#james: so lol dogs should eat right?
jewishregulus · 4 months
love when ppl make random ass aus for their fave ship that r just nonsensical and crazy . anyways jegulus au in which the potter’s run an animal shelter and usually order their pet supplies online but one day james goes to a chain store and finds regulus, who hates every single thing abt his shitty fucking pet store job and ONLY stays bc having a shitty job getting to pet cats on a leash is better than having a shitty job and not being able to. anyways james sees a twink and loses a few brain cells so he just pretends he has NEVER had a pet before and asks for regulus’ advice to talk to him. in his nervousness james is like “so dogs can’t eat chocolate right hahaha that’s crazy i’d go crazy” and regulus is like “i don’t get paid enough for this”
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msmk11 · 2 months
The Hufflepuff Code
James Potter x gn!Hufflepuff!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count: 3.6k
CW: Use and discussion of weed, mentions of alcohol, light kissing, reader under the influence of weed, mentions of food and eating
Summary: You have a secret.... Or, at least, your Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff, does, and you can't tell your Gryffindor boyfriend James. Only problem is, your boyfriend is very charming and has an inclination for mischief. What could go wrong?
A/n: Hiiiii, I hope you enjoy! This work is vaguely based off the Harry Potter discourse on TikTok a few months ago, about what parties would be like in each Hogwarts house! Please don't take offense if you're a Gryffindor lol, I love them. Also, until I find a fancast for James Potter that I like (I imagine him as desi), I will be using ATJ.
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Going to Hogwarts requires a lot of studying….something you are trying to do but failing, because a pair of hazel eyes can’t help but bore into your face. You double down into your books to avoid your boyfriend’s gaze, but his intensity only increases. He shifts from mute staring to pokes and silent whispers of your name. 
Finally, you snap your head up and look at him, “what?!” You whisper. 
“Just missed you s’all,” James says sheepishly. 
Your heart can’t help but melt a little, “sweetheart, I’m right here.”
“Yeah but you’re studying and not paying attention to me.” He whines. 
“Well, I did invite you to the library to study, not snog or make small-talk.”
James eyes light up, “oh that sounds like so much more fun. We should do that instead.”
“Sorry Jamie, as much as I’d love to, I can’t. Gotta study.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes dramatically, “fine. But I expect your full, undivided attention later.”
You cringe a little and guiltily avoid his sweet, beautiful face. “I-I’m sorry I can’t hang out later.”
“Baby,” he says rather loudly. 
You shush him a little and grab his hands in apology, “I’m sorry, I made plans earlier this week.”
The brunette pouts at you and shakes his head, his mop of curls falling into his eyes as he does so, “with who?”
“My friends-“
“Friends? What friends?!” Your boyfriends protests. 
You glare at him a little. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispers, “I just mean, what friends could you possibly be hanging out with instead of me? I mean, I’m the bestest friend.”
You kiss one of his hands intertwined with yours, “I know, sweetheart, you are. But I need a little non-boyfriend-friend-time sometimes, you know?”
“Well-uh I can pretend to not be your boyfriend for a night,” he disagrees, “I can gossip and, do whatever your friends do.”
You chuckle a little, “I know you can, and honestly, I’m sure they will be happy to have you in the future. But that’s not the type of hangout we’re having.”
“Okay, so then what are you doing?”
“Burying bodies, holding seances, the likes,” you tease, trying to avoid a serious answer. 
James just glares at you, not impressed by your jokes. 
“Sweetheart, don’t be mad,” you plead, bringing out your puppy dog eyes, “promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he answers, dismissively waving his hand. “That I’m not concerned about anymore. What I really wanna know is what you’re getting up to tonight,” he says, quirking an eyebrow. 
You’re pretty sure his eyes peer into your soul, trying to unleash all your secrets. It makes you shiver and look down at your paper. 
“Oh you know, typical Hufflepuff things.”
“Hmmm?” He asks, shifting closer to you. “Like what?”
“Uhhh eating food, potting plants, being loyal.” You mumble out. 
He gets closer and lifts your chin to make you look at him. James, the bastard, knows the effect he has on you. Teasing you with your closeness, knowing his cologne drives you crazy, his eyes make you melt, and his lips leave you defenseless. He licks his lip a little and you slightly groan. 
“So you’d rather pot plants than spend time with me?” James asks quietly. 
Words leave you at this moment and you only stutter a little. You try to lean in for a kiss, the tension unbearable, but he pulls back. “Nuh-uh.”
“You don’t get a kiss for lying.”
You whine a little. “I’m not lying, I’m just concealing some of the truth.”
“Why, love? Do you not trust me?”
Your face softens, noticing the slight sadness in his voice. You grab his face and brush his dark curls away from his eyes. 
“No Jamie. It’s not that, it’s just- well it really is sort of a Hufflepuff thing. A code of conduct, you know?”
He furrows his brows, “uhh, not really, no.”
“Well, I’m sure Gryffindor has some traditions, right?”
James shakes his head, “well it’s sorta the same thing for Hufflepuff, just more secret.”
“But I won’t tell anyone” your boyfriend says softly, kissing your hand, “promise.”
“I know, sweetheart. It’s not that I can’t tell you, it’s well, I can’t tell-“ you hesitate. 
“Gryffindors,” you say, quietly. 
Confusion clouds his pretty face, “what d’you mean you can’t tell Gryffindors?”
You cringe and pull away, “I’ve said too much already, sweetheart. Sorry, house loyalty.”
He scoffs, “what about loyalty to me?” 
“Don’t do that,” you tsk, “it’s really not that serious. Just silly house traditions, a little bit of rivalry, yeah?”
“Well then if it’s not that serious, just tell me,” he counters. 
You groan. He’s really not gonna give this up. 
“Fine,” you mumble. “Come on, let’s go somewhere more private.”
You gather your books and motion for him to follow. He stands up obediently and packs up his things before taking yours from you. As you walk down the halls, you find an empty classroom and push the two of you inside.
“You know if you wanted to get me alone, you could’ve just asked,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes and slap his shoulder playfully, “pervert…just wanting to get in my pants.”
“Can’t help it when you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You hum in content and lean into the kiss, holding onto his arms gently. 
“Could keep you here all night,” he sighs against your lips, as his warm hands wrap around your waist. 
You huff in disappointment and pull away a little, “you know you can’t Jamie baby.”
“Worth a shot.” He sits down on a desk and spreads his legs a little, letting you stand between them, “so if I can’t convince you to skip this tradition, then tell me what it is at least. And why can’t Gryffindors know?”
You sigh a little, “okay, don’t get mad, because I didn’t decide this, remember, it’s tradition.”
James pauses and then shakes his head for you to continue. 
“So, basically, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw have this arrangement to have three annual parties. One hosted by Hufflepuff, one by Slytherin, and one by Ravenclaw.”
“And why not Gryffindors?”
You wrinkle your nose in awkwardness, “well…cause the other houses don’t really like Gryffindor all that much.” Before James can protest you add, “it’s not that we don’t like Gryffindors at all, it’s just, we don’t like when you’re all together. On your own or in small groups you’re fine. But in large party settings you guys get loud, and stupid, and well…..annoying. And, the other three houses got sick of it, so they decided to start hosting a few no-Gryffindor-allowed parties every year.”
James simply stares at you in silence. “And this has been going on for how long?”
“Uh, 20 years at least,” you say. 
The boy’s mouth drops, “and no Gryffindor has ever found out?!”
“Not really, no. We keep it super secret.”
James scoffs, “I mean, well that’s sort of ridiculous don’t you think? Hosting secret parties just to keep us out?”
“Look,” you say gently, grabbing his knee, “I didn’t say I agree or disagree. It’s just tradition. And well, I’m not gonna be the one to break it.”
“So what do you even do at these ‘parties’?” he asks with a huff.
“Well Ravenclaw hosts the first, in the Fall, a sort of poker, gambling game night, but with lots of booze. Very classy actually, typical Ravenclaw. And Slytherin hosts next, right before Christmas. It’s a sort of Christmas, bougie, boozie party. Very swanky and jazzy. And Hufflepuff, well, that’s the crowd favorite. Held in second term.”
The brunette raises his eyebrows in curiosity. 
“Basically we get a shit load of weed from our secret plant stash, and everyone gets high and eats food. We like, raid the kitchens before hand.”
“WHAT?!” James almost shouts. 
You put your hand over his mouth to quiet him. “Shhh, people could hear.”
He takes your hand off. “Hufflepuff has a secret drug stash?! And you hide it from us?!”
“I mean, why do you think we’re so happy all the time?” you say, laughing a little. 
“So you-but.”
Your boyfriend’s brain seems to malfunction, “damn, Hufflepuffs are druggies? My partner is a druggie?”
You let out a laugh, “I wouldn’t say druggie…just…plant-positive.” 
“So…there. That’s my secret. But you can’t tell anyone. I have my dignity to uphold.” You warn. 
“Can I at least come?!” 
“No! I’m not even supposed to tell you. Let alone bring you!”
“No. Im sorry James, I don’t make the rules.”
“But I wanna get high…and see you high.”
“Well, another time.” 
Your tone was final, but James did not take it as such. Instead, he became more determined to find his way in to this mysterious party. 
After making James promise to not impose, you left him behind in the classroom with a kiss and a lot of regret. On one hand, you had just broken so many Hufflepuff rules… if anyone were to find out, you’d be shunned for sure. On the other hand, you also felt incredibly guilty for leaving James out. Your sweet boy with his soft eyes and kind smile… but also his loud personality and pranks. You knew he’d never mean any harm, but the likes of him at this sort of party would not be welcome. He’s the definition of Gryffindor. And of course you love him for it, but you’re not sure your peers would. 
Back in your dorm, you throw your books down on your desk and then plop onto your bed. 
“Long day?” Your friend Emmeline asks. 
You groan, “terribly.”
“Good thing we have a chill night ahead of us,” she reminds you, plopping down next to you on your bed. 
“Touché Emmy. I’m very ready for an edible and a bag of flaming hot Cheetos.”
“Mhmmm, and those chocolate chip cookies from the kitchens?”
We both sigh in content. 
I can feel her staring at me. “Something’s wrong…”
You turn on your side and look at her, “yeah… I just, well, told James I couldn’t hang with him tonight because I had plans and I feel sorta bad… being all secretive you know? We don’t keep secrets.”
She hums in acknowledgement, “hmmm yeah, I get that. But I mean, it’s not like a bad secret y’know? Just tradition.”
“Which is what I told him but still..”
“You didn’t tell him, did you?” She asks, slight mortification on her face. 
“No, course not,” you lie, turning back on your back. “Hufflepuff code n’all. Just hard having a Gryffindor boyfriend.”
“Yeah, babe, I know. But you only gotta lie a few times a year, he’ll never know the difference, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m overthinking this, I know.”
“Indeed,” the brunette answers, shoving your shoulders lightly. “Now come on, lighten up, we’ve got a fun night ahead of us.”
You smile and sit up, “yes you’re right.”
“Now, I know the vibe is obviously cozy, but I still wanna look cute y’know? What should I wear?”
You hop up and walk over to her closet. “Oh babe, you gotta do your yellow Hufflepuff sweatshirt. With your brown curls and pale skin, you look like freaking Belle from that muggle movie.”
She gasps, “a whole princess?! Wow, I’m flattered. And what about pants?”
“Leggings maybe? Something that makes your ass look good?”
“Take me to dinner first!” She squeals. 
You laugh a little and wink, “sorry baby can’t help it.”
Her shoulder length curls bounce a little as she shakes her head at you. 
You go into your own trunk as you strip off your school uniform and instead opt for black pajama pants and one of James’ t-shirts that has some muggle band on it. It still smells faintly of him and your heart aches a little at leaving him behind. You brush it off, though, when your other two roommates come in the room, grocery bags in hand. 
“We’ve got the goods!” Amelia and Trinity cheer. 
“My hot Cheetos?” You ask. 
“Course,” Trinity answers, rolling their brown eyes, “this isn’t our first rodeo.”
You squeal and peck them on the cheek before giving Amelia a hug too. 
“You guys are my favorite, you know that?”
“Better be,” Amelia huffs. “Otherwise we’d have words.”
You all excitedly chatter as you go through the groceries and get ready for the party. 
Trinity ends up in Ravenclaw blue, which looks fantastic against their dark brown skin. 
“Trying to impress anyone?” Emmy asks, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Hmmm, maybe a certain Pandora Lovegood?” Amelia quips. 
Trinity tries to hide a smile but can’t, “duh! She’s just so cute, especially when she’s high.”
“And Amelia? Trying to impress anyone?” You ask, scanning her dark gray sweater and black leggings.
“Nope!” She says, popping the p, “only here for me, myself, and I.”
You force everyone to gather on your bed and hold up your disposable camera, “smile everyone!”
You take a few photos, cute and silly, and then wander down to the common space. 
The common room remains mostly the same, besides a few added bean bags and blankets for comfort. 
A low, quiet base thumps in the background as people from all three houses lounge around. Amos Diggory, a seventh year, sits at the contraband table. 
“What can I do for you folks tonight?” He asks. 
Emmeline asks for a blunt, Trinity and I take an edible and Amelia shakes her head, motioning to her pen instead. We crash on the carpet, waiting for the weed to kick in. Everyone around us is laughing, chatting, and snacking, at different levels of gone. 
When Pandora walks in, Trinity waves and motions her over. She’s followed by a few of her friends, including Regulus, Rosier, and Crouch.
“Baby Black?!” You cheer.
He rolls his eyes as he sits down next to you. “I thought I told you not to call me that?”
You shrug your shoulders and pat his cheek, “yeah, but I chose to ignore you. I love how cute you get when you pout.”
He can’t help but blush a little and he softens. You have a way with that boy, and he with you. Surprisingly, you are very close friends. 
You turn and nod in acknowledgment to the other two, “Rosier, Junior. How’s it going?”
“Better once I’m high” Barty answers. He turns to his friends, “what do you want?”
They tell him and he stalks over, giving Amos a glare while he’s at it. 
“Always the delight he is,” Amelia teases. Her eyes are a little heavy, telling me the pen is already working. 
“So, Black? What brooding have you been up to recently?” Emmeline jokes.
You swat her arm and can’t help but giggle, maybe a little too hard. “Be nice.”
“Oh you know, just planning your demise” he answers with a smirk. 
“I’m the subject of your brooding?” Emmy fake swoons, “I feel honored.” 
You laugh again and hug Regulus around the neck, “am I ever the subject of your broodings?”
He looks at you with a small smile, “course. I think about killing you once a week.”
You gasp in fake offense and stick out your tongue. Barty, who’s back with the weed, hands Regulus a blunt. He takes it between his fingers and inhales. Then he looks at you and rolls his eyes again. 
James Potter is usually good at keeping promises. However, he’s even better at making mischief. So despite his promise to you to not come to the party, he finds himself a little while later outside the Hufflepuff dorms, albeit hidden under the invisibility cloak. From outside, the hallway is quiet. Any passerby would be oblivious to the party going on within- must be a silencing charm. Unsure how to get into the common room, realizing you hadn’t told him before, he waits outside for someone to, unknowingly, open it for him. He, luckily, doesn’t have to wait long, as two unsuspecting Slytherins stroll past him and up to the barrels sitting outside. In quick succession one pulls out their wand and quickly taps it across the barrels. The brown barrels jump apart, revealing a door. As the two walk in, James closely follows behind, assuring he doesn’t remain locked out. 
Though you briefly explained the parties to James, his imagination far underestimated the reality. When you said all three houses went to these parties, you weren’t kidding. The place was packed, with every 4th year up from all three houses lounging around the badger den. The room was thick with smoke and reeked of marijuana. Students were everywhere, standing, lounging, laughing, eating, and even sleeping. Music played in the background, but no one was dancing, seemingly too high to really notice it. He scanned the room and found you in the thick of it all, seated on the carpet by the fireplace. You were with your dorm mates, Emmeline Vance, Amelia Bones, and Trinity Taylor, and also a few Slytherins. He recognized them all actually, one being Sirius’ little brother, who he knew you were actually good friends with. Also Rosier and Crouch, who he wasn’t as fond of, and Pandora, the one Ravenclaw he sorta knew. 
Still hidden under his cloak, he weaves through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone, afraid of getting caught. He throws himself into a corner by the fireplace, listening in on your conversation. 
“But Reggie, you’d look so cute with dyed hair!”
The Black boy scoffs at you, “yeah right. What should I go for, bright pink?!”
Your eyes light up as you giggle, “yes! And I’d start calling you baby…. pink? Instead of baby black, cuz you know-“ you giggle again, “your hair would be pink!”
Your words sort of slur together, not that you realize it, and so Regulus only nods, himself also struggling to comprehend what’s happening. 
“Wait, I think I have some dye, let me go get it!”
“Wait-“ Regulus calls out but you’ve already gotten up. 
James’ heart jumps as you come closer to him, weaving through the crowd on the carpet…
As you stumble towards the stairs of your dorm you freeze. You could’ve sworn you smelt... James’ cologne…..
You shift backwards a little and sniff again. Sure enough, his fancy cologne, one you love but always tease him about, permeates the air. Either you’re really high or….
You suddenly fling your hand outwards to the left. Though there is nothing next to you, you make hard contact with something in the air, and hear a small “oof” from next to you. 
A chill runs down your spine and out of the corner of your mouth you mumble, “James. My. Room. Now.”
You don’t bother to hear an answer, knowing he’ll follow you like a lost puppy. 
When you’re in your room you shut the door firmly behind you and whip around “James- what the hell.”
Your boyfriend appears before you, taking off the invisibility cloak sheepishly. “Hey, baby.”
“Don’t fucking hey baby me. What are you doing here?” You slur together. 
“Uh, missed you?” He says hesitantly. 
Your nose flares and you stalk towards him. “You. Fucking. Missed. Me?!” Each word is punctuated with a smack to his chest.
You don’t realize in your unsober state how hard you’re hitting him or how loud you’re talking. He tries to minimize his flinches as he grabs your hands and holds them together. 
“Love I-“
“What? Wanted to risk me getting shunned?! Jamie I asked you not to come! I trusted you!!”
“I know lovie. I’m sorry, I just got jealous… and curious. It’s no excuse I know but…”
You huff and throw your head in your hands. It’s spinning for more than one reason, and the weed keeps you from thinking clearly. 
“We’ll talk later. You, just stay here with your cloak, yeah?”
He sighs and nods.
His sad puppy dog eyes get to you and you soften a little, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. 
You then walk towards the door and open it, only to find the whole of Hufflepuff standing outside your door, staring in shock. 
“You, you broke tradition!” Amos Diggory yells, pointing at James. 
“I- well- shit” you mutter. 
“This is like, breaking the law,” another Hufflepuff argues. 
You feel tears prick at your eyes, “I’m sorry guys I- uh.”
“Wait,” your boyfriend says. 
Everyone goes quiet. 
“It’s not their fault, honest.”
No one seems to believe him. 
“Look, I got suspicious of what they’re up to, so I followed them, with my invisibility cloak on. Swear!” He even holds up the cloak, demonstrating its invisibility. 
Everyone gasps, “no way, that’s fucking sick.”
“Please don’t punish them because I’m stupid and nosy! Please!” He pleads. 
Diggory turns to the head prefects of the other two houses and quietly confer. After a few minutes of quiet whispers, Diggory turns back. 
“Fine, fine, you’re off the hook,” he says to you. 
“And as to you Potter, well, I guess you’re officially inducted into our little secret now. We can’t have you going around spilling. And I swear, if you tell any one of your little Gryffindor friends, all three houses will rain hell. Understood?”
Even you turn to James and raise your eyebrows. He really does feel a little threatened and nods. “Uh, yeah. Course.”
Diggory claps his hands together, “great! Well then, get Potter some weed.”
As everyone files out, James turns and looks at you nervously. 
“You heard the man, let’s go get you some weed.”
“Okay, just- wait.” He grabs your wrist and pulls you flush into his chest. 
He kisses you deeply, “love you, baby.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
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Sadly I haven't seen twd completely i got to nervous at the end of the prison arc lol i need to fix that. I follow the series but i don't know it by heart so I'll need to look up some scenes
I'm very excited to see how you will handle Sirius, Shane is someone who took the chaos and violence of the new world like a fish in the water, he thrived in that dog eats dog environment. And his resemblance to Sirius is just mind-blowing (he was the Bellatrix of the light side)
Remus is tricky, how to translate his werewolf dilema? I mean you are right it has to be dangerous for it to count
He got inyected with walker's blood and became contagious? By Greyback who likes to expirement with the space between human and walker and likes to turn people for funsies
I loved your Lucius!!!! Post apocalypt Lucius has so much potential, he is cunning and has a shit ton self preservation of course he is siding with voldies gang, you mentioned that platonic Snucius may make an appearance? I'm 100% up for it
He could be both the one who introduces him to the group so he can be safe on their side or to pretend he didn't see him when he escaped
Are you still planning to have Spy Severus? I know that can be tricky with Severitus, if that's the case maybe they thought he died in a confrontation (Lucius knows better) ? That's why they don't really suspect they changed sides when he re appears????
Will Narcissa and Draco make an appearance? In that case Draco would be a baby right? It would be great to see how Lucius priorities change with that, i believe he genuinely loved his family so him doing everything that he can to protect his son (and little bro) would be something amazing to see
Is Harry still the Chosen one ? I'm starting to work on my own twd fic ( you inspired me !) I thought on making him inmune (or to be what's needed for the cure, last of us style ) because idk Lily turned while he was still attached to her and for plot reasons Severus unknowingly delivered him in the precise range where he is inmune yet not contagious (idk I'm pulling this out of my ass i have no idea how biology works lol)
Voldie targets him because he wants revenge for Lily and James destroying 3 of his supplies bases (escaped him 3 times ) and because he wants to extinguish all chance of the world going back the way it was before the apocalypse
I am a whore for Severitus so that's a given
But i have no idea what to do with the rest of the characters from Hogwarts, any insight?
Anyways i can't wait to see what you'll do <3
Too early 😖✊🏽
But yes, Sirius is going to be interesting! I’m gonna really bring out the Shane and it’s going to be a shit show. He’s definitely not dying as early as Shane did so we’ll see a lot of him
And I THINK I know what im going to do with Remus. I like the idea and it kinda plays on one of the later seasons character, Gabriel. I like your Greyback idea, you should use that one!
And yes! I love my Lucius as well. I know exactly how I want him to go in this fic. I’m really playing on him being kind of like the governor in a way, which leads me to your question about Cissa and Draco. They will make an appearance just not right away. But Draco and Harry will be the same age.
Yes, I’m still planning on doing spy!Sev. I think it’ll be easy enough. Twd kinda gave an opportunity for Daryls character to join Negans group in a way on s7, and my Voldemort is Negan but with a twist of Alpha, so I’m going to play with that a little bit. (Alpha is by far the craziest enemy they’ve encountered…fr)
And I’m glad I inspired you! That makes me happy. Harry does get targeted but not for any of those reasons, I’m staying realistic to twd for Harry and he’ll be targeted mainly for leverage or revenge on Sevs group (Lily and James will already be king dead by then). And I do plan on him having a Carl moment with Voldemort so he’ll be on their list for that as well.
As for the other characters, I think it would help to watch the show and think about characteristics. Which character from hp would be this character from twd (or if you’re doing another apocalypse show). That’s what I did. Very helpful. I also suggest playing with hps plot device and blank canvas characters! I’m using Marlene and Dorcas for two close characters in the fic. You can also spice things up. Which calm hp character do you wanna see go batshit? Which arrogant hp character do you wanna see be the levelheaded beacon of light for the group?
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notmymainblog · 3 years
Can you do a young sirius black x reader fic where the reader and sirius are dating and the reader has really bad depression and he finds out about
⭐I most certainly can! I hope you’re doing well, love. Mental health is a vital part of our lives. Regulating our emotions and coping in healthy ways is super important. For a list of ways to cope with mental illness(s), please see this Post.⭐
Master list
To use: Download obvi. Click the icon (upper right by the search bar) in the first box enter your name. If you did it correctly, y/n should read as your actual name. Under that, it will say something along the lines of “need to change something other than “y/n?” there you can change anything you want. ”y/h/c” and “y/h” don't work together, so please enter “y/ho” if you're inputting your Hogwarts house.
I’ll be using y/f/s as your favorite song, so please add that to InteractiveFics
Writing prompts for writer's block: “I’m begging you, please don’t lock yourself in your room.” & “You’d better put that knife down.”
Warnings: Swearing, lol, mentions of restricting (non-eating disordered), self-harm, depression, & anxiety.
Genre: Fluff (it’s not under sad because the ending is happy💕).
“The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is part of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell.” -Marsha Linehan
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   “y/n,” Sirius groaned, “for Merlin’s sake, come to dinner,”
     A soft “no” could be heard through the thick oak door of your y/ho dorm. It was met with an exasperated sigh from the other side.
     “y/n, please. I don’t think I’ve seen you out of your dorm all weekend,” Sirius said.
     “I don’t feel well, Siri, just go eat without me,” you said.
     You weren’t exactly sure what spurred your depression, but it’s here now, and it was seriously (hehe, siriusly) fucking with you. Sleeping seemed to be your only hobby besides homework and wallowing in self-loathing. Dinner was scarce. It was hard to take care of yourself. 
     Brushing your teeth was hard, showering was hard, brushing your hair was hard, trying not to breakdown in a room full of people you just knew were looking and talking about you was hard. Not thinking you were worth anything was hard. Watching Sirius talking to other, prettier girls even just for a moment was really hard. It always made you doubt. 
