#kdrama prompt fill
film-in-my-soul · 2 years
TDJ arranged marriage AU where Yohan is an alpha and Gaon is an omega
(I want you to know that 1.) this was supposed to be 2k max and is in fact actually 8k and 2.) that I've gone through about four different endings before giving up and concluding it the way I have. I'm sure it's not exactly what you were looking for, but I hope you like it regardless.)
(Also, I said I'd post it today and there's still 25 minutes left in today so it counts.)
Rated T for mentions of heat and very brief mention of sex, no actual sex though.
Ga-on had assumed the worst day of his life was finding his father dead. Or maybe being informed the day following, still mourning, that his mother had joined him. Somehow, impossibly, it isn't.
Ga-on's worst day is when he's pulled aside while heading to the library by a grim-faced Min Jung-ho.
In a move to lighten the suddenly heavy mood, Ga-on laughs, awkward as he's deposited in the other man's office, the door locking behind them.
"If Soo-hyun is spreading rumors again-" Ga-on attempts a joke, but Jung-ho, expression notably thunderous now, holds out a stack of papers for him to take, and Ga-on's words die on his lips. His brow furrows, curious, but he takes them from his mentor's hands.
At first, as he scans the cover page, Ga-on is confused. Jung-ho has handed him a Marriage Summons, and for a brief moment, he thinks it's a test, a silent "have you been reading those law books I sneak you?" except there's no way he'd be so… so strict. So much so that he still hasn't said anything. And then Ga-on glances down the page and sees his name, printed in finely done script under the section noted 'Omega Spouse.'
His blood goes ice cold, and the papers almost fall from his fingers as they go slack.
Ga-on looks up at Jung-ho, lips suddenly quivering. It must be the shock pushing adrenaline to every vein it can reach.
"Your parents." Jung-ho cuts him off, response sharp, and then breathes a heavy sigh, a hand going up to his face to rub at his frown.
Ga-on feels like the world is suddenly narrowing down, shrinking around him. When his knees finally start to give, Ga-on is just thankful there's a chair nearby for him to collapse in.
"But, how- this…" Ga-on lifts the stack of papers and lets it drop, spilling apart across the table he's next to. He can't get enough air into his lungs, and his breathing picks up speed. "My parents?" There's an almost hysterical edge to his tone, and though he knows Min Jung-ho can't smell it, Beta that he is, Ga-on's scent is careening sharply into something sour and panicked.
Jung-ho sits across from him, seemingly more put together than before, at least hiding the anger better in the wake of Ga-on's reaction.
"I know it must be a shock, and you know that if I could have prevented it, I would have never let you see the documents in the first place."
Ga-on feels sick.
He nods, even as he struggles not to run from the building, the papers, everything.
"It was put in place by your parent when you presented, it seems. I can't get complete documents as I'm no longer your legal guardian, so I only know the barest of details. The registry they went through had a waiting period. If the enrolled Omega reaches twenty-seven and is still unmarried or unbounded, they're placed into the eligibility pool."
 Ga-on knows that the man is only trying to comfort him, but it hardly helps.
He'd been twelve when he presented as Omega, and his parents had probably been worried, then swindled with the promise of a handsome bride dowery if he was matched off to a wealthy Alpha. Because they had died, taking this life-altering arrangement with them was not something anyone could control. And now… now Ga-on had received a Marriage Summons, one Min Jung-oh could not get him out of.
In hindsight, outside of himself, Ga-on knows that the situation is unsurprising. Omega laws are only now taking a foothold in government. From a young age, he'd been his parents' property in all sense of the word. They'd signed him away like collateral, and now he was the property of the registry. Or, more accurately, he's the property of whoever had just put his name on the papers.
Ga-on is numb. The thought of feeling what his emotions are doing is exhausting.
"Do you…" his voice catches, and he raises shaking hands to organize the papers back into a single stack, trying to focus on the physical sensation as he works to get his breathing and scent back under control. He doesn't need any Alphas coming to sniff around and get ideas. "Do you know who it is?"
When Ga-on looks back up to Jung-ho, that visceral anger is back.
Ga-on didn't even need him to say the words to have his answer.
A week later, Ga-on meets his husband for the first time.
He's in the best suit he could rent on his law clerk's salary and walking in calculated steps down the aisle of the small, private chapel he'd been instructed to arrive at for the ceremony. From the corner of his eye, he can see Soo-hyun, Min Jung-ho, and Oh Jin-joo (the female Alpha he works directly under and considers a friend) sitting in the pews to the left. All but Jin-joo look uneasy.
Eventually, Ga-on makes it to where the aisle ends, leading to a small raised platform with three steps. A hand comes into his field of view as he starts the brief ascent, making him pause. Ga-on follows the offering with his eyes until he meets a not wholly unfamiliar face.
Kang Yo-han, though not working in the same district as Ga-on, is renowned enough through the law circles he passes by while running errands for Jin-joo that he's seen those dark eyes and sharp jawline a scant few times but can still recognize them.
He's looking at Ga-on with a neutral expression, hand not wavering even though Ga-on hasn't moved for a few seconds too long. Eventually, clearing his throat, Ga-on takes it, if only to maintain the appearance of respecting someone "above" his secondary gender and, more importantly, his station. 
Yo-han's palm is large, roughly calloused, and much warmer than Ga-on's. It's only until he gets to the top of the three steps that they're touching, Yo-han loosening his grip, letting Ga-on's fingers slide away.
When Ga-on's in his place, the officiant instructs them to face one another, and Ga-on does as he's asked, tensing only slightly now that his friends are no longer in sight. Instead, he's given a better picture of Yo-han, dressed impeccably in what can only be a designer label, hair slicked back. From off to the right, Ga-on also notes another group of three sat in the opposite pews.
Yo-han's wedding party.
There's a woman, back uncomfortably straight and wearing an expression one might find at a funeral instead of a bonding ceremony. Beside her is a man, also just as stone-faced but with a notable edge of boredom in how his eyes refuse to stay in one place. He looks close to Ga-on's age, if he had to guess, maybe a bit older. Then, at the very end of the pew, a wheelchair folded next to her is a young girl. She has the most severe expression of them all. Open hostility.
He's distracted by how her mouth curves down so harshly that he almost misses his queue to offer his hands back to Yo-han so that the whole ordeal can be underway.
It's a big spectacle, even though the audience is small, the faint shutter of a camera sounding off in the distance, the hired reporter having enough decency not to be seen even if he can be heard.
Ga-on does his best not to let any of his disquiet show.
They exchange rings and pre-scripted vows. The officiant drones on, but thankfully only for an acceptable amount of time, about the auspicious and fate-intended joining of Alpha and Omega, before announcing them wed.
When he instructs Yo-han to "kiss his spouse," Ga-on almost rips himself away from the two men. It's only his shock and Yo-han's hands tightening as if expecting the reaction that keeps him firmly rooted.
No one moves for a beat, but then Yo-han's mouth curves into a subtle smirk that sets Ga-on on edge, and the older man lifts a hand, the one with their wedding band on full display, and cups Ga-on's cheek. When he leans forward, Ga-on can't stop his eyes from squeezing shut, only doing the bare minimum to stop his expression from pinching into a wince as he feels a puff of hot breath across his lips. Then their mouths brush, and Yo-han just holds them there, lips touching only a faint amount.
When Ga-on hears the clicking of the camera again, he realizes what Yo-han is doing, and while a part of him is grateful, the Alpha's hand blocking their "kiss" from the photographer, he's also reminded sharply that this is a farce.
"It's a political move." Min Jung-ho had told him the same day he'd handed Ga-on the Marriage Summons. "He's at the age where an Alpha should already be having children, and if he wants to look favorable to the court constitutes, he needs to play the part. That involves finding an Omega spouse."
It hadn't eased Ga-on, but the knowledge that there might be some… duties he could skirt had been a small comfort.
The ceremony ends with little fanfare, and Ga-on is escorted out of the chapel arm in arm with Yo-han, smiling, small and polite, but tight around the edges when a hoard of paparazzi greet them as they step into the setting afternoon sun. Yo-han doesn't let them linger there too long and ushers him into a black SUV from the line of four that are waiting.
The rest of the night is oddly uneventful. They go to a private dinner, Soo-hyun and Jin-joo arriving shortly after he and Yo-han but no Min Jung-ho. Yo-han, his husband, also only has two of his parties show up. The stern-looking woman and the teenager rolled in on her wheelchair, appearing less angry now but still not close to pleasant in the slightest.
Ga-on learns that she is Kang Elijah, Yo-han's niece.
Over the next few weeks, Ga-on learns much more than that. Mostly about Kang Yo-han. 
He learns the most essential thing about Yo-han first. He is one of the most antagonistic men Ga-on has ever met. It's not in the "I'm an Alpha, you'll stay in your place" kind of way, either. He's challenging, and he wants Ga-on to push back, almost so much that Ga-on believes there's a part of him that's craving for a fight. Ga-on has never got so easily riled up before in his life, and when he retreats back to his bedroom after an argument, he feels he's lost; there's almost a satisfaction in having it happen.
As an omega, there are very few instances he is allowed to openly indulge in more hostile behaviors.
Ga-on also learns the more sordid details of the Kang's history. He learns that his face is a distorted mirror of Yo-han's dead brother and that Elijah, though she has no proof, blames Yo-han for the death of her father and mother. He also learns about the scars on Yo-han's back, overtaken by new ones, burns mended over in some grotesque mask of healing, and how he'd gotten them. The imprint of a belt buckle is now only in Yo-han's memory.
Mostly terrified but defiant, he also learns the weight of Yo-han's hand around his throat. The choking pressure of the collar his fingers make.
Ga-on learns the boundaries of how he's allowed to bite back, what words are just on the edge of too cruel, and which ones trapeze right over it into the most dangerous territory. Ga-on doesn't notably hold any ill feelings to the punishment he'd earned for careless speech and reckless accusations.
He's gotten comfortable in the strange freedom the Kang household has presented. He's not allowed out yet, the media storm, as much as he can see, is still ridiculous, and regardless of how Yo-han has instructed him to "stay inside, Kim Ga-on," he wouldn't want to leave anyway.
It's a relief to know that Min Jung-ho had been correct, that his marriage to Yo-han appears to be strictly political, but still… it doesn't ease the way he feels caged into the large manor, often only with Elijah, Ms. Ji, and Butler to keep him company. When his husband is home, Ga-on only sees him when traveling from his room to the kitchen, cutting through the study. He hardly even pays Ga-on attention.
It should be a blessing, but Ga-on has always been too curious, too wondering, and having the weight of Yo-han around him while only having scratched the surface of the man he's meant to spend the rest of his life with is practically torture.
Ga-on is a married Omega; he has appearances to keep, even if he's close to pulling his hair out. He's not allowed to work, not by any rule that Yo-han has directly set for him, but because it would undermine his Alpha's propriety and raise far too many questions. Eventually, even as he's able to coerce Elijah into discussions about her interests, the books she's reading, and the classes she takes, Ga-on gets bored.
It's particularly bad one afternoon. Ms. Ji is out with Elijah on a shopping trip, Soo-hyun is working on a case (so Ga-on can't goad her into facetiming him), and Yo-han, he's been overseeing a particularly long court case, gone from sun up to well past sundown. Over the last week, Ga-on can count the times he's caught a flash of him on a single hand.
He's going stir-crazy.
Then, as Ga-on is pacing the study for the fifth time, he catches an open folder on Yo-han's desk. He glances at the case number at the top right corner and knows he should leave it alone. He can't help himself. Aside from the books, the food, and the main floor closets, Ga-on is not meant to touch things in the house. But he's been so bored.
Sitting down in Yo-han's desk chair, two things hit him at once, the buttery feeling of the leather armrests, well worn against his fingers, and the scent. Ga-on has always been more sensitive to smells, even for an Omega, and Yo-han, at least when he's inside the manor, always carries around the fragrance of rich pipe tobacco and sharp orange peels. The few times he's bumped into Yo-han, almost literally, as the other man is coming home from the office, there's only a lingering trace of those two aromas, still trapped by Yo-han's expensive scent blockers. Ga-on, whose own scent has always been on the lighter side, hadn't bothered to bring his own when he'd packed up his apartment. Yo-han had never commented on the lotus and rainwater smell, so Ga-on hadn't bothered asking him for any.
Now that Ga-on is at the desk, nothing is stopping him from opening up the court document and pouring over the contents. It's from Yo-han's most recent case if the dates are anything to go by. From what he understands, he's looking at a defendant's initial testimony and the outline of his defense. Ga-on, reading over the lines, without context over the entire proceedings, feels reference numbers and case examples slide to the forefront of his brain.
Working as a clerk for Jin-joo at Min Jung-ho's private practice had allowed Ga-on opportunities few Omegas could say they've had. He was never allowed in the courtroom, and he couldn't take out documents without his supervisors along with him, so, Ga-on had taken to honing his skills. With an ability to memorize case codes or rulings, he could be more efficient with his work, and no one could say he was some token around the office.
He gets through the folder twice, and Ga-on can't help himself. He finds a blank piece of paper and picks the cheapest fountain pen to write with. After fifteen minutes, he filled up half the sheet with case numbers and law citations. When he's about to fold it up and take it with him, thankful for the minor distraction, the front door slams open, and Elijah's voice is shouting for him to come help drag in some of her shopping, Ms. Ji struggling into view, both arms laden with bags. She makes no verbal comment about him sitting at Yo-han's desk, but Ga-on doesn't want to raise any questions and races to help them get the rest of the items.
He forgets the list of references between aiding Elijah in hanging up her new purchases and being treated to a fashion show.
Yo-han returns home as Ga-on is heading to the bath for a long soak; they pass each other in the hall and acknowledge one another with polite tips of their heads.
When Ga-on is done, roughly an hour later, feeling fresh and relaxed, ready for bed, something is waiting on top of the book he's been working through on his bedside table.
He freezes. It's the paper from Yo-han's desk.
Ga-on is under no impression he'd be able to trick Yo-han into thinking he hadn't been near the desk. He could at least, without the evidence of the reference sheet, pretend that he'd maybe only needed to make a note for himself or had been looking for something and was checking Yo-han's workspace.
Ga-on no longer has that lie to use.
He picks up the evidence of his overstepping and wonders if it's a silent threat, an "I want you to know that I know" sort of thing, but then… then Ga-on realizes that there's red ink and neatly scratched handwriting next to his own. Some of his law codes are crossed out, the case numbers circled, and little notes branch off from each correction. They range from "this wouldn't be relevant," "not specific enough to use compellingly," and "attorneys could use to strengthen their own case." 
Ga-on sits on the bed, the paper held carefully between his fingers.
Some might see the corrections as reprimands, the whole slashes of red as small digs at his intelligence. Ga-on sees past it. If Yo-han were trying to make him feel like a fool, he'd have sooner just crumpled up the whole sheet and left it on top of the trash for Ga-on to see. He would not have taken the time to go through each reference Ga-on's brain could pull up and make notations on them. Yo-han is not mocking Ga-on. He's doing what he always seems to be.
Yo-han is challenging him.
A part of Ga-on, as he's staring at the adjustments, absorbing them, and reworking his understanding of the court case in his head, is almost… happy.
The following day, when he gets up early and cooks breakfast for the first time since coming to the Kang house, he tells himself it's because he's tired of eating takeaway and ready-made meals. No other reason.
Elijah is the first one down, and she doesn't comment other than "I don't like Korean food," as though Ga-on would have forgotten the many times he's heard the phrase while placing orders for the two of them.
"I know," he says, lifting the warmer tray lid to reveal the french toast, sausage, eggs, and toast he's prepared. 
Elijah fills her plate, and something warm unfurls in Ga-on's chest as he helps her. Yo-han steps in a short while later, looking soft in the way that drives Ga-on a little to distraction. He casts a glance at the spread of food, and Elijah, now glaring up at him, cheeks stuffed with syrup-covered bread.
"Giving in to your spousely calling?" Yo-han doesn't say it with heat, just a sloping smirk as he grabs a plate for himself. It makes Ga-on cheeks heat in a mix of anger and embarrassment, and he scowls, finally taking food for himself.
He tries not to let his mood sour as he huffs out an, "it's just breakfast, Yo-han." They've never sat down as a trio before, and he doesn't want to let his husband's ill-considered jab ruin it.
The reception to the meal, for the two Kangs at least, is better than Ga-on had hoped, and after that breakfast, he finds himself in the kitchen more often than not, able to put his cooking skills to use. Elijah had asked him about it a few dinners later, and he'd held back tears when he explained that after his parents had died, Ga-on didn't want to burden his guardians and took to taking care of himself in all the ways he could. He just found cooking to be the nicest, and it was something he could share.
He'd caught Yo-han's scent that night from the hall leading into the study, and when he'd slipped into the room, the other man at his desk, they both pretended that the older hadn't heard his confession. Especially not as he placed a late meal on Yo-han's open folders.
Ga-on continues to live in the Kang mansion, and he continues to learn things about his new household and the occupants who live there. It becomes a little less burdensome, a little nicer even.
He also continues to play the notes game with Yo-han, neither bringing attention to it as Ga-on leaves pieces of hastily scrawled paper, and Yo-han provides corrections. Sometimes the other man will even leave stacks of case presidents that have nothing to do with his active rulings, and Ga-on feels gentle pressure behind his ribs with every page he pours over.
The first time Ga-on realizes he might be in real trouble in regards to Kang Yo-han is when he wakes up in the middle of the night, sweat pooling into the dip of his clavicle, sheets clinging to his neck and hands even though the nights have grown more chilling as the year winds down.
Ga-on knows what's going on right away. He can feel the fever starting to burn in his veins. He's got a little time, he believes, before the pain will come. Before, everything will go sharp and hot. When a desperate part of his brain will only want relief in its basest form.
Ga-on is lucky. The worst of his heats, the parts where he loses time, only last a few days. Everything else is just a week of cramping, uncomfortable dampness everywhere, and an insatiable need to reorganize his living space and nest. He's also on a yearly cycle to ensure he is not developing any fertility issues. The rest of his monthly heats are held off by medication that, thankfully, Yo-han hadn't seen any need to question or exercise his spousal privilege to prevent Ga-on from taking. Where he is not lucky, it would seem, is that his heat had arrived a week before it was meant to.
If Ga-on had been paying attention, he probably would have noticed it. Perhaps the stress of the afternoon before had triggered the early heat.
The reins Yo-han had kept him tightly under were loosening, and now, so long as K, Mr. Ji, or (begrudgingly for the Alpha) Soo-hyun was with him, Ga-on no longer has to keep himself to the grounds of the manor. He'd still been worried about the media, anyone and everyone looking for the best scoop on what Omega had caught the famous chief Judge Kang's eyes and had only taken to short walks in the neighborhood the first few days of freedom.
That day, he'd ventured into town to get lunch for himself and Elijah. Soo-hyun had said she'd meet him and Ga-on, foolishly, figured he'd be safe with the short distance by himself.
He was wrong.
The journalist had cornered him the second he was about to enter the restaurant, and Ga-on had immediately felt panic rise as an unfamiliar Alpha grabbed at his wrist. It had been a shocking display of disregard for a married Omega's space, and Ga-on's scent had immediately sharped. The reporter had his fair share of reactions like that, clearly, and hadn't reeled away as an Alpha typically might at the fear response.
It wasn't until Soo-hyun was hauling the man away, cursing up a storm, and flashing her badge, that Ga-on even realized he'd been crying, constant anxious tremors running up and down his spine. When she'd dropped him back off at the mansion, helping him to put the lunch, now a little cold, on the counter, Ga-on had only waited for her to close the front door behind herself before he'd raced to the shower to scrub the scent and sensation of another Alpha's touch away. There had only been a little shame in his expression when he'd taken Yo-han's discarded day robe off the back of his study chair and inhaled the now comfortable scent of the other man, willing his body to relax.
He was under no impression when Yo-han returned home later that the man didn't know what had happened. His general air had been irritated, more so than usual. Ga-on was only thankful he hadn't said anything, just stared a second longer than needed at his now rumbled piece of clothing while Ga-on lounged across the couch, reading a recommendation from Elijah.
Ga-on had pretended, when Yo-han had left the room, trailing his hand across the back of the couch, and thus, through some of Ga-on's hair, as he left the room, that it didn't curl something tight and clenching in his stomach.
He's staring at the damned robe now, still where he left it, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple and contemplating snatching it up. Ga-on is already feeling the itch to go back to his room, to pull every piece of fabric he has onto his bed and make the best nest he can… surly Yo-han wouldn't mind if he added a couple of extra bits and bobs… just for the few days that Ga-on needs them…
Ga-on swallows down that impulse and continues on his way into the kitchen. He'd been heading there since the first minor cramp had woken him up. He needs water and a bit of food. The thought of imposing on anyone in the home while he's going through this unexpected heat doesn't sit well with him, so he figures he can take care of the prep work while his limbs are still functioning.
Apparently, it's an incorrect assumption that he has more time than less because he's just gotten four water bottles tucked under his arm and across his chest when his vision doubles, and he falls to the ground with a wet gasp, legs spasming.
He doesn't know how long he waits on the cold tiled ground for the trembling to stop, but eventually, he can get into a kneeling position, collecting the dropped bottles with twitching fingers.
Gaon takes a breath through his nose and freezes just as a palm, feeling almost like ice on his feverish skin, settles over the back of his neck. He doesn't know how he'd missed the heady tang of citrus and tobacco of Yo-han's scent, but it's all over him now, like a cloud that forces his bones to rattle with how hard he clenches his muscles to stop a whine from escaping.
He wonders, between one suddenly shaky exhale and the next, if it's simply the traces of Yo-han all over the mansion that's taken his typical amount of preheat control and thrown it out the window.
"I thought you had a few more weeks before your heat?" Yo-han's voice is a rumble, and Ga-on wants to let himself drop back to where he knows the other man is kneeling to feel the vibrations of his low tone across his back. Instead, he nods and forces himself to stand, Yo-han's hand not leaving his skin.
"Stress, I think-" he has to swallow and shake his head to clear his eyes, "from earlier… probably triggered it early." It's the only explanation he has. Still, close behind him, Yo-han hums in understanding. Ga-on keeps his head ducked, pointedly not looking at Yo-han as he moves back towards his room. He doesn't technically need the food. Water should hold him for a couple of days, and he suddenly needs to get behind a closed door and away from his husband before he does something downright embarrassing.
Like, ask him to bend Ga-on over the nearest surface so that the growing ache between his legs can be satiated...
Ga-on's body has other ideas, however, because he gets a couple of steps away from Yo-han, just enough that the man's hand finally falls away, and his knees go jelly weak again. Yo-han must see them falter because he comes up behind Ga-on and wraps a strong arm around his middle right as they give up on him.
Ga-on can't stop the sound this time, and he feels Yo-han, now draped over him, freeze momentarily before he's pulling Ga-on upright. Ga-on can tell now that they're pressed so closely together. Yo-han isn't wearing a shirt.
There's a beat of silence, and Ga-on gulps for air, sunk back into the icy heat of Yo-han's chest.
"Ga-on…" Yo-han's voice is a whisper, and the younger has never heard him sound like this. The hand Yo-han has on Ga-on's hip tightens just a bit. "If you need it, if you want it, I can help with…" he trails off, and Ga-on can't stop the whole body shiver at the simple implication of what Yo-han is offering. He's never made illusions or suggestions towards Ga-on in this nature before, never hinting at being willing to be physically intimate with him. There's been nothing more than a graze of his fingers on what skin Ga-on allowed to be uncovered, but it would be a blatant lie if Ga-on had never thought of an instance where the Alpha might. Especially over the last few weeks as they've grown more comfortable around one another, more open.
Still, even as his insides twist and his skin burns, intensity rising, a crack of something sharp pains his chest at the idea of it happening only because it's the heat. It's just the heat, and that's… there's something almost devastating about it when Ga-on's brain spirals into its vulnerable state.
He shakes his head, eyes clenched shut even as he lets himself fall harder against Yo-han's body.
"Not, n- ah," another cramp makes him bite at his mouth. "Not like this," and there's his own implication in those words. If it weren't for the situation, for the biological needs of his secondary gender, he'd, perhaps, want the kind of help Yo-han is offering. Ga-on knows the other man is smart enough to catch it as well, and he doesn't know if, later, Yo-han will decide to bring it up in one of their regular verbal sparring matches, and blaming the slip on the heat will work.
It doesn't matter because the cramps are getting closer together, and it will start blurring, and Ga-on needs to get back to his room to build his nest if he wants even a bit of comfort in his more coherent moments. Yo-han seems to realize this as well, because a moment later, Ga-on is lifted from the ground by two strong arms, and he can't even make a sound of surprise past the way all his breath leaves his lungs, fingers helpless do to anything but hold on to his water bottles for dear life.
Yo-han carries him easily, and Ga-on, head dizzy, indulges his baser need and tucks his nose against the crook of Yo-han's throat for as long as it takes the older man to genty deposit him onto his bed. It's a struggle, holding on to his higher functions enough not to launch himself back towards Yo-han when he steps away, taking the bottles from Ga-on's hands to set them on the side table.
Ga-on stares through half-lidded eyes, breathing heavily, as Yo-han leaves the room. He questions, distantly, why the other man leaves his door open when, just as Ga-on is forcing himself up, the cramps now a low rolling he can manage, Yo-han is stepping back through the entryway, a bundle of sheets in his arms. He sets them down at the edge of Ga-on's bed and steps away. From beneath his sleep-tussled fringe, he's watching Ga-on with something heavy in his expression, but there's a softness there too, and it just makes Ga-on feel weaker.
"It's not much, but it should help." They're probably Yo-han's blankets, dosed in his pheromones from use and bodily contact. Ga-on can't help the way he reaches for them, that itch back in his hands to start nesting immediately while he still can. He's only a bit self-conscious with the swiftness of giving in to his urges, but when he looks back to the Alpha, Yo-han doesn't smirk like Ga-on thinks he should be. He knows how the other man gets when it's clear that Ga-on is at his mercy, but the seriousness of this situation seems to have left what humor can be had somewhere far away.
