#look omegaverse is very silly and you can do whatever you like in it
not-poignant · 7 months
Hi! I apologize if you've spoken abt this already, bur how come ruts aren't really a thing in the UtR verse? Anton mentioned he's never had one, and they're very rare - is there a biological reason for it? Did Gary ever have one? (Starting to see what he is like during regular sex, I feel like he'd commit actual murder-by-cock during ruts fjfnfjnfjf) Anyway, love your writing to bits!!
Hi anon!
So I'm gonna write an essay, buckle up (I always write an essay on this stuff, I can't help it, I signed a contract at birth that said I would)
Firstly, ruts are sort of a 'new invention' in the omegaverse landscape. And by new I mean I'm really old and some people don't remember omegaverse without it. But I sure do! Only omegas went into heat, because heat indicated hyperfertility, and alphas were already hyperfertile without a rut. That was the whole point. You know, that's why they make such a perfect match. Hyperfertile mate meet hyperfertile mate.
They didn't need a rut.
Ruts came along later, and honestly in most of the fiction I've read that have them, ruts are very rarely written, and are often more like a threat hanging in the background. A sort of 'lol make sure you have food and water because like people go to hospital if they're in rut / heat at the same time.' Literal just about fuck-or-die situation. Or fuck-and-die. Probably more like fuck-and-who-cares-about-anything-else.
Anyone who has ever fucked a lot in a marathon session knows that eventually you just need carbs. *coughs*
Ruts are conceptually a TON of fun to think about. It's like authors went 'you know what hyperfertile alphas need? Something like a heat, that also makes them completely out of control.'
The thing is... alphas could already go completely out of control around an omega for a lot of reasons. It happened in fated mates stories. It happened in 'an omega is in heat and I just can't help it' (oh bless all those noncon omegaverse stories we have which are literally 'you just smelled so good you had to be mine'). A lot of the things ruts are supposed to achieve, already can easily be achieved in omegaverse.
Conceptually, ruts can be interesting as 'the alpha is also super vulnerable and helpless and needy during this time' but it's almost never written that way and it's not how I like to think about it. And in terms of worldbuilding, the places where it's made the most sense has almost always been as a dystopian thing that's almost dreaded by both the alphas and omegas (and everyone else) alike, and is just as much likely to be controlled by suppressants as heats, because no one likes to turn into an Automatic robot rapist. (Even though that's basically what many alphas become if they smell an omega in heat, I'm not saying ruts are the Department of Redundancy Deparment or anything, but they're a little bit like City of Redundancy in the shire of Redundancy population Already Covered In General Omegaverse tropes in the country of But It's Fun Anyway continent of Redundant.)
I love reading stories with rut worldbuilding but I have to suspend my disbelief so hard. And I know, I know, you kind of have to do that with omegaverse anyway, but there just comes a point where it's like 'but...the heat...triggers a response in alphas...thats mean a rut...is not needed...because that's what the heat does.' In some ways it takes some power and strength away from the symbolism of the omega's heat (romantically it's very interesting as the trope that renders the often hypermasculine character as so helpless to the omega that they basically have to have sex with them (guess what a rut is? Same same not different! Okay it can be different. It's often not though.))
As a result, I personally like worldbuilding that differentiates a general alpha response to an omega's heat, to a rut. And therefore if a rut is the more extreme version of a general 'must fuck' alpha response, it's likely to go pretty not...great. Much like unfulfilled heats are often characterised as agonising, I like to think of ruts are potentially very fatal. (Warning! Warning! The hypermasculinity levels are critical, boss! He's gonna blow! This time his heart! Not his cock!)
The worldbuilding mentioned in the chapter you're referring to - in the Underline the Rainbow universe - states that ruts are vestigial. It's killed too many alphas who have experienced it.
It basically knocked itself out of the genetic line, in the same way that peak alphas are going the same way because people just don't do great living like that in a functional society.
Also consider the...setting of the story if you will. This is a place where we're rehabilitating omegas and helping them recover from extreme trauma. The professional response to 'I go into rut all the time' alpha companion candidates is 'see a health professional, you can never ever ever ever ever be a companion here, because we...care about our omegas, and don't think your rut takes precedent over their health during a heat. Go away.'
None of these alphas go into rut! None of them should! It would be terrible from a story perspective (I mean, for me. I'm writing trauma recovery).
The only alpha on the grounds who potentially could go into rut is Caleb, I think he has the disposition for it. And I think it would be speedily suppressed with heavy doses of medication for the safety of any omega near him.
