#jack trout
quotes-by-dilanka · 27 days
The single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing today is to try to change a human mind.
Once a mind is made up, it's almost impossible to change.
What is truth?
Truth is the perception that's inside the mind of the prospect.
It may not be your truth, but it's the only truth you can work with.
You have to accept that truth and then deal with it.
—Al Reis & Jack Trout, Marketing Warfare
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ashfdhfgdsfk · 1 year
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in addition to cannibalism, some trout also like to feast on the opportune bird, mouse, or vole.
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grahamcore · 2 years
rip will graham you would have loved animal crossing
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goodfoxtheybite · 1 month
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i love freshwater fish❤️‍🩹
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criminalskies · 8 months
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ibonoco · 1 year
At night, my lady is a river
(Réédition) DAME HUATXEQUE https://ibonoco.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/union-jack-two-full-moons-a-trout-caspar-pound-mix-94-version.mp3 A peine sortie du bain, nouvellement née de la nuit, nue, salutaire, elle rôde vers les lisières. Sur sa poitrine flambent des joyaux arrachés à l’été. L’herbe lisse, l’herbe bleue presque noire qui croît au bord du volcan, couvre son sexe. Dans son ventre un…
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timbarrus · 2 years
This is one of my most productive fishing spots. Catching brown trout and cooking them in Jack Daniels. I found an old cast iron skillet that I can scrub out in sand.
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dragonbma · 13 days
🐟 Mercraft: Fish Mode! A (mostly) complete guide ^^
New Order of the Stone: (all are species found in Minecraft)
Jesse- cod
Lukas- dolphin
Petra- sockeye salmon
Axel- sea turtle
Olivia- squid
Reuben- sea pigckle /j clownfish
Dewey- pufferfish
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Blaze Rods:
Aiden- jaguar cichlid
Gill- he’s the only human /j snakehead probably
Maya- rainbow smelt
Old Order of the Stone:
Gabriel- North Atlantic swordfish
Ellegaard- Argentine shortfin squid
Magnus- dwarf sawfish
Soren- common cuttlefish
Ivor- blue-ringed octopus
Witherstorm- giant squid or kraken “Ichorstorm”
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Portal Arc:
Isa- rainbow darter
Milo- banana eel
Reginald- fantail darter
Benedict- oyster “Eversoyster”
Harper- East Pacific red octopus
PAMA- arapaima “AraPAMA”
Hadrian- shovelnose sturgeon
Otto- brook trout
Mevia- vampire squid
Cassie- brindled madtom
Nell- mahi-mahi
Em- bull shark
“Tim”- great white
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Champion City:
Radar- logperch
Stella- emperor angelfish
Lluna- narwhal
Sea Temple:
Jack- lemon shark
Vos- oarfish
Sammy- flying fish
Nurm- mirror carp
Prismarine Colossus- coelacanth
Elder Guardians- sacabambapsis
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Sunshine Institute + Underneath:
Warden- lamprey
Oxblood- goliath tigerfish
Carmine- goblin shark
Binta- whale shark
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Romeo- lionfish (+crab armor)
Fred- blue jellyfish (+clam armor)
Xara- pelagic stingray (+starfish armor)
“Vos”- anglerfish
Snowmeo- crocodile icefish
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I know there are characters I missed; if you want to ask about someone, please do! I’d be happy to assign them a fish! Also if you want to know the reasoning behind any of these choices, I’m happy to answer! I will discuss fish choices ALL DAY. (Ex. Most engineers or scientists were assigned species of octopus/squid because having more arms is useful.) :]
The Mercraft: Fish Mode tag just started out as the MC:SM equivalent of Mermay for me but y’all are free to use it even if you have differing fish ideas for the characters! Bonus: Aiden and Radar’s concepts can be found here!
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Masculinity in tf2 is actually a topic I really like delving into, I think tf2 is really a great thing to do this kind of analysis on because I don't think it tries to "say" anything about masculinity, it's just a pure representation of its writers' and developers' ideas. It's also basically ALL abt Scout LMAO like listen to this. Sniper is skinny and weird and "not masculine" in appearance, but isn't treated poorly for it probably because he has a bunch of practical Manly(tm) hobbies like idk. trout fishing, while Scout is treated poorly for being skinny and weird because there's a certain desperation to him that Sniper just doesn't have. Multiple men characters are shown to have close relationships with their mothers, but Scout's is portrayed as a kind of childish weakness while Demo's and Heavy's are treated as more respectable, because they provide and that's what men do. Through both a lens of masculinity as measured by like. being tall and jacked and a lens of masculinity as measured by "being successful" (money and girls, basically), Scout is a failure while even someone like Spy is not. This isn't me trying to #cancel tf2 or anything LMAO it's just fun to do this kind of analysis sometimes, it says a lot about men in the 2000s and 2010s and I like dissecting that
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concretevampire · 1 year
Early Morning Breeze
arthur morgan x f!reader ꔫ 9.7k ꔫ emotionally fueled smut, icky gooey lovey-dovey stuff for thou // based off of the Dolly Parton song // religious themes
A/N: this is my first rdr2 fic & my first post on tumblr & english is not my first language so critique is highly encouraged
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You sniffle, forearm coming up to wipe away stinging tears clinging to lashes. 
A rough exhale escapes your lips, and you can feel the sweeping glance Abigail sends you. Sniffling again, you press the heel of your palm to an eye, the other shut just as tight. 
“Guess a couple’a vegetables is all it takes to get you cryin’,” she jokes, cleaver slicing off the head of a trout; her apron stanches the briny blood, scales scattered across her forearms like small slivers of moonlight. 
“Onions,” is all you can muster as you finally allow yourself to turn away from the cutting board. You turn your face upward, cracking reddened eyes open to peer at the sky. 
Big clouds– white, ozonated mountains beyond imaginable reach– float by lazily. 
Another sniffle escapes you, but the dam of your eyes has been rebuilt, and the tears secede. Your sinuses still burn though, sending a horrible ache to the back of your throat. 
Swallowing, you return to chopping onions. 
Other than Abigail’s humming and the incessant clucking of hens in the distance (Grimshaw and chickens alike), the camp is quiet. 
Shady Belle is certainly an improvement to dirt-ridden tent floors and crickets in your pillow, but it’s rather gloomy at times. You’re sure that it’s simply the haze of Bayou Nwa and the spectral creeping of ivy along chipping, gray paint. But it would be foolish, and most of all, naive, to ignore the simmering discomfort lingering under everyone’s skin. 
Kieran’s death. Jack’s kidnapping. Dutch’s… nerves, if you were to give it a name. 
Arthur feels it, and so do Abigail and Hosea, but all four of you are unwilling to mention his waning psyche for fear that it’ll only darken the already half-lit moon of his mind. It isn’t worth it. 
And frankly, Arthur’s loyalty to Dutch is suicidal. 
He will hem and haw, but in the end, orders are followed with abandon. Loyal to a fault, you tell him. It’s all I know, he says back, gently smiling as if an inside joke has been said. This ol’ dog can’t learn new tricks, and he’ll chuckle wryly at the quip, head shaking like the sins of the world have been settled and folded into the intestines of his mind. 
You can only let him wallow for so long when he gets like that. 
Though you’ve learned (after too many years as friends and a few more years as something quaintly more) how to put an end to it: a routine. Artfully mastered, a precariously balanced act that includes a succinct scold paired with a slap to his shoulder before pressing a soothing kiss to his cheek as he grovels over his journal like an overgrown child. 
But another layer to the quiet and unease around camp is unarguably Micah's presence. Filthy, bastard leech of a man. Suckling away at Dutch’s good faith. 
The fifth horseman of the apocalypse: treachery.
The way he saunters about is simply nauseating— skinny fingers pricking and prying into people’s souls. And he’s always been particularly taken with you. Disappointingly. 
Micah finds sheer amusement in laying out your arteries on cork board, needles stabbing; displaying your heart like a prize butterfly, blood glittering like topaz stained glass. 
