#it's all context clues
grapejuicegay · 2 years
There’s a lot of stuff in this show that is obvious in hindsight through context clues which starts to make sense after we get the added context.
One major one would be Akk and Ayan’s first conversation in the teachers’ bathroom. The tension there makes a lot more sense when you know that Akk knows Ayan just saw him set off the car.
But we also have a lot of context that a lot of characters don’t have. Here are a few examples:
Thua doesn’t know that Wat has been watching Kan look at him for a while now. Thua didn’t see the look of devastation of Kan’s face when he was talking to Ayan.
Wat was the only one who noticed Akk was trying to side with Waree in the class to try and settle things. Most people do still think Akk is just a suck up
Almost nobody has seen Namo be shady
To date nobody knows why Kan was late to class because he got in a fight
Nobody knows Wat is making a short film 
Kan knows about Akk and Ayan but Wat and Akk don’t know about Kan and Thua
Wat doesn’t know about Akk and Ayan - not really
Nobody outside Chadok’s office knows that Dika is dead 
Thua took over the curse from Akk very quicky - there wasn’t a lot of downtime between those two events. Even for people looking into who is behind it, it’s the same person. That’s why even though Akk almost set the school on fire it seems like escalation because he didn’t, and the banner was more drastic and public than throwing paint on the posters.
And in that same vein, Thua never knew that Akk was being brainwashed, or that he had decided to stop the curse, or that he had changed his position and beliefs. For the most part, if anyone knew that outside of Ayan or Wat or Kan, it was The World Remembers because Akk quietly apologised to them the last time he took their things - it was the most he could do.
Thua had no way of knowing. From his perspective, it was all still going.
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cowboymater · 4 months
"jason never wore pants as robin" WRONG he actually has a really silly-looking bright yellow winter costume that he shows up in One time ever. which is even funnier
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winepresswrath · 4 months
sudden yearning for time travelling teen jiang fengmian lands at lotus pier fic that winds up being about a perfectly nice kid having a varying series of "oh no. i don't like that. that's a lot" reactions.
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lunamond · 1 month
The disproportionate hate show!Criston gets is so bizarre. No argument I’ve seen his haters make sofar has made any sense to me.
He is outside of Mysaria the only siginficant lowborn character we meet. He rises up from the son of a steward of a minor house to the position of King‘s Guard thanks to Rhaenyra, who then pressures him into having sex with her, sth that could get him executed. Afterwards she not just rejects his proposal, but laughs in his face.
And when as a result of this experience Criston is shown to be emotional distraught and bitter, people call him an incel? (I assume that they refer to his ideology and not his actual status as a celibate, because not being celibate is literally what started this mess)
It really rubs me the wrong way, when people remove all context from this situation. A lower class person getting a well-off position from a person with authority, who they then end up having sex with is ALWAYS a relationship with a power imbalance (Obviously there are irl relationships like this, who work out and manage to be relatively healthy, but that doesn‘t remove the imbalance of power and the increased likelyhood of abuse).
We see Criston‘s reluctance when Rhaenyra makes her move. It does not matter if Criston was attracted to her or not. The simple fact that he is in a vunerable position makes him denying her a risk. It also does not matter that Rhaenyra had no malicious intentions, the simple fact that she ignores Criston‘s refusal and continues pressuring make this whole scene super uncomfortable. Her ignorance and naivety does not erase the impact of her actions.
Criston growing to hate her afterwards is perfectly justified.
As a man who grew up in Westerosi society, he inevitably holds misogynist beliefs, which is reflected in the insults he uses after this. But compared to the acts of every single character on this show, singling out his character is pretty ludicrous, when we have plenty of male (and female) characters who have done worse:
Like commiting SA (Viserys, Aegon), grooming young girls (Viserys again! I really hate this man, Daemon, Otto, Corlys and Rhaenys because telling your daughter she has to sleep with a grown man when she is 14 is pretty much the same thing Otto does to Alicent) and the only major crime Criston is guilty of sofar: murder (Daemon killed his wife and the servant in Driftmark, also he did large scale police violence which people love to forget about, Rhaenys killed potentially hundreds of smallfolk at the coronation)
Obviously, anybody is allowed to dislike whatever character they want, but a lot of people flatten Criston into just a misogynistic bitter incel who is just mad that Rhaenyra has sex, ignoring every bit of context we get for his behaviour.
This becomes escpecially weird, when those same people have no problem stanning Daemon, who calls his 1st wife a „bitch“, „uglier than sheep“ and then murders her, because he sees her as inferior as a none-valyrian. But Criston calling Rhaenyra, a person he feels personally wronged by, a „spoiled cunt“ is apparently a too far.
