#leaf beverage
tea-stained · 1 year
Okay but like tea is a blessing from the gods and i don't care whether they exist or not.
This shit can put you to sleep or wake you up while also being delightfully delicious! And don't even get me STARTED on all the types and additives, like jasmine or rose petals!
Like, fuck, you're telling me I can drink *flowers*?!
Just a side note, "flowers" is such a funny word. It's beautiful, but whenever you say it, it sounds like you're singing. And, I've just realised, it probably comes from the fact that flowers' petals *FLOW* in the wind!
Anyway, tea is my god, move away, atheists, lmao.
I'm still too lazy to roll out of the bed and make it for myself to fall asleep easier
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✨✨the good stuff✨✨
this is the comic i was looking so desperately for. was it worth it. i just wanted it to post with that last one. leaf man only wants spaders friends to think their friend was awesome and cool. honestly i think it was funnier in the discord post.
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you know that post about that man who came to the starbucks and ordered a small black coffee with one shot of blueberry flavor? a simple man with something very very wrong with him? that's SPADER
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buffetlicious · 11 months
From PrimaDéli (百得利) at Ang Mo Kio Hub came this Pandan Kaya Fudge Cake (S$5.30). Two-layered sponge cake with kaya (咖椰) fudge in-between and on top. I like it for the not overly saccharine taste yet still giving you that traditional fragrant Asian flavours we are so used to. As I sipped on the milk tea and indulged on the cake, memories of my younger days drinking tea and eating kaya & butter toasts came flooding back.
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akkivee · 1 year
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should i????? 👀
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sleepyjim · 8 months
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my dinnar 🔥
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elgaladwen · 4 months
I just need to tell people about this cheese I love, because the grocery store had more today! Chèvre wrapped in smoked maple leaves! (I took this picture a different time I got it, and it's not the best photo, but a ton of people have tagged pictures of it here: https://www.instagram.com/riversedgechevre/tagged/
I can't say it is my favorite cheese because I have too many favorites, but I do love smokey cheeses. (It's hard to beat a crazily sharp cheddar though)
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milquetoad · 1 year
driving is so therapeutic for me gas should be covered by my health insurance
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lady-charinette · 2 years
browsed for a movie to watch and accidentally misread "Seven Lives of Lea" as "Seven Lies of Tea" and I had a mini crisis because I love to drink tea in the evenings, ITS MY COMFORT DRINK OKAY,
to think that tea had seven lies which would be exposed in a high stakes, emotionally intense documentary would shatter me and my bond with tea
like if tea told me seven lies, would that mean that each tea bag contains one little lie that gets stronger the longer it sits in the hot water so the flavor infuses more? IS THAT IT?!
the longer you allow a lie to simmer, the more time it has to turn into a flame?
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fancygirlplays · 2 years
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paye-tarecherche · 1 year
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Cocktail - Tropic Tea On a hot day, this spearmint and pear vodka-infused tropical iced tea is the ideal pick-me-up.
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refresh536 · 2 years
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A refreshing blend of fine black tea from Assam combined with natural extracts of lemon. This popular combination is characteristic of a mild aroma, dark Colour in the cup & a smooth flavor with undertones of citrusy lemon
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peevishpants · 1 year
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🍵🍃Hyrulian Beverage Recommendations from various locals and travellers🍵🍃
Some headcanons and notes...
Zelda and Impa go to cafes together and have a great tiem. They are both clean drinkers and rarely ever spill anything.
Groose and Pipit go to cafes together and invariably, Groose somehow gets a milk mustache and spills his drink on his homework every time.
Meiren is a real kind of oolong where bugs are part of the leaf processing method!
Mipha is a sipper, Biggoron is a chugger
Everyone after Link in this list is stretching the boundaries of What Is Officially A Beverage but. When in Hyrule, do as the hyrulians do?
This joke doesn't work in tumblr format as well, but on twitter, I put Tingle on tweet 6 out of 9 because haha nice. ALSO KOMBUCHA LIPS ON MY DICCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK ... GOTTEM
Tag urselves I'm beedle bc i also think, if you put [any edible liquid food] in a mug, you can call it a beverage.
