#it's a whole ass gem and I will cherish it forever
boobchuy · 2 years
Where is your header from?
(I feel dumb asking this but I JUST CAN’T REMEMBER!!!)
it's from cracking ms. croaker! absolutely obsessed w this image btw. it's one of my favorite screencaps in the whole show
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cosmicqvake · 7 months
I just wanna know how 7x09 goes from being this goofy, hilarious take on Groundhog Day, with moments like Daisy and Jemma casually DYING on the floor, with Deke proceeding to have a mental breakdown over it (because HELLO he just watched Daisy and his nana dramatically drop dead on the floor), while Coulson groans with annoyance about how much of a pain in the ass it is. And, of course, “phlebotinum”, and Enoch casually destroying everybody, and Coulson slowly but surely losing his mind, some cute Dousy moments too, among other absolute gems.
Then you get straight up gut-punched by conversations like Daisy and Coulson’s, about the irony of the time loop being a metaphor for his fear of the inevitable future where he will have to watch every single person he cares about die because someone “decided he should.”
Like wow. Hit me right where it hurts, why don’t you? (I could make a whole post about that conversation alone.)
Not to mention the power of Enoch’s last scene:
“Does it hurt?
It does, a bit. But it's not the physical pain that troubles me. I am acutely aware that in my thousands of years observing humans, I never used to feel lonely. I've been alone many times. To be candid, I preferred it, but it wasn't until I met this particular team of SHIELD agents that being alone meant feeling lonely. And I don't care for it. So, I am feeling, as you might expect, some anxiety now…
You don't have to. You're not alone. Daisy and I will stay with you right up until the end.
That is very kind of you. But, it's that last part, isn't it? You can stay with me up until the end, but you cannot come with me at the end. I will have to leave you and I will have to do that alone and I can't help wondering when that happens, will I feel lonely?
I can say with some authority that you're not wrong. Dying is lonely. But the feeling is temporary, at least for the person dying. The ones who are left behind… less so. I guess that's the one advantage to going first.
Yes. It's different watching your friends go before you, isn't it? I've been through that as well. It can be harder to stay than to leave. I'm sorry, Philip J. Coulson.
Enoch, the team will carry on the mission. We will survive because of you. Thank you.
You are most welcome. But Agent Johnson, while your friends will indeed survive, the team will not.
What do you mean?
I have seen the future. Carry on this mission and cherish it for it will be your last mission together.
That's not possible. Enoch, this is my family.
Of course. Yet, this is the nature of families. I have seen it countless times on countless worlds. People arrive, so we celebrate, and people leave us, so we grieve. We do what we can with the time in-between but the cycle is always there. No one escapes it. Not even me.
Which means you are not alone. You are apart of that cycle.
Like every other living thing.
Fitz... he was my best friend.
And you are a good friend to Fitz. You are a good friend to all of us.
As I have always...”
Like holy SHIT, man. I am on the FLOOR. It never fails to get me each and every damn time. I resonate on such a deep level with that entire scene, and it honestly affects me so greatly, even to this day. The emotional chokehold that it has on me is unmatched. Someone put the entire thing on my grave tbh.
I could go on about it forever, but basically, 7x09 is just my favourite episode of television ever, and I can say that wholeheartedly. Hats off to everyone who worked on that episode (and every episode let’s be real) I swear. It will forever hold such a special place in my heart.
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themattress · 3 years
My Top 30 Favorite Video Games
Inspired by @ultraericthered’s Top 30 Favorite Anime post. 
Although I’m doing mine in countdown form, ‘cause it’s more fun that way!
30. Super Mario Bros. - Arguably the first “blockbuster” game to be released, not only does Super Mario Bros. still hold up over 35 years later but it’s a gift that keeps on giving with how many different incarnations, remixes, fan games using its assets, etc. that we have now.
29. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - OBJECTION! While I cherish the entire original Phoenix Wright trilogy of the Ace Attorney franchise, I’ll always be the most partial to the original outing. The sheer audacity and hilarity of the concept, which is grounded by endearing characters and compelling mysteries, shines brilliantly in this little, easily accessible game. 
28. Trigger Happy Havoc: Danganronpa - While similar in many ways to Ace Attorney, Danganronpa boasts a variety of more actual gameplay than mere point-and-click text scrolling. But what really makes this stand out, beyond gameplay or even the strength of its concept, story and characters, is the atmosphere it creates. For good and for ill, traversing the pristine, neon-lit hallways of the abandoned Hopes Peak Academy looking for clues as I’m forced to play by Monokuma’s twisted rules is an experience that will stay with me forever.
27. Star Fox 64 - Beyond all the entertainment this game provides through memes, it’s really just a fun, reasonably simple but just moderately complicated enough game that’s accessible to any player even if they usually don’t go for aerial shooters. It’s also one of the earliest console games that I ever played, so of course it’s going to hold a special place in my heart.
26. Batman: Arkham City - It’s an impressive feat when an open world game can still feel so claustrophobic in all the right ways, and that’s what Arkham City accomplishes. This game is essentially The Dark Knight to Arkham Asylum’s Batman Begins, escalating the action, suspense and sheer Batman-ness, providing unlimited opportunities to enjoy yourself playing as Gotham’s defender and facing down the greatest Rogues Gallery in comic book history.
25. Red Dead Redemption - Look, I know that Red Dead Redemption 2 is technically the superior game. But its complicated story, sprawling cast of characters, and vast canvas of a world can be pretty daunting, whereas I feel like the original Red Dead Redemption struck a much better balance. Allowing open world freedom within the confines of the straight-forward story of John Marston’s redemption really makes you feel like you’re in an old Western film, and the way that choices you make as a player impact the way that film ultimately turns out is one of the strongest arguments for video games being worthy of consideration as true art.
24. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - So, ten years ago an open world adventure video game series releases its fifth entry...and to this day, we’ve had no sixth, in favor of expansions and updated re-releases of said fifth entry. But that’s not a sign of laziness; it’s a sign the developers know they hit such a peak in quality that they have no need to rush anything further out the gate, as Skyrim is a gift that keeps on giving. Addictive in how unlimited in possibilities it is, with each playthrough never being the same as the one before, Skyrim is a gaming masterpiece that I don’t think I’m going to get bored with playing anytime soon.
23. Super Paper Mario - This may be an unpopular opinion, but I vastly prefer this game’s action-platform-RPG hybrid gameplay style to the prior installments’ traditional turn-based RPG style, which feels more at home in stuff like Super Mario RPG and the Mario & Luigi series. But gameplay aside, I think this has the strongest story of any Mario game, trading in the usual “save the kingdom/princess” fare for saving all of reality, with legitimate emotion and drama and even character development. It’s one of the Wii’s shining gems, to be sure.
22. Epic Mickey - This game’s graphics are by and large unremarkable, its gameplay is fraught with issues (that camera is unforgivable), and it’s nowhere close to the best on its system or genre. But Epic Mickey is a case study in where the effort put into crafting the game’s world and story, not to mention the obvious love and respect for the material being worked with, pays off. Any Disney fan will love this game for its story, which puts Mickey front and center as an actual character rather than a mascot and dives deep into his history as he meets his “half-brother” Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, and its mystical, unique atmosphere - what the graphics can’t deliver, the fucking music more than makes up for. All of the game’s flaws mean nothing compared to the sheer heart on display, and I treasure it greatly as a result.
21. Batman: Arkham Asylum - I already mentioned that Arkham City is the superior game, but as was the case with Red Dead Redemption and its sequel, personal preference strikes again. The simpler story and narrower confines of Arkham Asylum just appeal to me slightly more, and I feel like the borderline horror atmosphere this game has could never fully be replicated by all of its sequels and spin-offs. Also, you can play as the Joker in this. WIN.
20. Metal Gear Solid - And on the subject of Arkham Asylum, it owes much to this game, which created the template of a lone badass hero having to use stealth and weaponry to liberate a government-owned island from the lunatic terrorists that have taken over. Hideo Kojima famously never wanted this game to have any sequels, and I can definitely see his point, as it’s a complete and wholly satisfying experience in of itself and I don’t feel like it’s ever been topped. At the very least, it’s certainly the most enjoyable of the series to me.
19. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Also, speaking of “borderline horror atmosphere”, we have the freakiest game that the Legend of Zelda series ever put out. What was supposed to just be a gaiden to Ocarina of Time mutated into this beautiful monstrosity that’s become just as iconic. Nobody who plays this game is ever going to forget that fucking moon and all the constant jumping back and forth in time across three days as you try to prevent the apocalypse of Termina. It’s the kind of gaming trauma that’s well worth experiencing.
18. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Like Majora’s Mask, this game is a case study where you can take a bunch of recycled assets and gameplay, and then make something unique from it if you have a well-crafted story with a dark and disturbing atmosphere. It’s hard to experience or appreciate the transition between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II without playing this midquel, which takes the narrative and characters to deeper levels without being pretentious about it and sets the stage for the proper console sequel perfectly. And if you can’t get into it being on Gameboy Advance, then just play the PS2 remake (which is arguably the superior version anyway) and you’re good! Just...don’t mind the cards, OK?
17. Sonic CD - And now we have another game about jumping back and forth through time to prevent an apocalypse! See the common threads at play here by this point? Sonic the Hedgehog is at his best in 2D gameplay, and I personally enjoy this the best out of all the 2D games in the series. As obscure as the Sega CD was as a system, it was powerful enough to take the blue blur’s speed to its maximum level, set alongside beautiful graphics and a kick-ass soundtrack (well, two different kick-ass soundtracks; and I actually prefer the US one). 
16. Pokemon Black & White - While there were advancements made to story and graphics and gameplay features in the third and fourth generations of the Pokemon series, nothing felt as truly ground-breaking as the second generation games until the fifth gen with its Black & White games. This was arguably the game series’ peak in quality on all fronts, but its specifically the story that lands it on this list, as its well-written and paced, subverts many formulaic elements from the previous games, is set in one of the most unique regions in the Pokemon world, and has a timeless message that has only grown more relevant with age. 
15. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - The whole series could really go here, but fortunately the most recent entry is the perfect embodiment of said series, with every playable character there’s ever been and then some. The sheer variety is unmatched by any other fighting game out there, and its story mode, “World of Light”, is quite possibly the greatest video game crossover in history given how many characters are featured as both fighters and spirits.
14. Super Mario 64 - I’m pretty sure this game used to be higher in my favor, but replaying it on the Nintendo Switch recently has made me aware of how, as the first game on the Nintendo 64 and the first 3D platformer, it’s poorly aged in several areas. However, I must stress that it is still a very good game. The fun of going to the various worlds within paintings in Peach’s Castle hasn’t changed, nor has how smoothly and seamlessly Mario managed to make the jump from 2D to 3D. Just like Super Mario Bros., the number of games that owe something to this one is too great to count, and that’s an achievement that remains timeless.
13. Dark Chronicle - Also known as Dark Cloud 2. I hadn’t heard a damn thing about this game before renting it on a whim many years ago, and I was caught off guard by just how good it was. It’s got a simple but effective story and likable characters, a timeless atmosphere, beautifully cel-shaded graphics, dungeon-crawling gameplay, action-RPG combat gameplay, literal world-building gameplay, and even a fishing minigame! This game can actually stand besides the Zelda series without shame; it’s truly an underrated gem.
12. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Oh, speaking of Zelda, this game goes full Lord of the Rings-style epic fantasy with it and it is glorious. Between the near perfect gameplay, beautiful 3D graphics, and one of the best stories in the series (with one of the best characters: Midna), Twilight Princess’ most prevalent complaint from critics all the way up to its own developers is that it wasn’t even MORE expansive and awesome given how long it was hyped, and if that’s the biggest issue with the game then I’d say it’s in pretty good shape.
11. Super Mario Galaxy - Super Mario 64 may be held back a little by how its aged, but no such thing is holding back Super Mario Galaxy. Super Mario Odyssey might be as good or possibly even better, but I just don’t hold the same feelings of amazement and respect toward it that I do for this game. From the blitzkrieg-style attack on the Mushroom Kingdom by Bowser to the discovery of Rosalina’s space station, this game had me hooked from the first few minutes, especially with it blaring that awesome orchestral score the whole way through. To this day, I maintain that this is Mario’s greatest 3D adventure. It’s simply magnificent.
10. Final Fantasy X - Ha! See what I did there? This game has caught flak for some of the awkwardness that comes from being the first fully 3D entry in the series, but I think that’s tantamount to nitpicking when compared to all it does right. To me, this was the last really good installment of the main Final Fantasy series, with a story and world so brilliantly developed that the game earned the immediate breakthrough success and acclaim that it found in its native Japan. 20 years later and, as the HD remaster has shown, it still holds up as one of the most engaging JRPG experiences I’ve ever had the pleasure of having.
9. Banjo-Kazooie - At the time, this was basically Rare’s copycat version of Super Mario 64, although considered about as good. Now, however, there’s a difference: the aging issues I mentioned for Super Mario 64 don’t apply for Banjo-Kazooie. Whether replaying it on the Nintendo 64 or on whichever Xbox you’ve got, this game is still just as fun, imaginative and hilarious now as it was back then. It’s quite possibly the greatest 3D platformer ever made.
8. Pokemon Crystal - The definitive edition of the Gold & Silver games of Pokemon’s second generation, taking what was already a phenomenal advancement and improvement to the first generation and making it even better with additional features such as the ability to play as a girl for the first time and a more clearly defined storyline centered around the legendary Pokemon featured on the game’s box art. Pokemon had been written off as just a passing fad up until this point. This was when its staying power as a video game juggernaut was proven.
7. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Talk about a win right out of the gate for the Nintendo Switch! This game returns the Legend of Zelda series to its roots while also applying all that has been made possible in video games since the original game’s release, and the result is an enthralling, addictive, open world masterpiece that has set a new standard of quality for both the Zelda series and for many modern video games in general.
