#joshua faraday x reader
make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons + Drabble: How the Seven Admit Their Feelings For You (2016 Movie)
I did this same headcanon prompt for the Tv Series, you can find those -here-
Characters: Goodnight Robicheaux, Billy Rocks, Vasquez, Red Harvest, Sam Chisolm, and Joshua Faraday - All x GN!Readers *No Jack Horne, because though I like his character, I do not want to write a 'x reader' with him.
Warnings: A couple kisses (in Goodies, Vasquez, and Faradays), but that's about it.
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Goodnight Robicheaux:
Goodie is very forward with his feelings as soon as he realizes them, whether these feelings are just attraction or love.
He is flirtatious and charming as soon as you meet, but the second he realizes he has genuine feelings for you, he can't keep it buried.
Afraid to scare you off, he shows his feelings subtly at first, then becomes more affectionate over time.
Instead of casually calling you 'darling', he starts calling you 'sweetheart' or 'love'.
You notice that he will suddenly always be by your side, often shoulders brushing, or a casual hand brushing yours as he walks past.
He compliments you, helps you with anything you need, he is always there. But he is very good at not being stifling, he gives you your space.
You will catch him staring at you more often, and when you do he just smiles and winks.
He will kiss your knuckles/hand when leaving, or if he sees you again after some time apart.
You are unsure if he is just being flirtatious, or if he is being genuine, so you do not really react to any of it.
It does not take Goodie long to realize this, so he decides to catch you alone one day so he can reassure you of how genuine his feelings are.
Goodie smiled to himself as he found you alone, humming to yourself as you braided a new bridle for your horse. He felt a nervous flutter in his chest, but took a deep breath and made his way towards you.
"Well now, that's coming along beautifully." He commented as he sat beside you, running his fingers along part of the bridle.
You smiled at him, "Thank you."
Goodie watched you for a moment, his eyes gently exploring your profile, as he admired how delicate your skin looked.
Looking back up, you met his eyes and smiled softly, almost shyly. "Did you need something Goodnight?"
He smiled softly at you and shook his head, "No, just wanted to spend some time with you is all."
You felt your neck heat up a bit as you nervously looked back down at the bridle. Goodie smiled to himself, seeing how his words effected you.
He leaned in a little and whispered. "I lied."
You looked up and met his eyes again, feeling a jolt in your chest as you realized how close you were now.
"About what?" You asked, your voice also in a whisper.
"I do want something."
"What's that?"
A small smirk played at the edge of his lips. "I wanted to tell you something. Or, at least, reassure you of something."
You continued to look at him, without speaking, waiting for him to continue.
Goodie looked down at your hand, and reached over to grab it. Gently, he took your hand and brought it to his face, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.
Your heart began beating rapidly, as your breath became uneven.
"I adore you." He said softly, and your breath hitched in your throat.
You let out a soft breath as you shook your head with a soft smile. "I never know if you are being genuine Goodie."
He frowned slightly but nodded his head. "I know. And that is entirely my fault. That's what I wanted to tell you, to reassure you that-" he squeezed your hand softly. "-I have never been more genuine."
Your eyes flicked to his hands holding yours, before you met his eyes. "Truly?"
He nodded as he brought your hand to his lips again "Truly."
His own heart fluttered as a smile spread across your face, "I suppose t's no secret i feel the same?"
He grinned "Not so much. But I love your transparency, it only makes me adore you even more."
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down at your feet shyly. Feeling a finger hook underneath your chin, Goodnight made you look up at him again.
He has a soft smile on his face as he leaned closer. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. His facial hair tickled your skin lightly as he did so.
Pulling away, he gently grazed his fingers across your cheek as you locked eyes, sharing in a silent revelation.
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Billy Rocks:
Billy is very reserved and might be unsure of himself at first.
He notices how his eyes always seem to search for you, how he thinks of you when you are not around, and how he seems to gravitate towards you when you are.
It was Goodie who first suggested that maybe it was because Billy was developing strong feelings for you.
Billy took this to heart and started to pay more attention to how he felt around you.
He started to notice how your presence affected him.
How your presence made his heart beat faster, how your smile sent butterflies through his stomach, how your laugh made him smile.
He felt stupid for not having noticed how much you effected him earlier.
But once he did notice, the thought of you drove him crazy, and he couldn't help but constantly think of how happy he would be if you were with him.
Billy would often think that you would not see him that way, but one day when he caught your eyes and you smiled brightly at him, he thought, maybe he was wrong.
And there was only one real way of finding out.
Billy's heart continued to beat rapidly as he began to follow you. You were heading toward the stream just outside the town. This could be the perfect moment to tell you how he felt.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to settle his anxiety. He slowed down as he watched you dip down, running your hand through the stream.
As you began to gather water into a few canteens, you heard a crunch of leaves and looked back. You saw Billy standing a few feet behind you, hat in his hands.
You smiled at him, feeling butterflies flutter through your stomach. "Hello Billy."
He smiled awkwardly as he took a few steps closer. "I'm sorry if I startled you."
You stood and smiled, shaking your head. "You didn't." Noticing how fidgety he seemed, you began to grow a bit worried.
Turning fully toward him, you frowned a bit. "Is something wrong Billy?"
He shook his head softly. "No, nothing is wrong, I just... have something to say."
You felt your heart jolt out of surprise and anxiety, as your ears began to burn. What could he need to say that would make him so nervous? You waited for him to speak, holding your canteen in front of your chest as you fiddled with the strap.
Taking a few steps closer to you, he looked around to make sure you were alone, as he rotated his hat nervously in his hands. Feeling a bit frustrated at his own sudden awkwardness, he let out a frustrated breath before he met your eyes again.
"I like you, Y/n." As he paused, he watched your face for some form of reaction. He felt his worries lessen a little as he saw your lip quirk up into a small smile.
"You like me?" You questioned softly as you remained still.
Billy took another step towards you as he nodded "I do. Very much." Taking another tentative step closer, he was only a few feet away from you now "And I thought, that maybe, if you felt the same as me-" another step closer, he was right in front of you now, his eyes drilling into yours. "That we could-"
He stopped unsure of how to continue as he stood right in front of you now. You were so close, that his hands, still holding his hat, brushed against yours as you held your canteen in front of you.
"That we could...be together?" You finished tentatively, your voice soft, shy.
He nodded softly as his eyes scanned your face "Yes." Stretching out a single finger, he gently caressed your hand.
You repressed a grin, but smile softly at him, "I do feel the same Billy."
You saw a quick moment of surprise flash across his face before a small smile stretched across it. "Good."
Your smile widened a bit as his hand gently wrapped around yours. Bringing it up to his face, he pressed a kiss to the back of it, his eyes never leaving yours.
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Vasquez was a flirt, and he was attracted to many people.
But there was something about you that made him feel different.
He was the one who made people blush, or giggle. He was the one who caused butterflies in peoples stomachs.
However, when you complimented him, he blushed. When he would make you laugh, he felt proud. When you walked into the room, his heart would flutter.
You made him feel the way he always tried to make you feel.
You didn't see him as a scary outlaw, you saw him as a brave man who did what he needed to to stay alive.
You would listen to him, talk to him, help him. And he was not used to it. Not used to someone caring about him.
He adored you and it did not take much for him to realize it.
What scared him as that you did not want more with him, that you did not want him as much as he wanted you.
So Vasquez decided to wait, to watch, to see if he could find out just how you felt.
And one day, when you all showed up in a new town, it wasn't long before a local started flirting with you.
Vasquez was jealous, he was angry.
But he was glad when you seemed to shoo that man away, and he was ecstatic, when you came to him to find shelter from other's attentions.
Vasquez's eyes never left your face as you settled in the stool beside him. You let out a breath and Vasquez smiled.
A grin spread across his face. "Not enjoying your new found attention Abejita?"
You smiled to yourself as used his nickname for you, 'little bee', harmless unless threatened, cute but dangerous.
You met his eyes "Who could enjoy the garbage coming out of that mans mouth? Tell me Vasquez, do all men think that insulting someone makes them seem irresistible?"
You saw the smile on his face falter "He insulted you?"
You shrugged a little "I think he thought he was complimenting me, but all he really called me was desperate."
"Said the spider to the fly." Vasquez hissed as he looked back over his shoulder at the man. "What will you do if he bothers you again?"
"Same thing I just did." You said simply.
Looking over at you, you smiled softly "You think he's gonna come bother me if I'm with you?"
A smile slowly spread across his face as he leaned his head a little closer "So you came to me to for safety?"
You let out a soft chuckle, "Well I know how you like having your ego stroked."
He gave you a sly smile and chuckled "You coming to be with me is the highest form of compliment amor."
You felt your heart palpitate, "'Amor', that's a new one." You said softly as you stared down at the counter, trying to sound more amused than sheepish.