Fi is a mighty machine and the realest of them all
Anyway it was fun thinking of which drinks the characters would like and recommend. Been a while since I thought about Zelda stuff but every time I do, it's always a good time. Thanks again for inviting me to the zine @ homemadehyrule on twt/ig!
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jahanmp4 · 7 months
The funniest shit of the Purgatory event that no-one talks about is the fact that they're all sipping tea to save their lives. They're fighting they're tearing e/o's flesh out with their teeth but every now and then they pull out the white porcelain cup to drink some delectable leaf beverage
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sleepyjim · 8 months
they wasnt lyin this patch kids is SOUR 🔥🔥
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multific · 1 year
König with a Pregnant Wife Headcanons
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König x Fem!Reader
You used to be in the army
But after you and König got married you retired and looked for a new job
Both of you prefered it like this
Since your plan was to have a family rather quickly
You longed to have children and who was he to deny that from you
And he also wanted a daughter
So, you quit and started working for a big corporation
You managed to get pregnant rather quickly
And what a joy it was
König was on a mission when you got the results
And of course you waited until he would be back to tell him the news, over the phone it wouldn’t have been the same
You let him know by giving him a #1 Best Dad mug
„Darling... are you sure this is the one you meant to buy?” he asked with confusion written on his face
„Of course, you are the best dad in the world after all or will be.”
„Sweetheart, is this about that Daddy kink again? I told you it was in the heat of the moment you don’t have to call me-„
„No, silly. This was my attempt to let you know that I am pregnant.”
He froze.
Once he finally collected his thoughts
He started running around, yelling something in German you couldn’t understand
Oh yeah, he was happy alright
Extremely happy in fact
He nearly knocked you over when he ran towards you
He would not go on any missions
He wants to be there every step of the way
And once both of you went to the doctor’s and he got the confirmation he needed, things in him changed
Protective husband mode: ON
Overprotective husband mode: ON
Protecting you from every leaf and bug
If you are pregnant during winter:
He would absolutely not let you outside without being warmly dressed
Even if you tell him you are not cold, he would put another sweatshirt on you or a hat or gloves
He is basically a human heater so even if you are cold you two can just cuddle and he would warm you up instantly
Expect hot drinks even if you don’t ask for them
All the new Christmas drinks from every possible store
Expect him to try out all of the drinks you get
He would say “To make sure it’s not poisoned”
But you’d know he just wants to try them out
Would 200% build snowmen, One to represent him, one to represent you and a very small one for the baby
If you are pregnant during summer:
He would ask you if you are not too hot, if you need a cold drink
He would ask but he would also provide a cold beverage at all times
He wouldn’t let you out of the house
If you don’t already have an AC, prepare that he would get some into the main room and the bedroom
Although that one is mainly for you, he also really likes to have the AC on
Would make you go to the beach and would fully eye your changing body
Would hold you close in the water
And he would joke around that you are basically a human submarine
You can have the strangest cravings, he would always give you exactly what you ask for
Even if its in the middle of the night
Would also totally get something to eat while he is out
And of course you’d end up stealing what he got
If you are emotional he would know it is the fact that you are carrying a child not that you want to be mean to him
He would be extremely touchy
Would have to have you close at all times
Speaking to the baby while rubbing your belly
He would often speak in German
You knew that he has a soft spot but seeing him like this, an attentive papa bear, it did something to you
Your hormones were over the roof
You stared at him, made him walk around the house shirtless
And then in the next second you didn’t even want to see his face
“I told you to leave me alone!”
“B-But, Liebling…”
You could throw anything at him, he wouldn’t mind
He knows how difficult this is for you
So, he tries to be the best husband
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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luvrsux · 8 months
"Movie Night"
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word count: 3.6k
summary: ace invited you to watch horror movies on halloween even though you’re terrified of horror movies. ace tries to relax you after being scared of noises coming from his home
cw: NSFW !! oral (receiving), fingering
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“Hi baby!”
Ace’s enthusiastic voice hugged your body before he did. He pulled you into his chest with a warm, tight embrace. Of course, all you felt was bare skin since the man never heard of wearing shirts but it was fine—his body was a sight for sore eyes after all. You sprouted in giggles when Ace pulled you indoors with his toned arms like you hadn’t seen each other in eons.
Ace kissed your face until he left a long-lasting one on your lips. Your cheeks were on fire from how hard you were smiling. Ace was like a puppy waiting for his owner to get back home; his reaction once you did was priceless.
