#it's fine he's fine it's like a video game see. you fail the level you just get a game over screen and try again
mamawasatesttube · 1 year
thinking about putting bart in a time loop...
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just-some-guy-joust · 12 days
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side B: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Professor Morelle Da Capo | She/her | @kira-moonrabbit
CW: The source, Lobotomy Corporation, has a large list of content warnings. This character by herself though is fine
Robotwoman who is famous for being dedicated. She works 24/7. Her hobbies include "logging everyone's opinions about her" and "standing still thinking about bicycles"
Mendel Warrenpeace | He/him | @bittersweetbonbon
CW: Transformation horror, isekai, lightning strikes
Mendel was just a normal guy, who happened to love Toontown: Corporate Clash *so* much that he played it nearly 24/7, maxing out all of his gags and disguises, even going so far as to become a beta tester for experimental VR haptic suits, just so he could be more immersed in the game. However, he was foolish enough to play the game in VR during the most intense lightning storm seen in his area, got struck by said lightning, and was isekaed into the game itself. Now trapped in the world he used to adore, at level one no less, he would do anything to get back home, up to and including re-beating the game, no matter how strenuous running around and throwing pies at robots is in "real life". Of course, beating the game isn't going to free him from Toontown's inky clutches, but we don't have to tell him that, right? Of course not.
Promos: He has a blog at mendelwarrenpeace.tumblr.com and a WIP toyhouse page at toyhou.se/26655994.mendel-warrenpeace
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Professor is a machine who was built to replace employees! Well, a prototype that failed that they put to work. Her robotic-ness serves not to reduce her Just-Some-Guyness, but rather to amplify it. She logs everything that happens to her. She loves to partake in tasks and objectives. However this does not mean she is an emotionless beep-boop, but instead she has the personality of a tired but kind old lady. The kind who has an endless supply of caramels in a bowl somewhere. However she has no idea how to form her own preferences. She's factory default in everything. Plain as water. She sees the hells of being in lobcorp as normal and natural. One time she went to another branch and was absolutely delighted by a "hang in there, baby!" poster as though it was the cutest thing she's ever seen.
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Mendel is, quite literally, so just some guy that I refuse to develop what he was like or what his name was pre-isekae, because his past is literally so generic and unimportant. He was NPC-core. He was nothingburger. His only friend is a 17-year-old who physically cannot stop themself from stealing things. Even now his only hobby is playing video games all day. He almost died a few days after being isekaed because he didn't want to leave his house. He's scared to walk around because he thinks the robots will shoot him point-blank just for being near them. I want to grab him and spin him around like that gif of a chimpanzee. He's even a furry.
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strawberrybabydog · 4 months
for me, some level of trauma related to being the least-favourite child is directly related to playing videogames and boredom
growing up my younger sister got handed the SNES controller and i didnt. she played with my parents and by herself and i watched but didnt play. sometimes this was because i wasnt allowed and other times i thought it was a choice, even though, my choice was because i didnt know how to play and if i asked my mom would have said "really? you want me to start a whole new save file JUST for you?" and i would have quietly said nevermind, and remembered not to ask ever again
when we got a wii, for my sister's birthday she got 2 wii games. for my birthday i got decorations even though i was too young to understand what a decoration is and i just tried playing with them (emphasis on try). sometimes i would come home from school and my sister would have a random gift (something i never got) - another wii game! because it was on sale at blockbuster, and oh sorry Luna, we didnt get anything for you because they didnt have anything you would like.
by the end of our wii, i had 1 wii game that was mine - i chose whenever i wanted to play it, for how long, and if anyone else wanted to play it they had to ask. that was the rules, because it was mine. my younger sister has 11 wii games.
when i was in middle school, i was not allowed to get a better (real) console. it was too expensive. plus, we have the wii, it works perfectly fine, just play on that. m...my one game? that i've been playing since i was 9? that i've 100%'d 5 times? yes.
when i was in highschool i wasnt allowed to have money, especially not to spend online. "luckily" i met an internet friend who was a hacker and sold what he claimed to be abandoned steam accounts. he gave me one for free. i played stardew valley and oblivion religiously, because my laptop was built in 2010 and could barely handle the lowest graphics settings of a game several years older than it. it ended up getting double-hacked so after a year of using it, i once again had no more videogames
now im an adult and i just... cant play videogames. basically none of them. after abut 30 minutes of playing i get so anxious that i have to stop. i havent played stardew valley in about 2 years, my favourite game of all time that i used to stay up until 8am playing.
the game loads, and im anxious because i forget the controls. i walk up to an npc and get anxious because if i dont pick the perfect dialogue tree, im failing myself by not being perfect, so i'll pause the game and go on my phone for 10 minutes to find the answer (i HATE doing this.) i approach a puzzle and im anxious because what if im not smart enough to solve it and i fail again? i need to check if anyone's in the room with me now because if anyone is watching me play they'll know i'm a failure too so i should stop playing. but, videogames are communal (they must be,) i have only ever experienced playing them with someone else there (watching sibling/parents play, watching youtube letsplays) but if someone else sees me fail i'm the worst person ever. and i mean, realistically, how do you even play a videogame for more than 1 hour? how do focus on 1 thing for that long? sounds fake to me
but... i want to play videogames. i know they're experiences. and i want to have experiences. especially because as a disabled person my only other option is youtube. so if i'm not playing videogames, i'm bored out of my skull laying in bed, doing nothing, staring at my youtube screen watching the exact same video essay for the 6th or 7th time this week because the algorythm's only other choice is "perfect damascus steel knife blade DIY"
other than youtube, what am i supposed to do? i cant play videogames - i'm not perfect at them, i cant focus, and i just dont deserve them. there is nothing else.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 27
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “The world will look up and shout, ‘Save us!’ And I’ll whisper, ‘No.’”
Number 27 is…Rorschach, from Watchmen.
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A lot of you are probably surprised to see a character as iconic as Rorschach – arguably the most famous character from one of the greatest graphic novels of all time, “The Watchmen” – so low in the ranks. Well, trust me, as iconic as Rorschach is, there’s a good reason I place him where I do, but we’ll get to that in a bit. For now, let’s focus on the character himself.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock nowhere near a book-and/or-magazine-vendor since the mid-80s, then the chances are good you’ve at least heard of “The Watchmen.” This was the arguable masterpiece of English comic book writer Alan Moore. This man is something of a strange legend in the world of comics, responsible for such titles as “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” “V for Vendetta,” and “From Hell,” as well as being the author of “Batman: The Killing Joke.” However, many agree that when you hear his name, “Watchmen” is the first of his works that seems to come to mind. This graphic novel was a hyper-dark deconstruction of the superhero genre as a whole, and set the groundwork for a lot of comic book stories that would come after it. The idea of “superhero deconstruction” has sort of become a sub-genre within itself, to be honest, and while parody and satire of the genre did exist long before Moore whipped up this piece, “Watchmen” is almost universally agreed to be the place where the idea of taking superhero fiction and giving it a psychological and sociological bend, and showing that superpowered beings in the world aren’t necessarily the end of all problems, became REALLY popular.
The main protagonist of “Watchmen” (at least ostensibly) is Rorschach. Most of the characters in Moore’s book were based on pre-existing comic book characters, sort of blending original elements with older concepts to create recognizable figures and play off of established tropes. Rorschach is sort of a conglomeration of Batman, the Shadow, the Question, and a much lesser-known character called Mr. A. The story of the graphic novel focuses on Rorschach – real name Walter Kovacs – trying to solve the murder of his former superhero teammate, the Comedian. The adventure grows increasingly more bizarre (and thoroughly messed-up on MANY levels) as Rorschach uncovers a vast conspiracy and plots to commit mass slaughter, leading to many of the former Watchmen banding together again to try and figure out how to stop the chaos. Without going into too much detail, for those who don’t know already…yeah, it doesn’t exactly go how Rorschach – or, indeed, anybody – really planned. Rorschach is a fine sleuth, and the visual design of him – a noir-style detective’s getup combined with a bizarre, shifting inkblot mask – is certainly one of the most striking in all of comics, many would argue. However, what truly stands out about Rorschach is his philosophical viewpoint: Moore created Rorschach as a sort of satire on the strict objectivist policies many of the characters I mentioned earlier notoriously had. These were characters who seemed to see the world in a strictly black-and-white perspective, where good is good, bad is bad, and there’s basically no gray moral ground in-between. He does what he feels is right based on this ideal, but the problem is…that’s a REALLY hard ideal to put into practice in the real world without seeming like a complete idiot or semi-psychopathic. Rorschach’s steadfast nature, his determination to stick to his ideology, is both his greatest asset and his greatest failing: it’s an asset because it’s what allows him to get through as far as he does and keep focused on the case at hand. But it’s his greatest failing because his inability to cope with the gray area, and reason out anything beyond his basic, fundamental viewpoint, leads to a lot of personal problems, and ultimately to his own downfall. This is actually why Rorschach ranks as low as he does. To put things in the simplest terms possible: while I love the deconstruction and homages present in Watchmen, I feel like I prefer other takes on these concepts more, and I also prefer some of the characters that inspired Rorschach over the Watchmen's chief sleuth himself. Still, he's more than worthy of placement in the Top 31: when I think of comic book detectives, he's one of the first I imagine.
Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 26!
CLUE: “Truth brings closure.”
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starg1rlie · 1 year
if ur fine with it 💍w/scara? my personality is pretty meh imo, im mostly extroverted and very talkative. if i’m honest i’m pretty ambitious with a lot of things and i’m very self disciplined according to my close relatives and friends. also i’m pretty confident in myself but not overly confident to the point i’ll start doing the most stupidest things. i also believe im well organized so i’ll freak tf out if everything is a mess (one time i had a mental breakdown bc i forgot to clean my room before going to school). also i’m pretty rude on a surface level, since i unintentionally insult people right in front of them. though with closer friends im very gentle n kind with them, i’ll show a lot of affection to them even in public. that’s mostly it so now moving to the hobby parts, personally i don’t think i have one? since mostly i’m studying, but if i do have free time i’ll either make plans with friends or play video games. i do have a little talent for the piano, i’m pretty mid at it but i can play a few songs. mostly i don’t have time to explore hobbies since i have extracurricular activities and studying💔 + some stuff wit my personality i forgot to add. whenever i pursue something i’m definitely not gonna take any break until i’m close to achieving it :)
(mb if i didn't pay much attention to your personality traits/hobbies, i was simply busy thinking of little things the two of you would do. i hope i incorporated enough to satisfy you, and make up for how long it took me to push out this post...)
pushing him in a shopping cart
at first, he protests. a lot. but he’ll get into the cart eventually, only because you’d bug him for the next week or so if he didn't. lowkey has to hold onto the side of the cart because you’re definitely going to go zooming down the aisles. he’s the one who grabs the stuff while you’re just having the time of your life. y’all get called out by the employees later but it was worth it :)
helping him paint his nails black bc he's going thru an emo phase
scaramouche does not see the appeal of bright colors. he himself prefers black, white, and grey, which are all simple and monotonous colors. like him/j. which is probably why his wardrobe looks like it went through the black and white snapchat filter. he even paints his nails black, or, well, attempts to. his adoptive little sister, qiqi, paints her nails black as well, because she wants to be like gege too. you end up painting both of their nails some of the time, and then yall post pics of you guys flaunting your nails like "don't mess with the emo bitches."
holding hands on the bus together
since your school is far, and most definitely not walking-distance, your friendly little neighbor (yall live in the same neighborhood) and you end up walking and waiting at the bus stop quite often, unless scaramouche's mom isn't too occupied with her girlfriend to drive him to school. you'll purposely sit next to him, just to piss him off, which works, but he'll take your hand in his anyways. if you breathe a word about it to anyone, though, he'll murder you.
cooking/baking (burning the house down) and failing miserably at it
he takes after his mum (ei), so i wouldn't suggest letting this emo boy within six feet of a stove or oven. of course, you ddin't know how bad it was until the two of you attempted to bake a birthday cake for his sister, qiqi. everything was going smoothly (minus the eggshells in the cake batter) until someone forgot to look after the oven. the cake (obviously) was ruined, burned black and was as hard as a brick. still, you had to make do with what you had, and scaramouche did some pretty decent icing work, even though qiqi refused to eat it, saying it'd break her teeth. another time, the two of you attempted to make a simple stir-fry, and apparently, scaramouche didn't understand that you had to stir slowly and carefully so that the food inside wouldn't spill out...you two ended up cleaning cabbage and chicken off of the stove for the rest of the night.
babysitting his (adoptive) sister qiqi
since ei is often busy at work and with her new girlfriend (pretty woman, her name's yae miko), scaramouche often finds himself looking after qiqi on his own. she doesn't really bug him while he's doing his homework, thankfully, but he does feel a tiny bit bad about leaving her with nothing to do. that's your cue. he'd call you to come over, and the two of you will probably just watch movies, play sorry or monopoly (scaramouche always seems to get bumped back or in jail), and stuff your faces with the chocolate ice cream in the fridge, even though ei specifically said no chocolate for qiqi. but rules were meant to be broken, no? and besides, he had to spoil his little sister some of the time, didn't he?