The thing that really frustrates me from a worldbuilding perspective is that in some ways, heats make sense. It's a fertile period for an animal that cannot afford the physiological cost of being that fertile all the time. That's it. In humans who already have menstrual cycles (which create fertility windows so the woman or person with the uterus doesn't have to be consistently fertile the same amount all the time), this makes actual biological sense.
Ruts in omegaverse don't even mean what they mean in nature, it's so frustrating. In nature, ruts are sort of connected to mates, but not about fucking them endlessly most of the time. It's about competing with rivals. Going into rut is marking your territory, attacking fellow stags (sometimes to the death), and keeping hold of your herd or flock. This makes...much less biological sense. It's not how it's written in fiction most of the time, and it's really just 'what if heat but alpha.' I'd love if ruts were 'HHH I have to FIGHT every ALPHA I SEE to the DEATH or at least MEASURE MY HEIGHT against HIS or SHOUT to see whose VOICE is LOUDER we are DICK MEASURING NOW my dick is BIGGER I am going to FUCK AN OMEGA IN TRIUMPH. YOU! THERE! COME HERE! No wait where are you going? Stop running!' That's... that's the world I want to live in sdalkfjsaflksaj
I have no problems with that, most omegaverse is just pure mindless pornography for fun, or very thin worldbuilding for fun, and orgasms are had by many and it achieves it's purpose.
But I can't justify something like that making sense in the Underline the Rainbow as a thing these characters experience. I like it as a 'oh this used to happen but we couldn't just go around killing each other and also we died so...' I'm pretty sure it's taught about in schools, lol. In the same way that alphas dueling each other to the death is now pretty much illegal in most places, some things you either just culturally change for the betterment of society (which is...literally the purpose of Hillview), and some things you X out of your own genetic lineages because the thing itself kills you.
Since ruts are in most serious omegaverses presented as extreme events, and alphas are already hyperfertile (in worlds where betas exist), they're just redundant.
Fun in PWPs, and fun for angst, but not the kind of angst I'm personally going for.
Thanks for coming to my really-not-a-TED Talk! :D
(Er so no, Gary has never gone into rut).
(In webtoon Define the Relationship one of the alphas goes into rut but because he's like a submissive alpha he basically needs to be fucked like he's in heat by another alpha and I just actually do kind of love the subversion of 'what if heat but alpha' where it's like 'no literally what if they have to be knotted and they have a whole bunch of shame about that.' But almost no one is writing it that way so aslkfjdsa)
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haikyuucute · 4 years
Yo okay what about alphaTendou who meets a cute omega on campus while out on a night walk cuz hes been sexiled by alphaushi and his mate? They spend all night together just having a good time together wrecking havoc on the school grounds until the sun comes up. after that he just can't get enough of the good girl omega in the other class that he knows has a more adventurous side to her than she lets on and even though shes shy shes pretty eager to have his attention when others think he's creepy
Hello I sent the alphaTendou prompt in last night but I've been thinking about it a lot lol and what if after their late night hang, Tendou tests the waters by scenting her randomly, and people are like "wtf that creepy alpha scented you??" cuz no one really knows they're hanging out and she's just like "idk i don't smell anything" just to fucking rile him up so he keeps doing it more and she keeps denying its happening until he snaps & fucks/marks her somewhere outside during a nighttime hang (2/3)
Part 3??? For alphaTendou, the lil omega is just like "all according to keikaku" afterwards and Tendou is just all heart eyes. Apologies for spamming u btw (3/3)
Y’know, I wasn’t a simp for Tendou before, but after writing this I sure fucking am now.