“Love, It’s only been a few weeks since we last saw each other” You reminded as soon as his clingy hands detached from you. You slid off your coat to hang it up with the family of coats on a coat rack.
“I know, and they were the most agonizing weeks of my life” Ace, now much calmer, wrapped his arms at the hook of your back to gently pull you to his chest. You smile sheepishly as his freckled face lowers to kiss your lips.
“How dramatic of you” You coo, receiving a hearty chuckle from your boyfriend. You two shared kisses until you finally broke the hold to get the date started.
Ace loved Halloween. He only loved it for one sole reason; to scare you. You were easily frightened by horror movies or games, but with a single promise, you gave in. Ace begged you to have a horror movie date since the last time you came over to his place. The thought gave you anxiety, but how could you resist a boy like him? When he heard you agree, his eyes glistened and he had a bright smile. He beamed like a dork and you even told him to put on one of his favorites.
Ace didn’t hesitate to prepare snacks and beverages for you. They were all set up and ready to be devoured all night long innocently on the table. You loved your sunshine of a boyfriend, but the anxiety of watching a horror movie was vastly more powerful. Considering this was one of Ace’s favorites, it could be gruesome. His touch, pulling you closer to his torso and wrapping a skull-patterned, fuzzy, throw blanket onto you made your anxiety vanish in an instant though.
“Marco is out, so we have the entire place to ourselves, hun” Ace smirked. That grin was speaking for itself. As bubbly and dorky as he is, he loves pleasing you in ways you can’t even fathom. It’s his specialty.
“Where is he?” You say, watching your boyfriend's arm switch his TV on to display the horrors of a movie to you. You pulled the plump bowl of popcorn towards you.
“Halloween party. He left ages ago, but I was asleep so I couldn’t say bye” Ace shrugged. His slumber might as well be a coma to Ace. No one could wake him up, aside from maybe the fresh scent of food.
“This’ll be a fun sleepover, I hope” You giggle, tugging the hem of your blanket to your face to snuggle. You heard a chuckle from Ace and felt his touch grow tenderly.
“You bet, baby” With that, Ace began the movie from the start. His smug grin was enough to say that he was excited to hear your shrieks of terror but comfort you after. You took in one deep breath and prepared to suffer for the next hour or so.
A scene of a door slamming open to display a dead body was enough to make you jolt. You let out a sharp gasp while Ace seemed unfazed by the jump scare. He felt your body jump and it caused a snicker to erupt. The difference between you two was apparent, and you hated it. Ace, though, rubbed your shoulder comfortably, reassuring you that it’s just fiction.
“It’s okay, hun. ‘Just a movie” He said with a smile. While his words were genuine, he was still finding you humorous. That singular jumpscare had you shaking like a leaf under the warmth of the blanket.
You wished the movie would conclude. Not even halfway, another jumpscare nearly made your body pass out. You shrieked, causing a small fit of laughter to come from Ace. Your lungs hadn’t stopped grasping for air as your heart pumped out of your throat.
“Not funny, Ace! This movie is horrifying!” You punch his exposed chest playfully before he gives you a chaste kiss on your forehead. The kiss tranquillized your hyperventilating body and you grew much calmer.
“It’s okay, it’s all fake,” He says, while the most graphic scene of a girl getting her body chomped off by a creature that could say otherwise. You gave your boyfriend a side-eye in a way of saying ‘Yeah, right'
Just then, the creeping floorboards could be heard from above. Your heart began to sink, but to avoid your horror-loving boyfriend from making fun of you more, you stayed shut. That is until you heard rustling. As if someone, or something, was upstairs. You separate your eyes from the gruesome movie to the ceiling, which is arguably a better sight.
“Everything alright, hun?” Ace asked from beside you. The rumble of his voice startled you, which was becoming a frequent occurrence all night. You flicker your eyes from the ceiling to his freckled face that would always make everything better.
“I heard something. Upstairs” You murmur. Ace hummed and raised an eyebrow, opening an ear to hear what you heard. The movie was chattering nonsense you could care less about in front. Ace then shrugged nonchalantly.
“I hear nothin’. It’s probably your pussy-nerves” Ace chuckled, wriggling his fingers devilishly to tease you along with that menacing grin. You pushed his face with your palm to save yourself the embarrassment.