It was simply infatuation at first, back all those months ago. 
A game he had played with many women before and one you brushed aside easily. And then he discovered that you and Arthur were something— and Micah became a true savage, fueled by both contempt and his peculiar fascination with having taken women. 
Even now as he makes his rounds with the gang, purposefully adding to the gloom, his eyes linger on your figure. 
Micah veers closer, and you take a step towards Abigail. Her shoulders straighten, so do yours– a useless attempt to create some sort of fortress. He’s approaching in your peripheral and Abigail slams her cleaver down onto another trout, a singular clawed scale landing on your blouse. 
You’ve moved from onions onto potatoes, your knife cutting away skin in precise shallow strokes.
When he’s close, Micah says your name– a horrible rasp of letters strung together by cigar smoke and glowing ash– the depths of hell holed up in his esophagus. You ignore him. And in turn he grins wildly, as if presented with riches beyond King Midas’ imagination. Your jaw clenches, eyes set on the knife and the naked, golden flesh in your palm. 
“How’s Morgan’s broodmare?” 
Abigail side eyes him. Your next slice is thicker than the last, heavy handed, taking off more flesh than you’d like. A waste. 
“Or has he moved on after all these years? Got tired of the same fuck.” 
You set the nude potato aside, picking up a new one. You imagine it’s Micah’s prick: dirt ridden and calloused. You begin to skin it too, taking extra care to needle out any dark spots. 
“Been awhile since he’s been back in camp too. Makes you wonder.” 
“Oh piss off, Micah,” Abigail hisses, her cleaver resting threateningly against the dark wood of the table. A sharp, glaring warning. 
His smile widens. 
He shifts his stance, shoulders slackening as his thumbs hook on the flap of his pockets. “Hit too close to home? Remind you too much of Johnny and how he ran off?” 
“Micah,” you finally interrupt, picking up a new potato. “Shut up.” 
“So that’s how I get you to talk.” 
You stay silent, returning your attention to vegetables and other honeyed daydreams of skinning the Devil alive. 
“Ignoring me again.” His eyes linger, thinking of horrifically creative ways to dissect and tear you apart as you stand. “Wouldn’t you be worried though? He’s been gone for a week.” The statement is mocking and cruel. 
He wouldn’t know what concern was if it ate his face off, ravaged his eyeballs and devoured his tongue. 
Abigail glowers, this time pointing the cleaver at Micah. “Yer just jealous.” 
Micah sneers, the cylinder in his revolver shaking off a warning like a rattlesnake curling up to bite. “Jealous of what Miss Roberts?” 
“Jealous she ain’t with you.” 
Micah opens his mouth to retort something evil and violent, obvious in the way his pupils have contracted, gray eyes gone silver with wrath. You stab the knife into the cutting board, punctuating the air. 
Both of them have stilled, turning towards you. 
“Quit it.” You snarl. Abigail gives an apologetic look, but not before sending Micah another scowl. She’s back to chopping off fish heads. 
And Micah, damn him, always needing the last word spits out a, “Bet he got himself killed,” before he rushes away, seething and gnashing his teeth. 
It’s quiet again. 
You get through six more potatoes before speaking. “You didn’t have to do that.” It’s a gentle chide towards Abigail, one that makes her huff.
“I just hate how he talks to us. ‘Specially you. And I hate how you don’t do anything.” Her hands wring together harshly, not having any more trouts to dismember. 
“It’s best to ignore him. He gets off on it, the sick freak.” You keep your gaze fixed on your work. 
Abigail relents, fingers stilling momentarily. 
Her gaze rises, eyes trained on Jack’s small silhouette at the far edge of camp, playing in the weeds and brambles. He seems completely ignorant to such plights. What bliss. 
Abigail’s raised him well. 
“Ain’t ya worried though?” She says suddenly, spinning to look at you. You pause your ministrations, glancing into her perturbed blue eyes. “I mean,, well, Micah had a point, I guess.” She’s annoyed at the admittance, even if it is her own. “Arthur’s been gone for a while. It ain’t like him.” 
You sigh. “It is like him,” your teeth chew at the flesh of your cheek, “but you’re right. He wouldn’t leave for a week without saying something.” 
Abigail nods but her fingers have knotted and tangled once again. “Hunting trip?” 
“Yeah, but with how long he’s been gone you’d think he’s trying to take down an entire herd of angry caribou in heat.” 
She snorts. “He would try. Strong enough for it.” 
“Bullheaded, that’s what he is.” And you scowl, starting to dice the potatoes far too quickly; bound to cut yourself. Abigail sends you a sympathetic, knowing smile. 
“So you are worried.” 
“Whatd’ya mean?” 
“I mean you ain’t as calm and cool as yer pretendin’ to be.” 
You continue chopping away, somehow not having cut yourself. Years of practice you suppose. 
“Course I’m not. I’m always worried when it comes to him.” 
Abigail snorts. “Well, ya never act like it.” 
“Because if I act like it,” and you finish dicing off the last potato, ‘then that means something bad would actually be happening’, “then who would you have to talk to when you’re worrying?” And you give a knowing smirk.
She laughs, shaking her head, hands coming to a rest. You feel your own face brighten to a smile. 
That’s the way it is with her; with all the girls. Quilted conversations complaining about men and life and backaches all riddled with coy smiles. 
The breeze picks up then, and Jack comes tumbling along it, hands rusted with the red Lemoyne dirt and beaming at his mother like a little sun; too bright; seen without looking. 
His eyes barely peek over the table, but he’s determined, placing a bundle of messy daisies next to dismembered fish, yet to be fileted. 
“For you Mama,” he adds with his gift, hands clutching the edge of the table to watch her. And Abigail smiles tenderly, picking the flowers up. They drip, raw with dew and fish blood. She tries, ever so delicately, to wipe away the crimson stain on their petals. 
“Thank you kindly, Jack,” she says. And he gives a toothy grin and runs off— on the breeze once again. Abigail ponders the daisies for a moment before offering you one with a teasing smile. “M,lady,” she jests, giving a sloppy curtsy. A true country princess. You snort, but fawn delighted shock, pricking the flower from her nimble fingers. 
“Oh how romantic,” you add, putting a hand to your chest. Pocketing the daisy, Abigail does the same with hers, now fully smiling. 
And with a few giggled words you separate; the chores around camp  looming as Grimshaw’s eyes sharpen into blades, her tongue preparing to tear you both apart. 
You help Tilly with the laundry. 
Karen and you care for spare guns. 
Under the shade, you patch up holes in socks and shirts and handkerchiefs all while Mary-Beth tells you about her new book— a romance, of course— about an outlaw and upper class woman finding love. 
It makes you snort.
Amusement brewing in agitated, annoyed swirls in your chest as you’re reminded of Mary.  
You’re too smart to be reading those kinds of things, you tell her, needle pricking your finger as you push it into the cotton of Dutch’s union suit. She shrugs; tells you she likes it. 
You don’t blame her. You used to too. 
And the sun has begun to set, casting long shadows on long faces after a long day. And people begin returning. 
Javier and Bill from a home robbery. 
Lenny with a wagon of purchases from Saint Denis. 
John and Sadie each with a few rabbits in hand. 
But no Arthur. 
It’s a bit disheartening.  Like a sunshower with no rainbow. What’s the point of the rain then? 
You’ve grown anxious, your hands fussing the linen of your apron though there’s nothing to wipe away. And you don’t have the stomach to eat or the heart to make conversation— so as the gang begins settling in for the night you grab a basket, your revolver, and leave. 
Charle’s, keeping watch, eyes you like a ladybug in winter, but keeps quiet. 
You thank him with a glance. 
And you’re not stupid. You know it’s dangerous in Bayou Nwa— whether it be under God’s sun or the Devil’s moon— crawling with bipedal predators and freaks of nature beyond comprehensible understanding. Arthur has warned you. Don’t you go out, firm words with even firmer hands on your shoulders. Not without me.
