#like literally main anime girl voice
hellcifrogs · 9 months
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Tagerines & Cherry blossons~ I am happy these two exist and have the same VA in my country!
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rapidhighway · 7 months
I had the best dream ever it was just straight up a 2d animated like a sonic tv movie with an older vibe and it was the best thing I have ever watched and then my fucking alarm woke me up I'm going to commit murder
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autistic-shaiapouf · 5 months
Looking at "strategies" for how to handle rude people at work and they're all "be calm even when they yell at you :) apologize to them ☺️"
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vaugarde · 2 years
currently five episodes into madoka and i honestly really love it so far omg i love the art direction and the lore a lot and madoka is such a cute protagonist. also its very gay i like it
#no spoilers please btw#echoed voice#im not done but trixie and melia are saying this isnt the case but. i do not get the criticisms of this show i saw on my dash#bc the way certain ex mutuals and friend groups painted it they made it out like it was just tasteless edgy nonsense with a shitty message#so i wrote it off but it really? isnt?? its a dark deconstruction of the magical girl genre yes absolutely it goes into the negatives#and risks and has death in it but the way i saw ppl talk abt it i assumed it was a gorefest that just added gore and called it a day#and its… not. mami’s death scene was really impactful in its framing and its not gorey at all#the way the screen literally cuts off at her head and the first thing we see is her ribbon attack on homura loosen#as a soft but subtle and brutal way to tell the audience whats happened. and the focus is more on the tragedy of magical girls#and how they do so much and sacrifice so much only to be forgotten bc they must live and die in secret#its a really well written death scene and it does such a good way of setting the tone for the rest of the show#honestly my two main criticisms are just that the cast is so young. but it adds to the tragedy so i hope they go into that#but also that theyre young but the opening sexualizes them thats gross and i dont like that#ik thats an issue w a lot of anime at this time but still its not great#but like the ‘’it ruined the genre and its so pointlessly edgy and cruel’’ angle is like. i dont see it
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oddmeu · 2 years
so i just watched the first ep of the urusei yatsura remake and that was probably the most annoying thing ive ever seen in my entire life
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jinnie-ret · 4 months
perfect night
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poly!stray kids x idol!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
requested: @whoswony
summary: in which stray kids are watching the opening show of their girlfriend's tour, sonder, and they come to realise a song is dedicated purely to them
Oh how smug you felt, that a song you had written that was purely dedicated to your boys, could still be released and put onto your latest album, Sonder. Truth be told, it was masked as a song to all your 'girls' out there, about spending time with them being your most favourite thing in the world, and not needing anything else. That was how it actually made it onto the album. But you knew who you really wrote it for.
You wrote the song for Chan, who dedicated his life to protecting each of his partners and prioritising them over himself.
For Minho, who willingly let you read him like a book and get to know him because he wasn't scared of opening up to you.
For Changbin, who often indulged in late night deep conversations with you, whether they were trivial matters that you spiraled deeply into, or more serious ones that helped each of you lift the weight off of your shoulders.
For Hyunjin, whose dramatic antics yet romantic attitude always made you swoon, no matter how goofy he would suddenly become.
You wrote it for Jisung, who always managed to keep you on your toes, whether it be from him bursting into song, his sleep clinginess or his rambles about his new favourite anime that inspired him to write a song or two.
For Felix, who was your constant source of happiness, smiles radiating sunshine and reflecting his light across your shadows, forever brightening your day.
For Seungmin, your cheeky yet very emotionally intelligent partner in crime who helped you stay rational in times when all you could see was doom and gloom.
And finally for Jeongin, who always insisted his admiration for you, was levels above your own for him, because he couldn't believe that it was possible for anyone to be more adored in this world than you.
They were all you needed. And you couldn't wait to show them that, and finally be able to express that to them through the other thing you all loved - music.
Gorgeous yet eery piano notes echoed across the walls of the stadium as you made your entrance, like you were a mystical being that your fans laid their eyes upon.
"She's so hot," Jeongin sighed as he leant across the railings.
"Real," Hyunjin nodded, tongue grazing his upper lip.
"Stop perving on our girlfriend," Seungmin sighed and whacked them on the backs of their heads.
Your boyfriends were sat on an upper tier of the seating in the stadium, safely away from fans and any possible suspicions to why they were there. Luckily, if that case was ever made, fans would be sure to defend you, knowing that you and Jeongin were friends at SOPA.
If only they knew that the two of you were way more than friends. As well as his seven other band members.
Suddenly a new track they hadn't heard started playing, some calming guitar sounding out before a drum track starting kicking in and their girlfriend's poppy voice blended perfectly with the music.
"Come and take a ride with me, I got a credit card and some good company..."
"Wait, that's about us, right?" Chan's eyes widened and a big grin appeared on his face.
"She literally said her girlies," Minho said bluntly, making Chan laugh.
"We're sort of the girlies," Han shrugged.
"Yeah Jisung you do give baby girl energy to be fair," Felix laughed.
"So does Binnie," Jisung added on, smiling as their girl performed.
The fun, light-hearted choreography made you shine with your bright energy.
"I feel so proud, wahhh," Changbin held his hand over his heart, bopping along to the music much like his other boyfriends.
"Quick, let's head backstage!" Felix pushed his other boyfriends forwards down the stairs in pure excitement as the concert came to an end.
Stretched out on the sofa in your dressing room, sipping from some water, you nearly choked on your mouthful as the door burst open with eight men pouring through.
"You were so good!"
"That song was about us right?!"
You giggled as you were quite literally smothered in their love, kisses being peppered across your face, your neck, your hands, swallowed up in the arms of your boyfriends.
"Yah! What if I was getting changed?" you gasped playfully as you pushed them all away.
"I wouldn't be complaining," Hyunjin smirked before getting a neck slap from Minho.
And on they went playfully fighting as Chan gave you one of his hoodies he brought with him, just for you.
"Thanks love," you smiled fondly, pulling the fluffy black hoodie over your head as Jeongin tugged you into his arms.
"You really wrote a song about us?" Felix grabbed your hands to gain your attention.
"How could you tell?" you pushed your lips together, trying not to let any words spill out straight away. You'd keep them guessing just that bit longer, that was your game.
"Credit card and some good company? You literally said that to us one time," Seungmin shrugged knowingly, with shake of his head to get the hair out of his face. He had been growing it longer recently - no objections from you.
"That could just be about my friends," you feigned ignorance.
"No way!"
"Hey I have friends!" you stood up, folding your arms and detesting their claims.
"We know you do, we know love," Changbin back hugged you tightly.
"But you also have us, hmm?" Minho smirked, tickling under your chin like you were one of his cats.
"And we're way better company!" Han declared, from his spot sat on top of Jeongin as he teased the younger and cooed like you all normally did with the maknae.
"I think Jeongin would disagree," you said dryly.
"I would!" the fox boy choked out, nearly sounding suffocated with distraught as he wrestled the older boy off of him.
"But you wouldn't, would you? Don't deny it, that song was for us," Seungmin pointed out.
"Mmm, sure, whatever you want to believe," you looked down at your feet shyly, knowing there was no turning back from here. They had caught you out. But you didn't mind anymore, you were happy because they were too.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @j-one25
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campbell-rose · 7 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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parkvcrs · 11 months
I Won’t Say I’m in Love
SUMMARY: s/n y/n is a popular idol in japan, but there is just one important thing worth mentioning… she is still in high school! but she doesn’t go to any school— she is a student at u.a. high where she has captured the special attention of the arrogant and short-tempered bakugou.
PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x idol!fem!reader.
WARNING(S): nothing worth mentioning other than bakugou being a tsundere.
NOTES: this imagine was inspired by the lyrics of ‘i won’t say i’m in love’ from the animated hercules movie.
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Bakugou didn’t ask to be seated behind the most popular girl in school. He found it incredibly distracting to his learning. He already had to deal with so many extras anyway, why did the school have to include one more? Oh, right… U.A. High School made an exception for S/n Y/n because she just so happened to be one of Japan’s most popular idols.
How stupid is that?
He got into Class 1-A fair and square by working his ass off during the entrance exam, but S/n was just tossed into the same course without a second thought. If you were to ask him, Bakugou thinks Principal Nezu should’ve just lumped her with the General Department: Class 1-C, so he wouldn’t have to bare staring at the back of her head.
‘Was that brat allowed in this class because of her status or is her Quirk really that valuable?’ Bakugou thought to himself. It was a question that plagued his mind as soon as he received word that she was joining Class 1-A. How disgraceful.
But… he did have to admit… S/n is a looker. She’s beautiful. So beautiful in fact that perverted Mineta Minoru didn’t care that he was practically drooling for the idol a few seats back.
The mere mutters coming from that purple-balled freak caused a scowl to make its way onto Bakugou’s features. It seemed like all the boys wanted her and all the girls wanted to be her. But he will not fall for her siren’s spell. Quite literally. That’s her Quirk and the main reason S/n Y/n is such a popular household name, she has a voice that is irresistible to men.
So, if he just so happens to overhear someone’s conversation about S/n or the faint sound of her singing, Bakugou wastes no time putting in his earbuds and blasting his heavy alternative rock music at one hundred percent in hopes to drain her out.
He remains steadfast in the belief that he is one of the few men in Japan who didn’t have feelings for the idol.
So… why on earth does he get upset whenever he sees or hears another person flirting with her? ‘There is no way that I’m jealous of that fishy brat.’ He concluded as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Bakugou was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that half of the class has disappeared to go to lunch until Kirishima tapped on his shoulder, saying, “Hey, you good, Bakugou? The bell rang…”
“Piss off, shitty hair,” Bakugou groaned and then smacked his friend’s hand away. “I’m fine.” He added.
The cafeteria, as always, is filled with students, their voices echoing through the lively atmosphere. Today, Bakugou decided to bring his own lunch, a steaming bowl of mapu tofu, its fiery aroma wafting in the air around him while Kirishima departed from his blond friend temporarily to get in line to order something.
Bakugou scans the room for an empty seat, but something in the distance catches his attention — a familiar, melodious laugh that sets him on edge. He follows the sound, and his gaze locks onto Y/n surrounded by an adoring group of boys.