This was a pretty long request so I decided to break it down into headcanons for the beginning part and write a drabble for the smut~
Ty for requesting💞~
Warning: Smut, degredation, some blood
Perfect (Tendou Satori) [Omegaverse AU]
By now Tendou was pretty used fo getting kicked out of his dorm whenever Ushijima or Ushijima’s mate had gone into heat or had a rut
Which usually had him staying in Semi’s and Reon’s dorm until he could come back
Tonight however, he decided to walk around campus before going to their dorm
The sun had already set when he went out and he hadn’t been expecting to really find anyone outside
But then he heard loud ruffling and the scent of an omega had reached his nose
Out of curiosity he went to investigate the noise
That was when he found you, kneeling in front of a vending machine with the glass door wide open, giving you access to everything inside
He watched on in amusement, staying hidden, as you shoved bags of chips and candy into your bag, with candy bar sticking out of your mouth
You suddenly stopped, eyes widening as you scented the air
You didn’t really recognize the scent but you knew it was an alpha and the last thing you needed was to run into an alpha that would rat you out
So you quickly shut and relocked the vending machine before going to head back inside, but as you were about to pass the corner he was hidden behind, he grabbed your wrist
You jumped, facing him to find him staring down at you with an unsettling smile that would make any omega run for the hills
But you laughed instead
He was slightly confused but all the more intrigued by you
”You know you can get in trouble for stealing from the vending machine” “Only if I get caught”
And just like that, this boy was hooked
You recognized him, the volleyball club was only one of the most popular clubs in the school so of course you did
You also knew his reputation for being kind of weird, but with him standing in front of you right now, you just thought he was funny
So you asked if he wanted any of your snacks, and Tendou wanting to know more about you accepted
You took him to a bench before dumping out your bag and letting him have his pick and the two of you ended up talking while eating the stollen snacks
And all it did was solidify your increasing interest in the other
So afterwards you decided you wanted to show him something
And you proceeded to break into the school’s private pool
And quite honestly, that alone was enough to make Tendou want to claim you as his omega
like he had never met an omega as daring and adventurous as you, and you were so pretty, and you weren’t creeped out by him either
you were perfect
Later that night he found his way to Semi’s and Reon’s dorm, soaking wet after he had attempted to push you into the pool, but because you dodged him, he had fallen in instead
lol Semi was not amused
The next day in class, Tendou was determined to find out more about you
He already knew your name and what class you were in, so it was only a matter of asking others about you
That was when he found something even more interesting about you
Because the reactions of his classmates weren’t ones he was expecting
”(L/N)-chan? Isn’t she that shy omega in class 2-A?”
”She’s probably one of the sweetest omegas in the school, though I heard she’s kind of a goody two shoes”
”I don’t know a lot about her, but she’s very soft spoken I heard, and a bit of a prude apparently”
He almost didn’t believe it at first, they had been describing a completely different person from the one he had met last night
But he quickly realized they really were talking about you
And nothing excited Tendou more than knowing the girl that everyone perceived as shy and innocent was the most daring omega he had ever met
You were like his little secret
Later that night he had gone searching for you and was happy to find you trying to climb up a tree
From that night on it became a nightly thing to hang out and do whatever the fuck you two wanted to do
Even if that did mean almost getting caught by teachers and other students multiple times
It wasn’t until a few nights later that he had started scenting you, in attempts to see if you were interested
You weren’t stupid but you sure did love playing stupid when it came to the whole scenting ordeal
You knew he was doing it, the extra touching was a clear indication as well as the lingering scent of alpha on you
but you acted oblivious to it, just to see what he’d do
And you took every opportunity to deny his scent on you when it arose
like when one of your classmates asked you about it when you knew he was right around the corner
”Why do you smell like that creepy alpha on the volleyball team?” “Who?” “Tendou Satori” “Oh him? Don’t be silly, I don’t smell like him”
So he did it more, his touches lingering even longer, ruffling your hair, brushing his body against yours, and so on
but when he overheard another conversation he was getting impatient
”Since when have you been hanging out with Tendou?” “Why do you ask?” “You reek of his scent” “Oh that’s funny, I can’t smell anything”
He was sure you were fucking with him now
So that night, before the two of you parted after one of your hang outs, he hugged you tightly against him, making it blatantly obvious as to what he was doing
However the next day...
“You know you should stay away from Tendou, he’s kind of weird.” “What’s bringing this up?” “You smell like him” “Y’know, people keep saying that, but I really don’t smell a thing”
If your goal was to rile up Tendou, then consider him riled
But his tipping point was when the two of you were behind the school and you said:
”You know everyone keeps saying I smell like you, isn’t that funny?”
And the glint in your eye when you looked at him, combined with your seemingly innocent smirk made his eyes darken
He realized you really were fucking with him
The next thing you knew, your front was pushed against the brick wall of the school
And his lips were against the shell of your ear
”You’re acting naughty, Omega~” “Then I guess you better put me in my place”
That was all he needed before he was pushing his pants down, lifting your skirt up, and moving your panties aside~
Tendou was unforgiving with his thrusts, and the dirty words he was muttering against your ear would have made you cry out louder if it weren’t for the two fingers that were shoved in your mouth and gagging you.
The bricks of the wall bit painfully into your cheek, but you couldn’t care less in that moment as Tendou fucked you silly.
”Messy girl~” he giggled breathlessly, watching as you drooled down the side of your mouth and on his hand.
You babbled incoherently around his fingers, making him laugh again.
”What was that little omega? I didn’t quite get that,” he teased, punctuating it by shoving his fingers further into your mouth, making you gag.
You continued to moan around his fingers as a trail of tears leaked out of your eyes. His thrusts picked up, the arm around your waist tightening further as he set an even rougher pace, each thrust pulling more and more whimpers from you.
