#it's really late and i'm aware this is a mess of a drawing but have it anyway
riverfish-jpg · 5 months
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marlon, just say you'd like to stay
shoutout to the like three other people that enjoy these two together, sometimes you gotta make your own food
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solarmorrigan · 2 months
Hello there! I’m not entirely sure if you’re still doing the whole angsty-ish prompt thing, but if you are could please consider doing, “Shit, are you bleeding!?”, with steddie and Steve being the one bleeding?
Maybe Steve never actually took care of his bat wounds and they reopened or smth??
If not then that’s totally fine! Feel free to ignore :)
THIS IS VERY LATE, I'M SORRY. I know you sent this request months ago, and believe it or not, I didn't forget about it! It haunted me. (Not really, but I did keep it in mind, and I finally managed to get a little thing out for it! I hope this is a little like what you had in mind?)
[CW: blood, mentions of injury]
They’ve done it.
They’ve actually fucking done it.
They pulled off the whole stupid plan, no one is dead (except for Vecna), they’re right-side up, the gate has resealed itself – it’s over.
They won.
And now, there’s just one thing left to do.
Nothing official, really, just something Eddie had promised himself he would do if he actually managed to survive (odds hadn’t seemed to be in his favor at the time, so he hadn’t expected to have to follow through, but he’d also promised himself there would be no more running away). In a way, he’d promised Steve, too, so he thinks he’d better deliver.
(At least, he hopes that’s what he’d communicated to Steve; he hopes that’s what that meaningful look and that significant nod that passed between them had meant and that he’s not about to get his ass kicked after surviving the siege of a bat tornado in a mirror version of his trailer in a fucked up alternate dimension.)
Eddie gives Dustin one last affectionate pat on the back, skirts around where Robin is babbling something enthusiastically at Nancy, who looks a little too shellshocked to do much more than listen with an almost disbelieving smile, and makes it over to where Steve is standing by the front door. He’s got his back to the group, hunched over a little as he fiddles with something beneath his unzipped jacket, but he perks up the moment he hears Eddie’s voice.
“Steve,” Eddie calls, more quietly than the last time, but with no less gravity, and just like last time, Steve turns back, his gaze falling heavily on Eddie.
Before he can talk himself out of it, and horribly aware that this isn’t really the best time or place (but then again, if not here, then where? If not now, when?), Eddie steps closer, steps right into Steve’s space, cups one hand to his ash-smudged cheek, and leans in to kiss him.
He barely even has a moment to wonder if he’s made a monumental mistake before Steve is kissing him back, tilting his head and pressing closer and moving his lips against Eddie’s like this is all he’s ever wanted to do. If the rest of the trailer has fallen conspicuously silent, Eddie doesn’t notice.
The kiss doesn’t last long (not as long as Eddie would like), but that’s alright; it feels like there will probably be more.
“Wanted to do that earlier,” Eddie murmurs as they pull apart. “But I didn’t want you to think it was some kind of last-ditch wish fulfillment because I thought I was going to die. Figured now would be better.”
“Now is good,” Steve says softly; his eyes are a little hazy, a little unfocused (and damn, had Eddie done that?), but they find Eddie’s without trouble. "Now is great."
And then it’s Steve’s hands on Eddie’s face, curled carefully at the edges of his jaw, drawing him in for another kiss. It’s only the feeling of something wet sliding across Eddie’s skin that distracts him and makes him pull back. Steve’s hands fall away, and Eddie reaches up to swipe over his jaw and looks down at his hand.
His heart thumps when he sees red.
“Am I–?” He reaches up again, rubbing his fingers across his skin again, but he feels no pain, finds no injury. “Are you–?” Eddie looks now at Steve’s hand, heart jumping again when he sees more of the same smeared across Steve’s fingers. “Shit, are you bleeding?”
Steve frowns, reaching up with his clean hand to try to swipe the mess away with his thumb. “Sorry,” he mumbles, but he sounds distant now, a little breathless in a way that Eddie can’t blame on any kiss.
Eddie reaches out and spreads his hands under Steve’s jacket, pushing it open to get a good look at him, and finds the damning dark spots spreading across the fabric of the t-shirt underneath.
“Shit,” Eddie hisses. “Shit, shit, Steve–”
“Might’ve pulled something,” Steve murmurs, “fighting Vecna.”
“You think?” Eddie is aware that he’s getting a bit shrill, but he thinks that he really can’t be blamed. “Wheeler!”
Nancy is there in an instant, and Robin is at Steve’s side just as he starts to wobble. She gets an arm around his back and he hisses, reminding them all that the bat bites on his sides aren’t the only wounds he’d sustained.
And then Nancy is barking instructions, and Robin is talking, quiet and rapid-fire at Steve as they sit him down on the couch, and Dustin is demanding to know what’s wrong (and if Eddie thought he’d been getting shrill–), and Eddie only manages to get him out of the vicinity by telling him to go call an ambulance.
“He’s gonna be fine, Henderson, but we need help,” Eddie says firmly, giving him a shove in the direction of the phone. “We’ve got him, he’ll be fine.”
And Eddie hopes to God, to Satan, to who-the-fuck-ever it is he’s supposed to be praying to at this point, that he isn’t lying to the kid.
He’s just gotten Steve – he can’t lose him now.
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dinasfavslut · 8 months
LoserEllie x Fem!reader
a/n: This fic was supposed to come out in late August or early September, so I am a month late, and I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy it since I've spent a while on this (I started writing and never finished).
Warnings:smut 18+ Minors just dont interact, Smoking, Sexual thoughts, Cussing, Pet names, Teasing, Oral, Fingering, Slight mention of strap, Squirting
Everyone is aware that Ellie smokes; we have all seen it. Of course, there are also the dealer Ellie fics, which I absolutely love, but just picture Ellie making reader squirt for the first time while high!
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Ellie calls you over for the "usual" hangout of smoking, fighting while playing the latest video game she purchased, exchanging lust-filled glances at each other, and taking turns going to the restroom to deal with your neediness so you don't pounce on one another. The typical predicament continues.
"Okay, how about a crash bandicoot?”
She places the joint between her soft pink lips and says, "I mean, it's whatever." Her fingers, god, her fingers, her hands, and how she flexes them after spending long hours writing or drawing, playing the guitar, rolling blunts and joints—you could go on and on...and on—is almost down to her fingers when she takes another drag.
You two have long been "friends." Everyone in town knows that you and Ellie are more than "just friends", but as far as the relationship goes, it isn't dating or just a friendship, and that kills you. You like Ellie; you really like her, and smoking enhances that feeling toward her. Additionally, it also helps to want to get pounded by her right on the couch.
She had already loaded the game and begun playing while you were still deep in thought. She was so engrossed in her game that you could see her thumbs and fingers pressing and moving the various buttons. "I'm going to get a snack, Els. You want something." She gave a brief glance over, not straining her head from facing the TV. Her gaze seemed to remain fixed on your body as you stood up, pressing your thighs together as you did so.
"Yeah..." You entered the kitchen in search of a bite to quell your hunger. You discovered cookies, popcorn, Cheezits, and wet wipes after searching the cabinets. Why were wet wipes kept in the snack cabinet?
“Ellie?” You gave her a concerned-confused look as she held up the wipes.
“What?” She looked at you, and you just waved around the wipes.
"Uh, well, keep the ants away.”
“Where the fuck did you hear that?”
“I read it or something somewhere... But that isn't a snack, bubs.” Obviously, the wet wipes weren't a snack. You walk over to her and straddle her lap.
"I'm not going to make you eat the wet wipes." Your thoughts had returned to what had just been said a few moments prior: "Wait, Ellie Williams, do you have ants!?" She gave you a dumbfounded look like a middle school boy who had just been scolded. "You have ants when you were about to let us eat food from your cupboard?"
"Calm down, baby. The wet wipes carried out their duties."
"And how do you know that?"
"I didnt hear any screaming that you saw an ant," she said. She shifted into a new position, pushing her hips a up little higher. You noticed this bump or something rigid. None of those properly expresses what you felt. The bulge in her pants was pressing directly on your clit while you were seated on Ellie's lap. You were soaked through, which was unfortunate for you. You were wet before, of course, but now it was leaking through.
Ellie picked you up and set you down next to her, but she quickly noticed the mess you had made beneath yourself. "You, um, do you need any help with..." you nodded quickly in order to get to you something you have been waiting ages for while also stopping her from finishing her sentence she laid you down in front of her, lifted up your skirt to let it rest on your torso, and pulled off the green underwear you had chosen to wear that day, which of course would need to be washed. "Just relax for me; it is okay, I’l make it feel good, promise". You trusted her i mean why wouldnt you- your trusted ellie with yourself at least, so when she kept kissing the inside of your thighs, you didn't question, but you did whine.
“Els please” 
"Right, I'm sorry." She gave you her silly little smile before returning to her task at hand. Her lips were almost immediately attached to your clit. You whimpered and gasped loudly from her movements. The effects of the weed haven't faded quite yet, making all of Ellie's movements feel 10 times better, but let's be real, it's Ellie fucking Williams, and you've been wainting for this forever.
“E-el-” She slid her agile, calloused fingers into your cunt, causing you to let out an exasperated gasp, followed by a loud moan. You tilted your head forward to see her face. Her eyes were stuck to the way you just kept dripping and how her fingers were being swallowed up so easily.
“Ive got you, babe. Lay back for me. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?" Responding to her request, you nod and lay down. The pace of her fingers quickens, and she hits a spot that makes your head feel light and your tummy coil.
 "Els, please." Ellies, ignoring your pleads, having lust take over. Completely, you feel yourself about to let go at any minute, any second, but it's not like all the times you've fingered yourself to the thought of her before. Ellie's mouth on your clit,  her fingers thrusting out of you, you moan louder than you even knew your voice could handle. She continued quickening her pace until she drained everything out of you. You “came” all over her hands, face, and couch. She pulled her head back and paused for a moment. “I-I am so sorry, I didn't mean.”
She places her finger over your mouth to hush your apologies. "It's alright, angel; I know you couldn't help it.” You were embarrassed by your actions, but somehow, even though she had a big mess that she had to clean up, her reassuring words made everything fine. She leans right over you and places a kiss on your lips. “I think I'm in love with you. Actually, I know that I'm in love with you. I love you, bubs.”
"I love you too Els."
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fictionalmenmakemecry · 8 months
Carmy Losin' Cool
Characters: Carmy Berzatto x reader
Summary: Things getting heated in the kitchen making Carmy emotions runs high. This leads to him acting out of character and making you beg for mercy.