neat. 👏 freak. 👏 couple.
i swear, yall are a couple of fucking neat freaks (no offense). there ain't a spick of dust or a single pencil out of place in your guys' rooms and it CREEPS. ME. OUT. ahem, anyways. if your room (or his) ended up becoming dirty (which would probably never really happen to you, more on his side anyways), he'd probably help clean it up, but its mostly just you two vibing to the spotify playlist he set up.
he'll listen to you play the piano
whenever he's not busy, he'll pull up a seat next to you and just, quietly watch you play. he never comments about it, but if qiqi is in the same room, she'll clap her hands together slowly. she's actually quite fond of your piano music, and will probably ask you to teach 'gege' so he can teach her.
ngl, you probably insulted him
i'm not even gonna mince words here. you probably insulted him on his first day at your school. "damn, what happened to your horomones?" he glared at you and said that not all guys got the best of the gene pool. your day-to-day interactions with him at school has probably been mostly just you talking down on him and him just shooting insults right back at you 💀
he has to deal with you overworking yourself
he'll find you, laid out on your table, with exam papers spread out under your arms, snoring like a beast (no offense if you don't snore like that, or you don't snore at all-) and will gently place a blanket over you, along with a chaste forehead kiss. "the only reason you get better grades than me is because you overwork yourself so much," he'll murmur under his breath as he quickly finishes off whatever project or homework assignment you'd been working on.
matching bunny hats (yk, the ones w/the floppy ears <33)
he finds them ridiculous at first, but qiqi grew fond of them, and eventually, she was able to get him onboard about it. of course, you have to take a few (a lot of) photos, and even post a cute lil' couples tiktok of the two of you guys' ears flopping up in sync <33
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noroi1000 · 2 years
oh sorry fail, I meant jujutsu not stranger things, my bad 😅
a/n: I am sending your jjk matchup in this message. Hope it's not bad (•ᴗ•)
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
Yuji Itadori
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He is always full of energy and joy. He loves to smile and make others smile as well. It is also something that makes him even happier.
He often talks to his friends and hates having this unpleasant silence between them. He then feels so rejected and lonely. Even if there are more people next to him. Silence is something he cannot stand in the company of people close to him. He doesn't want to feel bad and Different.
He prefers to feel this warmth when he watches everyone talking and smiling.
He jokes and behaves differently in the company of his friends. He can make even the biggest fool of himself in the group, but it's important that his jokes will make everyone laugh. Most of them, at least.
He is also assertive and can firmly refuse someone. But he tries not to do so. He only refuses to help someone if they know that what they are trying to do is bad.
He's often laid back at the right times, sometimes even too much. When he feels comfortable, you can do whatever you want with him and he will not pay attention to it. If you don't try to kill him, it'll be fine. He just lowers his guard then.
He likes to compete. A short competition, a game, it all has competition to it, and it makes it interesting.
Discovering something new and trips are a nice change for him. Also, no one can always predict what he will do or what he will want to do. And even if he does, he'll try to hide it and say that's not what he meant.
His thoughts and gestures are mostly focused on becoming friendly as well as concealing that he will be sorry. Rarely can take offense. He doesn't seem like a kind of rejecting person, but he will if he doesn't feel well. He doesn't want to hurt anyone or transfer his negative emotions to someone else.
Can quickly notice a change in mood.
You can't keep up with this boy's childish energy. He has infinite energy within himself to do all of these.
• Video game tournaments or whatever. Short sparring and runs. Racing. He finds himself in everything and he would never be able to say no to you if you ask him. Unfortunately, when it comes to physical challenges, he would have to give you a bit of a head start. First, he would not like to hurt you if he kept winning, and second, he is afraid of hurting you. He just sets his body to a level that suits yours. Then you have equal chances. He just wants you to understand that he can't do his best while fighting with you. He would certainly hurt you and he would not forgive himself for that. He knows well that his strength is supernatural (he doesn't want to brag about it) and accidents happen. Maybe even with tears in his eyes when he hugs you, saying that he is apologizing to you, but he can't be serious. He wants you to understand this.
• If not adrenaline through competitions and getting mad and laughing, this is something calmer. You won't find a better person to talk to. He will listen to you, and then he can say something himself. Talk to him about any dream you want. Every word you say is taken seriously, and he won't laugh at anything. On the contrary, he will admire your every word. word From very deep dreams that you think about every day to make them come true, to small dreams and desires that you can realize right away. If you told him about the dream to find the love you will have for the rest of your life, he will reply that he has the same dream. And out of love for you, he is unable to give up.
• He is calmed to see you when you are calm and happy. He feels his heart ache when you are sad. He feels like he let you down when you're furious. All his emotions are somehow related to you.
• Each journey with him will be carefully remembered. Not only in your memory, but also because he likes taking pictures. It has a memento of unforgettable adventures and your happiness. Every crazy moment is nice to see.
• He was glad you could befriend Kugisaki. He believes that this friendship can last a long time. After all, you are interested in similar things. Taking care of your appearance, changing into brand new clothes, and creating the perfect make-up. Yuji can only judge what you look like and cannot say that something is wrong. First, Kugisaki can kill him for saying that something looks bad on you, but he can't really say it because he thinks you look good at everything. He will tell everyone this outright as a friend. But as your boyfriend, he might be too embarrassed to say it.
(Kugisaki keeps telling him that he doesn't deserve a girl like you because you are too great and he is too stupid. He doesn't care about her because he knows that she can envy him that he found a girlfriend faster than she has a boyfriend.)
• He is able to guess your mood at any moment. If it has deteriorated, he goes to help with his hug, words of affirmation, as well as comfort and security.
• Even though it may seem a bit problematic in terms of his performance of his duties, he is very gripped and will put everything in its place. He will even help you. He learned everything while living only with his grandfather.
"Don't be afraid, we don't have to go to the mountains to climb there. I know you're afraid of heights. I do not force you. You are very brave. Don't worry about it. I love you so much. You are the greatest. *Hugs you* Shall I get you out with Kugisaki? It'll be nicer."
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meerkatpunk · 2 years
book recs
books - short stories ( you are here! ) - articles - movies - research papers - video games - poems - fic - misc 
short stories
White Lines on a Green Field  Cat M. Valente (2011) Some of us, after a long night of vodka tonics and pretending there was anything else to talk about, get into it. How Mr. Bollard was never the same and ended up hanging himself in a hotel room after almost a decade of straight losses. How they all dragged themselves home and suddenly had parents again, the furious kind, and failed SATs and livers like punching bags. No one went down to the lake anymore and Bobby Zhao went to college out of state and isn’t he on some team out east now? Yeah. Yeah. But his father lost the restaurants and now the southland has no king. The gym ceiling caved in after the rains and killed a kid. And most of them could just never understand why their essays used to just be perfect and they never had hangovers and they looked amazing all the time and sex was so easy that year but never since, no matter how much shit went up their nose or how they cheated and fought and drank because they didn’t mean it like they had back then. The lake went dry and the scoreboard went dark. Coyote leaves a hole when he goes. He danced on this town til it broke. That’s the trick, and everyone falls for it.
How to Get Back to the Forest Sofia Samatar (2014) She gestured earnestly at her chest. She had this old-fashioned cotton nightgown on, lace collar brilliant under the bathroom lights. Above the collar, her skin looked gray. Cee had bones like a bird. She was so beautiful. She was completely beautiful and fucked. I mean everybody at camp was sort of a mess, we were even supposed to be that way, at a difficult stage, but Cee took it to another level. Herding us into the bathroom at night and asking us to puke. “It’s right here,” she said, tapping the nightgown over her hollow chest. “Where you’ve got less nerves in your esophagus. It’s like wired into the side, into the muscle. You have to puke really hard to get it.”
The Frog and the Scorpion @sadoeuphemist (2020) A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. The frog agreed, but no sooner than they were halfway across the scorpion stung the frog, and they both began to thrash and drown.
I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter  Isabell Fall (2020)  When I was a woman I wanted to be good at woman. I wanted to darken my eyes and strut in heels. I wanted to laugh from my throat when I was pleased, laugh so low that women would shiver in contentment down the block. And at the same time I resented it all. I wanted to be sharper, stronger, a new-made thing, exquisite and formidable. Did I want that because I was taught to hate being a woman? Or because I hated being taught anything at all? Now I am jointed inside. Now I am geared and shafted, I am a being of opposing torques. The noise I make is canceled by decibel killers so I am no louder than a woman laughing through two walls.
Drive Your Fucking Classic Car Maggie Stiefvater (2016)  Did it matter that Corvette there had 425 horsepower at 6400 rpm if it never moved? Did it matter if it ran perfectly because it had low mileage if the engine never got to turn over? Was it thrilling enough to know its potential? Here’s the thing about Steve: he’s an artist. He was good. Pretty damn good, actually. It was a bit of a mind-fuck, really, to be looking at Steve, and seeing him both as Steve, perfectly fine car salesman, but to know now that there was also Steve, much better painter. He was standing there with all that unused potential in him, and instead of screaming through life with paint smeared on his arms as he drove his Porsches out of Long Island at 2 in the morning, he was plugged into the wall of a luxury car storage facility next to all the other assets that never got to do what they were made for, either.
The Mania Speaks Jeanann Verlee (2015)  I gifted you the will of gunpowder, a matchstick tongue, and all you managed was a shredded sweater and a police warning
all links go to the internet archive to fight link rot and paywalling
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
ACCIDENTAL KISS WIRH BLUE BURB BOY PLEASE?! Sorry, I am so hype to read your drabbles. I need some cuteness in my life today. /gen. ~@nikkzships
Oh ho HO sounds like a fun creative challenge 👀 (also that means so much aaaa ty sm 😭)
7. accidental
The day was bright and shining, birds were singing and flowers were blooming. A small monster girl with a mushroom cap was practically floating down the sidewalk. Noelle, the sweet girl she is, helped organize a little hangout between her, Palette, and Berdly. Noelle even said she'd run a little "late" to give them some alone time. Palette nearly hugged the life out of her!
It was down by the river, and they all were supposed to bring their Swatches to play some multiplayer games. Palette had a small bag, said Swatch inside along with some of her games. They looked up at the beautiful trees and clouds, a big ol dopey smile on her face. Today was going to be fantastic!
She finally made it to the river, the nerdy blue bird himself already sitting near the edge and watching the water.
"Berdly! Hi!" She called out, catching his attention.
"Ah, my pal, nice to see that you you've arrived!" Berdly smiled, smug as usual. The little mushroom quickly jogged over and placed her bag a safe distance from the lake before sitting semi close to him. "Noelle informed me that she'll sadly be late, but luckily I am here to entertain." He proudly boasted, hand on his chest. She giggled a bit, something that briefly made his heart skip a beat.
"Well, I'm happy to send time with you." She smiled, slight blush creeping up on her cheeks. Well, that was some slight unexpected kindness. Berdly quickly shook the weird feeling off and grabbed his own bag.
"And you'll be even more happy once you see what I have riiiight here!" He brought out a video game with a flashy cover, making Palette gasp.
"You got HareWare Switch it up?!" Her eyes sparkled as she flapped her hands, stimming in excitement.
"Yup! Good grades continue to reward you." His smug smile grew, glad he could insert his smartness in the conversation.
"Yeah they do!" She scooted up closer. "Can I watch you play? Just for a bit?" She begged. Berdly thought about it for a moment, he didn't particularly like the idea of leaving Noelle out. But her big grin and shining eyes...how could he say no to them?
"Why of course! I might even be generous enough to give you a turn." She clapped happily, making a cute squealing noise. A genuine smile took over his face, until the smug look he tended to have. He took out the game from it's case and put it in his Swatch, Palette scooting even closer until their sides were touching. The bird's feathers fluffed up, but he lightly shook it off before finally booting up the videogame.
A good couple minutes has passed, neither of them really knew how long. Palette was just enamored, watching the game intently while Berdly focused on doing his best, aiming to impress. Between the sounds from the videogame, the splashing river, and the occasional gust of wind on the warm day, it was very, very calming.
So was his heart beating so fast?!
Accidentally, he had lost his last life, the level ending.
"Aw, you were so close too!" Palette pouted, looking up at the bird.
"W-well it won't be hard to get back where I was-" Berdly had turned to face Palette, unknowingly closer than intended.
His beak was now right against her lips. Not exactly a kiss, but oh my god their lips were still touching holy crap holy crap-
They both immediately flew back onto the grass as if physically shocked, bright red blush overtaking both their faces.
"D-did we just?!" Palette's face covered her cheeks.
"Uh, Maybe?! I don't know?!?!" His feathered hands gently touched his beak, his heart now so loud he could practically hear it in his ears.
