#jackson king
After coming out my transformation was palpable. Not much was different on the outside beyond a boyish haircut and an ever-so-slightly flatter chest (there’s only so much a binder can do when you’ve got an H cup). But on the inside I’d been resurrected. I was showing up fully in my life for the first time. Small moments like having a Starbucks barista call me by my new name in a crowded coffee shop were euphoric. And as one of the lucky few trans people to have accessed medical transition healthcare in the UK, the more my body has masculinised, the more my contentment has grown.
Let me be clear: I love women. My intellectual heroes, political role models and most beloved artists are women. When submitting my deed poll after coming out as trans, I chose a middle name that would honour the women in my family who’ve made me who I am and taught me how to show up in the world with love and strength. I love femme women, butch women, trans women, cis women, and all the women who show the diversity of and push the boundaries of womanhood. But, dear reader, I am not a woman.
To transphobes, I have become the social failure I was warned about as a child. They see me as a quitter, a social abnormality, an abomination even. Because in refusing to have my gender determined by my genitalia I’ve chosen not to accept my fate. And they are correct: compulsory cisgenderism, and therefore compulsory womanhood, is a narrative I’ve rejected. I’m glad I made that choice, and I stand by it. What’s so scary about the possibility of choice or autonomy when it comes to gender? As the David Carrick case shows, men do not need to cosplay as women to cause harm.
My guess is that when queer and trans individuals choose not to abide by the rigid rules of cisheterosexuality, it throws into relief just how many people are unhappy adherents to behavioural norms thrusted upon them. Norms they’ve had little or zero personal choice in.
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smashpages · 4 months
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Out this week: Waller vs. Wildstorm (DC Black Label, $24.99): 
DC collects this well-regarded miniseries by Spencer Ackerman, Evan Narcisse and Jesus Merino into one volume. It combines elements from the DCU and Wildstorm, as Jackson King and Amanda Waller battle for control of the agency known as Checkmate.
See what other comics and graphic novels arrive in stores this week.
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comic-art-showcase · 7 months
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Battalion by Rico Renzi
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jetslay · 2 years
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WALLER VS. WILDSTORM #1 Written by SPENCER ACKERMAN and EVAN NARCISSE Art by ERIC BATTLE Cover by JORGE FORNÉS Variant cover by ERIC BATTLE 1:25 variant cover by MIKE PERKINS $5.99 US | 32 pages | 1 of 4 | Prestige Plus 8 1/2" x 10 7/8"(all covers are card stock) ON SALE 11/15/22 The synopsis for Waller vs. Wildstorm #1 reads, "In the early 1980s, as the Cold War stubbornly refuses to thaw, a new battle heats up...for the soul of the intelligence agency Checkmate. As the agency’s super-heroic public face, Jackson King—a.k.a. The armored Battalion, former leader of Stormwatch and the symbol of American might—has long suspected that Adeline Kane is up to dirty tricks overseas, engineering horrors that betray everything he believes about service to one’s country. But King doesn’t know that Kane has a clever new ally—an ambitious young woman named Amanda Waller. She has her own ideas about how metahumans can serve their country. And honor, dignity, and long lives don’t factor into them... National-security reporter Spencer Ackerman (The Daily Beast, Reign of Terror), comics and video game writer Evan Narcisse (Black Panther, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Batman: Gotham Knights - Gilded City), and veteran artist Eric Battle (Aquaman, Kobalt) celebrate WildStorm’s legacy of espionage-flavored superhero morality plays, pitting Stormwatch against the deadliest people in the DCU—including Deathstroke himself!"
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evilhorse · 1 year
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We could have done this over the blower.
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theauthorityvol1 · 1 year
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atlas-authority · 1 year
Just released an early access chapter of my new Authority fanfic on my patreon! You can get access to if now for as little as $3 OR you can wait until it goes live on Friday when I will post it on AO3!
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hardestgrove · 2 years
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the king kids in a nutshell sdflghfkjdls
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gonegrove · 2 years
reposted from my old blog hardestgrove.
a huge post with bios of all the main king family members. might add aunt Liz later when she’s more relevant but for now here’s the nuclear family.
very light general warnings for mentions of various forms of non-physical child abuse and talk of dysmorphia and ED
everything under the cut bc i’m not a fucking monster lol
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A ruthless business man who exemplifies the american dream of heartless capitalism. A narcissist with dangerous tendencies and no regard for others he began his career strong in New York City by defaming, undermining and terrorizing his competitors in tandem with his ruthless business tactics. Married and had a family explicitly for the optics and sees them all as props to forward his future. When it comes to “continuing his legacy” after briefly trying to mold the teens he instead chose Emily as the child to focus his grooming on as her base personality and skillset was the closest to his own, unlike the twins.
Moved the family to Indiana when he was offered a high level position in large scale construction projects (things like malls hint hint), this was also prompted by the 1977 black out and subsequent riots. While he’s rarely home, preferring to spend the majority of his time on his work instead, his presence looms over the family like the threat of an air raid. He is a sadistic, cruel, manipulative man with drug and alcohol issues who enjoys reckless behavior and inflicting fear in others for his own amusement. To this end he once held a loaded gun to Emily when she was 13 while he carried on a casual conversation with her.