From what Katsuki could see some of the boys offer to pay for her lunch, while others attempt to vie for her attention, hoping to sit with her. Several even present their homemade bentos, eagerly hoping she'll accept their gesture.
The sight twists something inside Bakugou — jealousy. He clutches his spoon tightly, his appetite waning. He doesn't understand why this bothers him so much; it's not like he has feelings for her or anything... right?
Just as he's about to sit down and try to eat his mapu tofu after what he has to bare witness to, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, and Sero Hanta approach him. "Hey, Bakugou! What are you having for lunch?" The notable pink girl asked with a curious smile.
Katsuki's jaw tightens, and he glances back at Y/n, her radiant aura drawing everyone's attention. "Nothing," he mutters, a tinge of irritation in his voice. "Just lost my appetite."
Mina notices the distant look in his eyes and follows his gaze, connecting the dots. "Oh, I see," she says playfully, nudging his arm. "You're jealous, aren't you?" She wiggles her eyebrows while the boys beside her simply watch everything unfold for themselves with widened eyes. Did Mina have some sort of death wish or something? Because she’ll surely wind up died if she keeps poking fun at Bakugou like that.
At this, Katsuki couldn’t control the reddening on his face and he quickly denies it. "As if! Why would I be jealous of that?" he retorts, trying to brush off his feelings, as he uses his spoon to point at the crowd of boys surrounding his enchanting classmate.
Mina smirks knowingly. "Sure, sure, Bakugou. Whatever you say."
Ignoring her teasing, Katsuki forces himself to take a bite of the mapu tofu, but the taste falls flat. His mind remains fixated on Y/n, and he finds himself glancing in her direction more than he'd like to admit.
Meanwhile, Y/n enjoys her lunch surrounded by her admirers, her laughter filling the air like a captivating melody. Katsuki's conflicted feelings continue to gnaw at him, leaving him to wonder what it is about her that has such an effect on him.
And as the lunch period goes on, Katsuki struggles to concentrate on his meal or anything else for that matter. He's torn between trying to understand these emotions and trying to ignore them altogether.
That night, Bakugou couldn’t sleep.
No matter what he did, sleep eludes him as his thoughts stubbornly cling to one person… Y/n. It didn’t take long for frustration to bubble inside him as he mutters curses under his breath. "Damn it, why can't I just sleep? This is ridiculous..." He clenches his fists, trying to clear his mind of any thoughts that involve the idol.
After what feels like an eternity of futile attempts to sleep, Katsuki ultimately decides to give up.
"Fine, screw it. Maybe working on my lunch for tomorrow will get my mind off this shit." He quietly slips out of bed, mindful not to disturb his roommates, and steps into the hallway.
As he tiptoes past the dorm rooms of his male classmates, he can't help but feel a tinge of embarrassment. But that feeling soon dissipates and is instead replaced with annoyance.
"It's not like I'm sneaking out or anything. I'm just going to the damn kitchen," he grumbles to himself.
When Katsuki reaches the ground floor, he pauses for a moment. He can see the soft light spilling from the kitchen, and there she is. Y/n, clad in her pajamas, searching for a late-night snack.
His heart skips a beat as he watches her, but he quickly scolds himself for the involuntary reaction. ‘Get a grip, man. It's not like you care about her or anything. Just focus on your lunch.’ He reminds himself, trying to remind himself of his initial purpose. However, as he's about to turn away and head to the kitchen, Y/n senses his presence and turns her head slightly, locking eyes with him.
Her surprise is evident, and she closes the fridge, standing there awkwardly before speaking, "Sorry… I didn't think anyone else would be up. Please don't tell Aizawa…” she says in a meek voice, flustered. She tried her best to put on her best smile, hoping that he wouldn’t snitch on her to their teacher. Even if it may be uncharacteristic of him.
Katsuki blinks, momentarily taken aback by her sudden appearance. He crosses his arms, trying to appear nonchalant, but he can feel his heart racing. Thank God that it’s dark or else he’s almost positive his face is the same shade as a damn strawberry by now. "Tch, why would I tell him? I don't care what you do.” He replies, trying to hide any trace of his inner turmoil.
At this, an actual smile makes its way onto her features, appreciating his understanding. "Thank you, Bakugou. I just couldn't sleep, and I was hungry. So… you’re the only one awake, huh?" Seemed like she was trying to make small talk.
Katsuki nods, not trusting his voice to respond properly. "Yeah, seems like it. Whatever, just do whatever you want. It's none of my business.” He mutters, feeling a mix of annoyance and something he refuses to acknowledge.
Y/n's smile widens, and she takes a step closer. "Well, if you're up, why don't we have a late-night snack together?" she suggests, surprisingly at ease despite the unexpected encounter.
Katsuki's eyes widen a fraction, but he quickly recomposes himself. "Hah! Like I need company!” He retorts, but the harshness in his tone isn't as convincing as he hoped. “Besides,” he started once again and then slowly began to approach the oven. “I’m not here to snack. I need to make my lunch for tomorrow.”
To his surprise, Y/n's eyes light up. "You can cook? I had no idea!”
“Well… surprise.” Bakugou pretended like he couldn’t care less about their chat but in actuality, he was desperately hanging onto every word. Cherishing it.
“Say…” Y/n took a few steps closer toward the blond which didn’t go unnoticed. He sucked in a deep breath and tensed at the closeness. “Do you think you can make me something? Please?” She asks eagerly, frowning. And just for a moment, Bakugou’s facade escapes from him and his gaze softens at her enthusiasm. But he quickly regains his composure and lets out a small growl.
"Why can't you just eat one of those bento boxes your fans make you?" He shoots back.
Y/n pouts before replying, "I don't feel comfortable taking food from my fans. The media can be so extra, and I don't want to deal with rumors or misunderstandings." She shivered at the many disgusting titles of what she could be painted as. Selfish, for starters, why would an idol as famous as her take food from those of a lesser income? Or worse: one of those students would claim to be dating her, even if she did do something as simple as accept a meal from them.
Katsuki stays quiet after hearing this. He never considered things like that.
Meanwhile, Y/n hops up to sit on the counter, watching the blond closely. "You either make me food for tomorrow, or you take me out on a date," she says playfully. His train of thought shatters when Y/n said that. Bakugou’s eyes widen at the proposition, caught off guard by her boldness. He opens his mouth to respond, but she continues, imitating his gravelly voice, "'Why don't you go out with one of your fans?'" She pretended to be all grumpy like Bakugou to really sell her performance. But alas, there was a reason why she pursued singing instead of acting.
Katsuki huffs, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I didn't say that!" He said, defiantly.
Y/n grins mischievously. "You were thinking it!” She teases.
After a moment of bashful silence, he finally relents. "Fine, I'll make you something. But don't expect me to cater to your every whim!” He crosses his arms over his chest. “And, uh… you can eat at my table if you’re not too busy with, well, your life. But it’s not for me. It’s for raccoon eyes since, y’know, I think she would be happy if there was another girl in the group.” He cleared his throat and used Ashido as a proper alibi to cover up his own wishes. He would be elated if S/n Y/n could have lunch with him.
Y/n squeals with happiness, hopping off the counter to hug Bakugou tightly, much to his surprise. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She happily chanted, jumping up and down all the while she held onto her classmate.
He blushes slightly but tries to play it cool. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go back to bed. I'll have something ready for you tomorrow."
“You’re the best, Bakugou,” Y/n whispered, stepping away from the blond. She slowly begins to make her way to the stairs when she stopped, peering over her shoulder to give Katsuki a small wave. “Goodnight.”
“Tsk, whatever.”
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littlemisssquiggles · 2 months
The Missed Potential of WISH
It’s funny.
Last year, I really wanted to watch the new Wish animated film from Disney.
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While everyone else were hating on the art and animation style, I actually kind of liked it and was genuinely looking forward to possibly viewing it on the big screen.
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Then the reviews came in. Needless to say, I didn’t watch Wish.
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I remember a time when people used to complain about Disney making “too many love stories”. Then Disney stopped making love stories leading to films like Moana, Coco, Encanto and even Turning Red, which weren't bad.
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Following the failure of Wish, the biggest complaint I’ve heard for that film is that “it probably would’ve been more successful if it were a love story”.
The last romance Disney had we’re the protagonist was a “black girl” was Tiana from The Princess and the Frog which was technically their last 2D animated feature film.
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And don’t get me wrong, til this day, The Princess and the Frog still tracks. Second to Tangled, I still very much love TPATF and it's one of Disney's classics that definitely have the rewatchability.
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That being said, Wish is the first Disney film I've seen where the missed potential of what its story was originally supposed to be (herego a love story between a human girl and shape-shifting star boy) versus what we actually got is more popular.
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Aww Disney, what were you thinking?! How could you think a film where the main character, who is a PoC, the first "black girl" (well technically I think Asha is meant to be mixed) female lead/love interest that you've had since Tiana in The Princess and the Frog in 14 YEARS where she is actually human for all of the movie and gets to share a love story with a handsome "star boy" who can literally make all of her dreams come and think that that's NOT gonna make you money!
I haven't even watched Wish yet I've seen more artwork and fan-made animatics of Asha and Star Boy than anything from the actual film.
At this point, Disney should just take all of the original ideas they left on the chopping block for Wish and revise them into a future title which is an actual love story they could market from.
Or…as an audience, we can just wait for one of their competitors, like Dreamworks to smell the blood in the water like the sharks they are and capitalize on Disney’s latest flop by taking the ideas they didn’t use and coming up with something that could potentially usurp the popularity of Wish’s failure.
In the case of Dreamworks, they don’t even need to make a new star boy since, technically, they already have potential “star boy” they can use.
Remember Rise of the Guardians?
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Hahaaaaa OF COURSE you do, since it gave us the original immortal boy internet heart throb (also ironically voiced by Chris Pine who played King Magnifico in Wish) ---Jack Frost.
