#keen 2 share
keen2meecha · 5 months
Let's do another comic sans powerpoint!
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If you want to see the actual intro, here's the real intro lol
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moonlit-knightz · 4 months
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Happy 25th birthday to me & 22nd to Robby Keene! I’m so lucky to share a birthday with one of my favorite characters ❤️
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somethinginworl · 2 years
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My Taranza and Susie gijinkas! I love them both ~
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malo-mart · 9 months
I miss when tags didn't show up in OPs notifications because I used to use them to overshare even when reblogging random shit but now I have to think before I speak so I don't subject a random person to The Horrors
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Prompt: Boys Don’t Cry
Pairing: Parkeene
“I spent 50 bucks on that snake pole. It was gonna be baller when I showed up with it.”
Robby sighs. 2 beers into Cobra boys’ night and Kyler’s already getting too emotional and articulate for Robby’s taste.
“This dojo sucks sometimes, dawg,” Kyler goes on. “Fucking Hawk glaring like he wants to beat my ass. No clue why. At least he didn’t show tonight.”
“He’s an asshole.” Robby shrugs. “Fucked up my shoulder at the AVT.”
Kyler sniffles.
Oh crap.
“There, there.” Robby awkwardly pats his teammate’s back. “You’ll remember the snake pole next time. Let’s watch Top Gun.”
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sportsboos · 8 months
Webinar Studio Review – Limitless Webinar App 
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#affiliatemarketing#onlinemarketing#digitalmarketing#wally darling#welcome home#Hello Everybody Welcome To My WebinarStudio Audit and Article. I'm keen on investigating new Internet based Business Programming consisten#you will get itemized data about Online class Studio. I have shared data about what Online class Studio is#its highlights#its upsides and downsides#and how this item will help you.#Webinar Studio Review – What is Webinar Studio?#Step 1 – GET ACCESS#This step is tied in with gaining admittance to Online class Studio's most recent and most progressive video conferencing highlights at an#video gatherings#and live meetings with an abundance of capacities. By picking this savvy choice#you secure your capacity to utilize these elements without repeating membership expenses or secret charges.#Step 2 – CREATE LINK#When you approach Webinar Studio#making a connection for your online class#video meeting#or live gathering is surprisingly basic#and it should be in every way possible in only a single tick. This implies you needn't bother with to be a tech master or invest an inordin#fitting it to your necessities and inclinations.#Step 3 – PROFIT#A definitive objective of utilizing Online course Studio is to draw in your crowd really and convert them into paying clients or accomplish#connect with your crowd through highlights like live visit and ongoing informing#and grandstand your items#administrations#or thoughts. By conveying a top notch and drawing in online course or meeting#you improve the probability of accomplishing your business targets
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buckyalpine · 8 months
hey shay! what do you think about steve and sam betting that bucky cannot date the newest avenger for like two months without falling in love with her. and, of course, he accepts, and asks her out, all in the hopes of winning.
(plot twist: he is a dumbass and a fucking simp because he falls hella hard in like the first month. she’s basically his soulmate and his dream girl. absolutely perfect. he dreams of their marriage and children and cannot wait to make it a reality. and steve and sam are beyond happy for him, and the three decide never to speak of the bet ever again.)
but fast forward to their first anniversary together, and she finds out that the only reason why bucky ever paid any attention to her, and asked her out, was because of the bet. and it leaves her absolutely heartbroken and destroyed, to the point that she debates asking for a transfer. because of course the only way the legendary sergeant james buchanan barnes would ever notice her is because of a bet. pfft! how big of an idiot she is!
(and we see bucky do some seriously grovel. because he cannot lose the love of his life. his baby. his everything. his sunshine in the dark. the reason for his existence.)
maybe steve and sam join in to help him? because they adore her as well, and they know how much bucky needs her.
YESSSS YES YESSSSS. I am here for the angst and the fluff, I love this because we all love a break up make up situation.
"100 bucks"
"Okay, 150"
"Why are we doing this"
"Because we know for a fact, there's no way you'd be able to date the new recruit for two full months-
"-without falling in love, you can't actually fall for her"
Sam and Steve looked at Bucky intently while the soldier cocked an eyebrow, the three of them lounging in the common room after a morning briefing to meet their newest team mate.
"You're both willing to pay me $200 just to date y/n without falling in love?" Bucky deadpanned staring at his two best friends, both with matching shit eating grins.
"What's wrong Barnes, scared you'll get your wittle heart broken?" Sam egged him on only to be met with a cocky smirk from the brunette.
"That's not a problem because I don't date" Bucky shrugged, happy to win easy money if all he had to do was ask the new girl out and date her for a bit without actually catching feelings.
He was never really the relationship type; the charm he used to have in the 40's was slowly making its way back and it was perfect for when he needed a quick fix. Long term was never his thing and he wasn't about to start now but he also wasn't going to turn down a bet when his friends seemed so keen.
Besides, his pride was on the line and it was only two months.
"So let me get this straight. I date her for 2 months-"
"No falling in love with y/n"
"-no falling in love and you pay me?"
Sam and Steve nodded while Bucky got up, shaking their hands to seal the deal. He already mapped out a plan to ask the new girl out, mentally deciding on an easy break up speech for when the inventible comes.
"Two months white panther"
"Two months"
Bucky knew he was screwed after the first date. Just the first date. When he first asked her out, she gave him a shy giggle and he knew he wanted to hear that sound again. And again. And again. She gave him a little nod, shuffling on her feet and for a moment, Bucky regained his confidence. There was no way he'd have anything in common with someone so shy and quiet, winning the best was going to be a breeze.
Until she came down in a sun dress, ready to go out for for their date and she smelled like peaches and cream and there was that fucking giggle again when he got ice cream on his nose when they shared a sundae. Her hands were so soft when she swiped her thumb over his little mess, cleaning him off with a tissue while he blinked.
"You're so adorable, sarge" She gave him a bashful smile and his cheeks couldn't have possibly blushed more, his heart beating strangely fast. He wasn't really too sure what to do, usually it was him making girls turn into puddles of shy messes but her he was, more tongue tied that ever.
He wasn't sure what it was.
Maybe it was the fact that she asked him about the 40's, something he rarely got to talk about. Maybe it was the way she listened to him intently while he got lost in his memories, recalling happier times, the both of them laughing over stories about scrawny Steve before the serum. He'd been on plenty of dates before but none of them were like this.
(It didn't matter though, his main goal never left his sight...not really)
He asked her out again and he immediately put his hand to his stomach when she showed up in her workout clothes since he'd offered to train with her before their scheduled date. He'd fully intended to take control over the situation, gain the upper hand again by making her all sweet and shy with his subtle touches but nope.
Here he was with butterflies dancing madly around his tummy when she smiled brightly as soon as she walked through the gym doors; his train of thought long gone when as she dropped her towel beside his. He flipped her with ease, her much smaller form blinking up at him as he caged her under him. He didn't even have it in him to throw her a wink or a flirty smirk, giving her soft puppy eyes instead and helping her to her feet.
To his own surprise, he didn't even try to make a move to get her in bed.
He couldn't.
Not when he was genuinely enjoying conversation with her. Not when she looked at him with such trust and care not to break her heart. Not after she'd confided in him that she felt safe with him after about a month of dating. Bucky's mind, which was usually filled with filth and fucking was now filled with thoughts of her in a pretty white dress, walking down the aisle, ready to say I do. He thought about how adorable their babies would look, how beautiful she'd look pregnant, she was his dream girl, how he couldn't wait for the day it'd all really happen, he was falling in love for the first time in his life-
He. Was. Screwed.
"M'gonna marry her"
"What?" Bucky blinked back at his friends with wide eyes, not realizing he'd said that out loud; the three of them sitting around the living room again since you had gone out for a girls night with Nat and Wanda.
"Come again, what was that?" Sam grinned, sitting up straighter from where he'd been sprawled out on the floor while Steve nudged Bucky with his shoulder.
"Nothing" Bucky mumbled but the blush on his cheeks spread up to his ears.
"AWWWW" Sam howled while Bucky buried his face in his hands, "BUCKY HAS A CRUSH"
"You like her, huh punk" Steve grinned, not needing verbal confirmation from his best friend; both him and Sam saw the way Bucky started falling for you from day 1, not standing a chance of winning their bet.
"I do" Bucky smiled shyly, not bothering with a snarky retort, not when he'd fallen so hard for you the second he heard your laugh. No one bothered to bring up the bet again, the entire thing long forgotten. Sam and Steve couldn't have been happier when they saw Bucky's eyes light up every time he looked at you. You'd tumbled into the living room along with Nat and Wanda behind you, giggling and falling into the soldiers lap, nuzzling into him like a kitten between tipsy kisses.
Sam could've sworn he saw Steve flick away a tear, the both of them watching Bucky grin like a little kid with the biggest crush, melting into a puddle instantly with you in his arms.
"Hey Sarge" You gave him a hazy smile, sighing contently when he kissed your forehead and scooped you right up, holding you to his chest. "Missed you"
"Let's get you to bed babygirl" Bucky whispered, carefully taking care of you, changing you into one of his Henley's and completing your skin care routine since you couldn't in your drunken state. He kissed you good night, pulling the covers up and holding you close to him the entire night.
Nothing compared to the soft puppy he became whenever you were near him and it wasn't exactly a well kept secret. No one failed to notice the way he was head over heels in love with you. With each passing day Bucky loved you more, doing everything in his power to keep you happy, to protect you with his entire heart, there's was no way, absolutely no way, he'd every do anything to hurt you or lose you.
One Year Later
You stretched, blinking at the sun that peeked through the curtains, feeling extra warm, cuddled up with you boyfriend who was the human form of a furnace. You were in no hurry to get out of bed, burying your face into his bare chest instead, breathing in his scent, humming contently when his thick arms wrapped you impossibly closer.
"Happy anniversary my love" Bucky whispered, his eyes still closed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He couldn't believe a full year had gone by since you'd stolen his heart. A full year filled with kisses and giggles and softness. There wasn't a day that had gone by where Bucky wasn't a complete simp for you (he'd picked out a wedding ring within month three and had it hidden somewhere in his room by month 6).