They share another moment of silence when another cramp hits Ga-on more strongly than the others before, and he cries out softly, doubling over to press his face into Yo-han's offered bedding.
He thinks he hears the other man say something about having Ms. Ji bring food later, but by the time Ga-on has himself under control again, his bedroom door is closed, and his husband is gone.
Somehow Ga-on can't choose what's worse. The fact he's alone, or how badly he wants Yo-han to have not left in the first place.
His heat only lasts three days until he can function again with only mild misery, scent managed, and brain operating on mostly all cylinders.
When Yo-han hands him a warm plate of food as he shuffles into the kitchen, they don't speak about that first night. They don't for the next few days either, and it's almost like the whole proposition and answer were a fever dream. Ga-on buries the unrest in his heart and lets it fade until they return to some semblance of normal.
The only difference between them that Ga-on is conscious of is Yo-han feels closer now, his presence always just to his side, and Ga-on can't be sure if he's not just more attuned to Yo-han's scent, the distant warmth of him, or if the man is simply orbiting closer than before.
Ten days after Gaon's heat, Yo-han comes to him.
He's on the sofa, watching a video compilation of funny animals Soo-hyun had sent him when he feels the other man's approach.
Ga-on looks up at him, and Yo-han says nothing. They stare at each other for a long, almost uncomfortable beat until Ga-on, confused, locks his phone and sits up to address the other man.
Yo-han, hands in his pockets, dressed in one of his immaculate suits, but notably better quality than the ones he wears to the office simply gestures for him to follow with a smirk and a crook of his finger. Still baffled by this unusual behavior, Ga-on is powerless to do anything else.
When Yo-han deposits him in the master bedroom's lavish walk-in closet and starts holding up jackets for him, he finds his voice.
"What exactly are you doing?"
Yo-han, seemingly having chosen the first portion of an outfit, laying the dark red, nearly brown jacket over Ga-on's shoulder, moves to pick out a tie. Ga-on feels that now-familiar frustration starts to bubble up. Somehow, he'd thought they were over childish games like this, where Yo-han intentionally tries to get Ga-on wrongfooted.
"We're going out. There's an event I'm needed at, and you're coming with me."
From there, despite Ga-on's weak protestations, he's dressed up in the most expensive, finest outfit he's ever worn, the clothing only a tad ill-fitting, as Yo-han is a bit wider, more solid than Ga-on is. They're relatively the same height, however, so the pants he's practically bullied into fit him well enough. They're about to head out the door, Elijah staring at them unsubtly, before Yo-han halts them.
Ga-on, already nervous with the lack of information and suddenness of this entire charade, is about to ask him what is holding them up now? When Yo-han sweeps forward into Ga-on's space in a way, he's done all but twice.
Immediately, Ga-on feels himself get hot, a speedy flush crawling up to his cheeks. He has to fight the urge to tip his head in welcome or shrink back in surprise. Instead, his body freezes, lips parting slightly as Yo-han brings up a hand, slowly, to the side of Ga-on's throat, index and middle fingers pressing just off the side of his pulse before they're sliding down, feather-light to his-
Ga-on snaps a hand up to Yo-han's wrist, stopping him.
Yo-han, for the immediacy of Ga-on's reaction, doesn't seem all that surprised; hell, if Ga-on trusted himself to read his husband, he'd assumed the other man was amused. Yo-han gently extracts himself from Ga-on's grip but notably doesn't step away from him. Instead, he holds out his fingers for Ga-on to inspect. There's translucent wetness to them, already seeming to dry.
Scent blocker.
Ga-on is still indigent because it's clear that Yo-han had wanted him to react to his teasing, but he also feels silly. He wouldn't have… Yo-han wouldn't touch him like that without meaning it, not in the privacy of the manor, at least. Not without the heat giving pretense. He shouldn't have gotten so worked up. Especially not when he has a sneaking suspicion that they will have to be quite close for whatever this publicity stunt is.
Holding out his hand, Ga-on takes a half-step backward just to feel like he can breathe again.
"I can do it myself." Yo-han's raised eyebrow questions that, but he relents and passes the small tube of expensive scent blocker Ga-on had failed to notice. He finishes applying it in the car, pretending he can't still feel the fading pressure of Yo-han's fingers.
When they do arrive, pulling up to a mansion somehow even more massive than Yo-han's, Ga-on feels once again, like those months ago pulling up to the chapel, entirely out of his depth. He's suddenly very thankful for the scent blockers on his glands and Yo-han's possessive hand against his lower back.
Ga-on finds out later, as the night worsens, that he's even more thankful for the chemical blocking out every possible scent response his body makes.
At first, it's discomfort, easily hidden with a polite smile, then it's disgust, there are too many hands on him, and he has to fight from jerking away from every brush of the fingers. Finally, it's anger. It makes rage boil up in his blood when the elites laugh like it's funny, how Ga-on is being paraded around, how he balks at their deeply invasive questions, how they grab for his collar to see what a mating bite from the honorable Judge Kang looks like. When Yo-han finally comes to rescue him, it's with babying words, little jabs at him, how he's so sorry to the others that his "little omega is still a bit too shy for the public."
Yo-han "saves" him from them, but only so that he can drag Ga-on into his side and trail the tip of his nose across the exposed skin of his throat. It's only the hand, practically bruising at his hip, that forces Ga-on to take it, this agonizing and deeply embarrassing display. The only satisfaction it brings is that the crowd seems to blush and scatter, the way they snicker behind their hands; however, as they leave, practically cooing at Ga-on, who is just one sharp line of tension, makes him broil.
He's dragged back to the car only a handful of minutes later, and to save himself from causing an accident, Ga-on lets himself simmer, staring daggers out the window and knowing that Yo-han can feel the anger rolling off him.
The second they're back within the safety of the mansion walls, Ga-on gives a cursory look to make sure that Elijah isn't in the study before he's turning, sharp, on his heel to face Yo-han, who, judging by his proximity and posture, was waiting for him to do just that.
"How dare you," Ga-on starts, feeling like there's fire running in his veins, making his eyes burn. He's never been so thoroughly embarrassed in his entire life. Being an Omega is nothing new to him, and he understands that others will always find him falling short. However, the sheer lack of respect for him, the power displayed, and Yo-han's attitude makes Ga-on want to choke on the inferiority every person who hasn't known him has tried shoving down his throat.
He'd thought, perhaps, Yo-han had understood.
He tells his husband as much, the anger leaking out of him the longer he goes on, yelling his throat horse, while Yo-han stays still, eyes hardly blinking, maybe not even listening.
Eventually, he's worn himself down, throwing a few week punches at Yo-han's shoulder. His husband takes the two hits, and then when Ga-on practically slumps, shoulders sagging, and head tilted down, he steps a little closer. Ga-on doesn't have the energy to shuffle away. He's the one who's itching for a fight this time, a battle, blood, something, but Yo-han gives him nothing.
"Are you done?" It's not asked meanly, but Ga-on can almost summon up a glare. Instead, he nods his head, fists curled so tightly that he's sure his nails will leave crescent imprints for at least a little while. Yo-han sighs, probably as done with Ga-on's antics as Ga-on is done with his. "I'm sorry."
Ga-on bites out a half-hearted "bullshit" before he's even actually registering the fact that Yo-han is apologizing.
Almost hesitant, a hand comes to cup the underside of Ga-on's chin, tipping his stubborn head back until his and Yo-han's eyes meet.
"I am sorry for the lengths I had to take Ga-on, but I will not apologize for having to do them." So it's only a half-apology, then? Ga-on feels the heat licking behind his ribs again and is ready to sneer, but Yo-han isn't done, and his eyes go hard around the edges. "Do you suppose, if I hadn't stepped in, done something a little untoward, they would have listened to your protestations and walked away?" The hand on Ga-on's face goes stiff, just as Ga-on does. Because angry as he is (though less so now that he's done yelling and back in the relative comfort of home), he knows, deep down under his resentment, that Yo-han is correct. Without the Alpha stepping in to dissuade further inappropriate action, Ga-on would have been easily walked over. He still detests the fact he'd been placed in a situation that almost demanded attention in the first place. Ga-on had known as well, however, that it was inevitable, and at least now, he could be prepared for the future.
When he sighs, almost like he's relenting to Yo-han's point, Yo-han's hand goes soft again and then carefully moves up to cup Ga-on's cheek, a couple of his fingers sliding between the now loose locks of his hair. Ga-on does his best not to shiver at the sensation, suddenly aware of how close they're standing. Proximity they hadn't had since his heat…
"You could have warned me," Ga-on says weakly, attempting to draw his own attention elsewhere than the other man's warm skin, his scent starting to finally break down the blockers.
Yo-han, like he can read Ga-on's mind, smirks just a little, but it's still strangely gentle.
He doesn't step away. Instead, he goes to speak again, stroking his thumb in lazy circles over Ga-on's cheekbone.
"In this house, you can act as you like, live as you like, but out there, under the eyes of the Korean elite, those who will doubt you based on unfounded and fundamentally incorrect assumptions, you have a part to play Kim Ga-on. As much as it might pain you to do so." There's an initial thought of "and whose fault is that?" But Ga-on presses it down, old anger that he's worked past because… well… all the limitations aside, he has a relatively good life with the Kangs and arguably more freedom in a place Ga-on could never have thought he'd get them. Still, he can't help himself.
"Because of your reputation?" Ga-on doesn't like half answers, and Yo-han always speaks in riddles, making Ga-on work for conclusions he could easily offer up. Asking "obvious" questions is the only way to ensure he understands the twists and turns of Yo-han's brain.
That smirk deepens, and Yo-han moves his hand further back into Ga-on's hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. It's the most intimate they've been with each other, and Ga-on wonders as a tremble runs down his spine, and his eyes threaten to close if Yo-han is doing this as his genuine apology, offering a sincere touch to wipe away the false one of an hour ago.
"Partially, but more so for your own well-being. If they think you're too strong, they'll try to chain you down, but if they think you're weak, a mere trophy Omega for a spouse, they'll leave you alone. They'll indeed gossip, spit venom and stupidy into the air to make you feel useless, but," Yo-han comes even closer into Ga-on's space, there's hardly half a foot between them. Ga-on can feel his eyes going a bit crossed, trying to maintain contact with Yo-han's. "It's more important that they assume you're useless than know you're anything but."
Ga-on doesn't know when the rest of the agitation in his blood swam away and became something else, the lingering want that's been building between him and the other man for a few weeks at least, but it's back and roaring in his ears. He swallows it down, though, even when Ga-on knows Yo-han can see it. It's not a challenge if he gives in, and… that's what they both crave, isn't it?
"Am I?" Ga-on asks, swallowing dryly.
"Hmm?" Yo-han's questioning sound is a rumble that Ga-on can almost feel.
He's not fishing for compliments, not really. But he needs Yo-han to say this. It's not because Ga-on desires to be used. He already has been by this man; that was the marriage, but this would be… more. Anyone can be a doll in a little glass house for everyone else to gawk at. That's not what Yo-han is asking him to be, telling him he is. Ga-on needs to be sure.
"You aren't stupid, Ga-on." That's not the point, and Ga-on knows that Yo-han knows this.
He's not stupid, either.
Yo-han must register the way Ga-on's expression pinches at the corners, the atmosphere threatening to shift into something unfavorable by his lack of acknowledgment.
"The most useful piece on my chess board," Yo-han says like he's half joking, and it makes Ga-on snort, the previous building tension falling away, and he nods, pressing once into the palm curled against his head before stepping away. He's gotten the answers he needs tonight, the exhaustion rearing its ugly head again, but there's satisfaction too. He's more at peace now that he's sure.
Yo-han doesn't seem to begrudge his pulling away. They're tipping closer to whatever inevitable end is waiting for them, but they're not on the precipice yet.
When Ga-on is about to pivot into his bedroom, being dropped off by Yo-han at the top of the stairs, he can't help himself as he turns back to address his husband.
"And what does that make you?" He sees a small flash of confusion in Yo-han's expression. "On the chess board? Are you a piece, too, or just the chess master?" Ga-on waits, leaning against his doorframe while Yo-han thinks of his answer.
"The bishop," the older man decides, and the signature self-assured tip of his lips isn't as sharp as usual, leading Ga-on to infer the seriousness of his choice. Yo-han enters his own room, leaving Ga-on to piece together what he means.
Yo-han is right. Ga-on is smart.
He figures it out between hanging up his borrowed suit coat and starting the shower.
The answer leaves a mirrored smile on his own lips.
Ga-on doesn't know where they stand in the grand chess match of the world, but within the walls of the Kang manor, he's more steady on his feet, and he understands his place here.
It's not beneath Yo-han. It's beside him.
(Authors Note: The queen is the strongest chess piece on a chess board, and the bishop is the one that protects it.)
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khaoray · 3 months
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Scars are not injuries. A scar is a healing. After injury, a scar is what makes you whole. — The Scar, China Miéville
@userdramas event 15: something new (transition) @asiandramanet event 05: women @asiandramanet march bingo: animation
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hi! <3
Do you know the prompt "When you call them a pretty boy"? I once read a scenario like that and I wonder how the members would react to their s/o calling them a pretty boy. Would they get a bit emotional, be a blushy mess, tease you back..
What do you think?~
Here you go, I hope that you enjoy it!
All members :]
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you calling them “pretty boy”
Warnings: grammar
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photo not mine credits to owner.
•He’s flustered, taken back a bit. Didn’t expect you to call him that.
• Will always take a compliment though.
“Whatcha doing pretty boy?” You asked as you walked over to where Gunil was currently sitting on the couch. “Oh I-I’m just… not much,” he replies stuttering, with a smile taking over his face.
“What are you doing pretty?” Gunil returns the question, causing you to laugh a bit.
“Bothering my pretty boy,” you say, repeating the nickname again.
“Ah, why do you keep saying that?” he partially whines.
“Calling it how I see it. Why? You don’t like it?” 
“It’s not- it just-.....” he stops opting to pull you in for a hug.”You’re attacking my heart!” He proclaimed. You laugh against him mumbling out a “cute”. In conclusion, please continue to call him pretty boy. It makes him feel giddy.
•Shy baby number 1
•Immediately turns red upon hearing the words leave your mouth.
“Can you grab my mug for me, pretty boy?” You asked while looking at Jungsu to see his reaction. You’re met with his very flushed face. 
“I uh- yeah. Here you go,” he answers, quickly moving to grab the mug. He hands it to you avoiding all eye contact. Face still tinted red.
“Thank you pretty boy,” you tease him.
“Stop calling me that!” He shouts while his face becomes even redder.
“Why? You are a pretty boy,” continuing on with your teasing.
“Please stop!” he begs, completely beet red. 
“Ok, ok I’ll stop,” you tell him as you rub his back soothingly. Leaving a few pats before going to fill up your mug. “Does it really affect you that bad?” This causes him to shoot a glare at you before walking away to plot his revenge. 
•Goes 1 or 2 ways
•1 nonchalant he simply knows he’s a pretty boy
•2 becomes a complete menace, makes you regret saying it.
1- “Pretty boy pass me my phone please,” you say pointing to where your phone lays not far from him.
“Here,” he states simply handing you your phone, having no reaction to the nickname at all. Leaving you to stare at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” you reply before opening your phone. Maybe you’ll try again another time.
2- “What should we watch, pretty boy?” you question Jiseok while scrolling through Netflix. 
“We could watch that new kdrama, but I don’t think the male lead is as much as a pretty boy that I am,” he responds, causing you to look at him with an unamused face. “What? You said it yourself I’m a pretty boy,” he said while resting his face in the palm of his hand. Flaunting his visuals.
“I meant annoying, pretty boy,” you grumble.
•At first he’s a little shy, but he likes it way more than he’ll admit.
“Pretty boy playing a pretty song,” you greet Seungmin as you enter his room. Where he was currently practicing. 
“What did you call me?” he asks, chuckling as a light shade of pink dusts his cheeks
“Pretty boy,” you repeated as you plopped down beside him.
“You and your nicknames,” he playfully rolls his eyes and brings up a hand to mess with your hair. 
“Aye! Stop it!” you complain. Grabbing his hand to stop its movement in your hair.
“I think this nickname is one of the best ones though it suits you,” you pause for a moment before continuing “Pretty boy,” 
“It’s alright. Wouldn’t call it the best though,” he says, returning to practice another song, but you notice the happy smile that adorns his face.
•Shy baby number 2
•Ten times more shy than Jungsu
“My pretty boy plays the guitar so well,” you express, sitting next to Hyeongjun on his bed, guitar occupying his lap.
“Why would you call me that?” He whines, a deep shade of red rushing onto his face and down his neck.
“Because you are. You’re the prettiest of pretty boys,” you declare. Making Hyeongjun cover his face with his hand, looking down at his lap. 
“No I’m not stop it,” his voice comes out muffled by his hands. You lean forward, prying his hands away from his face, keeping each one grasped in your own.
“Yes you are. You’re a pretty boy because I said so,” staring right into his eyes as you spoke. He tries to pull out of your firm grasp, but you won’t let him.
“Ok, I get it. Just stop now please,” he begged fervently. 
“Fine, I’m done…. for now”
“Yah!” he shouted, causing you to laugh.
•Another menace
“What do you want to have for dinner, pretty boy?” you ask Jooyeon. He smirks upon hearing your words. 
“Your pretty boy wants chicken,” he replies with a playful smile taking over his lips.
“What about drinks?” you follow up. Silence is the only response you get. “I asked about drinks,” you repeat. Again you’re only met with his silence as he stares at you tilting his head to the side and shrugging. You let out a sigh catching on.
“What would you like to drink, pretty boy?” 
“Cola obviously,” he says sassily. 
“You’re only gonna respond to pretty boy now aren’t you?”
“You shall call me as I am,”
“A thorn in my side,” you state with a sarcastic smile.
“How dare you call me a thorn,” he lunges at you, fingers beginning to assault your sides.
“Alright, I’m sorry pretty boy,” you surrender.
“Good,” he says with a satisfied smile, but keeps his arms wrapped around you.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
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odanurr87 · 2 years
My thoughts on... Doctors
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Yoon Kyung Sang as Jung Yoon Do, Park Shin Hye as Yoo Hye Jung, Kim Rae Won as Hong Ji Hong, and Lee Sung Kyung as Jin Seo Woo If I were to draw a line segment and place the medical kdramas I've watched to date on it, with the degree of over-the-top drama and lack of professionalism decreasing from left to right, I'd place Yong Pal all the way to the left, followed closely by Doctor Stranger, and Hospital Playlist all the way to the right, with Doctor John probably somewhere around the left of the midpoint (still haven't finished watching Angel Eyes). Much to my surprise, I think Doctors probably belongs somewhere to the right of the midpoint (but not too far) and I'll try to explain why that is, but first let's talk a little about the premise. Doctors aka Female Gangster Hye Jung (no, really, that’s another title for it) focuses, not surprisingly, on the transformative journey of Yoo Hye Jung from a smart, rebellious, and kickass teen who doesn't get along with her dad, has no friends and no dreams about a better future, to a driven and talented doctor who's well liked and respected by her colleagues, but who's held back by a tragic event from her past. Hong Ji Hong, as her home-room teacher at high school, is the one who sets her on her path to becoming a doctor, and later as her mentor/boyfriend also helps her move on. Yes, you read that right, her home-room teacher eventually becomes her lover. Personally, I don't think they handled the pacing of the teacher-student relationship very well. The first couple of episodes do not hint at any romantic feelings between these two but then along comes Episode 3 and suddenly they... kinda do? It all felt very rushed, especially her friendship with the second female lead, Jin Seo Woo (Bok Joo!), and the fallout between them, what prompts a bitter rivalry when they meet again working at the same hospital 13 years later.
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She’s not called gangster for nothing
Subverting expectations or bland storytelling?
It is perhaps to be expected that Hye Jung has an agenda, tied to a possible case of medical malpractice that involves Seo Woo's father and the hospital's director, Jin Myung Hoon, played by Uhm Hyo Sub, known for playing the antagonist in several dramas (but I always remember him as the butler in Shopping King Louie). Curiously, while this plot thread is present throughout the show it isn't given the prominence one might expect, with the screenwriter (Ha Myung Hee) slowly developing it over the course of the show, always careful to keep the details of the event shrouded in mystery. Instead, the show chooses to give more prominence to the development of the relationship between Hye Jung and Ji Hong and to the medical cases that the doctors face, how they resolve them and how they often tie to their personal lives, but mostly Hye Jung's.
And here's where I got the largest positive impression of the show: the doctors don’t lose their composure in the OR, they act calmly and professionally. The one time this doesn't happen it is considered a serious breach and immediately addressed. This show doesn't feel the need to artificially create drama by having characters act irrationally, having doctors sabotage each other for the sake of their personal glory, or having patients die in the OR so that a doctor can be conveniently blamed and drama can be amped to eleven. In fact, I can't recall a single surgery that didn't go as planned. There were several times I'd go, "Aha, now this will happen so that event X and Y will follow!" and the show would answer with a resounding, "Nope." Perhaps many viewers will find this boring but I found it refreshingly different. And this is not to say there are no dramatic or tension-filled scenes, what sometimes make it lose points on a realism scale, but they're never overplayed.
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Not sure I want to know what he means by that
Besides Seo Woo, whose rivalry with Hye Jung takes some time to resolve, the only other character who's initially distrustful of Hye Jung's ability and disapproves of her attitude is the second male lead and her senior, Jung Yoon Do. However, after a couple of instances where Hye Jung proves herself in his eyes he apologizes and never doubts her again. This becomes a turning point for our SML as he slowly starts falling for Hye Jung's charms and loosens up considerably, to the point I really liked him despite his unrequited love for Hye Jung. This is another plus for Doctors, as when he confesses his feelings to Hye Jung she wastes no time clearing the air replying, "I don't trust love between a man and a woman. But if I have to love, that one person will be Hong Ji Hong." That's that potential love triangle neatly resolved. Even when he later gives Ji Hong a heads up about his feelings for Hye Jung (Yoon Do is very straightforward and honest) the latter nonchalantly replies, "Good. Try your best." what leaves Yoon Do thinking he's already lost before he even had a chance to compete.
Ji Hong and Hye Jung: A mature relationship with little drama
Ji Hong is a charming, easygoing, glass half-full, kinda guy, who always looks out for his students and never holds a grudge. As he tells Hye Jung one episode, there are too many things he wants to do in his life to waste time mulling over negative things like revenge. If this were a fantasy cdrama, he'd probably be a Daoist (he'd certainly make a better Daoist than The Taoist Grandmaster). This may irk some viewers looking for a revenge-driven plot where the protagonists actively seek the downfall of some powerful figure/s with almost single-minded determination, like in Graceful Family (which I do recommend btw). The seeds are certainly there for Doctors to take that route but it chooses not to, what makes me think that perhaps they were planted because it is expected for this type of show to have that plot line and not because the screenwriter particularly wanted to, but this is pure speculation. While Ji Hong helps Hye Jung with her search for the truth he does so out of a desire she'll be able to close that painful chapter of her life and live more in the present, and he doesn't waste an opportunity to let her know she can be happy, as this dancing scene to The La's "There She Goes" proves.
This man makes it difficult not to fall in love with him As for Hye Jung, I think this is probably the better Park Shin Hye performance out of the dramas I've watched with her (no, I have not yet watched Pinocchio). She was cute as Go Mi Nam in You're Beautiful but I felt the show never let her grow out of that character and show us who she was as Go Mi Nyeo. Here I felt she was able to show more range and she looked comfortable with her male costar despite their age gap. Certainly, the two actors/characters seemed to have a lot more chemistry than that shown in her latest drama, Sisyphus: The Myth, between Kang Seo Hae and Han Tae Sul, and makes me wonder what a reunion with Kim Rae Won as Han Tae Sul would've looked like.
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I still love you, Go Mi Nam.
Honestly, the only obstacle to their relationship is themselves, as they're both highly intelligent and independent people who've never been in a romantic relationship before and who usually try to solve problems by themselves rather than relying on others. This veers dangerously close to "noble idiocy" territory at times but doesn't outright cross into it, to my mind, or at least doubles back fairly quickly. For instance, in order to protect Hye Jung, Ji Hong makes a deal with a character one time that I won't spoil. When Hye Jung finds out about it she confronts him but Ji Hong defuses the situation by arguing he's "taking one step backwards and two steps forward" to ease tensions, that this is not as bad as she makes it out to be (glass half-full kinda guy), and that he's actively looking for a way to revert this. When I took my time to ponder his argument I had to concede it was fairly reasonable. Like I said, Ji Hong is surprisingly mature about handling relationships and conflicts, something that was unexpected. Another time the two have a conversation where Hye Jung points out how he's always trying to protect and comfort her but that this is not reciprocal, that she also wants to protect and comfort him but he won't let her, finally asking him to change if he wants to make their relationship work. While she definitely had a point I was a little irked about the conclusion, which came across as rather one-sided. Quite surprisingly, it didn't take long for Hye Jung to acknowledge she was wrong to corner him into changing when she was also asking him to love her for who she was, a confession that leads into this beautifully awkward scene where Hye Jung tries to make the first move and Ji Hong doesn't know quite what to make of it.
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When you try to give him the green light and he doesn't get the memo Their relationship isn't perfect (what relationship is?), there are bumps on the road, and they alternate between being lovers, teacher and student, and colleagues, throughout the show and depending on the situation, and sometimes their inability to recognise what role they should be playing (the characters, not the actors) causes some tension or friction between them that usually gets resolved by, shockingly, having a conversation like normal adults. Maybe these are the moments that some reviewers had trouble believing, as they sometimes appear to be dissecting the ins and outs of their relationship with clinical precision. They are neurosurgeons after all.
