#just more promts
jestroer · 2 years
Never had it in me to start any inktober kinda thing but i thought it was a year i would try to change it! :D I will be trying to do @ink-ghoul​‘s Hermittober + Double life thingie cause it looks very fun! :)
The first day: Moon
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I miss mooner Mumbo
The original challenge:
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glass-oranges · 5 months
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Mel and Chell with Christmas drip for secret Santa!!!!!!!! It's my gift for @hunterwolf74 :3!!!!
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
Stay with me,,,, (I'm half asleep so everything I'm saying is nonsense. Forgive)
Tommy and Maria being similar to Jake and Amy, right?
cause I'm thinking of how Jake proposed to Amy and how it was the best thing ever, which made me think of tommy and maria, which made me think they should have a similar vibe
first of all im kicking myself bc i read a tumblr post or fic or SOMETHING online somewhere before that inspired a small bit of how i imagine tommy would propose, and now i can’t find it??? so if this*** sounds familiar it’s definitely based on something i’m just blanking on what it is and will give full credit to op or whatever fucking thing im forgetting. this is also partly based off of how my dad and my mom became official
similar to jake and amy, i imagine them having a really goofy and sweet proposal story, like tommy has to ask maria a million times or sometimes does fake-outs like jim from the office, and maybe it’s something the entirety of jackson is invested.
im also thinking maybe maria wouldn’t want to reallyget married again, not necessarily because of her late husband but more because jackson just makes such a fuss out of weddings and she does not have time to plan that shit and she had a big wedding for her first marriage for the sake of her mother and hated it, so yeah no. she’s just maybe not big on getting married, and for the first bit of time she’s with tommy, she know he really likes her but isn’t surely thinking he wants anything serious. so for a while, maybe a year and a half to two years in, it’s just them being in love as tommy and maria, more partners than anything else to eachother, and that’s just fine with her
so imagine her surprise when one day her and tommy are eating dinner in the dining hall and one of jackson’s biggest gossips comes over and is like “y’all are just too darn cute—now tommy, when are we gonna see a ring on that finger?? it’s a shame this lady aint tied down” and tommy, cool as a fucking cucumber, just goes “oh don’t you worry, i got plans for that” because ??????????? huh????—?
she has to hold back choking on her fucking drink, she’s so taken aback. she waits until whoever that was goes on their marry fuckin way and then blinks, going “um????? you’ve got plans???” because maria is always the one with the plans. tommy hates plans. he says he loves that she loves them, but in a life an unpredictable as this, they often just get in the way; she doesn’t always disagree. but now, apparently, his plan for marriage is sure as his shooting aim, because he just smiles at her a dashingly and winks, murmuring out a smooth and flirty “yes, ma’am. i do i have plans.” for the rest of the dinner, her left leg bounces shakily under the table as he smirks as her from across the way.
because suddenly marriage doesn’t sound so bad, not when it’s marriage to her handsome cowboy goofball; the wedding she would still definitely rather just skip, but she’s sure she can convince tommy of that later. so for the rest of the night and week and month, she is on Red Alert to be proposed to, and unfortunately it just wracks her nerves
but because tommy is Tommy, he lovingly teases and fucks with her just perfectly enough to settle her mind down. he starts mixing in fake-out proposals (he does the shoe-tying one from the office while they’re hiking and watching a sunset during a romantic preproposal date two-person patrol, and she threatens to kick him off the cliff) with joking little asks for her hand in between mundane requests (hey baby, could you be a dear and marry me, then pass me the salt? im kiddin, just kiddin, i aint gonna ask like tha—what? what?? maria! come back!), also mixed with genuinely breathtaking little notes to declare how much he loves her one every few days (a note left on her dresser for her to wake up to one rare morning where tommy was up and out before her: “hey baby. just wanted to let you know how much i love you and how lucky i am to be here with you in my life. you guide me toward a greatness i never thought i could even achieve. i want to make you happy everyday. i can’t wait to call you my wife. seeya at lunch, mi vida. yours, tommy”) until eventually the pressure of being asked The Big Thing isn’t something she’s so anxious for anymore, until thinking about it just makes her smile. she’s looking forward to tommy being her husband more than anything
@bearrycool tysm again baby i got to go to sleep and wake up thinking abt this and it puts a big big big smile on my face
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thelien-art · 11 months
Hiyas maybe you'd consider a request of my wicked royal Princess Luella Tulloran? It won't let me add refs here but if your interested let me know and I'll send her refs along. Thanks for considering.
