#live love gunter
princelyapprentice · 7 months
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oh my glob gunter pumpkin
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im so happy my siblings agreed on this, this is probably my last pumpkin carving with them before i go off to college and im glad i could go out with a bang :)
it looks so good! this is quite possibly the most detailed pumpkin we’ve ever done and im really proud of what we made together
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also my brother drew this at the chilis today and he was humming the daycare theme :D
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lululeighsworld · 1 month
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"Softly, softly, he hummed an old soldier's cadence as her fists balled in his hair by the nape of his neck."
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inbarfink · 8 months
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Honestly, first time noticing the names in Simon's contact list I was just like 'haha cute references' and didn't pay it much mind. But looking at them again, and really thinking about them. The Implications here, like Most Things About Simon's Life Right Now, are pretty tragic....
Like, Abracadaniel and Lady Island and Gunter (and BMO if you take into consideration the comic's continuity) are not Simon Petrikov's friends, they were Ice King's friends.
You know, like, yeah, everyone except Marcy knew Ice King way way before they got to know Simon. But at least with folks like Finn, finding out about Simon is a huge reason why he started being kinder and friendlier to him. And Bubblegum probably is only fond of Simon know in spite of him being Ice King.
But Abracadaniel and Lady Island liked Ice King without having any frame-of-reference or concept of 'Simon Petrikov' in their heads. They were Ice King's friends.
And Simon's phone is pretty distinctly, like, a realistic early 2000's cellphone. A total contrast to all the magical/sci-fi/cobbled-together looking cellphones everyone else in Ooo uses
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And Ice King himself, I'm pretty sure we've only ever seen him use either a normal-looking landline or the Bananaphone
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Not this ordinary Nokia-looking flip-phone, definitely.
So I'm assuming this phone was maybe found buried somewhere in the Past Room, or maybe was unearthed while they were preparing for that '20th Century Man' exhibition and Simon also takes it along for personal use. But either way, Simon had to deliberately put those numbers of Friends of the Ice King in his contact list.
It might be something as simple as having transferred the data from some of Ice King's old communication devices and then just... despite it all Simon just doesn't have the heart to delete these names. The same way you or I might not have it in us to the delete the numbers of friends of ages past or increasingly-distant acquaintances or dead relatives.
Or maybe Simon did try and preserve their friendship at first. Or maybe the friends did. And obviously it didn't work out.
I mean, I can kinda see maybe Simon getting along fine with Lady Island because IK was relatively Grounded interacting with her so maybe the change to Simon won't be that much of a difference to her. ....But that can also create problems if she has a hard time seeing the difference between Simon Petrikov and Ice King, that would really make him uncomfortable.
But there really is zero chance Simon managed to keep things going normal with Abracadaniel. A Wizard who originally bonded with Ice King because he saw him as a cool Wizard. Not to mention Gunter is currently a living incarnation of the very Crown that cursed Simon in the first place and a manifestation of Gunter's love of Ice King
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so... yeah, I think in Simon's current state any interaction he had with those two was unbearably awkward and just another thing that will make him miss being Ice King in a twisted way.
And yet... despite wanting so badly to define himself as distinctive and different from Ice King ("I didn't write those! Ice King wrote those!") and to not be reminded of him.... Simon still keeps all these people in his contact list.
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thisonehere · 7 months
The webs we weave
You are the weaver, once a mere mortal(???) who centuries ago challenged Liu Kang to a weaving competition. The loser had to grant a request from the winner. Spoiler alert: you won. Your request: Immortality and eternal youth and beauty. The usual. Nowadays you are known across the realms for your work... among other things.
Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Kitana, Mileena, & Liu Kang
A/N: Serious intros mixed with flirting and just the right amount of almost-smut. Be sure to send any other ideas you might have.
Shang Tsung
Y/n: Does my skill flatter you, sorcerer?
Shang Tsung: It amuses, maybe I'll let you live after all.
Shang Tsung: I must say, now that I see your work in person. It's quite... mediocre.
Y/n: Mediocre? MEDIOCRE?
Shang Tsung: That Liu Kang lost to you speaks volumes.
Y/n: I can say the same about you losing to him.
Y/n: You're... you're very charming for a villain.
Shang Tsung: Do I make you weak in the knees, Y/n?
Shang Tsung: That silk coat you made me had acidic venom in the fibers!
Y/n: *grins* Oops.
Y/n: The silk sheets have been crafted as you requested.
Shang Tsung: Excellent, now I just need you on them to make it complete.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao: I need a new costume, something that matches my greatness.
Y/n: Of course, I think I have some leftover pieces of scrap from Raiden.
Kung Lao: You know what, I like you.
Y/n: *rolls eyes* Wow, thank you so much. Your validating me makes me feel so special.
Y/n: What would you like me to make you?
Kung Lao: A nice, big, soft cover. We'll need it for our honeymoon.
Kung Lao: Why do you have so many spiders?