6. Kingdom Hearts II - The Final Mix edition to be precise, although in this day and age that’s basically the only edition people are playing anyway. This game is the apotheosis of Kingdom Hearts as both a video game series and as a concept; filled to the brim with Disney magic and Square Enix RPG expertise and paired with some of the most refined action-based gameplay there is. And when it comes to bringing the original Kingdom Hearts trilogy’s story to a close, does this game ever stick the landing. The series could have ended right here and I would have been completely satisfied (and its reputation would be a lot better off, too!)
5. Pokemon Yellow - While I maintain that this game, the definitive edition of the original first generation Pokemon games, still holds up as fun to play even now, I’ll admit that it’s pure bias that it ranks so high. It was the first proper video game I ever played, there was no way I was leaving it off the top 5! Its blissful nostalgic atmosphere is always such a delight to return to.
4. Banjo-Tooie - Remember when I said Banjo-Kazooie was “quite possibly the greatest 3D platformer ever made”? The “quite possibly” is because its in stiff competition with its own sequel! And personally, I’m in Banjo-Tooie’s corner; something about how inter-connected its worlds are and the addition of so many things to do all while maintaining your full moveset from the original game is just beautiful to me. Both it and its predecessor are like obstacle courses that I never tire of running through, which is the hallmark of brilliant game design.
3. Kingdom Hearts - Another case where the sequel may be the superior game, but my own personal preference leans toward the original. And in this case, it’s a highly personal preference: this game and my memories of playing it for the first time are so very dear to me. The characters and worlds of Disney put into an epic crossover RPG was like a dream come true for me and no matter how far the series it spawned has deteriorated, nothing can detract from the magic of this game. It’s got a certain, indescribable feel and atmosphere that’s never truly been replicated, and that feel and atmosphere still holds up whenever I revisit it. The gameplay may not be the best, particularly when compared to Kingdom Hearts II’s, but the charm of the story and the characters and the world and the very concept more than makes up for that. As far as I’m concerned, it’s one of Disney and Square’s greatest masterpieces.
2. Final Fantasy VII - I was aware of the hype this game got and was totally ready to call it overrated, but damn it, it got me! I don’t know what it is about this game with its blocky early 3D graphics, poor sound quality to its excellent soundtrack, and frequently mistranslated script that proved to be so gripping and enjoyable to play through, but man did it ever Limit Break its way into my heart. This is considered a JRPG classic for a damn good reason.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Do I really need to explain this one? It’s famous for being frequently cited as one of the greatest video games ever made, and like Final Fantasy VII, its hype is well-deserved and totally justified. Whether you’re playing it on the Nintendo 64, the Gamecube, the Wii, the 3DS, and hopefully the Nintendo Switch in the future, there is a magic quality to this game that permeates through every step you take in its fully 3D world. It’s a triumph that has stood the test of time, cementing the Zelda series as truly legendary.
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nicogayngelo · 4 years
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alright kids this is gonna be long so we’re going under a read more:
i’ve spent nearly a decade on this site, so this is a collection of people from the VERY START OF MY TUMBLR LIFE to most recent. we all know this is a hellsite, but i cannot explain how many genuine friendships i have made and how thankful i am for everyone. to everyone who have stuck w/ me from my fandom days to my one dee days, i love you all with my entire heart. 
special shout outs (in no particular order): 
@lovedpants: leab! you are such a gem. i love your passion for your friends, your girlfriend, and life as a whole. your typos rival mine (which is impressive). you are so supportive and make me feel so warm and i am thankful to be carrying you as one of my close friends into this new year/decade. thank you for your joy in life. 
@blakebellafuckingdonna: kara. you are one of my oldest tumblr friends. you have seen me grow into who i am and i have loved having you as a friend and watching you grow as well. im so proud of where you are, and will continue being an annoying cheerleader on twitter in everything you do. i cannot wait to see where your writing takes you and you can bet your ass i will be one of the first to buy copies. 
@ginnyweaslays: caitlin caitlin caitlin! you are also one of my oldest tumblr friends. your heart is something i’ve admired since the beginning of our friendship as well as your kindness. you make me feel warm as a friend and i love you so much. you are the reason izzy and i are dating (seriously) and for that, as well as your continuous friendship, i cannot thank you enough. you have the most beautiful heart, inside and out. 
@alwaysxyou: miss maggie! when i say i feel like we got on from the bat, i mean it. i feel like i can go to you for anything and you’d be like “i know what you mean completely” and thats fucking beautiful. i feel so grateful to have you (and the rest of midwest gays) in my life. your passion and love in life is so beautiful and you deserve all the good things in life. thank you (and megan) for accepting me into your life and i cannot wait for tequlia and taylor swift and dancing and all good things in 2020. 
@polithicc: ana! my darling. i am so glad izzy brought you into my life. you are one of the funniest people i’ve ever met. your dedication makes me want to be a better person. youre one of the best friends ive ever met and you know you always have a place at our house. your typos and crying selfies get me through the day and i want to give you all the hugs always. thank you for being one of my favorite people and i cannot see where this next decade takes you because you are going so so so far and going to do such amazing things. 
@littlelouies: mISS MEGAN! you make my heart feel so warm. you have one of the most beautiful souls ive ever met. i love your kindness and how f u n n y you are. you (and maggie) accepting me into your life means so much to me and i constantly feel surrounded by love in the midwest gays chat. i cherish our friendship more than you know. you deserve the world and i cannotcannot wait to meet you and mr morris and maggie this upcoming year! 
@dimpledgucci: samm. thank you for accepting me into mario karts sdfdhsgf. i love you so much and want nothing but the best for you. im speaking it into existence - we’re gonna do disneyland together and new orleans together soon.  but honestly, your love of animals is so beautiful and i think you are one of the funniest people and have a big heart to match. you are wonderful and i am grateful to have become your friend. 
@kkazbreker: mandy mandy mandy. probably my second oldest tumblr friend. you and i didn’t call each other soulmates for no reason - you just get me. i know i can go to you after any amount of time and you’ll be there, cheering me on, and the same goes the other way. you have grown so much since i’ve first met you and im so so grateful to have been your friend along the journey. and i cannot wait to hold your first book in my hand, crying over how you did it. i love you so much and cannot wait to carry our friendship to the new decade. 
@herravenboys: megha! my dear heart. i also love you so much and am sO proud of everything you’ve accomplished since we’ve become friends. i love your heart and dedication. you make me so proud to be your friend. and i love that you (like mandy) are someone i know i can always go to, no matter the time in between everything, and vice versa. you have such a sweet soul and i cannot wait to cheer you on through med school and watch you continue to flourish in the new decade. 
@xoziva: liv! you are one of the sweetest people i’ve met. thank you for accepting me into mario kart and your friend group. i am so excited to see where this new decade takes you and cannot wait to be cheering you along the way. thank you for always checking in on me/sending me happy things when im down - youre such a sweetheart and i want to give you the biggest hug always. i love you so much. 
@thesparklemoji: liz! you and i are one and the same. i love that we started talking and just havent shut the fuck up. you are so warm, so kind, and so encouraging in everything i do and i cant thank you enough for that. your endless love is so inspiring and i cant thank you enough for your friendship. i love YOU! so MUCH.
 @wallsvinyl: miss sherri wine! your soul? is so beautiful? i love you with my whole heart and am SO GLAD YOU GOT TO MEET LOUIS THIS YEAR BC YOU DESERVED IT. i love how excited you get for things and your support of your friends and loved ones. you warm my heart every time and you, truly, deserve nothing short of the world. thank you for being so fucking great and nice and accepting izzy and i into your life. 
@jimmytfallon: kelli! you are hilarious, sweet, and so kind. you deserve the best upcoming year and i cant wait to watch you thrive. you have such a good energy about you and i always smile when i see you on any of my social medias. i cant wait to (hopefully) run around disneyland with you and the rest of the gang. 
@28lesbian: my sunshine, the love of my life, my future wife. you have been a bright spot in this decade. you are my soulmate. you support me in all my crazy ideas, surround me with so much love, and continue to push me to be the best person i can be. you are the best cat mom, my best friend, and my favorite person. i cant wait to spend this next decade dancing in the kitchen with you, going on long drives together, and loving each other. thank you thank you thank you. 
my follow forevers (mutuals bolded):
@ananbeth // @anchortied // @aphrodettes // @barneslwt // @czernys // @cznerdy // @danasscully // @definegirlfriends // @droo216 // @dylanatsaralee // @endlesslovsrs // @fireprooof // @flicker-album // @fl0ral-gh0st // @floweredhalo // @ginnyweeaslxy // @girlalmighty // @girlalmightys // @goldenkissy // @harryisapackersfan // @harryjamcs // @harryspdf // @honeyedyke // @hs2live // @ishipmutualrespect // @kow // @larentslarrie // @lightssup // @lordesribs // @lovedangel // @lt-28 // @microlouis // @moonlightlouie // @niallstardust // @nikkibelikov // @organicstunts // @paris-geller // @parislarry // @pridesobright // @punklouie // @reneeswalkers // @ronaldswheezy // @rosegoldeyelids // @sapphicau // @shehearsadifferentdrummer // @spiky-lesbian // @softcoeurs // @summrfeeling // @tenderpotter // @tennantsangels // @themagicswithin // @themedusacascade​ // @virgoisms // @wallsxlouie // @wallywvst 
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catdaddydef · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @enderkate and the wonderful @ahgase55g7
The rules are:
1. Tag the person who tagged you
2. Answer the questions.
3. Tag 10 people
•How tall are you?
5’2 and flourishing. Give me a tall man tho, but I'mma still wear the pants. Everyone in my family is literally the same shape and height. The genes are hella strong.
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•What color and style is your hair?
I dye my hair all the time, but my natural hair color is a lightish brown. Right now I have it a pretty dark shade of brown, but an thinking of dying it again. I have super long, straight, and THICK hair. It’s getting hotter out and I am about to chop it all off. I really want to bleach my hair, but that is too big of a step.
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•What color are your eyes?
•Do you wear glasses?
Only when I drive or am in class. I have tried everything, but my glasses always leave a weird indent where my makeup is on my nose. So, I try to get by without them.
•Do you wear braces?
No. I actually sucked my thumb until I was ten, so I am surprised my teeth aren’t messed up, and I have really straight teeth. Maybe sucking my thumb moved them back into place? Is that even a thing?
•What’s your fashion sense?
I love fashion so much omg. I usually go for a vintage look, but am really into athletic fashion. If I could wear vintage Chanel or Versace everyday, I would, but your girl is broke. I desperately want a Chanel boy bag, so sugar daddy where u at?
I tag a lot of fashion under INSPO. So, if you ever see that tag, that’s what u will see me wearing or wanting to buy.
•Full name?
Ashley Rose. Idk if I want to put my full name because I am dodging the feds. JK JK
•When were you born?
August 5, 1997. 🦁♌🦁
•Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from Minnesota in the US. Reppin that northern twang. I live in Minneapolis, which is the biggest town in our state. It’s smaller than Chicago, but just the right size to get a small town feel in an urban city.
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•What school do you go to?
I’m in university right now at the University of Minnesota. I’m a third year studying Psychology and Family Therapy. My goal after getting my degree will be to go onto grad school, either for Psychology or Social Work.
•What kind of student are you?
I was always the class clown, but in uni there are to many people to be wildin like that haha. I actually really love school and enjoy all of my classes. I worked really hard to get here, so I am milking it for all it’s worth. My grades are really nice, and I pride myself in saying that because I have went through such a tough time and still willed myself to keep up with school.
•Do you like school?
I’m a nerd yeah.
•Favorite subject?
Anything psych related. I’m in this cognitive psychology course right now and I love learning about the brain and how it explains our actions. Did you know we can live with only half a brain?
•Favorite TV show?
I love love love love love Naruto. It will forever be my favorite childhood memory, especially with my sister. That being said, I love anime as a whole. Right now I am watch JoJo and it is giving me life. Some of my other fav’s rn are The Haunting of Hill House, The Office, and That 70’s Show. I was a big Game of Thrones fan, but I didn’t like that they diverted from the books, so they lost me there.
Oh! And I am a huge reality TV fan. I have seen almost every season of The Challenge, watched Flavor of Love and I Love New York a million times, and Keeping Up With The Kardashians is a guilty pleasure. Say what you want, but I have been watching that show since 2008.
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•Favorite Movie?
I’m a sucker for any emotional, sad movie. I love Titanic, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, A Star is Born, Edward Scissorhands, yeah. But my all time favorite movie would be the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. I can recite the whole script of Dead Man’s Chest and don’t even doubt it.
I just recently saw Akria and have been super obsessed with it, so that may potentially be a favorite.
And The Room is such a gem to me. Midnight showing are such a mood.
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•Favorite books?
Hands down the Harry Potter series. I have read them all three times. I also am an avid fanfic reader. Go support your fandom writers plz. They are so precious.
 These are some of my favorite writers @prettywordsyouleft @urlocalkpoptrash @katdefbeom @ahgaseda
Favorite pastime?
I’m a huge YouTube Stan. Like, I spend most of my free time watching shitty videos. I’m one of Trishy’s Fishies 🐠🐠🐠
I am super in love with my cat, Miss Boo. So, I try and spend and give as much love to her. ♥️
Something I really love doing is finding new animes to watch with my sister, so shout out to her!
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•Do you have any regrets?
I do, but if I had the chance to take them back, I wouldn’t. I have struggled a lot, but realizing that my mistakes have made me grow and learn is something I cherish.
I regret not fully standing Got7 till If You Do. I watched their little asses from debut, but fell in completely later on. Foolish.
•Dream job?
I’m so looking forward to what is ahead of me in social work and therapy. BUT I have always wanted to be an ice skater. Deadass. Or do something in fashion.
