#jd barker
bitterkarella · 4 months
Midnight Pals: Spicy
JD Barker: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the bad app JD Barker: it's a spicy story about an app that you download on your phone JD Barker: but this app JD Barker: is a little JD Barker: spicy
JD Barker: boy let me tell you JD Barker: it's tough to get word out about a new book these days King: tell me about it! King: i keep posting but nothing's making a dent! King: there's got to be a better way! JD Barker: there is!
JD Barker: i've got a fool proof way to generate publicity for a book King: oh? well, don't just stand there -- tell us! JD Barker: ok, you guys ready for this? JD Barker: might want to get a pen ready to write this down JD Barker: cuz this is gonna be JD Barker: a little spicy
Clive Barker: hey before you say anything, i just wanna remind everyone i am a different person Clive Barker: just really feelin' the need to get out in front and say that
JD Barker: so here's my idea JD Barker: you get booktok influencers to take off their clothes King: Poe: Lovecraft: Clive Barker: Koontz: JD Barker: cuz this book is SPICY!
Koontz: [writing down] "you get booktok influ-" Poe: no no dean Poe: don't write that down Koontz: but he said Poe: it's ok dean just shh Poe: don't worry about it
Angela Carter: you're going to -- !!! Carter: wow Carter: of all the blatantly misogynistic Carter: exploitative JD Barker: [tugging collar] uh oh! Carter: predatory Carter: sexist JD Barker: [tugging intensifies]
JD Barker: or you could get them to do a video answering the question "what's the craziest place you ever had sex?" JD Barker: any questions? Mary Shelley: hey i got SEVERAL fuckin questions JD Barker: [tugging collar] uh oh! Shelley: you say you're paying for this? Angela Carter: mary, no Shelley: shut up this is easy money
JD Barker: oh yeah, we're gonna pay the big bucks to get spicy JD Barker: like, maybe $100 Mary Shelley: oh fuck off
JD Barker: wow listen turns out there's been a little mistake JD Barker: a real whoopsie doodle JD Barker: you're gonna laugh Carter: yeah? try me JD Barker: ha ha JD Barker: [tugging collar] ohhh
JD Barker: this was all just a misunderstanding JD Barker: see, this wasn't my idea JD Barker: it was the PR firm i hired Carter: then guess i need to talk to the head of that firm JD Barker: [collar tugging intensifies]
JD Barker: [wearing hot dog suit] look we're all just trying to find out who did this
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victims-of · 4 months
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shadowmaat · 4 months
new drama
Having spent five minutes researching PR firms and how they operate, I think it's safe to say that a reputable firm would never encourage illicit behavior on behalf of their client. I also feel- although I don't have proof of this- that a reputable firm would run any campaign (especially one with questionable morality) past their client before enacting it. Especially if they were directing people to send stuff to the author's email address. Like, you don't put a campaign on blast with the goal of getting tons of submissions without warning the client of a possible incoming flood of emails.
Personally, if I was going to run a promotion on someone's behalf, I'd also set up a promotion-specific email so that A) submissions wouldn't get lost and B) my client wouldn't have to worry about missing any important personal/work emails amid all the submissions.
JD Barker is a "sexy horror" author. He has a new book coming out. As is common when a new book is coming out, there's a campaign to try and encourage reviews. In this case the campaign is trying to encourage young women booktokkers to do their reviews in the nude. There are multiple options and they're phrased as "suggestions" rather than requirements, but there is the matter of payment involved. And if you want to get paid you need to send your video directly to the author for review so he can decide if it gets approved or rejected.
If you think that sounds a little sketchy, you aren't the only one. Mr. Barker is currently disavowing all knowledge of this campaign and saying it's entirely the fault of one of the "many" PR firms he uses. Twitter users seem to think that the PR firm in question is one that he himself was involved in creating, but I'm not sure that makes any difference from a professional standpoint.
I can see three possibilities here.