"I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean- Oh gosh no I-"
"You're fine you're fine! You're okay it was fine! I-I mean-!" Crap, words were failing him now. Curses!
"Sorry for being late, I'm here!" Noelle called out, smiling for a moment before she noticed both of her friends, red faced and wide eyed.
"Uh...Did I miss something?"
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linuxlife · 2 months
Linux Life Episode 85
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Hello everyone and welcome back to Linux Life, my ever ongoing muddling journey with Linux.
So since we last spoke I have installed Proton and Path of Exile is working fine.
Once again it used to have problems with KDE 5 Wayland but works quite happily with KDE 6 Wayland version. Which is a good thing I even tested it with the new league Necropolis expansion and it works incredibly well.
I admit I am not a huge player of games so I will eventually get around to trying other games but for now I am happy that it works.
I have however found an issue with the Cairo Dock Wayland test. The only way to add shortcuts now is to create a desktop shortcut and drag it to the dock. Previously you could drag from the KDE menu but that stopped working with the new plug-ins update.
It still can not offset the dock like the X11 version but in time I am sure they will crack it.
Screen capture can now be done using the KDE Spectacle app for the moment. Shutter has been got working with Wayland for Ubuntu but is only available a Deb file. Unfortunately he hasn’t got it working with Arch or I would go back to Shutter which is my preferred tool.
I did try a DebTap conversion but it failed to convert got stuck in a script loop. I have no idea if he intends to make an Arch version.
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Also managed to get OpenRCT 2.0 working using the GOG version of Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. It’s not a game I play a lot but it is works after installation of a tool called innoextract. Not my position to question why but it worked.
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I have also been playing with a few emulators. I am now running the latest version of VICE to emulate a C64. Installed and works fine had to make a few tweaks to setup to get joysticks emulated correctly but it works.
I just wish I knew more C64 games worth playing. Tried Kikstart 2, Uridium, Uridium Plus and BoulderDash. I have documented my life of upset with Commodore 64s in my other blogs and won’t make you suffer having to read about them again.
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Also playing with Atari800 emulator. Once again my knowledge of good games is limited I have tried Boulder Dash and Jet Boot Jack but they were the only two games I ever tried. I did try some demos from the Atari 8-bit Tosec with varying levels of success. However I do have the Tosec from archive.org so I will obviously test more games in time.
I have installed OpenMSX and fMSX and the Tosecs but to be honest I am yet to try anything running as BIOS roms need putting in specific locations which sounds like a lot of work.
If anyone has any gaming recommendations on the above emulators or PC games then drop a comment in the Facebook group.
I am now working with an iPhone to connect Linux to the internet. Took a bit of a fight but it’s working. KDE can even mount the iPhone to allow file transfer.
I copied some MP3s across and can be accessed on the iPhone using VLC
If I can do things like that then I can probably copy videos made using the iPhone camera back to the Dell and edit them using KDEnlive. As of yet that’s a future project but could be an interesting idea.
Also want to install Ardour to see if it works with Pipewire and see if podcasting is possible. May even try and see if I can get some VSTs working.
So have plenty of things to attempt when we next speak. Hopefully it will be successful but may equally may break things horrifically.
We shall see.. until next time. Take care...
0 notes
unearthlytwilight · 8 months
so... 20E complete!
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spoilers: he was hit and also did not crit. this run is surprising and not always in a good way
Liveblogged thoughts (long, lots of swears and images, one video) below:
Huh. I guess Nils just gave Ninian a power-up. Sure, that can happen.
cute that she has Ninis' Grace equipped. I remember getting that back aaaaall the way back in 7x.
also, remember that that chapter boss was so scared of failing those assassins that he took poison after he died? feel like that might be relevant soon
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Eliwood really letting her help because he wants her to feel better. what a guy
hot damn, a Restore staff! also the lady getting mad that it's the middle of the night is funny
I forgot there were wyvern riders this map. the poison was annoying
the enemy monks suck. not sure if that's just light magic being bad or enemy quality but :/. also I forgot this game had enemy monks. Black Fang enemy monks at that! that's relevant to a magic system lore tidbit
Ninian got a level! didn't catch a screengrab but it was all the stats she can get I think so. yay
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Fiora also got a level! at least she's getting strength (Florina callout post)
FUCK Oleg moves. he missed though so it's fine
stole his Hero Crest. maybe take some dodging lessons here, Eliwood, I have it on good authority Canas loves teaching
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I know it's just because of the blinking but. the smug in this image. Eliwood clowning on Hector will never not be funny. friendship goals
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oh look it's Eliwood acting out of noblesse oblige rather than simple niceness again. it's almost like it's an integral part of his character
*item get sound* Isadora get! because the game apparently thinks I need 5 cavaliers. I do not
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not gonna use you, Isadora, but you make some good points. also you're pretty
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still really like [Mark]'s integration into the story. they're a presence and acknowledged but they're not the focus. unlike some more recent games *cough Fates and Engage cough*
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not a lot to say here. just good power of friendship stuff
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man, I understand that you're trying to to be nice but... your father literally died in your arms very recently. please stop apologizing it's uncomfortable
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yeah! power of friendship. it's executed pretty well here.
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this plot decision is... confusing. the main villain sits around twiddling his thumbs while the Black Fang plotline happens. we already know his motives, but he doesn't get to act on them for quite some time because reasons. on the other hand, it's nice to see an FE dad actually accomplish something with his death
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...I'll go into how this is handled later. suffice to say I have issues with it but not the usual ones.
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a miniboss squad, you say? fun times! anyway, off she goes to do crimes
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this becomes 20 times funnier when you consider later revelations about Sonia. that's all I'll say for now.
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and so Limstella valiantly journeys offscreen to murder important people. iirc they aren't relevant for a while so. that's happening
next time: stat snapshots! 21E has lots of plot, so while that's happening you all can look at what horrors level-up RNG has wrought on the blorbos
0 notes
nightcoremoon · 2 years
I restarted S&S from the beginning after watching a dozen “what you need to know before playing salt & sanctuary” videos (particularly submergedlemon’s; I really love that guy’s videos) because jesus christ this game is the most cryptic pile of bad design elements I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. it turns out I just played it wrong. it’s funny how that works out.
so my first run I did a knight and just bought spheres on the way to the estus shards (oh yeah fuck off that’s what I’m calling them because this game wants to be fucking dark souls SOOOO BAD) thinking I’ll figure out what my “build” will be later (because I think the concept of set character builds to be fucking stupid in souls games and always play jack of all trade characters because tbh you don’t need an extra ten points of damage per hit except to make a boss maybe 1 minute faster if you actually just learn the boss’s attacks) and just trying to get a feel for the horrible controls. I gave up on that immediately and just set my controls to bloodborne because good god is the default S&S control scheme horrific. I run up to the first boss sodden knight and encounter the same issues I had with blasphemous as far as the boss design went. it fucking sucks. the hitboxes are nonsensical, timings random, and if you get bad RNG he just shoves your ass in the gym locker and then he steals your lunch money. I EVENTUALLY figured out the frame data and chipped away at his health (why did the devs make you do like 0 damage on your first hit? correct answer, because they are not a AAA studio like namco bandai and don’t know as much about the industry, but they’re two guys so it’s fine. I eventually beat him and then the next three areas available are all brick-to-the-face “fuck you” levels. I’m like ok fuck this shit WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??? I am playing this EXACTLY like it’s dark souls. big armor, big shield, slow and steady, giant fucking sword, fred durst (rollin’) when I can and block it when I can’t, I’m even trying to fucking parry (which isn’t fun without a gun).
as it turns out, my biggest mistake in approaching this shameless dark souls clone was treating it like it was a dark souls clone. as it turns out, leveling actually does stuff??? and also as it turns out, not seeing enemy HP bars makes the experience completely terrible. and also as it turns out, you have to grind. see, dark souls and its contemporaries were built without grinding in mind. the real EXP was the mistakes you made along the way that shaped you into being a better player. this is not like that. it was built expressly to say “hey, you must be at least X level to beat this boss”. like it’s world of fucking warcraft. you have to kill boars 18 hours a day 3 months straight for 2xp each just to stand a chance of surviving longer than sixty seconds against jenkins the PKr. sorry I mean the red eye knight. sorry I mean the black knight. sorry I mean the heide knight. sorry I mean the lothric knight. sorry-
so when I realized it is not dark souls- rather, it is a game that tries and fails to emulate dark souls except on the most base superficial level- and realized that no actually it is a classic style JRPG (actually no that gives it way too much credit, it’s FUCKING POKEMON)- I said fuck this I am restarting fresh. because that is an actual piece of advice from the videos. the game rewards you starting over with new fresh knowledge. this game is breath of fire: dragon quarter but 2D and people have actually heard of it. this game is the resident evil 3 remake but it is longer than 2 hours. this game is a grind that says “aw you spent 3 hours leveling up? FUCK YOU START OVER AGAIN BECAUSE YOU NEVER UNDERSTOOD CREEDS BECAUSE WE NEVER EXPLAINED IT, MUAHAHAHA!!!”
anyway on my new one I went paladin and rushed into miracles and pistols. I actually used my statues. and I bought all the shit from merchants I needed and/or wanted. the lantern charm for the dark areas (it didn’t fucking work because it was Advanced Darkness™️ rip), the bless weapon with holy miracle, I upgraded my mace with the lock of hair I got from a random drop (god how much do I hate random drops), I stripped naked since armor just makes you slow, I long jumped because this game is a buggy disaster, I two-handed, I grinded for a goddamn hour (for gold; to get salt I just did item duping because fuck games that force you to grind for exp, it’s a stupid waste of time, and I WILL cheat to get it any way I can because all you’re saving is time). I got used to the controls. and when my gold and salt were both double rather than triple digits, I finally went up to the boss. all right, here we go. this is gonna be rough but I’m ready to learn your moves and hopefully not die. mace, ready! blessed weapon, ready! alright sodden knights, LET’S THROW THE FUCK DOwhy are you dead in six hits wtf.
I literally hit him once and like a quarter of his HP was gone. morning star +1 and base level scaling of blessed weapon. I hit him twice and he was already phase two. I hit him two more times before he could swing. and then he was dead. fucking immediately. because I just so happened to upgrade my weapon ONCE and grinded to get a spell that boosts my damage SLIGHTLY. I killed him in the amount of effort it takes to melt cotton candy with your tongue. sodapoppin struggled against him for hours and I flicked him away like a shield bug in autumn. and sodapoppin is really fucking good at video games ok he earned all of those people who watch him every day. but all I did was use the simple tools available to me in the area and BE KIND OF LUCKY. oh boy luck is my least favorite fucking stat in any video game ever when it’s not an actual stat. the dude melted because I grinded just a bit too much. people say it’s bad design in dark souls 2, but S&S OH IT’S PERFECT. even tho u don’t need to level adp in ds2 at all, just delay your roll by 3 frames which is a tenth of a second. you filthy fucking casual.
anyway I’m really irritated with this game. it tricked me with soulsian aesthetics and piss poor marketing and a fanbase that doesn’t understand basic game design.
I’m still gonna play it because my goddamn pc won’t run elden ring, I beat all I wanted to beat in bloodborne px, and every other soulslike I own is either too bad to play or I want to stream it. I need to play something mindless to keep my fingers busy while I watch internet videos. yes, soulslikes are my fidget spinner. I play them without focusing on them. I ain’t no fuckin scrub.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
🌿| HELP this is so nasty but enjoy
🐢| pov u give kurapika head while he's playing a game over vc with his friends
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"Come on, guys... I have no idea how to play this."
"That's what we're here for, silly!"
"Wait- we are? I thought we were here to take advantage of the fact that Kurapika has no clue how to play this game."
After being dismissed early from work due to reasons Mr. Nostrade did not disclose, Kurapika was home early- and you were thrilled that he'd actually returned home on the same day he'd left. And of course, the extra time meant playing games over audio call with Gon, Killua, and Leorio, which you were quite content to watch- you loved Kurapika, but watching him struggle through a mere video game would never fail to amuse you.
"Come on, Kurapika, it'll be fun!" Leorio enthused over Kurapika's headphones. Then, muttering under his breath: "Finally, something I'm better than you at..."
Kurapika was about to retort, his cheeks flushed a bright red, but was cut off by the garbled yet cheerful voice of Gon. "Hey, is Y/N there? Does she wanna play?"
Kurapika turned around from his small TV screen to smile at you. "Yes, she's here- and I think she'll sit this one out."
"Ugh, she never wants to play," Killua grumbled discontentedly, and you could practically see the white-haired assassin's arms folded across his chest with a pouty expression. "Kurapika, tell Y/N to stop being a drag."
"I can hear you just fine, Killua," you retorted, rolling your eyes at the young boy's dramatics. Kurapika chuckled a little nervously. "It's not that big a deal, Killua- here, let's just get the game started." He adjusted his headset to bring the microphone closer to his lips.