     Life was pretty fucking shitty. ‘‘Fuck’’ was a pretty big word in your vocabulary. “fuck this shit,” “fuck you,” “fuck off,” and “fuck life” were some of your favorites.
     It didn’t take a genius to recognize that you were down in the dumps, so Sirius spent most of his time trying to cheer you up. His efforts mostly consisted of dying Dumbledore’s beard, listening to your favorite songs, or just touching you any chance he got. Laying his head on your shoulder, holding hands, or crossing his foot under yours during dinner.
     It was sweet that he wanted to help, and he was really giving it his all, but being around him just meant that you plastered on a grin and told him you were feeling “much better.”    
     “You’re magically sick every weekend y/n, just come with me. It’ll be quick, but you need to eat, babe,” he pleaded.
     And so, you begrudgingly went down to dinner. The great hall was bright and noisy, the complete opposite of your dim, quiet room. 
     “y/n!” James grinned, “you came out of your cave!”
     Remus elbowed him, “we’re happy to see you y/n.” he smiled.
You sat down and took a plate, putting whatever was in front of you on it and forcing the food down your throat. Your body was thankful, and you had forgotten how nice it was to eat and laugh with friends. Unfortunately, you felt like you were hit by a bus about two minutes later.
     It’s too loud, too bright, you’re too tired, too anxious, they’re all looking at you, all trying to talk to you, and it’s overwhelming. You feel a hand on your arm, and it pushes you over the edge.
     “I really, just can’t, um, I’m just,” you stuttered, “um yeah sorry, sick. Bye,”
    You walked away quickly, nearly jogging. 
     “Jesus Christ, Sirius, what’d you do to her,” James said.
     “What do you mean? It’s just her period,” he shrugged, “every year for a month,” 
     Remus put his head in his hands, “it’s once a month for a week. She’s depressed, Sirius. Are you that thick?”
     James nodded along with Remus. He didn’t know anything about periods except that Lily punched him a lot more when she had hers.
     Sirius looked up at Remus, “what do you mean depressed? She always says she feels better when we hang out,” he smiled triumphantly, “and she always smiles around me,” 
     “She’s faking it, Siri. She just doesn’t want you to worry. I’ll go comfort her, don’t worry about it,” Remus replied, getting up.
      “No, no, no! I wanna do it! I’m her boyfriend, it’s my job to...to...what exactly should I do?” he trailed off.
     It wasn’t that Sirius didn’t struggle with depression; it was that he had never had someone to comfort him. He couldn’t even imagine what he would need, let alone you.
     As much as Remus wanted to tell Sirius to back off while he took care of it, he tried to help.
     “fine,” Remus sighed and sat back down.
     Twenty minutes later and it was back to square one.
     “y/n open up! Please?” he said.
     “No! Just go away!” you responded in-between small sobs.
      “I’m begging you, please don’t lock yourself in your room.” he pleaded.
     He heard shuffling before you slowly opened the door. Your eyes were puffy and watery, your sleeves were rolled up, and a knife was in your hand.
     “What?” you mumbled.
     He pushed the door open with little resistance. You stood to the side, looking down. Your room was pretty clean except for a pile of letters on your desk, a very messy bed, and your clothes were thrown everywhere.
     He turned around to look at you. You were gorgeous. You were wearing the dress he loved. You braided your hair and put on some makeup. Next, he saw the letters piled on your desk. He looked over at you again as you sniffled.
     His eyes watered, “oh my god, y/n. You were gonna...”
     “Why do you care,” you interrupted, “nobody cares,”
     “Honey, why would you think that?”
     “I dunno... I just know,” you said, fiddling with the knife in your hands.
     He sighed, “y/n you’d better put that knife down.” he threatened.
     “Why?!” you shouted, “Why should I stay?!” your tears were hot. They blurred your vision.
     “Because we need you y/n,” he said, “because we fucking love you and need you. What the fuck would we do without you y/n? Think about James and Lily and Remus (fuck Peter, my homies, and I hate Peter). Think about your mom and dad. Think about me. The wedding we wouldn’t get to have. I’d say kids, but you’ve made it very clear that childbirth isn’t for you,” he smiled weakly.
     “and we can get a house. and a cat cause we already have a dog,” he said
     “No, we don’t?” you said, confused.
      “It’s me y/n I’m the dog,” he laughed, “you always call me ‘dog boy’ when you’re pissed off,”
     He inched closer and eased the knife from your hands.
     “There we go, honey, it’s okay now,” he soothed, “let’s get this out of here, huh?” he tucked it in his pocket, “we’re gonna put it away, and we’re not gonna hurt ourselves. we’re gonna stay nice and safe,” he stroked your cheek before giving you a soft kiss.
     “That’s it. That’s my girl. It’s alright now, honey,” he wrapped his arms around you.
     He hummed softly and led you over to the bed.
     “You’re humming y/f/s?” you whispered.
     He nodded, “I know it’s your favorite, princess,”
     He muttered some spells as his wand traced your cuts. It felt like warm water washed over them. It kind of burned. His arms wrapped around you, and he pulled you to his chest.
     “shh, that’s it, sweetie, just relax. Just lay with me,” he kissed the top of your head, “I am so proud of you for eating today.”
     The praise made the corners of your lips turn up in a small smile.
     “There’s a pretty smile, love,” he whispered, “there’s my y/n. You’re so perfect, honey. I love you so much y/n,” he said.
     The next few weeks were spent slowly working your way up to eating at least two meals, brushing your teeth at least once, letting Sirius brush your hair (he loves brushing your hair so much oml), and talking to the four of them again. At first, it was just one of them every so often and then two, and before you knew it, you were comfortable having all four of them sat in your dorm.
     And then you started heading down to the common room, to the marauders’ dorms, until you were sitting around the fire in the common room, laughing. You had been in the pit. You were sitting at the bottom of it, flipping off everyone who called down to you and wanted to help. It was hot in the pit. The ladder was hot.
     So you decided to stay in the pit until one day, Sirius Black threw down a pair of oven mitts. This metaphorical pit was extremely real to you, and the ladder was really fucking hot, but the oven mitts helped, and when you climbed out of the pit, it was a beautiful sunny day.  
As you may have noticed, y/n’s depression seems mild at first, and that's what happens irl. It's fine until you break open; it’s intense. So I tried to capture that.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
how to save a life bucky barnes x reader
Good old whump 😌 this is so fucking long (wc: 2113)
also i know some people are weird about dogs so just know reader has a very large typically seen as aggressive kind of dog (but hes not, just a little slobbery and awkward lol)
Song: say something by danny worsnop and matty mullins 
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"I can't take your shit anymore. If you won't do anything about it then I will! I quit!"
I yelled, untying my apron and tossing it at my manager. One of the cooks had been harassing me for the last couple weeks and he refused to say or do anything. But I had reached my breaking point.
"Come on y/n, we need you! You can't leave me short staffed like that."
He whined and I shook my head, making my way to the back door.
"No, fuck you Rodney, you can find someone else to deal with it."
I said annoyed, clocking out, grabbing my stuff and storming out the back. I gave him the finger as the door slammed behind me, sighing angrily at myself for not finding a new job sooner.
I yelled, kicking the brick wall before leaning into it, shoving my head in my hands. Then I heard a harsh cough. My attention snapped towards the man limping through the alley way, seemingly clutching at his side.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I asked, reaching into my bag and gripping my pepper spray tightly.
I asked again, moving closer to him in the darkness. When he looked up at me I realized who it was. I had seen pictures of him before. What was his name? James? Yeah captain Americas bear friend. From the museum.
He managed before falling face first into the dirt. I gasped as I watched his body go limp. In that moment I wasn't quite sure what to do. I couldn't call someone cause I didn't know who to call, and God it was gonna take everything in me to get him back to my apartment. But I couldn't just leave him here. Shit. I sighed before kneeling down and rolling him over. His face was bruised and bloodied, the same as the knuckles on his hand. He must have really gotten into it with someone. I bit my lip before sitting him up with a groan.
"Okay james, work with me here."
I sighed out, going around him and picking him up. He made a soft noise and I looked at him, his eyelids bobbing open for a second.
"Two blocks, that's all it is."
I told myself more than anything, slinging his arm over my shoulder and walking with him dragging his feet. The whole walk was labored breathing and groaning. He was heavier than he looked but then again he was pretty much solid muscle. And though he wasn't much help I could tell he was trying. That endurance was paying off a little bit. But as soon as we were to my apartment he was out, practically falling through the door after I opened it. I only just caught him, laying him on the floor gently and dragging him to the couch. As I tried to put him on it I could hear my dog whining and tapping his toes in his crate.
"Give me a minute Wolf."
I said half annoyed as I got James flat on his back. When I was content with him laying there I let my massive akita-rottweiler mix out of his crate. He immediately went to James and started sniffing him excitedly until I snapped my fingers at him.
"Hey, leave the nice man alone. Let's go potty."
I said, him barking and running towards the door. I quickly got his leash on and took him down to the streets of new York. We walked a good block before finally heading back to my apartment. After I took Wolfs leash off he was right back in James' face.
"Hey, what did I say? Go lay down."
I instructed, him making a sad sound before pouting his way to his large bed in front of the window. I sighed, looking over James with my hands on my hips. Then I noticed a darkened spot just under his jacket and immediately began to worry.
"Shit. Is that blood?"
I said, stepping closer. I watched his face as I knelt down, pushing the coffee table further away from the couch.
"James I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna undo your jacket."
I said in a clear voice, watching to see if he moved but he didn't, prompting me to go on anyway. When the front of it was undone I gasped. He was indeed bleeding. It took me a minute to get it fully off, his shirt following right after. To my surprise his whole torso was covered in scrapes and bruises, along with what seemed to be a gunshot wound. Luckily it was only a graze. That I could treat.
"What the hell were you doing?"
I asked out loud even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I shook my head before going to get the first aid kit from under my bed, wolf following me around my apartment. I guess lucky for him I went to medical school, I mean I flunked out my last semester, but still. That's only three months I'd have to finish before I'm a licensed nurse. I had this. Right?
"God I hope I don't have to sew this man shut."
The next few hours I just sat at my breakfast bar staring at him in the living room, sipping coffee and trying not to wake Wolf who was now fast asleep at my feet. I was waiting patiently for him to wake up, to make noise, to move even an inch. but it never happened. He was however still breathing, the portable heart monitor I had attached to his finger beeping softly.
When the sun started peering through my curtains though I figured it was best to check on him again. After all, I would need to change his bandages soon so whatever it was that hit him didn't get infected. Wolf for one was very excited again for me to be working on the stranger, running to him and getting in his face again.
I scolded, James jolting upright as I pulled the collar back on his large black neck.
I said through a nervous laugh. He looked around for a moment before looking down and wincing in pain as he touched his abdomen.
"Go lay down."
I said harshly, wolf not quite budging at first. But going when I nudged him with my knee.
"Um, I hope you don't mind that. I did as best I could but it's been a while. I was gonna come change them."
He stared at me, looking to wolf in his bed when he sighed.
"Thank you."
He said softly and I nodded.
"Do you mind laying back down? It's a little easier."
I said and he did, slowly, watching my every move as I knelt beside him. I dug into my kit to get new dressing, peeling the old off and shaking my head. It was still bleeding but there wasn't much I could do about it.
"Do you remember much about last night James?"
I asked and he shook his head no, the dog tags around his neck shifting. I focused intently on what I was doing, hearing wolf sigh again. I rolled my eyes, sending him a playful look.
"You aren't afraid of dogs are you James?"
I asked and he shook his head again.
"Okay wolf, come here."
He stood quickly, panting as he came over and stood beside me, looking like he had a wide smile on his face as he sat down. James looked up at him and smiled back, bringing his right hand to scratch at wolf's head. It was a good distraction as I fixed his wounds for a second time. As I put the stuff away I was forced to remember he was still shirtless.
"Oh uh, I washed your shirt too, it was pretty soaked through."
He nodded, making a pained face as he moved to sit up, letting me help as he did. Wolf took that as an invitation to get on the couch, his large dog body taking up a good portion of it as he laid across James' lap. I looked to the ceiling as he laughed, petting him some more.
"I'm so sorry. If you want him off all you have to do is tell him to get down."
I said standing up, going to the kitchen to wash my hands.
"I don't mind it, he reminds me of an old friend."
He lamented as I came back, wiping my hands on a towel.
"They must've been one hell of a friend."
He nodded slowly.
"Hey uh, you can call me Bucky. if you want."
I reached for his hand and shook it.
"Thanks for this y/n."
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I'm not gonna lie James, uh Bucky, I was a little shook up last night. I had just quit my job when you came stumbling down the alley I almost wasn't sure what to do with you. And I know as a citizen I probably should have called an ambulance but as an ally..."
I paused. he looked a little more into what i had to say now.
"I've, well, I've been around the block with a string of heroes before and none of them could ever actually get help from paramedics. So I did what I could."
He nodded.
"I really appreciate it y/n, I must've been desperate after all, to go to a complete stranger."
He laughed.
"I'm just glad you found me and not someone else. Or who knows what could have happened."
"those were my thoughts exactly."
there was a long pause, me standing awkwardly and both of us staring at the floor. then Wolf barked, taking both of our attention as i jumped at the sudden sound.
"guess he agrees."
i said and he laughed again.
"ya know i really appreciate this. is there a way i could repay you? some how?"
he asked and i shook my head.
"no, i couldn't let you do that. really."
i said quickly, holding my hand out, watching as he struggled to stand.
"i want to."
he insisted, stumbling forward and i caught him. he panted out a pained noise.
"knowing you're safe is enough. come over here, lets get you something to eat."
i said, walking him slowly to the bar i was just sat at and feeling his back muscles strain against my palm as i held him upright.
"careful, you keep taking care of me i might never leave."
he said through a wince as i placed him in the chair.
i laughed and he sent me a soft look before smiling. i could feel the blush run across my face as i moved to the fridge, making a face like i was an idiot for saying that.
"uh i went to school to be a nurse after taking care of my last boyfriend. he was terminally ill but didnt want to stay at a care facility. i guess ive kind of been missing it since he passed last year."
"im sorry."
he said quietly as i pulled things out of the fridge for breakfast.
"its alright. ive been getting by. plus i have wolfie over there to keep me busy."
i said with a smile, the large dog wagging his tail as he sat at the edge of the kitchen.
"im sure he appreciated all you did for him."
bucky said and i nodded once, moving to the stove.
"uh, how do you like your eggs?"
he turned in the chair to look at me.
"what's your specialty?"
i laughed.
"anything but poached."
he smiled widely at me.
"over easy please."
"great. that i can do."
there was another long silence as i began frying the eggs. then he cleared his throat.
"would it be a little Stockholm syndrome-y to ask you out after saving my life?"
i let out a short, loud, laugh before looking at him.
"oh you're serious?"
i asked and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"unless youre not looking but the least i could do is take you to dinner."
i nodded slowly, plating the food and setting the plates on the counter.
"im not but i wouldnt say no to dinner. and who knows, maybe id be open to seeing you after. maybe with a shirt and not bleeding on my couch."
he picked up the fork and raised it in cheers to me.
"ill take it. and its the least i could do. as a thank you."
"its a date then."
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onisiondrama · 3 years
Tumblr media
"The Onision Coverup Exposed (Onision Tells All)" April 9, 2021, Speaks - Summary Part 1 (Note: He also streamed this on repeat on Twitch.)
James says he's now being blamed for people's eating disorders. (Maybe he finally saw all the ex-fans on twitter and tiktok talking about it?) He says if you watch his videos you would know he encourages people to eat healthy. A fan says you can't give people eating disorders. James says you can if the person looks up to you, like if your mom calls you fat. He says it's all about how much power you give a stranger through a video and apparently that's what a lot of people did.
James says he looked at the Twitter feed about "Onision" and asks why he should be in prison? His fans joke around. James says apparently he diddles kids, but that never happened. A fan says they had to private their Instagram because people kept messaging them stupid shit. A fan jokes that if they said James stabbed them, people on Twitter would believe it. James says people wouldn't believe it about James Charles or Shane Dawson. James asks why people think about kids so much?
James asks if his fans want to talk about his current public position on Shane, they say yes. He says Shane kissed someone who was apparently 12 in a video for the sake of the video, made an elaborate joke about a cat, and described a young child in ways you shouldn't on his podcast. He says those were horrifying things, but the evidence should have been weighed to see who the victims were and how they were harmed. That didn't happen and people robbed him of his job and publicly demolished him. There is no evidence Shane is a threat to people. He says the punishment for something he did years ago should be more relevant to the act. Ask the person who was involved if they were damaged and what compensation they wanted. The internet calls for the social and physical death of someone and calls it justice. He can't help but feel bad for the person who is being witch hunted. It's a self righteous parade of people who are funded by their delusions of how valuable and moral morally they think themselves are. Shane had more harm done and lost more than what he's done to anyone else. James says it would be inhumane for him to keep campaigning against Shane.
A fan says 9 times out of 10 the person trying to take them down isn't a victim, they outweigh the voices of the real victims. James says he saw this himself. There's this chick named Luxymoo. He says he had two conversations with her in her 20's and he never met her and she's acting like #metoo. He says he only did was tell her she could date Kai. (That's not true. He also named her Twitter account in a video and commanded his audience to basically attack her.) He says he never met or had a conversation with Regina- a fan cuts him off and says Regina uses they/them. James repeats himself but uses the correct pronouns. He says he's sure people are saying they are involved with James Charles when they're not.
James says in texts he posted, this person (Sarah) said they were groomed before so they would know if they were being groomed. People accused him of faking the texts, but to prove them he'd have to dox them. Sarah said she swore on her grandmother's life. He says when he spoke to her January 23rd, she said her grandmother was getting old anyway or will die soon. He asks why would she say that?
Fan says they don't understand how James (Onision) showed proof of his innocence and people still want to take him down when James Charles admits to doing it- James cuts them off and says people are going after James Charles. James (Onision) says he wasn't as popular as James Charles, so James Charles still has audience left over and he's not making fake meltdown videos to trigger his audience. James (Onision) says before the meltdown videos he wasn't getting a lot of views, then when he made the meltdown videos a few of them pushed a million views. He says they were profitable and people think they were real. He says apparently he's Joaquin Phoenix. (Omg he learned how to say his name correctly lol.) A fan says the James Charles accusations were on TikTok and twitter when his main audience is on Youtube. They say not a lot of people are making videos about it. James (Onision) says he saw Blaire White got 200k views on a James Charles video.
James asks what his fans think of professional lie detector tests. He says he thinks it would be cool and you shouldn't be afraid of one if you tell the truth. Someone says they can say you're lying when you're not. James says you have to prove its accuracy by asking questions like "is your hair blue?"
A fan talks about Shane. James says Shane isn't easy to take down. He says he freaked out when he saw someone tweet a video without context and said he was done with Shane. Then Shane played one of the clips with context and people released him of responsibility. James says that didn't excuse everything. He was ripped apart for his anti-Shane stance until the Smith family spoke out about his joke about their sister/daughter. He says he agreed that was an awful thing to do. Shane did it to make his audience laugh. James says even though it was an obvious joke, Shane was done for this time because someone who was more popular stepped forward. Whatever the alpha dog says, the other dogs do. James says he personally didn't know about the Shane jerk off video until the Smith family.
Someone brings up Shane and blackface. James says people celebrated it at the time. He asks his fans if they think Shane hates black people? A group of them say "no." James says the word racism used to mean people thinking races were above other races and now it's making jokes. James says people called him racist because he put black on his face while talking about blackface and saying it's not racist. He says what is racist is if he put on the makeup and played a racial stereotype. He says he didn't do blackface, he put on black paint to demonstrate a point. (Lmao yeah ok buddy.) He says the same people say they love Robert Downey Jr even though he did a whole movie in blackface. It's about who they like, not about right and wrong.
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what-kinda-fuckery · 4 years
Hey so, I was one of the star struck falsettos stans that spent the forty dollars for the webinar, and I took notes (like a weirdo). So I decided I would share my funny moments and updates from the cast here!
- Host: Everyone should be keeping their audio off.
Christian: Oh alright!
Host: nO Christian not you
- Christians in Manhattan and his hair is back and he’s wearing a Superman t-shirt.
- Brandon is with his parents in NJ
- Stephanie and Brandon still love each other
- Brandon: Meat should be cooked just right
- Betsy: Stephanie are you in maple wood?
Stephanie: Well thank you for telling everyone where I am (she’s in NJ)
- Stephanie: Are you fucking kidding meee!!!
- Tracie is in LA, she looks like she’s in Costa Rica and I love her dog.
they’re all talking about Anthony’s clear skin
- Andy Randy is in LA with a fresh haircut his boyfriend did it and he’s watching too much TV
Andrew: I’m watching this is America
Stephanie: SO GOOD
Andrew: SO GOOD
- Everyone’s having hard days
- Christian is acting out tracies dog’s pathetic bark and everyone’s like WHAT are you doing bc it looks like he’s about to throw up
Betsy: What else do you do during a pandemic? Have a baby!
Andrew: Can I toss out another baby name? Celery.
Literally everyone: Goodnight Andrew goodbye!
- Christian is living with a girl (?) and playing board games instead of watching television
Christian: yesterday I made pork filet en croute
Stephanie: In mean girls they wear pink on wednesdays. In falsettos they make pork.
- I can’t get over Anthony’s voice
Again everyone returning to his literally perfect skin
- Stephanie: When watching four jews in a room in the beginning who’s in China?? I know the answer I just want to hear someone say it.
Andrew, with a thick accent: It was Bryna, in China, with a torn miniscus
- Christian: Did anything interesting make it on to the telecast between me and you? Andrew? Actually I dont remember I need to do my research.
Andrew: There’s been some strange comments about Christian and I- (AT THIS POINT IM WHEEZING)
Andrew: No that’s not a thing that happened
Brandon: Andrew i want you to know that it’s okay if it was. It’s a safe space just the seven of us. (Lol)
- Bill Finn would take two steps into the room: “WROONG”
Stephanie: he wanted me to sing the end of I’m breaking down up the octave and I said #notmytrina
- Tracie what did you do during act 1
Tracie: Betsy and I sat in that dressing room for like an hour and a half
- Betsy watched parts of the first act to feel like she was there
- Betsy sprained both her ankles at one point during the run and was a trooper anyways
Brandon reenacting Betsy limping during look look look look
Everyone dies laughing
Christians LAUGH makes me SO HAPPY
- Betsys screen is frozen like this: 🤨
Andrew: What if she went into labor??? (This is a common thread throughout the zoom)
- Anthony: I’m getting a lot of glitching so Stephanie is just like “HUH UH UH UH”
- Betsy comes back and everyone is like
- They bought Andrew an ice cream for his birthday from the vending machine at rehearsal
- Andrew: The Hawaii crop top
Betsy: I would give anything to have that
- Tracie: it was very hard. Very precise bringing the blocks together
Brandon: Trying to be like oh my god we’re going to a funeral
- fan question: What did the blocks weigh?
Stephanie: They were like thick yoga blocks. Not heavy but awkward shaped
Andrew: Significantly heavier when Anthony sat on them
Anthony: I just realized how much I got thrown around
Stephanie: Anthony were you proud of yourself? #proudofyou
Anthony: The one moment I was cringing was father and son
Betsy: Anthony’s like BLAH BLAH BLAH blah my line BLAH BLAH BLAH my line BLAH BLAH
Anthony: I was blinking in that number like constantly
Oh Anthony.
- Andrew: I HAVE A STORY ABOUT CHRISTIAN BORLE. Tech for what more can i say. He was laying on me. We were shirtless in underpants under the blankets.
Christian: SLOWER
Andrew: he leaned over; He sniffed his armpit and said “I hope you like France”
Christian: i haven’t worn deodorant in 10 years true story
- Christian: i seem to remember holding our pillows and blankets pretending like we were partying on fyre island and Andrew said:
Christian: No no it was something like:
Betsy: James lupine I feel like we’re ruining this show
- Andrew: The shenanigans were real but so was the sadness
Stephanie: We’re real and we’re funny what you gonna do
- Andrew talking about how hard the show was to do: Finding some liberty, It’s a hard world to live in all the time. It was a hard time especially for Christian. I would sometimes go home and cry for no reason
Brandon: Building up emotion with nowhere to put it
Betsy: then Lesbians come in and provide all the levity
Stephanie: Although Dr. Charlotte brings in horrible news
Tracie: Everything’s beautiful at what more can i say and I’m like not so fast
- Tracie always had a funny thing to say
- Who broke character the most on stage?
Anthony Stephanie and Christian
Anthony: it was when I said “I don’t want a bar mitzvah” and I spit in your face a lot and you went like *puts arms up* and someone at stage door was like very condescending like it’s not professional
Christian: Oh my bad we’re people sorry
- Stephanie wrote a line in the show “YOU HAVE PAINTINGS OF DICKS”
- James wanted her to cut off her finger during I’m breaking down
And turn around with a bandaged bloody finger
- Betsy’s nose bleeding during something bad is happening
And Tracie was like something BAD IS HAPPENING
Tracie: Christians throwing up right now
Betsy: Bloody Kleenex up the nose THE SHOW MUST GO ON
- Fan question: Stephanie how do you belt with a banana in your mouth
Christian: Practice practice practice
Stephanie: just shove it in your cheek. But Really that wasn’t supposed to happen
Anthony’s nickname in the rehearsal room was little bananas because he had to gather up all the pieces of stuff after Stephanie shoved the table over with her rear. Sometimes he didn’t have enough time to put it somewhere so he would just put the pieces of banana in his mouth and that’s where it came from
That’s why
- Andrew: Stephanie your glasses are very chic
Stephanie: Oh my gosh thank you *shocked*
- Betsy: Bill was like I’d rather DIE than change lyrics for the pbs special
FLaT aS a LaKe
- Cue everyone accidentally talking over each other and saying what at each other for 30 seconds
Christian: what? what? what?
