#lol he looks so cunty in this scene
zacksnydered · 5 months
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HENRY CAVILL as GERALT OF RIVIA. Netflix’s The Witcher ‧ Everybody Has a Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face
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jennifer-jeong · 3 months
hii could i request like a little drabble or headcanons for racer L&DS characters? the idea been eating away in my mind for soooo long😭😭
HELLO ANON THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASK, I SHALL END THE EATING OF YOUR BRAIN (that sounded weird but you get me). I don’t know too much about F1 (my information source is instagram reels where the racers are shitposting) but I’ll try my best to get the memes and thirst correct hehe.
[Fluff + Crack] [Racer!L&DS x Reader] Racer Boyfriend
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CONTENT Fluff, crack, gender neutral reader, the boys are F1 racers in cunty jumpsuits, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
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RAFAYEL is your typical babygirl racer man. I swear this is an entire sub population of F1 racers and I love them. He’s ALWAYS winking or kissing at the cameras and looks so zesty when he poses with his hands on his hips (especially because he’s in that tiny jumpsuit). He drives his fans crazy and they make so many edits of him LOL *cue velocity edit of him taking his helmet off. He gets very serious during races though, he’s a top racer, and can get pretty riled up when things go wrong. If you were dating the man, expect to get spoiled and shown off A LOT. He’d protect you from paparazzi and crazy fans but will never stop flexing how pretty you are on his socials. Of course you reciprocate and he thinks its so cute when you make little photo edits of you two with hearts all over them.
ZAYNE is actually kind of a mystery man. He bursts onto the scene with immediate top 3 finishes in all the big races but never takes off his helmet. He’s always calm and only ever really gives a small thumbs up to cameras and nothing more. The mask kink crazies (me) are going feral over this man. His jumpsuit shows off his muscle and his voice is absurdly deep, bro has it all. When he does finally take off his helmet, it’s due to a crash and cracked helmet. The medical team needs to check his head so he has to remove it. He starts trending on twitter after that day. No wonder he hid his face this whole time. If you’re his partner he’d definitely tell you that he only wanted you to see him without the mask. He treats you like a princess, publicly escorting you places and always holding your hand. You cheer him on from the VIP suite at every single race.
XAVIER has been the longest standing champion despite all the hate. Of course he has a lot of fans as well but being in the spotlight so much naturally brings negativity. He purposely acts aloof and stupid to piss off his haters more when he inevitably wins the world cup. Those who really know him though are fully aware that he’s just acting. He’s unbelievably good at the sport and he does it all without breaking a sweat (not literally, like he actually sweats a lot LOL). There's definitely compilations of him breaking character during interviews where he actually says something intelligent or when he accidentally rizzes up his interviewer. If you two were dating it would probably just be a really sweet relationship that all his fans adore. Even the haters would probably think you’re pretty or be jealous. He tried to shield you from bad press and you think it's so cute he cares about you instead of himself in these situations. You of course do all you can to prevent paparazzi from getting to him too but he'll still kiss you in front of them.
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Thank you for reading!
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ladyjenise · 7 months
Thoughts on why Ganondorf makes "that face" in Tears of the Kingdom
I'm several months late, but I didn't want to post spoiler stuff when the game was fresh and, frankly, I had quite a whack summer. So here we are.
Anyway, onto the meta: my thoughts on why Ganondorf makes "that face" in Tears of the Kingdom.
Yes, this face:
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One of the first things I want to do is credit some rad metas that helped me along in my thought process:
-Discussion of Ganondorf's facial design from a technical and creative standpoint
-Discussion of Ganondorf's outfit
And now to the actual meta! Will include spoilers for Tears of the Kingdom.
When the screenshots of Ganondorf making "that face" first hit the internet, there was a lot of lol and wtf, which was fair. Most people weren't that far in the game yet. Actually, not sure it was even out yet (there was an early leaked ROM floating around at some point pre-release). I don't want to dwell much on people's initial reactions as I think if you're here reading you've already processed your initial feelings on seeing it. And your initial reaction of LOL WTF is fine. Out of context, it probably made little sense.
But let's talk about context: Ganondorf makes this face after killing Sonia for her Secret Stone. He's literally laughing over her dead body as Zelda calls out vainly to the fallen queen. It's a very heinous, dramatic act. And I think, in context, that confused people even more because his face, on first glance, feels over the top and silly for such a serious moment. However, it's not there because Nintendo's devs don't know what they're doing. At least, that's what I'm trying to argue here.
Let's discuss the build up to this scene in the story chronology: Ganondorf tries to use moldugas to attack the fledgling kingdom of Hyrule. It goes badly because Rauru, alongside Sonia and Zelda, are able to use Secret Stones of the Zonai to fend off the attack. It's a very lopsided victory.
Ganondorf takes a moment to pout before observing the Secret Stones. Ganondorf correctly observes that brute force will not be enough. Not one to sit back on his failures, Ganondorf is clearly already hatching a new plan. End of scene.
We next see Ganondorf at the court of Rauru and Sonia, bending the knee in what we know is a false act of fealty. Of course, this scene is a reference to the plot of Ocarina of Time (where we spy on Ganondorf through a window as he bends the knee to the King of Hyrule, who is out of the shot). it's also a glimpse of Ganondorf the schemer.