Y/n: I like having company as I spin my threads.
Y/n: Keep you and your hat out of my workshop!
Kung Lao: Oh come on, all I did was accidentally cut some of the work that took you years to complete.
Kung Lao: You should come with me to Madam Bo's.
Y/n: NO. My tab with her is big enough.
Johnny Cage
Johnny: If I knew spiders could be so hot, I'd still smash them all day.
Y/n: I'll never forgive you for killing Gunter!
Johnny: I've got this sweet idea for a new look.
Y/n: Of course, but I'll need your measurements... I need you to get naked, Johnny.
Johnny: Just so you know, I'm cool with doing nudity.
Y/n: Johnny, I'm a weaver, not a sculptor.
Johnny: You got to become my costume designer, we'd kill it on the red carpet.
Y/n: That would be a dream, Johnny!
Johnny: Y/n..that's such a beautiful name. It almost makes me want to sing.
Y/n: Please don't, your musical flopped for a reason.
Johnny: I don't think Christina will ever come back.
Y/n: Remember Johnny, I'll be here for you...With open arms, open legs, and an open mouth.
Y/n: I'll make nothing for you!
Bi-Han: Good, I want you, not your talents.
Bi-Han: You are living proof of Liu Kang's incompetence.
Y/n: Says the man who lost to two farmers.
Bi-Han: I was holding back against Raiden and Kung Lao.
Y/n: Oh, Bi-Han, you don't need to lie to impress me.
Bi-Han: I'll freeze your little insects and leave you defenseless.
Y/n: A. They're Arachnida, B. Pick up a book, and C. Some of us like the cold.
Y/n: Your bed must be so cold.
Bi-Han: Come lay in it with me and find out.
Bi-Han: Let me guess, you think your love can "fix me"?
Y/n: Who said I wanted to fix you?
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang: Your growing relationship with Bi-Han is concerning.
Y/n: Oh Kuai, don't tell me you're getting jealous.
Y/n: Come to me, Scorpion. I burn for you.
Kuai Liang: You've been spending too much time with Johnny.
Y/n: Perhaps you and I coul-
Kuai Liang: I'm sorry, but I'm spoken for.
Kuai Liang: Harumi loved the tapestry.
Y/n: Only the best for her.
Y/n: Are sure?
Kuai Liang: The feeling I had for you are gone now.
Kuai Liang: What have you been planning?
Y/n: Just a little present for your wedding, specifically for the honeymoon.
Kitana: Can I hope to have your loyalty in my ongoing battle with Shao?
Y/n: I guess we both shall see.
Kitana: You beat Lord Liu Kang!?
Y/n: Of course, when it comes to combat he is my superior, but no man can best me in my craft.
Kitana: I must say, the stories about you do not do your talents or your beauty justice.
Y/n: What exactly do those stories say?
Kitana: Have you ever considered silk worms rather than spiders?
Y/n: *blech* Never, they're gross, slow, and squishy, and worse, they're all gossips.
Y/n: I already have the train ready, just needs some more embroidery.
Titan Kitana: Train? Are you making me a wedding dress?
Y/n: You and Liu Kang are so cute together.
Titan Kitana: I thank you for being so approving, but our relationship is really none of your business.
Y/n: Why do you stare, Empress?
Mileena: I don't know, something about all those bugs around you seems...familiar...
Mileena: Your ascension to the plain of the immortals is most admirable.
Y/n: Perhaps there are some things I may be able to teach you Empress.
Mileena: Are you making wedding attire for Titan Kitana and Lord Liu Kang?
Y/n: Of course, but don't be jealous, I already have something special for you and Tanya.
Mileena: Perhaps you may stay a bit longer, teach me some of your trade.
Y/n: Of course, Empress.
Mileena: *Bloodlusted* I will rip your tongue out from through your cheek!
Y/n: Ooohhhh, cheeky.
Mileena: When I am done with you I will burn all your work to ashes for what you did!
Y/n: No, please! Mercy, MERCY!!!
Liu Kang
Y/n: You knew I'd win?
Liu Kang: I can recognize talent when I see it.
Y/n: Why did you accept my challenge even though you knew you'd lose?
Liu Kang: I was hoping for a chance to be near you.
Y/n: Who is this D'vorrah? Geras said I reminded him of her.
Liu Kang: Nothing should concern you.
Liu Kang: Please, I ask you, keep your distance from raiden.
Y/n: Why? Worried that I'll tempt your little champion?
Liu Kang: You made me a wedding dress?
Y/n: Of course, I see you as much more of a dress-wearing type of man rather than a boring old tuxedo.
Liu Kang: Be careful, Y/n, your hubris can lead to your downfall.
Y/n: What is wrong with showing a little pride in my work?