Vasquez felt a jolt of pride and courage as he could see how calling you 'love' effected you. His eyes grazed over your profile as he hungrily took it in. Leaning in just a little more he smiled softly as he gently ran his finger under your chin, making you look over at him, obviously perplexed.
"Now you know you you make me feel."
You let out a soft laugh "What?"
"Those butterflies in your stomach? That's how I always feel around you amor."
His voice and gaze was unusually soft, and you could tell he was not joking. Your heart began fluttering faster.
You smiled softly. "I never imagined you having butterflies."
"Only for you" He quickly replied.
"Is that so?" You said with an amused smile, wondering how truthful he was being.
Your voices were soft, almost whispers, your faces not far apart as your eyes seemed locked on each other. You saw his eyes flick to your lips, so fast you almost missed it.
"It is so, and new. I'm not used to this feeling."
"What feeling is that?"
Vasquez's lip quirked up a bit, you were forcing him to admit it, you needed to hear it to believe it.
He shook his head softly "I do not know what it's called. But I know what it will become." He paused, letting the silent tension rise a bit, he looked at your lips again, for longer this time. Locking his eyes with yours again he spoke in a whisper. "Love."
"You seem certain." You wanted him to be, just as much as you were.
Reaching out, he gently caressed your face with his fingers, "I am."
"And how do you feel about that?"
Leaning in, he placed a soft kiss to your lips, quick, yet perfect. He smiled softly, and whispered "Ready."
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Red Harvest:
I think a lot of people would expect Red Harvest to not really understand his own feelings.
But I think it's the opposite.
He knows exactly what he feels, when he feels it.
He just does not act on it until he knows it is the right thing to do.
And when he realizes he has developed feelings for you, he is unsure of when the right moment would be to tell you this. Or if there was a right moment at all.
He had never been more unsure of himself, as when he realized he cared for you like that.
Red Harvest admires your bravery and strength, and adores your laugh and your kindness.
Too caught up in how he feels, he often misses the signs that you feel the same.
When Sam makes a passing comment about it one day, Red Harvest realizes that maybe now was the right moment after all.
"You should go with Y/n." Sam said casually as he and Red Harvest watched you preparing your horse to go to the nearest town to get supplies.
Red Harvest felt his heart palpitate, but he ignored it. "Why?" He asked bluntly.
Sam looked at him from the corner of his eye, before he began to turn and head back into the safe house. "Because they want you to."
Red watched Sam for a moment before he looked back over at you, watching as you began to mount your horse. Should he go with you? You would get to be alone for a while. Just the two of you.
As you turned to look back at him, he felt his breath catch in his throat. You smiled softly. "I'll be back soon."
Before you could ride off, he called out "Wait."
Looking back at him in mild surprise, you waited as he remained silent for a moment.
"Can I come with you?" He asked tentatively.
You watched him for a moment before you smiled and nodded "Of course."
Red Harvest chastised himself continuously the longer he didn't say anything. He allowed you to speak, and replied when necessary. He enjoyed listening to you talk, and he had every intention of telling you how he felt. But now, as you were on your way back to the safe house, and he had said nothing, he was angry with himself.
Looking over at you, he admired your profile as you looked out ahead of you. You could feel his gaze on you, and your heart fluttered in your chest. You often caught him watching you, and you could only wish it meant what you wanted it to.
You were caught off guard when he spoke, breaking the silence that had been surrounding you for nearly twenty minutes.
"I enjoy riding with you. We should do it more often."
You looked over at him and smiled brightly, "I agree, I like it too." Your eyes locked for a moment and you felt an almost unbearable tension in your chest. "It's much nicer than the constant bickering between Faraday and Vasquez." You added quickly, trying to break the tension you thought you alone felt.
Red Harvest continued to watch you, even as you looked away. Not even he could miss the way you seem to be effected by his comment, or the tension that rose between you in that moment.
Stopping his horse, he watched as you stopped just ahead, turning back to look at him.
"Whats wrong?" You asked, looking around quickly, wondering if he saw something.
Silently, he got down from his horse, and you watched him in confusion. His eyes stayed locked on you as he walked over to your horse, looking up at you.
Lifting his hand up, you understood he wanted you to get down as well. Your heart was hammering in your chest as confusion washed over you. What was happening? Did he see something, hear something?
Getting off your horse, you felt him gently grab your waist to steady you as you did so. As you stood, he was directly in front of you, his eyes still locked with yours, as his hand still rested on your waist.
There was a moment of still silence, as the tension from before grew. Finally, Red Harvest spoke, his voice soft. "I enjoy being with you."
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you struggled to find your voice for a moment. "I enjoy being with you too." You finally said softly.
You felt your body freeze as he slowly lifted his hand, and cupped your face. His eyes darted around your face before he met your eyes again. "I did not know what this path would lead me too. But I think, it was you."
As you smiled, he gently, ran his thumb across your lips and you saw the ghost of a smile on his face. The silence engulfing you was no longer tense, but comfortable, electric, the beginning of a new path together.
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Sam Chisholm:
Sam has a great understanding of how he feels. And he is an advocate for not keeping it too himself.
He is also very good at reading other people, and knows you feel the same.
However, chances are, you are younger than him. Or better than him in ways he can't explain. And that throws him off a bit.
You should be with someone your age, or someone more like you, someone who would not drag you into danger like he does.
So he tries to do the honorable thing, and push his feelings aside, waiting for the day when you find someone else. Someone who could be better for you.
But God, is it hard.
When every time he sets his eyes on you, his heart flutters.
The sound of your voice is music to his ears, and your laugh is his favorite sound in the world.
And God forbid, if someone else shows an interest in you. It takes everything in his power not to scare them off.
But you do it for him. You never show any interest in anyone one else.
Sam notices this, and can't help but feel relieved.
Eventually, he can no longer push those feeling aside. And starts to run out of excuses, so he gives in.
As the locals continued to dance, and you refused yet another dance with someone for the umpteenth time in the night, Sam felt his chest clench. He was glad you were not dancing with anyone else, as he knew how it would made him feel. But, he did want to see you dance.
Standing up a bit straighter, he took a breath. If he wanted to see you dance, he might as well do it himself. Though, what if you said no to him too?
As he walked over to you, he felt his lips curl as you saw him and smiled. Stopping in front of you, he smiled softly "Now why is it that you are refusing to dance tonight Y/n?"
He saw you struggle for an answer for a moment before you shrugged lightly "Can't find the right partner I suppose."
There was something in your tone that told him what he wanted to hear, as a soft smile crossed his face. Slowly, he reached out his hand "I suppose you wouldn't want to dance with me then?"
Your eyes glanced down at his hand as you smiled softly. Looking back up as him, you tilted your head a bit before a soft, almost teasing smile graced your face, making his heart flutter.
You spoke as you placed your hand on top of his "Then you would be wrong Sam Chisholm."
He grinned down at you as he began to lead you out onto the dance floor "There aren't many times I'm glad in being wrong you know."
"There aren't many times you are wrong period." You said with a soft chuckle as you gently placed your hands on his shoulders as you danced. You were glad the current song being played was slow, so you could talk.
"Is that so?" He asked teasingly. "As I recall, I was wrong about that lawyer in the last town not being in on the heists going on."
You shrugged your head lightly "True, but you were right about the ring leader when no one else was, so I think that balanced it out."
He smiled as he hummed a bit. You chuckled softly "You can't think of any other times recently can you?"
His smile widened a bit "Well these is one thing I'm afraid I might be wrong about."
"What's that?"
"You." He said softly, staring into your eyes.
"What are you afraid you are wrong about Sam?" Something was telling you, you already knew. But you'd hate to jump to a conclusion that would break your heart.
"Us." He said softly. Seeing your eyes widen slightly, he continued. "I'm afraid I read us wrong. Afraid I'm wrong in believing you feel the same way I do."
Your heart was beating quickly as your eyes refused to leave his. "Do you have feelings for me Sam?"
He nodded softly. "I do."
A small smile crept along your face as you shook your head ever-so-slightly "Then you aren't wrong."
His heart fluttered in his chest as his smile remained wide. Pulling you a bit closer as you continued to dance, he whispered softly as e stared into yours eyes lovingly, glad he finally took a chance on you.
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Joshua Faraday:
Faraday has commitment issues.
He is a love 'em and leave 'em sort of guy.
Until he meets you.
At first he thinks it is the normal physical attraction he has for most attractive people.
But then you get to know each other, and he starts to find you attractive in more ways than one.
You make him laugh, you challenge him, you can take his shit and give it back in equal measure.
Once he realizes that he has genuine feelings for you, he is terrified. That does not happen, not to him.
So he ignores it, but, not surprisingly, he fails miserably.
But he pushes forward, telling himself he's not the type of fall in love, and be with one person forever.
He tries to hide his feelings, with other people.
But the second someone shows interest, he feels immeasurable guilt, and even feels extremely uncomfortable to receive or give affection to someone that's not you.