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I find it hilarious that another reason why folks are hating on Wish so much is because Disney could've given us another potential immortal boy heart throb "Star Boy" to finally usurp the chokehold that Jack Frost has had on our generation of weebs and artists for the past 12 years since RoTG first dropped.
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We could've had it all.
But as I mentioned Rise of the Guardians, did you know that there is character in the original series it was based off of called Nightlight?
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While technically not a “star boy”, Nightlight is the closest thing to one in an already established universe from a Dreamworks property and since this squiggle meister never misses a beat to push for continuation of Rise of Guardians, hear me out:
Imagine a Rise of the Guardian prequel-sequel about the character Nightlight and make it a love story.
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(Because apparently there's a girl that Nightlight grows close to in his story called Katherine. It's just a friendship but needless to say, there is potential there).
I know it’s been 12 years since Rise of Guardians first dropped and I know I've be hollering for a sequel since 2012.
But c'mon, if there was ever a time for Dreamworks to capitalize on an RoTG sequel, it's now.
As Wish has proven, the internet is hungry for another handsome immortal boy with magical powers.
Dreamworks set the ball rolling with Jack Frost.
If Dreamworks were to revisit RoTG again, take Nightlight's story. Take his design and give him the "Jack Frost" treatment and make it a love story on top of that.
I'm not saying it will happen. Not even saying it could happen.
But if somehow thought becomes reality and something like this does actually happen, whoever does it will be rolling in dough.
This is just a longwinded way of me to say that somebody needs to bank on the concept of a star falling in love with a human and do it now since as the internet has shown, it's what the people want and what Wish failed to give.
~LMS (2024)
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Kayano Kaede
shes genuinely a really tragic character who had potential for a really compelling, effective arc concerning grief, identity, healing, and finding trust again all while going through the inherent ordeal of being 15 years old….if she werent a female character in a shonen anime 😭😭 instead she gets sidelined during the show up until her big plot twist reveal after which shes immediately sidelined again. whatever i still love her and know her to be a character of all time who has suffered more than jesus. in my experience shes perhaps the female character who like. ive seen most *obsessively* hated due to her “getting in the way” of the ship b/w the male protagonist + deuteragonist (bc of her proximity to the both of them) u woild think shes the devil incarnate and not just. 15 and traumatised 
She had a crush on Nagisa and they kissed and a lot of fans ship him with Karma so theyre mad that Kaede is there. She is super silly and nice but the fandom hates her for standing in the way of karmagisa.
she's a sweet person that was an actor and loves her sister. she is the main love interest of the main character but doesn't interact with him more than most of the other characters for a majority of the story. Often I have seen them removed from the story only to become some homophobic jerk that's desperate for the main characters love instead of letting her keep the good friendship that her and the main character had before the romance.
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gowonminajxx · 1 year
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‘ famous model f!reader x hobie brown —
errr this is literally just a babble session of my messy thoughts and scenarios 🤷‍♀️ !! don’t take it out on me if i mess up a lil lolz.
‘ this SFW fluff-ish fic takes place in earth-138 (hobie’s universe), and y/n is a famous female model.
— cws :: some fluff (????), mentions of drinking, i cannot write british people or how they talk 4 shit lol, + not proof read!!
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you were a famous model — strutting down runways, posing in campaigns and photoshoots and whatever imagery you could get your hands on. people often praised you for your creative posing to compliment your out-of-this-world beauty.
you weren’t all that talkative, and often said no to interviews where they requested you speak about real world problems or other, such as upcoming shows and brands you would work with.
a model like you was different from everyone else. your lips, your nose, and god, those captivating eyes. someone like hobie would notice that something was up with you.
you happened to stumble into one of his concerts, a broken down warehouse in the city. and luckily enough, paparazzi didn’t track you down and take photos of you like you were some sort of animal in a zoo.
a girl like you didn’t fit in there. sure, you were wearing darker colors, but you noticed that people recognized you a little, their eyes lingering around yours. you didn’t dare stare back at anyone, and made your main mission to get to the bar, grab a drink, and enjoy the concert.
your hands held the cold drink as you stood in the back, eyes darting around the stage. the band seems to be a little late, you thought. you hummed to yourself, waiting for a sign that the show would start.
as the show began, your eyes seemed to gravitate towards the guitarist. you weren’t sure of his name, yet, but the way his slender fingers strummed the guitar’s strings seemed to draw you in. attention to detail peaked your interest.
your back leaned against the wall, sipping some more of your drink. your eyes gazed around the crowd, seeming to enjoy the music, then looking back at the guitarist — who was seemingly .. looking at you.
your body tensed up a little at the sight of his eyes piercing into yours. dark eyes, almost like a void you could get lost in — which you would enjoy getting lost in, of course. a couple thoughts clouded your mind, thinking about scenarios or ideas that could happen after this concert.
besides that, his eyes seemed to linger and grasp onto your face, studying it even if you were so far away. you kept eye contact with him, which was extremely hard, before he looked away into the crowd.
with a final bang, the set ended.
you grabbed your bag, a sample one you had gotten from a friend at a runway show recently. you rummaged through for your mirror and a lipstick, and started to apply it gently against your soft lips.
a silhouette emerged from beyond the mirror, and your eyes drifted to the side to see. it was the guitarist from the band. your posture instantly straightened as your back left the wall, a soft, yet nervous, smile plastering your face.
he had pretty wicks. a gorgeous face, majestic, even. a defined jaw, one that was so sharp that you couldn’t look away from his face. plump and puffy lips, so kissable. deep eyes, captivating just like yours. was he a model too? he was so tall, even someone as model-height as you had to stare up at him.
his lips opened, starting up a conversation before you could get even more lost studying his facial features.
“you’re that model right?” his voice was calming, despite his thick accent. “just had to say hi, couldn’t look away for a bit.” he sniffed, his slim hand ending up on the back of his neck as he rubbed it — almost as if he was getting nervous.
you paused for a little, before snapping back to reality. “yeah. y/n l/n. you?” a simple greeting should do it, you thought to yourself. you adjusted your coat slightly, due to the fact it was almost falling off your shoulder.
his eyes took a fleeting glimpse at your bare shoulder before returning to your eyes, responding shortly. “hobie brown. nice to meet cha’.” a soft smile raised on his face, the ends of his lips curling up as he almost grinned at you.
you nodded, then babbling on about how you enjoyed his show, his dedication and how intricately he’d play. you were shocked at how kind and soft he was, considering his musical sound was a little more on the rough side.
the whole time you went on and on about your enjoyment and thoughts about the concert, his eyes constantly stared at your lips. longing thoughts, and some sort of sudden need to kiss you, as his eyes narrowed further to look at your collarbones, then back to your lips. seemed like your soft lipstick-coated lips were more captivating to him. or pleasing.
he snapped out of reality as you asked him a question, a soft giggle escaping your lips — which he was staring at — while you squeezed your eyes shut into the laughter. a small smirk raised on his face to hold his laughter and giggles back, his head only being fogged with visions and replays of you smiling.
he placed a hand on your shoulder, his body practically towering over yours as he walked on your side. he guided you out the venue, muttering a small question to you about “grabbing dinner” or plans that he wanted to do.
before you could ask him to repeat what you said, due to the fact you could barely hear him, a crowd of paparazzi and people swarmed outside the venue.
white flashes of light screamed in your face as you tugged a little on hobie, your hands instantly grasping onto his arms. he held you a little tight, his body tensing up at the photography — but mainly the physical touch between you two.
you were quite used to the paparazzi by now, but not like this. you completely forgot about your whole career and status considering those tense moments you had with hobie were so slow. you thought they didn’t follow you here.
you tilted your head downwards to avoid being flashed and photographed and absolutely SWARMED by all these people, and the world seemed to stop for just a moment as hobie spoke in your ear.
“why don’t we get out of here?” his warm breath grazed against your ear, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on their own as your head turned to stare at him.
you nodded slowly, and without a second passing, he grasped onto your waist, bringing you elsewhere.
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https-hunter · 1 month
I am lucky enough that Cinemark approached my college’s animation department with the offer to attend an advanced screening of the first 35 minutes of Inside Out 2.
I loved it.
The original Inside Out came out when I was eleven and I’ve adored it since, so this was a really cool opportunity as a longtime fan and current animator.
So here’s a description of what goes on in the first half hour & some of my thoughts.
Massive spoilers for Inside Out 2 below the cut!!
The movie starts out with Riley’s hockey game. Each one of the five main emotions takes a turn at the wheel during the game. Joy get Riley excited, Anger gives her the aggression she needs on the ice, Fear reminds her to put her mouth guard in, Disgust makes it realize that it’s not hers, and Sadness takes over when Riley is given a penalty.
During her time in the penalty box, the emotions reflect on what Riley has been up to lately. She turned 13, got braces, started growing, and has two best friends she plays hockey with, Grace and Bree. We see the personality islands and it’s noted that Friendship Island is majorly overshadowing Family Island. We’re also introduced to Riley’s sense of self, which is made up of affirmations she has for herself after different memories are added to it (i.e.: “I’m a good friend” “I’m a good person, etc.). It is comprised of different strings that say the affirmation when they are strung. Joy also reveals a machine she has that sends memories to the back of the head, which I guess is like repressed memories.
When she gets out of the penalty box, Riley, Grace, and Bree score a winning goal and are approached by the local high school’s hockey coach. She invites the three of them to hockey camp that weekend, to which they all immediately accept.
The night before camp, the emotions are all in bed. I need to add that Joy & Sadness share a bunk, Anger is by himself as he punches the air, and Disgust & Fear bunk together. Sadness & Joy hear an odd sound and they find the puberty button going off, no matter what they do to stop it. A construction crew comes in & basically makes a mess of headquarters.
The next day, Riley wakes up and she isn’t ready for hockey camp. When her mom asks why she isn’t packed, Anger responds, but Riley overreacts even though he barely touched the console. Sadness and Disgust try it, but Riley’s just having mood swings now and they find the console to be way more sensitive than it used to be. They decide to leave it alone unless they absolutely have to use it.
