#let them heal their pain through shared experiences
kylo-skywalkerr · 11 months
Okay LISTEN. Kylux has such beautiful parallels and opposites in their life stories that it's almost beautiful.
The height of Ben's life was him being young. He was naturally gifted, had a great family, and a promising future. There were problems, but he had friends, and he was thriving. Then he grew up and renounced his identity as Ben and things went downhill.
Hux's childhood on the other hand was his low point. It wasn't until adulthood that he rose up and became stronger.
Kylo killed his father because he loved him. Snoke saw it as a weakness and made him do it. It tore him apart.
Hux killed his father because he hated him. He needed to thrive and that had to happen with Brendol's death.
Hux is reserved and handles his emotions accordingly, rarely ever doing more than raising his voice whenever the occasion permits it.
Kylo can't control his emotions and only acts in anger, unable to ground himself as well as Hux does.
They're opposites but also so much alike. Violent, self serving, desiring full control over the throne.
So alike yet so different. I mourn the loss of the duel of the fates script because in that they actually did come together. Rey refused Kylo's help so Kylo took Hux's hand. Let him lead, obeyed enough to shave his entire head simply because Hux found it too disorderly. Original Hux was fascinated by the force, he wished he had it. While Kylo's life is ruined by it.
Sometimes, I think that Kylo and Hux's relationship was tarnished just to make Rey and Kylo seem more probable. Those two were stronger together, and the writers tore them apart. But they're perfect together, opposite yet one in the same.
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
hazbin hotel hcs with reader, preferred fem but gn is ok, with really long hair. like it's legit like Rapunzel (and it's also their power like capturing ppl, healing ppl, and just the stuff Rapunzel is able to do lol) and so reader always wears their hair like in a bun (bc we know that'd get extremely hot) and just the different characters reaction to seeing readers hair completely down for the first time
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Alastor had always been fascinated by your hair.
If you’d let him cut it, or even if you didn’t, he’d try to get a piece. Just pluck a single strand from your head. It’s not like you’d miss it.
So, he had an idea for how long it was.
Seeing it all down was a different story, however.
“I can certainly see why you keep it tied up, my dear.”
He’s honestly impressed that you don’t buckle underneath the weight of your hair given how much of it there is.
Seeing it all down though only furthers his desire to know more about it.
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Husk didn’t really pay much attention to your hair.
He’s never had long hair so while he recognizes that you’re hair has to be long to be put up, he doesn’t process how long it probably is until he sees it down.
“Holy shit.”
He actually brings out his wings so he doesn’t step on your hair as he helps you gather it back up.
He didn’t know hair could be so heavy.
“If you need any help with it. I don’t know much but I get that caring for things you can’t reach can be a fucking pain.”
He gestured to his wings. If you want to help him, he’ll help you
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He just stares.
You look absolutely beautiful.
He flushed, absolutely gobsmacked.
Later, he’ll go up to you and offer his services for hair styling if you would like to use them.
He actually finds the process rather calming.
It reminds him of when Charlie was a child and he’d braid her hair for her.
The sessions become a bit of a bonding experience, sharing stories and gossip as he braids and styles your hair.
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He just raises an eyebrow.
That’s. . . That’s a lot of hair.
He might instinctually run his fingers through it.
He just wants to see how long it is, he swears.
He’ll follow it down to the ends.
He wonders how you don’t constantly have it tangled, even with it put up.
He asks a lot of questions about how you care for it.
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
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Plutonians and 8th housers can have a hard time with people being behind them. Also in the classroom, the bus or wherever they are they want to be in the back. They need their face facing the door so that they can see who walks in.
People with Pluto/Moon see stuff that other people just dont get to see. This is both good and bad. They get to experience intense and wonderful sexual relationships with others because they merge with others on a completely different level but they also recieve intense hatred from others too.
Dont ever mess with a Sun Square Pluto persons image or disrespect them infront of others, just dont.
Ive never met a person with Sun or Mercury Square Pluto who wasnt extremely strategic and calculating. They know when its time to leave the party.
If you have Venus/Pluto or Venus 8th house dont ever share to others who you are in love with. Just dont.
If you have Venus/Pluto or Venus 8th house and you notice people being completely taken by you, complimenting you bla bla for your beauty dont get all friendly and start trusting these people. Just wait and you will see that admiration turn to bitterness. A friend in my old class in High School got Venus Square Pluto and we had to watch another girl in our class try to BECOME her. Like she would buy the same clothes as her, talk like her, freaking SIT like her, cut her hair like her. We laughed at this bc the copycat was a nice and funny girl in general but it was creepy.
Most people with harsh Pluto aspects went through a time in their life where they shut down their feelings completely and became cold. These peoples minds can take them to dark places when they have been through trauma. Their first response to trauma might be to get cold. And this can make them very problematic until they heal. But when they heal they are the kindest, because they know pain.
When I hear the quote ”I didnt want to be strong I wanted to be happy.” I think of Pluto dominant people. Yes plutonians are strong but they were forced to, there was no other choice. Telling Plutonians ”But it made you stronger in the end” does not help because being strong was not their goal.
Ive seen Ceres(1) Square Pluto in a lot of charts of people who are obsessed with fitness and nutrition. Like people who weight their food, only eat a specific amount of calories etc.
Pluto/Moon people go through periods of extreme emotional turmoil. Especially the Square and Conjunction.
People with Sun or Moon Square Pluto always get what they want but they also get what they fear. Their feelings and thoughts are so strong. These people have experienced their worst fears happen to them. The kind of people to think for themselves ”I wouldnt be able to handle losing my bestfriend” and the next day their bestie leaves them for no reason. Its almost like there is some kind of test from life like ”Hmmm lets see how much this person can take😈”
Pluto conjunct a planet can in some cases make you suppress that placement or be afraid of that energy. I know a lot of people with Pluto Square Mars whos seriously afraid of conflict. Some people respond to trauma by becoming passive instead of being angered by it.
Pluto conjunct Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart makes you come across as more dominant and powerful. You wont think before you act because you are not as afraid this year.
Mars conjunct Pluto people are much more goal oriented than they even realize themselves. Constantly pushing themselves to become better and better. The kind of person to have the whole package like good job, fit, the best hair stylist, the latest clothes, the latest everything etc. Being the best is something they just do because they dont know anything else. They need structure and perfection. Nobody better look down on them. And Mars conjunct Pluto makes them driven enough to become ”perfect”. Others stare in awe because they could never have that drive. Others might be like ”You doing too much”. They dont realize this is what Mars/Pluto likes and needs.
Pluto in the 10th house makes someone have A LOT of haters and secret admirers. These people are constantly under intense scrutiny. Every word they say is made to be something bad or manipulative. The kind of person to say ”Oh what a beautiful dress!” And people will think they are being sarcastic when they are not. They got Regina George energy no matter how nice they are inside.
Pluto in the 3rd house really know what to say to make you hate yourself. If afflicted they can have a horrible mouth.
People with Mercury conjunct Pluto read into everything. Constantly finding flaws. Might see the worst in you because they project their own fears and insecurities onto others. The kind of person to hate people who snitch and gossip because they do it themselves.
People with a Plutonian Moon will recognize eachother at first sight.
Pluto conjunct Lust(4386) can make someone VERY sexual.
Pluto/Moon can mean your mom went to prison and Pluto/Sun can mean your dad went to prison.
With strong Pluto energy always remember this quote: ”Be nice to the people you meet on your way up, because you will need them on your way down.” Life can go from heaven to hell in a night for these people.
If you got Mercury Square Pluto please shut that cakehole when angry bc that mouth freaky as hell.
©️ 2023 Zeldas Notes
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astrocafecoffee · 5 days
Synastry observation ( part 1) 🎐
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
Let's go!
🍓 Eros conjunct karma :
intense attraction with karmic undertones, powerful sexual chemistry, higher purpose in terms of fulfilling karmic contracts or agreements made in past live.
🍓 Boda in 10th house overlays:
Partnership/ marriage with this person is somehow in public eye. Your person's connections or involvement in certain industry may open up career opportunities or avenues for professional growth for you.
