#it is very silly!! you can just go on there!! its not a mystery abyss!!!
horrorlesbion · 2 months
in the age of conservative forces doing their best to censor the internet into oblivion, remove all nsfw content and make every site as Advertising Friendly as possible i NEED people to stop acting like tHe dARk wEb is some kind of scary nebulous mystery place of crime. if you have ever downloaded a program or googled something you have the it skills to access the dark web. installing tor takes 5 minutes and "googling" on ahmia.fi or tordex is not harder than using regular google. half of the easily accessible websites on there are just conspiracy shit or scam shops for ordering weed. red rooms are not real you have just seen hostel one too many times. there is messed up shit all over the clearweb too you are not going to get blasted with murder and abuse the minute you click on an onion link. enough fearmongering against what is a legitimately important tool for free speech and not actually inherently all that different from regular early 2000s internet. please.
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violetstormms · 1 year
FNAF Sun/Moon x Reader MerMay Fics
 MerMay DCA x yn fic list
With Mermay coming to a close I decide to make a list of all the fun fish filled fics I have found so far. Remember to look at the tags and read at your own discretion.
Call of the Abyss by Buligete
It was probably all very silly, considering the precarious situation I found myself in, but it really was all I could think about.
Could you really blame me? I never expected to find myself in this kind of a mess. I was not some big shot, thrill seeking space explorer. I was no seasoned freight worker. No avid alien world survivalist. Not even a simple cruise liner flight attendant.
I was a gardener. My feet belonged firmly planted in the soil of a garden world. I had spent my entire life up to now solidly anchored on Earth, and never dreaming of leaving the safety of gravity and atmosphere, despite the increasingly uncomfortable quality of life on the crowded homeworld. Sure, I dreamed of greener pastures. Of fresh air and fertile land. But frontier life and adventures in the big expanse of space? Not quite.
A FNAF x Subnautica crossover, about the challenges of survival, surprise friendships with quirky software and alien merfolk, man made horrors beyond our comprehension and unexpected mysteries to be uncovered within the depths.
Below The Surface by Justaduck6432
You aren't what people would call friendly. No. You're not even polite. Much like the salty old sailor who raised you, you're short-tempered and not too social. And that's how you like it.
One day, a dirty-rotten fish steals something important to you. You know better than to tangle with a creature so large and dangerous. But you have little to lose and, by the gods, you're not about to let that smug fish keep what's yours.
Dive into this chaotic tale of merciless mers and our hot-headed protag who has to wrangle them!
Growing Pains by Celticwolfie
It was going to be a normal fishing trip. Just a normal hike to the secluded river beach and maybe relax while listening to the forest waking up around you. However, that isn't how things go for you and now you managed to gain the attention of a legendary creature. Now everything seems to be turned on its head. Hopefully, you can adapt to it quickly enough and help these living legends out as their world is starting to shrink around them.
Free Space by omenofthevoid
As a Leviathan, you aren't meant for the shallow water which inhibits your growth and keeps you small. You finally move to the Dead Zone, where you hope to be able to grow.
Galaxies, Lost in Ice by StarvingMe
(Subnautica/Subnautica: Below Zero AU)
Sun went hunting, and he's been gone for a few days, and so it's up to Moon to drag Sun's Human Scientist Best Friend out into the ocean to find him.
(Leads into romance with aliens, no spice, that'll be a separate work that won't be necessary to enjoy this)
Abyssal Lights by PhoenixDaNeko
You used to be powerful. Feared. Vicious. A man-killer. You were one of the most fearsome myths in the sea.
Then, despite everything, you were caught. Stolen from the depths of your home. Your older siblings had always cautioned against going too close to the surface. You wished you'd listened. Captured, placed into barely big enough tanks, traded between rich bastards and unethical scientists. Losing weight, power, sanity, you're beginning to give up, when a mysterious 4 armed... Person (?) comes by.
Who is this metal man, and why is he so interested in you?
My Lungs are Full of You by Xmimi89eR
You didn't like the ocean.
The water felt like it would burn (and it does). Your lungs would give out sooner than others and you didn't even know how to swim!
You never asked for this trip, never asked to be here. Yet, here you are, stuck all alone and waiting for rescue that probably would never come.
Or, well, not really alone. The burning gaze of something in the water wouldn't leave you alone.
There Are Many Benefits (To Rethinking This Career Path)  by moonliched
Life is cushy, working on a subterranean research facility on an underexplored ocean planet. As the resident handyman, most of your work takes place underwater - lucky for you, cave diving is your passion. With the building between bi-annual research teams, and the next lot yet to arrive, you find yourself with an excess of free time. All you have to do is fulfil your weekly duties, prepare the facility for the next team of researchers, and relax. Oh, and track down the net that went missing some time ago.
And then you find it.
In a submerged cave.
Trapping a mermaid.
You really wish this wasn't your responsibility.
(Moon thinks he should have listened to Sun and stuck to hunting in warmer waters. Why does this bizarre two-tailed mermaid keep coming at him with sharp instruments?)
Song of the Sea by TheDreamerFae
You always loved the tales of Mermaids, of Selkies and of Sirens, of people who lived in the ocean as a child. You remember vividly seeing merfolk, but chalked it up your imagination. But then a boating accident with your grandpa had left you scarred, and you no longer wanted any association with the sea. But life has other plans
INSPIRED BY BAMSARA’S FIC god I love Celestial Omens.
Unusual  by  BlueMoon_13_31
Your love for the ocean has sent you all around the world. However, the beaches of your coastal home have always been your favorite. Returning to the cloudy skies along the Pacific, the last thing you expected was to run into two creatures far from their natural habitat.
The Sea Has Always Known Your Name by CleverButDevastating
Everyone is so caught up in your expulsion from the ship that they don’t see the pair of dark, sinuous shapes that slip up through the water only half a dozen yards away. No one notices the flashes of vivid yellow and luminous blue, or the intelligent eyes that take in the human spectacle with inhuman curiosity.
No one except you.
Clownfishing by Sujithe2DWaifu
A night fishing trip lends itself to a chance encounter with a siren. After unknowingly showing it some kindness, your life is derailed in an extremely bizarre way.
Special thank you to Bug, who puts up with me, and Tobi(@Glambots on Tumblr)-This was originally a short story written in their ask box. While the first chapter will be short, they will get longer, just so you know what you're getting into. ;) Please also remember that I’m still learning and this is my first time posting on Ao3 specifically. I apologize in advance for any formatting issues.
Also warnings for this chapter and future chapters of thalassophobia, megalohydrothalassophobia, ososphobia, injury, body horror, animal death, offscreen minor character death, and something at bare minimum reminiscent of drugging. While these may be removed during the editing process as it currently stands these will apply at some point.
Turquoise Love by Wcat03blu
You finally visit the aquarium by your college and fall absolutely head-over-heels for some celestial mermaids. Then you chill with them a lot :)
Leviathan Storms by TheDreamerFae
Moving back to your old home rims has brought with you a sense of nostalgia of being. Sure most of the time it was cold and rainy but it didn’t make the scene any less beautiful. But a song keeps making itself known to you, and you must find it.
But who would’ve guessed Mers existed?
Bubbly by Robin_Green
A little waterlily mer guppy is trapped, home destroyed, and taken to a pet store to be sold. After spending some time living in a fish bowl, our little guppy is saved and moved to a tank that has been dubbed the daycare by the human tending to it. The daycare tank is set up to rehabilitate fish before they are released back into their natural habitats. There our guppy meets Sun and Moon, two fish that live full time in this tank taking care their healing guests.
Sun and Moon and our guppy fall in love and then shit goes down.
Pearl Eye by NaffEclipse
Movement. A mer swims overhead, speaking to someone, blocking out the starlight. The interloper lays a hand on the rim of the entrance but doesn’t look down just yet, and doesn’t see you, red-handed.
Your gut clenches with the urge to flee, your strength already spent in the fight moments earlier, and you heed the warning.
A Sleuth Jesters MerMay Fic
The Sea Jesters are Real Science by MatosaurusRex and sixty_nine13
You stare into the glass. At first you see nothing, just a greenish-blue landscape, peaceful and ordinary. There is nothing special about it... Or so you think. As the seconds pass, two figures become more and more visible, slowly growing from two distant dots to two large figures, easily two metres tall. The two creatures stare at you, and you raise your hand, slapping it against the cold glass that holds the creatures trapped. These two beings, which until now had been considered to be legends, raise their hands to clasp yours as well. The most wonderful living beings in the world stand before you, separated by thick glass, suffering every day at the hands of greedy people.
How long will they resist this?
 ((This fic was inspired by Tumblr shenanigans and merMAY! Thank you all for inspiring us to create this <3))
And the Sea Swallowed My Screams by Burnt_Chicken_Lookin_Ass
"Thalassophobia is the persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water such as the sea, oceans, pools, lakes. [...] Thalassophobia can include fear of being in deep bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, of sea waves, aquatic creatures, and fear of distance from land."
You are a freelance diver. You are hired to perform difficult dives for item retrieval, research, and/or maintenance checks in less than safe underwater environments. Rule of thumb is to never dive alone; you live by that religiously. Hardly will you ever do a job without your diving partner: Iris. You have a deep seated fear of the open ocean, so if you cant see the bottom of a given body of water, then you simply wont go in.
One day, you receive a job from Fazbear inc. to retrieve the body of an employee at the request of their family. They had drowned when a company ship they worked on had spontaneously combusted and subsequently sank. The company is willing to pay big hush money to keep both the family and your retrieval team from mentioning the wreckage for some reason.
Looking for more stories? I have a list of DCA stories sorted by type here https://www.tumblr.com/violetstormms/710457016218435584/sunmoon-fnaf-fanfic-recommendation-list   (or my pinned comment if you don’t like clicking links)
Also if you have any recommendations please leave a comment, its always fun finding new fics. :)
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ixcaliber · 2 years
Ix Plays Video Games September Edition
More of this
1. Frogun
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Frogun is an adorable little 3d platformer. You play as Renata, the daughter of a pair of archeologists who has to venture into these mysterious ruins to find your missing parents. Armed with and accompanied by your best friend Frogun who is a frog shaped grappling hook.
I mostly like this game. The environments are fun to platform through, for the most part. At the end of every level you get a basic emblem for reaching the exit and then various accessories to that emblem for completing other tasks like collecting all the coins, finding some hidden collectibles, completing the level under a certain time or completing it without dying. It’s neat and I really liked filling out the emblems up until like world 4.
That’s around the point where you start needing to be able to perform this ability where you grapple to a wall or object and then turn and grapple to a different wall while in mid air. By the end of game I can do this like roughly 70% of the time. The timing and the precision aiming required to do this is managable but not managable reliably. It was at this point that I gave up trying to get the no death gems. I just could not execute this well enough to do so. There were some levels where just getting through them the once was frustrating enough with the amount that I had to redo every time I botched this one mechanic. And like, I could do everything else in the game fine. I was rarely ever killed by any other thing. It was just these chain grapples that I would inevitably fuck up on and end up falling into a pit and losing a couple of minutes of progress which I would dutifuly recomplete so that I could go and fuck up again in the exact same spot.
This game would benefit from like a little toggle in the menus somewhere where you can opt into a mode where falling into the abyss doesn’t throw you back to your checkpoint but puts you back on solid ground minus a health point or two. It would make the experience so much tolerable to have the slightest margin for error.
Like it’s a good and neat game up until the point where it just becomes intolerable and I still want to like it for its charm but know that this has at times put me in as bad a mood as back when I was playing Crash Bandicoot 1 last month.
2. Vectronom
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I got this game in like a bundle thing somewhere and was hyped to play it like, oh shit it’s a new Kula World, but it’s not really that. It’s more sort of a rhythm game but where you have to traverse a cube around a series of areas to a beat. You can move outside of the beat but sometimes you’ll have to move along a path where only one block exists at a time and so getting the timing down is a necessity.
It’s pretty fun, even for me, someone who does not get along with rythym games. It’s not Kula World though.
3. Who Wants To Be A Hypnoslut?
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A short hypnotic experience based around answering silly video game trivia questions and being lured down into trance. I’ve played games from this developer in the past and they always include ample warnings for the content and suggestions, an easy way to exit the experience and be counted back up if you’re feeling uncomfortable and inclusive language. It’s a pretty good experience.
4. Discolored
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This game feels like it wants to be like a Myst, or something similar. I think that it has an interesting aesthetic and maybe even an interesting premise but even most of that is like implication. It’s a very ambiguous game.
You’re in some kind of office, colour disappears from the world, you look through a weird film viewer thing and you’re at a roadside diner somewhere and then you solve puzzles in the most dream logicky kind of ways and return colour to the world and eventually go back to the office again to see a map that implies you have more places to go to return colour to more areas. There’s a bit where a big eye looks at you from the sky.
None of it hangs together in a way that feels intentional. I can invent a narrative based around these events but it’s not IN the game. And the puzzles are extremely dream logic it just sort of feels like go around and try everything until something works.
5. Runner3
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This is a rhythm based runner platformer kind of game, the sequel to BIT.TRIP RUNNER and Runner2: Legend of Rhythm Alien. It’s okay. The difficulty is fairly tricky to begin with and then ramps up significantly. Each level has two paths which are like basic normal path and then extra difficulty bonus path. For the first two out of three worlds I did do those bonus paths and generally was trying my best to be a completionist. By the time I hit the third and final world I just wasn’t really feeling it any more.
The thing I got tired of more than anything else was missing one collectible and in the couple of seconds it takes to ‘bonk’ yourself and go back to the last checkpoint i’d pass another checkpoint and thus if I wanted the full 100 gold/25 gems I’d have to restart the level, and when they’re as tough as these it just drains the motivation to be a completionist.
There’s some fun hidden stuff in here. Like there’s two characters unlocked at the start and you can unlock more by finding characters in levels (they’re usually off the main path somewhere) and then completing little tasks for them. It’s not something the game really directs you to do. But then the problem is that for any character who isn’t any of the two initially unlocked characters, the aesthetic is just gross. I unlocked like six different characters and didn’t want to actually play as them.
The game also has this thing where at the end of a run if you’ve got all the collectibles on that level you unlock this big cannon/scoreboard thing where you launch yourself to get some bonus points. The cannon sort of swings up and down and it’s based on timing where you hit when you launch yourself. If you get a bullseye then the level is considered + completed which is better than regular completed and it just feels arbitrary to me that like it’s like ‘oh yeah you did all the shit you got all the things now do this minigame and if you don’t get it exactly right you didn’t do the whole level as good as you could have’. I mean I guess it is based on timing and this is a rhythm game but I don’t think there’s like a beat to match for this in the same way as the levels, just learn the timing of this thing. Honestly I don’t think it really affects anything but it just felt irritating whenever it would happen.
I dunno. It’s not a bad game. Some of the levels do have some good variety and like in short bursts this kind of thing is still fun to play but I had my fill of it I suppose.
6. Sheepo
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Sheepo is a really neat and cute little non-combat metroidvania. You are Sheepo, a little alien friend who has come to collect eggs from all the species on this weird little planet. Obtaining each egg allows you to transform into a member of that species temporarily and thus offers you a new way to traverse the planet and find your way into more nooks and crannies, find more secrets and rescue more critters. Cute and fun. Really good game.
7. Railbound
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A cute little puzzle game about laying out traintracks to connect the cars of a train together. It’s one of that kind of puzzle games that really iterates on its ideas and explores all the different possibilities of its puzzle format. It gets more complicated as it goes with tunnels, switches and gates and more.
The game is mostly puzzles focused, there’s not really a story being told here. Each level ends with a snapshot, like a postcard, of the engineers running the train (a pair of extremely cute anthropomorphic dogs) and it is some very cozy vibes.
The only negative I’d say about this game is that the hint system doesn’t really work for me. They highlight for you positions and correct configurations of specific pieces of track, chosen at random. I’m pretty positive the tiles they show you are random because I quit one level after getting a hint due to irritation and then restarted it and was given different hint tiles.
There were some levels I got stuck on where essentially the entire way I was trying to solve them was wrong. I’d repeatedly try to iterate on my designs, which almost worked, without making any progress and when I did try to get some hints to help me showing me a random tile that doesn’t correspond with anything I’ve made really didn’t help direct me towards the correct answer.
8. Webbed
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Cute little platformer game where you are an adorable little spider looking to rescue your partner and get revenge on a mean bird. Meet and befriend other adorable insects. Solve little puzzles and traverse perilous terrain by grappling around and spinning climable webs.
The only real problem I have with this game is when you have to do precise puzzles, like in the ants nest there’s lots of bits where you have to get a cog into its correct slot and the process of how to do this is kind of awkward and unintuitive. I still don’t feel like I really ever learned how to easily put a cog into a socket. Every time I had to was like a protracted slog of webbing the two things together in the hope that it would pull it into place.
9. Shovel Knight Dig
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Some of the things I like least in video games: Redoing things I’ve already done, losing all my progress, being implicitly told that I’m not playing the game properly if I use accessibility features. 
Okay so like I used to like roguelikes, despite my problems with the basic format of the genre. I guess I don’t have the patience for them any more. Even with that said Shovel Knight Dig is a harsh roguelike. There’s very little you can do to upgrade yourself. You can’t get stronger/do more damage. You can get new armour that lets you take less damage but even that’s balanced around you won’t get anywhere near as many gems when you’re wearing it. You can unlock new things to find down in the well but you’re only unlocking the possibility of finding it. You still need to find it.
One of the gimmicks of the game is that each level has three cogs hidden throughout, get to the end of the level with the three cogs and a machine activates. Here you can choose food to eat for health or an item. But I never really felt like that was a choice. You don’t have a lot of health and you don’t get more health without being very lucky to find someone to sell you some more (and hopefully having the appropriate funds for it) so like if I wasn’t full on health I felt like I had to take the food every time. So the items I was unlocking I was pretty much never getting an opportunity to use them.
One of the other gimmicks of the game is that if you’re not Fast Enough for the game’s liking then a huge drill comes down from the ceiling and kills you instantly. It sort of comes on a retractable arm and sits in the middle of the room before honing towards you and its huge and kills you in one hit and it’s not designed in such a way that you can slip past it if you see it, as an incentive to keep you going. If it’s out you’re probably dead because it can just block the way forward. There’s no accessibility option to increase the delay before this thing shows up or turn it off completely.
One of the other gimmicks of the game is fuck you we don’t have to heal you after a boss fight. One of the other gimmicks of the game is in fact after a boss fight we might force you to fight like three golden knights at once while a fire guy fires fireballs at you.
The game does have accessibility options. You can give yourself more health, more chances for food, a higher number of gem drops and increased damage. I turned these on and was suddenly actually enjoying the game but if you play like this then the game will not give you achievements. I’m a wretched gamer and I live to carry out objective lists. Achievements are a big component of playing games for me. I probably won’t be touching this game again. It just feels like a waste of time. I can play the game in the default way and have an absolutely miserable time or I can make the game palatable as to how I’d like to enjoy it and have the game subtly insist I’m doing it wrong. I’d rather play something else.
That said the new characters have really good designs. I love the aesthetic. You can pet the owl.