Cut to the car ride to hockey camp. Riley is telling Grace & Bree how excited she is to play hockey together in high school. Disgust instantly flags a look Bree gave her and Bree’s own Disgust flags Riley’s look back. Grace blurts out that she and Bree are going to different high schools and Riley tries to hold it together until she’s out of the car. The emotions literally have to hold Sadness back 😭
This is where the new emotions show up. We meet Anxiety (I tried to stay normal over hearing Maya Hawke), Envy (she’s voiced by Ayo Edebiri !!), Embarrassment, and Ennui (Joy nicknames him “wee-wee”). We also later meet Nostalgia, a sweet old lady emotion, but Anxiety tells her she’s ten years too early. Anxiety explains her role in things and there’s a joke about how Fear thinks he’s going to get along really well with her. The new emotions all take the wheel, especially when Riley is trying to introduce herself to Val, a cool hockey player at the high school she’ll be attending. Anxiety, out of fear for Riley’s social future, has Riley follow Val and she meets some other hockey players. They all think she’s from Michigan and not Minnesota, but she just rolls with it.
When the girls are all ready for practice in the locker room, Riley & her friends act really immature while the coach is trying to talk. Joy tries to make things better, but Riley laughs at a joke one of her friends made at the wrong time. Coach makes everyone skate lines (I think?) as punishment.
Riley overhears some of the high school players talking about her and how immature she is. When Val is alone, Anxiety makes a plan and Riley approaches her and apologizes for getting everyone punished. Val tells her that it’s okay and that the coach being hard on her means that she’s under her radar, and that it’s a good thing.
Val tells her that they might be on the same team when they split into groups. This causes a divide between Joy and Anxiety. Joy thinks that Riley should stay with her current friends, while Anxiety thinks she should stick with Val. Riley does end up choosing Val’s team and we get a confused look from Grace and Bree.
In Riley’s head, Anxiety carries out phase two of her plan. She tells the older emotions that they’re not needed anymore and literally bottles them up. They’re sent to the Vault, which is a, well, vault that holds Riley’s deepest secrets.
In here we meet Bloofy, a Dora the Explorer/Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-style cartoon character whose secret is that Riley still enjoys the show. We also meet Lance, a video game character Riley has a crush on, whose only defense move is rolling into a ball and moving forward. There’s also Riley’s deepest secret, but he doesn’t really talk. I just have to nerd out over the different animation styles here. Lance, while being 3D, is so pixelated and made to look like an anime-style video game character. Bloofy is fully 2D animated. You had all these animation students in the audience LOVING this scene.
Riley’s deepest secret breaks the jar the emotions are bottled up in. Bloofy uses what is clearly supposed to be the Mystery Mousekatool from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and they’re given three tool options: a tomato, something else I don’t remember, and dynamite. They use the dynamite and blow the door open. I need you guys to know that Lance cannot leave at first because he keeps walking into the wall. And then he just Riley’s secret decides to stay. The cops/guards in Riley’s mind catch them at first, but for reasons that I can’t really remember, they all end up incapacitated (handcuffs on their feet, slipped on coffee, etc.).
The emotions begin their journey to get back to headquarters and take Riley back from Anxiety’s plan.
I think the new emotions will be really good for Riley. I was not expecting Anxiety to become an antagonist, though! I love the new ways they’ve explained different parts of the mind, like the sense of self and repressed memories. The visuals are, of course, gorgeous and the story captures the sheer horror that is being 13.
I really love it so far. I’m beyond thrilled that I had this opportunity, and now I have an Inside Out 2 tote bag. I can’t wait to see the rest of it in June.
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nazrigar · 8 months
Personal Halloween Character Design Challenge - Slashertown
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Time to reveal what I've been doing for Halloween/Spooktober!
Basically a personal character design challenge, inspired by my Tiger vs Slasher Villain post!
The gist is that it's set in a town that's basically a magnet for various kinds of horror villain archetypes, ESPECIALLY Slashers... hence its Name.
The Leads: The main protags of the challenge/setting.
Linda Rivera - A young woman of Spanish-American descent, known equally for both her stubborness and her empathy, and a strong, strong survival instinct. She's the been the "Final Girl" for most of her life, be it as a survivor of a literal cult war when she was a kid to Prom night when she was a teen. She cosplays and paints minis for a living, and is genuinely curious about what's REALLY going on in Slashertown.
Rodney "The Ripper" Rackham. Filling in for the unstoppable masked slasher villain ala Jason and Michael Myers, Rodney was once just a humble shop student with an interest in metallurgy and blacksmithing, until one day a trip to the woods went terribly wrong. For years he was the town's most famous slasher, targeting repairshops and others indiscriminately... nowadays he's more famous for another thing -killing other slashers.
Animal Companions: Filling in for the Animal guide/voice of wisdom, ala Coraline
Peggy Thirteen is Linda's cat. A crafty and wiley critter than seems to know just about every nook and cranny in town. Unusually intelligent for a cat, and remarkably obedient when Linda says to "stay put". There's more to her than meets the eye, as shown with her smug face.
Maharaja is the town celebrity Tiger, having been the one to save Linda from a slasher known as "Henry the Hatchet" a few years ago. Unbelievably strong, and much like Peggy, seems to be far more intelligent than what a big cat should be. Linda certainly suspects something.
Cannibal Archetypes: Self explanatory
Marlowe Magritte: Filling in for the Hannibal Lecter side of the cannibal villain, with a dash of Slowik from The Menu, he's the owner of the most famous restaurant in town. His food is to die for, as certain patrons disappeared in his business, just infrequent enough that no one suspects anything. Sure, while having liver with a nice chianti is nice, what he's REALLY after are memories and experiences. THAT to him, is what makes a true experience.
Merle "The Man Ogre" Mason: The Hills have Eyes meets Leatherface, Merle was a man exposed to chemicals during the end of World War 2 and became a mutant... THEN the magics of the town turned him into a cannibalistic monster, lurking about the hills just outside of town. Suprisingly articulate despite his looks!
Lethal Ladies: Because one can never go wrong with more female slasher villains!
Heather Berry lost her mind when she couldn't be Queen of High School Land, and thus took it out on some students, before mysteriously dissapearing after a fight with eternal Final Girl Linda. Now she's back, as Haley Babbit, successful business women with great PR... but beneath the facade, is still the same bloodthirsty Heather!
Liv Malone - SHE FOLLOWS. Slowly. Very slowly. Sure, she's completely unrelenting in her need to dispatch someone, but man oh-man is she SLOW. A simple shove is usually all that's needed to stop her from following you.
Killer Clowns: And this time, they're a family!
Marco the Clown and Minnie the Mime are a brother sister team that only wants to entertain you with their (occasionally lethal) shows! Please laugh at Marco's jokes and take Minnie's Art seriously, they get uspet if you don't!
Jethro the Jester is their grandfather, and leader of the group, simply known as The Troupe. One of the most powerful entities in town, his shows and acts seem to defy physics itself, and he'll always make sure that you leave the show a new person!
Terrible Toys: Three different flavors of violent toy!
Tricky the Ragdoll - Guardian of all children in town, much like Gamera, just one that's VERY open to lethal force when he sees a kid in trouble. Is actually quite helpful to them, no strings (ha!) attatched, offering blankets, food and subtly guiding kids to reunite with their parents if they ever get lost.
Mrs. Olivia - An overpossessive ghost of a woman from the 40s stuck in a porcelain doll. She'll do ANYTHING to protect her "poppets". ANYTHING. She is awoken whenever someone cleans up her toy body.
The Immolator - The most overtly Chucky-like of the bunch, with a dash of Small Soldiers. A psychotic, misanthropic inmate that winded up possessing the toy of a 90s action figure, he'll be more than happy to murder any meatbags in his sights... so long as he has batteries. The REAL danger is that, when dormant, he can imitate ANY voice possible, subtly suggesting you to really, REALLY give him those batteries!
Oceanic Killers: Because you gotta have a Jaws reference!
Big Bertha and Finn are a Great White Shark and Dolphin duo, that work together to un-alive silly and stupid hairless apes. Big Bertha LOVES the taste of humans, and would go out of her way to find 'em, but usually it's Finn that calls the shots. Any human that bothers him or makes fun of him, either gets a taste of his rostrum, or he sends Bertha to do the dirty work.
Primeval Horrors: Because everything's better with dinosaurs!
The Great One and his Flock: Combining both Jurassic Park and Hitchcock's the Birds, the Great One is a colossal, fifteen ton Tyrannosaurus rex, and is the oldest entity in town, and by far one of the most powerful. So powerful, that no slasher dares to enter his territory (which is the Slashertown Museum of Natural History). The birds of Slashertown are his eyes and ears, agents of his will, and those that mess with 'em don't tend to live to see the next sunrise. It's also a foolish thing to lay a hand on his skeleton, as the paleontologists who worship him like a god like to remind visitors. All those that have done so, either disappear (with the only remains being bloodied claw marks) or become skeletons stripped down to the bone.
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booasaur · 1 year
Pinned post - F/F Fic Recs
  Anonymous asked:
Hi, I've see you saying that you're reading a lot of fic lately and I was wondering if you could rec some? I so trust your taste and I think we have so many fandons in common...
Hiya! So first, what I was reading over the summer were some new fandoms that I'm still mulling over. Those ships and fics, I'm not ready to recommend anything for, I'll come back to them later.
As you know, I find it hard to pick out faves and recommend things but coincidentally, some time back, when I hadn't read fics for years, I decided to see which I could easily remember. It’s not close to being an exhaustive list, I just noted down whatever came to me over a few hours, and almost all are pretty old, often from my first go-around in each fandom, but it’s a fair number. I've read other great ones that might not be as easily remembered for any number of reasons, like if I was in a particular frame of mind or if I read too many good ones at once so none really stood out, if I read them in between other things going on in life, etc. These ones slotted into the ole memory bank but that doesn't say anything about those left off.
I'm not sure how many of these are fandoms you're into, but when I'm in a real fic-reading mood I'll often try fandoms I don't know, so hopefully you can still give some of them a shot. I tried to organize by fandom though they're mostly in the order I remembered them, so it's not alphabetical or fave first--though it did end up being pretty chronologically backwards. I was literally going back through the years and I don't think I've read some of the anime ones in like, more than a decade? And while for my own list, I often was like oh, all of that author's fics for this ship and would know what I meant, here I tried to narrow it down to one fic per author, since it can be hard to know where to start, but definitely give their other fics a try if you liked that one.