"Cool!" Gon exclaimed gleefully. "Okay, Kurapika- so first you wanna set up your avatar! Just click the bright blue button that says 'Edit Profile´ in the upper right corner of the screen..."
"Okay..." Kurapika's eyes roamed his screen until he located the button, smiling a bit as he clicked on it. "Right, got it."
Now Killua chimed in. "Okay, you should see the option to 'customize avatar-' now you can make your character look like whatever you want. So- make it look like me."
"Killua!" both Leorio and Gon groaned in unison, and you could practically see Killua's smug catlike expression over the connection.
"Well, obviously I'm the best choice. If you wanna intimidate opponents, especially when you're a newbie like Kurapika, you wanna look like someone intimidating. Duh."
Kurapika laughed, and the sound made you smile. You hadn't heard it in a while, and you were glad to see him smiling again, at least for now.
"Thanks, Killua- but I think I'll just go ahead and customize my avatar my own way."
"Suit yourself- but don't be surprised when I totally kick all of your butts because nobody has the guts to attack me."
"Don't be so sure, Killua- I've got some high scores in this game myself, ya know," Leorio retorted, sounding confident.
"Yeah, but you're like, old enough to have made this game yourself."
"Why, you- I am not that old and you know it!" Leorio seethed.
"Okay, okay, guys, chill out!" Gon interrupted the two combatants, laughing nervously. "Hey- nice avatar, Kurapika! It looks just like you!"
"Ha- thanks, Gon- Y/N?"
While he had been creating his avatar, you'd slipped under his desk, not at all interested in the game Kurapika and his friends were about to play. You'd decided to come up with a little activity of your own- between you and your partner only.
Kurapika quickly brought a hand to his microphone to cover it up before directing his perplexed gaze towards you, sitting on your knees, nose level with his thighs. "Y/N, what are you doing down there?"
"Well, since you and your friends are playing your own game- I wanted to play one with you," you replied innocently, reaching your hand up to fiddle with the zipper on his jeans.
"Y- Y/N, I know we haven't had much alone time lately, but now? I can always get off-"
"No, no, stay on- or else you'll ruin the challenge." Swiftly, you slid his zipper down, allowing his pants to loosen enough for you to move them down to his ankles and out of your way. Over his headphones, you could hear indistinct chatter from the other three boys- it seemed Killua and Leorio were going at it again.
"Challenge- Y/N..." Kurapika sounded exasperated, but you knew he wasn't about to protest as you hooked two fingers around the waistband of his underwear and took them off as well to free his erection, pale and flushed a pretty shade of pink. Kurapika made a grunting sound in his throat, his cheeks reddening as he averted his eyes from you.
"Good thing I'm down here, huh? That doesn't look very comfortable, Kurapika."
"Hey, since Kurapika's all ready, we can get started!" Gon sounded almost exhausted from trying to stop Killua and Leorio's antics already. "Right?"
Kurapika's eyes widened and he sent one last urgent glance down at you, but said nothing about it as he replied with a bright "Yeah, I'm ready- let's play."
"All you have to do is fend off attackers here, pretty much," Killua explained, rejoining the conversation. "But the more people you kill, the higher you level up, and then you get access to cooler weapons and abilities! You can also find items around each level- they can be either good or bad, so watch out for the bad ones- it can be hard to tell. You attack by pressing the red circle in the bottom left corner of your screen, and you can move using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Sound good?"
"Yeah- it can't be too difficult. Let's get started."
You had to give Kurapika credit- he was very good at hiding the fact that you were crouched underneath the desk, hand resting on his inner thigh and waiting to make an absolute mess of him. But he wouldn't be able to hide it for long- you would make sure of that.
"Alright! Round One starting- now!" Leorio announced, and instantly, everyone began frantically hitting the buttons on their controllers. Then, you made your move- slowly beginning to stroke Kurapika's length with your hand, occasionally tracing his tip with your thumb with every couple of strokes.
"Nngh-" Kurapika's thighs clenched, threatening to trap your hand- but you calmly kept rubbing him, determined to make him beg for you. Luckily, Gon, Killua, and Leorio had already started up their yelling over the headset.
"Kurapika- are you stuck? You aren't moving, and there's an enemy coming right towards you!" Gon warned, temporarily ceasing the commotion with Killua and Leorio.
"I- I got it, don't worry." Hitting some keys on his keyboard, Kurapika's avatar dodged a flying missile shooting towards his character just before it detonated.
"Hey, nice move!" Leorio complimented, his own avatar a distance away fighting an opponent with what looked like a large hammer.
"Thanks, Leorio," Kurapika managed, biting his lower lip hard in between his teeth as you traced his tip slowly with your fingers.
"You okay? You sound a little... strained," Leorio remarked, his avatar running over to collect a gem floating above the ground, the game chirping as he gained a few more health points.
"N-no, I'm fine."
"Hey, guys- Alluka wants to say hi," Killua announced, and there were sounds of shuffling before the cheery voice of the youngest Zoldyck sounded over Kurapika's headset. "Hi, big brother's friends!" Alluka greeted everyone happily before turning the headset back over to Killua.
"Hey, Alluka!" both Gon and Leorio chorused.
"Hi, Alluka," Kurapika replied, voice slightly shaky and eyes focused intently on the screen, trying to ignore the building pleasure between his legs.
Beneath him, you began to stroke him faster, making Kurapika emit a strangled groan as he turned down to face you, cheeks pink and face tight, bringing his hand up to cover his mic. "Please- please, Y/N-"
"Do you want me to stop?" you questioned airily, picking up your pace some. The first drop of pearly precum slid down Kurapika's dick, and you rubbed the drop up and down his length to lubricate him a little before slowly massaging his balls with your free palm.
"Ah- hah- no, Y/N- please don't stop, please-" His legs writhed once more, his stomach rising and falling as he tried to keep his breathing under control.
"As you wish."
Kurapika's legs quivered as he slowly uncovered his microphone- just in time to hear Gon shout, "Hey, Killua- isn't that your big brother?! Look- the blonde character up in that tree!"
"What?! 'MissPiggy_Supremacy-' that's definitely Milluki! Oh, I'll get him for sure!" Killua snarled.
"You mean that fat kid in your family photo- the obnoxious one?!" Leorio demanded.
"Yeah- the one I talked to for the Yorknew auction!"
"Aw, gross! Let's attack him together!"
"Kurapika, help us attack Milluki!" Gon cried, steering his avatar towards the idle Milluki in the pixelated tree.
"Y- yeah- got it," Kurapika responded, barely keeping it together as you only increased the intensity of your ministrations below the desk. While still utilizing your hands to caress Kurapika's length and balls, you leaned your head forward and began to twirl your tongue torturously around the tip of Kurapika's now dripping cock, droplets of precum sliding into your waiting mouth.
Kurapika barely brought his hand to his mic in time to stop his friends from hearing his cries before outright moaning, making no effort to conceal the lewd noise as he threw his head back, breathing ragged and Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "Oh, Y/N-"
"Keep still, Kurapika." You ran your tongue all around his tip, even letting some saliva spill out onto it before licking at it more quickly, still rubbing his dick up and down. Kurapika desperately tried to silence himself before rejoining the call with his friends- but every time he would go to uncover his mic, you would give his balls a little extra squeeze or lick his tip a little more roughly to make him cry out in pleasure- however, you managed your pace well enough to still keep him from cumming. His dick was beautifully glossy with your spit and his own juices, his hips bucking frantically.
"Y/N- Y/N- Y/N, p- lease-" Kurapika was whimpering now, face completely red now and legs seizing uncontrollably, try as he might to still them.
"Kurapika... might want to rejoin the call with your friends. Wouldn't want them to get worried, would you?" you admonished, not slowing your ministrations in the slightest. Kurapika whimpered another time before deciding to uncover his mic to acknowledge his friends, quickly maneuvering his avatar to attack Killua's brother as well before anyone asked about him. Luckily, the battle between Milluki and Killua had become so aggressive that nobody even noticed Kurapika.
"Did he just call Alluka a boy?! He is going way down!" Killua raged, the sounds of him violently slamming controller buttons audible through Kurapika's headset.
"Look at the game chat, too- he said something about giving your location up to Illumi?!" Gon sounded totally appalled, like he couldn't believe Milluki would chat such a thing.
"He doesn't even know where we are, the bastard!" Leorio growled. "He's totally bluffing! How dumb does he think we are??"
"He doesn't have half the guts it takes to meet me himself! Idiot has to hire Illumi to come and get me! That's how you know Milluki's worthless!"
Kurapika said nothing, only making a few moves on the screen here and there to prevent anyone asking about him- although they were certainly preoccupied already. He was losing more of his control with each second- his climax growing nearer and nearer as breathless, needy gasps escaped his parted, pink lips.
Finally, Kurapika had to remove his headset entirely when you began to slide your hot, wet tongue up and down his whole length, the warm sensation making his legs quiver more than ever and at last making him cum, your hands still working his dick alongside your mouth to push him over the edge.
"Ahh- ah- nngh-" Kurapika let out a broken whine as the tip of his dick began to spurt out white cum, sliding over your lips and onto your tongue. You peered up at him innocently, the game forgotten and you still slurping at him as Kurapika came rather intensely, the cum spilling from his cock without end, and you immediately caught much of it in your mouth. "Oh, oh, Y/N, Y/N, god, please, oh-"
"Want me to help you finish?" you queried with a smile on your cum-stained face.
"Yes," Kurapika moaned, leaning forward and digging his fingers into your hair as you continued to suck him off, his hips thrusting into your grasp. "Oh, oh fuck- Y/N, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop..." You obliged without complaint, happy to help Kurapika ride out his orgasm.
Kurapika finally came down from his high a few minutes later, flopping back into his chair, body limp and inner thighs stained with his cum. Satisfied, you stood up without bothering to pull up his pants, observing his pink, sweaty face and his stringy blonde hair. His eyes were shut and his chest heaving as he slowly recollected himself.
When Kurapika finally opened his eyes again, he was met with your cheerful gaze, as if nothing had happened. He gazed up at you for a few seconds before smiling endearingly and remarking, "You still have some of me on your face, love."
"I do?" You swiped your thumb over the wet spots on your face before promptly rubbing the thumb across your lips, grinning down at Kurapika coyly. His eyes widened in surprise before chuckling and pulling you down to kiss him deeply.
"Ah- well, that's what I get for ignoring you, hm?"
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
~ MLB Curious Gazes ~
prompt: four different situations where people have run into or hung out with MLB!H - told from their perspective.
word: 6k +
warnings: language, mentions of sexual content
If you enjoyed this please - reblog, like, recommend, comment, and inbox me to chat about it!
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The Doctor’s Office
Aubrey couldn’t believe her eyes as she sat in her uncomfortable, too small chair in the empty waiting room at the OBGYN office in the early hours of the morning. 
She was sitting alone with her baby boy sitting in his carrier on the floor - it was his nine month checkup and it was taking forever to be seen.
The woman was sitting, scrolling on her phone when out of her peripheral she saw an extremely - like extremely handsome man step into the area with a carrier.
Aubrey was a married woman but holy shit this guy was hot- without even trying is the thing. 
He had on a New York Yankees Nike hoodie and a pair of Nike athletic shorts with some calf length Blake Nike socks and trainers.
In the carrier was a fresh little baby, couldn’t be older than three months who was bundled up with a sunflower headband on.
The man was multitasking with a curly haired toddler on his other hip as he finds a seat a little bit down from Aubrey on the opposite side.
His wife was standing up at the check-in and of course it made sense that she was absolutely beautiful as well even though Aubrey could relate to how tired she looked.
The woman still had a small bit of her pregnancy bump left signifying that the baby was indeed very very new to the world.
She keeps glancing over at the man, he looks so familiar but she would remember if she had even met someone that handsome.
Then the context clues hit her, his hoodie, his toddler son was also in a little Yankees hoodie that matched his fathers and Aubrey googled quickly.
Her eyes flitted throughout the recent articles.
Styles’ Alleged $65 Million Dollar Bonus
Hot Head Harry Styles - how he managed to start three bench clearing brawls in one game!
Breaking Records and Bats - Styles manages to break his own record in the same season followed by breaking a bat in celebration
Holy shit.
She could help but watch them - this was much more interesting than reading a magazine.
Aubrey didn’t follow baseball but Harry had turned celebrity status and was this well known cocky dickhead to the media - women and men loved and drooled over him for his looks and his skills.
Right now, he sat down with his two babies - the boy looked exactly like Harry, it was quite unbelievable from the curly locks to mossy green eyes that was copy and paste.
Harry was currently tucking an applesauce pouch between his lips and guiding the boy's small hands to hold it for himself.
“Good job,  ,” He murmurs in the dead quiet waiting room as he tucks him further into the crook of his arm.
Harry looks up to his wife who joins them, she is a bit in awe when Aubrey sees him palm a bit at her bloated belly and whisper, “Y’look gorgeous today, mama.”
Aubrey couldn’t help but frown, she wished her husband did that.