🍓 Anteros ( 1943) conjunct Boda and briede asteroid:
Anteros is related to unrequited love. This alignment invites both partners to confront any unresolved issues stemming from past experiences of unrequited love, fostering open communication and understanding to heal emotional wounds and strengthen bond between them. Both partners may share a vision of building a life together.
🍓 Boda conjunct saturn :
Long term planning and future goals within the relationship. Strong desire for stability and permanence , especially in the context of partnership/ marriage.
🍓 POF in 10th house overlays:
Again public attention/ growth opportunities in career after you marry/ date that person.
🍓 IC in 1st house overlay:
This person's home and family dynamics play a significant role in shaping your perception of self. You may find that your own identity is intertwined with their family background or domestic environment in some way.
🍓 MC in 7th house overlays :
Same , public recognition in the relationship.
🍓 Amor (1221) conjunct nn :
Profound soul connection between both of you. This relationship may have been destined or fated to occur in this lifetime. Meant to meet. Amor's influence indicates a deep and unconditional love between both of you. Soulmate indicator.
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🍓 Union ( 1585) conjunct moon :
Strong emphasis on empathy, compassion and understanding within your relationship. This partnership feels like home to both of you.
🍓 stellium in 6th house:
It's so underrated, 6th house stellium is in important in romantic synastry , as your partner may encourage you to adapt healthy habits in your daily life.
🍓 Juno conjunct Jupiter:
Marriage placement., As in Roman mythology juno is considered as the wife of Jupiter ( the Roman equivalent of Zeus in Greek mythology) .
🍓 Born ( 13954) conjunct nn :
Fated encounter. You are meant to support each other on your respective paths of growth and evolution.
🍓 lisitsa ( 8064) conjunct juno:
Again fated , long-term commitment/ marriage., Karmic bond.
🍓 Bacchus ( 2063)conjunct Bacchus:
Strong mutual attraction between partners, often characterized by a magnetic pull and deep appreciation for each other's physicality.
🍓 Pythia(432) in 7th house synastry :
Intuitive fated connection. They may share common interest in mystical or esoteric subjects and may engage in spiritual practices together to deepen their bond and connection.
🍓 Pythia conjunct Hera ( 103) :
Divinely guided relationship, this conjunction suggests this is a relationship that honours tradition and values long term commitment. Both individuals may feel a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to each other.
🍓 Moon in 4th house synastry:
Deep emotional connection, moon person feels comfortable and secure when with the house person, perhaps tapping into a sense of familiarity and safety reminiscent of their own childhood environment.
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🍓 Juno conjunct Chiron :
Both individuals may share similar wounds or vulnerabilities in the realm of partnership. They may understand each other's pain and struggles on a deep level , which can foster empathy and compassion within the relationship ( healing through partnership)
🍓 Groom(5129) square briede(19029) :
Despite the challenges/ disagreements/ conflicting desires this aspect presents an opportunity for growth and understanding within the relationship. By addressing and working through the areas and conflict or tension, the couple can deepen their connection and strengthen their partnership over time.
🍓 Karma (3811) conjunct descendant:
Both the individuals may feel a strong sense of destiny or fate drawing them together in a partnership or relationship. They might believe that their meeting was predestined or that they have important karmic lessons to learn from each other.
🍓 Moon conjunct saturn:
This aspect can indicate a strong sense of responsibility and commitment between the individuals. But there may be a tendency for both individuals to hold back their feelings or to approach emotional matters with caution and reserve.
🍓 Groom in 1st house synastry:
It suggests that your partner may identify strongly with the role of the groom or husband in your relationship.they may see themselves as a partner who takes on traditional husbandly roles or embodies qualities that you associate with the concept of a groom.
🍓 Cupido (763) conjunct nn :
Fated , strong emotional alignment, transformative and potentially life changing love connection/ karmic lessons in love.
🍓 Sappho (80) in 12th house synastry:
Intuitive understanding or unspoken connection between partners, there may be a sense of yearning or longing for an idealised romantic Union that exists beyond the constrains of the physical world.
🍓 Lust(4386) on 1st house synastry:
Passionate and dynamic connection between partners characterized by intense physical attraction ,sexual energy, and a strong focus on the physical aspects of the relationship.
( post based on poll)
Thank you!!
~piko 🌹
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mintsbubbletea · 1 month
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 - 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬
Word Count: 1,252
Contains: Gender Neutral Reader, No pronouns used. Blood, kissing, cursing not sure if I missed anything
Proof read and Edited
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Sitting at your desk in your dorm room, you immersed yourself in the soft melodies playing in the background while diligently jotting down notes on how to enhance your quirk. Each page was filled with valuable information shared by your mentor, and you found that writing them down helped etch them into your memory. Suddenly, a loud and abrupt knock shattered your concentration, causing you to snap out of your bubble. You turned your head towards the door and called out, "Come in."
The door burst open, revealing a flustered Denki who seemed to be rambling incoherently. Amidst his jumbled words, you could only make out something about a fight and blood, but it was clear that the teachers couldn't find out. Concerned, you stood up and walked towards him, only to be joined by Tsu entering the room. "Hold on, Denki. Who's hurt? What happened?" you asked, trying to piece together the situation.
"It's Midoriya and Bakugo. They got into another fight, kero," Tsu explained, her voice filled with worry. Denki chimed in, his rambling now replaced with a more composed tone. "It's pretty bad. There's blood all over the floor, fists flying, and explosions everywhere. It all happened so fast, and we barely managed to pull them apart," he revealed.
Confused, you questioned, "What does this have to do with me? Shouldn't we be getting Recovery Girl?" As you reached for your phone to text your grandma, Tsu hesitated before responding, "Well… we can't. We wanted to ask if you could use your quirk to heal them. This is their third fight, and Mr. Aizawa warned that if he catches them in another one, they'll be in serious trouble, kero."
Everyone in UA knew one thing for certain: you were the granddaughter of Recovery Girl. It was common knowledge that you couldn't heal major injuries like she could, considering her years of experience, but you had the ability to mend cuts, bruises, and other minor injuries to some extent. Your father, who was also a healer, had been teaching you alongside your grandmother since you were little.
You had used your quirk to assist your classmates before, but never to conceal something significant from the adults. "So you want me to keep this a secret from Mr. Aizawa and my grandma?" you questioned, releasing a sigh. Deep down, you knew you would eventually give in and help. Both of them looked at you with hopeful eyes, pleading for your assistance. "Alright, let's do it."
"Thank you, Y/n! You're amazing," Denki exclaimed, patting your shoulder. The three of you then headed towards the lounging area, where Deku and Katsuki sat in separate seats, each holding ice on their hand or nose. Several of your classmates surrounded them. "Thank goodness you're here, Y/n. We didn't know what else to do," Momo said, stepping away from helping Deku. Curious, you glanced at Deku, who had a bruised fist and cheekbone, and asked, "How did this even happen?"
"None of your damn business, first aid!" Katsuki's sharp retort echoed through the room, his frustration evident as he winced in pain and held the ice against his throbbing nose. Rolling your eyes, you leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Deku's cheek, causing him to blush softly and smile in return.
With a soft blush, Deku looked at you and spoke, "Oh, you know, we were just caught up in a brawl." He expressed his gratitude as he flexed his hand, relieved to see the pain and bruising subside.
A smile played on your lips as you nodded, acknowledging the intensity of the fight. Walking over to Katsuki, you noticed him pushing Eijiro away, who was attempting to clean up the blood on his face and clothes.
"Don't touch me, hair-for-brains!" Katsuki grumbled, shoving Eijiro's head away with frustration. "You're bleeding all over the place! Just hold the cloth to your nose," he pleaded with the blond. Reluctantly, Katsuki snatched the cloth and placed it under his nose, watching as it quickly turned crimson. His gaze then shifted towards you, standing before him. Anticipating your next move, he immediately shook his head. "No way, I'm not letting your perverted ass anywhere near me," he declared, his tone defiant.
Confused, you questioned, "Then how am I supposed to heal you?" Taking a seat beside him, you observed the swelling on his nose. "I don't care, just keep your weird lips away from me," Katsuki huffed, averting his gaze.