"Happy anniversary handsome" You kissed his chest where his heart beat steadily, giggling when he pinned you under him, attacking you with a flurry of feathery light kisses, "Bucky stop!" You squealed with laugher as he wrapped you tightly and let his scruffy cheeks tickle your shoulders, the both of you tangled in his sheets, having a lazy morning.
"I love you" He whispered into your hair, sneakily slipping his hands up your over sized shirt, his cool metal fingers stroking down your spine making you shiver. "So much, bella"
"I love you, Jamie" Your cheeks heated up and the sweet name he had just for you, only reluctantly getting out of bed after Nat had practically dragged you out of bed to go shopping. You didn't want to do anything but cuddle with Bucky all day but the red head didn't care, happily evading your privacy to barge into the room and whisk you away, throwing back a wink when Bucky mouthed a silent thank you.
Bucky had planned out the perfect anniversary, something he'd thought out for weeks. The compound would be empty so it would just be the two of you; he'd cook dinner himself, have some songs playing from the 40's with a juke box he'd managed to get his hands on and spent the entire night letting you know how deeply in love he was with you. He didn't care how cheesy it was, buying out an entire florist shop to cover the room and terrace with your favorite flowers, having some suspended from the high ceilings along with petals strewn on the floor.
He'd pull out all the rom com stops for you, giving everyone a task to keep you busy so he could set up for the night. Nat had been tasked with keeping you away until evening, only bringing you back in time for dinner. Sam and Steve spent the whole day hanging and putting up flowers, lighting candles and listening to Bucky ramble about how much he adored you. Tony worked on lighting and sound, tinkering with the music and setting it up outside.
To say you were surprised was an understatement. Nat had blind folded you as soon as you got back and instructed you to put on the dress that had been laid out in your room. You had no idea what she was talking about until you found a floor length gown along with a note sitting on top of your bed.
See you at 8 tonight my bella
Happy 1 year Anniversary,
Yours forever,
You didn't waste a second, hopping into the shower, doing your makeup and spraying on your perfume that you knew he loved so much. You slipped the dress on along with some heels before making your way down to the now dimmed lights, the soft glow of candles warming the room.
You gasped as soon as your eyes landed on Bucky, standing head to toe in all black, a dashing smile on his face. He strode over to you, cupping your cheeks in his hands, pecking your lips sweetly, the scent of his cologne already making you woozy.
"You did all this for me?" You blinked back tears, his thumbs swiping them away .
"Anything for you doll" Bucky whispered, pulling you in for another kiss before leading you to the garden; a trail of rose petals covering the floor to the back terrace. Fairly lights twinkled, mixed in with the tiny stars that dotted the night sky; you didn't bother with sitting in your own seat, sitting in Bucky's lap instead while your both sipped on champagne.
It didn't take long for him to swoop you off your feet so he could sway with you instead, music playing softly in the background while he whispered sweet nothings, only sitting down again so he could feed you the dessert he'd spend the whole afternoon making for you.
"I can't believe you did all this for me Bucky" You said sincerely, holding his face in your hands, gazing into his soft blue eyes, "You're perfect my Jamie"
"You're my perfect gift doll"
"Oh! I have to get you your gift!" You realized you'd left it in your room between a spoon of chocolate cake Bucky was feeding you, hopping up from his lap to get it. You scurried off to your room, giddy over the present you'd put together for Bucky, the whole gift taking months of planning to get everything to come in time. You rummaged through your closet, grabbing the carefully wrapped box and returning to the hall, excited to see his face when he opened his present.
You passed by Steve's room stopping dead in your tracks at the words you heard, your feet suddenly unable to move.
"Can you believe this all started over betting he'd never fall for y/n?" Sam snorted, sitting on the couch in Steve's room, the both of them munching on the scraps of chocolate cake and sipping on beer while watching a movie.
"All over 200 bucks, remember he was so sure of himself"
You felt like you'd swallowed cotton, your mouth dry, finding it difficult to swallow. You wanted to turn back time, wishing you'd never heard that conversation, or maybe it was all a misunderstanding, Bucky would never do that, not your Bucky.
"Didn't you tell him he'd only have to date her for 2 months?"
"2 months and 200 dollars, terminator shook on it"
"He even had a break up speech ready"
You gripped tightly onto the present, dashing away from the room, unable to bear more of the conversation. Your heart was hammering out of your chest as you shakily made your way back to Bucky, it just couldn't be true.
Could it?
Did he really only ask you out because his friends made a bet with him?
Bucky smiled when he saw you return, opening his arms for you to slink onto his lap again. His smile disappeared when you kept your eyes down, fumbling with the gift in your hand, staying rooted in place in front of him instead of cuddling up with him like you always did.
"Baby? Is everything okay?" Bucky got up from his seat, carefully making his way over to you. He tipped your face up, surprised to find your eyes wet with unshed tears, the corners of your lips quivering with how hard you were trying to keep from crying.
"You-you promise you'll be honest with me?" You tried to keep your voice from cracking, afraid everything you'd imagined with Bucky would come crashing down if what you heard was true.
"Of course" Bucky felt his heart race seeing your glassy eyes and broken expression, what could have possibly happened in the few seconds you were gone "Bella, what's wrong"
"Did you only ask me out because of a bet?" You tried to keep from sniffling, your heart breaking at the guilt that immediately spread across Bucky's face.
"Doll, I-
"So it's true?" You whimpered, stepping away from the man you loved so much, feeling a whirlwind of emotions, the gift you clutched onto slipping from your grip and onto the floor, "It was just a bet with Sam and Steve?"
"Baby, please let me explain-" Bucky wanted nothing more than to reach out and wipe away the tears he caused, his own streaming down his cheeks when you moved further away from him.
"Please don't" You shook your head, wrapping your arms around yourself, not wanting to feel his touch you knew you'd instantly melt into. "Just don't James"
Bucky was ready to drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness, beg for you to call him all the sweet names reserved just for him but you dashed back into the compound, slapping your hand over your mouth to muffle your sobs.
"Sweetheart wait, please don't go, just let me explain baby, I love you so much" Bucky trailed after you, quickly swiping his dampened cheeks, catching you in the elevator just before it closed. "Y/n, I love you doll, I'm sorry, it started that way but-
"It's not your fault" You quickly wiped away the new wave of tears that stung your eyes, desperately pushing the button to take you to your room faster, "I-I should've known you wouldn't have been into me in the first place"
"Y/n, that's not true sweetheart, don't say that baby, please"
"I thought you really liked me, I-I didn't know someone had to pay you to date me"
You felt stupid, ridiculous, ashamed, how did you ever think someone like Bucky, the handsome ladies man from day one, would suddenly be into you, some random new trainee turned avenger. You weren't special, nothing about you stood out from others, there was no reason for him to give you attention.
It all made sense now, your heart splitting into two, biting hard on your lip to keep your cries down, you couldn't believe how stupid you'd been to think he actually liked you from the start.
"No baby, you had me from day one-"
"P-please don't l-lie to m-me" You hiccupped, making a bee line straight to you room as soon as the elevator doors opened, not looking back once. You locked your door before Bucky could catch up, ignoring his persistent soft knocks, begging for you to give him a chance to explain.
"Y/n, bella, please, open the door sweetheart, I love you, I promise truly love you so much, I'm so sorry baby, I need to talk to you, please" Bucky sniffled, his forehead pressed to your door in defeat, now letting the tears fall freely. He stayed rooted in place, slumping down with his head between his knees, running his hands through his short locks in frustration. The only thing he cared about was making you happy and he was the one who screwed it up.
You clutched onto your sheets, trembling as sobs wracked your body, thinking back to all the moments you thought were so sweet, moments where you thought you were both falling in love, now realizing they were nothing more than a ploy to get $200.
You remembered your first date, thinking about how cute Bucky looked with a tiny dollop of ice cream on his perfect nose, how nervous you were to swipe it off, your heart racing when you told him he looked adorable. It took every fiber of your very being to muster the courage to do that but it had meant nothing to him.
You had been stupid to think he liked you too when he asked you out again; you remembered the way your entire body felt like it had been lit on fire when he had you pinned you under him, growing bashfully shy when he helped you up onto your feet, everything a part of his plan to eventually dump you.
You felt ridiculous. You were not gorgeous like Natasha or enhanced like Wanda. What made you think the very Sergeant James Barnes would have his eye on you of all people.
You should have known.
"Do you hear that?" Steve paused the movie, hearing a muffled cry from the corridor, his brows furrowing at the sniffles that followed. Sam nodded with a frown, both men getting up and peering into the hallway, surprised to find the super soldier sitting against your door, eyes and nose red from crying.
"Bucky?" Steve was by his best friends side in an instant, kneeling before him, helping him up to onto his feet.
"What happened, where's y/n" Sam blinking hearing crying from inside your room, his stomach churning when Bucky shrugged, chewing on his trembling lip to keep from breaking down again. Bucky let Steve lead him into his room, sitting on the edge of the bed, gripping onto the sheets till they nearly tore.
"What the hell happened Buck"
"She found out bout the bet" Bucky whispered, fresh tears streaming down his face when he remembered how defeated you looked with betrayal. "She knows I asked her out because of it"
"Fuck" Sam hissed while Steve ran a hand over his face. They felt equally responsible for hurting you for having suggested the bet in the first place, also piecing together you must have over heard them when they were talking earlier. Steve was sick with guilt while Sam also slumped onto the couch, all three men feeling awful for hurting you.
"Did you talk to her?"
"She doesn't want to even look at me" Bucky shook his head before burying his face in his hands again, unable to stop from crying; there was a good chance he lost you forever and it was his fault.
"Just-just give her some time" Steve threw an arm over Bucky, while mentally hitting himself for being part of the mess, hoping you'd forgive his best friend who was deeply and utterly in love with you.