It is just really frustating when the character with the canonically lowest social standing gets afforded the least amount of nuance by the fandom (the writers are obvs not excempt from this criticism either).
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ievaxol · 1 year
*fandom blind meaning you either have never watched/read/played and/or only know broad strokes of the story
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francy-sketches · 11 months
Hiiiii guess who finished her pmv. finally. um enjoy :3
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
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he's simply one hell of a nanny yes yes
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narudoodles · 9 months
Update! A kind soul over on twitter let me know that there are pretty reliable AI art checkers online, that have been developed by people specialising in AI and machine learning!
An NYT article also talks about the pros and cons of a number of them.
I tested all the 3 free open access sites (Illuminarty, Optic AI or Not, Umm-Maybe) and only Illuminarty and Optic AI or Not gave consistent results on both art and photographs.
I'll put the links below so anyone can go and check for whichever art they want to (download the original images from tumblr posts, and upload them)
These are the results :
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Optic flagged it as AI immediately.
But Illuminarty had very interesting aspect : when I uploaded the full image, AI probability was 10%. but, on cropping out the bottom of the image (jacket) the probability jumped to 73.9%
This is consistent with my original comment on the art here
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My limited understanding of these programs indicate that they scan the entire image including all the individual pixels. AI programs like Stable Diffusion, Mid Journey, DallE all leave signal artifacts when they process an image, which is then left on the final pic generated!
Compare these two @/skykashi original arts, that are immediately flagged as human made.
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And now I get to my favourite AI art bro in the fandom @madasama! I commend you for admitting that you not only use AI, but are proud of producing a large number of "real" arts in such a short time!
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Here's your "art"s results!!
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@elhnrt made a far more detailed and organised post about this specific weirdo, feel free to check it out!
I will be using fandom tags on this particular post so that it has a broader reach. Especially for genuine digital artists and art lovers. Save the links, and always keep an eye out for AI, it's everywhere these days.
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gale-force-storm · 1 month
You know, I think my favorite thing about Gale's whole "watching you in battle makes me horny" scene is like. He's not wrong. A brush with danger does in fact increase one's desire for "other forms of stimulation". Studies have shown that being in situations that cause a rush of adrenaline, be that going on a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, walking across a swinging suspension bridge, or something else, increase feelings of attraction. It's literally a Known Thing that adventurous stuff is great to do on a date because it will most likely make you more into each other.
Idk, I just love that his come-on is not only extremely nerdy, but also scientifically accurate. Feels correct and I'm glad they did it lol
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blaiddraws · 1 year
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Part 2: 2
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OKAY so honestly i just added this bit because i wanted to draw Zisu.
ALSO posting this one Early As Well because zisu zunday
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king-krisu · 4 months
Haha hey guys remember when I said I'd make a post talking about slang and references and such in songs well I'm like halfway through and its over 600 words already so please prepare for long posts in this series lmao
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tiger-balm · 6 months
"oh the chapeau on the kid!"
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 10 days
relooking at this photo and i zoomed in on the watch. it’s set for 7:50 and judging by the lighting from the windows, it looks like this still is in the morning.
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eddie is wearing the red long sleeve henley here. he’s also wearing the red long sleeve henley in these stills:
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i think chris is going to leave with the parents in the morning, which could possibly mean that this happens in the beginning of the episode.
now i’m not quite too sure if chris will be totally gone after this point, considering we see the diaz parents while buck and eddie are dressed in their hospital outfits:
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however, if you zoom in on the watch in the still where eddie has his head in his hands ^, the watch looks like it says the same time 7:50 and the lighting looks the same
maybe same time, next day? maybe LA is just still super sunny at night?? no idea but i, personally, am scared.
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frankiebirds · 5 days
ough this interaction. also the fact that morgan is the one who calls hotch a drill sergeant in revelations and it's what hotch repeats to him here,,the implication that at least part of him was genuinely hurt by the team all naming what they thought was his worst quality. any reminder that hotch is human hits me in the gut. also hotch and morgan's dynamic... the begrudging respect that becomes admiration that becomes friendship. hhh.
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butdotheykiss · 1 year
the comments on the lack of subtitles for sign language in the same episode of heart's argument with his mom about her not learning sign language to communicate with him is so outstanding to me. like hey. the deaf & hoh community do not owe you anything.
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54625 · 18 days
On the outside I haha and joke but on the inside I have been crushed by two lorries driving towards me full speed
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