Deku chimed in, attempting to persuade Katsuki, "Come on, Kacchan. We can't get in trouble. Y/n was kind enough to help us."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at Katsuki's snarky comment. "I didn't ask for your opinion, nerd," he retorted, as you started pinching his swollen nose lightly. He let out a yelp of pain, causing you to smirk. "Does that hurt?" you asked, increasing the pressure on his nose. "Let me fix it for you real quick," you offered, ignoring his protests. "Come on, we don't want Mr. Aizawa catching us," Kirishima chimed in.
Katsuki grumbled, reluctantly agreeing. "Just hurry up, you perv, and keep your hands off me," he grumbled. You smiled softly, releasing his nose and leaning in closer to his cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from his face. You hesitated for a moment, biting your lip. This wasn't the first time you had done something like this, but it felt different this time. Taking a deep breath, you pressed your lips against his cheek, pulling away after a few seconds. A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"Alright, now get lost," Katsuki muttered, looking away, his nose already looking better. "Thanks again, Y/n. We really appreciate it," Deku said with a grateful smile. "No problem at all," you replied, standing up and quickly making your way back to your dorm. The music you had left playing filled your ears as you closed the door and leaned against it. Your eyes widened slightly as a whirlwind of thoughts flooded your mind. Did you actually like him? Or was it just his attractiveness that caught your attention? Lost in your thoughts, you stood there for what felt like an eternity until a knock on your door snapped you back to reality. Blinking a few times, you opened the door.
Katsuki stood there, hands buried in his pockets, his gaze fixed on you. "Hey," you greeted softly, feeling a bit uneasy as you awaited his response. "Is everything okay? How's your nose?" you inquired, concerned. "Just shut up," he snapped, his tone harsh. "I'm not sure what I'm feeling," he started, his expression conflicted. "I don't like it because I'm supposed to hate you, but I can't. And that kiss… even if it was just on the cheek. I couldn't get it out of my head," he admitted. "Although you're a total pervert, I didn't hate being kissed by you."
You were taken aback by his words. "What?" you began, only to be interrupted. "So, don't go kissing anyone else, got it?" he warned sternly. You nodded quickly. "Okay," you replied with a soft smile. Katsuki's eyes softened as he moved closer, his hand reaching towards your face. "Stop picking at your lips, you're going to mess them up," he scolded gently, wiping away a trace of blood from where you had been picking at them earlier.
"Thank you," you said gratefully, smiling at him as he withdrew his hand. "See you tomorrow, first aid," he muttered before turning to walk away.
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added
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tarotwithavi · 10 months
Letter from your soulmate
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Politely request your spirit guides to reveal the appropriate pile meant for you, then open your eyes. Whichever pile captures your attention is the one meant for you.
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Pile 1
My lovely apple pie,
As I sit here, pen in hand, my heart overflows with emotions for you. I want you to know that I understand how incredibly challenging and exhausting life has been for you lately. I can feel your pain, and it pains me deeply too. I yearn to be there for you, to hold you close, and to be your source of strength and comfort. Every tear you shed echoes in my soul, and I wish I could wipe them away. The distance between us feels like an insurmountable obstacle, but please believe me when I say that I would cross oceans and traverse mountains just to be by your side. However, I also realize that now might not be the ideal time for us to fully come together. We both need to heal, to mend the wounds of the past, so that we can create a love that is pure, unburdened by old hurts.
Always remember that even though we might not physically be together, I am there with you in the depths of my heart, forever connected in the 5D. In moments of doubt or despair, recall the strength of our love and how much you mean to me. You are more precious to me than words can ever express. I confess that my love for you is so profound, it sometimes scares me. My protective instincts arise because I cannot bear the thought of anything or anyone causing you harm. And yet, I know I must let you be, let you experience life's journey and growth, but please know that my love is unwavering.
As time passes, and we heal, I hope we can build something magical together, something that surpasses all expectations of love and happiness. Until then, I'll be waiting, cherishing every moment we've shared, and dreaming of our beautiful future together.
With all my love and devotion,
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Pile 2
My Dearest creampie ,
I hope this letter finds you well, though my heart feels heavy knowing that you're not taking proper care of yourself. Witnessing you neglect your own well-being pains me deeply, and I can't bear to see you hurting, physically or emotionally. Please know that I'm here for you, always ready to lend a listening ear or a comforting embrace. I understand that you might be going through a tough time, and your anger is justified. However, I plead with you not to direct that anger towards your own body. It's a vessel that carries your beautiful soul and deserves to be treated with love and care. Take a moment to breathe, to pause, and let the anger subside. Embrace the world's beauty, for there's so much joy and wonder waiting for you.
Just today, I took a leisurely walk and stumbled upon the most enchanting garden. Butterflies danced around, birds sang sweet melodies, and the fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air, blessing the entire place with serenity. In that moment, my heart longed for you to be there by my side, your gentle touch as I lay my head on your lap, listening to you speak passionately about the things you love. You are the light in my life, and I cherish every moment we share. I love you with all my heart, and my affection for you grows with each passing day. You deserve all the love, happiness, and beauty that this world has to offer. And one day, I promise to show you just how much I love and adore you in every way possible.
Please take care of yourself, my love, for your well-being means everything to me. I'll be here, holding you close in my thoughts, sending you all the love and support you need. Remember that you're never alone in this journey, and I'll always be here, ready to walk beside you, hand in hand.
With all my love and devotion,
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Pile 3
My dear pumpkin pie
I hope this letter finds you well and fills your heart with warmth. The wait has been long, but I promise it was worth it. You are the missing piece in my life, and I can't wait to finally hold you in my arms. Your patience and dedication have touched me deeply. You've shown me what true love is, and I promise to cherish and protect our bond with all my heart. From the moment we meet, my devotion to you will be unwavering, and my love for you will only grow stronger with each passing day. As I think of our future together, I can't help but smile at the countless adventures we'll embark on. With you by my side, life will be an exciting journey filled with joy, laughter, and love.
In your presence, time seems to slow down, and every moment becomes magical. Your smile brightens even the darkest days, and your laughter is music to my soul. You are the light that guides me through life's ups and downs, and I promise to be your constant support in return. Know that I am here for you, no matter what life throws our way. Together, we can overcome any challenge and savor every beautiful moment that life has in store for us. I can't wait to see the world through your eyes and share my dreams with you. Your dreams are my dreams, and I promise to do everything I can to help them come true. With each beat of my heart, I am reminded of the love I hold for you. It's a love that knows no bounds and only grows stronger with time. You are my everything, and I am forever grateful to have you in my life.
Until we meet, my love, know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I eagerly await the day when our souls will finally unite, and we'll begin our beautiful journey together.
Yours forever,
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444takeomi · 7 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: waka with dick piercings
character(s): wakasa imaushi
warnings: female reader, nsfw, dick piercings (obvs), oral, mutual masturbation, overstimulation, sending nudes, brief mentions of alcohol
wc: 0.5k
a/n: idk what compelled me to write this but anyway, i hope you enjoy and happy birthday waka
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- okay so first of all i think that waka’s first piercing (aside from his signature earring, of course) was purely the result of him losing a bet whilst he was drunk, and while that alone doesn't sound so bad, it turns out it was his dick that he had to get pierced
- even if at first he didn't see the appeal, he still decided to go through with it because he's petty like that ahaha
- after doing a little research he decided on a frenum piercing — minimal pain, it looks cool, it increases both his and his partner's pleasure, what's not to love?
