toddandersonsblog · 14 days
okayy dps roadtrip headcanons I guess!! (my friends really helped me with this. thank you, my friends)
neil is kind of forced to drive. he only wanted to sit back and point at cows and horses, so he's not too hyped about it. also, he drives so slowly it's hilarious
todd is 🧍‍♀️ just vibing. in the middle back seat. with like two seat belts on. he's also made a playlist but they don't end up listening to it
charlie is trying to turn up the music from the back seat every five seconds. he insists on switching with neil because he's so slow, but the others won't let him drive
meeks is at first giving directions to neil, but then quits and starts trying to get them to play scrabble
pitts has the aux cord and refuses to give it to anyone else
knox had it before pitts but he kept putting on love songs or depressing songs like the smiths, and everyone agreed that this is NOT roadtrip music. at least not for the vibe they were going for
cameron didn't join. charlie said that he had some work to do, which made everyone think that charlie tied cameron to his bed or something
next, I'll either do drunk poets or, like, the poets at the beach. both sound like hilarious scenarios hehe
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becausewhynot47 · 2 days
Knox Overstreet: an over-anylization
(((LET ME JUST SAY: I kinda beat up on him for the first a lot, but then I talk him up and then I rant about the writing so it’s not all just abusing him. love y’all!)))
I always skip over the stalker Knox parts bc I hate watching them, so I always forget that he’s a fucking creep, but the first time I watched it and didn’t skip, I remember thinking “are we actually supposed to support this guy?” Like he literally stalked a girl and then got drunk and sexually assaulted her. And then when the girls bf saw what was happening he went to help her and then beat him up. But—for some reason—we are expected to support Knox. And then after he assaults her he goes to her school and basically breaks in and humiliates her in front of all her friends. And we are still. Supposed. To. Support. Knox. I simply couldn’t do it. Also at the beginning they say that the good girls only go for the jerks or smth along those lines meanwhile Knox does all the above and Chris’s bf just tries to protect her. Who, tell me, is the jerk in this situation? I shouldn’t say jerk, should I? More like borderline criminal. But if you set All of this aside, Knox is one of my fav characters. He’s such a cinnamon roll and supports all his friends in everything. And he was genuinely sad when Neil died (sorry I don’t have pics) but in the scene where they’re in the snow and Todd throws up and they all go and help him, you can see Knox hugging him and crying and it’s all so heartbreaking and seeing Knox crying makes it so much sadder. So yes he sicks, but he’s also a very loving character, which makes him lovable. And I feel like the writers kinda just threw Chris in to try and make it have SOME straight representation, bc this is such a good movie with incredible characters and they kinda messed one up a little bit by making them creepy. Sorry this was all over the place and I kinda was rly rude about Knox but I love him other than the whole Chris thing and don’t wanna offend anyone. Love you guys and sorry for the rly long post lol
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iamdangerace · 4 months
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I once woke up to Knox Overtreet (my brother) about to piss on my face while he was sleep walking.
For those who are interested no it is not big.
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stagnantheart · 7 months
the way the camera pans to neil and todd when knox says he’s gonna kill himself if he can’t have chris oh my god these people are sick
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knox: im gonna get up and have a really productive day today!
also knox: *sits on the couch and eats cheese savouries all day*
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marielle-heller · 3 months
I think if the creators of House really loved me in particular they would've given us a Josh Charles and Gale Hansen appearance
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blakenation1 · 22 days
Why is Charlie Dalton terribly good at coming up with nicknames for people. Like how did he come up with Knoxious so quick? It's so clever, I'm so here for it. Charlie please give me a fun nickname.
I know he has fun nicknames for like everyone he meets, and I know other people in the DPS fandom have said this as well (or something along the lines of this) but KNOXIOUS!!! it's so clever.
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Dead Poets Society: Some Thoughts and Analysis
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Essentially a stream of consciousness I had while rewatching the movie today. In chronological order as I was making notes!
✒️ Charlie talks so much with his eyebrows
✒️ Todd is tasked with taking minutes of the meetings, but I don't believe we ever see him actually do so (although it would have been nice if he did)
✒️ Cameron looks so much like a fisherman when he's smoking his pipe
✒️ Cameron's distaste for Charlie (and often for the rest of the boys) is evident super early on (e.g. when they walk out of Mr Keating's first class and Cameron says "do you think he'll test us on that stuff?" And, when he gets shut down, he throws a very angry look at Charlie and the poets. This happens several times, but as far as I remember we never see Cameron retaliate.) From this, while I don't like it, I understand why Cameron did what he did at the end of the movie because I think he felt undermined by the others and he was considered 'useful' and 'smart' for the school
✒️ Also, I do not accept that Cameron's name is Richard Cameron, he's pulling a Zendaya and goes by one name only
✒️ Mr Keating looks so disappointed in Charlie when saying "Thank you, Mr Dalton, you just illustrated the point"
✒️ I think Knox kissing Chris at the party, while somewhat gross, is necessary to show that Carpe Diem isn't always the right thing to do, as is Charlie putting the article in the paper  - i think maybe Chris not ending up with Knox would have hammered this home, especially because she seems perfectly happy with Chet. Of course, Chet's response to what happened at the party isn't fair, but it is definitely what I can see a teenage boy on the high school football team in the 50's doing. Don't choke on the bone, Knoxious!
