#kiranokira recs
thebroccolination · 1 year
hey key!
I wanted to ask; do you have any winteam fic recs on AO3?
If yes, could you please suggest?? Thank you! Just asking for myself to read. And for others too!
I do! Okay, lemme try to assemble an eclectic mix and hopefully introduce a variety of writers and older fics that new fans might not have seen yet. I’m not caught up on all the newest fics (a lovely state of being to be in after two and a half years of refreshing the WinTeam tag every five minutes and finding one or maaaybe two a week). But you’re free to browse my bookmarks on AO3 for all my favorites.
bruises fade by @oopsimafannow
He can't even make his tongue form the shape for yes, but it's all he wants to say (it's all he wants to say out loud). Team is sucking a bruise on the inside of Win's thigh – he has, at some point, lifted Win's leg over his shoulder to give him access, tilting Win further into the cold metal with edges that bite into his shoulder blades.
The writing in this is some of the best and most visceral smut I've read in this or any fandom. I love when sex is written in a kind of matter-of-fact way that gives readers an idea of the sensations the characters are feeling. I'd read anything pinkish wrote, and I have two of their fics open in tabs. (One is for BounPrem's Cutie Pie characters WinTop, so I'm thrilled that exists.)
Course Correction by @nejineeee
“Did someone say you suck at kissing?” Win asked. He gripped Team’s hips in both hands. “Who have you been kissing, Team?” He sounded like he might start chewing rocks if Team didn’t answer immediately. “No one, no one, calm down,” Team said with a laugh. “I was just curious.”
I read most of this on a train in Japan and experienced a state of pure bliss the entire time. The characterization is spot-on, but so is the pacing and the comedic timing and phrasing. This is my favorite WinTeam fic at the moment, and I highly, highly recommend it. <3
Always Choose the Same by blackrose9212
“Win, do you want to talk about Tea—” Dean gets cut off as Manow sprints over to their table, throwing herself down into the seat across from them. She’s even more made up than usual today, no doubt seeing Pruk later. “P’Win!” she yells. Win raises his eyebrows, gives her the best look he can to say that he’s less than three feet away from her. “Oh. Sorry.” She giggles. “I need you to come with me. Right now.”
This writer was one of the first around in early UWMA fandom, and I fell in love with all their fics. The clever, snarky way they write Win and Team's narrative POVs always makes me smile, and the build-up to emotion is lovely. If they write more, I'll dive on it in a second.
The Gift Is Your Voice by Ume_otyaduke0525
“Ah…o-one more time.” He felt Win’s hand tense. His face drew closer, his hot breath glazing Team’s lips. “Team.” The second time was sweet and enraptured.
This writer is an extremely prolific Japanese WinTeam fic writer, and I loved her work in Japanese so much that I offered to translate this one into English. The premise is really cute, with Team dreaming about a younger Win who calls him "phi", and I hope I did the translation justice. If you read Japanese or want to practice, they have some of their other work up on AO3 as well.
maybe time will keep this place by sweetadeline
When [Team] wakes up in the morning his mother is at the door, rubbing at her neck. Win is still snuggled into Team's shoulder, so he untangles himself as softly as he can, praying he doesn't wake. He oddly feels like he's been caught, the way his mother looks at him as she stays by the door.
Note: This fic was written before we knew anything specific about Team's parents.
This fic has a fascinating premise: Team has to attend his father's funeral, and Win goes with him. It's written so beautifully and delicately, I just fell so thoroughly in love with it when I read it the first time. It's one of my all-time favorites. It's just so atmospheric and lovely.
like someone who knows everything about you by @mendacity17
“Just so we're clear, I'm not cuddling with you at night," Win declares before Dean has finished setting his suitcase on the floor. Dean looks up at him, completely unfazed. “Okay.” It’s… Dean. Win didn’t realize just how much he's missed him, and he feels a wave of homesickness that leaves a scratch at the back of his throat.
This one is set while Win is studying abroad in London. Dean comes to visit him. Pollitt's love for writing Win and Dean's friendship really shines here, and they truly capture that playful snarkiness while never losing that distinctive and undeniable fondness they have for each other. (The end is incredible and made me tear up.)
New York State of Mind by iamtheenemy
“Oh, Team,” Pharm said, interrupting his frenzied thoughts and shattering any hope Team had that it was all a misunderstanding. “This is P’Win, P’Dean’s best friend, the one who was interning for his family’s company in England. P’Win, this is my friend, Team.” Team, Win mouthed at him, his eyes dancing with delight. Team barely held back a groan.