If you had not met Ganondorf before playing Tears of the Kingdom, you might actually think Ganondorf is just a mindlessly violent guy (and he is that too, don't get me wrong). You might not have expected this dude to roll up to the court of Hyrule and start playing the political game. His character design looks like the exact kind of guy who could punch your head clean off your body. Just look at him:
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He's a brick wall. He looks like a big tough guy, and maybe he's just some big dummy who only understands violence. It's a stereotype Nintendo has subverted again and again with his character. And there Ganondorf is at the court of Rauru serving backhanded compliments like a pro. And while Rauru assures Zelda that he knows Ganondorf is up to shit, he's really got Rauru convinced that he can handle him. As we shall see, Rauru was mistaken. But that's Ganondorf for you. His character is about subverting expectations. This is what makes him so very fun.
Even his costume, with the reversible robe, tells you a lot about who he is. On the outside, a calm, clever, cultured man. On the inside, he's ready to fuck your shit up. I love it.
Back to the scene.
After assuring Rauru he simply wants to play nice and have the protection of Hyrule, Ganondorf serves some cunty lines implying Rauru is an interloper and an outsider etc before leaving. And it's at this point I noticed that when Ganondorf takes his leave, he makes this really flourishing move with his arm that made me stop and think.
You can probably find the scene online somewhere, but here's a screenshot of what I mean:
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And note that he also uses his sleeved arm, creating that extra diva flourish as he goes. We also get a real good fast look at how colourful and different his sleeve is. He's turned his back to Rauru and the others after swearing his fealty. His changeable nature is displayed to the player. It's a nice wink and nod to Ganondorf's later betrayal. Only Zelda has a real inkling that he's really, really bad news and probably shouldn't even be there. But if you've played Ocarina of Time, you understand that Zelda isn't listened to until it's too late.
Returning to the flourish itself: Ganondorf didn't have to do this. And Nintendo didn't have to waste animation time having him do this. But they did. And they did it again when he laughs over Sonia's body. And they do it again when he swallows his Secret Stone. They just. keep. doing. it.
Why do all this extra dramatic animation for Ganondorf?
Those familiar with kabuki (a classical form of Japanese theatre) are probably screaming KABUKI, and I would agree. I didn't immediately get there at first only because my background was in another form of classical theatre: Greek (ask me about my unversity minor lol). I'm not going into a deep dive on either classical Greek theatre nor kabuki because that's a lot, I'm not really an expert or super familiar with the details, and I also think their Wikipedia pages will probably give you a decent summary of what you might want to learn details on. However, classic Greek theatre is old as shit and has a lot of great stories with characters you'll recognize. I recommend.
What I need you, dear reader, to understand about classic and ancient forms of theatre is their emphasis ON emphasis. It's a lot of what we might think of as exaggerated elements, over-the-top forms, and straight up spelling shit out to the audience. Real archaic shit. Because the world we are watching in these memories IS archaic to Link. There's 10,000 years between the memories we see and Link's time. It's like we, as Link, are viewing a kabuki play or a Greek play about stuff that happened then. It makes perfect sense to have Ganondorf act like he's in an ancient play. And that's how you get shit like this:
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This is all theatre.
But why is ancient theatre so weird? It's not. We think it looks weird because it's unfamiliar to us. Most of us don't grow up watching ancient plays. Even those of use who read Shakespeare in school are usually sweating through the now-archaic English (it was only 400-ish years ago!) You're not equipped, and that's cool.
And honestly, if you are familiar with Ganondorf, he truly is a creature of theatre. Just look at this castle he builds in Ocarina of Time:
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He destroyed Hyrule Castle to build this giant fucking castle levitating over a pit of lava. Like why? Because he CAN. Because he can't do anything in halves.
Also, his outfits. Look at this shit. He can't tone it down. I don't think he could if he tried.
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Coming back to Ganondorf's face when he kills Sonia: when Ganondorf's face contorts and he starts to laugh evilly, we are told in very certain terms that he's made a critical choice. If you weren't sure before, you're being told now: He's evil. There's no going back from this. And he's embracing it. There is zero remorse. Killing her was the act he needed to move from man to monster. It's very important that you, the player, understand this. It's a moral thing. And I don't mean like "If you like this character after you are a bad person" type of thing. That's not what I mean here (and what people who have weird obsessions on the internet often misunderstand just so they can start fights over dumb shit). What I mean is that the storytellers need you need to understand your character's motivations for wanting to fight this guy.
And the next scene plainly shows what I'm talking about: Ganondorf takes the Secret Stone and literally turns into a demon king. He's no longer a man. He's this other, immoral being now. Bye bye, human Ganondorf, hello monster Ganondorf! That's it.
Going back to his eating of the Secret Stone, which changes Ganondorf from good ol' demon king to the for realsies demon dragon, he says some lines about giving up his "body" and "mind" and, frankly "everything", just so he can win. But also it's a desperate last attempt at keeping hold of the power that has so horribly blinded him to the truth.
That last part is ironic for Ganondorf, a man who was clever enough to get into the heart of Hyrule, steal their powerful relic, kill the queen and ALMOST become king. Because that's his ultimate failing. He's smart, clever, and his wins get the better of him. His addiction to power means he never stops to consider he might have weaknesses he cannot yet see, or that, as Rauru warns him, his arrogance and blind faith in his own abilities and talents might be his downfall.