Who is it?
What’s going on?
- If you could play anyone else in the show who would it be
Anthony said Mendel
Tracie said Mendel
Brandon said Trina
Andrew said marvin
Betsy said whizzer
Stephanie said Mendel
And I honestly couldn’t hear if Christian said anything whoops
- Brandon: If someone could at some point explain to me the Mendel eats dirt meme? People have been Asking me if Mendel eats dirt? I don’t think it’s about Trina Trina is not the dirt. I was overwhelmed. Can someone in the Q&A explain this? *A few seconds later* oh It was from a meme generator?
Christian: Greaat.
Brandon: It’s a fan fiction about Mendel eating dirt and getting aroused by it
Everyone: WHAT
- They still get fan art
Someone recreated the whole soundtrack 8bit and also with KAZOOS
- Brandon: CONGRATS CHRISTIAN ON LULOS WIN FOR LITTLE SHOP. If you haven’t seen Christian in little shop it’s revelatory I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass I have not laughed that hard in a while at the theatre
- Christian talking about little shop
Christian has a 12 inch Batman toy in his dressing room and he misses it
- Ticket prices were getting out of control before corona everyones hoping this will make a difference
Brandon and everyone think it should get more accessible
- Brandon: Hear hear I need a refill
- Stephanie: Your hair looks incredible Brandon (it did)
Christian: She’s been waiting to talk about it for 53 minutes
- Andrew: Well Betsy what I’m wondering is have you crowned yet??
Proceed everyone dying
Brandon, taking a picture of the screen: This moment will go down in history as When Betsy was asked if she was crowning
- Everyone mimicking zoom freezing by starting a sentence and freezing halfway through
- Christian: What new Steven sondheim musical are you excited about Anthony *devilish grin*
Anthony having no idea what Christian is talking about
Christian: Come on Anthony you know the answer. Ugh. The minds of the young. You’re smoking pot now aren’t you??
Christian: We have a lot of fun
- Andrew: I’m trying to get people to pay attention to me
- Christians pretending to be frozen
Cue a lot of yelling: Stephanie BRANDON STEPHANIE
Everyone accusing each other of being frozen
- Andrew: Let’s all act like we’re frozen
Steph: I see Andrew acting like hes frozen
Betsy: Watching you do that is killing me
- Listening to the cast recording for the first time together
Stephanie: Why was I the a-hole that couldn’t be there???
Christian: That’s a question only you can answer
- Betsys husband came in everyones like BETSY LOOK OUT
Christian: that scared the shit out of me
- What is marvins last name and what was his line of work
Christian: we definitely said it at some point right? (They didnt) but he was in advertising. What was the last name? Gardens? O’Malley?
- Andrew: Betsys gone oh no
Betsy: I’m right here!!!
Andrew: She’s giving birth (again)
Stephanie: Betsy Wolfe is a ceiling
- Brandon: Welcome back Anthony. You’re here now.
Anthony singing merrily we roll along over Betsy trying to tell a story
- Betsy: Steve (Steven Sondheim) comes to the door I call him steve
Into the woods is the reason Betsy is in theatre
- Betsy: Andrew was nervous singing at the tonys for Book of Mormon and he got dry mouth he sang like 😬I BELIEVE and he licked his lips so much during the song.
Brandon: Did you have a boner then too?
Stephanie: It’ll be like dry mouth, boner
Stephanie: Bets maybe we should wrap it up
EVERYONE TELLING HIM TO STOP SINGING I took a video it was beautiful might post that later
- “Tracie Thomas from Lent!”
Tracie having stage fright
Tracie: Billy porter said “oh child we all forget the words” and walked away
- Anthony said WHO SHAT THE BED in four jews once
Anthony: That’s my contribution. Steph got her line, I got who shat the bed
- Steph: We lost andrew oh no
Christian: Um, we lost andrew ten minutes ago. Yeah when Brandon started singing
- Then Betsy sang a song by Bill Finn beautiful
- Steph: Wear your masks and eat pork on wednesdays
That was it!! I hope you enjoyed and people who were there if I got anything wrong that’s my human error it was hard to note everything I wanted to. Smooches! Byee
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Lopez’s 8 Ch.5 | Brittana
A lot of Miguel was listened to during the making of this chapter so take that as you will LOL. Happy Friday! 
Also available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut!
Later that week, Santana and Brittany are seated at the dining table looking over headshots of the two guards that have been tasked to accompany the Toussaint out of Cartier. They both have very impressive backgrounds which worries Brittany.
“It says here this guy has worked for the Queen,” Santana reads aloud. Her expression is unreadable while Brittany’s jaw drops.
“Like the Queen of England?”
Santana smirks, hearing Britt drop the F-bomb never quite loses it’s effect on her.
“I knew this was going to happen,” Santana assures her, “Cartier is as predictable as they are ridiculously expensive. I’ve got this.”
“I know you do, but still. This is the big leagues we’re dealing with,” Brittany replies, “You can’t just distract these guys with a flirty smile. It works on me, but I doubt it’ll work on them.”
Santana chuckles before reaching out to hold Brittany’s hand. She gives it a little squeeze as she says, “I’ve got something a little more effective in mind. Don’t worry, B. You said it yourself, I can get us out of anything if I have to."
Albeit, she’s still a little nervous though even with a plan in place. For as long as she’s been doing this, she’s found that the nerves are always there, especially when there’s a ton of money involved. Without the nerves to keep her on her toes, she can get complacent and mistakes can be made.
But with so much at stake here, there’s no time for that.
Brittany glances down at their hands folded together on top of the table. It’s something she hasn’t seen too often, it’s something more intimate than what she’s used to.  
A moment later, Quinn’s sliding open the heavy loft door and the sound of it has Santana and Brittany quickly pulling away. Quinn’s looking exactly how Santana would picture a suburban mom dressing if she worked at Vogue with her stripped J.Crew sweater – that looks itchy as hell by the way – paired with a suede pencil skirt and clunky clogs.
She’s fashionable, Santana gives her that, but she’d never get caught out in public with all that on.
“Look who rooted through Emma’s closet,” Santana teases as Quinn slips out of her raincoat and puts it away.
Upon hearing her name, Emma looks up from her work bench and glances over to Quinn. There’s an approving smile on her face as Quinn walks over to Santana and Brittany.
“Very cute. I love the shoes with that sweater, but I don’t recognize it? Are you sure it came from my closet?” Emma questions.
Santana and Brittany snicker as Quinn cuts them with a glare before turning to Emma, “No. This is actually mine.”
“Oh! Well then,” Emma tilts her head to the side, noting the outfit once more, before turning back to her work.
“Why am I not surprised by that?” Santana chuckles before taking a sip of her beer.
Quinn just shakes her head and joins them at the table. Brittany leans back in her chair so she can grab a bottle for Quinn too.
“How’d it go?” Santana asks while Quinn twists off the top, “We got the scan of the seating chart you sent. Thanks, by the way.”
Quinn bows her head before taking a sip. Since getting into Vogue, Quinn’s intel has been vital in the execution of the heist. She’s like their own personal inside-woman and she’s getting all sorts of important information. The seating chart has been the highlight of the week so far.
“I noticed there’s an empty spot at the table next to Rachel Berry,” Santana points out.
“Yeah, you hear anything about who her date will be?” Brittany asks Quinn, “How soon do they need to lock in the seating chart?”
“As soon as possible from what I’ve heard,” Quinn replies, “But I haven’t come across anything about who her escort could be. The girl goes through dates like there’s no tomorrow so I’m surprised it’s still up in the air.”
“You don’t have any idea either?” Brittany asks Santana.
The brunette shakes her head slowly, “Nope. None. I figured she would’ve chosen by now too.”
Quinn catches something off about Santana’s statement, but sips on her beer just to observe them. She’s worked with the pair for years, she knows their quirks and she can read them nearly as good as they can read each other. So when she sees the slight twitch in Santana’s upper lip, she knows that she’s telling a lie.
But to Brittany? That doesn’t make sense.
“I hope it’s Finn Hudson,” Brittany giggles, “Those T-Rex eating the Jew memes were hilarious!”
Santana chuckles along with her, “Hilarious. We’ll see what happens.”
“Well good work, Q!” Brittany praises as stands to stretch, “I’m gonna head to bed.”
“Thanks Britt,” Quinn smiles, “Goodnight.”
Santana says the same before Brittany presses a kiss to the top of her head. She swoons but the feeling gets a little watered down as Brittany kisses the top of Quinn’s head too before she walks off.
Quinn just smirks as she watches Santana slowly green with jealousy.
“Shut up,” Santana growls.
Quinn just laughs,” I didn’t say anything! You know, people wouldn’t think you two are dating if you guys didn’t act like you were dating.”
Santana rolls her eyes, “Right. Well people should also mind their own damn business but I see I’m still waiting for that to happen too.”
“You’ll be waiting awhile for that one,” Quinn jokes but then she lowers her voice as she grows serious again, “You have an idea for Rachel’s date?”
Santana smirks behind her beer bottle, “Yeah. You.”
Quinn’s eyes go wide, “What? Are you serious? As if you don’t have me doing everything already. How would that even work? I’d need to – “
“Woah. Calm down, Lucy Q.”
Quinn glares back with her voice threateningly low, “Don’t call me that.”
Santana’s not fazed, “I’m joking. I do have an idea, but I can’t talk about it here.”
Her eyes drift off to where Emma sits at her station and Sugar’s over on the couch playing some game on her phone. Mercedes is over in the other corner too on her laptop and only God knows what she can hear from there.
“We need to talk somewhere private,” Santana says cryptically.
Quinn’s intrigued, “I’m off tomorrow. Let’s do coffee then?”
Santana and Quinn decide to stay somewhat close by to the loft for their coffee date. They find a tall table by the back window and slide up on the stools. It’s not too busy for a Saturday morning so the two don’t have to wait long before a server stops by and takes their coffee orders. They make small talk until their coffees are brought over, not wanting to be interrupted once they get on to the serious topics.
“So what’s with all the secrecy?” Quinn questions after taking a sip of her latte.
Santana wipes away chocolate powder from her lip and shrugs, “I’ve made sure that everyone only knows what they need to in order to complete this job and I want to keep it that way.”
“So you’ll have to make this look like Rachel Berry was the one who decided to pick her as her escort.”
Quinn’s even more confused and asks, “Who?”
It takes her a moment for the name to sink in but then Quinn’s eyes bug out as she slumps back in her stool, “Dani? As in your ex-girlfriend, Dani?”
“That’s right,” Santana answers confidently before taking another sip of her coffee.
Quinn lets out a chuckle in disbelief, “Why in the hell would you bring her into this, Santana?”
“Why not? You’ve seen the tabloids, you know how painful it is to be within a two-foot radius of Rachel Berry. It would bring me so much joy knowing that Dani is out there suffering from an excruciating dinner with that woman. Nothing would make me happier actually. You and I both know the bitch has it coming anyway.”
Quinn doesn’t look too convinced, “Why do I feel like there’s something bigger going on here?”
“Because you like blowing things out of proportion?” Santana tries to deflect.
“No. I don’t think that’s it,” Quinn shakes her head and laughs, “I know you. You’ve got ulterior motives.”
Santana scoffs at the assumption but choses to stay quiet.
Quinn eyes her carefully, “Does Brittany know about this?”
Santana lets out a huff, “I don’t need to run everything by her. I’m the HBIC of this heist.”
The blonde smirks, seeing a crack in Santana’s front, “She wouldn’t approve, would she? That’s why you didn’t tell her. That’s why we had to come all the way over here to talk about it.”
Santana sips her coffee, trying collect her thoughts. The thing she loves and hates about Quinn is how fucking smart she is, the girl’s deductive skills are on point! When Quinn’s using them for the benefit of the team it’s great, but when she’s targeting Santana? Not good at all.
“Listen, I didn’t involve Britt because she’s dealing with other things and she hates Dani’s guts and you know Britt doesn’t hate anyone. If she got wind of this, she’d probably try to fuck with her hair or something ridiculous. We can’t have her distracted by trying to make Dani’s night a living hell,” Santana explains, “This has to stay between us and you have to make it look like Rachel Berry was the one who put this in motion.”
“Hmm,” Quinn hums as she rotates her latte glass in her hands. Santana’s putting her in a really questionable situation because at some point, Brittany’s going to find out and when she does, shit’s going to hit the fan. She shakes her head again and sighs, “I don’t know about this. It doesn’t seem right to leave Britt out.”
“Q, come on. Since when did you suddenly develop a moral code?” Santana questions, “If we put Dani in, at least it’s familiar territory.”
“For you, maybe.”
“Exactly. We can’t risk putting someone else in there that could jeopardize the heist. For the most part, Dani’s a puppy dog. She’ll just follow Rachel Berry around. She won’t get in the way, but we can’t say the same if someone else becomes the date. Just imagine if it really was Finn Hudson in there? He’s a dope but we don’t know him, we don’t know what he might do. Same with St. James and Puckerman, they’re loose units and we can’t afford to try our luck here.”
“You’ve put some thought into this,” Quinn points out, “You’ve always wanted Dani to be Rachel Berry’s date.”
Santana shrugs, opting to hold her cards close to her chest, “Like I said, everyone only knows enough in order to get their job done. All you need to know is that Dani has to be Rachel Berry’s escort and you need to make it look like she decided that. Will you organize this or you gonna make me do it myself?”
Quinn eyes her curiously, “And how would you do that?”
Santana sits back in her chair with her chin raised, “Don’t apply logic to Lopez.”
It takes her a moment but Quinn finally answers, “Fine. I’ll work on it.”
“Thank you,” Santana says with the bow of her head.
“But I’m not going to be the one to tell Brittany. That’s all you and you should do it before she finds out first,” Quinn warns, “The worse thing you can do is leave her out of this.”
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Santana brushes off.
“Seriously Santana,” Quinn takes a stern tone, “This won’t be good if you half-ass it.”
“I’ll sort it out, Mom. Don’t worry,” Santana says earnestly, “You just focus on getting Dani in good with Rachel Berry. It should be easy, they’re both full of themselves so they’ll have lots in common.”
Quinn’s already feeling uneasy about this, but she agrees anyway. All she can do now is hope that Santana isn’t a complete idiot and actually communicates her plans to Brittany first.
They’re heading back to the car after they’ve finished up their coffees when Quinn asks, “So I’ve got a question.”
“Do I even want to know?” Santana grumbles.
“Considering I’m doing you a huge favor, yes.”
“Fine, what’s your question?”
“How the hell does The Great Santana Lopez, daughter of the infamous bandit Hector Lopez, wind up in jail?”
Santana knew Quinn was itching to ask that specific question, as is everyone. In fact, she’s actually surprised Quinn hasn’t asked sooner. Santana keeps it casual thought and replies, “I got caught up with the wrong woman.”
“Yeah, I got that much.”
Santana brushes off the sass, “I met Dani around the time Brittany and I were sort of hitting a rough patch. She was this musician at bar I frequented. She bought me a drink one night and we hit off. A few weeks later, she approached me with this hypothetical and I ran with it. We made a ton of money, but she was soft. I knew I should’ve bolted at the first sign of it, but I didn’t. I don’t know why. I guess I thought I could handle it?” Santana averts her gaze and pauses a moment before continuing, “When we got caught, she broke under pressure and threw me under the bus. I went down for everything and she barely got a slap on the wrist. The end.”
“What’s with the short version?” Quinn looks surprised as they get into the car, “I know the bare minimum about this woman. If you’re roping me into something that’ll potentially have Brittany on both of our asses you’re going to have to give me more than that.”
Santana rolls her eyes and sighs as she starts the car, “God, okay.”
In the time that it takes for Santana to fill Quinn in on everything she’s missed regarding her involvement with Dani and her life in jail, they’re just around the corner from the loft.
“Shit Santana,” Quinn frowns, “I’m sorry. Dani seems so up herself, couldn’t imagine you with someone like that.”
Santana shrugs, “It happened, it’s whatever. Karma’s a bitch apparently, so I’m not worried. I’ll have my fun when she has to sit through dinner with Rachel Berry.”
“Right,” Quinn chuckles and after a pause she asks, “So you two were dating back then? You and Brittany?”
“What? No,” Santana laughs nervously.
“But you said you hit a rough patch?”
“Yeah, in our work,” Santana says and it’s not a complete lie, “Besides, sex isn’t dating.”
Quinn cocks her head to the side, “Did Brittany know that?”
It should be a simple answer, but Santana’s words get caught coming out.
She and Brittany never really talked about what was going on between them back then. There was this unspoken understanding that it was just casual sex between friends, they weren’t an item or anything serious. It would be something that would bite Santana in the ass one day, but you try being that close to Brittany without developing some kind of feelings for the woman.
Plus it’s Brittany, Santana knows how she is. She flirts and teases and everything’s a joke when it’s not about their work. There’s nothing serious behind her words. It took a long time, but Santana gets that now. She just wish she would’ve gotten it a bit sooner than later.
“We were partners…in crime,” Santana finally answers as they pull up to the loft, “That’s all we were and that’s all we are now.”
Brittany’s in the garage with the door open talking to Sugar when they spot the Range Rover pulling up. Brittany’s got her overalls on this time so she must’ve been working on something out there. They wave to Santana and Quinn and move out of the way so that Santana can park inside.
“Didn’t look like it from where I was standing,” Quinn says, “Then or now.”  
“Of course you’d say that,” Santana sighs, “What’d it look like then? Enlighten me.”
“More than just a friends with benefits type of situation.”
Santana grits her teeth, “Well it wasn’t that. There were no feelings involved.”
Quinn’s brows furrow, “None?”
“None,” Santana lies.
Quinn rolls her eyes, “I don’t believe you.” She doesn’t wait to hear Santana’s snarky reply before she’s climbing out of the car.
Santana’s quick behind her though, “Why? Because I don’t need to have feelings for someone I’m having sex with? Because I don’t believe in settling down and doing the whole Desperate Housewives thing like you?”
They’ve grabbed Brittany and Sugar’s attention and the two watch on the sidelines as Santana and Quinn continue like they aren’t there.
Quinn rounds on her, “Is that what you think a real relationship looks like? No wonder you’re afraid of them.”
“I’m not afraid of them. I just spent the last hour talking about one!” Santana snaps but Quinn doesn’t look convinced, “You always want there to be this grand romance or something like we’re in a damn Hallmark movie, but it’s not like that. Life’s not like that. Things don’t always go your way especially when it comes to love and that’s just how it is.”
Quinn looks surprised, but she isn’t the only one.
Brittany watches from where she stands with this contemplative look on her face. She knows Santana can be pretty closed off when it comes to how she feels – it’s something that she’s gotten used to over the years – but that might’ve been the first time she heard just how pessimistic Santana really is.
Santana’s so caught up in Quinn poking at her that she doesn’t even notice.
“Damn Lopez, who hurt you?” Quinn asks half-heartedly.
“Well, the last woman I was sort of dating did send me to jail…” Santana jokes bitterly.
Instead of winding Santana back up again, Quinn just shakes her head and turns to greet Brittany and Sugar before heading inside. They smile in reply and Sugar trails after Quinn, not wanting to be around Santana when there’s steam coming off of her.
Brittany just goes over to the sink to wash the grease off of her hands. She can feel a storm brewing the longer Santana lingers and she wants to give all of her attention.
“You believe her? She pops out a kid and gets married and now she suddenly thinks she knows everything,” Santana rants as she throws her hands up in the air.
Brittany turns and goes to dry her hands, “She’s always been a know-it-all. Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because it’s so annoying,” Santana grumbles before crossing her arms and walking over to lean against Brittany’s work bench, “Like if I wanted her to tell me something about myself I’d fucking ask.”
“Totally,” Brittany shrugs and goes to stand next to Santana, “But we kinda like her, right?”
“Jury’s out on that one.”
Brittany chuckles, “Come on, she’s been a great friend over the years. Remember that one time she punched that guy because he was being a prick to us?”
“Yeah, I remember. She broke his nose and we all got thrown out of the club,” Santana’s smile falls into a glare, “She ruined our night out.”
��I don’t know,” Brittany smiles sweetly, “I remember you being pretty proud of her.”
Santana ponders the memory and starts to smile. It was a wild night out for sure and seeing Quinn fly across the bar fist first like that in her frilly sundress was such an experience. They may have gotten thrown out of the club but she can’t lie and say it really ruined their night.
“She’s got her moments,” Brittany adds as she bumps their shoulders together, “You have to at least admit that.”
“I guess she does,” Santana agrees as she leans into Brittany.
Their hips are touching as they look out at the garage: there are a couple expensive models that are parked by the Range Rover plus Brittany’s motorcycle. It’s a quaint collection and Brittany uses that in attempt to change the subject before Santana winds herself up even further.
“I’m surprised you didn’t take the Fastback today,” Brittany says.
“I know you just waxed it,” Santana shrugs, “I didn’t want to dirty it up.”
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Brittany replies as they look over to the ‘67 Mustang Fastback in all it’s shiny jet-black glory, “I do it for you anyway. Can’t have you out there behind the wheel of something dirty, no matter what the songs say.”
Santana cracks a smile, “I don’t think Ridin’ Dirty is quite that literal, Britt.”
Brittany just shrugs, happy that she could at least make Santana smile even if it was a goofy joke.
“You know,” Santana says as she glances up at her, “You could’ve gotten a lot of money for that one if you would’ve sold it. It’s a classic.”
“I know,” Brittany nods, “But the Schuester Dealership job was an important one for us. It was our biggest one in awhile. I wanted a souvenir I guess.”
Santana remembers that dry spell all too well. The shitty cons they were pulling at the bingo hall weren’t scratching that itch, but they couldn’t come up with anything new either. It was a pretty rough time for them, but then Santana spotted the Fastback and it was like inspiration struck.
“Plus, you love that car,” Brittany says, “You came up with the entire heist just because you loved it so much. I couldn’t just sell it.”
Santana smiles in gratitude, “It’s a nice one for sure,”
Lifting cars wasn’t really her thing – it was more so something her father dabbled in – but an opportunity arose and she just had to try her hand. It was a complete success! That day, she and Brittany walked away with seven cars including the Fastback. They were on cloud nine, completely ecstatic for finally pulling themselves out of that rut the had been stuck in for weeks.
Santana also remembers how that day ended too and decides to push that memory far, far away. Instead, she thinks back on the super hot sex that took place in the backseat of the Fastback because thinking about sex always seems to make things better. Plus, she’s sensitive in more ways than one so she can’t help but reminisce.
After a moment Brittany feels it’s safe to ask, “So what were you and Quinn talking about before that got your feathers so ruffled up?”
It’s a little bit of a mood killer, but Santana answers her, “Just filling her in on the past. She didn’t really know much about what went on between me and Dani.”
“Lucky her,” Brittany jokes as she pushes from the work bench, “Glad I missed that conversation.”
Santana fails to hide her smile as she watches Brittany almost sulk away.
Maybe sulk isn’t the right word because that would imply that Brittany feels some type of way about it all and apparently she doesn’t. Santana just has to know what the real reason is behind Brittany’s tone, because she’s so use to hearing her say one thing when she actually means another. Santana’s been pretty guilty of that as well, but this isn’t about her.
It’s about Brittany and what she isn’t saying.
“Why do you always do that?” Santana’s words tumble out and it surprises her how easy the fall. It’s a question that she’s been begging to ask but she hasn’t had the guts; apparently she has them now.
“Do what?” Brittany questions but Santana spots uneasiness in her usual confident partner in crime. It makes her own confidence grow.
“The whole jealous ex thing,” Santana presses further, “It’s cute and all but I don’t get it. You say you aren’t jealous but I don’t know, your actions say something totally different.”
“I’m not jealous and I’m not one of your exes so that doesn’t really apply to me,” Brittany corrects before simply saying, “As your friend, I just don’t like her, never did. You know that.”
The way she says friend hits Santana differently than it usually does. That’s what they are – technically – but Quinn doesn’t react in the same way that Brittany does whenever Dani’s brought up and they’re friends too. Something doesn’t add up so Santana’s curiosity gets the best of her.
“Yeah, but I don’t know. You took that stance well before I even told you that we were sort of together,” Santana says but then there’s this playful glint in her eye as she smirks, “Is there something else going on?”
Brittany remains silent and Santana takes that as a win and presses further, “Could it be that you can’t stand the thought of me being with someone else?”
It’s bold of her to ask and she probably wouldn’t ever say something like that if it weren’t for the sudden boost of confidence she got from calling Brittany out for being jealous.
Brittany narrows her eyes at the question, also surprised by the sudden boldness.
The look makes all the annoyance brought on by Quinn earlier suddenly disappear for Santana. She’s got Brittany right where she wants her now. The teasing and flirting is familiar territory for them and there’s comfort in that. Even if she’s not going to pull the answer from Brittany this time, she’s going to at least rile her up a little for her efforts.
“Could it have something to do with someone else being able to do all the things you think only you can?” Santana asks, her voice low and raspy, “Because that’s exactly what I think it is.”
Brittany shivers at the accusation but finds herself leaning in, “Careful Santana, that’s a brave statement you’re making.”
Santana smiles back challengingly, “Is it?”
“It is,” Brittany husks. She takes a daring step closer, backing Santana further against the work bench.
“Tell me I’m wrong then?” When Santana’s met with silence again, her smirk deepens, “Tell me you weren’t just a little jealous of her.”
Brittany stands her ground and cocks a brow at her, but she doesn’t say a word.
Santana lets out a laugh, “You can’t, can you?”