Hi, I know you probably mean nothing by this but of what I can see you just started following me, a Tolkien blog, with no interest IN Tolkien (judging about what I can see going in on your blog) and just dumps YOUR OC on MY head without even going just a little bit through my blog to see if requests are still open and what the rules are
You might have found me via this year pride art where you problby clicked the link that led you to an information on open requests WHERE I SAY ONLY TOLKIEN REALTED and only for pride aka this month, four days ago I said I´m closing the requests as I have 55 requests left, which is fine you didn´t see as I deleted it a day after, that didn´t mean I opened requests again tho
Sometimes when I open for requests I also open for people´s OCs but I make it clear when I am
I also made a promise in another answer to a similar ask about me taking nonrelated Tolkien requests so I advise you go read that HERE
You know i would really appreciate an answer for you if you could go out of your way to do that, thank you!
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
Nishiki is the only guy I truly 100% believe understands what it feels like to be a 12 year old girl going through her compulsive shop lifting phase. No I won't explain this further you'll either understand or you won't.
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Did I just spend way too much time trying to "scientifically" determine the ranking of my favorite AM albums - even though I'm canonically terrible at math (proven fact) and hate it? Yes. Yes I did.
Because next to being a purely artistic, humanities-focused right-brained person I am also a Capricorn. And earth sign. Obsessed with lists and rankings and determining things as objectively as possible. Even when it's impossible.
(Anyway - my podium is apparently TBHC, WPSIATWIN [a little surprise] and The Car very closely followed by SIAS)
Which actually does make sense when I think it through.
(Anyway - I still love all of the children very much).
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white-nolse · 2 years
Is Lia loving hours...
Just been thinking how there would never be other Oc like her. Not in the "she's the best Oc out there!" Sense, because I know that as character creator I still have a long ass list of things to learn– but more as she's her own person and no other Oc would ever mimic that, because no matter how similar someone's character looks, she is still different on her own way because of the little details I give her.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Ask box isssss open just saying. I’m feeling up for requests rn. But they are slow coming if I’m busy or working on another project
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this new X-Men '97 show had the potential to be truly incredible, if it wasn't ruined by all the ai slop...
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bathroomgirl0024 · 4 months
you know before wathcing the kg and seeing monokuma, Makan used to live alone for a verrry long time and kind of never went outside and has slept for most of her time imo, (mostly because the outside is scary but the inside is kinda boring) and probably just watched/read/played alot of media or something
What Im saying is she probably was a homestuck fan at one point in her life
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
2k12 Rasey 😖
| send a 😖 for your muse to catch my muse having a panic attack
When Donatello made a mention of using Raph's blood for sample work he didn't question it all that much Donatello was always working on something and Raph didn't often mind giving him help. Once that blood had been drawn Raph was kind of curious so he asked. Donatello made mention that maybe they could use his blood with traces of the mind worm to make some sort of antidote. Sometimes Raph liked how factual his brother spoke it was a comfort at times but in that moment? he hated how factual Don's wording had been. Traces of the worm in his blood. Meaning that thing..was still inside of him?
Don didn't need anymore once he had a few to work with. Raph seemed a bit out of it Maybe he should ask Donnie? But they were already hard at work. So Raphael sort of just wander his way out of the lab, he was a bit of out of it looking down to his arm where the gaze covering the puncture hole was at. Ildy feeling over it when he finally looked up and around on the see Mikey was in the pit watching tv. Raph asked if Leo was around he wasn't though from what Mikey said, something about being with Splinter. Hmm okay that's fine, he thought about talking to Mikey for a moment but eh maybe not the best. No Raph was fine he didn't need to talk he should eat Donnie didn't take a good bit of blood after all. Somehow Raphael wound up in his room he didn't remember how that happened, as he breezed right past Young Savage's tank the tiny turtle sad because they wanted out and to be with Raphael. But they went unnoticed, only to lie back down with a sad expression aimed towards the larger turtle who just climbed on to his mattress.