Ace tugged you into a warm embrace once again to finish the movie you dreaded. The noises would occur more frequently, you’d even hear slight chatter but it was so muffled and faint, that it was practically gibberish. Ace never commented on his house being cursed or haunted, and you’ve visited countless times before. Did someone break in? Your mind was spinning circles, ricocheting with possibilities that the movie didn’t make any better for you. You lost it when you heard a very audible thump.
“Okay, that’s it” You huff, breaking yourself free from Ace’s loving restraints. You nearly choke out the TV remote to pause the movie on a rather bloody scene. Ace sighed, wondering what your cowardly antics were up to now. “Did you not hear that?” Your finger pointed upward to the ceiling above.
“(F/N), it was probably an animal outside. You’re fine, baby” Ace sat up perfectly straight to face you, to stare deep in your eyes. He knew you were beyond petrified, so with a touch of his hand on yours, he knew his loving care could make you feel better.
“No, no. Ace, what if someone’s inside here?” You frantically say, your voice cracking. You tried to speak in a low tone so whatever that was upstairs lurking couldn’t hear you. You didn’t want to be the main character of a homemade horror movie.
“Oh, baby, c’mon. There’s no way” Ace chuckles. He shakes his head, looking the other way before facing you. He notices your genuinely scared expression, so his more humorous one softened.
“Look, I promise, if anyone were to be here. I’d be here to protect you” You felt his warm hand cup the side of your cheek. Your eyes, still filled with horror and anxiety, stared into his dark ones. He could feel your body jitter and tremble beneath his touch.
“Ace, I’m so fucking scared” You laugh nervously. That smile made one crack at his lips. You watched his face inch closer until his lips met yours. It was slow, but rich and tender. You two synced your lips together like it was muscle memory. His hand traveled from your cheek to the back of your head.
“Lemme help you relax, sugar” Ace murmurs in between your lips. As soon as your back was met with the couch and your boyfriend’s lips scavenged your neck, you mewled.
“But the… Movie” You whisper, having a hand rub his dark locks while he leaves marks of purples and pinks all over your neck. You saw his face rise from the nook of your neck to face you.
“Fuck the movie” He grins. You felt his lips peck your lips until they flowed down your face to your chest. You watched in awe, not even daring to object to the magical talents Ace had against you.
His warm hand snaked from under your shirt to crunch it up, too hasty to take the time to throw it off, not to mention the brisk temperature of the house. As soon as he was presented with your breasts, he felt like a kid on Christmas. You whimpered when his hands kneaded them with care. Ace would flicker his eyes from your chest to your flustered face, your mouth shaped as an ‘oh’ with furrowed eyebrows by his simple touch.
His lips planted loving kisses on the tops of your chest, his teeth slightly nibbling them out of excitement making you hitch your breath. He hooked one out of the grasp of your bra and didn’t hesitate to attach his mouth to your nub. You squirmed and stroked his hair, which he loved. Your body felt the vibrations of his small groan by your touch, only feeding you more pleasure. As his lips separated, he wiped his lips with his thumb. His dark eyes looked up at your submissive ones with half lids.
“Feel better, hm?” He hummed with that same grin that’d make your knees weak. After his buttery smooth words, his teeth hooked his bottom lip to tease you even more. This man could get you aroused with a single look.
“I think I’m still oh-so petrified” You giggle. You watch Ace creep up from below your chest to tower over your face. His toned, muscular arms barricaded you from side to side. It didn’t help that he was already half naked by not having a shirt on.
“Yeah?” He hummed. Once again, his teeth bit his lower lip while his hand moved like it had a mind of his own. You nodded accordingly while you felt his fingers glaze your exposed chest, your stomach, and the heat of your sex. You wore loose, Halloween-themed, pajama shorts, so access was more than easy enough. Ace maintained direct eye contact with you while his fingers caressed your lips through your shorts.
“Want me to help you s’more?”
You let out a soft, gentle moan while Ace’s fingers stroked up and down to feel you. At this rate, you’d think Ace could feel your sleek wetness through the clothing. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull his face closer until your foreheads were touching. He could feel your hungry breath on his lips.