But you go.
You need to, if only to catch your breath; to steel yourself away from prying eyes if he doesn’t show up for yet another week. 
And in the tall, marsh grass and bundles of cattails you’ve found something quiet and private; a place where you can crouch and pick away at plants with a frown you don’t have to hide. 
And your fingers are shaky and uncalculated as you rip apart the oleander and sage, like a newborn colt, teetering across grass. You shove the foliage into your basket as if it took Arthur away personally. As if they’ve laced their way into his veins, choking and drying him out. 
You’re upset, but you won’t cry, obviously. There’s no reason to, it’s hysterical and ridiculous, but you’re frustrated.
Because even if Arthur is painfully terrible at communicating, he at least has always told you how long he’d be gone for. 
It’s a luxury you’ve gotten used to. And out of all the silks, jewels, and luxurious baths the world offers, it is your favorite.
The promise of his return. 
“Yer mutterin’.” 
The voice would’ve made you jump if it weren’t for the far too familiar rumble of it. Too often has it soothed you and brought you to climax for it to scare anymore. 
You look at Arthur over your shoulder, glaring. “I do not mutter.” 
“Sure ya do,” he says, stepping over a log to reach you. 
His horse stands in the distance behind him, grazing and chuffing indignantly at the occasional alligator. Flighty things, horses are. Arthur’s is braver than most. 
You turn back around before said man reaches you, hands resuming to the ripping and the pulling and the tearing. 
“I told ya not to come out here without me,” he’s standing right behind you now. 
“I know,” you grunt. And it’s quiet— heavy under the screeching of crickets and cicadas— until Arthur sidles his shins up to your skirts and places his hands on your shoulders, leaning. 
“Yer mad.” 
“I am not mad.” 
“Sure ya are.” 
“I am not,” and you look up, seeing him gaze out into the bayou with a gentle smile. “I’m annoyed,” you correct. 
“Did Reverend chat ya up again?” And he chuckles, stepping aside to finally crouch beside you. 
His knee brushes against yours, a touch starved way of saying hello.  Under the golden sky, his blue eyes have filtered into grays and greens, seafoam and jade alike. 
He looks tired but that pleasant smile is still there; too happy with your presence to be bothered by such ridiculous notions as the human need for sleep. And as much as you’d love to sooth the eyebags away, you continue frowning. 
“You may be surprised to learn that Reverend was astonishingly quiet. For a week.” You add the last part roughly, hoping Arthur gets the message. 
For a second, you think he doesn’t. 
But then his hand raises, the pad of his thumb passing over the furrow of your brow. Achingly attempting to pacify you. To tell you he’s sorry. 
“What’d I do this time?” And his voice rumbles over the question, soft and sweet, a tone he takes only with you. You sigh, turning back to the plants. 
His hand retracts as you pick away at the leaves, but his eyes are heavy on your face, as if he trying to kiss you with just his gaze. 
You’re sure he wishes. 
“I just don’t like when you leave like that without telling me, or anybody really,” you say. And with Arthur, you always keep things succinct and out in the open because lord knows he won’t read between the lines. 
He’s not like you, where you can tell he’s in a bad mood just by the way he drinks his coffee in the morning. 
And Arthur takes a deep inhale, and then an exhale. “Yeah, I know.” 
You look up, raising a brow. 
“Sorry,” he coughs and you know it’s the most you’ll get out of him. It’s always that way with Arthur. Hands-on approach. Not much in the way with words. 
The only way he failed Hosea. 
“Abigail was worried too,” you add absentmindedly, finally letting yourself dawdle a bit now that he’s by your side again. 
Arthur scoffs. “She’s always worryin’ about somethin’. Jack, John, you, me.” 
You can’t argue with that, but you can’t blame Abigail either because you worry too. You just hide it better. 
And you look up, less angry this time. 
He left with a stubble and has returned with a beard. And though you’re sure his hair hasn’t grown much in a week, you notice the way the sandy blond locks brush against his shoulders— like golden willow on blue hills. 
Finally, you acquiesce. 
Your own hand raises, reaching out. And before you can even touch him, his fingers brush against the skin of your forearm. Ferns to sunshine.
You meet his cheek, wiping away at a smudge of dirt before tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear and hat. 
“Your hair’s gotten long.” 
Arthur looks amused, leaning into your palm not unlike the way a puppy does. 
“Want me to cut it?” 
You shrug. “That’s up to you. But at least take care of this.” And now both hands are on his cheeks, rubbing childishly over his beard. You beam at the way his nose crinkles. 
“Wha’ I thought you liked my beard?” 
“Not when it’s this long. You’d give me a rash every time you kiss me.” 
Arthur smiles, dropping his head to laugh quietly. 
And you stand, hand reaching to pick up your basket, but Arthur already has it in his grip, rising too. 
“Oleander. Sage.” He notes expertly. You hum. “Tryin’ to poison someone?” He asks. 
“You,” is your easy reply as you step away from him and to his horse. He follows in a pavlovian fashion, well trained. 
“That mad about me leavin’ huh?” Long strides quickly bring him to you, arm brushing against shoulder. 
“I wasn’t mad. I was annoyed,” you correct once again.
Arthur makes an entertained sound as he grabs for his horse’s reins. You finally notice all the carcasses strapped to the poor creature. A doe, a fine pelt, geese and rabbits hooked here and there. “Ya missed me?” He teases.
And before you can snort and tell him off, he leans down to kiss you. His hand cups the back of your neck gingerly; giving you all the ability to pull away if you’d like. 
But you don’t. You never would. 
Instead, your eyes slip closed as Arthur presses further. His lips are uncomfortably chapped, dried from the days on the road but so incessant in their need to feel you that you wouldn’t dare tell him to stop. 
Instead your hand rises to hold his wrist loosely, a move that’s always made him melt for one reason another. 
Then just as quickly, he pulls away, brushing his nose against yours. 
“I missed ya.” And he breathes in as you breathe out. 
“Me too,” You admit, though it’s not a secret. He knows. His favorite little luxury it is; the promise you’ll be there, awaiting his return. 
Hasn’t gone a day without it since meeting you. 
Admittedly, 1891 was a bad year to meet Arthur. Grieving, and angry; Eliza and Isaac freshly dead. 
But you were there, picked up by Dutch, almost like a feral animal. Rabid enough to shut down Arthur’s (correction: everyone’s) bullshit immediately, yet organically compassionate to soothe him through bad nights. Even when you barely knew each other. 
That was you. 
Strained it all was at first. Funny, what time can do to two people. 
Unraveling knots and kinks to smoothly twist two lives together. 
And you watch as Arthur starts walking, not bothering to clamber onto his mount— even if the exhaustion in his step is obvious, like meatpie in a patisserie. 
“You’re not gonna ride?” 
He pauses and shakes his head, turning to look back at you. 
“Personally? ‘M tryna get as much time alone before we have to be surrounded by fools and degenerates.” 
You snort, strolling over to his side. “So what kept you away for a week?” 
The back of his hand brushes against yours as you both begin walking. 
“Heard about a wolf in Cotorra Springs. Wanted to check it out and well,” he eyes the pelt. “ Didn’t think it’d take me that long to hunt her down, but she was sneaky.” 
He shrugs. “The rest of this I got on the way home, knowing how Pearson’ll be if I don’t come back with somethin’.” 
You nod knowing how the man can get. Feisty about food, placid about most everything else. Sometimes he reminds you of a bear going into hibernation, and you doodle it on scraps of paper— messy, untrained caricatures of the gang. 
They make Arthur laugh. 
“Me and Abigail joked about you hunting caribou in heat. Not to give you ideas.” 
Arthur flicks a brow. “I wouldn’t do that.” 
“You would if there was money in it.” 
“Is there?” 
“I’ll say no for my own sake.” 
Arthur laughs at that, and you grin, his joy infectious. A bad disease you’re willing to catch. 