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing
Author's note: Thinking of doing more The Bear fan fiction. Please let me know if you would like me to continue on this!
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"Carmy, I need you to calm down" I grabbed his arm wanting him to draw his attention to me instead of the chaos around him.
"Fuck! This can't be happening..." His eyes were darting everywhere.
He pulled his hands up to his hair, tugging it, completely overwhelmed.
Hearing the printer continuously burning through paper as more tickets appeared.
"I-I'm so sorry" Sydney muttered coming to the realization of what was happening.
"I told you. I told you over and over. OVER AND OVER!" He raised his voice pointing aggressively at the takeout tablet.
" I checked it! It said that- " Sydney quivered.
I looked over and caught her line of sight. She had the look of fear in her eyes. She never saw Carmy like this. This heated. This angry.
"Get the FUCK out of the kitchen!" Carmy yelled picking up the fallen tickets that were now overflowing the shelf.
She didn't budget. Frozen.
"Syd, come on" I tried to usher her, getting in between her and Carmy.
"NOW!" He shouted feeling his breath on the back of my neck his arm extended to the door.
I pulled her by the arm leading her out of the kitchen. She followed like a zombie, completely hazed. I grabbed her bag from her locker and brought her to the front door.
I could hear Carmy giving aggressive orders in the back, still hearing the rage in his voice.
"I fucked up" She had finally caught up to what had happened.
I just nodded, wanting her to go home and let the everyone calm down.
"What's going to happen?" She looked at me, half way out the door.
I paused for a moment holding the door open but not looking away.
"Just stay away for the next two days. I'll talk to him" I said wanting this day to be over.
She nodded gently before giving me a fake soft smile but still seeing the sadness in her eyes.
I watched as she left and locked the door. I took a deep breath for a moment knowing I was going to have to stay calm in the whirlwind of emotions in the back.
I made my way back and continued to hear the dominant voice of Carmy still dictating away.
I walked in slowly and watched everyone work frantically, The only noises were Carmy, the banging of pans and the occasional 'Yes Chef'.
I turned around and went into the office. I was going to busy myself with overdue bills until this nightmare burnt out.
"Hey" A soft voice spoke out.
I popped my head up from the mess of paper piles that were on my lap.
I saw Carmy leaning against the doorframe. His usual white t-shirt covered in fresh stains.
I didn't say anything. I was trying to read his mood before opening my mouth.
"I'm sorry about that in there." He gestured behind him.
I pressed my lips together but didn't say a word.
"Uhhh.. I know I'm a shit head for shouting at Syd the way I did." His head dropped.
He brought his hand up to his face and rubbed his eye, I could feel the exhaustion just by looking at him.
"You're going to have to apologize. We really need her." I murmured playing with the corner of the fold pages on my lap.
"Yea, I know. I fucked up" He whispered.
The kitchen doorway opened behind him and I saw a black curly hair behind Carmy.
"Goodnight Tina" I smiled
"Goodnight Boss" I heard back.
Carmy faced her and I could see half of her through the the doorway.
"All done?" He asked
She nodded giving a half smile.
"Everyone else gone home?"
"Yeah, you should both too. It's getting late" She pointed at the clock on the desk beside me.
1:30am. I swore it was 8:00pm a couple of hours ago.
She gave one more smile and gave Carmy a reassuring arm rub before leaving us.
I could feel the heaviness in my eyelids now that my body was aware of the time.
"I'm gonna head out" He looked back over at me.
I nodded pulling myself off the ground and bundling all the papers off the floor.
"Okay, well I'm going to check that everything is off and I'll be out in a min" I smiled.
We looked at each other for a moment. The heaviness I felt in my stomach when I realized how we got to this moment. The death of his brother, the immediate burden of this place on his shoulders and letting go of his old life.
I walked over closer to him and leaned into him. I wanted to give him a hug. I felt his arms wrap around me. The smell on onions off of him was stronger than usual. His skin burning hot. I could even feel it under his t-shirt. I was about to let go and felt him still holding the hug so I continue to hold him until I felt him lean back.
"Thank you" He whispered looking at me with his constant melancholy eyes.
He left the doorway and made his way to his locker.
I went back into the kitchen. The usual darkness except for the emergency exit lights. Giving the room a green hue. I ran my eyes over to check nothing was left out and everything was off.
I turned around and bumped into a body.
I let out a little yelp completely startled.
I looked up and saw Carmy looking down at me. Very close.
"Is everything okay?" I asked worryingly.
He nodded softly but never leaving my eyes.
My mind froze. I looked down at his lips. I felt him leaning into me. I couldn't stop myself if I tried. I brought my hands up to his chest. I wanted to taste him. I wanted to feel his lips against mine. His tongue against mine.
Our lips met. His were soft and warm. Our lips moved making the kiss deeper and deeper until I could taste him. Feel his mouth. His tongue gently caress mine. I relaxed into him, releasing a small moan in the back of my throat.
I felt him pull me in closer after that. He was hungry for me. That delicateness was fading away. I brought my hand down to his crotch to feel his hard bulge underneath. I heard his immediate appraisal from deep in his throat.
He pulled away, us both taking deep breaths.
He grabbed my hips and placed me on the steel surface urgently.
He looked at me his hands on my thighs but making their way further up. He paused for a moment.
I mouthed "Please". The heat coming from between my thighs was unbearable. Him looking at me that way made it worse.
A small smile appeared on his face, which made me more wet.
He hovered his hands over my clothed pussy before reaching up to unbutton my jeans. His nimble fingers popped them in a second. I glanced down at him to see him still looking at me.
He started slowly pulling down my pants, I raised my hips wanting to move this faster. He seemed to enjoy me begging at his mercy,
"Fuck" He leaned in his lips barely touching mine.
"I need this" He continued with his blue eyes taken over by lust.
The crack of a door was distant, pulling us out of our trance of neediness. We stayed still for a moment waiting for other sounds.
"Carmy, Y/n? You still here? I always forget my fucking phone." Tina voice travelled as she walked further into the restaurant.
We both snapped into gear. He pulled me fast off the counter and grabbed my hand. We raced to the walk in fridge. He closed the door gently behind us. We both stayed still try to listen for anything. But it was so insulated there, it was no use.
I looked down to see my jeans still unbuttoned. I looked up and redid them to see Carmy smiling with his hand in his hair.
"Close one" He whispered smiling back at me.
Masterlist for other fics
Let me know what you think!
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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1: Captain Barnacles! :DD
2: One of the reasons why I redrew them suddenly was because I was thinking of re-writing my Octonauts Sea dwellers AU :0 But I'm going back on that now tbh.. :///
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They didn't figure it out and they did end up booking it. I mean,, can you really blame them?
We know Papyrus, and all of us would absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was innocent. But Seam and Jevil don't know the Papyrus we know.
All Seam sees is an absolute mountain of bodies and an state of utter decay all around him.. with suspiciously the last man standing being a very clearly mentally unstable skeleton.. would you assume he was innocent?
Add onto that all the stress Seam was under, how unstable he was as well. Seam couldn't see the situation any other way and he was not taking any chances.
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I don't watch Adventure time currently and I don't know all the nitty gritty of the shows lore.. but my favorite characters from what I've seen is Simon! With Jake as a close second. :} Also Prismo is 3rd I think-
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f...fank youu!!
(Also the protons joke got a laugh outa me XDD )
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:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you like how I draw them!! :}}
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oh ok
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Wait are the characters from the game actually baked in an oven to be "born"?? I didn't know that--
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:DD I'm glad you like them! And although I don't have either game, I hope to learn a little more about the games lore :0
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@chickenheadguy (Link in question)
Oh! Thank you! Lemme just take a look an--
170 VIDEOS??
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(Also thank you for the compliments and the link! :DD )
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NO HE DOESN'T GET KILLED-- Seam and Jevil just jump to another AU as soon as Jevil had the strength to. Leaving Papyrus behind in the process..
(Also thank you!! :DD )
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I don't have any plans to draw any art like that, no.. sorry! <:/
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YES. YES IT DOES. But its not the people who go "ohmygosh I LOVE this (AU/thing) you made! Its wonderful! Do you have any plans to continue it someday.? If not that's ok! Just wondering!" Those guys are fine and I take it as a compliment actually!
Its the people who say things like "When are you gonna finish this" "Why did you stop drawing this" "How long until you draw this again" "I don't like what you're drawing, now go back to this it was better" comments like THOSE, suck. And its always about the same comics/subjects that I stopped drawing months ago. Looking at you Octonauts crab comic
As for my AUs, its not too hard for me to remember all of them. I never have more than 5-6 per fandom. I can usually list them off by memory! :0
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Tbh the animatronics would probably just register that as a mess/hazard and would notify an employee about the issue. In which the employee would dispatch a mop bot to go clean it up. I imagine it unfortunately happens often enough that the bots aren't really fazed. Kids amirite-
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I have drawn her at least twice from recent memory! Once in this horror post, and she makes an appearance in part 1 of my FNAF AU recap/repair! :00
The reason why I rarely draw her is becuase of the plans I have for her in my AU. She is meant to be very mysterious and I want the changes I made to her in my re-write to be a surprise-
Also thank you! I'm glad you like my cookie run creatures! :}}}
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I'm not sure actually.. idk if the characters from the games are aware that they are "cookies" in the sense that they are meant to be eaten- So I'm not sure how my characters would react either-
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Its related to the names of the drivers, I cant share anything else! :x
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@mumble-jumble-gallery (Post in question)
Magic candy..? Huh- well I'm glad it isn't world shattering at least-- <XDD
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:DD Thank you so much! I'll be sure to draw them again sometime XD
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Sorry for the late reply! This ask got buried-
If you look to this post for reference, I was thinking that Fredbear would be as tall as Bonnie. Maybe a little taller.? And Spring Bonnie would be about as tall as Foxy :00
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moonstruckdraws · 4 months
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I don't really do the awareness week things cuz I draw during pride month but finding out (learning how to read a bio status that's been in my face every time I open their blog) that @hellishgayliath is aro, I wanted to incorporate them! I know I say I appreciate them a lot but ITS BECAUSE I DO!
This is also a reveal that Luci is aro spec! I am not aromantic myself, but I have done my research into it. However, if I do make any stereotypical or offensive characterizations for Luci, please let me know so I may change that! I find it funny that both Repo & Luci wouldn't know of the labels lgtbqia+ so Luci has no idea what aromantic is lol
Luci spiel incoming
Okok, so I designed Luci in late December. I make characters in my head for fandoms I'm in all the time, but I never draw them out because I never care to. I didn't really consider making a rottmnt oc until Helli dropped their Bao character which is followed when I started making fanart of Helli's sons. I decided, "I have nothing better to do, so why not" and I really like moths, so why not a moth oc?