In a way, the story is just as much about Link searching for Zelda and Zelda trying to figure out her role in the world as it is about the fall of a powerful man. Is it tragic that Ganondorf let himself become so corrupted by power that it would slowly transform him from man to demon? I guess it depends on who you ask, really. (I think it's fucking cool)
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
But do you actually think Hannibal would treat Will right if they got together? I get the shipping and enjoying fics, but sounds ooc tbh
Surprise for you, I actually think Will would be a lot worse. I think he'd be abusive and rude and Hannibal would look like a poor little guy next to him. And I'd love to see the redemption arc of antis (or that one existing anti lol) going on and on about how awful Hannibal is to Will, to suddenly realizing their cop pookie is the fucking devil lol.
Will loves Hannibal but is resentful towards that love, so he takes it out on Hannibal. We got a glimpse of it in the honey trap plot, where they were almost murder husbanding, and Will was so cunty and "ugh you are the worst, you should die, I might kill you, beware, fucking bitch" and being passive agressive, meanwhile Hannibal was making fanart and heart eyeing him in every scene.
This is NOT a discussion about Will being right or wrong, if Hannibal deserves it or not, I'm just pointing something out.
And I love it. Media is an outlet for catharsis, I'm not ignorant and can enjoy something toxic in fiction while understanding that it is toxic and wrong in real life. Don't know why yall get so pressed about it, like yeah, they are toxic, no shit, brother.
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lettingtimepass · 7 months
Loki Season 2 Finale Watch #2 Thoughts and Feelings (Spoilers)
Ok, it's time for round 2 of pain!!!
THE INTRO IN REVERSE!!! God that’s sexy.
Mobius immediately noticing something’s up when Loki came back 😭
"It looks like Mobius but it's actually Victor Timely" asjdkalks Loki pls was that necessary
"I'm a-coming I'm a-coming" 😭
*Deadpan* "Be Brave. You're being so brave."
Loki laughing and tearing up when Victor finally does it - I'm so sorry my baby boy 😭
Why does Victor say "Pumpkins" after he comes back hahaha
The fact that the camera is flipped in the Loki/Sylvie and Loki/Mobius scenes is a cool editing trick.
Is it just me or did Johnthan use a slightly different voice for HWR? I wonder if it's just because he's being more honest with Loki?
Also did HWR give Loki the ability to timeslip once he went through the door? Kind of a cheap explanation but ehh.
*Loki: Stops time* "And what makes you think this is the first time we've had this conversation? 👉" That's cunty sir. 🔥
I absolutely love the theory that the 8-year-old boy Mobius couldn't prune was Loki 😭 And that's what originally caused Mobius to study Loki.
The fact that Loki actually got to spend hundreds of years with his friends - but they were all spent frantically trying to save a world that couldn't be saved. 💔
Someone needs to put Loki's transformation and Thor's appearance in Wakanda side by side 😭😭😭 Sunshine brothers saving the day...
When Loki breaks the loom, rainbows are reflected on everyone's faces... gay rights 🌈
The parallel of the gangway and the Bifrost...... Loki's actions caused the destruction of the Bifrost. Now he'll use this bridge to fix everything.
I think it's just a coincidence that the Time Stone is green, but it's a really, really good coincidence.
"I made the hard choices, I get the big chair." Sighhhhhh.
The gold being pulled up the chair?? What good effects.
The reveal of the TREE!!!! I was shooketh!!! Like it makes so much sense considering the timelines were referred to as "branches" the entire time but I didn't see it coming!!! It's so damn beautiful!!!
Do we think they're able to see the Tree in place of the Loom in the TVA?
The little poster that says "Let's Grow Together" is so damn adorable 🥺 Under it says "Nurture our Nature of a Stable Future." And the Tree Monitor is so cool!!!
I wasn't expecting Miss Minutes to come back lol
Sad Mobius not having a purpose at the TVA without Loki 😭😭😭
...What DID happen to Timely? Did they just put him back on his branch?
What do we think was different in the new TVA handbooks that OB unboxes? I guess maybe just info about the Tree and maintaining all the branches instead of the Loom and the Sacared Timeline.
When Mobius and Sylvie are talking on the branch, the green and gold light is only on Mobius. Between that and Loki explicitly hearing Mobius' words, that's basically the confirmation that Loki did all this for Mobius. As one twitter user put it, Lokius Nation, we won, but at what cost?
Also. GREATEST SCORE OF ALL TIME! NATALIE HOLT!!! I can't wait for the final part to drop 🖤
Disney Plus suggesting Secret Invasion after is actually so insulting 😩
Okay, I definitely enjoyed that better the second time when my heart wasn't fucking racing for 55 straight minutes 🙃
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spoilers for iwtv s2e4
my thoughts after a rewatch:
i know claudia hates the baby loves window play but she ate up that little song
the lulu role really is so humiliating :(
louis’ expressions whenever he watches these plays always kills me lmao he hates theater kids
louis and armand talking over each other to daniel
armands theater notes lol
claudia no eyebrow big eyeliner look is kinda cunty ngl
im a fan of sam the irish vampire
making claudia be lulu all the time oooh armand i hate u so bad
almost threw up watching louis and armand give different answers to the companion question IN FRONT OF THE COVEN that shit was so embarrassing
i wouldve kms if i was armand
vamp catfight
armand stuck in this situationship dont worry king we’ve all been there😔
literally telling each other i love you and still having the what are we conversation
“do you notice how hot the room gets when you two talk about the secret” plsssss
louis only able to use the fire gift when hes angry👀👀 gee i wonder if thats gonna come back👀👀👀👀👀
louis going🤨🤨 to the schizophrenia question like it came out of nowhere
armands face while louis talked about dreamstat why not just shoot me in the head
loving these dutch angles whenever daniel dissociates and gets an armand memory
santiago looks so good in the gold suit? robe thing??