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Moving in to rest his shell up against the wall his bed sat by, drawing his knees back and against his plastron. Just about curling in on himself. As Raphael could feel a odd tingle hitting his wrists now. He looked his hands over as if he needed to inspect them feeling over his wrists soon taking in a deep breath as he tilted his head back to rest back on the wall. Raphael kept trying to like he'd be shown to do. Slowly in and out deeply, but it was like the air had been sucked out of his room.
That worm was still in him? That worm was still apart of him!?
The image in his mind was so clear. Strapped to a metal table, fastened down against it with that thing held in front of him. No matter how beg and scared and pleaded to Slash. Raphael started to shake as if the blood in his body was no longer working to regulate his body heat. No longer in his room he was on the table shirking back against metal trying to escape knocking his head back against it. A fear of bugs was already spiking when eyed that slimy worm wiggling in Slashes claws. Watching it's mouth open. Fuck Raph's chest was killing him now, mask was tugged down with Slash's free hand and Raph tired to turn away, jerk his head away. Anything no matter how pointless it was to keep that thing away from him. Tears started to roll down his cheeks, recalling hos tightly Slash grab as his face and turned him to look the worm drawing in closer and closer going towards Raphael's left eye. He froze as eyes grew wider and wider his breathing was getting out of control, hyperventilating. That worm was in him! He needed to get it out he needed to get it out of him!
He dropped his head to his knees, he was having a hard time getting control of his body to force that thing out of him again. To force himself to get sick and get it out! But then he noticed something burning warm was close. W-what was that? there was a smell too he knew that scent? yeah he knows that scent well but he can't place it for some reason? A hand lifted and reached out till finger tips brushed against something, soft? he pressed them forward there was something solid under it. He swears he hears something but he can't tell right now? He knows that sound? his hand shakes but he runs his hands up feeling something smooth now under his fingers. The warmth from it near burning the cold tips of his fingers. Again that sound but this time he can feel it. Peering up finally it took a moment for his eyes to even focus. Once more that sound vibrates under his touch and it's enough to draw him back, he knows that vibration.
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"Case?" he managed to get out seeming to only know understand there was a person in general in front of him.
Casey slowly adjusts in Raphael's vision, Raph's just staring as if it didn't make a lick of sense right then and there. Confused just in general his breathing hadn't slowed and his chest was just killing him but he kept his fingers against Casey's throat. That were saying his name? Yeah that what that vibration was, slowly very slowly Raph stretchered out his legs on either side of the human. His other hand soon lifted as if he had no idea how hands even worked right now. Feeling over Casey's face like he never seen it before. The turtle pieced together as he felt over it again. He slowly moved in closer to them, letting his forehead rest against Casey's chest. That soft thing before must have been Casey's hoodie. Still so out of it as he let his hands feel over Casey's arms a moment. Still trying to understand what was going on. Fingers curled to hold to Casey. As he struggle out a sob. Words weren't working right now he just needed Casey to stay right there a moment.
His mind was a thick fog nothing made sense. He stayed like that a moment longer. Shaking like he was freezing. Fingers gripping hard onto Casey's arms, as he rested against their chest a moment. Seeming to coming down to reality. As he moved in closer to Casey things were slowly making sense again. His breath seemed to finally start to relax but his panic? not so much. He just kept attention on Casey figuring out they must have come into his room looking for him. Where they meant to hang out today?
"jus' - jus' gimme a second." He asked seeming to be doing a bit better as he slowly let go of Casey's arms having to pray his hold off of them. "I'm not okay Casey." he admits even if that was obvious, he told them before along with something else " I thought I had a handle on it but.. I jus' flipped out an' damn my ribs hurt like shit." Raph commented on a tad random in thought as his mind was still collecting thoughts right now. He suddenly snapped his eyes open reaching and pulling his mask down he hadn't let Casey see him with out lately. Exposing the scar around his eye from when he got that worm in his head. Letting Casey see it as he did he hadn't even thought about it he just had to be sure.
"Do you see it!" he asks panicked once again eyes are wide and fearful his breath starts to quicken once again. "Don said there were traces of it still. It's still in me Casey!" his mind was racing his panic was raising again he started to shake from fear this time. "If - if it's in me still he can still use it then 'ight?" Raph voiced the fear that sent him into that state he was in. "Fuck!" he yells a bit letting his head fall back against the wall uncaring how the slam throb pain into his skull just now. It was kind of on purpose forcing his mouth open to him getting that worm out again.