Brittany looks back with this steely gaze and tries to fight the smile that threatens to form. This is what Santana does. She thinks she has the upper hand and gets really confident about that while Brittany merely waits her turn so she can show her who the real boss is.
Sometimes though, Brittany can’t tell if that’s exactly what Santana wants her to do.  
“You and I both know how good I can make you feel,” Brittany responds as she settles her hands on Santana’s hips, “Or have you forgotten?”
Santana hasn’t forgotten a thing – sometimes it’s like the only thing she can remember – but she keeps up with cocky smile for as long as she can, “You didn’t answer my question.”
“You didn’t answer mine either,” Brittany smirks.
“Maybe?” Santana replies, “It’s been awhile, my memory is a little fuzzy.”
Brittany chuckles but it’s throaty and it sounds so sexy especially when she starts to trail her hands up and down Santana’s sides. There’s something dark and needy about the way Brittany stares down at her as she asks, “Should I remind you?”
Everything in Santana screams yes, a million times yes, but she can’t give up just yet. She has lasted this long, no use in caving now.
Brittany seems to have other ideas in mind though.
“That’s what you want, right? You want me to remind you,” Brittany grins devilishly as she presses up against Santana. She’s trapping her against the work bench, holding her in place as she continues, “See, I know what you’re doing. You’re trying so hard to rope me into this just like you always do, teasing me until I break.”
Santana sucks in a shaky breath. With Brittany this close to her now, everything’s going a little foggy. She can smell the peppermint on her breath and her soft lips are just right there. All she has to do is lean in.
“Is it working?” Santana asks with her eyes glued to Brittany’s mouth. She watches her lips form the words like she’s hypnotized.
“It always works,” Brittany says with a chuckle, “But you like the build up too much for me to do anything about it just yet.”
Santana swallows dryly. God, Brittany knows her so damn well. She knows just how to work her up to the point of no return. This is more than just a teasing game now, they both know exactly where this is headed.
“It’s okay,” Brittany whispers hotly against Santana’s cheek, “I’ll play along.”
The way the words fall sends a shiver up Santana’s spine.  
“Because I know exactly how you like it, baby,” Brittany says and if it were anyone else calling her that, Santana would cringe but it sounds so good when it’s Brittany.
Then again, Santana’s sure she’d let Brittany call her almost anything with the way she’s staring at her right now. She’s looking at Santana like she’s a whole meal and she’s ready to eat!
She loves when Brittany’s like this – like she’s trying to stake her claim or something – and maybe that’s why Santana was never truly annoyed by her reaction to Dani. Maybe she kept Dani around because it was the only time she could catch a glimpse of how Brittany really felt about her?
But that’s just another maybe, Santana’s head is full of those.
“Did Dani?” Brittany challenges as she comes to stare Santana down but – judging by the look on Santana’s face – she knows the answer already, She’s not stopping though. If a reminder is what Santana needs, she’ll be all too willing to give her that.
“Did she know how to make your back arch with just her tongue?” Brittany adds and Santana feels her heart rate spike.
Apparently Brittany’s trying to kill her today.
She leans in closer so that her lips are just brushing the shell of Santana’s ear while she husks, “Did she have you calling out her name like you’ve called out mine?”
Santana swallows thickly as her thighs clench together.
It’s the wrong move because just that little bit of friction has her biting her lip at the sensation. Sex with Dani was good, but it wasn’t anything compared to the connection she had with Brittany and it sounds like the blonde knows that.
Brittany smirks at Santana’s continued silence, “You leave scratches down her back too? You ever beg her to keep going because it felt so good and you didn’t ever want her to stop?”
Santana’s griping the work bench so hard that she could probably break off chunks of wood if she really put her mind to it. All she wants to do is to reach out and touch Brittany, but she doesn’t want to give her the satisfaction of caving first.
And maybe she’s a little bit of a glutton for punishment. Maybe she likes to see how long she can wait, how long she can hold out?
Even if the whole silent approach isn’t really working for her, Brittany’s got her wrapped around her pinky and Santana’s not sure if that’s entirely a bad thing or not.
“Yeah, I bet she didn’t,” Brittany says as her hands glide up Santana’s back, “You know how I know that?”
“How?” The sound of her own voice surprises Santana, but Brittany’s got her hooked now and she’s hanging on every word.
“Because she’s not me,” Brittany says simply as she leans in and nudges Santana’s nose with the tip of hers, “She doesn’t know every inch of you like I do. She can’t drive you crazy like I can. She wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
Brittany’s so damn right, but Santana tries to regain some control here regardless, “I don’t know, Britt, you’re not the only one in the world who can make me come.”
Brittany’s taken aback by the statement and Santana knows the moment the words leave her that she’s really in for it this time. Brittany knows Santana’s right, but no one has made Santana come the way that she can. She’s not like any of those other girls Santana has been with and somewhere deep down, Santana knows that too.
“That’s where you’re wrong. It’s not just about getting you off. It’s more than that for me. I’ve heard every one of your sexy little moans, Santana,” Brittany tells her, “Hell, I know when you’re wet without even touching you.”
Santana licks her lips as Brittany pulls away with that same hungry look in her eye.
“Like right now,” Brittany adds as she glances down Santana’s body then lifts her gaze to met darkened brown eyes, “I bet you’re soaked.”
“I’m not,” Santana tries to hang onto the last bit of dignity and matches Brittany’s heated gaze.
“So sure of yourself?” Brittany smirks beneath hooded eyes, “Show me then.”
Never one to back down, Santana pulls Brittany’s hand out from behind her and guides her down, down, down until she feels her warm fingers caressing her inner thigh.
She’s thanking the Gods above for deciding to wear a loose fitting skirt because Brittany’s able to move without being so restricted. Although, she’s pretty accustomed to that as well considering Santana’s wardrobe of skin tight everything.
When the pads of Brittany’s fingers press against Santana’s covered center, Santana can’t help but let out a whimper at the feel. God, she’s already so damn sensitive. The feeling only intensifies as Brittany starts to run her fingers along the damp silk there. She can feel how wet she is – even with the barrier in the way – and it has Brittany licking her lips.
“Liar,” Brittany husks, “You’re dripping.”
“Whoops,” Santana replies with a sexy smirk, “My mistake.”
Brittany lets loose another throaty chuckle. The things Santana does to her…she’d do anything right now to be inside. To have Santana literally in the palm of her hand like this after she’s waited so long for it, she wants nothing more than to have her in every way imaginable.
Her fingers are still gliding back and forth at a slow but steady pace and there’s this trance setting in again as Brittany asks, “This all for me?”
“Yeah,” Santana moans helplessly. Her body is all a buzz just waiting for Brittany to do something. All resolve has gone out the window now along with her dumb rules about holding out. She needs this, she needs Brittany in however way she decides to take her.
Santana’s past caring now, she’s that desperate.
“Look at you,” Brittany mumbles and goes to rest her forehead against Santana’s. They’re both looking down at where Brittany’s hand is slowly moving along Santana’s center, “So wet.”
Santana wants nothing more than to rip the skirt away completely just so that she can watch how Brittany glides through her.
“What should I do?” Brittany starts to make lazy circles, her fingertips bumping Santana’s clit every so often.
The feel makes Santana squirm. She needs more of Brittany but every time she rolls her hips into her, the woman eases her touch. She’s teasing her again, she’s wanting Santana to beg for it. She wants Santana to be so turned on that she can’t think about anything else but this.
Honestly, Santana’s not that far off.
When Brittany moves in close again - her nose brushing Santana’s - she says, “Tell me, Santana. What should I do with all this?”
“Fuck,” Santana breathes out raggedly, “Just go inside like–“
She doesn’t finish her sentence but instead takes Brittany’s hand that’s up her skirt and guides it beneath her panties. She doesn’t miss the little moan Brittany releases as soon as she’s met with Santana’s soft, wet heat. She’s so unbelievably turned on right now, she doesn’t care how desperate this is making her look.
“Oh my God,” Brittany’s voice is gravely as she takes a single digit and runs it through Santana’s slickness.
“Inside,” Santana whimpers as her hips start to move in time with Brittany’s rhythm, “I need more.”
“Okay San,” Brittany whispers before pressing their lips together for a searing kiss. She does her best to swallow Santana’s moans as she sinks into her easily with two fingers.
It’s the best feeling in the entire world and it’s just like Brittany remembered: tight, wet and so damn hot.
Santana grabs onto Brittany – one hand settles on the back of her neck while the other digs into her hip – and she really wishes they had moved somewhere a little more private because anyone who happened to walk past would definitely catch an eyeful.
There’s also the possibility of someone inside the loft coming out to the garage and catching them in the act, but with the way Brittany’s pumping into her…giving a fuck is becoming a distant memory.
“Feels so good,” Santana groans against Brittany’s mouth and she’s already embarrassingly close but you can’t really blame her because it has been a long time since she was with another woman.
Plus, Brittany has some talented fingers.  
She’s already hitting that spot she knows Santana loves because the girl lets out a, “Don’t st – fuck!”
“Someone’s going to hear if you keep that up,” Brittany warns playfully against her ear before taking the lobe between her teeth for a light nip, “You want everyone coming out here? See how wet you are for me?”
Santana wants to roll her eyes at the smug tone, but she really can’t. She’s completely at Brittany’s mercy right now, so she tries her hardest to keep quiet.
“I’m not going to stop,” Brittany tells her and uses the pad of her thumb to press a little at Santana’s sensitive clit.
Santana’s knees are starting to shake as she trembles in Brittany’s arms. She’s not sure how long she can keep herself standing if Brittany keeps this up.
The blonde must feel that too and swiftly lifts Santana onto the work bench for some relief. The change in position has Brittany hitting that spot a little deeper than before and Santana’s throws her head back at the feel of it.
“Britt!” Santana cries out, momentarily forgetting the whole thing about being quiet as she rocks against Brittany’s hand, “Just like that.”
Brittany pulls back and smirks at the sight of Santana spread open on her work bench with that sexy face of hers – the one she makes when she’s lost in the chase – and Brittany tries hard to commit the scene to her memory. She’s not going to want to forget this and it’ll definitely make working out here a lot easier.
“Like this?” Brittany accentuates each word with a harder thrust, “This how you want me?”
She doesn’t wait for an answer, just uses her free hand to press against the small of Santana’s back to get her to move in time with her pumps. Santana takes the hint and let’s Brittany guide her hips while the blonde dives back in to suck kisses at her neck.
“You’re so sexy,” Brittany mumbles, letting her lips brush against the sensitive spot beneath Santana’s ear. She tastes like sweat and something that’s entirely Santana, Brittany can’t get enough of her.
“I’m so close,” Santana whines and threads her fingers through Brittany’s hair to hold her where she is. The feel of Brittany’s lips on her skin pressing soft kisses behind nips has Santana’s blunt nails scraping at the back of Brittany’s scalp. It’s too much and too little all at once.
God, why did she put this off for so long? How could she have gone this long without Brittany making her feel like this?
Santana starts grinding back against Brittany and the motion causes the work bench to bang against the wall in time to the roll of her hips.
And it’s loud.
She should really stop before the sound alerts the others and they’re caught, but she’s too far gone. She’s needs release and she needs it now.
But nothing ruins an orgasm like an unwanted interruption, so Brittany pulls out –  much to Santana’s protest – and quickly lifts Santana again and lays her down on the next best flat service which happens to be the hood of the Fastback.
She’s quick to get back to work because she knows how long Santana’s waited for this and – as much as she’d love to take her time – she’s had enough of the teasing game. When she sinks back into Santana they both let out a moan at the feel of soft, smooth skin and tight heat.
Everything Brittany said before – about all the little ways she knows Santana – she’s backing up now because every curl of her fingers, every dirty word whispered drives Santana a little closer to the edge. It is truly something only Brittany’s capable of and she’s proving it now.  
“You’re so good at this,” Santana whimpers and the compliment makes Brittany smirk before she leans in for a sensual kiss. It’s all tongue and teeth and when Santana surprises Brittany with a hard nip at her bottom lip, Brittany let’s out a moan of her own.
“Fuck Santana,” Brittany breathes out as she pulls away.
There’s this sexy, lust-filled look on Santana’s face and she looks so damn pleased to see Brittany a flushed mess too. She tries valiantly to pull her head from the clouds though and focus on keeping up with her rhythm: in and out, in and out, in and –
“Holy shit!” Santana groans as her head falls back against the hood. She’s so desperate for Brittany’s touch that she feels herself tightening around slender fingers.
“Careful,” Brittany coos as she presses into Santana, taking her free hand to smooth over the side of her head. It’s gentle, a little too gentle for Santana’s liking right now.
“Just keep going,” Santana tells her and Brittany does just that.  
With Brittany pressing flush against her, Santana’s able to hook her heels around the backs of Brittany’s thighs while the blonde continues to pump in and out. She’s missed this so fucking much, the way Brittany takes care of her is like no other and Santana loves it. She loves that she doesn’t have to train Brittany on how to fuck her, she just knows.
“You gonna come for me, baby?” Brittany asks after a particularly loud moan. There’s that word again too sending shivers all over Santana’s body. Why doesn’t it sound as good when someone else calls her baby? It never did when Dani called her that, so why can she hear it when it’s Brittany?
Deep down, she knows why.
“Mhmm,” The brunette nods and starts to pick up the pace, meeting Brittany thrust for thrust. She feels like a rubber band about to snap she’s that wound up, but she isn’t slowing down. She rocks in time with Brittany’s rhythm, just riding her fingers like there’s no tomorrow.  
“That’s my girl,” Brittany smirks and winds her free arm around Santana’s waist to hold her in place.
My girl she said and the sound of it shoots a jolt of arousal through Santana’s whole body. To be Brittany’s, that’s something she wouldn’t have expected. She tries not to put too much thought into it though because they’ve both been known to say things they usually don’t when they’re swept up in the moment.
Santana reminds herself that this isn’t anything more than a much-needed fuck, no need to read between the lines. Plus she’s clenching so tight around Brittany’s fingers that she can’t really think of anything else right now. Her hips have decide to do whatever they want and just jut up uncontrollably, chasing that release.  
She can feel how wet she is as Brittany delves in and out. She can’t even hear herself but she just knows Brittany’s name is falling from her lips in ragged breaths like it’s the only word she can remember.
Brittany notices the signs and pulls Santana up, holding her close as she continues to pump into her. Santana wraps her arms around Brittany’s shoulders as their body press so impossibly close together. She’s hanging on for dear life while the muscles in Brittany’s forearm begins to burn from the exertion.
Santana pants into the crook of Brittany’s neck, “Fuck Britt, I’m gonna…”
“I got you,” Brittany says softly in reply.
With another thrust, Santana’s falling apart right then and there. Brittany is quick to cover Santana’s mouth with her own, hoping to muffle the sounds of her whines as she let’s Santana ride out the aftershocks.
Everything’s a blur as Santana’s body tenses. She makes a mental note to never hold out on Brittany ever again because this feeling is too much to go so long without. Hell, she’s sure she’s close to blacking out, but she’s so glad she hasn’t because then she would’ve missed this look Brittany’s giving her.
It’s soft mixed with that familiar hunger and something else she doesn’t quite recognize. It quickly morphs into something devious as Brittany pulls out her glistening fingers and slowly slides them into her mouth.
She keeps eye contact with Santana as she licks them clean, humming at the very taste of the woman beneath her coating her digits.
Santana can already feel herself building again at the sight.  
“You’re in big trouble,” Santana pants behind a smirk, watching Brittany’s talented tongue glide along her index finger before it disappears again in her mouth.
“Me?” Brittany asks innocently as she releases her fingers with a pop.
“Yeah, you,” Santana’s heart is pounding as the throb between her legs intensifies.
“Why? I just gave you a mind blowing orgasm,” Brittany responds sweetly, “You should really thank me.”
Santana just narrows her eyes on the girl, imagining what she wants to do to her first, “Once I regain the feeling in my legs…game over.”
“I hope so,” Brittany winks before leaning down to press a chaste kiss to Santana’s lips. Santana can taste herself there and it makes her moan while Brittany says, “I’m planning on riding your tongue at some point tonight.”
Santana’s jaw drops at the bluntness as Brittany helps her to stand on shaky legs.
“Either that or maybe I want you to ride mine? We’ll see. I’m open to suggestions but I’m definitely not done with you yet,” Brittany grins sweetly before turning away to head inside, “I’m going for a long shower. You can join me if you want.”
Santana’s just left standing there thinking that maybe Brittany isn’t the only one here that’s in big trouble. Then again, she’s not too surprised. Trouble always manages to find her somehow.
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breaniebree · 3 years
12, 13, 17, 19, 36, 59, 84 for new asks please!
Hi, Anon!
Thanks for asking! Love that there were so many!
12. Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
Hmm... I think this changes depending on my mood. Lately it's been Tonks and Remus. I love writing their domestic bliss as well as Tonks being a badass Auror. I've been having fun with them. But usually I really love writing the Weasleys, particularly the brothers views on Ginny. I find them so fun, giving them each their own personality and Ron deserves so much love. He's just so awesome!
13. Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Crouch. He's disturbing and disgusting, but that's how he appears to me and I can't change him or his gross ways. Also, I really hate writing from Draco's POV because I find him difficult and a bit of an enigma. I believe him to be an asshole, but very kind and attentive to those whom he deems worthy which makes him a contradiction to write sometimes.
17. Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
“Mum, we don’t know what happened. Everyone could be okay,” Ginny said, trying to keep her voice strong.
Molly merely held Ginny tighter as they stood there and waited for news.
19. Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
Hmm... I feel like everything I've written has more or less been completed at the end. Though I suppose I would like to write more of my Missing Moments one-shots, but I just haven't been inspired to do so as I've been so busy with A Second Chance. I do sometimes feel like I will need a sequel to ASC just to cover after the war, but we'll see ❤️
36. Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Hmm, lots of spoilers here LOL. Um, yes, I can, the line (which I gave you 3 of) is from the last chapter I completed. The bit I am currently working on...
...and a flash of purple before he found himself flying through the air.
He grunted as he landed on his side, his ears ringing. His hand moved to his head, finding blood and he coughed as the room began to come into focus once more.
Grey smoke filled the chamber as purple flames erupted from the left side of the room. He blinked in confusion as the purple human torch disintegrated with a bang and a second rumble shook the chamber. Marble and stone collapsed as the flames shot out like long tendrils, stretching to reach everything in sight.
59. Which character(s) do you find the most difficult to write?
Most difficult for me tends to be Luna. I love her and I love her quirkiness, but I always find writing her is hard. I'm always worried I don't get her tone right, or her personality, or I take her a step too far or not far enough. Whenever I have her in a scene, I find myself second guessing everything I write and it's rather stressful to be honest LOL.
84. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
An excerpt I'm particularly fond of... I think I've said it before that this changes a lot depending on my mood, but lately I think it's the opening of my story ASC
They were dead.
They were both dead and it was all his fault.
He didn’t cry. He had no tears left in him to cry. He didn’t rage; he’d spent weeks doing just that, slamming his fists into the stones until his knuckles had bled; until his fingers were broken, but the pain never fazed him. He ate mechanically as the healer fixed his hands and the next day, he’d punched the stone all over again and again trying to feel something … anything.
He screamed. He shouted that he was innocent. He threatened to kill his former best friend, his brother. But it was for nothing.
It was all for nothing.
He was the one who had been betrayed; the spy who wasn’t; he was guilty in the eyes of the world and nothing he could say was going to change that.
And no one was listening anyway.
At first he thought that at least he would come. His best friend; the one who he had trusted most outside of the one who was his blood brother. The one who he had kept secrets for; the one who was so thankful and confused as to why they even called him friend, called him brother in the first place.
But he never came.
He too thought he was guilty; that he was just like the family that he had tried so hard to run from.
The days turned into weeks which turned into months. He paced; he ran on the spot; he spent hours doing push-ups and sit-ups; contemplated making a noose with his thin shabby sheet and just ending it until the rage consumed him once more. He was not going to take his own life; not while he was out there, the truly guilty party. The spy. The one that he had once called friend and brother.
The months dragged into that first year and his thin hold on his own sanity started to slip away from him as he counted the days, digging the rock into the stone to tally his sentence.
On his twenty-third birthday, he spent the day in fitful dreams; memories of the woman that he had called mother holding her wand above him and telling him how worthless he was; how spineless and unworthy he was to be in the Most Ancient and Noble House. He relived the feel of the torture curse, seeing his mother holding the wand; relived the pain of the belt that his father struck across his back and when he heard his own screams echoing in the stone cell — he clawed at the stone until his nails bled.
By the second year, he forced himself to transform the moment the memories came to the surface. He forced himself to think of happy thoughts, but he couldn’t remember any. Had he ever been happy? He was innocent. It wasn’t a happy thought, but it wasn’t a miserable thought either so they couldn’t take it away from him. He hadn’t murdered those people, true. But could he really be considered innocent?
It was his fault that they were dead; his decision; his stupid mistake.
He was innocent.
He was guilty.
He was innocent.
He was guilty.
He paced the cell back and forth as far as the chains would allow him; back and forth, marking the days each morning when he woke. He slept as a dog; woke to eat the gruel that they called porridge; one hour of push-ups; one hour of sit-ups, keep the body disciplined, keep the mind sane, he told himself repeatedly. He’d nap as a dog; wake to eat the gruel that they called stew and as the first wave of unhappy memories would unfold into his system, he’d transform and whimper in the corner.
By the third year, he had his routine down to a science. No one spoke to him. The healer came to check on him once a month; let him wash with a bowl of lukewarm water and a clean cloth. The healer never spoke and the soul-sucking creatures hovered as the healer trembled, waiting for him to finish so that he could leave. The moment that the healer was gone, he became a dog once more.
When he started his count into year four, he knew that he would die alone in this very cell. No one would ever discover that his old friend had been the real one to betray them; the real one to trick those who cared for him.
No one would ever know his story.
The voice sounded foreign, almost too far away. He recognized the Scottish burr, but he couldn’t place it. No one had spoken to him in four years, six months, and seventeen days. Was that his name? His head pounded, but for the first time all day it was clear, telling him that the soul sucking creatures had distanced themselves, at least partially, from his cell.
“Sirius Black?”
The hesitation in the voice now got his attention and he realized that it wasn’t a memory; someone was actually speaking to him.
Someone was outside of his cell.
He moved towards the bars, long thin fingers gripping the iron and his grey eyes bruised around the edges meeting the square beady brown eyes that he recognized so well and his heart stopped at the sight of them.
“Minnie?” he whispered hoarsely, the old nickname slipping out before he consciously thought about it.
The brown eyes rolled in exaggeration at him and for the first time in four years, six months, and seventeen days — he felt a bubble of laughter rising in his throat.
“Sirius,” she said softly, reaching to hold his ice cold hands where they clutched the iron bars tightly. “You remember me? I was worried that I might have been too late. The healer said… never mind. You know me.”
He shook his head, clearing the cobwebs that lingered there. “Yeah,” he said roughly. “Why are you here, Professor?”
Her eyes looked sad as she gripped his hands tightly from where they were clutched around the bars. “I’m sorry that it took so long, Sirius, I’m so sorry, but you are finally getting a trial. A trial to prove your innocence.”
His dark grey eyes met hers in shock. “What?”
“I don’t believe for a moment that you betrayed James and Lily, Sirius. I never have. James was like a brother to you and you… you loved that little boy. You deserve a trial. Maybe if we can understand why you…”
Sirius snorted now, his fingers gripping hers as he realized what she was saying. “You believe that I murdered thirteen people in a crowded street, but I didn’t betray my best friends. Interesting view you have of me, Minnie, my dear.”
“Sirius,” she said again, her voice quiet and stern. “I believe that you are innocent and I have been campaigning for you to be set free from the moment that you were arrested. Finally, the Minister has taken heed of my words and agreed to give you the trial you should have been given years ago. It will be in three days time.”
Sirius squeezed her fingers gently. “I am innocent, Minnie. I would never have betrayed them, never!”
McGonagall nodded, smiling at him. “I know. I will see you in three days, Sirius. I’m rooting for you.”
As he watched her leave, he felt the darkness pressing in on him once again and he moved away from the bars, letting his back rest against the cool stone.
Four years, six months, seventeen days — but he was getting a trial.
Thanks for the asks!
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Group B Finals ft a plot twist (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi everyone! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of The Masked Singer. So, this week, we are back to Group B with yet another wildcard and it is the last time we are gonna see the groups on their own since after Group A’s final, we got the Super Eight (yup, it’s 8 this time... much better still than last season’s format). Anyways, let’s get into it (this is gonna be super repetitive from last week guess wise but I am gonna try to keep it interesting and fresh for you guys, don’t you worry):
Alright, so usually I would save the wildcard for the end as like a surprise, but since the wildcard got eliminated, let’s introduce (and say goodbye to at the same time) to the:
Bulldog!! 🐶
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Commentary: Ok, he sang Candy Girl by New Edition (which is really funny and ironic for a whole other thing, I’ll explain in a moment I swear) and um how do I say this nicely?... he’s a great dancer, but the singing is, what Randy Jackson would say, “a no from me dawg.” (Get it? Dawg.. bc the bullDOG... oh ok I will stop now). Anyways, yeah no, he was not good, I kind of expected this to happen honestly, so I am not surprised nor disappointed by any means. However, the person under this mask kinda did surprise me lol... even tho I kind of saw this coming.