That finally makes him realize, you are the only one in his mind, and his heart.
Confiding in Sam, he helps him realize that this type of thing doesn't happen that often, and he'd be a fool to let it pass by.
So he swallows his pride, shoves away his fears, and decides to tell you how he feels.
Faraday stared at your hotel room door for what felt like hours before he finally knocked. Part of him hoped you weren't inside, that he could turn and run, but when he heard you call out for him to come in, he felt his heart start hammering.
You looked up to see Faraday open your door. You were a bit surprised as you expected it to be Sam.
You smiled at him "Hey Faraday."
"Hey." He greeted with an awkward smile as he stayed standing in the open doorway.
You frowned "You gonna come in, or..."
Seeing him come to his senses he quickly stepping inside and closed the door. He scratched his ear as he looked around.
"You need something or are you just bored?"
"Bored." He said and nodded, "Bar's closed for repairs."
You nodded as you watched him curiously. He adjusted the blanket at the end of your bed before wandering over to the window and looking out.
"Nice day today, not too hot."
"Okay, Faraday, what's going on?"
Spinning around he looked at you with mild alarm and a questioning gaze.
"You never just show up for small talk, and you are really bad at it. So, I'm assuming you are here for something else."
Straightening up, you watched as he started playing with his hat as he held it. "Yeah, right, that. Uhm, yeah, I did have something I wanted to say, but, uh, I can't seem to- to find the words."
Was he...nervous? You watched him closely as he stared at the floor, seemingly trying hard to think of what to say.
Glancing over at you, he nodded his head a bit "I'll come back later."
You watched with bewilderment as he marched to your door and grabbed the door handle before stopping. He let out a sigh before he turned back around, staring at you in silence.
You blinked a few times as you watched him. "Faraday?" You questioned softly.
"I'm not good at this." He blurted out.
"Not good at what?"
"I'm not good, at telling people how I feel."
You almost smiled, but pushed it down "I would be lying if I said I didn't notice that." Standing up, you took a step closer to him, his eyes on you closely. "But if it helps, if you have something you need to get off your chest, I wont tell anyone. We're friends Joshua, you can tell me anything."
His heart leapt a bit as he took a breath "That's the problem. Us being friends, I mean."
You frowned a bit, unsure if you should be offended, or hopeful of where this conversation was turning.
"I don't want to be friends, I mean, just friends. I want to be more than that, but...I've never..."
You spoke softly "You've never been in a serious relationship." You knew this about him, it was something he had previously been proud of, but now you weren't so sure.
He nodded softly, "I've never felt serious about anyone. Until I met you that is. I thought that is wasn't for me so I ignored it, but anytime I-I flirted with someone else, or someone else came onto me, i felt...wrong. Because, you are all I want."
You had noticed his change in demeanor around others recently. He didn't flirt as heavily with people he met. He didn't even seem to consider propositions he would get. You wondered what changed, hoping it maybe had something to do with you, but you were never sure, until now.
You smiled at him as you took another step closer. "I feel the same about you Joshua. I was just waiting for you to see it too."
His anxiety faded as he smiled down at you, relief settled in his chest. His eyes dated around your face as you smiled at him. Stepping closer, meeting you, he brought his hand up to your face as his eyes traced your lips.
"I'm not used not being such a coward."
You giggled softly "You're not a coward Joshua, just a little scared of something new."
Gently stroking your face his voice got softer "I am afraid, but I ain't gonna run. Not anymore."
"Good to hear it." You smiled.
Leaning down, he met your lips in a kiss. The fear and uncertainty in his chest fading as he was met with certainly and safety in your arms.
xx End xx
I struggled a bit with Sam's and Faraday's, but I hope you like them still!~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394
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The Magnificent Seven Mobile Masterlist
Red Harvest
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One Shots
Where Are You Headed?
Ride On Part 1, (on hiatus)
Cold Nights - Drabble
“It’s cold, you should wear my jacket.”
Faraday, Vasquez, and Red Harvest BroT3
Dating Would Include…
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One Shots
When the Morning Comes
Run Away With Me
Any Regrets
Here Comes Trouble
I Found You
“I’m pretty sure I’ve aged ten years since meeting you.” “I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”
“Aww, poor baby, you want me to take care of it for you?” (18+)
Being His S/O
Faraday Vasquez, and Red Harvest BroT3
Joshua Faraday
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One Shots
Nice Shootin’
I’d Rather Stay
“It’s okay, to cry…” “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
“You need sleep.” “You don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
Being His S/O
Faraday, Vasquez, and Red Harvest BroT3
Billy Rocks
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One Shots
Your Hair is So Soft - Drabble
“I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.”
You and Billy plan to go to Goody’s Halloween Party, but then get sidelines
A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss
Vasquez x Reader x Faraday
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One Shots
Standing Still
Goodnight x Billy Rocks
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One Shots
The Day We Met
General Fic
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One Shots
Angels on a Hill
Some Things Never Change
Bad Memories
Harry Potter AU
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the-and-sign-anon · 5 years
Mag7 x cuddly! reader
Request: "Hcs for the Seven interacting with a cuddly Reader please and thank you "
Requested by: anonymous
Sam Chisolm
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He's not a particularly cuddly person
But he is with you
At the end of long, tiring days, even before you guys get together, you would cuddle up to go to sleep
Neither of you felt it was weird
When he rounded up the Seven, you were at his side
The first night, you curled up with him as usual
The others sort of glanced at you guys for a moment, but they kept their mouths shut
Faraday was the only one dumb enough to try to say something
You both shut him up pretty quickly
Goodnight Robicheaux
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He needs cuddles
You guys know each other for a few months before you showed your cuddly side
It was late one night and Goodnight woke up from a nightmare
He felt bad about waking you up, but he really didn't want to be alone
You payed close attention as he told you what had happened before wrapping your arms around him
You guys then cuddled whenever either of you were having a tough time
Billy Rocks
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Billy loves that you're a cuddly person
He thinks it's really cute
He'll never say that, though
Goodnight pokes fun at you guys a little bit, but not enough to embarrass either of you
You also steal his hat when you cuddle
It's not that you don't have a hat, you just like taking his to put over your face
He thinks it's pretty cute, so he doesn't complain
Jack Horne
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He's a big guy, so he gives the best cuddles
He really likes cuddling with you at the end of long days
Before he lost his family, he and his wife would cuddle sometimes, so cuddling with you sort of brings back the happier memories of who he's lost
You guys cuddle every night
No exceptions
Joshua Faraday
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Faraday is happy to cuddle with you whenever you need cuddles
His cocky attitude just sort of slips away and he's really sweet when you're curled up in his arms
No one says anything about it because they don't want to risk breaking whatever spell your cuddles seem to put on him
Most nights you guys will cuddle
Unless he did something to tick you off
In that case, no cuddles for him
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He only cuddles with you
He's usually pretty on edge, and your cuddles are one of the only things that calm him down
The first time you asked to cuddle, he was a little apprehensive about it
He just wasn't a generally affectionate person, but he wasn't about to say no to you
You guys cuddle most nights, and if you're not cuddling you're beside each other and holding hands
Both of you have nearly shot Faraday multiple times for either startling you when you're half asleep or for making fun of you guys
Red Harvest
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He doesn't cuddle with anyone
Not even you
But he'll happily guide you in the direction of someone who will
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coffeeandtin · 6 years
B 10 with Faraday. Where the reader cannot swim and they need to cross a river bed. But she does not tell Faraday about her not knowing how to and he ends up saving them all the while he is also scolding because his is shaken by almost losing them.
Here ya go! (Just so you know, the entire time I was writing this, I couldn’t quit thinking of that scene from The Mummy where Brendan Fraser throws Rachel Weisz into the river!) 
               “We’llhide our stuff here, and come back for it later,” Joshua said as he unfastenedhis gun belt with haste, and set it behind a rock with disproportionate care. “Takeoff your dress.”
               “Awfullyforward of you, Mister Faraday,” you said, even as you took off your own weapon,and began shucking off your dress. The dress was a formality, really. The pantsyou wore beneath kept you covered.
               “Don’twant you getting too water-logged,” he said as he shook his head and grinned.
               “How considerate.”
               Youboth snickered, and once your belongings were stashed. You scanned the distancefor your pursuers before you followed him to the edge of the river.
               “This’llhave to be good enough,” he said as he grimaced at the body of water before you.
               Thewidth of the river never seemed to taper, and the current never seemed to slow.
               “On thebright side, it doesn’t look like there are too many rocks,” you observed.
               “Naw,”Faraday said, as he waded into the water. “I’m sure they’re submerged.”
               You letout a nervous chuckle. The water reached Faraday’s midriff before he turned tosee that you had not moved any further.
               “Thewater’s cold, but there are bandits after us,” he reminded you.
