#jared nomak
sweeetestcurse · 1 year
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Luke Goss as Jared Nomak in Blade II 01/??
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ruthscarabae · 1 year
Listen, Blade II's lowkey incestuous vibes walked so Hellboy II's Nuala/Nuada plot could jog so Crimson Peak's entire plotline could run.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 months
New Muse: Jared Nomak Damaskinos
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[Bio and other information below the cut! Trigger warnings ahead for images containing blood and body horror.]
Type of Character & Fandom/Source Material: Canon character from the movie Blade 2. I don't know what's taken me so long to do this, I've wanted to write him for over a decade now, haha.
(Disclaimer: All information here was taken from the Blade II movie, the Blade II Wiki, Villains Wiki, my own headcanons, and other outside research. Some information may conflict with what is in these sources, but my own headcanons have changed some things I felt didn’t make sense or that made more sense to develop in a different way.)
Full Name: Jared Nomak Damaskinos, but he prefers to go by his middle name of Nomak
FC: Luke Goss as Nomak
Gender Identity: Male (he/him)
Romantic Inclination/Sexuality: Hetero-romantic/heterosexual
Species: Natural-born, pureblooded, noble vampire or “Vampyr” of House Damaskinos. Infected later in life with the Reaper Strain virus which genetically altered him to become a Reaper, a species of vampire that is vastly genetically different from traditional ones.
Family: Eli Damaskinos (father); Nyssa Damaskinos (younger sister)
Age: Unknown, but I generally think of him as being 3-4 centuries old, in that range.
Ethnicity: Supposedly Damaskinos was of Greek descent, despite that his entire House speaks a mostly Eastern European-inspired language and that Nomak frequented countries like the Czech Republic and United States. *shrugs* Take from that what you will, heh.
Native language: Ancient Vampiric (a fictional language with Slavic roots and also some Russian and Czech influences)
Abilities/Strengths: High intelligence; superhuman strength; superhuman mobility; superhuman stamina; instantaneous healing; nigh-immortality; escape artist; master martial artist; tactical leadership and stealth skills; enhanced tracking; impersonation; manipulation; persuasion; immunity to garlic extract and silver nitrate; and he is only momentarily weakened by EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic) acid (a chelating agent which alters the clotting ability and overall chemistry of blood and prevents biofilm formation).
Detriments/Weaknesses: Vulnerable to sunlight, although it is not nearly-instantly fatal the way it is for regular vampires. He has maybe a couple minutes of tolerance to it instead of only a couple of seconds. Even if he is burned by sunlight, if he can get back into darkness quickly enough, he will fully heal in seconds. Fire is damaging to him in the same way, but he will also completely heal/regenerate from this if he can extinguish the fire quickly enough. Also, damage to his heart can be fatal if enough is inflicted at one time, but only if the thick bone casing around his heart can be bypassed or crushed.
Potentially Triggering Material in Threads: Blood, gore, violence, viruses, infection, toxins, body horror, genetic experimentation, and medical themes.
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogance, stubbornness, impulsiveness, defensiveness, aggressiveness. Some of this is his core personality while a lot of it is due to changes made to him by the Reaper Strain.
Positive Personality Traits: Loyalty, bravery, intelligence, resilience.
Nomak is one of Eli Damaskinos’ sons, making him a pureblooded vampire by birth, as opposed to a vampire that is actually a turned human being. House Damaskinos is something of a royal House among vampire lineages, and because of that, Nomak is referred to by his father as a prince. Damaskinos himself is the head of the worldwide vampire ruling authority known as the Shadow Cabinet. Despite his supposed importance, Nomak was essentially used as a guinea pig for his father’s genetic experiments. He agreed to do it voluntarily, but then after things went horribly awry, Damaskinos abandoned Nomak as something of a dirty secret instead of trying to help cure the viral infection he’d been afflicted with. This left Nomak with a deep-seated resentment toward his family, particularly his father, and a desire to hunt vampires for food.
The goals of Damaskinos’ experiments were to rid his bloodline of the hereditary weaknesses that afflict all vampires, most notably their vulnerability to sunlight. To accomplish this, he funded genetic research involving viral vectors (types of viruses that deliver genetic material to cells) that could be used to cause DNA mutation and fix some of these hereditary detriments. Instead… the Reaper Strain was created, and Nomak was mutated into a new species. What he became was an intense, ravenous, aggressive creature called a Reaper, which is genetically as different from vampires as vampires are from humans. The embarrassment of both the scientific failure and the unhinged creature Nomak had become caused Damaskinos to abandon this way of going about his research, as well as his son. From then on, the research was conducted using cloned embryos that could easily be destroyed if something went genetically awry, since controlling Nomak and containing the infection he bore proved to be impossible.
