#just a concept
chenya-my-love · 5 months
So you know how in MLP Equastria Girl: Friendship Games, Twilight turned evil and opened portal between worlds.
Yeah. That but Overblot! Yuu.
Yuu having spent a year at NRC with Crowley insisting that he's looking for them a way home. Only at the beginning of their second year they over hear Crowley admit to someone that he either was never looking, or gave up a while ago and never bothered to tell Yuu for his own reasons.
Yuu's left heartbroken, decides to take matters into their own hands to return home. They begin experimenting on the mirror in their bedroom, they distance themself from their friends, and even begin to skip to class in order for them to dedicate all of their time on research. Seeing if the mirror only connects to Mickey's universe or if it can connect to their own.
Yuu slowly becomes more desperate to return home, and unknown to everyone (including Yuu themself) is that due to Yuu's frequent close contact to such unstable magic that Yuu had begun to contract magic into their system that is unable to be released.
Eventually the more jealous/near-sighted boys decide to take matters into their own hands. They go into Ramshackle and begin fighting with Yuu over the mirror, the boys wanting to get rid of it for "Yuu's own good" but Yuu themself says that the boys don't understand their struggles and are being selfish by wanting to take away Yuu's only chance to return home.
Either out of a fit of rage or simply on accident the boys accidently shatter the mirror, making Yuu believe they just lost their only way home. Yuu's intense feelings of betrayal, hatred, hopelessness, and desperation leads to the built up magic finally being let out. The boys barely escape Ramshackle before Yuu destroys it in a burst of unstable magic.
When the boys look up they see Yuu in a brand new form, similar to overblotting but they aren't sure if they can call it that. Yuu, who's still obssessed with finding a way to return to their previous life, takes the fragments of the shattered mirror and infuses it with their unstable magic. Allowing Yuu to open hundreds of portals to different realities, with Yuu desperate to find the reality that they hail from. Except due to their magic, Yuu is slowly destroying every reality and the boys can see it in each portal with people looking up in horror as Yuu's magic runs rampent in each diminsion and destroying everything in sight. Leaving the boys to have to bring Yuu down before they do irrepairable damage to every universe in existance.
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nullbutler · 10 months
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Obviously even I have my limits, so this won’t turn into anything but gets shot 💥
Roses & Robins
During the Jack the Ripper Arc
Ciel and Alois meet
And kill the Viscount of Druitt together :3
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euphoriasshow · 5 months
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Disclaimer: some character designs are from my friends and not mine
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oh-hell-help-me · 10 months
A Not So Gentle Man
Ever since I read a quote explaining the difference between ‘harmless’ and ‘peaceful’, I wondered how that perception could be applied in Bowuigi.
Like, sure, Bowser has a snowflake's chance in heck of being mistaken for either, but Luigi?
I can imagine that affecting their relationship in many ways- especially when Luigi’s timid nature tends to give other characters the impression that he’s harmless/useless in ‘hero-ing’?
But we all know that is not the case! Far from it!
We KNOW Luigi is a gentle person! That he is a character who is more likely to try to kill with kindness than do a violence.
Knowing Bowser, who used to not even acknowledge Luigi as a threat, would have likely equated him under the same moniker as ‘harmless’ even though they have fought at least twice canonically.
In terms of their relationship, I feel like this would be a perfect opportunity to emphasize that difference if Bowser sees Luigi discard both labels- not to prove a point but by necessity!
Like, we see windows of it when he fought solo in the RPG series, captured Boos, and fought King Boo by himself. It wouldn’t be far-fetched for Bowser to see that too in a situation that calls for a bit of fisticuffs.
That’s where the plot can come in!
You can flavor this instance with political intrigue, an AU of the beat-‘em-up that is the Super Smash Bros series, a romantic subplot of displaying courting methods, or Luigi simply becoming a no-nonsense PTA parent!
(Bonus points if it’s to defend Bowser or the Koopalings!)
The main thing would be for Bowser to /witness/ this- not be told or shown through glimpses!
Can you imagine?! The utterly epic, besotted reactions? The stunned ‘Why does this make him hotter’s? The opportunities to boast and brag about his husband?
Overall, it’s a concept anyone can play with, and it’s something I feel would be a great part of the Relationship Journey for Bowser and Luigi, you know?
So…. IF ANYONE HAS MADE THIS SOMEWHERE PLEASE TELL ME (I am metaphorically dying for this sort of content)!
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chlodriendump · 7 months
Golden Trio: Treasure Hunters AU Part 2
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First encounter with Papillon after they managed to find the Grimoire from the museum Chloe works at
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false-savior · 7 months
idk... random idea for a ONE au? atleast one of airy?