- his overall experience wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be, of course it was still painful, but the aching subsided fairly quickly and the healing process was rather straightforward
- as often happens when it comes to getting pierced, waka found himself going back for another, and another again, and eventually he ended up with a full jacob's ladder
- he didn't stop there either, he also got a few others like an industrial, helix, and he definitely got his tongue pierced as well
- he absolutely hated healing his tongue purely because he couldn't drink any alcohol while it healed💀
- the first time you saw his dick you were in complete shock, your eyes glued to the metal bars adorning his shaft — waka certainly enjoyed your reaction, unable to stop himself from smirking in amusement at the look on your face
- if the sight alone wasn't enough to leave you at a loss for words, the way he fucked you had left you unable to even think straight let alone speak
- the feeling of the numerous metal balls dragging along your walls made your head spin, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he pounded your g-spot with every thrust, sending you towards an orgasm that had your toes curling as you gasped and creamed around his cock
- waka’s piercings definitely make him a lot more sensitive since he has so many of them, and it didn't take you long to figure that out — all it took was for you to run your tongue over his frenum piercing and he was putty in your hands
- he loves overstimulating himself, and if you're lucky you'll catch him whining desperately in your ear as he fucks you, he tries to hold back but it just feels so good </3
- waka is already so good at eating pussy but his tongue piercing just enhances everything, also he definitely owns one of those vibrating tongue bars and always asks if he can use it on you
- he loves to randomly send you nudes, to be honest it's mainly so that he has an excuse to show off his piercings💀
- but he genuinely takes the best dick pics, they always have great lighting and perfect angles, and not to mention his dick is ridiculously pretty too <3
- also enjoys mutual masturbation — likes to put on a show for you, stroking his dick tantalisingly slow all while gasping and throwing his head back as he fucks his own fist, and he will definitely tease you if he catches you staring
- probably asks to get matching piercings with you, and if you have any others already he loves playing with them when the two of you cuddle (providing they're fully healed ofc)
- overall waka’s piercings are a lot of fun for both him and you, and they certainly keep things interesting ahaha
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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oceanblvdst13 · 5 months
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mentor finnick odair x victor fem!reader
summary : capitol's darling has gotten quite the reputation after snow's menaces, finnick comforts her through her frequent crisis.
warnings : FLUFF , mentions of finnick' trauma and whatever comes with it
"in a world of boys , he's a gentleman"
. ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ
Beautiful is what your surroundings called you. Not hot or sexy, but breathtaking. Spending sunrises and afternoons on the beach with your friends shaped your days. They all spoke about their experiences but you were far too ignorant to try anything with anyone. Too sweet, too innocent.
Until the reaping, where you met Finnick. He had tried his best to help you win the games and was now beating himself up for it every night . Deep down , the second he met you , Finnick knew that your death was imminent. Either physically in that arena , or either mentally where you would have your body and soul stolen in the bed of Panem's elite at your return.
To his great disgust and to Snow's pleasure, you had won the games and became their jewel. Not only were you extremely desired one to one, but Panem loved your overly sexualized exhibits. The people were loving it and the traction was stronger than ever. New skimpy outfits every week, dirty jokes anytime you were interviewed, your soft soul had been muttered into a so said slut while your heart was shattering, not being able to let go fully of its innocence.
Finnick blamed himself. He wished you stayed eighteen forever, that you didn't celebrate your nineteenth birthday in a strangers bed, that you didn't have to spend your life the way he did, which is why he came to you every few nights. To hold you to sleep and attempt to wipe the horrors he's also lived a few years prior out of your head atleast for the time you slept. To seek comfort in your presence and kindness that still stayed nonetheless. But he didn't allow himself to think so selfishly. No, it was only for you.
That evening, routine catched up. Reminiscing about the days before all of it , and tears falling slowly on your cheeks in the dark, until you heard the familiar knock.
"How are you doing tonight love?"
"Okay." You responded, your tone of voice completely betraying your awnser.
Finnick knew. Words are hard and no one liked voicing their pain out loud. With him there was no talking about it, besides the sweet nothings he whispered into your ears.
His hands ran along your hips, lightly pressing on your shoulders, only to finish softly rubbing your back to sleep. Occasionally, he'd bring a hand up to your cheek to wipe a tear out of the way.
"I know baby, I know."
"You're not a slut, this isn't your fault."
"Give it time , time will heal everything."
Often , he'd kiss your forehead, in a protective mentor way and other times he'd kiss your neck in a much more personal way. Those times were the days you could actually get some rest. You didn't have an idea of love , since you never got to experience it before your dignity was stolen from you, but you'd imagined this is how it felt like. Dreaming of a world where you would be Finnick Odair's girl and not Panem's sex symbol.
Finnick did not have to imagine, he knew he was far inlove with you, the attraction he felt for you on the first days had sealed into total obsession after the dark bond you too shared. By saving you , he was also saving himself in a way. Finnick did not stay dreaming though , and actively worked against Snow for a day you could safely and slowly fall for him. He'd wait years , for you to learn love all over again and know the shivers and butterflies. For you to get to live , to leave him if you felt the need too. He would've given anything to see his girl happy.
And eventually, he did. Capitol had left its scars all over you and moved to the next one but Finnick was more then happy to heal each and every single one of them when he found out about the perfect thing, you fell just as hard as he did <3.
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doumadono · 1 year
Taking care of Douma when he's hurt - headcanons
One day, Douma returns very late, almost at dawn, and since you have been anxiously waiting for his arrival, you rush to him only to discover blood smeared across his face and chest.
You place your hands on your hips, tilting your head to the side, anger growing within you. "Don't tell me you got into another fight with Akaza, huh?" you question, the frustration evident in your voice.
Despite Douma's formidable demon nature and his exceptional regeneration skills, you always make it a point to take care of him after a fight. You gently tend to his wounds, cleaning them with care and applying healing ointments to ensure a swift recovery. As you gently clean his wounds, you can see Douma's eyes fluttering open. He lets out a low groan, his voice tinged with pain. "You really didn't have to do this, you know. I'll be fine. And, it wasn't a fight, rather just a little misunderstanding," he mumbles, trying to downplay the severity of his injuries.
You brush off his protests, smiling softly. "I know you'll heal quickly, but I want to take care of you. It's my way of showing how much I care." You lean in closer, your voice filled with reassurance. "Just because you're a demon doesn't mean you don't deserve care and kindness. I love you, Douma, and I'll always be here to support you, no matter what. But you let me down, again ."
Douma can't help but be touched by your unwavering devotion. "I don't know what I did to deserve someone as incredible as you," he murmurs, his eyes locked with yours. "Thank you for being by my side."
Even though Douma can't experience proper emotions, he can't help but feel flattered by all the attention he receives from you. The way you care for him after each fight makes him feel special. He even contemplates getting into another fight accidentally, just to have you close, taking care of him (bonus points if his opponent will be Akaza!)
After the fight, you create a peaceful and soothing environment for Douma to relax in. You prepare a warm bath with fragrant oils, allowing him to soak and unwind, easing the tension from his body.
Knowing that Douma enjoys comforting scents, you light some calming candles and fill the room with his favorite aroma. The gentle flickering of the candles creates a serene ambiance, bringing a sense of tranquility to both of you.
Throughout the evening, you engage in light-hearted conversations and share moments of laughter, allowing the worries of the fight to fade into the background. Your presence and care serve as a soothing balm to Douma's weary soul, reminding him that he is not alone.
As the night draws to a close, you ensure that Douma is comfortable and ready for a peaceful sleep. You tuck him in, softly brushing your fingers through his silver, long hair, and whispering words of affection and reassurance.
In these sweet and tender moments, you create a sanctuary of love and healing for Douma, reminding him of the depth of your care and the strength of your bond, even though he's a demon.
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thatfrailsoul · 22 days
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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You have still so much to experience and live through, so many moments to create and feel... And yet what you got through until now left you already with so many scars and so much knowledge about how to heal and take care of ones tired heart and soul.
It's not an easy awareness to have within you. It makes your own feelings be overwhelming, so clear and much stronger then many people could bare and feel. It makes you unable to look away when others feel something, when they are the ones to feel turn apart and filled with pain. It makes you feel responsible, for you, for others, for this world... Even if you are not at all the one who causes this pain and despair around you. And it makes you hate this part of you, this gentleness and care that makes you so easy for others to use...
But while so many might have turned their back on you after using your strength and support to live through a moment, leaving you hurt and drained, sad of how often it happens again and again... Your readiness and willingness to feel so much, to understand so well and to find that one thing that could help others, is not at all something bad, a curse on your soul. It's an incredible gift, a natural call that you feel each time and can't resist. Something that so few in this world can do and really handle. Something that you should be proud of, regardless of the way others thank you or decide to take it for granted and to ignore. Because even if they are not with you, even if they might not understand or appreciate what you did for them, perhaps even misunderstanding it and feeling somehow hurt... They still live. They still overcame that storm. Healed that wound. They are still able to make further steps in this world. All thanks to you and to your gift of knowledge and feelings, and your courage to share it with others. To help through such powerful love and gentleness, that not anyone has the strength to embody and carry in this world.