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"it's all in my fuckin' head I know but- fuck why!? With all the shit before this?!" He might be looking at Casey but he's clearly talking to himself. Seeming to be bouncing back and forther from his panic and a somewhat sound mind " 've been turned into a fuckin' plant. body swapped with a kranng, a fuckin' squirrel was in my stomach once even! I frenched a damn bug even!" he lists off comparing "I get up and move on! so why is it this fuckin' thing that messin' with my damn head!" he breathes heavy as if Casey gonna have his answer. Raph serching Casey's eyes a moment as if they could tell him anything instead? He just finds that bit in Casey that he knows will listen to him. No matter what something dumb like how he likes Tylaor Swift's music to something important like he loves them. Raphael's face near crumbles and falls.
"it was so fuckin' easy for him to get in my head Casey." he meant shredder. He needed to say it it been eating away at him "I tried so hard to keep him out I did, really! but he got in there so easy anything he told me to do I did. His voice is still in my head sometimes!" He hadn't admit that to anyone. "tellin' me to do it to take 'em out. if that worms in me still even a little?" Raph was frantic there was no logic running behind his thoughts he was freaked there was no other way to put it. Before Casey can even have a chance to maybe even process what Raphael was admitting just now Raphael grabbed at Casey's shirt and pulled him forward so he could look at him. Fixing them with a grim stare.
"I can't hurt them Casey." Raphael tell them "Leo, Don or Mikey. Any of them. Any of you." Raph searching Casey face right now it so easy to tell he's saying this for a reason. "You have to stop me got it?" he lets that sit between them. "I mean it Case promise me! Promise me if Shredder can still get in my head and follow his orders that you will stop me. If I lose control and he tells me to end one of them again you have to put me down got it." Raphael wasn't panic he was worse, he was clam when asking this of Casey just now. "I get why Splinter always on my ass about my anger it's cause I'm like Shredder that's why he got to me so easily that has to be it." Raphael concluded. "I'm just as bad as he is he knew how to get ta me. I could 'ave killed Leo Casey. I would have killed Leo. I see it so clearly in my mind standing over him lifeless.." he closed his eyes needing to force the image out. "I can't do that..you can't let me do that Case please." he pleads fresh tears rolling down his face now. "Casey I don't wanna hurt anyone. I don' trust any one else with this. I trust you though. If it comes down to it." That's a lot to ask of anyone "ya gotta stop me no matter what it takes alright?"
Raph gave another tug but this time it was so he could bury his face into Casey's chest, his arms moving to hold around Casey firm and tight. "I know I know it's all in my head but..why this?" Because to Raphael there shouldn't be an issue here it was over it should be over so why did it get to him so much. "please just stay a bit longer." he said it so quietly near scared to ask. "I can' be alone 'ight now Case." he manages to shift a bit so he sit on to his knees, fingers gripped the back of Casey's hoodie tightly as if for a moment he thought they might leave him when he was like this. No one seen him like this though so Raphael wasn't sure he just needed Casey to stay till he finally calmed down again.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Katherine’s horny thought has been sent to you: 💌
Bucky Barnes is a feral man when it comes to his girl and seeing her being friendly with Steve…he cannot contain himself anymore. You gotta share something angsty and smutty babe. For all of us. 🤍
Here’s a promt:
“Are you trying to make me jealous doll? Cause it’s fucking working.”
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You’re Mine » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: Bucky makes sure his best girl knows that she’s his and only his when he sees her getting a little to friendly with Steve.
Warnings: Angst, Smut (18+), language, mentions of alcohol, jealousy, kissing, hickeys, fingering, unprotected sex, daddy kink, metal arm kink, praise kink, praise kink, choking, degrading, name calling (slut), use of pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @katherineswritingsblog 🩷
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Bucky watched from across the room as your hand rubbed Steve’s bicep, giving it a squeeze. His right hand was clutching the glass so tight that it could shatter any second. Bucky’s jaw clenched when you kissed Steve on his cheek. That was the last straw for him. Bucky downed the rest of his whiskey and slammed the glass on the table, not caring if he broke it or not.
“Hey doll, we better call it a night. We have that thing to do tomorrow.” Bucky says, grabbing your upper arm.
“What thing?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
“You know what I’m talking about.” He says, tightening his grip on your arm, making you wince slightly.
“Oh yea!” You went along with it. “Goodnight, Stevie.” You say, kissing Steve’s cheek again.