claudia santiago friendship is killing me santiago i know what u are
claudia killing the guy singing baby lu
i like that you can tell claudias french has gotten better. nice small detail
i love scenes of louis and claudia just talking about non vampire things
santiago mimicking louis was pretty cool
buffoon sighting!!!
whole dinner scene bangs
the guy saying theres smth “fragile” about armand in the photo louis took and louis saying “no he’s anything but” and then the guy saying “you’ve captured the soul he hides” 🤌🤌
louis would never survive a 4 hour art school critique
daniel telling a girl he’d only do her if she had a paper bag over her head??????
claudeline truthers how are we feeling
context for the eating paper clip in the trailer
armand is so down bad its sick
madeline tailoring a yellow dress for claudia😟😟
the whole claudeline interaction was great
the way armand talks about marius
“no one has painted me in 400 years” fuck
madeline period blood moment. theres so much here about femininity and maturing might make a separate post about this scene
armand pinning claudia against a wall armand i hate you so bad
we already know that armand is powerful but seeing him choke and manhandle santiago really solidified that i think
picked another one over me!!
delainey is ACTINGGGGG
louis not believing claudia about armand ooooh louis i hate you so bad
love makes you stupid clock it
louis still referring to claudia as his daughter in his head (thru dreamstat)
louis just actively talking to himself girl do that in your head
park bench moment <3
“wanker” i giggled sorry
that suit is his favorite on him :(
“im a little wet” and armand instantly pulling out an umbrella, armand lighting his cigarette, armand calling him maitre
louis calling him arun and armand calling him maitre and then louis throwing away the lighter this fucking scene is cinematic art
the other coven members calling santiago maitre
i kinda like that daniel can hear them arguing from another room. i feel like its a very human experience? really domestic? even given the circumstances
armands eyes were never brown!!!
san francisco flashback episode might kill me im not kidding
insane way to end the episode
ok this was much longer than i thought it would be but this episode has a lot in it. each episode gets better and better and this is definitely my favorite of the season so far.
i am LOVING louis and armands relationship and also both of their story arcs and characterizations. their dynamic is kind of the opposite of what i, and i think a lot of other people, expected but it still makes total sense and im enjoying it a lot
god i love this show
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roszabell · 1 year
Hetalia on America's Next Top Model
my headcanons w the characters i immediately thought of for how they would do on the show, this is wildly useless and niche but i'm a geek for it ( i got two people saying i should post this again and ily, lmk if i should do a part 2 / please suggest characters 👀 )
Elizabeta, top challenge winner, they probably do her so dirty in her makeover and turn her blonde, that one girl that has a partner back home and is ACTUALLY LOYAL, never starts fights with gilbert but always finishes them, kind of the unofficial house leader, tyra always highlights her muscles, really versatile for shoots, probably calls at least three photographers misogynistic, falls on the runway bc of heels but the quick recovery saves her that round
Mathieu is the like adorable 17 year old amateur that tyra found on the street, has the shittiest runway walk ever, big and awkward with his body (but tyra is obsessed with his ass and natural booty tooching lol), jock-type photos, wins best photo 2-3 times but is always in the bottom of challenges, panel constantly tells him that he needs to believe in himself more, "i just really don’t want to let tyra down TwT"
Francis is also often the challenge winner bc he’s literally down with doing anything (wink), basically adopts mathieu loves braiding his hair during downtime/behind the scenes and always chooses him for the tyra suite whenever he wins best photo, panel criticizes him for always falling back on being ‘too sexy’ in shoots and he’s not very versatile, gets in trouble for flirting with photographers, is the mom of the house and always cooks for everyone, invested in all the drama
Arthur, hes adored, the panel won’t shut up about his "high-fashion look," he scrapes by every week just by his social media scores bc of his devoted fan following, given a lip piercing n undercut for his makeover, (and the eyebrows STAY bc it’s High Fashion), constantly has beef with brianboy bc he’s a stubborn asshole during shoots , definitely makes it to Top 3 despite such high elimination risk bc of the attitude
Gilbert, the token Unique model due to his albinism, thinks he’s the shit but tbh hes always in bottom two, starts most of the drama in the house, has an insanely  badass runway walk its seriously so cunty, is probably given a complete buzz cut for his makeover and won’t shut up about it (but secretly is really insecure),  sharp features and best smize ever, but rob evans always says he relies too much on his muscles n sucks at Head to Toe modeling
Katya is BEST GIRL in the house, the token Curvy one they always praise for representation but is probably cut in like round three because of the actual fatphobia, everyone cries so hard when she leaves, has a really classic vibe, is seen as innocent but takes really fierce photos, really close to her family at home (leans on sob stories), shes the one that returns and gets back in the game when theres a Comeback episode
Michelle brings all the fun, high spirits lighten the tension for shoots and takes really bubbly energetic photos, amazing pout and expressive eyes, smoothest runway walk like she’s floating, everyone’s friend in the house but is secretly so fucking cutthroat competitive in her asides, cutesy aesthetic despite her age, is constantly criticized because she can’t pull off serious shoots, probs makes it to Top 3
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eirianerisdar · 5 months
hi!! firstly, thank you for the update on icarus, and i'm so so sorry that these past few months have been rough for you. as much as i love reading the new chapters, i hope you're able to take time for you and your health and sanity. i'm more than willing to wait longer for a new chapter on a fun lil fic if it means that you stay healthy and okay. i hope things get better for you!! <3
but i also wanted to say, christian was so cunty in this chapter and i GOBBLED that shit up!! his smirk and wink to toto??? his quiet confidence knowing he has that chickenshit exactly where he wants him??? the monologue of how golden eagles hunt??? he is the moment in this chapter!! (i also love how it was immediately followed by him constantly checking in on max lol)
i also loved how george doesn't even know that he's going through a wing crisis, and sees his trimming as a commitment to the team rather than a personal decision. i can't wait to see how george and toto talk about it (and i (morbidly) can't wait to find out what that crunch was that made him black out)!