•Would you ever like to be married?
Yes! It will happen when it happens, but I know I would really love to grow old with someone and build a family. Let’s hope my prince gets his ass together and come find me. I’ve been waiting.
Where u at Jaebum. The fuck.
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•Would you like to have kids?
Definitely. I want to have a huge family with a bunch of pets. I grew up with a yellow lab and when I am out of uni I want to adopt one. Also, I want to have an army of cats.
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•How many?
Deadass five or more. Let’s go womb.
•Do you like shopping?
It is a bad habit. Don’t get me started. I admit I spend too much money on stupid stuff. I am such a makeup addict so plz keep me away from Sephora.  
•What countries have you visited?
Italy and Greece! I really want to travel more, but my wallet says no, no, no, no, no. I will probably end up living in Minnesota for the rest of my life because I want stay close to my family. Family means everything to me.
Regardless of being labeled as a kpop fan, I would love to visit Korea. I studied four semesters of Korean and would love to put it to use. I have also been a fan since 2013, so through kpop I have taken in a lot of the Korean culture. It would be a dream trip.
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•Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
Waking up. JK. I don’t really remember my dreams all that much, but any dream where either someone has died or I am getting chased really freaks me out. I use to have really bad sleep paralysis, but I never had any hallucinations, just the experience of not being able to move or breath is super trippy.
•Any enemies?
Only myself.
•Any significant other?
Yeah, that spot is open right now. Please send in your applications.
I’m pretty sure Jaebum is single right now, just saying.
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•Do you believe in miracles?
I want to, but I physically do not think they actually happen. I am a really practical person, but am open to learning and wishing.
I am suppose to insert a Got7 Miracle quote here hehe?
•How are you?
Gucci. Stressing and excited because the semester is coming to an end. And also super hyped because I just ate some good food. Hehe.
Tagging these lovely people! I’m not sure who has done this or not, but if you want to, JUST DO IT! 
@lordofassgard @jacksonurs @defsoulsgirl @tuanamino @empressjiaer @youngjaelitist @prettywordsyouleft @mark-tuan-and-namjoon-lover
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gdreamzseternal · 5 years
Gem’s Manifesto #2
I love that I am mentally ill and it doesn’t bother my boyfriend a bit.. I text him on his business trips to the submarines (coolest job ever) where he can’t have his phone at all. The moment he is home he texts me to tell me he missed me and that if he wasn’t so exhausted from the drive home I’d be sleeping next to him & no matter how tired he is he messages me when he gets home from work late. Dating a workaholic government engineer is tough cause I don’t get all the attention my BPD ass needs. But he never fails to make time for me every week despite his 80 hour 9 day work weeks. He does it for him and us because he knows I can’t work but that doesn’t matter because he’s going to work hard no matter what. To have me in his corner only gives him more reason. He is so so so shy. So introverted but I thrive on that genuine smile he gets as soon as I get in his car. I see him sending his final text telling his work friends goodnight because when he is with me I am the only one he cares to give his attention to. I see him slowly coming out of his shell. Every night we spend together he is more and more comfortable. The way I see him looking at me at the red lights. Or we play the makeout game where he kisses me until the light changes again. He cherishes our time and so do I. & in return I take care of him. No not sexually (well yes but) but I will sit and spend an hour giving him a full body massage because sitting at that desk, writing code and whatever else on his computer makes him sorer than ever. He doesn’t like waking me up when he is up at 5 AM for work but I can feel the moment he leaves the bed and there is something so euphoric about hearing the man I adore get ready for work and sneak around the room to not wake me... even though I am awake already he will kiss me and tell me it’s time for me to get up too while he walks his puppy. & on the weekends he doesn’t let me sleep in too late because my puppy is at home waiting to go potty herself. He rubs my feet while I listen to him destress from his day. He never raises his voice to me. He doesn’t like when I make “emo girl jokes” cause he doesn’t ever want anyone to talk shit about his future wife.. not even her. To go out to the bar with him and he not be one of those cocky, toxic assholes who thinks I’m his property because the bartender is hot and keeps looking at me. It is a treat for him because this beautiful woman is infatuated with him and no one else. He knows I don’t like talking to strangers so he asks what I want and orders for me. He just traces my skin while we talk over drinks. It’s like we are the only ones there. He quotes the things I say to him, cute things I don’t even remember. Then when the college kids come in and the music gets louder and he knows I hate loud noises. He asks the bartender to cash out. Then he takes me on a long drive before we head home and curl up together. God I am in tears writing this but I need to get all this out. It’s 5 AM and I can’t sleep because I haven’t had my medicine in over a week because my accountant fucked my spending this month... My T says it’s healthy and great that we run these blogs... I can’t wait to call him my husband one day.
I found a real man.
The type the monster radfems scream doesn’t exist. The one who doesn’t care about “traditional femininity” who isn’t worried about sex. Never pushes my boundaries and literally carries me to bed when I am too giggly and drunk and makes out with me the whole way there. He doesn’t care when I go out on lunch dates with my male friends and is never assuming I am being deceitful. I tell him I don’t mind if he sleeps with other women sometimes but he says no one has ever made him feel the way I do and we haven’t even had actual sex yet... He lets me be the big spoon and never allows me to touch his cock til he’s made me cum first. He’s never even asked to penetrate me with his penis because he knows my pussy is for my future husband and I am no longer a whore.
I never thought I’d meet a magical man but I did. My mother beat me down for years and told me I’d never be good enough for anything. My father tried to destroy my being when he touched me in a way no father should.
But I made it.
I fucking healed from my trauma. I learned from it. I learned to manage my BPD in a healthy way so when he doesn’t answer me immediately my brain doesn’t shoot to the worst case scenario. I am working with my alters. & I work even harder with my therapists. I’ve learned to appreciate time because my dissociation takes so much from me. I’ve learned proper boundaries with men that my father tried so hard to erase and for a while he did. I’ve learned not to embrace the victim complex and weaponize it because I am not a victim. I am a warrior. The men in my past tried to victimize me forever but I am stronger than them. When I was 16 I made a plan to commit suicide on my 21st birthday... but I found Harley J months before in that crackhouse my mother and her friends frequent. She helped me progress in a way I never though a little bratty puppy ever could. I couldn’t kill myself knowing this innocent puppy needed me just as much as I needed her. Moving out of the apartment I shared with A after he tried to rip me apart too evolved me even more. This new little apartment may me shitty but it is mine because I fucking made it. I fought for my life all by myself. I asked for help from social services. I begged them to save me from my evil parents and they didn’t because they didn’t care. So I fought for myself. I sued my own mother at 17 for custody of myself and I fucking won. I became my own foster mother. I worked so many shitty jobs. Jobs that triggered my epilepsy and gave me grandmals. I forced myself to work is toxic pizza joins where I literally puked repeatedly because men in general truly make me so uncomfortable. I could feel them undressing me with my eyes. It scared me. But I fought because I knew I had my fur babies at home. I was literally causing myself to have seizures because I was told my whole life that asking for Aid was wrong and that I was lazy... I still hate not working but you know what I hated more? Being so mentally ill, seizure prone and the like that after a 6-8 hour shift and 40 hour week I couldn’t move and I would just cry myself to sleep... But I fought.
I do my dishes everyday now when they used to trigger me because of the way my mother would torture me because I forgot to wash one fork. I was never one of those people that didn’t have personal hygiene but there was a point where I could never fucking clean ever. I hated living in a dirty apartment. It pained my soul because all I could hear is the PTSD of my mother screaming all the time. Now I find enjoyment in waking up knowing I have a home to take care of.
I took that shitty $10 bikini shaver and buzzed my head because it’s something I wanted for years but always believed “I’d look like a dyke and no man would want me” but in all reality I am a beautiful ass mixed girl and me with no/short/medium/long hair is still hot. Me with no makeup is bonechilling. Me with my natural form is who I am destined to be. Freeing myself by giving myself the freedom of expression. The freedom to share ALL my parts feelings. No matter how the world may see us because how the world sees us does not matter. All that matters is how I see myself and that the people in my life are healthy for me and they are. They aren’t peer pressuring me into drugs, sex and alcohol. They are helping me grow. They listen to me... We are growing, constantly evolving...
We are human.
I am an adult woman.
We are a system created from the horrors of our past.
We are survival.
We are Luna
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Queens of Odins Eye Chapter 49!!!
Here is more of the beautiful and fun collab piece!! @imgoldielikehawn @courtrae89 @grungyblonde
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Where the fuck am I? I lift my arms groaning in a stretch. The hospital? I stand touching my barefeet on the cold tile floor. I can hear the crying. Women and men. Then I turn facing my body still laying in bed. Shit, am I a ghost? No. couldn’t be.
“I don’t know how to do this.” Ivar groans. His face is as red as red as his eyes. “You need to wake up. Because I’m not Ubbe.” He pauses. “I don’t have a father button to push and hop into action.” He cradles the tiny baby shaking his head. “Kia.” He sobs. “Please, we said till death do us part, but you promised me you wouldn’t leave me early.”
“Baby.” I reach out to touch him watching my hand go straight through him. “Ivar!” I yell and he still says nothing.
What the actual fuck? I glance over at my body. They could have at least tried to fix that head of mine. Geez.
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Ivar continues to weep shaking his head and I stare down at the tiny baby. Isla? My stomach is flattened and she favored me. “Isla,” he says wiping his face as she begins to stir. “Tired of your old man leaking tears all over that perfect face? You wanna hear a story?” She grunts, he doesn’t know this but she’s for sure pooping. Her little eyes open and they aren’t blue, but they are beautiful. “Yeah, story time. There once was a woman, perfect and crazy but crazily perfect that didn’t like this guy here…”
The walls fade into the grocery store. The younger version of me is bustling towards Ivar, hopping onto his back and sending him straight into the cart of oranges.
“Kia!” he says smiling. “I can’t get fired from here.” He laughs playfully slapping my hands down and reaching down to pick up the oranges.
When I was younger it was a habit to wreak havoc. The younger me shrugs picking up an orange and handing it to Ivar. He wore the hair net and the apron so well, even if he hated it.
“Are we on for tonight?”
“I thought you had a date with my brother today.”
“I’m just entertaining him, Ivar. He’s been asking for forever.”
Damn right he had.
“I’m kind of hurt you’re going to be with him thinking about the way it feels when we fuck.” Ivar always had a trash mouth. He touches my face. “Just tell him no.”
“So I can forever be in the background of your life… no sir. It won’t hurt. It’s one day. I’m not marrying him.” I spit.
I find myself laughing as the walls fade back out to the hospital.
“Your mom accidentally fail for the mad prince, but she knew who prince charming was.”
He has it completely backwards. I laugh again and the door opens, Brii strolls in placing her hand on mine.
“Any word?”
“No.” he says. “She’s just laying there.”
Brii hands him a tissue and then reaches for the comb and brush on the nightstand. “She would murder you if she knew that you didn’t at least try combing her hair. You know how vain she is…”
Bitch. I am not vain. But she is right.
She starts to comb my hair. “You remember that time she got arrested from stealing chickens from Lagertha’s farm?”
“I mean what the fuck was she doing with them anyway.” He laughed wiping his face.
We were…”
 The room fades to black and I am surrounded by trees. “Bitch, I stepped in cow shit!” the younger me yells at Brii. We were supposed to be quiet but that was not possible with me.
“shut your mouth! We just need one.” Brii laughs.
I didn’t know it then, but that bitch was my bitch, I would have followed her anywhere. We make it to the chicken coop. “If we put the blood on some Eights the might think it’s human. It will stop them so Ragnar and Rollo can do what they need to do.”
We sported our prospect jackets well. Teenagers doing petty shit. Brii took three or four chicken and tossed them in the bag. “If we need one, why the fuck do you have four in here? Tired of going to the grocery store?”
I held the bag impatiently looking around to see what was around me, not even noticing Lagertha standing there.
She pointed the shot gun to my head and I scream dropping the chickens, but she trips me, and I land right back in the cow shit and I can see Brii running away.
 “You left my wife in cow shit.”
“We were sixteen.” She laughs. “but I did steal some chickens from her ass and we framed the eights while Bjorn and Ragnar stole their shipments.”
“Yeah, leave it to big mouth to get caught.” He smirks and his face turns solemn. “You can’t see anything?”
She turns to where I’m standing and winks. “Nothing.” She shakes her head. “But smile okay. Kia is fine wherever she is.”
 I leave the room heading into the lobby and Ubbe is there by himself, though from the conversation it doesn’t sound like it.
“Kia, you are being so fucking selfish right now.” He pauses. “But that’s normal right?”
Really dude, picking a fight with a half dead Kia. I stare at him.
“You took my fucking heart and won’t give it back. All the shit I said to you I didn’t mean it.” His voice wavers. “I just need you here, even if you aren’t with me. That shit is fine. But this is unfair.” He wipes his face. “To Ivar, To Isla… Uri… shit to me. We didn’t even get to get back to being friends. I never got to tell you that I was sorry and that I miss you as my friend. The fucked-up times we used to have, the good times especially. I just miss it all.”
Kim enters the room with her swollen eyes and two cups of coffee. “They only had decaf.” She complains. “but maybe our bodies will accept it.” She sits down stirring the black liquid. “She’s still unresponsive.” She was always crying but this time I literally watch as she comforts Ubbe with no tears, though they are on their brim. “Heyyy, come on… Kia would call you a damn bitch right now.”
Damn right, bitch. I laugh to myself but I wouldn’t, not this time. It felt good to be loved.
She rubs her hand on his back and hugs him. “Ubbe, Uri is at the door.”
I turn to see my little blond demon walking to his dad, “What’s wrong? Is mommy gonna die?”
“No, your mom is way to stubborn to die.” Ubbe scoops him up. “She got tired of your uncle Ivar and decided to sleep a while.” He adjusts his hat and Uri wipes his tears. “She came out of here right last time. She will be just fine.”