You woke up with a throbbing headache, staying in bed for longer than usual. You felt more embarrassed than the night before realizing others must have known the true nature of your relationship with Bucky. Not only did Bucky not really like you in the first place but he'd only even looked your way because he was sure he wouldn't fall for you.
You kept to yourself for the first few days. You'd managed to wake up earlier than everyone else so you could eat breakfast and train alone, only to eat dinner extra late after everyone had gone to sleep. It wasn't difficult given your skill set; you slinked about undetected, evading the other avengers every time they knocked on your door to check on you.
Bucky tried to find you every single day, spending each night falling asleep by your door, ignoring the worsening kink in his neck, hoping he'd get get to see you just once, one time so he could at least apologize to you properly.
Two full weeks had gone by and you some how only felt worse. You hated hearing Bucky cry when you walked by his room but then you'd remember what he did and you couldn't bring yourself to trust him again.
Bucky was a mess. He missed you more than anything; you were his baby, his soul mate, his beautiful sweet bella. He would've given anything just to see you walk down the hall way, anything to hear your voice even if it was you telling him off like he deserved. He wanted you to yell and scream at him, tell him what at ass hole he was, that he was the biggest jerk on the planet, that you hated him, he'd listen to it like it was music if he just got to see you again.
He got his hopes up when a new mission came up requiring all hands on deck; Tony called for a sudden meeting with the full team which meant everyone had to be there. Bucky ran off to the showers within seconds, scrubbing himself with body wash he knew you loved so much before throwing on a tight black t-shirt and jeans that made you all shy and giggly. He knew he was playing dirty, leaving the scuff on his face before spraying on a dash of cologne.
He had to look his best, even if it meant you'd throw your cute little kitten mug at his head. He nervously ran to the conference room, eyes flicking to each individual, his heart dropping when he didn't see you there.
"Damn Barnes" Tony whistled while Steve smiled sadly knowing his bestfriend was hoping to see you. "Who'd you clean up for"
"Where's y/n" Bucky's eyes were pleading with everyone, hoping someone would say you were just running late or that you weren't taking part in the mission.
"She's....she's at the head office" Tony sighed, "She wants a transfer"
"Damn it" Sam had now sat up while Bucky left the room with Steve following behind him. "He needs her, he really loves her"
"I-I can't lose her" Bucky sobbed, shaking his head, clutching onto the card you had given him on your anniversary. He'd read every word 100 times over, memorizing it to heart, careful not to crush the paper as he pressed it to his chest. "She's everything to me"
"Look, it's out fault too. We're the ones who suggested the stupid thing, we'll get her back" Steve gave him a reassuring squeeze and Sam nodded.
"I feel like shit man, the whole thing was meant to be a dumb joke, we love her too, we're not just gonna let her leave like this, not our y/n, okay? That's our girl"
"C'mon, lets go get your girl back, punk"
You frowned as you entered through the main doors of the compound, finding it unusually quiet when everyone should have been at home since they'd just gotten back from their mission. You felt conflicted after your meeting with Fury and Agent Hill, both of them asking you to reconsider your request to transfer. You told them you'd think about it but you were certain over your decision.
You couldn't face the team any more and your were too embarrassed to look at Bucky again. You didn't mind working in the office and starting over, figuring that would be the best way to mend your heart.
You made your way up to your room, a little red envelope sitting on your pillow catching your attention. You were wary as you opened it, your breath catching in your throat as you recognized the handwriting.
To my first and only love,
I don't deserve someone as sweet as you, but I can't bear the thought of you thinking I don't love you with my entire being. I know I don't deserve a second chance, but I need you to know it was always real.
I've kept it will hidden but it's time for you to see. It's in my favorite hiding spot for your eyes only.
With all the hugs and kisses in the worlds,
You knew exactly what spot Bucky was referring to, thinking back to the early days of when you were dating. On more than one occasion, Bucky had grabbed you into his closet, shutting the door when he wanted a few extra moments of privacy before a mission, showering you with 100's of kisses before eventually getting caught and dragged down to the hangar with a bashful grin on his face.
You reluctantly made your way to his room, letting out the breath you were holding when he wasn't inside. The scent of him alone already caused you to feel butterflies but you ignored them as you looked in the closet, finding a shoe box with another red envelope sitting on top for you to read.
To my sweet bella,
You had my heart from day one. You were never supposed to see any of this but you have to know. It's always been you.
Forever and only yours,
You sat on the floor of the closet as you carefully opened the box, inspecting its contents. Inside was an old, weathering diary with a receipt stuffed in the middle as a bookmark. You opened the page that was marked, surprised to find the receipt from the ice cream place you where you had your first date, the date of the entry a few days before he asked you out.
A new team mate has joined the group. Her name is y/n, y/l/n. She specializes in hand to hand combat and is a trained spy. Tony introduced us to everyone today. I wouldn't mind being her friend but I hope she isn't afraid of me, maybe she's just shy.
The next entry was from the day Sam and Steve made the bet
I doubt I'll forget this but I'm writing it down anyway. 2 months for 200 dollars. Seems stupid but what's the worst that could happen, it's not like she'd actually fall for me anyway.
Then there was the entry after your first date.
She's probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met; I don't want to forget this day, bet or not. She wore a sun dress and she laughed at all my jokes. She called me adorable. Her hands felt so soft. I'm sure its in her nature to be so kind but I wish it was just for me. Maybe I'll ask her out again.
A few days later.
I swear I'm falling in love with her more and more each day and she doesn't even have a clue. I don't know how to show her she's special to me, you'd think I'd be better at this. I hope one day she feels the same way.
And then
I love her. So much. Ma would have loved her. I hope one day she says yes.
You let out a wet laugh at the entries became sappier, each one detailing how hard he was falling for you, all the little details of your dates filling the pages, your heart breaking when you realized he wrote as much as he could remember so he'd never forget. He didn't mention the bet in any of the pages because he'd forgotten about it completely, fully focused on making you officially his.
The diary was sacred to him, a private place where he recounted his most precious memories, the one thing he'd never share with anyone but he decided to share it with you because you had to know. It was one of the few places he poured his heart and soul into with no filter, some of his darkest memories scrawled onto the pages but after he'd met you, it changed. Page after page filled with nothing but sweetness, pure and untainted love. You wiped the tears away, carefully placing the diary back in its proper hiding spot before making your way downstairs hoping to find him.
You found a trail of petals that hadn't been there earlier leading to the living room, walking to a very remorseful looking Sam, Steve and of course Bucky, all three men clutching onto teddy bears along with a blanket fort hoisted up in front of the large TV screen.
"What-what is all this?" You whispered, hesitantly walking towards them with Sam stepping forward first, wrapping you up in a bone crushing hug.
"We're really sorry sweetheart" Sam murmured into your hair, hugging you tightly against him, "we never wanted to hurt you, we love you baby, truly"
"You're special to us darling" Steve came over next, pressing a firm kiss to your head, his large arms holding you in a comforting embrace, "We're idiots, you didn't deserve that, don't leave because of us sweetheart, it's not the same without you"
"It's-its okay"
"It's not, we know it isn't but just know we really do love you, okay? Especially him" Steve whispered the last part with a small smile, looking over to his best friend who was anxiously shuffling on his feet, clutching the largest bear in his hands.
You hugged onto the two little teddies from Sam and Steve, kissing their cheeks before they quietly left you and Bucky alone for some privacy. You set them down on the sofa, suddenly feeling nervous when it was just you and Bucky, anxiety and embarrassment attempting to claw its way back up again.
"I'm so sorry bella" Bucky hesitantly reached out for you, scared you'd pull away, relief flooding his body when you allowed him to pull you in for a hug. "My pretty girl, m'so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen baby"
"You-you really liked me after?" you felt silly for asking such a thing but you couldn't help it, you had to know, your soft doe eyes pleading with him to be honest with you, "You don't have to lie Bucky, it's okay if you didn't-
"You're breakin' my heart babygirl, of course I did. Of course I liked you sweets, I fell hard and fast for you, it would've happened with or without that stupid bed. I wouldn't have been able to resist that smile or that laugh, nothing would've kept me away from you"
Bucky scooped you into his arms and sat you down on his lap and he settled under the blanket fort, keeping you straddled on him while his hands wrapped around your waist.
"Believe me when I say you're the only girl I've ever fallen for, the only one I've ever wanted. I never ever wanted to hurt you baby and I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you never cry again, if you'd have me. I hate seeing you cry sweets, especially because of me. I just want to love you baby, please?"
His voice cracked at the end, bottom lip quivering as he nervously traced his thumbs along your hips. What if he lost you forever, he wouldn't know what to do with himself, not when he adored you so much.
"I love you y/n, you're my dream girl, my everything, no one else comes even close-"
You cut off his rambling, smashing your lips against his, a soft sob slipping past his lips between kisses as he desperately clung onto you.
"Do-do you forgive me?" Bucky sniffled, breathing out a sigh of relief when you pressed your forehead against his, nodding and slinging your arms around his shoulders. "Please say it angel, I-fuck-I'm so sorry, I missed you so much"
"I forgive you" you whispered, squeaking when Bucky pulled you to cuddle into the pile of pillows and blankets he'd laid out, wanting nothing more than to kiss and cuddle you between cute cheesy rom coms you loved so much. He smiled at the giggles you let out as he attacked you with unrelenting kisses again, breathing in your scent and feeling your body finally wrapped up with his again.
"I missed you so much angel"
"Missed you to Jamie" You kissed his nose, caressing his face as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck, knowing Sam and Steve were probably creeping from some corner. "I love you"
"Love you more bella" Bucky smiled, letting you pick a movie, pulling a fluffy blanket up to cover you both. "Loved you from day one"
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cutielando · 14 days
conflict of interest ~ lando norris
request: i recently saw a lando fanfic where the reader was a famous football player’s daughter and she was besties with maguis ex bf (joao another football player) but the story line was that she’d gone to a gp lando grew an interest in her but she rejected/dissed him because of the rumors of him and magui and i was wondering is you could do something like that!
warnings: a little hate towards magui (i have nothing against her and her relationship with lando in any way !!!! but it was necessary for the story to be spicier), jerk!joao (for like a split second)
a/n: part 2?👀👀👀
my masterlist
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You didn’t know what you were expecting when you got invited to attend a Formula 1 race weekend.
