#jewish communists
tikkunolamresistance · 3 months
27th January marks Holocaust Remembrance Day. When we think of the millions of lives taken by the Nazi regime. A regime that spurred a systemic white supremacist, ethnonationalist manifesto. A sepratist ideology of a supreme ethnicity, a supreme race, that had been festering across Europe for centuries. Millions of sacred lives, Jewish lives, taken in the name of supremacy. Of hatred and violence.
Millions of Jewish people, Soviet and Polish Citizens, communists, Rromani people, disabled people, Soviet prisoners of War and Queer people were murdered during the Nazi regime. Millions of lives were brutally taken whilst the Nazi regime convinced Germany, through a copious force of propaganda, that those lives were the real threat. That it were those lives who were inhumanely violent, were not just, they were deemed a threat to Nazi society.
Hitler and the Nazis promoted the idea of a master race— an Aryan, German race that needed to be protected as they thought that was the product of “racial purity”. And to Nazism, the Jewish people were the biggest threat to their sepratist, extremist ideology of racial purity. Initially, the Nazi leadership tried to force Jews out of Germany completely, with propaganda encouraging the dehumanisation of Jews to facilitate exile and the subsequent Holocaust of Jewish people in Europe.
“Rats, lice, cockroaches, foxes, vultures – these are just some of the animals the Nazis used to deride and dehumanize Jews. They used words too. In a new linguistic analysis of dozens of Nazi speeches, articles, pamphlets and posters, researchers show how this process of anti-Semetic dehumanization, which began before the Nazis took power and helped fuel the party’s popularity, was modulated to justify atrocity: in the years before the Holocaust.”
These lives, for purely existing, posed as a threat to the Nazis violently sepratist ideology. Propaganda subjugated German citizens with the power of deception; indoctrinating a people with the belief of superiority, purity and organic virtue. Simplifying the regimes ideological complexities to be palatable, unquestionable and targeting individualism. The ideological sepratism had indoctrinated millions into following the belief that Jewish people were sub-human— an undoubted threat to German people, values and society— and this was only achievable through the already pre-established rampant antisemitism that festered through out Medieval Europe, from Christian accusations of “killing Jesus”, to blood libel, the accusation of poisoned wells, and forcing Jews to chose either baptism or death.
“The mood changed markedly in around the year 1100, at the time of the First Crusade. Hordes of religious fanatics from all social classes, driven by a longing for redemption, set forth to kill infidels in the Middle East and to liberate holy Jerusalem. It stood to reason that they should also combat perceived enemies of Christ at home. Jews were hounded and forced to choose between baptism or death.”
The Holocaust happened because for generations, Europe failed to crack down on antisemitism. Christianisation spread through colonialism and with it, they carried antisemitism to new lands. The Holocaust happened because the Nazi party could convince millions of people of racial supremacy and purity. Far-Right ideology holds onto sepratist endorsement when they enforce anti-immigration laws, Islamophobic policies in France and the desperation of English nationalism. The Holocaust happened because Western superpowers only saw the Nazi imperial expansion as a threat to the Western hegemony.
The Holocaust of millions of Jewish people happened, and the effects of which are felt to this day. Every single day. The pain is carried through generations, for now there is a hole in every Jewish soul. We still feel the anguish, the pain. The frustration that this feels so never-ending.
And it is that pain, that fear, that drives us to say that with every last fighting breath, like the Maccabees who faught for our liberation, like King David who defeated a giant with a slingshot and stone and unbridled courage — Never again, for anybody. We will fight with all that we have. For such a magnitude of slaughter and pain should never touch this Earth for as long as we stand. We cannot carry forth our pain like a baton, we must hold it, a sword, to the enemy and ensure liberation of all feet that touch this Earth. They will not make our people, the Jewish people, into a proxy for their imperial expansion and sepratist Western values.
Never again, for anybody, for all life is sacred.
Never again, for anybody, and certainly not in our name.
Never again, for anybody, and that means Palestine.