I was obsessed with this fic as it was posting; I could hardly wait for each chapter. This is a marvelous AU in which Win was studying abroad in England the whole time, and the first time he meets Team is on a plane to New York for DeanPharm's wedding. It's exactly what you'd expect and so much more.
Wrapped Up by @faandomcentral
“We can do better than that,” Team prompts, both hands now gripping Win’s hips, pulling him back in time with his movements. “A little louder, hia.” “Fuck!” Win spits when Team reaches and wraps his fingers around Win’s aching erection.
TEAMWIN. TOP TEAM. And hot Top Team. Bratty Top Team. Blair's another writer who absolutely nails what works about good smut. And the premise alone, while simple, just sets you up for a memorable experience.
your quietest feeling by @sollucets
Team moves his hand again to settle over Win’s, and when he thinks he can control his voice, he murmurs, “Did you have a nightmare?” Win’s expression looks pained, and he hesitates over it, but he does admit it. “Yeah,” he mumbles, clearing his throat after the word comes out scraping. “I did.”
For years, I wanted to know more about Win's vulnerabilities as a character. We didn't really get to see many of them in the existing parts of the novel or in UWMA, so fics like this that explore Win's trauma, Win's potential vulnerability to nightmares, it's a gift. And this fic captures the Win we know so well while adding onto his character in such an achingly real way. Utterly beautiful.
Dominoes by dragons_and_angels
"Team," Win said, making sure his lips brushed against Team's skin as he said the word. Team shivered and Win wondered if he could ever stop smiling. "Want to wake up yet?" "No." Team shook his head and then turned Win's head so he could kiss him. "Waking up is bad," Team murmured against Win's lips.
This is pure, soft domestic bliss. Win helps Team out with a chaotic morning, and it's just everything I love about them as characters condensed in a quick look into their day. It's absolutely charming the way only WinTeam can be.
Prelude by @nejineeee
“You’re in pre-heat then,” P’Tul said, leaning forward. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. It wasn’t rude per se, but it wasn’t the soberest thing to do. Win’s grip on Team’s hip tightened. “Tul,” Win growled. P’Tul stood upright, settling back into his sandals. “I’m not going into heat,” Team said again.
For me, omegaverse is usually just fun smut that I read occasionally, but in order to be taken seriously, the story has to go above and beyond in some very specific ways. I'm not a fan of omegaverse worldbuilding that leans on secondary genders as a substitute for the struggle of gender roles within heteronormative culture. This fic's worldbuilding is so fascinating. There are so many tiny nuances and details mentioned in passing that make the world feel authentic. Also, Win and Team are both just…………so stupid and so in love they miss obvious details in a way that's delightful instead of frustrating. Even if you're not the biggest fan of omegaverse usually, I recommend this as an exception to prove how good it can be when it's in the right hands.
There are more in my AO3 bookmarks!
I'll also come back and edit this if I find tumblr urls for the writers above!
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yoificfinder · 7 months
Hello! Do you have any short and fluffy victuuri recs? I prefer around the 15k to 20k word mark but I am happy with any! If you have any of these stories please share with me. If not that’s ok! I love all the work you do and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you!
I love fluffy fics!! And this fandom has a lot to offer (I limited this rec to one fic per author though).
And I know you asked for 15k-20k words but I included shorter ones too in this rec. It's actually a bit hard to find 20k of pure fluff since some angst or tension seeps in but I hope you'll enjoy these. Thanks for patiently waiting!
Less than 15K words
all the dragons we have slain by brighter [M, 10K]
This is why Yuuri loves gaming—the victory of it, the easy camaraderie amongst his guild, the sense that he’s part of something greater.
Victor tells him, “you were incredible,” and maybe he loves that a little, too.
come get you some of that bounce baby by @crossroadswrite [T, 4K]
“What are you doing?” Yuuri asks, side-eyeing him as he bends his arms behind his back, legs stretched into a perfect split.
“Delivering justice onto this cruel and unusual world.”
“Whoever trashed me on social media is not worth it, Vitya.”
(Or: in which they're happily married, coaching Russia's and Japan's next great skaters, and Victor Nikiforov remains the clingiest, thirstiest man on the face of this planet.)
Heartbeat by (orphan_account) [G, 3K]
Victor starts sleeping in Yuri's bed well before the Cup of China.
just like me they long to be by sparklespiff [T, 4K]
"Haven't you noticed that Yuuri gets everything he wants?"
"Everything that's in somebody else's power to give him," Mari says, before Victor can bring up last year's GPF. "He's not magic, just pretty."