To kill Nomak, Damaskinos authorized the Bloodpack to hunt him. The Bloodpack were an elite fighting force of vampires headed by his daughter Nyssa who were originally trained to hunt Blade, a half-human, half-vampire vigilante who wanted to eradicate all vampires. Instead, they temporarily teamed up with Blade to eliminate the Reaper spawn Nomak left behind from his feedings and eventually kill him. He proved to be a formidable adversary, however, with both his combat training and the advantages conferred to him by the virus rendering him difficult to pin down or injure. Before Nomak was infected with the Reaper Strain, he had been highly trained as an elite vampire soldier as well, and would have assumed a position much like Nyssa’s at the head of the Bloodpack team in his own geographic region. Hence, he has extensive knowledge and abilities regarding combat, strategy, and stealth.
As a carrier of the Reaper Strain, Nomak retained his personality and intelligence that spawn lack. He was the only Reaper capable of choosing to feed, kill, and/or infect at will, while spawn are at the mercy of their basal instincts. He also was not as dependent on feeding around the clock as spawn were, having the ability to ignore his hunger and postpone feeding for a while if he chooses. That isn’t to say he doesn’t suffer detrimental effects, but he at least has the mental wherewithal to decide to feed rather than being at the mercy of his hunger. However, the hungrier he gets, the more aggressive, antsy, and impatient he gets as well.
His infection left him generally more violent, aggressive, and high-energy because it ramped up his metabolism and hunting instincts considerably. Nomak was not about to be seen as a mindless monster, however, and after giving his signet ring for House Damaskinos to one of Blade’s allies to prove his identity, it became known that he was Damaskinos’ son and that the elder vampire knew far more about the origin of the Reaper Strain than he was letting on. Even Nyssa had been in the dark about the experiments and that Nomak was her brother.
After attempts to make himself seem more sympathetic and to potentially win Blade over to his side were unsuccessful, Nomak made a last-ditch effort to get revenge on his family by breaking into the compound where Damaskinos and Nyssa lived. After killing his father and infecting his sister, Nomak finally took his own life after Blade managed to stab him in the heart through the opening in the bone casing around it. Nomak chose to drive Blade's sword in deeper rather than pull it out and regenerate. Blade then honored Nyssa’s final wish to die before the Reaper Strain took her over and carried her outside to "see the sun."
The tongue is what actually delivers the Reaper virus. The virus is injected through the barbs on either side of the bifurcated masticatory (jaw) muscles, which are overdeveloped in Reapers, allowing for a much stronger bite. The basic structure of their jaws remains the same, but there’s no mandible bone. The hearts of Reapers are encased in bone, with only the left side being vulnerable. Thus, stakes through the heart will only work if that sweet spot where there is no bone can be aimed for. If the brain dies, the body still tries to feed.
Spawn need fresh blood every couple of hours or they start feeding on themselves out of desperation. They could literally starve to death in less than a day. Nomak is different because he’s the carrier. Even so, his metabolism is still much higher than that of a regular vampire. He needs to decently feed at least once every day or his health begins to suffer. The more he feeds, however, the stronger he becomes.
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The advantage to infecting while feeding is that they get a better meal for a few reasons. When feeding and infecting, reapers’ jaw bifurcates to reveal two large barbs on the ends of either half that secrete a venom that is a neurotoxin, paralyzing the victim while they feed. This results in the victim’s body and metabolism slipping into a calmer state which allows the reappear to extract more blood more quickly due to lower blood pressure of the victim and a reduction in the constriction of blood vessels. While feeding in this manner, “gills” on the reaper’s back open and delicate, vascular tissue inflates and becomes exposed. This exposure of the vascular tissue to open air increases the oxygen absorption rate into the reaper’s bloodstream, increasing his metabolism further and allowing his body to more efficiently process the blood he is currently ingesting.