“So what have you been up to then, if not grumblin’ and mumblin’?” Arthur asks, eyes sweeping your frame. 
“Cooking. Cleaning. Sewing.” You shrug. Arthur frowns a smidge. 
“You gotta get out more.” 
“I wanted to go out to Saint Denis but I got caught up with Grimshaw, I guess.” 
All he can do is press against you a bit closer. “I’ll go with you soon then.” 
An incredulous look is sent. “No you’re not.” 
And Arthur looks so genuinely offended you have to laugh. 
“What do you mean I’m not?” 
“You hate Saint Denis.” 
“I know but-“ 
You lean your cheek into his bicep. “Thank you, but you don’t have to torture yourself for me.” 
He pouts. “It ain’t torture.” 
“Mhm, sure.” 
Voices in the distance become louder, the echo of Molly’s gramophone and Uncle’s drunken singing coming to a crescendo— smashing and breaking the isolation in a gradual blunder. 
And you pull away, taking the basket from Arthur’s hand as you do. 
Charles greets as you approach, and you hand him the spoils of your anger-fueled gather with another silent thank you. He nods politely, in his own grateful way. 
And as Arthur hitches his horse— cooing with all the affection in the world— you leave him, going up into your shared room. 
You know he has to take care of a few things before you can really have him for yourself: 
Talk to Dutch. 
Contribute money and check the ledger.
Load the hunt’s catches into the kitchen. 
Help with any last minute chores. 
Say ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’ to Hosea, Jack and John; Abigail and Tilly; Sean if he’s in a good mood too. 
So you sit. Passively reading and waiting as you lean against the bed’s headboard. 
And half an hour later, Arthur pulls open the door and then shuts it tight. Like maybe if he held it closed for long enough, the walls would thicken then burst fantastically into a hot air balloon; sending you beyond reach of civilization. 
Under the yellowed light of the lantern, he seems entirely exhausted; the slope of his shoulders dooming, his usually straight back hunched. 
Ain’t no rest for the wicked, Arthur jokes at times. 
He sits down on the bed. For awhile he’s like that; just sitting and staring at the white canvas of the wall. And his eyes are flicking back and forth, like he’s sketching whatever he’s seen in the past week on the molding wallpaper. 
It’s strange when he gets like this. 
It’s not that he’s sad or upset, just caught up in his head. 
“You should get undressed,” you command gently, sliding off the bed as you undo the buttons of your blouse. 
Arthur watches. You pause. And then you deadpan. 
“Are you serious?”  But he says nothing, and neither do you, not as you come to stand between his knees. 
You take his hat off, shoving the worn leather jacket down his arms, and he rests his head against your collar bone, pressing impossibly close into the revealed skin there. 
Like maybe, just maybe, this time your atoms will combine and he won’t have to leave your side ever again. 
When you begin unbuttoning his shirt, his hands finesse to undo the clasps of your skirt and you have to momentarily brush him aside, slapping his hands like a toddler gone for the cookie jar. 
“Hey,” he protests, blue eyes pleading. But the way they blink slowly and idly tells you everything. 
“No. Sleep. We can do that tomorrow.” 
Arthur groans but listens; hands dropping, head knocking against your chest. “A week,” he grumbles. 
“And whose fault is that?” 
He’s quiet as you work, up until he catches a look at the thin silver chain around your neck. His finger notches on the ring that’s hooked to it. 
“I wish you would wear it,” he mumbles languidly. 
“I can say the same thing,” and you glance at the gold band he keeps tucked away on the rope of his hat. “Maybe if things get better.” 
“When,” he amends. “When they get better.” 
He glares, the lines of his face darkening. “Don’t be like that.“ 
“Arthur.” And you cup his face, kissing him quickly and quietly. “It’s late.” 
He stares up at you, an odd mix between enamored and frustrated. 
A huff then escapes his lips, and he unbuckles his belt as you finish with the last button of his shirt. Your hands toys with the hem momentarily as if gripping to the tendrils of his soul. 
But you let go, and turn away. 
Getting rid of your own clothes is quick work, but Arthur makes even quicker work of kicking his pants and boots away, collapsing onto the furs and blankets of the bed. And as insistent as he was, he’s out quicker than nightshade, his arousal forgotten. 
You’re sure he’ll remember it in his dreams. It’s happened before. 
And you dim the lantern, laying yourself next to him in your chemise. Even though his back is facing you, a half-hesitant hand runs through his hair. 
He’ll need a wash tomorrow. 
You’ll force him into it, chase him around with a bucket if you have to. But for now, you let him rest; let sleep capture him like a firefly cupped between two soft palms. Pleased, your cheek presses against his bare shoulder blade. 
Obviously, you wake before him. 
Already dressed before he can even become lucid enough to call for you, hand reaching out to grab your missing form. You bend down, press a hand to his forehead, and whisper for him to forget you in favor of his dreams. 
His soft snores ensue. You drift away. 
And today, like yesterday, is quiet. But it’s less gloomy, more of a peace that’s settled because, praise be, Micah is out for the morning. It is both surprising and delightful, and nobody takes it for granted. 
And you drift around the manor and camp, helping with the odd chore, saying hello, sipping at coffee. 
At some point you walk off, where the ground is more solid and less swamp to have a quick word with God in the early morning breeze. 
He doesn’t reply though you knew he wouldn’t. Still, you hope he heard. 
At your return, Grimshaw unloads a torrent of harsh words, quickly placing you on dishes duty. You accept it. 
Mean spirited, but kind hearted, that one. Always has been. You don’t have the will to complain though— not since Arthur’s come back. 
He pacifies you, Hosea has teased, a coy smile hidden by the brim of his hat. At first it was embarrassing, but soon you came to realize denying it is like looking for oranges in an apple orchard. Psychotic and pointless.
Abigail has said the same thing, John nodding along enthusiastically. 
It’s annoying and the truth, and you have no energy to argue. 
Arthur is still asleep by the time you’ve scrubbed both the cast iron and your skin raw. Unsurprisingly. You’ve seen him passed out for nineteen hours once. 
You wish you had that ability, especially with how hot and sticky the Lemoyne air is; boiled molasses in your lungs. You would sleep the entire afternoon just to avoid it all. 
But in the slowness of the day, and your boredom, you approach Dutch, reading as always. 
“Anything interesting?” You ask, readjusting the basket of laundry at your hip. It’s a conversation you have often— ever since you’ve joined the gang your time to read has dwindled— being much more preoccupied with needles and guns and terrible men instead.
He hums, flipping a page. “A collection of essays done by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I presume you know him?” 
You nod, stepping closer. “He wrote before the war. A Transcendentalist, wasn’t he?” 
“Yes,” and Dutch smiles. He’s always told you that you’re too smart for your own good. Smarter than he deserves— than the gang deserves. But you never indulge in his compliments (at least not too much).
And you’ve never really been sure if they’re true.
He’s kind, though that may not be the word. Merciful. Insightful. And perhaps that has fueled the compassionate part in him. 
But as of late it’s all been brought into question you suppose. His sanity. Whether or not he’s still the same old, reliable Dutch that he always has been. 
But you brush it aside for now, letting yourself pretend it’s all normal and everything is okay. A happy family. 
“Which essay are you reading?” And you lean against the doorframe, fixing your apron. 
“Man the Reformer. Do you know it?” 
“Only parts. I think. Care to read me some?” You tilt your head, tucking one ankle behind the other. 
Refined with him, always, even with his penchant for savagery. 
“For you, my dear? Anytime,” and his eyes scan the pages, flipping through to find a piece he likes. “Ah,” he says after a moment, knuckle tapping the paragraph. He clears his throat, then starts. 
“Hence it happens that the whole interest of history lies in the fortunes of the poor. Knowledge, Virtue, Power are the victories of man over his necessities, his march to the dominion of the world. Every man ought to have this opportunity to conquer the world for himself. Only such persons interest us, Spartans, Romans, Saracens, English, Americans, who have stood in the jaws of need, and have by their own wit and might extricated themselves, and made man victorious.” 