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You just can sense it. You can feel it under your skin... The moment something shifts and hides a danger, a truth that for anyone but you is hidden in plane sight.
So often you try to shake it off, perhaps thanks to so many advices and kind and helpful" opinions of others that convince you that its simply all your mind... But it never goes away does it? Even when you try so hard to not listen, your heart continues to whisper and warn you, guide you, past many situations and people that don't have at all your best in mind.
Some call it overthinking, trauma, deep fear and negative expectations about the way this world can treat you. Ohters call it intuition, inner knowledge, angels guarding you behind your back... But the truth is much deeper and sweeter. Hidden in everything you overcame all on your own, the battles you won not against the others, but against your own mind that was so mean to your poor heart. You protected it your protected your self every single time, no matter how hard it was to be able to see the truth and work on the subtle ways others and even your own self tried to manipulate you and hurt you. And now... Tha part of you knows and remembers it. Giving you back that love and care, that protection that you had the courage to give yourself, by guiding you thanks to an incredible power. The power that you on your own created and gifted to yourself.
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It is not at all easy to deal with one's tired, confused, sometimes angry and furious mind. It's not at all easy to face it, try to calm it, looking for something positive, something that is worth to keep going, each time your mind screams how it's all useless and wrong. It's not easy to speak it's language, to be courageous enough to look each time deeper and be willing to understand where all that hate comes from... But you did it, again and again. Standing up for yourself, fighting, even when your worst and strongest enemy was your own insecure and vulnerable mind. You found, you find, again and again the motivation, reasons, to go further. To continue this life, these journeys, even if it means doing it one slow and challenging step at a time. You face it all and you overcome it.
Demonstrating each day to your mind how there is no need to be so scared and loud about it. That you can, indeed, have faith in yourself and be proud of each day that you live through moving forward. It is not easy. But you are able to do it again and again, despite it all. You are able to tap into the incredible power of your heart, of hope and faith, of the courage, and use it to help yourself. And to remind your mind and others that nothing is impossible. And that even the scariest and darkest nights can be faced with the light of our soul and the love for our own selves, that deserve to come out of it and experience all that this world and life has in store.
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cooki3face · 4 months
what’s going on in your friendships
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message: friendships and close personal relationships have been a significant thing in my life as of late. I have the tendency to self-isolate in order to remain untriggered because I can't control my environment the way I wish I could when other energies are involved. I've never been super outgoing or social, I enjoy conversation but on my own terms and I'm highly selective about the company I keep and how I choose to share my energy with the world. But, you have to be a whole other level of healed in order to remain energetically grounded where your circumstances or environment are eating away at you. When I have close personal relationships they consume me because I am always so heavily devoted or emotionally involved and so they have the capacity to disarm me or put me in hard places when things go wrong or when something is triggering. I've decided to do this reading in order to give the collective insight on what's going on in their friendships and hopefully give some guidance on what needs to be improved or worked on. Enjoy.
There's an energy here about either you or people you were friends with or are friends with carrying the energy of past resentment. In your energy there's an energy of friendship(s) being a touchy subject or something that you've separated yourself from entirely due to bad situations or experiences. In other energies outside of yours, there could be someone or even a few people who hold ill energy towards you or have negative perceptions of you based on a falling out or you outgrowing them. There's energy of betrayal or someone revealing themselves to you or double-crossing you and you having to turn inwards or go into hermit mode in order to recover and swearing off friendships or become more opposed or narrowing your scope for what is acceptable in your friendships. Someone had high expectations already but they're even higher now. I'm listening to the song "Back to Black" by Amy Winehouse. She says in the song, "I've died 100 times." someone has been burned a lot or has a very extensive painful history in close relationships both platonic and romantic that require trust and respect to be equal and held at high regard.
Someone had a friend who was troubled or had a tendency to mess things up for themselves or be deceptive or throw stones and hide their hands I'm hearing. Pile one you may have developed a thing for the underdog or in the past had a subconscious pull to people who had heavy trauma-filled backgrounds or carried with them a lot of karmic energy or karmic behaviors and cycles. This may have been a theme for the vast majority of your close personal relationships for the past couple of years. You constantly ran into people who didn't value themselves and therefore didn't know your value and people who would always have an internal tendency to not know what they'd lost until you'd walked away from them. You may have had to make a difficult decision here that resulted in you letting go of several friends and/ or lovers or significant people in your life that you carried on your back for the past couple of years. You learn lessons primarily through people and relationships and you eventually outgrew or broke out of karmic cycles and behaviors and you had to decide whether or not you wanted a new beginning or not.
You may currently feel a lot of grief or be in the process of mourning past versions of yourself or past versions of your life and the people who were in it although you're done with them now. There's healing that needs to be addressed regarding betrayal and heartbreak regarding your friendships and relationships. Right now you are in a state of recovery here, I'm seeing imagery of someone in a deep sleep or in a comatose like state like sleeping beauty or something, the body has the ability to heal or recover faster through sleep, you may feel somewhat unresponsive towards people coming towards you seeking friendships or companionship.
You're deciding what it is you want in a friendship and doing what you can possible to come into alignment with what that looks like, you've essentially had to start from scratch or build your life and yourself up again from the ground up. You have nothing left from the life you used to live. You've had to and are in the process of manifesting everything that you desire. You are no longer in a state of your life or on the chronological divine timeline where you are having to live with the cards you are dealt and make the best of it or learn the right lessons for what you are given. You have essentially aged out of and graduated out of the divine's guardianship over you as a spiritual minor. Now it's your choice what it is you get to have, what you get to make, what you wanna see, what you wanna put up with, and with whom.
You could feel called to power through and carry on even though you could be experiencing or have experienced significant hardship in your friendships. You may have a tendency to suppress your emotions regarding loss or you have remained in survival mode for years at a time so much so you may be someone who is always in autopilot or doesn't stop too often to process loss in full even if you're a heavily emotionally driven individual who needs time for recovery and needs time to heal so that you can thrive. I just heard someone's a water sign but operates like an earth sign to keep up appearances or maintain a hard exterior or escape the symptoms that come with heartbreak or grief. like if you can imagine the spectral difference between Cancer and Capricorn as a moon sign placement. You may carry a mindset that the entire world has always been against you or that you're not a particularly popular individual wherever it is you reside.
People may make up stories about you, spread rumors, some people fear you heavily while on the other side of the spectrum others may believe you're a coward or deserve to be mistreated or beat down as much as possible. People don't know who you are or know your heart due to some circumstances that were outside of your control and some that were. By the time you'd established or came to terms with the fact that you wanted to be around others, felt isolated, or felt scared and mistreated it was too late because people already had such large negative perspectives and opinions about you. I just heard "you think I want to be like this?" someone has been alienated or is treated like an abomination or as though they are unacceptable. You may also find you have a hard time networking or accessing opportunities you feel you'd have rights to if not for your reputation, not even just work opportunities, social ones as well, people don't want to be around you or people have a tendency to reject you or you feel you aren't able to reach people you love fully due to a lack of self worth or a skewed perception of yourself.
You've lost hope of profound connection within your friendships (you could've had a close friend before that you held onto past a healthy point or even throughout their betrayal or mistreatment of you due to the fact that you felt like if you released them you'd face eternal loneliness. I'm hearing this person could've exploited you for your resources or used you or subjected you to some sort of abuse repeatedly and you didn't/couldn't hold them accountable only the two of you know about this or people know but it's not a well spread secret. I'm hearing this person could've also potentially r*ped, s*xually assaulted you or used you to experiment or fill the void of their own loneliness and desperation.) You could've also potentially lost a romantic connection or loss hope in prospect of love as well or you may have convinced yourself you'll end up unmarried or in short term surface level relationships for the rest of your life.