Bucky practically drug you out of the room to the elevator and to yours and his shared bedroom. He closed and locked the door the second you two got in the bedroom. He then pinned you against the wall.
“Are you trying to make me jealous, doll? Cause it’s fucking working.” He practically growls.
“Now you know how I feel, James.” You say with sass in your tone.
Bucky chuckles and shook his head.
“So this is what that little stunt was about, huh?” He starts. “You decided to flirt with Steve cause I was talking to that girl at the coffee shop yesterday.” He says.
“More like flirting.” You say with an attitude.
Bucky grasped your jaw, making you look straight at him. His blue eyes were filled with jealousy, anger, and lust.
“How many god damn times do I have to tell you? I told her that I have a girlfriend and wanted nothing to do with her.” He says, almost gritting his teeth.
“That’s not what I saw!” You say.
“What did you think you seen, babydoll?” He asks.
“You were flirting with her! That’s what I seen and heard!” You say.
“And you think that it makes it right to flirt with my best friend?” He says.
“I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine.” You say.
Bucky scoffs and shakes his head.
“Let me tell you something, babydoll…” His face got closer to yours, his lips inches from yours. “You’re fucking mine. Not Steve’s. Mine.” Bucky growls.
The next thing you know, you hear the sound of fabric tearing. Bucky just ripped off your dress. You didn’t even have time to react to it cause he yanked your panties down your legs and picked you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. Bucky almost immediately latched his lips on your neck, his teeth biting down hard enough to mark you up. A moan left your lips when his metal fingers rubbed your clit. His fingers found their way to your wet entrance, circling it teasingly before unexpectedly sliding two metal fingers inside of you. His fingers fucked you fast while his metal thumb rubbed your clit. You threw your head back against the wall, moans of his name leaving your lips.
“Oh daddy!” You moaned.
His fingers found your sweet spot almost immediately. Your pussy clenched around his fingers every time his fingers hit it.
“You’re such a fucking slut for me.” Bucky almost whispers. “I bet I can get you to cum in seconds just with my metal fingers.” He says.
You couldn’t form any coherent words. Moans and whimpers left your lips the more he degraded you. Honestly, you fucking love it when he degrades you. Bucky knows it turns you on. That’s why he does it.
His fingers were hitting all of the right spots, massaging your wet and warm walls and hitting your sweet spot causing your cunt to squeeze around his fingers. Your orgasm was building up quickly.
“I bet you’re so close, aren’t you, doll?” Bucky taunts. “You want to cum, don’t you?” He says.
“Yes please, daddy!” You whimpered.
“That’s too bad.” He abruptly took his fingers out of your pussy and leaving you frustrated. “You’re not gonna cum for a while.” He says, making you whine in frustration.
Bucky walked you over to the bed, dropping you on it. You propped yourself up on your elbows and watched as Bucky stripped himself out of his clothes. You looked down at his hard cock and licked your lips.
“My eyes are up here, doll face.” Bucky says, snapping his fingers.
“Shut up and fuck me.” You sassed.
Bucky spread your legs and got in between them. A loud moan left your lips when Bucky thrusted his cock inside of you in one thrust. You decided to test him more.
“Is that all you got? I’m sure Steve can give me more.” You say tauntingly.
A growl left Bucky’s lips. His metal hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing a little bit. He put his hand on the headboard above your head and began pounding into you. Your nails left red scratch marks on his back. Loud moans left your lips.
“Say that again. I fucking dare you.” Bucky growls. “Steve doesn’t know your body like I do. He wouldn’t know how to touch you like I do.” He says.
Pleasure took over your body. Bucky’s cock was hitting your sweet spot repeatedly. His fingers on his right hand found their way to your clit and began rubbing to the point where you were sensitive. Your pussy squeezed around his cock.
“Daddy, please!” You whined. “Please let me cum!” You begged. “I’ll be a good girl!” You whined again.
“I don’t think so, babydoll. You’re not gonna cum until I do.” He says.
“But daddy!” You whined.
“Quit your fucking whining.” He says, applying light pressure on your throat.
You tried your best to not cum, but it was so hard. His cock kept hitting your sweet spot, making you want to cum. Bucky pulled you into a rough kiss, his tongue slid past your parted lips and explored every inch of your mouth.
“You want to cum so badly?” Bucky asks. “Prove to me that you deserve to cum.” He says.