Someone at the PR firm has a specific beef against Barker and decided to try and torpedo his career (along with their own).
The PR firm is grossly incompetent, did no due diligence, and has fucked this up beyond all reason.
Barker is lying, it was his idea all along, and now that he's been caught he's throwing an unspecified PR firm to the wolves in an attempt to save his own ass.
No matter how this plays out, it's a bad, bad look. Especially since, from what I've read, there was no attempt to verify the ages of the women/girls who received these emails. Asking adults to send nudes for money is bad enough, but asking (or "suggesting") potentially underage girls to pose nude for you is, well, I'm pretty sure you all know how revolting that is.
Maybe the vague phrasing will be enough to keep it from becoming a criminal investigation, but this is still sketchy as hell and I hope the responsible parties face some serious repercussions.
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theimperiumchronicles · 7 months
Happy STS! Today, I'm pulling away from characters (finally 🤭) and asking about influences. Who are your literary influences? Can you see specific influences coming through in some of your specific works?
Dean Koontz, JD Robb, Stephen King, Tolkien, Lovecraft, Stoker, Shelly, Gaiman, Martin, Pratchett, Anne McCaffrey, C.S. Lewis, Shirley Jackson, Anne Raynd, Poe, Clive Barker, Anne Rice, Bradbury, Daphne du Maurier, Kafka, Wells, Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Verne, and Douglas Adams.
I have taken something from all of them to form my writing style. Whether it be how they describe something, the way they set a mood, how they form their characters, or even sometimes what to avoid. Because I love so many in such different genres, it can be hard to spot the influences to the casual reader, but I do see them because I know what I picked up from each one.
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deerntheheadlights · 2 years
hii! Could you post some books you think Tate or Violet would be into?
Stephen King (Salem's Lot, Needful Things, Carrie, The Mist)
Perfume by Patrick Suskind
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Dune by Frank Herbert
The Sandman (comic book series) by Neil Gaimen
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats
My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski
Horns by Joe Hill
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
Normal People by Sally Rooney
Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger
Carrie by Stephen King
Haruki Murakami (Norweigan Wood, Kafka by the Shore)
Nana by Ai Yazawa (manga series)
Orange by Ichigo Takano (manga series)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
If We Were Villains by M L Rio
Pale Horse Pale Rider by Ann Porter
The Plague by Camus
Bunny by Mona Awad
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
In reference to the last post, I'm pretty certain the JD and Veronica/Elkthot and MW art is not supposed to be 'shippy', yes, but canonically the characters do date and are in relationships which is the point.
Shipping by whatever' kind of metric we're talking need not apply. I shap LucyxBenjamin Barker and we all know how that ends up. I just have a thing for veryvery DOOMED romances being ships- which is why Hadestown and Little Shop of Horrors are the best musicals.
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ajarofpickledtears · 1 month
watching a video by Reads with Rachel and almost spit out my drink at this: "'The international bestselling author JD Barker regularly thinks outside the box' - I think he should go back in the box."
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📕 I've been reading  J.D Barker's latest book- Behind A Closed Door! It's my latest book obsession and one of those books you can't put down! If you like dark and suspenseful thrillers check it out! Release Date: May 13th!
❣️ Sugar & Spice is the latest app craze taking the world by storm, but for Abby and Brendan Hollander, downloading it leads to a dangerous game of life and death. When the app assigns them a series of increasingly taboo tasks, they soon find themselves caught up in a twisted web of seduction and violence in this sexually charged dark thriller! from the New York Times bestselling author of The Fourth Monkey—master of suspense, JD Barker.
You can pre-order it on Amazon
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vague-humanoid · 1 month
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victims-of · 4 months
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Candace Elizabeth Smith (born February 1, 1977) is a lawyer, actress, television personality, life coach, and author from Dayton.
She earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Dayton and a JD from Northwestern University.