anyway, i loved the whole chapter, and i can't wait to see what comes next! i really like how you're intertwining the different plot lines you've laid throughout the whole fic, like how carlos and charles made their race weekend preening system down to a science and while the readers know why, the other drivers don't (even if some have some guesses). brilliant!
i hope that things get a little less rough for you soon as well. much love!! <3
Thank you! Work has really been dragging me down even more than usual lately so it's lovely to see the response to the new chapter of Icarus.
I've been looking forward to writing Christian confronting Zak for a good number of chapters and it was so satisfying to write. Christian and Toto is another dynamic I have scenes planned for a few chapters on that I'm setting up now; they are the kind of rivals that are really emotional-support frenemies but don't want to admit it.
George's disregard for his own health in an effort to show his commitment to the team is going to hit him in the face quite soon. he isn't quite going through a wing crisis yet - only severe wing stress and wing dysmorphia, both of which he has zero insight about. The next chapter will directly compare the Christian-Daniel and Toto-George dynamics and I'm so looking forward to it.
All the different subplots are merging, and each will reach their shatterpoint soon. I'm really looking forward to covering the rest of 2022 and early 2023. What happened to Daniel has far-reaching consequences, from the grid itself to the older generation between Jenson and the others.
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mellowmin · 7 months
Lmao I'm on a fnaf frenzy sorry not sorry
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But I was just thinking who in mha would be good for a watch party and these are my thoughts so far:
FNAF Movie Spoilers ahead!
• Jirou is a casual enjoyer, got into the fandom because of the music lol so she loves The Living Tombstone and wants to see if they'll make it to the movie's soundtrack. Her fave song would be I got no time (not bc its my obsession at the moment or anything lol what).
She would put on an all black outfit with striped sleeves and leg warmers, do some loosely puppet inspired make up and call it a day.
• Tokoyami bc of course, come on. Look at him -a horror kid and a theater kid at the same time- he can't not like fnaf come on dude like.
His fave game would probs be Fnaf4 or maybe a fanmade like TJOC or Jr's.
What I'm still debating on is whether or not he would dress up for the movie (maybe like a securitiy guard or like puppet?? Or perhaps he'd just wear a formal suit Idk)
• Shinsou also just gives me the vibe, but I feel like he'd be a little more interested in the lore than the games, like he would play the easier ones but the more stressful games? Lol no he'll just watch Mark suffer for him. Thinks Security Breach sucks though.
He'd be one of those people complaining about the fort scene but Deku shuts him up real fast on that one (THEY'RE KIDS SHINSOU THE GHOSTS ARE LITTLE CHILDREN AND BESIDES IT'S RELATED TO THE PLO-)
Would dress up as either grunge or cunty purple guy
• DEKU OMG DEKU DUDE. A HARDCORE FAN. He's Mathew Patrick's no1 follower, probably follows every single one of his channels and is basically just a matpat 2.0 when it comes to making theories to be honest.
He's consumed every single piece of fnaf media possible and goes crazy analyzing every single detail on this film. I feel like talking/ranting/gushing to him ab this movie would be so much fun (but you have to be somewhat well-versed in the lore lol).
Screams through 60% of the movie, whether it is from goddamn Balloon Boy or from excitement. Will rewatch it any time he has the chance to.
Also he'd probably like the super complicated games like Fnaf2, Sister Location or UCM on all max lol. Would dress up but keep it lowkey (like a brown shirt, a little hat and Freddy ears omg what a cutie)
• Maybe Kaminari? But I feel like he'd only play Security Breach or the roblox versions of the games lmao.
He'd simp hard for Vanny/Vanessa while still being scared shitless of her chases. Other than that he'd probably rather just watch his friends play the games from a safe distance (and with the lights on). Simps hard for both Mike and Vanessa in the movie lol (maybe Afton too? Who knows).
In it for the memes 100%, he WILL start singing 'harr harr harr harr harr' in the theater at any point in the movie if he's not supervised.
Would dress up either matching deku or as toy chica (and I mean obnoxious game-accurate make up, hot pink booty shorts, a crop top and the apron- only because they told him he wasn't allowed in the theater without a shirt on)
That's it lmao but you can add anything in the tags/comments
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Today my classes got canceled bc public transport isn’t working (buses, subways, trains, etc) as drivers are on strike so I finally had the time to watch The Chuch On Ruby Road !!
Here are some of my opinions:
I know we get to see him in The Giggle, but that's just a fraction of what we get to see in this episode. I love his energy, his voice, and how nice and approachable he seems as The Doctor. You can see that he loves his job and that he loves being The Doctor, and that he will crush this job.