Of second-lead relationships, The Beagles, and music
I've praised the main leads and the second male lead, but what about the second female lead? Seo Woo's growth is very slow and a large part of it occurs when a conflict that personally involves her arises towards the end of the show. Seo Woo is initially jealous that Hye Jung has managed to become so successful in life and doesn't take kindly to Yoon Do falling for her rival. She has insecurity issues tied to her parents' expectations of her and Hye Jung "taking things away from her" (she also had a crush on Ji Hong in high school) that should've been better fleshed out in the initial episodes of the show. Surprisingly, what seems to be a trend with this show, the second leads don't end up together and, in fact, Seo Woo ends up in a relationship with fellow doctor Pi Yeong Kook, the one friend who's always there for her no matter what. Eventually, Seo Woo is also able to let go of the past, daring to stand up for Hye Jung and call her a friend, and overcomes, if not her parents' expectations, certainly their narrow-mindedness and greed, not to mention her own ego.
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I guess this qualifies as subverting expectations? There is also quite a bit of comedy too, in no small part thanks to "The Beagles," Jung Pa Ran (played by Lee Sun Ho), Yoon Do's uncle, and Jo In Joo (played by Yoo Da In), both of which are Ji Hong's closest friends, who have a great friendship and a running gag of annoying the heck out of Yoon Do by constantly staying at his place. There's one episode where even Seo Woo joins the beagles and Yoon Do is like, "I give up. Live happily among the three of you." and finds himself temporarily exiled to Ji Hong's apartment, much to the latter's surprise.
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The Beagles adopt a new member Music-wise, I wasn't particularly impressed by the songs, as the one that made the most lasting impression was The La's "There She Goes." The score itself was composed by Park Se Jun, who previously collaborated with the show's director, Oh Choong Hwan, on shows like Start-Up and While You Were Sleeping, but perhaps this shouldn't be surprising as Park Se Jun's name pops up everywhere. The score itself is actually not half bad but it wasn't particularly memorable, save for a few exceptions. The first one is the fact that Doom at Your Service's "Destiny to Love" is used regularly throughout the show, what surprised me seeing as it's a track from a 2021 drama playing on a 2016 show (they really should've used it when Ji Hong steps out of the helicopter). The other is the track "Goodbye My Fellow" which, for the life of me, sounds like something lifted straight from another 2016 show I recently watched, Marriage Contract. I could swear they're playing the same, or mostly the same, music as in either "Beautiful Memories" and/or "Beautiful Days" but to different notes, speed, or something. The second I listened to that music playing in Doctors I instantly thought of Marriage Contract. Initially, I thought maybe they were simply reusing the score from one of their shows but Marriage Contract is from MBC and Doctors is from SBS so I'm not really sure what's going on here.
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Marriage Contract. Probably the best contractual relationship kdrama there is. Watch it.
All in all, Doctors was a surprisingly pleasant watch throughout and I didn't find it boring despite its 20-episode order, what usually makes me suspicious of the quality of the show. Some reviewers have argued the ending feels rushed and while I disagree I have to concede certain plot lines are purposefully left unresolved. In short, if you want to see the antagonists killed or in shackles, then this is not the drama for you. It's not that there are no consequences for their actions, there are, but we don't get to see the full extent of them. Following Ji Hong's life philosophy we only get to see the positive outcomes, not the negative ones.
In the end, I think I can confidently say Doctors succeeded in subverting my trope-oriented expectations, what I consider to be a positive. It’s no Hospital Playlist (that’s a high bar) but it’s certainly a lot better than some of the other medical dramas I’ve watched. Of course, perhaps my baseline isn’t diverse enough, with medical dramas like New Heart, Good Doctor, D-Day, and Dr. Romantic still on my watchlist. What about you? Have you watched Doctors? Where would you place it on your own medical kdrama line segment?
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Prompt for youuuu (they’re pulled from lists)
“Don’t you touch a hair on his head!”
For Lambden? 💗💗
this is especially for you because you're my K-Drama buddy
modern au - actor au - mutual pining - vaguely based on an episode of Boys Over Flowers
(this was written before I made my break announcement)
yes I made a poster for season 2 of a fake show
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tw: blood mention (tv show special effects), injury (also special effects), depictions of fake angst with a real happy ending!
Aiden groaned, trying to muffle the half-involuntary sound by burying his face into the side of his enormous red wolf plushie. He sat back on the couch and crossed his legs beneath him, staring the toy wolf straight in the eyes.
“Good gods, Milly, what am I going to do with myself?” he whined. He tugged his hood up to cover his curls and pouted. “I can’t just waltz back onto the set and pretend I’m not head-over-heels for that stupid, sexy asshole. I may be an actor but I’m not that good.”
It was his first day back on the set of Love in the Wolf’s Den, and Aiden wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself; a side character coming back for an episode here or there was pretty normal but he had somehow become a fan favorite, so the writers invited him back to join the regular cast. Under normal circumstances it would have been a dream come true - Wolf’s Den had turned out to be the network’s largest commercial success in the last decade - but he was co-starring with his celebrity crush and that was turning out to be a bit of a problem.
Without really thinking about it, Aiden pulled up the video app on his phone and searched Wolf’s Den Leo Rescue Scene. When the all-too-familiar thumbnail appeared at the top of his search results he tapped it eagerly, perhaps a little too eagerly. He pulled his favorite fleece blanket over his head to make a half-hearted fort and zoned out, staring down at the back of his own head as the clip played on the tiny screen.
“I’ll never tell you where they’re hiding!” Aiden heard himself cry, voice hoarse. He’d been tied to a chair with his hands behind his back and his ankles fastened to either leg, leaving his legs slightly spread; the director had called it ‘innocently sexy’ and Aiden had unfortunately agreed. He spent the day focusing a Herculean amount of self-control on not embarrassing himself in front of Melitele, the cast, and everyone. On the screen the villain backhanded him, sending his head snapping to the side, brown curls bouncing rather majestically.
It had taken them ages to get that shot.
“Oh you’ll tell me everything I want to know, pretty kitty, or you’ll get much worse than a slap,” the villain, portrayed by the famous Cahir, sneered down at him. Cahir grabbed Aiden’s curly brown hair and Aiden winced in real life - that had actually hurt. “Nobody knows where you are. Nobody’s coming to your rescue, Leo. Give it up, kitty cat, and perhaps I’ll be kind enough to let you live.”
“Don’t you touch a hair on his head!” one of the three lead characters shouted as he kicked the warehouse door open. Aiden melted further back against the couch, sighing dreamily into the otherwise empty trailer as Lorenzo (depicted by the love of Aiden’s life, the apple of his eye, his sun moon and stars: Lambert O’Rory) raced to his side. Lorenzo pulled a knife from his pocket and waved it at the villain, eyes frantic. His hand rested firmly atop one of Aiden’s thighs and the Aiden watching the video remembered that sensation vividly.
The heat of Lambert’s hand had burned through the thin denim of Aiden’s acid-wash jeans and into the skin of his leg. Aiden had wondered - as he remained tied to the chair for the following three re-shoots of Lambert’s entrance - if there would be a perfect outline of the actor’s hand somehow imprinted there when he took his pants off later. Unfortunately it wasn’t there when he peeked. No marker remained to hint that Lambert’s hand had ever been there at all, even though the phantom sensation of that too-hot palm continued to haunt him over the summer filming break. Aiden bit the inside of his cheek and shook his head to clear it again: “Fuck.”
Someone knocked at his trailer door and Aiden practically threw his phone across the trailer in surprise. He bounced to his feet and grabbed the counter when one foot got stuck in his blanket, nearly tripping him to the floor. “Sorry, it’s unlocked! Come on in!”
Aiden was just pulling his hood back away from his face when none other than Lambert O’Rory himself poked his head in through the door with a grin, “Hey! Good to see you again, Aiden. Heard from Jask that you’re going to be a regular this season.”
“Uh, yeah,” Aiden nodded, swiping a lock of dark hair behind his ear and fiddling with the ringlet nervously. “I hope you don’t mind!”
“Well honestly I was coming to check in and hear how you were feeling about it,” Lambert admitted. He was rubbing one hand up and down the back of his neck looking almost nervous about something. His long coppery hair shone like a crown in the early morning light and Aiden wanted nothing more than to reach out and run his fingers through it; his burgeoning daydream was interrupted when Lambert said, “I hope you’re alright with the direction they’re taking our characters and our, uh… relationship.”
“Wha- huh?” Aiden blinked stupidly. He’d been so distracted by the thought of seeing Lambert again that he’d totally forgotten to see if the Script Manager had his Pages ready yet. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, well…” Lambert half-grinned. “I hope you don’t mind being my love interest.”
Aiden can only nod and send a quick thank you to whichever god grants wishes to foolish B-list actors.
"It'll be nice to have a friend on set," Lambert added. "I won't have to watch Geralt and Jaskier make out while I try to eat lunch."
"Are they really that affectionate all the time? I thought they just turned it up for the tabloids."
"Oh no... it's terrible. But their on-screen chemistry is honest."
"Yeah..." Aiden thought about the way Lambert had cradled his 'unconscious' body against that strong, broad chest at the end of last season, sobbing for him to wake up after an accident knocked him out. "Maybe we can outshine them this season, really shake up the ratings."
"You think?" Lambert asked, leaning into Aiden's space.
Aiden squeaked and blushed an even brighter shade of pink. "Maybe."
Lambert grinned wolfishly - appropriate, Aiden thought - and turned away towards the set. "See you later, babe."
"Yeah," Aiden muttered, heart palpitating dangerously in his chest. The whole world felt tipped sideways in a wonderful, glorious way. "Later."
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I know this isn’t technically a prompt but pleaseee write something for Bitna and Gyuhyun. I’ll read anything at this point. Love me some best friends to lovers trope
Fandom: Nevertheless (K-Drama)
Rating: T
Tags: Oh Bitna x Nam Gyuhyun, Canon Compliant, Character Study, Friends to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied Sexual Content
Read on Ao3 here
This was meant to be short. RIP. I wrote this very quickly and fast between being swamped with uni work, so it hasn’t been really well edited. Basically, I have a shit ton of work to do but ta da~
hope u enjoy it anon and other nevertheless fans!!
send me more Bitnaxgyuhyun prompts on tumblr, I’d be happy to fill them out
Title from Taylor Swift’s Champagne Problems
your heart was glass, i dropped it (champagne problems)
Bitna has always been told she’s a pretty girl. She has taken full advantage of this fact - choosing to indulge herself in new relationships and experiences whenever she can. She isn’t one to be overly cautious, choosing to live in the moment.
It keeps her away from a lot of pain and hurt, while also giving her new joys to feel through.
Unlike her best friend Nabi, Bitna knows not to look for true love in every partner she meets. She’s not dating with the intention of marriage - just to have fun. Unlike her mother who spent years waiting for Bitna’s father to come back, she never wants to wait and stay held back because of a man. She’s scared to let a man become her habit, her drug, something that she gives her heart to with uncertainty - inevitably waiting for it to break one day. No, Bitna is not like that.
She’s strong but she’s weak. She hides herself so that people will see what she wants them to see and that’s it. No more than that.
Everyone seems to know that she knows about everyone - she’s Bitna news, of course. But very few really know about her.
Not even Nabi and Jiwan, two of her closest friends.
Nam Gyuhyun, though, stares at her as though he knows her. His piercing eyes seem to look through the walls she’s put up for the rest of the world. They look past the Bitna who’s a player, a social butterfly in their department, the one that several juniors and seniors in their college lust after. She knows that behind her back, when they think she can’t hear (but of course she can, she’s Bitna news), she knows of the names they call her, the words they use to describe her. She’s way past that sort of nonsense - her armour is way too thick for it to bother her, but sometimes in places where it’s chipping and thinned, they manage to get to her.
Nam Gyuhyun looks at her as if he understands her and what the fuck? How could he? He looks at her as if he’s seeing the real Bitna, who’s scared of the uncertainty of presenting one’s heart on a silver platter and having it rejected and tossed away.
She hates it. (Does not.)
She wants him to stop. (Does not.)
She wishes he didn’t act as though he knew the real her. (Does not.)
She doesn’t know what her mind and heart want. They are separate from each other. (But not as separate as she thinks.)
It’s awfully easy for them to fall into bed together. Bitna’s slept with countless guys - she’s well experienced in bed, thank you very much. She knows exactly how to seduce a guy. Make him a quivering, drooling mess. Leave him wanting for more (she won’t give more).
With Gyuhyun, it’s awfully easy - like breathing. Though they are drunk and maybe this is a bad decision, she doesn’t regret it then. He’s a good kisser and she can taste the alcohol on his tongue. It tastes delicious and she wants more.
She inches herself closer to him. Earlier that day, she had complained about his nagging on her alcohol consumption, but as she told him - he does look quite different, quite good, quite handsome in this new light.
And of course, they fall into bed together when he takes her to her room. It’s quite obvious.
She’s standing in the shower, considering what to do now. He’s outside, presumably still waiting for her. She knows some part of her likes him, and that this had changed their relationship irrevocably.
She fucks it up. She’s too scared to take this next step and perhaps it was just a drunken mistake. Right?
She tells him so. And hopes that their relationship stays the same as before. He looks hurt then resigned and leaves before slamming the door on her.
Of course, Bitna fucks up the one healthy relationship she has.
Truth be told, Gyuhyun is probably her best friend. Her closest friend. Jiwan prefers to spend her time with Sol these days, and Nabi is often in her own world (strangely enough, nowadays, often to be found with Jaeeon - but she doesn’t have the time to think about that). She’s warned Nabi about Jaeeon’s habits - she knows him too well, because she is (was?) Jaeeon. She knows the type very well and she hopes Nabi knows herself and him well enough to not pretend that whatever between them is real.
She hopes Jaeeon doesn’t break her heart like she might have broken Gyuhyun’s. It’s for the best - he thinks he knows the real Bitna, he really doesn’t. She’s really saving him from a hurt. While breaking his heart, she might have broken her own. She has given him a tirade of excuses, and maybe more than him, she was just trying to convince herself.
It’s easier to lie to others than it is to yourself.
She distracts herself and he ignores her. Bitna’s armour is chipping faster than ever and there’s no one else to help her. Nabi is lost in paradise with her secret paramour (It’s Jaeeon, Bitna isn’t fucking stupid) and Jiwan is having some sort of issue with Sol. They are not as close as they were and Bitna’s barely close enough to the rest of their group to air out her problems to them. It was always Gyuhyun, who held her when she was sad, when she was drunk, when she was down. He’s a constant rock that she’s found herself to be dependent on, in hindsight.
Bitna knows life isn’t a fairytale. There isn’t a prince to take her away from her miserable life, no fairy godmother to solve all her life’s problems with the swish of a magical wand, no palace where she can begin her new happily ever after.
She has burned the last bridge to her only happily ever after. She lit her only happiness with fire. Everyone thinks Bitna is some kind of airhead who’s been oblivious to Gyuhyun’s obvious growing affections for her. She isn’t. She’s known - she always has. She can’t stop herself from falling for him, but she’ll try her damned hardest so he doesn’t have to fall for someone like her.
He deserves much better than her. Someone who isn’t as scared as her, someone who hasn’t broken themselves, someone who is fixable.
Someone who will be able to give him all the happiness he deserves.
It’s easier to say this, harder to watch.
Watching her with that girl, laughing and happy, she feels that burning hatred inside her. She doesn’t give a fuck about her man for the night today - he’s a wisp compared to her Gyuhyun. All she can see is red and him and her and Bitna is not there to make him laugh, to kiss him, to drink with him.
She didn’t mean to barge on his date but she did.
He spits out his drink. Good.
Eventually, she comes to her senses.
What the fuck is she doing? She’s a grown woman and she was the one to let him go. She can’t do this.
Eventually, she leaves, because what else can she do. Oh Bitna will not make a bigger fool out of herself.
She isn’t like that. She doesn’t chase after guys or ask them out - she hasn’t ever had the need to.
She can do this - she can forget Nam Gyuhyun. He's the one that got away. She should remember him as a close friend and a cherished memory from her time at university when she’s old and sad and boring. When she has the time and space to reflect and contemplate her numerous regrets and mistakes in life. Now is not the time - not when she has many experiences to fulfill, to colour her life, so that she won’t be bored.
She won’t be tied down.
Bitna has always talked about a big game, but it’s harder to implement this in reality.
She sees him eating mint chocolate chip ice cream with his new girlfriend. Her blood boils - was what they had nothing? What did she mean to him? Was their friendship all a show?
Did he lie to her then? Has he been faking it all this while?
Her hurt and anger imbue her. She’s just so tired and sick of being played and broken like this. As much as she breaks herself, it’s the people around her who add the smaller cracks that eventually make her fall over.
She leaves him.
The next day, she finds him sleeping in class for once and finds out that the other girl had the fucking audacity to dump him. Does she not know what a catch he is? Does she not know that Bitna would kill to be in her position?
Gyuhyun can’t sleep because of that stupid girl who broke his heart, the one he moved on with after Bitna so quickly.
He wanted to be Bitna for such a long time, why did he leave her so quickly?
There are too many questions she doesn’t have any answers to. The insecure voice in her head tells her that he doesn’t want her, he never did, and while she usually hides it, it’s a little harder to do so when she has neither her friends nor Gyuhyun to support her.
She tries to make amends with Gyuhyun, but he ignores her. She masks her hurt with her usual smiles and cheerfulness. People don’t question it when the mask always stays in place, though it’s starting to crack in some places now.
In the end, she does what she always has. She drinks all her pain and hurt away. It doesn’t help much but for a moment, she can pretend it doesn’t exist and everything is fucking fine. It’s just fine. Nothing is wrong.
She gets wasted. Alcohol is the solution.
Everyone around her is arguing about what to do with her. She’s very drunk and none of them want to take care of her. It’s okay, she didn’t expect any of them to help out. She’s very practical and independent- she can take care of her all by herself. She doesn’t fucking need Gyuhyun, or Nabi or Jiwan or any of her other friends. She’s perfectly fine.
She doesn’t notice when Gyuhyun comes there and manages to convince their drunken companions to leave her to him and make their jolly way back home. They gladly do so, and then there’s him and her and the silence.
She sniffles and cries as he tries to get her up and take her home. She questions his stupid newfound love for mint ice cream. She demands to know why everything has changed when she specifically requested that it wouldn’t. She wants to know why he’s avoiding her.
And oh. Oh.
He kisses her, and she kisses him back. It’s not a mistake. Not at all. Bitna may be drunk, but for all intents and purposes, she’s in control of herself and her decisions. She won’t retract on this.
On the way back home, and she’s piggybacking on his back, she contemplates the way Nam Gyuhyun always seems to understand her. How he seems to see through to the real her.
She was lying earlier. She doesn’t hate it.
She loves it.
She wants him to break her walls.
She wishes he would become her habit.
She knows what her mind and heart want now. It’s what she’s wanted all along even when she was lying to herself. She wants Gyuhyun for herself, for worse or for better.
She wants to drink with him, bash mint chocolate chip ice cream with him. She wants him to take care of her, as he always does with unending patience and tenderness. She wants his faux-resigned looks as she manages to drag him into a some fun gathering, she wants to go on dates with him. She definitely wants to feel his passion, his gentleness, his love in bed. She wants it all. Her desire has overpowered her fear.
Why should she be scared? When there's a man who loves her, who wants her, who gives his heart to her on the same silver platter she gave hers to him.
No. She won’t be a coward anymore. She won’t lie anymore - not to him or herself. She’s tired of denying herself happiness. She wants to be happy.
And for once in her life, she isn’t scared to ask for it.
With a smile and a kiss, it’s granted to her.
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
Ateez Masterlist
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I've made a special slot for the one shot or other things of other writer's on Tumblr that are my favorite. I hope the writers won't mind, I'm just supporting them because they're amazing!
Enjoy these too🌃
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Secretly loving each other but knowing about each other's feelings -Yunho
(A fluff by @hwanchaesong)
Strangers to lovers one shot - Yunho
(A smut fluff by @ateezmakemeweep)
Kdrama au 'Hi bye Mama' - Hongjong
(Fluff,Angst by @hwanchaesong )
Back to you series - San
(A series by @ateezmakemeweep )
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Ateez prompt request (Request Closed)❌
# First one to cum is the loser (Seonghwa)
# That position looks impossible enough, let's try it (Hongjong)
# Brat taming you (Choi San)
Ateez mental health request (Request Open ✔️)
# Helping you as you have PTSD (Seonghwa)
# Prioritizing your mental health over his concert (Yunho)
# Supporting you on your graduation day as your dad is dead (Hongjong)
# Helps you with chronic nightmare and anxiety (Seonghwa)
# Comforting you after getting assaulted (Yunho)
# Helps you as you isolate yourself often (Hongjong)
# helps you with eating disorder (Jongho)
Yunho boxer au (One shot)
Little brother being possessive and threatening Yunho (Reaction)
When you are mad at them (Reaction)
Ateez being boyfriend (Reaction)
Mending yourself, San helping you with depression and anxiety (One shot)
Make out session with Mingi in his parents' house (One shot)
Ex to lovers, San (One shot)
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Jeong Yunho
🌿 Intimacy with your boyfriend while watching movie (Smut)
🌿 Your boss having a little surprise for you in his cabin (Smut)
🌿 Friends by Chase Atlantic (Smut, Angst)
Coming soon
College sweet boyfriend (Fluff)
Driving at midnight only makes him want you more (Smut)
When your friend's brother takes care of you because he likes you (Fluff)
Getting jealous because you went to go to see movie with Mingi (Smut)
Meeting your family for the first time (Fluff)
Getting mad at you because you didn't tell him that you've hurt yourself (Fluff)
Choi San
🌿 Sex after argument (Smut)
🌿 Handling you when you're drunk (Fluff)
🌿 San and Wooyoung fill your desire (Threesome)
Coming soon
Teaching you how to dance and getting intimated (Smut)
Your abusive ex trying to hurt you in absence of your boyfriend San (Fluff)
Making you jealous to get your attention (Smut)
When your child calls your boss 'dad' an he likes that (Fluff)
Not letting you go in the party because of your tiny dress (Smut)
Jung Wooyoung
🌿 Your playboy best friend who likes you secretly (Fluff)
🌿 Wooyoung and San fill your desire (Threesome)
Coming soon
Your first intimacy with your roommate (Smut)
Kidnapped by a gangster and falling for him (Angst, Smut)
Your husband taking care of you when he hears you're pregnant (Fluff)
Choi Jongho
🎶 Paper Rings by Taylor Swift ( Romance, Friends to Lovers, Fluff)
Coming soon
Getting mad when you got abused by your parents (Fluff, Angst)
Your best friend getting jealous over the popular boy (Smut)
Dancing in the rain while you are drunk (Fluff)
When you lost your friend and your boyfriend helps you to get over it (Fluff)
Kang Yeosang
Your cold boyfriend getting clingy with you because you're insecure (Fluff, Angst)
Coming soon
When fighting with you went wrong and you hurt yourself (Angst, Fluff)
Saving you from another kingdom, him as a prince (Smut, Fluff, Angst)
Getting intimated with your workout instructor (Smut)
Song Mingi
Coming soon
When you're a single mother (Fluff)
School fuck boy confessing his love to you (Smut)
Pretending to sleep to see what he does (Fluff)
Getting late to save you, him as a gangster (Angst, Fluff, Smut)
Kim Hongjong
Coming soon
Him being Possessive because of your boss (Fluff)
Disturbing him while he is working (Smut)
Falling in love with your husband after the hectic arrange marriage (Fluff)
Your Mafia boyfriend finding out you shot his best friend (Angst, Fluff)
Park Seonghwa
Coming soon
Him as your professor who has a crush on you (Fluff)
Falling in love with him knowing he is a single dad (Fluff)
Your best friend handling you after break-up (Smut)
Meeting his family for the first time (Fluff)
Confessing love to your boss after getting drunk (Fluff, Smut)
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When you're pregnant
When they are mad at you
Coming soon
When they're mad at you
Types of kisser they are
Types of vampire the are
When you're mad at them
Types of seducer they are
When you try to hurt yourself
When you say that you want a baby
When they yell at you
When you fall asleep on their shoulder
When they are your boss
When they are being jealous
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| Elixir of 🕸️Death (J.W)
A vampire series by @darkphoenix07
|| Taglist ||
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa @northerngalxy
910 notes · View notes
about this blog!!! (whumplist and fanfic master post)
- what is a whumplist? -
- whumplist plans -
this is a blog primarily focused on whump + hurt/comfort! i will be posting whump lists, fanfics, reblogging posts, etc.
this blog will always be emetophobe safe and will have tw’s!!! feel free to submit asks and have discussions. 
here is a handy place where you can navigate my blog!!!
total: 18
🇰🇷: 4
🇺🇸: 10
🇬🇧: 1 
🇸🇪: 1
🇨🇦: 2
kdramas 🇰🇷:
tomorrow (jun-woong) 
the sound of magic (ri-eul, il-deung)
the uncanny counter: counter punch (so mun)
vigilante (kim ji yong)
american 🇺🇸: 
tv shows: 
supernatural (jack kline) 
moon knight (steven grant, marc spector) 
the originals (klaus mikaelson)
cobra kai (miguel diaz, robby keene) (will update with new season in 2024)
outer banks (john b, JJ)  (will update with new season in 2024)
9-1-1 (evan “buck” buckley, edmundo “eddie” diaz, albert han) (updated with each episode starting march 14th, 2024)
the night agent (peter sutherland)
the karate kid (1984)
the karate kid part 2 (1986)
british 🇬🇧: 
humans (leo elster)
swedish 🇸🇪:
young royals (wilhelm, simon) (will update with new season after march 11th, 2024)
canadian 🇨🇦:
lego ninjago (lloyd, cole, jay, zane, kai)
lego ninjago: dragons rising (lloyd, cole, jay, zane, kai) (will update with new season after april 4th, 2024)
american 🇺🇸:
the dragon prince (callum) (will update with new season in 2024)
in progress (unposted) ❌: 
the librarians (ezekiel jones)
genshin fics:
it’s killing me to see you this way - traveler-centric (aether), hurt/comfort, 29k+ words, 5/5 chapters
tomorrow is another day - beidou and xiao friendship, hurt/comfort, 1k+ words, one-shot (prompt fill)
9-1-1 fics:
the shadows slowly melted as i was hunkered down - evan buckley, eddie diaz (buddie), emotional hurt/comfort, 2.5k+ words, one-shot (BTHB prompt fill)
batfamily fics:
two birds on a wire - dick grayson, tim drake, bruce wayne (no ships), hurt/comfort, 4k+ words, one-shot (BTHB prompt fill)
ninjago fics:
but you're worried, i know- cole, zane, (glacier), hurt/comfort and fluff, 2.5k+ words, one-shot (BTHB prompt fill)
asks/requests and more: 
whump question challenge
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
Dialogue prompt ; "Hyung...." (Gaon calling Yohan hyung all the time)
Pairing ; Gahan
(Decided to make this a four and one cause I liked the idea of that. Hope it works for you! **Also, not me telling myself I’d make these prompt fills shorter only to make another long one .-.)