               “Hellof a day,” you acknowledged as you stepped toward the waiting water, andconsidered taking your chances with the pack of thieves at your backs.
               You’dnever had occasion to learn how to swim, and now that you lacked any otheroption, it seemed like a grave oversight.
               Can’t be that hard, you thought. Just don’t drown.
               Keepingyour eyes on Joshua’s back, you went as quickly as you could. You navigated therocks, and righted yourself if you slipped. You built confidence until thewater reached your chin; it wouldn’t be long before the water was too deep, andyou’d have to paddle. After one more step, the riverbed fell away and your headslipped below the surface. You splashed backward and lost your footing. Yourarms and legs flailed. You found no purchase, or air. And then you were sweptaway.
               Faradayturned in time to see you disappear.
               Hesucked in air and paddled back toward where he hoped you’d be. He alternatedtreading water and searching the surface, and groping dumbly beneath him.
               Heshouted your name, and let the current carry him. Lack of air made his headspin. How long had you been missing? It was sheer luck that he saw your upperbody floating around the bend in the river. He rallied and lunged after you.The river had become narrow, but it was also deep. There was a tree that hadfallen and its length spanned nearly the entire width of the river. Unless hismind was playing tricks on him, he thought he saw you caught in the branches. Faradaylet he current take him to the tree. His chest hit the trunk hard, but he held tight,and dragged himself toward you.
               I’m coming, he thought. Hold on!
               He untangledyour insensible body from the branches and held you tight as the water pulledyou both further down the river. The cuts and scrapes he saw were the least ofhis concerns.
               Jesus Christ, I don’t think she’s breathing.
               Herepeated your name and held you close. He was a scared little boy, and if therewere tears in his eyes, the river washed them away, too. The water occasionallytook you both under, and he would pull you both back up.
               Thenwhen you were out of the shadow of the rocks, the current became more forgiving;and there was sand. Faraday pulled you out of the water. His own breathing wasragged, and he slumped to his knees beside you.
               “Hey, c’mon,”he said as though he expected you to answer him.
               “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!” He begged.
               Hetilted your head back, and began pressing your chest. He pulled in as deep abreath as he could, covered your mouth with his and forced air into you. He becamemore desperate with every repetition, but by the third time he put his hands onyour chest you began to sputter, and cough, and choke. He helped you turn over,and rubbed your back as you retched.
               “Thankyou,” he whispered.
               Youboth sat there, bereft of energy.
               “Youdon’t know how to swim, do you?”
               “Neverhad to learn,” you confessed, and fought the urge to cough.
               “Jesus! Why didn’t say something?!”
               Youflinched at his tone, but kept your eyes riveted on the space between your feet.
               “Didn’tseem like we had much choice,” you pointed out.
               “Wecould have…fair enough,” he conceded. “I could have helped you, though. Youjust had to ask.”
               “Fairenough,” you echoed.
               Yourpride had got the better of you, and it took a brush with death for you torealize it. When you were sure you weren’t going to topple under your ownweight, you pushed yourself upward and got to your feet.
               “Weshould probably be going.”
               Faradayagreed and joined you. The walk back to meet the rest of the group waspunctuated by questions from Joshua.
               You know how to ride a horse, right?
               Your guns? You can shoot them,yeah?
               I mean…I just want to make sure.
                That wasa fair, you supposed.
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octopodeez · 7 years
Faraday + Ocean, please??
You saw it happen. You saw it happen. But still, as Faraday sauntered innocently in your direction, you asked. 
“What did you do?” 
Faraday ignored the question and took a swig of your drink, despite having one of his own in the opposite hand. You waited patiently for him to finish. There was, after all, nothing for you to worry about. You hadn’t just cheated two agitated, drunk cowboys out of thirty dollars. 
“You’re askin’ me with that voice you use when you think I’ve done something wrong,” Faraday moved to set your glass back down, paused thoughtfully, and then polished the whole thing off. 
You shrugged, unfazed, and pushed two bits to the crotchety bartender, who was starting to eye you both with suspicion. 
“So you’re saying there’s nothing wrong? Absolutely nothing wrong?”
“Eh,” there was an uncertainty creeping over his voice while he placed his hand on your lower back to usher you out of the saloon. “So far, so good.” 
Faraday’s timing was perfect, as it usually was in these situations. The moment the doors swung shut, curses could be heard coming from within.
God dammit I knew he cheated, where’d that sonofabitch go!?
“Yeah?” You bit back a smile as he urged you to move a bit faster. “So those boys back there noticing you had a few extra aces up your sleeve is nothing?” 
“If you saw it happen, then why did you ask?” 
“Because I like to try making your life as difficult as you make mine.” 
“And how’s that workin’ out?” He sounded smug as he lit a cigarette. You found in times like this that the more laid-back Faraday was, the worse off things actually were. If his indications were at all telling of the situation at hand…he’d really fucked up. 
“There’s never a dull day.” 
“That’s what I like to hear! Let’s head West this time. I hear there’s gold in California. And I ain’t never seen the ocean before. I think it might be nice.”  
You sped up as the angry voices lurking in the saloon grew closer.  This was a shitty way to live, and you thought about that every day. Drifting. Stealing. Running. It was a cycle that never ended. 
But god damn, was it fun. 
In case anyone was wondering, this is the first time I’ve written something longer than 30 words in like two months, god bless.
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coyoteimagines · 7 years
All the Fun - Magnificent Seven
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Hey! Can I have a romantic #27 with Faraday? From the magnificent 7? Thank you!
#27: “If you die, I die.”
AN: Part of my mini-shot event. You can find the info and prompt list here
You smiled at Faraday from across the smoky saloon. YOU raised three fingers to your lips and winked twice at him. He winked back, unnoticed to anyone but you, indicating he understood your little gesture.
“I’m all in.” He stated suddenly, shoving a stack of cash and coins into the middle of the table.
“Yer bluffin out yer ass Faraday.” Drawled the man sitting in front of him.
“No Jeffords, Im just callin your bluff.” Faraday
“Come Jeffords. Show your cards.” Another man at the table whistled. Jeffords glared and dropped his hand on the table, revealing exactly what you had signaled to Faraday that his hand was. Faraday grinned and dropped his hand, clearly beating Jeffords.
“You son of a bitch.” Jeffords growled as Faraday stood up. He scooped the winnings into his hat and nodded at the men around the table.
“And that’s where I think I’ll end it tonight gentlemen.” And with that he downed the last of his whisky and sauntered out the back door of the saloon. You waited five or so minutes before following him. You made your way out to the town stables where Faraday had already saddled your horse.
“That worked better than I…” Faraday started to say when he was cut off by a bullet whizzing overhead. You both instinctively dove behind the stable wall.
“HEY FARADAY YOU YELLOW BELLIED CHEAT! BARKEEP SAW YOUR FRIEND THERE GIVING YOU SIGNAL” Jeffords screamed as a few more bullets pinged overhead.
“You spoke too soon Josh. Sounds like he has a few friends” You grumbled, yanking your revolver out of its holster. You shimmied up to glance over the wall, ducking as a round splintered the wood next to you.
“Hey listen. I’ll cover you, you get out of here.” Faraday had his guns drawn as well. You shot him a look that screamed ‘oh please’
“And let you have all the fun? Nah.” You leaned over and stole a quick kiss. “If you die, I die.”
“Have it your way.” He grinned and pushed you over onto the ground, smothering your protest in a heated kiss before pulling away abruptly. He leapt over you and the wall, leaving you with the lingering taste of his whisky kiss. You took half a second to gather your wits before you shook your head and leapt over the wall yourself, guns drawn and a wicked grin splitting across your face.
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hellacluttered · 6 years
Fireball (Vasquez x reader ft. Faraday)
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    “So what you’re telling me is that you’ve never had so much as a shot of whiskey before?” Faraday’s brows were raised in shock, the cards he had been playing with frozen in his hand.
    You shook your head.
    “No opportunity or no desire?” asked Faraday.
    “Some of both,” you said. “My father used to be an alcoholic so we never had booze in the house. It was never really something I was interested in.”
    “And how about now?” Vasquez asked.
    “You really have no idea what you’re missing out on,” Faraday added.
    “I should admit I’ve considered it,” you said, the edges of your lips quirking up at Faraday’s grin. “That said, I don’t want to get completely hammered my first time.”
    “And when might you want that first time to be?” Vasquez asked.
    You looked around. The small tavern was nearly empty. “Well,” you said. “No time like the present, I suppose. Carpe diem!”
    “That’s the spirit!” Faraday said. “I’ll be right back.” He rose, leaving the table for the bar.
    Vasquez wrapped an arm around your shoulders, his earnest dark eyes peering into yours. “Are you sure you want this, love? It’s not too late to back out.”
    “No,” you said. “It’ll be fun.”
    Vasquez smiled. “Then what’s stopping us?” He looked up. “Hurry it up with the drinks, will you, Güero?”