He turns away from the page, his face lilting towards yours. “Isn’t that lovely?” he asks you. “Just gorgeous, isn’t it?” 
And Dutch, like most men, has a strange idea of what gorgeous is. Finding it in bloodied knuckles and revenge. In essays about man and power. 
In hatred. In violence. 
You’re unsure why you suddenly remember this— but when you were young, still attending school, you had read that Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. 
It had confused you. Hurt you even. 
And when you had asked one of the nuns: Why? What was the reason? Why couldn’t he? What was the point if his fate was to die? 
And you remember that nun, with reverent eyes and sad smile, told you: 
“For freedom to be reached, the memory of subjugation has to die.” 
And that is why Aaron, and Miriam had died as well. Zipporah too. 
You stare at Dutch. 
“Do you see yourself as Moses?” You ask. It’s a blurted question, not entirely thought through, and you’re embarrassed the moment the words leave your mouth. 
Dutch stares back, his own dark eyes swirling with momentary surprise before he laughs, hitting his knee. Shoulders slacking, your own breathy chuckles escape as you watch. 
“You’ve heard The Good Word?” he questions, almost shocked. 
“Read it.” 
“My, aren’t you full of surprises?” 
“Are you calling me a sinner, Dutch Van Der Linde?” 
He tilts his head, raising a brow. “Aren’t you?” It’s said as if it were common sense. 
“Maybe I’m not a saint, but I don’t think I’m a sinner.” 
Dutch hums, bouncing his knee. “You pray?” 
“When I’m dying,” you tell him, half joking. 
“And how often is that?” 
“More than I’d like.” 
Dutch doesn’t laugh, but a warm, hearty chuckle rumbles in his chest and he picks his book back up. 
“Isn’t that the truth.” 
Looking away, your eyes flick about the greenery outside his window. The chickens cluck incessantly, bouncing about like cotton ball clouds on grassy mountains. 
You can make out the outline of Jack, bounding around a tree with a stick in hand, occasionally swiping the trunk. Abigail keeps a watchful eye. 
And it’s all very domestic. 
A little green rectangle of quiet love, framed by rotting wood and sin. It seems so far away, you can’t tell if it’s real. But you know for a fact it is, and it makes the deep, longing pain in your chest all the worse. It’s a dream really, one you think of often and one you and Arthur have only discussed either after sex or in the early morning— when everyone is still asleep and when things are a little imaginary. 
When dreams rule the plain of existence. 
Suddenly Hosea passes by the room. His gaze stabs through you, a knowing familiar look he’s sent over the past few months. 
Like you’ve discovered a dirty secret. 
And it seems you’ve both come to a conclusion you’re both equally unsure of. Same with Abigail. Same with Arthur, even if he denies it. 
“I should get back to work,” you mumble, pushing yourself off the doorframe.
“Atta girl,” Dutch simpers, but you’ve already walked off, head full of fears and doubts and thoughts you know you’re not supposed to have. 
Hanging laundry is one of the easier chores, one that eases the nerves. Gentle afternoon breeze, as humid as it is, drifts by, wafting the smell of soap and swamp water. Earthy and clean, rolled into a lavender clay. 
Jack hovers around your skirts as you work, and you easily indulge him in poems, songs, and stories, all with a gentle smile. 
He glances at the manor. “Uncle Arthur sure does sleep a lot.” 
“He does, doesn’t he?” 
“Where did Uncle Arthur go?” 
Clipping a bedsheet to the line, your eyes gleam, turning to Jack. “He went beyond civilization” and you crouch down, making claws with your hands, a playful grin at your lips, “hunting wolves.” 
Jack beams, grabbing at your hands, easing the claws. “I wanna hunt wolves!” 
You laugh a little, pulling away and reaching for a pair of drawers in the basket. 
“You’re still too small— they’d eat you up.” 
Jack frowns. “No they wouldn’t.” 
And you hide an amused grin with the back of your hand, thinking of John. After a moment, you nod. “You’re right. They wouldn’t eat you, you’re too skinny.” 
“Hey!” And Jack pouts, tugging at your skirts. You finally laugh, dropping a hand to pat his head, fingers sifting through soft brown locks. 
“I’m sorry. I wouldn’t let them eat you. None of us would.” 
Jack seems appeased. “Do you think Uncle Arthur will take me next time?” 
And not wanting to break his little heart, you say, “I think that’s something you have to ask him.” 
And Jack seems to be somewhat miffed by the answer, reserving himself to sit by the laundry basket as he watches beetles and ants march along the dirt. 
Little brown capped soldiers. 
“Have you ever hunted wolves, Auntie?” 
You hang up the drawers, humming. “No. But one time Uncle Hosea took me hunting for a bear.” 
“A bear!?” And Jack crawls a bit closer. “I don’t remember that?” 
“It was before you were born.” You add gently. 
“Ohhh. Was it scary?” 
“Well only at first. It tried to eat me, but Uncle Hosea wouldn’t let that happen.” Embarrassment bubbles at the memory. The way Arthur had laughed when you sulked, telling him and Hosea you would never hunt again.
Jack smiles. “Do you think Uncle Hosea will take me bear hunting?” 
A downturned smile marrs your features. “I hope not.” 
Jack complains at that, and you gently assert that bears are much worse than wolves, and they wouldn’t care how skinny he is. 
And the moment is sweet and funny and utterly ruined when a horrible, rasping voice says, 
“There she is.” 
Micah’s back. 
Setting your shoulders, you gently tell Jack to find his Ma. Tell her those stories I told you, murmured by his ear. And he scurries away, an excited smile on his face. Your full attention is then granted to the laundry basket and the sodden clothes inside. 
Micah stands on the other side of the clothesline, watching you between the flaps of bedsheets and button ups. A fabric jail cell keeps you separated. 
“Heard our workhorse is back, hm? Where is he?” 
A sock is hung up, next a union suit. 
“Oh, so you won’t even talk about your darlin’ Mr. Morgan with me?” 
You’re running short on clothespins. 
“You gettin’ tired of him?” 
There’s still enough for now. 
“Mr. Morgan, running off for days on end, only comes back to fuck his little mare good and then runs off again. Ain’t that just sad?” 
You could use a new skirt maybe. You’ll head into Saint Denis tomorrow. For now though, another sock is hung. 
“I could take care of ya, while he’s gone. He’ll never have to know.” 
Two blouses are clipped on the clothesline and you’re officially out of pins. 
“So, what d’ya think? Offer stands.” 
You step away from the hanging laundry, your eyes meeting Micah’s. It startles him but turns him on just as quickly. 
And then you walk away, to the manor in search of more pins. Micah doesn’t follow, though you feel his eyes burning holes into you, gaping pits of Tartarus on your skin.
You’re surprised to see Arthur leaning against the windowsill, cup of coffee in one hand, the other scratching away at his journal in long precise strokes; a wolf. And he’s trimmed his beard and hair, his skin clean. 
Washed away of filth and stress. 
An easy smile comes to him when he turns to see you— he downs the rest of his coffee, closes his journal, and steps over. 
“Good afternoon,” you say. 
“Afternoon,” and Arthur glances around for peeping eyes before kissing you chastely. “Thought we could go to Saint Denis today like ya wanted,” he offers. 
You shake your head. “I can’t today; maybe tomorrow?” 
He pulls away, looking bemused. “Always ‘tomorrow’ with you, woman.” 
You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s too late to go to Saint Denis anyway.” 
“We could rent a room.” 
“I am not spending money on a bed I have here,” you chide. 
He raises his head to look at the ceiling, hat tipping back slightly back as he does. A stiffness overcomes him, like a thousand rocks have settled into his stomach. “You always gotta make things difficult.” 
“Shut up,” and you pat his chest, stepping around him to continue your search, “I’ll see you tonight.” 
That seems to help him digest the rocks but he still grabs at your wrist, stopping you. And there’s a deep longing in Arthur’s eyes; lust and sorrow mixing to create something entirely desperate. 