This method also renders the victim unable to fight back, allowing the reaper to feed calmly and thoroughly, and there is a school of thought surrounding the diminished mental capacity of spawn that says their animalistic qualities are the result of them being brought to the brink of death as the reaper feeds and their brains being denied oxygen while they lay in a paralyzed state. This leaves the resulting spawn Reaper with only limited intelligence and some memory recall, much like a zombie. However, this effect is still seen in those who have not been paralyzed while infected, suggesting that the Reaper Strain itself causes the diminished and limited mental capacity in spawn. (For example, Lighthammer still knowing and saying Verlaine’s name shortly after he turns, but he still attacks her despite that she’s someone he loves. He had enough memory recall and intelligence to vaguely know who she was, but not enough for emotion or rational thought to prevent him from attacking her.) Thus, it is reasonable to say that the personalities of Reaper spawn are largely lost after turning, and hunting instincts take over.
QUOTE ANALYSIS (Because it sheds some light on his psychology.)
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To Blade: “Is the enemy of my enemy my friend… or my enemy?” Nomak was willing to work with Blade to eradicate vampires, which just illustrates how angry he was at his own kind for doing this to him. However, he isn’t sure if Blade is willing to do the same, despite them both wanting the same thing. The rejection by Blade stings Nomak, since it essentially says Blade thinks he’s even lower than the vampires. It also illustrates just how alone Nomak is that he cannot acquire allies who are sympathetic to his cause.
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To Damaskinos: “I’ve spared you my fate. You will die.” The fact that Nomak mentions sparing his father his own fate really illustrates how bad he thinks his fate really was. Despite that it seemed like Nomak was on a power trip and enjoying himself while killing vampires and wreaking havoc on human and vampire society alike, the truth as he reveals it here is that it sucks to be a Reaper, no pun intended. It’s hard. It’s painful. It’s relentless. The constant hunger and frenetic nature of having a ramped-up metabolism and heightened aggression had taken a toll on him. It was a fate he would not even wish on the father who had cursed him with it in the first place. Interesting, then, that he did choose to inflict this fate on Nyssa… but I’ll address this point with the next quote.
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To Nyssa, before he infects her: “You… You were his favorite.” Nomak was really hurt by how easily his father discarded him once his infection didn’t go according to plan. He thought he meant more to his father than that, and to be tossed aside like trash and then hunted like an animal was something that really emotionally damaged him. I think he resented Nyssa for being the “favorite,” or at least what he perceived as the favorite, but as we know from an earlier scene with Damaskinos, he was willing to let Nyssa be killed in order to stop Nomak. This is rather shocking, because not only was he willing to experiment on his own children, but the cleaning up of the embarrassment that Nomak became was of greater importance to him than his daughter’s life. I think if Nomak had known that, he would not have hated Nyssa so much, because essentially, she meant no more to Damaskinos than Nomak did himself. Instead, he resented her for the way she had more value in Damaskinos’ eyes (as far as he knew), and therefore wanted to punish her for that by cursing her with the Reaper infection. Hence Nyssa’s comment to Blade when she asks to “see the sun,” that “I want to die while I am still a vampire.”
It also begs the question, since Nyssa didn’t seem to know Nomak, didn’t know he was her brother, and didn’t know he had been infected with the virus as an adult vampire (as opposed to creating genetically-modified vampire embryos as Damaskinos decided to do going forward)… why haven’t Nomak and Nyssa met before now? Is it possible that Nyssa is a whole lot younger than Nomak is? Or maybe they have simply lived in different countries for most of Nyssa’s life? If Nyssa was living in the United States and Nomak was in the Czech Republic, as he starts out in the beginning of the movie, that would make some sense. Damaskinos was reported to have fathered thousands of children across many centuries, so it's not as far-fetched as one might think that Nomak and Nyssa had never met before.
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To Blade, while dying: “It’s… strange. It hurts… it hurts no more.” With his healing abilities, Nomak could have removed the blade from his heart, regenerated almost instantly, and been fine. Instead, he forces the blade in deeper, fatally damaging his vulnerable heart after saying the above line. I find this to be the saddest and most poignant moment for Nomak, because no matter how you interpret the line, the upshot is that he was a tortured person… and now he sees a way out of that pain. Either what “hurts” is his rage at his family and his desire for revenge over the wrongs done to him, and it doesn’t matter anymore because he accomplished that revenge, so… why go on fighting? Or, what “hurts” could be the emotional and physical toll the Reaper virus has had on him, on his identity as a person and a pureblooded, natural-born vampire, and how the incessant hunger must have tortured him, and if he just pushes the blade in deeper… it could all end right now. Basically, he’s saying you know what? I’m at peace now. It’s strange, but what had been hurting me isn’t hurting anymore. He’s let go of the rage, the frenzy, and now he just wants to rest. That’s how I interpret it, and it’s sad but it’s also a rather peaceful end to a life that had been thrust into this extremely violent and turbulent existence by his father.