He was revealed to be, in the biggest plot twist of the century, no voting, just Neicy Nash picking it:
Nick Cannon, our very own host and Ken’s “daddy*”
*which is ironic because he legit just announced he was gonna have another baby
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Ok, ok, did I get this right on my own? Nope, but Twitter helped me out so thank you Twitter. I did officially guess him before he was unmasked (but that’s because I had no other guesses sooo can I really count this a win? Hmmm... TBD... you guys let me know). Anyways, BOOM PLOT TWIST BABY, he’s back! Just in case you guys didn’t know (I don’t really talk about the judges or the host here because I watch for the contestants not for them and it would make this already long blog longer and we don’t want that): Nick had COVID so he couldn’t host the first few episodes of the show, but now he’s better and BOOM he’s the host again... Neicy Nash was taking over for him and now he’s back! So yeah this was just a transition for him to be back on the show, but like imma be honest: he might have been married to Mariah Carey but he don’t got any pipes like her, but he’s a good host so he should stick to that.
Anyways, NEXTTTT, let’s talk about the remaining 4 (which are legit the same freaking ones from last week):
1. Black Swan 🖤🦢
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Commentary: So she sang Whitney Houston's How Will I Know and I swear she gets better and better each week like she murdered this song, it was absolutely amazing, my favorite performance of the night hands down. I really love Black Swan, she has one of the best voices on the show and I think either her or Robopine could win the entire season tbh.
I think this has to be (tripling down/final answer/insert buzzer sound here):
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10-10-10= She has appeared on multiple singing competition shows (she did a lot of those shows as a kid), she was on America’s Most Talented Kids and was a guest judge on celebrity X Factor
Montana= get this... if you are around my age, this will surprise you. Did you guys know that Jojo was the original person that the producers of Hannah Montana wanted to play Hannah but she turned it down because she wanted to focus on her music
In her physical clue, she talks about a female singer who passed away at a young age that she was friends with= she was referring to fellow R&B singer Aaliyah
2. Crab 🦀
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Commentary: He sang Give it to Me Baby by Rick James and it was a very strong performance, it almost took me aback the song choice. I didn’t expect him to go that hard in the beginning, the hip thrusts were a bit uncomfortable for me and he can’t dance for shit (I am sure it’s because he’s a bit older, not faulting him by any means), but it was really strong vocally speaking. He did actually loose his breathe and started hyperventilating under the mask and had to take a break to cool down (literally, because he was burning up under there), which honestly I hope he’s ok, I am not sure if he’s gonna last that long because of that hyperventilating (remember Mickey Rourke?), but tbh it would have been so unfair for him to go because he did an amazing job and I enjoyed his performance. He got soul.... crab’s got soul.
This has got to be (doubling down, like omg even the picture matches w the body type and everything, I am onto something here):
Bobby Brown
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Mom kept him in the straight and narrow and taught him how to cook= well, he has spoke about how his mother has gotten him away from the gangs and trouble around his neighborhood and into cooking (he even has a food line, hence the Mac and cheese), which also made him take up singing and thus his band New Edition (remember how I said Nick singing Candygirl by New Edition was ironic? Well this is why... because crab is Bobby Brown aka one of the members.... also Black Swan sang his ex wife’s song so yeah this can’t get any more ironic) was formed
Big Ben= Initals, BB aka Bobby Brown and also he had a show in 2005 called Being Bobby Brown and one of the episodes “Bobby Does London” he goes to London
Ribs= he has a line of BBQ sauces and seasonings called Bobby Brown Foods
3. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: This time, he went a bit softer with the song choice which I feel compliments his voice better, with 7 Years by Lukas Graham, which made Jenny, who apparently hasn’t listened to this song before (wtf Jenny, this song was all over the radio in like 2017 and you are like a radio host hun), cry. I mean it was really amazing and ballads actually suit him a lot more than super upbeat songs like last week’s Andy Grammar song and I really enjoyed it, I’ve heard that song a million times so no I didn’t cry but I still loved it. I do think Piglet will go super far, my guess is he will make it to semifinals.
I am a 100%, tripling down sure that this is:
Nick Lachey
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Genie Lamp= He did a cover of Aladdin’s A Whole New World with his ex Jessica Simpson on Disney Mania 3
The “spider” who made him a family man= referring to Vanessa Lachey, it was supposed to be this whole Charlotte’s Web thing not really referring anything specific about her that she’s a spider, she could have been another pig for all we care
Dog Tags= in the physical clue, there are 3 dog tags, which he has been seen wearing (you can Google those pics) and they represent his 3 kids which his wife gave him before they had their third kid, Phoenix (btw there’s a P on the bottom dog tag shown)
4. Chameleon
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Commentary: Ok so he rapped again but this time the song was Hip Hop by Dead Prez (which I have felt like I have heard but I have no idea where) and I usually hate rappers on this show, but like he’s legit. What I mean by that is like he’s an actual rapper (well Bow Wow was too... but Bow Wow only went as far as he did because of his dancing, Chameleon is just pure rap talent) and his flow is insane. I am not a rap fan whatsoever but I can appreciate good rapping and that was good rapping, actually it was great rapping. Sure, he’s the weakest link of the four but he’s also the coolest one could argue.
Mark my words, this is as I said the last 2 types, again tripling down:
Wiz Khalifa
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His little Chameleon/lizard= he has an 8 year old son named Sebastian (he also says Cam in the package which is his real name... by him I mean Wiz.... his real name is Cameron)
Martial Arts= the dude likes Martial Arts and has been trained in it and Jiu Jitsu, he has mentioned it in interviews, has been spotted training in gyms, it’s no secret at this point that he likes that stuff
Hot wings= he has a wings place called HotBox by Wiz and he was also on Hot Ones (for those unfamiliar, it’s a YouTube show where celebs eat 10 super spicy chicken wings while answering questions) idk if that counts but I am also gonna say it
So that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter because I do live tweet the show, it’s the same username as here @photolover82 and I do some of these in video form on Tik Tok too if you wanna follow, it’s photolover820 (close enough lol). So yeah, see you guys in the next one! Byeeee! 👋🏼👋🏼
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nerdy-shitposters · 3 years
Prompt List
“You can’t leave me”
‘I can’t believe you lied”
“I don’t love you anymore”
“My heart can’t take anymore”
“You cheated on me?”
“And to think I trusted you”
“I love them and they love me, for both of our sakes get over your feelings.”
“You promised”
“I trusted you, and you broke that promise, just like everyone else in my life.”
“It feels like you're killing me.”
“Look what you did to me.”
“You broke me first.”
“It was never real”
“Go fuck yourselves asshole”
“It’s not my fault you cheated”
“Saying that won’t change a thing”
“It was fake”
“You don’t love me, you don’t love her, you don’t love anyone but yourself”
“What happened to the people we used to be?”
“You were never my s/o”
“There is no us”
“The truth is, I don’t care for you at all”
“I could care less if we are ‘meant to be’ I don’t give a fuck about you”
“I realize you’re broken, but your actions are still fucked up, and I can’t be with someone like that”
“Is that blood?” … “No…”
“If you leave this house, don’t bother ever coming back”
“Do you really think that after all these years, you can just come charging back into my life, expecting me to take you back? If so, I am happy to say you are very wrong”
“It can’t hurt when you don’t feel anything”
“Your right, I didn’t change but you did, the day you let <enter name> get in the way of our relationship”
“Don’t you dare walk away”
“Why do you keep lying to me?”
“Was I always just a joke to you”
“I gave up everything, for you to just throw it all away”
“You fucking promised me it wouldn’t happen again”
“I wish I never loved you”
“I should never have saved your life”
“I can’t go on like this”
“I see the way you look at her”
“I love her/him/them so much it hurts”
“Time changes people”
“I guess you could say, we were meant to be”
“Your parents would be so proud of you”
“I have loved you since we were 5”
“Stay with me please”
“For the love of Merlin, I love you”
“If we get caught, I’m deaf and you speak German”
“Fine, we can get the dog”
“You love me”
“For the love of Merlin, are you flirting with me?”
“Back up, this broom cupboard is not large enough for the both of us”
“Did you just kiss me?”
“Are we on a date?”
“Why do you need makeup? You’re perfect”
“Merlin you’re perfect”
“Are you jealous?”
“This is our song”
“I am telling you, I will marry that person when we are older”
“Darling, you don’t need to make me jealous for attention”
“I wish this moment could last forever”
“OH, I’M PRETTY BOY… pretty?”
“Can you keep a secret?”
Crack(random lol):
“No, you cannot commit arson”
“When should I tell <enter name> that he/she/they lost the bet”
“Coffee, you need coffee. Coffee makes everything better”
“Hotel? Trivago”
“I swear to God, if you don’t get me an ice cream cone I may murder someone”
“What is... Red Bull?”
“How many blueberries would it take to kill someone?”
“Why do you have a balloon dog named Ketchup?”
“I now identify as a croissant”
“Definitely not hiding a dead body”
“How are you banned from 5 different shops in Diagon Alley?”
“No, we are not naming it Chicken on a Stick”
“Sometimes I wish I could just teleport to different places” “Uhhh, you can apparate idiot”
“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s only deep-fried butter. It’s really popular back home. Want some?”
“Wait your mom/dad/parental unit is <enter name>”
“Do you want to see <enter name> with me in concert?”
“My <enter family relative> just died... finally”
“Don’t give me that look, you would have done the same thing”
“Wait, this is snow. I hate it.”
“If we die, I’m bringing us both back to life so I can kill you”
“100% would not recommend eating the live scorpions”
“This reminds me of James and Lily Potter”
“Is that a machete?”
“Fuck yeah, let’s do it”
“I didn’t know you could sing”
“They allow owls and toads, yet I can’t bring my chinchilla”
“Wtf is that smell” “Its me”
‘I sometimes think how when I was younger I always wanted to grow up, but now I want to be a kid again and live care free.”
“Life used to be so easy, now here I am sitting in a shack, with my pet turtle, talking to a wall, and eating cold ramen”
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cha-lyn · 4 years
Milk & Eggs - Ten
Farmer!Bucky x Reader
Words: 1580ish
Summary: Small Town /Farmer Bucky AU // Reader leaves the city to go live with her grandma. She meets an attractive farmer and, no, they don’t hit it off.
Warnings: usual angst, cussing, some flufffffff
A/N:  I’M BACK. All married and shit. Thanks for being patient lovies. 
if ya like it, give it a reblog/like/comment. Makes my day.
Master List // Previous Chapter
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Any rational person would sit there and wait for him or maybe get in the cab in wait, but apparently you aren't so rational, so you slip your shoes on and jump out of the bed of the truck. You use your phone as a flashlight and walk the way you think Bucky went. It was cool enough that you could just see your breath. 
Bucky was nowhere to be found. 
You turn around and head in the direction you think the truck is in. You don’t know why but you started running, calling Bucky’s name as you do. You were right on the verge of tears. Right on the edge of panic.
“Y/N! Y/N?! Where the hell are you Y/N?” Finally you hear his voice. 
“Bucky?” Finally you see his dark silhouette.
“Oh my god, Y/N. Where did you go?!” He gently grabbed your face between his hands, worry evident in his eyes, even in the dark.
“Where did I go, where did YOU go?” You pushed him away. “You left me out here all alone. It’s like the third time you’ve ran away from me Bucky! This time in a pitch dark field!”
“Shit, I’m sorry! I had to pee. I wasn’t running this time, I swear. Okay? I’m sorry.”
“You said you had to take a walk?”
He chuckled and you wondered what the joke was. “I had to pee, I didn’t want to tell you that. You’re a lady.” You grit your teeth. “Shit, doll. I was worried about you.” He ran a hand through his hair.
Shaking your head, you push past him to walk back to the truck. 
Bucky is right behind you, attempting to help you up when you get back into the truck bed, but you ignore him. “Wanna cookie? Another drink?” He sits next to you. 
You purse your lips, but nod. “A drink. Two cookies. I thought you were pissed at me?”
Bucky pauses his drink mixing and looks up at you. “I was... kinda,” he finished pouring your drink. “But, it felt good... telling you. I don’t talk about it. Maybe I should.” He shrugs. “ Are you still mad at me?”
You nod. 
“Well, I really am sorry. Look. I promise I won’t run away from you ever again, okay?” He hands you your drink and passes you the plastic container of cookies. You take a generous sip, the drink warming you as you swallow.
“I’m holding you to that promise.” You look back at the stars and see another falling star after a while. You make another wish and take another drink. “Hey Buck?”
“Yea, doll?” That damn name again.
“Maybe I am overstepping a bit. I hope this doesn’t come off as offensive… but those scars, scars in general really, are--uhm-- pretty hot.” You looked up at him. You couldn't read his face in the dark. 
“They’re hot?” 
It just spills out. “Mmhmm. I mean, you are hot anyway. But the scars don’t hurt either.” Oh the effects of alcohol and the dark and the stars. There were a few moments of silence and you took to pretending to inspect your nails in the dark. 
Bucky took a deep breath. You stole a glance at him, worried he was going to get up and ‘go for another walk’. Instead he was looking at you. 
“You think I’m hot?” His lips were fighting a smile.
You took a bit of a cookie. “I thought it was obvious that I think you’re sexy?” 
“Oh! So, I’m sexy now?” Bucky continues, voice very low and very intrigued, “Well, I think you’re sexy too, doll.”
“Coulda fooled me.” Looking up at him then, you see a smile. 
“Let me prove it to you,” he took your drink out of your hand and placed it on the end of the tailgate with his own. He brought his hand back to your cheek.
“As long as you don’t run away this time,” you snark.
Bucky threw his head back, barking a laugh. “Deal.” And then he kissed you under the stars.
“What a sight for sore eyes.” Bucky grinned as you got out of your car, “Hello, slick.”
“Hi Bucky.” The last time you’d seen him he’d kissed you up against your car for a good five minutes before you interrupted him with a yawn and he’d sent you home. 
Today, he met you at your door, where he gave you a kiss on the cheek. Both of you blushed like children. He filled the milk jugs as you told him about all the orders you and Grams had to do this week. Once he’d loaded the eggs into the truck he started to fidget with his ball cap.
“Well, maybe, if you have a chance… we could get lunch sometime this week?”
“I would love that, Buck. Maybe the diner? Tomorrow?”
“I have to go to town tomorrow around lunch. What about Wednesday? 12?”
“Yes.” You bit your lip, failing to suppress your huge grin. “Can’t wait. See ya then.”
“Me either. See ya doll.”
It was a busy day at the bakery. The bell kept ringing on the door, you had two birthday cakes to finish just today. Your list for tomorrow was even longer. You worked through lunch and had just started on the final decorations for the first one when your phone rang. You didn’t even think about answering and kept working.
A little bit later, the bell rang and Gram went to answer it, but quickly returned. “It’s for you sweetie.” You quirked eyebrow at her smirk. “It’s James.”
“Oh!” You wipe your hands of and round the corner to see Bucky sitting at the bar with two burgers and a plate of fries. You hadn’t seen him since the stargazing that night. “What a great surprise.”
“Uh… Well, I called you to see where you were, but you didn’t answer,” he pulled out a few packets of ketchup and barbeque sauce. “So I ordered your usual to go. Extra bacon.”
It hit you then. You were supposed to meet him--you check the clock--45 minutes ago at the diner. You’d completely forgot. The shop had been that busy. Your schedule had been wake up, shower, bake all day, eat a quick dinner, shower, and sleep for two days now.  
“Oh my god, I was supposed to meet you wasn’t I?” He nodded. “Oh shit. Bucky, I’m so sorry it’s been so hectic around here.” 
“It’s fine, Y/N. Sit down and eat.” He smiled and took a bite of his burger and pointed a finger at yours. He waved you quiet when you started to apologize profusely. “Seriously, it’s okay. You guys have been swamped. But you still need to eat.” He winked at you.
You ate your burger quickly. Once you smell it, you realize just how hungry you are. Bucky was telling you about a livestock auction coming up in a couple of weeks and that he was thinking about getting a herding dog when he went. 
“You need to give that horse a name before you buy more pets.”
He made a face at you. “All of my animals have a purpose, Y/N. They aren’t pets.”
“Hah. You treat them like pets. You talk to them like I talked to Sharon’s cat. You’d let Cap in the house if he wasn’t so big.” 
He laughed, cocking his head. “Who is Sharon?”
You stopped chewing. “What?”
“You said I talk to animals like you talked to Sharon’s cat. Who is Sharon?” He dipped three fries into your ketchup and ate them in one bite.
“Oh… Sharon was my roommate. The one… ya know.” You pushed your leftover fries away. Appetite gone.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay… I just... Actually, I've got to get back to work. But thanks so much for lunch.” You smiled and gathered the trash. “Sorry again for totally spacing.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was my pleasure, slick. This was fun, we should do this again.” 
“Next time I won’t stand you up.”
“I’ll hold you to that, doll. See ya.” He winked.
“See ya Buck.”
He waved and left the shop and you returned to the kitchen. 
“That was so sweet of him to bring you lunch,” Grams says when you start rolling out more fondant. 
“Mhhmm. Even after I forgot to meet him. I’ll have to make it up to him.” You scolded yourself internally. 
“Well, he didn’t seem too bothered.” 
You nodded. 
That night you text him, but you were only able to keep your eyes open for 30 minutes before you were in dreamland. When you woke up your phone was face down beside your bed.  5% 
“Well shit.” You plugged it in. Bucky had sent you a couple messages after you’d fallen asleep. 
So what should I name that horse?
Lol guess you fell asleep. Goodnight doll. 
You responded before you got in the shower: I did fall asleep. And forget to plug my phone into the charger haha sorry. 
It vibrated as you dried off. 
No problem. You’ve been working a lot lately. 
I was thinking about grilling some steak tonight (don’t tell the cows) 
You’re welcome to join me if you want 
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread on your face as you reply: 
I love steak as long as I didn’t know it..ya know before. 
I have a delivery in town at 5 but then I’m free
He responded:
Sounds good doll see you around 5:45ish then?
Sounds good! See you then Buck
- - - 
Taglist : bless y’all for your patience 
@notatallfriendly​    @thechaoticargonaut   @booktease21  @iamwarrenspeace  @titty-teetee  @harryngtonewithyourshit 
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notmymainblog · 3 years
A Sirius Black x reader angst where he's always flirting with other girls and one day she's had enough and breaks up with him. its only then that he realises how much he loves and needs her, but she doesn't want him anymore. angst ending for sirius, but maybe reader could have a new good relationship or something?
Ok, so this is good but also like horrible. Like if I weren’t me, I would cringe at this (i honestly still kinda do). I’ve had a tough time writing at all but a harder time writing Sirius because an angry blow torch and hand mannequin boy are stuck rent-free in my mind. So I um...mixed fandoms I CAN'T HELP IT OK this is what you get for giving me creative freedom ig 🙄  , But I will get through the requests.  
And at your request i will also rewrite this if you want LMAO
Master list
To use:
Download obvi. Click the icon (upper right by the search bar) in the first box to enter your name. If you did it correctly y/n should read as your actual name. Under that it will say something along the lines of “need to change something other than y/n?” there you can change anything you want.y/h/c and y/h don't work together so please enter y/ho if you're inputting your Hogwarts house
TW: Oh baby, get ready, kidnapping, semi-forced sex (coercion?) asshole Sirius, self-harm? Like scratching? Stupid fic that sucks, yandere Sirius which, yes, deserves a warning and a big one at that. Death threats, lol. Me simping for a psycho who desperately needs Chapstick.
Here's a song I like!
It wasn't anything new. Not at all. It shouldn't be normal like this. But it was. Everyone wanted Sirius. Everyone. You often asked yourself why he chose you, but you had never come up with an answer, and neither had he. Sirius always laughed it off. Made a dumb joke. It was pointless.
Almost everything was pointless with Sirius. Making plans, sitting together, being partners in class, and it was incredibly pointless to try and object to sex.
It was always “oh, but y/n I need you so bad baby. Look at how hard I am. Just for you. So hard it fucking hurts. Oh y/n please, ”
So you always gave in. Before you were dating, every sexual exploit Sirius had was public knowledge. But he never told anyone about you. Most of the school didn't even know you were dating.
It was normal for Sirius to wink at a girl, put a hand on her thigh, compliment her before tucking her hair behind her ear, “I'm just joking y/n. I'm not fucking them. Don't be so dramatic.”
“You're not dramatic y/n, ” is what literally anyone else would say if you told them about it. But you didn't. Hell, not even the pillow you cried into knew why.
You had decided enough was enough.
“Sirius, we need to talk, love, ” you said as he tried to pull your shirt off.
He smirked “ooohh, I get it. You want to hear how fucking hard I am for you, how pretty you sound moaning my name?” he chuckled.
“N-no, I want to talk about something else, ” you whispered
“What? Do you have a piss kink or something?” he asked.
“No, Sirius, not everything is about sex!” you said, much louder than you intended to.
He nodded, “so it's your period, huh? It's ok, you can still blow me, ” he shrugged.
“No! It's about you being all over the other girls. All. The. Damn. Time. Every time I see you, a girl is hanging on your shoulder.” you said.
“Oh my god, y/n, you are the most dramatic woman I've ever met. Have you never had a friendly conversation before?” he scoffed.
“I've had plenty of conversations with other boys, and I didn't have my hand on their thigh the entire conversation,” you said.
“God, just calm down; why are you so emotional?” he sighed.
“why aren't you so emotional. Why aren't you worried that you made me sad? Do you even care?” you sniffled.
“Of course I care, but hon, we need to move past this. It's stupid, and I haven't really done anything wrong. It's fine, ” Sirius smiled, pulling at the waistband of your pants.
“Get off me, ” you groaned, pushing him away by his head.
“Ow ow ow y/n the hair! That hurts!” he whined.
You gave it an extra tug before storming into your dorm.
By the end of the night, your pillow was wet with tears and sticky with snot. You threw the cover off of it before washing your face. The cold water felt heavenly against your watery, itchy eyes and irritated nose. A couple of shaky deep breaths stilled your cries as you fell into the sweet release of sleep.
However, the morning was hell. The whispers and laughter were horrible. The sympathetic looks were even worse.
‘I don't need to be coddled; I'm not made of glass.’ you huffed to yourself.
You sat down at the y/ho table and began to eat. You felt a hot presence next to you.
“Hello, Dabi, ” you said dully.
“Hey princess, finally ditched dog breath, I see, ” he said with a grin.
“Yeah, why do you care?” you asked, stabbing your pancake aggressively.
“Because I take broken girls and manipulate them into doing whatever I want over a week because I'm so good at gaslighting. Got that from my dad, ” he winks.
Your brain loaded for a second, “excuse me, you what?”
“You heard me, sugar. But we both know you're much too smart and much too pretty for it,” Dabi said, leaning in.
“This is literally part of gaslighting Dabi, ” you laughed.
“Shut up, or it won't work, ” he whispered.
“Ah, alright, I'm so flattered that I'm special and your feelings are real, ” you said in a robotic voice.
“Ha!” he laughed, “you're not bad y/n we should be friends, ” he said.
You nodded, smiling, “alright.” making friends had always been hard for you so to have this opportunity fall in your lap was a blessing.
“Um, but my other friend is-” he started.
“Weird?” you interrupted.
“Um yeah, you could say that. Not to Tomura's face, but you could say that” he smiled
(and that ^^ is what happens when you forget to turn the writer's block sub back on)
A couple of days passed. Tomura kept to himself mostly. Calling him and Dabi friends was a stretch; they were enemies who enjoyed each other's company was the best way to describe it.
However, when Tomura did come around for the first time, he was obviously anxious, taking off his gloves and scratching his neck more than usual, leaving red marks.
(we need to have soft Tomura moments, but cannonly he would be a Slytherin and act the part, but I just need more of him being baby)
At one point, you simply yanked his hand away from his neck (by his arm, obviously). He stared at you, and for a second, you thought you were done for.
But his look turned to one of adoration, and he hasn't left you alone since. No one had done anything like that for him, which was... Surprising since it was literally the bare minimum. Nevertheless, he followed you around like a lost puppy dog.
He ate with you, read with you, partnered up with you (leaving a very annoyed Dabi to fend for himself). You could've easily discouraged him by ignoring him, but you felt bad for him. If you were honest, it felt good for someone to finally need you. And he really was a sweet boy. He just needed someone to talk to.
And not in a hurl-playful-insults type of way. He would talk to you about his hobbies, his favorite muggle games, everything. It made your heart warm. He kept his gloves on a lot more which made teachers and students alike sigh in relief.
Usually, he'd leave at least one hand free as a sort of “ill disintegrate your ass if you piss me off” way. But he wanted to be careful around you.
“y/n?” he said, sitting beside you.
“Yes, Tomura?” you smiled, closing your book. You learned quickly that if you weren't giving him your undivided attention, he would get discouraged and moody.
“There's a dance on Friday, ” he said, looking at you.
You really didn't understand where this was going. Sirius has never asked you to dance. He just got ready and dragged you with him until he found another girl to dance with.
You nodded, “yeah are you taking someone?”
“N-no, but I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” he asked timidly.
“Id love to, anything for you, my friend ” you smiled.
It was rare that someone gave him something he wanted without the threat of instant death. Even if it was just as friends, he was thrilled.
“And I, ” Dabi interrupted, “ want both of you to hang out with me. Because everyone else is “scared ill light them on fire”? What bullshit, ” he muttered.
“You would, Mr. anger issues. They have a good reason to be sacred. Most of us don't want to be toasted like a marshmallow, ” Tomura shot back, beginning to engage in their usual banter.
And so the night ended with laughter, but for Sirius, things hadn't been as fun.
“You miss her! Admit it!” James cried.
Sirius punched the wall, “yes! Yes, I fucking do, James! Ok! I get it! But her new “friends” will literally cremate me if I get close to her! And one of them is basically obsessed with her.” he huffed, “such a creep, ”
Remus grabbed Sirius by the shoulders, “I'm a nice guy, but Sirius, you did this to yourself. Even after she told you about how she felt you made...you made...” he pinched the bridge of his nose, “I still can't believe you made a fucking period joke!”