10. Return to Monkey Island
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I loved it.
A really fun game and an excellent capstone to the original trilogy.
I cried, obviously.
11. Splatoon 3 (PVP)
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I almost never play competitive multiplayer stuff, competitive here meaning any person vs person multiplayer no matter how casually it’s treated. I genuinely think the last time I did was like one of the old assassin’s creeds where the goal was to blend in the crowd, mimic the ai, and then do an assassination on each other when you get the opportunity.
Oh no wait fortnight.
That doesn’t count when I was playing that I was laser focused on my objectives and other players were just an obstacle between me and whatever the fuck the story was supposed to be doing. For a game with no narrative fortnight sure does have a lot of story.
Anyway I tried some for Splatoon 3. It’s sort of a weird experience. Equal parts enjoyment and irritation. I always feel like I’m doing something wrong and sometimes genuinely I forget how to use whatever weapon I have whenever I see an enemy. I’d love to have the option to play against bots just as a game mode. I don’t know why games don’t have that option any more. Like in Fortnight they have bots, they just don’t let you do it as a selectable option.
Anyway this is Splatoon 3 and I just like painting the floor. My weapons of choice are any set of two guns, the very fast to charge minigun and the octobrush (??). I’m bad with all of them especially the brush but like in the single player campaign any level that lets me use the octobrush is like a gift. It feels so fun to use right up until I have to try to hurt an enemy who will not just stand still and let me do a hurt on them, and who will probably actually kill me before I can be aware of their existence.
Salmon Run is probably more my speed. I haven’t played as much of that. I really dislike the guy with the trash cans who wants me to throw the bombs into his trashcans. That’s not a great reason to avoid an entire game mode. I guess I just sort of forget it exists.
Maybe more about Salmon Run next month if I really get into it.
12. Splatoon 3 (Story)
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The story mode is great. Being a completionist in it is not ideal.
I like the format. I like the little fakeout at the beginning, making your way down the crater and fighting that octopus man before the game opens up and you get an idea of how big the story is actually going to be, as well as some of the key mechanics.
I like the little explorable zones with little hidden treasures, though the use of power eggs to clear away dangerous ooze to open up new areas can be a little rough at the beginning. As you progress through the game the costs seem less steep and maybe it’s just because I’m a horrible completionist who felt the need to play each kettle with each available weapon (except in the couple that really felt like they were taking the piss) but it becomes much less of a concern by like zone 3.
I like the boss fights with the members of Deep Cut. I was pretty surprised that they were using actual named characters instead of just heres another weird octopus guy.
The worst missions were mostly the grind rail ones where you have to shoot targets as you pass them. Any time they tried to give me a crossbow for one of that type I just gave up there and then. Also one where it was just shoot x number of targets in this time limit the version where you have to use one of the terrible sniper rifles was torturous. I should have given up at some point but it was like sunk cost fallacy and I was there for god only knows how long. It wouldn’t have been nearly so bad if the sniper rifles had an ambient reticle that gave you some indication of where you were going to shoot when you weren’t charging.
Overall it was enjoyable, the only real detractions being things I could have avoided if I was better at directing my own focus. The conclusion was fun. I love the captain. I love those two mysterious squid girl agents. I love every character except captain cuttlefish... oh and the octopus guy I guess.
It’s a good video game.
14. Up All Night
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Neat horror visual novel that does a really good job of conveying tension and uncertainty. One of its main themes is undergoing and recovering from trauma and it does a really good job on talking about these topics. It’s not super long, has about seven or eight different endings that branch from your decisions. And yeah, while horror visual novels aren’t usually my thing this one is really well done.
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The Hunt - 02
Please check the Masterlist for the chapter list :3
I'm now working on this as a mini-series! Hoping I get to finish this one with all loops closed owo. Will be working on this in between other stuff and asks though, so may take some time to complete...
No warnings this time. Just a bit of exposition through dialogue.
Its times like these that I wish I could draw well enough to portray these characters. I would imagine Vyn here looking closely as his appearance in Medieval Suspense, but goddamn I'd like to draw him and Rosa as if they were characters in Bloodborne...
Duke Vilhelm de Haspran had left his quarters as soon as night fell, leaving Rosa to her own devices.
He did say I can leave his room as soon as I felt like it.
Rosa rolled on the sheets of his expansive bed and stretched her limbs. It was tempting to stay in bed all day--or all night, rather--but she had been ensconced in his quarters for what seemed like several nights already and she wanted to see her two dear friends badly.
She frowned at the dress that the Duke laid out for her on one of the upholstered chairs before he left.
Do I really have to wear a damned dress?
Rosa decided to struggle into wearing the dress anyway--the Hunter's garb she wore previously was irreparably ruined thanks to the telltale gory tear on the chest area--and stepped out of the Duke's quarters to acquaint herself with the place that she initially approached as a battleground.
It's been a long time since I wore a dress, and I still don't miss it.
With one of her hands lifting the hem of the dress so she would not trip over it, Rosa slowly made her way around the strangely winding corridors dimly lit by sconces set few and far in between. It is as if the lighting is an afterthought, she observed. Are there really no other people here?
She remembered how she felt the presences of her two friends after she first woke up as a newly-made vampire. Tried as she might, she couldn't feel them at the moment, nor anyone else's for that matter.
The entire place felt barren, deserted, cold.
Rosa wrapped her arms around herself.
Where are they?
The almost oppressive gloom of the corridors and the pangs of loneliness that it caused began to take hold of her; cruel memories from a life she didn't want to remember, the life that she had associated with wearing dresses, started to flit into her mind--
If you go straight for a few paces more, you should see a stairwell to the left.
The dulcet voice that flooded her head and pushed out the bitter memories was a most welcome intrusion.
"Duke Vilhelm?" Rosa looked around her, then felt silly doing so as she realized he would have used his normal voice if he was in her immediate vicinity.
Descend to the very bottom and proceed to the other end of the hall. You shall see me here.
She followed the Duke's instructions--sure enough, there was a spiral staircase half-hidden off the side of the corridor that she was wandering in. The stairwell was expansive, and when Rosa approached it she felt tendrils of cold chill touching her bare feet.
She remembered that she had been walking barefoot--her boots were missing and there were no shoes that came with the dress. It did not bother her, however, until mysterious coils of cold came in contact with the bare skin of her feet.
Still, the cold was not exactly uncomfortable as it would have been had she remained a human--the cold only registered as a fact for her to take note, nothing more--and Rosa started to descend the spiral staircase.
Rosa felt the cold intensify the farther down she went. The temperature did not hurt her or cause immense discomfort, but she had a hunch that were she still in her human form she would have needed several layers of clothing before she could even entertain the idea of going to this place.
The abyss-like stairwell was shrouded in total darkness, but her newly-bequeathed vampiric sight showed her that the stairwell was made almost exclusively with stone, on which reliefs of various esoteric images were carved directly onto it.
I wonder if humans had the chance to see these. Rosa wondered idly as her feet continued to make their descent to the bottom. Doesn't look like there were any sconces or torches to be lit here.
Not really, no, came the Duke's reply in her head. Their presence here is not necessary.
The telepathic conversation unnerved Rosa. Do you really have to read into my thoughts?
My apologies. I realize my mistake in choosing a dress for you and neglecting to give you replacement shoes. I blame it on my inexperience in tending to female needs.
I merely want to make sure you do not trip and fall on your way here.
"Pfft. Hahaha." Rosa couldn't help but give herself in to laughter over the absurdity of her current situation. An experienced Hunter being handheld by a vampire--her previous mark--over telepathy.
This is the stuff of tavern tales shared over copious amounts of drink.
I am sure there are worse things, said the Duke directly into her head. Come, you are almost at the bottom. Let us talk when you get here.
When Rosa finally got to the bottom of the staircase, she half-ran to the other end of the expansive hall--a bare space with stone walls adorned with reliefs visible only to vampire eyes, and filled with immense winter cold--and slowly opened the door to the chamber in which the Duke awaited her.
She found him sitting on a stool, a leather-bound book in left hand and a writing quill on the other, taking notes in quick handwriting.
His long silver hair was neatly braided, the resulting lustrous argent rope hanging on his back.
Vilhelm de Haspran regarded her with a small nod. "Welcome, Lady Rosa." His normal speaking voice was gentle and soothing as the voice that flooded her head in his telepathy, only not as unnerving. "Welcome to my...laboratory.
"Please excuse the cold. It is to ensure the supplies do not spoil."
"Oh, um..." Rosa hesitated to step into the room he called the laboratory--it was full to almost bursting of glass and delicate metal implements that she feared she may accidentally knock off one of the items and cause irreparable damage.
The Duke tipped his head to one side, closely looking at her. "No need to hesitate." He shut his leather book and placed it into the shelf behind him, and replaced the quill on the inkwell set on the desk nearby. "Come in."
Carefully Rosa stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. Before she could go further in, however, the Duke approached her with a ribbon in his hand, and motioned for her to turn around.
"Why?" Rosa asked warily, eyeing the silken strip wound in between his fingers. "Is that a blindfold...?"
"Nothing so crude." He gave Rosa a withering look. "What kind of men are you usually consorting with anyway? This is for me to tie your loose hair up. I do not want to have stray hair strands clutter my laboratory."
Rosa then showed her back to him and felt light fingers make quick work of her hair, braiding it and fastening the auburn braid to the top of her head with what felt like a neatly tied ribbon.
With tentative fingers she tried to feel the Duke's handiwork on her hair. It took him less than a minute what the maids back then would take almost an hour. Not bad.
"It is but a matter of daily practice," Vilhelm de Haspran said, obviously picking at her thoughts again. "I have to braid my own hair every time I go here."
"I would appreciate it if you stop reading my mind all the time." Rosa remarked drily. "If I curse at you inwardly and you hear it anyway, where's the fun in that?"
"This way is more effective. I am not interested in playing along with human sensibilities such as tact. Besides," he said as he made his way back to his stool, crossing his legs as he sat back down. "Some people have trouble voicing their ideas. Doing this lets me avoid wasting time waiting for my patients to articulate what they need to say."
"Please, take this seat." He gestured towards the stool opposite him. "Yes, patients. I am a scholar of the medical arts. Dabbling with the occult on the side. Blood work in particular."
"I see." Rosa settled onto the stool.
At that moment she noticed that the entire room was outfitted with shelves from ceiling to floor; most shelves bearing dark glass receptacles and those that do not were filled with tomes and sheaves of parchment.
"You are looking at the Duchy of Stellis's blood bank."
Rosa, with her curiosity piqued, willed her newly-vampiric sight to focus on the outlines of the contents of the shelves. The bottles were not of amber, but instead the contents were of dark purplish color. Numerous tubes were connected to each bottle--the network of tubes upon tubes made it hard for Rosa to see where they led to...
"Impressive," she said. "Is this...is this all for your feeding?"
The Duke smirked at the mere idea. "Of course not. The bank is an integral part of my practice. Though of course I have to skim off the stores from time to time to feed myself. Common sense dictates it so."
Which brings to mind...
"Duke Vilhelm, You...you don't feed on humans directly, do you? You don't kill them when feeding...?"
Rosa was actually afraid to hear his reply. It was as if she only realized the implications of being alone with a powerful vampire--and not just any room, but somewhere deep underground with no one to hear her cries should she cry for help...
Vilhelm seemed to be amused at her discomfort, a mysterious glint in his golden eyes showing his mirth. "A little too late to be afraid of me, yes?"
"And even if I did, do you think your friend Luke will be here serving me on the capacity of Master-of-Arms?"
Rosa pursed her lips. "True enough, I suppose. Then--"
Vilhelm lifted his hand, as if already knowing her next question. "The blood is procured via a system I came up with--for the mutual benefit of those who need medical attention and myself, of course."
He proceeded to rattle off the specifics offhandedly. "Blood tithes per family, additional donations from able-bodied individuals appreciated, ten vials per transaction at the maximum to avoid lethargy, male donors preferred..."
"Male donors?" Rosa had to pick that one detail out of the others. "Why not females?"
Traces of congeniality on Vilhelm's face briefly vanished. "I wish to disassociate myself from my father's...reputation. As much as possible, I would want to avoid associating with females outside of my medical function."
"Ah. One of those trash nobles then," Rosa muttered before she realized what she had just said. "I'm sorr--"
"Yes. Trash indeed. Which is why you now see him greeting all and sundry at the front gate. I had to do much work to convince the elders and people here that no, vampires are not out to eat human females and no, I do not need one sent to my chambers every month just so I leave them alone." His voice barely hid his exasperation at the memory.
"Duke Vilhelm--"
"Call me Vilhelm, Rosa," he said, himself dropping her honorary title. "Considering how we are related now, there should be little to no distance between us, do you not think so?" His lips curled up in a slight smile.
"Don't I count as a female that you would prefer to avoid?" Rosa said, tone skeptical. "Why am I treated so specially?"
Vilhelm looked at her as if she had asked a puerile question.
"Let me spell it out for you then, Rosa," he said, his voice in a slow and measured cadence, as if speaking to a child. "Considering how much it cost me to turn you into a vampire--and still costing me to sustain both of our existences--yes, my dear Rosa, you can deem yourself special to me.
"I am effectively operating on half my full potential at the moment, as I have to share half of my strength with you. And will continue to do so, until you have obtained a full grasp of your new existence. Which may take anytime from few months to several years depending on your aptitude.
His brows furrowed. "And, I have to emphasize, this puts me in a very delicate position as I have not only the physical wellbeing of the citizenry to worry about, I also need to fend off the periodical stupidity of the neighboring duchies sending assassins and hunters to my domain.
"I did not want to turn you into a vampire at first, Rosa--definitely did not want to put myself in such a vulnerable state. But, because of your two friends begging me to bring your life back, promising to pay me back with everything they have, I acceded to their request."
He took both of Rosa's hands into his own and, looked directly into Rosa's softly glowing olive eyes. "Now, do you understand how much of an exception you are to me?"
Rosa was rendered speechless.
She did not know of these details, and most especially did not know the part Artem and Luke played.
"I think I get it now. Thank you Du--Vilhelm," she quickly corrected herself, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"Good." He brought one of her hands to his lips, lightly brushing her knuckle with a kiss. "And I shall continue to share my quarters with you, but only if you find such an arrangement acceptable.
"I wish to carry out that...kind of relationship with you. Especially...after that night."
Damn. Not only is Vilhelm so easy on the eyes, he also wears his heart on his sleeve. Rosa inwardly melted at the realization. Why is he so adorable...
"I am happy that I somehow satisfy your requirements." Vilhelm grinned, touching on her surface thoughts again. "But, is inexperience really that attractive a quality?"
"It's rather...hard to explain, Vilhelm."
"Then allow me..." This time, he brushed her forehead gently with his fingers, allowing the physical touch to maximize his connection with her mind.
"Oh," was all he could say after he parsed her thoughts on the matter.
Rosa averted her gaze, trying hard to stamp down her embarrassment.
"Well then, let us keep those thoughts in the bedroom, shall we?" He took a slim leather book and, after opening it to its second page, picked up his writing quill off its inkwell. "The thought that you consider me delicious is much appreciated. And no, I am most definitely not offended."
Rosa covered her face with her hands.
"Anyway, we digress. I actually led you here to keep tabs on your well-being first week after turning." Vilhelm poised to take notes on the book, now assuming the poise of a medical practitioner talking to a patient.
"How are you feeling right now?"