Potential Starter Ideas:
I can easily divorce Nomak from the movie plot and make him a bit more versatile, and will likely do that unless someone specifically wants a thread that follows the plot of the movie.
Maybe he doesn't have an interest in getting revenge on his family. Maybe he just wants to try and lay low somewhere, which backfires when he ends up leaving spawn behind as he figures out how to deal with his infection.
If you have a vampire muse, maybe Nomak wanders into their territory and there's a bit of a turf issue?
If you have a scientist muse or someone who could conceivably develop a cure for the Reaper Strain, he might possibly be convinced to work with you because he really would like to go back to being a normal vampire, heh.
I'm open to whatever ideas you may have! =)
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chutzpahhooplah · 8 months
Did I hallucinate Guillermo del Toro calling Jared Nomak a "sister fucker" in his director commentary of Blade II???? Was that a thing?? Bcs I stg it was a thing?
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spikedru · 1 year
Since you’ve referenced the Blade movies before, thoughts on Jared Nomak?
i have only seen the first blade movie i havent seen the others so i have no opinion on him 😶
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burningexeter · 3 months
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As an aspiring writer and filmmaker, what are the connections or "themes" that my work has and share with each other. It's actually much more simple on my end with this:
• They tend to always focus on unconventional type of protagonists fighting against the highest stakes there is. But despite that sounding fairly interesting for a simple paragraph, there's much more to it than that. First off, the protagonists or even the ensembles are not at all the type of characters you'd ever expect or think of being the heroes. They're the bullies, criminals, blue collar workers, CDC doctors, rat exterminators, cynical schlubs, elderly grandfathers or grandmothers, spoiled brats, cheerleaders, truck drivers, shady and sleazy private detectives, sarcastic grumps, priests, former deadbeat parents trying to put their lives back together, the sexy but quick-tempered goth girl, drug dealers, cartel members, morticians, dysfunctional families, the town drunk, struggling drug addicts or even a little girl with a burnt scar on the side of her face. These are all no matter what the numerous type of people who you don't usually see as the heroic characters who save the day. These aren't the strong jawed, posing, good-looking Hollywood heroes like Superman, the Guardians Of The Galaxy, Optimus Prime, Luke Skywalker or Wonder Woman — god no, instead these are heroes in the exact same category as Jack Sparrow from the Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, Walter White from Breaking Bad, Koichi Shikishima from Godzilla Minus One, Aldo Raine from Inglourious Basterds and Trevor Philips from Grand Theft Auto V.
That said however, all of the protagonists do grow, develop and even at times become better people over the course of the story. Most of them all have moral codes (standards basically) and always end up doing the right thing.
As for the stakes, these aren't just the odds. These are big. Big stakes that affect them and even everything and everyone they've ever loved or cared about. The stakes in my work are always - and I mean ALWAYS - huge. And no, it's not "Oh, it's the end of the world and the final battle is in New York City" but they are big, deadly, dangerous, high-edge stakes.
• Another thing is that the events of any of my work are either caused, furthered or BOTH by the protagonists and characters' actions and thus are more than character-driven. They make HUGE decisions, they even sometimes depending on which or who make the wrong choices, they don't do what they should've done and regardless of whether what they did was right, all of this leads to repercussions that build and culminate to the climax and end.
• The villains are never these one dimensional, generic, mustache-twirling villains who are just 100% evil all the way. Instead, the villains are intimidating, scary, charismatic, intelligent, threatening and even at times tragic characters. The ones who are tragic show it through moments and go out on their own sacrificial terms while the ones who aren't tragic have codes to them and make their presence known whenever they're on screen. We're not talking about again strong jawed, posing, good-looking Hollywood villains like Loki, Lex Luthor, Doctor Doom, Evelyn Deavor (good lord, that pun name is just dumb as hell) or Hans of the Southern Isles — nah, god no, instead these are the villains in the exact same category as Jared Nomak from Blade II, Dr. Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2, Davy Jones from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest & At World's End, Syndrome from The Incredibles and Dr. Thaddeus Sivana from Shazam!.