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pasteltraitor · 7 months
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finally posting my swap au! ill post more but i have a lot of doodles so they're getting their own post
Simon Petrikov the human is a part-time hero to the local monster kingdom and any in need! He enjoys adventure, learning about history, and finding ancient artifacts. He fights with a crossbow and has a very good aim! and he lives with his older sibling Gunter
Gunter is Simons older sibling, their parents used to live in the ice kingdom before moving away. now they live with simon in their treehouse. they have a short temper and like to break stuff. they have the special power to make green clones of themself
The Ice Prince is the ruler of the frozen land of the ice kingdom! he doesn't limit his kidnappings to just princesses and everyone's in danger of being "saved" and taken to his kingdom. He once was a boy named Finn Mertins before the ice crown took hold. he seems to really want a little brother to play with
ill be going into this au a bit more later but i'd love to answer questions about this au if u have any!
this au is loosely based on these fics but I've got very different plans for this au but i'd recommend checking out these fics cuz they're rlly good!
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bitterchocoo · 5 months
I Remember You
Wanderer | M. Reader as Ice King [Adventure Time]
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"It's just you and me in the wreckage of the world."
Ever since that day, he thought he'll be alone.. venturing through the dark and scary world. Did he do something wrong? Why was he abandoned like that? Why? Was it something he did?
Either way... there's nothing he could do.. now that he's all alone..
For days he ventured through the land. He found many people along the way. Friends. New friends. They were kind and lovely people, they're almost like.. family..
But all good things must come to an end... he was alone again...
Why...? Why does everyone he met end up leaving him? Is it because of him? Did he do something wrong? Did he unknowingly make them upset? Angry? No matter how he looks at it, no matter how much he tries to think of a reason, he can't find one. He couldn't understand why they would always leave him.
That is until... he met someone..
A man by the name, [Name] [L. Name].
He seems to be a traveler. One that's traveling the world in search of—something. The day he found him was the day the man saw him cry. God knows what went through his head, but [Name] tried to do everything within his power to stop his cries. He tried cracking some jokes, giving some sweets, etc. In the end, the man gave him a small doll.
And that finally made him stop crying.
Since then.. he would tag along with [Name] and his adventures.
The two spend what felt like an eternity together.
The man loved him like he was his own flesh and blood. He cared for him.... loved him... like a caring father.. and he was grateful. Never had he ever felt so loved and cared for by someone, especially a mortal like him.
The man would do anything within his power to ensure that he lives a happy and fulfilling life. Anything.
Even putting on that damn crown.
He knew the danger of it. Yet he uses it anyway. And no matter how much he begged and pleaded to [Name] not to use it, he still used it anyway. All for his sake. Maybe he was too protective.. maybe he was too carrying.. maybe he was too loving... maybe he was too... selfless...
He didn't listen. He never listened.
[Name] continues to put on the crown regardless of what he says. In his mind... he was just trying to protect this innocent child.
When he became Wanderer it felt like a breath of fresh air. He could start a new.. this time.. he had Nahida and the Traveler by his side...
He could let go of the past and look forward to the future...
The day he received his first commission was the day where he's finally reunited with that man.
What happened?
Why is his hair white? Why is he actually like that? Why is he wearing the crown 24/7?! What's going on?!
"...[Name]..?" He called out to the man, his voice filled with confusion.
"[Name]? What's that? Who's [Name]? I'm Ice King!"
Huh...? What did he just say..? Ice King...? Wh—Where is he? Where's [Name]? Where's the intelligent, caring, loving man he knew? Where's the man that cared and loved him as if he was his own? Where is he?
Where's [Name] [L. Name]?
"....The crown.."
"Yeah, pretty isn't it? But it's mine so you can't have it~!" He replied rather childishly.
Is he truly him? That man... that once carrying, intelligent man..
Reduced to a lunatic.
Him? A lunatic? A madman? A disturbance to the peace? No no no no no. NO! He refused! He refused to believe that!! He can't! There's no way in Teyvat is this man the same one he met years ago! This has to be a different person!!
There's no way the dignified, patient, caring, intelligent man had been reduced to his lunatic!
"Hey, Gunter! Look!" [Name] spoke up as he pointed to the scenery in front of them. The mountains, the water, the sky... it creates a beautiful view.. a sight for sore eyes.
Meanwhile the other doesn't seem as enthusiastic as him. He frowns at the man addressing him as "Gunter." He had lost it... using that curse thing over and over again... eating away at his sanity.. Until he can't even remember his name.
"Gunter, look!"
"Yeah... It's pretty..."
"What are we doing again?"
"Jogging your memory."
Maybe... if he could just... jog his memory... then [Name] could come back to him.. right..?
The two spent their time together, [Name] was enjoying the time of his life, he was very happy with the new turn of events. He never would have thought there was someone out there that's willing to go hangout with him! He actually had a friend!
But Wanderer... he doesn't share the enjoyment..
He wanted him so bad... He wanted [Name]... He wants his father figure back.. not this lunatic... Not Ice King, but [Name] [L. Name]. He tried and tried but it just... doesn't work.. every time he tries to do something with the Ice King, things that they used to do... he just.. doesn't get it.. he played it off like it's some kind of game...