Seeing Pico & Bao made me really want to put Luci in a relationship, and I had (and still have) a character in mind that I'd pair her with. But the more I drew her and explored her character, I wasn't as sure. Around this time I learned what QPRs (queer platonic relationship) are and the best way I can describe them is that they're like deeper (more-than-platonic-but-not-romantic) soulmates.
This led me into the aro spec rabbit hole (ha, hi Helli) and I learned a lot about aro labels and aromanticism in general, to which some things I didn't know I connected with lol. And I am aware, since it's a spectrum, that some aros are in relationships, single, interested in romance, repulsed, or a mess of all these things.
But I still wasn't sure if I felt putting Luci in some kind of relationship (more towards a QPR) was okay? I haven't said much on Luci's view on relationships and romance, and I'll do that in another post so I'm not writing an essay over here lol. Because I'm aware that some people do go down that route of "Well some aromantics do date, so I can draw this character in a relationship" and no hate though as peeps can do what they want. I just didn't want to do that with Luci.
So really I'm on the fence of the possibility, and if I do, I want to do it in a way that's respectful to aro's with boundaries or dislikes Luci would have if she was in a close relationship. Of course, I could be overthinking this, which is why I shortened this post in the first place lol, but I'm also a paranoid socially anxious person that doesn't want to be offensive especially since my moot is on this spectrum. I will accept any tips or advice if they're offered; I just wanted to yap and blah blah.
Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week :]
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nohoney · 11 months
Ya know what 9/10 because I honestly was hoping for Hawks siren dick. I still fucking love it though.
How ya feel about an other idea.....an demon Hawks x princess reader? Smut/fluffy I like to think Hawks still an happy demon boyfriend.
I'm monster fucker
imagine that hawks has always been the shadow watching over his princess, he’s a creature that has been apart of the castle and just lurked quietly. hawks watches you carefully as you grow up, a dignified daughter of a royal family that’s a bit restless. he sees how you subtly pick at your nails when your eyes are on a handsome suitor presented to you. these tiny tells that people seem to miss but he is fascinated over.
you sense his presence from the corner of your eye but you often keep it to yourself. but he’s with you when you pick flowers, when you bathe in aromatic oils, when you get reprimanded for being late for your lessons, hawks stays with you.
it’s at night when you acknowledge him, dressed in a nightgown and having bid your maidens a good evening. the two of you have never spoken one word to one another but there’s a mutual understanding that no words need to be spoken. he draws quiet gasps from your lips, his fingers slipping into your warmth and your own hand stroking his length. you mutually pleasure one another, lips lazily kissing before you get too shy and withdraw.
but there’s nothing shy about the way you grind your hips in his lap, the tip of his cock grazing that sweet spot in your cunt. in the dead of night, the proper princess is very improper.
in your bed at such a late night is when hawks sees that you are your most honest. rigid rules can really leave you so stressed. so hawks relieves you, often with his mouth on your cunt before he stuffs you full of his cock. he makes you a mess, kissing your whimpers and he hushes you with low growls.
without any words, you put this unspoken trust in him to take care of you. at first hawks used to make his presence aware in your dreams, to make himself an apparition so that you wouldn’t be frightened by him. now all he has to do is wait until nightfall and waits for you to undo the front ribbon to your nightgown.
when you give hawks permission, he aims to send you to heaven.
he blisses you out, creaming on his cock, holding you close to him as you clench your teeth to prevent yourself from crying out. as a princess, you are only made to be claimed by someone with equal honor to you. but to hawks, he sees himself as the only one for you. soft and sweet and precious, he plans one day to steal you away before you’re betrothed.
and the next morning, you are prim and proper and playing piano.
hawks waits until nightfall and when you will undo the front ribbon.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Smutember 2022 - Day 11 Just The Tip
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Title: Good Boys Get Punished, Too ☆☆ Pairing: Gohan x Female Reader ☆☆ Word Count: 945 ☆☆ Contents: ( M / 18+. MINORS DNI. teasing, dirty talk, consent, consent everywhere, oversensitive gohan is oversensitive its the son family tradition 👍🏾, probably some yandere vibes if you squint ) ☆☆Warning: ( a lil bit dark, explicit language, oral - male receiving, referenced sad0-gohan, referenced rough sex )
Darling, sweet darling. He should know better by now. But Gohan's mind was so preoccupied it was too late for him to notice what was happening. The moment you approached and, without warning, hit the switch off on the desk lamp for his attention should have opened his eyes to the fate he sealed for himself, and yet you were looked upon with confused bright eyes— a disturbed response from the half-saiyan to the necessity of the light easing the strain on his eyes while he worked— only hurting his situation.
Oh. Am I bothering you, Darling?
When you suddenly cupped his chin to mesh his lips with yours and your other hand went straight for his lap it was a surprise to him. With the evening sky darkening the room beyond the laptop screen's reach, it finally dawned on him. Too little, too late. Gohan broke your kiss in a jolt of panic, stuttering out an explanation for getting lost in his work yet again but you had already gotten his pants open and turned his words to noise in and out the ear. Your boldness comes with the territory of your arrangements. Sucking his dick was how you nursed your feelings since your relationship had grown intimate. Always to please, but mostly to tease. And teased you shall, thoroughly. Deservingly. Just as quickly as your licked lips nestled the crown in kisses and your tongue curled to its shape did his attempts to apologize for his forgetfulness turn to vulnerable whines..
How easily your sensual acts could sway him to your beck and call, Gohan cursed how acutely his body accepted pleasure as he can only hold back and endure, but he can't help the mesmeric way your tongue slides against the tip of his cock. It felt great but he knew this pleasure was being used against him, his bodily restraint both a blessing and a curse.
"It's not good to have such a big dick and be so delicate." You scolded him coldly. All part of your game. Your eyes look up reflecting the laptop's glow as you suck the head of his length past your lips and slowly draw it back out with an impish grin, "Don't you know how cute that is? I'm supposed to be mad at you, you know."
It's a win-win, really. You mess him up and in return, he can mess you up whenever he wanted. Beyond the display of fairy tale lovebirds that you truly are, you both allow yourselves to succumb to your darkness. With a pre-determined agreement, you open yourselves to be honest with each other's needs and it just plain makes the sex great. It's the curiosity of what Gohan is capable of that makes you submissive to his true nature, but truthfully it's the hardest he's ever made you cum. At his leisure, Gohan can pound your holes until you are hoarse and sore, when his glaring eyes are void of softness and his body surges with power hardening his muscular frame. Painfully aware that he could crush your hands when his fingers lace with yours or even pop off your delicate legs from the socket when he lifts the limb around his hips. Enticed, even, by the visceral appeal of the thought alone and how it would quiet a perverted and vicious urge always dwelling in his soul. How you would shriek and beg him for mercy when he breaks you and find only his satisfied smirk in return.
But you are just as frail and broken when you squirm and sweat and are left breathless joined at the hip with him. Eyes wet and dilated with lust from stimulation beyond your control whether your hips roll slowly with his or he bangs into you to the hilt of his length. To his enjoyment, just seeing you like that was more than enough. It's how he knows you are perfect for him, and of course he would never hurt you to such a degree.
You have your selfish needs, too.
Feeling the tip of his nose against your clit when you straddled his head was one, but getting to punish this girthy blessing of his whenever you want was just the start. It's always exciting how the size fills your hands, how well-receiving his body was to such little stimulation from you and how frustrated a man of his caliber can become putting up with it for you. It quickly turned him to putty the moment your tongue lapped at his wet crown and repeated your head sucking. Fitting any more in your mouth would be a relief he has not earned.
"You know I won't eat dinner without you, why did you leave me all alone at the dinner table? No call, no text. You just left me there, Gohan." You muttered after popping his cock from your lips. You can hear the chair squeak under his shifting and sinking in the seat, his large hands gripping the base. Wanting to drive it down your throat until your eyes rolled, to guide your head, but he is forbidden to touch you. Gohan looks down at you through his glasses sitting low on his nose, hearing his own breathless apology fall on deaf ears when your tongue toyed with his tip. It's hard to watch you and not let his cum spill in your face. But you are more forgiving if his eyes do not leave you, forced to watch his own torture.
You move your hands onto his thighs and balance the tip of his cock between your lips, once again sucking only just beneath the swelling crown.
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
MAG 87 let's goooo
I've heard of the uncanny valley before I think from a Tumblr post actually isn't it like non-humans that look like humans but slightly off that creep us out??
Sounds cool tho
God I love her she actually tries to knock some sense into Jon
Jon's hesitation at accepting help is frustrating when he's just claimed that he's ready to accept that he needs allies but I guess it's understandable when he doesn't want to bring someone who doesn't have a place in this all into the situation
But also I guess he can't really help bringing her in, cause he's staying at her house, she's probably already in to a certain degree
This is already so long so I'm putting a read more
She knows that she's a last resort, she seems like a genuinely kind person, she's completely understood that the man is desperate but she's also willing to draw a line wow shes so cool
"you're a good person" augh god that must've been difficult for him to hear
"whatever this is, it's messing you up"
Georgie's right about everything all the time that's the conclusion I'm coming to from this
I like how she says you can choose to leave it alone, i think it might've been the first time it had crossed Jon's mind since it all started that maybe he had a choice in this, but the tragedy is that it's been said too late, if he did ever have choice, then it's definitely gone by now. And Jon is very much aware of that.
Sebastian skinner THE NAME
Getrude seems very like practical about the way she does things, case number first, name, where it occurred and dates, like she doesn't do any of Jon's "head archivist of the Magnus Institute, London" stuff I guess cause he was doing it to sound important and she doesn't need that, she knows exactly what she's doing and what the situation is so she can just get straight to the point with it
I love analysing everyone's different little intro bit I think it's so cool how their personalities and beliefs form part of it
This statement actually like shook me, I don't know why but lately the statements have been sort of getting to me. I don't think they've gotten scarier though, I think my frame of mind has just changed recently
Just weirdo little valley with weirdo little people doing fucking blood rituals
It was very classic horror movie
I googled flensing on incognito mode cause I wasn't sure what would come up lol
Yeah that ending was horrifying I hate the idea of the only thing being left is the mannequin
That's so funny Gertrude was like fuck this guy's name in particular
So orsinov is like the avatar of the stranger
And they're skinning people for some sort of ritual called the Unknowing
Of course Gertrude is the kind of woman to use the word ilk in every day language
Wait fuck this was in 2015 and the current statements are set in what? 2016/7? The Unknowing has to be close then oh god
Oh god she got attacked??? By what???