Rated Mature - Non-Graphic Sexual Content
The first time Ga-on calls him “Hyung” is one of the most memorable even though it comes without fanfare.
It’s a rare day off, a down period between one chess move and the next. Yo-han and Ga-on are in the study, the former reading, leaning back in his desk chair, while Ga-on has taken to indulging Elijah in a complicated jigsaw puzzle. The only interruption of the relatively peaceful afternoon is when Yo-han’s niece argues with Ga-on about which piece is meant to go where. The entire effect of their squabbling generates a strangely pleasant warmth in Yo-han’s chest as he leisurely flips through his chapters.
Sometime later, Ga-on raises from the couch and stretches, the sound of him sighing catching Yo-han’s attention and he watches as the younger man raises his arms above his head and arches his spine, before announcing to the room he’ll be starting on lunch, smiling at Yo-han like it’s just something that should be done.
When Yo-han blinked away the minor pause Ga-on’s look inspired, he turns and finds Elijah staring at him with barely concealed disbelief. Yo-han raises a brow at her, challenging, and Elijah just scoffs instead and goes back to her puzzle-like Yo-han can’t feel the silent curses she’s throwing.
Yo-han doesn’t allow himself to linger on the small pride her reaction fosters, going back to his book and kicking his legs up to get more comfortable as the racket of drawers opening and utensils replaces the previous silence.
After another few chapters, Yo-han feels a telltale heaviness behind his eyes, the smell of spices, and the gentle sound of Elijah slotting puzzle pieces together having relaxed him to an unusual point. He fights weakly against the drooping of his eyelids, but between one hard blink and the next, Yo-han, chin to his chest, falls asleep.
Yo-han is floating in an inky sea of black when pressure on his shoulder begins to drag him up to the conscious world.
His eyes slide open and he tips his head back, vision blurring at the edges. Ga-on front, and center, leans over him with that smile.
Yo-han is thankful that he’s now used to Ga-on's presence enough not to immediately lash out at the touch of his hand. 
“Hyung, are you planning to sleep through lunch?” Ga-on’s voice is filled with amusement and it takes a second for Yo-han’s sleep-slow brain to register what he’s just been addressed as. Midafternoon sunlight filters in behind Ga-on, outlining his silhouette, creating a halo effect that stuns Yo-han silent just like the familiar term. The slight widening of Yo-han’s eyes is the only evidence of his surprise.
Ga-on, having indulged Yo-han in the brief staring contest, laughs to break the tension and pulls away from the older's space.
Yo-han clears his throat, and notes as he stands to follow after the other man, that his book has been placed off to the side and the page has been marked with care. It makes the small smile slipping onto his face grow just a bit more…
Yo-han is on a plane back to Korea within an hour of lawyer Ko messaging his burner phone with one of the three codes he’d provided in case of emergencies. The singular line, “hunting season has started,” had turned his blood to ice and the whisky glass he’d been drinking from fell out of his slack fingers.
Ga-on is in trouble and there is little to no possible way that In-guk would reach out if it was something that Ga-on could handle on his own.
If it weren’t for the possible trouble it could bring, Yo-han would have demanded more information, but the stipulation of even getting a warning had been minimal, risk-mitigating contact from both ends. Yo-han will simply have to hit the ground running and figure out what kind of fight he’s walking into when he lands.
When he gets to Ga-on’s home, black hood pulled up over his head, taking the rickety stairs two at a time, Yo-han realizes he hadn’t run fast enough.
It’s completely dark when he steps through the already open door, only the street lamps outside offering any illumination. In the low light, Yo-han can make out furniture shifted and toppled, papers strewn everywhere and shards of broken glass, flecks of blood making his stomach churn. He has a brief, sickening thought that he’s far too late until he hears a loud thump behind the closed bathroom door followed by what can only be thrashing of some kind.
Yo-han moves on instinct and with one hard kick, the bathroom door slams inward. 
When he sees the situation inside, Yo-han’s vision slips into a kind of red he hasn't seen in a long time.
There’s a large man clad in just as much black as Yo-han is, bleeding from the eyebrow, holding what can only be Ga-on face down by the back of his head over a running sink. Ga-on has one hand scrambling on the porcelain of the sink and the other attempting to claw at the man’s fingers away from him. Yo-han, quickly assessing, catches the way that Ga-on’s fight starts to leave his body and wastes no more time, jumping into action.
He’s able to throw his entire body into the assailants, slamming into him hard enough that they both go tumbling into the shower stall. Yo-han is lucky enough to end up on top and takes the opportunity to savage the face of the person beneath him. He hears something crack and isn’t sure if it’s his knuckles or the man’s nose, but Yo-han doesn’t stop until the man goes slack and even then he puts as much weight he can manage behind two more punches.
Unconscious or dead, Yo-han doesn’t care, not as he registers the gasping breaths of Ga-on behind him.
Getting back to Ga-on’s side, Yo-han carefully brushes the wet hair out of his face, checking for signs of injuries. Ga-on attempts to fight him off, eyes dazed and unfocused. Yo-han has to pin his hands.
“Ga-on… Ga-on-ah, stop, it’s me.” Ga-on freezes under him, and Yo-han waits for his gaze to steady. When it does, the rest of Ga-on’s fight melts out of him and Yo-han shushes the cry he lets out with another gentle touch to his head.
“Hyung.” Yo-han feels his heart clench painfully and has to actively ignore the way he wants to focus on comforting Ga-on, probably still shocked and scared over the attack. He needs to prioritize checking him over.
There are cuts on Ga-on’s hands and arms, bruising already starting to show around his throat and across the height of his cheekbone, it seems that other than that, Ga-on had done a decent job protecting his eyes and mouth from taking too many hits. The most concerning damage for Yo-han is what is hopefully a shallow stab wound to Ga-on’s side.
There’s another call of “Hyung” and Yo-han, confident that provided there’s no water hanging around in Ga-on’s lungs, Ga-on will be okay, turns his focus back on the other. He gets an arm around Ga-on’s shoulder and lifts him to his unsteady feet.
“I’ve got you Ga-on, I’ve got you.”
He doesn’t stop reassuring Ga-on of that until, after three hours and a called-in favor to a doctor he knows, they’re both on a plane for Switzerland.
“H- ah…Hyung,” Yo-han smirks. Of all the times Ga-on calls him this, it’s here that is his favorite, pressing the younger man into the mattress and biting kisses against the side of his throat. Ga-on always loses his composure under his tongue and Yo-han craves each breathless call for him, for more.
Elijah is gone for the afternoon, meeting up with friends she’s made at her recovery center for a film and lunch, sure to be out for hours, and Yo-han will be damned if he doesn’t take the opportunity to ravish his lover now that he’s given the chance. With the young girl underfoot and the home much smaller than their previous one, both men are often reluctant to give themselves over to passion such as this.
When they do, Yo-han likes to take his time, torturously taking Ga-on apart with his hands and mouth, until they are both able to shed their sins, finding peace in one another, even if only for a brief amount of time.
Yo-han is doing just that, teasing his hands under Ga-on’s shirt, tracing over his soft chest with rough fingers, teasing past the hard peaks of his nipples, and then trailing them down again while he works on sucking a daisy chain of marks against Ga-on’s throat, the other man’s fingers clenched tightly in Yo-han’s hair.
“Yo-han,” Ga-on says his name breathlessly and tugs twice at his scalp, a signal he wants Yo-han to pull off. It’s too bad for Ga-on however, that Yo-han doesn’t feel like indulging him for the moment and instead bites down just enough to sting and have Ga-on pulling tighter in reflex. “Hyung.” Ga-on’s hips raise, rutting up against Yo-han where the older has caged him in with his thighs. The action presses their groins flush, both of them hard, and it forces a groan from Yo-han’s throat as pleasure spikes in his blood.
He lets off of Ga-on’s neck to stare down at the man who meets him with wide eyes and a flushed face, lips bitten, bruised, and parted. He looks like a painting, something timeless and beautiful. 
Ga-on shifts up again, gasping at the friction, and Yo-han is brought back into the moment. With his hand moving to grip Ga-on’s chin, thumbing at his bottom lip, Yo-han mirrors the other's eager squirming, holding off the sound he wants to make as he carefully gives in to their mutual arousal. When Ga-on takes the digit into his mouth, Yo-han shudders but smirks nonetheless.
“Doesn’t Hyung always take care of you?” He chastises Ga-on lightly and with a sigh of reluctance, moves so that he’s kneeling, his and Ga-on’s erections no longer pressed together.
Ga-on whines his displeasure around Yo-han’s thumb and Yo-han lets his expression go intentionally neutral. It always keeps Ga-on on edge like this, Yo-han has realized, when he doesn’t give himself away. It’s a game they’re both playing, one where there are only winners.
Yo-han moves again with a hum and with his other hand begins to pull on the drawstring of Ga-on’s sweatpants. Ga-on mindlessly attempts to chase after the pressure of Yo-han’s hand and the older’s composure breaks, his smirk coming back.
Yo-han lives to see Ga-on like this, no shame in his desire, heat in his eyes, determined to have what he wants, and Yo-han, now softened, domesticated, by him, can hardly keep from giving it willingly.
He gets his hand beneath the loose waistband and with practiced ease (and a grip that edges on mean) pulls Ga-on from the confines of his clothing, stroking up once before letting him go.
Yo-han watches, transfixed, as Ga-on jerks sharply off the bed under his touch, gasping hard and then trembling as his body realizes there’s no more contact. He then takes both his hands and shifts down so he can grab on to Ga-on’s hips firmly. Leaning forward, Yo-han drags Ga-on into a kiss, deep and wet, before coming up for air. He needs it to regroup, Ga-on taking his usual task-oriented mind and opening up too many paths to go down. They all end in mutual satisfaction, but Yo-han has ideas for his lover tonight that he doesn’t want to be distracted from.
“Be good for Hyung, Ga-on-ah, hmm?”
He then works his way swiftly down Ga-on’s body to swallow him whole, the sound of Ga-on’s moan ringing in his ears.
Yo-han is in his office, up to his elbows in litigation papers, far past the time he should be home when his phone chimes.
What did you do?
Yo-han already feels a headache coming on. For Elijah to offer no preamble or example means she’s sure he’s caused one offense or another and while he’d likely agree with her, this time he’s honestly unsure what she could mean and replies in kind.
‘What have I done?’
It takes a moment for Elijah to reply, and in that time Yo-han comes to terms with the fact that it is late, and he should pack up for the evening. He’s shoving papers into his bag, ones that he’ll go over before bed, when another notification sounds, the second following in swift succession.
Ga-on is halfway through a bottle of your good wine and listening to sad music. I don’t think he knew I was home.
Come home and fix it.
Yo-han feels what can only be a mix of confusion and concern and doesn’t bother to respond to his niece. They both know he’s helpless to do anything else, but there’s still a small part of Yo-han that thinks, perhaps, Elijah is exaggerating. Ga-on drinks occasionally, after long days, or if he just wants to relax. This is possibly just a moment like this. The music, however, does not sound typical of Ga-on’s usual drinking behavior.
It’s quite obvious when he returns that Elijah had been correct to contact him.
When Yo-han enters the lounging room, Ga-on is sprawled haphazardly on the couch, an empty bottle of his “good” wine, as Elijah had put it, lying empty on its side on the table, another loosely gripped in Ga-on’s hand. He’d abandoned the wine glass at some point, finding more satisfaction in taking long pulls directly from the bottle.
Yo-han can’t help the unimpressed look he levels the drunk man with when eventually Ga-on realizes he’s no longer alone. Beyond the mask of indifference, Yo-han is worried.
“Do I want to know why you’re two bottles deep into the Grande Dames?” Yo-han had bought a case of the moderately expensive vintage when he and Ga-on had done a spontaneous tasting a few months prior and the younger had expressed his enjoyment of the drink. They often didn’t indulge in the ostentatious side of Yo-han’s wealthy upbringing, neither at their cores holding the values such a pricetag expects, but Yo-han had learned that when keeping the two people around him comfortable and happy, spoiling them from time to time was never something he’d regret.
Ga-on, uncoordinated, sways upward and almost upends the rest of the bottle he hasn’t drowned himself in all over the carpet, using it to point at Yo-han.
Yo-han fights the urge to point at himself, the instinct to immediately start goading Ga-on in this weakened state hard to hold down. It’s just too cute, and Yo-han has always been an antagonist even on his best days. Still, that concern is lingering under his amusement and doesn’t allow him to make the situation potentially worse.
“You,” Ga-on slurs, as though Yo-han hadn’t caught the implication already, what with the bottle and everything.
Yo-han sighs, that headache he’d been feeling upon Elijah’s first text is suddenly back. He doesn’t do anything else but slide off his suit jack and sit across from the drunk man. It almost gets him a lapful of wine for the trouble and Yo-han takes it upon himself to wrestle the bottle away from Ga-on, who doesn’t want to give up.
Still, Yo-han manages to secure it and set it aside. Ga-on tucks himself into the corner of the couch, arms crossed over his chest, half glaring, half pouting at Yo-han. It’s a struggle not to laugh but there’s something he’s done wrong, and as smart as Yo-han is, he can’t think of what it could be. He doesn’t like being at a loss like this, especially not if Ga-on is going to sulk in such a destructive way because of it.
“What have I done this time Ga-on-ah,” Yo-han tries to hold the edge of frustration out of his tone, but Ga-on’s eyes still tighten. At first, Yo-han thinks that Ga-on is going to remain silent, some strange form of drunken cold shoulder, but that isn’t the case it seems. Instead, it’s Yo-han who can’t form words in the wake of Ga-on’s question.
“Are you going to leave me, Yo-han?”
Yo-han feels dumb-struck because where had this come from?
His non-answer seems to have the worst kind of effect and all the adorable anger drains out of Ga-on. His eyes become wet and Yo-han feels an uncomfortable stab in his chest as he seems to shrink back further into himself.
Yo-han’s body moves before his brain and he’s reaching forward, hauling Ga-on into his chest by his shoulders as the younger man starts to shake. He’s confused, but it’s clear that his lover is upset, more than he’d imagined, and Yo-han can’t let his weakness show in the face of Ga-on needing him strong.
The drunk man wraps around him like he’s some kind of weeping octopus. Yo-han does nothing but shush him lightly and run his hands through Ga-on hair, wracking his brain for an explanation. He casts a glance at the clock on the wall, the day and month just off to the side of the ticking hands.
It strikes him like a whip.
Yo-han, since coming to Switzerland, since settling into a life where he’s not constantly looking over his shoulder or plotting the next big government takedown, has slipped into a kind of state where dates, outside of what day of the week it was, often didn’t matter anymore. He has Butler to remind him of birthdays and the odd anniversary, but other than that Yo-han finds he doesn't track time in the same way anymore. He takes no pleasure in counting down the days as he once did.
But this… this is a date he should have set a reminder for. 
Yo-han may have never had affection in any sense of the word for Yoon Soo-hyun but the fact of the matter is that Ga-on had and it’s the anniversary of her death.
Ga-on, Yo-han notes to himself, had done a good job keeping this building reaction hidden. He wonders if something happened during the day to exacerbate it. Perhaps there had been a woman with fleeting resemblance passing Ga-on by, a text he’d forgotten to delete and happened upon, maybe even that bastard Min Jung-ho coming out of the woodworks to futilely attempt once again to have Ga-on stab Yo-han in the back. He doubts it’s the latter, but still, Yo-han can’t imagine that a sobber Ga-on, knowing that he might get like this, would willingly come home to drown his sorrows without a catalyst.
Elijah had said he didn’t seem to think she’d be home…
It doesn’t matter how Ga-on got to this point, it’s Yo-han’s responsibility to make it better.
“I have intentions to leave, Ga-on.” It’s not the correct answer apparently and Ga-on’s body racks with another sob, his fingers clinging to Yo-han’s shirt even tighter.
“Hyung.” The name has never sounded so heartbreaking before, not directed at Yo-han at least and it makes the older man close his eyes, lightly shushing the other on instinct. Ga-on says it like he doesn’t believe Yo-han and the worst part is that Yo-han knows why Ga-on is saying it like that.
Sliding the hand from Ga-on’s hair around so that he cups his lover's cheek, Yo-han forces him to separate just enough so he can look him in the eye. Ga-on’s gaze is watery and red-rimmed, it pains Yo-han further, but neither are strangers to tears and so he pushes past the tug at his chest.
“Ga-on-ah, what was before was before, and what’s now is now, and I am saying that right now, I will never willingly leave you.” He can’t be more honest than that. He’d love to promise Ga-on that he’ll never be taken away from him, that some unseen, unknown force won't come swooping in and snatch him up, but Yo-han can’t and he won’t. For both their sakes.
He can tell that for Ga-on, in the state that he’s in, it’s not enough, but even a Ga-on that’s this gone knows it’s the best he’ll get from the other. Yo-han lets Ga-on bury himself back against his neck, just thankful that he’s stopped crying for the time being.
“Hyung,” Ga-on whispers the word into Yo-han’s skin and the older man adjusts them so that they’re laying back against the cushions of the sofa. Ga-on’s tuckered himself out, emotional and physical energy spent, and Yo-han, showhome in a similar position even though he’s been home all of fifteen minutes, doesn’t have the strength to carry the both of them to the bedroom. His back will complain in the morning and they’ll both be a mess, but there’s hardly any fighting it. They’ll just have to make the couch their bed for the evening.
He and Ga-on, as much as Yo-han knows that the other won’t want to, will need to talk about this episode if only to prevent a similar one from occurring around Elijah again, but it can wait for the morning.
For now, Yo-han will do as he’s meant to, and hold Ga-on through the turmoil until it subsides as Ga-on has done for him countless times now.
There’s smoke in Yo-han’s lungs and he can’t see around the red inferno that’s covering everything. He thinks he hears crying and screaming, but that could be his ears still ringing or the fire that’s climbed up the walls, engulfing the ceiling. It’s calling out for more, for everything. 
Yo-han wants to run, he wants to leave and never look back at all of that orange and white but he can’t. There’s something he’s supposed to be looking for, something he’s supposed to be saving. When he manages to stare through the flames he can’t see anything, but there’s still all that screaming. It’s like there are ghosts in the flames.
He can’t leave, not yet, he’s still missing something damn it!
Yo-han turns on his heels, spinning in endless circles, desperately willing for this something to show up so that he can escape but it doesn’t, not until… until…
“...Yo-han-ah…” A voice, not just a formless yelling, reaches out for him, and Yo-han jerks in its direction, only for the ground beneath his feet to turn into cement and hold him in place. His eyes find their target and any air that might have been left in his lungs, not clogged down by smoke, is gone.
Beneath a large and smoldering support beam, Issac lays, an arm outstretched, staring at him. “-o-han…”
“Issac!” Yo-han shouts for him, uselessly trying to move his feet. He jerks so hard that eventually he falls to his knees but is still unable to get closer to his trapped brother who is still reaching out for him, gasping his name as the fire somehow gets worse.
Yo-han is crying as he struggles. He continues to do so, even as the flames engulf Isaac and Yo-han can no longer see the other man, until everything is just a wall of blazing heat, the space around him a sick oasis from the fire.
He rolls onto his back, eyes shut, the sound of roaring in his ears and, in agony, screams.
When he opens his eyes he expects to see the roof of the chapel beginning to cave in, to carry him along to wherever Issac has gone. Except that Issac isn’t gone. No. He’s now above Yo-han, as though the floor is suddenly the ceiling. He’s still reaching out, still pinned down and unable to move. Yo-han’s entire chest is constricted with panic.
He extends his arm, trying again, even as he’s hyperventilating, to save his brother.
That’s the moment the beam falls.
Yo-han jolts into the waking world, covered in sweat and panting. His skin feels like it’s burning, he can’t get air into his lungs.
A hand touches his chest and Yo-han whips his head around to find the source and he feels like the world is ending again.
Haloed by phantom flames, it’s…
“Hyung,” Yo-han chokes, and between one blink and the next he knows that it isn’t Isaac. It’s not just that it can’t be him, but it’s been a very long time since he’s gotten Ga-on mistaken for a ghost. He’s just thankful that it’s clear that Yo-han is seeing him when Ga-on’s eyes soften from concern to something sympathetic. Yo-han forces his eyes closed tightly to shake away the imprint of the embers and smoke from his brain. He breathes in deep and then on his next exhale lets out a more confident, “Ga-on.”
When he looks back at the man in his bed, Yo-han feels more at ease, that sympathetic look is gone, something equally as soft replacing it. The curl on Ga-on’s lips is more like how the younger one looks when he’s just existing alongside Yo-han and it serves to steady the pounding of Yo-han’s heart.
“Lay back down,” Ga-on presses on Yo-han where his hand has been resting. “We have an early morning.”
Yo-han returns to his pillow willingly and Ga-on drapes himself against his side.
Yo-han will be continuously grateful for this man, ignoring what he knows he can’t change, and instead just taking all of Yo-han’s scars in stride, as he takes Ga-on’s.
Instead of voicing that, Yo-han wedges his arm beneath Ga-on and curls it around his back to hold him closer. There isn’t any point in saying it, not when Ga-on’s hand rests over Yo-han’s heart. Not when he already knows.
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yong-bokk · 3 years
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: fluff
prompt: hyunjin finds his lover crying over a drama
notes: i may or may not have been crying over youth of may. i signed up for the fluff..... but it's so heartbreaking to watch now </3 also, i remember that hyunjin watches kdramas a lot and once cried for 3 days over one so :( i miss him so much
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hyunjin finds his heart melt at the sight of you, wrapped in your softest blanket and surrounded by oh-too-many pillows. you hadn’t noticed his presence as you were still focused on your screen, letting out another sob in sync with the characters of the drama you've been catching up with all day.
“baby, have you been crying?”
you looked up from your laptop and met hyunjin's gaze with your tear-filled one and hyunjin swore he could physically feel his heart turn into mush.
his eyes turned into the familiar shape of crescent moons you've known too well as giggles left his mouth. you couldn’t help but break into a smile at the sight of him.
hyunjin teases you, but his eyes look at you with so much love. if you listen close enough, you might even hear him questioning how he got so lucky with you.
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fantasynfiction · 3 years
[Oneshot] Words of Comfort
Pairing: Vincenzo x Cha Young (from KDrama Vincenzo)
Category: Oneshot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst/Fluff
A/N: This is my entry for CCFC 2021 with the dialogue prompt: “I’m sorry for your loss.” The story took me longer to write than expected and actually there’s a second part to it. I’m still in the midst of finishing that so I figured I would just post this half first to help with the countdown to the finale. Thank you to @the-chayenzo-community mods for organising this. I’m really glad that I can contribute to this fun event. Also a huge shoutout to everyone in the fandom for making this journey even more special. Hope you guys enjoy the fic.
“Can I ask you more questions about the mafia?”  
Ever since the break-in at her father’s house, life with Cha Young as his roommate began. It was supposed to be temporary, but somehow days turned into weeks. Every time Vincenzo asked about the housing situation, she insisted that the window installation was still incomplete and denied all accusations regarding her fear of living alone by herself. Vincenzo knew she was lying about the windows, but feigned ignorance. There was a sense of reassurance in knowing that she was safe and not in danger or in need of saving. For safety purposes. He repeated those words in his head whenever he caught himself smiling at her weird antics. She’s just your partner. But it was getting increasingly harder for him to deny his growing affections towards the boisterous lawyer.
“I don’t have any attachment to this country.”
Who knew this statement was going to come back to bite him? He curses himself for being so naive back then, as he finds himself anticipating Cha Young's mafia related questions that had become a part of their bedtime routine.
“...two questions.” She cuts him off dryly. “I know, I know. Mr Stingy Mafia.”  
“Shall we make that one?” He casually retorts, not wanting to miss an opportunity to tease her.
“Yah! You wouldn’t?” She sits up to protest and he tilts his head slightly to hide the grin that’s forming on his face, feeling satisfied with her reaction.
“So, what are you curious about today?”
She lets out an exaggerated huff before settling back into a comfortable position on the sofa, propping herself up on one elbow so she was facing him.  
“The boss who was like a father to you,” she begins, eyes fixed on him, “how did you both meet?”  
It was a simple question but somehow, he was taken back by it. Visions of his past flicker before him.  
An 8-year-old Joo Hyung is crying at the orphanage, fighting the realisation of his mother’s abandonment, as an Italian couple attempt to persuade him to come to Italy with them so they could build a happy home together. Despite the language barrier, he could feel the sincerity overflowing from them. He had no doubt that they were going to love him unconditionally. A love he didn’t know how to reciprocate.  
The seasons change and so does Joo Hyung. He could no longer deny the affections of his foster parents. They had become his family. Every moment they shared together brought joy and happiness that seeped into the cracks of his broken heart. However, the world had other plans for him and Joo Hyung found himself sucked into another one of its cruel little games.
Fast forward to that tragic night that changed the course of Joo Hyung’s entire existence. A window shatters. The commotion jolts him awake. Panic-stricken footsteps rush towards him. Warm, but trembling hands envelope him into an embrace. BANG. A gunshot echoes through the walls. He is forced under the bed. An encouraging smile urges him to stay hidden. Darkness surrounds him. Desperate pleas can be heard. BANG. Another gunshot rings in the air. He can feel his entire body shake. The intruder lingers in the house, declaring his name in victory. Joo Hyung vows to make the man pay.  
Hours later, he stumbles along the Italian streets barefooted and dazed with only vengeance on his mind. That’s when Fabio Cassano appears in his life. From that moment on, the young crying orphan Joo Hyung was gone. He was now Vincenzo Cassano.
