#just like how afo does
amaranthdahlia · 4 months
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art dump of my pookie........ ohboy
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mishy-mashy · 10 days
Imagine we get to the Paranormal Orphans chapter (410) in the anime, and instead of a normal narrator like Midoriya or AFO, it's just- Present Mic.
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*Present Mic*
If only he was swept away by the river at birth and drowned- COUGH!!!
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diospore · 2 months
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Working on a color ref of AFO and somehow his eyes ended up pink? and I kinda like it, halfway between red and white.
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drowningin666fandoms · 11 months
BNHA Fanfic idea that won't leave me alone:
All for one is Midoriya Hizashi, but...
Nobody knows. Like, literally, nobody knows. Inko never figured out his identity, and with him getting busier after Izuku's fifth birthday it looks like he left bc he's quirkless, so she never much cared for trying to find him and neither did Izuku. All pictures of him are banished into a box in her closet and haven't seen the light of day since Izuku was six or so, when they had a fight over the telephone over him wanting to fix Izuku.
AFO himself suffered obviously a lot of head trauma when fighting All Might, and this gave him partial amnesia. He has no or only very few memories of the decade or so prior to the battle, so he has none regarding his family that he meticulously kept from everyone else's awareness, including the Doctor's. He does see the monthly payment to Inko but assumes it's from a bribe or keeping a corrupt official in his pocket. Given that he can't recall whom it's to and immortality made him extremely wealthy, he doesn't cut it off, nor tries to follow it and make the memory loss obvious.
The only one who does know?
The ghost of Yoichi, who suddenly had another person he could haunt and went to see what's going on. Maybe throw in Nana too, if you want Inko to secretly be a Shimura.
Cue Yoichi fretting over his baby nephew the very moment Izuku gets OFA, up to and including giving him in-depth instructions on how to use the quirk and helping him manage it without harm to him while the other vestiges (minus Nana) are busy laughing their asses off.
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buttercupshands · 3 months
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mixing is in progress...
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pocketramblr · 5 months
I want to know how all might reacts to reincarnated afo!aizawa
Like I think All Might would understand that Aizawa doesn't remember his villainous past, and has essentially been reborn, but the fact that afo somehow managed to get away with it (in a matter of speaking at least) must be like one of those forbidden itches from another dimension: forever vexing him
So All Might doesnt find out about this until Aizawa goes to him himself a few months after the worst of it, which is important because the reaction is defintely something that would vary based on when and how he learned it.
As it is, Aizawa goes to Might Tower and is like "Hey, I'm a UA student, Nedzu emailed All Might and said why he needed to see me, if he hasn't checked it tell him its about All For One." and is quickly sent up to talk. All Might is confused about the why- this kid is like, sixteen, AfO could have been dead before he was born.
But then Aizawa sighs, and says "I was born on the day you killed All For One," which means he knows way more information than he should, and All Might listens even when the kid immediately seems to go off topic by explaining that he's always wanted to be a hero, even though erasure is a weak quirk, and he knew he wouldn't be able to be a hero like All Might. Then he gets to the Garvey fight, and very quietly says that when he tried to erase the villain, he stole one of his quirks instead. All Might looks at the boy's palms, and sees.
But he doesn't quite see the truth yet.
"You're All For One's son." He breathes.
Shouta shakes his head. "No. Worse. I was born the day you killed him, right? Well, the hospital I was born at, there was a doctor that worked for AfO. Tried to save his life. Couldn't. So AfO ordered him to grab a baby, and transfered his quirk... to me." All Might relaxes, because that is tragic, but easier to deal with- "And then, I guess, they lost me? Not sure, but um, after Gravey, i went to the hospital and the Doctor kept messing with me. He was giving me more of All For One's quirks... and his memories. And i- it was so stupid, I went in there alone, and now... it's all there. in me."
All Might is no longer relaxed. He stares at the kid. Miserable, Aizawa holds out a hand, and a spike shoots out from it. One All Might remembers going into his chest, and he flinches.
Aizawa puts his hand down.
"I can't figure it out."
"Can't figure what out?" All Might asks.
