#jcs 2024
disregardcanon · 4 months
just got done watching the 50th anniversary touring production of jesus christ superstar. here are The Thoughts
i've watched either the movie or a different bootleg of jcs during the week of easter for the past 8 years. i LOVE jcs and am very familiar with the material, so this was not a first for me except for seeing it live
i'm not sure if the setup for the staging was unique, but there were 3 big parts: 2 two level bits that were set up towards the back (one that was used almost solely for the instruments) and then in the middle was a very large, elevated cross made of grated metal. it was where the smoke machine bits came through and it had bright lights that hugged the edges.
the way that the cross elevated a bit in the middle of the stage and bisected it was really cool. it let different actors (a lot of the time jesus pre-arrest) elevate themselves over the rest of the scene, and created a pretty clear divide between two different events/sides.
costumes- most of them were what i'd expect from a jcs production, but i was impressed by how lowkey and modern jesus's civilian clothes were (the khaki shorts, the loose white top, the light gray hoodie) and then the way that the leader guy of the I BELIEVE IN YOU AND GOD SO TELLLL ME THAT I'M SAVED! has jesus's exact same outfit but with the colors of the shirt and hoodie swapped. i dunno that worked for me. judas's look, of course, SLAYED in the don't you get me wrong number. sparkling like a star, with his hair all done up in this brilliant and gorgeous updo... *chefs kiss* and then pilot's crown was good and subtle and i love love loved herod and his gang. herod had a big goofy overcoat that gave him a cartoony frame and then he took it off and was in this straight up cabaret bright gold high boots outfit with french revolution aristocracy era face paint and get up. the lackeys had on these striped outfits and harem pants and the like, big circles that surround your head kinda like a dog cone? and at the very end of the number when he's encroaching in on jesus and about to kick him out he kicks the head of every single lackey who's on the ground in a line, like waiting for a beheading? and then it like SPEWS BLOOD along their neckline and the cone. visually appealing, horrifying, and interesting, especially with the french revolution imagery.
they did this really interesting thing with guitars and microphones with the actors. so jesus had a guitar that he carried around with him a lot and peter did too. jesus took it out during emotional moments and the way that they framed the gethsemane number to start with was him just working out his emotions through song? he plays the number himself (and he and peter were playing on pilot's first little number, which is interesting symbolism) and then as he finally builds to a point where he can't keep going he unplugs the guitar from the amp and goes to cry and finish the number with no mic.... just him.
additions on gethsemane- as he was winding up to the FIIINNNNEEEEE I'LLLLLL DIIIIIIEEEEE bit, the lights started flashing from all different directions. in the divine intensity. you will be doing this. you don't have a choice. then jesus, who's mainly performed in a much more.... traditional? style than neeley's jesus finally DOES take it into that piercing, 70s rocker falsetto belt.... and to have that happen right before he finally... does give up. just collapse into a little pile of just him, no more lighting anymore but this single spotlight on this sad, tired little man... the heart. it wrenches. then judas comes in from the Super Secret Suprise Entrance Cross and everything just keeps going.
super funny when we got all the apostles looking between each other when judas and jesus have their fight and judas leaves and then peter strums a cord and restarts" ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT I'D BE AN APOOOOSTTTLLLEEEEEE"
caiphas was, unfortunately, hot.
thinking about the shift of the ensemble so quickly from We Are The Sinful Temple Fuckers to We Are The Ailing of the Earth and how the ailing surround and overwhelm jesus and the way that it just. is visually even more in person
the use of the mics was also interesting. the high priests had mic stands that they always came in with as props and the dancing with them was cool and worked well, and then jesus/judas/mary passed around a mic some, both on the mic stand and without it. and especially when it was on the stand it gave this sense of... presence and importance. a lot of the judas-mary altercations were spent moving the mic back and forth and it was +++++ especially since we saw the microphone taken away from jesus when he was arrested (taking away his power along with his guitar, his ability to express himself). the mic's cord was ALSO used in really interesting ways. the first time it really comes up is when judas is realizing that he's been duped by the narrative and he's been left with the bag... and then he stretches the bright red cord out to its full length as he climbs up to the second story and threads the cord to stage the hanging... with the microphone. the lighting in this scene was great and just UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH watching judas send the microphone over the edge and leaving IT hanging as the symbol of judas's death. fucking. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
the other time that the microphone cord itself comes up is in pilot's last number, when the crowd is getting increasingly YOU HAVE NO CHOICE CRUCIFY HIMCRUCIFY HIM! and pilot's like. uh. how about i beat him? will that satisfy your blood lust? and he fucking wraps his mic cord around jesus's hands and holds him in place with it??? like oh my god. that made me feel some kind of way.