It's frustrating!!
WHY!? Why can't he have him back?! Why can't he just... be happy?! Why can't he get the ending he wants?! Is this the Gods punishing him for what he had done?! By taking away what he had?! By taking away the only person he actually cared about?!
"You know today was fun!" The lunatic said with a cheeky grin on his face, ever so ignorant to Wanderer's frustration.
"Why? Why can't you just—!" He stops himself once his eyes fall to a photo. A specific photo of the past.
He immediately took it and started examining it before letting out a sigh of frustration and shoving the photo towards the other's face. "You don't remember anything do you! Look! This is you! Before the whole thing!"
Ice King took the photo and looked at it with a confused expression, clearly not understanding what Wanderer is trying to say which earned a frustrated groan in return. "You were a traveler—!"
"No, I'm a lyricist! Just look!" He pulled out a paper from his coat and handed it to Wanderer with the same cheeky grin. "I clearly wrote good lyrics!"
With a huff Wanderer snatched the paper in a swift motion, he was going to tear it to shreds before he realized something...
This is a photo.
Turning it around he was met by a photo of himself, back in the past... where ignorant.. is bliss...
Turning it back around, he began to read the words written on it. His eyes slowly widened as a hint of the truth finally showed up.
"Kabukimono, is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world. That must be so confusing for a little boy and I know you're going to need me here with you..
But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too. This magic keeps me alive, but it's making me crazy and I need to save you, but who's going to save me? I can feel myself slipping away... I can't remember what it made me say.... But I remember that I saw you frown...
I swear it wasn't me, it was the crown!
Please.... forgive me for whatever I do...
When I don't remember you...."
Why.... Why does it have to end this way..? Why can't he...
"Hey, you okay there, Gunter?" Ice King asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Wanderer looked at him for a moment but he could say anything... his throat closed up every time he was about to speak.. he couldn't breath and..
Is he crying....? Is he actually crying..?
Without warning... the other engulfed him in a hug, a warm, loving hug... He can't remember when's the last time someone hugged him like this... especially by him..
"There there, Gunter." Ice King tries to comfort him as he speaks in a soft tone.
Maybe the [Name] he knew is still there.. somewhere... But... it still doesn't change the fact that... he can't be [Name] again... Ice King can't be [Name] [L. Name] again... that man is long gone...
Wanderer can't help but let his tears fall as the realization hits him. He buried his head on the man's chest.
Maybe he could try loving this lunatic, insane man... like how he had loved [Name] [L. Name]... Maybe he could... try and make the best out of the worst scenario...
Make the best out of this bittersweet reunion.
"I love you... [Name]..... father..."
"Love you too, Gunter."
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globoxuuu · 2 months
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Here a post about all the headcanon I did about this drawing.
Moon is the only one in his suit and not comfy clothes 'cause he was already late because of a meeting so he came here in his suit. Also he wanted to keep working, and that's why he have his PC, but he was too tired he fell asleep.
Jhonny cooked with Rosita and Gunter because after the first sing movie, when his dad was still in prison and he had to learn how to live alone Rosita often came to his place and showed him easy and good recipes to make, and now they just love to sometimes cook together.
Porsha after SLAYING in here alien costume now buy a lot of green pieces of clothing, and it actually became her favorite color.
Ryan is a little shy cause he's only really friend with Jhonny, and Nooshy a little bit, he hasn't said a word since Jhonny left to the kitchen until he came back.
Meena was so happy to have Alfonso around cause before the event she has presented him to her parents and grand parents.
Miss Crawly has helped so much with the kids of Rosita the past few years that they call her aunt Crawly.
Rosita told Ash a lot that having some spike in her couch didn't bothered her but Ash really don't want to damaged her couch so she'd rather sit on the ground.
Eddie was the one driving Moon to Rosita's place after his reunion and he will be the one driving him home after, driving carefully to let him sleep.
Gunter was the one choosing the Playlist.
Porsha insisted to Nooshy that she knew how to play Mario kart, so they shared the controler, turns out Porsha is really bad at the game, so Nooshy is losing her shit.
Gunter Rosita and Jhonny made sure to make at least one cupcake with the preferred flavor of everyone.
Thanks to the people how read the all thing.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Hand-drawn story-driven adventure game Vivarium announced
Gematsu Source
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A currently unnamed studio that consists of creator Michael Nowak and collaborator Trent Garlipp (A Walk With Yiayia) has announced Vivarium, a hand-drawn story-driven adventure game inspired by Love-de-Lic cult classics Chulip and moon, as well as slice-of-life adventure games like Boku No Natsuyasumi, with visuals and audio inspired by 1974 to early 1980s anime and manga. Platforms and a release date were not announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via the developers:
Vivarium is a story-driven adventure game set in the world of a terrarium!
Key Features
Gameplay focused on exploration and character storylines—expanding on the RPG town concept from games like Stardew Valley.