YN sits down, leaning her head on his shoulder - Aubrey didn’t know her but she seems tired - of course she was a new mother.
The silence is broken when a nurse comes out and with an apologetic face says, “I’m sorry, we are running really behind today. It might be another thirty minutes,” before shutting the door again.
Harry kisses his wife’s forehead before wrapping his unoccupied arm around her shoulder, a flashing gold band on his ring finger.
Aubrey zones off for a little when her son wakes up, rocking the carrier a few times before he settles again.
She’s brought back to the couple when she hears a sniffle comes from Harry’s wife and his face turned towards hers, hand rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.
“Mama, she’s so healthy. There’s nothin’ to worry about, did a perfect job growing her in y’belly. I know these check-ups make you anxious but nothin’ is gonna be wrong,” He soothes, a near whisper because of how quiet the room is and he didn’t want to disrupt.
“I just don’t know if she’s been getting enough milk, it’s so hard to tell,” YN replies sadly, like she’s disappointed in herself.
“Y’kidding me? She’s our chunkiest baby - look at those little rolls. She’s on y’tits more than any of the boys including me,” He jokes softly, obviously trying to make her feel better.
It seems to work a little bit because she lets out a light giggle with a roll of her eyes, “No one is on them more than you.”
Harry shrugs unashamed before replying seriously, “Everything will be okay. She’s perfect and healthy.”
The curly haired little boy gets a bit squirmy with the wait after he finished his pouch, asking to be set down which his father does.
Harry is watching him carefully, his nervous but still adventurous little two and a half year old, as he toddles around the waiting room.
When he spots Aubrey and her carrier, he wanders over looking up her with wide curious eyes, he points at her son and squeaks, “Baby?”
Ever the diligent father, Harry is up and next to his son, Aubrey is a bit starstruck if she’s honest when he talks to her.
“M’sorry, he’s a curious little one,” Harry smiles at her, going to pick Ezra back up to guide him away from bothering her.
Aubrey waves her hand though, lifting the visor to show the sleeping baby, “Yeah, he’s a baby. That’s Dominic.”
The boy gazes at the baby before lisping, “Bry!”
Aubrey isn’t sure what he means but his father clarifies, “You’re right, Dominic is a baby just like your little sister Briar.”
“Okay,” Ezra shrugs and goes back to his mom to inform him of what he just discovered before crawling up and cuddling into her chest.
Harry nods, “Thanks for indulging him.”
“No pro-problem,” She stutters like an idiot and Harry smiles a bit like he knows but doesn’t say anything else before going back to his family.
A few minutes later when a high-pitched cry resounds through the room, Harry is carefully cradling his daughter who Aubrey notes looks nothing like him but like her mother even though her features were still so little.
“Shush, darlin’,” Harry coos with a soft drawl, leaning in to kiss at the newborn’s button nose.
Briar roots at her father’s chest, smacking her plump lips, and squeaking in frustration when she doesn’t find a nipple. It makes Harry chuckle before he glances at his wife and his smile falters a bit, “Sweetheart, did y’bring a bottle?”
Aubrey watches his wife shake her head, she is facing away from her so she can’t see her expression but gauging Harry’s it seems that she may be upset, “No, I completely forgot. I didn’t bring my nursing blanket either - I’m going to have to go the bathroom. M’being such a bad mom.”
The observer feels a pang in her chest, she can definitely relate to not always feeling like she is a good mother because of little mistakes she makes like forgetting diapers, buying the wrong formula, forgetting to bring a pacifier.
“Hey,” Harry’s voice is firm, “Y’not going to talk like that when s’the farthest thing from the truth. S’okay, we have four babies, we’re both goin’ t’forget things sometimes, okay? Here, let me help you.”
Aubrey wishes she had a husband who was as empowering, supportive of his wife.
He hands the whimpering baby over to his wife, he’s then tugging off his hoodie. Aubrey tries but fails to divert her eyes when his shirt rides up revealing  a glimpse of his taut abdomen and a light dusting of hair leading into his shorts, obscene tattoos covering his hipbones .
Harry maneuvers the hoodie over his wife’s shoulder, helping her tug down her loose shirt and nursing bra, and guiding his newborn to his wife’s breast until she latches and starts suckling hungrily.
“There y’go mama,” He whispers encouragingly before tugging Ezra back onto his lap to rock him a bit as he’s getting whiny - ready for a nap soon and not liking being in an unfamiliar place for too long.
Aubrey is buckling Dominic into his carseat when she spots the other family exiting the office. 
Harry’s wife looks much more relaxed, a smile on her face, and her arm tucked around her husband’s narrow hip, they’re parked close to each other, and Aubrey climbs into her small sedan - blasting the aircon.
She watches the parents strapp their kids into a massive, tinted and brand new cadillac escalade that was no doubt over a hundred thousand dollar car but who could expect them to be driving around a mid-level minivan?
After the kids are secured and they close the doors, Harry presses his wife up against it with his arm resting over her shoulder against the window. He is whispering to her, their mouths close before he ducks down to connect their lips.
His hand comes back to her deflating baby bump like he did in the doctor’s office, hand massaging the skin with adoration that was visible even to Aubrey as she sat in her car watching them.
Later on in the week, as she sits on her couch, a video pops up on her timeline. It’s a sports report she was about to skip until the name caught her attention. 
The sports reporter stated, “Harry Styles was fined an alleged sixty thousand dollars at last night’s game after getting into a verbal altercation when the second base man purposely tripped him.”
It flashes to the man she just saw in the doctor’s office in a form-fitting Yankee’s blue and white striped uniform with a helmet on as he ran at an impressive speed from first to second, stumbling when the baseman put out his foot.
Harry recovers quickly enough to touch the base to be considered safe. 
After that though, he’s pushing himself up and brushing off the dirt, then he’s charging towards the man who fucked up the play. 
He has no fear as he gets in the man’s face, veins on his neck standing out as he shouts. They don’t play the audio but you could tell Harry was cussing this man up and down.
It flashed back to the reporter speaking to another, “Nearly every team in the league reports that Styles is an absolute nightmare to play against from his skill to his downright arrogant and cocky attitude. He’s not someone I’d find myself wanting to hang around.”
“I agree with you there, Tucker. He has a right to be proud with all of his broken records and achievements but being a bit humble would do this man so good. I feel sorry for his wife and kids. He probably just spends all day bragging about himself.”
Aubrey clicks off the video, if only everyone in the world just saw the Harry Styles she saw just a few days ago - well they’d all change their minds on what kind of person he is. Especially what kind of husband and father.
The Charity Event
It was a charity event at Madison Square Garden in Time Square. 
It was for all Major League Baseball teams who had qualified for the playoffs and of course, The New York Yankees were there.
There were tables filling the whole stadium, extravagant in white linen tablecloths, multiple bars, and it was black tie dress code. 
It was a private event and it was not open to the public but after the dinner there would be awards given out and that would be broadcasted.
Nicole was there with her husband, Trent, the left outfielder with an average batting score. He wasn’t the most popular on the team by far - well everyone got outshined by Styles. 
She couldn’t help but be a little bitter that Harry had gotten a $60 million dollar bonus (the biggest bonus ever gifted but also the Yankees were not taking any chances at losing their star and their ultimate money-maker). Trent got a measly bonus of $100,000 which was nothing in baseball terms. 
The wives and girlfriends of the Yankees players did not like YN one bit. It really wasn’t fair because she was always lovely, kind, and friendly. It didn’t matter because they were all spurred on by jealousy of what she had.
Nicole couldn’t help by gaze at Harry as they sat at the same circle table towards the podium where the awards would be presented after dinner. He was in a sharp all black suit with a small team logo pin of the lapel.
She couldn’t deny how stunning YN looked in an absolutely stunning dress. It was a one-shoulder with sparkling black stripes against a tan background, it fit like a glove and accentuated her stunning legs with a high slit. ***
It blew Nicole’s basic black Gucci dress out of the water which made her even more infuriated at the woman. She knew she was being irrational and if she hated her so much, why couldn’t see stop staring at the couple?
Nicole could get away with it by looking past them at other tables but to be quite honest, the two were much too wrapped up in each other to be aware of any of their surroundings or people watching them.
Trent was off bullshitting with all the other players while the Styles’ sat at the table and Harry waited for people to approach him - like the cocky asshole that he was. He would give them a minute of his time before becoming visibly bored and returning his attention back to his wife.
As the appetizers arrived, Trent finally sat down with a grunt, giving his wife literally no attention as he dug into the salad like a slob. 
Across the table, Harry looked down at his plate, picked out all the tomatoes and stabbed them with his fork. He then brought his hand over to his wife who giggled and let him feed her the three little tomatoes for his salad.
“Don’t like tomatoes, Styles?” Henry, third-baseman, jokes as he watches him feed his wife without any shame.
“I love ‘em, m’missus just really like the little grape ones,” Harry shrugs casually - like that didn’t just sound like the most whipped thing that he could say.
Trent probably couldn’t even guess Nicole’s favorite color - let alone know something so minuscule like YN like the little tomatoes that come on house salads. 
Throughout the whole dinner, it was quite disgusting how infatuated these two were with each other - Harry had at least one hand on her body at one time - her thigh, shoulder, even cupping her neck in a way that was almost too intimate for the setting.
At one point, Harry notices that YN is a bit quiet - sipping on her glass of water and he pulls back from the conversation, murmuring, “Y’alright, mama?”
Nicole bites her lip hard at the cute pet name, feeling even more dislike towards YN - why couldn’t she have had someone like Harry?
“D’you think the babies are okay? Ezra’s been so anxious lately,” YN replies quietly, there were no phones allowed at the event and had to be left at home or at the door.
Harry kisses her temple, “Y’know Ezzie is good with m’mum, doesn’t get as anxious as he used to at sleepovers. Y’know East and Cash are probably on a sugar high.”
YN nods, agreeing and Harry jumps right back into the conversation but she notices that he keeps looking over at his wife to check on her.
Trent accidentally knocks her elbow hard and just grunts out a bland, “Sorry.”
The topic changed to traveling for games. Ellie, another wife of a player who was nice to YN were chatting about how stressful it is.
“I know, loading all three boys up is rough when we do decide to travel to games with H,” YN says to Ellie, a small smile on her face.
“Ugh, I know. Lily and Parker are the worst flyers! They usually end up throwing up or not being able to nap at all,” Ellie groans about her two little ones she has back at home.
YN let’s out a laugh that just irked Nicole to not end.
“It's going to be even harder when we have more kids,” YN laments like she’s bothered.
“Oh? More kids?” Ellie squeaks with excitement, clapping her hands together.
Nicole reaches a breaking point, jumping into the chat,“Really? More kids? Don’t you think you should focus on the ones you have? Or do you think because your husband makes an unfair amount of money, you can just have as many as you want? Hire nannies and act like you take care of them?”
Before YN frowns, about to respond when Harry interjects with a booming, displeased voice, “First off, why don’t y’mind your own fuckin’ business. My wife and I can ‘ave any many kids as we want, last time I checked.”
He continues with tense posture, all of his previous calmness disappears, “Second off, don’t take it out on my wife tha’ your husband got a shit bonus, we all know tha’ why y’pissy. And don’t act like y’dont have a nanny for your one kid while we don’t nor ever will have one.”
Nicole sneers, “You’re a cocky bastard.”
Harry smiles in faux charm, “Of course I am, dear. I’ve got a fucking beautiful wife, three healthy babies, the most records broken in history, and the fattest bank account in this room.”
“Alright, alright,” Trent interrupts and it doesn’t go unnoticed that he doesn’t defend his wife. Instead he shoots Harry an apologetic look for his wife’s behaviors.
Harry just scoffs at the couple, rudely rolling his eyes, and tugging his wife in for a kiss that’s a bit too intense but he can’t help himself, smiles against her lips when his wife pinches his thigh playfully.
He says (not quietly at all), “All these women are jealous of you, hm? S’cause you’re so beautiful and such a fuckin’ catch.”
Nicole feel a sharp pang in her chest at the indirect comment - fucking asshole.
Deep down, Nicole is unfavorably realizing that somehow YN has it all - a loving husband, who is seemingly head over heels four her, three well-behaved children, and everything she could ever want - sitting on Harry’s $600 million dollar net worth, on top of being gorgeous.
She didn’t have that. Trent and her were on the rocks constantly, has definitely cheated on her, their kid is a literal nightmare, and they’re both so reckless with money they have no savings.
It made her jealous to see Harry whispering in YN ear to make her giggle- lips brushing her ear, his hand splayed across her bumcheek while they waited for drinks at the bar, she even hears them murmur ‘I love yous’ at least twice.
Then the lights dim, spotlight on a podium in the front of the room, an older man in a crisp navy suit taking the stage.
“It is an honor for me to announce ‘Player of the Year.’ The decision by the board of Major League Baseball wasn’t a hard one. The statistics and records broke continuously by the man has led us to only one option.”
Everyone watches all the other players in room deflate a bit because they realize the award is going to Harry yet again.