• Last but not least, all of my work have genuinely bittersweet endings where the villain or villains and threat are defeated for good with no chance of coming back but sacrifices are made on the heroes side therefore they don't always end very happily. It shows us that not everything has a happy ending regardless of what it is.
Here's an example:
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I have this whole entire, fully fleshed-out idea for a Kim Possible reboot called Global Justice and this is how it'll end:
After Kim and Shego have a heated argument about the former's future now that she's about to graduate high school, Shego realizes that she was wrong and that her reasons for not letting Kim go are selfish of her. But when she goes to apologize to Kim and admit her mistake, she shockingly finds that Kim has gone behind her back and done something that sets in motion the events of the series finale.
The bittersweet ending here is that the main threat that's been built up since the ending of the five-part premiere is finally defeated, all heroes come together and the day is at long last saved with the surviving villains being put to rest.... BUT due to everything that's just happened because of her, Shego has lost all trust in Kim that's been built and earned throughout the whole series with the final scene in the show being this —
Flying through the night sky over a now safe Middleton in their purple car as a full-on homage to the final moment in the original series, Kim in the front seat and Shego driving are sitting in complete silence with their hair blowing in the wind. It's then that a guilty and almost somber Kim says "I'm sorry, Shego. For everything".
To which Shego replies with this....
"I know you are, Kim. You're my girlfriend and nothing will ever change that. I brought you into all this from day one and nothing will ever change that. I will always love you no matter what and nothing will ever change that. But after everything that's just happened, from now until I don't know when, my trust is something that you're gonna have to earn back".
Kim then hangs her head down in shame, visibly heartbroken, while Shego continues driving emotionlessly into the moon.
Cue end credits.
Kim ended up fulfilling her goal in the show but at the cost of a loved one's trust. And it's Shego of all people.
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ao3feed-spuffy · 1 year
Vampyr Chronicles: A Crack In The Sky
by MrPerfectCell
A time travel based retcon of the Buff/Angel series. The story picks up immediately following the end of the comics, but won't require any foreknowledge of them to read. And will quickly jump back in time. I hope you enjoy.
Words: 2046, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Vampyr Chronicles
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), Angel: the Series, Blade (Movies 1998 - 2004)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Buffy Summers, Angel (BtVS), Angel Investigations Ensemble (AtS), Illyria (AtS), Winifred "Fred" Burkle, Charles Gunn, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Rupert Giles, Kennedy (BtVS), Willow Rosenberg, The Master (BtVS), Blade | Eric Brooks, Jared Nomak, Tara Maclay, Dawn Summers, Xander Harris, Spike (BtVS), Lorne | Krevlornswath, Archaeus (BtVS), Maloker (BtVS), Original Slayer Character(s) (BtVS), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Trans Character(s), Andrew Wells
Relationships: Spike/Buffy Summers, Angel/Faith Lehane, Andrew Wells/Original Male Character(s), Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Kennedy/Willow Rosenberg