"I can't figure out if I'm more me or more him now. I mean, I feel like I'm in charge. But he's been alive a lot longer, even if so much of those memories a blur. And, logically, even if he isn't in my head, his memories have to affect me. I mean, i knew going alone was stupid, but all those memories of his power, his pride, i ignored it and went anyway. I can't figure out what it means to know all of this now, who I am or what I should do."
All Might nods. He feels such pity for the boy, such grief he didn't prevent this. caused it, even, really. "And you came to me?"
"Yeah. You're the person alive who's known All For One the longest, except Gran Torino and I didn't know how to find him." The teen shrugs. "You'd be the one to know if he's... you know, if i'm him. You'd be the one to stop him."
All Might stares at him, not moving, not speaking. Aizawa beings to twitch despite himself.
"You trusted me to fix this." He finally says. "Yeah, there's no way in hell All For One's in charge of your brain then. You're safe, kid. You might have the memories, but i take it you hate the guy in them?"
"More than anything. You're sure? It makes sense that i could be influenced-"
"Young Aizawa. You're safe. I am sure. And if that changes, i'll make sure to help you. I am here."
Aizawa goes nearly boneless on the couch. "Thanks."
"No problem. I'm guessing you'd feel better if you were doing something about it, though?"
"You're a hero. You feel better when you're doing something."
"Yeah. What do you have in mind?"
"Let's see if any of your new old memories can help us weed out anyone else who could be planning something like the Doctor was, and then come up with some plans to use all those quirks in you now for good."
Aizawa smiles for the first time in weeks. It is a terrifying smile, but it is absolutely nothing like All For One's too-calculated smirk. All Might smiles back.
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gradelstuff · 6 months
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heich0e · 1 year
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shigawifey · 2 months
is it like . okay to like tomura only as a villain ? maybe ... obviously i dont think villains are evil and heroes are good. theres like layers and everything . i like to think abt mha realistically and im like "ok so. villain = punk and hero = cops" and you know how we all feel about cops.
grr idk . idkkkkkkk i was brought up to not trust or like cops like any other child of punks or goths and everyone else doesnt like cops or the govt in this day and age so its like totally normal methinks.......
mha REALLY WANTS tomura to not be a villain and it is clashing with my morality bc yea afo is fucking evil but so are heroes . its like a sliding scale or whatever theres a grey area between hero and villain or whatever. like making tomura be a hero or want to be a hero or anything of the sort is like . odd to me... but making him be with afo is also odd to me . that is not saying i dont want him to do good ofc i do he has 3 pretty much well-rounded kids in my au hes obviously doing good there . being a hero or a cop or otherwise liking the govt is NOT what ur supposed to do if u want well rounded kids . fighting to change it is another story .....
idk tomura can like . grow up and have his prefrontal cortex finish developing (late bc hes traumatised) and then transition from terrorist to activist bc he has A Family and still keeps the title villain bc the govt does not like activism
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meeko-mar · 2 years
(BNHA 362 spoilers) Sorry I gotta say this...
I get the idea of Bakugou being the FIRST, and most emotionally attached example of the society being unfair and unjust but
What I don't get is the idea that Katsuki Bakugou's life has to be the Price we and the characters pay for Society to supposedly change.
After being built up as a deuteragonist, taking responsibility for his own actions and his own changes, deciding FOR HIMSELF to be better, overall looking like a story of a kid who rises above, and even as another kind of VICTIM of said unfair and unjust society (also yes, he IS in his own way a victim as well, he's basically a hyper-example of The Gifted Child syndrome)
...After all of that, all the work Horikoshi has put in to Bakugou rising out of his own mess, thematically, why is it logical to just tear all that down by having him die like this? With no closure? Asking Izuku if he'll ever be good enough in the most heartbreaking last words ever?
Letting Human Garbage AFO have the last word and the last laugh, his taunts being ultimately correct?
I'm sorry it's just NOT a rewarding narrative. To have the kid who was the most involved in changing in the face of realizing he and society was wrong, pay the ultimate price for it. To have the MC's most important person be lost when his whole narration this whole time has been "How I became a great hero", something that Izuku wouldn't consider himself if it all cost him the life of that most important person.
I mean, unless Horikoshi is going for this story ending in Tragedy.