It involves canon and fanon airy
fanon airy runs ONE as usual until ep 8 where he sustains an injury and goes on hiatus for months which is caused by abstracty instead of slipping
he gets "unpowered" in a sense which turns him into his canon form (just a guy)
he obviously gets panicked about his new mortal form and tries to find a way to change back
he can use some of his godly abilities and shit but at weaker levels
and injuries dont heal so quickly (or at all in this case)
(basically koraidon and miraidon from pokemon scvi)
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bazpitch · 1 month
guysss transitioning is hard when u have an abusive dad who cannot find out about it was anyone aware of thisssss
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pharoahkingkiller · 9 months
Concept: neurodivergent sub that uses my tcock as a stim
Watching them squirm when they see I'm busy and they need stim time
Listening to the begging that turns into whimpers as they go nonverbal
When I'm finally finished and they push my boxers down gratefully
My eyes rolling back as they mouth thank yous against me as they slip their fingers in
Telling them how beautiful they are like this, how beautiful their mind is even like this
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yulen-the-ghost · 2 months
The white robed descendent
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Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4088554
1. Red umbrella
The rain was pouring down non-stop. The small water drops were meaningless, but they made a great team with each other to fall aggressively in his skin creating a burning pain he ignored.
He was alone.
The sound of the water was just as loud as his despair, yet he remained expressionless.
“There’s still time” He thought to himself not believing in his lie as he shut his eyes. Even if someone did come for his aid, he had fallen too low to fix things.
What could he do? He was powerless.
Suddenly, the rain stopped falling in his face. He slowly opened his eyes to meet a dark silhouette holding a red umbrella. It was Wu Ming.
The rest: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55143652
I actually wanted to make a cover first, but I also wanted to post already. Update: Cover made!
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polarpuppet · 9 months
I’ve always like the idea of some of the straw hats being related correlated with one of the 7 deadly sins:
Pride - Ussop
Envy - Robin
Wrath - Frankie
Lust - Sanji
Gluttony - Luffy
Greed - Nami
Sloth - Zoro
Plus the idea of Pride not being the leader but Gluttony is kinda funny.
Another idea bloomed of once Luffy becomes a God, the StrawHats soon follow, not as powerful, but powerful enough and each having their own ‘God of’ thing in the list above. Brooke would probably be God of Death and Chopper would be God of the Wild.
Also the idea of one of the StrawHats getting captured and toying with the captor while they patiently wait for their family to come find them. They could 100% escape if they wanted to withhold a snap, but this is more fun.
Please note this is NOT a 7 Deadly Sins(whether FMA or it’s own anime) crossover.
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mermaidgirl30 · 2 months
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I made a moodboard. This is just a concept, but big Disturbia vibes 👀 I kinda really want to write this now, too. I’ve always wanted to do a thriller fic with a romance aspect. And with Joel Miller? Sign me up!
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tv1xx · 4 months
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My Invincible OC: Twilia. (A concept,,, sometimes she likes having her hair down)
I don’t quite have a final design for her yet, still testing them out, but I’ll post it when I finally come up with a final design, color scheme and back story to make her seem interesting. (Bear with me my writing skills are not the best). But just wanted to dump this on here.
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inkymkk · 3 months
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I THINK TUMBLR IS BEING SILLY AGAIN 💔💔 Anyway some doodle and concepts for an au ig? i made it for fun, Ash represents the clouds, being able to change form and etc, While Gary represents the moon, he is strong !! Andd other abilities i haven't thought of,
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starry-eyed-samantha · 5 months
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I'm not sure if this concept has been touched upon, but I'm going for it.
Xenomorph-gem hybrid.
I don't know why, but I went through a brief fixation after watching Alien, and then this popped up.
Biologically, it likely wouldn't work for obvious reasons, but that kind of logic never stopped me from fiddling around with ideas.
Xeno here was born to a gem on a recon mission, who was unfortunate enough to come across a facehugger egg.
Despite what she is, she's actually approachable, if a bit suspicious of everything around her. She does like the concept friends, but has no idea how to do so.
She is semi-aware of what she is, but unlike most xenomorphs, she doesn't have a killer instinct and has a more "human" way of thinking, which gave her a brief identity crisis.
Even in Era 3, she struggles with herself, because she's not very gem, nor is she a human.
More info might develop if people like her.
Fun facts:
Her host's gem was actually on her chest, but given how most xenomorphs are born; it ended up embedded in her head.
There are rumors that Tsavorite's consciousness is still in Xeno/Xeno still has Tsavorite's memories.
She does like sweets, but only mild flavored things like fruit or vanilla ice cream.
She can summon a weapon; a katana, but chooses to use her tail and occasionally her twin jaws.
She can only communicate by projecting word-bubbles from her gem.
Since her eyes aren't visible, no one can tell how she's actually feeling.
Feels a small degree of guilt for her host, and often tries to find sources about her.
She can climb and scale walls easily.
Cloths were created from gemstone.
Xeno is fine with any pronouns, but she doesn't like being called an "it" or "thing".
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enirb0r3h · 1 year
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I saw some people teasing with the traitor foolish idea, wanted to do a concept! smile
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simping-for-red-flags · 2 months
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This image reminded me of you.
This is literally me :o
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