After passing the Ohio Bar exam, she began practicing commercial real estate law at the largest law firm in Ohio. During this time, she won the title of Miss Ohio USA. As Miss Ohio USA, she dedicated her time to several charities including the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Artemis House (women’s shelter), and the USO.
Upon arriving in Los Angeles, she was asked to be a “Barker’s Beauties” on The Price Is Right game show. After a brief stint, she refocused on her acting career and went on to have roles on Fox’s Method & Red, Entourage, and Joey. She landed a role in the Broken Lizard comedy Beerfest. She worked with Broken Lizard again in The Slammin’ Salmon and The Babymakers. She appeared in End of Watch. She plays the lead female role in the action film “My Father, Die”. In the film Gimme Shelter, she plays Marie Abeanni, an African social worker.
She appeared on Survivor’s 18th season, Survivor: Tocantins.
She appears in the films Same Time, Next Christmas, and “The Wrong Missy”.
She appears as Rosa Roberts on Tacoma FD.
She trained at Upright Citizen’s Brigade and performed her first stand-up comedy routine at the Comedy Store on Sunset. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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howtoapologize · 4 months
JD Barker Apology
So basically, an author in his 50's solicited a bunch of teens to be naked for a really awful payment. (100 dollars)
Original Apology
On January 23rd [2024], an email went out on my behalf to known BookTok influencers without consideration of age or gender, from a company I own, detailing the framework of a social media marketing campaign meant to promote my upcoming novel, Behind A Closed Door; an erotic thriller set to release later this year. The email detailed several video ideas that were in keeping with events that occur in the book, a work of fiction. Those ideas were followed by:
"These are just suggestions. You're welcome to use them for your video or come up with something on your own. Half the fun of something like this is to let creativity rule! The content of the video is entirely up to you. As long as it's promoting BEHIND A CLOSED DOOR, it will be eligible. So get creative!"
This campaign was never approved. The email wasn't meant to go out without a substantial rewrite, but through a chain of errors, it did.
I take full responsibility for that.
I'm horrified such a message was released. And I deeply regret the hurt I've caused to those who received it.
I have nothing but respect for the writing community and the people who champion it and I've let all of you down.
I have nothing but the deepest respect for women. I'm a husband. I'm a father. There is no excuse for the insensitivity demonstrated by my actions. The weight created by those actions is inexcusable. I can and will do better.
The written word is something I cherish. Words have a power. And sometimes they can hurt more than the most dangerous weapon. Knowing I've wielded that weapon and injured is something that will weigh on me for the remainder of my days. If you were impacted by this, I am truly sorry.
1. What are they sorry for? 5/10 He didn't mention to nude soliciting to minors part or how it seemed to magically only go to women and girls. Plus he had to promote the book a bit in the apology. "an erotic thriller set to release later this year." But this goes into the deductions portion.
He then follows it with excuses, which goes into the deductions.
2. Who is he sorry to? The Tiktok Influencers. Doesn't name them, but doesn't seem to know their names. 8
3. Why was it wrong? Doesn't say beyond he has respect for women? 2
4. How would he fix it and not do it again in the future? Doesn't say. He pins it on the Marketing team. (more on that later.) 0
5. Accept full responsibility? He says he does, but it doesn't feel like it. It's reaching towards non-apology with the previous in place. 0
6. Make reparations? No. No reparations. Like donate some of his book funds to RAINN. 0
Total: 15/60: 25% That's an F. Can he get a worse grade?
Promoting the book:
"an erotic thriller set to release later this year."
This is not the time. -3
Making excuses:
"These are just suggestions. You're welcome to use them for your video or come up with something on your own. Half the fun of something like this is to let creativity rule! The content of the video is entirely up to you. As long as it's promoting BEHIND A CLOSED DOOR, it will be eligible. So get creative!"
Shooting past the point where the email said to get naked to teen girls... yeah, no. That's not how it's done. -5
"The email wasn't meant to go out without a substantial rewrite"
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Yeah, what this person said. -5
"I have nothing but the deepest respect for women. I'm a husband. I'm a father."