“When was last time?”
Ubbe smiles. “When you were born…”
The hospital walls shift and Ubbe is standing next to me gripping my hand. “Kia Belle Lothbrok, stop being lazy.” Ubbe laughs. “He asked for one more push.”
“I said I was fucking finish!” I say about to cry. “This stubborn child is in there for life.” My head falls back and Ubbe kisses my forehead. “I’m done.”
“Kia…” he whispers. “this child is stubborn just like you, so one more push… and we are done.”
“fuck you,” I cried.
“I love you too, babe. Now sit your ass up…”
 The room is back to normal only they are gone and Court walks in with Gemma. Gemma crosses her legs. “I am so sick of hospitals.” Court complains.
“Well, it’s a good thing I get to be here with you. We can conjure up more ways to convince that tall husband of yours to move to Charming.”
“I can’t think about that now Gem.” Court laughs. “That girl in there is one of my closest friends. And more importantly she’s like a damn sister. I don’t have blood family… all I have is her and those other two.”
“Nonsense you have us.”
“I know.” She pauses. “but Kia is like a force…. One time she came to my office begging for piss…”
 The Kattegat police station is always busy. The younger me sneaks pass the front desk walking to Court’s office. I tap a few times and walk in. “Court!”
“what in the fuck are you doing here? The club has too much heat on them for you to be here girl.”
“Look, I kind of done coke with Ubbe last night.”
“Kind of done coke, Kia.” Court stares with her mouth open. “How does one kind of do coke?”
“Bitch, I need your piss.”
“No! Absolutely not. Ask someone else, Hvitserk is usually clean.”
“I done coke off Hvitserk’s chest last night.”
“Oh my god,” she breathes.
“It was a threesome and girl, every time I fuck with Hvitserk I walk funny for like three whole days. He’s like Captain Super Dick.”
“You have to stop giving me details about your personal life. Like seriously.”
“Whatever, piss for me… please.”
“Just this once damn it. And stop doing coke!”
 Everything fades but nothing reemerges this time. Just Athelstan standing there with his arms crossed. “I was not expecting to see you first.” He laughs.
“I’m not dying am I?”
“That’s up to you Kia Belle.”
“Don’t call me that.” I laugh.
“do you want to go back?”
“Yes, I have a new baby girl, Uri and a new husband. Then I guess some people care about me?”
“Well you can go back, but you have to make me a promise?”
“What is it?”
Athelestan touches my shoulder. “Start cherishing these people instead of fighting them, and calm the fuck down Kia. Life is not that stressful.” He smiles. “Also… tell Brii I love her and I approve of the blond.”
 Taglist: @ivarsshieldmadien @whenimaunicorn @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @naaladareia @captstefanbrandt @therealcalicali @cinnabearice @readsalot73 @soaimagines @hallowed-heathen
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iammarylastar · 6 years
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10. Morning love, 0347.
“Morning Cup.” She whispers in my ear. I’ve been awake for a good 20 minutes but I just wanted to enjoy having her in my arms. Heaven surely feels like this. I can’t help but smile and kiss her forehead. “Morning Angel.”
I feel her lips draw a smile against my chest while her hands are playing with my hair.
I stir up and catch her by the waist to roll her upon me.
“Sweet dreams?” I ask, letting my fingers wander up and down her spine.
“No. Not dreams.” She pauses. I lift an eyebrow up, questioning why. “Sweet memories.” She says before licking then biting my lower lip.
I groan in pleasure, my hands gripping her bottom cheeks, and pulling her closer to my morning shaft. She giggles and grinds against me. I’m totally stunned as to how this shy sweetheart turned into a tigress in only one night. My fucking pleasure.
“What time is it, I need to go home while it’s still dark.” She buries her face in the crook of my neck and shivers. “Though I could stay here with you forever.”
“I wish we could, love.” We both know she has to go back to her sister’s house before sunrise, or we’ll really face big trouble. Deep shit.
Fumbling around on the nightstand for my watch, my fingers find the corner of a box that wasn’t there yesterday.
Sitting up, holding my girl close to me, I catch a piece of paper pinned on it. And read.
Lovebirds, I broke into the bakery to bring you some donoughts for your breakfast, thinking you’d be too exhausted to go. You were so cute together it broke my heart to wake you up. Lies. Angie you and your bare breasts were absolutely gorgeous even in the dark. Cup your big hairy ass is ugly and you farted. You owe me one bro.
We both laugh, though her shyness was back, she hides her blushing cheeks behind her hands.
“He saw me naked!” She whines.
“There’s no shame with you being naked baby. I saw you too and you’re just beautiful. ”
She glares playfully at me between spread fingers.
“It was beautiful to love you.” I whisper lowly, kissing her lightly.
“It was beautiful to be loved by you. I felt like a gem within your arms.”
“You were beautiful on top of me.” My mouth waters at the reminding of her perfect body waving over mine.
She smirks mischievously and kisses me slowly before nibbling along my jaw till her tongue plays with my earlobe.
“I want to feel you again…” she whispers in my ear.
“Don’t tease me my love. I want to fill you again…” She mewls beautifully as she grinds against my hardness.
“OK, since we both agree…” I laugh, flipping us so I’m on top of her, while she shrieks in surprise and excitement.
I spend the next hour or so making love to this gorgeous woman of my dreams, and made her a cry my name three times before I allowed myself to surrender to the incredible pleasure she gave me.
We ran back to her home, hand in hand, our fingers intertwined so tightly you could think they were sealed. We managed to be as discreet as possible, skulking around the buildings, hiding in the shadows in the early morning sunshine.
On our way back to her place, there’s no tree or wall I haven’t pinned her on, covering her body with mine, tasting her sweet lips endlessly. I don’t want her to leave and by the way she kissed me back and clawed onto my shoulders, I can tell she won’t either.
We finally arrive at Gessepp’s threshold and I can’t bring myself to let her go. I can’t stand to know she’s going back to that hell hole, I can’t stand to not have her in my arms. Safe and cherished.
Not after what has happened last night. Not after what he did to her publicly at the café.
Damn, my guts and throat are so tight it hurts.
I pull on her hand, making her twirl back to me and drag her behind the nearest tree. Both my palms cup her flushed cheeks while my mouth attacks her whole face. I can’t stop kissing her and I don’t want to.
“When will I see you again?” I ask between kisses. “Tonight?” Another kiss. “Later today?” More kisses.
I’m eating her up, keeping her from telling me what I don’t want to hear. She has to push me back lightly, making fun of my foolishness.
“Cup… Mmm. ..” My tongue dances with hers, my arms wrap around her waist, my body crashes her against the trunk. She’s trapped, she’s mine.
“Tonight. I promise.” She pants.
“It’s too long. Take Abi for a walk like you always do and meet me at the café. Or behind the barracks so I can kiss you again.” I beg her.
My lips trail wet kisses down her neck and she sighs loudly, tilting her head back and offering me full access to her chest.
“Cup… ” she mewls. “We have to be extremely careful… After what happened at the café, I can’t be seen around there. And Gessepp is always paranoid when hungover.”
I’m barely listening to her, I have such a flame in me it’s hard to focus.
“Cup. Please!” Her sharp tone startles me, now she’s got my attention. “Promise me, promise we won’t be fools to get caught again. I need you to have our backs, because I won’t be able to keep my mind clear if you keep loving me that way.”
She lowers her voice and whispers in my ear “The things you did to me… I can’t get them out of my head…”
Oh. My. Fucking. God! My crotch tightens in my pants and I growl, fighting the urge to make love to her right now, our clothes still on.
“And there are so much things I still want to do to you…” I nip down her neck, sneaking my hands behind her and squeezing her perfect ass. “I can barely contain them in my pants ” I grind against her, grinning wild.
As I lean in to take her lips again, I’m stopped short by a playful slap on my jaw.
“You suck! You failed, Cup! You’re supposed to keep cool head and you just… fell for it!”
She scolding me just ignites a new level of fire in my stomach.
“Yeah I fell for you. Stop teasing me and kiss me again.” Instead of feeling her lips under mine, I’m pushed back, her flat hands firm on my chest.
“Cup… Please… Don’t force me to remind you what he did to me…Just… Just promise I’ll be safe.”
I’m astonished as how my desire turns me into the worst dickhead I’ve ever met. How could I be so selfish? I force my blood to come up and perfuse my brain again. Think Cup dammit!
“Sorry Angie, you’re right. I swear I’ll keep you safe. I won’t allow this shit to happen again. I’ll never hurt you and make sure no fucking body never hurt you either.” I search for her gaze, lowering my face, I need her to trust me.
“I promise to do anything for you Angie, even if it kills me.”
A shy smile graces her lips, she chews in the most adorable way.
“I don’t need you to die for me. I need you alive to make me feel fully alive again.”
Fuck! My little bitch teases me to death, I have to bite my lips to hold back a growl. My whole blood flows down my crotch again but I force my face into a decent concerned look.
She pecks my mouth then traces my lower lip, freeing it from between my teeth.
“Tonight.” She whispers seductively before turning back and running to the house.
Holy hell. My girl got me. The whole of me. 0512. 19 long hours to go.
The following weeks were like Heaven. That damn war was turning tactical and the Chiefs of Staff spent their time in endless meetings, keeping Gessepp away and busy as fuck, for our great pleasure.
We met secretly almost everyday, mostly at night. I lost sleep, impatiently waiting for the sun to set down, for the moon to show up. For my love to be back into my arms. Past midnight until sunrise, she was mine and mine alone, Gessepp dead to the world thanks to alcohol and pills. Sometimes meeting in the woods near the barracks or in the abandoned cabin beyond the football field, that I managed to steal the keys and made  cozy for us.
And we had sex. My fucking God we had the most amazing sex I could ever dream of. She was totally mine, body and soul, and I was hers. There’s no part of her that hasn’t been kissed, stroked nor cherished by me. She gladly, hungrily, perfectly learned everything I taught her.
“Oh Cup!” She moans in my ear. We’re in the middle of a very hot make out session in the locked up cabin. I’m eating the soft flesh of her small breasts which became my ultimate weakness, while she’s rubbing my hardness through my pants.
Foreplay became our thing, we’ve been teasing each other until things became painfully unbearable, before I filled her hungrily and sent us over the edge.
“Angie… I want you so bad. Tell me what you want.” I say before I’m back on her hard nipple.
I love when she guides me, she’s always so creative.
“Do you remember last week?” She whispers in a sigh.
I grunt deep in my chest. Last week’s highlight flashes before my eyes. I took her right there against the wall, her arms and legs wrapped around me, as I thrusted in her relentlessly. I had to devour her cries, preventing her to warn the whole base of where we were and what we were doing, while I was finishing coming myself, filling her core with my hot seeds.
Oh yes please, I’m totally in for another round like this.
“No” she cuts my thoughts off. “The night before.”
Oh God I’ll never ever forget that night. That night my tongue made love to her beautiful pussy. —- She was laying on her back, writhing under me, our bodies so ready to melt into each other.
When I couldn’t take it anymore, I trailed wet kisses down her belly and thighs until I’m met with the patch of hair that covers her clit.
“What are you doing?” She asked, as my head stopped between her legs.
I shushed her, she’d find it out very soon. I lightly kissed then sucked on her bud, eliciting a deep sigh from her. Lapping all the way up her folds, I felt her thighs open wider for me as her hands slam on my head, pulling me closer. I licked her gently at first, teasing her a bit, but quickly lost control as her moans got louder and her thighs tightened around my face. I couldn’t stop tasting her flesh, her juices, her cries. She started to grind against my tongue, keeping me from breathing. But trust me, I was not complaining. I felt she was so close and couldn’t help but shove two fingers inside of her. Curling them up to tickle her sweet spot, I continue to eat her up, my tongue twirling around her swollen clit. My cock was screaming to replace my fingers and I had to fight hard not to bury my hardness deep inside her and spurt my seed out, but my sole purpose was her pleasure.
Grunting low, my tongue and jaw hurting so badly, I let her juices wash my face as she arched her back and squeezed her thighs harder, trembling form head to toe. Oh fuck, she screaming my name was enough to make me come harder than I thought possible.
She finally released my face and I gasped for air, placing some more kisses on her thighs. From where I stood, I had the best view of her, panting like crazy, her chest quickly rising up and down. Hovering over her again, I took her small boobs, still hard as fuck in my mouth, feeling her heart hammering in her chest. I took her mouth in a searing kiss. I let her taste her own juices, to which she eagerly complied.
I pulled back, smirking at the sight of her face, obviously satisfied to say the least.
“You’re welcome, love.” I rubbed the top of my nose against hers.
She brushed my face with the palms of her hands and asked:
“Can you do it again?” Before my astounded face, she repeated, in an assertive tone.
‘Do it again.“
I laughed lightly, this woman would be the death of me.
Flipping us over, so I laid on my back, a devilish grin taped on my face, I uttered with a low, sexy voice.
"Sit on my face.”
As she complied and started to rock her hips slowly, her bottom cheeks filling the palms of my hands, I came to the conclusion I was the luckiest, blessed man on Earth. —-
“Fuck yeah…” I say, nipping down her jaw and neck. “How could I forget it? It seems to be one of your favourite. ”
“No.” She stops me from going further down. Laughing at my puzzled face, she starts to work on my belt and button. My shirt was already lying on the floor thanks to her eagerness, her fingers and lips teasing every piece of skin they could. Kneeling down before me, she looks up at me and hungrily licks her lips.
“I just want to repay the favour…” Holy fuck! That’s her thing, repaying the favor and I love her treats.
Her hooded eyes are enough to make me harder if it’s even possible as she slides my underwear down my knees. Her hands are not clumsy anymore, they have practiced a lot lately. Her delicate fingers wrap around my shaft softly but firmly and she starts to stroke me, in a perfect way and rhythm.