Hand-drawn cel-animation graphics inspired by classic anime—akin to Cuphead‘s take on 1930s cartoons.
Jenny lives in a quaint ranch house by herself in the whimsical world of Vivarium. …However, not all is as it seems in the terrarium.
Jenny finds the giant tree in the center of the terrarium has died—throwing off the balance of the world in Vivarium. However, a new sprout has taken root in its place. As Jenny helps characters, solves puzzles, and grows in her experiences, the tree sprout grows in size.
“Yulia” the talking Slavic Dog hermit
“Rishi” and “Gunter,” the local shopkeepers
…and more to meet in the world of Vivarium
Game Loop
Explore – Gain access to new locations and characters.
Find Quests – Take on quests and mysteries in the terrarium.
Solve – Solve puzzles with items, conversation, and ingenuity.
Grow and Repeat – Gain experience with your actions, causing the sprout to grow.
Explore a dense, hand-painted world in Vivarium—filled with scenery, nooks, and secrets to discover.
Art Style
Our style is inspired by classic animation, especially from 70s to 80s Japan. Vivarium features a totally hand-drawn traditional cel-animation process—reflective of the media it’s inspired by. Every frame of the game is hand-crafted with love! Vivarium‘s environments are rendered in rich, thickly saturated gouache painting. Every area features its own original art assets and highly detailed painted backdrop. Vivarium uses subtle post-processing, lighting, and color grading to achieve a retro-cinematic aesthetic. Hand-placed dynamic day-night cycle lighting. Grain, lens focus-blur, and a cel drop-shadow are all applied in-engine. These effects replicate the look of traditional animation photographed and printed on film.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
Announce Trailer
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journish · 8 months
Thank you for posting about Simon. I want some grandpa Simon.
If him and Betty had kids he would've been a good father
I can barely think about anything else lately, so yw lmao
It's a goddamn tragedy he and Betty never got to live the life they really wanted. He didn't ever ask to live in some crazy magical world, he just wanted to be a scholar and a collector and create a quiet life with the love of his life.
I keep coming back to the scene in Marceline's poison coma dream in the Stakes arc where she's imagining Simon and Betty baking a pie together and the pie has a face, and she comes to the door and they show her the pie with their eyes glistening. Even Marceline knew those two wanted nothing more than to have a baby together. I think she'd make a really great big sister too.
Between him just immediately adopting the role of caregiver for little Marcy, the way he cooed and doted on Gunter as Ice King, his kindness and gentleness with Glassboy in Obsidian, the way making the little girl cry in episode 2 absolutely wrecked him, and now the little glimpse of happiness we got to see on his face in baby world, (I'd argue even his self-sacrificing and protective behavior with Fionna stems from this parental instinct) it's just so obvious he's a Father
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cutekoala1001 · 3 months
What is your favorite head canon for all characters in sing?
Favourite head canon for ALL the characters?? Well, if you’re interested, I do have lots of hcs! These are just some of mine (so it’s ok if you disagree!) :
Buster - He’s physically small, but as someone in charge, he prefers to be seen as bigger. So he stands on the moon prop or stands on objects to be closer to others’ eye level, or even to have them look up at him.
Eddie - I suspect that Nana isn’t the only diva in his family. And his father either runs some sort of successful business or is in show business himself. His father is never around.
Meena - She comes from a very supportive, and very religious, family.
Ash - Doesn’t have a good relationship with her parents; comes from a rough upbringing. Moved out and in with Lance as soon as she could.
Rosita - Has a “live, love, laugh” sign somewhere in her home. Family is everything. Thanksgivings are nuts.
Gunter - has ADHD and is quite a talented creative.
Mike - did not survive the bears 💀
Johnny - Was popular with the girls at school, but hesitated to date anyone seriously. Or maybe he had a serious gf once but because of heartbreak (and family gang stuff) he needed time before getting into another serious relationship.
Alfonso - is interested in “Eastern philosophies” (he’s wearing those beaded bracelets) and is probably into meditation.
Porsha - Mother left when she was young and her rich father spoiled her in place of being there for her. She’s been given anything she wants in place of the attention from her busy father, but her father’s attention is all she ever really wanted. A daddy’s girl and will probably find a sugar daddy to support her.
Klaus - I’m 100% with @picapicamagpie ‘s hc on his history and upbringing! She explains it very well in her fic.
Clay - He went on to do solo tours and reunite with old friends in the industry. He’s healing and moving on from his past.
Nooshy - Also from a rough upbringing. Was homeless at one point.
Miss Crawly - She has been with Moon Theatre longer than anyone else in Sing. She has seen a lot. She has also forgotten a lot.
Nana - Buster’s business partner and, I would assume, oversees the financial aspects of Moon Theatre seeing as it was through her fortune that it was revived. Has had a dynamic life in showbiz. Divorced. Has a lifetime of working hard to acquire fame and fortune. Past experiences have left her bitter and resentful; it’s difficult to trust others; she isolates in her retirement; lives in the past when she was in her prime; is self-absorbed; and has high standards for others and herself. But underneath it all she actually does want to help and give back to the world.