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whereserpentswalk · 21 days
The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.
The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)
The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.
Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.
Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.
The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.
The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.
The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 5 months
the idea that the Germans overwhelmingly supported the nazis is a perversely fascinating tool of propaganda tbh bc it was and is used by so many people with different goals and in different ways. The nazis obv just tried to legitimize themselves by faking the results of eg the 1934 referendum; the various German governments of the post-war period in turn use this referendum to show that referendums are bad and everything should be left up to qualified politicians bc the people would just elect another Hitler (who was, in fact, empowered primarily by so-called qualified politicians). Various far-right groups uphold it to claim that modern democracy is a sham. The allies used it to tell theri soldiers "see? They chose this! You can kill them without second thought, men, women, and children, and it's totally justified bc they unanimously stand behind their dictator", and lastly (afaik, at least) there's the cult of guilt in Germany as well as internationally condemning every German who was born after the whole thing as guilty by association. Like practically zero people of influence have any interest at all in being honest about this, and if you do, somehow, it's nazi apologia to say that the NSDAP were oppressors who did not care about what the population actually wanted.
If you for some reason are in need of upping yr blood pressure you can try reading this obscene Jason stanley article in which inherent german blood guilt for Hitler is used to justify treating all future generations of Russians as analogously guilty of the invasion of ukraine by way of their national identity
Even so, my first thought when meeting another German is that their grandparents most likely would have enthusiastically supported murdering me and my family. […] [T]here is still fear and shame in their eyes whenever they attempt to steer the conversation away from their country’s dark legacy. There always will be, because genocide will not and cannot be forgotten – ever.
Imagine just saying this, in print, on purpose! I cannot, as the saying goes, fucking even
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By Lev Koufax
Like Abram Leon, author of “The Jewish Question: a Marxist Interpretation," all Jews must reject the poisonous ideology that has turned us against our Palestinian siblings. Zionism is an ideology meant to benefit the United States and its partners in imperialism. It will never benefit the Jewish people.
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communistkenobi · 6 months
I’m curious if other communists have like a religious relationship to their political beliefs for lack of a better word? That’s not a good word to use but I don’t know how else to describe it. I’m solidly atheist but all of the feelings and emotions religious people talk about, revelation and spiritual connection to community and so on are all things I experience pretty regularly and I interpret those feelings as fundamentally communist. the way I take in and absorb information in particular feels revelatory in a religious sense. I’m pretty sure this is fairly common with MLs but I’m curious about it in general
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despazito · 8 months
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the sea monkeys wiki has some uh, interesting takes on leftism
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riddlemefuckingthis · 5 months
I wanna see other oppressed groups other than woman represented in media the way that feminine rage is portrayed in tv. I like seeing feminine rage in media, but I feel like there’s a whole territory unexplored that could also use with a healthy dose of rage. Like us queer folk going fucking crazy and tearing things apart, or seeing a Jew not have to be quiet and do nothing, but fucking kill nazis. That’s all I want in life. Fucking terrifying scary Jews who are gay making cishet nazis suffer.
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genderoutlaws · 2 years
genuinely love Stone Butch Blues so so much it feels like a reflection of my life n also a totally different world but like a connection to the history that resulted in my embodiment. the first several times i tried reading it certain things would hit too close to home n i’d abandon it. but it feels like a piece in the living history of ts and lesbian lives n so integral to my whole ethos,, idk im high n in my feelings rn n goin thru n highlighting favorite parts in my copy rn n makin notes n its like Damn i do just gotta highlight every single letter 😭
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marx is so fucking stupid i’m so mad; religion isn’t a symptom of the capitalist system that would need to be abolished under the communist state RELIGION ISN’T A CREATION OF THE CAPITALIST STATE IT HAS EXISTED IN MANY FORMS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE CAPITALISM IN ITS CURRENT STATE DEVELOPED also!!!!!!!! if we argue that the purpose of religion is grounded in humanity’s search for meaning and further comprehension of our existence then that would ABSOLUTELY SUGGEST that religious practice and ritual actually brings us CLOSER to our species-essence and CAN in fact be anticapitalist in nature!!!!!!!!!!! GOD i fucking hate this man
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tikkunolamresistance · 5 months
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“Don’t beg for sympathy from a cruel world, rise and resist”
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psychologeek · 10 days
Holocaust (and culture appropriation)
(TW: holocaust, death camps, sexual assaults, rape, industrial murder. I will put the graphic shit undercut. Include children death and human experiments).