You knew nothing about the sport or how it worked, the only thing discussed in your household being football and your father’s career. Day in and day out, the only thing that surrounded you was football.
Even though your father had always said that he didn’t want to pressure you into liking or practicing football, he secretly wanted you to follow in his footsteps.
Imagine his internal disappointment he felt when you told him you wanted to become a model. He, of course, supported you and helped you in every way that he could have ever thought of, instead shifting his entire focus regarding football on your best friend, João. 
You and João have known each other ever since you were little children, growing up in the same neighborhood and given that he had always looked up to your father and his career. Growing up, whenever you would hang out with João at your house, him and your father never missed out on the opportunity for some early-on training and strategy talks.
That didn’t stop even when João actually became a football player. Your father and him sometimes talked more than you guys did, if you were being honest.
But you understood the shared passion that made their connection so deep.
Even with your modeling, you were keen on following your best friend’s games, always finding time and watching it wherever you were around the world. But that was not the only sport that you followed.
Formula 1 had become your guilty pleasure ever since you did a photoshoot with Charles Leclerc for a jewelry brand in Monaco. You became very good friends with him and his girlfriend, Alexandra, whom you talked to regularly.
To nobody’s surprise, a couple of weeks after the photoshoot was published, you received a formal invitation from Ferrari to the race weekend at Silverstone. The most exciting thing in your life, by far, was getting the opportunity to experience the true feeling of the race weekend from the garages.
Figuring you shouldn’t go alone, you took João with you. 
“Why do you want me to come, again?” he asked while on the place, not particularly excited to attend an event in which he didn’t really have interest in or knowledge of.
“Because you love me and I didn’t want to go to the UK by myself” you had replied, which was enough for the footballer.
After you had checked into the hotel and made your way to the track for the qualifying session of the weekend, you were amazed by the multitude of people screaming all around the paddock and reporters taking dozens of pictures of you and João.
An interviewer motioned you over for a quick interview, prompting you to halt your walk towards the garage.
“Y/N, such a nice surprise seeing you here. Not really the kind of sport we’re used to seeing you attend, is it?” the woman asked, making you smile and laugh
“I suppose not, haha. I’ve been a huge F1 fan for a while now but my schedule has made it impossible for me to attend an actual race up until now” you explained, making the woman nod.
“And who are you the guest of today?” she continued.
“Ferrari. I did a photoshoot with Charles in Monaco a couple of weeks back and we because friends, so I’m guessing he talked the Ferrari team into inviting little old me to Silverstone”
“We saw you came with João Felix, is he your partner? What can you tell us?” 
You laughed, hearing João snort from behind you.
“No, far from it. We’re best friends, we’ve known each other since we were little kids, but there is nothing else going on between us”
You answered a couple more questions before deciding it was getting late and you would miss qualifying if you spent anymore time with the woman.
João and you made small talk as you walked towards the garage, seeing Charles talking to a guy in papaya.
“Hi Charles” you greeted him once you were within earshot, the Monégasque immediately hugging you and João.
“Y/N, João, I’m so glad you could make it. This is Lando, he drives for McLaren. Lando, this is Y/N, a model and very good friend and João Felix” Charles introduced you, making you smile at the curly haired man.
Making eye contact with Lando had been one of the most intense feeling you had experienced in a long time. The intensity of his gaze and the way his eyes moved over your body had your senses tingling.
“It’s very nice to meet you” he said, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
You almost blushed, but a scoff from your right made you snap out of your happy bubble. João was glaring daggers into Lando’s head, which made you furrow your eyebrows as you looked at him.
He shook his head and mouthed later, making you nod.
“Well, we have to get in the cars, but I hope you have a great time” Charles said, saluting you two before departing with Lando, who smiled and winked at you as he walked back to his garage.
“No” João demanded once he saw the way your eyes were following Lando as he disappeared into his garage, giving you one last look before he was out of sight.
“I didn’t do anything” you defended yourself, scoffing once you saw the distaste with which João was looking at you. “What the hell is your problem? You don’t even know the guy and you’re acting like he killed someone”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t have to know what he’s like to know that he’s an idiot. Do you not read the news?” he asked, at which you shook your head. 
You didn’t really have the time nor the desire to read tabloids, knowing what kind of articles they tend to write.
“You know I don’t believe in anything the media writes” you explained, rolling your eyes.
“Well, I believe what videos say. And he’s been seen with Magui” your eyes widened at the mention of his ex-girlfriend.
The mere thought of Magui being in a relationship with anyone made you sick to your stomach, especially after what happened with João.
“Oh” was all you could say, and the conversation ended there.
You couldn’t lie and say that the new information didn’t disappoint you. Wanting to see it with your own eyes, you decided to look it up on the internet and, fair enough, there were videos and pictures of Lando and Magui driving around Monaco.
While driving around didn’t really mean anything, you felt it like a punch to your gut. Every single time you would become slightly interested in someone, something had to come in between.
Shaking the thoughts from your head and deciding you would not speak to Lando for the remainder of the weekend, you enjoyed qualifying to the most, the feeling of watching firsthand what was happening was unlike any football game you had ever attended.
It was something special.
After you had arrived back at the hotel and were left alone once João decided to hit the city, you decided on having a quiet night in with some room service and a movie. Settling into the comfy bed, you had barely put on the movie when you heard your phone go off.
Looking at the notification, your heart starts racing when you see it was a text from Lando.
hi there
is this y/n?
how did you get my number?
charles gave it to me😅
hahhaa lol
did you need something?
yes, actually
i think we both felt something earlier today
when we were introduced
and i was wondering if you wanted to go out?
i don't think that's a good idea
why not?
did i misread the situation completely?
i tend to do that sometimes
you didn't misread anything
i felt something as well
but i don't think your girlfriend would agree to you asking me out
or even talking to me right now
i don't know who you're talking about, i'm not dating anyone
let's not pretend people don't follow the news
you've found magui, and i wish you both happiness if you're together, but given what happened with her and joao, who's my best friend, i don't even think we should be speaking right now
woah, woah, woah
slow your horses
i don't know what news you've been reading
but i'm not dating magui
she's simply a friend, we have the same friend group but that's it
i know about the situation with joao and i would never associate myself with someone like that
does joao think i'm with her?
he's the one who told me to be careful
cause he saw the photos and video and shit
i can assure you
i'm not dating her and i don't have the intention to date her
i don't know
please, just think about it for some time
you don't have to give me an answer right now
i'll think about it and let you know
thank you, thank you, thank you
Throwing your phone on the bed as far away as possible, you let your mind wonder. Was Lando telling the truth? Was he really not dating Magui?
João had seemed so sure that they were together, so sure that she had just moved on to the next celeb and sure that Lando had just fallen for it. That’s why he had been so hostile towards him and so against you even talking to him.
But you couldn’t deny the butterflies that you felt when you talked to him just now, how excited the mere thought of being with made you. You couldn’t ignore it, and frankly, you didn’t want to ignore the feeling.
You hadn’t realized how long you had been stuck in your own thoughts, not until you heard the hotel room door open and João stepped into the room.
“What were you thinking about? You were lost in thought” he said, shrugging off his jacket and falling backwards on the bed beside you.
“You’re gonna hate me if I tell you” you said, playing with your fingers.
He raised his head at that, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Hate you? I could never hate you, no matter what you would do” 
You sighed, knowing he was right. There was no way he would ever hate you, he physically couldn’t think badly of you.
But this would test that idea pretty well.
“I talked to Lando tonight” you said, not even looking at him but knowing how he was glaring at you.
“I told you to stay away from him and her” the venom dripping from his tone at the thought of Lando and Magui didn’t go unnoticed.
“Look, I know what she did to you was unforgivable, and I hate her for how much she hurt you. You know that. But I talked to Lando, and they’re not dating. She’s just a friend he has in common with the people close to him, he would never date her because of what she did to you” you explained, trying to diffuse the situation.
João sighed, shaking his head. He turned to look at you, seeing the look on your face; a look he knew all too well.
He knew he had no right telling you who you should or shouldn’t talk to. He didn’t like it when you did it to him, he had no right doing it to you. But he had just been so angry at Magui for what he had done to him, time and time again after he had forgiven her, and he lost it when he saw the man in front of him.
However, looking at you in that moment, he knew you needed this. And he didn’t want to be the one depriving you of that.
“Okay” was the only thing he said, making your head shoot up and your eyes widen.
“Okay? What does that mean, okay?” you asked cautiously.
“If you want to go out with him, you can go out with him. I have nothing against it” he said, which prompted you to squeal and jump on him to hug him, chanting thank yous in his ear. “But, if he does anything to hurt you, I’m not afraid to fight him” it made you laugh.
Without wasting a single moment, you picked up your phone again and sent Lando a message, smiling giddily.
so, about that date?
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natailiatulls07 · 10 months
When they lost her
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2023 formula one grid & female!driver!reader
Warnings - Death, crying, car crash
Summary - After a horrible accident on track, the other drivers have to learn to cope with the death of someone very dear to all
Part 2
Y/n was always a joy to be around, always had a smile on her face, curious about how you are and would never fail to make someone laugh. Aside from her warm hearted attitude, she was also well known for being a incredible driver.
That morning, Y/n had brought in a selection of homemade baked goods to share amongst the drivers and the staff. Everyone extremely thankful for the goodies.
Only a few hours before, the driver was seen doing a wholesome interview with the fellow sky sport commentator, Martin Brundle.
“Martin! Hey do you want some cookies?” The women ran over to Martin who was flabbergasted by the girls upbeat attitude even though she had an intense race later that day.
“Oh thank you so much, now Y/n tell me how can you be this happy even though you have a fierce race today?” It was something many fans and viewers were keen to know, jealous of her calmness.
“Well in all honesty Martin, I am absolutely terrified. However, one quote that stuck with me in my 20 years of life is fake it till you make it! So that’s what I do” Y/n’s voice was sincere. “Well I got to deliver the rest of these before all the boring serious stuff begins so bye bye Martin and bye bye my loyal viewers!”