“Jeez, Rem, it wasn't a joke, ” he said.
“Sirius, ” James said, “that's even worse,”
“Even James knows what he's doing, Sirius!” Remus cried, “ladies-man, my ass, you don't know what you're doing!”
“Girls like assholes, ” he shrugged. “I was born for this, ”
“At least he's self-aware, ” Remus muttered
“If she liked assholes like you, Sirius, she’d be fucking Dabi right now, ” James said.
“Make it up to her, ” Remus said, pushing him out of the room, “like right now!”
Sirius muttered something about a ‘burnt piece of toast looking man’ before sulking down the stairs.
He dragged his feet to the y/ho common room. The girls were like mosquitoes; they were bearable at first, but now they were really fucking annoying.
Sirius let out an audible sigh when he saw you weren't there, alerting everyone of his presence. And so the mosquitoes swarmed him again.
“Oh my god, get off, ” he finally groaned, pushing away from the group of pouting girls.
He dragged his feet up the stairs to your dorm, peeking in to make sure your personal blow torch wasn't there. What he did see pissed him off. More than anything ever had.
There you were with Shigaraki dabbing lotion on the scratches and taking care of him. He should be the only one you took care of. Him and only him. Hell, he would kill the wrinkly bastard if he had to. Take him away so you would only fall for him. Only him. He'd get rid of Dabi too. It didn't fucking matter to him.
The only thing that stopped him was the realization that, in a way, he sounded just like his parents—mindless killing. He swallowed his pride and knocked on the door.
“What's up, you fiery bastard?” you called to who you assume was Dabi.
“A fiery what?” Sirius called back.
You tensed, and Tomura placed a gloved hand on yours, squeezing softly.
“Come in, ” you said glumly.
“Hey, um, I just came in here to apologize and see if you wanted to go to that dance with me?” he asked.
Tomura reached a hand to his neck, but before he could start, you grabbed his arm again.
“Hey, what did we talk about? No scratching. I don't want you hurting yourself, Tomu, ” you said quietly.
The nickname hit him like a truck; he loved it. He loved it more than anything on earth. He loved you more than anything on earth- no, more than anything in any galaxy.
“Sirius, I’m already taking someone to the dance. And they're a lot nicer than you. So, kindly, fuck off.”
His eyes widened, and his mouth almost dropped open, “who?” he said.
“None of your business, ” you scowled.
“They'll never love you the way I did, sweetie. You know that. I'm the only one who could really love you.” he cooed.
Tomura was filled with rage, but he clenched his hand at his side instead of scratching. He didn't want to disappoint you.
“Y-you love me?” you whisper.
“Of course I do baby, I love my girl more than anything on earth, ” he smiled, but it never reached his eyes.
“Whos gonna love you better than I can, huh?” he asked, “nobody, that's who, ”
His lips moved of his own accord, “You're wrong, ” Tomura said.
“Oh yeah?” he growled, “who? Blow torch boy?”
“No, ” he said, standing up and taking a breath, “me, ”
Sirius just looked at him and laughed, “please, you'll fucking kill her. Literally. What will she do with gloved hands? They can't touch you like mine do, baby, ”
That snapped you right out of your trance, “oops, I must have forgotten that you're missing a brain, Black. You only think with your dick, which, by the way, isn't even that great.”
“And for your information, as long as he has one finger covered, he can touch me, ” you huffed, standing up as well.
This was it, the moment Shigaraki had waited for; it should have been more romantic and without your ex, but still, this was it. Someone cleared their throat from behind Sirius.
“You're blocking the door, dog breath. Get out of the way or say goodbye to your eyebrows, ” Dabi said.
He moved reluctantly, and Dabi flopped down on your bed.
“If you're gonna take this asshole back, you should gimme a chance. I bet I fuck better than him, ” he smirked.
“We’ll talk later without these assholes—astronomy tower. 3:00 am,” Sirius mumbled before shutting the door.
You wrapped your arms around Tomura, rubbing his back.
“I'm not going. Don't worry, ” you said, knowing how anxious Tomura was.
He nodded and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.
“Wait, wait, wait a fucking minute. Did I miss a season? Can I have a fucking recap?” Dabi groaned.
And so, you talked late into the night with an arm around Tomura and a very angry Dabi who was sent into the bathroom to take a cold shower after almost burning your bed.
Sirius waited for over an hour for you at the tower. He stomped on the roses, pulling off each petal before throwing them off the tower.
“Those assholes, ” he growled, breathing heavily, “I'll kill them. I'll fucking kill them both of them, ” he rambles for a good thirty minutes before stomping down the stairs.
He slammed the door to his dorm open.
“She didn't fucking show that fucking asshole stole her from me, and I'm gonna kill them both of them and make her all mine, ” he rambled.
“Merlin Siri, calm down. Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in Azkaban (😳), you'd better get ahold of yourself.” James yawned.
“For the love of god, go to fucking sleep, Sirius. She's not vanishing tomorrow.” Remus groaned.
“You're a genius!” Sirius shouted.
“Oh my god. Sirius, no. Bad dog. Don't kidnap girls you like... Or well are obsessed with. Love is a stretch, ” Remus said, going back to sleep.
But come morning, you were not, in fact, at breakfast.
Sirius almost vomited when he saw you with your arms around Tomura. Tomura Shigaraki, the perpetual thorn in his side. He carefully lifted you and carried you to a small closet no one but him even knew about before binding and gagging you. He thought it was so sweet. Waking up slowly, not knowing where you are.
When you're y/e/c eyes met his, your face contorted into disgust. It broke his heart to watch his brainwashed little girl so mad at him.
He stroked your cheek, “Oh baby girl, I hope you can clear your mind from all the silly things they told you. It would be lovely if it were before the dance, but... A two-day timeframe may not do the trick.” he tutted, placing a kiss on your nose.
You tried to squirm away but just backed yourself into a corner. Sirius muttered a silencing charm before removing the gag.
“Dabi is gonna burn you to bits, Sirius, ” you growled.
“Whatever makes you happy, my love, you are allowed to think. Even if you're oh so wrong. Even if I know they don't care for you the way I do, ” he cooed.
“Oh my god, Tomura is gonna flip, ” you said, “shit, I hope he's ok, I hope he doesn't think I just left him, ” tears brimmed your eyes.
“What if he hurts himself? Oh god, Sirius, please let me go, ” you pleaded.
“No can do, sweetheart, ” he smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips as you tried to turn away.
It felt like days, even though it was only a couple of hours. Sirius kept telling you that only he loved you. How a silly little girl like you could never survive without him. That no one else wanted you this way.
But finally, after dozens of prayers to whoever's listening, James and Remus opened the door.
“What are you doing here?” Sirius cried, “you'll ruin it! Everything I've worked for! You weren't even supposed to know where we were!”
“We have a fucking map, Sirius. This is so creepy. You're so creepy. Get out of here, man.” Said James as he pulled him out by his hair.
Remus made quick work of the knots before setting you free. After giving them both two quick hugs, you rushed to breakfast. Your eyes scanned the hall for light blue or spiky black hair. You found the latter first.
“Hey Dabi, where's Tomura, ” you asked.
“Wouldn't you like to know, ” he sneered over his coffee.
“Yes, I would like to fucking know flame boy, ” you said.
“How can you just leave in the middle of the night and demand to know where he is?” he said, slamming a fist on the table.
“Cause I was taken from my bed by a psycho and spent the last couple hours trapped in a closet!” you whisper shouted, showing him the rope marks.
“I'm gonna incinerate him; he's in your dorm still. Didn't wanna leave.” Dabi whispered.
The walk back to the y/ho dorms felt excruciatingly long. When you finally burst through the door, your heart broke. There was Tomura nearly shaking, crying softly with bleeding scratches on his neck.
You crouched in front of him, reaching up to touch his face before he grabbed your arm.
“You left, ” he whispered, “was it for him? Please just tell the truth,”
“I didn't want to Tomu, ” you said, “He took me, and I couldn't stop him. He put me in a closet, and the whole time, I was thinking about you nonstop. I was worried, and I missed you. I just wanted you. You make me feel so safe, darling,”
He pulled you into his chest by your arm; you never realized how strong he was. He made slow circles on your back with his finger.
“It's ok, ” he whispered, “it's ok, ” he too saw the marks from the rope on your wrist.
(how do I fucking end this. Do I kill off Sirius? AH, I know).
The days felt shorter with Dabi and Tomura by your side. Suddenly it was the day of the dance. You woke up to soft kisses on the back of your neck.
“Good morning, love, ” you said sleepily.
“Good morning to you too, y/n, ” he whispered.
The day went by quickly; the teachers gave up on teaching, and before you know it, you were slipping on your dress.
Your hands clenched into fists as you walked past Sirius, feeling his eyes on you. You were too scared to tell anyone. And who would they believe? The golden boy who was the purest kindest family member, or you?
You felt his eyes on you as a burnt and stapled arm wrapped around your shoulders. He pointed to a very nervous Tomura.
“Please, for the love of god y/n calm the man down, ” he said.
The closer you got, the more you blushed; he was amazing. He was the most beautiful boy you’d ever seen. You stopped in your tracks as a girl stopped to talk to him.
This was it; it was the end; it was happening again. But instead, Tomura shook his head, and the girl walked away. You ran over to him (as fast as your shoes allowed) and wrapped your arms around his neck.
You pressed a soft kiss to his neck, “you're so amazing, ” you whispered
His arms wrapped around your waist, “I'm happy you think so, my dear, ” he smiled.
And you spent the night dancing as Sirius broke the glass he was holding in his hand. But he'd get you again someday, he knew it.
This was long. This was pathetic. This was horrible. The was unrealistic. This was cringe-worthy. This was dramatic. I should probably make a side account. It all started with a playlist on my recommended and idk which mental illness caused this or if I'm just dramatic, but my brain immediately latched on to this burnt piece of toast, and after watching the show, this wrinkly psycho. It's been hard to write, period. But also hard to write Sirius, but I will power through, I promise.
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nightcoremoon · 4 years
here's some controversy that has nothing to do with social issues.
a lot of people hate the band five finger death punch. saying those words provoked a visceral response in half the people reading this, and a "who?" in the other half. they're a groove metal band; similar to slipknot, mudvayne, disturbed, all that remains, system of a down, korn, and killswitch engage. they're one of those really controversial bands that are hated because they're ~not real metal~ by dumbshits who think that NWOBHM is the only valid metal genre. even though england ruined metal and punk but that's a conbfetsation for another day.
now, if you just don't like metal, that's fine. I don't expect everyone to like every genre. so obviously you won't like them, or any band in the genre. obviously. and these are not the people who are being targeted with this post. no, this goes to those who love metallica, ozzy, megadeth, slayer, pantera, testament, opeth, tool, manowar, meshuggah, children of bodom, cannibal corpse, fear factory, mercyful fate: this is to the people who love metal. now, I say this as one of us, but metalheads are one of the most judgmental groups of people in history. and frequently I find that metalheads make the same remarks in regards to their opinions on five finger death punch.
they do nothing but covers. they just yell and cuss. forty year old men with teenage angst. bad musicianship. they look stupid. they fuck their sisters and daughters. they sold out to the military. they're gay. they do too many ballads. they're redneck bait. they're toxic masculinity and macho personified. they rely on guest stars to carry their songs. they're talentless hacks.
these are all complaints I've heard multiple times from multiple people. and frankly I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hearing the bullshit complaints rather than the ACTUAL REASONS why they aren't the best band in the world. which I'll go through now.
they have an overreliance on breakdowns as if they were a post-hardcore band but they're not. breaking benjamin also skirts the line between post-grunge metal and post-hardcore and have many breakdowns, but the difference is that BB's breakdowns have math rock roots and use different patterns that syncopate well. five finger's breakdowns are... eighth notes. it's the difference between, say, black veil brides- who have excellent syncopated breakdowns- and as I lay dying, who have shitty and boring breakdowns. the only difference is that AILD has blast beats (and is fronted by an abusive asshole), and five finger has... ivan growling threats or whatever because they think that it sounds cool to have metal blaring while he says shit like "you wanna disrespect me? I will slap you so fucking hard you'll feel like you kissed a freight train, fuck you," or "if there was ever a time for you to back the fuck up it's right fuckin here and right fuckin now" or "it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog," or "in the end we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away; in the time that I've been given, I am what I am", etc, all preceding screams. and no these are not exaggerations, these are literally exact quotes. there's also one that plays radio chatter from the military while he goes "hut hut oorah", which is different slightly. and in any case, they have done nearly a hundred different solos over their career, there is NO REASON for them to have such a ridiculous amount of breakdowns. they rival memphis may fire in that regard, but MMF actually has great breakdowns. churko is a metal producer, NOT a hardcore producer, and they sound empty when you strip out the vocals.
sometimes they will overuse a chorus, and hit the pop music pitfalls of having a song that's over half chorus. I'm sure they did this so the label would be happy with singles because the music industry is a commercialized garbage fire and holding it against the artists would be so fucking stupid especially since tool (the best metal band in existence) fucking said it best, "all you know about me is what I sold you, I sold out long before you ever knew my name, I sold my soul to make a record, dipshit, then you bought one; I've got some advice for you little buddy, before you point your finger you should know that I'm the man and if I'm the man then he's he man and you're the man as well so you can take that fucking finger and shove it up your ass". translation; the fact that you know a band at all means that they sold out to even exist in the first place because that's what selling out is. so even this complaint I have that sometimes they have repeated chorus is more of a complaint about a music industry which dumbs things down to sell radioplay to the lowest common denominator, which EVERY SINGLE ARTIST IS GUILTY OF. so moving on.
sometimes they'll have songs which are fairly simple from a harmonic/mechanical standpoint. opening verse chorus verse chorus solo bridge chorus chorus ending. verse goes some mix of eighth and quarter notes and rests in 4:4, solo is just the vocal line of the chorus, bass and drums are nonexistent and only serve to be a melodic backbone, and the music only exists to serve the lyrics... oh wait I can make the exact same arguments about metallica, rage against the machine, pantera, disturbed, and a hundred other bands. those guys aren't hated as much as five finger. hmm. wonder why.
the lyrics are often angsty. namely that they deal with honor, government corruption, mental illness, we live in a society, religious corruption, abandonment issues, recovering from toxic relationships, hey wait a minute these are all just insanely common topics for metal songs!
they usually play in the same key- wait shit every band has a favored key.
they do a lot of covers- wait shit they have literally more ALBUMS than covers.
(yeah that's weird to me too, but they only did a new level by pantera, from out of nowhere by faith no more, bad company by bad company, mama said knock you out by LL cool J, house of the rising sun by the animals, gone away by offspring, and blue on black by kenny wayne shepard... that's 7. they have 8 albums now.)
so shut the fuck up forever about the cover songs. metallica and the deftones and a perfect circle all had fucking cover ALBUMS, van halen only has a career because of the kinks, and every single rock band in the world is just ripping off the beatles, pink floyd, black sabbath, the who, led zeppelin, and cream. pick a legitimate reason to hate on a band, hypocrite.
alright what else...
"they're gay"
I'm not gonna dignify that with a response.
"they suck"
so does your favorite band. boom roasted.
"they're bad at music"
I'd like to see you do better then.
"they sold out to the military"
no they support the veterans and the troops; they fucking hate the military if you pay any attention at all. they believe in the good parts of the military that the government pays half our taxes to make us believe. you're not better than anyone else just because you see through one specific piece of propaganda because odds are you're blinded by another dozen. they write songs about how war is hell and how when vets come home they should be treated better. and anyway when you're in the dog eat dog world of the music industry hey guess what you need a market to sell to or else it's back to baskin robbins. I don't blame them for one second. if I had the option of endorsing cops to pay my bills you bet your ass I'll fly a blue lives matter flag and sell my soul to make money, and then donate shit to the black lives matter movement. flying a flag is worthless if I can do actual good with the money that those dumbasses send in. and name better irony than fighting to abolish a group that pays me to do it go on I'll wait.
"you're just a fanboy"
a) it's fangirl but metal elitists don't give a shit about the LGBTQ and b) just because I like a band doesn't in any way diminish the validity of my statements and any bias I might have is easily countered by whatever bias you might have and c) they're not even my favorite band you idiot I just think there's way worse out there just like I think it's unfair to say nickelback is the worst band in existence when drunk mom rock like hinder buckcherry savingabel and kidrock exists, and limp bizkit is standing right there, and d) they're not even the worst groove metal band, just look at fucking lamb of god, and e) if I was a fangirl I wouldn't have pointed out the flaws you fucking brainless troglodyte, and f) even if they were my favorite band in the world it doesn't matter if you think they suck because music taste is subjective anyway you goddamn moron. those guys write their own music, play their own music, perform their own music, and they love their fanbase more than most other bands. andrew biersack and kellin quinn and pepper keenan and glenn danzig and liam gallagher and axl rose and van halen and ted nugent and kurt cobain HATE their fans, or at least are huge fucking assholes. but not five finger. jeremy played until he literally broke his back; he's as devoted as phil collins, and if he made like atreyu and sang while drumming he'd be singing from a wheelchair, or like dave grohl when he broke his leg right in the middle of a concert, went to the hospital and got set and put in a cast, THEN CAME RIGHT BACK TO THE FUCKING SHOW AND PLAYED GUITAR AND SANG IN A CAST AND WHEELCHAIR. oh but wait, people say phil collins and dave grohl suck too, and turn around and suck mustaine's dick even though he's the biggest asshole in thrash metal behind tom araya and drunk james hetfield. point being, just because x doesn't like y doesn't diminish z's opinion.
"the singer fucked his daughter lol lol his grandchild is his son too lol lol his daughter is his wife lol lol it's funny because rednecks and incest lol lol" he's from colorado not alabama you dumb motherfuckers, and all the lol incest in georgia jokes are rooted in good ol yankee classism. also the guitarist is hungarian so the american redneck jokes don't even fuckin work. shut the hell up, you have all of the intellectual capacity of a common bog leech.
you can dislike the band. you can say you don't like it. you can say that you'd rather listen to different music. that's fine! that's okay! listen to justin bieber if you like him, listen to taylor swift if you like her, listen to new kids on the block if you want! I don't care! but stop expressing your opinions that you stole from someone else as fact. all you're doing is meme bandwagoning so you can find a community because you don't have the social skills necessary to meet people through the things you love so instead you try to pull serotonin out of making other people feel as miserable as you do.
with that being said, fuck all of the annoying dudebro douchebags who listen to the band and show 5FDP next to the confederate flag, blue lives matter flag, don't tread on me flag, punisher skull, trump sticker, and the crossed assault rifles on the back of your truck. you're all shit for reasons other than your music taste.
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Of Outlaws and Family
https://marvel-redemption-omega.tumblr.com/post/620348987402256384/of-outlaws-and-familyChapter Seven: Ride of Passion
A/N: AHHHH I am happy we are here! This was such a treat to write! Being this is a story, obviously things are not at all accurate (you’ll see what I mean once you read it) buuuuut it is a story so, yeah. Shh we’ll just play it off as super high pain tolerance? Yeah, that’s what we’ll do, lol. Don’t judge me for my choices, I’m living vicariously through my own writing okay? Oh, guess I should mention this is High Honor Arthur, it’s the only way I’ve played him. Haven’t done my Low Honor run yet. Unbeta-d, all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: Cursing, gang violence, sexual references/innuendos, domestic violence, threats, character injury, character death (O’Driscolls), worried/protective Arthur, protective John, asshole Jessie, 18+/sexual themes: ADULT THEMES; IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 TURN AROUND; GO AWAY; DO NOT PASS GO; DO NOT COLLECT TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS
Start here: https://marvel-redemption-omega.tumblr.com/post/620167374619951104/of-outlaws-and-family-chapter-one-new-beginnings
Last Chapter: https://marvel-redemption-omega.tumblr.com/post/620348987402256384/of-outlaws-and-family
Please enjoy! Hearts and repubs are greatly appreciated!
My work is not to be posted elsewhere; I will post it to my AO3 and dA if I so choose.
Word Count: 11,300
“Want me to ride with y’all part of the way? I ain’t got nothing to do the rest of today and nothin in the mornin,” Jessie offers as he helps James into the saddle of his grey-blue Arabian between Fancy and Shamrock. Scarlet climbs into her saddle on Shamrock, glancing over at him.
“Can he, Ma? I’d like to spend some more time with Pa,” James asks, chocolate eyes warm and happy. She feigns an irritated sigh and nods, gesturing to Fancy.
“Might as well since you’re here. I hope you know I can’t take that Arabian with us. I have too many horses as is,” she explains as her son’s father slings himself into the saddle, making Fancy prance to the right to keep from stumbling into the Arabian.
“I think I���m gonna call her...Storm!” James cheers as the filly tosses her head.
“I can’t believe you bought him a new horse. I get that you wanna be in his life more but he won’t be ridin by himself anytime soon, surely you know that? An I can’t keep anymore, be it for him or not. I have full stables,” she angrily whispers to Jessie over James’ head. He shrugs and pets Fancy’s neck.
“Come on. We have a long way back from here,” he answers, brushing off her concern. James hesitantly kicks the Arabian and holds tight to the reins as she starts to walk forward. Fancy, seeing James moving, immediately follows and rides beside him. Scarlet gives Shamrock a kick, her spurs digging in more than her heels could, and rides on the other side of the Arabian so James is blocked in by them.
“Yeah, that’s cause someone wants to live in Saint Denis to be close to his parents,” she snips as she unties her hat from the saddle and puts it on. A red neckerchief, her rodeo gift from Arthur, sits proudly around her neck. Jessie sighs, not knowing exactly what life she’s been living, after reading about her burned down house.
They ride in silence from Saint Denis until they reach Rhodes. As they enter Lemoyne, Scarlet notes the Raiders watching them and talking rapidly to each other in hushed tones. One of them points and she feels her stomach twist.
Jessie is currently teaching James how to train Storm to listen to neck-reining, demonstrating on Fancy. The bay mustang snorts and flattens her ears at him, biting at her bit, but listens if only for James’ sake. James follows the instructions and laughs when Storm listens.
The farther into Lemoyne they go, the tighter the knot in Scarlet’s stomach gets. She slows Shamrock, grabs Storm’s reins and halts her too, much to the Arabian’s dismay. Fancy and Shamrock flick their ears and look around, both side-stepping closer to James and Storm.
“It’s too quiet. There’s not even any birds. No owls, no deer,” Scarlet murmurs as she looks at the setting sun. Rustling to their left startles the Arabian and she bolts with James on her back, yanking the reins from Scarlet’s hand.
“James!” Jessie and Scarlet yell as they kick their horses to follow. Fancy and Shamrock sprint after Storm, crossing the border of Lemoyne and New Hanover.
They run up on a small group of riders in front of James, who is trying to see past the horses of the men blocking him from his Arabian. Scarlet tenses as she notes their coats. There’s at least twelve of them.
“Storm? Storm!” James cries for his horse.
O’Driscolls, she thinks. Dread seeps into her bones as she pulls up on Shamrock until he’s trotting. Fancy follows Scarlet’s orders, despite Jessie urging her to a gallop. They stop when one of the riders, the leader of the group, slips off his horse, pistol in hand. Scarlet’s hand grabs her revolver out of reflex, slowly un-holstering it as he steps close to James.
“What’s the matter, Boy?” The man asks, nodding his head to the men behind him. Two of them break off and head to the left, where Scarlet glances and sees Storm eating grass. The duo lasso the Arabian and start to lead her back.
“My horse, she got spooked and ran then threw me. I need her so I can go back an ride with my parents, Mister,” he meekly replies, stumbling back with each step forward the man takes.
“Oi! Leave my boy alone!” Scarlet yells, making Shamrock walk forward. James turns around and smiles, a happy shout of “Ma!” from him as he sees his parents. The man takes two quick steps and snatches a hold of James, gun pointed to his head.
“Mama!” James cries, eyes wide as both his parents ride closer. The man behind him cocks the hammer and presses the barrel into his temple. He whimpers and keeps his eyes on his mother. “Don’t let them take me, Mama.”
“Well, well, well boys, would ya look at what we got here. Miss O’Hara, didn’t know you had a son, nor a husband,” the O’Driscoll man sneers and starts to drag James back towards his horse. The other men laugh as the two from earlier ride up with Storm, filtering into the back of the group.
“Give me my boy and the horse and maybe I’ll let you snakes go,” she seethes, hammer cocked as she brings it up to aim at the man, straight between his eyes. Jessie stares in horror, eyes about as wide as his son’s, as he watches Scarlet slip off Shamrock’s back and walk forward.
Shots ring loud as Scarlet pops off three shots. Three men fall off their horses, who all spook and run off, dragging their dead riders as their feet are stuck in the stirrups. The man with James aims his gun at her and fires, the sound momentarily deafening James. He brings his hands up to his ears, around the man’s elbow grip on his throat; he stumbles as he’s dragged backwards even more. Scarlet slides behind a boulder off to her right, peeking out and aiming at the two who have Storm.
Storm rears and starts bucking, yanking the two men from their horses as she bolts. They grumble and holler, letting go of the rope, figuring the horse a lost cause. They scramble to their feet and draw their rifles from their horses. Scarlet curses the Arabian’s fear and sends her last three bullets into the closest O’Driscoll.
Fancy keeps her gaze on James, ignoring Jessie’s many attempts to get her moving. She stands firm even when he digs his heel into her side, snorting in warning. Shamrock rears and stomps the ground, neighing and riling up the other horses who weren’t spooked by the gunshots. Fancy snorts and neighs angrily as the man shoves James to one of the men in the back who hogties him and tosses him on the back of the leader’s horse.