"But it's like magic. My theory is that it's because he's sneaky beautiful, so you're not expecting it, and then, under all that stuff, whoa! Gorgeous. And it's too late to save yourself."
"Stuff?" Victor keeps smiling but makes his voice cold, the way he does when reporters overstep. His Yuuri doesn't have stuff. Everything about him is beautiful.
Yuuri lives in a Beautiful Person Bubble. It's Victor's responsibility to make sure he never finds out.
Viktor Effing Nikiforov by @shysweetthing [E, 13K]
AU in which Yuuri still doesn’t remember the banquet, somehow doesn’t blow Japanese Nationals, runs into Victor at the World Championships, and has absolutely no idea why his idol is suddenly friendly and incredibly handsy.
Does Yuuri care about his reasons? No. It’s Victor Effing Nikiforov.
15K to 20K words
The Fundamentals of Caring by @braveten [E, 21K]
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
If It's You by Kiranokira [E, 16K]
Viktor very much wants to pose nude with Yuuri for a Japanese magazine. Yuuri is less enthusiastic.
Yuri turns and brandishes a damp sock at them. “Don’t let him sweet talk you into doing porn,” he tells Yuuri. Then he grimaces and mutters to himself in Russian, “I can’t believe my life has reached the point that I have to say things like this.”
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot-daily [T, 27K]
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him
puppy love by minsyah [T, 16K]
Vicchan has a crush on their neighbor across the balcony, and so does his owner.
Yuuri, certified Dog-Dad™, will do anything for his beloved poodle—even if that means constantly embarrassing himself in front of his devastatingly attractive neighbor.
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sollucets · 1 year
@tiistirtipii said do a tag game! yes boss [salutes]
i have done this tag before, but it was a while ago, so fresh new information coming right up. and so much of it. this is ur warning again that i never shut the fuck up
Three ships
1) akkaye (theyre on the brain. no one is surprised)
2) heart & li ming (newest addition. favorite thing about mlc)
3) asoryuu (from dgs. around this time two years ago they were the only thought in my brain and i was rereading old journals and thinking about kazuma dreamily the other day)
First ever ship
the real answer is contestshipping, may/drew from pokemon, but as it pertains to ql shows the answer is semantic error jaeyoung/sangwoo (i got into bl because of dkz jaechan. it's his fault.)
Last Song
when i opened spotify it was playing MIRROR MIRROR by milli, f.hero and changbin
Last movie
i watched 'a knight's tale' with my brother when he came to visit me last month. it was for sure a movie, heath ledger was a pretty pretty boy, i liked the soundtrack gimmick
Currently Reading
i am not actively in the middle of anything right now., so i'll use this space to recommend some stuff >:) the last book i read was terry pratchett's 'i shall wear midnight' as i am still sort of, kind of, working on my full discworld re/read from 2021 lmao. it's so fucking good i've loved tiffany my whole life.
a fanfic i am patiently waiting for the next update of is the extremely excellent "sunrise, sunset" by otterlylost (akkayan time loop au fic, mind the tags but like. read it!!!! read it i'm begging). another small rec for "a shirt to make him shiver" by kiranokira (who uses tumblr at user broccolination) which is an Extremely Funny winteam fic about crop tops and unbridled lust
Currently Watching
each week i do my very best to keep up with my school president, never let me go, the warp effect, GAP, and now also moonlight chicken [cries] i do not always succeed
Currently Consuming
i have a weird strawberries & cream flavor of dr pepper given to me by my coworker. it's pretty good
Currently Craving
i want only friends. i want it now. p l e a s e.
i'd also be fine with like a chicken sandwich? yeah that sounds good
most of my rasmr mutuals have absolutely done this tag already, and my fledgling status as a person who has ql mutuals means that theyve either been tagged recently or i Fear To Interact, so i will (like a coward!) leave this untagged, but if you want to play i love and support you and will read it if you tag me
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smallyoificrecs · 6 years
Feathers on Ice
Kiranokira ( @kyashin ) Chapters: 19/19 Relationship: Phichit Chulanont/Seung-Gil Lee Rated: Explicit Words: 78951 Summary: After dinner and a bath and quality hamster time, snuggled in bed cocooned within his eight entirely necessary pillows, Phichit indulges himself and investigates Seung-gil's hashtag. There isn’t much from Seung-gil himself, but Seung-gil's fans are many and dedicated. Amid the photos of Seung-gil at competitions or practicing and the few candid shots of Seung-gil in airports or out on the streets of Seoul, there’s a very recent professional video uploaded by user andjoy_studio. Phichit clicks on it, and his life changes.