✒️ Is Charlie trying to get thrown out of school? With the article in the paper stunt, he must have known how serious the repercussions would be, so maybe already he was considering getting out of school because he felt it wasn't the right path for him
✒️ "You made a liar out of me, Neil" - Mr Perry, I hate you
✒️ Did all of the poets, minus Neil and Knox, really squeeze into Keating's car?!
✒️ Neils little face when he comes out of the curtain, and how quick it falls when he sees his father - he's like a little kid showing a finger painting to a parent who insults it, he just wants his Dad to be proud of him
✒️ Mr Keating's face when Neil drives away after the play - I think he had an idea what was coming
✒️ That zoom in on Neil's face when his father's saying "more of this acting business, you can forget that"- he knew, then, that his dad would never change and what he was going to do
✒️ I want the doorknobs in the Perry house, specifically Neil's
✒️ The first time I watched this movie, I was so on edge when Neil was standing in front of the open window, thinking he was going to jump, and when he didn't I was like 'phew', and then the thing happened and my blood sugar spiked way up
✒️ Mr Perry saying 'my poor son' - i don't know, it rubs me up the wrong way, he has a name, he is not simply an extension of you
✒️ Cameron isn't there when the poets tell Todd what happened to Neil
✒️ The lingering image of Charlie with a tear down his face is so beautiful
✒️ Knox just clinging to Todd in the snow
✒️ The comparison between the deleted scene of Neil and Todd running lines by the lake when it's sunny and Todd running towards the lake screaming Neil's name 💔
✒️ Similarly, the comparison between Todd not wanting to speak at all in the meetings, and then the deleted scene where he reads a poem after Mr Perry takes Neil away
✒️ Charlie not singing during Neil's assembly
✒️ Ave means farewell in literature, and Charlie closing his eyes when it's sang is beautiful
✒️ Charlie carries on smoking when Cameron's coming into the attic meeting - he either knows it's Cameron or doesn't care who tf catches him doing anything bad anymore
✒️ I don't think Cameron ever actually 'believed' in Mr Keating, definitely not to the extent the others did - he never called him captain, for example, except when he realised everyone else in the common room was, and air quotes the word 'captain' in the attic. So, it raises the question why he went along with everyone even so?
✒️ While I do somewhat sympathise with Cameron, that is one of the most satisfying punches in movie history
✒️ I think Todd's parents weren't that different from Neil's, Todd's dad is clearly very authoritarian from the minute or so he's on screen (and the fact that Todd signs the paper) and his Mom says nothing in his defense, but the way Todd mouths 'Mom' breaks my heart
✒️ In what universe does acting = what Neil did? All those theatre kids and their evil, satanic rituals, forcing our kids away from school 🙄 I hate you, Mr Perry and Mr Nolan
✒️ Todd's the last one to stand up when Nolan walks into Keating's classroom
✒️ Mr Nolan complimenting Mr Pritchard's introduction is so ridiculously funny to me considering what Keating made them do to it
✒️ Mr Keating's smile to Todd through the door in the classroom has the same energy as "All my love to you poppet. You're going to be alright."
In conclusion, I adore this film.
Robin Williams, O Captain, My Captain 🫡❤️
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ask-captain-keating · 1 month
Students, poets, lads, etc.,
I will be sharing your next assignment here, and will share prompts intermittently to encourage writing out of the classroom. This is not required, but extra points will be added to the grade of whoever chooses to participate.
Your prompt for this first assignment is to write a poem or adjacent piece of writing about/ for your favorite person. This doesn't have to be about a fellow classmate, student, or even a human, just someone that you love more than anyone else. It is not imperative that you reveal who the subject of your work is, but if you feel it's important to the piece, please do so!
If you need a point of inspiration or an example to reference if you're stuck, I've provided a poem I wrote not too long ago. You can do something similar, or something wildly different, whatever feels right to you.
Everything Sings
Earl gray graces the sleep-filled soul,
joined by the echoes of a kettle's sweetly strung note,
and the familiar pang of the carillon's morning hymnals.
Myths of Genesis's flood remain reminiscent of a choir I know well,
this ark of Noah's reduced to a mere vessel for God and His ballads I dedicated to you.
John Charles Keating
Good luck boys, I look forward to seeing what you all create.
Mr Keating
PS. Those of you who are not students of mine are more than welcome to participate!