Waving goodbye to the camera, the girl ran off to find more people to share her delightful treats with.
“Radio check please” Y/n’s race engineers voice came through her ear piece, awaiting her reply.
“I’m a Barbie girl in world! Life in plastic, it’s fantastic” Her singing could be heard from the radio, alerting the engineer of her connection.
She sat snug in the sport car, eager to start the race. To left was one of her favourite British man, Lando, racing for McLaren. She raised her hand up waving in his direction, which he happily replicated.
It was long until the five red lights flashed off and the cars started down the track.
After about 20 laps of the track, it had started to heavily pouring rain. This was something that started to worry the female.
Soon enough the track had grown incredibly slippery, yet they were told to carry on with the race.
Only then did Y/n’s anxiety grew massive. Try to calm herself down, she had lost some focus on the race in general. This had caused her lose control over her car.
Spinning off track, the car had flipped over. The racing car landed on the ground completely flipped over. This had crushed Y/n inside with no way of escaping.
This also knocking the women unconscious.
Immediately the other drivers were instructed to return to their garages until they were given the all clear.
Upon hearing about the accident everyone had grown increasingly concerned with the lack of contact on the females part.
It wasn’t long before medics were sent out to Y/n. A curtain was pulled across the car, providing privacy.
“It seem that Y/n’s car as been covered with a curtain, whilst the rest of the drivers have been told to return to their pits” Martins voice was somber, he had his worries for the girl who never failed to brighten up his grid walks.
“Lewis, we have a red flag please return”
“Lando, red flag. You need to return to pit”
“Carlos, please return to pit. It’s a red flag”
All the remaining drivers had gotten the news off their engineers. Compliant, everyone made their individual ways to the pits.
“What is going on?! Where’s Y/n?!” Charles had anxiety pumping through his veins, making his way to her pit.
It was fair to say that all the drivers shared the same concerns for the young wholesome driver. She was their little sister, most had seen Y/n grow into the grown women she is today.
The medical team had made their way over to the flipped car, starting immediately to try and get the driver to safety.
They had pulled her unconscious body from the car. Laying her down on the ground, rushing to check her pulse.
Checking her neck. Nothing
Checking her wrists. Nothing
They had checked three times and each time receiving no pulse.
“No pulse…she’s gone” The solemn voice of a medic could be heard in the garage. By then, all the drivers and engineers were gathered around the main radio, everything fell silent at the short announcement.
Charles felt tears fall down his cheeks, his chéri was gone. To his left, you could see Lando’s face of surprise and sorrow, he had just lost his bestfriend.
That day all the teams joined together to grieve the death of the paddocks little sister. Fans paid their respects to Y/n’s family on social media.
Since that day, the paddock no longer felt the same warmth that she brought even on her harder days, it was something that was lost when they lost her.
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spookwyrdie · 18 days
Riled Up.
{part 1}{part 2}{part3}
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Bang Chan x Reader x Han Jisung
word count: 2.5k
summary: After your little performance on the dance floor with Jisung, Chan pulls you into a limo to teach you a lesson and remind you who's in control. Just as he's about to make you scream, his phone rings. Seems like someone wants to be in the audience for this.
genre: smut, power play
warnings: adult dialogue, explicit sexual content, dom/sub dynamics, jealousy, phone sex, cunnilingus, oral sex [f receiving], edging, dacryphilia, some bratting if you squint
a/n: I got super excited to share this part, so here it is! Pt 3 is in the works rn and might take a little bit, please be patient for that one!
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
Chan grabs your elbow and steers you off the dance floor and towards the exit. You watch his jaw clench, sending a ripple of desire through you as he drags you out of the club. You can feel how wet you are between your legs, thighs slick with arousal from dancing with Jisung. You’re so amped up from the anticipation and he hasn’t even touched you yet.  
Once outside, he opens the door to the vehicle you arrived in - a stretch limo with the blacked-out windows. He gestures to you to slide in first, his eyes fierce with hunger. As you step in front of him, he lands a firm smack on your ass. You keen from the impact as it jolts through you, another gush of arousal drips out of you as you clench around nothing. Your dress rides up your thighs as you slide into the car, Chan quickly following behind you and slamming the door shut. 
“Roll up the partition and take the long way back. The very long way back,” he says to the driver. The man nods as the opaque screen between the driver’s cab and the rest of the limo rolls up. 
Chan’s eyes meet yours as he turns to you, leaning in until he’s a breath away. “Did you have your fun out there tonight?” 
You bat your eyelashes at him, “Of course. Ji’s a great dancer, don’t you think?” 
“I think you were putting on a show to get my attention.” 
“Maybe... Did it work?” you ask, looking at him with a doe eyed innocence. He’s not falling for it, rolling his tongue against the inside of his cheek.  
“I don’t know, did it?” he grits out, taking your hand and placing it over the firm bulge in his pants. You salivate as you palm him through his pants, and he hums at the touch. You’re about to wrap your fingers around him when he snatches your wrist and pulls you close to him. 
“I think I need to remind you exactly who you belong to.” 
His plush lips crash against yours and you sink into his embrace. He tangles his hands into your hair and grips hard. Your jaw drops open as you moan at the harsh touch; Chan takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pressing his tongue against yours, biting down on your plump lip, and wrapping himself around you possessively. You’re lost in the feel of his soft lips against yours, the push and pull you fall into naturally sweeping you away in the moment. 
His hand comes up to your chin as he pulls away, holding you in place while you try and chase his lips. He hovers above you, tilting his head like he’s going to kiss you again. You reach up to close the distance, but he pulls back, smiling at the way his denial makes you pout. His lips trail along your jaw to your ear, biting down on the lobe, laving over the pain with his tongue. You cry out as your hips spasm underneath him, your ears are one of your most sensitive spots and he’s using it to his advantage.  
“Chan, please,” you whisper, breathlessly. 
“You don’t get to ask for anything tonight, sweet thing,” he says in a low voice, tracing his tongue around the shell of your ear. “You had your fun, now I get to have mine.” 
Your hands at his shoulders clench into fists, balling up the material of his shirt underneath them, using this one point of contact to ground you. He takes your wrists and holds them with one hand. The other unbuckles his black leather belt, slipping it out of the belt loops of his pants. He wraps it delicately around your wrists, taking care to keep away from the cluster of nerves and tendons. He cinches it down, not too tight but definitely snug against your skin. You wiggle your fingers, reaching to touch him in any way you can, needing to feel as much of his body as possible. 
“Ah-ah, no touching unless I say so,” he says, lifting your wrists and placing them behind the headrest of your seat. Your body is on display for him again, at his mercy. 
A pathetic whine escapes you as he kneels down to the floor, slotting his body between your thighs and pulling you close to the edge of the seat, your arms still connected behind the headrest. His lips find yours again, gentler this time, as he presses his body into you, making you lean back while he trails wet kisses down to your chest. He tugs the top of your dress down roughly, pulling your breasts out from underneath the fabric. His plump lips wrap around one nipple, flicking his tongue back and forth on the sensitive bud as the other hand pinches the other. You arch your back into him with a whimper, rocking your hips into him, chasing any sort of friction to relieve the building tension in your core.  
He sucks hard on your nipple before pulling it out of his mouth with a loud pop! He looks up at you from below, chuckling at your whimpers. “Feeling a bit needy tonight, sweet thing?” he murmurs with a dangerous edge to his voice. 
“Mhmm,” you respond, failing to produce any words as he rolls your nipples under his fingers, watching you squirm.  
His hands trail down your body to the hem of your dress, already pushed up far enough to see a peek of your panties. He drags his fingers down your thighs as he lowers his face down to your cunt. The sight of him between your legs, looking at you like he was going to happily devour you, makes you quiver. The throb of need throughout your body is strong, settling deep in your pelvis. You tilt your hips up towards him, begging silently as you bite down on your lip. Chan just laughs at you, hovering right above your panties, making sure you can feel his hot breath where you’re most sensitive, just out of reach.  
“Sit still,” he says, a hushed command in his voice. You instantly freeze in place, attempting to be good to get him to touch you. He hovers for a moment before he obliges. His eyes lock with yours, slowly pressing his tongue flat against the wet spot that has soaked through the fabric. The small amount of pressure already has you panting. He groans into your cunt, the sound reverberates and makes you wriggle around, whimpering helplessly. 
“God, you’re so wet already,” he murmurs, eyes fluttering shut. He’s lost in his own desire from just the taste of you. For a split second, he forgets the white-hot jealousy he felt from your little performance earlier. He leans back, opening his eyes and looks over you again; you blush under his intense gaze, feeling so vulnerable and so desperate for him. 
Chan runs his hands up your thighs, slipping his fingers beneath the waistband of your panties and slides them down leisurely, making sure to take his time. You feel a burning trail left over every inch where he has touched your skin. He drags the fabric down to your ankles and has you step out of them, shoving the garment into his pocket. His hands hook behind your knees and shifts them towards your chest, your glistening cunt on full display in the low light of the car.
Sitting back on his heels, he pulls his phone out, aiming the camera at you. “Say cheese,” he teases, sticking his tongue between his teeth and giggling. You bite your lip again, whining at the hot bolt of embarrassment that shoots through you, eventually settling deep in your core, the muscles spasm with want. 
Chan types out a quick message and hits send, his gaze lands on you again. His eyes are so dark, they’d be menacing if you didn’t know he was just as awash in lust as you. 
“W-who’d you send that to?”  
“You’ll find out later,” he purrs, flashing you a taunting smile.  
His hands grip onto your legs once more. He caresses from the back your knees to your thighs, thumbs meeting on either side of your lips, massaging but not making contact with your clit yet. The indirect pressure squeezing your sensitive clit has you bucking into his hands.  
After grinding into his touch, trying to chase any sort of real friction, he moves one of his thumbs and gingerly brushes over the swollen bundle of nerves, pressing gently into your clit without moving. It makes you yelp as you try to rub yourself against his thumb, but his other hand grasps at your hip, halting your movement. 