“I love ya,” he mumbles quietly. 
And it’s not something you say often, never really finding the need to. You know. He knows. You’re on the same page. 
But sometimes, you’ll indulge each other with those three little words. 
And Arthur lightens when you smile and nod and tell him you love him too. It’s like he’s seen the ocean for the first time, eyes sparkling in wonderful adoration. So he lets you go, assured he has you no matter what. 
Expectantly, you barely see eachother for the rest of the day, each preoccupied with your own tasks. Small glances are thrown, like pebbles against windows, but nothing more. 
Not until night falls. 
You’re sitting around the fire with Abigail, snorting over a not so appropriate story Karen is telling when you see him in the distance, past the embers, crawling back into the manor. Admittedly, it is late but not late enough for Arthur to call it a night. 
Usually, he’d stay with the group– drink a bottle of beer and sing a tone deaf melody with Tilly and Javier. But not tonight. Tonight he’s waiting you out. 
And so when Karen finishes her story, you give one last laugh and leave. 
Arthur is sitting on the bed when you come in, writing something slowly; the clear mark of verbal constipation.
And the lantern is lit low, warm and golden like a dying star. He only looks up from the page when you close the door, his hand pausing. There’s a droll moment where you stare at him and he stares at you– the little lift of amusement curling your lips can’t be helped. 
In a brisk moment, you’re standing between his knees; but this time it’s him who undresses you. And you let him take his time with the clasps and buttons, resting your palms on his shoulders.
“Jack asked me if I’d take him wolf huntin’,” Arthur mumbles, standing to kiss at the junction of your neck and jaw. In nothing but your chemise, it’s easy to feel the hard line of him press against your hip. “Did’ya put him up to that?” 
You laugh, hands rising to undo his own shirt. “Maybe.” 
A rough palm presses between your shoulder blades, the other cupping your cheek as he nudges you to tilt your head with his nose. 
“Yer evil,” Arthur mutters into your skin, “making me be the one to say no to him.” 
“Was he angry?” 
“Nah,” Arthur sighs, knocking his hips with yours, “just said I’m no fun.” 
And you slip his shirt off, revealing broad shoulders and firm muscle, laced and sewed with scratches and scars. 
You run your hand down a particularly marred one at his ribs. Knife fight. 
“Did he hurt your feelings?” You tease. The hand at your cheek drops, bundling the hem of your chemise up your thighs. And before you can poke his ego again, the hand dips, grazing against your bundle of nerves. 
You sigh, leaning into him as he lazily dips a finger in and out, in and out. 
“John looked like he was ‘bout to have a panic attack,” Arthur rasps right in your ear. “If I had said anythin’ other than no I think he woulda killed me.” 
“Can’t have that,” you hum, and Arthur snorts. 
“Ya need me around to fuck ya, is that it?” 
Scoffing, you pull away. “You’re ridiculous.” Your chemise falls back over your thighs, covering the slick Arthur built up. And he gives a soothing smile, hands lifting yours to twine fingers together. 
“Did I hurt yer feelin’s?” And though you’re frowning, you let Arthur guide you to the bed— let him push you down onto the mattress. At your silence he runs his lips across your face; kissing at your brow, your nose, cheeks and chin. “I didn’t mean any harm by it.” 
Lifting himself on his forearms, he watches you. You’ve softened exponentially, pliant and willing under him. 
Only him. 
And the look on your face is so fond— too loving and so soft, that he feels as if you must be a figment of his imagination. A sick twisted trick his mind is playing to feel something. 
But you’re here, breathing against him, and looking like a drop of sunshine under the lantern’s light. 
He’s struck gold. 
Bending down, Arthur kisses you and in turn you breathe him in, arms coming up to wrap around his neck. You roll your hips, and a groan verberates in his chest— the sound makes your bones rumble— the first sign of an avalanche. 
He lifts the chemise once more and a knee comes up to sit between your exposed thighs. Arthur dips his hand again, this time spreading you open on two fingers. 
The both of you have gotten very good at being quiet after so many years of barely any privacy; a tarp or tent at most; but in Shady Belle, bless the heavens above, you allow yourself little, quiet whimpers. 
The gift of walls. 
And Arthur feels himself pulse as he edges you on, fingers increasing in speed. His thumb brushes against that bundle of nerves again and you choke back a moan, hands gripping onto the sheets. 
“Arthur,” you pant, eyes shining with adoration. And he pauses. You stir something in him, some sort of odd childlike devotion he hasn’t felt since he was in his early twenties. 
Not since Mary. 
And he remembers when you had first gotten together, back in ‘94, you had told him you wouldn’t ask him to stop loving Mary. I could never, ever do that to you. It’d be cruel and unfair of me, you had whispered. 
And you knew he never would stop because that’s how first loves are. Permanent. 
But maybe now, maybe in this moment— just like every other moment with you— he has stopped loving Mary. Perhaps not entirely, but he wouldn’t chase after her like he used to. 
Not when he has you. Not when you beg his name. 
And Arthur rises, lifting you up with him as he sits up against the headboard, huddling you into his lap. His skin is warm, as it usually is, and you can’t discern whether that’s just him or if the Lemoyne heat has to do with it too. 
It’s overwhelming and you’ve barely gotten started. 
Making a pathetic little noise in the back of your throat, you see the way it lights his eyes on fire, as if you hold the keys to enter the Gates of Hell. And it’s almost too easy for him to pull off your chemise, leaning forward to press his lips against yours. 
He’s scarily and surprisingly gentle. Always has been. But tonight there’s an underlying torture in the way he bites at your bottom lip, then soothes it, admonishing his own efforts. 
And Arthur, this sweet, sad man who has killed, murdered, and torn apart men from sanity has resorted to fluttering his fingers against your hips; as if you were a prized butterfly, ready to fly off at any second. 
For one reason or another, it makes your heart ache. 
Your own hands cup his stubbled jaw as you lean down, opening your mouth and letting his teeth gently collide with yours clumsily. 
There’s another rumble in his chest when you kiss the corner his mouth, an apology for your gauche actions. And you can’t tell if it’s a breath or a moan, but you assume that it’s something good. 
A quiet plea for you to continue. Don’t stop. 
Because if you do Arthur’s sure he’ll sob in a pitiful, defeated way that would leave him rutting into the mattress. 
To his relief, your thighs press against his hips all the more, and your chest meets his. One of his own hands slides up your side, and he moans into your mouth at the feeling of your skin against his palm.
Silk against stone. Soft where he is rough– ruined by bullets, knives and meaningless labor. And he decides then, he’ll preserve this. Preserve your warm humanity, if it’s the last thing he does. 
And he is a fool, but he isn’t insolent. He knows you’ve seen and experienced things that would have him reeling with nausea. 
You’re a woman, of course you have. 
But if he can help it, he will keep you like this. Coy and kind. Too good for him and too good for what the world has to offer. 
Arthur realizes he’d gotten engrossed in his worship when you pull away to look down at him, giving a shaky exhale. Running your fingers through his scalp, you let your hand settle at the back of his neck, peering at his face as if he were a saint. 
Arthur can only stare back. Fervently and biblically.
He follows every unspoken order you give him with a ferocity bordering desperation that only stems from his complete adoration. And you’ll never know how or where it started and you won’t ask, in fear of an answer that that any other man could give you. But this outlaw, brute, grunt; this man of all men has become an angel under your gaze and touch. 
It’s intoxicating.  
For awhile this continues. The kissing– the petting and exploration. Whispered ‘I missed you’s’ brushed across your lips, neck, breasts. At some point, Arthur wraps his mouth around one of your nipples, and you stifle a whimper against his temple. 
A hand pushes into the curve of your back, imploring and needy, making you keen. The other, brushes against your core unexpectedly and you almost yelp from the sudden contact. But he dips his fingers into you gingerly, restarting the ministrations from earlier. 
You all but melt. 