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birdkujapropaganda · 3 years
my completely biased and official rating of every keyblade ever:
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Kingdom Key: absolute classic. excellent design for the like, mascot keyblade. very simple, vaguely key shaped. i hate the mouse head though it's so stupid and makes no sense. and i hate mickey. 9/10 minus a point for the weird mickey keychain
Oathkeeper: wonderful. amazing. never boring. excellent design love the heart and wings and all the significance. and that the keychain is kairi's charm? terrific. 10/10
Oblivion: brilliant. awesome. phenomenal. again excellent design the wings and chains and purple crystal are absolutely perfect. love the crown keychain. 10/10
Ultima Weapon 1: literally just a sword with some filigree on it. nice. too much yellow and i don't like the weird cyan gradient on the guard. 7/10
Kingdom Key D: d for disgusting. i don't have any other comments i just hate it. 2/10
Keyblade of Hearts: yeah that sure is an anti-keyblade. love the simplicity and the heart in the negative space of the teeth. and that it doesn't have a keychain, that fueled a lot of theories for 12yo me 8/10
Lady Luck: i think i don't like this one bc to get it u need to use a white trinity but you can't do that until near the end and i have way cooler blades to use. the design is pretty ok, don't really get the card keychain tho. 5/10
Olympia: oh the sight of this one makes me irritated because the kh1 strategy guide uses this in one of the pictures for the fight against possessed riku. it did not help me win. and i hate short keyblades. love the clouds and columns though 7/10
Jungle King: kinda ugly but i appreciate that it looks kinda handmade. also like the butterfly keychain bc it doesn't look like it fits but it Does. also the first good alternate blade u get in the game so. 8/10
Three Wishes: not bad but it doesn't stick out to me either. also doesn't scream agrabah to me but also it does? 6/10
Pumpkinhead: NICE. very long and very cool. the teeth looks like bat wings and a pumpkin so very epic. 9/10
Wishing Star: so pointless i already have pumpkinhead. also short. cute design though i like the gears. 5/10
Crab Claw: i never used this one because it stuck out so ugly in Halloween Town </3 i love blue and crabs though so 8/10
Fairy Harp: I HATE YOU DIE. short and stupid. does NOT remind me of neverland at all. 1/10
Divine Rose: pretty nice but short and lategame. always thought its existence was kinda weird?? like thanks belle but why. i have oblivion. 7/10
Spellbinder: for some reason i really don't like it. i like blue and the circles are neat. the handle looks really painful though. 4/10
Metal Chocobo: kinda ugly lol. love the holes and chocobo keychain. 8/10
Lionheart: oh i am so biased by recoded. absolutely excellent keyblade. design's kind of weird tho where are those lions going. 9/10
Diamond Dust: so i was really confused because i thought this was khux-only or maybe bbs keyblade but apparently it's kh1 final mix only. you know what i got as a reward for fighting the ice titan? sephiroth. you know what i got for fighting sephiroth? NOTHING. it was my favorite khux blade though so grrrr 7/10
One-Winged Angel: grr bark bark final mix again fuck you. kinda weird design though like what is the teeth? a meteor? should've been a wing. nice guard though there's not enough hand room. excellent keychain obviously. 8/10
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Ultima Weapon 2: very similar to the first but blue and symmetrical. very good learn from your mistakes. 9/10
Destiny's Embrace: very cute!! my favorite part is the name. i wish it wasn't so like. stereotypically girly though. like you look at the destiny trio's keyblades and can immediately pick out which one is The Girl's. 9/10
Star Seeker: i wanna hate it because it's mickey's/yen sid's but honestly it's so nice. the stars and moons and comets and gradients and colors... wonderful 9/10
Rumbling Rose: oof. weird and ugly and gross. keychain looks like a ladybug from far away. 3/10
Hero's Crest: bring the clouds back. i don't really get the design but i like columns. 5/10
Monochrome: super cute!! i don't like Timeless River but this fits it so well and has cute hit effect. 8/10
Mysterious Abyss: i always get this one way late in the game so it's always pretty pointless oops lol. also the design doesn't really say atlantica?? 3/10
Follow the Wind: another weird miss but i like this one more. nice wheel shaped guard, and that the keychain is a cursed coin. 6/10
Wishing Lamp: now THIS is the agrabah keyblade. very nice and elegant. looks like the palace! 7/10
Decisive Pumpkin: THIS ONE 😭😭 it's so ugly but it's so strong so i have to use it but it's so ugly. it does look like jack's idea of christmas so points i guess 😭 4/10
Circle of Life: also pretty ugly. and short. sorry simba. 3/10
Sweet Memories: shrek voice it doesn't even have attack. i don't like winnie the pooh so that's definitely influencing me. makes cute noises iirc and looks pretty cute. 4/10
Photon Debugger: this one should look pretty cool but my brain is saying it's bad. i think the giant red ball by the teeth are throwing me off. love the neon blue tho 5/10
Gull Wing: why the weird space in the name. anyway. i really want to love this keyblade bc i love X2 but it's really bad. i'm so sorry YRP kh did you so wrong. excellent keychain choice though. 2/10
Guardian's Soul: MUCH better thank you. auron my beloved <3 the lines are very appealing and i like how simple it appears. also looks like auron's swords. 8/10
Sleeping Lion: wayyy better than lionheart. looks kinda like a gunblade! again though what are those lions doing. 8/10
Fenrir: my car key got in a fight. 1/10
Bond of Flame: looks like a bad first draft of axel's keyblade. either the teeth or the guard should look like a chakram, pick one. love it though. 7/10
Two Become One: MY BELOVED <3 excellent design, so so so roxas i think he should use it. very excellent i love the little twist at the top. checkered handle is a little weird. 10/10
Fatal Crest: lol i was so mad when i first saw this because it looked like one of my oc's keyblades. i like it now though, it's a dragon!! pretty neat bro 8/10
Winner's Proof: oh this one is so cute. if it wasn't a reward it would be really weird and bad. surprisingly elegant! and there's even 13 mushrooms on it! 9/10
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(shoutout to portadorx on deviantart for the 358 keyblade refs)
Missing Ache: YOU. interesting design, though it says roxas more than ventus to me. great first alt keyblade. 7/10
Ominous Blight: very edgy names in this game <3 looks like guardian's soul, which is interesting. i don't like yellow but it works bc blight 6/10
Abaddon Plasma: what a cool fucking name. so many yellow keyblades. but very cool looking i love roxas' aesthetic 8/10
Pain of Solitude: this is just pink missing ache. 8/10
Sign of Innocence: SO COOL. idk what's going on in most of these blades but i love it. 9/10
Crown of Guilt: come on. it doesn't look like a crown. big disappointment. very cool though 6/10
Abyssal Tide: so cool!! i love blue and fighting in midair <3 the teeth kinda looks like waves 8/10
Leviathan: weirdly furry looking. very cool guard 6/10
True Light's Flight: looks like two become one if it was only one. the top kinda looks like the nobody sigil 9/10
Rejection of Fate: SPEAR. epic name too, but i think it should swap names with true light's flight. very cool but i don't remember seeing it in name. kinda awkward bc it looks like it should be a spear 7/10
Midnight Roar: sooo cool. the orange handle pops without looking wrong... nice. also the teeth kinda look like a bat. 9/10
Glimpse of Darkness: ugly. weirdly bulky and hollow. short. 3/10
Total Eclipse: weirdly bumpy sword. i like how the orange looks like it glows. 5/10
Silent Dirge: GoD but purple. 2/10
Lunar Eclipse: TE but purple. 4/10
Darker than Dark: Hello 😳TLF but purple 10/10
Astral Blast: Abyssal Tide but yellow. interesting choice, but kinda clashes with the blue accents 7/10
Maverick Flare: Ominous Blight but red... excellent. very nice. 8/10
Twilight Blaze: Abaddon Plasma but red... also excellent. very epic. 9/10
Omega Weapon: props for not looking like any of the ultima weapons. very interesting and spiky but i kinda don't like it. 6/10
Aubade: kinda weird. "draws forth its wielder's personality"... ok. looks light elemented. 7/10
Wooden Stick: lol 10/10
Umbrella: not what i would've chosen but lol 10/10
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Zero/One: WONDERFUL, EXCELLENT, AMAZING. i can't really explain why i love this one so much it's just very good. 10/10
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Earthshaker: very solid design. not much to say it's just nice. love the colored guard. 7/10
Ends of the Earth: love that it is so clearly an earthshake upgrade. makes u realize how incomplete the first one is. 9/10
Dreadgnaw: kinda silly looking lol those are teeth. love the red bit in the center. looks very similar to earthshaker in a good way. 8/10
Chaos Ripper: looks like EotE but in a bad way. i don't like the weird teeth. it's also almost impractically long but i'm here for that. ALSO THE EYE. NICE. 7/10
Rainfell: oooo i love this it's so simple but so nice. very elegant 9/10
Stormfall: less nice. looks like a rainfell upgrade though. also kinda looks like master's defender which makes sense but i don't like it. 6/10
Brightcrest: GORGEOUS. PERFECT AND WONDERFUL. SO PRETTY. i wish it was kairi's. kinda looks to ornamental for aqua? but good for her. 10/10
Wayward Wind: none of ventus' blades look very ventusy to me. this one looks like an extra training one they had sitting around. cool shape though 5/10
Frolic Flame: NICE. looks like lea's frisbees! i like fire and fire designs so but it's a little awkward looking 8/10
Lost Memory: ok so first off WINGS. EXCELLENT. love that the only color is the heart. very cool and epic but i don't understand why it doesn't have a reverse grip handle. or the pointy bit at the tip. but still 10/10
Void Gear: hiii vanitas :) so anyway in my totally unbiased opinion this is the best keyblade ever obviously. love the gears and red accents and it's just super cool. the eyes and chains... vanitas character development keyblade when <3 10/10
Void Gear (White?): still very cool, love the simple contrast going on. 10/10
No Name: i didn't know this one was also called no name which is kinda lame. but i love the keyblade it's very cool. super glowy and i love the time design. 9/10
Crown Unlimit: I almost really like this one. very neat design, love the crowns and twists and glow. 7/10
Master's Defender: literally so plain and boring. i don't care if that's the point give it some frills. nice design though :/ 7/10
Broken Xblade: love the broken bits and the weird rust color. wish one of the kingdom keys was more broken and i think the top bit should be broken too. 7/10
Wooden Keyblade: sobbing and crying and tears. this is literally so cute and good and i love that it looks like Ends of the earth. or the kingdom key i guess. 10/10
Treasure Trove: i never expect to like this one but it's actually pretty nice :) wish the gems looked like they were spilling from the top and not leaking from the bottom. 8/10
Stroke of Midnight: also surprisingly nice! the guard kinda looks like a pumpkin which is cute. just a very cute design. 8/10
Fairy Stars: rad as hell. absolutely love this design very appealing. like how point the stars are. 9/10
Victory Line: i hate this one. maybe bc i don't like the world. kinda ugly and the teeth look awkward. 3/10
Mark of a Hero: ok we brought the clouds back but the weirdly buff trophy arm fucks this up. the blade is also just kind of a column, nothing going on there. 4/10
Hyperdrive: super cute!! love how the blade looks like laser fire and engine streams. the teeth are weird again though, and the handle looks like a bee 8/10
Pixie Petal: SO much better than fairy harp. this one is very cute and these teeth actually fit with the rest of the design. kinda short though >:/ 7/10
Sweetstack: oh this is so cute. a bunch of ice cream scoops!! why are the teeth oranges and what are some of those flavors. why are cones on the guard soft serve. 8/10
Ultima Weapon bbs: NICE. A SWORD WITH SOME FILIGREE BUT ALL IN BLUE. LOVE the wayfinders on it, very good for them. wish it wasn't just blue since it seems so aqua-centric but it looks nice soo 10/10
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Skull Noise: LITERALLY SO PERFECT. THAT'S SO TWEWY. INCREDIBLE. the headphones and mr mew keychain... wonderful. only thing is that the name is kinda weird. like it makes sense but sounds weird. 10/10
Guardian Bell: i like it more than i think i would. elegant looking, and i love the gargoyles on it. hate the sentient gargoyles tho. 8/10
Dual Disk: VERY cool! looks like it has a reverse grip. the teeth are really cool and i love the bright blue. 9/10
Ferris Gear: eh. pretty cute but i think my pinocchio bias is acting up. the gears are nice, reminds me of wishing star. 5/10
Knockout Punch: SO COOL. really love the spikiness and colors and that the guard looks like the monkey. unfortunately for it, i don't like monkey. 8/10
All for One: the design's nice and it matches the world... but eh. 5/10
Counterpoint: so fun!! the violin guard is great, and the blade looks so cool. the teeth are a little awkward looking, it goes up too much. 9/10
Divewing: RAD!. just a sword with a heart on it and i love it. just so fucking cool. and the guard looks like a wing so 10/10
Sweet Dreams: so cute :) in love with the meow wow on top, but the teeth go up too much again. and i think there should be some komory wings on it. 7/10
Ultima Weapon DDD: NICE. almost identical to the kh1 blade, but blue and BETTER. the wings above the guard and the crown coming out of dream eater sigil... brilliant. 10/10
Unbound: not a hit 💔 just kinda weird and unfinished looking? and the lime green bit is off-putting. the hear at the top is nice. 2/10
End of Pain: ok mood shift hello. looks like it should be one of terra's evil blades. at first i was thrown off but looking closer it's so cool. the wings and eye at the top... the horns above the guard... the butterfly and gazing eye (buttereye) keychain... magnificent. the blade reminds me of x2 dark knight paine's sword. 10/10
Ocean Rage: looks pretty cool at first but the monstro mouth guard is literally horrifying i don't want to look at it anymore 1/10
YMX's keyblade: apparently has no name and is different than the one in bbs. nothing new really to say since it looks pretty similar but the goat head on top is super interesting. how much did No Name (luxu) influence young xehanort... 9/10
Mirage Split: absolutely perfect. i can't think of anything that isn't positive to say. the stained glass, the heart by the teeth, the thin lines, the gradient, wings, pointy, the keychain, literally all perfect. 10/10
Nightmare's End: also utterly perfect. i don't like yellow but it works here and looks great. the cyan gradient is startling but matches MS so i love it. all the colors in the stained glass are wonderful. 10/10
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Starlight+: a little guady. but i love how the stars look like comets. the twisted blade looks neat too, but what's the point of the pointy bit on top. 7/10
Treasure Trove+: love that it looks golden and gem encrusted. very rich looking, but the cart is still leaking gems. 8/10
Lady Luck+: NOW the card thing makes more sense, i love how its incorporated throughout the design. more more interesting than the original. 9/10
Three Wishes+: looks like fire?? which is way cooler but why??? i like it more but where's the agrabah. 8/10
Olympia+: CLOUDS. like that zeus is in the clouds, but they took my columns. and the cyan handles are really weird. 7/10
Divine Rose+: excellent. what it should've been all along. the iridescenty guard is suuuper pretty and all the leaves and vines are great. 10/10
Moogle o' Glory: a lot happening here but i love smacking shit with a moogle head. there's so much happening and i don't really get it. 7/10
Fairy Stars+: i didn't know it could get better, the teeth is super cool looking but i wish the twisty blade was more visible. 9/10
Sleeping Lion+: love that it turns that metallic light blue color, very pretty. and the handle looks more like the gunblade! very nice looking and i used it a lot but the top is very weird. 9/10
Counterpoint+: let's take all the fun and exciting bits from the original and crANK IT UP TO ELEVEN. wait. stop. go back it's too much. very pretty still i love colors. 8/10
Fenrir+: my car key recovered from that fight. looks wayyy cooler and looks like ff7. hate the cyan glow though it feels weird. 6/10
Darkgnaw+: took me forever to find an image bc i keep calling it dreadgnaw. much cooler than the original, it looks like it's gonna bite you. the purple is also very nice. 9/10
Missing Ache+: POINTY. super cool but how does ventus twirl it around without poking himself. the colors are fun and it looks rad. 10/10
Diamond Dust+: i used this one the most <3 very pretty i love shades of blue and purple :) looks kinda icy but the top is weirdly flat. 9/10
Bad Guy Breaker: there's so much happening calm down 😭kinda nice but there's a lot to look at. also this world irritated me. 4/10
Gula's Keyblade: #leopardus4ever. as you can see, this keyblade is perfection. fun and spiky and lightningy. i think the whole blade should be lightning tho. 10/10
Aced's Keyblade: do any of these have names. anyway what a dreadgnaw ripoff 🙄 it suits him but guess what. i don't like him. 5/10
Ira's Keyblade: i don't like ira either but his blade is fucking great. love the teeth so much, and the colors. very pretty and cool 8/10
Invi's Keyblade: absolutely gorgeous. i love the flowing lines and little vines. love the colors and also it's super long. 9/10
Ava's Keyblade: girl this hurts to look at on a white background. very pretty though, i love how wispy and cloud-like it is. looks delicate which is great considering she'll kick anyone's ass. 8/10
No Name: unfortunately, this is absolutely wicked. look at it. it's wonderful. the goat head looks so much cooler than the other animal heads somehow, and i love the hollow center of the blade. and the teeth look like a claw, a little. just so fucking cool but i hate everyone who uses this. 10/10
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Shooting Star: super pretty, i love how this one flows. i wish the blade went down to wrap around the guard though, instead of cutting off. 8/10
Hero's Origin: they took away my clouds again. i like that half of it is just. zeus. the lightning bolts are cool, but the handle and guard don't really match. 6/10
Favorite Deputy: you are not my favorite deputy fuck you. i don't like toy story but i do like cactuses. 3/10
Ever After: this one's nice :) the guard is super pretty, but i wish there was more going on with the blade. 7/10
Happy Gear: this one's kinda ugly but i like it soo. the energy canister guard is cute. 7/10
Crystal Snow: i hate it so much. it's boring and the keychain is olaf and i don't like frozen. 1/10
Hunny Spout: pretty cute :) the honey jars remind me of sweetstack. i like the wooden handle. 7/10
Wheel of Fate: cool as hell that's my boat. love that the blade looks like a mast that's so cool. wish it wasn't so gray though. 8/10
Nano Gear: ah, here's the color. i like everything except how the nanobots look at the top. it's just kinda gross. 7/10
Grand Chef: oh this is so cute. but why is remy the teeth. poor rat :( but it looks very nice i like how the Tower goes into the guard 8/10
Classic Tone: fuckyoufuckyoufuc. i hate this one. pretty ugly and i don't like it. 2/10
Starlight: SO GOOD. very simple but i like that. looks mysteriously similar to the kingdom key? i love it but it needs a little more going on. 9/10
Ultima Weapon 3: LOOK AT IT. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE THEY CAN'T MAKE A BETTER ULTIMA WEAPON. the silver and red look so good and it's spiky and cool. and the red is glittery!!! why? i don't care it's phenomenal. the spiky heart teeth. that it looks like it's moving. i wish i could break my rating scale. 10/10
Braveheart: riku kingdomhearts stole my fucking car key. we've all heard the complaints i'm not repeating them 1/10
Star Cluster: it's really nice >:( mickey switch with riku pleaase. the star theme is really cute and the colors are nice but why does it look so similar to the kingdom key. 8/10
Flame Liberator: i don't like the name but ok i guess. the keyblade is so fucking cool though. it's what bond of flame wanted to be. i love fire and it looks like it moves so hell yeah. 9/10
Xblade: still can't decide if i like this or not. How do you hold it comfortably. Love the glistening spiky bits. 8/10
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
BTS at Golden Disc Awards 2021
by Admin 1
On the 9th and 10th of January 2021 BTS attended the Golden Disc Awards, and performed on the second day as well. Being there they won the Digital Bonsang for Dynamite on the 9th and the Bonsang, as well as the Album Daesang for Map of the Soul : 7, on the 10th. Amazing achievements which I sincerely congratulate them on.
When it comes to the performance, it was, most certainly, another amazing collection of stages bringing something new once more, even if they presented songs we’ve already seen at previous award shows this season. The opening came in form of Black Swan, though they didn’t sing any of it. It was more an intro showcasing the entrance of the members and highlighted Yoongi’s return to the stage, at least partially. 
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The stage featured big metal winds, low lighting, and the members clad in black and white clothing including leather elbow length gloves for Namjoon and Yoongi, and pretty chockers for Taehyung and Jimin. The highlight though was Jungkook’s hair which isn’t dark anymore, but instead has been bleached and dyed a pretty blond. Personally I think it suits him pretty well. 
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More below the cut since this is shaping up to be pretty long:
Next up was ON, which was powerful and fierce, though still missing Yoongi, which is all too understandable. Even though he can stand on stage again and hold his mic in his left hand (his surgery was on the left shoulder), it will still be a while until he’ll be able to dance with the members. ON has certainly grown a lot on me and I enjoy their performances of it immensely, and it was much the case this time as well.
The transition from ON to Life Goes On came in form of the stage being made to look like their individual rooms from BE which appeared on the digital walls around them. Their clothes were mostly comfy, though Jimin’s resembled their outfits from all the way back during I NEED U/RUN era. The transition/VCR like moment ended with the instrumental to We Are Bulletproof : The Eternal and the stage looking much the way the MV did with the whale swimming around them in an ocean of shades of purple, blue and pink.
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For Life Goes On they had miniature versions of some of their most iconic MV sets on pedestals. It was a really cute idea and I enjoyed the execution a lot. The members seemed relaxed and enjoying themselves, Jimin and Taehyung even having their little moment of looking at each other twice, these moments certainly having become something I always kind of look forward to when it comes to LGO stages. 
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Another tiny Jimin and Taehyung detail was Jimin sending a brief, barely noticeable (by the viewer) finger heart which I hadn’t even noticed until my fourth rewatch. It definitely fits with all these other small gestures we’ve seen from these two in recent months, like the finger hearts and kissy faces during their Lotte Family Concert performance of Boy with Luv or hugging each other on day 1 and doing a fun handshake and dance on day 2 during Dionysus at the MOTS ON:E concert visible only on one of the side cameras, not the main one.
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The grand finale was the Slow Jam remix of Dynamite which worked perfectly with the chill out lounge/bar atmosphere created on stage fitting with the Great Gatsby theme. The members wore mostly suits in white, blue in Namjoon’s case, and a bright yellow when it comes to Taehyung, as well as Hoseok who had a white button down which Tae did not. While a normal person would look ridiculous in it, Taehyung looked absolutely stunning and made it more than work. After so many energetic performances of Dynamite since its release, seeing such a calm version was really nice and refreshing, showing how versatile BTS and their music are, how they can captivate an audience with fast songs made for big choreographies and stage productions, but also these slow, more chill types of tracks. A marvelous idea, truly.