AND MILLIE GIBSON? LOVE HER. LOOOOVE HER. Her accent is magnificent, her personality, her EVERYTHING. I know I’ll love Ruby Sunday very much (I already do, I can’t hate companions).
HER OUTFITS ARE ALSO GORGEOUS !! I know they’ll be fighting for their lives with cunty outfits this new season and I’m all here for it.
It’s funny how she just roll with everything like she wasnt that shocked as I’d have expected. It was like “oh this alien who had a hot wet summer with Harry Houdini is helping me save the foster baby that just came to my home from this coincidence-eating goblings? yeah ok valid.”
I’m so excited to know her origins. I don’t know if I really care who her biological mother is, BECAUSE CARLA IS HER MOTHER AND SHES WONDERFUL. But I want to know what RTD has in mind for her and where she comes from. I have my theories but they’re like… trashy and stupid so I want to know what the real deal will be.
The thing I love most about RTD episodes are how he shows that companions still have families outside of their TARDIS life. Like with some other companions I felt like it was like, three episodes where their family appeared and then they were just gone forever.
Rose and Jackie, Martha and Francine, Donna and Sylvia. I loved these interactions and how much it affected the companions and the whole plot. So Carla being present in Ruby’s life and the series is something important for me and I’m really looking forward to see how her interactions will affect.
Now, to the goblings…
Look, the whole gobling situation was really bizarre and funny. It made me really uncomfortable when the camera zoomed to their faces and I couldn’t stop thinking “why are they doing that? It looks like when my friends took really bad zoomed pictures”. It didn’t happened like, one time, IT WAS EVERY TIME. Also, when they jumped and danced was really funny and so strange they looked like Mii characters.
WHEN JANICE GLOBING STARTED SINGING!! THAT IS CINEMA!!. Her saying the many ways they could eat Lulubelle (I agree with the doctor, that is a great name), I was shocked, I couldn’t stop laughing and how silly the whole scene was.
Idk why people hate The Doctor and Ruby’s song. I heard many people criticizing the lyrics but the song was actually good. It was improvised by The Doctor and Ruby so it couldn’t be majestic (not like the gobling song lol), but they did great with what they had. I would have made a mess and just start singing something cringy just to annoy them, so Ruby really killed it with those lyrics. And the vocals? GOD THE VOCALS. I LOVE HOW MILLIE AND NCUTI SING!! IM REALLY EXCITED FOR THAT BEATLES EPISODE NOW (I was before watching TCORR bc im a huge Beatles fan but now that I heard them sing? ohh I can’t wait).
The resolution was meh but I was more interested in the characters so I didn’t rally cared tbh I wasn’t expecting it to be something astounding.
Overall, I loved the episode as as a whole (4/5) and I think is a good first episode for Ncuti and Millie.
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forcebookish · 11 months
BL tag game :)
Thanks @itsmelb for tagging me! I've only been in Thai BL fandom since April and seen five BLs (one of which I still haven't finished!!! Two episodes to go of MSP!!!! It being taken down from YouTube really fucked up my flow), so😅 There's not going to be a lot of variety among them.........................................
Favorite Thai BL: A Boss and A Babe, obviously. (The Eclipse is second.)
Favorite Pairing: ForceBook, also obviously😅
Most underrated actor: Again, I've only been here four months so I don't know that many actors or the attitudes of the fandom, but I have seen Book get a lot of shit piled on him... and like, he's a great actor??? I'm not convinced that anyone who says he's bad are actually paying attention to the performance. Whatever, fandom be crazy
Favorite Character: Once again obvious, Gun Gungawin orz he's one of my favorite characters, period, not just in BL
Favorite Side Character: Win Thanawin from My School President. I just love how angry he is lol and that he's secretly caring - that's like The Recipe for an instant fave for me. Pa from Bad Buddy might be tied with him🤔
Favorite Scene in a BL: Uhhhhh, I know I've previously said the car kiss scene from A Boss and A Babe and the home gym fight from Enchante are my favorite scenes in those respective series, but it's actually probably this one since I've likely watched it the most 👉👈
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(I'm even writing fic about it.) I love how they oscillate between urgency and contentment. They go from speaking about how much they missed each other and want to be together to this need for each other to just being happy kissing until the world ends. It's sweet, it's hot, it's everything to me.
Favorite line in a BL:
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It cuts me so deep. It says so much about Gun as a character and a gay man, it perfectly demonstrates the main theme of the series (and how much it's not just about the CEO/intern thing, but homophobia in the workplace), and it's the first time that Gun (seriously and confidently) acknowledges that they're both in love.
Most anticipated BL (& why): THESE ARE SO OBVIOUS HAHAHA Only Friends, because ForceBook lmao. Absolutely looking forward to Force playing a cunty bitch 🫠
Healthiest relationship in a BL: Don't care
Most toxic relationship in a BL: Dooooon't care
Guilty pleasure series: I GUESS Enchante. There are actually quite a lot of things I don't like about it that made my first watch kind of a slog, but I keep coming back to it because of AkkTheo (who I'm also writing fic about orz). When I have actual guilty pleasures, I don't tell anyone, but I genuinely have only seen the five mentioned 😅
Tagging: @forcebook (I think you were already tagged tho lol) @seatawinans @athousandbyeol @ellasaru12 @sssneakiest @force-book @forcebookbrainrot
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edgepunk · 11 months
for the character ask game (if it hasn't been asked yet): Insomniac Peter Parker!