Who the fuck is Jude perry
Do I know her???
Oh god poor Mr skinner
Oh god Georgie is really in it now if she can hear it
He sounds so scared jesus christ
I appreciate Georgie trying to get the stuff out of her house but girl I don't think that's gonna stop it from being there
Oh god he's trying so hard to keep it from Georgie but now he's realised that he actually can't
He has put her in danger and that's the fact of it
"I'm not sure I can."
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lurkingteapot · 9 months
Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม Ep 4
Nearly two weeks late and I'm finally, finally getting around to catching up with my favourite mess.
Live watch notes!
Oh wow, we're starting out right away on the heavy stuff, huh
oh god Khaotung's acting, He's so good.
there's that word again, "burden"
thank fuck Mew cottoned on to this being a goodbye
I somehow fully expected Ray to just drop the phone into the tub
he's sitting in the EMPTY tub??? was this just for mess prevention? oh Ray, oh baby.
No, love, no, your mum did not die because of you.
HELL YEAH CHEUAM'S A LESBIAN (sorry, I'm just so excited to hear a girl actually SAY it) (but also Ray being a hit with the wlw tracks)
ooh wait wait, these shirts-- is this the make-out night?
also Ray I get you probably don't mean it like that, but you're sorta … guilt-tripping Mew here.
love the way this kinda tells us audience members a) the backstory of Ray taking that call b) that Mew's rejected Ray before c) that Ray was so desperately seeking connection that he came off weirdly manipulative about it
GOD Khaotungggg
this is shot very prettily but also what the fuck, Boston, is EVERYTHING blackmail material to you
adfsadfa LOVE Mew calling Ray out on the shirt
"not your type" huh. HUH.
Ray really is hung up on him, huh.
Proud of Mew for setting that boundary.
Sand is not buying it.
Oh Sand, oh Sand.
Ooop put your foot in it
Nick, what are you lying to Sand about that?
oof "he's not normal, his reputation is bad"
oh man the employees all wai'ing the boss's son … urgh god I hate rich people, sorry Top I'm sure you're not actually that bad but URGH (also yes I'm aware of the double standard I've got going here, the way just-as-rich-kid Ray is my little meow meow)
wait, is this the photo booth where Top and Boston made out?
is this just a common architecture feature in spensive hotels, or is this the same hotel they shot Chaan's apartment in LoA with?
ooooh that plane is Boston's, isn't it
Ray and Sand may be doomed by the narrative but I love every second I get out of them anyway.
I love Sand so muchhhh
First is really good at that searching eye contact thing
ถ้ามึงอยากเป็นเพื่อนกับกูอยู่นะ คิดถึงความรู้สึกกูบ้าง BOUNDARIES we love to see them
the way they put the asshole angle on Boston here, I love it
oooh you made Boston mad just now
hookups so you can sleep, hookups to let off steam
oh man, Nick, oh man, this is not okay behaviour and you KNOW it
"I can't" -> the way it's put in Thai is กูไม่สดวก which is basically 都合が悪い but feels like 困る. Gotta ask teacher about that one.
is this why physical pictures are all you deal with, or are you just … talking out your ass because you know Nick is dtf either way for a bit yet
Mark Pakin, the actor you are
this is not news but I'd like to reiterate that I love how we have Rich Boys and Poor Boys are a theme here
asdfadfasdf "stay away from Boston" Nick, Top's been TRYING
but oh man Top is an arrogant ass. like. scary slick.
Ohhhh wow Nick, wow, wow wow. at least you're self-aware? ish?
Oh fuck of course he ran over Sand
Go go go Sand
oooof there's history here, I see. I still think it's about someone Sand liked before.
I really hope Sand's bike is fine
Nickkkkk how about you don't lie to Sand? but urgh you're also getting him in trouble which. ooof I can see this making things really complicated for him and Ray going forward.
Sand is like "oh bruv NO"
Mew is so unimpressed. I'm impressed with Ray for owning up to it though, and for apologising – it's so easy to fall into the "I'm an awful person and they'll hate me anyway" spiral.
okay so at least Sand and Ray can bond over hating Top
Mew, please get mad about Top being a controlling ass like that
You've got nothing to hide, right, Top? Right?
sooo was that Not Mew in the car with Ray, then? Photoshop?
oh we're going here, huh
oh wait, was that him again just now?
that's a really good line to draw, Mew, and also you've got an excellent point about addiction here
oh man oh man oh man I'm really liking Mew more and more this ep and Top is doing nothing to endear himself to me.
oh man, someone's gonna drink that water and it's going to be a Situation™
Top, you asshole, if you could not question every single one boundary Mew sets, that'd be ace
so the thing is. Top. Why would you think Mew would believe that? you talk big.
!! this is a song from the playlist!!
fuck, Sand is so gone on him alreadyyyy, I really thought he had more distance than that, but nope nope nope
I continue to be so impressed with this show. The preview is nerve wracking, but I'm going to be strong and only watch that when I've got another 5k or so of work words done. One more ep, and then I'll have a day to wade into the tag! EXCITED.
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madwinterschild · 2 years
Eddie Munson x F Reader Imagine you're In A Band And You Surprise Eddie!
Tumblr media
Imagine you're secretly in a band called "Hells Succubus" and Eddie has NO IDEA, He mentions that he hasn't had a favourite female-fronted band for a while. Challenge accepted! You tell him and the rest of hellfire and your friends to meet you at the local bar where they'll be playing to a sizable crowd. draw dropping reactions ensue along with a very surprised and horny for his girlfriend metal head. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: MUCH SMUT AHEAD especially in chapter 2 (I'm here for the thirst ;) swearing, drug and alcohol use. f + m sexual relations, oral sex on both parts and vaginal sex, Dirty Talk also!
Much DnD and 80s music references (The 80s is my favourite period for rock and metal music :) I think that's pretty much it! Enjoy my loves! Also, I'm aware the song I used was sung by Vixen in 1990 but I think it really fits the tone!
NOTE! I am from the UK so if I do get any references wrong I do apologise! I had to search up how our school systems work! T'was enlightening!
"all's I'm sayin' is, I haven't heard any good ones lately! Vixen, sure their good but not many others" You simply rolled your eyes at the centre of your world, your reason for living, the light of your life, your pumpkin or as he was known to others Eddie Munson, Local town freak and metal extraordinaire. You all found yourselves at your usual spot in the school cafeteria, it was a Friday so the kids were abuzz with the weekend. The rest of the Hellfire Club mumbled excitedly over the next campaign, with a few insults of "Dustin your a paladin PLEASE heal us faster this time!" Whilst you and your boyfriend bickered over the topic of the current best Rock bands.
Buzz cut Eddie had been drawn to you like a moth to a flame when he first met you in 6th grade. You'd been quietly humming to yourself some Alice Cooper lyrics whilst you casually drew the Album artwork for 'Welcome To My Nightmare'. The Coop was your god and you wouldn't have a bad word said against him! Eddie found it oddly charming as he got to know you. You taught him all the best ways to tame his wild hair after he'd been head-banging too hard. The best way to sew his band patches onto his jacket, at least until he'd got the hang of it, he was so proud of himself! And had many magical hours of conversation, either sober or high off your faces about how rock music was the best thing in the world! Your chest blossomed with pride as you saw Eddie transform into his authentic self, you still held that same pride for your boyfriend because he refused to conform, and be something he wasn't. He was pure Rock n Roll baby!
You can still remember the day that he drove you to lovers lake, he played your favourite cassettes in the van, put on his best denim vest (The one with the huge DIO patch on the back) you could still smell the gorgeous cologne he wore and how he was so damn nervous. You picked your usual spot and smoke some weed, had a couple of cans of beer and had an amazing night together. You can also remember the moment he turned to you, messing with his silver rings again and confessed his love for you. Turns out he'd been in love with you since he saw you drawing that damn album cover, he'd been smitten with you for as long as you'd been smitten with him. Buzz cut an all. From then you'd been the freakiest couple of Hawkins, the most likely pair to be a bunch of Satanists. It was you against the goddamn world and you wouldn't have it any other way.
You could feel the grin getting wider on your face as you reminisce, it wasn't till a few moments later that you noticed the clicking fingers in front of you. You snapped back to reality and shook your head "Sorry baby, what did you say?" Eddie just huffed a laugh, shaking his head and making his brown curls bounce "I saaaaaaid" He poked your cheek " you still haven't given me any examples of good bands" Your mind rebooted as you remembered the conversation 'ah we're still on that one…maybe nows a good time to mention it' you chewed your lip as you rolled what IT was around your mind. Eddie knew practically everything about his princess, what you hadn't told him was you were actually in a female-fronted band and YOU fronted that band. You'd only been going for a couple of years but a bunch of girls you'd met at a summer camp long ago became really good friends, had similar interests and for the fun of it, you decided to start a band. Nothing serious, just something to pass the time on lazy weekends when you weren't with Eddie. You never told him about it because hell you thought he'd laugh! Here was this adonis that you worshipped as a guitar-wielding metal god, and you just felt fucking silly about it all. So you covered it up as some kind of family time thing and Eddie simply shrugged his shoulders and brought the little white lie.
However, recently you played a fantastic gig at a bar in the next town and the crowd loved you! So much so, the guy behind the bar called his cousin who owned a sister bar in Hawkins and told her to book your band! You and your band mates were thrilled and couldn't wait for the next gig, You'd heard a few town members of Hawkins muttering how excited they were for the band to perform, even some of your bullies were excited. You had to chuckle to yourself because NOBODY had a clue it was yours. Your day-to-day look was far more toned down than your stage look so it was no wonder nobody recognised you. Maybe tonight was the night to let the cat out of the bag? Not just to Eddie but to your friends as well, You'd love to see the look on your best friend Robin's face too!
"Actually," You thought quickly about how you could keep this a secret for as long as possible, you wanted to surprise Eddie. "One of my favourite bands is playing in town tonight…Female fronted as well" Eddie quirked an eyebrow at you and leaned forward with his hands clasped, you'd caught his interest "Really now? And what's the band called (y/n)?" you swallowed a nervous lump in your throat "Th- they're called 'Hells Succubus'? I don't know if you've heard of them? Their relatively new?" Eddie hummed "Yeah yeah I know the band, not personally but a few guys from the band went to see them a couple of months ago and said the lead singer is smoking hot" he commented nonchalantly. Your heart swelled with pride again, Eddie had been very dedicated in his love for you, he'd kiss the ground you walk upon (if you let him) and treated you like a princess as much as he possibly could. His eyes never strayed, he never looked at another girl, like he'd said time and time again "Your my world baby, I'm your problem now!". What a surprise he'd get tonight! You couldn't wait to see his reaction
"Well…" you turned and rummaged through your bag, pulling out a poster to show to Eddie, fortunately, it didn't have your band's faces on, just the name, eloquently written. You'd all agreed that just because you were a rock band, borderline heavy metal sometimes. You'd didn't have to follow everyone else with an intense font that was just a mess and looked like a splat of paint, you preferred something that fit the vibe.