“Please, Ace… Feel me” You begged, which was more than enough for him to dig his hand into your clothes to finally feel your wetness, all while giving you a devilish grin. His thick fingers drew circles on your drenched clit that caused a fire to burn in your womb. Your moans became more audible but that wasn’t a problem. Ace’s roommate was gone after all—now you can fill the entire house with your lustful noises.
“That feel good?” He breathes, seemingly just as excited as you are. You gave a quick smile of euphoria, feeling the warmth and shockwaves coming from your clit. You buck your hips every now and then into his hands as if you were begging for more.
“Mhmmmph…” You whimper. Your noises were bliss to Ace’s ears. Despite him nearly bursting through his pants since the start, him making you feel so much better was a priority.
Finally, you feel Ace burry his middle and ring digit into your hole, causing you to slightly gasp. Ace gave a small chuckle while he felt your sleek walls wrap around his fingers tightly. One moan was enough for him to curl his fingers into jamming your g-spot lovingly. Your expressions; the sweet, lustful ones you’d make from his own hands made him hum and groan. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you while you had yours shut tight.
“Fuck, Ace…” You breathe. You heard him chuckle while your body delated as he exited his fingers out of your entrance. He presented the dewed digits in front of you only to slide them past his lips. Ace licked his fingers with a groan, loving each drop of your taste.
“Damn, you taste so fuckin’ good” He smiled. All you could do was sheepishly laugh at his compliment. You knew Ace couldn’t get enough of you and your body, especially how it tasted. He’d devour you like a full-course meal if he wanted.
“Take these off f’me” Ace wipes his lips, similarly to before, and tugs on your shorts. He departs his green god of a body away from yours to give you space to undress. Your clothing flew in a corner that only god knew while you spread your legs in front of your boyfriend, who’d gaze upon your entrance like it was a statue.
“God, you’re gorgeous” He ran his fingers through his locks, the strands of hair falling downward to go back to its previous shape. You giggle, loving his lovey side when he is trying to be sexy.
“Ya ready?” He asked. You had never happily nodded so fast in your life before but here you were. Ace bent downward to kiss your inner thighs, occasionally trailing his tongue across your skin. You watched in anticipation, waiting for his tongue to graze upon your cunt instead. You let out a small whimper.
Ace knew what he was doing. He’s been dating you this long to know, so with one smug smile and a wink, he slowly traveled his drenched tongue from the bottom of your cunt to the throbbing clit. You threw your head back to let out a confident moan. His lips latched onto your bud to lick it and give all his attention to it to have you squirming and moaning beneath him. Ace didn’t leave an inch of your cunt untouched. His tongue explored each crevice and made sure you were a mess by his mouth. As soon as he pushed his index and middle digit into your hole, you were gone. Your back arched and your hips bucked into his face to the point you’d be suffocating him. His tongue flicked as fast as it could on your bud while his fingers jammed into your sweet spot flawlessly.
“Oh, fuck fuck fuck~!” You cry, signaling your euphoric climax is about to rise. Your noises were uncontrollable, filling each room and wall with your lustful noises that the neighbors might as well faintly hear it. You didn’t care, though. Ace knew how to please you to the point you could see the cloud gates of heaven above.
“C‘mon, baby. You can do it” Ace mumbles on your cunt, not stopping for a second for you. The sheer pleasure caused your hand to move on its own to push him further into your cunt. Your fingers clamp his locks and tug on them. You felt the grumbling vibrations of his voice in return. "You taste so good..."
“Ace, baby, I’m gonna cum~!” You shriek. Ace stared at you with eyes completely washed with lust. Your back rose and your head was cocked back with a hearty scream.
You spurted your juices to glaze his face. Ace hissed in pleasure and savored every drop. Your chest heaved in your breathing and your eyes were clouded, Ace still riding your high out. He’d give your cunt a few kitten licks before crawling up to your worn-out face. His wrist cleansed his dewed lips.
“Now ya feel better?” He smiled like he just earned a gold star for doing such a great job. You cracked a weak smile before pressing your lips on his own, tasting a bit of yourself from his lips.
“Much better, baby… Thank you” You whisper. Ace chuckled and placed kisses alongside your cheek lovingly. You couldn’t help but giggle at his affectionate love. That is, until, he bit the lobe of your ear. You gasped.