Added a cut for length. All stories are f/f and complete unless specified. As I go through some of these, let me come back here to add that it’s worth keeping in mind as you read these that they are products of their time, some more than a decade ago. 
Gilmore Girls - Paris/Rory
The Best Of It - by dollsome - 74k words » Canon, fake dating, set after the original series (so ignoring A Year in the Life). To win a point on a talk show, Paris announces she's dating Rory. It's incredibly in voice and matches the show vibe so it's just so funny and sweet and just a plain delight. It's what actually made me create this list, I was idly wondering what else I'd read that brought me this much joy.  
Boston Marriage - by Jae - 5k words » Canon, college years, Paris has a proposal. The first fic for this ship I read, I think? Where I was like, oh, so it’s possible to be that in voice and replicate everything about a show even as distinct as this one. One of the ship’s classics (and being from 2005, just a f/f classic overall?).    
The Unbearable Weirdness of Being - by klynkey - 3k words » Canon, assumed high school years, Rory and Paris get into a debate. After having read the one above, I found this soon after and was like, okay, is everyone able to easily replicate that Gilmore Girls patter? (No.) Another ship classic.
Agents of Shield - Bobbi/Jemma
To Keep My Wolves From Your Door - by pirateygoodness - 41k words » Werewolf AU, so elaborate and for a ship so relatively rare, I’m not sure how this exists but I’m glad it does. It’s got some plot, a sweet romance, smut with feelings, just a rewarding read every time I go back to it, which is pretty often. Given my main audience, I’ll mention there are some flashbacks to Bobbi and her ex husband but that didn’t affect my enjoyment at all.  
Soulmate AUs (just chapter 2) - by alittleunstable - 3k words » Canon, cute little soulmate AU, which I’m always a sucker for. 
Star Trek Voyager - Janeway/Seven of Nine
Where the Dream Takes You - by nejvit - 27k words » Canon, one of the tamer getting together Trek setups, more introspective rather than caused by some alien tomfoolery, but I really like how it handles the very commonly featured J/7 conflict of Janeway dating someone in her crew. It is a bit dense but I found the character and dynamic exploration so insightful and interesting. When I first read J/7 fics years ago (in the late ‘00s), this author’s fics didn’t particularly stand out but when I came back to the fandom more recently, they were among my very favorite.  
The Rod and the Staff - by Trek in Tandem - 13k words » Canon, deals with the aftermath of an existing ep where Janeway went on a mission and ran into trouble. The religious stuff comes across as more the writer playing with the episode’s actual religious references than anything heavy-handed so I found it easily ignorable. Really great, clean prose, one of the writers who always stuck out to me for that.    
Not Just Strip Poker - by Pink Rabbit Productions - 15k words » Canon, a funny, lighter piece that definitely starts out as full comedy, after a misunderstanding, but there’s some deceptively interesting discussion later on in this one too.
Stargate SG-1 - Janet/Sam
Bits and Pieces series - by Pink Rabbit Productions - 278k words, WIP » Canon, this series integrates Sam/Janet into the first season of the show and I don't think it was ever finished, and the last one especially was left on a cliffhanger, but the rest of the “episodes” are worth the read. Also, when I put this down for my own list, I just said "Pink Rabbit's Sam/Janet stuff", because I remember going through all of them at some point, the stuff outside this series was fun too, and if this full incomplete series is too daunting, definitely some of the one-shots might be more fun.
The Devil Wears Prada - Andy/Miranda
Truth and Measure - by Telanu - 272k words » Canon, diverges from the end of the movie as Andy decides to stay with Miranda. What even is there to say about this one? A true f/f classic, has been in the top three of my general f/f recs for more than a decade and still holds up. Just a perfect continuation of the movie, same world, same characters, continuing growth and development of characters and dynamics, a true believable slow burn romance. And the author’s published it without taking down the fic. :)
Facts of Life - Jo/Blair
Ribbon - by Della Street - 15k words » Canon, diverging in the college years. This is the first of her fics I read for this pair and I fell in love with her writing. Back in an era when a lot of authors started off with lots of exposition and setting up the scenario, I was so impressed by how quickly and easily she did her worldbuilding and character development, and how in-voice and and close to the show everyone was. Definitely recommend going through the rest of her Jo/Blair fics.
Birds of Prey (2002) - Barbara/Helena
And Another Thing - by fembuck - 12k words » Canon, a straightforward getting together fic, things come to a head after Helena starts pulling away. After seeing which of the fics I remember best and like most here, I think I really just favor a great execution of a simple premise. And because this is fembuck, whose fic was a load bearing pillar of f/f fandom, there’s a nice balance of humor and angst with the romance.    
An Empirical Question - by harper_m - 30k words » Canon, an accidental fake dating situation spins out into something much more. In a funny coincidence, the same things I said about fembuck apply to harper_m, such a significant contributor to f/f fic over the years (see also this older archive account). This fic is again mostly a well done exploration of the characters and their dynamic if suddenly an explicitly romantic layer was added to canon.
Skins - Effy/Katie
An Imperfection in an Otherwise Perfect Plan - by harper_m - 21k words » WW1 AU, they’re nurses in the army. As with the Mockingnerd werewolf AU above, I’m surprised that for such a rare ship, there’s such a specific (and good) AU, but definitely not complaining. It feels that much nicer to find a true gem in such a tiny collection.    
fate is overgrown - by thememoriesfire - 53k words » Post-series, years later, Katie’s in a rut and stumbles into Effy again. I do find it funny that I have no Glee rec from TMF and instead went for the Skins fic that isn’t even transatlanticism but I really love this one, to the point where there were a couple of months where I just reread it constantly, even downloading my own version to fix formatting and typos. It’s almost slice of life, as Katie and Effy find themselves surprisingly healing together, after their fraught history. 
The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Sarah/Cameron
Resistance - by Anklebones - 120k words, WIP » Canon, diverges from season 2 as Cameron continues to glitch. Like a lot of the good Sarah/Cameron fics, this is a great dissection of AI and sentience and what it means to be human and have free will. I mean, within a great story, not just characters debating. It’s not finished but I really like what’s been written so far.   The author also has a three-part complete fic where Sarah and Cameron are already in a messy thing and then have to confront some things when there’s an attack at school: Just Another day in Paradise… 1 2 3 (19k words).    
No Rest for the Wicked - by InspectorBoxer - 172k words, WIP » Firefly AU, River Tam takes the place of Cameron while Sarah’s a new character to the universe. This is such a fun blend of the two universes and the romance is such a good slow build. As with most of the WIPs I’m linking, there’s enough to really enjoy even if not complete yet.
Once Upon a Time - Emma/Regina
The Secret's in the Telling - by pyrophoric - 250k words » Canon, set pretty early on but where Emma and Regina are at least nominally getting along. Things are set into motion when a mysterious thief shows up and keeps bullying Emma. This is one of my favorite iterations of their dynamic, with long-suffering secretly fond Regina and hapless too-earnest Emma.    
You do not have to walk on your knees - by dollsome - 10k words » Canon, mid-season 2, Regina and Emma learning to get along. As is dollsome’s specialty, a lot of character work and humor. Also would recommend Teenage ... Dream? (12k words), where Regina gets like...kind of emotionally aged down? You’ll see. The premise sounds cracky but again, the character exploration and humor and sweetness. :)
Once Upon a Time - Aurora/Mulan
a story, a tale - by maleficently - 27k words » AU where it’s Maleficent who casts the original curse on Aurora and her true love, not Regina on Snow and Charming. This is so fun because you can see all the similarities and differences in how the story unfolds compared to the show, including flashbacks to the fairy tale world before the curse is cast.    
Object Permanence - by badlance - 18k words » Canon, after Aurora and Phillip have made it to Storybrooke. Aurora’s still furious at Mulan for leaving them to go off with Robin Hood, but suddenly something happens to Mulan and Aurora can’t stop thinking about her. It starts off an interesting look at Aurora and how someone acclimatizes to the real world after Fairy Tale Land so like, therapy, jobs, but it’s quite romantic and sweet in the end.   Also Could Have Been A Year (5k words) and its sequel Bear It Out Even to the Edge (17k words), where Mulan learns the price of staying away from Aurora and gives up everything to make sure Aurora’s okay.
Wicked - Elphie/Glinda
Gelphie Trilogy: 1. Easier Said Than Done 2. Inevitabilities & Eventualities 3. Possibilities and Certainties - by mecelphie - 3.8m words » Rape trigger warning for the very first chapter: Elphie suffers a violent attack and much of the first story is her healing from that, though the other two stories also occasionally bring up the lingering effects on Elphie.     Back when I read it, the first story had some typos, missing punctuation and the like, that might also make it hard for some to get into it, but the world really unfolds into something incredibly rich and rewarding. Note that full series word count, it IS that detailed and extensive a story, almost slice of life, except for the precipitating event and things like homophobia and when Elphie's background is tackled. I haven't actually finished it yet, I pause every once in a while till I have a large chunk of chapters and then reread from the start and get sucked in anew each time.    
The Thrill, Basis Determined - by Ridiculous Mavis - 24k words » Bookverse, just delightful, beautifully written fluff. Everything this writer writes is beautiful. The further down I go on this list the less restraint I feel in linking multiple stories by the same author, so of her other Gelphie fics, I'll also specifically rec The Way Out of Myself (22k words), bookverse bodyswap with Avaric and Elphie where they both learn something about the other and Invitations Under False Pretences (27k words, WIP), bookverse fake dating, it's not marked as complete but it doesn't leave you hanging, if you know what I mean.    
The Week of Ill Repute - by Chudley Cannon - 37k words, WIP » Bookverse again, which, I don't prefer them over musicalverse, it's just worked out that I've remembered (liked?) these fics best. This one I remember from my very first Gelphie fic-reading tour and thinking, wow, this is so good. It never updated after that and I believe it actually does leave you hanging, but I mean, you specifically remember a fic more than 10 years later, it's gotta be on the list, right?