You gauged your boyfriend's reaction. His eyes scanned the details and he made small humming noises as he went. His brown eyes turned to you "You say they make you happy princess? You like them?" you nodded eagerly. "Well then" He leaned forward and kissed your cheek softly "let's go and see Hells Succubus….boys!" He turned to the rest of the table, the boys popped their heads up like meerkats, waiting for instructions. You had to laugh "Get your rock on, we're going to see a band tonight. Consider it a club trip" the boys all cheered. The metal Head turned to you and winked. Tonight was going to be good!
And that's how you found yourself in the dressing room in the back of the bar. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled, your boyfriend's bright eyes smiling back at you from the small polaroid you'd stuck in the frame of the mirror. It was a picture of the both of you, you in the front and Eddie behind you, with the dopiest grin, firmly holding a Metallica album in his hands. It was the 'horsemen Of The Apocalypse' album and it was brand new at the time, and to think you had 'Master Of Puppets' hidden away in your room, ready to give Eddie for his upcoming birthday. The picture had become your good luck charm when you performed, before you'd head out to meet the girls, you'd always blow a kiss to the picture.
You shook your head fondly and continued to apply your Make up. The black eyeshadow you used threatened to swallow up your (e/c) eyes but made the whites pop at the same time. Mixed in with a bit of red it looked sinful. Your dark full red lips pouted back at you, you wondered if you'd make Eddie want you as much as you wanted him when you saw him play. You remember the uncountable times you'd seen Corroded Coffin and watched Eddie like a Hawk watches a Mouse. You could feel yourself getting wet with excitement as you watched the same fingers that pleasured you dance over his guitar. you'd bite your lip when your boyfriend's eyes would fall on you and the air was suddenly knocked out of you. His gaze was like an invisible grip that held you in place, preventing you from moving as he played for you and only you.
You shook your head, there'd be plenty of time for that later, right now you needed to tighten your corset over your black see-through blouse, the tattered sleeves floated around as you pulled the leather tight, and your breasts immediately jumped to attention, dangerously perched on top of the corset. "He won't know what hit him" you mumbled to yourself with glee, fixing the multiple necklaces in place. your most prized one gently rested on your cleavage. It was a ring that Eddie gave to you, it had a black heart in the middle with bat wings on either side, it was another one of your most treasured items next to the picture. You finally stood up. Pulled up your leather bell bottoms and adjusted your clunky belt. this one was your favourite. It has large black lips with vampire fangs peeking out from the top lip. It reminded you of the aesthetic of the band. A group of succubus had emerged from the pits of hell and used the power of music and sin to draw in unsuspecting victims, that's what you called your fans and they lapped it up.
You took one last look at yourself, grabbed your can of hair spray and covered yourself head to toe in it. It was the best thing to keep your make-up and backcombed hair in place for the whole gig. You didn't want to look like a sweaty mess, you wanted to look pristine for your lover. Your eyes fell upon the picture again "That comes later, lover" you blew a kiss to polaroid Eddie and turned to leave. You were ready.
"I don't understand! She should be here! She's going to miss it!" Eddie moaned into the table, his head 'thunking' against the wood. Robin laughed at the dejected metal head. You had assured your friends, the boys and your boyfriend that you'd meet them all at the venue, you had a few extra errands to run before the gig started. "Chill your beans Goldie Locks, (Y/N) said she'd be here didn't she? I'm sure she's just doing herself up so you'll fuck her senseless tonight" Robin chortled as Eddie perked up, his cheeks bright red "do you think so?" "Course I do you perv…now just relax" Eddie frowned at the quip "anyway" Robin continued looking at Dustin, Mike and Lucas "How the hell did you get the toddlers in? This is a bar" "I promised the staff they wouldn't drink, besides they've got 'Steve The Babysitter' to look out for them huh big boy?" Eddie winked at Steve who scowled in return, he took a sip of his beer "'s my night off Munson" "We can look after ourselves you know?" Dustin piped up, the boys nodding. Robin looked over unconvinced "Hush now children…drink your Sodas" she pushed the drinks over and turned back. Nancy smacked Robin's arm to shush her "Quiet! It's starting!" "Nance were not in a theatre" Steve chuckled. The group turned to look at the stage, Eddie hadn't actually taken a look at the instruments properly, worrying about your absence, he was either staring at the entrance to the bar or your empty chair. But now he had a chance to get a look at the stage he whistled in appreciation, it was a nice set-up.
The drums lay at the back with black skins with red flames threatening to engulf them, the band's logo proudly displayed on the front of the kit. Two guitars, similar in their design. a Base guitar and finally a keyboard. 'Damn (Y/N) wasn't kidding, these guys are serious' he turned his eyes to fellow members of Corroded Coffin and they silently nodded at each other 'we need to up our game' was a mutual thought. Eddie loved the microphone the most, it had two simple little bat wings on it, very quirky. His stomach dropped as he saw the bartender walk up to the mic, her heels clicking on the wooden floor. He turned to look at the entrance again with worry "(Y/N) where are you?" he frowned in worry as he turned back.
The bartender spoke "Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you so much for coming! Tonight we've got a real treat for you all! This is actually this band's debut in Hawkins and we're super pumped that they chose to debut with us! The band consists of some of Hawkins's finest students!" The group all looked at each other completely perplexed, how had they not heard of them before? They turned back as the Bartender continued "This band promises to make you rock hard and feel the flames of hell! Ladies and Gents put your hands together…..HELLS SUCCUBUS!" Loud cheers cascaded from all sides of the bar as the band members slowly sauntered onto the stage. Smoke erupted from the smoke machine as the lights on stage turned red.
"Unsuspecting Victims of Hawkins! Are you ready to be seduced?!" Eddies eyes suddenly widened…he knew that voice anywhere. Before he could utter a word the lights changed to white and the smoke cleared, and all he could see was you! Standing proudly in the centre of the stage. You licked your lips as the crowd cheered. You could see people from all walks of life in the bar. A few bikers, a few people from school and even Hopper in the back tipping his sheriff's hat to you in respect. Your eyes looked down and finally landed on your group of friends. They all looked astonished! Robin's eyes bugged open and she was suddenly screaming "YESSSSSS GIRL". Steve looked like a fish out of water whilst Nancy had the biggest smile on her face. The boys all looked at you and the girls like you we're the best thing since sliced bread. And finally, your eyes landed on your Boyfriend and he did not disappoint. His eyes were shining bright at you, his mouth hung open as all the air in his body left him.
Eddie didn't believe in God all that much, how could he? When he'd had to deal with all the shit in his life. He'd heard about these dumb ass religious experiences and could never imagine it would happen to him. That was until he'd met you, from then on he considered himself practically born again, worshipping at your feet and yours alone. He'd touched heaven so many times like when he'd asked you to be his girlfriend when he first kissed you when you'd fucked for the first time when he said he loved you for the first time and right now. Right now he was staring into the eyes of some kind of hellish goddess, he swore at that moment that he would sell his soul for you. For who was he to stand in the presence of this unearthly rock creature who looked like she could eat him up right there, promise him everything as she melted his tattoos with her heat. your eyes met and a sinful smirk stretched across your face. You licked your lips and practically heard Eddie moan as you opened your mouth to speak.
"Tonight my devilish creatures, We're not only in our home town but I have someone very special in the audience, my own personal plaything, you may know him as the lead guitarist from Corroded Coffin, I know him as the sexiest demon alive so we're going to play something special for him…This is for you Eddie Munson" You winked at him as you saw his eyes widen even further. You'd got him "This is 'Not A Minute Too Soon' Hit it, girls!" You yelled in joy, and the bar erupted into claps and cheers as the guitars and drums kicked in. You immediately lost yourself in the music and moved to the beat, swinging your hips and moving your head to the beat. You moved to the microphone to ready yourself
I was pretending it was easy alone I built a fortress to keep out the unknown Surrounded myself with the walls of rejection Trapped in the dungeon for my own protection Your smile came shining through so pure I knew
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time
Eddie almost lost his mind, he was on the edge of his seat but was instantly blown away by your voice, he tried to catch his breath as the sound washed over him. It was like he was drowning in ecstasy, this had to be a dream, a very very wet dream. How was this possible? His most gorgeous girl on a stage, dressed like THAT and singing like THAT! He couldn't believe his fucking luck, and neither could his dick apparently. He could feel himself growing harder by the second, is this what it felt like for you when he played? Holy shit, it was like the best torture possible. He wanted to jump up the stage, tear your trousers down and fuck into you like there was no tomorrow as you sang your moans into the microphone so EVERYONE would know how good he was to you. The fact that you'd told everyone in the bar that he was your boyfriend, EVERYONE! He could almost cry. He never thought he'd find someone like you, let alone someone that would happily scream to the world that he belonged to someone. Clearly, he'd died on the way to the venue because this wasn't possible. You caught eyes with the boy again and smirked at him, clearly he was enjoying this WAY more than you thought he would. You continued with the song, swaying your hips suggestively and flicking your hair behind you.
Time after time I threw my heart away My faith was fading fast day after day I had enough of giving in I couldn't lay down my pride So love just pushed me aside Your kisses washed away my thirst Every touch felt like the first
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time
In this angry world I thought loneliness would shelter me My broken spirit cried in vain Till you set me free
The guitar solo instantly kicked in and you danced around the stage, you had at least thirty seconds of your friend's wicked playing to fill and you got a wicked idea. You turned to your band members with a devious smile on your face and they all smiled back. You'd told them about what you wanted to do during your little Pow-Wow before the show started and they loved it. You grabbed the microphone out of the stand, careful not to trip on the wires and executed your plan. Eddies eyes widened as you hopped off the stage and made a beeline straight for him, bouncing on your platformed boots as you went. You were forever grateful that he'd stolen a chair right in front of you. He looked at you hopelessly and mouthed 'your gonna kill me baby girl' at you. You simply smiled and came closer to him. By the time you stood in front of him you swung your leg around his hips and sat down snuggly on his lap, you could feel cock was rock hard through his jeans, the poor baby must have been in agony. You looked down at him and licked your lips suggestively before you began singing again.