Sometimes I think about how fucked up it is that for most non-jews (and some jews) "The Holocaust" is Anne Frank and Auschwitz "where they killed people".
I think about the fucking, the goddamn AUDACITY some people have to take our trauma and use it as a tool. As a lesson.
People that for them the holocaust is nothing but a story, a bunch of facts, probably as aware of it as they're aware of the crusaders.
(Once upon a time, in a far away land, there were Troubles)
People who didn't hear about it as children, who didn't grew up with six million and one-and-a-half million and yellow stars and quiet ceremony and Yizkor (remember).
Would look at a pile of hats and bones and wigs and hair and make it about them.
But also
Sometimes I think about how wild it is, that this looks so horrific to them.
(And they never heard about half of it.)
We are used to death. We are so used to being murdered, and loosing loved ones by hate, that half of our culture is basically based on it.
I think about how non-jews keep talking about the holocaust, like it's a clean cut, like it's a thing that was, like it's that's all that was - there were people hiding, and there were gas chambers, and that's it.
And I remember being a kid (maybe 10 yo?) reading a kid/ya book that was an autobiography, and I remember the writer (who was a young teen at the time, and pretended to be a Christian German) wrote about someone came into the shower and touched him. (Writer) Panicked, and turned around - and then the other man asked him "wait- are you jewish?"
As a kid, I remember that this is all that was in it.
As an adult, I remember that scene, sometimes. And I can have a pretty clear idea on why the older man didn't tell about the kid.
I remember, several years ago, reading about a therapy group for holocaust survivors that were sexually assaulted.
I remember reading about an old lady, that (70 years later) told about what happened to her when she hide away with her sister, (I think they were two, or three girls?) she was sixteen, or maybe fourteen. I remember
"I did it so they'll share their food with us".
I think about people talking about the "death camp" Auschwitz, and how someone said (those who went there, were the lucky ones. When the newbies asked what happened, where are their families? We just pointed at the burning chimneys of Birkenau ,and the smoke.)
I remember the HUNDREDS who died once the camps were "freed", because they didn't know the dangers of eating two pieces of bread after a long period of starving.
I remember the massive Jewish community of Poland that was just. Erased. 99% of 3 million population pre-war. Whole communities we only remember and mention as the community's name (and even that is a very long list.)
I remember how people remember it as "German jews" (and some Poland) - but it's not. My grandma had cousins in Debretsen, Hungary. And it's Ukraine and France and Morocco and Greece and Lybia and Lithuania and Latvia and almost everywhere in Europe and North Africa
(except for Denmark. we love Denmark. My grandad's step-grandma survived there. She immigrated to her family in Israel after that.)
Idk if Goyim ever heard about Mangele. I wonder, how many of them heard during their childhood about:
The eye experiments, where he injected serums in people's (living) eyes, to see what would happen?
His obsession about twins. The toddlers that got their back skinned, then stitched together in "to see what will happen".
(They died after four days of misery.)
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anti-zionist-jew · 3 months
whenmagicfilledtheair is pro putin
Look, anon. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get across or imply with this statement. That I shouldn’t agree with their valid takes about Israel in regard to how it violates my religion and has caused more antisemitism in my life and country than anything else has post-WWII? I don’t even know @whenmagicfilledtheair, I just agreed with their post that came across my feed. But thank you, because your message prompted me to scroll through and see we have similar ideology it looks like. Or at the very least are asking the same questions.