“Not a chance. You want him, you can join him or come and get him. I’m sure Colm will be rather pleased to see you. We’ll be at Dead Man’s Keep, out by Hanging Dog Ranch,” the leader jeers and shoots at the rock, barely missing Scarlet as she ducks just in time. She pops her revolver open, dropping the hot and smoking shells, and fumbling to add another six. A string of curses flies from her lips as she clicks it closed and spins it. She drags the hammer back and aims at the leader, shooting him between the eyes. There’s a storm raging behind her eyes and she drags the hammer back again, moving to aim at one of the others.
A loud crack echos through the valley and Scarlet tumbles back. Searing, scorching, burning pain races from her shoulder and down her arm and chest. She cries out and glances down to her right shoulder. Blood’s soaking through her shirt and staining the blue material. She looks up and locks eyes with the man who shot her, he climbs onto the leader’s horse and snaps the reins as he turns the horse.
Scarlet stumbles back to Shamrock, left foot in the stirrup as she starts urging him to go. Fancy tosses her head and starts galloping, leading the stallion. Scarlet swings into the saddle and curses as she struggles to holster her gun. Once she does, she snatches the reins and snaps them, kicking Shamrock at the same time. He whinnies and turns his gallop into a run. Fancy follows on his heels, reins pulled from Jessie’s hands. He’s frozen in the saddle for the most part, his reality shattering as the realization dawns on him that his son’s been kidnapped. He grabs the reins and posts himself to Fancy’s run.
“I’m gonna get him back. I need you to get someone for me. Fancy!” She yells, turning slightly to look at the duo. The mustang flicks her ears towards her owner, patiently waiting for orders. Scarlet purses her lips and lets out reverse wolf whistle. Fancy stretches her stride and breaks off from Shamrock, taking the trail to the left.
“You can’t go alone!” Jessie yells at her as Shamrock slows for a moment.
“I have to. You ain’t got any guns! You’d be useless to me!”
“You just got shot!”
“I’ll be fine. I’m goin to get my son back. Just tell’em that O’Driscoll’s ambushed us got James and I went after them. Tell’em to meet me at Dead Man’s Keep! HYAH!” She squeezes her thighs while simultaneously kicking Shamrock. The mustang-thoroughbred tosses his head and sprints away from Fancy, the mare picking her run back up as they separate.
Jessie struggles to keep in the saddle as Fancy only seems to be going faster with each stride. He can hear her panting and tries to slow her a few times, only for her to turn her head and nip his his foot or leg and continue her relentless pace. He throws one arm up as a shield as she runs right into a section of trees. Twigs snap under her feet and brittle branches break on his arm, leaves smacking him in the sides and face. He vaguely hears someone shout out a warning and then he’s on the ground.
Fancy’s bucking and causing a riot. Jessie notices there are other horses that are getting stirred up and joining her in her chaos. He glances around and swallows as he sees all the tents and wagons around, one he recognizes as the one he got Scarlet. He looks back at Fancy.
“What in Sam’s Hill?! Dutch growls as he hears Sean yelling for someone to stop their horse before he shoots. He, Hosea, and Arthur share a look and get up, guns drawn as they head over to the horses. Dutch motions for Abigail to get Jack to the back of camp.
“Hey, that’s Fancy. Where’s Scarlet? And who the hell is that?” Arthur mutters crossly.
“Dunno, but we’ll find out,” Dutch responds and readies both his pistols. Arthur nods and heads over to the horse, knowing Dutch and the others can handle the one man, who he assumes was the one who rode Fancy into their camp.
Jessie feels the gun before he hears the click of the hammer. He slowly stands when instructed and turns to face the assailant. His eyes bulge when he turns and comes face to face with none other than Dutch Van der Linde and his gang. He looks over at Fancy, who’s being called by a man in a tan jacket and black hat, a hat that looks similar to Scarlet’s. He watches for a moment as the man easily grabs Fancy’s reins, pulls her from a rear, and has her calm in a matter of seconds. She snorts and paws at the ground, nudging the man and then pulling towards Jessie.
“Who the hell are you?” Dutch’s voice is thick with malice as he keeps his gun trained on the man.
“I don’t care about your damn name, Son. Who the hell are you? Why are you ridin Scarlet’s horse?” He growls in warning, cocking his pistols. Jessie holds his hands up as he backs away from Dutch, into the cold barrel of Sean’s rifle behind him.
“I-I-I, umm, there was this gang! We was riding an one of the horses spooked and we ran from Lemoyne to here but were ambushed. Just outside Emerald Ranch. Please, Mister, you gotta help me get my boy back.”
“That still don’t tell me who you are, Boy. I won’t ask you again,” Dutch warns as he and the others press close in a circle around him. Jessie looks around the group of men, eyes settling on the man who calmed Fancy.
“They said they’d be holding them up at Dead Man’s Keep! I don’t know much about this country. I’m from Saint Denis, honest! Uhh, the name of the gang...she said O’something… O’Malley?” He stutters, trying to remember the name of the gang Scarlet had shouted at him.
“Dead Man’s Keep?” Arthur mutters to himself, trying to figure out why that name sounded familiar.
“Strike one, enamigo,” Javier trains his gun on the trembling man’s chest.
“Umm, O’Desry?” He tries again.
“Strike two.” Sadie states; a few other guns cock as Jessie looks back around the group.
“Fuck! Scarlet said to tell y’all she was goin to get James back! Said them damned O’Driscolls got him!” He snapped and took a step towards Sadie. Dutch lowers his guns, but just barely. Arthur grabs Jessie by the front of his shirt, balling it up and bringing him so they’re face to face.
“So you let her go alone?! What’s wrong with you?! Why didn’t you go after him and send her here?!” He bellows, face red in anger. Jessie blinks and tries to pull himself free of Arthur’s grip.
“I didn’t let her do nothing! She did one of her special fucking whistles and Fancy took off! The damn mare wouldn’t listen to me! I tried to stop her but she almost bit me when I did!” He yells back. He stumbles and falls on his ass when Arthur shoves him away.
“Dutch, please?” Arthur’s hands tremble in anger as he moves to the gang leader. Dutch puts his guns away, everyone else following suit, some reluctantly. “Let me go after her?”
“Go. Take who you need. Get her and that boy back in one piece. And take him with you. I don’t want him left in my camp. Send someone back if you need more people than you’re taking,” Dutch replies, eyes hard and cold as they glare daggers at Jessie.
“John, Sean, Charles, Lenny, Kieran, will you ride with me?” Arthur asks, voice projecting as he stalks towards Smoke. Fancy prances behind him, nickering and nuzzling his back. Arthur turns to pet her, carrot in hand. There’s a chorus of cheers and positive hollers as the five all whistle for their horses and mount up.
“Arthur!” Sadie walks up to him, gun in hand. He raises a brow but waits to see what she’s going to say. “Let me ride with you. I’m a good shot and I can help you. Besides, she’s my friend!” Arthur nods, he knows the duo have grown close.
“Oh alright. Get your horse.” Arthur pets Fancy, stroking her neck. “I need a favor if you can, Girl. Think you can ride with us to get your owner back? Jessie here needs a ride,” he asks the mare. She flattens her ears as she looks at Jessie and perks them up when she looks back at him before bobbing her head in what Arthur takes as a yes. He motions for Jessie to climb back on, who hesitates for a second, and Arthur pulls himself onto Smoke. “Let’s ride. Hyah!”
“Ahah! You really thought we would let you follow us here without se’tin up somethin?” One O’Driscoll laughs at Scarlet. She pulls on the rope that’s cutting into her wrists, throwing her body forward. The man holding her laughs as he easily holds her back. When she stops walking, he shoves her forward, he kicks the back of her knees when she doesn’t budge. Her knees buckle and he lets her hit her knees in the mud.
“Where’s that husband of yours? Some man,” another jeers as she is dragged back to her feet and pushed towards the house. She clenches her jaw as she slowly moves, her whole shoulder throbbing. She takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, and lets it out slowly. She hasn’t seen James since she got here and she can feel her heartbeat nearly out of her chest.
“Not my husband…just a friend,” she manages to breathe out before she’s backhanded. She grunts and spits out blood as she steadies herself again and readies herself to go up the stairs of the porch. She’s only partially thankful for the man walking behind her, partially disgusted. He keeps brushing his hand on her lower back, hips, and ass and she’s about ready to punch him when the door opens. Colm walks out, dragging James by the arm.
“Well if it isn’t Scarlet O’Hara! What a wonderful surprise! An isn’t he just another great surprise. Tell me,” Colm drawls as he walks up to her after passing James to one of his lackies. He grips her chin harshly and forces her to look at him. “Was he born before or after the first time I met you an you denied me? Is that what that mutt a yer’s come runnin out from the bedroom to bite me fer? He why you shot my men?”
His breath smells of rotten tobacco, so she tells him as such. He backhands her hard enough she falls to her hands and knees. He snatches her up by her hair and brings her close to his face, grinning as his eyes light up with something she can’t quite place.
“How bout you come spend the night with me? After all you did ride into my camp here,” he drags her inside by her hair, stopping momentarily in the doorway. “Make sure he’s taken care of; food, water, whatever he needs. Keep him somewhere for a while. Me and Scarlet here’s gon’ have some fun.”
“Mama?” James whimpers, the man holding him by the arm pulls him back as he tries to run to her. She looks at him, eyes watering from the constant tugging of her hair, and smiles.
“Easy, my son. We’ll be ok soon. We’ll be safe, I promise you. They’re coming, they’re on their way for us,” she bites her tongue as Colm yanks on her hair, pulling her into the house. She tries to keep as close to him as she can so he isn’t tugging so hard she loses hair. Colm thinks she’s slowly caving, finally. He herds her through the hall and up the stairs to the master bedroom.
Arthur puts his binoculars away and turns Smoke to face the others. Sadie sits up straight on the blood bay that Scarlet gave her. John and Lenny look up from cleaning their guns. Kieran, Charles, and Sean all climb off their horses and join the others, all stocked to the teeth with their guns and ammo; Arthur slips off Smoke.
“Alright, they’re takin James to the barn. I’m not sure what they’re plannin on doin with him. Lenny, John, Kieran, and Jessie take the barn. Sadie, Charles, Sean, you’re with me. Remember, we don’t know what they’re gonna do if they find us here. Keep it quiet, move fast, and let’s get Scarlet and James outta here. Let’s move,” he  relays his plan. Jessie furrows his brow as he tries to comprehend what was just ordered. Lenny pushes a pistol into his chest, letting go once Jessie has it.
“You do know how to use that, right?” He asks as he leads John and Jessie down towards the barn. Jessie scowls but nods, gripping the pistol.
“Course I do,” he rolls his eyes. Kieran glances back at him and scoffs at his pompous attitude. John pulls out several throwing knives from his pocket and hands them to Jessie.
“We go in quiet first. Don’t wanna kick any trouble up if we can avoid it,” he tells them as they hide in the uncut wheat, bow drawn.
John leads them around the back of the barn to some wooden scaffolding. He helps Lenny climb up before following, Kieran and Jessie in tow. They slip in through the hayloft door and make their way to the edge of the loft, waiting for the O’Driscolls and James.
It’s not long before the barn doors are pushed open and the man shoves James forward, making the poor boy trip and stumble into the hay. He whimpers and turns to face them, crawling backwards as the few gang members press in on him. “Mama!” He yells, scared. They close the barn doors.
“Now’s our chance! Let’s go,” John whispers, motioning for everyone to get into position. He draws his bow, Lenny his knives, Kieran his hatchet, and Jessie the knives John gave him. “Steady.” He waits for the five men to move into range. “Now.” He releases the arrow, dropping one of the guys, knives and hatchets following and downing three others. The last one whirls around and aims his pistol into the loft, firing four shots into the hay. John and his team all lean against the bales and hold their breath in wait.
“Where are you?! You’ll pay for this! Either with your life! Or the boy’s!” Jessie goes to leap up but John yanks him back down, shirt clenched tight in his hand.
“Listen to me!” John hisses, keeping his voice low to keep their position secret. “He’s trying to draw us out. I understand you want James ba-”
“How could you possibly understand?! You don’t know wh-”
“I have a son!” John snaps, yanking Jessie closer, sneer on his face. “And I know that if Arthur told us to keep quiet it’s for good damn reason! Now sit down, shut up, and let me work on a plan to get your son, my nephew, back!”
Jessie stares wide eyed at John, his words sinking in and striking a nerve. He clenches his jaw but nods as John shoves him back into the hay. He points to Lenny, “go scope out the other side with Jessie here,” he orders and peeks over the bale. He points at Kieran as he drops back down when a bullet flies by. “You’re coming with me. We’re gonna try and flank this sunovabitch,” he urges Kieran to their right as the four split and make their way silently among the hay bales.
“I’ll give ya to the count of three to come out! Then the kid gets lead right between his pretty green eyes,” the O’Driscoll calls as he holds one pistol trained on James and another scanning the loft. He fires another shot as he sees movement between some bales. He quickly reloads his revolver; James is curled up in the stall with Storm, the grey mare nickering and nudging the boy in comfort.
Arthur leads his small group towards the front of the homestead. There’s a cattle pen full to their right and a sheep pen full to their left, Arthur sends Sean and Charles to the right and tells Sadie to follow him through the sheep. They slowly make their way up to the house, silently taking out any O’Driscolls they see.
He has Charles stay behind to guard the door to the house as they move in. Sadie paves their way, checking each room before waving Sean and Arthur through. She halts them as she slowly pushes the kitchen door open, revealing four O’Driscolls at the table, drinking and playing poker. She puts a finger to her lips and draws her knife. Arthur follows her lead and pulls two throwing knives from his pouch.
“Sean, get your knife ready,” Arthur orders as they get into position. Sean nods eagerly and draws his knife as he goes where Sadie tells him. Arthur sinks his blades into the chests of two of the four as Sadie and Sean grab the other two and stab them until they go limp in their arms.
“What the hell?!” The trio whirl around at the yell, an O’Driscoll standing in the doorway. He glances over his shoulder to the stairs and makes a break for it. Sean leaps at him, being the closest one to him, and tackles him. Arthur and Sadie cringe at the loud thud that resounds throughout the house. Sean rams his knife into the man’s neck as he struggles to get free.
“Best ta get goin, Boss. T’at ruckus probably alerted whoever was upstairs, Art’ur,” Sean ushers Arthur passed him and up the stairs.
“Now you know ain’t no one coming for you, why would you say something like that to the boy? Get his hopes up?” Colm coos, though it’s anything but sweet. He runs a hand down her chest, over the dress he’s forced her into. Scarlet scrunches her nose in disgust, looking up at him from her spot on the bed, the rope cutting into her wrists, binding her to the bed frame.
“He needed to know that I would be fine with the likes of you. Needed to be told somethin so he’d stay calm. Don’t want him hurt. Forgive me for tryna keep my son calm,” she snips at him, eyes defiant. Colm turns to her with a glare.
“Don’t you disrespect me!” He snarls and stalks over to the bed. She struggles to pull herself up as he backhands her again, causing her to yelp in pain. He smiles as he leans over her. She leans back as far as she can from him, her back and head pressing against the wall. A loud thud echos upstairs and Colm jerks away from her as the door busts open.
“Colm! You gotta go! Dutch’s Boys are here!” One of Colm’s men shouts. Colm grits his teeth and shoves off the bed, grabbing several bags and his pistols. He turns back to the bed and starts for it, bringing his right hand up. He swings down as his man drops dead in the doorway, intentions set on knocking her out and taking her with him. Arthur, Sadie, and Sean all appear just as Colm looks up, the diversion making his hand move lower than he wanted and cracks Scarlet good in the chest.
She gasps as the air is forced from her lungs and pain spreads like wildfire through her veins. Sean’s the first to get a shot off, missing Colm as the gang leader whistles and climbs out the window. He jumps onto his horse and kicks it, making it rear and run away from them and homestead. Arthur runs over to her, knife making quick work of the ropes as Sadie and Sean cover him, Sadie shooting out the window at Colm’s shrinking figure. She growls as he disappears from sight, several men on his tail.
“How’s the Lass?” Sean asks as he slowly moves towards the bed, hearing Scarlet’s heavy breathing as she tries to get a full breath. She waves the Irish man off and grips Arthur’s jacket tightly as he scoops her up in his arms.
“She’ll be fine. Just cover me,” he barks and makes his way down the steps, cradling Scarlet carefully against him, minding her head and legs as he passes through the doorways. Charles greets them outside and stares in disbelief at Scarlet, earning a glare from her. He chuckles and nods to the rest of the group, all walking from the barn. Jessie has the Arabian mare on a lead and John is talking with James, arm over his shoulder as they bow their heads in conversation.
“James?” Scarlet croaks, pulling Arthur’s attention. He glances at her and nods, gesturing with his chin to their right. She sighs and closes her eyes, breathing still a little ragged.
“Scarlet,” Jessie breathes a sigh of relief.
“She’ll be alright, but we need to get back to camp. And you need to go back to wherever it is you live,” Arthur growls to Jessie, hold on Scarlet tightening slightly. Jessie glowers at him and gives a stiff nod. James breaks away from John and rushes Sadie, murmuring with her, trying to see what was wrong. Sadie doesn’t tell him, offering comfort by telling him his Ma is just tired. They all follow Arthur to the tethered horses.
Arthur helps Scarlet onto Smoke, the thoroughbred nickering in question to the semi-conscious female. She mumbles something to him, as she slumps down onto his neck, breathing still slightly labored. He follows her quickly, sitting behind her in the saddle, and pulls her so her back is to his chest. She opens her eyes and murmurs something he doesn’t make out.
“Hey, c’mon. Eyes on me,” he tips her head back so he can look at her face. Her green eyes meet his and she smiles, relaxing back against him. “There ya go. You good?”
“I feel like shit. He hit me pretty good,” she rubs at her eye, flinching slightly at the pull in her chest. He takes off his jacket, slipping it over her and takes her hand, leading it to the horn, where he has her hold.
“Yeah well don’t worry bout him. Little shit ran when he saw us comin. Now let’s get you guys back to camp. Dutch was pissed when you sent your….sent James’ father to camp on Fancy.”
“He’ll get over it. I have some information for him anyway. Dumbass O’Driscoll was prattling on bout some money, sounded like a lot,” she murmurs and let’s her eyes close. “I wanna sleep, please?”
“Alright. I’ve got you. It’s a long ride back to camp anyway,” Arthur agrees and takes the reins in his left hand, right arm around Scarlet, hand on hers to help keep her steady. His right hand holding hers on the horn. “Let’s get!” He calls to the rest of the group.
Sadie helps James onto Fancy, takes her reins, and ties them to Buckeye before climbing into her saddle after tying Scarlet’s bedroll onto Smoke. She just winks at John when he gestures to the bedroll. His eyes widen a bit and he tries to cover his slip of laughter into a cough, smirking as he looks between Arthur and Scarlet.
They ride in silence, everyone worn down from the raid. James and Jessie are the only ones talking, well Jessie tries to but James just asks why he didn’t try to help his Ma when they were shooting at her. He asks why he didn’t come after him in place of her. Arthur’s still alert, his adrenaline still rushing as his mind plays over different outcomes that could have been. He tries to slow his racing heart so he doesn’t wake Scarlet.
Scarlet startles awake, having only been in a very light sleep anyway, and groans as she leans back against the warm chest behind her, closing her eyes again. She reaches her left arm back and rests her hand on his thigh; opening her eyes as she realizes it’s not Jessie she’s riding with. Quickly, she tilts her head and shyly smiles up at Arthur.
“Hey, you,” she blinks.
“You alright? Took a nasty hit with that pistol,” he says softly, glancing down at her.
“Yeah, he hit my sternum. Still feel like shit though,” she manages and rubs his thigh, squeezing when Smoke abruptly sidesteps and whinnies. “Shh, hey boy, you’re good. It’s just a snake,” she soothes, letting go of Arthur’s leg to reach up and pat Smoke’s neck. He tosses his head and turns his head a little to see her, ears forward.
“That’s my boy,” Arthur murmurs to him scratching his back just in front of the saddle so he doesn’t lean on Scarlet. Smoke straightens and resumes his trot. “But you’re alright otherwise?”
“Yeah. I’ll probably be bruised but I think I’ll be fine. Bout as bad as bein trampled,” she shakes her head as she leans back into Arthur, grateful for his warmth. “I did get shot in the shoulder though, that hurts like a right bitch.”
“I’ll bet,” Arthur shifts behind her slightly, pulling her closer to him in the saddle. “If you want, we can stop and I can take a look at your shoulder, see how bad it is. You need to get alcohol on it so it don’t get infected.”
“Mm, nah. Let’s get back to camp. Don’t wanna be out here with them still milling about,” she attempts to scoot closer to him, shivering when she feels him, half hard against her rear. Her heartbeat flutters and she lets out something between a whimper and a moan. “Why, your jeans are rather tight Mr. Morgan. Are you alright?” She lets her hand fall back onto his leg, mindlessly drawing random, invisible patterns. Her head slides to his left shoulder, tilting back so she can look up at him. She smiles when she hears him curse under his breath and slows Smoke to a walk. He’s made his decision.
“Hey, Charles! Make sure everyone gets back safely? And make sure he doesn’t follow. You heard Dutch, he don’t want him back at camp. We’re gonna stop so I can tend to her shoulder; she got shot,” he explains as Charles moves up in the formation. Charles nods and takes Arthur’s position.
“Stay safe and stay warm,” Sadie hollers as she passes them, winking at the duo. James waves to them as Fancy follows Buckeye, nickering at her owner. Shamrock’s following easily behind Fancy, nickering and nudging his mother every so often.
Jessie stops the Arabian by them, eyes angry at Arthur before softening when he turns his gaze to Scarlet. John and Lenny bring up the rear, passing by Jessie as they catch up with the group, calling out to be safe and hurry back.
“I’m sorry you were shot. Do you want me to stay and help?” He offers sincerely, prepping to dismount.
“No. No thank you. Why don’t you just go back to Saint Denis? I’ll, uhh, I’ll write you when James wants to see you again. Arthur’s got me covered,” Scarlet answers for him. She squeezes his leg again as he rocks into her back slightly, looking as though he were shifting in his seat.
“Oh, umm, yes. Alright. Okay, I’ll do that then. I’m sorry, Scarlet. This isn’t how this should have gone,” he apologizes before clicking his tongue and kicking the mare.
Once he’s out of sight she rocks back against Arthur, hand rubbing down his thigh to his knee and back. She repeats this as Arthur moves Smoke into the clearing on their right.
“Can I get the tent and our bedrolls set up at least?” He groans, the uneven ground causing them to grind against each other, she whimpers.
“Sure. Maybe that will give me enough time to wash in the creek. I feel dirty, feeling his hands on me,” she retches, sticking her tongue out as she fake gags.
Arthur nods and stops Smoke, slipping from the saddle. He picks Scarlet up and sets her on her feet, handing her one of the shirts he has stored on his horse. She smiles and thanks him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before wandering down to the creek.
The water is just high enough that she can sit comfortably and rinse off the dirt, grime, and blood from her chest and shoulder. She takes her time as there’s still a pull when she reaches too far with her left arm. When she’s done, she shakes the water off the best she can, using parts of the dress she cuts to press against her shoulder as a makeshift bandage.
Arthur sets up the bedrolls and pitches the tent. Once he’s done, Scarlet walks over in just his long sleeve shirt he handed her, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. It’s big on her but his heart still jumps a little at the sight.
“C’mere,” Arthur says, hand held out in invitation as he holds open the tent flap with his other hand. She takes it and follows him into the tent, minding the small fire he has going just out front of it. Arthur shuts the flaps and pulls her to him, catching her lips in a searing kiss. It stuns her for a moment before she’s pressing herself against him, hands roaming his chest above his shirt.
He pulls back and sits down with his back to the back of the tent, a tree just on the other side stabilizing him. He gently pulls her down into his lap and cups her face, kissing her again. She pulls back from him, hands resting on his shoulders as she pulls her knees to either side of his legs, lowering herself to sit back.
“Thought you was gon’ help me with this wound?” She teases, taking his hat and tossing it onto the bedrolls on the side. He lets his head fall against her chest as she runs her hands through his hair. He grumbles and presses kisses to her left collarbone.
“Fine. Come on then,” he pats her thighs, signaling her to get off his lap so he can grab what he needs. She complies and sits on her bed, waiting as he steps out the tent. She can hear him rummaging through his saddle bags, muttering to himself. She laughs as she makes out ‘damn woman’ and ‘why she gotta tease’. He pushes the flaps aside as he maneuvers back inside. He pats his lap when he gets settled, his pouch sitting open beside him. She moves back to him, straddling him.
“Whatcha got there?” She wonders aloud, watching as he takes out an unopened bottle of whisky. He passes it to her and pulls out some cloth and wrap.
“Drink up, I’m gonna need to use some of that to pour in that wound, clean it out,” he explains as she pulls the cork out with her teeth. She stares at him, eyes widening.
“That’s gon’ burn like hell.”
“Unfortunately. Then I’ll cover it and wrap it,” he starts undoing the buttons on his shirt she’s wearing. Scarlet takes a large gulp of the alcohol, coughing slightly at the after-burn in her throat. She passes the bottle to Arthur, who sets it aside for now.
She goes to help him unbutton the shirt, but he lightly smacks her hands away, catching her eye. They stare at each other a moment, the only sound being the rustle of clothes as Arthur continues to pop the buttons. She can see how dark his eyes are, pupils dilated almost completely. He’s staring at her with lust, adoration, and something she isn’t quite sure. She knows he can see lust and adoration in her eyes too, hoping the love and bliss is contained.