 “He is again breaking a record tonight, he is the first player to earn this achievement four years in a row. The duality of this man when it comes to pitching a curveball or hitting a homer is truly remarkable.”
It makes all the players even more irritated than they already are when they look over at Harry who’s sitting back, manspreading, hand on the back of his wife’s neck gently, and a cocky, unbothered grin.
Like this award wasn’t the biggest accomplishment he could earn.
One of the players from an opposing team at a different table mutters to one of his teammates, “Fucking arrogant asshole. The only thing this award does is feed his gigantic ego.” 
“Such a douchebag,” The other agrees, jealousy tinges his voice.
“I’ve most likely made it obvious who the the recipient is this year. The New York Yankees pitcher with the most strikeouts to date and top-scoring hitter - Mr. Harry Styles!”
The crowd erupts in applause, whistles, and a standing ovation because despite his unsavory demeanor - no one could deny he was a legend.
Before he gets up, Nicole watches as he cups his wife’s cheek - locking her lips in a kiss before she has to give him a playful shove when he tries to slip some tongue.
When Harry gets up to the stage, he shakes the hand of the announcer and takes the award from him, setting it on the podium.
“Fourth year in a row has a nice ring to it,” Harry gives the crowd a dazzling white smile that have his dimples digging into his cheek.
The crowd whistles and coos.
Nicole notices YN getting teary-eyed as she watches her husband accept the award.
“I want t’thank a few people tonight. I want t’thank m’wife and the mama of my babies - YN. She’s supported me from when I was in college with no other career path but baseball, unsure of if I’d fail or not, she stuck through it.”
She can sense everyone’s eyes dart over to YN who is still staring up at her husband - who is giving her a gleaming smile right back.
“We’ve been through some really hard obstacles in our first years as a couple but she’s the reason for all this - the fact that she always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.”
The audience is respectful, quiet as he publicly tells a story of his deep love for his wife.
“I want t’thank m’three babies. Easton, Cash, and Ezra. They inspire me to be a better better man and a good role model - even though I think y’all agree they won’t be if they watch too much how I play when I’m out in the field.”
The crowd erupts in laughter at Harry poking fun at his own antics that he’s most famous for. He goes on to thank the team, coaches, Nike, everyone on the professional side of career.
When he’s done, everyone stands back up to congratulate him, patting him on the back as he returns to his seat.
Nicole watches as Harry sits back down, chuckling as he swipes a tear off his wife’s cheek, “Why y’crying, mama?”  
“I’m just so proud of you. Everything you do for me and our babies. The best husband, best daddy. My heart is just full,” She murmurs, clearly not meant for others to hear but Nicole was eavesdropping.
Harry’s eyes darken with something Nicole can’t identify but does notice his hand creeping a bit further up her thigh.
He leans into whisper something into her ear before she sees his lightly nip at her lobe before pulling back to join into the conversation.
After the lights come back up, Trent abandons her to go shoot the shit with other guys.
When she trails off to the bathroom, down a long hallway from the main area - she hears a rustling from behind a door labeled with a plaque that says ‘executive meeting room’.
Nicole pauses confused, all these offices and other rooms were strictly off limits during events obviously. She was confused to hear someone in a room that was not supposed to be in use.
Then she realizes it’s not just someone - it’s two people.
“S’good, sweetheart. Give it t’me so good.”
And she knows right then and there all she needs to know about who’s in that conference room and what they were doing.
“Be quiet, you’re being too loud,” YN scolds back, the walls were clearly thin because she could hear the exchange.
“Make y’cunt not feel like heaven then,” He remarks back, his voice slower and more soft than it would be in front of people.
God, Trent and her haven’t slept together in ages - let alone has spontaneous hookups or dirty talk like that ever.
When they all end up back at the table before the closing speech for the night, Nicole spots a nicely sized mark under Harry’s jaw that he’s wearing with pride.
YN had her lipstick wiped off and was much more clingy as the night rolled on which Harry seemed to thrive on.
As she and Trent are on their way home, Nicole speaks into their silence, “I don’t think our relationship is working.”
Not after she saw love and happiness at that event table tonight - she wanted that kind of love not settling for some cheating asshole.
The Little League Game
It was a cool autumn evening, it was an important game - if you could call it that for the little league team that Kayla had her son on.
The goal was to determine which team would move onto the playoffs, even though most of this was all in good fun because it was for eight-year-olds and it wasn’t serious.
Kayla couldn’t lie and say that she didn’t spend some of the time curiously gazing at the New York Yankees player who would come to watch his son play.
He wasn’t at every game due to his schedule but it seemed like he came to whatever ones he could with his wife and other three kids.
They had taken the bench on the bleachers right below her so she had an up close and personal view of the family when they’ve never sat this close before.
As the kids warmed up, Harry had his youngest son who looked to be about four sit next to him, squished between his dad and mom happily.
Their middle son was next to his mom on the other side, looking to be about six, and he was wriggling impatiently in his seat - eager to join the other kids in the jungle gym.
The baby girl who looked about a year and a half old didn’t look anything like her brothers - it was obvious that she was a spitting image of her mother (who was stunning).
She was curled up in her mom’s lap, asleep with her face squished against her mother’s chest - a pacifier suckling fiercely between her puffy lips.
“Mama, please,” The curly haired boy begs with greedy puppy dog eyes as he keeps glancing back to look at the other kids.
“You stay right where daddy and I can see you, yes?” YN murmurs, brushing back his unruly curls that where getting long, “And what are our rules?”
“Stay where you can see, don’t talk to strangers, and be nice to others,” He recites perfectly, Kayla was a bit blown away by his manners.
She watches baseball. It was hard to believe their children were so mild mannered when their father was the exact opposite - at least on the field.
Harry was rustling in the diaper bag for something as his son looked at him with wide, concerned eyes, “My baby, daddy.”
“I know, Ezzie. M’lookin’ f’your baby,” His father replies softly, the polar extreme of his normal brash, crude language that had a nasty tone like he couldn’t bother giving people the time of day.
“Daddy, please,” The youngest whines, his little hand grasping at his father’s tattooed wrist as he gets to his knees to help his dad look.
“Left inner pocket,” YN murmurs offhandedly as she makes sure Cash gets to the playground safely with his friends.
“Say ‘thanks mama’,” Harry coos to his son as he manages to tug out the baby doll and hand it to the awaiting little boy.
“Thanks mama,” He replies instantly with a gapped smile as he nuzzles right back into his father’s side as if he can’t get close enough.
“How are you feeling, Ezra?” His mother leans over to ask, keeping the baby close to her chest.
“M’happy, mama,” Ezra replies simply before starting to babble to himself as he plays with the babydoll.
Kayla watches Harry and YN swap a fond look at their son but she couldn’t help but wonder why they asked him that? He seemed fine so why did they feel the need to do that?
The game is going okay, Harry stands up to cheer and whistle when Easton hits a two-base hit but YN smacks his thigh and motions to their sleeping baby.
He looks at her sheepishly before sitting back down, kissing her cheek in apology, and peeking down into the fleece blanket to watch his daughter sleep for a moment.
Then it seems like Easton starts to lose momentum after he pitches two home-runs, his face pinched in disappointment as the other team scores but Harry is attempting to keep him motivated with encouraging shouts.
Easton struggles from then on, he strikes out for his final three turns, doesn’t catch two pop-ups, and his pitches start to get a little shaky. It’s obvious in his facial expression he’s getting upset because he’s breathing heavier like he’s trying not to cry.
Kayla feels a sense of dread for the little boy, his father who’s the best baseball player in modern day history is watching his son not do well during an important game.
 Because of what she knows of him from his temper and attitude on the field - she worries that he’s one of those father’s who will hound their kid for doing poorly.
“Oh, c’mon East,” Harry murmurs softly when his son stumbles over a ground ball before another kid picks it up and throws it in - their son smacking his glove down against the ground in frustration.
“He’s getting himself worked up,” YN notes as she watches her oldest kick his cleats in the dirt with a quivering bottom lip.
“I know,” Harry replies to his wife, “Wish he wouldn’t, he’s gettin’ upset out there, I can tell.”
“Sad?” Ezra squeaks, clambering onto his father’s lap and stating, “Hold me, daddy.”
Harry obliges easily, gathering up his small son before his attention is directed back onto the game - it was down to the last few minutes and unfortunately Easton pitched a ball that resulted in a home run for the other team.
“Fuck,” Harry mutters, running a hand through his messy locks before he’s setting Ezra back down on the bleachers, “I’m going to go talk to him. Do you want to meet back home?”
YN nods, leaning down to tuck the baby into the double stroller before buckling Ezra in as well, “I’m going to go get Cash and head out. Why don’t you take him out for some ice cream? I love you.”
“I love you too, mama,” He replies, kissing her softly before kissing both of his kids foreheads and stepping down the bleachers - ignoring all the adults who are staring at him with a starstruck expression as he heads to the dugout.
It cleared out fast, nobody sticking around after the loss that ended with them not continuing on to the championship, and Easton was sat on the bench - he was stoic and there was a hard, angry expression on his face that reminded Kayla of what she saw Harry look like when he played.
As she gathers up her son and makes sure he’s got all of his equipment, Kayla stands and chats to a few of the moms before she’s heading to her car - which happened to be parked next to a sleek Masserati crossover, who would let their muddy kid go in there? Rich people, she guesses.***
Kayla pops the trunk to her van with her key as they get closer, she notices that Harry also has his up and Easton is sitting on the tailgate with his eyes looking down at the pavement. She tries not to appear as nosey or eavesdropping as she tucks her items into the back.
“Sweetheart, s’okay. Y’did so so good tonight,” Harry assures his pouty son, he squats down to start to untie his son’s nike cleats but continues to make eye contact with him. 
“No, I didn’t, Daddy!” Easton whines, tears finally starting to bubble over the surface as he begins to sob with a shuddering chest, “I gave up home runs and then I missed ground balls!”
“Whoa, bubby,” Harry simpers after he tugs off the shoes and throws them carelessly into the back before standing up, “Y’did amazing, are you kiddin’? You did three innings of strikeouts, hit two of y’own homeruns. Y’played like a professional, way better than daddy.”
Kayla’s heart aches a bit when she sees Harry sit down next to him before hugging him harshly into his side, thumbing at the tears that are running down his son’s sweaty cheeks with soft reassurances.
“Daddy, are you mad I didn’t win?” Easton asks shakily, keeping his head buried into his father’s side and his small hand clutching into the fabric of his hoodie.
Harry chuckles lowly, “Daddy would never be mad at you f’anythin’, definitely not a baseball game. Remember what mama and I said? If at any point y’want to stop playin’, just let us know and we can find something else, yeah? Just like how Ezzie does art classes.”
Easton seems to calm down after a few moments of Harry rocking him and reassuring him of what an amazing son he is.
As Kayla drove away that night, her perspective on the all-star baseball player definitely changed. It was refreshing to see someone to not hold their child to an unreasonable expectation just like she thought Harry would.
The Campfire
Austin was the shortstop on the baseball team, he’d brought along his girlfriend, Chelsea, to the frat party to celebrate another win.
Everyone was in whispers that Harry was bringing his new girlfriend but nobody knew who she actually was because it was just a rumor.
It was surprising because Harry wasn’t a relationship kind-of man. He wasn’t into hookups much - always said he needed to focus on baseball.
Many of his teammates were envious of how many girls were constantly coming up to Harry at parties to flirt and try to get a dance in but he had always rejected them.
Harry had never showed interest in any of these girls at the parties, never seen him disappear upstairs with one or really entertain a conversation over a beer like they’d expect.
Chelsea pokes his shoulder and nods towards the entrance when Harry walks in with his arm around YN’s shoulder.
Most were in a little shock because they seemed like such an unlikely couple - YN had written some scathing articles about him and it was no secret he hadn’t been a fan of her.
“Holy shit, Harry’s dating YN?” Chelsea whispers to Austin as the group of party-goers cheer and whistle at the allstars appearance.
“Guess so,” Austin replies with a shrug, tugging Chelsea into the kitchen for a drink.
Later on that night, there’s a bonfire on one side of the backyard and a volleyball net on the other where a group was gathering to play.
Austin and Chelsea are on the opposing team of Harry and YN - she can’t help but watch them with curiosity because of what a surprise it is that they’re dating.
Even Austin has been watching because Harry’s acting in a way that he’s never seen throughout his time on the team with him.
Harry is just all over YN which was confusing how he went from not being remotely interested in the college girls to being a lovestruck puppy.
When she throws the ball up to serve, Harry reaches over and pinches her bum which makes her squeak and accidentally drop the ball which has him cackling as she glares at him.
As they change positions, he crowds up behind her, and massages her hips, leaning down to murmuring something in her ear.
She blushes wildly before smacking him off which has him laughing hard and kissing the back of her head before taking his position.
After Harry jumps and spikes the ball hard, earning them the winning point, YN turns around and wraps her arms around him to hug him tightly.