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There was also an encore stage where they sang ON again but this time along with Yoongi on stage which had some hilarious moments, especially Namjoon and Seokjin being silly waving their arms around while kneeling opposite each other on stage during Jungkook’s bridge. Cute.
Afterward the members were at something like a red carpet after interview where they took pictures with their awards (Jungkook and Taehyung even making their Bonsang and Daesang awards kiss much the way film director Bong Joon Ho made his two Oscars kiss last year) and were asked to do a relay of saying something to each other. 
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All translations of their words are taken from Vernal_Bom on twitter.
J-hope to Jimin 
“I didn’t feel lonely in 2020 thanks to Jimin. Thank you for making me laugh. Give me happiness and laugh in 2021 as well.”  Jimin (turning to Namjoon): “It seems he can never live without me” 
Honestly the bond between Jimin and Hoseok is so cute and wonderful and you can see, and hear in their words, how important they are to each other, and how grateful Hobi is. We know the members were having a really hard time in 2020 so it doesn’t surprise me that Hobi would highlight the other members, or in this case Jimin, as one of the main reasons why he made it through it. After all we also know that those two made a song together which unfortunately didn’t make it onto BE. Hopefully we might get it one day at least as SoundCloud release, or perhaps on the next album instead.
Jimin to RM 
It was you who made us pull ourselves together to go through 2020. I am always grateful, and it’d be nice if you share you height a little with me in 2021, be healthy and happy. RM: Okay thank you
I love how Jimin used this (public) opportunity to tell/remind Namjoon of how important he was for them especially in 2020, as leader and surely also as friend, yet still also made a little joke to still keep the atmosphere light. After he was done speaking Jimin also hugged Namjoon, which showed once more how tiny he is in comparison.
RM to JK 
It’s finally today, Jungkook-si, in 10 years! You are Golden Maknae! The day that you will prove your nickname! You are proving it right now with your hair color, but in 2021, I hope the year will be filled with gold, like your nickname. Stay healthy. Let’s ‘Jje-kkit-up’ together this year too! (check it up.. the usual Namjoon saying lol)
It’s quite something to think about and realize, isn’t it, this year 10 years pass since Jungkook became a BigHit trainee and moved into their first dorm with Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin. I’m curious if Bangtan, as well as BigHit, have some kind of plan for JK specifically for this year that Namjoon chose to highlight his Golden Maknae nickname in such a way, or if it was more of a reminder to JK, that he’s so worthy despite how he doubts himself, and despite how he himself said he’s been going through tough times in 2020.
JK to V 
V hyung, when we were trainees we were getting along so well, (V: We are not now???) No!!! i didn’t mean it. You are becoming so much of an stand-up (reliable, I assume in this context) guy. Thank you for doing all the schedules with us.  jhope: who’s hyung here?
The bond these two share might just be one of the biggest mysteries and causes for conflicts and fights within the fandom, or particular parts of it. After their conversation In The SOOP, I’d like to believe they’ve figured out whatever issue might've arisen between them in the past, found a way to solve and move past it slowly, and rekindled their friendship once more. Seeing at how well they’ve been getting along (on camera) these past few months, I think it might've been so. It’s curious to me though that JK chose to say this instead of something more akin to what Jimin said to Namjoon, or Hoseok to Jimin.
V to Jin 
V: (turns to Jin)  Jin: This is too close V: I listened to Abyss and that makes my heart ache too... Jin: Thank you V: hyung, your song is so good. Make more songs in 2021, let Army and us listen to your song more. Jin: Okayokay  V: and I play game with you to relieve stress.... sorry for talking in ban-mal (informal form). —(also speaking in informal way) Jin: No no it was so fun V: I love you Jin: I love you too
I absolutely adore the bond these two share and I love that Tae chose to say what he did. We know Seokjin has been going through a hard time in 2020, that he dealt with something I’d call imposter syndrome, so I’m glad we got to know even more about how Tae was there for him, something we otherwise would’ve never known. Certain people try to portray Tae as the one member that is almost estranged from his other members, who barely has anything to do with the group outside of schedules, and yet it’s moments like this--as well as Seokjin telling us in his birthday vlive that Tae organized for everyone including his non-BTS friends to send Seokjin birthday wishes in video form to show him how loved and appreciated he is--are the proof that those people are wrong. Tae is very close with his members, and he’s the ambassador of OT7 or nothing, the members his closest friends and brothers, his found and chosen family.
Jin to Suga 
Jin: Yoongi ya, do it well. Suga: Okay.... Jin: Do well on your rehab, and...uh... let’s do well going forward. Suga: Okay.. I will...
These two are so close yet due to their introverted nature their interactions such as this one are just so hilarious and adorable at the same time. Their dynamic is wonderful and this just seems like peak Yoongi-Jin behavior.
Suga to j-hope 
SG: (unable to look into hobi’s eyes) Our hobi JH: Suga! SG: You did work hard in 2020 (evading eye contact) JH: hahhahahah and? SG: Let’s not fall sick in 2021, and hwaiting...  JH: “Hwaiting hyung, and take good care of your health!”
The saga of Yoongi being unable to look Hoseok in the eye continues and it’s just as precious as ever. They stood so close, and while Yoongi wasn’t able to look into Hoseok’s eyes, it’s funny how he was the one who initiated the whole “them standing so close together” thing. I love the difference between how Seokjin didn’t even try to make eye-contact while Hoseok playfully challenged Yoongi and tried to coax him into it anyway knowing it’ll make Yoongi laugh and smile. It’s such a Yoongi-Hoseok thing, I love it.
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And with that, the award was over and now also my post. I hope you enjoyed reading it! :3
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slasherfilth · 4 years
You Are What You Eat – Chapter 4 (Thomas Hewitt x Reader)
You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t rushed through your afternoon cleaning schedule to get home sooner. You had sped through the dishes, and half wiped down the countertops. Making sure to turn off of the ovens and coffee maker before darting out of your shop. The other things could wait till tomorrow. You would just wake up earlier to deal with it. You were slightly fidgety as you stood in front of the mirror in your room. You donned a somewhat nicer looking dress, light blue that come down to your knees. Slender at the top but flared out at the hips, over your legs. It had pretty lace to cover your shoulders, and you almost felt too dressed up. But as you bit your lip and pondered the other choices you decided that the others weren’t good enough either. And you really didn’t have the time to change… again. Was it ridiculous that you were trying to look nice for a guy you had only met once before? Absolutely. Could you help yourself? Absolutely not.
Deciding this was as good as you would get, you made your way to the kitchen. The place you always felt more relaxed. Your eyes zeroed in on the small plate of pies you had grabbed from work. You decided you would use the opportunity to give the pies back to the Hewitts to try. And maybe Thomas would tell you what he thought… well not tell you but…
Actually, how was he going to say anything to you? You bit your lip again. You would be the first to tell you didn’t know ASL well, but you weren’t sure he did either. Maybe writing would be the way to go? You began to look for a small notepad and pen. Once it was found, you placed it on the table. And then frowned because it was far too obvious. What if he could speak and simply choose not to the other day? Luda had mentioned something about it, but you weren’t positive. You bit your lip once more and moved it to sit beside the fruit bowl next to your car keys and other miscellaneous items you threw down anywhere. There. It wouldn’t be super obvious, but it was there if needed… You were a lost cause. But you didn’t have time to ponder how ridiculous you were before you heard your doorbell. In all, it’s terribly unrhythmic and scratchy glory. You cringed. Yes, the house may be beautiful, but it absolutely needed some more work before it was as practical as it was beautiful.
You made your way to the door and opened it slowly, nerves running through you in a way you hadn’t really experienced since being an anxious teenager. You took a deep breath. Enough, you were being silly. You’re an adult. And so is he. Coming into your house. To help you. That’s all. You cleared your throat and finally looked up at the visitor. Against your better judgement, he wasn’t even looking at you. Instead, he looked at your doorbell with slightly furrowed brows. You could help the giggle that immediately left you, your tense shoulders relaxing as you enjoyed the feeling.
“It’s terrible, isn’t it?” You laugh and look to him again. Your voice must have caught him off guard as he looked back to you, his face once again surprised as he nodded hesitantly. Wondering if he should be agreeing or just pretend it was all fine. You giggled once more.
“Well, I wasn’t lying to Luda Mae when I said the house was a bit in disrepair. The doorbell is the least of my worries at the moment… you should see my sink.” You sigh slightly as you opened the door wider and motioned for him to enter. He followed. You felt some of the last nerves crawl back up your spine, but you tried to keep them at bay, making your way to the kitchen once more. You felt him follow behind, careful not to brush up against anything. You frown slightly, realising you’re not the only one who is nervous about this arrangement. You decided to try and break the ice. Once you came to your kitchen, you turned around to face him with a confidence you didn’t really feel. You stuck out your hand.
“I’m (y/n), I’m sorry I didn’t really get to introduce myself properly the other day. I want to say I’m really thankful for you coming over and helping me. A lot of the stuff I just can’t do on my own. These muscles can knead the dough, but bolts and furniture are a whole different ballpark.” You smiled and tried to make a joke. He lifted a brow, but you could see the barest of smirks from beneath the mask. You had heard all of the rumours. People thought it was made of human flesh. How ridiculous. It looked like nothing but cowhide. You more felt sorry that he felt the need to wear it. It couldn’t be easy to deal with, especially in this heat. You watched as his mouth opened but shut almost immediately. While in the midst of your own mind, he had reached out and gently took your extended hand. Clearly cautious of how much strength he used as he gently shook it, seeming almost concerned he wasn’t doing it right. Surely people shook his hand… right? But you only wondered for a moment before you felt the sheer heat of his hand course through your arm, sending small shivers of delight through you. Gosh, you really were a sucker of muscle and heat.
“Oh, I meant to ask, would you like a pen and paper to write with? It might be a bit more difficult if you can’t ask me questions about things.” You gushed pathetically. Your eyes darting towards the notepad you had placed beforehand. So much for being casual. You watched as he nodded slowly. You beamed a smile at him, maybe moving a bit too quickly for the paper and pen. You brought it back to him and began to sit at your table, motioning for him to follow. However, as soon as he rested his arms on the table to write, you felt it shift ever so slightly, to which he paused and looked beneath. You winced as you saw the small piece of cardboard crumble beneath the weight. Sending your table into its lopsided glory once more.
“Like I said, the doorbell is the least of my worries.” You huffed sadly, but you saw shoulder shift slightly. In a way, you almost thought of as laughter if you could hear it. You turned back to him, but he was already writing.
I’m Thomas, and by the looks of it I won’t be able to fix everything tonight
You flushed bright red but chuckled a bit at his words.
“Yeah, it's feeling like a bit of a lost cause. The main issues are this table and the dining, the sink in the kitchen and bathroom and the doorbell. And a part of the roof in my room that seems to be caving in somehow.” You smile sheepishly as he gives you a look. And you realised although he may not be able to talk, he was very expressive none-the-less. It made you feel better. Maybe this communicating thing wouldn’t be so difficult.
I can start with the sinks tonight if you would like? And have a look at the others, so I know what to bring next time.
You flush at the realisation that this would mean more visits and you’re not sure your poor cheeks can handle it. You nod, however, and stand once more making your way to the sink. You turn on the water and without a plug in sight, the water began to pool in the basin quickly. You turned off the faucet.
“I’ve tried everything short of pulling it all apart. And that’s only because I physically couldn’t unscrew the bolts.” You sighed as he took a quick look. You moved toward the loungeroom, quickly grabbing your tool kit you had kept inside to help fix everything up. You held a wrench and walked back. You walking in on Thomas already removing bottles of cleaning products and turning so he could see beneath. And oh god, if his size hadn’t hit you before, seeing him barely fit into your cabinet to look at the pipes absolutely cemented the idea in your head. You cleared your throat as to not startle him and handed him the tool. Receiving a small huff in return which you decided to take as a thank you. You felt something tingle in you as you watch him unscrew the bolts with little to no effort at all. God, you really were a lost cause.  
Maybe seeing nothing but pretty boys in your city really had made you weak to any man doing physical labour but hot damn where you completely happy to just watch him work. Until you realised you were probably being creepy and decided to heat up one of the pies for him while he worked. Deciding on making some sweet tea for the both of you as well. Anything to keep your mind preoccupied.
You absentmindedly began to hum as you began to work. A habit you had picked up a long time ago. It helped to soothe you as well as focus. Great for baking. You nodded your head in confirmation before making your way to the fridge and grabbing some items. You worked quickly, sweet tea being something you made often, reminded you of home while you were away. While working diligently, you could hear all sorts of sounds of metal on metal as he worked, every once in awhile hearing something drop to the ground before you heard water gushing out and a slight disgruntled noise come from the mysterious man. You stopped yourself from giggling. You began to stir the ingredients together and didn’t realise how much time had passed, your head in the clouds as you listened to the sound of not being alone and cooking. It made you smile. If mama could see me now… She’d wonder why I wasn’t his bride yet. You scoffed to yourself and turned, only to realise he was no longer behind you. Instead, everything had been packed away like nothing had happened, and you looked down the sink to see no remaining water. Gingerly you turned on the tap slightly to water if the water would catch.
You smiled and turned the faucet on harder and watched in happiness as it run down the drain and into the abyss. Thank goodness. You were getting very sick of using the outside hose. Standing you decided to heat up the pie and begin pondering different ways to spice them up for your customers. You decided to take a notepad and sit down on the sofa. Thomas would find you if he needed anything you were sure. You hadn’t realised how much time had passed as you wrote ingredient after ingredient and recipe after recipe down in your notebook. Outside was now pitch black, and you heard loud footsteps echo from somewhere behind you. Smiling, you stood up and turned around coming face to face with the man you told yourself you hadn’t been daydreaming over for the last couple hours he had been here.
“Oh Thomas, did you manage to fix it? I saw the kitchen, thank you so much! You have no idea how relieved I am to have a working sink again. I don’t really know how to thank you properly, but I made some sweet tea, and I’d like you to try one of the pies I made out of the meat you gifted me. Oh! Speaking of. Thank you very much for that too! You have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to find some good cuts, and yours were fantastic! Luda mentioned you were a butcher but still, they were outstanding!” You knew you were rambling. He knew you were rambling. Everyone knew. And yet you couldn’t shut up. Your eyes darted to the kitchen as you realised you needed to set up the food still. Perfect. Distraction. But as you made your way over, you couldn’t help but notice Thomas actively looking away from you. You weren’t sure if you had said something wrong. Oh, you hope you hadn’t. You and your big mouth.
However, much to your relief, he continued to follow you to the kitchen, and as you grabbed the jug, you went to motion for him to sit at the kitchen table. The world apparently had other plans. And you wished you weren’t such a clutz. You whirled around and come face to chest with the much taller man. Unfortunately, the glass jug you had been holding didn’t quite bounce off as much as you did. Instead, it shattered around you both, sending sweet tea pouring over you and him equally. You froze. And stared. Not entirely sure what to do at this moment. Was it real? Were you dreaming? Despite feeling like you were in some kind of hallucination, your mouth apparently hadn’t taken the hint.
“I… am so sorry.” And with that, your mind seemed to catch up with you. You looked up at his face to find him staring rather intently at you. You figured he was probably mad and trying to keep it in. Oh god, you had to fix this. You rushed over to the bench and quickly grabbed some paper towel before patting him down repeatedly. Muttering multiple apologise as you tried to remove as much liquid as possible. You bit your lip and dared not look at his face again. Everything seemed so quiet and still. The dull light illuminating both of you in the otherwise dark house as you stood in your kitchen, trying to pat this man dry in a useless attempt. You slowly looked up at him. His eyes were still fixated on you. And you thought maybe you weren’t the only one who short-circuited when this occurred. But you were the only one to reboot afterwards.
“Y-You can have a shower if you’d like. It’ll get really sticky… I can wash your shirt for you and give it back next time you come over… if you still want to…” You felt like you were in some kind of clique sitcom. God, you were so clumsy sometimes. You went to step back from him, however as you did, you realise that you hadn’t cleaned up the glass jug at all. Hissing loudly, you lifted your foot and before you could think you were hoisted into the air and placed on the kitchen table with seemingly no effort. You gasped at the feeling of warm hands encircling your waist before they were just as quickly taken away.
Before you could react, you watched as the giant man knelt in front of you, your cheeks reddening drastically he did. Was it suddenly really warm in here? You thought so. He gently took your foot and inspected it, his fingers grazing slightly against the blood that dripped from it. You whimpered gently.
“It’s fine, just a little cut. It’ll stop bleeding in no time.” However, as you spoke, you began to notice the spots of blood on his hands. You were sure they weren’t from you. They seemed too dry. Your eyes trailed up as you seen small specs of blood cover his arms too, and lightly coat his shirt. It was well hidden beneath the dirt from his day at work, but it was still noticeable. You wondered how you hadn’t noticed earlier. But he was a butcher. You figured he probably did get it everywhere. And maybe Luda had rushed him out of the house before he had time to really clean everything off. You wouldn’t judge him either way.
Watching beneath you, you see dark locks shake, as Thomas stood and grabbed more paper towel. He pressed it to your cut with a little pressure and sat there for a moment. Kneeling before you, holding your foot in his hand and you couldn’t help but think of him in a different situation, kneeling before you. You flushed bright red once more and turned away from him—your turn to be shy. Quick, think of something else! Your eyes darted around and landed on the pies once more. Pies!
“O-Oh. Did you want to try the pie still?” You grinned awkwardly from your place above him. He looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. But you thought you would see amusement in his eyes and a small smirk on his lips. It made you relax slightly when he nodded his head, pull away from you, but not before checking if you foot at stopped bleeding. You quickly set up his food with a glass of water instead before sweeping up your mess. Being extra careful not to step on anymore. Although being swept off my feet again isn’t a terrible idea… You shook your head. Not the time! You quickly put all of it away and made your way back to the kitchen. Hesitantly, you pressed your hands together and walked up shyly to him. Eager to know what he thought as he slowly broke apart the pie and slipped it through his mask. You wanted to tell him it was okay to take it off. That you wouldn’t be offended but you figured if he was comfortable doing that, he would have done it anyway.
“How is it?” You asked shyly, threading a lock of hair behind your ear. You watch him look up at you and ideally look around. You stare confused for a moment before you remember he couldn’t just tell you. You wanted to slap yourself. You quickly grabbed the paper you had written recipes on earlier and gave it to him. His eyebrow lifting at the sight of the recipes. You bit your lip.
“I… actually wanted to ask you how you liked it because I want to sell them at my bakery… And meat is tough to come by… especially as good as the stuff you gave me! …I was wondering if you would mind selling me some from time to time. I wouldn’t have to be all the time! And I don’t need very much. And of course, I would be willing to pay you for it!” You bit your lip once more and winced. You’d been doing that far too much this afternoon. You waited patiently as he began to hesitantly write.