“I thought I made it clear I was in control tonight,” he says, raising an eyebrow at you. “You’ll get as much as I want to give you.” 
With that, he raises his hand, and slaps you right on your clit with a quick smack! Your whole body lurches forward, crying out, searing pain and pleasure mixing together as it rushes through your body. He lands three more slaps to your cunt, with each a lewd wet sound fills the cabin of the limo. Tears prick in your eyes as you blink, there’s a buzzing sensation building in your core.  
“Fuck, you take that so well,” he grits out from his clenched jaw. Both of his arms hook around your thighs, holding your hips down, as he presses a feather light kiss against your wetness. He loves taking his time with you - the needier you get, the more he drags it out.  
His phone rings in his pocket, and his eyes flash to yours, sin darkening his expression. He taps the button and holds it to his ear. You hear a tinny voice from the receiver say, “Hyung?”
“Look what you did to her, Ji. I don’t know whether to kill you or kiss you,” Chan says. “She’s so wet, her pussy is aching to be touched. Here, listen.”
Chan puts the phone on your lower stomach as his other hand languidly slips through your folds, still avoiding direct contact with your clit. You whine pitifully, trying to rut into his touch, slick noises fill the air again. He lands a few more wet slaps against your cunt again, each making you jolt and gasp at the sting. 
Chan picks up the phone again.
“Hear that?”
“Y-yeah,” Jisung says shakily. 
“Good listening skills. Let’s put them to the test,” Chan says, putting the phone on speaker and setting it down again on your chest.
“Ji….” You whimper.
“Y/n? Fffuck…” you hear him pant on the other end of the call. 
“Don’t hang up, Jisung,” Chan grits out. “You’re going to listen to her while I make her cum. That’s what you wanted, right?”
There’s a groan on the other end of the phone. Your eyes widen, landing on Chan. His gaze softens for a moment, searching your face for any hesitation. You pull your lip between your teeth and give him a small nod. Immediately, his demeanor shifts back into the domineering lust from before. He lowers himself to your core once more, holding your thighs open while pressing them closer to your chest. Sticking his tongue out, he lets saliva drip down the tip directly onto your clit.
You take a deep shuddering breath, but it gets caught in your throat when Chan wraps his lips around your clit and sucks hard. You choke out a groan as your hips convulse underneath him. He’s ruthless with the slow, sedate pace of his tongue. His forearms come up to pin you in place while his fingers spread your folds open for more intense, direct contact to your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your face scrunches up, a string of expletives leaving your mouth between whimpers. The lazy speed with deliberate, precise pressure of his tongue is enough to keep you teetering on the edge of an orgasm but not enough to get you over the crest. It’s driving you insane, the way that he’s playing with you like this. Any time you try to tilt your hips towards his mouth for more pressure, he backs away, anticipating your movements.
On the phone laying on your chest, you hear Jisung panting in unison with you. He echoes you, heavy breathing and grunting whenever Chan hits a particularly sensitive spot. Chan brings you to the brink again, the coil in your lower belly about to snap through you, when he lifts his head. 
“Can you hear this, Ji?” he says as he sinks a finger into you. You keen, your cunt sucking his fingers in eagerly. You nearly sob, wanting more, needing more, and Chan cruelly pushing you to the edge then denying you.
“M-more! Please, Chan,” you shudder out. 
“More?” he asks, sliding another finger in slowly.
You sigh at the stretch, still frustrated with the slow pace, not caring anymore how fucked out you sound as you whine. “Please…”
“I don’t know…” Chan muses. “What do you think, Ji?”
Jisung moans on the phone, “Fuck yes, more,” he says with a quivering voice.
Chan pauses, catching your eyes as tears start to stream down your cheeks. “Well, if Ji says so.”
Immediately, he fucks into you faster, fingers thrusting into your heat, tongue batting around your neglected clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, barely breathing from the sudden change of pace. You feel that coil tightening again in your lower belly, all your muscles taut in anticipation. Chan is brutal with the rhythm, racing you towards an orgasm, back to that edge faster and faster. 
When his fingers finally curl in that heavenly come-hither motion, the coil finally snaps. You scream, stars dancing in front of your eyes at the force of your orgasm as it pulses through you, fluttering your muscles around his fingers. Chan doesn’t stop, keeping up the intense pace of his tongue and his fingers, riding it out as long as he can. Your hips and legs are shaking. Your clit can’t take much more, the stimulation is too much. You writhe around trying to get away from his hand, but he doesn’t stop until you put a foot on his shoulder. He backs off, giving your clit one last kitten lick, making you convulse at even the lightest touch.
You slump back into the seat, trying to catch your breath, a thin sheen of sweat covers your entire body. You’re in a haze. The floaty feeling of trying to come back into your body buzzes in your ears. You barely notice when Chan picks up the phone from your chest.
“Did you catch all of that, Jisung?” Chan says, wiping your essence off of his chin.
A shuddering whisper of “fuck” comes from the receiver.
“You have ten minutes to be at my front door,” Chan says curtly. “...If you want another demonstration, that is.”
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smokin-corn · 24 days
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Mermay Collab Part 2!!:D
Lovely coloring by @trashpuppyy !!
Then I did the lineart:]
Killer is so sweet to tear off some fish for Cross! He knows Cross isn’t to keen on doing it himself. Maybe one day!! But for now they share a meal:]
Closeups and lineart..BELOW!
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Yar har har
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keen2meecha · 2 years
Unofficially introducing the main four lits! Picture of the left is them normally, picture on the right is around their love interests
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Kikimora, our main girl
she/her || 22 || bi
Nicknames: Kiki (Avi, Jase on a good day), Mora
Character Archetype: Stepford snarker, protective big sister
Major(s): Fine arts, business
Birthplace: Colorado
Love languages: Acts of service, quality time
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Avigail, Kikimora's half-sister/soft spot
she/her || 21 || graysexual, heteromantic
Nicknames: Avi
Character Archetypes: Main character energy, consummate liar
Major(s): Criminology, creative writing
Birthplace: Tennessee
Love languages: Quality time, gifts
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Haneul, Kikimora's love interest
she/her || 27 || lesbian
Nicknames: Aries (stage name), Ries, Hana (most people), Rockstar (by Kikimora)
Character Archetypes: Playboy, stalker with a crush
Career: Director of a modelling agency
Birthplace: Washington
Love languages: Acts of service, physical touch
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Killian, Avi's love interest
he/him || 24 || bisexual
Nicknames: Ashkii (by his family), Capricorn (stage name), Horn Boy, Horny, Blondie, Little Drummer Boy, Rockstar (all by Avi)
Character Archetypes: Bad boy with a heart of gold, the only sane one (in comparison)
Career: Mechanic, underground rock drummer
Birthplace: New Mexico
Love languages: Roasting Physical touch, quality time
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pseudowho · 5 months
Post-ShibuyaAU! Grey Nanami Kento...
🎄Christmas Headcanons
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
As an accompaniment to my story, Grey (link here); an AU where Nanami survives Shibuya exploration because I'm never going to be over his loss.
Merry Christmas, from Haitch, @silkspunweb and Greynami
Part 1 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Part 2 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Warnings: Severe injury (burns, eye loss), PTSD, alcohol use, depression, light smut, angst, AU headcanons
Before he met you:
AU!Nanami Kento who is barely holding himself together on the first Christmas after the Shibuya Incident, healed but not.
AU!Nanami Kento who spends most of his December evenings drinking himself to sleep, in a sleepy haze on the sofa while Christmas specials run quietly in the background.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts hunting Curses of his own jurisdiction, losing track of the days as he sweeps from case to case, kill to kill, nobody's servant.
AU!Nanami Kento who finds a family home and all of its corpses while he's on the hunt for a Curse; stepping over the bloodied threshold, shoes crunching on stained broken glass, he only realises it's Christmas Eve by the stockings hung out and the little broken bodies of their owners beneath them.
AU!Nanami Kento who cries himself to sleep.
AU!Nanami Kento who works through Christmas despite being ill, trying to numb his fear and loneliness, isolated but unable to ask for help.
AU!Nanami Kento who ends up in Shoko's care again; not taking care of himself, not sleeping, and not eating, so a cold grows into an infection and he welcomes in the New Year in a feverish daze in a Jujutsu High hospital bed.
AU!Nanami Kento who declines all visitors, the curtains pulled round his bed.
AU!Itadori Yuuji, Ino Takuma and Gojo Satoru, who leave Kento's gifts by the door for Shoko to collect.
After he meets you:
AU!Nanami Kento who would have planned to keep his head down and keep working, ignoring the Christmas lights and music...if not for you, so excited as the holiday approaches, making his heart swell.
AU!Nanami Kento who grasps your joy with both hands, clinging desperately to the hope for a happier life.
AU!Nanami Kento who lets you know he's ready to partake, by quietly sending his Christmas playlist to you. You never mention it, but begin a silent exchange of each adding new songs to the playlist. Kento hears you giggling in the kitchen as he adds a new one while brushing his teeth.
AU!Nanami Kento who looks at Jujutsu High, and all of its orphaned, abandoned or lonely children.
AU!Nanami Kento who kisses you back into the sofa cushions when you give him an unequivocal yes to his cautious Christmas Day Grand Plan proposal, with you, laughing and squeaking as he nuzzles with glee into your pyjama collar.
AU!Jujutsu High Staff and Kids, who begin to receive lovingly handwritten Christmas Day invitations from Kento and you.
AU!Nanami Kento who brushes off any offers of compensation from those who accept his invitation- and everybody accepts. Just bring yourself, he insists.
AU!Nanami Kento who doesn't take a mission for weeks; he's far too busy making lists, ensuring everyone attending has gifts to open, making recipe and aesthetic Pinterest boards and sharing them with you. Your evenings are spent toe-to-toe on the sofa, feet affectionately rubbing against each other's, discussing recipes and decorations.
AU!Nanami Kento whose love for you only grows when you throw yourself wholeheartedly into making preparations with him. You take up crochet; Kento becomes a plant dad, keen for his home to look more homely.