“We’re not finished yet, though, doll” He whispered in your ear. You took a quick glance at the peeking wood sticking from his pants and you couldn’t agree more. He’d been restraining himself since he kissed you. You immediately sat up to tear off your shirt completely.
Ace cupped your face to clamp his lips on yours which caused excited groans and moans to emit from the both of you. By the looks of it, you two would rock each other's brains out for the entire night until dawn, knowing Ace’s endurance. That would be the case until footsteps, loud and hard, began to rumble towards the stairs. You two parted lips to stare at each other, all lust and arousal completely vanishing.
“Who is that?” You whisper ever so lowly. Ace stares back at you and you swear you’ve never seen the boy so horrified in his life. He’d usually make fun of you or laugh, but he looked like he meant business.
Footsteps crept toward the couch you two were sinfully “relaxing” on and your body felt stiff. You knew it, someone was upstairs. Now that “someone” was ready to attack you and your boyfriend on Halloween night. Your body began to tremble and Ace was ready to sock whoever intruded the house in the jaw. The steps finally reached the doorway of the living room and a blood-curdling scream was building a knot in your throat. Ace never glared at a doorway in his life until the lights flickered on. The brightness were darts to your eyes as well as Ace. You both unanimously winced and shielded your eyes.
“Can you guys fuck quieter”
The familiarity of the voice caused you to yelp and quickly cover your exposed body with the blanket you and Ace innocently cuddled with. The man wasn’t a creature, or an intruder, rather an unexpected roommate your boyfriend swore was gone. Your cheeks flushed in redness and you never felt more embarrassed in your life.
“Marco?” Ace squinted. Marco, the guy that was supposed to be away partying, stood at the doorway with a rather agitated expression. He wore casual, comfortable clothing as if he’d been here all day. If your heart wasn’t pounding drums into your ears, you’d scold both of them.
“Did you forget I’ve been your roommate for years now?” Marco asked, crossing his arms. In all honesty, you’d be upset too if you had to hear your best friend have sex with his partner at full volume. You couldn’t help but internally apologize profusely.
“I thought you went to Izou’s party, dude” Ace stood up straight, not even caring that his bare chest was out. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the bright light considering he’d been in dark, pitch-black lighting for hours now.
“Party got canceled, man. I came back home while you were knocked out, dead asleep” Marco explained, which answered the biggest question in your head. As said before, Ace’s naps might as well be comas of how hard he sleeps. All the man did was chuckle.
“Oh, that makes sense. My bad, dude” He acts as if Marco hadn’t been violated from his ears. He blinked in disbelief and swore that if you hadn’t been there eating away at your own shame, he’d punch the freckled brunette in his mouth. You mouth ‘Sorry’ to the blonde to receive a reassuring smile in return.
“And you wonder why I hate you” Marco rolls his eyes back at Ace, exiting the living room to let you two continue where you had left off—not like you were even in the mood for it anyway.
“I’m gonna spend the night at Izou’s if (F/N) is staying the night so you two can have fun,” Marco says before trotting up back upstairs to hide away. You exhaled and rubbed your temple.
“That was so embarrassing, Ace…” You murmur. You felt hands tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear to grab your attention. Your eyes trailed to his face and you counted the freckles sprinkled alongside his cheeks.
“Yeah, well, at least we know now there aren’t any monsters” Ace smiled. His dorkiness was enough to make you snicker and laugh, forgetting all about your embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah” You roll your eyes. You saw Ace flicker his eyes down to your lips from your eyes, anticipating whether or not he should go in to kiss you or not. You caught on almost immediately and took the first initiative. Ace pulled your body close, not daring to separate the connection you two created.
“What do you wanna do now?” You say in between pecks of kisses on each other's lips. The clicking of the front door echoed throughout the house, indicating that Marco gave you two the privacy you actually needed.
“Whatever you want, baby” Ace chuckled, forming a smile on your lips. You giggled and continued to sync your lips onto Ace’s with ease and collapsed on the couch.
A night that typically had screams of horror and bloodshed ultimately ended with screams of pleasure and lust from you. Ace didn’t stop until his body did, collapsing on top of your own in a deep slumber right before daybreak. It was now a new month, a month that wasn’t so terrifying and you didn’t thank time enough.
Happy Halloween
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