    Faraday scowled at him as he crossed the room, a bottle in one hand and three shot glasses in the other. “Since when were you in such a hurry?”
   “Quit squabbling, you two,” you said and Faraday sat down, looking somewhat chastened as he filled a shot glass dangerously full of amber-colored whiskey and handed it to you. He filled his and Vasquez’s glasses and then the three of you raised them.
    “To drinking!” Faraday said. Vasquez echoed the sentiment and then you tossed back your drink in unison with them.
    At first it burned, fire coursing down your throat. Then your tongue registered the spicy, sweetened taste of cinnamon and you shuddered, the strong combination wracking your body. “Well?” Vasquez asked. The burn had faded rapidly, leaving just warmth throughout your insides, enough to make you feel you could melt the snow outside the tavern just by standing by it.
    “It’s strange,” you said. “But it’s good.”
    “Another round then,” Faraday said.  
    Countless rounds and a second fifth of whiskey later, you hardly registered a staggering Vasquez helping you up the stairs though most of your weight was leaning against him. Your lower jaw felt slightly numb and your head was spinning, and when you passed a mirror in the hall, the face looking back at you didn’t quite seem like yours.
    Then morning came and all the things you hadn’t felt the night before registered. Your head was pounding as if someone was beating it with a hammer. Your stomach ached and roiled; it felt as if it was filled with pure poison. Vasquez was sprawled shirtless on the bed next to you and when you climbed over him to get to the basin of water on the other side of the room, you felt dizzy and unsteady on the way there, grabbing the edge of the table for support when you reached it. Vasquez roused slightly as you climbed back into bed. “How’re you?” he asked, his voice deep and rough from sleep.
    “I want to die,” you groaned, pulling a pillow over your eyes to block the light that stabbed at them through the thin curtains.
    You felt the bed shift and he pulled you closer to him, tucking an arm around you. You nestled into his shoulder, sheltering your eyes against his warm skin. “It’ll go away,” he said. “We have nowhere to be today; let’s sleep this off.”
    You nodded. “That sounds heavenly.”
    Just then the door slammed open and a rumpled Faraday stumbled inside, leaning heavily against the doorframe. “There’s a warrant for my arrest in the street outside. Do you have any idea what we did last night?”
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im-hqlover · 4 years
Weekly Update Post.
(Okay, doing this a second time because tumblr bugged, I hope it works now.) 
Soooo, I decided that I will do an update post every week, reporting on the status of what I'm writing, along with a little spoiler of what I've already written, so, spoiler alert!
As you can see I have written a lot of things, but my problem is that somehow i can't get some of my ideas down on paper, because of that i'm writing several things at the same time, but it comes to a point that i just don't know how to unfold the story, and this is annoying me a lot. I hope you understand why I haven't posted anything recently.
Arkham Knight (AK) - Chapter 2 
Words written so far: 1473
Status: Last edition 40 days ago / Very hard written block / Hiatus / I may have to rewrite this
- Baby, I'm going to have to go back to Bludhaven.
- Can I go with you? - I asked him while turning off my cell phone and paying attention to him. 
- No, you better stay here, it's safer. 
- But- 
- No, you will stay here, it is the best, and you know it. - He approaches me and I get up from the couch and stand in front of him. 
- Okay… just be careful. 
- I promise. - He takes my hand and kisses it softly, he always did that when he promised me something. - I'll be back tomorrow, okay? 
Arranged marriage/Royal AU (AM/RAU) - Chapter 4 
Words written so far: 2693 
Status: Last edition a week ago (or are there two? I don't remember)/ Writing block / Little hiatus / May I need to rewrite.
Spoiler: I had my suspicions that this was supposed to be a gift from Jason, since he was the only option for me to have left a gift on our bed, but why would he give me a gift? Maybe I was wrong and he just left it there to deliver to someone else later. 
Dinosaur Trainer (DT) - Chapter 2 
Words written so far: 5827
Status: Last edition yesterday / Little Tiny Writing Block / Thinking about what the other characters would say is a very difficult task.
- Owen Grady, it's nice to meet you. - He extends his hand, I shake it too and return the smile. 
- It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grady. - We pulled our hands away, and again, I don't know how I didn't stutter to answer. 
- Call me Owen. - I nod, and muttered an "ok", he greeted Mr. Masrani and then the four of us sit at the round table, Simon was still sitting across from me, with Hoskins at his left side, and Owen standing between Hoskins and me. Kodi continued to lie on my left side, occasionally taking cold water from the glass bowl. 
DT - Fallen Kingdom - A new life (part 2 of Mistakes) 
Words written so far: 1230 
Status: Last edition 3 days ago / Little Written Block 
- Look, Sleeping Beauty woke up. - He approached the two of us with a bag and coffee cups, I just roll my eyes at what he said and hear Maisie laugh.
- My prince charming didn't come to wake me with a kiss of true love. - I answer him by joining the game, and Owen and Maisie laugh, I try to sit up with a lot of effort, but it seems to me that I was still a little weak. 
- Wait. Maisie, can you hold this for me? - He handed her the bag and the coffees, and then put a hand on my back to help me adjust. - How are you? 
Outer Space is the Limit (OSitL) - Chapter 1 
Words written so far: 3450 
Status: Last edition 5 days ago / Little Writing Block
- I am Groot! - That being on my leg raised its head looking at me with big eyes, and in a way I found it kind of cute? Okay, maybe that was weird. Peter approaches me and crouches in front of me, close to where was what it said was Groot.
- Well, it seems to me that you already knew Groot - Peter removes the small being from my leg and puts it on his shoulder, and then offers his hand which I took nervously, and then he helps me to stand again. 
- I am groot! - The little one raises its hands in the air when saying its name animatedly. 
There's an alien in my bed (TAB) - Chapter 1 
Words written so far: 4360
Status: Last edition 4 or 5 days ago / Little Writing Block 
- Why the hell do you think he's gonna come because of me? - I feel my throat burn as I speak. 
- Because apparently you're the only one he really cares about. - As soon as he said, more tears fell. 
- If he really cared about me, he wouldn't have left me without telling me. - I whisper, saying it more to myself than to anyone else.  
Ideas I had but I don't know when or if I will actually write 
Passengers - Jim Preston x reader
What I have in mind: Six months after Jim Preston woke up, another hibernation capsule gave problem, y/n l/n awakens from hibernation almost 90 years before reaching Homestead II, when she woke up everything looked confused, but it got worse when she didn't see anyone there, if they were about to arrive at Homestead II, how was she the only one awake? Or she thought she was the only one awake, until she finds Jim Preston. 
Back to the Wild West (BWW)- The Magnificent Seven - Joshua Faraday x reader
What I have in mind: Y/n L/n and Marty Collins are fanatical about the Back to the Future trilogy, and when the boredom of Social Isolation due to the pandemic hits them, Marty, who is a scientist, decides that he would create a time machine, of course y/n said he was crazy to think that would be possible, but he did, but then regret knocks on his door when he makes it work, that would be a mistake, they would have to destroy it, leave no trace and not let anyone know. But y/n had other plans, she wanted to go back to the wild west, just stay a day or two to see what it was like and then come back. Marty hesitantly accepted, and so they took what was needed and y/n went back to the wild west, but she ends up getting stuck there, how would she get back to her time? What wrong could happen? 
PrattPack Imagines/Oneshots/Headcanons. 
I'm kind of stealing the idea from @im-an-octopus where she does some headcanon about some Chris Pratt's characters, and I really wanted to do something like that, but I don't know if I'm really going to do this or when I'm going to do this, but it's been on my mind for a few days now. (And maybe accept requests from them)
Characters that would include:
Peter Quill
Owen Grady
Josh Faraday
Jim Preston 
Andy Dwyer (maybe, I need to watch more Parks and Recreation to find out more about him)
Onward - Barley Lightfoot x Reader
I'm divided into three ideas, and I don’t know if I write them all or choose only one. 
First: Y/n is a mermaid, coming from a special lineage with several stories, and perhaps one of the only families that continues with her ancient traditions, so she along with her father, mother and brother ended up moving away from the rest of the family and moving to Mushroom Town, but when she finds out that her family is in danger, an unknown person says that she must find two people, a wizard and a knight, she was very confused because of this, and said that wizards no longer exist, but not long after she sees a news about Ian Lightfoot she went to find him, because she believed he was who that unknown person was talking to. Maybe this will be a long journey. What surprises await for you?
(both the second and the third would happen kind of in an AU where it happens in the real world, and everyone is human)
Second: Y/n is new to the city, and is in the penultimate year of High School, she feels out of place and alone, in the beginning some people even tried to be friends with her, but when y/n realized that they were assholes she walked away and decided it was better to be alone, who needs friends, right? Everything seemed to be going well, or at least the best possible, until school literature work needed to be done in pairs, the pairs were drawn and she ended up with Barley Lightfoot, she wasn't very comfortable with that, not because of the things she had heard about him, but because she really didn't want to do that to other people, because she was afraid that she could do something and he would end up making fun of her and she would suffer again, but things were much better than she expected and maybe that was the beginning of a new friendship? Or something else? 