”Do you like being treated like a dirty whore, Omega?“ he grunted, “Do you like knowing everyone thinks you’re an innocent little omega, when you’re really a little slut that knows how to take my cock?”
You moaned again, trying your best to nod.
”Ah~ that’s what I thought,” he said, with a nip to your ear.
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, all the noises you made no longer being muffled.
”You better stay quiet, you don’t want us to get caught do you?” He mocked, his hand finding it’s way into the front of your panties, his fingers drenched in your drool now playing with your clit.
”Alpha,” you cried out, making his grin widen.
”Oh? Maybe you do want us to get caught— Do you like the idea of someone finding your Alpha fucking you?” He practically growled, “You want others to know I own your pretty pussy?”
You whined, feeling yourself about to cum, “Alpha— ‘m gonna—“
The arm around your waist moved as he threaded his fingers in your hair, pulling your head to the side, and exposing your neck for him, “Fuck— cum for me my pretty Omega.”
A few more angled thrusts inside you had you cumming hard, bracing yourself on your arms against the wall.
The way you clenched around Tendou’s cock had him cumming with a groan in seconds along with you, and in that moment he had sunk his teeth into the skin of your neck. The pain along with the pleasure made you cry out, reducing you to a whimpering mess once you came down from the high.
You fell slack against Tendou, your legs not able to keep you up anymore, but he easily held you up.
He pulled out, making you whimper slightly louder.
Your head lolled back to look up at him, feeling absolutely exhausted, “Y-you marked me,” you softly stuttered.
He grinned, leaning down to lick the blood on your neck from his bite, “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was your Alpha.” He said, making you tiredly smile at him.
Tendou decided since he had just claimed you, he’d have you sleep with him in his dorm, knowing Ushijima wouldn’t mind since he always had his own mate over anyway.
Since you couldn’t walk very well now, he had carried you on his back, letting you nuzzle your nose against the scent gland in his neck.
You sighed blissfully, “You know I planned this out, right?” You mumbled.
He narrowed his eyes in thought, “You planned that I’d claim you?”
You nodded against his neck, “Yeah— you’re very easy to read.”
At that, Tendou pinched your thigh, making you yelp. But he couldn’t help the smile that curled at his lips, knowing that he had definitely found the perfect omega.
Omegaverse AU Taglist:
—couldn’t tag bolded—
@shiguraaa @tycrackculture @kynyta @cuddlesslut @icedhoneygreentea @yams046 @cutepet09 @kkimoka @elegant-gypsophilia @mrkoala4prsdnt @sapphy-taffy6969 @yougivemebutterfliess @melanieacademy @yeet-these-hoez @nekomasmeow @thirsthourdemon
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miscecanis · 4 years
How to tell someone you’re miscecanis
Casually introduce it.
There’s no need for big “coming out” letters.. Miscecanis is simply a lifestyle that you partake in, and it’s likely you want someone to know because you want them to participate somehow, or you’d just like them to understand you so you can behave a certain way around them. Don’t make it sound like a big deal, otherwise it will become a big deal, and it doesn’t need to be. Start by saying things casually, like “oh my gosh! You have big alpha/beta/omega energy!”. Show them things you like, for example if you’re an omega and like collecting plushies and blankets, tell them about it. Use simple terms, don’t go in depth. Bring things up nonchalantly, in a casual, maybe even silly way. Show them memes, cute aesthetic photos relating to a/b/o, and maybe even read them some excerpts of stories (sfw of course). Maybe tell them a bit about things you like to do, like if you nest, but use discreet terms like “I like to build pillow forts because it makes me comfortable!”. Don’t rush into it, and don’t bring up a bunch of hyper specific terms right away! That will usually put people off. These things are easy to pass off as personality traits, so just start slowly bringing it into the relationship. Gauge their response, if certain things make them uncomfortable, don’t do them anymore. If they seem confused or interested, this leads me into my next point...
Allow them to ask questions.
Undoubtedly, people will have questions. You need to be open to all sorts of questions and be willing to answer them openly and honestly. They will be confused. Some questions may seem offensive, but don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Stay strong and collected while you answer. Plan your responses. Go in depth as much as they’re willing to hear, but....
Don’t overexplain it.
Overexplaining, when not necessary, can make things uncomfortable or go to fast. Take things at a pace that the other person is willing to go. Explain as much as they seem interested in knowing. Don’t say things that are too much information to take in all at once, especially when it comes to omegaverse and miscecanis lifestyle. Don’t be pushy about anything, just answer questions in a calm and casual way.
Be open and honest.