Read it here!
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captainkirkk · 4 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
✩ (do you take this jerk to be) your one and only by jatersade
Under the leadership of Fire Lord Iroh, the Fire Nation has made every attempt to restore peace and make amends for the harm they inflicted during the Seventy-Year War. Their newest proposal is a literal proposal: a marriage to unite the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes.
The Fire Nation offers Prince Zuko’s hand.
The Water Tribes offer Princess Yue’s.
Sokka is apparently the only person in the world who has a problem with any of this.
collector's edition by achievingelysium
It isn't unusual to see pro hero Deku wearing merch for his fellow friends and heroes, but for his birthday, the former class 3-A flips the script.
The Magnus Archives
look no further by inkyindigo
Martin just wants to keep Jon safe. Sometimes the easiest way to do that is to bodily remove him from harm's way.
or, a collection of times Martin picks Jon up.
Yuri on Ice!!!
It Was a Chooseday by Kiranokira
Viktor and Yuuri are invited to participate in a sports-themed episode of Drunk History. Watch as heavily inebriated Katsuki Yuuri earnestly attempts to tell a story about his hero, Viktor Nikiforov, while he cuddles his husband, Viktor Nikiforov.
and i was like baby, baby, baby, oh by seventhstar (Note: I normally never read or rec a/b/o fics, since this trope is the bane of my existence but..... this fic is so cute. Unconventional a/b/o fic with no consent issues, mostly just fluff and character studies.)
“…is that…are you pregnant?”
“Since when?”
“Three months. Look, there’s my baby, Pumpkin. And here is Yuuri’s baby, Butternut—”
“Are both of you pregnant!?”
Good Omens
Summoned by sleepymccoy (+ podfic)
Heaven and Hell decided that as they have their Worst Employee of the Forever sorted, they could shimmy the worse parts of the gig off to them. And being summoned sucks.
Crowley finds he keeps getting summoned by different people, more often than ever before. This fic is the roughly year and a half period after that failed apocalypse, told only through scenes where Crowley (and one time Aziraphale) have been unwillingly summoned by someone. I will say the real joy of this is that Crowley is pissed off most of the time and Aziraphale is appropriately protective
Miraculous Ladybug
✩ The Growing Pains Of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13
What do the citizens of Paris do, when they realize that their heroes are literally growing up before their eyes? They freak the fuck out.
Or everybody realizes that the heroes of Paris are young teenagers and are a little (extremely) worried about children fighting a terrorist.
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juneviews · 3 years
hi!! could u give me some fic recs for bls on ao3? some of your all time favorites maybe.
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hi anon! my face when I saw this ask lmao, sadly I don’t read as many fanfictions as I used to simply bc writing them & managing this blog takes a long ass time! the biggest part of the fanfics I read were before I created an ao3 account so I don’t even have them bookmarked & basically have no way of recalling them :/// but here are some of my bookmarked fics:
in the province of the gods by kiranokira: ugh this one left such a big impression on me, I adore it ngl. also I’m now realizing it subconsciously inspired a few of my holidays fics like when the world outside is scary, you’re my sanctuary & with the tender ripples of the lake. I just love it so much & it’s a wonderful take on harutamaki :)
thousands upon thousands by fountainhead: this one?? is literally everything I aspire my fics to be. it’s so well written & describes the feelings of the characters perfectly. I could picture every scene right in front of my eyes, the pacing was perfect & there’s literally nothing I would change about it. it’s iconic & beautiful and I read it at least once a year!
everyone’s looking for someone to hold by @petekaos: literally the fic that got me on board with manboss. it’s so soft & I adore my friends to lovers so I was so happy reading it :)))
his by orphan_account: stumbled onto this one hella randomly once I learned tinefong were a thing lol, and I absolutely loved it. this story is super original, the setting in new zealand literally transported me & the way of writing the characters was super realistic! also polyamory ;)
literally 500 others that have been lost to time :( I should try & read more too, there’s so many talented writers in this fandom!