☆ I hope we’ll get a glimpse of a little more into the character’s pasts in the 3rd movie!
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hsauwhere · 7 months
Homestuck AU where it's Adventure Time: Day 2
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Rose is the Ice Elemental for her an analytical and cold demeanor. She's a Water Nymph that became frozen, which funnily enough was apparently the origin story of The Ice Queen in The Adventure Time Comics [Source].
She's currently living with her mother in The Ice Thingdom, ruled by post-finale Gunter "The Ice Thing". The Ice Thing was very much in a loving relationship with Turtle Princess, but after she died Ice Thing basically reverted back to season one Ice King. This means Mom Lalonde gets kidnaped regularly.
Oh also Rose is kinda obsessed with Golb.
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gumclones · 9 months
pondery/theoretical thoughts on the Fionna and Cake premiere under the cut
my suspicion is that the "cool ice prince" Fionna keeps seeing in her dreams isn't a version of Simon, but is rather a representation of Ice Finn, sort of like Gunter's pigeon dream avatar in Hoots. this isn't really based on anything concrete except that we see that he has blue eyes, which doesn't necessarily mean anything - mainly I just think it'd be really neat!
I'm not sure exactly who or what is responsible for the glitched-out "normal" world that Fionna Campbell is set in! right now I'm dithering between Betty, Simon, or the crown acting autonomously somehow. my spouse pointed out that the glitches are somewhat inconsistent, which leads me to believe that someone is actively maintaining the world, and that in the city gardens there don't seem to be nearly as many glitches.
I'm pretty sure that all the inhabitants of Fionna's world (I hope we get a better name for it 😅) started out as denizens of Ooo, rather than having been born human. I think that whatever force put them there wanted to preserve their personalities, so I think that most of their memories of the human world are translated versions of their actual memories rather than fully fake.
Gary's behavior and demeanor is extremely interesting to me! it's clear that he's still very himself - there's his usage of very precise measurements and his fixation on making candy-I-mean-biscuit people, but he also seems… not all there? most obvious is when Fionna rhetorically asks him how long they've known each other and he says "hmm, I don't know. I guess, like, forever?" but there's also the way he seems to be slow on the uptake at times - when Fionna eats his prototype before he can frost it he stares at where it was for two full seconds before looking up. currently I have a theory that he's acting a little weird because it's really hard to fit him into a normal human world and keep his mind intact! after all, if he's around Fionna's age then he's about 30, which represents less than 4% of his true lifespan. in addition to that, he's got a very atypical childhood and family tree and he's not in the position of authority he's spent the majority of his life in.
another thing that my spouse pointed out is that the fight with the bear comes across as extremely staged, especially in light of Finn openly referring to Simon as "bait" after he catches the mudskipper. currently our guess is that the bear was a shapeshifted Huntress Wizard, especially since Finn encouraging Simon to stab it in the heart is reminiscent of Huntress Wizard trying to get Finn over his aversion to killing in The Wild Hunt.
Finn does the Martin wink and it makes me sad! 😅
I really hope that the gum family show up, because I think they have a lot of interesting commonalities with the situations of almost every character we've been shown so far! I think that the setup of Dirt Beer Guy's tavern could very easily lead to this, since we see Punch Bowl and Crunchy spending time socially with Dirt Beer Guy in the epilogue of Come Along With Me. there's also the possibility of seeing Gary's family, which I'd be thrilled to bits by.
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Ellis' expression when Fionna offered him the bagfood broke my heart a little :( on the plus side I love how he's living his purplest life!
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lululeighsworld · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Gunter!! Because of life I have not written a fic for his birthday since 2019; having the time to dedicate to it this year has reminded me why I love doing this so much!
Read the story here on AO3
(and find the designs for the fankids here!)
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inbarfink · 4 months
You know, it is kinda funny sometimes…. I joined the Adventure Time fandom around mid-way through Season 5. And from what I remember back then, most of the popular headcanons and theories around the origin of Ice King’s Magic Crown played a very similar tune. Some sort of Evil Ice Wizard creating a Magical Artifact that will allow him to live forever, or maybe just create a legacy of Evil Ice Wizards that will freeze the world. You know, kinda on the same vibe Farmworld Finn was going on about when he was under the Crown’s influence.
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But then ‘Evergreen’ came out, and revealed not only that the Crown’s origins lay in a time period much more unique and strange than the Generic Medieval Fantasy a lot of people were imagining
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But that the thing standing at the very core of the Magic Crown’s Curse was not just simple Villainous Hubris or an intentional desire to cause Icy Evil - instead the theme surrounding the Crown’s origin and its Curse is the Cycle of Parental Abuse.