Like stated before, opennness and honesty are the key here. Don’t hide things because they’re “too weird”. If you take it slow and introduce things at a proper pace, going into depth when the time comes is important. Don’t keep things away from someone who’s willing to learn more. You need to tell them what it means to you, what you want from them specifically, why you’re telling them this, and plenty of other important things must be said. Especially if you’re expecting them to participate, be willing to explain everything truthfully. When they’re ready, starting explaining terms. If they’re genuinely interested and want to know more, sending them resources or guides can go a long way. Let them learn things at their own pace as well, if they seem like they’d prefer to do their own research.
Approach it with caution.
Don’t expect them to understand right away. Don’t expect them to accept you at all. You need to approach this with caution and realize that not everyone will be comfortable with this type of thing. And that’s okay. You may be disappointed, but please don’t push someone beyond their comfort limits. We are not entitled to people’s participation and understanding, and we can’t blame them for their comfort zones and what they’re willing to do and not do.
Be understanding. Accept the results.
It may not go the way you want it to. That’s okay. It’s okay. You still have plenty of people who will support you, especially if you have other accepting friends or pack mates. You have a whole online community as well. Whatever the outcome, you must accept the results and not push someone into something. If you expect understanding, then you must be understanding. Don’t freak out and lose control of yourself when things don’t go as you’d hoped. Expect that things like this may happen and move on. Apologize for making them uncomfortable, or tell them it’s okay if they don’t want to be a part of it. Be emotionally mature. Don’t guilt trip or yell. Just accept that things don’t always go as we plan, and move on.
Ultimately, not everyone needs to know.
In the end, Miscecanis is simply a lifestyle choice. It may be a very integral part of you and your identity, but it is not something you should lose friends and family over, since the majority of it is personality traits and acting out your interests. You don’t have to tell someone if you feel they won’t be receptive, you don’t have to tell someone regardless if you don’t want to. If you feel like you absolutely must (for instance, if they’re your partner and you want them to participate or be around you while you do these things), then follow the step listed here to the best of your ability. I really hope you get what you’re looking for out of opening up, and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions here if you need more specific advice. Good luck!
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tunedtostatic · 3 years
Dear Yuletide Author,
Thank you for writing a fic for me! This letter is basically just what I wrote for sign-ups, but all in one place with a few added notes. I hope something I’ve come up with provides inspiration if you’re looking for ideas, but all prompts are definitely optional! I’m sure I’ll love whatever you create.
General Likes: Angst, competence, backstory moments, outsider POV, grief, loyalty, AUs like college or mermaid or &c that aren’t specific fandoms, introspection, missionfic, fight sequences, characters doing their jobs or using their skills (if you have random knowledge of someone’s specific skill or job field, please, go for it.)
General things I would rather not be a main focus (okay in small doses): Pining or early stages of getting together, fake dating, jealousy
General DNW: Crossovers, fusions/AUs with specific fandoms (i.e. Regency AU is fine, Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen AU is not) (exception: I guess fairy tale AUs are technically fandoms but they’re cool), explicit smut (non-explicit or fade to black is fine), pregnancy, reader inserts, BDSM, omegaverse, underage, bestiality, incest, fluid related kinks
Old Kingdom: Lirael, The Disreputable Dog
This duo is amazing, and I would love more of their adventures, whether as canon missing scenes or as an AU. Here are some ideas for prompts, but please don’t feel constrained to these. I would love to read anything, especially in the vicinity of my general likes, that you’ve had an idea for.
AU settings! I feel like AUs with some form of magic lend themselves more easily to this duo so that the Dog can still be Not Quite An Ordinary Dog (or Not Quite An Ordinary Creature, depending on the AU). But I’m also good with mundane AUs where the Dog is simply A Very Clever Dog. Plot ideas: • Lirael’s story seems to lend itself to magical creature AUs where she’s a child of two different magical creatures or types of magic users. • If you like writing fluff or humor, any AU plot that is basically a side quest style silly adventure would be very fun. • Angst is good too if you have an AU setting that you think would be a nice way to explore some of the angstier sides of canon. Missing scenes! This canon is kind of an exception to my more angst-heavy General Likes in that for these two, I’d love fluffy stuff, hurt/comfort, and hijinks just as much as I would love angst. But angst or the sadder side of hurt/comfort are certainly good too. • A few missing scene ideas: reading, stargazing, snuggling, talking about swords or gear, exploring plants and botany of the Old Kingdom
DNW specific to Old Kingdom: Noncanonical character death I would prefer no canon-atypical heavy angst (torture, dubcon, noncon, or similar) for this canon, though canon-typical angst is fine I would prefer nothing focusing on Lirael/Nick (no offense intended if you like it, it’s just not my thing)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris:
For this canon, I’m more interested in character and or plot than worldbuilding. (Please don’t psych yourself out over how much worldbuilding is too much, though… The vast majority of fanfics out there wouldn’t fall under “too much,” so as long as you’re not actively trying write something worldbuilding-heavy, it’s all good).