Third: Y/n's younger brother got hooked by QoY, and because of that, he and his friends would go to an event that would take place in the city, where it would be kind of a rpg but with everyone acting and dressing properly instead of being on the board, with their father traveling, y/n is responsible for taking his brother there and waiting until everything is over, but maybe with some events the heart of y/n will end up being stolen by a handsome knight. 
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treklock-lotr-chick · 7 years
THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I love how everyone was kinda being mean in a joking manner, you know teasing Manuel and all but then Chris just goes and compliments him, on his work, his acting, his stunts he just WORSHIPS Manuel and Ethan is pointing out how Chris and Manuel work flawlessly together and that they were perfect for each other in the movie and it just MAKES MY DAY because Manuel is not as famous as all the other actors he gets to work with in this movie and they're doting on him and saying amazing things about him and CHRIS IS JUST LIKE 'I got you baby' and takes him under his wing and UGH
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imaginethatawriter · 7 years
Headcannons more specifically for interaction with Faraday ( he is literally my boo) from the being a part of the Mag7 list, please!
 You and Faraday become very close partners as your time with the Magnificent Seven increases. 
He likes to give you unwanted advice about your horse riding or your shooting. A lot of the time his advice is 99% incorrect but sometimes it’s useful.
You two have even figured out a way to make money when stopped in towns on your journey. 
While Faraday plays poker against the local townspeople you wander around and look clueless. 
You steal glances at all the mens’ hands and when the time comes you’re able to tell Faraday exactly the information he needs.
He calls you over as a “lucky charm” and you drape yourself over his shoulder and subtly make gestures as to what to do. 
You always split the money fifty-fifty.
It should go without saying that you have been run out of town a couple of times.
You’ve convinced him to show you how to perform a few card tricks, but it always comes with a lot of grumbling. 
You’re not very good at the tricks, but you try your best to demonstrate for the man who taught you. 
He humors you even though most of the time you’re showing him the wrong card. 
Since you seem to like Faraday a lot I’m going to include some headcanons for how things would be if it turned romantic. 
It’d be a super casual transition from being friends to being in a relationship. 
You gradually start sleeping closer to each other and sharing food. 
What used to be pretend flirting during poker games turns into real flirting. 
One day your horse gets a rock stuck in its hoof so you have to walk for a couple of days. You jokingly ask if you can ride on his horse with him and he seriously says yes. 
It doesn’t last long, but it was fun while it lasted. 
There is only one time that he even suggests that you stay out of gun fights. 
His heart is in the right place, but his concern is unwarranted. 
You tell him if he suggests it again you’ll let him loser poker on his own. 
You’re only 30% joking. 
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Ships I Will Write Requests for as of January 17th, 2022
Ships Listed Are in No Particular Order
1.    Robin x Regina (Once Upon a Time)
2.    Happy x Toby “Quintis” (Scorpion)
3.    Megan x Sylvester (Scorpion)
4.    Paige x Walter (Scorpion)
5.    Cabe x Allie (Scorpion)
6.    Daphne x Simon (Bridgerton)
7.    Anthony x Kate (Bridgerton)
8.    Benedict x Sophie (Bridgerton)
9.    Colin x Penelope (Bridgerton)
10.  Violet x Edmund (Bridgerton)
11.  Flynn x Eve (Librarians)
12.  Jake x Mabel (Librarians)
13.  Judson x Charlene (Librarians)
14.  Diana x Steve (Wonder Woman)
15.  Chloe x Jackson (Zoo)
16.  Kaliis x Aurora (Aurora Rising book series)
17.  Finian x Scarlett (Aurora Rising book series)
18.  Cat x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
19.  Saedii x Tyler (Aurora Rising book series)
20.  Elizabeth x Will (Pirates of the Caribbean)
21.  Jack x Angelic (Pirates of the Caribbean)
22.  Thor x Jane (Thor)
23.  Tony Stark x Pepper Potts (Avengers and Iron Man)
24.  Loki x Sif (Thor)
25.  Loki x Nebula (Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy crossover)
26.  Ryder x Grace (The Grace Year novel)
27.  Fletcher x Sylva (Summoner book series)
28.  Clint Barton x Laura Barton (Avengers)
29.  Wanda x Vision (Avengers and WandaVision)
30.  Bruce x Natasha (Avengers)
31.  Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter (Captain America)
32.  Peter Quill x Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)
33.  Scott x Hope (Ant-Man)
34.  Fitz X Simmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)  
35.  Coulson X May (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
36.  Trip X Skye (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
37.  Bobbi Morse X Lance Hunter (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
38.  Killian Jones x Female OC (Once Upon a Time)
39.  Will Scarlett x Anastasia (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland)
40.  Gendry x Arya (Game of Thrones)
41.  Tyrion x Shae (Game of Thrones)
42.  Sanji x Nami (One Piece)
43.  Zoro x Robin (One Piece)
44. Luffy x Vivi (One Piece)
45.  Jonathan Joestar x Erina (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
46.  Joseph Joestar x Suzi Q. (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
47.  Mista x Female OC (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures)
48.  Kit x Ella (Cinderella 2015 version)
49.  Joshua Faraday x Emma Cullen (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
50.  Vasquez x Female OC (Magnificent Seven 2016 version)
51.  Gilbert x Anne (Anne with an E)
52.  Diana x Jerry (Anne with an E)
53.  Mary x Bash (Reign)
54.  Leif x Claude (Reign)
55.  Kili x Tauriel (Hobbit)
56.  Claire x Owen (Jurassic World)
57.  Mia x Nicholas (Princess Diaries)
58.  Joe x Clarisse (Princess Diaries)
59.  Maria x Georg (Sound of Music)
60.  Lara Croft x Lu Ren (Tomb Raider 2018 movie version)
61.  Maleficent X Diaval (Maleficent)
62.  Kate X Daniel Forsythe (The Spirit of Christmas)
63.  Tiger Lily X James Hook (Pan)
64.  Westley X Buttercup (Princess Bride)
65.  Chato X Grace (Suicide Squad)
66.  Logan/Wolverine X Mariko (Wolverine)
67.  Vlad X Mirena (Dracula Untold)
68.  Will X Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean)
69.  Jack X Angelica (Pirates of the Caribbean)
70.  Galavant X Isabella (Galavant)
71.  Richard X Roberta (Galavant)
72.  Gwen X Arthur (Merlin)
73.  Gwen X Lancelot (Merlin)
74.  Gwen X Merlin (Merlin)
75.  Merlin X Morgana (Merlin)
76.  Morgana X Male OC/Reader (Merlin)
77.  Lancelot X Female OC/Reader (Merlin)
78.  Marian X Robin Hood (Robin Hood BBC)
79.  Will X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
80.  Marian X Allan (Robin Hood BBC)
81.  Allan X Djaq (Robin Hood BBC)
82.  Ban X Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)
83.  Margaret X Gilthunder (Seven Deadly Sins)
84.  Meliodas X Elizabeth (Seven Deadly Sins)
85.  King X Diane (Seven Deadly Sins)
86.  Arthur X Merlin (Seven Deadly Sins)
87.  Ana X Alberto (Velvet)
88.  Claire X Matt (Daredevil)
89.  Lilette X Robbie (Rise)
90.  Hardison X Parker (Leverage)
91.  Nate X Sophie (Leverage)
92.  John X Sara (Alienist)
93.  Mary X Laszlo (Alienist)
94.  Farkas X Female Dragonborn (Skyrim)
95.  Vilkas X Lydia (Skyrim)
96.  E’lara X Caddoc (Hunted: The Demon’s Forge)
97.  Rime x Ember (Degrees of Separation)
98.  Cody x May (It Takes Two)
99.  Frank x Karen (Punisher)
100. Makoto x Abigail (Great Pretender)
101. Robb x Talisa (Game of Thrones)
102. Tadashi x MK (Big Hero 6 and Epic Crossover)
103. Eloise x Sir Phillip (Bridgerton)
104. Francesca x Michael (Bridgerton)
105. Hyacinth x Gareth (Bridgerton)
106. Gregory x Lucy (Bridgerton)
107. Okabe x Mayuri (Steins;gate)
108. Okabe x Kurisu (Steins;gate)
109. Edward x Elizabeth (White Queen)
110. Liam Jones x Elsa (Once Upon a Time fan pairing)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Magnificent Seven Scenario Game
This includes characters from both the Mag7 Tv Series (1998-2000); and the 2016 Mag7 movie. *Since together there are 14 characters, 2 months have 2 options.