Additional Tags: Dark Willow Rosenberg (BtVS)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46699840
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popmovie888 · 2 years
Blade 2 เบลด 2 นักล่าพันธุ์อมตะ (2002) พากย์ไทย
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ข้อมูลภาพยนตร์ Blade 2 เบลด 2 นักล่าพันธุ์อมตะ (2002)  บริษัทผู้ผลิต  Marvel Enterprises / Amen Ra Films / Imaginary Forces วันที่วางจำหน่าย  22 มีนาคม 2545 เวลาของหนัง   117 นาที ประเทศ   สหรัฐ ภาษา   ภาษาอังกฤษ งบประมาณ   54 ล้านดอลลาร์ บ็อกซ์ออฟฟิศ   155 ล้านดอลลาร์ ตัวอย่างภาพยนตร์ Blade 2 เบลด 2 นักล่าพันธุ์อมตะ (2002)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAUB7dcUn8o เนื้อเรื่อง Blade 2 เบลด 2 นักล่าพันธุ์อมตะ (2002) Bladeค้นหาปรากสำหรับที่ปรึกษาของเขาAbraham Whistlerซึ่งคิดว่าเสียชีวิตหลังจากถูกโจมตีโดยDeacon Frostแต่กลับกลายเป็นแวมไพร์และถูกคุมขังเป็นเวลาสองปี Blade ช่วยชีวิต Whistler และรักษาเขา วิสต์เลอร์พบกับสกั๊ด ช่างเทคนิคและสโตเนอร์รุ่น ใหม่ของ Bladeโรคระบาด ครั้งใหญ่ ทำให้แวมไพร์กลายเป็น "Reapers" ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งมีชีวิตกลายพันธุ์ดั้งเดิมที่มีความกระหายเลือดและการกัดที่ติดเชื้อสูงซึ่งเปลี่ยนทั้งมนุษย์และแวมไพร์ เพื่อต่อสู้กับ Reapers แวมไพร์โอเวอร์ลอร์ด Eli Damaskinos จึงส่งสมุน Asad และลูกสาวของเขา Nyssa ไปสู้รบกับ Blade; ที่ไม่เต็มใจที่จะเป็นพันธมิตรกับพวกแวมไพร์ เขาร่วมมือกับ Bloodpack กลุ่มแวมไพร์ชั้นยอดซึ่งเดิมรวมตัวกันเพื่อฆ่าเขา ในชุดประกอบด้วย Asad, Nyssa, Reinhardt, Chupa, Snowman, Priest, Verlaine และ Lighthammer คู่รักของเธอ Reinhardt เกลียด Blade และท้าทายให้เขาต่อสู้ แต่ในการตอบสนอง Blade ได้ฝังระเบิดบนหัวของเขาเพื่อให้เขาอยู่ในแนวเดียวกันพวกเขาสืบสวนไนท์คลับแวมไพร์ที่พวกเขาพบกับ Reapers และพบว่าพวกเขาไม่มีภูมิคุ้มกันต่อจุดอ่อนของแวมไพร์ส่วนใหญ่ Jared Nomak หัวหน้า Reaper มาถึงและจับตัว Nyssa ไว้เป็นตัวประกัน เขาพยายามจ้างBlade ให้เข้าร่วม โดยอ้างว่าพวกเขาเกลียดแวมไพร์ นักบวชถูกกัดและถูกฆ่าอย่างปราณี และไลท์แฮมเมอร์ถูกกัดแต่ปกปิดการกัด วิสต์เลอร์หายตัวไปและสกั๊ดถูกโจมตีโดย Reaper หลายคน ซึ่งเขาขับรถออกไปพร้อมกับUVไฟ Blade ต่อสู้กับ Nomak ผู้ซึ่งมีภูมิคุ้��กันต่ออาวุธของ Blade เมื่อดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้น Nomak ก็ถอยหนีและวิสต์เลอร์กลับมา เผยให้เห็นว่าเขาได้พบรังของ Reaper ในท่อระบายน้ำ Nyssa ผ่า Reaper ที่ตายแล้วและเรียนรู้ว่าหัวใจของพวกเขาถูกห่อหุ้มด้วยกระดูกที่ทนทาน เมื่อตระหนัก��่าแสง UV เป็นจุดอ่อนเพียงอย่างเดียว Scud และ Whistler จึงสร้างอาวุธ UV ให้กับทีม เช่นเดียวกับระเบิดที่ปล่อยรังสี UV ที่แข็งแรงพอที่จะทำลายรังทั้งหมด เมื่อเข้าสู่รัง Reaper ทีมงานก็กระจายออกไป Lighthammer แปลงร่างเป็น Reaper และสังหาร Snowman Verlaine เสียสละตัวเองเพื่อฆ่า Lighthammer โดยปล่อยให้ทั้งคู่ถูกแสงแดด Chupa และ Reinhardt โจมตี Whistler ซึ่งฉีด Chupa ด้วย Reaper ฟี โรโมน สิ่งนี้ดึงดูดฝูงชนที่ฆ่า Chupa และ Whistler หลบหนี Asad และ Nyssa ถูกซุ่มโจมตีและ Asad ถูกสังหาร Blade ช่วยชีวิต Nyssa และใช้ UV-bomb ซึ่งฆ่า Reapers ทั้งหมดยกเว้น Nomak Nyssa และ Reinhardt สามารถหลบเลี่ยงการระเบิดได้ แต่ Nyssa ได้รับบาดเจ็บสาหัส จนกระทั่ง Blade ยอมให้เธอดื่มเลือดของเขาเพื่อเอาชีวิตรอดกองกำลังของ Damaskinos ทรยศและจับ Blade, Whistler และ Scud มันถูกเปิดเผยว่า Reapers ดำรงอยู่เป็นผลจากความพยายามของ Damaskinos ในการสร้างแวม ดูหนังออนไลน์ไพร์สายพันธุ์ที่แข็งแกร่งขึ้น Nomak ยมทูต��นแรกคือลูกชายของเขาเอง ซึ่ง Damaskinos ถือว่าล้มเหลวเนื่องจากอ่อนแอต่อแสงแดด Scud เปิดเผยว่าตัวเองเป็นหนึ่งในคน รู้จักของ Damaskinos แต่Blade ผู้ซึ่งสงสัยในเรื่องนี้อยู่แล้วได้ฆ่าเขาด้วยระเบิดที่เขาวางไว้บน Reinhardt ก่อนหน้านี้ Damaskinos วางแผนที่จะเก็บเกี่ยวเลือดของ Blade