Here are some ideas for prompts, but please don’t feel constrained to these. I would love to read anything, especially in the vicinity of my general likes, that you’ve had an idea for (or modified takes on any of these prompts, for that matter).
• Did Krejjh and Thasia ever make good on the pen pals idea from 1.09 Plan B? • Other Violet or Thasia dies; how does the other mourn? (Near-death angst with a happy ending is also good.) • The audience gets to know Krejjh’s love of flying, but Sana, Arkady, and later Park also fly the Rumor/Iris. What does one of them (or all of them, or all of them + Krejjh) feel about flying? • Max Gavins is my favorite side character and I’d love to read him interact with anyone in the main cast, whether as the main focus of a fic or as a brief appearance. • I almost didn’t include this explicitly since there’s already a lot of Vikady fic out there, but I very ship them and think there can never be too much Vikady content, whether as a focus or in the background. • If you’re looking for character combination ideas, some non-romantic relationships I would love to read more about are Sana & Krejjh, Arkady & Park, and Krejjh & Thasia, whether focus or background.
Three Turtle Doves Yuletide Challenge reminded me I’d love any reference to Sana being canon polyam! Ships I like are Sana/Campbell/Park (this art by nanoeggroll got me very onboard), and Sana/Other Violet (ship uh manifesto here) alongside canon Sana/Campbell, but general references to this part of her identity are also fun. (I’m interested in the tension between Sana maybe being polyam in an identity way but Campbell seeming to interpret it as a stopgap measure for her dangerous life, though fair warning that I might finish the fic I’m writing about this in the meantime and steal your thunder. ;)
DNW specific to Starship Iris: Don’t want character death in Iris 2 crew (central seven characters) Don’t want dubcon or noncon Don’t want fic with a central focus on disability/mental illness. For background content, don’t want any disability/mental illness content that isn’t averted from how it is handled in canon. • I find the way this canon handles disability disturbing (I wrote a big wordy essay about it a while ago, which I’ll Iink in my letter in case it’s useful, but it includes personal stuff and by definition crosses “Don’t overexplain DNWs,” and of course you don’t need to read it | essay link). I assume most people don’t have time to navigate a canon’s controversial issues for Yuletide, which is why my starting point is just DNW, but since characters’ disabilities are a significant part of canon I wanted to leave them open for background inclusion if you’re familiar with the issues and feel comfortable averting canon ableist stuff. • I realize there’s a grey area when writing characters like Thasia for whom trauma would be a significant part of almost any fic about them, and that’s okay too.
The Pasithea Powder:
For this canon, I don’t not ship Sophie/Jane and I’d be very happy with background content about the ship, but I’d be more interested in a focus on other characters or the other relationships in either of their lives. With all the canon A plot going on, the audience doesn’t get to spend too much time with most of the side characters, but the side characters and their relationships with the leads are still nuanced and interesting! I would love to read more about them.
Characters I’m ridiculously interested in seeing more of include (though are not limited to): Josephine Crooks, Father Schaefer, Lieutenant Salazar, Lieutenant Steptoe, Sophie Green's Mother, Carla DeLuca, Anders Li • I would be happy with almost any content involving anyone on that list...if you’ve got any ideas, especially in the vicinity of my general likes, involving one or more of them I would love to read it • My kneejerk ideas would be them interacting with Sophie or Jane, like we usually see on the podcast, but any of them interacting with each other while Sophie and Jane are off camera would also be Very Good • Father Schaefer seems like a good egg, and I’d love to read more of him interacting with Sophie. Or maybe reflecting to himself about his conversations with her, or just thinking his own thoughts about the war and current interplanetary situation. • I think Josephine and Sophie should hook up • Alternately, I think Josephine and Jane should hook up • A messed up OT3 of Sophie/Jane/Josephine would also be fun • Or OT4 Sophie/Jane/Josephine/Carla, although that hits me in the feelings because I think Carla deserves nice things, and Sophie and Jane deserve nice things, which means the OT4 hits critical mass of people who deserve nice things and I can no longer root as hard for it to be messed up. (I think Josephine mostly deserves to be hot and mildly amoral and look good doing it.) • Salazar and Steptoe seem like a good opportunity to write some offscreen interactions without Sophie around, whether missing scenes from the Tortoise or afterward (did they keep in touch?)