Harry wraps his arms around her shoulders, returning the hug before pulling back to kiss her lips in a soft peck.
Chelsea elbows Austin, “Who’s that and what did they do with Harry?”
Austin shakes his head, “I really don’t fucking know.”
The group migrates over to the fire as they might become cooler and the stars are high up in the sky, the fire flickering orange and yellow crackles of sparks.
Harry plops into a chair, pulling YN right onto his lap, and she wriggles until she’s comfortable. Chelsea notices him tap her thigh as if telling her to cut it out, too much motion right on his crotch.
Jake, one of his teammates, says in a teasing tone, “YN, I’m surprised to see you around these parts . I clearly remember a strongly worded article about how stupid frat parties are.”
YN takes it in stride, smiling as she replies, “And this party just proves my point.”
The group laughs easily, they enjoy YN’s sharp wit and comebacks as they get to know her. Austin can’t help but to notice how quiet Harry is.
Normally, he’s the life of the party, loud and making his presence known to everyone but not tonight. He has his chin propped on her shoulder and she’s cuddled back into his chest.
Austin can’t make out what Harry is saying but he’s constantly whispering in her ear and accentuating each time with a squeeze to her thighs.
“Are you guys official?” One of the teammates asked bluntly, a few beers deep by this point in the night.
Harry replies instantly, a possessive squeeze, “She’s mine and off the market, s’don’t even think about it.”
“Well I don’t think it matters because she’s turned down the whole baseball team by this point. I think everyone tried to ask her out at least once,” Steve jokes as the others agree.
“Tha’s m’girl,” Harry murmurs to her before teasing his friends,“Who’d want to go out with any you? You’re all dickheads.”
Everyone continues to joke around, it’s nearing midnight and that’s right about when Harry gets in his prime - like the party just started.
But not tonight.
YN’s eyes start to flutter shut as everyone banters and drinks around the fire, obviously not used to these late night parties.
“I better get this one t’bed,” Harry states after a few minutes, thumbing at YN’s cheekbone as she tries to stay awake.
“I’m okay,” She mumbles weakly, head still heavy against his shoulder.
“You’re coming back though, right?” Kyle asks expectantly, brows furrowed.
Harry shakes his head, “Nah, m’in for the night when she is.”
All the players look at him with a bit of a dumbfounded look, Steve shooting out, “Who knew you’d be so pussy whipped, Styles?”
Chelsea’s eyebrows raise at the crude comment, waiting with bated breath as Harry’s jaw clenches as it seems like he’s biting his tongue.
“Goodnight,” Harry says in a tone Austin has never heard before - agitated and almost…offended.
When Austin and Chelsea are sneaking up to his room for a late night hook-up, she overhears Harry and YN in his bedroom.
At first, she thinks they’re in an actual argument but as she listens to them - it’s not the kind of arguement she thought it was.
“You’re always the little spoon,” YN groans from behind the closed door.
Harry squawks, affronted before huffing back at her, “S’my favorite, please spoon me, darling?”
“You’re so fucking spoiled,” YN giggles as Chelsea assumes they move into a position where Harry’s the little spoon.
“Mm, I like feelin’ y’tits against my back, s’nice,” Harry hums with a boyish tone.
Chelsea doesn’t even realize she’s smiling until Austin drags her from her stupor. 
All she knew was that Harry Styles really really fancied that school reporter.
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Being an Olympian (hc)
A/n: I have been watching the olympics recently and it inspired me to write this but I don't know that much about all the sports so sorry if you do any of these and I get things wrong
He is so proud of you that all of your training has allowed you to fulfil your dream of going to the olympics, of course he is sad that he can't watch you compete for the first time but he will be up at whatever time your heats or finals are just to watch you.
Watching you do all the tricks and flips you do as a gymnast he gets scared hoping that you won't fall even though he knows you will be fine because you've done these routines a million times he can't help but worry. Will cheer out loud when you get a really good score and when one of your competitors messes up because he knows that it's good for your competition.
You are in the individual all around final and a few apparatus finals which he watches intently right to the last second. Loved seeing your reaction when you won your medals and of course was so proud of you calling you the second he could to celebrate with you seeing as there wasn't really anyone there for you to enjoy the moment with.
When you come home he picks you up from the airport greeting you with the biggest hug and flowers because he's just that cute. He also love seeing your medals and is surprised by how heavy they are, would definitely call Dream and Sapnap to show them your medals and brag about how cool you are for going to the Olympics.
He knows very little about volleyball despite how much you try to explain it but he will suddenly become very interested when you actually make it into the Olympic team and will try his best to learn everything from you before you leave.
Will get up at whatever hour to watch your game and cheers you on as loudly as he can even though you can't hear him and he annoys Sapnap who eventually just decided to join him in watching because it's easier so you have two cheerleaders back home. He often records small parts of the games and puts them on Twitter to tell people to watch and cheer you on as well.
After each game he will call you and either celebrate with you if you won but if you lost or weren't happy with how you performed he would help you look at what to do better for your next match. Of course he's no expert and your coach is there to help with that but hearing some things from him is actually useful sometimes.
In the final he is on the edge of his seat the whole time hands sweating from his anxiousness he is watching you knowing that you are so close to achieving your dream at your first olympics. When you score the final point giving your team gold he jumps up off his seat and runs round the living room he's so excited.
Once your back home he gives you the biggest hug and takes pictures of you with your medal and might post one because he's just so proud. May also steal your medal sometimes just to look at it because he thinks it's so cool.
He is your biggest supporter and will come to training with you sometimes even though he can't swim anywhere near as fast as you but he will time you to see if you are up to pace which of course you are. When you set a really fast time he will get so excited and will give you a hug even though you are soaking wet.
When your races actually come around he's more nervous than anything because he knows that you have set such high expectations for yourself and he really wants you to meet them. He gets stressed just watching your heats but you make it through with the fastest time which helps him keep calm. Dream would also watch because Sapnap would beg him to even though he probably would anyway but dream has to keep him calm or else Sapnap would bounce off the walls.
By the time your final came around Sapnap almost couldn't watch because she knew that this was your chance to win the medal you have been training so hard for for years. In the last few seconds he was watching through his hands because it was so close between you and the person in the lane next to you but when you touched the side first he sprung up from his position and jumped up and down for ages.
You also do a relay in which your team gets second so you have two medals to bring home. You show him your medals over FaceTime and the smile on his face says everything, he's so proud of you for doing so well after working so hard. While on FaceTime he takes a bunch of screenshots of you with your medals and then he takes more actual pictures when you get home.
Sapnap would definitely brag about it on stream and show people your medals because he's so proud, the chat are also so happy for you because Sapnap had mentioned before just how much you had been training.
Since you do athletics he will come out in runs with you and go to the track with you even though he is always way behind he enjoys watching you run. He has been to all of your previous completions so he’s sad that he can't watch you at the biggest competition of the season but he is supporting from home.
He can't bare to watch you on his own so he will watch your races with your family which creates such a nice atmosphere which even though you can’t see he knows you can feel them supporting you. Is always available to give you a pep talk before you race or after a heat he is there to tell you how well you did. As much as you have an actual coach he is just as good in motivating you and he’s learnt a lot from your actual coach so can give pretty good feedback after each of your runs and isn't afraid to tell you what you could do better.
After you finish second in your heat still qualifying for the final he's so happy but gives you a bit of advice on how you can do better in the actual final which you take on board and use to win the gold medal. The medal ceremony is an emotional moment for him because he can see the huge smile on your face and remembers all the times you've talked about winning even just a bronze and been so excited but seeing you on the top step does make him shed a few tears.
When you come back home he definitely films a video with you called something like racing an Olympic runner where he gets you to show off your skills to his audience who may not have seen you race. He definitely loses the race but he's ok with it because the whole point really was for people to watch you.
He is excited to watch you dive at the top level but also a bit scared because he knows that if things don't go right you can get injured and you have only just recovered from an ankle injury you got during training so safe to say he's a bit anxious watching you.
Luckily the synchronised diving is up first when you and your partner are diving together, watching that calms his nerves slightly because he sees you perform so well and only just lose out of the gold medal by 0.5 of a point. Talking with you after the competition also helps because you say that you are feeling on good form and he trusts your knowledge of your ability.
When it comes to your individual event he sets up an alt stream to watch it because he's way to nervous to watch it on his own. A bunch of his friends join a discord call and watch it with him cheering you on along with the chat who were really engrossed in the competition. The reaction when the score for your last dive comes in is ecstatic because there is almost no way anyone could beat you and when the last score came in Karl was jumping around, the chat were going crazy as well as everyone in the discord call. Karl also called you before he ended stream so that one he could talk to you and two thr chat could hear from you.
Does a proper stream when you get back so that the chat can see your medals and ask you questions which was really fun and it’s so cool to hear from people who are now inspired to take up diving because of you.
He is so proud of you for being able to get to the olympics but because of how strict the lockdown has been in England he is worried about how little you have practiced and trained over the past year but of course he still has faith in you he just doesn’t want you to hurt yourself. Was also gutted he couldn’t go out there with you especially because it’s your first olympics and he so desperately wanted to support you and be there in person to cheer you on.
Watching you practice and watch videos of your past performances has helped him learn how you actually do the high jump so when you start in the first round he can tell that he didn’t need to worry because you are jumping super well. Setting up a makeshift bar in the living room obviously did some good for you because you were looking really good.
Once you made it to the final 8 is when he got most nervous because all of the others were looking great too and the person who had beat you at some world championships was there doing well too. He had faith in you though because he had watched most of your recent practices and you have been really close to beating your personal best so when of it comes to that he thinks you can do it.
It really did get down to that and you had to try going above your personal best but you did it first attempt so you were celebrating and so was he. That height knocked out a few people leaving only you and one person left fighting for gold. You just kept going somehow even though you’ve never made it to these heights before and then it got to above the Olympic record height which is when he started biting his nails with worry. Your competitor failed all 3 of their attempts and you still had one left and you made it meaning not only had you won the gold medal but you hold the Olympic record.
Is so excited for you to get home because he just wants to give you a hug and tell you how well you did not just over FaceTime. He was there for the second you got off the flight and picked you up to give you the tightest hug he could. You also had a lot of interviews to do which usually aren’t your thing so he helps you get though them with his media experience and now the nation loves you because of how sweet you are in all the interviews you do.
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (II)
Summary: You crash the wedding with Grim and Ortho. Unlike the others, proposing isn’t on your mind. You come with a very different approach. 
An angstier take on Ghost Marriage. Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
If the students of NRC thought they’ve seen Eliza at her angriest, they were wrong. The fury she displayed now was incomparable. While Idia fawned over your dramatic anime-worthy entrance, the new interruption was getting on her last ghostly nerve.
“Guards! Seize them!” she roared. Immediately, the ghosts went into action. Idia held his breath as he watched the obedient ghosts charge at you, Grim, and Ortho. He hoped you didn’t barge in with no plan. If you didn’t come equipped with useful items, you would end up like everyone else. 
Chubby, determined to get rid of the intruders that caused distress to his beloved princess, was eager to get rid of you. (”Simp”, Idia muttered) However, eagerness wasn’t enough against an opponent equally as determined. As soon as he got too close, an unknown force threw him backwards to where Eliza floated, shocking the princess.
“Chubby! Are you alright?”
Idia, on the other hand, was elated. 
“Th-that’s so OP!” he exclaimed. He knew you heard him, because your gaze flicked to him for a split second before looking away. Embarrassed, Idia shut his mouth. He’d expected at least a smile. 
After Chubby’s failed attack, other ghosts attempted to face your group. They only met the same fate. Confused, they could only pay their apologies to the princess and watch on in helplessness. Just what did you have up your sleeve? Who did you get such an SS-tier item from?
“Princess, it’s impossible to stop them!” the last of Eliza’s guards told her. For the first time that night, she looked afraid. 
Grim guffawed, while you smirked. A familiar look. It was always there before you jumpscared an enemy, or before you checkmated a poor opponent. Idia might have thought it was kinda hot. At the moment, he was oblivious to his gaping mouth, and how wildly his hair blazed. What were once lightly blushing tips were now an alarming red—a level of ferocity never seen from him before. 
“You can’t touch or hurt us!” boasted Grim, a devious smirk on his face. “We had some he—mprfgh!” He was abruptly cut off by Ortho’s robotic arm covering his mouth. Idia’s brother shook his head at your noisy dorm mate. 
“Release my big brother now!” he demanded. Idia grimaced, but didn’t feel too worried. As long as Ortho was with you and your anti-ghost protective shield, he would be safe. 
As expected, the ghosts were affronted. 
“How dare he order the princess like that?”
“You ought to be punished for your insolence!”
“To intrude on a royal wedding and speak disrespectfully! 
“Send them to the gallows!”
One talked, and one talked over the other. Soon, all that could be heard was an unintelligible susurrus of disembodied voices. One ghost had enough of it, and shouted to Eliza: “Princess, the kiss! Do what must be done!” 