(Scenario Game Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
A/N: I also take these scenarios as writing requests as well (only when requests are open obviously)
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Your Birth Month:
January: Ezra Standish
February: Billy Rocks
March: Buck Wilmington
April: Nathan Jackson
May: Joshua Faraday
June: Goodnight Robicheaux
July: Josiah Sanchez /or/ JD Dunne
August: Vasquez
September: Vin Tanner
October: Sam Chisolm /or/ Jack Horne
November: Chris Larabee
December: Red Harvest
Your Birth Date:
1: Tells you how much he loves you... 2: Buys you a horse... 3: Takes you on a picnic... 4: Brings you breakfast in bed... 5: Takes you dancing... 6: Brings you flowers... 7: Surprises you with random gifts... 8: Gives you a bear hug... 9: Asks you to marry him (or to be his s/o)... 10: Makes you dinner... 11: Takes you horse-back riding... 12: Gives you a hand-made gift... 13: Dances with you... 14: Takes you star(cloud) gazing... 15: Teaches you to ride a horse... 16: Writes you an (anonymous) love letter... 17: Makes you breakfast... 18: Asks you on a date... 19: Surprises you with random kisses (lips/hand/cheek,etc)… 20: Takes you to a festival/fair... 21: Asks you to move in with him... 22: Suddenly kisses you... 23: Surprises you after being gone... 24: Takes you out to dinner... 25: Teaches you to fight... 26: Surprises you with a cat/dog... 27: Takes you on a surprise trip... 28: Brings you hand picked flowers... 29: Leaves you random gifts (anonymously).... 30: Gives you a token of their affection... 31: Surprises you with your favorite food/candy...
First Letter of Your Name (Or Username):
A-E: Because it is your birthday.
F-K: To make you smile.
L-Q: To show you he loves you.
R-V: To cheer you up (To Apologize)
W-Z: Because it is your anniversary (Or to Confess his feelings)
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
I apologize if your combo/match up does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does. 
Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394
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Drabble Masterlist
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
“I can’t sleep, can I stay with you?”
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
“Stop doing that, it’s turning me on.”
“Hello. We’re actually in the middle of something.”
“You haven’t lost me.” “Let me take you to the hospital.”
“What are you doing in my bed?” “I’m pretty sure I’ve aged ten years since meeting you.”
“Wars end” and “I almost lost you” kiss
“Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed” kiss
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss and Accidentally Witnessed kiss
First Kiss
 “You’re an idiot.”
“I almost lost you” kiss
Soft kiss/ Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Jealous kiss
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
It’s a slow day on base, maybe Poe and reader do a puzzle?
Kylo Ren
10 Minute Writing Challenge: Bed Sharing
Cassian Andor
“Drop the attitude.” “You two fight like an old married couple.”
“I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“You deserve better than me.”
“Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that.”
Bodhi Rook
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
“Who gave you the right to be that sexy?” “Stop doing that, it’s turning me on.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi
When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
Soft morning cuddles
Grand Admiral Thrawn
10 Minute Writing Challenge - Senator!Reader x Thrawn: Protect
Can you do Thrawn with a shy quiet reader?
“Thrawn drabble, with a rebel tactician reader who has been captured by the empire?”
“How would Thrawn react to someone who stutters?”
“How you think Thrawn would react to his partner telling him they love him”
Jayna Dar (OC)
Random Dialogue Dump
Jayna vs. Savage
Scene from “The Lawless”
Jayna Recruits Cad Bane
Jayna vs. Maul
I really want to see your interpretation of an interaction between Jayna and Obi-Wan, maybe after she’s partnered with Maul
Florist AU + Hair Brushing/Braiding
Pregnancy Fic  + Accidental Eavesdropping
Sera Darros (OC)
“Things I receive, struggles. Things I want, snuggles.” (Bodhi x Sera)
“Don’t give me that puppy dog face.  How am I supposed to say no to that?” (Platonic!Cassian x Sera)
Cassian decides not to leave (Platonic!Cassian x Sera)
Cassian carries Sera to bed (Platonic!Cassian x Sera)
Rogue One Coffee Shop/College AU Rambles
Bodhi x Sera Rambles
Lana Solo (OC)
Poe x reader (or Lana!) where they get a little competitive?
Crack Highschool AU
“My name is Lana Solo, you killed my father, prepare to die”
Time Travel AU
The Last Jedi (Deleted Scene)
Lana Solo Meets Phaedra Meln
Lana Confronts Phaedra
Pregnancy Fic + PWP (headcanon)
Modern AU + Neighbour AU (headcanon)
The Magnificent Seven
“I’m pretty sure I’ve aged ten years since meeting you.” “I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”
Billy Rocks
“I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“This is fun.” “Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body.”
You and Billy plan to go to Goody’s Halloween Party, but then get sidelines
A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss
Joshua Faraday
“It’s okay, to cry…” “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
“You need sleep.” “You don’t seem like yourself tonight.”
Red Harvest
“It’s cold, you should wear my jacket.”
Peter Quill
All Peter and the reader want is a nap
Clint Barton
“We’re not going to steal someone’s dog.”
Thor is having a hard time coping and needs a hug
“Do you ever follow directions?”
Ice-cream Date
Doctor Strange
The reader flirts with Strange just cause
“My hobby is making fun of you when you talk.”
Returned from the dead kiss
Returned form the dead kiss 2
Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
Accidental Witness Kiss
Reader and Strange reunite after the events of Infinity War
“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.”
Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes
“Stephen, if you hate Tony Stark so much, why are we going to his wedding?”
Doctor Stephen Strange gazed out into the ocean below.
“You are my sunshine.”
A hoarse whisper “kiss me”
“Can you do something for me?” “Anything.” “Get the hell out of here.”
Top of Head kisses
“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions.”
Loki x Sigyn
Loki asks Sigyn to marry him
“In retrospect, there was no way this could have gone right.”
Library Meeting
Random Sigyn Dialogue Dump
Historical AU + Hospital AU
Tony Stark
“Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes” kiss 
Bucky Barnes
Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
Matt Murdock
Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
Star Trek TOS/AOS
Doctor McCoy
“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
Elizabeth “Doc” O’Neil x Hawkeye Pierce
Random MASH OC Dialogue
Hawkeye gets a bit of jungle fever
Another M*A*S*H Dialogue Dump
OC Pilot Episode Outline
Relationship Dump
"Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2 am?"
"I'm a doctor not a brick layer"
Breaking The Kiss To Say Something, Staying So Close That You’re Murmuring Into Each Other’s Mouths/ Long kiss
“The Interview”
Blind Date + Almost Kiss 
“Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick”
Another Episode Outline (Season 2)
Fake Dating + Mutual Pining
Vacation Fic + Bed Sharing
25 Days of Ficmas (2018)
Updated August 16, 2020
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We’ll Find in the Ashes
Joshua Faraday x Fem!Reader Imagine
Warning: PTSS, triggers, angst, comfort, fluff, etc.
Rose Creek was a victory for a lot of people. Well, most of the people. Not really for Faraday.
Sure, he got the girl, won over her heart and the rest of the townsfolk, his only friends are safe and he still has his horse. Life couldn’t be getting any better for him. But something was different in him. Something’s changed. He feels like he’s lost something in the fire, and he feels as though after weeks of recovering from his wounds, he would not be able to find whatever he lost in the ashes.
He didn’t know what that something was until you and the rest of the gang were miles away from Rose Creek. You had all just settled down for the night in a tavern, this town appears to have some work Sam was desperate for and so you all decided to stay. Horne said it was probably for the better since he sensed a storm coming. Red even agreed it was probably best to stay somewhere with a roof over your heads.
That night, you woke up when it was still dark out and there was loud thunder rolling outside. Behind you, you felt someone tossing and turning, restless. Flipping over, you felt around blindly in the dark to reach Faraday, and he startles a little when you catch his arm. He had been covering his ears with his hands, desperate to block out the sounds of explosions and gunfire. He grunts when you settled your body against his back, your arm wrapped around him and tight against his chest,
The next morning, he doesn’t talk about last night. In fact, he doesn’t talk at all. He doesn’t make it far before sitting up at the edge of the bed, staring at the wall, unresponsive, You worried, trying to figure out what was wrong and what you could do to help, but when he didn’t respond to anything, you gave up for the moment and went downstairs, unsettled. 
Heading downstairs, you found Goodnight at the bar, smoking a cigar and enjoying a drink. Trying to lift up your own spirits, you couldn’t help but try to tease, “A little early for a drink, ain’t it, Goody?”
“Miss Y/n, good morning to you,” the Cajun tipped his hat and smiled, “And I’m afraid that the drink is for the nerves. God’s medicine you see.”
“Jack would be proud,” you grinned.
“Don’t tell him I said that,” the two of you laughed all the while he looked over your shoulder, “And where’s your gentleman this morning, if you can even call him that?”