This is a canon where I’d definitely be equally happy to read multiple little vignettes about multiple characters or a deep dive into one character or scenario. There are so many characters I like, but all of them also feel interesting enough to sustain their own fic.
DNW specific to Pasithea: Don’t want character death of Jane or Sophie Don’t want degrading character death (I know this is kind of subjective, but I think it’s one of those things where if you’re trying to avoid it you’re probably fine)
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translightyagami · 2 years
💎 🎭 🎢 📜⭐  - a divine power
I just reread this again and I want you to know how much I still fucking LOVE it. And its not just the smut (which is perfect btw)! Like it's so self indulgent and out of left field AND it's just a dern good read. Funny and hot af and that's a rare gem to find.
💡💎 🎵 📜 ⭐ fantasy of a fantasy & possession <3
💎- What was your favorite part?
a divine power - my personal favorite part of the whole fic is the turn when Light finally gives in to L's "power." it took so long to figure out how best to write that slide into madness, and i'm rlly proud of how it came out.
fantasy of a fantasy - favorite part is when L imagines Light in front of him as part of Light's fantasy; its like a nesting doll of weird horny projections.
possession - the part when Light comes back to life and re-enacts the jennifer's body raw beef scene.
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
a divine power - huh, this is a tough one to answer bc the real truth is so silly. i wanted to take a super over the top hentai device (the magic dick that makes someone fall in love) and write it as seriously as possible. the mood i wanted was, i guess, classed up porn? as classy as one can get.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
a divine power - does my nervousness abt the entire fic's reception count? people were rlly rlly weird in the comments of that fic. like ... legit made me uncomfortable weird lol.
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
a divine power - like this? probably not. i don't think i'll be dropping this pure uncut smut ever again. tbh, smut gets low audience engagement, and unless i write in a very narrow window, most ppl never even read the stuff. so i will write this stuff, yeah, but i won't post it.
fantasy of a fantasy - sure. entwining character study with smut is the brand here.
possession - no, almost definitely not. i had fun writing this, but i don't think it fits in my fanfic ouvre super well.
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
a divine power - the entire sex scene, plus the part i mentioned previously. i rlly had to work to get it to as clean a read as possible, and i'm proud of how it looks now.
fantasy of a fantasy - i really liked the paragraph where L is trying to figure out how much Light is in the closet. just some super smooth writing there. reads really nice.
possession - oh boy. i like the part where Light grabs L by the horns as they make out. its just hot, and i felt cool when i thought of that.
💡-What was the motivation behind the story?
fantasy of a fantasy - i wanted to write a fic abt L being horny over Light being horny over L. it was also going to be an omegaverse fic that would've delved into like what is acceptable for omega desires but i discarded that shit early bc its a hat on a hat.
possession - i was trawling the old dnkinkmeme on livejournal and there was a request for a fic where Light is sacrificed to L, who makes him his like bride or whatever. the fill was this (a little bit tortured) fantasy thing where L was a dragon, and i thought that the prompt might be better suited to more of a horror vibe. then the scene of Sayu finding Light in the kitchen eating raw meet came to me, and everything else flowed from there.
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
gonna answer this for all the fic i write, which is that most of the time I don't write with any music playing at all. i can't deal with the distraction. i would say these particular fics (fantasy of a fantasy and possession) don't have music associated with them. maybe living dead girl for possession.
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tardistype221b · 4 years
fate doesn't care about money (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26470243) by reigenonice (TardisType221b) and Adonraz
Fandoms: Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited (Anime) 
Rating: Explicit          
Category: M/M          
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Kambe Daisuke/Katou Haru 
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bond, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mile High Club, True Mates, Alpha Kambe Daisuke, Omega Katou Haru, Slow Burn, Dubious Consent, Anal Fingering, Grinding, What Happened in Hong Kong, Scent Marking, Scenting, Self-Lubrication, Omegaverse Style Sexism, Alternate Universe, Soft Kambe Daisuke, Kambe Daisuke is Whipped Summary: Kambe Daisuke is on top of the world. Rich and handsome he's the world's most eligible alpha bachelor. In a world where alphas rule it all, Daisuke has everything he could ever ask for, except for the one thing he really wants.
His true mate. ~*~ Katou Haru has a secret. One that if revealed would turn his life upside down. He's not a beta like everyone thinks. And in a world with omegas at the bottom of the hierarchy, he'd do anything to keep it secret. That way he can keep his job as a detective, and the freedom he worked so hard for. So when he meets that arrogant Kambe bastard and every part of his instincts cry out for him, he tells them to shut up and moves on with his life.