AU!Nanami Kento who sets his alarm early on Christmas morning, only to find you've beaten him to it and are already in the kitchen. He can't resist sneaking up on you, and you shriek in a puff of flour when he picks you up from behind, spinning you and popping you up onto the counter, scarred face blowing raspberries into your chest as you hit at him with a wooden spoon.
AU!Nanami Kento who starts the Christmas playlist, spinning you round the living room for just one song; there's just so much to do.
AU!Nanami Kento who bakes the gingerbread and pastries while you prepare the dinner, flicking flour and potato peelings at each other as you sing along (badly) to Christmas music.
AU!Nanami Kento who has a momentary pang of anxiety about his scars and eye patch, before you hand him the ugliest Christmas jumper he's ever seen in his life. He looks at you in disgust, but his face breaks into a smile as you step out in your matching jumper.
AU!Nanami Kento who struggles weakly as you pin him against the wall, pulling his cardigan off him and replacing it with the jumper. He struggles a little harder when you replace his eyepatch with a Christmassy one.
AU!Nanami Kento who can barely reach the Christmas tree light switch, for all the presents stacked around it.
AU!Nanami Kento who is overjoyed when people begin pouring through the door, shedding coats and scarves, bearing gifts of food, drinks, and board games, with Inumaki bringing his whole carefully packed games console.
AU!Nanami Kento whose home is suddenly, overwhelmingly full of love, laughter and merriment, watching you ensure everyone has drinks and snacks while he finishes dinner. Being in the kitchen makes it easier to hide that he's tearing up a bit.
AU!Nanami Kento whose dining table ends up too small to hold all of the people, so it holds the food instead, and the people find perches on chairs, the floor, footstools, in a giant Christmas picnic.
AU!Nanami Kento who is too full-up to move...but never too full to thrash Inumaki and Yuuji at Mario Kart.
AU!Nanami Kento who gives Maki some more burn ointment and a short one-armed squeeze, while she and Yuuta warm up the mulled wine in the kitchen.
AU!Nanami Kento who is just so bad at charades.
AU!Nanami Kento who almost weeps with laughter watching you, Nobara and Megumi play Twister after too much to drink.
AU!Nanami Kento who has left mistletoe above an unreasonable amount of doorways, starting a drunken cheek-kissing competition between the party attendees. Takuma Ino is winning, ambushing all passers-by in the bathroom doorway, male or female.
AU!Nanami Kento who was, of course, happy for Yoshino Junpei to bring his mother too; she spends the evening smoking and laughing by a garden firepit with Shoko, while Junpei, Yuuji and the others begin an irresponsible arm wrestling competition.
AU!Maki who wipes the floor with everyone.
AU!Nanami Kento who spirits you away to a dark, quiet nook, peeking round the corner before pulling the cupboard door closed, kissing you deeply and sinking his fingers into your hair to the distant sounds of revelry, which might as well be a hundred miles away.
AU!Nanami Kento who, to his surprise, welcomes Satoru as a late attendee. There is a quiet exchange at the door, before Kento allows Satoru to pull him in for a hug. Just one. It's Christmas after all.
AU!Nanami Kento who must accept many more hugs before the night is over, everyone overjoyed by their gifts.
AU!Nanami Kento who chokes up a little bit when he opens his first present from you; a tie, identical to his leopard print one lost at Shibuya. Found it on eBay, you insist as he pulls it on over his Christmas jumper to applause.
AU!Nanami Kento who waves everyone home with you, snuggled beside him under one arm, until the house is finally quiet and still, the love still remaining in every nook, every cobweb, every scrap of wrapping paper.
AU!Nanami Kento who curls up on the sofa with you, warm and whole under a blanket, until the kisses get deeper and hands start wandering-- let's get to bed, he insists, discarding your Christmas jumpers on the floor.
AU!Nanami Kento who has finished off Christmas in the very best way (in his humble opinion); in between your legs, gazing at you in unadulterated adoration as you whisper your love to him in the lamplight.
AU!Nanami Kento who reaches over you into his bedside drawer, just before sleep washes over you; just one more gift, he hushes behind your ear, and your heart leaps into your throat as his fingers unfold in front of you, to reveal a single tiny square box.
Merry Christmas, you beautiful little sausages.
-- Haitch xxx
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wonbriiize · 4 months
riize as boyfriends pt. 2
seunghan, sohee, anton ; pt. 1 is here
✧₊⁺ seunghan
would hold your hand while driving
is always ready to spend time with you; he would drop everything in a second to be with you
would hug you from behind to surprise you
you love stealing his sunglasses and he loves chasing after you to get them back
when you’re out of breath because of all the running, he’d grab you and spin you around
gives you forehead and temple kisses
loves seeing you get flustered when you realize he has been watching you the whole time without you noticing it
shows you his pokémon plushies and let’s you take the one you find the cutest
matching keyrings ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
the type of boyfriend to stand in your garden with a boombox to get your attention
✧₊⁺ sohee
ice cream dates in summer
when you have ice cream left on your lips, he’d kiss it away for you
water fights in summer and to call a truce, you guys share a milkshake together
whenever you go to karaoke together, the first thing he does is serenade you
loves to cuddle while the two of you watch something together
massages you everytime he realizes that you’re exhausted
when you two have a sleepover, he loves to kiss your forehead before you fall asleep
loves to take you on trips and show you new places <3
the type of boyfriend who holds you really tightly when you’re in crowded places
he isn’t that keen on pda but when you’re out and no one’s looking, he’d turn you to him to kiss you ૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა
✧₊⁺ anton
his phone wallpaper is a silly pic of you
has a picture of the two of you hung up next to his bed which he looks at every night before he goes to sleep (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)₊˚⊹ ᰔ
spams you with lots of messages and memes and just whatever is on his mind at that moment
the type of boyfriend who would send you cute animal pics and say ‘this is us’
loveeees taking you out to dinner
he also loves to take pictures of you, sometimes he lets you know and sometimes he just takes them secretly when he thinks you’re looking adorable
wants the two of you to do sporty stuff together, like go jogging together each morning
everytime he shows up for it, he has your favorite drink ready to give you enough power to jog
you two have matching necklaces ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
when you’re out shopping, he will legit hold every single shopping bag for you and follow you to every store you want to check out <3
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circeyoru · 3 months
You Think It’s That Easy? = Requested
[Yandere Human!Alastor x Arranged Marriage!Reader]
The Request (1) + (2)
Part 2 is out, please check Masterlist for the link
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I supposed that it would be heavily implied that Reader here is female, cause I can’t imagine Alastor’s time letting male and male into a marriage. Sorry to my male readers!
A friendship between families is not something to be happy about. At least, to the children of the two families it isn’t
“Darling, meet Alastor, for now you two aren’t of age yet, but in time, you two will be married.”
That line was what chained you down to another without room for rejection or say. Luckily, Alastor himself wasn’t keen on the idea as well, so whenever you two were out of your parents’ sights, you two were off to do as you please
Your parents ran a successful shipping company, leading them to be absent throughout your childhood. They sent you to live with their friend, Alastor’s parents, later the idea of marrying you two was formed. Alastor’s father ran a factory, producing metal and machinary, so he was well off. There wasn’t a thing out of place, except maybe the greedy he has to money
With the lack of parents, you had to rely on yourself and you had plenty of private lessons to prepare yourself before going to going to school. You saw Alastor’s father as a sinful man that leeched off of your parents’ fame. The idea of marriage was mainly from him as well, since he wanted more compensation on top of what was given to him while taking care of you
Alastor was more of a mama’s boy, as you took notice. Very obedient to her, yet when it came to his father, he was much like a doll. You also saw his father as abusive, though he played the kind and sweet father figure when you were around, when you were out of sight, his switch is flipped. You leaned to Alastor’s wounds when you caught him reaching for a med-kit in the dead of night
The two of you made your peace with the arranged marriage after sometime spending at school. You two also thought of just going through with it since either of you found ‘love’, nor did you two want to disappoint your parents
A glorious wedding day supposed to be the best day of one’s life was a dull ceremony for you and merely a formality for Alastor. Vows spoken with the intent to break, rings exchanged as mere jellewery, and a kiss shared just as a performance on stage. Somehow, the smiles on your respective parents’ face was worth the trouble
You two moved out and lived in a mansion that was affordable. You two slept in separate rooms, nearly nothing was shared. The situation was much like a roommate. Nothing between you two suggested that there was the concept of ‘love’
Though an odd friendship of mutual acceptance and private support was formed. While you both had your fair share of friends and connections, you knew you could always rely on the other for anything because you’ve known the other your whole life and seen the ugly side of the other and accepted it
Like when Alastor’s father was accidentally killed in a factor fire and his mother passed away from an incurable disease not long after. Or your parents that died from a shipwreck while out at sea during a vacation you refused to go. During these traumatic times, while people around you two tried to claw at you, the other would protect and be a source of comfort
That’s why you two agreed to have the marriage stay in tact. It will be broken off when either one finds a partner that was ‘true love’
And that time came faster than imagined. You found that love you wanted, you didn’t tell anyone, opting to keep it a secret. You had a face to put on, so does your love. You knew Alastor would understand, in fact, he’d be ecsatic for you. Since this meant he would be free of this playing house game. You honestly figured Alastor had a lover of his own as well, since he returns home so late and would immediately head to the showers to clean before falling asleep
Everything planned for your leave, you didn’t inform Alastor and thought it was fine for you to just leave with your love. You did and none was the wiser. As a form of curtsy and thanks, you left Alastor a great sum of money, a letter of farewell, your wedding ring and signed marriage divorce papers. If he wanted, maybe you two could do on a double date?
While you were happy and dandy with the arrangement, Alastor found himself unable to go through with it when that time come. His hands crunched up the letter and he shoved away all that money. You see, he never expected it, but he fell for you in a way it wouldn’t be considered normal. You were someone he just want to let go
Starting that factory fire was easy, call it a trial. He hates his father, yes, but he also wanted to see if you’d break off the marriage since his father was the one to suggest the idea. But you didn’t and offered him a shoulder to ‘cry’ on, he realized then, that he prefered your presence other than his mother’s
“Alastor, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, My Dear. Accidents happen all the time.”
