection.
This challenge will not count against you in the actual Selection and is optional. This challenge may replace another challenge you are going to miss. (Real challenges will start near the end of the month.) You can use anything to fulfill this challenge (edits, gifs, fics, etc.)
RP’s with other members of the Selection is not required for this challenge, but is highly recommended.
Prompt: Arriving in Angeles
How was your send-off from your home province?
Who did you meet on the plane? (see below for plane assignments)
How was your makeover? Was anything drastically changed about you?
How are you feeling about this adventure?
Plane Assignments:
Plane 1: Meme Antoineen, Ingrid Liljedahl, Annette Martel, Thea Silver, Isabella Faulkner
Plane 2: Emmalyn Atwood, Aricia East, Finley Gansey, Cameron Nicholls, Evadne Leventhorpe
Plane 3: Giselle Langford, Nina Ivanenko, Florence Steinmann, Jyn Song, Ruby Stones
Plane 4: Debbie Varker, Madelyn Knight, Devon Muerner, Theia Huntley, Aiko Ellis
Plane 5: Madalena Cruz, Fiona Rossi, Margarita Acosta Cruz, Calista, Marifer Rivera
Plane 6: Charlotte Bane, Sera Chamberlaine, Felicity Broussard, Berklee Boyer, Annelise Newstone
Plane 7: Olivia Palacio, Kat Dempsey, Stacey Barret, Crystal Tomlinson, Melody Nolan
You will have two (2) weeks to complete this task, and there will be more to follow. This challenge will close Monday, June 19th.
All posts should be made to your OC blog and tagged with #selectionoc, as well as reblogged to the net. If you ask for feedback, it will be given privately. Good luck and have fun!
As always, let me know if you have any questions.
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midnightmxse · 6 years
Tumblr media
“I don’t know who I 𝔀𝓪𝓼, but 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝑜 𝐼 𝓐𝓶.”
A semi selective indie rp from the twilight verse. More than willing to do rps with characters and OCs from Harry Potter, Twilight, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, ect.
Important Information: Emeline is an 𝒪𝓁𝒹 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁. She’s been reincarnated throughout history, and she can have various levels of memory of these lives depending on what fits the rp.
The Cullen Clan, The Irish Coven, anyone from Maria’s army, Bella/Beau Swan, and especially 𝓙𝓪𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓵𝓸𝓬𝓴 are wanted as rp partners
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domschreave · 7 years
The Selected
The following girls have been selected, one from each province, to join Prince Dominic at the palace to compete for his hand. Requirements will follow the announcement.
From Allens… … … … … Joceline Sinclair @ladyjosiesinclair
From Angeles… … … … . Melody Nolan @melodynolan
From Atlin… … … … … . Annette Martel @annette-martel
From Baffin… … … … … Emmalyn Atwood @emmalynatwood
From Bankston… … … … Isabella Faulkner @isabellafaulkner
From Belcourt… … … … . Charlotte Bane @charlotte-bane
From Bonita… … … … . . Calista Ledger @calistapledger
From Calgary… … … … . Florence Steinmann @florence-steinmann
From Carolina… … … … . Aiko Ellis @aikoellis
From Clermont… … … … Seraphine Chamberlaine @sera-chamberlaine
From Columbia… … … … Nina Ivanenko @ninaivanenko
From Dakota… … … … . . Ruby Stones @ruby-stones
From Denbeigh… … … … . Jyn Song @jynsongxvii
From Dominica… … … … Meredith Wallas @not-that-meredith
From Fennley… … … … . . Stacey Barret @staceybar
From Hansport… … … … . Cameron Nicholls @cameronnicholls
From Honduragua… … … . Margarita Acosta-Cruz 
From Hudson… … … … . . Evadne Leventhorpe @evadne-leventhorpe
From Kent… … … … … . . Madelyn Knight @madelynknightoftheselection
From Labrador… … … … . Finley Gansey @finleygansey
From Lakedon… … … … . Aricia East @ariciaeast
From Likely… … … … … .  Crystal Tomlinson @ladycrystaltomlinson
From Midston… … … … . Felicity Broussard @felicitybroussard
From Ottaro… … … … … Giselle Langford @gisellelangford
From Paloma… … … … .  Maria Rivera @marifer-rivera
From Panama… … … … . . Fiona Rossi @lady-fiona-rossi
From Sonage… … … … . . Kat Dempsey @ladykatdempsey
From Sota… … … … … . Deborah Varker @debbieker
From St. George… … … . . Thea Silver @highqueenofbooks
From Sumner… … … … . Annelise Newstone @annelise-newstone
From Tammins… … … … Berklee Boyer @berklee-boyer
From Waverly… … … … . Devon Muerner @devonmuerner
From Whites… … … … . . Même Antoineen @meme-antoineen
From Yukon… … … … . . Ingrid Liljedahl @ingrid-liljedahl
From Zuni… … … … … . Olivia Palacio @oliviapalacio
If Selected:
I will send you an email about joining the chat blog
make sure that you have a tumblr account for your OC and make sure it is the MAIN blog on your account (it will be really easy to tell if you join the chat blog with another blog as your main)
follow all the other Selected (and at least Dom if not the rest of the royal family)
If you have any questions let me know!
If you have any changes you would like to make to your OC let me know. I will be creating about pages for each Selected on Dom’s blog where you can see information about each Selected. If there is any information that is no longer correct, please let me know.
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