peter brought his guitar back out when he and mary magdalene were singing about how jesus should probably make things stop sucking now, please? then them on the smaller, more cut off scene watching jesus get beaten and sentenced to crucifixion. the powerlessness of that staging
jesus spends most of that number physically on the ground. he falls off the cross to the ground. he's so bloody and broken looking and it was painful.
the way the crowd shifts from being the taunting crowd to the JESUS CHRIST! SUPERSTAR! background singers. but. this staging... it had jesus. out during this number. and the chorus kept on hurting him as they KEPT DEMANDING ANSWERS? just like the way that they made every character who did that a guard (they had different roman emperor heads, it was great) and then. jesus is still there. he is still broken and beaten and Not Yet Crucified. and they're passing him around like emma perkins in inevitable.
(and his horror keeps going on)
something about how they gave judas's actor bright white hands after touching the blood money to contrast against his dark brown skin. something about how in this show he gets both pilot and jesus's symbols of being doomed by fate (pilot's bloody hands, jesus's crown of thorns).
like. they do not crucify this poor motherfucker until after the entire staging of "don't you get me wrrrroooonnnngggggg". and then we have to watch him raised onto the cross and his painful cries and everything. a few murmured notes from the crowd. then it's just a few actors helping to take jesus down off the cross and judas sitting on the edge, looking forlorn and regretful and just. so lost.
and a tattered jesus manages to move to the spot across from him, and sends him a tiny smile. he takes the crown of thorns off his own head and passes it over to judas.
the lights go down and the show is over. judas is forgiven. he's elevated! he's trapped!!!!!!! he and jesus are here together in this story that neither of them can control. they share that knowledge, and then the lights go down.
i am no longer the same. i don't want to be
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demonicfarmer69 · 5 months
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mommy and me
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aftersector · 4 months
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was chatting about how sexy it was of jc to be hunting down demonic cultivators and then went wait what if jc hearing rumours about wyz and just
something something jc hunting down wyz, something something jiang cheng taking in shen jiu :3c
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theside-b · 3 months
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2024 BL Dramas Watchlist:
LET'S TALK ABOUT CHU dir. Remii Huang
I'm sorry. I was going to tell you after you woke up, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave. I think this is the only way I can start over. If you are willing, please wait for me. I'll be back soon. That's all for now. I'm taking off.
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01432853 · 5 months
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MONA LISA 蒙娜丽莎 dance practice MV
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honeehazard · 2 months
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jesus is chill like that
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timberlakegallery · 2 months
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skyriderwednesday · 2 months
Oh my god, they crucified Jesus on a C-stand.
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jtrocks · 3 months
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📸 marklashark | meganannboehms
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jittyjames · 4 months
same vibes
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stearixx · 5 months
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Whatever they be spending, it's definitely not Christmas.
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aftersector · 3 months
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he needs his enrichment
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unsertraumschiff · 3 months
Seeing jesus christ superstar with graham this month I’m gonna be really normal about it btw
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arcimboldisworld · 7 days
Delphine de Vigan - Les Loyautés.
Delphine de Vigan - Les Loyautés. #roman #leseempfehlung #frankreich #sozialdrama #dumontverlag #JCLattès #delphinedevigan #loyalitäten #literatur #lesejahr2024
Für mich ist dieser 2018 erschienene Roman von Delphine de Vigan ein absolutes Highlight, die Autorin eine Entdeckung. “Les Loyautés” hat mich sehr bewegt und umgetrieben – moderne, zeitgenössische, fast schon radikale Literatur ist das für mich, ein grossartiges Abbild unserer Gesellschaft… Continue reading Delphine de Vigan – Les Loyautés.
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hybridreviews · 2 months
TIME of the SEASON Spring 2024 Edition: The DUKE of DEATH and His MAID SEASON 3
Will they finally break the curse and he can hold and embrace his lover?!
So……I know I usually say that I cover sequel seasons in one whole blog but this season, there are mostly shows that I might just go for the dub only. For example, I haven’t covered Laid-Back Camp S3 because since S2’s dub is airing now, I know after that ends, the dub for the 3rd season will premiere and to be fair, while I think that show is good, it’s one where I can just wait for the dub. Same…
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jtrocks · 3 months
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