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kitsunefyuu · 9 months
But... wasn't hawks supposed to be number three above Best Jenist? I'm sorry I just really am just trying to understand what did I miss because it seemed like he was supposed to be number three for a while already...?
Because after allmight retired he became number 2 and best Jenist number 3
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Well, you're right!
In canon, I went to check, and seems I was mistaken. I'm willing to admit when I made a mistake in canon but that just means I can have a spin on it.
I guess in my canon I will say Hawk was told to hold back because of the fact, unlike in canon, the government was aware AFO wasn't dead. They still had no idea where All for One is and there was no All Might Vs All for One where he was 'killed' so they wanted Hawk's to stay out of the spotlight.
It why he also was able to even track down and find information that AFO possibly had a kid.
Basically what he claimed in canon is why he doesn't try for a higher ranking, he was forced to do so in my canon. Aka, he isn't allowed to go all out as a hero least he ends up in the top three. It be terrible if he gets caught in a scandal while reaching such a high ranking.
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saltytearsofjoy · 2 years
I have way too many drafts
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jamiethebeeart · 1 year
I think you view bnha through a forgiving look. You don't think anyone is beyond saving or compassion, and you think every character deserves a hug and kind words (regardless of their actions). The art and thinkpieces you do are so soft as if you yourself wanted to give comfort to the characters you love.
[in response to this (x)]
Been thinking about this for at least a week. To condense the pondering:
I totally get how that comes through what I draw! A good conclusion!
But wrong! The villains definitely deserve to ??? I guess be thrown in Tartarus (or the new equivalent) but I don't want them to be forgotten either. Their struggles and issues are valid and they're right to be upset and stuff needs to change, but they also made the choice to fuck shit up. (I'm still not over Spinner stepping on Pixie-Bob's face, like, dude, what the FUCK)
But overall I guess if canon won't give them a little peace then I'm going to lmao.
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
poor little wet kitten of a man
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Me: *posts a random thought of mine*
Me: "hee hee"
Post: *gets 5 likes*
Me: "nice"
Post: *reaches 30+ notes*
Me: "wait..."
Post: *somehow gets 100+ notes*
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77dekiru · 3 months
It’s honestly so upsetting to see that the majority of people just don’t understand that Tomura doesn’t actually get enjoyment from killing people.
Tomura has literally felt so sick to his stomach that he has thrown up when he has killed people before.
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The difference between all of the times Tomura has felt physically ill from killing people and all of the times that Tomura has gotten “enjoyment” from it (Tomura doesn’t feel enjoyment, he feels relief.) is that each time the person he killed had hurt him first.
Killing the people that hurt him is just genuinely the only thing that Tomura can think of to get them to finally stop so that they won’t hurt him anymore.
Tenko had originally reached out to his father for help, only for him to be struck by him with a gardening tool… and only then Tenko killed (with purpose) his father to stop him from hurting him again:
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Tomura only wanted to kill the two drunk men after they had hurt him for literally just walking down the street:
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Tomura wanting to kill the heroes that had hurt him (with the intention of killing him):
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Tomura still doesn’t get enjoyment from killing people who hurt him, but he does experience relief from it…
((Edit: I would just like to clarify that the relief that Tomura feels from killing people that hurt him comes from knowing that they can’t hurt him anymore (relief that he is safe, even if temporarily) It does not come from him getting rid of the “itch” that he experiences (it always comes back, even after killing), like AFO groomed him into believing. I saw someone add that in the tags, and I realized that I never fully explained my thoughts on it. LOL.))
Not to mention, Tomura was literally GROOMED by All For One (which is something that people just like to ignore for some reason…) to even have this desire to kill people in the first place.
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And even then Tomura doesn’t have the desire to kill people in the way that AFO wants!
His want for destruction stems from his inherent empathy for others, and his inability to understand how people are able to ignore the suffering of others. Not what All For One has groomed him into believing. (That Tomura’s want for destruction is an impulse that’s something inherent to him.)
Tomura has continued to have empathy for others despite AFO’s grooming, and has showed genuine kindness to the league on many occasions…
All of this is such an important aspect of Tomura’s character and being able to actually understand him, and it’s so disheartening constantly seeing people completely overlook this part of him.
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