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inkorns · 4 years
hello, don’t know if you you’ve done this before but may you give us a short fic rec from some of your fave Thai shows? xoxo
i said i’ll do it on the weekend and i didnt bc time isnt real and im an asshole! this list will literally just be ramking bc i dont want to make you wait... and id have to remind myself about all the other fics so... okay no this will also be uwma it will be absolutelly everything i remember rn... also i apparently dont know what short means... at first i thought ill just go through my subscriptions but that has 18 pages and is sorted by title... so no
my engineer 
i'm in trouble (oh i'm in trouble) - by hxt_pxckets is my absolute favourite as of now, its still on going and i love it, up to now it was baisically the series with some minor alteration which I ADORED, and now its like going its own way and it’s still as good! 
like a flower by @reservethesun - is another ongoing favourite of mine,  King’s is wonderful and while this is well... sad sometime, Ram is absolutelly amazing and just mwah 10/10
until we meet again
forever? forever. by Jamilton_and_Lams ( @my-ships-will-never-be-sank ) -  bc i hate happiness i guess
We Three series by Kiranokira - *just insert me happy crying its everything i ever wanted* be prepared bc Kiranokira will be on this list a lot 
now i've got you in my sights by sneakiest - its inkorn first time, thats all i have to say... its perfect and i loved how she writes them both, actually i just really like what she writes 
Likewise by Kiranokira - you arent allowed to dislike this one
You Can Cry by Kiranokira - oh just read everything from her, those are my top three tho
Let Me Care For You by @shellygurumi - soft, kind to my soul, go READ IT 
the life we deserve by @shellygurumi - the whole idea is perfec and while not finished the chapters are like stand alones so!
why r u
i'll get you lost (but i'm having fun) by sneakiest - i like it and its one of the ones i remember
Fighter: "I do think!" series by lizcltr - im subscribed and i enjoy it ITS GOOD OKAY
Why R U Ringing My Love Alarm? by onstoryladders - why r u meets love alarm, its nice! i rrly rrly like all of those i just dont want to say the same thing... i like them go read it! 
our last page by mysheeples ( @torfight ) - I LOVE IT MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF i was so focused on not forgetting anna that i forgot
this is all about magnetic by mysheeples - perfection if i can say so
break your filter by mysheeples - c: 
taking up a fraction of my mind by sneakiest - perfection i absolutelly loved it... also mantype so 10/10
The Chaser by mysheeples - i would love it for the title alone but its also great and it haS SOULMATES and mantype
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seblos · 4 years
IDK if ur still a klaine shipper but if u are could you rec some of ur fave fic?? I would appreciate it much!
ooh i havent watched the show in a few months because i watched it every day for almost a year, but i do have many fics bookmarked and i would love to drop them!
spiraling by zannawrites
cinnimon by morethanwords
everything stays right where you left it by kiranokira (one of my favorties)
worth the wait by ntoenoughtogivebread
mckinley’s first fight club by maricao790
you give god love by mira_kokoa
bow-tie by klainefics24
(b)romance by klaineanummel (another favorite)
shaw by victoryscreech357
there from the start by blugersmurfklaine (another favorite, ily aly)
lonlieness found me by coffeeaddict80
can i handle the seasons of my life? by mrs-bobbiwinchester 
got a secret by poorlittleklainer
fresh eyes by blugersmurfklaine (once again another favorite and not just bc aly wrote this one for my birthday <3)
love me tender by khlove65
all in the past by gleekto (another favorite)
thats all ill give you for now but i still have another page of bookmarks if you want more!
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kaleidodreams · 5 years
Yuri!! on Ice Fic Recs
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This post is technically a continuation of this one, but I’m going to turn it into a general Yuri!! on Ice fanfiction rec list which I plan to keep updated. (I’ll try to reblog whenever several stories have been added.) (Listed in alphabetical order by title.) Enjoy!