“NO!” You and Ortho yelled at the same time. You continued to walk towards the makeshift altar as your two companions followed close behind. Ghosts rushed to block your path, but you pressed on as your invisible shield threw them back. It looked absolutely badass. Well, anything you did was cool to Idia, anyway. 
 “Out of my way!” You commanded, strong and unwavering. He’d seen you annoyed and angry before, but never up to this point. It basically radiated off of you that a danger warning could be floating above your head. 
“S-so intimidating... “
“So scary!”
Sure, this wedding crasher looked like you, but something was different. An unexplainable sinister aura wreathed you tonight. Was it your glare, or was it that regal suit you wore? Idia must have been too distracted by you, that he only noticed now how your cape seemed to drag shadows with it. You were a villain... much like one of the villains from his video games! And something else that was familiar. 
Whatever it was and wherever it came from, there was a menacing presence in the hall tonight. 
All were silent, except for the wind whistling through the hall. If one listened more carefully, they would hear drowned-out cackles. But it is just the wind, right?
“Wh-who are you?” Eliza finally asked. The ghosts who were ashamed at being unable to seize you began to form a protective ring around their princess. Eliza herself, Idia noticed, was starting to curl in on herself—her presence shrinking the closer you approached. “What do you want?”
“The groom,” was all you said, staring her down as if eyes alone could exterminate the ghost in front of you. 
“Idia?” she asks weakly, glancing at her tied-up groom. Idia said nothing and did nothing but look at you, attempting to telepathically communicate his panic. You barely even looked at him. 
“He’s mine.” 
Hold up—?
More gasps and chatter. They sounded less like whispers and more like the buzzing insects he heard whenever he snuck out at midnight. The world spun. Idia stared at you open-mouthed. 
If he were asked to describe his state of mind at this moment, it would be similar to a loading screen. Suddenly, everything you did together played back in a 1.75x supercut sequence. 
“Wh-what?” Eliza sputtered. “What do you mean?” 
You answered her, voice losing the steadiness it possessed just moments ago. “You have the man I love.” 
Idia.exe has crashed. Reboot? 
The audience’s reactions were varied. Some students on the floor were amused by the spectacle and could have used some popcorn (and a comfortable position) during these times. Some were horrified and disappointed by the idea of the prefect being in love with Idia Shroud the shut-in. Some were much too confused to feel anything. 
“Pardon…? What did I just hear?” Azul asked the floor.
“Puppy love,” Lilia wept, sniffling very loudly. “You know, this reminds me of when I was young...” 
“Whaddaya mean when you were young?!” Floyd snapped. His irritability had spiked up even more when you arrived. His position prevented him from witnessing the events. Everyone on the floor could feel his bad mood rolling off of him in waves. 
“Hey! Watch your tone when speaking to Lilia!” scolded Sebek. 
“... Are they acting?” Leona mumbled. 
“Oh, this better be an act.”  said Vil.  “... though it does not seem to be.” The last part of his observation remained unheard by anyone else, except for Rook. 
“I believe we are witnessing a genuine love confession,” added the Chasseur d’Amour himself, voice soft as he sighed dreamily. “Engrave this moment into your memories, everyone! We are fortunate to witness it…”
But no one shared his enthusiasm about the situation. The others expressed their displeasure by groaning and complaining. “... well, even in this state we are in?” he added as a follow-up. 
You once fell asleep on Idia’s shoulder after finishing a movie. It was something you both only watched to make fun of, but you were apparently too tired to give your top-tier jokes and meme references. The contact sent his heart into overdrive as he froze, begging for option boxes to appear and help him. The flames of his hair blazed so brightly that it woke you back up. It was embarrassing, and sometimes he would remember it late at night and cringe. 
It was happening again, but worse. Any moment now, he was sure that he alone could burn down the cafeteria, if not the whole school. This was stupid. Why did he get that worked up over an obvious act? A mere ploy to get the ghosts to release him?
Reality catches up and deals him triple attack damage. Crowley probably put you up to this. You were probably annoyed that you were forced to do this, weren’t you? That’s why you couldn’t even look at him. It had to be the cruelest joke that fate ever threw his way. 
“I can’t say I don’t understand you, Princess,” you tell Eliza, forcing a smile. “Idia is perfect, is he not?” He felt your eyes on him. This time, it was he who couldn’t quite meet your gaze. Looking down at the floor was all he could do; it couldn’t judge his blushing face. Only when the warmth in his cheeks faded did he feel it safe to look back up again. 
“You see him, don’t you, Princess?” Your voice began to falter, losing the confidence and authority in it that scared the ghosts. “He’s so much more than what everyone else thinks! We agree on that, don’t we?”
Eliza’s face softened, nodding. “Yes. I’ve seen how these people insult him!” she tells you, gesturing to the ‘failed princes’ on the floor.
“But we’re still different,” you stepped closer, but still far enough so that your invisible anti-ghost forcefield wouldn’t activate. “You don’t want to marry Idia, you want to marry your fairytale prince.” 
Eliza appeared to be genuinely confused. She looked around at her companions, before turning back to you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re in love with your ideals, not the person himself,” you explain. “You only chose him for his appearance. Am I right? His personality, likes and dislikes, and possible flaws don’t matter to you.”
Eliza seemed deep in thought. While she was silent, you release a bitter laugh and threw your hands up.  “I mean, do you even know what his favorite candy is?”
Pomegranate drops. You asked to have some, but he refused to give you any. He wouldn’t tell you why, but he let you assume it was his favorite and didn’t want to share because of that. 
That wasn’t it, though. Maybe he’d tell you once you were both out of here. 
“You’ve never stayed up until 4am just to join him on a raid!” You waved your hands wildly, lost in your rant. Whether Eliza understood you or not, you seemed to have stopped giving a damn. 
“Weak!” he teased, noticing your drooping eyelids and reduced concentration. Deep down, he felt bad for keeping you up late.  “Look, it’s fine if you need to rest.”
“Nah, let’s finish this. What are you going to do without me?” you replied, smirking.
“You don’t even have 4-hour conversations with him on Magicord VC like I do!” 
It lasted up until 3am. You two were laughing at memes. He could hear a groggy Grim complain in the background about the noise. 
“Alright. Here’s a question, princess. How much would you risk for the man beside you right now? Bet that’s where we’re different...”
Eliza’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Idia. Even the other ghosts were silent, waiting for your next words. 
“... because if you ask me, I would risk everything! That’s why I’m here wearing this stupid suit!”
It’s not real. It’s not real. The emotion behind every word was a punch to the gut. If you kept this up, he might need a healer soon. Ever since he realized he was falling, he tried to quell the sparks of hope you ignited whenever you did something nice for him. All that hard work was gone. Each word you uttered was gasoline. 
“To think that if I arrived minutes later… th-that I would never see him again!” A sob escapes your throat, your intimidating persona crumbling.
No, don’t do that. Idia wanted to reassure you that he was still there and he was okay, but he couldn’t. It’s part of an act. It’s part of an act. 
“So please… just let him go.” The front you wore has completely dissolved. There you were, reduced to a sobbing mess in front of a ghost princess and the students of NRC. 
You weren’t the only one. All traces of anger or fear have vanished from Eliza’s face. Instead, she put her hands over her mouth. The princess had been moved to tears. Finally, she turns to Idia. “Idia, they seem to l-love you very much… ���
“That’s right.” You wiped your tear-streaked face and pointed an accusing finger at the ghosts. “And all of you! Are you going to enable her forever? Encourage her shallow ideas of what love should be?” 
They all looked down, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You have no right to just snatch him up and claim him as yours,” you told Eliza with an unfaltering resolve, despite your tear-covered face and your crumbled front of strength. “Did you never think… that there could have been someone waiting for him to return?” 
“I-I never meant to!” Eliza cried. “I was so blinded by my own happiness. I never thought… never even considered…” 
“Princess, it’s alright. We all make mistakes.” Chubby told her, trying to be reassuring. 
“Tell me, intruder. How else am I going to find my prince?” she asked you with no trace of hostility. You stopped for a while, staring at her. 
You must not have expected the question. Idia saw you look at him—it was the longest time you’d looked at him all evening. Clearing your throat, you began to explain. You fumbled a bit, scratching the back of your neck and tugging at the hem of your coat as you explained what a perfect partner should be. 
As you spoke, Idia was enthralled by your voice and most of all, the knowledge you possessed about love and romance. He hadn’t seen this side of you before. How did he ever think that a hundred dating sims could make him a romance expert?
“Is that so?” she sighs, bowing her head. “I understand now. I’m so sorry… for causing you so much grief.” 
She turns to her companions, giving them a sad smile. “There’s only one thing to do. Everyone, we must stop this wedding.” 
Idia wanted to fall to the floor in relief. At least a few exhausted sighs and weak cheers could be heard from the wedding “attendees”. You fell to your knees, exaggerating your gratitude. 
“Thank you, princess!”
“But Princess… what about your happily ever after?” Chubby interjected. 
“I can’t tear two lovers apart!” Eliza wipes a few of her own tears, then turns to you. “I was deeply moved by your words. I dream of having a lover like you,” she sighs dreamily, probably imagining her future lover already. 
While the students of NRC rejoiced at this victory, Idia’s heartbeat quickened in fear. What if Eliza decided to take you for herself?
“Princess…” Chubby muttered, sighing. Eliza only gave him a reassuring smile. Phew. Idia relaxed, grateful that she doesn’t have the idea… yet. He didn’t know what to do if that thought became reality. 
Eliza turns to address the hall with a smile. “I have decided.” Everyone waited with bated breath for her announcement. Idia squeezed his eyes shut and silently urged her to announce their departure already. 
“Idia and I will not be married anymore. She smiles wide, and clasps her hands together. “However, there will still be a wedding!”
Your smile faded. “What… what do you mean, princess?”
She beams. “To make up for my mistake, I will make sure that Idia and his lover are married tonight!” 
To be continued.
Tagging: @teashopwritingzz @twistedcrumbs 
Well, that was long. To think that I was planning for the story to be a one-shot! Once again, keep an eye out for Part 3. Thank you for reading! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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aetheternity · 2 years
Aot characters and the type of Genshin player they'd be (Because I'm finally gonna start writing for Genshin.)
A/N: Levi is not in here because I honestly can't imagine him wanting to or actually playing Genshin.
Eren~ The Toxic Player
"I farmed for him before he even came out, he hits 40k now, just let me play him so we can actually win." Most likely said this to Jean. I just know Eren has every five star he's ever pulled for with the occasional five stars that almost everyone has like Qiqi and Diluc. The most he's spent on the game is a couple hundred and he only has five stars in his character showcase. (You know like a douche). I bet his favorite character is Tartaglia or Xiao.
Armin~ Casual F2P
"If I spend all my primos now I can't pull for my favorite character's rerun so I just have to wait till they come back." I have no idea why but I just feel like Armin is an Ayaka main and that she's his favorite character. Without a doubt has a team of all girls and they're surprisingly powerful for someone who never spends money on the game. He mostly plays with his friends but when he's playing co-op with strangers he always chooses to be healer.
Jean~ Waifu collecter/Simp
"Please come home, I'll make you so happy!" Has definitely lost the 50/50 at least twice. Also has a team of all girls but not for the same reason Armin does.. He's dropped at least five hundred on this game before and Connie makes fun of him for it. Raiden simp/main with a kinda shit build on at least three of his characters.
Connie~ Troll
"Watch me kill this domain real quick. My Bennett does two hundred." Has definitely gone to someone's world to rick roll them with the lyre. Pulls for a character that's amazingly versatile then builds them poorly only to take them to co-op domains with his friends and die first. Built Traveler up the best out of spite to Eren who said the Traveler is weak. Says his favorite character is Lisa.
Sasha~ Streamer/Ytber
"I've only been here for an hour so if you guys want to come to my world come on. We're doing boss battles." She prefers to post little short videos of her fails on YouTube but every now and then she goes live on Tiktok and allows people into her world to do domains which she got a decent following from. I feel like her favorite character is Yomiya or possibly Amber.
Historia~ The steady healer
"No Ymir, it's fine people normally don't see Kokomi's potential I'm not upset that they kicked me." Ms. Girl has an all healer team because she hates damage. I just know all her characters do 25k or more. She's normally nice enough that even if people are rude to her she'll still heal them but every now and then she pretends not to have seen them dying. Feel like she loves Jean or Kokomi and she def mains Barbara.
Mikasa~ Friend that got into it because of another friend (Eren obv)
"I hit AR 46 yesterday, how high is Eren now?" Eren probably didn't even tell her about the game she just watched him play it and asked Armin what it was later. Doesn't get the fun of it at all for the longest time but she wants to play with Eren so she ends up speed running and in less than a month she's got all level eighty or higher characters and just completed the last archon quest. I doubt she has a favorite character but she really likes traveler then ends up getting rid of them because Eren told her to build other characters instead.
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