The Bletchley Circle - Millie/Susan
In the Blackout - by RidiculousMavis - 11k words » Canon, set during the Bletchley years, Susan’s just arrived and meets Millie, her flighty and irreverent roommate. A wonderful look at how they start to get along after their personalities and keen minds first clash.    
Clerical Work - by Kivrin - 3k words » Canon, also set during Bletchley, Susan tries to figure out her feelings the way she would a code and then things fall into place in a surprising way. Relatively short but I loved the sharp little characterizations of the main four, including Jean.
Legend of the Seeker - Cara/Kahlan
All the Days - by tcbg77 - 67k words » Post-series, some years after, everything seems to be going well until Richard and Kahlan’s child is kidnapped. Cara, now Richard’s general, sets off with Kahlan to rescue the child. I love the pacing of this one, the length allowing for a full quest and a slow burn, and combined with the well-written action makes it seem like a fantasy story with romance on its own. I basically treat it as exactly that and reread every few years.    
Within My Heart There Is Another Heart - by badlance and pirateygoodness - 26k words » Post-series as well, magic pregnancy. This is pretty in a way that makes my heart ache. i was surprised to see it was 26k words, since it feels so much longer and shorter than that at the same time.
The 100 - Clarke/Lexa
Within Me An Invincible Summer - by badlance - 62k words » Canon post-s2, Clarke gets over her anger at Lexa. One of the many great fics written during the hiatus, I’d put off reading it when I first got into the ship, during the start of s3, wanting to focus on what was canon at the time. And then of course 307 happened and I moved even farther away from canon, but this fic, its two-line summary, it showed up again and again in rec lists and bookmarks and was so haunting at the time, you know, seasons and people not changing, but finally I caved, and it was as wonderful as it had promised to be.    
Love on the Ground - by hedaswolf - 19k words » Also canon post-s2, taking the s3 knife scene from the trailer and again spinning it into eventual forgiveness. There’s a bit in it that is one of my favorite moments in fic ever.     
they take their shots but we're bulletproof - by nightshifted - 10k words » Again, canon post-s2, it’s like a whole genre of amazing fics just within one fandom, all the more precious for how that all turned out in canon. Like Within Me An Invincible Summer above, I couldn’t bear to read it for a long time but I knew it was one of the classics, I’d seen it pass by my dash very early on because of our shared Glee past. And yeah, it was very good, like all these post-s2 fics, allowed to be a little rougher and harsher because they didn’t yet know how much comforting the ship and fandom would need.    
More Women than Warriors - by steklir - 172k words » Boarding school AU, new American student Clarke arrives at a British boarding school where Lexa’s the Head Girl. I don’t know what was going through the author’s mind when they were writing this but given the timing and content, it felt like an extremely low stakes and ultimately fluffy take on these two kids. There’s a lot of the show’s language and customs worked into this school, so that only adds to the impression, but in the end I’ll remember this for being a rewarding sloooowwww burn and really flowery, pretty writing.    
Stud: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Pride - by coeurdastronaute - 61k words » Modern AU, Clarke’s a teacher and Lexa’s a CEO. Really plays into the effortlessly cool Stud!Lexa thing that was going around at the time, but tbh, she was confident but nice, so I liked it. coeurdastronaute tends to write most chapters as self-contained, so it’s more like a string of connected stories than one long narrative. They’re super prolific and have a lot of stories I liked, I picked Stud as the one I remembered first, and then grabbed a few of the other more memorable ones, all modern AUs: Strip:  1, 2, 3 (10k words) -  Lexa gets a lapdance HSAU (37k words) - College AU, I’m kidding, high school AU Heart: 1, 2, 3, Thanksgiving (30k words) -  Lexa’s a heart transplant patient at the hospital where Clarke works    
Aftermath - by MaraudingTurkey - 8k words » Canon, diverging from the middle of s2, Clarke accidentally courting Lexa. It’s super charming and cute (and because of how early it was written, avoids a lot of the angst to come).    
Prompts Collection: Clexa - by nutalexfanfic - 114k words (as of 2022-12-30) » Lots of various short stories with all kinds of premises, canon and AUs. The author has several popular longer stories going as well, but they’re at various levels of completion and I actually remember really liking of the one-shots here. If interested in the longer ones, the firefighter AU Polis 433 (131k words, WIP) is quite popular, and I think the first one I read was the Olympic AU Individual Medley (95k words, WIP).    
Abby Doesn't Ask - by onlyasdark - 3k words » Canon, some vague point past 307 where Lexa doesn’t die, short vignettes in Abby’s POV. A great example of an external perspective on a ship, because you get deliberately limited glimpses, and in this case especially colored by Abby’s not exactly positive feelings about Lexa, but despite all that, the relationship shines through.    
The Library - by ethiobird - 55k words » College AU, they work at a bar (called The Library). I think what drew me to this one is that the Lexa characterization is more stoic than you often see in modern AUs, especially high school or college. I’ve ended up liking a lot of different takes on her but as much as it’s obviously nigh impossible to recreate the circumstances that created canon Lexa, I do have a particular fondness for that version so I like any fic that approaches it.    
although i'm not making plans (i hope you understand there's a reason why) - by brokendevil - 6k words » Modern AU, friends with benefits but secretly in love. The kind of second person fic that really lets you wallow in the angst before the rewarding payoff. The author has several other popular works, especially a year of sundays (98k words), a small town AU, but this one just stuck in my mind.   
To the Victor Go the Spoils - by exfactor - 11k words » College AU, Clarke and Lexa’s sororities are locked in a fierce competition. The author has some other very popular (and angstier) works but this one’s cute and fun as hell.    
the business of caring - by coldmackerel - 72k words » College AU, pretty much a workplace comedy set at campus police. Someone’s painting graffiti masterpieces all over the place and as the head of campus police it’s Lexa’s job (she thinks) to catch the culprit. This author is so good at humor, and also can be really poignant at times, like in it's called contraband for a reason (54k words), a jumbled up timeline of the two in prison. I’m told the canon amnesia fic is quite good but I’ve not yet felt emotionally up to it.    
The 300 - by Bucklethorpe - 66k words » Modern AU, Clarke accidentally burns down 300 of Lexa’s trees. This starts off as a bit of a joking take on canon, and is laugh out loud funny the whole way through, but also quite sweet. Definitely a frequent reread.    
sworn under an oath - by faithtastic - 14k words » Canon, diverges from 307, smut with feelings but the feelings are so good. This authors probably far more famous work is don't wanna be your girl (105k words), with one-shot extras and even AUs, in which Clarke is a porn star, and that is funny and hot, but this fix-it so soon after ep 307 will always be a particular balm.    
beat the devil's tattoo - by isawet - 53k words » Modern AU, they’re in college but Lexa’s secretly actually planning to take back the leadership of her small country. They fall in love anyway and it’s funny, hot, sweet, romantic, just a great well-written story with excellent reread value.    
Your Heart On My Sleeve - by aredpen - 58k words, WIP » Soulmate-marking AU set in canon, if that makes sense. Starts when Clarke’s still up in the Ark and it’s just an interesting exploration of how it all would work in those circumstances. I love the little details and insight into what would change and how.     
AGAINST THE MULTIVERSE - orphaned - 13k words » Modern AU, art student Clarke reads an article Lexa wrote and fires off an angry response, starting a correspondence. Despite not being particularly long or having a unique premise, I remember this one because the writing’s so confident and sure of what it wants to be. It feels like a lot of fics--most writing in general, really, tends to flatten itself to not stand out and it was nice to read something so strong.  
To Wear it Like a Crown - by Laney_builds_cathedrals - 42k words, WIP » Teacher/student, kinda, and definitely an age gap, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Clarke’s the new art therapist at a school for troubled kids and realizes things aren’t quite right. It hasn’t been updated in years but the writing is just gorgeous and I couldn’t leave it off, it’ll always have a place in my lists.    
Remember Me. - by C_AND_B - 11k words » Amnesia AU, they were in a relationship and then Clarke gets in an accident. God, the perfect mix of angst and fluff. This writer has a bunch of adorable one-shots, so check the rest out too.     
tear down the walls - by wariangle - 5k words » Modern AU, Lexa’s an MMA fighter but it’s not really about that, just Clarke falling for her. Extremely hot in a very matter of fact way, but also plenty of feelings involved.    
five times clarke and lexa aren’t sure if they're a couple or not - by nutmeg101 - 8k words » College AU, everyone keeps on thinking Clarke and Lexa are together. They’re not so sure they aren’t. It’s cute! I mean, it’s exactly what a fic like this should be.    
Help, I Need Somebody (Not Just Anybody) - by thesummerofrain - 92k words, WIP » College AU, Clarke volunteers at the college helpline, Lexa writes in. It’s an anonymous line, so no worries about weird tracking or anything like that, things just organically progress so that they meet and slowly become friends. It’s mellow in general and includes lots of slice of life moments with other people as well, and of course the romance is slow burn as heck.
Maleficent - Aurora/Maleficent
The Queen of Sunshine and Bright Things - by alittlelesspain (oprhaned) - 31k words » Canon, after the first movie, Aurora has to learn how to rule while Maleficient has to learn what her place in Aurora’s life is now. Through time skips, distance, and political crises, they relearn how much they still mean to each other. It’s beautiful and romantic and a great fic for those who wanted their connection from the movie to go further.
Glee - Quinn/Rachel
This Kiss - by poetzproblem - 141k words » Canon, set in s2, starting from a game of spin the bottle. Rachel and Quinn are shaken by their kiss and Quinn especially doubles down on her mean girl persona. Faberry’s had a lot of great fics and I’ve loved so many but I remember thinking while reading this one that this is probably how it would go, if it ever happened. It’s patient and takes its time and is one of my definitive fics for them.     Also the Don’t Blink series (788k words as of 2023-01-13) is this expansive, ever-growing universe set after graduation. I haven’t read it all, but I’ve reread some of the earlier parts many times, for the super rewarding payoff to them realizing their feelings are mutual, and others finding out about them.    