Your kisses washed away my thirst Every touch feels just like the first
You began to slowly grind your hips onto your boyfriend, not obviously so but just enough to get a reaction out of Eddie, he threw his head back with a barely restrained moan and wrapped his hands around your leather-clad ass, his large hands directed you and pushed you to keep humping his desperate dick through his jeans. He looked up at you again with nothing but deep affection and thirst, like the song you sang to him, he was drinking you in, you were his own personal brand of drug and he was close to whiting out. You looked down at him through thick lashes as your hair fell in his face. You continued.
Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water in my desert Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time Not a minute too soon Your love came through for me You are the water, yeah, you are the water
Eddie was so close, so fucking close. He hadn't creamed in his trousers since he was a pre-teen but fuck you made it impossible, the way you sounded, the way you sang to him, the love in those lyrics, he could feel the truth. Fuck his heart hurt so badly in such a good way right now. He was going through all the ways he could keep you in his life. If he could afford a ring he'd marry you tomorrow, He could feel tears leaking down his eyes as he gazed upon your face. You tried to convey as much as you could with your words and your eyes, your own shining with tears. Eddie thought you looked breathtaking. "(Y/N) I'm so close…please…." He moaned, his eyes pleading with you to either stop or grind harder. You smiled sadly and kissed him sweetly. "meet me in the dressing room after" You whispered before you launched yourself off his knees and straight back onto the stage, the crowd erupted again. All you could hear was whistling and cheering, your band mates smiling at you knowingly. You waved at the audience as you continued your final verse.
Not a minute too soon Your love got through to me You rescued me just in the nick of time Not a minute too soon (Not a minute too soon) You are the water in my desert (Not a minute too soon) You know your love came through for me, your love got through to me (Not a minute too soon) I want you to rock me, roll me (Not a minute too soon) I wanna be the one
The song finished and the place went wild! You all smiled at each other and you looked down at your friends again, Robin was losing her mind and the rest of your friends weren't doing much better, even Nancy was screaming and applauding you. The only one that was sat down was Eddie. His hand frantically pushed down his very OBVIOUS problem. He took his jacket off and covered his legs before clapping and screaming for you. You gave him a watery smile and approached the microphone again.
"Thank you so much, folks! Thank you! We've only got three more songs tonight. The fourth one will be our very own creation whilst the other two will be covers, and the next one for you tonight is" You looked straight down at Eddie, a large sadistic smile on your face, he looked at you pleadingly….not that one…any but that one.
"Holy Diver by DIO…..and One…Two…Three…Four…"
The band began again, the cheers were deafening and Eddie Munson Knew he was fucked.
I hope you liked it folks! Part 2 shall be up relatively soon depending on how much y'all like this one! This is my first Eddie Munson x Reader fic so please let me know what you think!
THE LYRICS DO NOT BELONG TO ME! They belong to Vixen. The source material does also not belong to me! Thank you!
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magnolia-sunrise · 19 days
idk if you've elaborated on this in any capacity but what do bastien and wolfgang's living quarters look like before shit hits the fan and all that? does bastien share a lot of space with matteo at their house and do they have a separate sort of living quarters at the clinic? does wolf have a place they return to and can call some sort of home? if that makes sense. don't feel like you gotta like. draw up floor plans or anything for this i'm just curious as to what sort of spaces they consider home/their own and how that reflects aspects of their characters hehe
hiiiii thats a tasty question and funny you should mention drawing up floor plans because thats exactly what i started doing in the sims 4 as building blocks for my next comic- (specifically i started putting together the clinic since the scene takes place there. genuinely recommend this method its so easy for getting some background shots)
for Bastien indeed he lives with Matteo! they moved in with him pretty quickly since Matteo insisted on taking care of him and helping him sort of get on his feet before he could find a job etc after dropping out of med school. the apartment is Matteo's, or i guess more technically it belongs to his mother but either way its his familys money paying for everything. he never quite made the space for Bastien there and Bastien never felt like he was allowed to change anything to his liking, always feeling more like a guest there. so after a while the shine of the comfort and luxury wore off and it started to feel more like a cage, and Bastien would find more and more reasons to not spend much time at this house, some nights even preferring to just sleep in his truck. eventually they fixed up the floor above the clinic a bit - dragged in a mattress, got the water running etc so when he stays in there really late they can just crawl upstairs to catch some sleep inbetween shifts rather than drive all the way to Matteo's place. it's kind of a mess of a room but somehow he sleeps much more comfortably there than anywhere else.
Wolfgang's living situation is,,, in simplest terms they're squatting in an abandoned building, not far from a sort of android commune (for other androids who were forced out of the system or chose to leave it, since they have to still get energy and parts from somewhere its a sort of collective effort) (it's a neighborhood that the cops / authorities are pretty much aware of but usually leave alone with the occasional raid for good measure). they tend to stay out long stretches of time inbetween recharging and on their free time they like to crash at other people's places a lot, but when they need to be alone and uniterrupted this is where they go. it's not quite a home but its a clean little place, they keep a few potted plants and of course their wardrobe and notes on their investigations etc there. one benefit of the place is a lovely roof view of an overgrown marshland :) severe drawback is a kind of busted shower with only cold water but well its enough to wash off the blood !
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johannesviii · 1 year
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2022
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Another pretty decent year for pop music ; a very slow one, with a lot of trash, but the good stuff was so good making a top 10 took me ages, unlike 2021 where it was way easier. Outside of the top 100, some incredible stuff dropped this year too, so yeah - even if the charts don't always reflect it, music as a whole is currently very interesting to follow.
Disclaimers / Rules:
I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these lists. There’s songs that charted in my country way higher than they did in the US, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
No song that I already put on a previous list is elligible.
No old hit song that is re-charting due to a holiday or a trend is elligible either.
Of course there will probably be stuff in French somewhere on this post. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible.
I have sound-to-color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
So. Uh. Again, again. How was your 2022??
Still didn't catch covid but I did catch a very nasty cold a month ago. Still drawing and writing a lot, and also spending more and more time customising my clothes with dumb patches and embroidered messages and stuff.
I went to a LOT of concerts this year, and they were all fantastic for completely different reasons! I'm so glad I finally have the budget to do this without feeling guilty or cutting down some more vital stuff. So yeah. I went to see My Chemical Romance, The Soft Moon, Sigur Ros, Placebo and Enter Shikari. Before that the last concert I had attended was VNV Nation all the way back in 2019!
Speaking of which, let’s start with the good or interesting albums that came out in 2022 or in late 2021, and this is going to be pretty long.
I have to mention that I tried to get into Ghost this year. It's definitely not for me apart from a couple of songs, but also, Impera was pretty bad. Probably wasn't a good idea to start listening to these guys in their current era.
I also have to mention that I've been thoroughly disappointed by Mainstream Sellout, because I'm one of those weirdos who actually liked Tickets to my Downfall by Machine Gun Kelly. But yeah, the guy became self-aware, and that's the worst thing that could possibly happen. Awful. Emo Girl is unintentionally funny, though.
Not sure this counts as an "album" since it's an EP, and a five minutes-long one at that, but Snake Eyes by 100 Gecs made me even more excited for their new album in 2023.
Electric Callboy's Tekkno is dumb and funny in all the right ways and I'm glad they got so much positive attention out of it. That's trolling with actual effort and passion put into it and it's kind of a lost art form at this point. The music videos are amazing too.
Rakshak by Bloodywood is exactly the kind of thing Nu Metal needed to move forward and I love the fact that energy came from India, of all places. A lot of fresh ideas, generally interesting topics and politics ; I'm sold. This is great. More, please.
Muna by uh Muna didn't leave much of an impression on me at first but I kept thinking about it and I eventually came back to it to relisten to it several times later in the year. I'm not sure what it means. Probably something good, though. Maybe it will be one of my faves of the year in retrospect..? Also it's very gay, which never hurts.
I'm somewhat conflicted about Being Funny in a Foreign Language by The 1975. Objectively, it's probably their best album ; it's straightforward, it's very well produced, it has a couple of bangers. Subjectively, I'm not even sure I'd place it above Notes on a Conditional Form, which if you recall was a GIGANTIC MESS, just because the highs of this mess were stratospheric compared to the ones the new album has. Still really good, but I miss the chaos.
Death's Dynamic Shroud's Dark Life has SO MANY different ideas going in so many different directions it's kind of a miracle that the album stays so coherent. The colors and the textures are sometimes so complex and layered that just listening to them to try to pick them apart becomes a stim to me. Beautiful.
I only found this album last month but Dimensional Bleed by Holy Fawn is one of the best post rock things I've ever heard since Sigur Ros stopped releasing new music
Exister by The Soft Moon comes so close to being my album of the year. SO close. Among all the musicians trying to become the new Trent Reznor, this guy's the only credible candidate for me, just because he's not afraid to try really weird shit. When I saw him live in October, the last thing he played had a castanets solo over huge electronic beats. And it went hard as hell! I sincerely hope his future stuff will be even better. I'm sold.
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But uh. Guys. I'm sorry.
I'm so predictable. Never Let Me Go, Placebo's comeback album, is my favorite album of the year. Of course, when one of my favorite bands ever decided to release new music after nearly ten years of nothing, I was thrilled, but also worried it would disappoint me. The first singles were amazing, but what if? What if the rest of the album wasn't as good? And yet, by the time it was over, I was trying to determine if it was my third or fourth fave album in their discography. Even now, I'd only put Meds and Sleeping With Ghosts above this one. It's distinctly them, but full of new and interesting ideas. I'm beyond happy things turned out so well.
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Unelligible Songs
There's a TON of them! Because that year was very good! This is kind of a non-hits rec list of sorts, but you know the drill.
Should I start with some Gecs? I feel like I should start with some Gecs. So here's Doritos and Fritos, Hey Big Man and Torture Me. You're welcome.
While we're at it, if you've never watched any of the recent Electric Callboy music videos, your day is about to get slightly better. I suggest Pump It and Spaceman. Also both are actually good songs on top of being funny.
I might have trashtalked Ghost's new album earlier but Spillways is like Poison 2.0. That's a compliment by the way
I've not always enjoyed what these guys made post-Hot Fuss, but Boy by the Killers should definitely have been a hit.