A Cat Is Good Too by heli_copter - Otabek/Yuri
a million miles from your desperate days by idrilka - Victor/Yuuri
All his worn out Leather by MadamRed and venom_for_free - Otabek/Yuri
All That I Want by ratherunnecessary - Mila/Sara, a little Otabek/Yuri 
Almost Love: A Prelude by Eliza - Otabek/Yuri
And Baby Makes Three by nevermetawolf - Victor/Yuuri
An Intangible Force of Motion by doeinstinct - Victor/Yuuri
a new light by stammiviktor -Victor/Yuuri
an open door by tripcyclone
A Poem Called Loss by icandrawamoth
A Practical Guide to Winning the Olympics (Dos and Don’ts) by Anna (arctic_grey) (Victor/Yuuri)
believe it when i say by imagines - Otabek/Yuri, Otabek/Chris
Beloved freak by heresetrash
“Be My Sex Coach, Victor!” Verse by lucycamui - Victor/Yuuri
Bet on Love and Let It Ride by Zetal (Rodinia) - Georgi/Mila
Blog About It by Dawn on ICE (Dawn_Blossom) - Victor/Yuuri
Break the Walls by Allekha - JJ/Yuuri, JJ/Isabella
But Not For Me by havisham - Victor/Christophe
Call Everything on the Ice... by shysweetthing - Victor/Yuri
come on baby, let's do the twist! by parenthetic (renaissance) - Yakov/Lilia
City of Love by yuuago - Leo/Guang Hong
Come Find Me by pohjanneito - Otabek/Yuri
Commemorative Photos by airspaniel, dance_across - Phichit/Christophe, Victor/Yuuri, Victor/Christophe, Phichit/Yuuri
Commitment and Love by WinterSky101 - Victor/Yuuri
Confidence: An Isabella Yang Story by Nara - JJ/Isabella
Crucify by annabeth - JJ/Isabella, JJ/Yuri
Crystal and Burgundy by indulging_inaccuracy - Yakov/Lilia
Death Spiral by LittleLostStar
Determination by SociallyAwkwardFox - Otabek/Yuri
Different This Time by orphan_account - JJ/Isabella, JJ/Otabek
Don’t Even Need to Buy a New Dress by Allekha - Victor/Georgi
Each Merrily Goes by Allekha - Yakov/Lilia
empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose - Victor/Yuuri
Exceeding Expectations by asocialfauxpas (fuzzytomato) - Victor/Yuuri
Exposure Compensation by Teuthida - Phichit/Celestino
Find the New World in You by opalish
Flor de Loto by MadamRed and venom_for_free - Otabek/Leo, JJ/Isabella
Florentine by Mazarin221b
Follow Me, Remember Me by Allekha - JJ/Isabella
for the rest of my days by gardevoirite  - Otabek/Mila, Otabek/Yuri
For You, My Love, and No One Else by japansace - Victor/Yuri
Fraying At The Edges by henriqua - Otabek/Yuri
Free To Love by Dev_Writes - Mila/Sara
Gliding on a Distant Edge by Allekha
Half a Chance by ratherunnecessary - Otabek/Yuri, Yuri/Yuuri, Victor/Yuuri
Haunted Places by vailkagami 
Heavy Impact by greygerbil (Victor/Georgi)
Hell Is Other People by Ren - Otabek/Yuri
Here’s to the Mess We Make by FakePlasticSnow - Otabek/Yuri, Otabek/Mila
he’s my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds by wingchestr - Victor/Yuuri
How (not) to have sex at a wedding by venom-for-free - Otabek/Yuri, Victor/Yuuri
If I Ever Get the Nerve by FakePlasticSnow - Otabek/Yuri
if she wants me by renaissance
in a palace of cracked marble by badbaravois - JJ/Isabella
in the heat where you lay by wingchestr - Victor/Yuuri
It’s About Him by mongoose_bite - Otabek/Yuri
it's the life we're living now by vivevoce - Otabek/Yuri
i've told a hundred lies by persephoneggsy - Otabek/Mila, Yuri/Minami
japan’s ace, katsuki yuuri by FullmetalChords - Victor/Yuuri
Just for You, a Symphony from My Soul by Caeseria - Victor/Yuuri 
keep me steady as we go by strikinglight - JJ/Isabella
Krasavitsa//Tesorina by gay-theprayaway (gay_theprayaway) - Mila/Sara
Leave My Heart Being Undressed by Allekha - Victor/Christophe
Love Hotels & Instagram by lucycamui - Victor/Yuuri
Love Lessons by AgentExile - Victor/Yuuri
My reflection of you by phisen - Victor/Yuuri
Nerve Endings by Phyona - Victor/Yuuri
Newlywed Bliss by garbage_dono - Victor/Yuuri
Night is Young and the Music’s High by opalish - Victor/Yuuri
No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock
No Right Way by Seaver - Otabek/Yuri, Victor/Yuuri
not even with your hand by Naraht
Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts by Reiya - Victor/Yuuri
Oh Baby Mine by stella_polaris - Otabek/Yuri
on growing; by crossroadwrites - Victor/Yuuri
Overcome by Maiden of the Moon - Victor/Yuuri
People Who Get It by icandrawamoth
Perfect Reflections by Allekha - Victor/Christophe
P.S. I Love You by coookiesandcream - Victor/Yuri
Push and Pull by greygerbil - Michele/Georgi
Quiet Hours by henriqua - Otabek/Yuri