You’re panting into his neck, gripping onto him as he plays with you. It’s shameful how a week apart has ruined you so terribly. 
You’re oversensitive and overstimulated. 
When your breathing becomes more desperate (which happens quicker than you’d like) Arthur pulls away again. And he likes this game; the build up before breaking you. An annoyed sigh puffs out from your lips, and you find yourself grinding into his lap for some form of relief.
His trousers have become a hindrance. 
Arthur’s leaning into your chest, eyes half-open and cheek pressed against the space between your breasts. His mouth is hot and open, panting as you grind further into him.
And though you can feel him twitching against you, it isn’t enough. He’ll need more than the dull pressure of your core. But for now, he lets your hips roll, watching brightly as your slick coats the seam of his pants. 
“No more,” he suddenly rasps, the first words said in a long time. “Please, no more teasing.” 
You ponder him for a moment, then nod.
The trousers are off in an instant. 
And his skin against yours is a relieving sin. Hands on your hips, he rubs you against him— and all you can do is sit it out and watch with bated breath. Arthur, at the feeling, lets out a stilted, raspy whimper. 
Before he can do more, you lower a hand, pumping him up and down, up and down; a choked sound catches in the back of his throat when you do. 
He’s bigger than average, but not impressively so. The real volume of his size comes from his width, noting that your thumb and middle finger don’t and have never connected when you jerk him off. 
And you do this for some time, listening to his gasps and mumbled moans, only stopping when he begins pulsing in your palm. 
Arthur whines when you pull away, eyes gleaming almost angrily, and you have to smile at the hypocrisy of his behavior. He bites back a curse at the way you look at him, too entranced to be upset. 
Then, pushing him flat onto the mattress and straddling his waist, you kiss him. His hands land on your back once more, begging to press you closer, further. 
Wanting nothing more than to simply have you against him. 
And finally, you slide onto his length. 
It’s jarring at first, uncomfortable in the way it splits you open. And you feel his every millimeter and every movement. It takes a minute for your body to adjust, to realize it’s him. Arthur lets you wait it out, lets you take your time as you finally sink down completely. 
He thrusts, once, shallow and uncertain, brows furrowed in concentration. And your eyes close shut with a gasp, squeezing your legs even tighter around his waist. 
Then, you lift your hips off him and sit back down. And then you do it again. And again. And again. 
The pace you’ve set is slow, but it allows you to further assimilate to the stretch. Furthermore, the friction is accumulative. You quickly find that Arthur’s hands have lifted to clasp around your own shaking ones in an act to sooth you. 
To quell whatever ache has settled in your abdomen (for the time being). 
And his eyes are shining with an indiscernible emotion as he watches you; something that makes you want to cry out of sheer wonder. 
You’re so sure it’s love. It has to be. You refuse for anything else. 
You refuse to be a broodmare or quick fuck. 
And something must flip inside of Arthur because suddenly, he flips you two over, and moreover, he turns you over onto your stomach. 
“Arthur,” you mutter, as you lift yourself up on your forearms. And he bends down pressing a kiss to the vertebrae in your neck as if they were jewels on a crown. 
His hands return to your hips and bring you towards him. 
“I know,” he replies. It only takes a second for him to slip into you again, letting a deep, pleasant groan out. 
In this position he’s quicker, rougher. Less careful. 
Arthur utters the occasional incoherent word and you can only pant in reply. After a while of this— of his hips slamming against yours— your shaking arms collapse under you, and your cheek presses into the mattress. 
Arthur doesn’t stop though, nor does he slow, and the whole thing overloads your nerves. 
Yet somehow, his touch is still loving— even as he takes you so harshly. It’s an odd dichotomy. You’re not quite sure he knows his own strength in this moment. Maybe he never does. 
And you can’t help but be utterly grateful that this is the only way Arthur uses his strength on you. To fuck you into a mattress. 
And the only noises you can make are broken little gasps for air, an entire lifetime’s worth of vocabulary forgotten. He’s moving in and out of you at a far quicker pace than you had initially anticipated; and you feel yourself begin to shake, quivering for help beneath him. 
“Please,” you beg. 
“Please, what?” 
Your face flushes, hot and embarrassed even if you’ve done this hundreds of times before. “Arthur,” you whine, and he gets the message, quickening his pace as more broken, unintelligible syllables bumble out of your lips.
He brings one hand away from your hip to cup under your chin, lifting your face slightly so he can press his cheek against yours. 
A loving act that tells you this is more than lust and cum. 
Your hands claw into the mattress and his other hand leaves your hip to land on top of your own— fingers moving to curl into the spaces between yours. You’re crying now, sobbing quietly for some form of release at the absolutely brutal pace he’s set. 
And you feel yourself coming close to climax, warmth pooling and subsequently dripping from your abdomen. 
Arthur’s close too. You can tell by the way he twitches inside of you and by the way his groans have become hoarse and breathy. 
He then removes the hand from your jaw and you sink back into the mattress, his fingers reaching for that bundle of nerves and rubbing it. You leave an open-mouthed whimper into the bedsheet, your breath and spit creating a hot and sticky spot. 
Delicately, he pushes your body over the edge.
The orgasm rushes over you like a snap— quicker than lighting but drawn out like thunder. It singes and quakes as you quiver around him, moaning dumbly and begging for some form of sanity. Your back, arching, pushes him further into you, ignorant of your own overstimulation. 
Arthur’s grip is tight on your hips as he watches, having to stop himself from spilling into you right then and there. He would. 
He would if things were better. He would if he were stupid and ignorant. 
But he holds himself back, teeth gnawing at his lip. Eventually you calm, the bedsheet loosening in your grip, leaving linen hills in your wake. And as soon as you take a quiet, deep breath, he continues to thrust just as quickly. 
It’s now his turn to gasp and whimper, and you’ve never heard him so desperate— properly crying as he presses his face into your neck. 
Your own tears bead at your eyelashes as you let him use you, abandoning any and all self respect for yourself. 
But it doesn’t last long, as he’s quick to follow you over the edge. His hips begin to stutter and you know it’s over. 
Arthur pulls out, and you feel him throbbing against you as he cums into his hand. He’s practically collapsed on top of you as well, his body gone boneless and weak from the aftershock. 
He’s still for some time, catching his breath and his mental faculties. 
And you’re not sure how much time has passed until his lips press against your neck and shoulders gently; but you sigh quietly at the feeling, pleased and sated. 
He reaches under your body, cupping your waist so he can roll the two of you over to lay on your sides. And Arthur curls himself around you protectively, like he could obstruct everything evil with the slope of his shoulders. 
It’s quiet and peaceful, as the aftermath of sex usually is. 
And each time he kisses your skin indolently, you press back into him— a silent message that you want to kiss back. He seems to understand.
After a while, he mumbles your name. 
You don’t expect it, his usual preference for silence being the norm. But either way, you hum in reply, entirely lost in comfort and bliss. 
“I’ll kill Micah.” It’s said so simply, like an everyday part of his itinerary. Cleaning, hunting, murder. Well, maybe it is then.
You don’t open your eyes though. This is not a new conversation, nor is it one you like. 
“You heard him today I’m guessing.”
“When you were doin’ the laundry.” 
You want to frown. “It’s fine.” Is all you can say. 
“No it ain’t.” 
You pull away from him a little. “I don’t wanna talk about him. Ever. He doesn’t matter.” 
Arthur’s quiet again. But then he nods and closes the space you created. 
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puppetmaster13u · 10 days
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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geopsych · 1 year
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I saw this little Jack-in-the-pulpit among trout lily leaves.
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april-is · 2 months
April 8, 2024: As If to Demonstrate an Eclipse, Billy Collins
As If to Demonstrate an Eclipse Billy Collins
I pick an orange from a wicker basket and place it on the table to represent the sun. Then down at the other end a blue and white marble becomes the earth and nearby I lay the little moon of an aspirin.