I’d love to give you more… but I have to ask Charlie and Luda. Thank you for the food, it’s good
You almost squealed and clapped. It wasn’t much, but you figured any compliment from Thomas was something to be excited over. And as for the meat, you were sure you could talk Luda around. Maybe this just meant you and Thomas wouldn’t see the last of each other just yet. You were more than a little okay with that. Even though you didn’t squeal, in your excitement, you had launched forward and enveloped the large male in a hug. Pressing your form against his side as he remained seated. However, you quickly realised what you were doing and stood up immediately. Thomas did too. His head once again turning away from you and you knew you really shouldn’t be so forward with him. You were never usually like this anyways. You didn’t know what would come over you, every time he was around. You blushed bright red and quickly made your way to the front door. Offering him an easy out without appearing rude. You assumed he needed time to himself just as much as you did. If not more, and he was needed at home.
“Thank you so much, Thomas. For everything. You’re really a lovely man, and you feel free to come over whenever you may like.” You tried to smile in a friendly way, but he seemed to scurry off into the night like a man on a mission. And you were left hoping it wasn’t the last time you saw him, hoping his odd mood wasn’t because he didn’t like being around you.
You sighed and closed the door, slumping up against it as your head fell to your chest. Eyes closed as you breathed in deeply, trying to calm down. Once you opened your eyes once more, you almost felt your face burn off as you realised why the poor boy wouldn’t look at you. In your haste to dry him off, you had forgotten that the sweet tea had also poured on you. And suddenly your earlier haste to get changed into something nice and appealing backfired completely because your dress clung to your chest like a second skin and you cursed the fact you had decided to go au natural. Fearing the risk of bra straps showing on your cute off the shoulder dress. I really am a lost cause.
Here it is! I hope you enjoyed a little more Thomas time. I tried to make it cutesy and close but not too close cause you guys have only met once but hey. What did you think? Tell me! Ask me! I love hearing your thoughts and feelings! Tell me your theories!
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So Help Me Maker // Sith!Obi Wan
Summary: A rather attractive Sith Lord captures you and keeps you captive, but you weren’t expecting to feel this way about him.
Word count: 2.2k
Side note: so this is my first time writing in years, and my first time writing anything for Star Wars. It’s a bit silly, and probably has some errors in it. I’m not very confident with it, but I hope you enjoy it <3
You definitely had not planned on getting captured on your trip to pick up your favorite droid from Tatooine, but these things happen to the best of us. A few years back you found a badly damaged battle droid left on the field after a particularly grueling fight against a droid army. You were making your way to your ship when you heard a robotic voice calling for assistance. A quick look around the field revealed a barely in tact battle droid trying to orientate itself with its head on backwards. It was confused, some of its speech patterns jumbled due to the damage done. It had no weapon, either.
What's the harm in taking a look? You thought to yourself as you made your way over. When it saw you it shockingly didn't just try to attack you. Instead, it asked "where am I?"
Quickly you discovered that it's programming had been corrupted because of the intense damage. Essentially, the droid no longer had a master to serve or an objective to carry out. You had thought this to be impossible, but here you were, looking at the droid with its head on backwards having no idea what had just occurred. Being the kind soul that you are, you decided to help turn its head around and fix what little damage you could without the proper tools.
Once you told it where you were and why, it remembered working for the Sith Lord Count Dooku, but it had no desire to work for him. In its words, "You saved me. He left me to be destroyed. I will not serve him anymore. If you'd let me, I would be happy to serve you as my new master." You gladly accepted the offer, taking it into your ship and getting it fixed up the rest of the way.
It didn't take you long to start calling "it" a him. You didn't like the idea of him being just a machine, so you hated treating him like one. Quickly it was discovered that he was amazing at cooking. Because of this, you decided to name him Remy after a very talented cooking rodent.
When you had to go on a dangerous mission on Hoth you decided to leave Remy with a good friend of yours on Tatooine. After all, who else would you get your favorite meals from?
The universe seemed to have it out for you though, as when you were on your way to pick him up and return to Coruscant you had been captured by a large ship. Long story short, you had been unarmed and put into a holding cell where one of the most infamous Sith Lords was attempting to get information on the plans of the Jedi Council out of you. Once he was too frustrated by your lack of compliance, he had left you there alone.
You now sit on the floor of the cell, your knees curled up to your chest as your head rests against the wall, going in and out of sleep. You move and try to get comfortable, the overwhelming feeling of your full bladder making it impossible. You sigh loudly, hoping someone will come to investigate. When a minute passes with nobody in sight, you do it again, this time louder. Still nothing. Determined, you instead start to kick the wall next to you to make as much noise as possible.
"By the maker, why do you find it necessary to keep making that incessant noise?" A man in black robes enters the room, his hood only allowing you to see his golden eyes peering at you with an unreadable emotion. He doesn't need to remove the hood for you to know who it is. This is Lord Kenobi, one of, if not the most efficient Sith Lord.
"Well, isn't it nice of you to join me? I was starting to get lonely." You grin as you stand and walk to the bars. "You almost had me convinced you wouldn't come back."
"Is this why you insist on being so loud? You're bored?" Lord Kenobi steps closer, coming to a stop a few feet in front of the bars.
"No, but the company is nice. I do appreciate it, Kenoboy." You grin, having a bit of fun with the situation you were so rudely forced into.
"You will address me as Lord Kenobi. You don't want to know what I'm like when I'm angry, do you, dear?" He steps in closer, his voice almost at a growl. "Now tell me, why are you causing such a ruckus?"
"If I'm being honest, Lord Kenobi, I need to use the bathroom."
His face contorts into a mixture of amusement and great annoyance as he takes a moment to rub his temples before responding. "You did all of that just to tell me you need the bathroom? Well darling, I'm sorry to tell you that I have no reason to give you what you need, seeing as you have yet to work with me so much as once while onboard this ship. You will be staying right here until you tell me what I want to know."
You knit your eyebrows as your lips form a pout, crossing your arms across your chest in protest. "With all due respect Lord, I am this close to pissing myself all over your floor. It's either you let me use a toilet around here, or you have to clean the floor of this cell."
"So help me maker," he grumbles under his breath while considering the options. "How do I trust that you won't try to escape if I open up this door?"
"Lord Kenobi you can stand outside of the door if you really need to, I just have to pee. I can't even think about an escape plan right now with how bad it is. You wouldn't believe how full my bladder must be-"
"Fine! Fine. I'll take you to a bathroom. Just, for the love of the maker, stop talking." The Sith cuts you off with a quick look of distaste as he punches in a code, unlocking the door. "Get out here."
You step out of the cell, and immediately he grabs onto your arm to ensure you don't run. He starts walking you down a hallway, walking a bit too quickly for you. "Slow down, I'm not that fast!" For a second you swear you can see his mouth twitch into a smile, but as soon as it came it's gone. He stops in front of a door and lets go of you, motioning for the door.
"Don't be long now, I haven't got all day."
Nodding your head you go into the bathroom, letting the door shut behind you, leaving you alone. While in there you consider making an escape, but ultimately decide its too risky. You can't help but think about the man standing in the hallway. You've heard many stories of him before, none of them would have ever indicated that he would let you out of your cell even if it was to avoid a mess on his floor. Maybe it's possible he has a soft spot for you... but that's a thought that you quickly push out of your head. You would never admit it, but the Sith Lord was quite attractive. A small part of you wishes that he wasn't a Sith, that he wasn't your enemy. Previously he was an amazing Jedi Master, with an outstanding reputation. He lost everything, everyone he cared for was taken away from him. You couldn't blame him for turning to the dark side. He had nothing left, nobody to save him from falling into the abyss of darkness when his feelings swallowed him whole. If anything, you felt bad for him.
After washing your hands you fix your hair in the mirror then push the door open to make your exit. Obi Wan is leaning against a wall opposite to the door, his brows knit in concentration as he’s clearly lost in thought. There’s something about him that keeps you drawn to him. Something about the way his yellow eyes seem to glow through the darkness provided by the hood, or maybe the way his nose crinkles slightly as he thinks to himself. Or perhaps the way the sleeves of his robes almost cover his entire hands, resembling the look of sweater paws as the tips of his fingers curl around the fabric to hold the sleeve. It could be the way that he emits such a mysterious aura, his presence not bringing fear but instead a feeling of comfort. He’s an anomaly to you. He was a man who had been hurt one too many times, he was broken by the cruelty of the world, by the tragedies the universe made him endure. As hard as you try to dislike him you just can’t. He’s something different entirely to you, someone who needs a little help to be shown the light. He needs a light to lead him through the tunnel.
You don’t even know how long you’ve been staring, but apparently it was too long as Obi Wan turns his head towards you and quirks an eyebrow. “I didn’t take you for the staring type.”
You feel your face burn in embarrassment at getting caught as you shift your weight from one leg to another. “My apologies, Lord Kenobi. So I guess it’s back to the cell with me, huh?” You tried so hard to not sound disappointed, but when you see the Sith Lord’s eyes soften and a soft smile etches onto his face you know you definitely failed.
“I’ve never met someone quite like you, (y/n). There’s something about you, something... special. I just can’t put my finger on it.”
He begins walking in the direction you came from, only stopping a few steps in to make sure you’re following. The walk back to the holding cell is silent, allowing your mind to wander as your steps fall in sync with the mans own. The Sith comes to a stop in front of the cell, turning to look at you.
“If you’d like, I can show you something I think you’d enjoy.”
You tilt your head in confusion but nod, happy that you won’t be locked back up. He moves his hand to the small of your back and lightly nudges you towards the door he had came in through when you were kicking the wall. You make your way over and he opens the door, allowing you to enter before him before he once again places his hand where it was before, a usually sweet gesture but you know it was his way of making sure you don’t bolt. He brings you to a large window, a view of the planets in a position you’ve never truly looked at before showing. You walk to the glass and look at the beautiful scene in front of you, appreciating the wonders of the universe as they lay right in front of you.
“It’s wonderful,” you speak softly, turning to smile at your captor. “I’ve never truly appreciated the view like this.”
He doesn’t respond, instead he moves his hands to remove the hood that had been hiding his face in the shadows. You knew he was attractive before, but not this attractive. Behind him you can see where your ship is being kept, and you see that the area is currently unguarded. You turn your attention back to Obi Wan and reach out your hand to adjust a strand of hair that had fallen into his face.
“You’re beautiful, as well.” This time it’s his turn to be shy. He slowly brings his hand to your cheek, brushing it with his thumb as his eyes show a tenderness they haven’t shown in years.
“I could say the same for you, my dear,” he steps closer to you, letting his guard down as he takes in your appearance like he hadn’t before, a look of admiration on his face.
You take this chance to lean in closer to him, your lips hovering inches apart from his as you silently reach your hand to where he had your lightsaber clipped to his belt.
“Sorry about this,” you quickly grab your weapon and use the force to push him backwards into a wall while his guard is down, “but I have a droid waiting for me. I gotta get back home.”
You sprint to your ship, knowing he would be following within seconds. You hop inside and start up the engines, stopping only to look back at the man who was watching completely stunned. You feel bad for tricking him, but you know you need to get back to Coruscant. “I wish I could stay, but you know how the Jedi business is. I trust this won’t be the last time I see you, Lord Kenobi. Until next time.”
Shifting into hyperdrive you zoom out of the ship and out of range from its many weapons it could have used to shoot you down. You exhale and take a moment to gather your composure once you reach safety and can slow down. You successfully escaped Sith Lord Obi Wan Kenobi, but something tells you next time you won’t be so lucky.
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
Decaying Promise
So I replayed Three Houses and fell in love with Dimitri once again so I wanted to write this piece. I haven’t been feeling well lately and the lack of sleep may affect this scenario, apologies for that, but I hope you enjoy.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd x Fem!Reader
Summary: A promise made years ago keeps Dimitri somewhat hopeful, despite the screams of his loved ones tormenting him internally.
The greenhouse of the monastery bathed in the afternoon sun, the plants and flowers enjoying the blessing they received while surrounded by the light. You found yourself enjoying the warmth the sun provided as you kneeled in front of a certain flower, having just arrived in the greenhouse. Your (E/C) eyes lit up in sheer amazement as you notice that the beautiful white flower in front of you is blooming, having completed its growing process. 
You bring your fingers to the petals, desiring to feel the velvety surface and take in the flower’s delicacy. It practically glittered under the light of the sun and just like you had read, it had a stunning iridescent glow that made it look as if someone had put a spell on it.
“That’s quite beautiful.”
The voice beside you belonged to a person you didn’t even hear or notice coming, which caused you to quickly turn your head towards them, only to notice the Prince himself, carefully looking at the flower you had picked up.
“Dimitri!” You exclaim, placing a hand on your chest and standing up, slightly startled at his sudden appearance. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like this!” Despite your words being anything but rude in nature, the young Prince’s eyes still receive an apologetic glint as he humbly bows. Polite as always. “My apologies. It was not my intention. I simply saw you running here quite enthusiastically and curiosity got the best of me.”
You look at the flower in your and bring it up, desiring to show Dimitri its beauty. “Oh, I was just checking if this flower started to bloom. And as you can see,” You bring your hand closer to him, in order for him to witness the sight before him. “It’s blooming rather beautifully.” A gentle smile decorates your features and a sense of pride latches itself onto you. Usually, gardening was done by more capable people like Dedue and the Professor, and you didn’t have too much experience in the craft, so it was very rewarding to see this special flower bloom under the rays of the sun.
“I must agree, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flower like this.” Dimitri’s blue eyes carefully examine the plant before him, intrigued by its abnormal appearance and seemingly otherworldly exterior qualities. Though he’d rather not hold flowers in his own hand, fearing they would just fall apart due to his inability to control his own strength, he appreciated their bloom and was more than happy to look at them.
“It’s called Sothis’s Lily. It is said that it was the first flower the Goddess created. Well, according to some legend I don’t know much about.” Stories about the Goddess didn’t grasp your interest too much, as to you they seemed quite silly at times. Still, you couldn’t deny the fact that the flower currently in your hand looked resplendent and special. 
“I see. Well, it certainly looks extraordinary. It wouldn’t surprise me too much if there was some divine power embedded in it,” He says, a slight hint of playfulness and rare sarcasm you didn’t often hear apparent in his pleasant voice. A small chuckle escapes your lips.
“Perhaps. All I can say for sure is that this particular flower is excruciatingly difficult to grow. It’s a miracle we’re even witnessing it in this state!” Having read about this rare flora, you knew the challenges of attempting to grow it the moment you placed the seeds beneath the dirt, and seeing it in front of you, in full bloom, made you happier than ever.
“However apparently, this flower can stay in this prime state for at least five years! Can you believe it?” Dimitri’s eyes widen slightly at your words, a mixture of shock and amazement hitting him. It was no surprise to anyone that flowers generally withered away in a matter of days, so if this supposed rumor was to be true, this lily was truly special.
“Is that so? That is quite impressive, (Name),” He states, gentle smile dancing across his lips. He found your enthusiasm quite amusing, yet oddly admirable. Due to the recent, some quite grim, events at the monastery, the atmosphere had been quite dull and colorless, so seeing someone with this much happiness in them was uplifting for the young Prince.
“Five years is a long time for a flower, but not so much for us. A lot of things can change in such a short amount of time.” With Dimitri’s words comes a breeze of uncertainty and mystery that hits both of you like the cold winds of Faerghus. It was true that no one but perhaps the Goddess herself knows what the future holds and admittedly the thought scared you. There were things that people assumed would happen naturally, like Dimitri becoming the King of the Holy Kingdom, but in the end, even those things weren’t certain.
“We might not see any of our classmates after we leave the Officer’s Academy.”
“You’re right.” Your gaze falls on the ground for a moment as the weight of the ambiguity slowly presses itself against you. You look at Dimitri, your dearest friend, and wonder what the flow of time brings and how it would affect your strong yet so easily breakable relationship. “However, we won’t change.” Dimitri blinks a couple of times, waiting for you to continue your words of determination.
“You know what?” You suddenly say and point at the flower still in your hand with your eyes. “I’m going to keep this flower. No matter what the future holds, we’ll see each other after we graduate. Think of this lily as me. So long as it blooms, I’ll be around and ready to meet you again. And remember, this beauty blooms for a very long time.” A reassuring smile widens the corners of your lips, a playful shimmer glistening in your eyes and fortunately, you notice Dimitri smiling as well.
Your words are rather silly, and you don’t expect him to take them to heart as you are more than certain you will see the man in front of you before the flower has time to even think about withering. However, by then, he is most likely the King of Faerghus and buried in royal duties.
“Sounds like you’re proposing we make a deal.” He chuckles briefly. “Very well then. Let’s promise to reunite after graduation.” Your smile widens at that and you nod, eyes brimming with determination and hope.
“It’s a deal.”
The aftermath of the battle was like any other. Enemy soldiers on the ground, laying on top of a pool of blood, the Kingdom troops exhausted but satisfied with the victory. Just like they had been told, (Surname) territory had been taken over by Imperial forces with no challenge. No one was defending the territory during the five years the war had been going on and with a fraction of the Imperial army vanished, the Kingdom Army had reclaimed yet another part of their nation. However, this victory meant little for the King.
When you weren’t present at the highly grim class reunion, Dimitri knew something was amiss. His already unhinged mental state sunk deeper into the dangerous abyss that was his mind and his new obsession, other than killing Edelgard, was finding the very person he had made a crucial deal with all those years ago. 
The (Surname) territory was undefended, empty, no signs of the members of the family anywhere; In the perfect state for an invasion and now that the Imperial soldiers had been disposed of, the atmosphere should have been better, but it wasn’t.
Dimitri searched and searched, looking for the one he cherished, desperately trying to find any evidence of your whereabouts, all the while the merciless demons within him screamed at him. He tried to ignore them, because finding you was the only thing that mattered in this very moment, however at the same time he was afraid. Afraid that he would suddenly hear your voice in his head.
“There’s no sign of her, Your Highness.” A kingdom knight said to him, having searched the entire area and returning to his King with a sorrowful look upon his face
“Keep searching!” He said, voice filled with anger, impatience, and underlying sadness and hopelessness. With heavy steps, he headed towards the manor where the noble family would spend most of their days in, a place Dimitri himself had been in many times before. Before his mind hungered for revenge.
He had to find you, his mind let go of his desire to avenge his family for this brief moment as his vision was clouded. The last bits of his sanity he didn’t notice were hanging onto him, dependent on your reunion. The broken man stepped into the manor, heading straight for his beloved’s room and ignoring the concerned Professor most likely following him.
Despite saying to himself he wanted to see your face once more, in reality, the thought scared him. Should he find you in this mansion of yours, you would most likely be but a decaying corpse, and even more than not finding you, he was terrified of seeing you in front of him with no life left in you. He tried to push the thought away, but it was stabbing him, burying its knife into him deeper than any other. He was in pain, and the screams were getting louder the closer he got to your room.
The door opened with hesitation, an overwhelming anxiety rampaging all around Dimitri and inside him as he stepped in, expecting and also secretly hoping to find an empty, lifeless room that was nothing but a decaying memory of his childhood. His mind was a mess, much like it had been for the past five years but the desperate desire to see you and you wonderful smile with his now dull blue eyes kept him partially sane. It gave him hope. But that hope was reduced to dust and blown away the moment he looked around the room. Because what he saw, was far worse than the sight of your corpse. Because what lied in front of him, on the cold floor, wasn’t a corpse at all.