Redrawn Edges by Allekha - Victor/Christophe
Round and Golden by Ninevek_uk - Victor/Christophe
Rust & Stardust by BoxWineConfessions - Georgi/Mila
Sacred Spaces in Planned Days by Allekha - Yakov/Lilia
Sleepless by SharkGirl - Victor/Yuuri
Sport and Sunshine by Allekha - Victor/Chris
Starlight Waltz by phoenixwaller - Victor/Yuuri
Storge by FullmetalChords
studies on intimacy by idrilka (Victor/Yuuri)
Summertime on the Ice by Allekha - Victor/Christophe
The Adventures of Otabear by malachibi - Otabek/Yuri
The Bern Incident by WinglessCrows - Victor/Christophe
The Best Birthday Present by xslytherclawx - JJ/Isabella
The Boyfriend Series by japansace - Victor/Yuuri
The Name Game by GoodbyeBlueMonday - Victor/Yuuri
The Next Level by azriona - Victor/Yuuri
the privilege of being yours by thewalrus_said - Christophe/Mystery Boyfriend)
The Proposal by animomma - Victor/Yuuri
The Sex House by lucycamui - Victor/Yuuri
The Squatter's Approval by Kiranokira - Mila/Sara
the top of the world by stammiviktor
The Transience of Always by dustbunnyprophet - Georgi/Mila
The Waiting Game by WhiskeyDreams - Otabek/Yuri
To Keep From Drowning by Seaver
took me knee-high to a man by thewalrus_said (Christophe/Mystery Boyfriend, Victor/Christophe)
Too Much Between Us by Ashii Black (ashiiblack) - Victor/Christophe
Touch by HazukiNinja - Otabek/Yuri
To Warm the Winter’s Cold by Allekha - Victor/Christophe
True North by Halrloprillalar (prillalar) - JJ/Otabek, JJ/Isabella
Undiscovered Country by shysweetthing - Victor/Yuuri
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya - Victor/Yuuri
Visiting Hours by Kiraly - Otabek/Yuri
Watch The Young Hearts Fade by tarnished_reveries - Otabek/Yuri
Winter Song Universe by proantagonist - Victor/Yuuri
Where Love Grows Free and Wild by deeyosa, lily_winterwood - Victor/Yuuri
Yakov is a Teddy Bear by DaisyK44
You (still) feel like home by henriqua - Otabek/Yuri
yuri hates canadians and their ice stick sport by spellingmynamewrong
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yoiotdfics · 6 years
Fic Rec September 14, 2017
The Heroes of Life and Love
While Yuuri and Viktor are visiting Hasetsu, the triplets figure out a new and clever way to take candid footage of them.
col3bri: Very adorable.  The domestic fluff side of Yuuri and Viktor through the eyes of the triplets.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
I’m reading a WinTeam and KongArt crossover AU and I have not felt this level of serotonin in a long time. My two favorite pairings. T__T
Anyway I’m only halfway done but please join me in crossover bliss. Kongphob is an actor in a secret relationship with Arthit, and Team is his personal assistant; Win is an actor who takes an interest in Team. It’s DELIGHTFUL.
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yoificfinder · 2 years
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Happy birthday to Seung-gil!!! 🥳
Here are some SG-centered fics (a few with pairings) I rec:
For Your Eyes Only by @opalish [G, 2K]
Yuuri once told Victor that Phichit was the only foreign skater he considered a friend.
Yuuri lied. He's been Seung-gil's dirty little secret for well over a year.
Have we got contact? by @crollalanzaa [G, 6K]
Seung-gil hadn't been at all sure he'd watch the competition. What he'd do instead was practise and look after his dog, catching up on the highlights later because they were the only thing that could possible be useful. But then Sara Crispino texts him, and instead of ignoring her, he finds himself drawn into the excitement of the Grand Prix Final.
And it's not long before everyone else starts messaging.
like clockwork by @cyanoscarlet [G, 1K]
(“You can’t skate and study at the same time. One day, you will have to choose.”)
Seung-gil’s test paper is full of check marks, as always, save for one. “Impeccable,” he recites to himself. “It means ‘faultless’.”
There’s no such thing.
Polestar by Kiranokira / @kyashin [E, 103K]
*Sequel to Feathers on the Ice
Seung-gil's world has always been a little underpopulated. As of October 2017, he had a coach he couldn't connect with, a team he kept at arm's length, a family he couldn't confide in, and recently: a friend he had only recently come to trust.
Two months later, his coach is gone, his team is strained, his family is concerned, his friend has become much, much more, and everything around him is spiraling.
Meanwhile, the 2018 Winter Olympics is looming.