He didn't watch the Barbie Movie where they made fun of this.
Apologies aren't about you and trying to use others as a shield. -5
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So basically he lied... - 5, which is supported by the following.
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He tried to pin it on a woman and her firm while being sexist. -10 (This is in the NBC article for those who use readers.) Not that sorry about hating on women.
Total Score: -13
I don't think an apology rewrite could save him in this case. The amount of PR he'd need to do wouldn't really help. Even if he donated all of the proceeds to RAINN, which he won't.
The basics, though was that he shouldn't have lied and he shouldn't have used women as a shield when he was showing being sexist.
The best action would have not even written it in the first place.
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carmillas-girlfriend · 4 months
Thank you so much for the tag @frenchiesflag! 💛
3 ships ->
-Ed Teach/Stede Bonnet = They have such an amazing and beautiful love and I'm so grateful to Our Flag Means Death for bringing them to my lesbian eyeballs. They're hot, sweet, and filled with joy and hope.
-Laszlo Cravensworth/Nadja of Antipaxos = They've been together for centuries and are canonically polyam and both queer. They're so hot together and are best friends. Their love is truly what I strive to have in my life, seriously.
-Jim Jiminez/Oluwanda Boodhari = I think the best part of this ship is that they're both so amazing seperately. But they're also amazing together. Also I love their polycule.
First ship -> I don't remember their names but I wrote explicit fanfiction of the two main guys from Fruits Basket when I was like 12.
Last song -> Currently listening to ceilings by Lizzy Mcalpine
Currently reading -> Dracul by Dacre Stoker and JD Barker (please don't ask me about it, I literally JUST picked it up from the library two days ago and I'm not far into it yet but I like it so far [vampires have been my special interest since I was 12])
Last film -> I've literally been watching so much TV that I can't remember the last movie I watched! But honestly it was probably The Exorcist or Dracula (two fav movies)
Currently craving -> Alcohol!!!
No pressure tags: @merryfinches @monica-rysik-art @disabledpirate and anyone else that would like to partake!!! Consider yourself tagged! And very sorry if I tagged you and you've already played this game.
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imsoogay · 5 months
Hello!! Socially awkward Mutual here ^_^
For the weird asks list: 1, 28, and whatever number you land on from 50-end of the list.
Have a wonderful day!!
HIIII!! thank you for sending these! i hope you have a wonderful day tooo!! 💗
1.) coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
I really wanna say coffee mugs because there are so many cool designs but… I don’t use them at all :( so water bottles!
28.) five songs to describe you?
The Outside (Outsiders Ver) - Boys Like Girls feat. State Champs, The Summer Set, 3OH!3, and The Ready Set
No Judgement - Niall Horan
Cherry - Fletcher feat. Hayley Kiyoko
Missing You - All Time Low
Talk Too Much - COIN
You - James Arthur feat. Travis Barker
surprise bonus picked out by yours truly:
62.) seven characters you can relate to?
Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen), JD (Scrubs), Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99), Linda (or Louise) Belcher (Bob’s Burgers), and Prompto (Final Fantasy XV)
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metrogeek · 3 years
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gastonlibrary · 3 years
We started a new segment for Gaston Speaks! We’re calling it We’re Booked Up and each episode will be a book discussion between Angelique, Kendall, and Andrew. In each episode we’ll share our opinions about a book we chose, rating the book and sharing what we liked and disliked about it. Like a little book club! For this episode we decided to start with The Noise, a thriller from James Patterson and JD Barker.
Click on the link above and give it a listen or look up Gaston Speaks on your preferred podcasting app and find the episode. And after listening, let us know what you thought of the book, or of our thoughts on the book.
For the next episode, we plan to discuss All Systems Red by Martha Wells, the first book in Wells’s Murderbot Diaries series, featuring a socially anxious security android with a newfound sense of independence.
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