@first-unmanned-flying-desk-set @social-anxiety-and-poetry @phonecall-fromgod @radiofree-america @pittsie-boy @knoxious-overstreet @therealrichardcameron @head-of-the-dinner-table
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starcrime · 1 month
hc that charlie is a nickname/petname maniac and loves making up and using anything but people's names to refer to them. and it's like 128479178 times worse when he's dating someone bc he makes sth new every hour and it's cute yes, but also incredibly annoying (to him that's all the more reason to continue)
some of charlie's favorite nicknames/petnames
neil - nelly, puck, periwinkle, peri-twinkle
todd - teddy, toddles, wallflower, blondie
knox - knoxious, knoximus, oxy, for-the-streets
steven meeks (boyfriend!) - stevie, steph, meeksy, space boy, freckles, dimples, dork, cherry bomb, lovey, pup, it
pitts - pittsie, gerry, george, peachy
cameron - cam, dicksie, carrot-top
chris - chrissy, cheery, smiles
ginny - ginia, geeky, virgie, vee
on a similiar note, charlie LOVES being given nicknames and or petnames, like he swoons everytime he hears someone make up something new for him
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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toddandersonsblog · 19 days
lol none of the poets would know how to dance
(except maybe knox because I can picture him dancing with chris ☺️🥰)
okay, update because this is important: I changed my mind. meeks and pitts SLAY man. they can dance idc. especially meeks
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becausewhynot47 · 1 month
so I forced my friend to watch dps and here are the top 5 gayest moments
5. Whatever the hell charlie had going on in the gotta do more gotta be more scene. The beret, the sax, “knoxious”, like what
4. That scene in the bathroom when Neil invites Todd to the study group but when he’s leaving Todd checks out his ass
3. The desk set yeet scene do I rly have to explain more
2. Tie between after Todd does the poem and Neil is admiring the hell out of him and Todd watching Neil during the play and simping hard
“I can take care of myself just fine ok?” “No” “what do you mean No?” “No” *chases each other*
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gayfandomnerd225 · 3 months
Pt. 14 of Dead Poets Society Headcanons
How they found out about Neil and Todd edition
Charlie knew from the very beginning
Neil’s his best friend and he spotted the crush immediately
Every once in a while he’d ask and Neil would deny anything
Until one night when Charlie asked and Neil hesitated
That’s when Charlie finally had confirmation
Charlie: “You’re dating!” Neil (blushing): “Shut up!”
Knox is often oblivious to things
Including this, even tho he considers himself an expert in love
Even after Todd and Neil are dating, and they hold hands, Knox doesn’t quite catch on
Charlie finally ends up being the one to tell him
Knox: “no way! Are you serious?” Charlie: “yes! Geez knoxious, it’s like you’re blind!”
Todd told Meeks, very early on
Todd felt Meeks was someone he could trust
Meeks: “you’re gay too?” Todd: “I- uh- yeah?” pause “too?”
And Meeks made some, fruity comments which made Todd believe he was safe
And he was
He kept the secret until Neil and Todd announced to the group
He smiled and clapped and gave Todd a hug
Pitts is more oblivious than Knox is
And he didn’t have anyone to tell him like Charlie told Knox
So he just went along with it
Neil and Todd would hold hands and he just- didn’t question it
Well, he did. He asked Meeks about it once, but Meeks is a man of his word and he said nothing
So when Neil and Todd finally announced it to the group, him and Cameron were the only ones who were actually surprised
Cameron had no idea
He was confused by the hand holding and longing stares that he’d never seen a boy give another boy before
Cameron, who was raised a bit more “traditionally” than the other boys, didn’t realize that boys liking boys was a thing
It took him a little bit to wrap his head around things after Neil and Todd announced to the group
He wasn’t rude in any way to the boys, he just had to do some personal thinking on things
They were happy, happier than he’d ever seen them, so clearly it was okay
Eventually he came around and only looked away when they kissed cuz well, kissings gross, not just boys but anyone, so he thought that was okay
Bonus: Mr Keating
Todd wrote a lot of poetry
And even though he didn’t read it in class
He often put it on Mr Keatings desk for him to read it
And it was obvious to Mr Keating who the “brown eyes filled with joy and brightness” was
Whenever Todd handed in his new poetry, Mr Keating would take it with open arms and make comments about the person in pen on the paper “they sound lovely” “you should say something, you mole”
He was careful to avoid gendered words when making comments on Todd’s poetry
One day he happened to notice Todd and Neil walk into class holding hands, and he smiled at himself
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radiofree-america · 13 days
I’m bored so here are songs that remind me of my friends
Pittsie @pittsie-boy
For obvious reasons
Neil @first-unmanned-flying-desk-set
He just needs a break, okay???
Todd @social-anxiety-and-poetry
Phenomal at writing words, bad at saying them
Knox @knoxious-overstreet
Bro just has a lot of love to give
Charlie @phonecall-fromgod
Idk he just gives these vibes
Cam Cam @therealrichardcameron
Yeah he ratted on us but ya know what I forgive him for reasons
Chris @miss-chris-noel
Once again this should be obvious
Ginny @ginnylovestheatre
Idk this just seems like you Ginny
And last but certainly not least
Matt @neutron-star-collision
(Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer)
I dunno there’s just something about you that really draws me to you *shrug*
All my buddies and pals feel free to do similar posts to this or add onto this one💛💛
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phonecall-fromgod · 1 month
@knoxious-overstreet guess what
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