I get a glass from a cabinet, open a bottle of wine, then I sit in a ladder-back chair, a benevolent god presiding over a miniature creation myth,
and I begin to sing a homemade canticle of thanks for this perfect little arrangement, for not making the earth too hot or cold not making it spin too fast or slow
so that the grove of orange trees and the owl become possible, not to mention the rolling wave, the play of clouds, geese in flight, and the Z of lightning on a dark lake.
Then I fill my glass again and give thanks for the trout, the oak, and the yellow feather,
singing the room full of shadows, as sun and earth and moon circle one another in their impeccable orbits and I get more and more cockeyed with gratitude.
Also: Seeing the Eclipse in Maine, Robert Bly
Enjoy today's eclipse, North America!
More space-related poems.
Today in:
2023: Neither Time Nor Grief is a Flat Circle, Christina Olson 2022: Pippi Longstocking, Sandra Simonds 2021: Waking After the Surgery, Leila Chatti 2020: Gutbucket, Kevin Young 2019: Insomnia, Linda Pastan 2018: How Many Nights, Galway Kinnell 2017: The Little Book of Hand Shadows, Deborah Digges 2016: Now I Pray, Kathy Engel 2015: Why I’m Here, Jacqueline Berger 2014: Snow, Aldo, Kate DiCamillo 2013: from The Escape, Philip Levine 2012: Thirst, Mary Oliver 2011: Getting Away with It, Jack Gilbert 2010: *turning, Annie Guthrie 2009: I Don’t Fear Death, Sandra Beasley 2008: The Dover Bitch, Anthony Hecht 2007: Death Comes To Me Again, A Girl, Dorianne Laux 2006: Up Jumped Spring, Al Young 2005: Old Women in Eliot Poems, David Wright
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radiantidiot · 2 months
Watching Hannibal again and ok so season 2 episode 8 when Hannibal is serving them trout. HE COMES OFF AS SO DESPERATE. HE DOESN'T WANT TO LOSE HIS BOYFRIEND. The shit about trout being nietzschian fish or whatever and how we're all kind of fish. Like you know he rehearsed that shit the entire time he was cooking. And like the corny shit after about "what we've all endured" and "sticking together". AND THE HEAVY HANDED WAY HE ASKS JACK TO GET WILL. He's like "oh wow this guy doesn't think like anyone else we should get someone who doesn't think like anyone else wink nudge". Desperate queer
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korrasamibottles · 23 days
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Woodland Flowers of NE North America
From left to right:
1. Red Trillium ☆ 2. Trout Lily
3. Marsh Marigold ☆ 4. Red Columbine
5. Heartleaf Foamflower ☆ 6. Jack-in-the-pulpit
7. Mountain Laurel ☆ 8. Orange Jewelweed
9. New England Aster ☆ 10. Pink Lady's Slipper Orchid
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pumpkinfreak · 4 months
Watching Hannibal for the first time S2E7-E8
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Episode 7
Will is free everybody, but given his mental state, maybe he should stay in prison. The boy is unwell, justifiably so. Miriam Lass, now equipped with a cool robot arm, also not doing well. However is still training with the FBI, after two years of psychological torment from Hannibal. We love a motivated queen.
Jack really shows up in this episode, before Will even leaves the asylum property. and is all like, "We're still friends right... Pookie bear come home the kids miss you." and Will still goes to the cabin where they found Miriam. Granted it is not for Jack, it's so he can catch Hannibal, and after sniffing around the Love Shack, Will diagnoses Hannibal as just being a whimsical little guy. He's just a theatrical little scamp. Where you see a living person Hannibal sees an art exhibit.
(Headcanon: Hannibal is a fan of Marina Abramovic.)
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Anyway, Jack is now leaning toward Hannibal, maybe being the Ripper, especially after talking with Will. The Sassy Science boys even find a fingerprint that matches Hannibal's on a flower petal. Hey, you know who else fits the profile of the Ripper.
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Now, they are correct, that being said. You find a fingerprint of the man, YOUR BEST GUY, has been pointing to for weeks, and just go "Know what? This other guy is also pretty whimsical." I won't completely fault them for this because Chiton on paper looks suspicious, especially considering his own unethical practice of implanting memories in people. Ignoring that...Chilton goes home and finds Gideon's body in his guest room.
Hannibal was clearly keeping Gideon alive, and sclicing pieces of him off like a leftover Christmas ham. I just feel the need to clarify that.
Chilton books it, but, Hannibal is already in the house. In his plastic murder suit. On top of this, there are two FBI agents outside, waiting for Chilton. Hannibal proceeds to knock out Chilton and super-murder the two agents. He then dips, leaving Chilton to hang with three dead bodies. Just like a goofy whimsical guy would.
Chilton is taken in for questioning, and Miriam freaks out, Is convinced this is the Ripper right in front of her and shoots him in the face.
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...Oh also, Will tries to kill Hannibal, decides not to do that, but does want to continue seeing Hannibal for his therapy.
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Because these two girls like to play 4D chess. Personally, I started eating the game pieces long ago and probably would have shot the bastard. But who am I to question art.
Side note. There's a moment between Alana and Will, and she's all mad that he tried to murder Hannibal from prison. Will's response is "Girl... ya boyfriend Eats people...please do not talk to me or my dogs ever again." He didn't say it out loud but I saw it in his eyes.
Ep 8
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The fact that this GIF is not edited...and this was a real line from the show.
Now, I'm not a doctor or a veterinarian, but I don't think people go in horses. I am also fairly certain, that to put a person inside a horse would require breaking some bones. Then again, I eat chess pieces, so what do I know. We're gonna circle back to the horse incident first let's talk about Jack and Will
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The episode opens with Jack and Will Ice fishing. Clearly, these too are talking about catching Hannibal. When I'm not busy shoving game pieces down my throat, I can catch on to obvious fishing metaphors. Isn't Jack's wife dying of cancer...could this conversation not happen over a phone call. Priorities Jack. Anyway, they take the fish to Hannibal, and he cooks them dinner. The way this man plates these fish is appalling an octopus is involved. Octopus and trout, how did it take these people so long to realize he's a lunatic.
They sit down to that horror show and have a little chit-chat about how their all friends, and Hannibal and Will are going to put the whole attempted murder behind them.
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We also meet Margot Verger, of the Verger slaughterhouse, which is worth millions. She is justifiably traumatized because her brother Mason has been abusing her their whole lives. Abusing her in ways I won't describe here, but I trust you understand. Also, she is gay, and a woman, So her stupid dead sexist bigot father left everything to her brother because only straight people with penises can slaughter hogs.
Hannibal is her therapist, and she wants to murder her brother. Hannibal is very enthusiastic about that idea.
Also, her brother Mason, steals people's tears? and stirs them into his martinies? It is very silly and was certainly a choice the showrunners made.
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Circling back to the horse thing. We meet Peter. A victim of a traumatic brain injury, who loves animals. Even though getting kicked by a horse was the reason for his injury. If anything bad happens to Peter I will rip this website asunder. DO NOT TOUCH HIM. So he did put a dead woman in a horse, to try and revive her. That is true. His social worker was murdering women and trying to blame Peter for it, but after Peter tells the police this. The social worker kills the horse that hurt Peter, just to be vindictive, before trying to murder Peter.
Anyway, Will and Hannibal show up, and as mentioned before, Peter has put his social worker in the horse. Will takes him aside to console him, and Peter confesses. He did not kill the guy before putting him in the horse...
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This man... put another man. A LIVING GROWN ADULT MAN. Inside a horse. sewing him up inside. That man then bursts out of the horse, still alive, and where was Hannibal when all of this was happening.
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Petting a sheep. In the barn. Just watching this man re-enact Alien. Even Hannibal seems to have a second of "Wow, this is happening" before telling the guy he would be better off in the horse. Will then storms back in and tries to kill the social worker but Hannibal stops him at the last second. Clearly impressed by Will's eagerness to kill.
...Seriously how big is a horse's womb...
On to the next episode
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