Urgence Evergreen is not your run-of-the-mill Evil Wizard, and he wasn’t trying to create a Curse, but he was an Extremely Bad Dad. I mean, he didn’t consider himself a dad at all - but it’s clear that he raised Gunther since he hatched and the Dinosaur saw him as a parental figure. The only parental figure he had in his entire life. And through Gunther’s entire life, it’s clear Evergreen was emotionally distant and deprived him of the familial connection Gunther needed and he just constantly belittled and insulted him
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And generally showed very little concern for both his emotional and physical well-being.
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He didn’t even do the thing he was supposed to be doing with Gunther, which was teaching him Magic.
And yet Gunther still loved him like a father, and craved his admiration and approval, and wanted to be just like him.
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And we see this Cycle of Abuse happen a bit more literally before we even get to the Crown. Gunther clearly loves his pet Nina a lot, but sometimes he channels his own frustrations with Evergreen at her - mirroring the way Evergreen treats him. Because this is all he ever knew.
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And so, when the Crown granted Gunther his ‘deepest truest Wish’ and made him just like his beloved Master Evergreen, he became a perpetually-angry madman shouting nothing but ‘Gunther no!’.
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Because for all of Evergreen’s pride in his role as the Ice Elemental and his aspirations of being the one to Save the World, this is what he always was in the eyes of his son. Add to it the fact that he never taught Gunther any Magic Basics that could help him control the Crown… Evergreen’s abuse of Gunther literally became a Curse.
One that has not only hurt Gunther and backfired on Evergreen… but keeps hurting any poor soul who comes across the Crown. Generations after Master Evergreen was left as barely even a distant memory, his abuse is still responsible for turning others into Hurt People Who Hurt Others.
And then the Crown ends up with Certified Dad Simon Petrikov.
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And, now, Simon’s Good Dad Qualities did not, like, automatically negate the Crown’s influence. But.. he tried, he always tried. He knew what he needed to do to be the parental figure Marcy needed, and even when the Crown made it hard for him, he tried to fight through it and do his best.
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And even when he totally lost himself to the Crown, he couldn’t stand the thought of hurting her.
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But also.... it's important to remember that Marceline is not the only child-figure Simon raised while under the influence of the Magic Crown.
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Ice King’s relationship with Gunter the Penguin was always kind of a fatherly thing - I mean, that is why he named him the same name he’s given to Marceline, the name that’s ingrained in the Crown as the name of the Evergreen-Clone’s son. But in earlier seasons in the show, it was very… fraught. Ice King would shift rapidly from being very caring, affectionate and sweet towards his lil’ Gunter
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To very Evergreen-esque moments of callousness, neglectfulness and just… venting his own frustrations at his misery as unnecessary anger and cruelty towards the penguin.
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Misery that is, of course, caused as a result of the Curse of the Magic Crown. The Curse that only came into being through Evergreen’s mistreatment of his own Gunther. The Curse that is also subconsciously pushing Ice King into being just like Evergreen. It torments Ice King and ‘teaches’ him to vent this torment out on others - but especially at his Gunter. Simon’s natural nurturing instincts were still trying to fight through it, the same way he did with Marceline, but it was not always enough. It's important to note that Ice King still always gave Gunter the Penguin more genuine care and affection than friggin’ Evergreen ever gave to Gunther the Dinosaur, but it's just as important to also note that the Curse still affected his treatment of Gunter in all kinds of harmful ways.
But as the show went on, and Ice King started to become more stable, and started to get the help and support he needed… he also became a better father to his Gunter. Like, without Betty’s interference, Simon was not able to overcome the Curse as a Dementia Metaphor, or the Curse as an Addiction Metaphor… But as for the Curse as a Cycle of Abuse Metaphor? Ice King/Simon, through his strong pre-Crown parental side, and through his love for Gunter and his genuine desire to be a better parent - he was breaking the magical Cycle of Abuse that Evergreen started through entirely mundane means.
He grew past his bad-tempered outburst and bouts of neglectfulness, and just became this extremely doting and loving and sweet father to Gunter.
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And so, next time a Reset Crown lended into the clutches of a Gunther, ready to grant a new Wish, the Gunther once again chose to become just like his beloved father figure
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but rather than an irrationally angry madman who cannot say anything but “Gunther, no!”… The very first words Ice Thing says are a reminder of how much he loves his Gunter. How much Gunter knows Simon loves him.
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And he just seems like this sweet, harmless and happily content silly lil Ice Wizard. Maybe not the person Ice King always was, but the person he was always trying to be. I mean, he literally achieved Ice King’s original goal of being happily married to a princess.
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But also just in a general sense, he’s happy and satisfied with his life and he’s not hurting anyone. And just like the original Curse is the legacy of Evergreen’s abuse, this is the legacy of Ice King/Simon’s attempts to do right by Gunter despite his struggles. He has broken the Curse and now it will never torment anyone ever again. Because, well, because Gunter seems to have fused with the Crown so it’s unlikely anyone else will ever be able to wear it. And if someone could, the ‘Curse’ that will be inflicted on them will not be nearly as destructive as Evergreen’s Curse.