The thing that completely broke him, surrounded by the grueling silence that was only broken by his desperate, painful sobs,
Was a certain, white lily, withered away.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Kindle Unlimited Recommendation
Dark Planet Warriors Series
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Warning: Gore, violence, some situation of wrongful touching
8 stories. The series begins with a bug infestation on the mining station outside of earth. A species called Kordolians are there to be the exterminators. After a meeting with a strange human our primary story kicks off while the bug story plays in background in some stories while being the main focus for several books. The consistent story for the other 8 books is a romance between the aliens and humans that results in a war for purity.
Person thoughts:
Great fuckin series. Almost every book has a different couple with only the very first couple being the focus several other times. First book is fantastic, especially the first sex scene. Its so good. The next few focus on the bug infestation till its dealt with then it gets back to the war. Don't skip them though, Riker is a treat that deserves to be acknowledged. My favorite one of this amazing series is Infinity's Embrace. That book has some dope characters. Electric Heart is my least favorite because it's like a real bad Watch Dogs (video game).
Rating: 9/10
Dark Planet Warriors
Dark planet Falling
Into the Light
Out of Darkness
Forged in Shadow
Infinity's Embrace
Electric Heart
Brilliant Starlight
Office Alien Series
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Warning: Awkwardness, drug use, kidnapping (kind of)
Three books about an office relationship with three different aliens. Each alien goes through the venture of courting a human woman. All of them succeed on confusing then educating these people on their culture. All the aliens come from the same planet that has been ravaged by a tough alien species that try to wipe them out with their superior technology. That isn't a plot point, its just an explanation. Each story shows the struggles of cultural differences and how education and understanding can help make the world a better place.
Person thoughts:
I adore this series. One book in this series actually got a perfect score from me, which is strange cause I'm a tough grader. The first book has a super awkward lad who just seems to hate everyone. Its really cute and I like them both though their relationship is filled with cringe. The second book I didn't much care for. The main love dude was kind of an idiot and was too blinded by acceptance to be a reasonable thinking alien. Still decent but Its not my cup of tea. The last one- sweet jesus- was amazing. It has a ‘my cousin Vinny’ vibe with their relationship where they fight often but its like their form of foreplay. So good. There is another series that’s super short that takes place 1 year later for each story. Totally worth a read after you read the series.
Rating: 8/10
The E.T. Guy
The New Guy
The Security Guy
(Christmas special)
Kraving Khiva
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Warning: Sex workers, forced prostitution, abuse
Eve is a virgin who is fed up with it. After her father's death she has been ghosting by in life with her best friend. After said friend points out a brothel of some interesting aliens she decides to give the place a try to finally rid herself of her virginity. After just one night she keeps coming back, falling for the sex worker. Romance ensues with lots of strife and abuse to keep the two from their HEA.
Personal Thoughts:
Man, this story represents everything I love in a story. Tons of fluff. It was a really good slow burn that I didn’t expect from a story about a prostitute. The cover gives the illusion of a typical middle aged mother romance - which I guess it is- but it has so much more. I only had one problem with the story, the ending. I felt they could have given more information but they just glossed over it. Besides that, hot book. The second one is really boring, just a slice of life that I couldn't get into.
Rating: 9/10
Kraving Khiva
Prince of Firestone
The Queen's Ransom
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Warning: Near death situations, a lot of near death situations, gore
432 pages. Long book. Jalia enters into a competition to win a great prize. The interest of great fortune is too much for her to pass up. Little does she know the treachery the competition hides or the actual prize. The king of Minotaurs is hosting an event to test the strength, endurance, and intelligence of potential wives. In a culture that values strength they refuse to accept a queen who hasn't been tried. Genius Jalia goes through challenge after challenge, nearly dying about every chapter while catching the attention of a charming king.
Personal Thoughts:
I generally don't have the patience for long books but this one never dragged on. Every chapter was captivating and riveting. The challenges were interesting and Jalia's solutions were pretty genius. The relationship between the king and her is pretty grand, I adore them greatly. My only problem with the book is all the potty humor and insults. She was a genius but her insults left much to be desired. Once her biggest annoyance is no longer in the picture does that kind of stuff end.
Rating: 9/10
The Queen's Ransom
The Kraken
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Warning: Gore, racism, attempts of suicide(only 1 book), sassy AI
A mysterious creature has lived in the ocean long ago, since the beginning of the settlement on this planet. After a nearly drowning woman is saved a series kicks off. Each book has a different relationship of humans and Krakens. Every book tells the story of how the krakens go from living in isolation at the bottom of the ocean to breeding with humans.
Personal thoughts:
When I first read this story I was just getting into monster romance. The love interests have fairly human tops but hella tentacle bottoms. So I was a little off-put by it but as I read on I didn’t care. The first one is pretty good for a start. The second one was decent, I didn’t really care for it. I actually skipped the 3rd one my first go around. Which is fine, it doesn't add too much and its short. Its still worth a read. The 4th one, fucking grand. 5th one? My all time favorite of the series! If you don't want to read them all at least read the 5th one. Like ask me for story details and I'll give you a cliff note for what's mentioned in that story then you can read in peace. 6th was ok, love the sassy AI. I didn't read the 7th one. Its two old people and I just can't
Rating: 8/10
Treasure Abyss
Jewel of the Sea
Hunter of the Tide
Heart of the Deep
Rising from the Depth
Fallen from the Stars
Lover from the Waves
Escaping Wonderland
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Warning: Sexual assault, gore, lots of sexual stuff
Alice is wrongfully placed in a psych ward that specializes in simulation therapy. She is placed in a pod then taken to the world of wonderland. This twisted version of the children's classic introduces a rapey mad hater and manipulative Red King. The main love interest is a playful lad who has more control of the simulation than most. The two run from the clutches of the Red King while trying to escape the simulation.
Personal thoughts:
I had very low hopes for this story. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It was a twist on the beloved movie and book. Everything was rapey and creepy and I weirdly loved it. Of course nothing too terrible happened to the main lady so it made those situations more tolerable but only just. I adore the main dude, shadow. He was a playful little mischief maker and I would die for him. What made this book better for me was when everything hit the fan they didn't rid him of his sassy personality. Most books make the cocky, silly, playful personality as something that is bad and needs to change. This one they didn’t and kept it. So good.
Rating: 9/10
Escaping Wonderland
Infinity City
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Warning: Abuse, gore, sexual assault, dope ass fighting
A city where criminals are more in control than most people think. Each book takes the reader through different adventure of different people. All having the similarity of protecting the ones they love. The first is of an assassin protecting the only woman who has made him feel so strongly. The second is with a mob boss hacker who grows fond of a shy human. The third is the second in command of the mob boss hacker who finds a pregnant woman in a menagerie and discovers she is his mate. Fourth is one of the workers of the mob boss's security team who gets taken by some slavers along with a woman he was entertaining for the night.
Personal thoughts:
First book sucked. He was obsessives and pretty much took all her choices. It wasn't till the end that he was like "my bad, you can leave if you want". Bleh. Second book was fan-fucking-tastic. Arc is a charming idiot with an amazing backstory. I didn't like the girl in the beginning but she grew on me. I love that he focuses on her but still pays attention to work and his 'family'. The third was surprisingly good. I generally don't like stories where someone is pregnant because they get boring. This one was not that. She was never a hindrance or weak, she was a badass. With her big kitty man they made an amazing duo. Also any scenes with her man and the baby made me tear up. He was so sweet. Fourth was boring, it reminds me too much of a lot of other stories.
Rating: 8/10
Silent lucidity
Shielded hearts
Untamed Hunger
Savage Desire
While people watch TV or Youtube in their free time, I read. I have such a weird organization with everything i read because i tend to reread stories and forget i read them. the entire time i read it im like “have i read this before?”. so for books i write them down, rate them, then review them. i didn’t post the reviews here because it would be so many spoilers. Also i sort my favorite fanfics by fandom then relationship. i read so fucking much, its a problem at this point.
If you liked this recommendation drop a like, reblog, or reply. i will perhaps do another if you all like this. i have read so many books and i can post some decent ones and some god awful ones. perhaps you all can tell me how wrong my thoughts are on the ones i deem terrible. i think we will probably agree, ‘free’ books tend to have lower standards.
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noxstellacaelum · 4 years
No, it’s not just because the guy is hot ... and other BS about a female fan base (Looking at you Veronica Mars and Shadowhunters)
So, I suck at Tumblr.  I changed my name and suddenly all of my links are broken.  A friend asked me to repost this when she could not find it, so apologies for round 2.
I wrote recently about how filtering female characters through the male gaze can cause a project’s “center of gravity” to shift away from the agency and autonomy of female characters. This is how we end up w/ stories where women are there (narratively) to be pretty arm candy, or objects of sexual desire, or romantic partners (half a ship) vs characters who shape their own romantic and life choices. This is how we get female characters subjected to endless, pointless pain and trauma — usually sexual assault/ rape narratives (GoT, Veronica Mars). Or female characters who sacrifice endlessly and forgive every transgression, so that a man can be redeemed/ understood/ forgiven. (Why else would Buffy forgive Spike?) As I said, I don’t think every silly, guilty pleasure TV show or movie has to be a feminist icon story. Men can tell good stories about women. And give me flawed, complicated, nuanced characters and relationships any and every day of the week. I prefer truthful storytelling, not a kind of hagiography w/a side of feminism for my female characters.
Still, I had to just shake my head — after gagging on my coffee — when I saw the recent TV Line article quoting a senior executive at HULU as saying that the negative reaction to the ending of S4 Veronica Mars was A-O-K b/c it was a testament to how much people love the show. And, that the end was all part of RT’s super-well-thought-grand-plan to make VM into a noir detective show where Veronica solves random mysteries in random places and has no friends, no family, no relationships — having been an asshole to everyone in S4. Never mind S4 Veronica’s questionable detective skills, as evidenced by her failure to figure out who was behind the bombings until it was too late. Yeah. Whatever.
Of course, I didn’t stop at the article. I had to look at the comments. The official RT fanboy line appears to be that people who hated the ending are basically weak, stupid (heterosexual, I guess) girls who are upset that we won’t get to look at Jason D’s abs anymore. Apparently, we just don’t understand RT’s art and vision. Sad, really.
And so it goes. Once again, female fans are reduced to unthinking, stupid, crying hordes upset when we don’t get our happily-ever-after.
This is such complete and total bullshit. I hated all of S4 Veronica. VM in S4 is an unrecognizable asshole. She mocks Logan for seeking help for his PTSD. She misses or ignores her dad’s health crisis. She’s casually racist. She randomly uses drugs w/ strangers. She’s terrible to her friends (Weevil). And she’s the worst detective ever. Killing Logan off as some kind of suffer porn for VM was just one more piece of the shitty story telling that was S4. Especially since there was zero narrative explanation of how or why smart, gritty teenager Veronica fell into the abyss of self-loathing, self-absorption and cruelty that defines her in S4.
To my mind, though, the mansplaining from HULU, RT and crew is one of many examples of how Hollywood dismisses female fans along with female characters. In addition to Veronica Mars, I’ve written about how Shadowhunters TV betrayed both its female characters and many of its female fans. And, just as happened w/ Veronica Mars, when people objected, the show runners and their shills told us that we didn’t understand the showrunners’ art or storytelling; that we were upset bc not all of the couples got a wedding, that fan fiction could sort out the narrative mess left after the finale. As if completely sidelining the protagonist and her romantic partner, then tacking on a rom com meet cute at the end, made it all ok.
It wasn’t OK. It was BS. And, depressingly, not a surprise when one examines how the show treated its female characters and fan base all along.
- Cassie Clare, the author behind the six book series, has hinted on her Tumblr blog that from the very beginning, the male producers and show runners behind the TV adaption did not value her heavily female fan base. The show even added a lot of computers/ tech (explicitly NOT canon in the Shadowhunters universe), and made a character a police officer (not a bookstore owner) when it launched to attract an older male audience according to Clare. (Apart from the non-canon aspect of computers, stereotyping much on who likes tech?).
More importantly, the storytelling around female characters, and the treatment of their sexuality, showed the lack of regard the show had for female characters and their fans. Where to even start:
- The show aged-up the characters — which I am totally on board with — but then cast an actor who is only six years older than Matt D. (he played Alec) to play Mayrse, Alec’s (and Izzy and Jace’s adoptive) mother. 6 years!?! There are plenty of skilled, age appropriate performers one could have picked. Don’t tell me that casting decision was the product of anything other than the male gaze.
- Book Mayrse is a complicated and not always likeable character. Totally cool. Show Mayrse exists in S1 of SHTV for the sole purpose of being bigoted and homophobic re Alec (with a side of slut-shaming for her daughter Izzy). Then, in S3, she exists solely to punished (w/ a random de-rune-ing) and then redeemed for her homophobia by becoming “captain of the Malec ship.” S3 Mayrse seems to be entirely unaware that she has other children. Not Izzy. And not depressed, and suicidal Jace. A more richly observed character who is a mother would not act this way.
-Book Izzy is sexy and body positive. And a formidable warrior. Awesome. Show Izzy is often reduced to slutty eye candy in S1. She’s turned into a drug addict in S2. And, then, in S3 and the finale, she’s charged w caretaking duties for Jace (bc the show ignored the parabatai bond bw Alec and Jace and Mayrse was absent, as noted above). And, in the climactic fight scene, she’s disarmed by Clary (who had been training for a couple of months at that point) and needs to be saved by Simon, her non-Shadowhunter soon to be boyfriend. Simon is hugely heroic in the books, as is Clary, but their heroism is not at the expense of, or in place of, Izzy’s strength and heroism. (Or, maybe it’s that show Simon saves show Izzy from show Clary that’s the problem: book Izzy would not have been bested by Clary, book Clary never would have attacked her friends and chosen family, and the dark Clary made zero narrative/ emotional sense.
- Clary, the protagonist, is wholly sidelined in 3B and the finale. I won’t go down this rabbithole again, except to say that the show’s decision to strip Clary of her entire narrative arc — her mother, her father figure, her memories, her magic, her identity her chosen family, and her love — deeply, deeply betrayed the character and her fans.
- And, as I’ve written before, the dark Clary storyline seemed more about putting Kat M. In sexy clothes and having her act in a sexually aggressive way toward Jace (let’s call it what it was - the show hinted that she went down on Jace in a club while Jace was distraught over losing Clary and basically roofied) (bc sexually aggressive women are either slutty or evil on SHTV, I guess.). It made no sense.
-The whole Climon storyline was cringe worthy, and her weird shame-y commentary on Jace’s past sex life made no sense either.
- Maia hooking up w/ Jace behind a bar, and forgiving her attacker.
The list goes on and on.
I am sick and tired of Hollywood reducing female characters and female fans to unsophisticated, silly, shallow people looking only for the love of a (generally straight white) man. I am sick of shows sacrificing female characters and their fans to tell stories about other characters, even when those stories are worthy. (We shouldn’t have had to choose between, say, Magnus, Alec and Malec, and Clary, Jace and Clace.). I am sick of characters and fans serving as a mirror or vehicle for other characters’ stories.
Female fans watch TV. We buy movie tickets. We participate in fandoms. Stop telling us that we should be content w/ scraps from the storytelling table.
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iamoncewas · 5 years
The Master of Masters
The Re:Mind trailer convinced me that there IS an alternate scenario after Riku's sacrifice that went differently than the one we saw. Props to Sleeping Realm for calling that one right on the friggin dot, btw. Bravo. (Update: Nomura said the scenes from the trailer are in fact part of the main story)
I believe it'll end with Riku's true death, and that ties in with my Master of Masters theory.
The Master watches Master Xehanort with the Gazing Eye at the tip of No Name. Of all the keyblades that hold Gazing Eyes, Vanitas's Void Gear is the only one that contains two located in the shaft.
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If one eye sees, the Master would still need the other eye to see what it was seeing. Even though he implies that it's literally his eye when he gives No Name to Luxu, it's not really, it's just one of the eyes from his keyblade.
Also on that topic, there is a shot of Sora in the KH3 intro I find super duper weird.
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The pupil in Soras left eye is a slit for a moment, like the Gazing Eye. It's just an illusion as a result of reflected light in his eye, but you can bet its intentional.
The Master's study is also full of gears, which seems like it might be too obvious but hey, there it is.
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The Unversed symbol is similar to that of the Dream Eaters, and I think ties into my belief that Riku made Sora's heart. He saw it, and it then "became real", so therefore Vanitas's heart contains Sora's darkness and Riku's darkness also. Which is why it's divided in three. The Master created the Chirithy. Sora and Riku created Spirits in DDD. Riku became a Dream Eater himself through his sheer desire to protect Sora.
Interesting side note: Unversed - not experienced, skilled in, or knowledgeable about.
The only Keyblade Sora has ever been able to wield that holds a Gazing Eye is End of Pain. Both he and Riku can wield it in DDD.
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You can bet your butthole End of Pain represents Vanitas. All he wants, his sole driving purpose, is to end his existence of pain. This keyblade is a clue to Vanitas's redemption, and it lies with Sora and Riku. But Sora has to accept Vanitas for what he is. Darkness. It's shown in the Keyblade Graveyard that Sora doesnt understand this yet, since he tries to convince Vanitas to stand with the light. And while Ventus accepts Vanitas's choice, Sora does not. This is something Riku understands though, he figured it out in DDD before he fought Ansem (the personification of Riku's heart's darkness, just as Vanitas is the personification of Sora's): "I know the way. Consume the darkness, return it to light." This is the purpose Sora was born for, to take the darkness within himself, and accept it into his compassionate heart. This is how he will stop darkness from consuming the worlds, and is really the only way, for darkness will always exist in the hearts of people. Riku is now immune to darkness from accepting Ansem's darkness as a part of his heart, and it's his destiny to be Sora's guardian. This is the origin of his instinctive desire to protect Sora, that has been with him since he was a child, his desire "to protect what matters." He made Sora after all. And if Kairi's precious heart of pure light is safe within Sora's heart in the ending like I think it is, Riku is protecting her also. How strange it would just work out that way.
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It's not like Vanitas died here. His replica body was destroyed, yes. But his heart, I assume, went back to the darkness. And if Sora was dragged down to the darkest abyss, like YMX warned him, and that's where he is in the secret ending, Vanitas will be there, right beside him.
In Kairi's grandmothers story, its stated that one day, a door to the innermost darkness will open, and the true light will return. Mickey tells Sora in his first dive to the heart that he is the one that will open the door. As he gets closer to Riku, he gets closer to Vanitas, but this is how it must be, its Sora's destiny to reunite with him. This is what the last passage of Destati is referring to.
Eh? What? You do not want it!?
Still it belongs to you
What you have lost
Will become one!
The story also states the the return of the true light will connect all the worlds once again.
When Ansem the Wise talks to Riku about the many hearts connected to Sora's in DDD, he says:
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"They can be saved." But only if Sora follows his heart.
I think Anti Black Coat was a Nightmare of Vanitas before his face changed, and could even have been the Master himself, pushing Riku to become stronger. The Armored Ventus Nightmare was Ventus's keyblade armor possessed not just by any darkness, but by Vanitas.