What I Want by Muna also has this "should have been a huge hit" aura. I'm feeling every line of this chorus in my bones. Best song about delayed adolescence for queer people
Are we making a list of songs that should have been hits? Let me add Metric with What feels like eternity, then
However, American Teenager by Ethel Cain might still have a slight chance of becoming a hit song in the future. I want to believe
Hey do you want some cringe. Cause here's Slaughterhouse by Motionless In White oops
At this point I'm pretty sure I've listened to Precious Hearts by The Birthday Massacre for about six hours over the course of 2022 but since I'm an old idiot who only listens to music through .mp3 files and doesn't use spotify I have no way to check
My very first contact with Bloodywood was Dana Dan, and what a first impression that was. Turn the subtitles on, by the way.
Go_A dropped an absolute banger called Kalyna at the very start of the Ukraine war and it might just be their best track so far.
I am legally obligated to mention The Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance. Is it their best song? Hell no. Is it mixed like shit? Yes. Is it way to long? Absolutely. Do I enjoy it? Immensely. Also it had no music video and no promotion. What a power move
Nurture by Porter Robinson, which I mentioned last year as one of my favorite albums in a year full of incredible ones, was still one of my most listened-to albums of 2022, so it feels right to mention a song he released outside of any album this year (Everything Goes On).
Avantasia is back, with a..... an album I didn't like very much, oops, but damn, The Moonflower Society is one of their best songs ever. Long live ridiculous over-the-top power metal with super-serious poetry as lyrics.
Born Yesterday by Quadeca sounds like Sigur Ros trying to make a radio-friendly song, and it sounds absolutely immaculate. Also it's about someone who killed himself just before his birthday and his ghosts deeply regrets that decision
This is not the end by Gareth Emery might be standard EDM, but it's also genuinely comforting to hear these lyrics
I need to put a break here otherwise Tumblr won't let me post this thing. Are you still there? Ok good.
El Alma Que Te Trajo (Safety Trance ft. Arca). Send tweet
It's kind of funny that emo came back a couple of years ago through 8-o-8's and sad rappers with face tattoos. It's even funnier that I genuinely enjoyed some of their stuff. It's even-even funnier that some of them are straight-up doing pop punk stuff now. All of this to say that I love Girl Next Door by Lil Lotus
If you've followed anything in the metal scene this year you already know that Lorna Shore absolutely killed it in 2022. Hell yeah let's put some melodies in deathcore, I'm all for it. Anyway Sun//Eater is great
I should probably recommend some cool music that cool people like before I humiliate myself further by recommending more edgy shit, so this is the perfect time to say that Judgment Bolt, Neon Memories and Messe de E-102 are now permanently etched somewhere in my brain. Seriously please listen to Darklife by Death's Dynamic Shroud if you have the slightest, smallest interest in electronic music I beg you
Ok back to the cringe. Speaking of neons, here's Neon Grave by Dayseeker. I've never liked a song by these guys before so this was a bit of a surprise for me
Also I've listened to it again and again but I still want to cry every time I hear This is what you wanted by Placebo. Not sure why it's my absolute favorite track on an album full of fantastic tracks. Not sure what it says about me. Not sure I want to know
I think I mentioned an Enter Shikari concert. Not sure I can call myself a fan yet, but I spent an ungodly amount of hours listening to their old and new stuff in 2022. Turns out one of my favorite songs they ever made is one of the newest ones, The Void Stares Back. This is exactly the kind of surreal and borderline apocalyptic lyrics I need in my life. I even bought a t-shirt saying "I'm the child with the telescope eyes" at that concert oops
Oh Caroline is one of the best songs The 1975 ever made and, like all my fave songs from that band, it's deeply awkward and embarrassing. It's a guy begging his ex to come back and it gets humiliating. Perfection. Thank you
Just when you thought this list couldn't get worse I'm about to confess I love The Boy in the Black Dress by Yungblud. Can't get the image of a teenager trying to remove his nail polish with his teeth after a teacher told him he looked girly out of my head now. God I love narrative songs so much
We've reached the terminal velocity of musical cringe so here's sTraNgeRs by Bring Me The Horizon because OF FUCKING COURSE I love sTraNgeRs by Bring Me The Horizon. You must be new here. WE'RE DYING TO LIVE AND WE'RE LIVING TO DIIIIIIIIIIE
Also I'm not going to recommend too many the Soft Moon songs but Become the Lies is now a classic for me only six months after it came out, and I've been obsessed with Him (ft Fish Narc, who kills it as the evil twin of the narrator) to the point of making fanart of the mental amv I have for it. Might even upload it after finishing this post, I'm not sure.
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Honorable Mentions
Tití me preguntó (Bad Bunny) - I swear I had this song playing in my brain for days and I'm not even sure I like it.
Jour meilleur (Orelsan) - I'm usually not the biggest fan of the guy, but this one is really nice.
As it was (Harry Styles) - Perfectly serviceable little pop tune.
Where are you now (Lost Frequencies) - A great earworm.
Enemy (Imagine Dragons) - Listen. It's bad. But I can't get over the fact that an overly-hated band made a song where the chorus literally screams "EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE MY ENEMYYYY", it's so much fun to sing along with it
Shivers (Ed Sheeran) - Do I really like Ed Sheeran now. Is this my life. Is this what growing old feels like
Belly Dancer (Imanbek & BYOR) - I'm going to the gym now and this is on their playlist. It's completely brainless but it had a serious chance to end on my actual top ten at some point. I physically can't listen to it without at the very least tapping my foot on the floor.
One Right Now (Post Malone & The Weeknd) - This WAS on my list at some point but I ended up cutting it. Nobody seems to like this song, and I love it for all the wrong reasons. Namely, the fact that a duet between two male singers talking about someone cheating on them sounds like they cheated on each other. And I think that's unintentional comedy gold.
Bad habit (Steve Lacy) - The very last cut I had to make. It's a wonderful song, and I simply adore its vibe, but I tend to lose some interest after 2:20 for some reason. No idea why.
Pretty sure there's nobody still reading this post. Which might be good because there's one deeply humiliating pick on this top ten. Let's do this
10 - Santé (Stromae)
US: Not on the list / FR: #90
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I still can't believe this idiot climbed his way out of depression and burnout just to tell every emergency worker to join a union. What a king. Legends only
Also I seriously considered putting it at the top of this list in very early 2022 if the year turned out to be mediocre. I never expected it to be placed so low in the end. That's a good thing, by the way
9 - Break my soul (Beyoncé)
US: #38 / FR: Not on the list
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So uh. As far as I know there's still no music video for this one, which is kind of a power move in this day and age, not gonna lie. But yeah. You know me. Can't resist a eurodance diva. And Beyoncé as a eurodance diva is all I ever wanted and more. What the hell happened this year, music-wise, seriously
8 - J'la connais, pt. 1 (Emkal)
US: Not on the list / FR: #89
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Okay, the autotune is a bit grating. Doesn't matter.
Look, I usually dislike this kind of songs and singers always talking about girls cheating on them and stuff. But no, this dude right there is singing about people telling him his girlfriend is going to cheat on him, and he basically tells them he trusts her more than them ("Cette fille, j'la connais, eh, mais toi, tu es qui ? On se connaît ?" ("I know that girl, eh - but you? who are you again?"). Very refreshing. Well played, sir.
7 - Thunder (Gabry Ponte)
US: Not on the list / FR: #59
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So uh, this one also plays at the gym. It's just some very basic and very commercial EDM. For some reason, it kinda sounds like a pirate song to me, the kind of thing you'd drink to on an adventure or something like that. There's not a lot that can be said about it. The colors are especially trippy, though.
Does it look like I'm stalling for time? Uh, maybe I am.
Oh god, here comes the really embarrassing part.
6 - Bad habits (Ed Sheeran ft Bring Me The Horizon)
US: #13 / FR: #53
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So uh. This was in my honorable mentions last year:
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And it was slowly exiting the charts when this new version dropped all of a sudden in mid-February, with way more guitars and bombast, and of course Oli Sykes screaming his head out at the end. And it climbed up the charts all over again.
And since I'm a major sucker with no taste, of course I loved it.
Doesn't make up for the fact the lyrics are still very vague and Ed Sheeran is still Ed Sheeran, but clearly that wasn't enough to keep this version of the song off my list. It's enough to make me question my choices, though. Steve Lacy should probably be there instead.
Eh. Too late now.
5 - Numb Little Bug (Em Behold)
US: #32 / FR: Not on the list
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I initially put this one higher ; I'm not tired of it or anything, it's just that I don't listen to it as often as some things above it. And it got popular through TikTok, too - I'd ask if the kids are okay, but we all know the answer to that question, I think. I can't get over how brutal these lyrics are for what's essentially a cute pop song. And yeah, that's a huge mood. Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Yes! Quite often actually! Glad we're all on the same page, at least. It's somewhat comforting.
Imagine how bleak and scary that song would be if it was more serious and less upbeat, though.
Oh. Oh shit.
4 - L'Enfer (Stromae)
US: Not on the list / FR: #46
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Guess we don't have to imagine. Guess it already exists. Guess it's on the French year-end chart. And it's absolutely terrifying.
Look, I'm glad Stromae is back. I'm glad he feels better. But uh- yeah. This track is genuinely hard to listen to. I'm pretty sure it's objectively better than the three songs I placed above it, but yeah.
J'ai parfois eu des pensées suicidaires, et j'en suis peu fier (I've had suicidal thoughts at times and I'm not proud of it) On croit parfois que c'est la seule manière de les faire taire (Sometimes you think that's the only way to shut them up) Ces pensées qui me font vivre un enfer (These thoughts that make my life hell)
3 - About Damn Time (Lizzo)
US: #12 / FR: Not on the list
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I had a hard time deciding where to rank this song between #3 and #2. Maybe I should say it's a tie. It changes day to day with my mood, really.
But yeah, thank you Lizzo for being a combo breaker in this short series of songs about addiction and depression and death! This one is impossible to resist. You hear it and you just have to move or tap your feet and smile. And-
I'm way too fine to be this stressed, yeah Oh, I'm not the girl I was or used to be, uh Bitch, I might be better
Favorite lyrics of the year? I don't know. Maybe. Amazing, in any case. Thank you for this gift, madam.
2 - That's What I Want (Lil Nas X)
US: #14 / FR: Not on the list
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Aaaaaaaaand back to the sadness. Well, not really. The song itself is pretty upbeat. In any case, you've probably seen that one coming from a mile away because of my 2021 Unelligible Songs list:
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And yeah! It's elligible at last! I'm so, so happy. And I want Lil Nas X to find love and be happy too. Montero was gay as hell, Industry Baby was a victory lap, but this one? This one is the guy bearing his soul and you can feel it even through the impeccable production and pop sensibilities. Cry your heart out to this upbeat tune, my friend, it's gonna be okay. And we love you.