He takes a deep breath to steady his thoughts. He ponders his answer, debating whether to reveal the truth to her. There’s no need to burden her with the stories of my past.  
“We met unexpectedly.” He said cryptically, “Just like us.”
Cha Young simply nods. She was never one to press for answers, especially with him. She always accepted him for who he was, despite everything she knew about him. He couldn’t help but open up to her, willing to risk it all just to see how far their relationship could go.
“Even though I was a nobody and we weren’t blood related,” he continues, staring blankly ahead, “he took me in as if I was one of his own and taught me everything there was to know to survive in this world.”  
“He must have foreseen your potential.” She pauses enough for him to notice. “Just like how my father did.”
He whirls around to look at her and his eyes are met with her gentle smile. His heart skips a beat. “I guess.”  
“You know for a mafia boss; he really does sound like a great man.” She quickly adds, trying to lighten the mood.
“He was.”  
An awkward silence fills the air, surrounding them like the darkness of the night. They both averts their gaze onto the ceiling, fixating their eyes on the tacky glow-in-the-dark stars.  
“If he could see you now, I'm sure he would be very proud of you.” She finally says after a while, breaking the tension in the room. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
A surge of emotions course through him. Vincenzo couldn’t remember the last time someone had said such comforting words to him. He takes a glance at an unusually quiet Cha Young, who appears to be contemplating something.  
"So, about the second question...”
He lets out a tiny chuckle and gestures for her to proceed. Although he would never admit it, he could never say no to her. Their conversations continue on into the night and outside, a sleeping Inzagi coos happily on the window sill.  
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More than that || Eric
First TBZ request 💕
I would've posted this earlier today but I slept in then immediately went into watching this Kdrama I've been trying to finish
Synopsis: your feelings for your close friend couldn't be that obvious? Well it was enough for everyone else but him.
Prompt: "you don't know how bad I've always wanted to do that"
Pairing: Eric x Reader
Warnings: minor angst!
Genre: fluff angst if you squint !!
Gif credits to owner✨
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Sometimes you've thought about confessing to Eric, especially in situations like this where you're watching a movie together cuddled up on the couch with everyone. Eric has no problem with physical affection so having you rest your head on his shoulder whilst he side hugged you filled your stomach with butterfly's (unknown to you it does the same to him) from your feelings for him you've kept secret sometimes just going for it seems so worth it if it means more moments like these. The movie just being a simple one you all could enjoy (Spirited Away) from wether it be the music, scenery and characters; wether any of you had seen it or not already you still had excitement to watch it.
Nearing the end of the movie it came to the scene where Haku was hurt and Chihiro had saved him, turning to Eric you looked at him from the sniffling you had heard which then noticed he was tearing up. He noticed you move you head on his shoulder to be facing him, Eric was pretty sure he knew why but still went to turn to you to see what was up.
Little did either of you know there was not enough space between you two so when Eric turned to face you your lips connected for a split second before you both quickly turned away blushing messes. Did that really just happen? Did you both just end up accidentally kiss? No one else noticed being too indulged in the movie. Fear filled you you immediately shifted away from him and more so to the other person next to you Changmin who was a little confused but didn't mind he was too focused in the movie.
Trying to think about the plot but neither of you had that in your mind. What if he is awkward with you now? What if you guys end up stopping being friends since he doesn't like you that way? It was a simple mistake but many what ifs filled your brain. Your crush on was unknown to him but everyone else had a pretty solid guess from the way you stare at him with the galaxy in your eyes full of love.
What was unknown to you was Eric's same thoughts, you had been best friends for a while now and he had gained feelings for you early on but was never sure if you where interested and didn't want to ruin anything so he felt comfortable staying in the friends base. The movie ended too fast for his comfort since everyone started to discuss their favorite scenes or just start up conversation and the awkward tension between you two was too much to bare, from the avoiding eye contact to them conversations with people facing the opposite sides of each other. Eric knew at one point during the night he'd have to talk to you about it but right now he just had to wait for the right time.
You ended up joining Sangyeon in the kitchen to grab a drink. Sangyeon handing you a water you began to have small talk about the movie which made your heart pound a little less rapid then last was. Unknown to both of you was how bear Eric was since he stood near the kitchen waiting for one of you to exit
"So I saw you cuddling up to Eric, did you try making any moves?" Sangyeon said nudging your shoulder as he took a sip of his water. Your eyes ended up like a deer in headlights, causing Sangyeon to laugh.
"From the looks of it by your eyes it seems like you did, did you give him a kiss~" He said in a playful tone making sure to make the word "kiss" longer than it needs to be; Sangyeon wasn't the one to always be so playful talking about romance since he thinks it's more serious but he always talked playfully with you to make sure you wouldn't get stressed out over your feelings. His eyes went just as wide as yours when you became beat red stumbling on words. Eric felt like he was invading privacy listening from far away but he was curious to what you felt.
"I mean- kind of? By accident- he didn't mean to- I don't think he feels the same."you rambled opting to just chug your water instead of talking.
"Wowowow don't get too harsh on yourself there talk to him about it. Take it as an entry way into your feelings for each other, when you're less overwhelmed about the situation you can come to me with the details." Sangyeon said starting to walk out of the kitchen, Eric walked farther away to then make it seem like he was walking to the kitchen himself.
Sangyeon looked at Eric in surprise and with a little fear of how much he heard in that conversation. You kept drinking your water trying to steady your breathing. Closing your eyes you sighed.
"Can we talk about what happened?" Your eyes went bulging when you heard that oh so familiar voice.
"Uhm yeah it was totally by accident I just was curious from the sniffling I didn't know if you where crying and I am sorry if that made things awkward." You started to ramble and Eric found it as a bit of a feeling of defeat but he heard your conversation with Sangyeon so he knew something was there and he was going to take the jump for it.
"Well,, I personally even knowing it was an accident would be fine for it to happen again. I've had feelings for you for a while now and the conversation you just had in place with Sangyeon that I'm sorry for listening in on but it sounds like you like me too." He said with a shy smile with ears red. You where dumbfounded, was this truly happening?
"How long where you listening?" You hadn't even processed the last sentence from pure shock and dred.
"Enough to know I have a chance." He walked up to you staring at your eyes to your lips with a silent ask of if he could in which you nodded, putting his hand on the back of your neck and leaning forward he pressed a soft kiss to your lips which you could only every describe as pure euphoria.
"You don't know how bad I've always wanted to do that" He said smiling, you giggled.
"So does this mean we're more than friends? Like lovers? Maybe? If you want to?" You said with question in your tone for confirmation in which he laughed ruffling your hair.
"Yes more than that, if you'd let me have the honers I'd be glad to be your boyfriend."
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vminity21 · 4 years
Even in the Rain | knj [Part 1]
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Pairing: friend!Namjoon X female!reader, exboyfriend!Jimin X bakeryreviewer!reader, friendshiptolovers!au, bakery!au, forbiddenlove!au
Word Count: 18,482
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Warning(s):  foul language use, angst involving an ex-boyfriend, mention of alcohol on multiple occasions, mention of infidelity, mention of smoking, eventual smut (potentially in part 2), slow burn, taehyung and jimin are jerks in the story, based on the kdrama, Something in the Rain, i do not own the rights or the show; Rated: pg 13
Summary: Namjoon has been in love with you for what seems like forever. Despite you being five years older, him being your best friend’s brother, on top of your brother, Kim Seokjin, being one of Namjoon’s best friends- nothing will stop him from getting you to notice him, and he also will not let your relentless ex-boyfriend stand in the way of him winning your heart. You, on the other hand, an observer of bakeries notices the feelings Namjoon is starting to etch upon your heart; amidst this budding love, your mind is also confused upon the strange incidents happening between the bakeries planning to franchise together. But, who would want to jeopardize the businesses?
Credit to: @suhdays​ for such a beautiful cover!
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The dreary clouds serenade the atmosphere with panging rain droplets while a faint brush of a sigh escapes your lips. Shoving loose hair from your ponytail behind your ears, you steady the umbrella above you- knuckles white from the grip you have on the handle. Once again, you’re scheduled to observe Jeon’s Bakery in downtown Busan- a thriving shop owned by the richest couple ever known, soon being passed down to their eldest son, Jung-hyun, whom you’ve had the pleasure of knowing throughout the years.
Stepping into the bakery- the cozy atmosphere brings a warmth you’ve been needing since you woke up this morning- shaking your umbrella through the crack of the glass door onto the sidewalk, you then return to face the dimly lit décor, leaning your umbrella along the wall. Aromas of freshly baked pastries waft in your direction while you inhale a hint of strawberry. Glistening sweets line beneath the glass cases while heated lights keep them appealing; the other side holds numerous cakes, decked with different colors or flavors- your stomach growling at the desire to purchase a treat or two before leaving.
“Ah, welcome,” Jung-hyun greets with a brief handshake and bow, though the nervous tension crinkles at the edges of his eyes. You, being one of the top members of the corporation, who franchises with Jeon’s Bakery, your reviews are very important- and, with the plans of opening another bakery along with a competing bakery on the other side of town, Jung-hyun is aware of the pressure his family line has to maintain a clean, yet successful business. Of course, with the hopes of the competing bakery, Ji Woo’s Café, signing the contract to officially set the opening date.
“How do you do,” you nod, hearing the padding footsteps of the employees rushing to stand at your presence. One, you recognize to be the youngest brother, Jeon Jungkook, folding his hands in front of him, while his eyes remain cast downward- brown hair swooping over his forehead while he timorously chews at the corner of his mouth. “My, how he’s grown,” you smile, his wide stare greeting yours with a timid bow.
“Just turned eighteen nearly two months ago,” Jung-hyun nods at his brother with pride before returning his gaze to you, “Next thing I know, it’ll be me handing the business to him,”
You can’t help the feeling of dread at how many years you’ve been a part of your job- essentially instructing cleaning reviews or food violations that are still not being met- and you hardly ever admit the gray hairs that you’ve remained to consistently pluck since your twenty-eighth birthday not too long ago. With a long glance around the bakery, you bring your clipboard forward while the click of your heels gives some sort of sound other than the rain prodding the rooftop.
“It is a bit dusty in this section here,” you run a finger over a shelf dawning coffee mugs and other trinkets, rubbing your fingertips together while an employee sprints with a damp cloth to clean the area you pointed out, “And the floor needs to be swept more thoroughly, I can see some crumbs even from this distance,” you hate sounding so nitpicky, but your boss Kim Taehyung, can be, and he expects a lot out of these businesses, so you maintain your duty in making sure everything is spotless, especially since you don’t want anyone, especially the Jeons’, to have to deal with Taehyung’s wrath.
Reaching the cold foods section, you tamper through the packages to check expiration dates, noticing a few will be out of date within the next week, “And, also, Mr. Jeon, make sure to check the expiration dates often, we want customers to be given exactly what they’re paying for without the risk of stomach upset,”
“Yes ma’am,” he bows obediently, while you study the rest of the store before turning to face every employee. A young girl, one who has avoided eye contact nearly your entire visit, cuddles into her thin sweater, your eyes falling to notice her open-toed shoes, “I know accidents may happen from time to time, but with heavy machinery, we use in the back to create such desserts, closed-toed shoes are a must,” though when first starting the job, you used to be afraid to single individuals out, with so many years of experience, it has become immune. “Let this be a warning, okay?” The girl nods in shame, though you give her a look of understanding.
One more detailed sweep, you give Jung-hyun a copy of the notes you made with the direction to continue his work. Reaching for your umbrella, you notice the heavy rain has died down to a soft sprinkle, and once the smell of the rain fills your nostrils, you still open your umbrella in an attempt to protect your outfit since you will be returning to work to finish out the day.
The familiar ‘ding’ of a text tone distracts once your clicking heels round a street where Jeon’s Bakery officially disappears behind you- retrieving it from your pocket, you realize it’s a text from your almost year-long boyfriend, Park Jimin.
Jiminie: ‘Dinner tonight? I think we need to talk,’
Just the simple text, with just a simple intent, with a simple meaning- or what is supposed to be simple- brings a strange feeling the moment you read it. Hardly watching the direction you’re heading, you’re very thankful when the ringtone assigned to your best friend jingles, prompting you to answer immediately,
“How, did you know to call me, right at this exact moment?” Your fingers feel ice cold upon your cheek once the phone is at your ear- and the tiny pain in your stomach is hard to ignore mingled with the bundles of nerves fluttering within your system.
“Glad to know I’m number one on your mind,” your childhood best friend, Monica, teases while a knowing smirk tugs at the corner of your lips. “I’m assuming something’s up?”
“Yeah,” you exhale, brushing past a few pedestrians while your eyes cautiously trail the sidewalk to prevent from tripping over something, “It’s Jimin,”
“Hm,” Monnie hums, the crunch of a carrot sounding through the staticky phone line, “Please tell me you two didn’t fight. Again,”
If the humiliation rising within your chest isn’t obvious enough, you squeeze your eyes shut momentarily, trying to suppress the memory of the past month or two within your conscious, “He’s been going on and on about that promotion,”
“And,” Monnie adds, “Let’s not forget you’ve made it clear that you’re not planning on leaving Busan.”
“I know, I know,” the solitude of the area you’re in seems silent, way too silent, and maybe it’s due to the budding sadness. Jimin’s job is wanting to take him to Seoul- nearly 325 kilometers away from where you’ve grown up- where you’ve held a successful job- and, where your family and friends reside. The two of you have been battling it out for what feels like too long, emotionally draining you just as evenly as the stress from your job, “I just wish he would just understand my side for once,” your voice is hushed as if he can hear you, Monica nodding on the other end though you cannot see it.
“Well, how about you change his mind,” a devious tone evident in her voice, “Give him something he wouldn’t want to miss out on if you catch my drift,”
“You are such a tease,” you shake your head incredulously, “But, you have a good point,”
“Uh-huh, when do I not?”
Sauntering minutes longer past the numerous rows of shops, you end the phone call with Monica before your eyes fall upon a small boutique with mannequins adorned in glimmering dresses poised behind the glass window. Maybe an ounce of hope decides to arise, especially the second it leads you into the shop, trying on a few dresses in the mirror until you’ve made your decision.
The dress hugs all the right curves while you run your hands over the fabric- loose curls tickle your shoulders, yet the dress is modest enough to leave mystery- leave eyes lingering whilst you walk by. Except, the moment Jimin takes a seat before you, across the table within your favorite restaurant, his eyes seem to pay more attention to his wine glass rather than sweeping you. His thick lips lay in an obvious grimace, disinterest in his expression to every word you say, yet you remain unaltered, showing him no sign of notice, until he interrupts you,
“I received news today,” he clears his throat, your mouth slightly agape while your eyes widen in anticipation for what he’s about to say next, “They’re promoting me. It’s official,”
“Oh, Jimin,” you breathe, though you’re happy his job is recognizing him for his outstanding work in his job field, you can’t help the sorrow plaguing you at what you know is considered the next step, “I’m so happy for you,” you feign enthusiasm, but he sees right through you, especially when his brown eyes nearly smother your gaze with disbelief, “When- when is the big day?”
“Two weeks,” He counters, eyes falling back to his drink, “Have to clean out my apartment, and leave within two weeks,”
“Two weeks?” You’re caught off guard by the sudden answer, not even giving you enough time to process, one- that your boyfriend of nearly a year will be leaving so soon whether you move with him or not, and two- the realization that maybe, no matter how hard you try to get him to understand you, he just simply won’t. “But that’s so sudden-”
“Just come with me,” he’s exasperated, waving a hand once in the air, “If you’re really as happy for me as you say you are, you’d come,”
“Excuse me?”
“What is it about Busan that you just can’t seem to let go? We will be able to visit family if that’s what you’re afraid of,”
“Jimin, we’ve already discussed this,” you run your hands over the bridge of your nose propping your elbows onto the table, while you try with all your might to calm the anger, “I have a steady job here, one I will not be able to transfer. I’m not ready to just give up my life like this, what part of that do you not understand?” You peer through your hands, “And, I mean, if there’s anything I don’t understand, is if you can visit as often as you say you can, then how come a long-distance relationship sounds so revolting to you?”
Frustration drips from him when he leans back into his chair, eyes scoping the side of the restaurant while his lips press into a firm line. A thought that failed to occur to you from previous arguments dawns,
“Wait,” you inhale, “Are you afraid… that you’ll start seeing someone else?” When he abruptly meets your gaze, your elbows fall to your sides, “Jimin?”
Shaking his head, “Forget it,”
“Then what is it?” You question, “If not that, then what is it?” Investigating his eyes, you’re nearly brought to your knees from the heartbreak wrenching within you, “If this is something that leaves such distaste in your mouth then why not just break up with me?” Without a second thought, you stand to your feet, not even sure how you’re able to with how your body is trembling, but you maintain your balance while you thrust your trench coat on, “You know what? I’ll do the honors,”
He follows you out the door in a mild panic, though he remembers to leave cash behind to pay for the meal. Declining the ride, he offers, you can’t even speak nor look in his direction, your heart-shattering in a million pieces especially when his presence leaves without even a speck of desire to fight for you. You’re rendered speechless the entire walk of the chilly night- shooting a text to Monnie to meet you at a local bar- her treating you to multiple drinks- gulping them down with the intention of drowning in your sorrows.
“Okay, I’m going to need you to stop,” she motions for the waiter to scatter any empty glasses he can before you down your final drops, “Besides, you’re the one who dumped him, so am I missing something?”
“No,” you drag out the word, your head dizzy from the heavy buzz you feel, “You and I both know this is something that’s not easily forgettable,”
“Maybe you’re right, but really, [Y/N], you’re going to make yourself sick,”
“And what if I do? What’s it going to change?” Your words slur, while you lean onto your knuckles- your eyelids squinted in a hazy glance. Mo’s concern is all you can envision while she lightly taps your arm.
“If he were worth it, he’d stay in a relationship with you despite any distance,” her voice softens, her turning to get you to rest on her shoulder, “Besides, if I were him, I wouldn’t have let you walk away, especially with how that dress snugs your ass,”
Cackles erupt from your throat while you lean more into her frame for comfort, “Shut up, no it doesn’t,”
Flabbergasted, she pulls away just enough to stare down at your glossy eyes, “Girl, you look like a twelve outta ten, would recommend, and any asshole would be stupid to let a dime piece like you go,”
“You mean it?”
“Of course,” she wraps an arm under your shoulders to help you steady on your feet, “Now, I’m going to take you home. Your brother is coming home tomorrow as well as mine, and the last thing I need is for them to smell alcohol on your breath,”
“But, but- I’m- I’m not done yet. Just one more,”
“No! Are you insane?”
“Monnie, please, just one more. Just one-”
“Drinking isn’t going to make Jimin’s absence any less painful, now come on, you need to get home,” Reluctantly, you obey, faltering into your home while your parents, who are retired, stare at you with mirrored worry, you immediately bowing in apology before stumbling to your bedroom. The following morning hits you like an ocean wave, your head thudding while you force yourself to sit up- the shower awakens you just enough for you to function, and the minute you’re dressed with a towel wrapped around your drenched hair- you open the door to be greeted by your younger brother, Kim Seokjin.
“You look like you’ve been trampled by ten elephants,” his arms outspread while you gasp,
“Seokjin! You’re home!” Crashing into his arms, he hugs you tight, the safety you feel with him finally returning home brings serenity to the household. You haven’t seen your brother in four years with him studying abroad in America, which reminds you that it must mean Monnie’s brother, Kim Namjoon, who studied the same program as Seokjin, is home, too- though you vaguely remember your best friend making that statement last night before taking you home.
Leaning back to playfully smack his shoulder, you tease, “Don’t think I forgot about what you just said a second ago! Remember, I am your elder,”
The familiar windshield wiper laugh sounds while his shoulders shake, “By what, a few years? And don’t think I didn’t hear about you coming home wasted last night,”
With a roll of the eyes, you hear your mother starting up food in the kitchen, “It’s complicated, but,” with a quick sweep, you notice, Seokjin is wearing an outfit as if he’s about to head out, a backpack still hanging off his shoulders, “But- wait, aren’t you staying?”
“Mom, didn’t tell you? I’m moving out with one of my past friends. Remember, Hoseok?” 
“Ah,” a lightbulb clicks, “The one whose parents own the competing bakery? The one we used to raid when we were children?”
“Yes, that’s the one,”
You remember Seokjin and Hoseok were thick as thieves growing up, so with a curt nod, you elbow your brother’s side, “Good idea rooming with him, but you better visit me. I literally haven’t seen you other than through a phone screen,”
“You know I will,” He promises, “No more phone screen,”
As much as the two of you love your mother, she can be overbearing at times- and, you can’t help with how hard it is to stifle laughter as you watch her pester Seokjin as he’s leaving, “Please eat once you get there since you won’t stay for the meal I cooked- and, please text me once you arrive- remain in good health for me okay- don’t do anything you will regret-”
Seokjin waves goodbye before your mother follows you to the kitchen. Of course, she isn’t going to ignore the incident of you rummaging to make a cup of coffee in an attempt to remedy the hangover you know you deserve after how much you chugged the night before. Unaware of the situation that caused your drunken state, your shoulders tense the moment you hear his name,
“I thought you were with Jimin last night? He’s never let you drink more than one glass. Very insolent of him if you ask me,”
“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that anymore,” you mumble against the rim of the coffee mug.
“I guess I can forgive him this one time, invite him over sometimes so I can cook you both some dinner. It’s about time for you to settle down and marry-”
At this point, you’re increasingly aware of how late you will be to work if you continue to listen to your mom banter about your ex-boyfriend, one you can’t bring yourself to reveal in fear of disappointing your mother. Although, your father offers to give you a ride, you politely decline, making your way to the nearest station before sprinting into the building of your job.
From the poker face, Taehyung has while everyone files in to their seats, your coworkers LenLen and Shai take a quick seat on either side of you- Yoongi, handy with the technological side of the business gets the screen to load to where everyone can see it. Chairs turned in the same direction, you swallow nervously when a picture of what looks to be bags of flour are revealed to have picked up pesky moths, and the horror you feel when it’s the same store your brother’s childhood friend has grown-up knowing: Ji Woo’s Cafe.
“This,” Taehyung’s voice booms while gesturing toward the screen, “Is unacceptable.”
With slumping shoulders, everyone knows he isn’t wrong, but it’s the embarrassment of knowing this has been missed.
“Who is in charge of keeping up with this particular franchise?”
LenLen hesitates beside you though you’re of knowledge that she is, in fact, the supervisor of the Jung’s shop. You don’t even hesitate to stick up for her, promising you will get to the bottom of this ordeal being that you know the Jungs’ personally. The bus ride over doesn’t take long, but you figure it’s from the trepidation of having to face a family you haven’t seen in so many years over something that wasn’t necessarily in their control. When arriving, the first face you see is Jung Hoseok, messy hair frilly across his forehead with your brother rounding the corner putting on his apron. It takes a prolonged second for everyone to register each other’s presence, and you factor in that maybe they hired a moving company to assist in helping them unpack their belongings. Or, perhaps, Seokjin is staying with Hoseok’s parents for the time being until the two can find a place of their own. Either way, your eyes flicker between the stunned pair prompting you to clear your throat- pressing the tip of your pen onto the pad of paper upon your clipboard.
“Hello, Gentlemen, you may have been aware, but it has been brought to corporate’s attention about flour bags being infested with moths?”
Hoseok wets his lips, frantically looking over at Seokjin who shrugs his shoulders, completely oblivious to the scenario that may have taken place prior to his hiring, “Uh, yes- yes ma’am,”
“And please tell me such a discovery was not, in fact, served to our consumers?” Palms clammy, you’re surprised at how intimidating you can be but with the way Hoseok’s panicky eyes scream innocence, you know that he didn’t do anything of the sort.
“Of course not,” he stammers, your brother glaring a look though he knows you’re merely doing your job.
“Good,” you scribble a few notes of areas you noticed may need to be tidied up before handing it to him, “Just remember to always, always, keep things clean, and to always store packaging in the correct areas. I agree sometimes we can’t prevent everything, but from what I could tell from the picture, the flour wasn’t stored properly.”
“I’m so-”
Gesturing a hand to stop him, you continue, “No need for apologies, just make sure staff is trained to follow protocols. And if I overheard correctly, Jeon’s Bakery may want to franchise along with Ji Woo’s Cafe for the opening of the new store. If that’s the case, then everyone must be on the same page in order for that contract to be signed. Do I make myself clear?”
Hoseok timidly nods, you being grateful that customers haven’t waltzed in especially with it being close to afternoon; glimpsing at your brother, he swallows, nodding once in understanding. In this circumstance, guilt wedges in the crevices of your mind, especially with it, now, involving a blood relative who works within one of the stores your company partly owns. Coming off harsh isn’t who you really are, but the job forces you to be this way, especially when stressing the importance of cleanliness and statistics of sales.
You’re nearly lost in thought- reminiscing on unwanted memories of Jimin, avoiding the ache in your soul when you can’t remember the last time, you’d seen him smile. Blisters form on your feet from your heels, the pain thudding to the point you hardly notice the tall figure inching closer to your frame. In fact, you choose to ignore whoever it is, keeping your eyes ahead with the goal of making it home.
“Is that how you treat a friend you haven’t seen in years?”
“Whoa!” You jolt, whirling in the direction of the deep voice- heart hammering against your sternum while your hand flies to your chest. Dimples immediately appear in your vision while hearty laughter escapes the handsome face of none other than your best friend’s brother, Kim Namjoon. “Namjoon?” Your voice raises in glee, his trench coat loose on his frame, while his wide smile remains on his face, “How long have you been following me?”
“Who said it was me who was doing the following,” he teases while you open your mouth in fake offense,
“Kim Namjoon, yes you were!” Your smile hasn’t been so genuine other than when your brother returned home and reaching forward to playfully smack Namjoon’s arm, he promenades around you while he dodges your every move. The view to outsiders looking in would appear to be a happy couple especially with the way you chase after him, with the contrived promise of embracing him, when really you plan on tackling him for following you for however long he did.