So after Riku's true death, Sora's grief and rage allow darkness to enter his heart, and he and Vanitas become one. Sora becomes the being he was meant to be, his heart finally complete, having regained its darkness that had entered Vanitas before Sora was born. The light in his heart however, dies with Riku, since it was his light. This is the origin of Rage Form, and the meaning behind the segment of the final battle when Xehanort steals Sora's light, forcing him into Rage Form, and he must attack him to regain it.
Uniting with Sora does not end Vanitas's pain, because he can feel Sora's immense pain from losing Riku. His heart is still pure darkness. Sora-Vanitas realizes he screwed up royally, and hatches a crazy elaborate plan to fix it. He travels back in time to the Age of Fairy Tales. He's able to do so because a past version of himself exists there: Ventus. He then sets his plan in motion and vanishes, I think, to the Realm of Darkness, for a century (or however long the timeframe is between Union X and when Xehanort was given No Name). When the Master told his apprentices he would "vanish" from the world, it's the same thing that happened to Sora at the end of KH3. He just vanished.
I assume this is where the Coda becomes relevant, jumping through the timeline through dreams and darkness, sleep and death, like how the Coda tells one to skip ahead to the ending of a piece of music, and can be very complex. The time travel rules of KH state that once you arrive in the past, you have to wait for time to pass naturally, so this shouldn't be possible. Time doesn't seem to work the same way in dreams however, and it definitely doesn't work the same way in the Realm of Darkness. Scala Ad Caelum is also most likely a huge part of this, since Xehanort said it was the nexus of all worlds, a place where all of his selves through time could be one. It's name translates to Stairway to Heaven, and Sora's name means not only 'sky', but also 'heaven'. Differing from Ventus, which means 'wind'.
"There is one sky, one destiny."
"They say all the worlds are connected by one great big sky."
He writes the Book of Prophecies based on what he already experienced in his past, but tells Luxu it was because he succeeded in his role. He does this to give Luxu confidence in himself for a seemingly impossible task, and apparently it worked. Luxu passing the No Name to Xehanort was still vital however, because it allows the Master to see what he wasnt previously aware of. He can now see Xehanort's moves, and make counter moves. Like a game of chess. "The game's not over until it's over."
Also, when he wrote the final passage, when he said that the light would expire, he was literally talking about Riku. "All for one and one for all."
By the time the Epilogue happens, when Luxu is talking with the Foretellers, he definitely knows that Sora is their Master as a teenager. And he's seen the results of Sora and Riku's bond for himself. They changed the future through their love for each other, which should be impossible. You cannot change events that have already happened. But they did. He's figured out his Master's mysterious intentions. When they are revived after Riku's sacrifice Xigbar even says "Gotta make sure you're not blundering your way toward a second failure." He's not talking about the failure we had just witnessed. It's disguised as a taunt, but it's really a playful jab directed at Sora, his silly, beloved Master.
So it's hilarious that Sora tells Xigbar he's not worthy to wield a keyblade, when Sora himself was the one who bequeathed him.
This is what Xigbar was talking about in Olympus in 2.9. "Accept the power you're given. Find the hearts joined to yours.""At the end you'll finally realize what destiny has in store for you. In fact, your reward might be right around the corner" he's referring to Vanitas, who holds the missing piece of Sora's heart, and Riku (his reward), and their destiny to protect the worlds, side by side. Together, not even death stops them anymore now that Sora has "awakened" to the truth. Their hearts are fundamentally connected and they are the KH equivalent of "Soul Mates". This is the origin of and meaning behind the combined keyblade (I believe the CK's name is Dearly Beloved, since I think this entire series has been about Sora and Riku from the get go, and dearly beloved really just means "very important person", just how Riku referred to Sora in 2.9 in the original dialogue.)
The Master's favourite phrase, "May your heart be your guiding key", comes from Sora hearing Yen Sid say it, and he adopted it as his motto, his Ninja Way lol.
When Ventus finally sees Sora's face and realizes he's Vanitas's twin, he says "I get it. You were my second chance." Ventus also gave Sora a second chance, a chance to fix his mistake by allowing him to go back in time that far in the first place. And Sora will end up being Vanitas's second chance as well.
The traitor mentioned in the Lost Page is the Master himself. Xemnas tells Sora in DDD "As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that... of a recusant." He oddly says Soras FLESH bears the sigil, even though it's merely emblazoned on his shirt. Gula deduced in Back Cover that whomever strays from their role must be the traitor. Sora is the traitor. He strayed from his role, because he failed to protect Riku like Aqua told him to. "You make sure to stay with him, and keep him safe. That's your job Sora."
He let the light die.
Originally, Sora lost Riku. After Kairi is "killed", Sora asks "Why her!? WHY!?" Because it HAD to be her. It's the only way Riku, and therefore everyone else, including Kairi, could live.
This is the meaning of the name Re:Mind. Sora remembering how important Riku is to him, and to everyone else through Sora's many connections. (Update: Nomura said in the interview the meanings are reminder, reconfirmation, and heart’s regeneration)
The Black Box contains the Master's heart, Sora's completed heart, but its light has been killed. In one of the Secret Reports, Ienzo writes that the hearts within Sora's are each contained within their own "boxes", and this is mentioned intentionally.
He intends to give the Black Box to Riku, so his light can heal his heart. He's been waiting for countless years to save Riku's life, and literally give him his heart. This is the end of pain.
So romantic I'm gonna die.
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You are the key that connects -- everything --
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader -”On Cloud Nine”
The Clown Prince of Crime died protecting his girlfriend and now The Afterlife Assessment Bureau doesn’t know what to do with him: although J’s actions didn’t change the outcome, it scored major points in his chart and they have to recalculate the final score. Until that happens, The Joker was allowed to wait on the Lower Clouds right below The Higher Clouds where the woman he tried to save is spending eternity.
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“Hey lady!” you hear as you watch the beautiful blue skies from your fluffy cloud. ”Hey!”
Y/N looks towards the source of the noise only to notice this strange man with green locks waving at her from the cloud below.
“Where are we?” the guy asks, having a hard time processing what’s happening to him.
The two don’t recognize each other: once you’re dead, you’ll have no memory of your past; they definitely don’t recall being together while they were alive.
“Not sure, but it’s beautiful,” you sigh and he huffs, annoyed.
“Ugh, it’s boring. Nothing to do besides sitting down and analyze… whatever the hell this is!” J flares his arms around as a voice coming from everywhere echoes in the stillness:
“Please mind your language, sir!”
“Who said that?!” The Joker tries to find the person that just admonished him and there’s no other soul besides the woman he’s having a conversation with.
“I don’t know,” you lift your shoulder up, intrigued. “Kind of weird,” you dangle your feet above the abyss, totally unconcerned about the invisible presence. “What is that?” you point at the sketchbook he’s holding.
“My drawings,” The King of Gotham sulks, restarting to doodle on the almost blank page.
“Can I see?” you curiously inquire.
J bites the pencil and frees his hands, then shows you his current masterpiece.
“Could you hold it higher?” you squint your eyes. “Higher!!”
The expression on your face demonstrates you can’t perceive too much.
“Why don’t you come over?” the man proposes and your stalling makes him snicker: “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you.”
“Hmmm…” you debate on the offer not because you’re afraid of a little jump but because you’re uncertain it’s worth the trouble.
“C’mon!” The Joker wants to get up and help yet Y/N is already hopping down on his cloud: she’s always been independent, one of the qualities he secretly liked about her before they both unexpectedly kicked the bucket. “Nice landing!” J chuckles as you take a sit by him, the artist reprising his work. “What do you think?” he proudly boasts.
You glimpse at the clumsy lines depicting an apparent landscape filled with pumpkins and can’t hold in a smile.
“I think there’s a lot of potential hidden behind the primitive naivety of this little gem,” you give him your honest judgement and J scoffs, intrigued.
“I like your style,” you sweetly reply since you realize you shouldn’t have blurred out the comment; he might be offended by your genuine critique. “The pumpkins are super cute,” you add in order to divert his attention.
“I like pumpkins,” The Joker growls. 
“Me too,” you continue. “That would be an adorable nickname for someone, don’t you think?”
“I suppose,” he shakes his head and mentions: “Why are you staring at me? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“They’re silver,” you bring your face closer to his, puzzled to discern the detail.
“Are they?!” The King touches his mouth, appalled.
“Yes, but it suits you,” the sincere tone calms down his frantic movement.
“Am I ugly?!” his ego emerges even beyond the grave and Y/N has the perfect answer:
“No, you’re handsome in a sort of eerie way.”
J frowns, suspicious.
“So I look creepy?!”
“You don’t look creepy to me,” you candidly emphasize. “In my humble opinion, you’re attractive.”
He straightens his back, pleased at the statement and your rosy cheeks give him a boost of confidence.
“Are you going to ...e-hem…” you cough, flustered at the stupid confession, “…draw another pumpkin over here?” your finger taps on the corner of the paper.
“Might as well,” J agrees and you have no clue that what he’s doing is basically thanks to you.
God knows how much you encouraged his practically nonexistent skills just to keep him away from problems he created for himself and others! You were actually his number one fan and to be honest his only fan: as long as The Clown Prince of Crime was immersed in his unique hobby, it meant Gotham and its citizens were safe.
The Penthouse was filled with The Joker’s phenomenal paintings and sketches, extravagantly framed by yours truly to overcompensate the lack of substantial talent.
“Ma’am, please return to your cloud!” the voice you heard earlier resonates all around once more.
“Why?” you glare left and right, annoyed you can’t see anybody.
“You belong on The Higher Clouds,” the elusive response doesn’t enlighten the mystery. “Hold on, we’re sending our representative over!”
After a few seconds Y/N and the former King distinguish an individual dressed in a black suit carefully jumping from cloud to cloud, steadily approaching his objective.
“Apologies for the delay,” he addresses the stunned couple once in The Joker’s space. “Sir, we had to compile a lot of paperwork for you,” the guy flips pages of a thick file, annoyed. “After adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing your points, turned out your final score is still a negative number.”
“Huh?!” J puckers his lips, confused.
“It seems you were a very bad person, sir; did a lot of despicable things and dying while protecting the girl you loved doesn’t mean diddly squat in the end!”
“Awww,” you gush at the revelation. “That’s so romantic,” you whisper and the man bends over, completely overwhelmed:
“Ma’am, allow me the honor of shaking your hand,” the agent grabs your fingers, softly squeezing them. “You are a true legend and we are forever indebted to your greatness: you put up with him and saved numerous lives also,” he gestures towards The Joker and you gasp, finally understanding the bigger picture.
“He died…for me?!”
“I died for her?!” the awkward pair asks in the same time.
“Yeah, no big deal. You were killed anyway and I’m so, so sorry for that,” the emissary extends his regrets to the woman he admires, entirely disregarding The Joker’s sacrifice.
“No big deal??!!” the latest shouts. “Dying for someone is no big deal?! How the fuck am I still in the negative?!!”
“Language!!!!!!” the omnipresent voice surfaces again.
“WHO.IS.THAT?!” Y/N gets vexed at the multiple invisible interruptions.
“Steve Rogers,” the representative notifies. “He’s in charge of The Profanity Control Department.”
“Who?!” J crinkles his nose, fed up with the messy situation.
“It’s not important,” the agent cuts him off. “What’s important sir is that you can’t be here; we have to move you.”
“Move me?! Where?”
“Yes, where are you taking him?” you quiz the black suited guardian.
“Far away, unless…”
“Unless what?” J crabbily interrogates.  
“Unless someone is willing to transfer their points to you, sir. It hasn’t been done in centuries though; lots of bureaucracy involved and frankly, if I may: why would anybody donate their hard earned credits to you??!!”
The Clown is scandalized at the brutal affirmation while Y/N has a magnificent idea:
“How many points do I have?”
“Mmmmm…,” the man flips more pages and finds the information: “Ten gazillions.”
“How many does he need?”
“Three gazillions.”
“Oh,” you cheerfully clap your hands. “I have plenty so I’ll donate my credits to him.”
“Nah, you don’t want to do that,” the man shrieks, already unhappy with the perspective of putting in overtime for this project. “We’re out of clouds; we’ll have to make more and that takes forever.”
“There are plenty of empty clouds around!” The Joker barks.
“Not empty. They are inhabited by others but you can’t see them: you can only see the people you are connected with, true love type of deal,” the emissary indifferently blurs out.
“So…that’s why I can only see him and he can only see me?!” Y/N’s burning, red face matches J’s stellar entitled smirk after the astonishing revelation.
“Precisely,” the flat tone prompts The King’s logical question:
“Then why can’t I stay on this cloud?”  
“The Lower Clouds are similar to a waiting room; we can’t have them occupied for long periods of time.”
“I’ll share my cloud with him!” you firmly suggest as the emissary is panicking:
“That means more paperwork!! We usually don’t have two residents spending eternity on the same cloud.”
“Make it happen!” J commands. “The lady wants to give me her points and share her cloud. You can’t say no, you said it yourself: she’s a legend!” he preys on the guy’s hesitation.
“I would really appreciate your help,” your disarming smile gives the guardian a nudge in the proper direction.
“Of…of course ma’am,” he stutters because how can one say no to a legend?!
And you surely count on it.
“I have to stipulate a reason for all this, what should I write on the formulary? In a simple sentence, it needs to be specific and concise: why are you gifting him credits and share your personal area?”
Your brain slots are hollow yet there’s one motive:
“I like his drawings.”
The impeccable suit ogles J’s silly scribbling, muttering under his breath:
“Another Picasso…” then louder:
“I’ll do the paperwork; for now, please vacate the premises and go on the Upper Cloud; we have new arrivals that require the Lower Clouds,” he exhales and starts leaping away, leaving you and The Joker behind.
Your cloud descends so you both can step on it and then floats higher in the air again.
Y/N gazes at the stranger in silence, until he breaks the shell:
“Thank you for your generosity, Miss…” J sniffles, realizing an important detail is absent from the whole dialogue. “What’s your name?”
“…I don’t know…” you regretfully answer. “I can’t remember…”
The Joker scratches his chin with a brilliant solution on the horizon:
“You said Pumpkin would be an adorable moniker for someone. Do you mind if I call you Pumpkin?”
“No, not at all,” you gladly accept his proposition. “And you’re welcome, I had so many credits, might as well use them. I have to thank you too for dying for me, Mister… What’s your name?”
“Bits me; I can’t recollect.”
Y/N pouts, upset she doesn’t have a name when a genius recommendation escapes her lips:
“You know… you have this small “J” letter tattoo under your left eye…” you gently poke it and he feels a sudden warmth taking over his body. “Is it ok if I call you J?”
“U-hum,” the hypnotized King gazes at the woman in front of him. “So I have tattoos on my face?”
“Yes, a few: a tiny star and a big one on your forehead that spells ‘Damaged’. And playing cards on your neck…” you describe his ink, mesmerized.
“Do they make me look horrible?”
“You don’t look horrible to me,” you praise and J inflates his chest at the declaration; oh boy, you definitely have a way with words.
“Thank you Pumpkin,” the flirtatious Clown winks and you play with the hem of your shirt, about to burst out with delight. 
“You’re welcome… J.”
“Oh my God!” The Joker snaps out of it since the artist in him is begging for attention:  “The sunset’s gorgeous! I have to sketch this!”
He sits down on the cloud and you scoot over until your thighs touch, interested in his new project.
“Your cloud is a better quality than the one I was on,” he bounces on the white, velvety texture. “It will certainly improve my technique!”
“Absolutely!” you enthusiastically exclaim, determined to assist no matter what.
Heaven knows your new friend J evidently requires steady guidance regarding his hobby: he’s no Picasso yet, but with a legend’s help he might eventually get there.  
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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redeyedryu · 5 years
Cross Dimensional Problems
Chapter 1 - WTF | [Ao3] | x |  » |
I have no impulse control so here, have another skeleton harem fic, this time featuring a Reader character from “Reality”!
This is probably borderline crack fic, idk, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously, with fourth wall breaking likely. Honestly just a fun, silly thing to mess around with.
Summary: Either you're dreaming, hallucinating, or dead because you don't know how else to explain your current predicament. Seriously, how else do you explain suddenly appearing in an unfamiliar (not to mention absolutely filthy ) basement full of more tech bits than a computer repair shop?
Oh, and also the skeleton. You know, the one from that one game? The one that got into Smash but only kind of? But maybe you should rephrase that to skeletons because it looks like the many iterations of him and his brother are here, too.
Life just has a way with tossing the most unhelpful, unreal, and troubling of scenarios at you, doesn't it?
Like, for example, a stray rock on the highway flung at an excessively high speed at your windshield, splintering the glass into a spiderweb of cracks. A beloved pet that’s suddenly struck down with a debilitating sickness. Or perhaps a portion of your ceiling collapsing after a storm due to a previously unknown bald spot in the roof’s shingles. Maybe something happens that lands you in the ER.
Vexing situations, all varying in intensity and severity, that force you to face responsibility, to act the part of a semi-competent adult while you are left cursing life and all its unexpected curve-balls. But as the saying goes, that's life, right? Just let it go, roll with the punches and just keep truckin’ on.
And sure, that's fine. You can pretend, can put on a façade of competence and make yourself seem like the adultiest of adults.
And yet…
What about those devious and dastardly pitches that life sometimes decides to throw? When things are dialed to a hundred and you're left questioning where you stand on the bridge between reality and unreality. Between sanity and insanity.
You have to wonder… what are you supposed to do? When there’s no precedence, no wiki-how on how to navigate the obscure, unrealistic unknown.
Just how are you supposed to react in this kind of situation? A hint would be greatly appreciated. A walkthrough would be even better.
It begins like this:
You find yourself in a completely different environment to where you had been not one second ago. Between one moment of chilling in the comfort of your own home (in your computer chair; a comfy lounge; your bed; the apartment’s balcony; amongst the wilting grass of the backyard) and the next, you're suddenly tumbling, body displaced and shifted into a completely different space.
There is no stretching or twisting nor bending of light, no pitch black abyss, no split-second peeks into an in-between world. Simply here one moment and there the next.
You stumble and trip over yourself. Your arms flail and your body twists and you try to right yourself, overcompensating and undercompensating all at once. Your struggling ultimately ends in vain as you wind up a heap on the floor. You think you might have yelped, or screamed, or released any number of verbal expletives in your shock. You don't know. Regardless, it doesn't take long for you to realize something’s different, something’s wrong and that this isn't your floor . There are dust bunnies all over the place, shriveled up corpses of long dead insects tucked away in the crevices between unfamiliar desks and cardboard boxes full of mystery wires and computer components. There’s a crumpled up bag of popato chisps off to the side, with an equally crumpled brown paper bag with an obscured logo not too far from that.
The first thing that crosses your mind is: Gross. The second: What the fuck. And the third: What the fuck. And in no particular numerical order does the thought cross your mind that something about that garbage seems oddly familiar.