Her breath hitches slightly as his hands undo the last few buttons at the top. Arthur murmurs softly to her, keeping her gaze as he slips his hands under the shirt and gingerly slips it off her shoulders and down her arms. She pulls her wrists out and he tosses it by his hat. Arthur tries not to let his eyes wander, but it’s hard when she’s bared to him, in his lap. He gulps and brings his hand up to her right shoulder, resting it on the top as he inspects the bullet hole. She rests her left hand on his shoulder and lets her right hang by her side so he can move it if he needs to.
“It’s a clean shot, went straight through. It’ll scar but you should be fine,” he assesses and reaches for the whiskey. She moves off his lap and leans back, on the opposite side of their beds. She nods when she’s ready and he moves over her, slowly pouring some of the alcohol on and in her wound. She bites her lip as she whimpers at the burn; it’s nowhere near what she felt when the bullet ripped through, but it still hurts. She pants as he dabs at the excess whiskey and puts one of the cloth pieces over the front. “Turn over for me? I need to get the back,” he whispers softly to her, brushing her hair behind her ears.
She nods and takes a second before rolling herself onto her stomach, holding herself up from the ground. She feels his scruff on her back before the burn, his lips trailing soft kisses along her left shoulder and neck as he cleans the exit side of the wound. She lets out a shaky breath when he presses another piece of cloth to the back, dabbing at the excess liquor and blood, helping her back into his lap.
“Shh,” he soothes, running his hand down her back as the other holds the cloth in place on her shoulder. He removes the cloths and grabs a small, metal file from his bag. He lets her rest on the bedrolls as he steps back out the tent, coming in a few moments later, the file red and hot. Her eyes widen a bit. “I need you to trust me, okay? Come here, this is gon’ hurt,” he soothes as best he can, rubbing her side when she crawls back into his lap.
She rests her left arm around his neck, bringing her shoulder and body close as she waits for him. He presses a few kisses to her face before holding her tight with his left arm about her waist. He works the file into her shoulder, making sure there’s nothing left in the wound. She whimpers and cries out against his shoulder, her muscles tightening as she clenches her stomach and legs, letting out a baited breath.
Arthur sets the file aside and pulls a bullet from his satchel, prying it open. Scarlet lets her head rest against the crook of his neck, her heart racing. She can feel the blood pumping through her veins, feel the rush as it pounds through her head. Arthur shifts her to his side to leave the tent. He returns with a small branch on fire. When she looks at him, puzzled, he gestures to the opened bullet and then to the burning stick. Her face pales a bit and she swallows, her throat feeling dry all of a sudden.
“Hey, it’s okay. Come on, I’ve got you,” he soothes as he pulls her back to his lap, letting her sit with her back to his chest. He dumps a little of the gunpowder in her shoulder, bringing the flame to it. There’s a soft popping sound and Scarlet slumps against Arthur, chest heaving. He soothes her by pressing kisses to her temple, cheeks, and neck, whispering praises and telling her how good she was doing for him.
He turns her so she’s facing him again and repeats his previous steps, cradling her as she loses consciousness for a moment from the shock. He takes the moment to toss the burning stick back out into the fire, readjusting Scarlet against his chest and packing his tools. He leaves the cloth and whisky out.
It’s a few moments before she’s back with him, her body aching, coming off the adrenaline rush. She groans and opens her eyes, looking up at him. She can feel his growing excitement under her legs, as he has her sitting sideways across his lap.
“You ready for me to wrap it?” He asks, voice quiet as he nuzzles his face into her neck, nipping and leaving sloppy, teasing kisses. She shivers in his arms and nods her head once.
“Arthur,” she whimpers, turning so she’s straddling his hips again. “Wrap my shoulder later. Please? I just- I can’t- I need-” she struggles to find the right choice of words. Luckily he seems to understand as he lets his right hand hold her left hip, rolling his hips up into her as he gently pulls her down for another kiss. She whines against his lips, her hands making their way under his vest. He helps her get his vest off,  his bandolier going with it, leaving him in his shirt and jeans.
Her hands are on him again immediately, popping the buttons on his shirt. She pulls the bottom from his jeans to undo the last few, trailing kisses down his neck. He lets his hands fall naturally, one on her hip and the other tangled in her hair at the back of her head, cradling her to him as she grinds down against him. He grunts and pulls her head back, bringing her back to him to kiss. She slows her hands, taking her time in unbuckling his gun belt, minding the pull in her chest when she pulls the belt from the buckle.
Arthur licks her bottom lip, silently asking for permission. She groans against his lips, parting hers for him. He curls his tongue around hers, coaxing her to a fight for dominance. She responds, hand moving to tangle in his hair while the other works on getting his suspenders undone. Arthur pulls back and rests his forehead against Scarlet’s, both breathing heavily.
“We can stop if you want, if your shoulder,” he starts. She shakes her head, removing his suspenders and pushing his shirt back and over his shoulders.
“Don’t wanna stop, wanna feel you,” she breathes, eyes locking with his. His breath catches in his throat, seeing her green eyes blown with lust makes him moan. He nods and toes off his boots, shrugging out of his shirt.
“Okay, okay,” he replies, nodding as he gently pushes her from his lap, “we’ll keep going.” He strips out of his pants and underwear as she moves to their beds, sitting up on her knees.
“Are you okay, Arthur?” Her tone is teasing and she looks as though she’s about to jump him. He nods and moves his shirt to join the rest of his pile of clothes, leaving his hat on the bedrolls.
“Better once you get over here again,” he mumbles, motioning for her to lay with him in the middle of the beds. She shakes her head and lets him lay down first, straddling him again.
“This won’t pull so much,” she shyly admits, eyes bright with something Arthur’s not familiar with.
“You sure you don’t wanna lie down? You’ve been through a lot in the past few hours,” Arthur murmurs against her ear, licking the shell of it. She shivers and he smirks; he knows it’s not from the cool breeze seeping into the tent. He trails his hand down her stomach, but she smacks his hand away lightly, shaking her head.
“No teasin, don’t wanna wait, been too long,” she grumbles, hand slipping between them to stroke him a few times. He groans at the contact, letting his head fall back against the pillow. He pushes himself up onto his elbows, watching her as she pushes to stand on her knees, lining him up with her entrance. He swears as she sinks down onto him, moan slipping from her lips as her hands fall to his chest where she digs her fingernails in.
“Christ,” Arthur breathes as he moves one hand to rest on her hip, holding himself up with the other. “How long is too long?” He slowly rolls his hips up when she grinds down on him. Green eyes meet his for a split second before she’s looking at the bed to the side of him.
“Shortly after James was born,” she quietly admits, raising herself before sinking back down. “Now hush that mouth before I do it for you.” She leans forward to recapture his lips, tugging on his hair when he sucks on her bottom lip. She feels the vibrations of his chuckle through his chest and against her own at her keen moans he’s swallowing.
She keeps her pace in rhythm with their kisses, slow and drawn out. Arthur seems content with it as well, bucking and rolling his hips every other time she lowers herself back onto him. He groans when she shifts her weight and bounces on him, moving one of her hands from his hair to brace against his forearm.
He has one hand on her hips, the other gently stroking up from her navel to her breasts. He runs his thumb over one bud, watching as it hardens when he takes the warmth of his hand away. Scarlet whines when he tweaks it, rolling the hardened bud between his fingers. When she’s mewling and arching her back into his hand, he switches to give her other breast the same treatment.
“Arthur,” she moans, widening her legs to pick up her pace. He lets go of her hip, slowly letting his hands rove from her side up to her shoulder, down to her stomach, finally cupping her breasts, squeezing them gently. She curses under her breath as she looks down at him, nails digging into his arm, surely leaving crescent shape indents.
She grips at his hair, tugging gently to pull his gaze from where they’re joined to her face. He smiles up at her, face and chest flushed with heat. She smiles back at him and leans down, meeting him halfway for a kiss. He gives her boobs a final squeeze before reaching over and grabbing something with his left hand. He holds her gaze until he drops his hat on her head, smirking up at her mischievously.
“Show me how well you really ride, Cowgirl,” he orders, grabbing her braid and tugging. A strangled moan leaves her lips as she stutters above him.
“Fockin’ ‘ell,” she swears, adjusting his hat so it won’t fall off before she shifts her stance to ride him faster. He tugs her braid again, rolling his hips up into her as she moves down. She gasps and tilts her head down at him as he repeats the action, hand tight on her hip. He rocks up into her in time with her movements, one hand cupping her jaw and forcing her to look as she lowers herself down. She lets out a groan at the sight, one hand pressing on his stomach as her back arches. “Fock, Arthur! There,” she whimpers, scratching down his chest. He moans at the feel, watching as her nails leave white streaks on his flushed skin.
“Darlin’, you keep ridin like that an I ain’t gonna last much longer,” he bites out, panting as he meets her eyes. She nods and slams down on him, throwing him off her pattern. He easily picks it back up, yanking on her braid. He slides his hand to the start of her braid and buries his hand, tangling it in her copper strands.
She only hums in response and tightens her stomach muscles as she slips off him, making him yank her hips back down as he slams up into her. She smirks down at him until he clenches the hand in her hair into a first and tugs her head back and to the side. He leans up, pulling her close as he holds her head back, nipping at her throat, teeth dragging across, leaving angry, red marks.
“I don’t know what you just did, but you need to not do that if you wanna finish first,” he growls, kissing her hard, their teeth scraping together. She lets out a few whimpers as their tongues fight for dominance; she gasps when he angles his hips, hitting her just right and dragging sweetly as he pulls back. She allows him the win as she breaks the kiss, panting and opening her eyes to look down at him.
“You mean this?” She asks coyly and clenches her stomach so she tightens around him as he’s pulling out. A string of curses leaves him as he thrusts his hips faster, pulling her down with a little more force when she moves.
“Scarlet, I- where-?” He can’t get his words out, but she seems to understand what he’s asking. She clenches around him again and nods her head.
“Wherever you wanna, Cowboy,” she murmurs, earning a yank to her hair. She curses and stutters above him, losing her pace momentarily. She picks it back up easy enough and licks her drying lips, trying to hold in a moan.
Arthur slips his free hand to cup her jaw, thumb brushing over her lips. She darts her tongue out to brush over the pad of his thumb, contentedly humming when he pushes it into her mouth; she sucks on it, running her tongue over it as she stares into his eyes.
“Gonna make you come undone for me,” he grunts as he bucks into her, earning a meek mewl around his finger. “Then I’m gon’ fill you up, so you remember who can touch you,” he growls into her ear as he sits up with her still in his lap. He tips his hat back on her head so he can rest his forehead on hers, their breaths mingling as he rolls his hips forward.
Maybe it’s the feral look in his eyes, or maybe it’s something about the possessive way he says it, but whichever it is has Scarlet gently biting down on his thumb as she slows down on him, her walls clenching tight around him as her orgasm rips through her. She’s aware of his hands on her hips again, feeling as he pounds into her, whispering praises to her.
“Such a good girl for me. Doing so well. Gonna take it all when I fill you up nice?” He coos to her, lips brushing against the joint of her neck and shoulder. She shivers and he bites down, his hips sputtering as he empties into her, her walls clenching and milking him for all he has.
Arthur holds her close to him as they come down from their high, their breathing slowly evening to a more normal rhythm. He kisses the mark he’s left on her neck, untangling his hand from her hair as he tilts her chin up to look at her. She’s smiling, lips parted in a slight daze, as she meets his eyes. She leans in and pecks his lips, sighing in content as he rubs a hand down her back, the other moving behind him for him to lean on.
“You good, Darlin’?” He asks after their breathing returns to normal. She nods and leans against him, her body pressing to his, her left hand gently scratching down his right side and tracing the path back up. She lets her hand repeat the pattern as she feels him soften and slip from her, a whine pulling from her throat as she feels the evidence of their activity dribbling from her core. She sets his hat by the pillows and shifts so she’s lying on one of the bedrolls. Arthur moves down to lay beside her, on his back.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine, we’re fine,” she murmurs against his chest, placing a light kiss to his collarbone. She wraps her right arm around his torso and snuggles against his chest, listening to the sound of his rapidly beating heart. His hand traces small circles on her back and he sighs as she nuzzles her face into the crook of his neck, laying almost fully on him.
Arthur wakes to a very warm body curled into him, his right arm wound about Scarlet’s waist where she’s holding his hand tight by her breasts, and a very noticeable friend. He kisses slow along her neck until he feels her push back against him, a small gasp leaving her. She rolls slightly so her right shoulder is almost touching the ground and brings her left hand up to his face, cupping his cheek and thumbing over his scruff.
“Good mornin.”
“Mornin, Darlin’,” he greets and presses a kiss to her wrist.
“Thank you,” her voice is quiet as she averts her gaze, cheeks flushing bright red as she remembers what happened last night. She looks back up at him, eyes alight with mischief. “So about that round two?”
“Christ, Woman. We just woke up,” he laughs and rolls so he’s hovering over her, arms caging her head between them.
“Exactly. So I reckon we better call it round one then?” She teases and bends her legs so they’re on either side of his waist. “Besides, you look like you're rearin to go.” She glances down at him, lying thick and angry against her stomach, before meeting his eyes again. She bites her lip and he loses it, capturing her lips in a tender kiss.
They rinse off in the creek before getting dressed. He wraps her shoulder and hands her his blue shirt she partially wore last night along with a spare pair of jeans he had stored in his saddlebags.
The ride back to camp is a silent one, Scarlet riding just as she was the night before; on the front of the saddle, leaned back against his chest. Smoke keeps his gait even as he gallops, ears forward as he senses the utter contentment of his riders.
They make it to camp by noon, Arthur slowing Smoke so he walks up the path, calling out to Lenny it’s just him and Scarlet. They’re greeted by a few of the members, including Dutch, Hosea, Sadie, and Charles. They all flash knowing smirks at the duo as Scarlet slides up the saddle for Arthur to get off first.
She flushes and tips the brim of her hat down to shade her eyes. Arthur chuckles and helps her down, his hands lingering on her waist, something Dutch notes to ask him about later. He also notices she’s wearing a set of Arthur’s clothes, something he definitely wants to breech later.
“Glad to have you back, Miss O’Hara!” Dutch greets, pulling her into a hug by her bad arm. She yelps and pushes against him. He immediately releases her arm, eyes narrowing. “You’re hurt?” He inquires and ushers her to the medicine wagon, despite her protests. The small welcoming group follows, Arthur, Sadie, and Hosea at the front. Dutch gently pushes her to sit on the back of the wagon.
“I just-it’s just a gun shot. I’ll be fine, it’s cleaned-” she tries to assure Dutch but he won’t have any of it. He snaps and points at her, tapping the belt buckle too big for her.
“Shirt off, now. Let Miss Grimshaw an the others take a look at it,” he commands, tone leaving no room for argument. She huffs but pulls the fabric from her borrowed pants and starts unbuttoning it under his watchful eye.
“Yes, Sir,” she sasses, eyes meeting his in challenge until she flinches when she brings her arm up to remove the sleeve. Arthur moves to her side, holding her arm as he gently pulls the shirt from her right shoulder and arm, leaving it on her left side. The bandage he put on earlier that morning tinged red.
“Get those bandages off her, Arthur. We’ll get it cleaned and dressed. Sit tight,” he orders, pointing a knowing finger at Scarlet. When Dutch turns his back, she sticks her tongue out at him and blows a raspberry.
“I’m fine, really. This ain’t the first time I’ve been shot an pistol whipped” she grumbles, holding still as Arthur unwraps her shoulder, cutting the wrap from around her chest in the process. Dutch returns after a few moments, Susan in tow with the other females. Mary-Beth, Tilly, and Karen gasp at the dark bruising down her chest and the blotchy, red bruising starting around her shoulder.
“What’s that bruisin on your chest from?” Dutch asks, kneeling in front of her, tilting her head up so he can see how far it goes. He lets her go and turns to the females. “Get that gun shot wound fixed up, we can’t do much about the bruises,” he confirms, nodding for Arthur to follow him.
“I’ll find James, let him know we’re back and that you’re busy and will come see him as soon as you can, alright?” Arthur murmurs into her ear as he leans down, removing her hat. “Round three after you’re done here?”
Scarlet pushes his face away, laughing at his question. She shoos him away from them as the small group of females each look at the entry and exit holes. Scarlet slips her other arm out as they move her from the back of the wagon to Susan’s extra bedroll, leaving her chest exposed.
“I saw that mark, Arthur. Anythin you wanna tell me?” Dutch interrogates, pacing his tent as Arthur sits in the chair he provides. The outlaw looks at his father figure, confused at just what he’s getting at.
“Whatchu mean, Dutch?”
“That bite mark ain’t from no O’Driscoll. You do remember I know how you are after an evening of fun, right?” The gang leader questions, chortling as realization dawns on Arthur. He picks at Scarlet’s hat, pretending it’s a little more interesting than Dutch.
“How long have you been together?”
“We’re not. Well, we uhh, we slept together last night but we’re not...we haven’t discussed what we are,” he expresses, finally looking up at Dutch. Said man stops pacing and moves to stand in front of Arthur, kneeling with his hands on Arthur’s legs.
“Son, she could be your second chance,” he muses, eyes bright like they haven’t been in awhile. Arthur still isn’t sure what Dutch is completely on about, but nods slightly.
“I don’t want another Eliza,” he whispers in admittance. Dutch leans back on his heels, nodding as he pushes to his feet. He stays silent, not sure what to say. Arthur gestures with Scarlet’s hat.
“I best find James, let him know we’re back and his momma’s alright,” he excuses himself with an approving nod from Dutch. He finds James with Jack by the horses, Kieran showing them how to properly brush a horse. He approaches and tells James the news, calming the excited child with promise to have her come get him when she’s done.
The ladies have Scarlet lay on her stomach but she shakes her head and tries to get away from them, struggling in their hold. She breaks free of everyone but Sadie, attempting to crawl under the wagon.
“What is goin on here?” Arthur’s voice makes her freeze in place. She looks over her shoulder at him, eyes pleading as she scrambles towards the wagon when she sees movement in her peripheral.
“I’ve already had whiskey dumped on this wound and now they’re trying to use moonshine!” She whines, hoping her crying will get him to help her. She sighs in relief when he picks her up and pulls her to his chest. She startles when he lays her back down on the spare bedding, chest up with his hand on her sternum -minding the bruising- and on her hip to hold her. “Traitor,” she says.
“Would ya just let’em help ya?” He asks as he holds her gaze, distracting her as Sadie pours moonshine on her shoulder. A sharp yell leaves her lips as she turns to glare at Sadie, curses flowing freely.
Once Susan and Sadie give the okay, Arthur helps her back into his shirt and he picks her up, carrying her over to his wagon, sitting her on his cot. She rubs her sternum and winces a bit, shaking her head.
“Where’s James?”
“He was with Kieran and Jack by the horses when I left him. Want me to go get him?” Arthur asks, kneeling in front of her, removing her hand from her bruised chest. She nods and lets out a deep breath, closing her eyes.
“He hits like a kid, the gun hurt worse,” she manages as he helps her rest back against his wagon. He hums and pushes to his feet, heading for the horses. James is brushing Fancy down, the mare bouncing her head and pawing the ground.
“Hey, James!” He calls, waving the boy over. James pauses in his brushing, even Fancy looking up at him. “Your Ma wants to see you. She’s over at my wagon, if you wanna go see her,” he offers, patting Fancy.
“Sure! Thank you, Mr. Morgan,” the boy squeals in delight and passes him the brush as he rushes across camp.
“Slow down!” Arthur hollers after James, chuckling in amusement at his enthusiasm to see his mother. He picks up where the boy left off, getting the last of the dirt off Fancy’s back, seeing as how James couldn’t reach. Fancy nuzzles him after he puts the brush away in her saddle bag. “Good girl,” he coos to her before heading back to Scarlet and James.
“You good?” He asks, hands up and holding on the awning railing. James scrambles off the bed and wraps his arms around Arthur.
“Thank you, Arthur. Thank you for coming to rescue my momma, and for sending Uncle John, Bubba Lenny, and Bubba Kieran to get me with my Pa. I was scared,” he whimpers into Arthur’s stomach, hands clenching tight onto the back of the cowboy’s shirt. Arthur looks at Scarlet, whose eyes are glassy with unshed tears, and his arms automatically wrap James up tight, letting the child cry against him.
“Of course, Son, y’all are family now. We’ll always come for you,” he reassures the distraught James. He locks eyes with Scarlet, nodding to her. “Come on, let’s let your Momma rest, alright? How’s bout you an me go play dominoes?”
“S-s-sure. Can I, Momma?” He pulls away from Arthur, drying his eyes with his sleeves. Scarlet holds out her hand, a silent order to come here, and pulls him close when he takes her hand. She presses a kiss to his forehead, then cheeks, then his nose, causing him to laugh.
“Of course. You behave for Arthur, ya hear me? And if you see anyone who was there, send them my way please?” Her request is for Arthur, who nods his agreement. James smiles and thanks her before walking over to the table and setting up the dominoes.
“Here,” Arthur offers, stepping close to her and helping her lie down and cover up with his blanket, “just rest. I’ll come wake you later when dinner is ready.” She grabs his arm when he goes to get up, preventing him from doing so. He turns back to her with a questioning look before she sits up slightly and pulls him down to press her lips to his in a quick kiss.
“Thank you, Arthur. Fer everythin you’ve done the last few days,” she smirks up at him as she lies back down, hand trailing down his arm. He smiles and pats her leg, as he gets up.
“You’re welcome, Cowgirl. Now rest. I’ll be by later, and I’ll watch James. Don’t worry,” he soothes as he goes to join aforementioned child for dominoes.
Swanson stops by to see her, Dutch having informed him of Scarlet’s condition. The reverend sits with her for a while before offering her morphine for the obvious pain she is in. He gets his things set up and has her stretch her arm out for him. He pats her head as she thanks him, arm curling on her chest, pulling Arthur’s blanket close to her as she finally drifts off into a content sleep.
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doopcafe · 4 years
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The Clone Wars: Citadel Rescue (3x20)
Summary: The previous episode concluded with the prisoners escaping from the Citadel and requesting an evac; this episode is entitled, “Citadel Rescue.” Do you really need a summary? 
Comments: Only two more episodes until the end of the season. I can do this. 
I feel bad for Christopher Walken. We know how Citadel Rescue ends thanks to its title, but we are still given a scene where Dooku threatens Walken’s life should he fail to recapture the prisoners. The dude is trying the best he can, but he’s severely handicapped by his underlings being worthless droids and his opponents being demi-gods with plot armor. It’s not even presented as a fair contest. Scores of droids are sent against the escaping OP!Jedi as they cut them apart like it’s a game of Beat Saber. 
For the audience, it’s only a question of if Dooku kills Walken or if the OP!Jedi kill Walken. Alas, poor Walken, a true tragic hero... 
Anyways, Yoda chooses an island surrounded by lava as the extraction point. 
No, that’s it, that’s the review. I feel these statements speak for themselves. 
The group commands R2’s battle droids (now back up to three thanks to internal inconsistencies) to buy them time to descend to a lower path. I suppose the animators were tired of animating them, or the writers didn’t want them in the “story” anymore because the provided logic is that the battle droids will buy the team time to descend. Of course, expectedly, they last all of three seconds against the attacking forces, making the OP!Jedi’s tactical decision a stupid one. The writing is just so garbage. 
By the way, as they’re descending, two of the troopers have the cable they’re on cut by the droids and they fall to their death as four OP!Jedi watch and allow it to happen. Aren’t the OP!Jedi paying for their slaves? Don’t they calculate the financial loss to the Republic of losing their property? I would think they’d remember how to use the Force to at least save some credits? 
For some reason, the multiple scouting parties that attack the escapees never report back to Christopher Walken, so the poor guy has to unleash a dozen Ancient Egyptian bloodhounds in an attempt to ascertain their location. No seriously, the dogs are even called “Anubis” or something like that. Walken explains to the droids that the hounds should only be used for tracking, as it’s been made abundantly clear they need the prisoners returned alive. 
But like, the droids don’t tell the dogs that, they just open the cages and the dogs sprint off after the prisoners. Besides, even if they gave the dogs orders, there’s no indication the dogs would understand those orders. Can these violent animals differentiate between “locate the prisoners and report back their position” vs. “hunt the walking meat and eat it for dinner”? 
Apparently not, because the dogs soon tear out Piell’s throat, therefore risking the loss of half the intel that, as Dooku explained, “could tip the war in their favor.” 
Anyways, Piell dies for some reason. We’ve repeatedly seen him easily handle considerably greater odds but he’s brought down by a dog. The OP!Jedi have an impromptu funeral for the guy as angelic music plays, but like the clones are standing right there, forced to watch. The OP!Jedi have a funeral for one of their own, but just leave the fresh corpses of their slaves laying around wherever they fall. 
Finally, the escapees make it to the island in the middle of the lava but are attacked by a small squad commanded by Christopher Walken. But don’t worry, they brought those flying things so the OP!Jedi can use them to get to the island surrounded by lava. It was very thoughtful of Walken to do this, another reason I was sad to see the poor guy literally stabbed through the back by Ahsoka. 
It’s a minor point, but this “story” arc was littered with internal inconsistencies. The number of surviving prisoners changes; the number of troopers they have with them changes, the number of R2’s battle droids was three, then two, and then three again; even the color of Ahsoka’s lightsaber changes at some point... I mean, what the hell? 
Also, there’s an Admiral that looks identical to James Coburn and whose name is literally Admiral Coburn. I don’t understand. Do the animators and writers not think we’ve seen famous people before? 
In conclusion, the OP!Jedi recover the hyperspace route, which should bring a quick end to the war... LOL NO.
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