The teasing soon leads to the pair of you agreeing to drinks and dinner- planning to catch up over the four years lost between your friendship.
“So,” your voice is chirpy after taking a long sip of your beer, the waitress settles the entrees in front of you and Namjoon, your elbows resting on either side of the plate while you peer at him over your folded hands. Seeing his face brings a spindle of turning memories- laughter with him and Monnie alongside you, getting into mischievous spouts, causing both pairs of parents in continuous bouts of worry- and the way his brown hair is neatly styled to the way his brown eyes study your every move, you are thankful for his presence, along with your brother’s, being returned to you, “Meet anyone you’ve taken a liking, to?” Namjoon’s only five years younger than you, but with the pressure of marriage being a thought- you’re uncertain if he’s tied the knot- or, more so, your question is directed to if he’s fallen for an American girl, something you’re curious to know about your friend.
A breathy laugh escapes him while he sips his drink, grabbing his fork to play with a vegetable on his plate, “Unfortunately, you’ve remained at the top of my list,” reaching for his drink, he lifts it toward you while you mimic his gesture, clinking them together while you shake your head at him,
“That mouth of yours is going to get you in a lot of trouble, you know that?”
“Can’t remember a time it hasn’t,” he takes a bite of his pasta while you conjure up another question,
“Are you ever planning on going back? To America?” Honestly, you’re afraid of the answer, because if he says yes, then that could mean Seokjin will be following suit.
“Actually,” Namjoon carefully places his fork back on the napkin beside his plate, running the back of his hand at the corner of his mouth, “I hope to live there one day. But that’s only for when Korea gets too small for me,”
“Does Monnie know?” Crossing your arms, your appetite is suddenly lost, for the time being, the subject of anyone else disappearing from your life for a while making you feel a small wave of nausea. Namjoon’s eyes flicker to his plate before returning to your gaze which gives you an answer without any words, “You know she cares a lot for you. She’s been talking non-stop about your arrival since you left.”
“I know,” his voice trails, while he clenches his jaw, “I almost didn’t tell her Seokjin and I were coming back,”
“What? Why?”
“I just didn’t want her to worry,” his long fingers grip the handle of his mug while he swirls the contents within it, “She’s already busy enough with work, and my coworkers I’ve returned to have done enough for me, and I don’t want her to feel like she needs to contribute anything,”
“That’s her choice to make you know. You’re her brother,”
“And I care for her a lot, too. Hence, why I refuse to stress her out regardless of my arrival,”
He’s always had this aura about him that you’ve admired since knowing him. The way he refuses to let his burdens be known to the people he loves- he doesn’t want to put anyone through the trouble that he feels they shouldn’t go through. He’s so young with so much to learn, but yet, he is the one that you look up to the most, physically and figuratively, “You’re a good man, Kim Namjoon,” you coo, “Since when did you grow up so fast?”
Tilting his head, he leans forward with a taunting smirk, “And since when did you start getting gray hair?”
Gasping, you grasp a bundle of hair between your fingers while your eyes widen at him, “You take that back!” You threaten, “Are you asking for me to dig your grave?” The laughter that builds between you two is much-needed medicine that you’ve been longing for, and as the playful banter simmers, he takes a bite of his food, dapping the napkin onto his lips before speaking,
“How about you, by the way? Is there a man whose ass I need to kick?”
Squinting at him, you carefully chew your food, “Plenty.”
Offering to pay the bill, he objects, you mentioning how his sister may be upset if she were to hear that, but you make it clear that you will treat him to a meal the next time you two are to hang out. The night falls quickly, the city lights distracting visions of the stars, yet Namjoon leads you to the direction of your home, making jokes on how you never seem to break rules- or, at least, ever since you’ve gotten “old.”
When the city continues to disappear behind both of you, his large hand gently grabs yours, “Follow me,”
“Hm, what? Where?”
“Must you always question everything? Now, come on,”
Muttering under your breath, you squeeze his hand in a way to show your trust, him spreading a wired fence while you squeeze through the opening, him turning to tangle the brush along the fence as if nothing has been disturbed. “Now, can you tell me where the hell we are?”
“Behind the library. Beyond that, passing the bus station is your home,”
“How-?” You can’t help the surprise, especially when your voice carries just enough to interrupt a couple lip-locked in the distance. You’re nearly floored when you recognize the coworker being LenLen while the male, she’s clinging to happens to have strands of blonde hair revealing the face of Min Yoongi. “Holy shit,” you whisper, though it’s dark enough for the couple to not be able to see who has disrupted their peace. They jog away from the scene, while Namjoon chuckles, you wondering how long this has been going on without the corporate’s knowledge, “How did you know about this shortcut?” You change the subject, gulping at the lump in your throat.
“Do you really want me to answer that,”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you glare a suspicious look, “Oh?”
“Other than sneaking kisses to impress the ladies, I also taught Seokjin how to smoke cigarettes in high school,”
“Nam. Joon! You rascal!” You gape in surprise, “I’m telling Mom,”
“Aren’t you too old to tattle?”
“Oh, you smart ass-” He dodges your raising hand as you chase him down, “Come here you brute! Wait till I get my hands on you!” His joke brings you back to the exposed couple from earlier, which then gives you a steady reason on why you should keep your mouth shut- if anything, you are too old to dabble in drama- and if LenLen has finally found a lover who potentially will be her forever- then you will leave it as is, despite it being a work violation of dating someone within the workplace. When the jog slows to a steady pace, your home welcoming your sight, Namjoon speaks,
“Not sure if we ever get lunch breaks at the same time, but if so, you may need to remind me of all the restaurants around here,”
“Is that so?”
“Unless you want to avoid your promise on treating me,”
“How did you know?”
Eyes locking, chuckles reverberate into the breeze while he shakes his head at you, “I’m just kidding,” you finally say once you regain your senses, “Of course, I’d love to. Just text me every day when you start your lunch break. If there’s a time I happen to be heading to lunch too, then we will meet up. Sound like a plan?”
“Sounds like a plan,” he nods, watching you sprint to type in the security code, you whirling around to wave goodbye while he returns the same gesture.
It’s crazy how beautiful you were before he left for America, and how you’ve remained with the same beauty inside and out as if he never truly left. Other than his family, your face never left his mind the moment he stepped off the plane- some may say it’s because your brother sat right beside him on the plane ride home – but, that’s not exactly the only reason.
Entering your room, your mother bombards you repeatedly with the same conversation on why you reek of alcohol, and why Jimin would let you take it too far. Openly admitting, you happened to be with someone else, your mother continues to pester on how you and Jimin need to find a compromise in order for marriage; how his family are known for their efficacious jobs, how they’re made of money, and that you would be a fool not to marry into his family. Making the excuse that you’re tired and ready for bed, she mumbles that you’re always tired, before departing your room.
Work comes with the presence of Taehyung telling everyone to go to lunch with him, all your female coworkers throwing excuses from left to right about how they can’t make it; which he demands you to join, your coworker Shai promising to tag along, so you won’t feel so alone.
Namjoon: 11:49am- Starting lunch, want to join?
Though you wish you could say yes, you avoid the text message. Following your coworkers into an elevator, surprised to discover Namjoon standing in the corner, realizing his job happens to be within the same corporation but deals with different topics. It’s awkward when your coworkers ask what food you’d like, which you say you’re not particularly picky, Namjoon shooting you a text in a tease of how your taste has even aged. You retort with a text saying to ‘Shut your yapper.’
A few days pass when you’re scheduled to visit another bakery within the city where Monnie sends you screenshots of Jimin’s Facebook page exposing that he has found another girlfriend- one he’s apparently been spoiling before his supposed trip to start a new life in Seoul. The pain seers through every inch of your chest, and it’s hard to recollect yourself enough to return to your job- admitting to yourself you probably missed spots that needed to be cleaned, yet the only tornado jumbling your thoughts are the haunting ones involving Jimin’s face- and the feelings of love you once had for him, vanishing in the blink of an eye.
“According to one of the captions, she’s moving with him,” Monica exhales, “Because dating someone for a week means you should follow them all across Korea. Honestly, [Y/N], I bet this is all a show he’s putting on, or maybe he really has been cheating-”
It doesn’t take long until a recent post is made with the location of their current date- sneaking into the parking lot, you hastily find the valet, asking for the number matching the parking spot where Jimin’s flashy car glistens beneath the starry sky. You’re uncertain of this feeling you hold, but with the anger bubbling within your pounding heart, you know you can’t let this go. The way this girl on his page praises his every move, you even noticing how young she appears, and the lingering fact of him taking her to places you’d always begged him to take you. Nor the pictures he’s flaunting of her that he never once did when he was with you, nearly brings you into a stream of unwanted tears. With all you are, you know it’s not fair. And for that, he needs to pay.
The valet hands you the keys while you ploy your happiest smile. Stepping into Jimin’s car, you pull out the gooiest lip gloss you never use, planting it beneath the passenger side along with the tearing of black pantie hose you purchased from a convenience store on your way here; even laying out a semi-tattered bra you’ve been meaning to throw away, but instead relics beneath the back seat of Jimin’s car. Returning the keys to the valet, you thank them before hiding into the brush a distance away from Jimin’s car where you watch the whole scene play out before you. Watching the girl stampede away while confusion is etched in Jimin’s staggered expression, as his mouth remains agape, doesn’t leave you with the satisfaction you hoped to gain. Instead, you find yourself sitting across from your best friend, gulping down an alcoholic beverage, her moving the glass beside her when she sees the way your eyelids flutter.
“Shouldn’t you be rejoicing?” She questions, your chest feeling emptier than it had before you gained your buzz, “You got your revenge for goodness sakes!”
“Oomf,” you plop your head into your palms before rubbing them slowly along your face, “It’s not that. I mean, Jimin got what he deserved, but that’s not the reason I feel like shit,”
“Okay?” Mo shrugs, “Then, what is it? I know I’ve pestered about your needing of higher standards of men, but really, [Y/N], you deserve so much more than a player like that,”
“I just,” you lazily sigh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “I really thought I knew what love was, you know?” You pause, “With Jimin, the way we met, and the way we clicked at first… I guess I just don’t understand where it all went wrong. Or, what made us fall apart… Maybe, we were never in love after all,”
“Let me ask you this,” your best friend leans forward, playing with a loose string from her sleeve, she tilts her head while she investigates your hazy stance, “What is true love?”
The question isn’t one to shock you; it’s one to make you think, really looking into the depths of your memories to a person you may have experienced love with, and as your eyes flicker upon her face, the answer becomes quite clear, especially when you lean back, the realization bringing the truth you never thought you’d find, “I… I-I don’t know,”
“Exactly,” Monnie points a quick index finger in your direction.
“I’ve never been in love,” you murmur, trying to make sense of this, and wishing you would have realized it sooner.
“If you were in love with Jimin, you would have left Busan behind in a heartbeat. And, if Jimin really had been in love with you, he would have settled for a distant relationship until you made your choice. So why couldn’t either of you find a compromise?”
“Because… we didn’t want to,”
“Because neither of you wanted to,” Monnie smiles deviously before sliding your glass back to your hand that curls around it instinctively, “Now, drink up,” she says, refilling your glass to the brim. Light giggling sounds for the next hour until Namjoon walks in with the intent of checking on his sister. It’s a surprise when he sees you occupying the seat across from her, and as he teases lightly at why Monnie let you get so wasted, she then asks him to give you a ride home.
His heart flutters at the thought of once again getting to spend time with you but he refuses to show it in the slightest; hugging onto Monnie tightly, you drunkenly plant numerous kisses upon her cheeks while she ushers you into the passenger side of Namjoon’s car- you uttering slurred words of songs you hope to karaoke to whenever you see your best friend again- her punching Namjoon’s shoulder for making a joke on who’s going to pay him for being your chauffeur which then prompts him to joke on how violent the two of you are.
Silence becomes too overwhelming while Namjoon keeps his focus on the road, yet all you can think about is how the alcohol hasn’t done its job in letting you forget about your breakup with Jimin. When tears stain your cheeks, Namjoon pulls over, leaving the car until your tears dry- not wanting you to feel embarrassed for crying in his company. Though he wishes nothing more than to hold you in his arms, he knows he can’t.
Your whines to why he stopped the car are what brings him back to the driver’s side, you falling asleep the rest of the way home while he lovingly stares at the peace on your slumbering face. The way your mouth hangs open, cuddled into the corner of the window, he can’t help how cute you look, pulling out his phone to snag a quick picture.
Forgetting his ringer happens to still be on, the sound of the camera jolts you awake, you groggily wiping at your mouth while glaring a hole through his head, “Did you just?”
“No,” Namjoon nearly drops his phone from being caught in the act, sliding lower into his seat as if to hide from you. Sitting up slowly, your eyes dazed from still overcoming your nap, you peer at him shadily,
“Yes, I did, I saw it,”
“Then, why did you ask?”
“I- Hand it over,” palm up, you reach over with the operation to delete the picture, chagrin flooding your features humorously of the thought of him using it against you by posting it on social media for all your mutuals to see.
Jumping out of the car, he can’t help but laugh at your tiny frame, yet again, chasing him down while he holds the phone high above his head. There’s no hope- you can’t reach it- but that doesn’t stop you from trying, “Namjoon, you better delete it, or-”
“Or what? If only you could reach it, then I’d let you win,”
“Oh,” you groan, pressing your forehead into his chest from the exhaustion of the exercise you didn’t plan on doing, “You do realize you are disparaging your elder, correct? My bones feel cracked now thanks to you, Legs,”
He can’t help the way he smiles at you, so wide, that he nearly catches himself, hoping that you will not notice the longing he has to tilt your chin up and plant a sweet kiss to your rosy lips. The rest of the walk to your home continues in spirited bickering- him refusing to delete the picture of you until you accept the fate- igniting the promise you will get him back eventually.
It’s hard for you to look away from him once you type in your security code- the strange jitters you have in your heart at the thought of parting from him- the feeling of missing him, though you know you will see him again. He smiles at you with the same dimpled grin he always gives when looking at you- waving goodbye, you trying to decipher these feelings you’ve never felt before.
The persistent thoughts soon leave, especially when greeted at work with the panic of finding out the contract has yet to be approved for the Jeons and the Jungs to open the new bakery together.
“I thought Taehyung said it would be taken care of?” Your eyes are frantic while you search LenLen’s- her hand running through her hair to then pressing her fingertips to her lips.
“He handed me the documents to give to Yoongi to sign for the approval. I don’t- I don’t understand how it wouldn’t have gotten signed- I highlighted the words for an immediate agreement.”
The tension you bury from the knowledge of LenLen and Yoongi’s relationship makes you think he would have gotten the papers considering it was a love interest who delivered them to him. Shaking your head, you briskly walk to his office, him immediately standing to his feet- numerous folders holding documents crowd his desk, “Hello, Mr. Min, I gather you’re doing well?”
His brown eyes seem alarmed, his shoulders tensing in your presence from the way you hold your stance, “Why, yes, yes I am,”
“And I’m assuming you know why I’m here?”
“Word- word gets around,”
“Mhm, I see,” you nod, though you refuse to cower, “So, did you or did you not receive a document regarding the franchise of the Jeons and the Jungs?”
When an ‘oh’ falls on his lips, his eyes enlarge in confusion which you can’t help, but furrow your eyebrows at the sudden shift in his expression, “Mr. Min?”
“I thought- I thought you were referring to the coffee stain in the break room,”
You wish you could feel a hint of laughter upon this misunderstanding, but instead, you clear your throat while you wave away the reply, “No, Mr. Min, I am addressing the documents of approval in order for the Jeons and the Jungs to be able to open up the new bakery on the other side of town. Now, it has come to my attention that LenLen brought you the documents to sign?”
“Not-not to my knowledge,” he stammers, scratching at the back of his neck while sweat beads form along his forehead. In the end, the discussion results in Taehyung’s office, him harshly accusing the ordeal to be your fault, though you callously want to reveal LenLen and Yoongi’s affair being you have a theory as to why he wasn’t aware of the document. Yet, you can’t bring yourself to do it. Ultimately, you hope everything will get taken care of with the promise that it won’t happen again, LenLen texting you an apology for not double checking on whether Yoongi received the papers or not.
When faced with Seokjin, who continues to ask you for updates, just to be let down again- you can’t help the frustration building to the point you want to explode. It’s when the next day comes, and lunch break finally rolls around, that there’s only one person you want to see. Sending a quick text, Namjoon meets you at a local restaurant, one he happens to pick out, the sight of him bringing a breath of fresh air you desperately needed.
Just a dull, thin sweatshirt and jeans, yet he shines more than anyone else bustling on the streets. When the waitress seats both of you- each ordering- Namjoon makes a joke on if you’d want wine, of course, you wanting to object since you are working today, yet he teases the thought of you needing to break a rule already.
“You are just out to get me, aren’t you?” You say between slurps of your noodles.
“The day that I’m not is the day you should be worried,” he counters with a side grin poised upon his thick lips. Sitting back, he moves his sleeves to rest mid-arm while he continues to watch you.
“Worried? I think I’d throw a party,”
“What?” He gapes, “A party without the main attraction?” He jabs a thumb at himself, “We will see how many will even show up,”
“Must you always have the last word?”
You’re grateful he was able to join you for lunch, especially when he listens to your vague rant on the stress your job holds, walking with you to the elevator of your work building before the two of you part ways. When night comes, you clocking out to head to the bus station, you make your way out into the warm breeze, when the figure of a familiar face nearly knocks you off your feet, yet you stand firm, swallowing the lump in your throat until his steps halt before you.
“[Y/N],” Jimin’s eyes hold worry while he stares into your hardened gaze.
“Jimin,” you grit your teeth, biting back the foul words wanting to tumble off your tongue. You’re not surprised when he asks why you haven’t returned his calls, because, with every message he sends, you delete it, refusing to let him get to you. “What are you doing here?”
“Can we- can we go somewhere with fewer people?” He pleads which you directly decline. Initiating an argument, both of you are unaware of the gathering audience, standing behind the glass doors, watching the flustered pair of you whispering frustrations that sail off with the wind. LenLen and Shai happens to be two witnesses, joining them Namjoon, whose heart nearly breaks from the man, he can tell, will not leave your side unless you comply.
The rage is unsettling, especially with the way he sees you trying to break free from the man’s grip- prompting Namjoon to come to your rescue, wrapping his arm around you to free you from Jimin’s relentless remarks.
“What- what are you doing?” You whisper in surprise, swiping your hair from your vision while your widened eyes sweep along Namjoon’s unreadable face.
“I’m your boyfriend, okay? Act natural,”
You can hardly process what he’s trying to do, especially when Jimin becomes an object in the path causing you and Namjoon to pause in place.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jimin gestures a stiff digit toward Namjoon, whose jaw clenches in return, “Who is this?”
“I- uh- I- yes, I-” You stutter, uncertain on if you even heard Namjoon right to begin with. Did he just call himself your boyfriend? And, how come that sounds like such wonderful music to your ears?
“Pretty sure that’s my question to ask,”
Jimin’s taken aback, waving off Namjoon’s statement as if it’s useless, “I’m [Y/N]’s boyfriend, so, therefore, it’s my right to ask, you bastard,”
“Mm, is that so?” The tension is smothering especially when Namjoon takes a small step forward, his arm guarding you while he holds an angered glance- not breaking eye contact with Jimin whose shoulders slump with the slightest fear he doesn’t want to show. “If I were you, I would fuck off,”
“Excuse me? What the hell did you just say?”
“I said to fuck. Off,” Namjoon’s voice is thick with vile, your hand tightening around his wrist while you gulp over the pounding of your heart.
“Who are you telling to-”
“Unless you want to be reported to the cops for harassment, I would advise you to walk away,” it doesn’t take but a millisecond for Namjoon to slip out his phone, immediately calling his sister, unbeknownst to you and Jimin, Monnie’s voice in a panic when Namjoon continues talking over her as if he is speaking to the authorities. Jimin, reluctantly, scampers off- Namjoon repudiating to leave your side when you lower your glance, gradually walking in the direction of your home.
“Hey…” His voice is soft after a few minutes of silence- you’re so lost in your thoughts, it’s hard to distinguish the fog wanting to encompass your mind. When you don’t hear him at first, he merely pauses, placing his fingers underneath your chin in a manner to get you to face him. Meeting his eyes, there’s a concern there that you’ve never seen a man hold for you, and it takes you a second to fully understand it. “Talk to me,” he murmurs- his frame so close to colliding with yours in a warm embrace, you nearly give in.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, trying to look away, but Namjoon tilts his head until your eyes meet again,
“Why are you sorry, [Y/N]? There is not a thing you have done wrong here,”
You sigh in exhaustion, wishing nothing more than to slip underneath your covers where you long for Namjoon to hold you, though you continuously deny it.
“[Y/N],” the way he says your name in such an eloquent whisper brings you to hushed tears, “I don’t think you realize how lucky you are. You could have married the man for the rest of your life, but you didn’t,”
Never thinking of it in that way, relief floods your senses when Namjoon reminds you that indeed, you are lucky, “Maybe, I shouldn’t have such bad taste in men,” you mutter, him chuckling at you before ghosting his fingers from your chin, giving you space enough to back away.
“Monnie and I have been saying the same exact thing for years, it’s about time you join our side,”
You nudge his arm with your knuckles while you glimpse at him with a hearty smirk, “Why do you make everything so much better?”
“Because I’m the best,”
His gloating is typical Namjoon- humorous, yet charming- causing contagious laughter the rest of the walk, leaving your heart with the subtle longing even when his presence leaves to return to his own home- you wishing nothing more than to follow him instead. Because for once, after years and years of knowing him, you ponder: he always finds a way to make your world brighter, even if he is nearly falling apart- it’s you who in return molds the halves of his heart together- signifying that there is something special – something that flickers the hope that maybe you do have feelings for him you have yet to admit.
It’s the meeting your work holds that ends with Shai timidly glimpsing at you here and there; your shoulders tensing especially with the rumored whispers of theories as to what was witnessed from the previous night with Jimin. Scattering bodies heading in different directions to their office leaves a lingering Shai behind in your presence, still feeling her stare while you compile your things to carry,
“Shai, I appreciate the recognition of the makeup I actually put on today, but is there a reason why you’re acting strange?”
Caught off guard, her mouth becomes agape, her cheeks reddening while she keeps her eyes panning the table, “I just have a question, um, so you know the man from last night?”
“Yeah?” You drag out the word slowly, shoulders rigid as you’re uncertain as to which man she could be referring to.
“Not-not your ex, but-but the tall one,”
Nodding, you bite the corner of your lip, urging her to continue whatever point she’s trying to make,
“Are you interested in him?”
The question hasn’t been asked of you, though you’ve realized you have spent a lot of time with Namjoon ever since his return from America. Why you feel so cornered, you can’t quite pinpoint? Because is it wrong to say no when in fact, it’s possible?
“Well, if not, it’s okay for me to, you know, ask him out, right?” She proceeds to ask if he’s single- waiting for your confirmation as if that’s information you would happen to know. She offers to help carry your things to your office once you answer her question with a terse nod- giving her permission to talk to Namjoon, though it’s not really your place.
As if the day couldn’t get any ‘worse’, or in a better term, ‘annoying’, Taehyung invites the staff to another luncheon, this time involving alcoholic beverages, him getting tipsy enough to subtly make a rude joke toward you. Though you’ve grown used to him over the years, you’ve learned how to tolerate him despite the gossip from the women of the workplace who deem you his favorite due to the fact you handle his demises. After the gathering ends, he proceeds to invite everyone to a karaoke bar not far away- all the women making excuses, in which you make mention you have a lot of work to finish.
“It’s not like you have a man waiting on you at home, come on, let’s go,” he counters- Shai standing beside him helpless while she watches your expression harden in offense.
“I’m pretty sure I never refused to go even when I was in a relationship,” you retort, rendering him speechless, leading him to shove his hands in his pockets out of discomfort. Prancing away with your head held high, you stop to purchase a few of your favorite beers before entering the work building. Stunned the moment you recognize the slim legs of Namjoon who you figure has gotten out of work late.
“Namjoon? It’s late, what are you still doing here?” The happiness exuberating from your smile flickers a hope you can’t bring yourself to ignore.
“Boss had me doing a few extra things, but what are you doing back at the office? Isn’t today your half day?”
“Ah,” you shake your head, “I know, but I still have a few notes I must finish. Also, times I need to schedule to evaluate more bakeries… Are you doing anything later?” Wanting to be in his company is the first thing on your mind, yet your face falls in disappointment when he mentions he has plans.
“Yeah, actually I’m going to the club tonight. Seokjin called asking if I’d like to go with him and Hoseok,”
Curse you, Seokjin, you cringe mentally, but you put on your best smile in an effort to hide the pathetic hope you can’t believe you’re feeling.
“Oh, I see, planning to pick up a few ladies?” You say the word as if it’s a song, though you want to regurgitate at even saying out loud. Shrugging his shoulders, a grin tugs at the corner of his mouth,
“I have plenty of those, so no,”
In your mind, you know it’s just a light-hearted joke, so why does it hurt to think of him with another woman? Fresh out of a relationship, and yet, you’re upset about a childhood friend wanting to mingle with women with the possibility of finding the one, he will marry. When his phone begins to ring, he gives you an apologetic glance which you return with a nod of understanding, Parting ways, he stares after you while you power walk to the elevator, him unaware of your eyes turning to stare at his back while he heads out of the building.
When in the realm of safety, called your office, you switch on music from your favorite KPOP band letting the music flow through the room. A buzz forms after you gulp the first beer, swaying your body with the music. Namjoon, can’t bring himself to leave, and last minute, he texts your brother and Hoseok, canceling for the evening, not revealing the reason out loud that his heart wants to be planted right next to yours.
The elevator seems to be against him, especially with how slow it rises to your floor, him exiting the moment the doors open. Rounding a corner, his eyes scan the glass windows until he sees your silhouette- twirling around the room, flipping your hair from side to side, completely lost in your own little world- oblivious to the now smiling Namjoon whose heart dances with joy overcoming his countenance at seeing you frolic among the room.  