“I won’t ever flirt with Steve again. I promise to be a good girl and listen to what daddy says.” You say, followed by a whimper.
“You better be a good girl and do what I say.” He starts. “Cum for daddy, doll.” He whispers.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a loud moan of his name left your lips as you came hard, soaking the sheets beneath you. Bucky’s thrusts became sloppy and he came inside of you. He thrusted a few more times before pulling out and laid down next to you. Both of you were sweaty and panting.
“Flirt with Steve again and I won’t hesitate to tie you to the bed and edge you.” Bucky says.
-Bucky’s Doll
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luckyfox3000 · 6 months
Hello there Loves! New promt!
Ok, so, here's the thing. Dani didn't really mean for her and Danny to end up on the Supers radar. Really, she didnt.
She just wanted to check out if the rumors about another clone were true! And if they really were one of the Supers.
Dani wasn't at fault here, she was just looking, then found another rich douchbag who created a clone.
So, of course she had to investigate! Danny agreed with her and all! (They might not have told jazz)
So, Dani went to Lex Corp, where these rumors began. Then she found Clone machines. And plans to make MORE.
Dani didnt exactly do anything per say. She just. Went into the mainframe and deleted everything?
(She and Danny were in so much trouble)
Then, then, the next part was definitely not her fault, nope. In fact, it was Danny's. Kinda. Sorta. Ish.
Aaaand the building was on fire.
Entirely unrelated to her and Danny.
And nothing at all to do with the dynamite she had in her bag.
The supers had not been flying after them for the past half hour.
(Jazz was going to kill them. Goodbye afterlife.)
Feel free to use it add on!
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lowkeycasanova · 2 months
can't sleep
trafalgar law x reader
*Pic isn’t mine. I’d put the user but I can’t make out the watermark*
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Opening your eyes to the ceiling, you then glance over at the clock.
1:32 am
The soft rustle of the sheets echoed through the room as you shifted from your back to your side. The mattress molded to your figure and you closed your eyes.
Your eyes flutter open and again you glance at the clock.
1:47 am
What? How has it only been fifteen minutes? It felt like at least an hour since you closed your eyes.
Feeling pressure on your hip as you laid, you changed your position to your other side, flexing both knees up, and lazily crossed both arms over on another so they rested on your waist and closed your eyes.
Just for them to open again. You glance over your shoulder at the clock.
2:30 am
You sighed. Taking a peek at Law, a slight fown and furrow in his brows as he rested in his back. His chest rose and fell evenly with each breath. A reminder of the sleep you wish to have.
You then pivot to lay on your stomach with your hands on the pillow. You shut your eyes in an attempt to force yourself to sleep.
2:57 am
You've got to be fucking kidding.
Not even a whole hour passed away, you just laid there with your eyes closed, staring at the darkness behind your eyelids.
You twisted and turned in the bed, adjusting your position for what felt like the thousandth time trying to get comfortable.
Each second that passed echoed the persistent restlessness of your mind. Letting your thoughts roam free was never a good idea, especially at this time of night. It would make you feel more awake. One thing would lead to another and then all of a sudden you're thinking about every mistake you've ever made.
Changing your position again, you lay on your side with your back facing Law, staring at the wall a few feet away.
Unexpectedly, you felt a pair of strong arms encircle your waist.
"Stop moving." Law mumbled.
Knowing that you inadvertenly woke him up made you feel guilty.
His embrace was comforting but knowing him, it was probably also to keep you still. You tried to allow his presence to soothe you, but unfortunately, the discomfort you felt was stubborn, promting you to release yourself from his hold.
Quietly, you slipped out of bed, treading lightly across the room as if to not disturb him further. In search of solace, you wandered to another part of the ship.
However, just as you contemplated your next move, the air around you rippled with energy. Before you could make sense of it, you found yourself back in the bedroom. It remained unchanged, except for the fact that Law was now sitting up.
"Whatever you're planning, it's going to keep you up." he warned.
You let out an soft, yet annoyed groan. That ability of his could be a nuisance.
Technically, he was right. Doing any sort of activity is going to make your body think it should be alert. And, he doesn't want to sleep without you there. Although he will never say that.
As you considered your options, he let out a sigh.
"Come back to bed." he stated and patted the space next to him. The temptation to argue was strong, but you saw the concern in his eyes.