Not one to take things lying down (and honestly, this floor is just down-right nasty, you really don't want to keep smooshing your face against it) you push yourself up from the disgusting concrete floor into a seated position, legs folded beneath you, palm rubbing away at the filth on your face, and take in your surroundings.
A basement.
A bit cliché, you can't help but note, but hey, could be worse, right? So far you're not seeing any torture devices, no bondage sex dungeon paraphernalia, and no blood stains or bodies (the dead bugs don’t count). There are, however, heaps upon heaps of cardboard boxes full of electrical components, gutted electronics, and various power tools spread across a workspace that seemingly encompasses the entirety of the basement. There are several desks and tables pushed up against walls, their tops full of this and that. Just lots and lots of junk.
Basically the place is a hot mess.
Very relatable.
You shift to get up and you absolutely do not spook yourself when your back brushes against something solid. That shrill yelp? That wasn't you, nope, not at all. You merely whipped around because you had yet to check the space behind you. And honestly, it wasn't anything special, just a lame boiler looking thing with a sparking, exposed electrical panel. Probably shouldn't touch that.
It's just as you're bent over, hands on your knees and readying to push into a stand, when the strangest thing happens.
Your skin tingles, hair standing on end, and you're briefly reminded of how the air feels during a storm: charged, powerful, dangerous . And then suddenly you're no longer alone in the nasty mess of a basement with the precariously sparking boiler-thing and strangely familiar garbage.
You squint your eyes, mouth dropping open as you mouth a silent, “what????” And yes, all four of those question marks are completely necessary to convey your complete and utter confusion. Other than that, though, you merely gawk.
You're not sure how you're supposed to react to what you're seeing. No, really. How are you supposed to react to this? Stare like an idiot, apparently, frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Maybe catch a few flies with your gaping gob.
And then it just stumbles out, your apparent tagline of, “What the fuck?” Because seriously. What the fuck?!
It's not even Halloween and yet you're surrounded by skeletons. Very familiar skeletons. Very familiar fictional skeletons.
As the gears slowly, slowly churn about in your brain, something else clicks and you blurt a breathy, scandalized, “Popato chisps!” There’s a bit of a hysterical lilt to your voice but that's not important right now because popato chisps !
The skeletons gathered before you all twitch at the sudden exclamation and more than a few look entirely confused as you go on to say, “They're fuckin’. Popato chisps. ” As if that explains anything. And maybe for them it doesn't but for you? For you it explains everything. And that being that life really, really, really needs to stop throwing you curve-balls.
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arlingtonpark · 4 years
Winter 2020 Anime Round-Up
I decided to do a round-up of all the anime I’m watching this season because, turns out, most of the shows I was interested in were bad!
I.D. Invaded.
This is a psychological thriller sci-fi mystery type show. It’s about a police unit who uses this sci-fi technology to detect a killer’s murderous intent and create a sort of virtual reality projection of the killer’s mind.
They then take a special agent and insert him into the projection to hunt down clues and find the killer’s identity and whereabouts.
Enjoying this show is not cheap. It asks a lot of you.
1. Don’t laugh at how ham-fisted the exploration of how a killer’s mind works is.
2. Don’t laugh at the special agent’s official designation being “The Brilliant Detective.”
3. Don’t question the ridiculous premise of the show; they use a killer’s particles to create the projection of their mind to hunt for clues, but are later shown using those same particles to pinpoint the killer’s location.
4. Don’t laugh at one of the police unit’s agents being a teenage girl.
5. And, of course, don’t notice all the expository monologuing for the audience’s sake.  
The show is silly, but there’s some intriguing stuff in it. The conflict between the unit’s field squad and the desk workers can be good, though the locus of that conflict being about what seems to be a bureaucratic oversight is pretty weak.
The teenage girl is the most bald-facedly ridiculous thing about this show, but she is unironically the best character. She does some daring, crazy shit in this show and I was legitimately shocked by it.
Oh, yeah, I forgot.
6. Don’t laugh at the OP using recycled production materials and footage from the first episode.
Signs of a quality production right there.
This. Show.
I feel bad for Sarah Wiedenheft. She voices the main heroine in the dub. The in-over-her-head, naïve, helpless heroine, Hina.
God, help us!
Hina is a woman with a mission. She is bubbly and naïve, but stubborn and she gets in over her head by the end of the first episode. Why?
You know why, fool! So she can be rescued by the hero.
This show puts a creative spin on the typical shonen formula. Many shonen shows are designed to be wish fulfillment for teenage boys, with Mary Sue main characters for them to project onto.
The crazy spin on the formula here is that it’s wish fulfillment for sexual predators.
That’s not a joke.
The show takes place in a magical world where everyone is branded with a “count,” a number that increases whenever they complete a task specific to them.
Hina’s count goes up whenever she walks 100 km. Another’s count goes up whenever her food is complimented.
The count is denoted by a number that’s branded somewhere on their bodies. Hina’s count is located on her inner thigh, just below her crotch.
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Meanwhile, this is what the hero does to Hina the first time they meet:
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This is them at the end of the episode after he rescues her.
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You know how in Dragon Ball, Master Roshi was this old pervert? The hero here is like that, except he’s young, not old, and a predator rather than just a pervert.
Licht is the hero; his count goes up whenever he dates someone, I guess, but the thing about him is that he’s a predator, so his count is actually -999. If your count reaches zero, you’re Kylo Ren-ed off into an abyss never to be seen again, so negative counts shouldn’t even be possible.
The reason the hero isn’t dead is because he’s actually.
Wait for it.
The Legendary Ace!
A badass fighter spoken of only in legends!
Who is this show even for?
It’s clearly supposed to be a wish fulfillment kind of show, but the only people I can see projecting onto the hero are, like, really, really pathetic people who fantasize about sexual assault.
(Another female character’s count is located on her left breast.)
The heroine is looking for this legendary ace, but even though she’s lived in this world her whole life, and has traveled throughout it her whole life, she knows nothing about how the count system works.
That was necessary, you see, for two reasons: so the system can be explained to us in monologue, and so the heroine can be made helpless and in need of rescue.
Those with a higher count have a high social status. This could have been a cool exploration of how luck is underappreciated as a factor in one’s social status, since how counts are determined is completely arbitrary and some are easier to increase than others, but no, we don’t get that.
People with a lower count must obey people with a higher count. But you’re in the military, there is an appeals process: if you have a lower count and are ordered by someone with a higher count to do something, you can challenge the high count to a duel and if you win, you can ignore their order.
You can then take the loser’s count and add it to your own.
These duels are called “star stakes.” >.<
Hina, naturally, is suckered into one of these duels and is about to lose everything when Licht saves her by agreeing to duel Hina’s opponent on her behalf.
And just to emphasize how infantilized Hina is in this show, Licht not only saves her physically, he even provides her with some emotional support, but phrased in a way that totally talks down to her.
 Asteroid in Love.
I’ve already seen the first episode three times, and I have no shame!
Doga Kobo is the Kyoto Animation of the past few years. Just as KyoAni made a name for themselves with a string of shows about cute girls doing cute things, Doga Kobo have sort of taken on that mantle.
Three Leaves, Three Colors; Gabriel Dropout; New Game; Senko-san; and now Asteroid in Love are all shows with good characters with good design work and animation better than they had any right to have.
This show is about a girl named Mira who meets a boy named Ao during a camping trip. He has a thing for astronomy and Mira is completely won over by it. They promise to discover and name an asteroid together.
Tragically, that one camping trip was the last they saw of each other.
Comically, they happen upon each other at the start of high school and wouldn’t you know it? Ao was a girl the whole time!
She was very tomboyish at that time in her life, so Mira mistook her for a boy.
But whatever, Mira’s friend still ships them.
They’re both passionate about astronomy, so they reconnect and become good friends real quick.
The friendship between Mira and Ao is by far the best part about this show; unfortunately, everything else is very generic.
High school club? Check.
Club member who’s boisterous and excitable? Check.
Club member who’s serious and down to earth? Check.
But in spite of all that, I could watch this show all day.
The presentation is excellent. The character designs are lovely and the direction and animation are amazing.
 Magia Record.
A spin-off of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Magia Record takes place before Rebellion, but in an alternate universe where the events of Madoka Magica haven’t happened yet. There’s a new cast, but the main cast of Madoka Magica will be back as major characters.
InuCurry, who did the artwork for the witches’ labyrinths are back, this time as series co-directors and co-writers.
The Magica Quartet, the brain trust of people who created Madoka Magica, Gen Urobuchi, Akiyuki Shinbo, Ume Aoki, and Atsuhiro Iwakami, are back too. The four are collectively credited with coming up with the story.
Shinbo, who co-directed Madoka Magica, is back as an animation supervisor. Aoki is back in her role as character designer. Iwakami is co-credited with series planning.
Yukihiro Miyamoto, who co-directed the original series alongside Shinbo, is back as assistant director.
This show…it’s just good to see it all back. The character designs are a bit different from the original series, but they nailed the aesthetic otherwise.
Magia Record draws heavily from plot elements first used in Madoka Magica, but it’s not what I would call uninspired. Anyone who’s seen Madoka Magica will notice the callbacks, but they’re fun, not cringeworthy.
It reminds me of how The Force Awakens brought people back in to the Star Wars universe by heavily echoing A New Hope, but Magia Record is much more creative in its echoing than Force Awakens was.
Everyone who likes the OG series should check this out.
There’s already much intrigue in the story. A magical girl whose wish was granted, but also apparently simultaneously erased from existence, rumors of a city where magical girls can be “saved,” and a Kyubey who is a separate entity from the others.
The show is an adaptation of a mobile rpg. This is from a cutscene.
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Iroha Tamaki, the main character of Magia Record, and Homura Akemi. 
Get excited.
This show is like Asteroid in Love, in that it would be totally boring if it weren’t totally charming.
This is the type of show that takes a silly phenomenon in the real world and makes it the premise of the whole show. Maple is a girl who’s just gotten into video games. Because she’s a newb, she puts all of her points into defense at the expense of even basic stuff like speed and strength.
Thus ensues hilarity.
There’s not much to talk about here. Maple is endearing as a video game noob. The artwork is great. The writing is legitimately funny in a subdued way.
 Darwin’s Game.
I watched this show because the premise reminded me of King’s Game.
For those who don’t know, King’s Game is widely considered to be the worst anime ever made. It sucks.
King’s Game is about a death game administered over the phone and it the point is that everyone dies. It tries hard to do horror and it fails hard. I watch it every Halloween. :D
Darwin’s Game is about a mobile app game that pits players against each other in death matches. You win by killing all the other players.
With some shows it’s clear the writer can’t decide what they want to do. This show can’t decide if it wants to be trash or legit good.
Immediately you can tell this show is going to suck because the artwork is terrible. This is an ugly show to look at.
The show opens with a cold open clearly made to make the audience ask questions. It succeeds too well.
The opening depicts a random person being chased through the streets and then killed by an invisible furry.
By God, the fanservice in this show…
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This doesn’t even fully capture the shamelessness of it. If you watch the episode, you’ll notice her dress has frills from the waist down.
Except for when we see her kneeling down, when her dress is suddenly a single piece of cloth. So we can better see her ass outlined through it.
Things temporarily get good when the main character has to fend off the furry from the opening. It really is thrilling, but everything goes back to crap when the mc has to fight the dress woman in the above picture.
He doesn’t kill her though. Oh, no, he doesn’t.
She becomes smitten by how strong he is and the episode ends with her asking him to bed her.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Summer 2019 Anime, Ranked.
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With the exception of Fire Force’s twelfth episode, we’ve wrapped up our coverage of the Summer 2019 season, which is just as well since we’re technically in the second week of Autumn.
Between Braverade, sesameacrylic and MagicalChurlSukui we watched and reviewed eleven shows in all (plus additional coverage from Oigakkosan, not detailed here), totaling 132 episodes, or approximately 53 hours. Without further math, here’s how we ranked those shows, and why.
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11. HenSuki
RABUJOI Score: 7.00/10 MAL Score: 6.83/10
Pros: Novel premise, colorful pastel palette, likable characters, generally witty banter, risque ecchi situations that never cross hard lines of decency.
Cons: Uneven at best animation, silly central mystery that drags on too long, “twist” resolution feels like a cheat.
Verdict: An enjoyable, fluffy guilty pleasure. I try to watch one per season.
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10. Lord El-Melloi II Case Files
RABUJOI Score: 7.77/10 MAL Score: 7.44/10
Pros: Built-in goodwill from Fate/Zero, always intriguing setup for cases, sumptuous setting, production, and mechanical design, stirring score, bonkers magical battles.
Cons: Excessive magical technobabble can be exhausting, conclusions to mysteries can feel contrived/arbitrary, non-Fate fanatics will end up hopelessly lost by most cameos or name-drops.
Verdict: A pale shadow of the classic upon which it’s based, but nonetheless a fun and moderately clever detective series.
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9. Fire Force (Episodes 1-11 of 12)
RABUJOI Score: 7.82/10 MAL Score: 7.75/10
Pros: Gorgeously bizarre alternate-universe setting, elegant world-building, virtuoso action sequences, powerful orchestral soundtrack.
Cons: And MC who is dull and cliched within an inch of his life, Characters who go from evil-to-good (or vice versa) at the drop of a hat, a tedious central conspiracy, the potential for character bloat, frustratingly uneven gender balance, pathetic bouts of fanservice.
Verdict: A stylish show primarily about spontaneous human combustion might’ve weathered news of the horrific KyoAni arson attack, but isn’t quite good enough to watching following into the Fall.
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7 (tie). How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift?
RABUJOI Score: 7.83/10 MAL Score: 7.68/10 Pros: A fresh, original premise to which it remains totally devoted, marvelous comic timing in the rapid-fire, self-deprecating, fourth-wall breaking dialogue, lovable and believable MC, decent animation, one hell of an earworm OP.
Cons: Ecchi elements and a superfluous Russian chick don’t add much, some parody bits are too on-the-nose, the show loses momentum in the final couple episodes.
Verdict: The show that inspired me to get off my skinny, underdeveloped backside and actually join a gym for the first time in my life!
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7 (tie). Cop Craft
RABUJOI Score: 7.82/10 MAL Score: 6.94/10
Pros: Cool reverse-Isekai-lite premise, Range Murata character design, toe-tapping OP and lively soundtrack, entertaining buddy cop dynamic, engaging fights and chases.
Cons: Lame villains, some odd narrative choices, inconsistent/unfocused direction, disappointing animation, underutilized supporting cop cast, lots of loose ends.
Verdict: A show with some good parts to work with, mostly used badly. A wasted opportunity that’s not as good as our episodes ratings indicated.
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6. DanMachi II
RABUJOI Score: 8.25/10 MAL Score: 7.45/10
Pros: Appealing, charismatic characters you love to root for, amusing romantic polygons, tremendous score, superb utilization of twelve episodes to tell a variety of engaging stories with a beginning, middle and oh-so-epic end, culminating in a quiet finale that doesn’t forget its core goddess-child dynamic.
Cons: Villains’ barks prove far worse than their bites, a couple slower episodes between mini-arcs don’t really distinguish themselves, and that huge Amazoness Phryne…what the hell?! 
Verdict: After the very lame Sword Oratoria spinoff DanMachi got a proper sequel, focused on the characters we cared about, full of emotion, excitement, and good old-fashioned fantasy ass-kickin’.
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5. Fruits Basket 1st Season (Episodes 14-25)
RABUJOI Score: 8.50/10 MAL Score: 8.36/10
Pros: Impeccably-rendered characters and depictions of their various psychological issues, dark and poignant flashbacks, exquisitely cozy slice-of-life, a good balance of the mundane and the mystic, and hard-hitting cathartic scenes.
Cons: Some members of the Souma family are more interesting (and tolerable) than others, but even the less interesting ones get plenty of screen time, Tooru’s saintly selflessness can wear thin at times.
Verdict: A beautifully-crafted second half that rewarded patience by delivering some of the strongest and most moving episodes of the year.
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4. Master Teaser Takagi-san 2
RABUJOI Score: 8.58/10 MAL Score: 8.40/10 Pros: Truly magnetic chemistry in the central pair, Deft use of subtle facial expressions and body language in the animation, superb performances by Takahashi Rie and Kaji Yuki.
Cons: Like the first season, the various teasing games can grow repetitive, as can Nishikata’s denseness and inability to see more than one or two moves ahead, the side stories involving side characters often felt like padding.
Verdict: Continues and refines the brilliantly simple teasing formula of the first season, while ever-so-gradually blurring of the line between teasing and flirting. A sweet and touching, slow-burn portrayal of young, awkward first love.
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2 (tie). Vinland Saga (Episodes 1-12)
RABUJOI Score: 8.67/10 MAL Score: 8.57/10
Pros: Flawed but rootable MC whose character is more complex than it initially seems, his multi-layered antihero mentor, exemplary action and battle sequences, powerful score, compelling exploration of the hard old world, with enticing glimmers of a brighter new one.
Cons: That said mentor would keep a kid dedicated to murdering him around so long stretches credulity at times, those battle sequences sometimes feature individuals or groups doing superhuman things that detract from the otherwise naturalistic milieu.
Verdict: While not quite as big, loud, epic, or bonkers as Attack on Titan, or Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Vinland Saga is arguably Wit Studio’s most balanced and human series. Looking forward to the second half.
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2 (tie). Astra Lost in Space
RABUJOI Score: 7.77/10 MAL Score: 7.44/10
Pros: Very well done futuristic world- and space-building, a large-ish main cast that you steadily come to know and love, the sense of family that arises from the crewmembers’ experiences together, an optimistic spirit of exploration that isn’t constantly beset by mortal peril, creative planets and lifeforms, thankfully subverted expectations for a Lerche-style bloodbath.
Cons: “Character gets a backstory” formula to some episodes felt repetitive at times, the crew almost faces too little mortal peril considering their circumstances, they similarly rely on a lot of luck, some major plotlines and twists could have been left out and still resulted in a pretty strong show.
Verdict: Maybe the season’s biggest surprise hit, the ambitious Astra calls to mind some of the best of live-action shades-of-gray sci-fi (Firefly, Battlestar, Expanse) while maintaining an old school optimistic, exploratory outlook. It set out to do and say a lot, and was mostly successful in doing so.
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1. O Maidens in Your Savage Season
RABUJOI Score: 8.58/10 MAL Score: 8.40/10 Pros: Fearlessly tackles tough social topics on adolescence, sexuality, gender roles, upbringing, and abuse, ably juggles multiple, diverse love stories and triangles at once, pleasingly drawn and animated, and despite all its serious themes, doesn’t leave out the comedy.
Cons: What seemed to be an irreversible dive into an abyss that would tear the five girls apart, they work almost everything out almost too easily for a tidier ending than expected; while the show dips a toe in LGBTQ themes through Momo’s awakening, her’s is one of the least developed arcs despite being one of the most interesting.
Verdict: A rare-for-anime honest and unblinking exploration of the awkward, painful, and sometimes savage emotional journey to adulthood all kids must face (and not always at the same speed). By the numbers, the best show I watched this Summer, and the one I looked forward too most from week to week.
Summer 2019 Big Board:
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By: rabujoistaff
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