1 - Meet Me At Our Spot (The Anxiety)
US: #74 / FR: Not on the list
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I think I've listened to this one more than any other song this year and yet I'm still not entirely sure why I love it so much, especially considering it took literal months to grow on me. I can't even describe its vibe. Is it melancholy? No, it's too happy. Is it happy then? No, it's too tired. But it has energy, too. Is it romantic? Not really. What is it?
One thing's for sure, whichever vibe it is, I got lost in it for hours, to the point of creating entire scenes set to it in my mind. Which led to drawings. Which led to me inventing characters completely disconnected from the song and writing a story where the initial scene I visualised is only a small one in the grand scheme of things.
There's magic in this song's vibe, and I've been on a quest to transcribe it, and I will probably fail. In the meantime, thank you for meeting me at this spot. It's been a wild ride. See you next year!
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waddei · 2 years
I DO!!!
tw for mentions of murder mind control dissociation (?) and things like that
so like the "Wilbur" on the phone isn't actually Wilbur but a weird entity using his voice to talk to tommy without him suspecting anything
and it all starts with suddle commands that escalate
"Wilbur" talks to tommy just like normal Wilbur would just sprinkling those weird requests to test just how much control he has over tommy right?
* gets call at night not to sleep (first Comic hehe)
he has to rationalize these requests tho, just telling him to do something won't work, he's gotta give a reason
cus our boy isn't dumb , he isn't a mindless zombie he calls out how stupid it would be to "go stand outside for 15 seconds" but all "Wilbur" has to do to convince him is give him a semi believable reason to do the task like "you need some fresh air, you've been playing videogames all day" or smt
*keeps getting constant calls asking dumb shit, Wilbur claims he didn't do anything when he calls him
*growing distrust for Wilbur as "Wilbur" tests his Control over him more and more
* tommy suspects that "Wilbur" isn't really wilbur, but the sustained illusion that the spirit keeps up gets stronger every day so the suspicion gets stored in the back of his mind most of the time
* the feeling of uneasiness caused by the suspicion gets warped into fear by "Wilbur", he's already got enough control over him to know he won't just run away, so now the fear serves to keep him obeying more and more ridiculous commands
*this back fires however, when wilbur (the real guy) notices how tommys been acting super strange, Specially around him
*"Wilbur" leads tmmy to a park at night and ends up basically mind controlling him to kill someone , then tell him to go home while he "cleans the mess" <- i drew smt for the murder scene once cus I'm normal like that
*tommy goes home and has a breakdown in the shower while trying to wash the blood of his clothes <- that one drawing i made and didn't maintag
*as Tommy gets more and more afraid and paranoid Wilbur starts to seriously think that something is wrong, not only is he weird around him but he also doesn't answer calls, refuses to leave his apartment half the time, and when he is seen he looks as if he hasn't slept in weeks
his empty stare occasionally is replaced by fear when he spots Wilbur
*he goes to the beach that same week, vaguely aware of the world around him he stares into the sea, there he meets an old lady, he tells her he's been struggling to sleep lately (not a lie technically, but he doesn't remember what exactly the truth is..)
the old lady guides him to her van with the promise to help him, there she asks for a lock of his hair and hands him a weird looking doll
tommy is absolutely delighted with the doll! the static in his ears seemed to dull down as soon as he was holding it
he then goes home and sleeps until the next day with no calls to interrupt him
*tommy excitedly calls tubbo to tell him about his new doll "uncle nasty" and how it's been helping him thru "all the shit that's been going down" tubbos confused, but glad that Tommy's doing good now
he asks tommy what exactly has been "going down" tommy goes quiet for a second, he claims that he doesn't really know, and that everything's been super fuzzy lately "probably just the lack of sleep.. nothing to worry about! not now that I've got uncle nasty!" he tells tubo the story of how he got it
that's where tubbo starts getting really worried, they keep talking as normal for a few minutes
*tubbo tells Wilbur about this, specially the doll, Wilbur thinks he's figured it out
assuming that the doll is haunted and it's the one causing tommy those issues, determined to help his friend he starts a plan to get rid of the doll no matter what
*as Tommy starts getting better he starts hanging out with Wilbur again, having almost forgotten about the calls and the spirit, Wilbur uses the time he gets with tommy to try and convince
him to throw the doll out.
meanwhile the spirit was planning something big, big enough to regain full control over tommy and break the barrier that old woman had set up (the lady is nice she noticed our boy was being haunted and helped him ^^)
* tommy starts getting calls again, weirdly only when he's out on walks/ hanging out, (CUS HE LEVAES THE DOLL IN THE HOUSE) "Wilbur" talks to him and starts to rebuild this influence slowly while he tears at the barrier bit by bit
*BIG EVENT number 2 lOL!!! it's the Halloween stream it's the Halloween stream basically anyways
tommy is invited to tubbos epic sleepover Halloween stream, he gets a call from "Wilbur" midway thru, telling him to kill aimsey, tommy successfully refuses this time! good for him
the spirit still makes him go outside to dig tho
the stream plays out as you remember, he comes back completely unresponsive and disturbed until the influence wears off and he goes to clean his hair
shit goes down after that but i haven't been able to make it make sense yet so !!
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Hello Factual! Thanks a ton for answering my last question regarding your acquiring of your Pokemon- the quirky stories attached to their origins make them all the more memorable and lovable! And alongside that, thanks for drawing the full party together in your most recent post! Their personalities were all fleshed out really well in such a simple set up, and as always it's impressive that you kept your art style practically identical despite the transition to paper!
If you don't mind, since I've got the ball rolling at this point- I wish to ask your thoughts on two somewhat more well known Mario enemies than the last pair- and inquire as to their placement in the AU- starting with the jumping dangers from another game- the Ninji!
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Ever since their strange "dream" debut in Super Mario Bros 2, they, like many others from that game, have become recurring staples of the main games- always being shown as quick, jumping warriors who work primarily under Bowser. But do you think these goofy little guys would work in the AU? They probably wouldn't be directly affiliated with your mostly Koopa centric Koopa Troop- but perhaps they could be a small band of dangerous assassins, known to do business with the Troop- for the right price- eliminating targets using more "Ninja" like techniques, rather than just jumping...
And the other I wished to mention could prove either very easy or very difficult to implement- another creature hailing from SMB2- the bullet spewing shy guy look alikes- the Snifits!
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You of course already have shy guys in the AU, living in seclusion in Shy Guy Woods- but would there perhaps be any Snifits among them? Even in the most recent movie, Snifits have always been shown commanding their weaker Shy Guy Cousins- though their exact biological connection has never been explained- how would you explain it? How would their strange, biological bullets work? Would they live alongside the shy guys, or just live somewhere else entirely? If anywhere at all? And most importantly- would they still have an obsession with hosting game shows, as all the spinoff games show!?
Thanks as always for taking the time to answer our Asks despite your health troubles ( which I sincerely hope are getting better now ) and I'm glad answering them makes you happy! I've obviously been asking a lot of Mario questions lately, so let me know if you want me to ask about a different AU for a change- I just love Mario so much! ( Your awesome AU especially! )
(First post in question) (Second post in question)
No problem! :DD I had a lot of fun making those. And thank you! It certainly isn't easy to keep my style consistent on paper. But hey, at least it's keeping my mind busy! 😅
When it comes to the critters you sent.. I've actually never heard of the first one! 😰 I'd have to do some thinking about where those guys would fit in my AU..
Now for the Snifits, I did see them in the Mario movie. So I am aware of them! But where to put them.. hmm.. I can see myself taking the idea of them, rather than the actual functionality of them.
What I mean is, there could be "higher ranking" shy guys amongst the tribe. And they could wear these black masks instead of white ones. Perhaps they could make use of slingshots or some kind of projectile to keep with the theme..? :0 I'm unsure, but it's definitely something to think about!
And no worries about too many Mario questions, I'm having a lot of fun with them! Thank you for sending them! :D And thank you for the well wishes. I'm hoping that all of this mess is finally over soon 🙏🥹...
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What about andre draws you to him/why do you like to write him?
(i tend to really latch onto characters who i strongly relate to in some way, and andre is no exception. i enjoy writing him so much because it's easy for me to get into his head... maybe my interpretation of him is total BS and i'm just hardcore projecting, you tell me LOL. but anyway.
the key thing about andre (imo anyways) is that he is an expert reader of people/social situations - this is what makes him a good head of intelligence, but it also causes him to put up like 50 different fronts at all times in order to 'play the system' that he's so hyper-aware of. everyone likes andre because he knows how to MAKE everyone like him. he is extremely skilled at catering to other people's tastes to be as well-liked as possible and enjoy the benefits of that - and in a spy context, at reading other people in order to manipulate them, lol. andre has cultivated this image of himself as this super cool guy who has all his shit together at work but who also throws fun parties, who's smart and charming and Hot and can do art and play every instrument blah blah... and this is great and all, but a) it's not entirely accurate lol, we know he's kind of a hot mess in both his job and his personal life; and b) if you're always putting on whatever personality you think will most please those around you, then who are YOU really? what does it say about andre that he needs to be (and later on, pretend to be) this perfect person?
not to get all personal, but i relate a lot to this whole vibe of needing to project a 'perfect' self-image to feel in control of others' perceptions of you because you over-rely on others' perceptions of you to define yourself LMFAO. i think andre is genuinely trying his best to do what he thinks is right, but he fucks up - often - because he confuses facades with reality. now, i love to hate on andre for being a hoe and a dumbass who caused his own downfall LOL, but i can't seriously dislike him for his mistakes. while many of his choices/tactics are questionable, by the end, andre literally just wants the war to be over so he can be with peggy, which - despite being a selfish motive that contrasts sharply with the broader visions of liberty that characters like ben have - is more understandable on a personal level. as andre's whole facade crumbles and he starts actually failing at shit, the war stops seeming to him like one long dance or game where his only goal is to perform and 'win.' he's actually starting to understand himself on his own terms and figure out what he actually wants!... but it's too late.
in the turn universe as well as historically, andre is remembered in a flattering light - suggesting that he may actually have achieved the control over his image that he desired at the start. but the 'real him' (the andre who did everything because he was in love, not for the king) is forgotten almost immediately. he didn't plan to become this almost-martyr figure - but he was trying to succeed at an impossible task, and in the struggle between finding and losing himself in it, he pushed too hard.
tl;dr: i promise i DON'T relate to andre because i think i'm super hot and smart and can play an epic tune on the flute lmfao, i relate to him because he's not a perfect person and i just think that's neat lol.)
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