(And let’s not forget that Simon’s Honest Attempt at Good Parenting didn’t just neutralize the Curse, it also neutralized a literal eldritch abomination. The Orgalorg Stuff isn’t directly related to the point I wanna make, but that’s also Pretty Cool)
Of course, we also know that although Ice Thing seems happy and content now, this status quo won’t last forever.
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I mean, a thousand years in the future is a long time for things to change. But also, maybe it’s very Thematically Appropriate that the person who seems to be responsible for Ice Thing’s degradation is Gibbon.
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Who is himself a result of a Whole Separate Series of Parental Issues.
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pasteltraitor · 6 months
Hey, I just came across your AT swap au drawings, with kid Simon and the Ice Prince. I'm not sure how long ago you made those drawings or if you're still into AT, but I wanted to say that I really loved what you wrote and drew! Your take on the swapped characters seems really sweet and I'm already daydreaming about Ice Prince adopting-by-force Simon, only to get Gunter as well as part of the package deal. It seems really fun and I'm glad I found your post.
thanks for the kind words!! it doesn't feel that long ago since i drew them! in October...(it is now almost December where does the time go alas) I'm still into adventure time but i just haven't finished watching the series bcus i don't want to have no more adventure time to watch DDD: but alas all good things must come to an end so i should probably bite the bullet sometime.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed my au drawings and i do plan on drawing more. but life has been busy and I've been very tired lately )): but they have not left my mind i assure you, ice prince, simon and gunter still live rent free in my head lol
thank you so much for this ask it really made my day! <3<3 here's a little doodle i made just for u
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comradekatara · 7 months
disgustingly fandom-brained ask: in the fionna and cake au, who is betty- yue or suki? yue is very self-sacrificing, and her ultimate sacrifice grants her more autonomy through becoming a deity. suki however is a redhead, is a sort of badass historian/antiquarian like betty, and shares many of betty's non self-destructive traits. suki's exposure to jazz music makes her moves less predictable, i.e. betty. sokka is simon, toph is fionna, momo is gunter
JFC 😭😭😭 there’s so much happening here
okay first of all i think zuko is guntzie (although i am specifically referring to original gunter aka the little dino boy. master evergreen is like if ozai wanted to destroy the comet instead of harness its power for further destruction, i guess? but yeah orgalorg!gunter would be momo u right)
toph IS fionna though i hate to say it bc toph gets away with her wanton destruction bc she’s twelve so it’s charming (i love fionna but she’s terrible, muriel). but yeah they both move through the world feeling depressed and stifled until they are granted access to the “real” world and in the process realize that their insular existence is a lie, but because they have all this pent up energy and rage aren’t fully cognizant of the consequences of their callous violence (at first). and the progression between fionna&simon and toph&sokka is also paralleled as it goes from "who the hell is this loser nerd" to mutual recognition and understanding and beautiful best friendship.
sokka as simon is such a crazy connection to make bc i never would’ve thought of that but it’s literally so true. sad depressed lonely clown times. (is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world…) i’ve said before that i think sokka would also struggle with existing after the end of the war because he’s spent so long living for other people that he doesn’t actually know how to live for himself, as a person and not as a sacrifice. like if he felt like his services weren’t needed yeah he’d probably try to kill himself too. but if simon of all people can somehow learn to value himself and believe that he is worthy of existence then okay maybe sokka can too (i doubt it, but maybe that’s because simon’s acceptance felt too easy to me, so i see sokka reaching that revelation even less). neither of them is able to register the impact they have on other people because their self-esteem is too low to actually process that they mean something outside of what they can do. and no one suspects that they’re not fine because of course they’re fine they’re great in fact. (also what gene yang did to sokka in the comics IS as egregious as simon becoming ice king. to me.) yeah… im gonna be thinking about this so much now. thanks a lot
as for betty, you’re right that both suki and yue have obsessive, self-sacrificing tendencies because they are both mirrors of sokka and thus have a lot in common with him and each other (it’s about duty it’s about sacrifice it’s about eschewing selfhood and committing to a life of servitude for the good of the community) so they both have equal claim to being betty but i would say that yue is more bettycore because she literally does sacrifice herself to become a cosmic entity, and although she doesn’t do it for sokka specifically (and in fact does everything in her power to avoid sokka, which is the opposite of what betty does, although ahh does that make ice king hahn? much to think about), she does kiss sokka during her transformation. but then again suki literally chooses to stay behind in prison for sokka even though she’d already been there for months by that point. they’re both obsessed with sokka but their duties are not “saving sokka” specifically so it’s not the same as betty who throws away her whole life for simon. but yeah i think it’s yue. i mean she’s literally a princess. and she haunts sokka. and he feels responsible for her “death.” she’s both alive and not. but either way it’s crazy. you’re insane for this.
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