Reluctantly, you shuffled back to bed, slipping under the covers and finding your place next to him. He resumed his previous position, wrapping his arms around you once more.
“Are you upset about something?" He asked. You shook your head 'no'.
"Try to rest." he whispered, his voiced mixed with understanding and a hint of frustration. "I won't be able to sleep properly if I know you're wandering around the ship."
"I'm trying." you sighed, letting out a breath in an attempt to calm your pounding heart. Maybe some unknown factor was causing you stress and the increased cortisol was keeping you up.
Law pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, his grip gentle yet secure. "Close your eyes and relax. I'm here."
As the minutes passed, the rhythm of his breathing intertwined with yours, creating a peaceful melody that pulled you into a state of relaxation.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
❛ c’mon, we’d look cute together. ❜ promt with Aegon! I feel like he would be a little shit even to the ones he likes.
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Summary: Aegon has been on your ass for a while now, so you barricade yourself within the library for a moment of reprieve.
Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, bane of your existence and a pain in your fucking backside. The twerp was like a thorn lodged in your side, too fickle to be removed by traditional means. For as long as you could remember Aegon had been your shadow, following you wherever you went whether that be the gardens, courtyard, library, kitchen, even to your own fucking chambers, Aegon was there with a smug smirk that you’d love nothing more then to wipe off by the means of your first to his face. His entire existence annoyed you to the point that you intentionally hide from him in whatever room was within the closest vicinity.
Once you hid in the library for an entire day knowing for certain that Aegon wouldn’t ever dare step foot in there; Especially when Aemond was known to occupy the library as though it were his chamber. The younger brother was made more then aware of Aegon’s incessant pursuit towards you by how often he would see you rush into the room; Slamming the door shut behind you whilst looking as though you had just set one of the dragons loose within the castle. “I have never, not once, ever seen my brother so determined about something before.” He said as he quickly finished reading a passage out of his book. “You haven’t slipped anything into his drink by any chance.” You only gave the prince a glare, “ha ha, very funny Aemond, don’t you think I would’ve done that just if it meant getting him off my arse for a fucking second?”
“Considering that this is Aegon we are talking about, I’m certain he’d rather be in your arse then on it.” Aemond put it bluntly, his lips graced with a small smirk when you groaned in annoyance, “all joking aside, I have never seen him this determined in perusing someone. It’s quite frankly horrifying to see him up so early.” Aegon was known to be a heavy sleeper, more so during his ventures out to the streets of silk; So seeing his brother get up anytime other then midday brought a lot into question for Aemond. The answer to all of his inquiries was currently attempting to blockade the door with a chair. “Well tell him to quit it or find another, less invasive method in perusing me before I end up hitting him where his future kids will most definitely feel it.” You replied, stepping back to view your work before turning your attention to Aemond who’s eye was gleaming in amusement.
“So your telling me there’s an slight window of opportunity for you to accept my brothers advances?” He hummed, his chin resting within the palm of hand as he caught onto the look of realisation that flash across your face as you recollected the phrasing of your prior words. “No I didn’t.” You curtly answered. “I’m afraid you did, sweet y/n.” Aemond taunted, thoroughly enjoying what he was now learning, “your putting words in my mouth.” You hissed as you turned to addresses the prince who looked about as smug as a cat in his chair. “Am I? Or are you in denial of the possibility that you do, in fact, like the attention my brother has been giving you recently?” You knew what Aemond was doing but you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of getting under your skin, edging you to the point of an accidental confession; Mind games have always been his forte.
So you did what you could’ve done in that situation, change the subject and put him in the hot seat. “Why are you so invested in your brothers love life all of a sudden Aemond? Normally you wouldn’t give two shits with whom he fucks but right now your acting as though you were a gossiping lady of the court.” Aemond scoffs, fully aware of what you were doing. He didn’t blame you, forcing to admit favouritism towards his brother’s company was damming to one’s pride indeed. Even he has a hard time finding anything remotely favourable out of his brother’s company, especially ones that didn’t involve chasing him down the streets of silk and flea bottom whenever he were to allude his duties. “Oh please why would you-“ just as Aemond was about to finish his sentence, a voice from the other side of the door belonging to that of Ser Criston Cole.