I have to fight hard not to close my eyes under her delicious ministration, no way I’m missing her sticking her tongue out and working me all the way up. My cock twitches in delight and I can’t hold a grunt back. As she takes the head in her mouth and start to slowly pump me up and down , I have to bite my fist not to scream in pleasure.
She releases me and resumes to lick my length, her eyes hungry. Her lips, tongue and nibble fingers are everywhere and they feel so good. I can’t take it anymore and tilt my head back, my eyes rolling back in my head. The sound that leaves my lungs echoes in the room, making her shiver and moan loudly.
Knowing she enjoys what she’s doing too me turns me on even more, there’s only one little fun missing. Don’t forget my balls, baby, please don’t forget my b…
Fuck, she has read my mind, she’s my fantastic perfect soul mate. Then, she must know I’m close to explode and I can’t decide if I should pull out or just enjoy every single second of her treats. I know some girls hate it and I don’t want her to have a bad first taste.
“Babe…I’m gon…”
Once again she foresaw me and before I had time to warn her, has already increased her grip and her pace. My eyes roll in the back of my head as an insane wave of pleasure explodes inside me.
The way she licks her lips and swallows my seed, her eyes burning with lust have my guts twisting again, shoots another wave of ecstasy through my veins.
“Oh my fucking God, Angie…” I’m panting heavily, half deaf by the din of my heart hammering in my chest. “How did you learn such things?”
She stands up and pecks my lips, a large grin taped on her face.
“I learnt from the best, honey…”
I could have laughed if I wasn’t wrecked inside, like a total mess. She has drained me, sucked the hell out of me. It would be so easy to drop on my knees right now and ask her to marry me, to never ever leave me, even for only one second. My need for her has never been stronger, I could rip off her clothes if only she was still wearing some and just… you know just cuddle her and melt into her forever. I feel weak, on my knees and in my heart, I’m sure if I open my mouth I’ll say something dumb, in the heat of the moment.
But I can’t. I promised her to be strong, to be wise. I’m being emotional again, a big romantic pussy, that’s all.
I swallow down my words and the tears that threaten to spring out of my lids and just pull her in. As I rock her slightly, tightening her on my chest to keep it from exploding, I swear to myself to stop dreaming and just enjoy what I have.
Yeah, big guy, just enjoy that fucking bliss you’re riding and stop thinking she will be gone in a couple of minutes.
20 more hours to go.
@captstefanbrandt @kenzieam @jaicourtneyseyes @every-jai @sajess98 @tigpooh67 @badassbaker @writingismyhappytime @onceinamillionlifetimes @oddsnendsfanfics
@bookgirlsthing @pernilleals @knittingmad @menink0pe
@jojuarez26 @athe-krieger-der-elemente @lunaschild2016 @muerete-cagando @runningfromchances
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97bread · 6 years
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why hello!! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)💛 at the beginning of december last year, i hit 1k!! and with that being said, i thought that it would be appropriate to make my first follow forever! i'd like to take time to appreciate the mutuals that i have, and the friends that i’ve come to make this past year. i’m a very shy person, and so last year was a great accomplishment for me in terms of meeting new people and actually branching out to others!! i never thought i would be able to do stuff like that. i was able to meet so many amazing people that i couldn’t imagine not being in my life!! and while it’s still january, i would like to add that i hope that everyone has a fantastic year!! here’s to an amazing year filled with much joy & love! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)💛
also v quickly!! i’d like to thank abbey for my ff header !! 💐
key: 🐻 - you brighten up my dash !! 🌿 - i love ‘n appreciate you so much !! heck 💛 - i’m so glad we’re mutuals/friends 💌 - i’m an emo water sign and wrote u a letter :/
special shoutout to my irl friends ( @angemagica, @alleywaydreamer, @hazelbella, @panther4444, @possiblymichaeljones, @timesnewamericana ) for dealing with my annoying bum both irl and online... (´ω`) ;; 🌙
@ahgamark 🐻💛 / @attaboygf 🐻🌿💛 / @baekphia 🐻🌿💛 / @bamethyst 🐻🌿💛 / @baobeijackson 🐻🌿💛💌 / @birf 🐻🌿💛💌 / @bootybam 🐻 / @brokuroo 🐻 / @choiyoungjae 🐻🌿💛💌 / @cutepimook 🐻 / @cyjsgirl 🐻🌿💛 / @darlingjbum 🐻🌿💛 / @dovble-b 🐻🌿 / @dreamygyeom 🐻🌿💛 / @dreamyugyeom 🐻🌿💛 / @exoticface 🐻 / @fldeparture 🐻💛 / @flight-logs 🐻 / @flowrcafe 🐻
@gayshinas 🐻💛 / @gikwangies 🐻 / @got7tooprettyfortheirowngood 🐻 / @gsvnrewind 🐻🌿💛 / @gye0mie 🐻🌿💛 / @gyeomsluna 🐻🌿💛 / @happyholidae 🐻🌿💛 / @hhyunbin 🐻 / @hoseom 🐻🌿💛 / @httpmarkie 🐻 / @ibegin 🐻 / @icarusjjp 🐻 / @iheartyugyeom 🐻🌿💛💌 / @iloveujaebum 🐻🌿💛 / @imjbummed 🐻 / @imxjaebeom 🐻 / @irenc 🐻💛 / @iridescent--wings 🐻 / @j-aer 🐻🌿💛 / @j1ny0ung 🐻🌿💛 / @jacksonwangblog 🐻🌿💛💌 / @jacksonwng 🐻 / @jajajaebum 🐻🌿 / @jinyoungslegs 🐻 / @jinyoungslover 🐻🌿💛 / @jj-nyoung 🐻 / @jj-prxject 🐻 / @joohunn 🐻 / @jsutright 🐻 / @lattegyeom 🐻🌿💛💌 / @limjaebum 🐻🌿💛 / @lisassgf 🐻🌿💛 / @lomlmark 🐻
@marksluv 🐻💛 / @marksseunie 🐻🌿💛 / @mart-art 🐻🌿💛 / @mochabam 🐻🌿💛💌 / @mochimork 🐻🌿 / @morkookie 🐻🌿💛💌 / @n0average 🐻 / @odetopcy 🐻 / @park-jjinyoung 🐻 / @peachjy 🐻🌿💛 / @peachyugy 🐻🌿💛 / @pink-gyeom 🐻 / @pinkjbeom 🐻 / @pinkjy 🐻🌿 / @pizzawasabi 🐻 / @protectmarkjin 🐻 / @redgyeomie 🐻 / @redrookie 🐻
@sadvinyl 🐻 / @sailordeer 🐻 / @sftchans 🐻 / @sharkmoji 🐻 / @shelovesjinyoung 🐻🌿💛 / @slay-bum 🐻 / @softforjackson 🐻🌿💛 / @softjnyoung 🐻🌿💛💌 / @softsmol 🐻 / @su-mel-strawberry4 🐻 / @sugarmaterfamilias 🐻 / @sunbeamjinhappybirthday 🐻 / @taehyunas 🐻 / @taeyeonzx 🐻 / @teenagermp3 🐻🌿 / @theycallme-tunathot 🐻 / @ungiis 🐻 / @vanelaqream 🐻 / @velveteen-queen 🐻💛 / @wangseunie 🐻 / @whyugyeom 🐻 / @yoongifer 🐻 / @youngjaesloudlaugh 🐻🌿💛 / @yu-gyeomiebabo 🐻🌿💛 / @yugy 🐻🌿💛 / @yugyeomsbaby 🐻🌿
@11mark 🐻🌿💛💌 / @127stan 🐻🌿💛 / @2gi 🐻 / @2ndlove 🐻 / @3-rachas 🐻 / @6oct 🐻🌿 / @724148 🐻 / @7uv 🐻
💌 baobeijackson ( sam !! ) - sam!! hello my lovely human being. i love you sooo much, angel!! but i bet you already knew that, heh. :p you mean lots and lots to me, and i don’t think i can ever truly express just how much. before we really started talking, you always made sure to check up on me to make sure i was okay... and that really made me happy. :/ that’s how i knew you were such a sweetheart!! as you know, i Suck at replying, but everything you say/send me makes me smile because i know how much you care about me, and your friends. i love how i can confide in you when i have a problem, and i just want you to know how proud i am of you for all of your achievements, big or small!! you are such a lovely person, and people need to know just how much. i love you soooo much sam!!! i hope that one day we can meet, i really do. (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)💕 💌 birf ( jilly !! ) - jillian!! we don’t get to talk too often, but when we do, i really love it. you are such a big sweetheart, and i love your sense of humor so hecking much. i love talking to you so very much!! i also love how much you love jaebum, because it makes me smile so much... :’/ your sense of fashion is literally out of this world!!! did you know that? 💞 i admire the taste in fashion you have so much, it’s so awesome. i love the memes that you bring to the table, and your passion for the things that you love!! i love you lots and lots jillian, you’re truly one of a kind and someone who deserves the world and more. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) 💌 choiyoungjae ( fawn !! ) - fawn!! i believe that you were one of my very first got7 mutuals, and to this day that fact makes me so very happy. you’re one passionate human being, and one of the kindest people that i’ve ever had the privilege of talking to!!! you’re an actual angel. we don’t talk very often, but i love seeing you on my dash so much and i love it when we can have the chance to talk... because you’re literally so sweet. your love for youngjae fuels the fire in my heart tbh, it’s so lovely. you really care about him and it makes me so happy. :( 💖 i love your creative content so much, because it’s so unique and interesting! your gifs are so cool. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) i hope that we can talk more!! because you are truly such a wonderful gem to have around, and i love you!! (´∀`=)✨
💌 iheartyugyeom ( hayley !! ) - my lovely hayley!!! did you know that i love you so much? :/ because i really do. your snaps brighten my day/night, and i love how funny and caring you are. you were one of my first friends here, and i’d never take that back. :/ you make me so very happy!! even if i suck at expressing that heck ; i love it when you gush about yugy and how i can gush right back with you, and how safe ‘n comfortable i feel when talking to you. i love you so much!! if i had the chance to fly to aussi, i’d meet you right away because!! i just love you so much. :( thank you for always being such a big sweetheart!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
💌 jacksonwangblog ( karobean !! ) - there’s literally so much i want to say? i literally love you so much, and you’re someone i can’t imagine my life without. i’ll probably cry writing this like the crybaby i am, but?? i just need to let you know how much you mean to me. not a day goes by that i don’t regret messaging you, even if it took the life out of me. we clicked literally right away, and i remember our very first time actually dying of laughter was over the term flabbergasted. that seems so long ago, and i know that we’ve literally had 493705349594508409 inside jokes since then. but can u believe that of all things was the first?? and then chocroivol.. itwwotst guy.. aliens & french fries, soulmate matters, swimming across the atlantic.. so much. you’re the virgo to my scorpio, the perfect dane to my american, the jack to my bam, my everything. :’/ you’re someone i can truly confide in and i know that you’ll be real with me and tell me how you feel, which is something i love.. because it makes me know that you’re telling me what you think is best for me. i love how we can have 40910 different conversation topics within the span of 10 minutes, and i love how much you can make me smile and laugh. the amount of times that i’ve been in public and smiling like an idiot at my phone is.. wow. not only can you make me laugh, but you’re someone who’s taught me so much about the world, and you’re someone that’s really inspired me to live my life to the fullest. we both have our moments when we’re sad at the same time, but i love how we can always count on one another to cheer each other up. one of my biggest goals in life is to get to denmark and meet you, because you literally mean the whole entire world to me. you’re one of my best friends in life, and i’d never trade that for the world!! i love you so, so much karoline, you mean more than words to me. jeg elsker dig mere end stjernerne! de skinner lyst, men du skinner endnu lysere. tak for eksisterende, jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg ville gøre uden dig!! du fortjener verden og mere, jeg håber du ved det! jeg elsker dig så højt, min sol!! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 💌 lattegyeom ( abbey !! ) - oh my gogdskjd, abbey. i truly, and utterly adore you to pieces. i can’t really express just how much, but it’s so much. you’re always there for me when i need someone most, and you always have the sweetest things to say to me. you’re so gentle and loving, and that’s just one of the many things that i love about you. you’ve helped me through a lot, and i can’t thank you enough. i really relate to you, and you’re someone i know i can trust 100%. you’ve taught me so much about the sky and what it holds, and you’ve helped me to understand myself when i couldn’t even do it on my own. and that’s something i truly am thankful for, because?? it just means so much to me. you’re so fking genuine, too. you care about the people around you, and it really does show. you’re one of those people that can light up rooms, i’m so sure of it!! you’re someone that means so, so much to me, and i’m always so thankful for your existence!! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) i look up to you lots and lots, and you’re someone i’d never want to disappoint. your love for yugyeom is one in a million, too. you love him to pieces, and i know he’d love you just as much back. (trust me, we’re both scorp suns and gemi moons!! we love u.) i can’t imagine my life without you, and i s2g i’ll drive up to MN one day and take you out to coffee!! you deserve all the happiness in the world, m’lovely abberson!!! thank you for teaching me so much and caring about me, because they all mean so much to me in more ways than i could ever begin to explain. you’re one of my best friends, and i cherish you so much. (also uh thanks for putting up with my memey ass when i know u hate 87% of the horrid memes i send u :p) i love you sooooo much abbey!!! my star-dusted angel !! (*´∇`*)💫💛  💌 mochabam ( jemmy !! ) - JEMMY MY LOVE MY ANGEL MY LOVELY PAL!!! can i just say how happy i am that we started to talk more and more?? because you make me so happy and the way you can make me laugh is phenomenal. we have so many lil jokes, and i love knowing how stupid i can personally be and yet you’ll just laugh ever so lovingly with me. you have so much love to give, and it always amazes me just how much! i treasure you so much, and i care about you a great deal. you’re always there to listen to me when i need someone, and you can always cheer me up. i love how we’re always here for one another!!! your love for bambam is the sweetest and most genuine thing i have ever seen, and it really warms my hear. speaking of the loaf.. the loaf and i love you so, so much, and we’ll always be here for you no matter what!! i love you so much, m’coconut princess!! i hope you know how loved and appreciated you are!! i’m so thankful that you exist, and that i’ve come to know you in the way that i have. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ💓💫 💌 morkookie ( alex !! ) - um... can i just start off by saying that i love you so, so very much? :/ let me say it again, but in your mother-tongue: ich liebe dich so sehr!! wow... :( you’re the loml, my mikan, and someone who is so very precious to me. i’d move mountains for you if i could!! i always want to make sure that you’re happy. you’re just one of those people, y’know? someone that i adore with my entire heart. your love and passion for me makes me so happy, and i just want you to know that i’m the same way back. you make me very soft, and i love your calming voice. you may think that your german accent may sound the exact opposite of what i’m about to say, but i love your voice so much. it’s so!! soothing to me, and i love it when you rant to me in german. i love my fiery woman. :p 💓 your love for jungkook is uh... exceptional. i love how much you love him, and i love knowing how pure and true it is. i mean who else would hecking go get his picture printed off and frame it. i love you and your shenanigans so, so much. i want to meet you so badly, so we can do everything on our list together. the day i meet you is going to be one of the best days of my life, whether it be in deutschland oder amerika. you mean so much to me, and i want you to know that. i know that when i tell you my problems you’re real and honest with me, and i love it. you’re always here for me. i love you so, so much alex... thank you for being you and for loving me the way you do. (´∇`)💐💞 💌 softjnyoung ( rae !! ) - rae... my mama bun... my love!! you’re someone that means the whole entire world to me, because i know how much you care about/love me. you’re a beautiful woman, both inside and out!!! you’re always willing to talk about random topics with me, and i love how that’s one of the ways that we were able to bond with one another. i love talking to you almost every day, and i love how much i can confide in you. you’re someone i clicked with so, extremely fast, and i’d never take that away. you’re there for me when i need you, and you always make me feel so loved and appreciated. but guess what!! i love you more, and i always will. you hold such a special place in my heart, and that will never change. you’re someone i really look up to, and someone that i truly adore. you have so much wisdom, and you’re always willing to share it with me. you’re a whole big softie, and i love just how soft you can be for the people that you love. you always manage to put up with my crybaby self, but i know it’s because you care about me so much, and i can’t tell you how much i appreciate that. i swear when i go back to germany i’ll come and see you, and we can go get spaghettieis!! it’ll be the best experience in the whole entire world. your lil bunny loves you so much! you’re the sunshine when she feels at her lowest, and you can always brighten her days. you make me laugh to the point i can’t breathe, and i love how genuine you are. thank you for always caring about me, and just know that i care about you so, so much. you’re one of my best friends, and i’d never take that away. i love you soooo much, rae! more than you’d ever know! (๑˃̵◡˂̵๑)✨💛