First impression: it's been exactly five years since I got my first taste of him (I watched the game on youtube bc I didn't have a ps4) and it was so refreshing to see an experienced adult Peter Parker after an onslaught of teenage Peters in mainstream media. I loved how funny and witty he was and didn't rely on T*ny St*rk
Impression now: My sweetest boy, he is the human version of a golden retriever. However, I do wish he was a little bit more cunty like in the comics lol but given how the main 616 run is like atm. yeahh,,,,, this is def my fav version of Peter Parker now
Favorite moment: The scene where he saves Miles from a bunch of thugs and shows him how to punch better!!! It was such a sweet moment between them and a nice little wink wink nudge nudge moment to show us that he'll become Miles' mentor
Idea for a story: Insomniac is already blessing us the black suit arc, which I wanted so badly bc the first game left Peter in a pretty tough spot. So, I'm just gonna sit back and watch how they'll handle it.
Unpopular opinion: As much as I bitched about the face change, I got used to it and people need to calm tf down. Sony is a multimillion dollar corporation, they're not going to listen to you, they're not gonna pull a Sonic movie. They're too busy wiping their fake tears with dollar bills. Get over it.
Favorite relationship: I like his mentor/big brother relationship with Miles. I was clutching my chest whenever he and Miles talked to each other in MM and how Peter was 101% ready to leave Symkaria if Miles told him so. But also, he trusts Miles enough to handle himself. Also, his relationship with Otto was utterly heartbreaking. Peter looked up to him so much and had such high hopes for the future, but alas. And I'm sure we're gonna see parallels in the sequel when Peter is gonna get the symbiote, and his relationship with Miles is gonna plummet.
Favorite headcanon: He's bi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Send me a character
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gregoftom · 9 months
Re: Greg hating Shiv.
I do agree they have a very unfriendly relationship and it is 100% over the fact that Greg chooses Tom (or rather Tom chooses him lol) that veers close to hate because of who she is and how she treats everybody, especially Tom.
However, I can totally see a world where if Shiv and Tom were an actual team instead of her treating him like shit, the 3 of them could be a fucking powerhouse, covering every angle and take everything from under Logan/Ken.
Because at the very beginning of the show we see Greg choosing Shiv over Rome with the papers thing in ep 1 (which is also the thing that killed Greg in Rome's mind, he didn't do the one thing he asked so Greg was dead to him after that).
So potentially Greg was totally down to do Shiv's bidding and then he got close to Tom and became Tom's Greg and nobody paid any attention to what either of them did.
I love the scene at Caroline's wedding when the 3 of them are talking about Comfrey and making fun of Rome. The potential that trio had was totally untapped with how fucked up Tom and Shiv are, so naturally Tom and Greg gravitated toward each other, which is turn makes Shiv not give a fuck if they don't serve her purposes.
Even in s4, Greg was willing to negotiate with Shiv and all she did was threaten him (which we all know doesn't work lol) because at that point she is the one that hates Greg for having a rapport with Matsson and obviously supporting Tom all this time.
I don't even like Shiv but that scene at the wedding has such a grip on me for some reason!
i think that's the point though - shiv and tom and greg are supposed to all be at odds. i do not think there would be quite so much of an issue with ts relationship if greg were not around. like obviously they would have their fights, tom would be miserable, shiv would be bored and unable to be vulnerable with him etc. the events would still happen, but i think greg is a huge wrench in the works as well. america decides helps show this too, when tom moves into a room and greg makes to follow, shiv tries to physically block him from getting to him lmao. the show makes pretty pointed parallels and cinematography to indicate that tg are having at the very least an emotional affair and i don't think shiv would ever tolerate something like that, and she wouldn't tolerate someone else being chosen/preferred over her and like. that's not exactly a nice feeling anyway lmao, so...
i mean i don't think he Hates shiv or anything he doesn't want her dead lmao but you know. he doesn't like her. he dislikes her and that's fine bc she dislikes him too. wrt the beginning of the show he ended up choosing her because she appeared much more personable than roman and like he probably thought she could potentially be nice to him, and perhaps he gravitated more towards females because he's used to having his mother and like, she's not the nicest in the world to him but she's pretty decent so it makes sense.
and i mean even if greg hated somebody he would try to negotiate with them first of all, because it's easier and it's efficient and it gets him with good backup, that's just how he is naturally. no matter who the person was he would try to do the same thing i think. but yeah no there were multiple reasons imo that she ended up doing what she did instead and threatened him, but that wasn't the particular reason greg did what he did. he did it for tom, shiv was just the only person who could have saved herself. like, if she had offered something instead of threaten him she could've saved herself. but alas lmao.
i really like that scene too but i think for different reasons askJADLKJ like. i feel like shiv is being pretty cunty to greg and tom is Kinda joining in BUT he's giving greg these looks like. these kind of affair looks lmao. little smiles and bursting with happiness almost as though he knows what is going to happen later on.
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axreliono · 10 months
for the WIP game: 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 21
please and thank you <3
TYSM @cregan-starks!!!!!!!!! <3
ok here we go
1 - "Give a 5-word summary of this fic."
anti-galaxy-exploding mission ft idiots.
LMAO thats sort of 5 words. it feels like 5 so i'll let it slide.
3 - "Who's your favourite character for this fic?"
okay so. so. SO. this is gonna b a long answer.
first of all it v much feels like a kiyoomi centric fic ik there's a lot of atsumupov but it is His fic and by god i love him. he's so cunty and sarcastic and also loving and loyal???? and smart??? my fuckin guy.
hanamaki. hes my everything. everythingggg. chaos idiot. loudmouth. joker. gremlin.