But I guess it’s as good a time as any to point out that I’m a communist. Not just a “tumblr/twitter communist”, but an organized one. I applaud anyone being critical of Western hegemony, I encourage questioning whether there’s a specific reason the West has a vested interest in the demonization of countries and peoples the world over. And lastly, I must remind you that the USA was more concerned with communism than they were the Nazis, and that is still true today.
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By Che Gossett
It is rather convenient for queer and/or trans counter hirstory to be erased, depoliticized and co-opted. Yet, Leslie Feinberg’s work resists neoliberal depoliticization and instead forces a reckoning with histories of Black radicalism, Palestine solidarity and the legacies of revolutionary trans women of color like Sylvia Rivera. As Leslie stated: “wherever racism rears its ugly head, our movement must be there.” And Leslie meant it and was always there — present in solidarity against trans misogyny, Islamophobia, white supremacy, the silencing of the AIDS epidemic, Israeli apartheid and US imperialism.
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widthofmytongue · 1 year
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May the fire of revolution serve as the shamash to ignite our flames and light our way. Always remember the true meaning of Hanukkah: violent anti-imperialism leads to miracles.
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riddlemefuckingthis · 3 months
Something I love is Yiddish Jews. That sounds a bit confusing so I will clarify. The other day I was writing a Jewish short story that I submitted into a writing completion. Anyway, in my story my Jewish character, Evron, makes a certain kabalalist spell using Yiddish instead of Hebrew. What I really like is when Jews use the language that has been passed down for ages, not revived like Hebrew. Yes, I am aware that Hebrew was still spoken in shul and yeshivas, but in like everyday speech in shtetls and all. I like seeing Jews reclaim Yiddish, Ladino, Bukhari Farsi, Judeo-Arabic. I like seeing leftist Jews refuse to learn Hebrew in order to retaliate against Israel’s grudge against Jews speaking the language that we have spoken for ages.
I like saying Shabbas instead of Shabbat, bris instead of brit, tzitzis instead of tzitzit. I like Yiddish because it was a language of community.
Yiddish is beautiful because it understood survival was important in keeping an understanding that no matter what you did, you were still going to get hurt, but you would still keep a community that understood you.
Anyway, I’m saying this because I rewatched a video essay that talked about Yiddish and how it was treated in Israel and how it’s slowly going extinct there because Israel is against Jews speaking languages other than Hebrew and English.
איך האב דיך ליב, דו דארפסט נישט קיין סיבה צו לעבן. לעבעדיק זאָל זיין אַ געגעבן.
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emotboyswag · 1 year
As a communist who is also an atheist/agnostic I end up in a lot of circles with people who think religion is inherently bad or inherently oppressive or should be abolished, 95% of the time these are ex Christians in my experience. I see so many people talk about how because their experiences of Christianity were oppressive all religion is hateful and homophobic and racist. When I spent time in punk circles both in real life and online; people would have patches of crossed out religious symbols of Muslims and Christians and Jews and then somewhere else on their battle jacket would have a crossed out swastika and these same people would talk about punching Nazis.
I think a lot of people talk about antisemitism and islamaphobia and even to some extent a hatred of Christianity on the right wing, the people who believe all Muslims are terrorists and all Jews control the world and religion = religious extremism. But antisemitism and islamaphobia on the left wing is equally as prevalent but ignored much more. I cannot speak on experiences of islamaphobia like I have any authority but in terms of antisemitism. Wanting to abolish religion or thinking its inherently bad, hating Nazis but not defending Jews/disassociating nazism from jew hatred and white supremacy and just treating Nazis like generalised bad people, acting like gay people were the primary targets of the holocaust and the holocaust was not, fundamentally, an ethnic cleansing of Jews and Romani people, believing in really quite a lot (most even) of conspiracy theories are all examples of antisemitism on the left wing.
Left wing people thing they are so (sorry to use this word I hate it lol) “woke” and progressive but antisemitism and islamaphobia and general bigotry to religious minority groups and persecuted religious groups seems to go under the radar.
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