💌 11mark ( victoria !! ) - victoria !!!! you’re such a soft little sunshine, did you know that?? you’ll always be someone that is so special to me. you were my cute lil rosey anon, and now you’re my cute lil rosey lovin’ pal!! you’re always there to make sure that i’m feeling alright, and i love it when you check in on me. you really care for me, and it shows so much!!! i care about you a great deal, too. you’re always introducing me to new things, and you’ve sparked my interest in the bulgarian culture. you’re my cute angel, and i love you dearly. i hope that we can continue to talk and grow closer, because you mean so so much to me!! thank you for coming forward and talking to me, because it means the whole entire world to me that we talk. i love our lil convos, even if they happen at odd times in the day! (heck those time zones. :p) i love you so much angel, continue to be yourself ‘n never change!! because i love you just the way you are. (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)🌹💛
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thismads · 6 years
 HELLO BABY, you saw that coming right? you knew this whole thing was going to come up at some point right?? OKAY I hope you are okay, that you grabbed a coffee, Chinese,pizza,chocolate, anything you love just like i did with skittles lmao..because I tried to not be too long but I can’t promise you anything because there’s so much to say about you that I'll let my hands/heart/soul guide me haha..so take a sit and appreciate me being cheesy pleaseeee. 
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(this gif is the perfect one hahaha)
(us being happy around each other)
Okay so it’s only 19:20 and I’m beginning this cause it might take a while hahaha. And I actually make it right and perfect..even tho I’ll never be as perfect as you are but WHO CARES? I put ur playlist on, so you’re with me so LET’S DO THIS (cheesy mood activated so be ready to cry..just kidding SMILE BEAUTY) 
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(us on vacation)
First of all .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE !! Tell them it’s her birthday, tell ‘em souljah boy, tell em hahaha, omg who knew this day would be that important to me last year around the same time.. like this is crazy how life goes. I hope you’ll have a beautiful day surrounded with your loved ones bcus you deserve it. But for now..let’s go back to the time we met alright?? 
It was in late October, early November this past year.. I was this girl talking to everyone & you came back after being gone for a while (still have no clue why you came back but bless this thought) I was the only one replying in the instant bc I was like oh a Selena anon..let’s do this. And despite a few delete posts..we always made one for each other bc we actually noticed we didn’t talk and somehow..we both missed it even tho we weren’t THAT close. I don’t know when it began to be strong.. we spend more and more time being on at the same time bc LAME asf lmao. THEN, we became this popular kid squad LMAO idk why..but if it’s bc we showed love to each other..then okay we are lmao. But I’m thankful for everything..bcus actually..we took time to learn who we really were..and we took time to appreciate our numerous common points…and our different ones. You were, are, will always be THE meeting I’ve had in years in a social media..and why? Well because of all those.
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(us being happy around each other)
You are so down to earth..I think that’s one of the main reason why I Love You, you never search to be someone you are not, you don’t care about people’s past, you concentrate on knowing them in their « now » and that’s remarkable, you are so real, you are like speaking the truth all the time, you are the one I go to for advices, because I value your opinion like I’ve rarely did in my life, everything that you say is true, you respect the lines, you don’t ask much, you are like a rock we can hold on to whenever we are down or up. I had laughs with you I’ll cherish until I die. 
You are also so sweet..but like the sweetest person I’ve ever had the chance to meet. You are like a cloud, so light, your voice is like the cutest/smoothest ever, you know some people are like invasive..you actually make ME wanna share things with you, you know..EVERY TIME I feel sad, down, something happened, someone letting me down..I tell you first..and you’re actually the only I tell things like on the instant, and some thing I know I’ll share only with you because ..idk I want to. I don’t think we are able to explain how deeply we love people..because it’s beyond words, it’s feelings. 
you’re so funny/awkward as I am, that’s why we get along so freaking well, you understand me when I don’t know what to say, you get me whenever my typo let me down.. You are like « I got you babe » and this is like the most overwhelming message ever because you actually don’t force yourself, you just know, when I don’t even I feel bad you are like « are you okay » and it makes me asking the question to myself and I’m like dang she is right I ain’t okay lmao. You are also hilarious, we have fun about everything
you are like a second mom to me, you care if I go to bed late, if I eat, if I shower, if anything hahaha, you make me smile, happy ALL THE DAMN TIME DAMN. 
I don’t think you realize how amazing you are, because you truly are a gem.
You are also so intimate, like I share inside jokes, we understand each other in a blink of an eye, we most of the time share the same opinion on things, people.. NOT NAMING THEM BUT YANNOOO WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT LMAOO. And this contribute to my daily joy and happiness all day every day. 
You are so caring, adorable, beautiful inside and outside (YES GIRL YOU BOMB ASS GREEK FACE HAHA) CAN YOU BELIEVE I’M ALSO 10% GREEK? LMAO THAT’S SOOO ODD BUT YET IT’S FATE IGHT?? IGHT. So that makes us sisters for like even tho we don’t need no other confirmations that we are, we for sure were separated at birth haha 😂, you are incredible, you are such a deep person, the one we can have serious and deep convo with, because you know things, you aren’t just a paper, you are a whole ass book and that makes all the difference. 
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we have so much things to accomplish like; 
TATOOS ! (And some in common) 
All those things are like a dream to me, and I’m really hoping we can achieve every one of them in a life time. Because what’s better than living with her bff in her dream city & doing all the youth things they are supposed to do, I wanna go to Coachella listening to Theweeknd, beyoncé, and all the rad music that comes on, I wanna take pics with Hailey,Kendall, Demi, Abel, fucking everyone & you because that goal?? I wanna have a job in front of the ocean, were we can work and then go relax on the beach next to the safe house. I wanna buy a life guard hoodie, spend my afternoon shopping In vintage shops, then go to VS and make fun of the body goals of the angels, I wanna buy clothes to match my fresh tan, I wanna be in the front sit with you for hours on the highway not having anytwhere to go go to Disney world, I wanna go to universal and do this movie set tour where we could take pics of the Friend’s couch, I wanna take polaroids of us having fun. I wanna go to Las Vegas and play to this money machine, I wanna grab a burger where I’ll have to order for you because such a baby. I CANT WAIT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN, because that’s where I’ll be truly happy.
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(us being our dumbass self)
I also wanna meet you so freaking bad because this is like goal? Cause having a bff that live miles away from you is like nooooot the best thing ever even tho I’m sure you love me for me. V -> Vulnerable, because you have your insecurities that makes me wanna protect you at all cost like you do for me
I -> Irreplaceable, I couldn’t forget you nor replace you with someone else 
C -> Cute !! You’re the cutest human, always THAT thing to say and make the whole world so freaking happy
K -> Kind .. you never anything and anyone for granted, you always have a nice advice, you encourage me, you make me believe in myself, you make me wanna be a good person and be happy
Y -> youth, because you remind of all always the dreams and all the goal I wanna achieve and that’s the ultimate thing about a friendship
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ALL THIS to say thank you..thank you for being the person that you are, thank you for the time by your side, thank you for your time, your energy wasted on a person like me, thank you for making me believing in me, thank you for reminding me that I’m not thaaaaat crazy and that what I’m feeling is real, thank you for the kindness of your words and the wiseness of your state of mind, thank you for trusting me into letting me know the real you, thank you because, thanks to you I like myself even more step by step, thank you for NEVER letting me down, you never left me in a split of sec, thank you for being also a tough ball, you are so strong despite your high anxiety that I'll try to light up when we’ll be together, thank you for letting me maturate to your contact, thank you for being here, alive, safe and sound, that you for blessing me with ur angel face, your princess attitude and your bff’s actions. Thank you for everything you did for me, and that’s not our first year meeting yet, and I feel like you did twice more than my longest time friend, so thank you. I love you more than I could ever wish to love someone. I could never thank you enough, but I promise you to be the best version of myself for ya. 
More than bff, more like soulmates..again happy birthday babygirl ! May all your wishes come true and all your dreams being achieved, and I’m gonna make sure to always stay by your side no matter what, because the person I’m the most loyal to here is you and I’d chose you over EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. I love you angel to my princess. 
To the Hailey to my Kendall, forever
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demifishblog · 7 years
Harry Potter Fic Recs
EDIT 6/16/18: Part the Second
So I heard a call a while back for good Harry Potter fic, which is...kind of murderously difficult to find due to the sheer volume involved.  I can't say I've made any significant dent in searching for the stuff, because it's fucking exhausting, but I do have some favorites that I cherish dearly. And being an extremely picky reader, hopefully this list will be helpful to others as well.
So. Fic recs.  Yes.
Anything, anything at all, by @copperbadge; he hasn’t been in the fandom for years, but his oldies are definitely goodies.  Stealing Harry is something of a fandom classic and really good for comfort reading, starting as it does on the happy ending and moving from there.  My personal favorite is Cartographer’s Craft, however, which is just full of wonderful things.
Anything, literally anything, by @lullabyknellart.  She has multiple long, chaptered fics in progress, and while it takes a while for her to update when she does it is glorious.  Personal favorites include face death in the hope (time-travel, Regulus Black, and emotional-disaster Harry), and into the arena with your head held high (Harry and genderfluid godkid Teddy time-travel from apocalyptic future to non-apocalyptic past and proceed to fuck shit up).
@deadcatwithaflamethrower, because she is the bomb, delightfully prolific, and produces moving, emotionally and intelluctually rich fic while making it look easy, what the fuck woman.  She also has a “I will take a hammer and fix the canon” approach to just about anything while managing to make it all jive with the original.  Current works in the fandom are Swung By Serafim (complete, gorgeous, with the book-length epilogue that we all deserved) and work-in-progress Of a Linear Circle, which is a beautiful romance and also chock full of interesting medieval facts and “hammer to canon” fixits.
@waspabi has two excellent fics (I have not read the third because it’s rpf, but go check it if that’s your thing) in the fandom: Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run, which is exactly as amazing as it sounds (” 'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work ”); and Stately Homes of Wiltshire, a post-canon fic where Harry is an Auror and, as anyone else could see coming, Hates His Job (but won’t admit it).  Also there are poltergeists.  Both are Drarry fics, but even if that’s not your thing I’d give it a go because @waspabi‘s Draco is unlike anyone else’s Draco, ever, and has rendered me nearly incapable of enjoying any other Draco because no one else’s can compare.
Aeturnum’s Leo Inter Serpentes series, which is just...so excellent.  Rewrite of the whole series with Harry being in Slytherin, because Draco is significantly less of a dick.  Narcissa is bomb-ass and divorces Lucius and Hermione is amazing and Snape adopts Harry and is a Good Dad, I cried okay, I cried.  Everyone is so in character and it’s so well done and just.  I inhaled the whole thing in two days, it was terrible.  Only other Drarry I will ever accept.