You could have this large tendency to be so resistant of change whether it's for the best or not or whether it's gonna be in your best interest or not and this has worked against you. You have wounds that have been left open and are gaping because you refuse to stop and get help or allow yourself to heal and recover. You have things that need to be said that won't ever be at your own hand. You won't allow yourself to have anything because other people decided you shouldn't have anything. You could be so happy and so free of spiritual and emotional burden if you would just allow yourself to heal and do the inner work. Return to any avenues and paths you've left unpaved or any loose ends you've left untied and clean up things in order to free yourself. You may have to come to terms with the fact that not everything can be mended, reconciled, or redelivered back to you in the way you want or within the time frame you desire though pile two. You aren't the only person on the planet contrary to your beliefs, the people who were on it with you who you shared your energy with or who you shared your energy with have their own reservations, their own stories or versions of what happened whether they are truthful or not.
You have an unnatural allegiance to losers and it's unlike you. You may have a tendency to make friends or make connections out of necessity or out of fear of loneliness. You are what you attract, you may have a tendency to constantly fall back into karmic cycles or run around in circles in terms of life lessons. you're someone who takes a long time to learn things you need to learn. You could be an air sign or a water sign. You have the tendency to take a lot of short cuts or do things to try and make yourself have an easier time assimilating or blending in after years of rejection from personal places or have people and places that large significance in your life or things you spent a lot of time around, peers at school, parents, siblings, family. You can also have a tendency to be impressionable you might have picked up a lot of nasty habits or behavioral patterns or karmic ties due to the type of people you choose to be around and attract. There's something here about your spirit being young or you being someone who has a tendency to act out or has a difficult time making their own decisions including responsible ones or doing what's best for you when it needs to be done.
You have a parent or parents who play a huge role in the way you process situations and carry yourself in general. You weren't taught or raised up to be an adult or aren't/weren't offered the proper tools to build a sense of self that was adequate for someone who needed to navigate in this world. I just heard the words "hurt people hurt people" you may have the tendency to self destruct and in turn be destructive to others. You carry with you either a lot of guilt or on the far end of the spectrum a large lack of accountability and willing ignorance about the part you played in conflicts or how your actions may have effected someone or a situation. You're constantly feeling very stagnant, burnt out, drained or low on energy and a lot of this is reflective of some of your choices, your choices in company, your behavioral patterns, karmic cycles and even potentially addictions if you've picked up any vices that you should've stayed far away from.
You may be in a place in your relationships where you're at a crossroads about if you should trust your intuition and the divines organization of change and chaos and move forward or do the right thing and allow yourself to fully outgrow and separate from people, things, places, etc. you've carried with you or collected along the way for fear of loss. Behaviors and karmic cycles and habits as well. I say relationships instead of just friendships because you have a tendency to make bad decisions in both your romantic and platonic relationships and connections and your karma is coming at you from both ends. There's fear here though regarding letting go. The deeper issue or root cause of this need to collect things comes from fear of abandonment, being disliked or perceived negatively or not being able to control the feeling you may feel about not having anyone to fall back onto/into.
You could've lost a friend or a person of value that you pushed away or that woke up to something or had some sort of truth revealed to them about you and actions you may have had a habit of committing to behind their back in regards to them. This person won't reconcile with you or you know that anyone of value that you lost along the way or anyone who may bring you solace has walked away. But, spirit has set your revelation or your healing process or tower moment up this way for you so that you have the chance to fully and wholeheartedly see what is going on or what needs to be done. I just heard "you're so far removed from source." The only way out is through and there might be a lot of grief that you may have to receive or make your way through before you can come out the other end changed and in alignment with what needs to be done or what's in store for you. You need to heal or come back into alignment. I'm getting imagery of someone detoxing or withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. this could be something you may have to actually experience or a figurative representation of what the process of healing and recuperation may look like for you because there is a lot that needs to be purged.
But, after all of this, if you do the inner work, there is promised stability and alignment for you.
channeled song for this reading:
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littleragondin · 3 months
Goodbye and thanks for all the love 。o○♡
So here we are. After five fantastic weeks, it's time to say goodbye to Nomoto, Kasuga, Yako and Nagumo. I miss them already, even though I don't think any of them will truly leave me for a good, long while.
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This show is just beautiful. It may seem unassuming, quiet and more leisurely than a lot of other shows but it's worth the watch. I can only recommend it - I said it before, but do yourself this favor. I think everyone can find something healing and comforting in this story of gentle, caring people being kind to each other. In the messages it shares with you with a tenderness and reassurance that made me soft.
Watch the show for how it tells you that not following the expected path society and family have for you may come with struggles but it's still worth it, that you need to go after your happiness and that there will be people here for you through it. That it's never too late to do those things that will make you happy.
For the way it gently takes your hand and tells you that yes, there are challenges, and hard times, and difficult emotions, and pain, but that there is kindness and there is love, too - and that will help. For how it reminds you that you have to be a little selfish to sustain love, be it platonic or romantic, accepting help and voicing your need and reaching out to hang out. And yet, that you are not a burden. That the people who love you want to spend time with you, to do things you will love, to cook for you and share a meal.
Watch it for so many more reason, because I honestly think everyone will find something in there that resonate with them and their experience, that may even help them feel seen.
On a more personal note, as someone who lives far away from their family and doesn't have a lot of people around them IRL (let alone other queer people), it felt so healing to see Nomoto and Kasuga, who are about my age, have those realizations a little later in life, and find those connections anyway. To follow Nomoto discovering herself and to see her be assured that there is not right or wrong way to be who she is and that she knows what label fits her. To see Kasuga slowly opening herself to new experiences. To watch them fall in love and make new friends and build their life and their family the way that makes them happy and fulfilled. All of this brought me such comfort and gave me so much hope that things will be ok.
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So goodbye ladies, but hopefully not farewell. I hope we get to see more of you, of your little family and your friends, of that new start we are ending this part of the story on. Thank you @furritsubs for making this available to those of us who don't speak Japanese (and for all the little cultural and culinary notes along the way, they truly enhanced the experience!~♡).
And to the show itself and everyone who made it... Thank you for those stories, thank you for the kindness with which everyone is treated, thank you for the warmth, the gentleness, the ever present love.
And most of all, thank you for the hope.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
Lovemaking/Fucking as a Regenerative Practice for Women and Other Female Bodied People to Share With their Beloved of Any Gender:
I truly believe that a slow, thoughtful, openhearted, tuned in lover can just as effective as years of therapy. This is probably one of my top 3 favorite sexual arts to channel and translate about. And I know that the uninitiated read the word "fucking" and may tense up and think derogatory things. But real "fucking" is not careless or thoughtless. It is built-up or ongoing non-mechanistic primal desire--the hot, wet, sticky, dripping, stealthy, lusty, passionate heat and hunger that more easier accessed in new relationships but can nurtured or revived in long-term ones. It is our cells and tissues way of craving depth--before thought. It is actually quite divine and prayerful to be able to access this state when your mind is empty and heart is open towards your lover. Begin threading your life with more slow relaxing energy. Have a love affair with mindfulness and distill more presence in your life, like through a meditation practice, chanting, or listening to soulful music like gospel music as a passionate, holy, primal frequency that instinctively calibrates you into deep feeling. Embarking on the journey to living a slower life will greatly support you in your unrepressed lovemaking and healing arts in the future. You may find yourself naturally divesting from distractions like celebrity culture without much effort.
As you start to get familiar with and play in different colors and intensities of this regenerative practice, be sure to open your mouth, open your back throat, which opens your cervix, your metaphysical heart, and streams down even more heavenly love energy into your hands and body. Love is the healing energy, you see and when you begin to embody more love, your hands and body become portals to healing/regeneration. A lover being connected to or inside your body regenerates them over and over again, in different ways. To be a Love Goddess or Sex Priestess, means that you have generous access to your innate healing energy to shift an experience. In the female form, this is your creamy lubrication that's not just confined to your pussy, but also in your throat, ass, hands, underarms, areolas, nipples, heart, I mean- your whole body and its abundance of pheromones become oceanic.
A woman's body arcs open wide as pure water quenching every cellular thirst.