West Coast by edgeworth [T, 7K]
Seung-gil feels a tightness in his chest, choosing to look away from Otabek, who looks more Californian with his darker complexion and t-shirt, more fit in. The skin around his elbows is a nasty green-blue dimpled with speckles of dull yellow, and even that for some reason, fits in more with their surroundings than him.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
[ winteam fic rec ]
love me more - pinkish / @oopsimafannow
4.9k | explicit | top team, bottom win | dual pov, body worship, emotional smut
But, on nights like this, Team wants Win to forget that Team even has desires. Team wants Win to forget that there’s any purpose to Team’s hands but touching Win. Team wants Win to forget that he’s not supposed to ask for things just because he wants them.
And it is hard work to get him there. Their little dance with the kisses and the wrists and the hands is part of the tide that pulls Win under.
The next step is to get Win on the mattress. Some nights, Win puts up more of a fight, laughing as Team has to figure out how to knock him off balance, grinning when Team fails and Win ends up leaning over him on all fours, his hair flopping over his eyes and his teeth pressing into red lips. Tonight, Win lets himself be led, and Team’s heart clenches because it means he left it a bit too late.
Win already knows he needs it tonight, was maybe already asking for it.
The feelings in this one. They fit so well in that time between episodes eleven and twelve. Where Team is confident enough to take the lead from Win, where he understands how their dynamic works and how to manipulate it for Win’s benefit for a change, where he knows how Win stretches himself too thin for everyone and tries to heal him afterward.
And e’s writing is just so emotionally evocative with such concise phrasing and well-chosen imagery, that both Win’s POV and Team’s feel perfectly in-character. Everything in the buildup feels authentic to the point where the last scene just gutted me in the best way.
It’s a fic that travels the span of the series from the beginning to just before the end, and because of that, it reminded me in the best and rawest way why I love them so much.
100/10 🏆
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thebroccolination · 2 months
So @itsmylifekay, of WinTeam fic the salty taste of victory and KawiPi fic done waiting fame (and many, many more), has written an 82k-word KawiPi AU fic set in the Witcher universe. And it is now hands-down one of my favorite fics ever.
I’m so excited for people to read it, and I hope she gets heaped with praise when she uploads it to AO3, because she really, really deserves to hear a thousand times over how incredible it is.
Engagement for fics takes a steep decline when a series ends, so if you do read it when it’s uploaded, please, please, please leave kudos and comments. That’s what keeps little fandoms like Be My Favorite thriving. I know people still love the series, so I’m hoping there’s still an audience for the fics we want to write. <3
(She’s still editing it, but I’ll be back again to promote it when it’s up! 💖)
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thebroccolination · 2 months
the river destiny (it runs so sweet) by @itsmylifekay
Kawi x Pisaeng
• Slow-Burn Romance • Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers • Witcher-verse Typical Violence
SUMMARY: It has been said, by himself and many others, that Kawi has some of the worst luck in the whole Continent – and beyond.
He’s awkward, clumsy, and generally so covered in scars that even his enhanced healing struggles to keep up. Sometimes, he thinks it’s a miracle he’s managed to last this long.
Other times, he thinks destiny is playing a cruel trick.
RECOMMENDATION: This fic is over 80k of such well-written character and worldbuilding that you'd think this was the canon. Kay's so seamlessly written Kawi, Pisaeng, and Pear into this universe that it feels like they're meant to be there. (Also, there's a horse named Cake.) Like, listen, even if you haven't seen the Witcher, you'll still probably love this fic. I barely know anything about the Witcher and I was hooked the entire time.
Kay's posting chapters as she edits this massive behemoth, so please please please go read and leave comments. This isn't a WIP situation. It's done, and it won't be abandoned. But I know from experience that comments on the chapters as they're posted is really appreciated by writers. <3
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thebroccolination · 1 year
I absolutely adore your blog 🫀 I adore the way in which you write (especially about WinTeam); you were actually one of the first things that lead me to watch Between Us, which was my intro to, and beginning of, the beautiful, spiraling hyperfixation that BL has become for me. I was wondering what some of your favorite fics are? I have been reading a bunch, and love the way you think, so can only assume I shall also love the fics that you do 🫀🫀🫀
Thank you!!
Aaawww, this is such a genuine and lovely thing to read. :')
Thank you so much. I'm so happy I brought the Light of the Sacred Broccoli to someone new. <3
I've posted some of my fic recs on Tumblr here, here, and here. There's also my WinTeam bookmarks on AO3!
At the moment, as in right now on this Thursday morning, my favorite is this one by @nejineeee about Win getting a new tattoo. Then again, Nej just writes Team in such a darling and endearing way, and Win so captivated and enthusiastically unhinged that I love absolutely everything by Nej.
Also, WinTeam Week is going on right now, so I'm probably going to add some new bookmarks to my list in the coming weeks! <3
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