“No, it’s not!” You suddenly hugged him out of nowhere, you knew perfectly well of his aversion to touch, yet you hugged him tight and provided your shoulder, “Don’t hold it in, Alastor. It’s not good for you. I’ll be right here for you.”
Slowly, Alastor returned the hug. His arms wrapped tightly against you, he let his face bury between your neck and shoulder and forced tears out. When he felt your hands patting the back of his head and soothing his back, a sickly grin formed. He likes this.
He realized his love for you when you mentioned some unsatisfactory suitors that approached you even when your wedding day was near. He killed a few and faked some accidents there. Then he had that was your parents that wanted to stop the wedding since his father was dead and you didn’t appear interested in him
So he found some people with a grudge against your family and planned an accident during their vacation. He appeared as your knight in shinning armour when those some people targetted you. He catched them away, but he just had to off them for attempting to harm you. There, after everything blew off, he offered his hand in this staged marriage as a form of support to you. You needed a husband to rely on, even though you have the money, a lady such as yourself can’t last long alone
The moment you accepted, he got to work. Rooms changed to a shared bedroom, you two would appear as a couple in cafes to enjoy meals and breaks. Everything to make it seem like you two were truly a couple instead of what happened before
Alas, his time with you was very limited. With his popular radio shows and nighty activities, he couldn’t keep up with you. But in his eyes you didn’t change much, so he continued. He noticed you were happier, but when you didn’t tell him anything, he didn’t know what was happening. He assumed you had a successful deal made or the like
“Darling! Dear! I’m home!”
But all that returned his greeting was the empty silence of the mansion.
To think you found your love without telling him. He was careful to eliminate any potential lovers of yours. How did he miss this one?! He’ll admit he was busier than usual, but he had been keeping an eye on you. What went wrong?
As dramatic as it sounded, he felt like his life was sucked out of him when he saw the papers on the table. The flowers he brought, which were your favourite, and the ingredients he brought to make your favourite meal were long discarded on the floor. He left work early to celebrate your anniversary with you and you left?
He scrambled up his and your shared bedroom, your personal belongings and stuffs were all gone. He went to his study, your files, documents, and books were all gone. He went to the kitchen, your favourite kitchenwares were gone too. His knees gave out beneath him, you truly left. You left him
“I wish you a happy life with your lover, Alastor! Don’t mistreat her! And it’s not proper to stay out too late into the night, Alastor~” Those inferno words that taunted him. He could practically hear your voice teasing him from the letter. Did you think he had a lover too? How could he when he loves (is obsessed with) you?
The next day, ladies were eager to comfort him and console him. The news of his divorce and that he was a free man was all over town, no doubt something you did to ensure that he and his supposed ‘love’ can be together in public. He was in no mood to entertain them
Alastor buried himself in his work, radio broadcasting and killing. As much as he wanted to hunt you down and kill whoever stole your heart from under his nose, he can’t. The two of you were famous in your own rights and it would cause quite the scandal that both of you might not recover
So he took out his witchcraft book. Binding souls request both souls’ blood and hair, he had collected yours beforehand. A sacrifice, the body in front of him will do well, it was the some person that tried to copy you and earn his love
He’ll see you in Hell and when he does, Alastor will not let you go
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Note: Another story that's not {Unwanted Soul}! I'll probably continue that one when all the votes are in. At least, the new plotline will be like that.
Since this request was a long time ago, I went and made it longer than others. Hope you like this one in the meantime!
Circe Y.
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vibingandsimping · 8 months
More random intimate positions/scenarios! Pt.2
Morally grey/villain characters this time!
Forewarnings: Dark content… including things like ownership, stalking, gore + obsession. Some pure fluff though :)
(I apologize for this being considerably longer compared to the others. I have been playing some more plus researching the lore. I feel more confident in my understanding of the characters and my writing.)
Gortash had his fingers wrapped around your chin as he beckoned you to look at him. You’re sat in his lap with your hands rested atop his shoulders. His expression is content with how closely pressed you are to his body. He could savor your warmth and read you so intimately. His brown eyes meet yours with a certain warmth laced in all the unwavering dominance. His lips quirk into a smirk as he watches your poorly built facade begin to crumble. His spare hand runs along the small of your back slowly… beckoningly. He'd be the hero of Baldurs Gate soon. He'd have all the power he dreamt of as a boy. Don't you wish to share that with him? His chest purrs when you keen into his touch. Good. He knew you could be a pretty thing for him. Such a formidable foe and he’d have you right by his side.
Minthara had her arms wrapped around your frame protectively. No matter how large or small you were in comparison. She was determined to hold you and plant some sort of reassurance into you. The way she regarded you was not that of any other. No, you were special to her and the woman realized it may not be so clear. She may be a cruel and a standard "drow", but beyond that there was an affection for you within her heart. She plants a kiss against the back of your shoulder-blades and it draws a shudder. Her muscles tighten around you as she presses her face into your shoulder, hot breath washing the junction of your neck and the flesh of your shoulder. You resist a second shudder. Unbeknownst to you, she’d follow you even if it was fruitless. Nothing was shaking her now that she was wrapped around you.
Orin's blade travels down your chest. It was gentle yet sharp... she wasn't particularly aiming to harm you but the thin streak of blood was enticing. The wound was so shallow it barely bubbled- just enough to alert her she broke the skin. Everything about the way she gazed at you was unhinged. You knew if she had pupils they'd be dilated. She draws her face downwards and laps at the tender flesh while you draw a shaky inhale. The whispers of praise and wishes for more barely reached your ears beyond the thrum of your heart. The slimy feel of her tongue worming it’s way up to your collarbones hitch your breath and you watch carefully. Each movement breeds more anticipation- she was soaking in your torment. She was wicked, truly, she devoted herself to you. You’d never understand her… but did you have to?
Ketheric’s hand laced with yours as you walked to his side. He was laid on his throne with open thighs as he acknowledged your presence. The man was aged and once a father. Well, technically still but Isobel regarded him with disowning. He long burned that bridge from his desperation and despair. You entered his life and turned things around. Everyone in Moonrise had never seen him so soft since he lost his daughter and wife. You took a seat on one of his thighs as he drew your hand to his face. His lips planted a gentle kiss on the back of your hand and then along your wrist. His beard tickled and caused you laugh, struggling against his hold as he stubbornly refused to let you go. When he finally did his lips were quirked upwards and there was a twinkling in his eye. He never thought he’d take a lover again… so he was glad when you broke down his walls. He’d once curse you for being persistent but now he’d praise you for it.
Raphael tugs on the invisible leash that was wrapped around your neck. You jerk forward on the bed as you kneeled with palms balancing you on the lush fabric. His wings were on grand display as his typically slicked hair tussled ever so slightly. Expression dark and expectant as you slowly crawled toward him. His brows furrowed as he tutted impatiently, a leg swinging out to hook around your thigh and jerk it underneath you. You collapsed as he drew you towards him with little patience. You now sprawled across his lower abdomen and crotch as his chest rumbles in amusement. Your skin burned with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. The hold he had on you, literally and figuratively, elicited a deep part of your brain. One that wished so carnally to be claimed… to be owned. Raphael would see to that, he promised, with one hand stroking your hair. You were such a sweet thing… and if you weren’t so persistent he’d lock you up for himself.
Kar’niss thought of you as a blessing. Truly, a drider like him didn’t deserve such an angel. He was supposed to be punished for all eternity for his shortcomings. He failed once and will never see to being a normal drow again. That’s why it didn’t make sense for him to be rewarded- but who is he to look at a gift with ungratefulness? He always holds you so tenderly… his body shockingly cold. He’s restless today, you note, as his eight legs skitter and his hands curl at you. There’s a flittering look in his face. A hunger he tried to conceal. When you question, he answers truthfully, drider need to feed on blood to survive. Every four days or he’d succumb to weakness and eventually die an empty husk. You offer yourself and he checks you for any hesitancy before diving in. He pierces the flesh with his sharp nails before indulging in the crimson that flowed. Between suckles and licks, he praises you for your generosity. Endless ‘thank you’s’ flow as much as your blood. He’s sure he’d never fallen deeper in love… or was it infatuation?
Haarlep knew their affection for you was essentially forbidden. Raphael handed you as a toy to them. Nothing more and nothing less- they should regard you only for his entertainment. They somehow found themselves wanting to indulge in your mind rather than your flesh after some time. It was your softness that first stunned them and foiled their pure-desire. Raphael never touched themself with such… they could barely find the word. Gentleness? Regard? They’d lay with you after your shared bliss and inch their nails down the side of your hip as you detailed your life. With a hand propping their head; they seemed enchanted. Mesmerized by how simple yet complex of a creature you were to them. Haarlep was a succubus and spent their life serving that purpose. They almost felt jealous of the freedom you held in life. They couldn’t help but find themselves fantasizing a life where you two lived in better circumstances. It was all a fantasy, though, they knew it with a bittersweetness.
Durge had always watched you from afar. Stalking, following and admiring. You caught their gaze amongst the crowd as they deliberately chose their next victim. You would’ve been easy. You didn’t hold yourself with a particular air in the ranks of Baldur’s Gate. Another citizen lost to the crazed killings of a maniac. It wasn’t until you’d noticed you had a secret admirer did your hackles raise. You could feel a pair of eyes on you at the most inopportune times. Then, came the letters at your doorstep detailing how they defied their nature. You could’ve been another hung corpse but instead they wished to wrap their mind around your heart and their lips amongst your neck. A shiver ran through you… a mix of disgust and a strange intrigue? Surely it was the way the letters were so detailed and deranged. You would’ve ignored it all until the stalking emboldened. You saw their figure in the window at night and through the alleyways. It was only a matter of time before they struck and claimed you as theirs. You’d simply have to keep an eye over your shoulder and hold a dagger close. If you could even strike them, that was.
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