SAEKO. shes not in this enough. also chaos but in the cool swag way. my girlfriend. everyone's older sister. a huge help. a wink and a grin always. a blaster in hand. beloved.
one of those 3 lol
6 - "Does this fic have any twists that you’re proud of?"
okay there ARE but i cant SPOIL IT OH MY GOD. one of them is actually coming up soon. long story short Someones trauma may be caused indirectly by the actions of someone else in the group... that's not rlly a twist. I'm dumb
OK LOOK in the sequel there is this HUGE twist and I'm so fucking excited u don't even get it. so. the emperor this whole time has been like portraying himself as this benevolent sickly old man who loves all and wants unity and his 2nd in command takes all the shit for the atrocities. but lets just say the benevolent old man is a good self defense in case of public anger and his 2nd does not have the power she thinks she does. (:
11 - "What scene are you most hyped for this fic?"
As previously mentioned in a reblog the fucking inunaki/komori chaos rescue is my fucking everything i cant wait to write it. but also. the final battle to the greenhouse weapon problem oh my god. also in the sequel yachi and terushima have to go on a heist to steal the empires source of money (i promise i came up w this idea before andor came out) and fuck am i excited
13 - "What common trope(s) do you feel are used in this fic?"
enemies to lovers for sure there r a few but also friends to lovers. reconciliation. forced proximity. found family!!!! that sort of thing.
tysm for these asks i had SO MUCH FUN. agh i love this fucking wip
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jyndor · 2 years
Why do you think Melshi and the ship with Cassian is having way more attention than Bix and her past love story with him?
you and I both know what it is anon, but I see a few factors.
melshi is a white guy, fandoms love their slash ships especially with white guys. fangirls in particular like to erase all women, especially woc, from being "in the way" of their slash ships so they can get their rocks off while not struggling with internalized misogyny. hold that thought, I'm gonna come back to it.
bix and cass admittedly haven't spent a whole lot of time together building on their connection, in fact all of their scenes together have been pretty clear in them being each other's past and needing boundaries between them to move forward.
okay, so melshi and cass have just met and have this undeniable connection, and sure bix and cass have a sort of toxic vibe going on, but this is fandom. fandom doesn't care about toxicity. fandom cares about chemistry and vibes and are they hot??? and let's keep it real, bix and cass DEFINITELY HAVE CHEMISTRY AND VIBES. and yeah they're two of the hottest people lol like you'd think there would be a really toxic element of fandom loving their toxic dynamic, but there really isn't much of one. some people like me are pretty disappointed with bix's treatment and with how their relationship has played out, and some people do seem to ship them but there really are very little fan creations for them as a ship.
and it isn't like cassian has a fandom of people who are against shipping him with women. lol contrary to these idiot anons' beliefs, rebelcaptain is a very well liked ship for rogue one, probably the most popular. now I don't want to compare bix and jyn's dynamics with cassian because they're clearly meant to do two different things, and they're like apples and oranges. and jyn has more time with cassian on screen than bix does so far. but does felicity being white play a role? probably.
and then you look at ao3. why is it that cassian has more reader insert fic than he does with the literal established characters in the show? with bix, his first love? like I do not enjoy on-and-off again dynamics, I'd love it if they can move the fuck on, but undoubtedly they're worthy of some attention. I mean, even in my wips with rebelcaptain as the main ship, I'm trying to write bix and cassian properly, to give them the weight they deserve. they have an interesting, compelling dynamic regardless of the ending.
and in rogue one's fandom I'm sure there are plenty of reader insert fic with cassian and without jyn, but there's a lot less. and definitely there's a fair bit of ooc jyn and cass fic that makes me think it's reader insert in disguise.
but to me I think it's racism. of course it's racism. a lot of the melshi x cass stuff is based on misogyny and racism. but imo the reason why there's more reader insert x cass fic than bix x cass fic is because of racism, too. they're finding it hard to put themselves in bix's place long enough to let cassian rail her or whatever lmfao.
I mean I understand why cassian's girlfriend from niamos gets no recognition. its a shame but yeah she was on screen for two minutes and doesn't know his real name. BUT again I'm like really? hot lady over here naked in cassian's bed isn't enough for you? oh right, she's Black.
I don't know if it would be different had we seen some of young bix and cassian's relationship, but like come on for people who don't give a fuck about on and off again relationships or like how healthy a relationship is, which I KNOW fandom doesn't care about since reylo is a fucking thing, I think it might not have made much of a difference.
you know what it is anon. and you're right.
ps I wrote exes!cass and melshi ages ago, but apparently I'm homophobic for not saying they're endgame and that jyn and bix are cunty for getting in the way~~~~ or whatever lol
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mothhball · 3 months
after the other person noticed your pfp i looked at it and I DIED. why is he so miserable LMAO
hes so cunty and coquette i love it
ALSO are you up for writing about someone other than crane ?? i love those stories SO MUCH
but if you want you should totally write about neil lewis hehe
Tbh I still need to watch The Delinquent Season completely, but the scenes of Cillian's character crying because of the consequences of his own actions are SUCH a mood
I, too, cry about things that were completely avoidable and my own fault, but I look nowhere near as pretty as him lol
I'm glad you enjoy my stuff so far! I do have some ideas for Neil, but if you'd like some specific tropes, feel absolutely free to request them!
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