When making love/fucking, you want to also simultaneously transfer or transmute some of your arousal, desire, and heat towards the stagnant inflamed parts of your lover. Let's say your beloved lover has stagnant eyes or chronic migraines. As you climb onto or straddle your lover's lap, as you sit your ass on lover's thighs, and invite this person to suck your breasts (not that you say words, but feel the desire and intention), you then transfer that heightened arch-back energy into your lover's face by lovingly massaging and kissing and speaking life into their eyes or scalp out loud (your voice/ranges of sound is also regenerative), stimulating their energy to flow which is what creates their new body narratives. Also you don't just work where the pain site or stagnation issue is location. Also work on the extremities of your Beloved like their feet, hands, calves, etc.
Basically you are finding ways to touch and speak life into their entire body depending upon what position your body is arcing open inside of. Sitting on their face? Lovely--also massage and knead their calves while sitting to bring heat, warmth, lymph and blood flow happiness into lower extremities. For people who have body challenges, the extremities are usually more tight and cold which support eye and migraine issues and the like. You do this while being touched/sucked on (be sure to grasp/massage the nape of the neck too for greater energy unlocking) and it's this beautiful dance and transference of energy that orbits and volleys back and forth between you and your lover. It’s how you can help drain the depressive energy stored in lover’s body over the years as well. This is an advanced practice.
If you are truly connected to divine feminine, you never have to be afraid, particularly if a depth of love is present in your relationship connection. None of us will ever be all “healed” or unblemished in this 3D reality —it’s impossible and we can still share our bodies with our imperfect lovers who may be having a hard time or going through some shit for very long time and actually be of service to them. After any kind of lovemaking/fucking, be sure to go outside on grass or sand or in water on the same or next day and shake your body vigorously while barefoot and lightly clothed. When we make love or fuck, our bodies are used as portals to give, receive, exchange or extract energy. Sex is the deepest energy work, the nastier and more unrestrictive and un-egoic, the better the medicine.
You can do this same act for knee pain and anything else. As you kiss and grip your lover's body (while taking caution and care around the pain spot), you send that arousal, love, care, and desire energy, maybe you even see or feel golden, violent, or green healing and send it into the knee and the surrounding areas. You speak love into the knee and the surrounding areas, almost like you are wanting to penetrate or be penetrated by it. Penetrative (giving/receiving) energy when love is present is deeply healing for all bodies. There is so many layers and viscosities that we get to play in when it comes to healing and regeneration, where lovemaking becomes artful and a much needed 'hands on, hands inside' skillset.
When you become sensitive to energy, and aware of what it means to have a female body in your every day life, you can place your hand on lover's spine and bring an immediate shift in their reality. You can do the same thing for your child or father. You are not trying heal or fix ANYTHING--you are merely allowing your body to be that portal to love/creation it was divinely oriented to be.
But with lovemaking/fucking, that same innocent energy is extraordinarily heightened into larger and more robust erotic energy to be orbited between two lovers with open hearts and undernourished egos. While doctors can be incredibly valuable, there is also something mystical that melts and swells in you that can do what no physician can. It’s incumbent that you lay down what you no longer need to carry and access those deep states that allow you to live your highest potential and help your loved ones do the same. -India Ame'ye, Author
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sixofwandsss · 1 year
PAC: what does the future hold for you?
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“Take 3 deep breaths and allow your inner wisdom to guide you”
Pile 1
You are growing into a version of yourself that is actually in touch with their life purpose. From a you that’s tired of not being satisfied with their accomplishments, to a you that is feeling grateful in the present moment and feels happy with themselves.
In order to tap into this energy you might need to leave behind the lack mindset you picked up from past experiences. You have to believe that you are abundant. The universe will have your back, don't worry. Ask yourself: “What if everything just went right?”
In this future, you are extremely determined and in touch with your 'leader' energy. You will find the will to carry on, you’ll find the passion, you’ll find the fire. You and your loved ones will be secure.
The insecurity, the feeling of being unsuccessful and the sleepless nights will come to an end once you let go of past burdens and give yourself the chance to heal them all
I am allowed to have faith in myself
My past does not and will never define me
My fears are valid but I choose to be brave and move forward anyways
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Pile 2:
The future holds peace of mind for you; A break from all the conflict you might have been surrounded by for a while now. You will get a chance to rest.
You are going to learn to prioritize self-care and step into your empress energy as you get away from toxic environments.
The future offers a safe place to heal your inner child and develop a stronger sense of confidence. Get ready to feel yourself to the max!
You will probably meet your soul tribe then: people you share an intuitive connection with and who also respect your boundaries
 I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come
Today I will celebrate enjoying the fruits of my labor
I am allowed not to take my life so seriously
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Pile 3:
The future brings you the opportunity to reflect on things that left a mark on your heart in order to understand the divine purpose behind it all. Sometimes we are put through painful experiences so as to learn something about ourselves and others.
The universe is giving you the opportunity to face those dark repressed emotions in order to heal parts of yourself that were not given enough attention but are actually affecting your perspective on life much more than you'd think.
You can't move through life without acknowledging this part of you. Even though it's unstable and chaotic, it is still a part of you.
"A composed soul is not necessarily a calm one"; Give more space to the untamed part of yourself that wants you to feel raw emotions without needing to intellectualize them
The future you that has gone through this process achieved a lot of wisdom and it's not "lost child" anymore. They integrated both their adult self and their wounded inner child. You will get through this succesfully.
I honor all parts of myself, especially the chaotic and illogical ones
I forgive myself for being afraid, I forgive myself for not wanting to be vulnerable
Hardships gifts wisdom. How is this situation serving my growth?
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Pile 4:
Your heartbreak will be over soon. It is almost over, my dear. The future offers you a life without the burden of a heavy heart. You are going to get over that person successfully.
In the past you couldn't imagine a life without them but in the future, darling, it's all about you. You as the center of your life. You as the main character.
Even though you might have lost them, you are going to gain self-trust again my darling, the knowing that you can bounce back from every situation no matter how painful it is.
You will connect to your inner wisdom and learn how to trust your instincts; you will shift your perspective as you become more in tune with your intuition. You’ll reserve your energy to those who you truly trust.
I am grateful for everything I overcome in order to reach this point in my life
I am allowed to take what I've learned and apply it into this new chapter of my life
It is safe to let go of a rigid and old mindset
Affirmations by Kitty Knorr " Tarot Affirmations: Self-Fullfilling Prophecies"
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saltymongoose · 9 months
Ok I got a request, its ok if you don't want to do it, I wont push you or force you:
so my request is what if Player had a giant scar on their back or on their side from an accident before meeting the main 4, like they got it from building something or helping a family member. So how would the main 4 react seeing a giant scar on player body and player still feels the pain a little bit. . .
That's all and... here...
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Thank you for the frog gif, it's absolutely lovely lol. Here are your hcs!
Their Reaction to the Player having a Large Scar ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Mentions of Injury)
It doesn't have to be said that Hank's been through a lot of fights, and his fair share of scars are a byproduct of that. So, he really isn't phased by you having a scar once he catches a glimpse of it. If anything, he's more curious about how you got such a large one in the first place. (Were you fighting some huge enemy back in your world? And how powerful was the thing if it could manage to injure you, of all people?)
That was before you made any mention of how your old injury still causes you pain, though. Hank's not the type to be worried about other people in general, but you're the one exception to that. He's not going to fret over you like a mother hen, but his concern will make itself known with how he refuses to let you strain yourself to do much of anything.
He's not very medically inclined (understatement, it's not like he even cares enough to patch himself up most of the time), so he's at a loss of what to do save for making it so you don't have to lift a finger for anything. In a way, this honestly kind of angers him, because he genuinely wants to be able to help you in any possible way, but he just…doesn't know how.
However, Hank's not one to beat around the bush if he wants something, so he'll likely just ask you directly if he can do anything to ease your residual pain. It doesn't matter if it's something that requires him to trek all the way across Nevada to get for you, or just some extra physical affection you want, he's pretty much at your beck and call if you think it will help you.
If you'd like, he's also willing to show off his own scars; he figures it's only fair since he saw yours. Neither of you mentions how his breath turns shallow when you trace a finger over the ones from more serious wounds.