There’s the woman he’s fallen so deeply in love with, and there’s the woman, he one-day hopes, he will hold in his arms for the rest of his life. Besides, one would find it blatantly obvious, as an outsider looking in, especially with the shiny smile plastered upon Namjoon’s face that he is irrevocably entranced by the soul, being you, dancing from side to side unaware to his presence outside your office walls. There is no one like you- there has never been anyone like you in his eyes- someone who he’s secretly admired from afar for all these years but remains to bury his feelings for the fear of what you would say. What your family would say. What his sister would say.
While you continue sashaying to the rhythm of the song echoing in your office, Namjoon disappears out of sight from the glass windows to dial your number. When the screen lights up with his name, you have the inkling to answer, but deciding to ignore it, you whirl around to sway your hips to the beat wondering why he would be calling with the supposed plans he has with your brother. It doesn’t take but a second before you hear a voice overpower the pounding music,
“Why aren’t you taking my call?”
Your heart, as if on cue, thrums whilst a look of shock overwhelms your expression, prompting you to hide at first in embarrassment before rising gradually to face Namjoon who is stifling a laugh while waving slowly to greet you.
“Kim Namjoon! What the hell are you doing here?” You simulate as though you’re annoyed, but the joy of his arrival isn’t something you necessarily want to admit, for you too, have the uncertainty on how to explain the way he’s stirring such feelings you’ve never considered before. With his sly smile, he repeats the question that interrupted your distraction from “work”, but you won’t let him win this argument that easily, “Excuse me, sir, I was working until you decided to intrude on my vibe,”
“Vibe? Is that what the cool kids are saying these days?”
The offensive gape you glare amuses him that you can’t help but boop his smirk with your fingertips- chasing him down with the threat of catching him, yet he zigs zags through your office effortlessly without even an ounce of exhaustion. When the unexpected arrival of a drunken Shai echoes within the hallways, the panic that overwhelms you is enough to shove Namjoon to hide behind one of the bookcases aligning the wall far enough to where Shai may not notice. Namjoon, who is unaware of Shai’s attraction to him, you suppress the thought while you usher her to take a seat, swiping her hair out of her face while tears stream down her cheeks,
“Shai? What’s going on?” When you remember Taehyung, along with Min Yoongi, and other coworkers had an alcoholic planned evening, your heart pangs with guilt for leaving Shai alone. She silences the moment she recognizes the knowledge behind your almond eyes, “It’s Taehyung, isn’t it?”
She nods quickly, keeping her head lowered, fiddling her fingers while her hazy eyes sweep along her tense lap, “He wouldn’t stop talking about my sister and how she broke his heart,”
“Damnit,” you whisper, knowing very well Namjoon is uninformed of the mean words Taehyung flaunts toward you every now and then due to his personal pent up anger. Though you decided not to attend the event tonight, you highly regret having Shai fend for herself. “Shai, I’m so sorry,”
“It’s not like anyone will stand up to him. He literally insults you about your break up with Jimin all the time, yet you let him,” you know she’s intoxicated, especially with the way her words slur, but despite her state of mind, you know what she’s saying is right. Namjoon’s chest fumes with anger at what he’s hearing- wishing nothing more than to approach your boss with the sheer intention of slamming his knuckles into his face; but, for the sake of your job, he knows you may be angry with him if he were to jeopardize that. “And,” Shai presses her fingers to her forehead, “LenLen apparently couldn’t come pick me up because she had some business to attend to. I asked Yoongi about it, but he was no use,”
“Yoongi?” From the way Shai talks, it seems as if she is aware about the relationship you accidentally stumbled upon. When she slowly meets your gaze, her eyes scream that she may have said too much, but you politely urge her to continue, “Yoongi would know about LenLen’s whereabouts?”
“Shit,” Shai sighs, “I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone,”
“Anyone what?”
It’s a strange way that she changes the subject, bringing up Jimin which you are not happy about, leading you to stand to your feet while frantically ushering her out of your office, “I know you were in love with him,” she whines, “So why do you let Taehyung make fun of you for it when my sister dumped him-”
“Let’s be clear,” your hands squeeze her shoulders, “I was not in love with Jimin,”
The tension that had consumed Namjoon’s shoulders from the mention of your ex-boyfriend’s name eases into relief at your words. The hope he has to one day tell you how he feels finally comes into view, which he dismisses for now. Once you finally force her into a taxi, her mumbling her adoration for you-you jog with as much speed that you can gather, return to your office to unlock Namjoon from the trap you didn’t mean to set. He watches you from the window at how adorable you look running across the parking lot- all with the excitement of returning to his rescue- he can’t help himself but throw subtle teases at you for ‘taking so long’ which you reiterate with comments saying ‘well if I would have known you were going to be that way, I would have strolled with the speed of a snail.’
He walks you home as he normally does, refusing to let you be alone at night. He can’t help but bring up the conversation he overheard about the knowledge of your coworkers.
“LenLen doesn’t know that I know,” you confess, running a cold hand through your hair. You cuddle further into your trench coat, wishing the breeze would bring warmth to your aching frame. “In the end, I don’t care if they’re dating, it’s just if the company were to find out, it may not end well for either of them,”
“Yet,” Namjoon tilts his head while his eyebrows furrow, “Taehyung can harass women on multiple occasions and get away with it?”
A sigh of shame escapes past your pouting lips, shaking your head at the truth you wish wasn’t real, but it very much is, and without realizing, you inch closer to Namjoon, his arm brushing yours, bringing a coziness you’ve needed. “He hasn’t touched anyone inappropriately whatsoever; he just has a mouth he can’t control when he’s angry,”
“Still doesn’t make it right,”
“I know,” you wince knowing that not any excuse will make this situation any better.
“I can call and file a complaint. I’m pretty sure it’s anonymous,”
“No!” You gasp, lowering your voice once you realize the volume you held for that split second, “I can- I can handle this on my own,”
“If that’s the case, then how long has this been going on?”
Pausing, you don’t really want to answer because you know how protective Namjoon can be- you’ve seen it with his sister, and with how he became at the presence of Jimin- you will not be surprised if his protective instincts arise if you were to admit it. Instead, you mildly change the subject, “I just- I tolerate it okay? And this whole ordeal at work has been strange anyway. With Yoongi and LenLen dating and not completing documents that Yoongi needed to sign- to the moth infestation at JiWoo’s Café. It just- it reminds me of the time a few years ago when Jeon’s Bakery went through similar instances… Taehyung almost lost his mind to the point he nearly fired the whole staff,”
“I remember Monnie telling me about it. She said she’s never seen you so stressed out in her life,”
“Yeah,” your laugh is breathy, but in an exasperated sense while you shake your head at the memory you have tried to forget about, “the Jeons’ nearly lost their business, but I refused to let it happen.”
“Did you ever consider foul play?”
The thought hadn’t necessarily occurred to you, it’s been years since everything happened, but the survival of Jeon’s Bakery thankfully lives on. When the conversation dies, leaving minds fogged with deep thoughts is the moment you realize you’re nearing your home- Namjoon respecting the fact of not pressing the subjects any further. Freshening up for the evening, the gentle recall of his face smears your mind while you press a plush towel to dry your face; you reach for your phone almost instantly to wish him a good night. If only you could see how giddy he becomes at receiving your message, cuddling into his covers with nothing but the anticipation of getting to see you the next day.
And, if only, he could tell you that.
The following morning, he arises in preparation for work, leaving his apartment to find his sister doing the same, “What are you doing up so early, you ham?”
With a swift roll of the eyes, he waltzes to her side, joining her with the offer of dropping her off at her job, “What do you think? I’m not dressed to impress for the hell of it,”
Eyeballing him, she punches his arm while he fakes pain, Monnie knowing good and well, her punch didn’t have as much impact as it could, “Watch your tone with me, Peasant.” Stepping into his car, she buckles into the passenger side, making herself comfortable before speaking up once more, “Besides, I’m surprised you’re even capable of awakening at such an ungodly hour. Didn’t you just party the night before?”
“Is that what you think I’ve been up to? Since when has your brother been deemed a slacker?”
“Oh, are you really gonna go there?”
The bickering transitions to the mention of Namjoon hardly ever being at home, which Monnie ponders the question on why he can’t just live with her, being the two can save on rent, “Can’t you just respect my privacy?”
Suspicion crosses his sister’s sneer while she raises an eyebrow, “Privacy. Since when does one avoid his sister like the plague without a reason to claim why they need privacy?” You appear on his mind because when is there a time that you’re not on Namjoon’s mind? A tender smile tugs at the corner of his lips which Monnie observes almost immediately, “There’s a girl isn’t there?”
“Which one?”
Grasping Namjoon’s earlobe, Monnie pulls at it, causing Namjoon to panic, “I’m driving! I am driving!”
“And?” She ultimately lets go, turning to face the windshield while droplets of rain become evident on the glass, “Speaking of a girl, do you know how freaked out I was when you called me pretending to be [Y/N]’s boyfriend? I seriously thought Jimin was going to kick your ass,”
“Hmph,” Namjoon switches his hold on the steering wheel, unintentionally pressing down on the gas pedal, “I’m pretty sure that was the least of my worries,”
“Jimin has a history of self-defense classes, I wouldn’t completely dismiss it,”
‘Yeah, but he doesn’t know what I’d do if it means protecting her,’
“And while we’re on the topic,” Monnie waves a quick index finger, “if you ever bring home a snotty thot, I will suffocate you both with my bare hands,”
Namjoon shakes his head at his relentless sister though he knows she has not an idea of his undying crush on her best friend, “But… What if she’s attractive?”
“Can’t be more attractive than I,” Monnie gloats, tracing a finger to place a strand of hair behind her ear.
“What did you say? I think my ears have gone deaf,”
Monnie captures his earlobe tightly within her grip once again, Namjoon pleading sorry until she lets go, “Mhm, about to mute that mouth of yours while I’m at it,”
Another meeting takes place the second your clicking heels sound within the workplace, you retrieve your notes before taking a seat before Taehyung whose lips close in a firm line. The rest of your coworkers file in, hardly making eye contact, and with this meeting not being on the schedule, you’re anxious to know what caused such a last-minute gathering. When pictures of Jiwoo’s Café appear on the monitor above, your mouth drops while your eyes scan each picture. Water has flooded every inch of the place, ruining some of the storage from what you can tell, and though your eyebrows crease with the thought that maybe pipes have busted- you notice in the corner of the photo that the sink had been left running all night. Worry consumes you, especially with the thought of your brother and Hoseok, whom you know were out clubbing last night without a care in the world.
“It would be one thing if this situation was not preventable,” Taehyung folds his hands before him in an ill manner, “But, clearly, it was. And the food cost on top of the cost to get everything cleaned? We’re talking thousands.”
LenLen doesn’t appear as nervous as she had before which you take a mental note of. With her in charge of the store, shouldn’t she at least show some concern? Taehyung continues with his angered rant, threatening to fire someone as he always likes to do, which you choose to ignore, happy to leave once the meeting is over when LenLen and Shai invite you to join them for lunch.  The conversation about the frustration with Taehyung is vague, but you assure the two that you will get to the bottom of this when you can, though you can’t help but wonder why your brother never contacted you about the scenario. Stepping into the restaurant, you’re taken by surprise when you notice Namjoon, who is sitting across none other than Jung Hoseok, who is leaned forward, pressing Namjoon to set him up with Shai which you are unbeknownst of. When greeting the gentlemen, you decide to not ask Hoseok about the mini flooding being you’re off the clock as well as he. Namjoon and Hoseok stand to their feet, telling all three of you to take a seat. An uneasy feeling settles at the bottom of your stomach, leaving a sour taste in your mouth once you notice Shai timidly flicking glimpses in Namjoon’s direction. And, not making it to your knowledge, Hoseok kicks at Namjoon’s foot under the table with the hopes of him conniving on gaining Shai’s attention.
“So,” Namjoon prepares his noodles with the goal of consuming them, but with Hoseok playing footsies, he decides to break the tension, “Where are you from?”
Shai pauses mid-chew, scouring for a napkin to dab her face, “Are you talking to me?”
She wasn’t the only one who stopped mid-chew at Namjoon’s sudden question- your eyes peering at the overly excited girl with the denial that you’re not sure how you feel about her. LenLen remains quiet- solely concentrating on her bowl of noodles in front of her.
“I’m from the city originally, but now, I reside in Busan of course. Alone,” Cringing at what Shai is trying to hint, you barely notice Hoseok immediately jumping at her answer, though she returns the question to Namjoon, “What about you?”
“Sangdo-dong, but moved to Busan with my family at a young age,” Namjoon’s mouth is full of food at this point, but Hoseok isn’t about to give up,
“I live across town in Busan,” his dimples show with his determined grin, “Alone,”
Choking on some broth you slurped, you bury your mouth into the crook of your arm while Namjoon pats your back in a way to calm you, “You alright, [Y/N]?” Taking a moment to recuperate, you nod toward a concerned Namjoon, clearing your throat in an attempt to suppress the tickle.
It’s later that evening when you approach your brother, anxiety apparent upon his face and frame as he paces back and forth within the living room, “So, do you want to explain what happened at work last night?”
Seokjin huffs, leaning his head back while slamming his eyes shut, “[Y/N], I swear to you, Hoseok and I always do a sweep of the store before leaving. I swear to God the sink was off,”
Crossing your arms, you carefully lean against the wall, not letting Seokjin get off so easily if he’s fibbing, “Were there a lot of dishes or something?”
With wide eyes, Seokjin whips his head to stare at you incredulously, “No, we’re not a restaurant, we’re a café, meaning we serve finger foods and desserts, why the hell would we have a lot of dishes?”
“I don’t know! For all I know, the café was busy yesterday! And we’ve already discussed protocol on storing items properly, so what gives, Jin!?”
“Look, I’m just as mind blown as you are. Also, the flour was stored correctly- Hoseok just didn’t have the balls to admit that he doesn’t know how they got moved,” Seokjin’s confession does pang surprise, your hands folding across your chest while trying to make sense of it, “I actually googled if there was a horror story that happened at JiWoo’s Café because how else can I explain to corporate about the sink randomly turning on in the middle of the night?”
Your fingers press against your lips that are pursed in concentration, “Because it didn’t,” you murmur.
The ring of the doorbell jolts you and Seokjin out of your conversation, him sharing a look with you before prodding to the guest bedroom. Overall, you know corporate is going to take care of the water issue regardless, so ultimately there isn’t much to worry about, but the gnawing feeling that something just doesn’t sit right with you seems to bring your suspicions back to light.
Upon opening the door, your eyes widen in sheer incredulity at a nervous Jimin, dressed in a snug tuxedo, who’s lips are quivering with what to say.
“What the hell are you doing here!?” Teeth clenched from the anger boiling within your system, Jimin’s eyes widen with panic as he raises a hand as if to stop you.
“Please [Y/N], hear me out,”
“Hear what out? Clearly, you do not understand the process of a breakup, do you?”
“Listen, just give me a chance to take you to dinner. Let me explain myself-”
“Good night,” his hand stops the door from shutting and with the strength you know he holds, you no longer feel the need to fight; and from the desperate way his eyes flicker between yours, the seriousness behind them unwillingly convinces you to join him, “I just want to make things right, again, just-just please,” Maybe for once he will indeed explain himself; maybe even apologize for making you feel so low all because of a long distance relationship he refused to try; or, maybe he will admit to cheating on you, although you’re highly confident he had been with how fast he seemed to move on. Lost in thoughts, the sight of a familiar restaurant peeks into view, your mouth falling open while your eyes widen disbelievingly.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you mouth, turning to face Jimin who’s eyes sweep outside the car and back,
“What? Do you not like it here?”
It’s not just a restaurant you know all too well; it’s the restaurant- the one specifically raising the memory of a tattered bra, red lipstick and black stocking used to the advantage of Jimin’s second breakup, “Have you been here before?”  It’s a trick question, one Jimin does not seem to pick up on, but he’s smart enough to not answer you with his most recent event regarding this restaurant.
“Yeah, with coworkers forever ago. The food here is pretty decent, but, I-I, we can go somewhere else if you’d li-”
“It’s whatever,” Fumbling with unbuckling your seatbelt, the anger is burning hot upon your chest- you could scream, you could cry, you could pull your own hair out with how inconsiderate a man can be. Bringing an ex-girlfriend to the same restaurant he recently brought another woman- how is that okay? Evidence continues to pile, especially when the waiter greets with a ‘Welcome back’, one Jimin awkwardly dismisses.
“Forever ago, huh?” Gulping, Jimin steps ahead of you while you follow him to the numerous tables- you precisely pick out the table Jimin had sat with the last woman a week ago, you ask the waiter if that’s okay which he nods. Settling down, you fold your arms across your chest once you hang your purse on the back of your chair- Jimin scrambling to unfold the menu which covers half of his face.
“Everything sounds good tonight. I wonder what we should order,” Jimin purposely keeps his attention on the menu to avoid the daggers you’re glaring into his skull. Tilting your head, you set your jaw, tightening your already folded arms in irritation,
“Cut to the chase, Jimin. Why did you come to my house? Aren’t you leaving for Seoul soon?”
His fingers grip tighter onto the menu, his eyes peek nervously at you before wetting his lips, “Uh, can we, uh, order first?”
“Okay then,” you lean forward, clasping your fingers together, eyes refusing to leave his tense frame, “Let’s have what you’ve ordered recently,”
“I-I haven’t been here recently,” Jimin still scanning the menu- the screech of your chair surprises him to the point the menu falls from his hands, you hovering above him with a taunting sneer, “I’m going to use the restroom,” Any excuse that leads you to dial your best friend’s phone number is the ultimate excuse. The moment you hear Monnie’s voice over the line, it soothes you enough while you force a long sigh,
“Are you kidding me right now? Jimin showed up again?” The muffled sound of a car is heard over the line which you assume to be a taxi, except it’s not a taxi, it’s Namjoon, who’s ears tune in when he overhears Jimin’s name.
“You won’t even believe where we are right now,”
“What I don’t understand is why you’re even wasting your time with him. Have you ordered wine yet?”
“Water will have to do. Pour it over his head and leave!” Namjoon’s smirk is hidden in the evening, Monica’s attention remaining ahead of her where the streetlights glisten beneath the moon, it’s what she says next, that nearly shatters Namjoon’s heart to smithereens, “Wait a minute, what did you just say? You’ll see how it goes? [Y/N], whatever he has to say is bull shit. Do you plan on seeing him again?” Eventually hanging up the phone, Namjoon’s knuckles are white from the grip upon the steering wheel, Monnie rambling about the news she has just received, “Jimin showed up again, I swear he needs to let her go,”
“Does she not see what he’s trying to do? Why does she keep giving in to him?” Jutting his jaw, his eyebrows furrow, his concentration on the road becoming hard with the irritation he withholds.
“Well, it’s not like she can help it. The asshole keeps showing up without her permission,”
“She just needs to learn to stand up for herself. She just lets men walk all over her like it’s nothing,”
“Calm down, Joon, I’m sure she’s not going to give him another chance,”
“Yeah, sure,”
Confused, she turns to face her brother, wondering why he’s getting so worked up over her best friend- though she wants to ask out loud, she decides against it, more worried about their safety with him driving more than anything.
Pained silence still has a hold at the dinner table, the waiter placing you and Jimin’s meals before each of you, yet your stiff digits can’t even fold suitably around the fork. Instead, you observe Jimin, who clears his throat before taking a sip of his wine- him mirroring the same rigidity. Shaking your head slowly, his shoulders slump, because he knows it’s now or never- and he knows the only reason you’re here is because of the promise of him explaining himself. When a few more minutes pass, the quiet is filled with a clinging fork against his plate before dropping it onto the napkin.
“I turned down the promotion. I’m not leaving Busan,”
“What!?” Gasping, that is the last thing you want to hear, in fact, you stand to your feet, shuffling for Jimin’s phone, “What do you mean you turned them down!? Call them back! Tell them you’re just kidding!”
“[Y/N], I can’t do that right now, they’re closed! Don’t you want to work things out? I thought this would be the best! For me, and for you!”
“Work things out?” Still handing his phone towards him, he stares up at you in apparent shock which shows he did not expect your reaction to be like this, “How come me not leaving Busan was such a sin when we were together? And working things out? You want to work things out in the same place you brought another woman?” Realization dawns his entire expression, his eyes glued to the table while his thick lips poise in surprise before his eyes trail to lock with yours- he’s speechless because he knows he’s been caught, and you’re not done with what you’ve kept buried within your heart, “Oh, what, you gonna press charges against me? Cause if so, I can do more to add to them,” your fingers curl around the shaft of the wine bottle, Jimin throwing his hands up in defense,
Fingers slipping to return to your side, you attempt to calm yourself for a moment, realizing maybe assault is not such a good idea, “Originally,” you sigh, “I wanted us to be civil. But you’re so deceitful. And,” you throw your purse over your shoulder, “I would take my advice and call your job back. Seoul has plenty of women for you to fish for,”
Stomping out of the restaurant, you’re taken aback when a strong hand whips you around- Jimin’s frantic, yet you stare at him- air escaping your agape mouth into the icy weather.
“It’s not entirely my fault!” His voice raises,
“Excuse me!?”
“Who was that guy you were with the other day?”
“Wow,” you look away, wishing with all your heart Namjoon was by your side, but that’s not something you will reveal, especially not in front of Jimin.
“See!? I’m not the only one who cheated! You were seeing someone else too! Can’t we just say we both are at fault and move past it? Why are you making me the bad guy!?”
“You know what?” You murmur- gathering your bearings, swallowing the lump in your throat while you cuddle more into your coat. He just admitted he cheated on you- something he’s lied about countless times before, and at this point, you’ve been given enough proof. You can’t do this anymore, and the truth is you don’t want to- he’s done enough, and you’ve had enough, “Jimin, it isn’t your fault. It’s mine,”
When his expression softens, he inches forward, but stops abruptly the moment you finish your statement,
“I’m the one to blame for dating you in the first place.”
Crying isn’t something you typically do, not in this case, and the march home seemed much longer than usual. Tossing and turning all night, you force yourself to get ready for work, going through the same routine of taking the bus, heels clicking into the work building to see Hoseok, coffee in hand, conversating with Namjoon along with a smiling Shai while they’re waiting for the elevator to be available. Hoseok must have picked up a temporary job for the time being until his parents’ café is back in business; and, little do you know, Namjoon’s heart still weighs heavy at the knowledge of you being with Jimin last night. He can’t stop himself, continuing to ask Shai questions upon where she resides, her mentioning a pizza place to which they should visit sometime.
Jealousy rears its ugly head when you grimace at Shai asking for Namjoon’s number, Hoseok immediately grabbing her phone to put his first before handing it to Namjoon. Your eyes remain focused on your cellular device the entire time to the point you almost miss Namjoon’s invite to come with them. He’s visibly hurt when you retort that you didn’t hear him, sauntering off the elevator with Shai trailing behind you. Taehyung isn’t in a good mood which you’ve expected, and he sends everyone on a wild goose chase about another bakery that apparently hasn’t been open for a few days, except he asks for LenLen and Yoongi to stay behind- something that catches you off guard. Shoving the questions subconsciously, you and Shai squeeze into one of the vans when the ring of her phone causes your ears to perk up.
Why are you so angry when you hear Namjoon’s name slip off Shai’s lips? And why do you feel so territorial when it comes to him? Shai cancels plans with him from what you’re gathering, apologizing to him repeatedly. If only you were aware of Hoseok’s ear is pressed to the back of Namjoon’s phone- fussing at him to tell Shai that the two have time this evening to accompany her- Namjoon shrugging off Hoseok’s desperation, wishing he could just be with you instead.
“What happened to the approval that was supposed to be signed?” Taehyung’s eyes steadily observe the employees before him- shoulders tensing while LenLen carefully chews her spoonful of rice. Yoongi raises his head slowly, turning to her with nervous eyes.
“They didn’t make it to Yoongi’s desk,” LenLen’s curt smile could fool anyone, yet she remains unphased, “I’m sorry, Mr. Kim.”
“Is there a reason why they didn’t make it to his desk?”
Yoongi’s heart thuds, wondering if Taehyung is suspicious upon his relationship with LenLen. Never in his life has he been so enchanted by a woman as much as he has her- and, he remembers, despite the confusion, of her saying not to worry about the papers- setting them aside before she distracted him with devious kisses. How he forgot about the documents is something he will take with him to his grave, yet he could have sworn they remained on his desk even after she left his office.
“I must have misplaced them,” LenLen’s voice lowers, digging another spoonful of her meal to distract herself from the way Taehyung’s eyes sweep her fidgety fingers.  
Exhaustion seeps through every bit of your limbs- offering to take the van back to work while your coworkers bid you a good night. The moment you park, you’ve fought to keep your eyelids open the entirety of the drive, slumping into your seat before slumber takes over. Namjoon has worked yet another late shift, ambling to his car to notice someone sleeping in one of the company vans. Recognizing it to be you, he watches while you’re leaned against the car door peacefully, mouth slightly ajar, and he longs for a day where he can wake up next to you- your pinned hair frilly from the touch of the pillow, while the bed covers bundle underneath your chin. Just the thought of your almond eyes fluttering to find him- corners crinkling from the smile that will fill your lips.
Waking up, you return loose strands of hair behind your ear before embarrassment knocks on your door at the discovery of Namjoon who is now giggling at your widening eyes. “Oh, no,” you moan, pressing your head onto the steering wheel, the honk of the horn causing Namjoon to lean back. Of course, his presence includes an evening out to dinner, the two of you ordering your meals- holiday lights dazzling outside the tiny restaurant.
Running his chopsticks along his food, Namjoon swallows in frustration at the memory of last night, Monnie later informing him that Jimin isn’t planning on leaving Busan. Wanting to ask you about it, he does- his tone sounding a tad bit harsh compared to what he was intending, “So, I hear that asshole isn’t leaving Busan after all,”
“That asshole?”