“Prince Aemond, the Queen Alicent requests your audience.” You knew that Alicent didn’t liked to be kept waiting, so you walked over to the door and dislodged the chair from underneath the handle before suspicions were raised. “You wouldn’t want to keep the Queen waiting.” You told him, you see his eye linger on the stack of books on the table he was occupying and you sighed, “I’ll clear away your books, just get going.” Aemond wordlessly got up and crossed the room to the door, though not before casting you a thankful gaze before leaving the library with Ser Criston hot on his heels. With nothing else to do and no one else to talk with, you began clearing up and putting away books to their proper shelves which took you a substantial amount of time, and before you knew it afternoon had already fallen upon KingsLanding.
“I think I’ll head down to the gardens for a bit, just to stretch my legs and get some fresh air.” You told yourself for no other reason then verbal confirmation of what you were planning on doing as you stepped out of the Library, making sure to shut the door behind yourself before you were greeted with a pair of mischievously beautiful lilac eyes and a head of short platinum locks. “Aegon.” You breathed out, “what do I owe the pleasure of your company on this fine afternoon.” You continued through gritted teeth when the prince only smirked in response as he proceeded to grab a hold of your arm, linking it with his own before leading you both down the hallway. “No need to act so cordial towards me, I merely wanted to spend time with you today but couldn’t seem to find you anywhere. Little did I know you were tucked away in the library with my brother.”
The way Aegon’s voice seemed uncharacteristic towards the end made you look at him properly, just in time to see his lilac eyes darken with insecurity as his jaw subtly clenched whilst his grip on your hand tightened over yours absentmindedly. You almost completely forgot that underneath the facade was a boy born into a loveless family and crippling expectations; You almost felt upset for ignoring him, only to be rudely remembered that this was the same boy that tripped you over into a mud puddle and faked innocence along with the time he stole your clothes while you were bathing. How he had gotten in without you hearing his heavy ass breathing still alludes you and frightens you simultaneously. “Apologise my prince, I didn’t know my absence would affect you as much.” You replied, squeezing his hand.
“You can make it up to me by walking through the garden with me.” Aegon quickly suggested and when you didn’t reply fast enough for his liking, he began to whine and lean his weight into you. “C’mon, we’d look cute together, strolling through the gardens, hand in hand, arm in arm. Don’t you think?” Aegon at this point was on the brink of desperation. He hadn’t been lying when he said that he had been trying to find you, almost turned the red keep upside down in the process throughout the duration of his search for you. All he wished for is that he got to have your company even if it was for a short period of time. Aegon just wanted to let his guard down and the only way he could do that was whenever he was with you. So when you sighed and agreed to accompany him, the prince was practically dragging you do the hall with his long strides as you struggled to keep up.
Despite regretting your easy acceptance towards his offer, you found yourself looking upon Aegon’s face to see that the shadows of doubt and regret have retreated from his features and the worry lines usually seen across his forehead had subsided for far happier ones. If Aemond’s words from earlier were to be believed and that Aegon had been determined in being within your presence and how your body receipted to his…peculiar advances. Then yes, you might’ve favoured Aegon’s undivided attention being on you and solely you. The mere thought of being desired and sought after to the point it drives that person into desperation because of how sorely sought after you were. It made you feel things. It made you feel wanted. “You’re a brat you know.” You said softly as you rested your head against his shoulder, feeling the muscles within his body tense at your words, “however I’d rather you be my brat then anyone else’s. I’d want you to be my problem to deal with for the rest of my life.”
“As long as you be mine in return,” Aegon replied softer then usual, pressing a kiss to your head, “for now and for always.”
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Dp x Dc crossover promt
What if GIW was created by Justice League
to answer the never ending calls for help?
I mean, it would be more believable then JL just ignoring it, right? (Black out, blocked off and isolated Amity park - no complaints, you’re doing great sweetie)
Maybe they’re different than what is seen in the show, but what if? They’d definitely hide their actual goals, and try to set the narrative, benefiting them. Maybe while they were formed, the government somehow affected the recruitment and its legal purpose (idk how to word it any other way, bear with me here), so GIW doesn’t turn out how JL expected?
Like, the main thing is the League knows about the problem and thinks it’s being handled, completely blinded by the GIW doing everything to JL from paying more than a glance towards Amity park. Possibly even gently swayed by the GIW , who’re being careful to give just enough info to make JL to draw their own conclusions, but not too much to alert the League of their less then moral goals and methods
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