“Um... he’s still in his room,” you decided to say, suddenly remembering why you were worried earlier and ducked your head, deciding that you need a drink, too, and put a word in with the bartender. 
Goodnight must have noticed your unease and observed what might be the problem, nonchalantly shrugging, “Awful storm last night, wouldn’t you say?”
You eye him from the side, seeing the knowing look on his face and sighing. It’s hopeless to keep anything from Goodnight, especially with a situation like this. You knew that if anyone could relate and possibly help, it would be him.
“The worst. Any advice?”
“Draw the curtains close, but just enough for the golden sunset to seep into the room. Fetch a basin full of warm water and a washcloth, and either rest it over his eyes or in his hands. Absolutely never, under any circumstances, leave him alone in a room, or at least not by himself with weapons.”
You shiver at the thought and nod, noting to yourself to head back upstairs before going about your day. You were so deep in thought, you didn’t even see Billy walk over until he was in your sights. Looking up, you saw him eyeing you suspiciously. Just by looking between your shrinking expression and Goody’s usual says-it-all look, Billy could put two and two together. He comes to the same conclusion as you and his partner and without a word, he reaches into his pocket and hands you some of his Opium cigarettes.
“They help on the worst days,” was all he says.
You look down at the cigarettes in your hand then back up at Billy. Your face must have been a look of dread because both him and Goody wore sympathetic expressions towards you. You sigh, knowing that this was just the way things are now, until, hopefully, they get better. 
“Thank you,” you whisper to the two of them before gulping down your drink and heading back up the stairs.
When you got back into the room, Faraday was right where you left him. He sat in his breeches and undershirt at the edge of the bed, staring at the wall ahead, the sun shining on his back from the window behind him. You made sure he wasn’t looking when you found the perfect hiding place for both of yours and his guns, then you went to ask for someone to heat up some water and a towel. When you got the basin, you soaked the washcloth and rung it out a little, walking over and placing it in his hands. He didn’t so much as blink at you when you approached him. Sighing to yourself, you leaned forward and lingered a small kiss on his forehead before you reluctantly pulled away and headed back out to begin your day.
Throughout the day, you would go and check in on Faraday. You switched out the cloth when it got cold and didn’t ask of him what else you could do before leaving again. You would bring food up, but when you came back, you usually found the food untouched. 
By the end of the day, you and the other men you traveled with had supper together, having a light conversation, but you were sure they all noticed that their usual gambling man wasn’t with them. It didn’t feel the same to any of them. When you head up the stairs after the others retired to bed, you opened the door, and let out a breath you had been holding. 
Faraday had finally moved. You noticed the washcloth in the basin on the table, and Faraday was now lying down, back towards you and facing the window, the sunset lighting up his midsection as it peered through the curtains. He had buried his face into your pillow, and you smiled a little to yourself, relieved with this tiny win. 
You fetch some more warm water then brought the newly rinsed washcloth with you to bed. Seeing his eyes closed, you rest the cloth on his forehead before walking around the bed towards the window. Drawing the curtains to a small crack, the sunlight now glowed a stream of gold into the darkening room. You strip yourself from your outer clothing then laid down next to Faraday, scooting closer to him for warmth.
There weren’t any more thunderstorms that night, but you woke up yet again in the middle of the night when you felt someone stir next to you. Before you could flip over and check on Faraday, his arm wraps around your waist and pulls your back against his warm back. Sighing, you feel your body relax and drift back to sleep, and when you woke up the next morning, Faraday was still asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful.
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coffeeandtin · 7 years
Cheaper Tricks ~ Faraday Imagine
Anon requested an imagine with Faraday. I’m sure it’s been done before, but: Imagine Faraday flirting with you, and asking you out. 
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 The stable area was hardly bustling; and your gaze wandered while you were waiting for your horse to get reshod.  Above, a bird glided hypnotically in a wide circle.
Movement in the nearest corral caught your eye. A bay stallion tossed his head, whinnied, and pranced. It seemed you weren’t the only one seeking to rid yourself of a sense of ennui. Your feet carried you over, and you leaned on the fence that contained the animal. Spirited, sleek, well-bred. You smiled as he took another lap around the enclosure. You could feel his hoof beats as he passed. Impulsively, you attempt to beckon him over, but an admonishment from behind you gave you pause.
“That horse is a killer, you know?”
Brows bunched, you turned to see a man walking toward you with an easy gait. He hooked his thumbs in his belt as he approached. You straightened your stance and took the measure of him.  He was tall, but stalky. Your eyes roamed from the guns at his hips to his face. You admitted to yourself that it wasn’t entirely unpleasing, especially when he smiled so winningly.
“You are?” You asked as you straightened, and squared your shoulders.
All kinds of trouble, you mentally answered for him.
“I’m the rider that goes with that horse.”
You suppress your own smile.
“Alright, then. What’s the horse’s name?”
“That, there is Jack. Won him in a poker game.”
“Is that right?”
“Full house,” he said with an emphatic nod. “Threes and jacks.”
You turn your attention back to the horse. He had since made his way over to you.
“Hey, boy,” The stranger said as he affectionately petted Jack under the chin.  
“You wanna pet him?” he asked as he paused and looked at you.
Though you’d just been told about the horse’s predisposition toward violence, you couldn’t resist. Reaching a hand up, you took delight in the warm, velvety feel of the horse’s muzzle. Jack huffed out a breath onto you.
“He likes you,” the man said. “He’s got good taste. Like me.”
He looked at you out of the corner of his eye to see if you’d taken offense, but you smiled despite yourself.
“There a point to all this braggin’, Mister…”
“Faraday,” he said at last as he scratched his russet beard. “Joshua.”
“Well, Mister Faraday?”
He narrowed his gaze at you and held his lower lip between his teeth.
“Well, it usually leads up to a card trick,” he admitted as the corners of his mouth turned downward in an expression of entirely disingenuous self-deprecation.
“A trick?”
He pulled a deck of cards from the left pocket of his vest, and you decided in that moment that you would let yourself be charmed.
“Some might call it magic,” he said as he shuffled the deck with an air of mysticism.
For his part, Jack shook his black mane and walked away, as though he had grown bored with you and Faraday.
“Some might call it devious.”
“Alright, fair enough,” Faraday said as he dovetailed the deck of cards and held them out to you. “Why don’t you pick a card, though? Just for fun?”
His gaze was expectant, and the quirk of his eyebrows was (you grudgingly admitted to yourself) endearing. You looked from him to the cards, and then unceremoniously selected one.
“Okay, memorize the card.”
It was an unremarkable five of clubs.
Faraday held out the rest of the deck and you replaced the card. Without taking his eyes off of yours, he shuffled the deck. He cut them singlehandedly before moving half the stack to his other hand and continuing to shuffle.
“If I find your card,” he said, “you’ve gotta let me take you to dinner.”
All showmanship and dexterity, Faraday continued to rearrange the cards as he awaited your answer.
“Fair enough,” you tell him, mimicking his words with a nod and a smile.
Faraday made a show of sifting through the cards, and the furrows in his brow deepened as each one passed by.
“That’s funny,” he said. “Can’t seem to find it.”
It was not the conclusion you were expecting.
“Oh, wait,” Faraday said, smiling anew, and stepping closer. “Here it is!”
He reached his hand behind your head. You heard the flit of a card, and felt the brush of his hand on your neck as he brought the five of clubs into view.
“Bravo,” you said with a laugh, as you found yourself taking a step closer to him. “Over dinner, you’ll have to show me how you did that.”
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Misc Movies & Video Games Masterlist
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Beauty - Cullen x Ex!Reader; Varric x Friend!Reader
Harry Potter
Walk with Me - Snape x Wife!Reader drabble
How they met - drabble for above pairing
Complete - Marauder’s Era Remus Lupin x reader/ofc
The Perfect Husband - Snape x Reader
A Day in the City - Bill Weasley x Reader, gif drabble 
Broken Souls - Severus Snape x Soulmate!Reader
Finding Peace - Lucius Malfoy x Soulmate!Reader
James Bond
A Little Trust 
John Wick 
House Sitter   Part 2 Part 3  Part 4
Marry Me 
Jurassic World
Be Prepared  Part 2  Part 3 - Owen Grady 
Kong: Skull Island
Stranded - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - James Conrad x Wife!Reader
The Lost Boys
Yours Forever - David x Reader
Magnificent Seven
Mrs. Faraday - Joshua Faraday x Wife!Reader
Assassins and Old Friends  - William Cooper x Wife!Reader
Star Wars
That’s My Ship - Han Solo x Wife!Reader
I Quit - Luke Skywalker
That’s my Girl - Poe Dameron
Stay with Me - Mando x wife!reader
The Meg
Breakeven - Jonas Taylor
Teeth - Jasper Whitlock Hale
Miss Me More - Caius Volturi
Series: Her Three Kings - Volturi Kings x ofc
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