@ink-splotch (dirgewithoutmusic)’s boy with a scar series.  It’s a collection of stories, mostly au’s, including “Neville/Ron/Hermione are the Boy/Girl-who-lived”, Girl!Harry (once dfab, once trans), “what if Snape made up with Lily”, and many, many more.  All are absolute gems, seriously, beautiful fucking writing, will kill you with so many feels.  So. Many.  Read them all.  You will cry.  You will be happy about it.
esama is an excellent author and writes many, many things, not all of which are everyone’s cup of tea, but each fic is unique unto itself so keep that in mind when scrolling their work.  Just because you don’t like one doesn’t mean you won’t love another.  My personal favorites include D.S.S. Requirement (the Room of Requirement provides a spaceship.  No, really), Undone Wars (excellent crossover with Stargate Atlantis), and Mother May I, a Fantastic Beasts fic in which Newt recognizes Credence as an Obscurial on sight and basically adopts/kidnaps all the Barebone children immediately and forever.
And no Harry Potter fic rec from me would be complete without metisket’s side-splittingly funny There May Be Some Collateral Damage.  It’s a crossover with Bleach, but no knowledge of Bleach is required to thoroughly enjoy this ridiculous piece of perfection.  Seriously, I went into knowing that Bleach existed and what the main character looked like.  Basically, Voldemort is deemed a grim reaper’s problem, Harry Potter becomes designated bait, and chosen for his bodyguard is the most reasonable maniac you will ever meet.  Ichigo crashes through Hogwarts like a wrecking ball, everyone either hates or loves him (or in Harry’s case both), the twin’s perspective is entirely written in the plural and you will laugh every other sentence, I guarantee.  Hate prophecies? Hate Umbridge? Need cheering up?  Want to stab Voldemort with a dinner knife?  This is the fic for you.
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spookyblunts · 7 years
For my bean.
Hey you. Have I told you you’re a gem? Because you are. I cherish you. You are so precious. I love you more than anything else in this world. I am so in love with you. I think about you all day. From themoment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. If I get lucky enough I get to see you in my dreams sometimes. That’s why I say see you in dreamland before we depart on our sleep adventures. I always hope to see you there. You are the first girl I have ever actually fell for. Did you know that? I have never been so in love before. You have my heart in your hands and you can have it if you want. Keep it. I know its in good hands with you. I always think about the first time I saw you. Like in person. You were standing behind the counter in the kitchen and all I could think was “Wow..I have literally never seen someone so beautiful. Never. What is her name? I just need to know her name.” You were so beautiful. You still are. I sometimes think that you can’t even be real. I just made this perfect human up in my head. There is not a damn thing wrong with you. You are... I can’t even put it in to words to be honest. The first night we spent together was honestly the best night of my life. We just cruised around all night long just talking about everything. We have never stopped talking. It’s crazy. I have never had a connection with anyone like that before. You are something special baby. It had to be fate that we met. This city is so big and we met in such a unlikely place at such a horribly wonderful time. You found me when I needed you the most. I found you when you were losing all hope in humanity. We just needed each other.. it’s kind of beautiful if you think about it. Life just kind of places these beautiful things in front of you when you least expect it and need it the most. It gives me hope that everything is going to work out because I look at all the beautiful things that has happened to me when I needed it the most. Like you. I have hope. So, I guess I am writing you this so  you have something to look at when I am gone.. If I am gone. My fate is hanging in the balance and it’s not looking to bright. This whole jail thing is kind of a drag. But this is what happens when you fuck up to much. I just need to face it. Stop looking for ways out. The only way out is going straight through it sometimes.. just embrace the suck. I can’t say I’m not scared. I am fucking so scared. But, you give me hope that maybe, just maybe, this all going to be okay. But, I am getting sidetract. I just want you to know that I love you more than all the stars in the sky. You are my light when it’s all darkness. You give me so much hope. Because of you I want to be a better person. I actually give a damn for once in my life. You showed me that there are still good people who are actually going to care about me. You alone have showed me so much love and care. I am forever grateful. I feel so good with you. Because for once I know I am loved. I feel safe, so safe.. That is such a wonderful feeling. I love you so much. I could not ask for a better bean. You have stuck by my side through all of this crazy that has happened in my life. Through rehab, through getting home to this mess, through the threat of me going to jail for awhile. Like you have stuck by, with a smile on  your face, supporting me the whole way. You have no idea how much that means to me. You really don’t. Fuck, I am crying just thinking about it. Despite all the love shtuff.. I just want you to know you are truly a good person. You have this light to  you. You touch everyone you meet. You have such a beautiful soul. You’re going to be one of those people who just change lives. You are so beautiful. Just stunning. I lose my breath everytime I look at you. I miss having you in my arms. I wish I could hold you right now. I will  miss you so much... While I am gone please keep your head up. Stay strong. You are the strongest person I have ever met. You can get through anything. Don’t fall in to temptations. If you think you shouldn’t do it then you probably shouldn’t. Trust your gut. I won’t be around if you have a bad idea to tell you it’s bad. Just think “Would Shelby do it?” if the awnser is no. Then don’t do it lol People are going to try to steer you the wrong ways sometimes. Don’t let them. Stay true to what you want and who  you are. Anyone standing in your way of that is someone you really don’t need in  your life. Just know baby, even if I am away.. I will always have your back and support you through anything. I will never let you fall. I will always be there to catch  you when you start too. I will do whatever I can to help you. I promise you that. You have my word. I will stick by  your side through it all. I really will baby. ugh.. Im sorry this is all over the place. It is 3am and I am tired asf. But, I wanted to write this while I had the chance. I just want you to know that I love you. I know I tell you a milion times a day but it is true. I am so in love with you that it hurts. I am so grateful. Keep your spirtis high... We will get through this. I know we will. Because together we can literally do anything. This world isn’t ready for us. We will take it by storm. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us after all this shit. I just know it will be something beautiful. Thanks for letting me be apart of your journey thorugh this life. I dont know.. I am going to quit typing now.  I have so much to say but not enough engery to say it. I love  you bean. I love you. Please do not forget that. My love for you grows greater and greater everyday. I am so gay for you. Shit, I didn’t think I could get any gayer. But somehow I did. Ugh... alright.. I guess I will end this long ass rant. Bye beautiful. I love you. LEDDLELEDDLELDDLEEEEELEEDDLELLEEE haha bye. 
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swearronchanel · 7 years
I haven’t actually watched Call the Midwife in so long ahh! The end of the semester has been kicking my ass but good news, this is my last week of class & I only have 2 finals next week! So I’ll be able to relax a bit and go back to being ctm trash™ later next week + I also convinced my mom to buy the books so I can read those when I get home too. Anyways, I have a break in between my second and last class & instead of being productive/working on all the assignments I have due this week I’m going to watch 4.06 (I closed my eyes and picked from the episode guide lol) because it’s been far too long! 😭👏🏼📺 ✨ here goes nothing, I’m officially back to annoying you all with my commentaries™ 💁🏼
Sister Mary Cynthia! 💔💛 miss her
“The religious life isn’t one I could’ve chosen”  LOL me neither,  I’m too much of a degenerate
Sister J tucking in Sister Mc’s hair, bless
“..Poisons my brain and contaminates my dreams” poor sister MJ! She’s ill😭 what does she have a uti or something?
Omg sister Evangelina is coming back, my heart 💔💔 I’m still sad about it
lol Phyllis telling Tim he’s shooting up, what a Phyllis thing to say
Growing pains, lol shut up Tim
“Pass me the Rolodex” You know Phyllis is about to get shit done
Paulette sitting in her dressing gown lol, she’s a little angsty & bitchy I love it
Since you know that’s more accurate representation of a teenager than Tim is😭😂 or at least me
Peter out here policing, guess we’ll see some irrelevant constables next series if needed since he’s out, lol bye 💁🏼
Ah yes the square dance!
“Hello pats!” They’re precious
Aw Shelagh! She was so excited to see sister E
Also she just looks angelic as always
I MISS THE SISTER E & PHYLLIS INTERACTIONS !! They were both so head strong & they clashed sometimes but I loved it.
Now I’m sad..
Sister Winifred with the best cringey faces as always
Look at the gremlins playing with Phyllis’s hubcaps 😂
Fred with the cdc squad 😂
Violet and Fred’s relationship is so pure !! But they’re not *really* together yet right? Whateves I love it
Aw baby Angela
“Hello Nurse” 😘😍😉  same Patrick
We all know Patrick quickly discovered a kink for a uniform he never knew he had 😏
Don’t we all though😂 Some uniforms just make people look more attractive😏😂😂
“We have half a dozen ulcer patients..” ULCERS COCKBLOCKING THE TURNERS SINCE 1960!!
Bet Shelagh didn’t remember dismissing that comment in the tent though
Trixie & Sister MC going out to patients together >>
Attracta is such a COOL NAME
Like it sounds fierce 😂 like Tiberius. Or Severus Snape
The grandmother is so cute omg 😭
Trixie and Patsy smoking in their pyjamas is my aesthetic
Still want all of Trixie’s pyjamas & whole wardrobe!
Aw the nurses laughing at phyllis😂😭 mean af
Omg she hears them! my heart😭💔
“I go off my food when I’m upset and you keep upsetting me!
Ugh the worst is when you’re just dry heaving and spitting up bile😖 **I’ve never had morning sickness/been pregnant so I don’t really know but it’s prob just as bad or prob worse than drinking too much liquor 😂
Shelagh in her uniform holding Angela 😭😍 they’re both adorable
Are shoelaceless to Fred & Violet what cigarettes were to Dr Turner & Sister Bernadette? 🤔
So Fred and Patrick were both in WWII, why is the only conversation we’ve seen between them about it was on the shorts? 😂😂
lol why do I think “in the family way” is a funny phrase?
Damn she’s pregnant though, like she really needs birth control so she doesn’t die
Her mum really called her a slut like *kelly from the office voice* number one how dare you?? & number two that was a bitch move
What’s borstal? Is it like Juvi ?
“You might benefit from a cigarette” same probably, the stress is real
I felt smart knowing it would be dangerous for Paulette since she’s diabetic (also: i learned it young watching steel magnolias😂 I hate that I cried in that movie)
This cute grandma aw 😭😭💖 she’s dying
Same though, I feel like every Hispanic girl gets gold earrings when they’re like babies. But for no real significance 😂 had my ears pierced since I was 6 weeks old and been wearing gold earrings foreves
11th pregnancy diablo, I’d die
Phyllis addressing herself as a spinster bc she’s so badass and gives 0 fucks – I love her
He brought back the hubcaps 👏🏼
Phyllis is legit a gem, she doesn’t judge & she actually cares
“When somebody thinks the worst of a person because of their background, such a lot can be lost”
“It didn’t stop me from making something out of myself” I LOVE HER SO MUCH 💖
Fred asking out Violet, so pure. They are so cute😂😭
        Oh shit brb I have class in 5mins😂 gotta blast                   *Please pardon the interruption*
        Ok I’m back
Paulette’s pink suit is cute af tbh💁🏼
“I’m not your mother kid, if I were, I would do some things differently..” PHYLLIS ADOPT ME PLS
aww my bby shelagh is tired 😭💔
Remember this nightgown though? Yea neither did I😂 why is it so long? Whateves, glad she upgraded to the bri-nylon😏
“No one is invincible” “No, they aren’t” 😭👏🏼🙏🏼 they both know that ahh😔
Aww the nun squad pulling through to help Shelagh out
“I think my eyes will not permit it, indisposition has dimmed them” LMAO SISTER MJ IS LITERALLY ME WITH MY FINAL ASSIGNMENTS
“Thank goodness I am used to the vow of obedience.. I still have hard days with it even now..”
“You Mark my words, the joy of midwifery never dims”
Omg there’s something in my eye or I’m freaking crying I miss sister Evangelina!! remembering she died after tending to one last baby ugh my heart it was great but also not bc hello she died💔💔
“..until I give my permission!” YES SISTER MC YOU YELL AT EVERYONE!!
So you’re gonna tell me no one saw Paulette leave the maternity home or that no one snitched on her?
After giving birth 11 times wouldn’t they just slip out by now😭😂 yikes I can’t imagine that pain 11x.. or imagine having 11 kids😂
This old woman is so precious
this montage >>
Shelagh singing in chapel with the nuns makes me so happy😭💖
Also where did this dress go cause I don’t remember ever seeing it again?
Is it a British thing or just a thing of the past that little boys always wore shorts?? Like it gets cold! 😂
PEGINE is dead 😭
Did Paulette not think about this before hand?? Like you know you’re diabetic and need to keep your blood sugar up??
My bby Trixie looking good™ even in that big skirt😍 haven’t seen much of her this episode 😔
“I brought bourbon, sort of an American Scotch”  Delia is my kind of gal pulling up with a bottle😂
But I don’t drink bourbon like um I’m not a middle aged business man who cheats on his wife 😂
“Do call me Phyllis.. just for this evening!” 😂 I love her. But seriously look how far she’s come! They were laughing at her and strictly on last name basis, now she’s been hanging out with the nurses and was Babs’s bridesmaid😭💛
Why didn’t Vaughn just bring Paulette with him back to town?
Vi defending Fred from the Cubs is cute 😂
Square dance lit, why is it the funniest but greatest thing to me though??
My other bby SHELAGH LOOKS SO GOOD TOO!😍 we were cheated of a closer shot
I approve of the dress! It looks like gingham but I’m not sure, maybe houndstooth??. Either way - Where is it!? Bring it back out in summer!
“I want to dance with you” aw deels
They’re setting the cart on fire 😭 rip pegine😭
Vaughn used his one call in jail on Phyllis, like same
So does she have the abortion or not? I’m confused.