While he rarely engages in physical violence he is still absolutely a threat to others.
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A socialite type who married entirely for security she has never grown out of the rich party girl mentality. She has no interest or desire to be a mother to any of her 5 children and left it to a nanny when they lived in NYC and then dumped as much of it as possible on Emily when they moved to Hawkins. She’s a loud, shallow person concerned only in her own hedonistic pleasure and rarely thinks about the consequences of those actions and usually only does when it effects her personally. Her ideas about like, everything are toxic and she has no filter.
She is in the house about half the time, when not there she’s on what she calls “me time” trips which is basically her and possibly other women like her going to a bigger city with better nightlife and partying for undefined amounts of time. She is an addict and a heavy drinker who still lives in the “invulnerable youth” mentality of 20-somethings who think being a psycho in Cancun over spring break is totally acceptable. She is actively damaging to her children’s mental health, frequently commenting on their physical appearances, especially the girls. She’s given up on trying to groom Emily into the perfect woman (read: sex object for men) due to the facial scarring she got when she was 12 and now Stacy gets the brunt of her damaging commentary with Alison coming in second.
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The oldest child, Emily is a control freak with psychic abilities and pyromania cursed with being given impossible to meet standards by her parents. They’re a fan of horror and dark fantasy and an avid goth but largely concealed and obfuscated their interests and true identity when they started high school as part of a long con to get better references and reputation for college applications and scholarships, instead presenting almost as a stepford yuppie for like 3 years. Is this kinda insane? Yes. But Emily is an extremely intense person who struggles with regulating their behavior and not taking the steps that take something from “reasonable” to “extreme”. While this intensity is native to their personality, this along with the masking, is also part of their coping with the expectations and parentification inflicted on them by their parents. Their pyromania stems from a need for emotional outlet as they are comically locked down, the fire fixation itself coming from seeing the many arsons that were committed in 70s NYC. Emily has been the top of their class, student body president and strong  competitor in sports every year on top of their parental duties and  finding ways to save up money to escape the family for the last 3 years  of high school.
When Emily was 12 they moved to Hawkins and not long after Emily had their first real “i was absolutely not imagining this” psychic experience when they linked telepathically with the Hawkins Lab massacre perpetuated by 001, both from the pov of his many victims and 001 himself. Which has further damaged her mental health and left her with fractured reactions to violence— both triggered by it but also desensitized and able to engage it in. Due to when it happened and where she was she ended up with a large scar on her face.
They befriended Eddie Munson shortly after over their mutual love of fantasy and the newly forming metal genre and considered him their best (and only) friend even after they became overwhelmed with responsibilities in high school. Eddie’s friendship was a critical factor in their recovery from experiencing the massacre and Emily’s exploration of their own identity and he was the first to be told. The two dated for a while when they were 16 but it ended amicably after Eddie voiced that he just felt he couldn’t handle the pressure and responsibility one is assumed to take up as a romantic partner as in this case that basically meant becoming the co-parent of 4 children at 16 but still cared for them and wanted to support them however he could.
Emily is at heart an intense person who feels extremely deeply and is wildly passionate and compassionate. They are fearless and determined and undeterred by anything. But they also have a vicious streak and inherent cruelty derived from and encouraged by their father. They’re open-minded, introspective and fiercely protective. They have a firm belief in responsibility, self-sacrifice and “pulling your own weight” —all of which is a mixed bag when actually put into practice. Emily’s psychic affinities lay more in the world of telepathy and pyrokinesis than telekinesis, as she’s extremely adept at controlling and invading the mind and setting both massive and/or intense fires but is nowhere near Eleven’s telekinetic capacity. Frequently in contact with their Aunt Liz who’s a psychologist to try and not be The Fucking Worst.
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Emily’s younger brother and Jackson’s fraternal twin brother. The taller, more built and quieter of the two. He and Jackson share an intense passion for music and both are very serious about their futures as musicians. David is a huge fan of punk music both for it’s sound and it’s highly political and critical commentary. He’s passionate about politics and social reform, firmly keeping to punk mantras about equality and fighting against the regime. While both brothers are frequently wrangled into being Emily’s back up, enforcers and workers David gets it more so due to his size. Both brothers both love and resent Emily for how they perpetuate their father’s control and emotional abuse in the name of keeping them in line to avoid even worse outcomes but David is overall more sympathetic to Emily’s situation. His habit of being less vocal has meant he’s lashed out at them less and thus been able to see more of how much the responsibility and behavior effects them.
David more likely than not has selective mutism as a result of their father’s attempts to mold him into a Mini Adam and that is most likely why he speaks less overall than his siblings. He’s also just a naturally quiet and observational person which also probably comes into play. While David is pretty easy-going for the most part he’s also an incredibly angry person which manifests in him as a kind of quiet rage that permeates his vibe and behavior and pouring himself into his special interests over other things, even important things like schoolwork. David can play the guitar, bass, piano, drums, and is looking to pick up a wind instrument or something like the synth or theramin. He and Jackson are working on starting a band, while the band will likely be a metal/hard rock one the boys also really enjoy writing really high quality comedy music as Weird Al is both an inspiration and a comfort artist for them.