“Ah,” Namjoon lays his chopsticks onto the napkin next to his plate, leaning back in his chair, “Am I supposed to be respectful considering the way he treats you? Or the fact that he’s your boyfriend again,”
“What?” You murmur, though it’s hardly audible- your folded arms slipping from the table while you investigate Namjoon’s stern gape. “Is that what Monnie said? That I’m dating him again?”
“Well… No,”
“Okay, then what is the problem? I don’t understand why you just jumped to a conclusion like that,”
“Because maybe you have a hard time telling him to back off,”
“And is that any of your business?” Silence takes hold upon the tension while Namjoon lowers his head, biting the corner of his lip in culpability.
“I just heard about it all last night, okay?”
“Then that’s something you should have approached me about first before accusing that asshole of being my boyfriend,”
Namjoon finds joy in hearing you curse Jimin’s name, but he knows now that he did approach the subject inappropriately, “Hey,” his voice softens, your lips falling in a saddened frown before meeting his eyes, “I’m really sorry for upsetting you,”
Huffing quickly, you nod your forgiveness, Namjoon awkwardly taking a swig of his beer. The sound of water droplets on the rooftop of the joint prompts Namjoon to turn his head to face the window- eyes flickering around the atmosphere while you take in how handsome he is. Gentle brown eyes shiny against his tanned skin, his full lips parted with the amazement of nature outside, while the line of his jaw sends a desire that causes you to look away.
“It’s raining,” he murmurs, “You have an umbrella, right?”
Peering up at him, you shake your head leisurely, cringing when you remember that you left it at home, “It’s okay, I’ll just walk home in the rain. I’m used to it,”
“But why would you do that?”
The comment rolls off your tongue before you can stop yourself, “You upset me so much that maybe I need it to cool me off,” you take a shot of your beer, keeping your eyes peeled in a direction away from Namjoon’s jaw falling open.
“I’m sorry, okay?”
“No,” you shrug, pouring some more beer into your glass, a smile of annoyance planted on your face, “I should be apologizing for you missing your date with Shai,”
“I invited you to join. You’ll come, correct?”
“And what makes you think I should? I don’t necessarily feel like being a third wheel,”
A subtle smirk pulls at the corner of Namjoon’s lips because seeing how you’re reacting to the idea of him being with Shai ignites a hope that maybe you do have feelings for him. Something he’s been dying to gain since returning home from America, “Why would you feel like a third wheel? Maybe I wanted you to be my date,”
“Oh, don’t start with your sarcasm. I’ve seen Shai, and you’re not the only guy who goes smitten over her. I get it, she’s pretty, but is appearance all that matters to the male population!? Goodness, men are-”
“You’re prettier,” Mid-sip of your alcohol, you nearly choke, especially when the words leave Namjoon’s mouth, making your heart flutter in a way you haven’t felt in such a long time. He timidly avoids further conversation while you pat at your loose strands, him paying for the meal before the two of you step outside. A storm brewed during the dinner to the point the rain is panging heavier than when it started.
“Shit,” you whisper, dreading the idea of walking in the rain though you made mention of being used to it. Namjoon doesn’t even hesitate, telling you to remain under the awning of the restaurant while he sprints to the nearest convenient shop. You gape after him, tilting your head wondering what he has up his sleeve. The ding of the door alerts the employees of yet another presence, Namjoon’s hands scrambling along the umbrella rack- originally picking out two just to return one to the rack, a tight-lipped grin planted upon his face. Once the purchase has been made, he returns to your side- your eyes showing the confusion that he’s holding only one open umbrella, “Why just one?” You laugh, Namjoon gesturing for you to step closer while he holds the umbrella higher, “Aren’t we going to get soaked?”
Both turning in the direction of your home, it’s unexpected the way Namjoon’s expression glows, “I think I have a way to fix that problem,” his arm drapes around your waist; he pulls you much closer to his side showing a perfect way to prevent rain from drenching the pair of you. You’re astonished, but in the most glorious way, you can even imagine, his warmth smothering your chest with giddiness- rain pouring on all sides, yet the smiles upon both of your faces light the world much brighter than even the orange streetlights decorating the paths.
“Want to call a cab?” He peers down at your tiny frame- something he made a joke about earlier where you fended for yourself claiming you’re of average height. His question stirs a mild panic, because for once, the walk in the rain isn’t so bad, especially with the way Namjoon’s arm remains planted around you, your head cuddling into the side of his chest after both of your steps cease.
“No,” you tenderly reply, “I think I want to keep walking… With you,”
There’s a magic in the air that outsiders could feel even a mile away from the couple embraced underneath the crying night. Even when you make it to your doorstep, Namjoon insists on watching until you’re safely inside- him gifting you the black umbrella that you reluctantly accept, thanking him for the evening. His trip home ponders him to settle onto his bed, gazing at the picture he never deleted from when he first watched you fall asleep.
A misunderstanding does fall into place the next evening- one where Shai receives a text from Namjoon in regards of the pizza plans that happened to be missed the day before. You, being informed of it by Shai, pauses, wondering how such a great night with Namjoon could shatter your heart in just 24 hours of time. Unaware, Namjoon has made plans with your brother, bailing out last minute with Shai who is walking alongside Hoseok- expression falling in disappointment at the knowledge that Namjoon will not be attending the pizza date as she hoped.
“He’s going clubbing,” Hoseok nods swiftly, her giggling that she enjoys clubbing as well in an attempt to win Namjoon’s interest. Namjoon politely declines, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trench coat while he watches Hoseok, who came up with the plan this morning, joyfully dancing by Shai’s side while they disappear farther into the glistening city.
Heartbroken and confused, yet again, you make plans with LenLen who sees you’re not okay- the two of you enjoying your meals despite the hushed banter, “I can tell you still think about Jimin,”
“If I told you that I don’t, you wouldn’t believe me,”
“Maybe you should date around? Live a little,”
The conversation turns into LenLen giving dating advice- saying not to take men seriously- how they most likely flirt with every female in order to keep their options open- you biting your tongue about her secret she still has not an idea that you know about it. Doubting everything that has been happening with Namjoon, now the uncertainty of him having feelings for you plague your thoughts. Were you stupid to fall for another man’s tactics? But you’ve known Namjoon most of your life, and he’s never been one to cause toxicity amongst others, and you’ve always admired his maturity in situations. So, why can’t you come to terms that maybe he’s not like any other guy? But, then again… What if he is?
Namjoon bends onto the pool table while he squints his eyes at the ball, he’s planning on hitting. Seokjin waves the video games Namjoon surprised him with from America, thanking him once again while he awaits his turn.
“You know, I was going to invite you over to visit my parents with me, but apparently, Mom invited [Y/N]’s boyfriend over for dinner. And, of course, I’m aware of Hoseok ditching me for some girl my sister works with,”
Namjoon’s heart falls to his feet while he leans against the pool table, Seokjin’s focus remaining on his pool stick as he jabs it- the clacking of the balls sounding through the ringing in Namjoon’s ears. Jimin. Again?
“Boyfriend?” Namjoon tries to keep his emotions at bay to prevent any suspicion from your brother, straightening his back while his hands grip the wooden stick in frustration.
“Oh, I figured Monica may have mentioned him, but he’s some guy my mom won’t shut up about. He comes from a rich background. I could care less about the bastard, but I would never tell [Y/N] that. You know how she is about reminding us she’s our elder,”
“Yeah…” Namjoon takes his turn, head spinning from the news he’s receiving, “He comes over a lot?”
“Unfortunately,” Seokjin murmurs, “Just glad I’ve moved out with Hoseok so I don’t have to deal with any of it,”
“We can still go by there,” Namjoon says it without thinking, Seokjin nodding in agreement while they finish up their game. Why he feels the urge that you may need him he doesn’t know. Maybe if he sees Jimin in person again, he can feel some type of closure in letting you go. If Jimin is who you want, then maybe you should be with him in the long run.
Waltzing through your door after spending the evening with LenLen, your auditory senses are greeted by the familiar clinking of silverware mingled with the voices of your parents. At first, you assume that they’re talking to each other until a third voice makes an entrance, your body rigid from the rage rising within your chest. You’re relentless as you stomp to the living room- Jimin’s blonde hair glistens beneath the chandelier, while he sits at the table before your parents. He nods at you when your eyes lock, him timidly looking away when he sees the pure anger resonating from your stance. Your mother joyfully sprints to you, shoving you towards your room to change into something ‘better’ as she proclaims- spinning around dramatically to tell Jimin to continue with his meal.
When ten minutes pass, you haven’t budged from where you’re frozen before your mirror, the black umbrella Namjoon had given you just the night before leans against your desk. Your mother doesn’t even bother to knock, carefully shutting the door behind her while you immediately tilt your head up, “Why the hell is Jimin here!?” You raise your voice, her shushing you abruptly as her hands' fan in front of your face.
“First of all, I asked you to get ready! And I don’t understand why you’re being so damn selfish! Jimin is perfect for you in every way, and you should be very grateful to have found a man like him,” at some point, during your mother’s pointless banter, it all goes in one ear and out the other, and the relief of her leaving your room sends a frustrated exhale from your lips. You did all that you could when you were dating Jimin; you’ve even dressed up to the point of winning his affection in the bedroom which failed miserably as you recall the night of the breakup. And, you know what? Why not flaunt yourself like you did that night? You’ll show him. You’ll show all of them who is really missing out on who.
The smear of blood red lipstick decorates your lips while dangling pearl earrings match the lacey dress that now hugs your figure. Cleavage prominent, you swiftly straighten your hair, making the last task on your list to be a fresh pair of stockings- the intent of the article of clothing to remind Jimin of the night he was with another woman- the numerous nights he had been with other women.
Head held high, you gradually step into the living room, your father gulping at the sight of your bold choice of an outfit, while your mother gasps in disgust. Jimin doesn’t know where to look- trying to keep his gaze away from the tops of your bosoms squeezing together in the nicest bra you could find in your closet.
“Well?” You spread your arms while you sway to your side, “Is there a reason why you all seem appalled?” You gloat, “I’m sure I’ve put every woman in Busan to shame with this dress, isn’t that right Jiminie?” you’re acting obnoxiously, yet you don’t care, seductively tilting your head while you glare at the back of Jimin’s head, “Why are you sitting away from me, Honey? Look at me,” when Jimin glances at your wide-eyed parents, he cautiously turns to face you, wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, “What? Do you not like it?” You bend slightly, showing the size of your ass to remind Jimin of the nights he turned you down, muttering on how your sex life was boring due to the lingerie you refused to buy, “Should I have worn an even tighter dress? How about the stockings? Remind you of anything?”
“[Y/N]!” Your mother snaps, you straighten your frame whilst an exasperated giggle escapes your shiny smile,
“Oh, I forgot my parents were here. Oops,” you slur- your dad gesturing for you to take a seat which you do, Jimin having a hard time processing whatever you are doing. Beer is crowding the table with the many different plates of food your mother prepared, yet you turn to Jimin with a whiny request for wine.
Namjoon rests the side of his head on the window of the passenger’s side while Seokjin keeps his attention on the road, “So, have you been seeing anyone since we’ve been home?” He glimpses over to see his friend- distance in his expression which brings a concern to Seokjin.
“No,” Namjoon says after a moment.
“Okay,” Seokjin says slowly, “What about interest? Anyone, that you’re interested in?” He notices the hint of a smile on Namjoon’s face from the corner of his eyes, “Ah, there’s a smile. So, you do have an interest in someone,”
“You caught me,” Namjoon raises his hands in self-defense, “Ask away,”
“Tell me about her. What’s her name? How old is she? Is she from Busan?”
Namjoon contemplates his answers since he doesn’t want to reveal to Seokjin that it’s you, Seokjin’s sister, that Namjoon is hopelessly in love with, “She’s 28,”
“Dude,” Seokjin is shocked from the obvious tone of his voice, “That’s five years older than you, have you gone mad? That’s our sisters’ age. That’s like you dating my sister,” Namjoon glances at Seokjin while he proclaims on how creepy it is to date an older woman- Namjoon remaining silent for the rest of the drive, pain evident on his face now knowing your brother would disapprove if Namjoon’s feelings for you were to be made known.  
Chugging half of your second beer, since Jimin failed at bringing wine, you wait for the perfect opportunity of Jimin’s lips molding to take a sip of his beer when you face your mother, “So, mom did dad ever cheat on you at any point in your relationship?”
Coughing, Jimin buries his mouth into his hand that curled into a fist, sliding his beer further from him while your mom’s eyebrows furrow at your random question, “No. No, your father’s been faithful. Wh-”
“What would you do if he wasn’t?”
Your father stares at you in distraught, yet he seems to catch where your conversation is headed.
“I’d smack him upside his head-”
Hesitation is not part of your vocabulary in this section of time, for your palm, with all the strength you can muster, slaps the back of Jimin’s head while he cringes beneath your touch. The burn of the hit lingers within your palm, while your parents freeze in realization- your dad raising his voice to ask what you’re trying to get at.
“Wait a minute,” your mother counters, while Jimin rubs the back of his head, “Did you… Were you seeing another woman while courting my daughter?”
Jimin drops his gaze to the table, running the tip of his tongue over his lips in panic.
“I’m- I’m- I don’t know what to say,” your mother says in obvious disappointment. Your father rises slowly while he glowers at Jimin who raises his arm in a plea to your father, but it’s too late, he attacks Jimin, slamming him onto the table while bowls of food hit the floor- your mother getting in between the men while Jimin begs for your father to let him go.
“When is everyone going to start acting like adults in here!?” She bellows whilst scampering for cloths to clean the food stains off your father’s sweater.
“Look,” Jimin’s hands fly before him, “I messed up, okay? But I am not the only one to blame here! [Y/N] cheated, too! She’s seeing someone now!”
“Oh, are you going to deny it!? Do you think that it’s simple for me to come here? Your parents practically begged me to-”
“Then why the fuck did you not say no!?” Gasps escape from both of your parents at the choice of words you have chosen. But you are so livid, you could care less. “For heaven fucking sakes, Jimin, where is the respect? If only I had a few more drinks in me, I’d smack the shit out of you even more!”
“You know what?” Jimin clenches his jaw, settling to his knees before you, “Hit me then. Put me out of my misery. Do what you need to feel better, I just want to fix things here.”
“Like you’ve had such luck with patching things up before,” you mutter, “It’s not happening, Jimin,”
“Why?” Jimin taunts, standing back to his feet, “How about you tell your parents why you no longer want to be with me, huh? Who’s the man who told me to fuck off at your work? You dodge the question because you’re just as guilty as I am!”
Crossing your arms, you inch closer, a sneer present on your red lips, “Accusing me makes you feel so much better, doesn’t it,”
“Then why can’t you admit who he is? I’m going out of my mind about it, just fucking tell us already-”
“I like him, okay! But that was after my relationship with you!” Your voice is loud- so loud it carries throughout the house, stunning your parents as well as Jimin as they gape at you, “I really like him, you have an issue with that Jimin? Huh?”
“Oh no,” your mother groans as she collapses on the couch, “No, no, no, no-”
Seokjin bursting through the door makes matters worse to your mother as she clambers to tidy the table with whatever she can salvage while everyone’s attention turns to see not one, but two men, joining everyone in the living room. When Namjoon trails behind a wide-eyed Seokjin- Jimin’s expression shows astonishment as he points a shaky index finger toward Namjoon, whose eyes are too busy looking at the ensemble he has never seen on you before. A look that’s distracting him from the tension smothering the vicinity.
“That’s- that’s him! That’s the guy!” Jimin’s desperate- desperate to clear his name of any negativity, though he truly is the only one at fault for infidelity. Grasping your arm tightly, he drags you an inch forward while you struggle to get out of his grip, “You need to explain to everyone!”
Your parents are jumbled with who Jimin is exclaiming about at first, but when they realize his crazed eyes have yet to leave Namjoon’s, they know exactly who he’s referring to- but, Namjoon is more focused on the tightening grip Jimin has on your arm, Namjoon grits his teeth while he swallows slowly, “Let go of her.” Stepping forward, nobody has time to blink when Namjoon clutches the front of Jimin’s suit, dragging him roughly toward the outside of the house while Seokjin hysterically chases after them. Panicked voices of your parents scream towards what seems to be the start of a feud.
You can’t move. You just remain speechless while your hero intervenes once again. 
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sevlgi · 3 years
33 & 44 with mina!! also just wanna say that (1) god I love mina and (2) I love your work!! keep it up :DDD
christmas blurbs!
PROMPTS: 33. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” + 44. “Well, there are worse ways my Christmas could’ve ended.”
NOTES: we all love mina :D
Even with the sound of some Kdrama playing on the television before you, the sound of the front door clicking open was easily audible, at least to you. After all, the sound signaled the return of your girlfriend, back home after a couple weeks promoting in Japan.
“Hey,” you said softly as you got up from your sofa to find her in the hallway. Mina flashed you a tired smile and stepped out of her heels, her jacket already off and hung up. “I missed you.”
Instead of answering, she wrapped her arms around your waist and simply placed her cheek on your shoulder. It was normal for Mina to seek comfort out from you after a long day or week instead of talking, and you were more than happy to oblige. She smelled a bit like makeup and perfume, you noted, and she was slightly cold from being outside in the winter. “Is that a tree?”
“Huh?” You turned to look and remembered that you had put up the Christmas tree while the other girl was gone, trying to give her a surprise before she returned. “Oh, yeah. Christmas is to--” you checked your watch-- “today, actually. It’s 3 am.”
Mina looked guilty for some reason, fiddling with her hands as she pulled away from your hug. “Oh. I’m sorry, Y/N, I… I don’t have a present for you.”
“Well, there’s worse ways my Christmas could’ve ended,” you joked, but she only looked sadder at that. You already wanted to wrap her back in your arms, but you settled for cupping her face in your hands and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “No, Mina, don’t apologize. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“But I did,” she pouted, genuinely looking upset at herself. You didn’t doubt that she was; Mina was probably still getting used to your more easygoing nature, though you tried to convince her to let go of her worries more. “I’m such a bad girlfriend, you had to put the tree up yourself and everything.”
“Minari,” you sighed, kissing her lips lightly this time. “You aren’t a bad girlfriend for being busy, okay? I’m still off works for a week or so, we can go out and buy presents for each other anytime. I’m just happy you’re home.”
The dancer sighed and made her way into the living room, tugging her hair down in the process. You followed obediently, clearing a spot for her on the couch just in case she wanted it. “Okay. I’ll apologize properly tomorrow, and I’ll convince Jeongyeon to drive us to Garosu-gil.”
Rolling your eyes, you hugged to your chest, the warmth of another person filling up your heart. “I told you already, you don’t have to apologize or get me anything. I love you, not your money.”
“I love you,” Mina whispered and cuddled closer to you. You allowed a smile to come onto your face again as she leaned her head onto you and finally smiled at the shimmering tree in the corner. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
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hanniejji · 4 years
not safe for work
[ boss!sero hanta x secretary!s/o ]
summary: you applied for your fiancé's company as his secretary, who also happens to be your boss. he also decided to keep your relationship a secret because—and i quote—"it's more fun like that."
note: this is the result of the kdramas i've watched these past few weeks :') ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERO BABY YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS PIECE OF SHIT!! thankies to @prismaroyal for beta reading and @vannahfanfics and @pixxiesdust for sprinting with me!! | m.list | bingo m.list
prompts/aus: stuck in a room together
words: 1,548 | warnings: non
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the continuous tapping on your nose gently roused you awake from your dreamless sleep, your eyes slowly fluttering open as the sunlight from the window shines through the thin material of your curtains.
a short but lingering peck touched the skin of your cheek, hot breath hitting your face and prompting you to close your eyes once again from the warmth.
"ah, don't go back to sleep," your fiance whined near your ear, mint flavored toothpaste filling your nostrils with each word he says.
"go away, hanta," your hand pulled the blanket up to your chin, ignoring how his finger continued its incessant tapping but instead of your cheek, he moved to the tip of your nose.
"get up please," he pleads, kissing your earlobes softly, "i wouldn't want you to be late for your first day at work as my secretary. you don't want that too, right?" he teased. you can see the smile on his face just by the tone of his voice, the chuckle rumbling from his chest felt warm and comfortable against your shoulder.
"wake uuuuup!"
"alright, alright! i can't believe i have a whiny and demanding brat for a boss—we still have two hours before we go to work," you playfully pushed his chest away from you, a smile lifting the corner of your lips as your eyes opened to look at the pout on his face.
"well, you're engaged to this whiny and demanding brat."
"and it was the best decision i made in my whole life."
it's not even half a day and you're already making him feel flustered. not that he's complaining. he loves hearing your compliments and loving words, it helps him get through his day.
"if you're going to keep telling me things like that at work, i might have to dismiss the both of us early," he threatens, but the smile on his face was saying otherwise.
"that wouldn't sound right to your employees, honey. they'll get ideas."
"let them," he starts to litter kisses on your cheeks, placing one on your nose before he trails down to the corner of your lips, your jawline, under your chin, and to the base of your neck. his heart clenches at the sound of your giggles, "i'm not going to lie, i don't mind them knowing about us," he hums against your neck, fingers tracing random patterns on your cheeks.
"it's going to affect your position, dumbass," your giggle against his lips sent his heart soaring, "but keeping it a secret sounds fun though. it makes working with you more exciting."
"you're just working for me because you're horny."
"am not!"
"hm," he hummed once again, connecting your lips with his before pushing himself up. "now get up! you have somewhere to be and i rather not hold you back on your first day!" he tears the blanket away from you, an evil laugh escaping his lips when he saw your grumpy look.
"but you're my boss."
"that makes me want to flaunt your amazing talents more! make me proud—show those rats how hard working you are and that you're more than just my wife!" his voice booms with confidence, hands pulling on yours to make you sit up, "besides, i want to see you in your working mode, it's high key hot."
you would never say it out loud, but his words meant more to you than what he thought it does. your cheeks flushed at the way his eyes are staring into you, bashful eyes avoiding his and swinging your legs to the side of the bed.
"stop flustering me first thing in the morning."
"says you."
you sighed loudly, finally finished with packing your lunches and ready to head out to your first day of work. you swung the bag over your shoulder, grabbing your purse and phone from the counter.
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sero had gone to work earlier than you—and i quote—'so they won't be suspicious of us if we got here at the same time.'
you quietly chuckled at the sound of his voice in your head, shaking the thought away when your phone lit up with a text.
"are you on your way now?" was what he said.
"yeah, i'm about to leave the house. why do you ask?"
"tell me when you're near, alright?" your face scrunched in confusion, pausing your walk to type once more.
"what? why?"
"nothing :)", before you could even type a reply, another text was sent, "don't be late on your first day, alright? stay safe, love you <3"
"i swear to god if you're planning something, i'm going to twist that neck of yours," you whispered harshly to no one, footsteps a little heavy as you make your way outside.
"i hope you mess up your suit, love you!"
"are you sure you'll find your way up to your office?" the lady in the front desk asked, handing you your guide sheet and other files related to work. apparently, you still have half an hour before you start your work in your office.
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coincidently, your office was right next to sero's.
"that ass probably did it on purpose."
"i'm sorry, did you say something?"
"oh! nothing," you waved her concerns away, "thank you for helping me!" with a bow at her direction, you made your way to the elevator. while walking, you flip through the pages of the papers that she handed to you. once inside of the elevator—your eyes still on the papers—another person slid in right before the doors closed.
"i thought you wouldn't come."
"holy fuck!" your hands flew to clutch the area above your chest, terrified eyes meeting the mischievous ones of your lovely fiancé, "what the actual fuck, hanta!?"
"that's not how they usually talk to me as their boss but i'll let you off this time," he mused, both hands reaching to hold yours in his, "how's your first day?"
"it hasn't even started yet—what if someone saw us like this!?" your head turned left and right to search for surveillance cameras, trying to pull your hands away from his but your efforts were futile once his fingers interlocked with yours.
"stop worrying over nothing," his deep chuckle brought your attention to his face, a giddy smile plastered on his lips as he raised both of your hands to his lips, placing small kisses on each of your knuckles.
"i missed you."
"we were together just an hour earlier."
"well i missed you in those moments that you're away from me," he tugs you closer to him, arms wrapping around your torso to keep you in place, "i wanted to drive you here and show you around the company myself."
"you missed me that much?" you cooed. hanta nods his head at your question, resting his forehead on yours.
"very much."
just when he's about to lean down to give you a kiss, the elevator jolted into a stop. you shriek, the sudden pause jerking you from your footing and your knees wobbled forward and into sero. the lights flickered out, cloaking the room in black.
"oh my god!"
"this was not how i envisioned this to happen," he groans against your forehead.
"did you plan this!?" despite barely seeing anything, you pushed yourself off of him, slapping his chest in the process.
"well, yeah—but i swear this wasn't part of the plan!"
"yes, really, honest to you and only you," moving around the dark room, his hand waved around the room—searching for something, you, to hold onto while his other one digs the pocket for his phone, "i thought they've already fixed this thing." once he has his phone in his hands, he turns on the flashlight and points it to where you were earlier. you shuffle forward, clinging onto his torso while still grumbling under your breath.
"isn't there an emergency button for times like this?"
"now that you've mentioned it," hanta points his phone to the door of the elevator, pressing the only red button on the control panel, "we should wait it out until someone fixes this thing. i'm sure someone is on their way here."
it's not even past morning and you're already sighing in exhaustion. your head rested on hanta's chest, finding yourself relax while listening to his heartbeat despite being stuck in a cold and dark room. he runs his lithe fingers in the strands of your hair, pressing little kisses on your scalp.
"we'll get out of here, i promise."
"as we should, or else i'm not cooking you any food for dinner," he chuckles, lips still pressed against your skin even when he opens his mouth to talk.
"nah, we're going out for dinner tonight."
"what?" you pushed your head up to look at him, "together?"
"of course i'm going with you, silly," he lovingly kisses the tip of your nose.
"and if we get caught by your employees?"
"hm," he pretends to think about it, jutting his lower lip. without hesitation, you lean up to place a small kiss on his lips, tugging the bottom with your teeth, "damn, you're feisty today, aren't you? what if someone opens the door and they saw what you did, hm?" he whispered on the grin of your lips, pressing kisses on the corners.
"let them."
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