A Family of Trees - by powergrapes - 8k words » Canon, diverging after s1, Quinn keeps Beth. Rachel’s somehow the only one the baby will calm down for and Quinn is reluctantly forced to call on her for help. It’s sweet and funny, my favorite from this writer but they’ve written several great fics, most popular being Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - 60k words), a real Faberry classic, where to cheer up Quinn up after giving up Beth, the club goes on a road trip.     
Summer Mornings (oldest chapters at bottom) - by freshtilapia - 35k words » Canon, post-s1, we follow Rachel every morning of her summer vacation as she sees Quinn pass by on her daily run. Slowly they begin to hang out and bond. I think this was one of my first Faberry fics? I was a late bloomer, it took me a while to see their potential, but I really loved how authors saw their post-s1 dynamic and this was a super cute, endearing version of it.    
Boats in the Sky - by WaveGoodbye - 39k words » Canon, diverging after s3, now both in college, Rachel and Quinn are actually friends. Such good friends that Quinn’s roommate thinks maybe there’s something more. As with Clexa above, it’s so interesting how much character dynamics and fandom attitudes change depending on when a fic is written, because unlike the tension in s1 or s2 fics or Quinn being strung so tight with internalized homophobia, now she’s chill, they’re getting along. I love seeing a fic starting with them as friends, plus, a good chunk of it is external POV, which is a fave.    
Our Brilliantly Tangled Thanksgiving - by Elly-Bells - 4k words » Canon, diverging from s1, Quinn has kept Beth--actually, kind of AU too, because her parents are super nice here as well. But it’s just a super fluffy, super cute funny little fic. The author has a fair number of other fluffy fics of varying length to check out as well.    
Crazy on You -  by roxystyle011 - 82k words » Canon, futurefic written early on, Rachel’s a big celebrity now but gets into trouble and is court ordered to see a therapist, who turns out to be Quinn. This is written so early on I’m not sure if people would consider it the most in-character fic out there, though what is in-character when it comes to Glee, but it’s bold and fun and, as with the Clexa multiverse fic above, I just like when people take big swings with characters. There’s a moment near the end of the fic, when a certain page is turned, that still remains one of my favorite, most memorable reveals in fic to this day.
Dune - Chani/Irulan
Serendipity - by Tamoline - 26k words » Canon divergent, Duke Leto survives and Irulan ends up living in the Atreides household as a guest, while Paul is openly with Chani. When Irulan is called off world to testify, Paul sends Chani as her bodyguard. I’m always so grateful that I picked that year to randomly go through the f/f Yuletide entries because this is such a good fic and I could so easily have missed it completely. It’s got politics, action, enemies to lovers, just this great little novella that happens to be set in the world of Dune. It’s fics like this that have me going through the lesser kudosed out there because it’s a genuine fave.
Marvel - Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew
Smell Like I Sound - by Sineala - 7k words » Comicsverse, Carol meets Jess who’s great except Carol can’t shake an unpleasant feeling whenever she’s around. Mostly fluff surrounding the concept of pheromones.    
He Picked the Wrong One - by beckydawolf - 34k words » Comicsverse, Carol and Jess are knocked out in a battle and wake up in an alternate universe where most things are similar, except that Carol is dead and there’s no Jess. They have to figure out what happened and why they were brought there and certain feelings come to light. It’s plotty and fun and the reveal of why they were brought to the alt universe is actually pretty great.    
put them back in poetry (if only I knew how) - by singalellaby - 31k words » Coffee shop AU, Carol and Steve Rogers are best friends and come back from the army to open a bakery together. It’s a lot of slice of life stuff, making friends in the neighborhood, developing crushes on the regulars like one Jessica Drew, grad student, that kind of thing.
Teen Wolf - Allison/Lydia
Untitled - by elvesarebad - 13k words » Canon, post-s2, after recent reveals they’re no longer friends but Lydia asks Allison to help kill Peter. It’s angsty, a lot of raw edges and slow thawing of their frosty relationship in the middle of difficult circumstances, but the canon characters and friendship are so interesting and the writer captures that.
Bleach - Soi Fan/Yoruichi
The Art of Transformation - by siyentista - 30k words  » Mangaverse, mostly, Soi Fan is injured during a big battle and Yoruichi realizes how much Soi Fan means to her. Despite an action-filled start, it settles into more of a slower character-centric fic, lighter and often comical. Given their canon relationship, it’s refreshing to see the dynamic be more mutual and balanced, and despite the relatively short length, the story feels satisfyingly built up (perhaps because of how much history they already have in canon?).
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Amy/Rosa
Farm-to-Table, Non-GMO, Responsibly Sourced - by impertinence - 6k words » Canon, going undercover as a couple to bust a maple syrup heist ring. I mean, what more is there to say, except that it’s appropriately funny and cute.     
Margin of Error - by idiopathicsmile - 8k words » Canon, Amy needs a place to stay and Rosa offers. The humor matches the show so well, and it’s great to see Rosa’s POV since she’s so deadpan.
Les Misérables - Cosette/Eponine
Any More Obvious - by idiopathicsmile - 2k words » High school AU, Cosette decides to befriend the school goth. It’s just sweet and cute.    
This Longing I Inherit - by myrmidryad - 44k words » College AU, Marius starts dating Cosette and brings her into the friend group. Cosette’s so shy and sheltered, she’s thrilled to meet new people, including the cool and intimidating Eponine. As they all become closer, Eponine realizes maybe she’s crushing on her friend’s gf. It’s much more gentle and sweet and friendship-focused than how soapy and angsty this description makes it sound, and the length allows it a slower burn. A frequent reread, especially to get to the payoff.     
she knows her way around - by lavendersgreen - 18k words » College AU, Marius is too nervous to talk to Cosette so Eponine, pining after him, volunteers to be their go-between. Cosette turns out to be surprisingly fun and as they become friends, Eponine starts to question some things about herself. The premise is already cute with even a but the characterizations and dialogue are so snappy and flow so easily, it’s a great execution of this trope.    
to be loved and to be in love - by missandrogyny - 7k words  » Soulmate-marking AU, they’re musical artists who meet at a concert and immediately get along. They start challenging each other to try songs outside their main genres, much to their fans’ excitement. The soulmate reveal is pretty satisfying as it’s seeded early, and the whole fic is sweet and cute.
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries - Gigi/Lydia
get loved, make more - by allthingsholy - 10k words » Post-series, Lydia feels uncomfortable around Gigi, given what they share in common and that everyone knows. In a series of vignettes over time, for each of the family events they meet up at, she slowly gets over it, given they have so many other things in common, including a love of gossip, fashion, and teasing their siblings. It’s a great character exploration and the writing’s so sharp and pretty.     
Searching For a Sound We Hadn't Heard Before - by Care - 13k words » Post-series, again things are uneasy at first but they thaw and the two end up taking a road trip. That’s a trope with a lot of potential, now that I’m thinking about it, the way people get to know each other under those very specific circumstances, and this is a great execution of it.    
from the dark with you above - by cairophoenix - 22k words » Post-series, again, an awkward meetup to slow friendship and in this case some prime pining afforded by the longer length. The strangers to friends to lovers pipeline just applies really well to these two, what can I say.    
Improvising - by krakens - 3k words » Post-series, some years after, Gigi decides to surprise Lizzy and Darcy with an epilogue posted on Lizzie’s vlog. She enlists Lydia’s help and things escalate. It’s cute and perfect for this particular series, it would have to be that vlog as the catalyst again.    
Candid - by rhymeswithblue - 5k words » Post-series, by simply hanging out with their famous siblings, Gigi and Lydia face some of the same online scrutiny. Again, I kind of love this aspect of a fic set in this world, because of course part it is that there’s a whole audience watching them and it influences them just as much they influence it.
She's the Man - Olivia/Viola
Loose Ends series - by fraidy_bat - 38k words » Post-movie, Olivia comes to terms with the fact that Sebastian isn’t Viola. By the time I was branching out and reading popular f/f fics many years ago, this was already a classic, both as a general f/f fic and in this particular fandom. One of those ships that makes so much sense, and this is an angsty but ultimately very rewarding take on what should have happened after the movie.
Tomb Raider (2013) - Lara/Sam
she traces your scars and rebuilds your world - by lescousinsdangereux - 18k words » Post-2013 game, Lara and Sam are still traumatized by what transpired on the island and lean heavily on each other, even as Lara heads off on another research mission. It’s a great character study at their PTSD but also building on the relationship from canon and sweet and romantic and funny. This was my definitive version of post-game canon, not the other games or the movie or the comics.
Game of Thrones - Margaery/Sansa
Keep the Bouquets series - by Netgirl_y2k - 7k words » Canon diverging...earlyish on, I don’t know the series, but most characters are still alive. Not thinking either’s worthy of Joffrey, the Lannisters arrange a marriage between Sansa and Margaery and they...make it work. Despite being relatively so short, each individual part under 3k words, they’re so effective, these two finding something in that brutal world.
St. Trinian's (2007) - Annabelle/Kelly
This Town We're Painting - by Fahye - 8k words » Post-movies, they’re an established couple, going about the not so normal lives of St. Trinian’s graduates. Funny and in the vein of the movies, bringing in many of the other former students, and solidifying the Annabelle/Kelly dynamic that seemed so full of potential.
Mai Hime - Natsuki/Shizuru
Inter Nos - by ethnewinter - 1.2m words, WIP » Ancient Rome AU, this very detailed, intricate story with all the Mai Hime characters, Shizuru’s a general and Natsuki’s assigned as her bodyguard during a visit to an allied kingdom. I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t read this in many, many years and definitely haven’t caught up, but even back then when it was a fraction of the size, it was already considered a classic. At this length, I feel like just reading what’s there is a reward in itself.
Kim Possible - Kim/Shego
Alone, Together - by Failte200 - 108k words » Canon, Kim and Shego accidentally get sent to an alternate dimension, same Earth, but no human. They have to get along to survive. Another f/f classic, I remember being much younger and the scale of the fic, the years they lived alone and grew older together, took my breath away.   