(And, for the record, he would be very pissed off if you told him that you got it from helping a family member. It's unreasonable to blame them for the accident that caused this, but he will anyway. He's that delusional.)
Sanford is opposite to Hank in many ways here, namely in how he'll immediately get close to gauge the severity of your healed wound and ask about how badly it aches still. He's wary not to pry too much - as he doesn't want you to feel like you have to delve into anything traumatic - but he still wants to know if they (he) can do anything to help you.
You'll notice a sort of shift in his behavior after finding this out, and this is mainly seen in how he tries to make sure you don't have to do any difficult work or stress the part of your body where the scar is. He knows from personal experience how aches and pains can get triggered by this sort of thing, so he thinks he should assist you whenever he can.
He'll ease up if you ask him too of course, but you can get where he's coming from. If you were anyone else, he'd probably just leave you to deal with it on your own, but you're his Player; he can't justify allowing you to potentially cause yourself pain if he knows he can prevent it. That'd make him a bad vessel (and future partner, for that matter).
Although, when you tell him about how you got your scar, he immediately calms down a bit (grateful that it wasn't from an enemy or an intentional wound), it doesn't erase all of his concern. On one hand, he's happy that you didn't have to deal with the stress and fear that comes with someone trying to attack you, but the wound still happened regardless, so the thought still pains him. He doesn't want to imagine anything hurting you.
Sanford also gets it if you got your wound from helping a family member with something; he finds it relatable since he too has injured himself doing similar stuff for his folks as well. He'll give you this look of deep understanding when you refer to the cause, one that would almost be comical if the topic weren't so distressing.
- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos' reaction to seeing your scar is to freeze and go completely silent for a moment - he never expected to see something like that marring your flesh. However, while he internally breaks down into worry, he won't outwardly have much of a reaction in that moment. He doesn't want to bring up anything or make you feel self-conscious, so he'll probably just act like he never saw anything to begin with. It takes you mentioning it directly to pull his full thoughts from him.
He's a bit tentative about this whole thing oddly enough; perhaps it's just the discomfort at the idea of you being hurt, but he'll try to gloss over the seriousness of it to whatever degree he can. If this includes showing off a large scar of his and joking about how you match, then that's just how it is.
Like Sanford, he definitely loses some of his stress over this when you mention how this isn't from someone hurting you purposefully, or you getting into a tussle over something. Although he laxes up a lot more, and will relegate any worry to simply asking if you'd like his help when he sees you doing something. Sometimes he'll insist though, especially if it involves lifting anything heavy.
(A chance to flex his strength and do some service for his Player? It'd be stupid for him not to take it.)
Provided you aren't uncomfortable with it, Deimos will make jokes about your scar and how "badass" it makes you look.
If he was the first to find out about it, he'll make up long, elaborate explanations that you 'told him' about how you got it. It includes everything from a battle between gods (you being one of them) to you heroically saving some damsel in distress from a terrible beast. They aren't believable at all, but they aren't supposed to be. He just wants to make you laugh.
- [2BDAMNED] -
Despite not being an actual medic by any means, 2BDamned's reaction to seeing your scar is to ask what it's from and how it healed. He's also quite perceptive, so it only takes him seeing a sliver of your skin to call it out. Privately, of course, he doesn't want to push you on intimate matters in front of the others (especially if he didn't think they knew about it).
Really, Doc wants to know everything possible about it that you'd be willing to tell him about your old wound; it's important information, he reasoned since he wants to find out more about humans (you) in general, and someone has to be competent enough to care for your medical needs here.
Never mind how worried it made him to see it; it's hard to tell because of his mask, but he had to do a double-take when he caught a glimpse of it, and his horror only grew once you confirmed his concerns. Doc also knows that humans are generally more fragile compared to grunts at this point too, which just amplifies this feeling.
He's the first to ask if you need any scar cream or pain meds of any type to alleviate any discomfort you have - whether it be from the soreness of your old wound or the way it looks - and he'll get said medications as soon as possible. He'll also offer to help you apply whatever it is if it's a topical medication of some kind. If you'd like him to, of course.
While a part of him is relieved that the wound your scar was born from wasn't given to you purposefully, this becomes a sidenote to him more than anything. He wants to know what he can do for you here and now, with your residual pain and discomfort being his top priority.
He also won't even mention it around the others, as he thinks it's a private topic. Whether you show it off or not is immaterial; he views yours as similar to his own facial scars and thinks it would be better to just treat it as a completely normal thing instead of making a huge deal out of it. (Once he knows it's history and how to help you with it's lasting effects, of course. What else would you expect from one of your most competent vessels?)
Plus, your history and any past wounds are only yours to discuss anyway. He merely wants to be there for you to rely on, so he hopes you know that you can come to him for anything - scar related or not. It's the least he can do in return for all that you've brought to his life.
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
What I wish I could get people who didn’t grow up in highly controlled, abusive environments to understand is that when the very people who are forming you are really fucked up and bad, you are FULLY incapable of knowing that as a kid.
You’re not capable of “damn my dad is really not ok” or “mom is toxic” for a long time. It’s years and years of “this is life. That is my dad. That’s my mom. It’s just how it is.” It often takes PAINFUL moments of realization to get to even questioning if your life isn’t normal. In fact, in my experience, it takes many painful moments to eventually get you there. Someone at school making fun of your parents, for example. Or some outside caring adult noticing things they seem worried about w/ you. Or a particularly extreme incident of abuse that shakes you. Or reading/hearing someone recount abuse they survived and you get the sick realization it’s like a mirror for you.
When your primary caregivers are your means of survival, your brain wraps you in many many many protective layers of denial and whatever the fuck else it needs to so that you can get through it. Many folks like myself will spend more time healing ourselves as adults from our childhood than we spent in the childhood of trauma itself.
Also, let’s be real, an implication I’m making here is that a lot of folks don’t even pick at the thread of “was I abused?” because it’s too overwhelming all together. Or even “was my childhood kinda fucked up?”
Spoiler alert. If your childhood was kinda fucked up, it’s better, in the long run, to acknowledge and address that. Anyway, this is my characteristically long winded way of wanting to recommend some books on the subject that I have found deeply relatable and meaningful:
•Jeanette McCrurdy’s memoir I’m Glad My Mom Died: If you’d be up for an unflinching look at a deeply difficult childhood that includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect and disordered eating in the Disney-universe, this is your read. Thinking about what McCurdy has had to overcome chills me to my core but the feelings she shares in words felt deeply relatable and I know they will help many.
•Ashley Ford’s memoir Somebody’s Daughter: I’m biased to love her because she’s a fellow Hoosier but you will love her too. Incredibly well written and deeply moving, Ford’s memoir covers her childhood with an abusive mother, a father in jail for rape, and survivorship of her own rape, as well as her place thriving now. She offers us such meaningful processing of her story. (And just writing style wise, this one is a mega fave.)
•Grace Cho’s memoir Tastes Like War: this one is a deep dive into Cho’s upbringing with a mother (who like one of my parents) has schizophrenia. I found her account of having a first hand seat to a parent’s mental health decline too relatable. The components of her story that focus on her mom’s experience of war and immigrating from Korea and the role that Korean food plays in their lives, are moving beyond words.
•Tara Westover’s memoir Educated: having been raised in a very isolated, survivalist Mormon family and tiny community in Idaho, Westover shares her personal story of a quest for escape and education. Although my family was nowhere nearly so unusual and isolated as Westover’s, I feel what she chronicles will highly resonate with anyone raised by someone who seeks to keep you away from “mainstream influences” or who is any level of survivalist.
Obviously, these are heavy reads and DO NOT check them out if you don’t feel in the right headspace. Each one moved me to tears multiple times. But if your awful/strange childhood and leaving it (them) behind makes you feel alone trust me YOU ARE NOT ALONE ❤️
I also recommend these reads for anyone who wants to see at an anecdotal level what are experiences of people raised in highly abusive environments and/or raised by parents struggling with mental illnesses and/or people raised in high control situations. Chances are you know/love someone who fits that description and you may gain helpful insights.
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