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Emily’s younger brother and David’s fraternal twin brother. Jackson is shorter, leaner and louder than his brother David but they share the same intense passion for music and both are very serious about their futures  as musicians. Jackson is a big fan of Metal and music with expressive imagery and prose. Like David, while this is his go to genre he inhales music of all kinds to better understand the art and to improve his own work. Jackson’s life is basically entirely spent on creating music, watching bad horror movies to make fun of them and building stuff in legos. He’s also shockingly well read for a weird music obsessed high schooler and has strong political opinions like his brother David. Of the two he’s the one who resents Emily the most for acting as their dad’s enforcer and frequently using his tactics against them. As he’s gotten older he’s come to better understand how they’ve been basically left to raise them all completely alone but still struggles to be compassionate to them. Still he consistently steps up to the plate to act as their own enforcer and back up when it comes up because he can see their survival is a group effort.
Like Emily and David, Jackson has rage issues. Unlike Emily and David, Jackson is not trying to bury his under 10 miles of stoicism like it’s toxic waste. He’s extremely vocal about his grievances, prone to arguing and name calling and the most likely to start a fight. Outside of his rage issues Jackson is a really outgoing and funny guy. He’s friendly, loves collaboration and learning knew things. Things like his long ass hair are in direct opposition to the aesthetic decrees of their parents and not just because he likes them. Jackson loves poetry for it’s evocative and raw language and much of his songwriting work reflects this. His greatest passion is writing music and lyrics. Jackson can play the guitar, bass, drums, piano and is learning the saxophone currently. He can also sing but ironically feels uncomfortable doing so so he strong arms Emily into doing it instead. He and David also bully them into playing the bass for them as well since their band is currently just the 2 of them and they need at least a guitar, bass and drums to function and bass is easier to learn.
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Stacy is the second youngest and second least affected by the abuse from their parents which isn’t saying much since she has an anxiety disorder and is under constant threat of picking up body dysmorphia and an ED thanks to her mother. Stacy is a bubbly, friendly girly girl. She likes pink, pop music, rom coms and literally anything you can think of that’s aggressively girly. She’s just like that y’all. She does dance and gymnastics. While she comes off as boy crazy she’s actually a lesbian and just thinks that those boys are Kinda Neat and Aesthetically Pleasing and would like to give them all hugs and sandwiches like a kooky aunt or something.
Stacy suffers from crippling anxiety, negative thinking and extremely poor self-esteem thanks to their parents but especially her mother’s toxic commentary. This is part of what fuels her to be kind to others because she doesn’t want other people to feel like her if she can help it. Stacy befriends the Party and Eleven when Emily and the boys leave her and Alison at the Wheeler house so they can help search for Will. It’s an unlikely friendship at first but Stacy just enjoys being around good people and supporting people’s interests and stuff. They do end up wrangling her into playing D&D which she enjoys because of it’s collaborative storytelling elements. She ends up becoming close with the Byers and looks up to Jonathan a lot, bordering on hero worship as she sees him as a Perfect Older Sibling, and has gotten into photography because of him.
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The youngest King kid and the most sheltered of the whole lot. All of her siblings are hellbent on making sure she’s exposed to as little of their parents abuse and toxicity as they can protect her from. She’s a sweet tho a bit shy little girl who likes animals and princesses. She likes to play and draw and act out little skits and plays of her own creation and has been petitioning for a family pet for years. Thinks Steve, Billy and Eddie are prince charmings because they’re handsome and nice to her. They all tend to humor her a lot and play when asked because like man, she’s 7.
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lauriemarch · 5 months
bless this iteration of Percy Jackson for genuinely believing, for at least three seconds, that he is the second coming of Christ
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millificent · 4 months
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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lilislegacy · 3 months
frank: let me get this straight. thalia and jason’s domain is the sky, percy’s domain is water, and hazel and nico’s domain is basically the underground?
annabeth: yes
frank: but… can’t percy also create storms? that have clouds and lightning and thunder?
annabeth: yes
frank: and… and can’t percy also create earthquakes and make volcanoes erupt?
annabeth: yes
frank: so… in a way, doesn’t that mean everywhere is percy’s domain?
annabeth: yes.
annabeth: but don’t tell him. he hasn’t had that realization yet
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
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they really nailed percy’s audacity
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fandomfairyuniverse · 4 months
I desperately hope they keep the detail of sally selling Gabe’s statue because there is something so hilarious about that woman opening her front door, seeing that her ex-husband has been Medusa-ed, and going “you know I think he’d look nice at an art gallery”
It’d also be one hell of a divorce settlement and that’s what she deserves
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theauthorityvol1 · 2 years
that "you had this beatdown coming" line king throws at midnighter in the authority: prime makes me sad btw. yeah shit went down but... king saved the m and apollo from bendix in their introduction story. he comforted midnighter when he cried because he was overwhelmed it was over and they were free. there was no need to send their relationship that way with not even an acknowledgment or a nod to the origins
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