Okay I think she does never mind
They gave Sister MC the tea cup😭💔 my heart
aw Shelagh putting on Tim’s hat and sending him off to school, so pure
“We are shaped by the hands we hold in ours and cherish and gently let go”
Ah Vanessa always ending the episodes right with the feels😭😭
I’ll forever love the narration/writing of the show 👏🏼👏🏼💛💛 literally the best.
The end 😭💔 wow I’ve missed this
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trulymadlysydney · 7 years
Sometimes (submission)
I fell asleep before submitting this you yesterday, whoops!!! This is based off a song called Sometimes(I Wish) by City and Colour. Where Harry not only gets insecure with how well his album will do with the millions of people anticipating it, but also gets insecure about his relationship between you and him. It’s a little angsty, hope you like it :) ——- If I was a simple man, Would we still walk hand in hand? And if I suddenly went blind, Would you still look in my eyes?
Harry was a busy man now a days, as busy as a bee, as his mum would say. From just finishing the movie he’s starring in, to just now doing the finishing touches on his album. Harry thought of himself as a confident man most of the time, never doubting himself when it came to his art in music. This time, however, he found that after finalizing the last bits of the album, he was second-guessing himself. It was very real to him now. The fact that in a few months time, something that he’d pour so much of his personal self into was going out into the public. It would go around the world, be talked about amongst millions, and though the idea was of that sounded cocky, it was bringing him a whole new wave of doubts and insecurity he didn’t know he had. He sat in his car, biting at the nail of his thumb as he stared into his phone screen, reading his friends reply over and over again. He had asked him, among a few others, to stroll by the studio and take a quick listen to the album and give him their real opinion. To Harry’s relief, they were more than ecstatic about it all. “You sure? Don’t lie to me all ‘cuz you’re my mates, alright?” His friend placed his hands on Harry’s shoulders, squeezing them tightly. “Harry, you’re a musical genius. This album will be a hit. Trust in that.”
This made Harry feel a bit better. But as soon as they all left and he had arrived home, he sent a text to his closest friend once more. Just for assurance in case his was trying to be nice around everyone else and not give a shit opinion.
-Have you gone mad?? It’ll absolutely be a smash. I’ve no doubt about it. Be proud! Let’s get a pint soon over it all. -
Though beer wasn’t his thing, he sent a sincere thank you and promised to meet up with him soon for that pint he wouldn’t drink. Harry had no idea why he couldn’t shake the feeling of insecurity off though. He had double checked with everyone important in his life that he could. Not only his mates, but his family. Gemma was all but thrilled, his mum was on cloud nine over it all. “But that’s mum”, he thought, “she has to say she loves it. She’s m'mum.”
It was Y/N he was worried about, if he’s being completely honest. Y/N would be the last one to hear it. She grunted and huffed every time she’d asked Harry for a listen and he’d say no. “At least one song, H. Please?”, she’d beg. But he was much too afraid to let her. Always telling her some other day, or tomorrow. So right now, as he walked into the kitchen where she’d been making herself a bowl of cereal, he already knew where their conversation was going to lead. And he was petrified for a reason unknown. He set his keys down on the island in the middle of the kitchen and glanced up right as she turned his way. With a smile planted on her face, she leaned against the counter and moved her spoon in circles in her bowl of cereal as she chewed.
He couldn’t help but smile as he walked over to her, placing a hand at her hip as he leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. “'Ey there.” She giggled a bit wiggling her eyebrows up in response as she popped another spoonful of cereal in her mouth. While she swallowed, he filled a glass with water and took a light sip of it, leaning against the counter a few feet away from her. “Hiii.”, she dragged out. “How was it today? At the studio?” Harry pressed his lips together, raising his eyebrows. “Wonderful. Everyone loved it.” She nodded, looking down at her bowl as she grew silent. He knew what she was thinking and he felt like an ass because of it. “Of course they did, H. I’m sure it’s amazing.”, she quickly said, forcing pep in her voice. “I can’t wait to hear it.” With that she took the last mouthful of her cereal before turning to the sink and rinsing out her plate in silence. Why couldn’t he just tell her? Tell her that he felt insanely insecure about it all. That yes, although everyone who’s heard has told him it’s a smash, he can’t for the love of god believe them. Why couldn’t he tell the women he supposedly adored this? Was he that embarrassed about it?
Why should he be? He’s only human.
I’m only human, he repeated in his head. He took a long look at her, head to toe, as she washed the few dishes in the sink now. She had grown tired of the begging and pleading and figured that it would do no good to continue to try at this point. It was quiet and he knew that if he didn’t say anything soon, she would silently walk past him, giving him a light peck on the cheek, before heading upstairs.
But, dammit, his nerves just grew on him. Her opinion was, by far, the most important, cherished, treasured of them all to him. Yeah, Jeff and the label, they were important. Nick, Ed, just to name a few of his best mates, their opinions were important. His mum, pop, Gemma’, even Robin who only listened to a song or two, their opinions were very much important. He took all of them into consideration and admired them for being so supportive of the direction he decided to take with his album.
But Y/N?
Shit, hers was… was essential.
She was his muse, after all. His stimulus, inspiration, what ever the hell you wanted to call it. That’s what she was. Most of the songs, if not all, were about her or associated with her. Her opinion was everything to him.
He didn’t know why the album had him feeling like this when it came to her though. With his Another Man issue, sure, he was a bit nervous when she was flipping through the pages for the first time. But nothing compared to how absolutely gut-wrenching nervous he was now. If he’s honest, it was rather silly of him thinking that she would hate the album. She was many wonderful things, his Y/N, and extremely supportive was one of them. She loved everything Harry did. Of course, she gave her honest opinion with it all, but it was never negative and mean. It was always an uplifting sort of opinion. She was an uplifting sort of person, Y/N.
To her, Harry was a gem to this world. A gem she had found herself after much digging and swore to forever keep. They, of course, disagreed with a few things here and there as most couples do, but in the end, they met hand in hand. Always. Although they still disagreed over where the milk should go in the fridge and other simple things like that, it had never been anything too major. She admired Harry for who he was, she loved him for it. She couldn’t imagine loving anyone else as much as she loved him. She would love anything he did, even if it was a bunch of nonsense- which it never was- she would love it. Because she whole heartily loves him.
Which is why she just couldn’t understand why something so important to him has yet to be shared with her. She was a bit hurt in a way, she couldn’t lie. She wish he would at least let her listen to one song, but it never happened. After washing the few dishes in the sink, she shut the faucet off, wiping her hands dry and turning back to Harry who was deep in thought. The little pucker formed between his creased eyebrows as his thumb dug onto his bottom lip was giving it all away.
“Everything okay?”, she asked in a small voice. Harry brought his attention back to right now and stared up at Y/N with gloomy eyes. He thought about how much he truly loved her and he thought about how much she truly loved him. This album was everything to him and to a lot of people around him as well. This was a big deal for Harry, as everyone around him constantly reminded him it was. His mind full of it all, all the meetings, the deadlines, the words of people saying “the world’s gonna love it, Harry! Gonna be a hit!”. The pressure.
But he can’t help to think of the worst. What if it’s not a hit? What if the world doesn’t love it? Would those same people still be by his side and support him?
Would Y/N still be by his side to support it? To support him?
“Harry?”, he heard once again. She was closer to him now, a worried look on her face this time. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He gulped, shaking his head and looking down. “M'sorry, I- I dun’ know.”, was all he could muster out. There was no need in lying and saying no, it was obvious that something was wrong. He could handle it if the world thought he was a failure, a flop, as they would call it. If the world put him into a category of people who tried to make it by themselves and didn’t succeed, he would get over it. He knew how the world and the media worked, he knew nothing would last forever. Especially fame and money and success. They’d forget about him slowly but surely. His name would flicker until it went out like a candle. He could get through it and survive though. That, he knew for sure.
But Y/N? What if she thought those things? What if when he would become nothing but a simple man to the world, he would turn into nothing but a simple man to Y/N? Now that, he wasn’t sure he could survive through.
What happens when I grow old? And all my stories have been told? Will your heart still race for me? Or will it march to a new beat? If I was a simple man
This time, he felt a tug at his hand. “You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to, Harry. It’s okay.”, she spoke softly and tenderly, “Let’s get to bed, yeah?” Harry gave a nod and held onto her hand as they both went up the stairs. When they arrived to their bedroom, she faced him and started to un-button his shirt slowly. Confused at first, he placed a hand on hers. “Gettin’ you nice and comfy, that’s all.”, she chuckled. He couldn’t help but laugh along with her. “Of course.”
He let her continue and he watched her as she undressed him. It was slow and he got the chills when her soft fingers would graze against his hot skin. After pushing the shirt off his shoulders, she knelt down and un-buttoned his dark jeans next, pulling down them. She stared up at him though her lashes and though his mind was filled with nothing but negativity, he couldn’t help the twitch in his cock over her being knelt down so close to it. The feeling was short lived when she rose back up, grabbing both of his hands before leading him onto the bed.
They both went under the covers and she turned to her side while he was on his back, resting her head down on his bicep as her hand laid softly on his chest. His thoughts continued on, even with her cuddling onto him so tightly and warm. If the light of his name would eventually flicker out amongst the world, does that mean their love would too? He felt a pang of hurt in his heart when he thought of Y/N falling out of love with him. When no one else remembers him or cares for him- would she?
If I was a simple man, I’d own no home, I’d own no land Would you still stand by my side? And would our flame still burn so bright?
He took the hand from under his head to wrap around her tight, his heart pounding with the fear he brought to himself. He squeezed his eyes shut, gulping as he tried to swallow down the ball in his throat. He couldn’t stand the feeling of not having her by his side, he couldn’t stand the feeling of being alone.
At this, Y/N looked up at him and placed a soft hand against his cheek. As if reading his mind, she lifted her head to place a tender kiss against his jaw. “Love you, you know? Don’t think that I’m pissy over not hearing your album yet. I get it, it’s special. I’ll hear when the time is right.”, she laughed lightly, the sound making him smile a bit. “I know it’s amazing.”, she whispered the last part, laying her head back down and shutting her eyes. She traced small circles on his chest with her index finger mindlessly and Harry kept his gaze down at her. “How d'ya know that?”, he croaked silently. She shrugged. “Everything you do is, H.” “What if it isn’t?”, he spoke nervously and stared up at the ceiling now. “What if it’s a flop, then? What if I’m a- a flop?”
Sometimes I wonder why, I’m so full of these endless rhymes About the way I feel inside I wish I could just get a ride
She looked up at him now, eyebrows creased. “It won’t be, Harry. You’re not gonna be a flop-” He unraveled his arms from around her, laying them over his head. “And what if I am? Just answer me that one, will yeh?” She sat up now, staring down at him incredulously. “Harry-” He sat up on his elbows now, heaving out a sigh as he he kept his gaze down. “Let’s say s'not a hit, alright? Let’s say it doesn’t do well- I don’t do well. Would ya still…still..”, he faded out, not really wanting to finish the sentence. Her mouth was open in disbelief. “Why on earth would you ever doubt my support for you, Harry?”, she asked in a hushed tone. It grew silent for a minute, a minute that felt like ten.
If I was a simple man And I could make you understand There’d be no reason to think twice You’d be my sun; you’d be my light
“The world’s gonna forget 'bout me one day, Y/N..”, Harry spoke slowly, “Sometimes I jus’ wonder if you’d still be with me if I turned into a simple man.” She sat up on her knees as she lifted a leg to throw it over Harry to straddle him. She pulled him up by his shoulders and held his head in her hands as she stared deeply into his eyes. He was serious and she couldn’t believe it.
If I was a simple man If I was a simple man
“I would still be with you even if you turned into the next Rick Astley, you nut.”, she said in a serious tone. “If you turned into the next rick-roll, believe that I’d still be there. Second-hand embarrassment and all.”
Her words were playful, but there was nothing playful about her tone. She meant it, every word.
“You think that if somehow your album became a total flop and your social status completely dropped on this godforsaken planet I wouldn’t love you the way I do right at this moment, if not more?”
All Harry could do was shrug, grabbing her wrist in his so he could look down.
“No, no, no- you look at me, bub.”, she snickered, lifting his chin up. “Are you listening?”
He meet up with her burning eyes. “M'listening, doll.”
“Really listen to this, really.”, she stressed. “When I say that I love you, I mean it. Your albums a flop? I love you. The world thinks you’re a flop? I love you.”
Harry can’t help the small smile spreading on his lips.
Y/N pushes a hand through his hair, inching her face closer to his. “I love who you are, Harry. For fucks sakes. Not what you are, who you are. You get me?”
There’s desperation in her voice. She needs him to understand this.
Sometimes I wonder why I’m so full of these endless rhymes About the way I feel inside I wish Sometimes
“Say something, H.”, she asks, pressing her forehead to his.
He brings a hand to the back of her head, closing the distance between them and pressing their lips together for a deep, longing kiss. Though he can’t breathe with the way he’s kissing her, he feels like he’s taken a breath of fresh air. The kiss is desperate and Harry spills all of his emotions out into it and she swears she can feel all of them.
After a few minutes, they pull away, foreheads still touching as they catch up with their breathing.
“Sometimes I jus’..I can’t help to think these things, y'know..”, Harry breathes, “Sometimes I jus’ do.”
Y/N shakes her head. “I’m here to remind you, Harry, that my love for you is stronger than you think it is.”
Harry shuts his eyes at those words, finding absolute reconciliation and peace in them.
She presses her lips ruffly against his once more before pushing him down onto the mattress and laying on top of him, holding him tightly. “I love you forever, H. Forever.”
Sometimes, Harry just wonders why he’s so full of those thoughts. Knowing damn well he’s got you until the end, no matter what happens.
But sometimes;
Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes
Oh my god.... I wish I could say I wasn't crying, but that would be a lie. This brought me to tears. This was beautiful and lovely and very well written. My goodness. Thank you for submitting 💜
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