BSP01: Best Sidekick Possible - by Sobriety - 62k words » Canon, there's a King of Thieves competition and Shego wants the best sidekick possible, i.e., Kim. I think I ended up really liking the romance in this one.
Phoenix Wright - Adrian/Franziska
Follow the Fool - by CantFaketheFunk - 53k words » Canon, post-Phoenix Wright 2, Franziska feels guilty about advising Adrian to perjure herself so when Adrian asks to see her, she invites her to Germany to stay with her. The setting can be a bit goofy, as it is in the game, but the characters and relationship are taken seriously.
Sailor Moon - Haruka/Michiru
FwB - by harukaze - 321k words » AU, no powers, they meet as adults and decide to become friends with benefits. I remember this one Greyhound trip I took from NYC to Toronto, I was riveted to this fic and just read for most of the trip, wanting to see how it'd end. Soapy and angsty and very addicting.
Annnd then these two het fics:
The Big Bang Theory - Penny/Sheldon
The Paladin Protocol - by SpaceAnJL - 88k words » Canon, the guys take Penny LARPing and she ends up enjoying it, and bonding with Sheldon while Leonard feels left out. Very character driven slow burn romance while being funny and presumably true to the characters, I've not actually ever watched the show, but I've seen a few clips on Youtube. Just a great fic and one of the few m/f fics I've read more than once.
Star Trek (2009) - Spock/Uhura
The Place Between - by PsiCygni - 309k words » Canon, set before the movie, Uhura needs an advisor for her project and Commander Spock needs a partner while negotiating with a particular alien species. The only answer? Fake dating! Slowwww burn and since I like both the characters in all their forms, an enjoyable fic.
And ya know, however old some of these might be, if you liked them, think about leaving a nice review. I had a saved fic from a site that’d gone down and like, more than 10 years after it was written I sent an email to the address provided and actually got a reply! 
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romantic killer
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It’s about a girl that loves cats, chocolate, and video games!! One day, a magical gremlin wizard takes her most beloved things away and declares it’s time for her to find love?! 🤡 But MC adamantly refuses to fall for any of the love flags and romantic scenarios set up for her! It’s a really fun romantic comedy that actually touches on some of the darker aspects of love in the latter half of the series. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT
Bonus: Leona’s VA voices the main guy (a cool, reserved type) and Riddle’s VA voices another love interest (an arrogant rich kid) 🙃 I LITERALLY COULDN’T UNHEAR EITHER OF THEM WHILE I WAS WATCHING
If you close your eyes and picture Leona/Riddle saying the exact same lines as their Romantic Killer characters do like I did, you’ll have even more of a blast with the show!
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synnamonroll666 · 8 months
Who's Your King?
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Prompt 2: Role Play/Role Reversal & Bondage Pairing: Syzoth X Fem!Reader Description: You give up your royal title as Outworld's queen for the night to your boyfriend, not realizing that he is more than committed to filling it as the dominant king you'd hoped he would be... Warnings: Bondage, Dom/Switch!Syzoth, Sub/Switch!Reader, Bratty!Reader, Small Amount Of Thigh Whipping, Use Of Vibrator, Praise, Slight Humiliation, BlowJob (Male Receiving)... Word Count: 1.5k A/N: Something about Syzoth usually being a sub, but occasionally switching and surprising you with how well he can dominate you gets to me. I dont know why but i just love it! 🤤 I hope you all enjoy the fic! 💚 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kinktober MasterList: 🖤 Synny's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @queenkhepri.
I chewed my lower lip as I impatiently waited for my lover to finish weaving the rope around my wrists. Syzoth was a patient man, and it would take literally hours if that's how long it took to get it right. It was something I always admired about him. Though as time went on, that burning desire that caused my body to hunger for his touch grew more and more intense, making it nearly impossible to be patient.
"Is it done?" I groaned while shuffling the best I could, uncomfortably on my knees.
"Don't be a brat; it will be done when I'm good and ready for it to be." He scolded me firmly. Despite not being able to see his expression, I could tell from his voice that he was more than committed to his dominant role.
After so long of letting the power I held on the streets of Outworld take hold in the bedroom as well, I finally decided to let my lover take my role for a night so he could see what it's like to be in my shoes. At first, I thought Syzoth would fail—since he isn't usually too dominant unless it's mating season—but I was beginning to realize that I was greatly wrong.
A few more minutes later—casual whispers of swear words in his native tongue slipping past his lips as he tried hard to focus—Syzoth stepped away from my bound form and rounded my side to stand before me. He stood with his arms across his chest, looking down at me with a firm and dominant gaze. I smiled up at him—not taking it too seriously due to knowing it's only an act. But one thing I should have kept in mind about Syzoth was that he is always willing to prove himself better.
"What?" I asked innocently as he stared daggers into my soul.
Surprisingly, Syzoth pulled a whip out and struck my thigh. It wasn't too hard, but it still gave me a nice little sting.  A startled gasp parted my lips and after the shock thawed from my brain, I wondered how I had never seen the object in his grasp.
"Silence!" He snarled through gritted teeth and I dropped my teasing expression to stare up at him with wide eyes. Pleased by my sudden change in demeanor, the corners of Syzoth's lips turned up into a proud smirk. He gently caressed my cheek and chin with his free hand—petting me like I was some kind of kept animal—before whispering in a low and soft tone, "Good girl."
He raised the whip in the air again, and just when I thought that he was going to strike me, he threw it aside. I peered up at him, confused by his actions, and he simply smirked and walked away from me. My eyes followed him as he walked over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. Only seconds later, he turned around and approached me again before holding something up to my face that made me flush with embarrassment.
"W-Where did you find that?" I asked as I reluctantly glanced up at his smug expression before my eyes fell back down to the long, pink object in his hand.
"I was in here last night when you were having your little party for one. Did you get this during your last trip to Earthrealm?" He chuckled darkly as he watched my fearful and embarrassed expression. "It's big—not as big as me, but I bet it's still pretty effective. And it's forked too! Just like my tongue."
'Dammit!'  I mentally kicked myself for not being more careful. I felt like I was being watched that night, but my mind was just too fogged by pleasure to care. And now, because of that, I was in this lovely predicament. But still, I chose to downplay my nerves with my usual cockiness.
"I doubt you even know how to use it." I scoffed with a roll of my eyes. But that act was quickly shot down with a flick of a switch at the side of my toy. The lewd-shaped object hummed to life, and I stared up at my man in disbelief as he flashed me a knowingly wicked grin.
"Remember, pet: I was there all night. I seen all."
Before I could even begin to think up another sentence—before I could beg for mercy—Syzoth bent down to place the toy inside, forcing a cry to tear from my throat as it bruised my sweet spot and my clit instantly. It was a toy for the best of both worlds. I could barely comprehend the fact that he would be cruel enough to put it on the highest setting right away, but I should've known. After all, Syzoth does not disappoint.
I squeezed my eyes shut as my body began to shake from pleasure. I stayed in a moment of orgasmic bliss—jaw slacked, chest heaving heavily, heart beating rapidly, tears forming from my sealed eyes—until he placed both hands on each side of my head, making my eyes crack open slightly with curiosity to see what he was up to.
I was shocked to see his member out and ready for action. It hovered just barely an inch away from my face, twitching with need as its flushed tip leaked pre-cum like a faucet. As I let out a shocked and startled gasp, he took the opportunity to push his length into my mouth and down my throat until I felt my gag reflex kick into gear.
Wasting no time, Syzoth gripped my head hard—fingers tangling deep into my hair to pull at my roots—and began rocking his hips back and forth at a rather fast pace. The salty taste of pre-cum already filled my pallet, telling me that he needed this just as badly as I did.
I knew that by being bound up tightly with a vibrator against all my sensitive spots, I had barely any power—but I still had a tiny bit. I made sure to wiggle my tongue against the big dorsal vein at the bottom of his shaft to tease him the best I could in my state, and he sure did react to it. His head fell back onto his shoulders as he let out a strained moan due to my actions. All well his hands trembled within my locks, and his hips faltered for just a second as he struggled to maintain his dominant demeanor. My man was always so sensitive and would always crumble when I would hit his weakest spots.
But unfortunately, he knew of my plan. As quick as ever, his tail lashed out and wrapped tightly around my neck. My eyes broadened as I quickly became lightheaded from the pressure building in my head and around my throat. I didn't expect this move of his, but I sure wasn't going to complain. It only added to the burning arousal I felt within, which was begging me for release.
Writhing against my restraints, I felt my end drawing closer as his tail tightened around my throat. No matter which way I would move, the vibrator would only push deeper within me, making me painfully close to my climax. My cries were muffled by his member, but the vibrations of my voice did plenty of damage to him as well. His thrusts grew sloppy and his voice grew higher as if to subconsciously tell me that he was close as well. And despite being trapped in an intoxicating high, I was more than capable of helping him get there; all I had to do was sing for him.
Finally, I fell over the edge and into pleasurable heaven. As I screamed through my orgasm and around his length, Syzoth's member began to twitch violently as his hips jerked into my face much faster. Though being in a post-orgasmic daze, I was still able to squeeze my throat around him and tighten my lips to milk every last drop from him as his climax broke free with a wail escaping his throat.
After coming to, Syzoth pulled his cock from my mouth and he looked down at me with a dopey expression—accompanied by a big, dumb grin. I smiled up at him sweetly as he began petting my hair again, helping me forget about the dull pain I felt in my scalp from him pulling my hair and the overstimulation I felt between my legs from the vibrator for a few minutes.
"That was amazing!" I gasped between ragged breaths as his eyes watched over me with a slight hint of pride within them.
Instead of speaking any words to tell me how well i did or how much he enjoyed our little game, Syzoth leaned down to place a loving kiss to my swollen lips. After the sweet moment, he pulled away, and I was shocked to see that his tired expression was replaced with what seemed to be a more sinister one. At this moment, small part of me knew that I wasn't getting off as easily as I had hoped. And unfortunately, his words confirmed that suspicion...
"Oh, my sweet girl—we are nowhere near finished tonight."
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