เพื่อพัฒนาภูมิคุ้มกันต่อแสงแดดและสร้างแวมไพร์สายพันธุ์ใหม่ที่อยู่ยงคงกระพัน วิสต์เลอร์หนี Reinhardt และปล่อย Blade ที่แทบจะหมดแรง ซึ่งตกลงไปในบ่อเลือดของ Damaskinos ฟื้นกำลังของเขา เขาต่อสู้เพื่อผ่านลูกน้องของ Damaskinos และสังหาร ReinhardtNomak เข้าสู่ฐานที่มั่นของ Damaskinos เพื่อแก้แค้นพ่อของเขา นิสซ่าทรยศ Damaskinos โดยปิดเส้นทางหลบหนีไปยังลานจอดเฮลิคอปเตอร์ และ Damaskinos ถูก Nomak สังหารหลังจากล้มเหลวในการเจรจากับเขา จากนั้น Nomak ก็กัด Nyssa ดื่มเลือดของเธอ Blade และ Nomak ต่อสู้ในการต่อสู้ และ Blade แทง Nomak ในจุดอ่อนเพียงจุดเดียวของเขา ด้วยการแก้แค้นของเขาเสร็จสมบูรณ์ และต้องการยุติความทุกข์ทรมานของเขา Nomak ฆ่าตัวตายด้วยดาบของ Blade เพื่อตอบสนองความปรารถนาที่จะตายในฐานะแวมไพร์ของนิสซ่า เบลดพาเธอออกไปข้างนอกและโอบกอดเธอไว้ขณะที่ร่างกายของเธอสลายไปเนื่องจากพระอาทิตย์ขึ้น Read the full article
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Over the past few days, I’ve been saving drafts for upcoming x Reader fanfics that I’ll be writing for the first time this year. Requests are now officially opened for my blog, so send in what you want written. I’ll give you a heads up, I get busy with work and stuff at home from time to time, so that I’ll get time to write your requests when I’m not busy at the moment...
List of Characters I’ll write for:
Siberius Vaako-The Chronicles of Riddick  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Kirill Orlov-The Bourne Supremacy  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Agent 47-Hitman (2007 Movie with Timothy Olyphant)  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Donnie Pfaster-The X-Files  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Top Dollar-The Crow  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
John Druitt-Sanctuary  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Arthur Harrow-Moon Knight  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Bane-The Dark Knight Rises  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Jared Nomak-Blade II  🌸❤️‍🔥👐🏻💐💘🖤🔪🩸🔞
Citrus Scale: 
🍑 (Peach)-No Sexual Interactions 
🍎 (Citrus)-Romantic hug/or kiss 
🍊 (Orange)-Romantic hug/or kiss with a hint of sexual interaction 
 🍈 (Lime)-Heavy making out with light groping 
 🍋 (Lemon) Actual Sexual Intercourse
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bruhvik · 2 years
just saw blade 2 and nomak reminded me of ruvik a lot, maybe he served as a visual inspiration for him? 🤔
Yeah, entirely possible. I've been saying for a while that Ruvik looks like Luke Goss, especially in the Kidman DLC cutscenes. I have a post on standby that shows all the unofficial actor lookalikes, so I might as well show the one I have for him now.
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sweeetestcurse · 6 months
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Luke Goss as Jared Nomak in Blade II 05/??
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damaskino-26320 · 3 years
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thenexusofsouls · 20 days
"I'm My Own Master Now" from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
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deathisreborn · 3 years
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Blade II (2002). Dir. Guillermo del Toro.
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I'm writing about Jared Nomak for the first time and have reached 5K already, so excited for him I can't seem to stop!!
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 624
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2020
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