Until now. ---
Check it out below or read on Ao3
Chapter One: Daisuke Despite whatever Katou seemed to think Daisuke knew that there were things that money couldn't buy, specifically one thing. No matter how much money he threw at the issue it wasn't making the process any faster, the process of finding his true mate. There were billions of people in the world, and the quality of a true mate wasn't something quantifiable something that HEUSC could search for. All the research just stated that he would know once he caught wind of their scent. How ironic that the one thing he wanted was the one thing he couldn't pay for. Daisuke eschewed dating, he didn't want anyone else. Money could not buy love, but it could buy lust, it could buy lies, and those were things that Daisuke didn't want. He didn't need submissive omegas simpering at him, trying to influence him with their pheromones to drag him into their bed. Everyone who wanted to get close to him was only after one thing, and while he was not stingy by any means, Daisuke just for once wanted someone to see past the glamour and glitz of having an unlimited bank balance and want him. He knew that the only person that would ever be able to would be his true mate, the omega that a higher power had bound to him, that would be his perfect match. He hoped.
How long would he have to wait? He was twenty seven already, and this life was lonely.
However, lately things have been looking up. Daisuke looked across the private jet to where Katou was sitting and he could see him seething, fists clenched, back tense, at the fact that Daisuke had deigned to make their trip to the police symposium in Hong Kong comfortable rather than flying commercial. Daisuke shuddered at the mere thought.
Katou was an interesting one, a beta but nothing like the mild mannered way betas usually were. He was a spitfire, challenging Daisuke at every turn. He was one of the only people he knew who turned up his nose at his money which was refreshing even if sometimes it could be infuriating. For a brief moment in the beginning, Daisuke wondered. Could he be...? But no. That was impossible, he had HEUSC scour Haru's records and nothing indicated even a whiff of omega status. He bought scent blockers but most people in his line of work did, when you had to interact with all kinds of people on a daily basis, it was a necessity.
But then wait a minute... What was that scent?
Daisuke watched as Katou quickly got up and walked away to use the facilities, as soon as the seatbelt sign turned off. That strange scent lingered in the air, so very faint that he could barely tell what it was. The only reason he could even notice it was that he had a more sensitive nose than most alphas. It was like something strong was trying to push through Katou’s scent blockers, but that didn’t make any sense either. Katou really was an enigma…
He called the stewardess over for another glass of champagne when he noticed the pill bottle on the floor. It was by Katou’s seat. Daisuke went and picked it up, puzzled at the lack of label on the bottle. He knew he shouldn’t open it, these were probably Katou’s scent blockers. Daisuke knew most people wore patches but maybe he was allergic and took pills instead? He was curious, however, and he let that impulse win. He opened the bottle and let one pill fall into his hand.
“HEUSC, analyze this pill.”
“Yes, Daisuke-sama.”
As HEUSC’s algorithm ran he accepted the glass of champagne from the stewardess and took another sip as he sat down.
“Here are the results Daisuke-sama.” HEUSC said. “Heat Suppressant.”
Daisuke’s eyes widened and he almost spit out his champagne in shock. Thankfully he managed to keep himself together.
“Would you like to know the manufacturer as well?” HEUSC asked.
“No need. HEUSC, would there be any reason for a beta to be taking heat suppressants?” Daisuke questioned. What if there was some other crazy explanation for this?
“No. Heat suppressants are specifically manufactured for omegas, no other secondary gender should take them due to adverse effects.”
Well then. Now there were two possibilities, either Katou had a secret omega partner that no one knew about and he had their heat suppressants, which was very unlikely, or Katou was an omega.
All of his paperwork read beta, Katou’s driver’s license, his file at the Metropolitan Police, even his high school and university records…
But Daisuke could not deny the truth that was in front of him. Katou Haru was an omega, one that had been in hiding for a very long time.
That just made Katou an even bigger enigma, how did he do it? How did he manage to hide for so long? And why? No that was silly, he knew why. Every day, every case, no matter how minor, Daisuke could see his drive, his passion for justice. An omega would never be allowed to be a detective, even in the third rate division that was Modern Crimes. No wonder Katou couldn’t handle shooting that suspect, omegas have very high empathy, their caretaking natures couldn’t help it. That didn’t mean that Katou wasn’t a good detective and that he shouldn’t be one, in fact Daisuke was certain that he was better than all of those alphas from the first division, and it made sense. Katou was an omega… omega’s were good with people, he could get answers and calm criminals and victims with ease.
But wider society didn’t see it that way, to them overall, omegas were weak, meant to be homemakers, and treated as lesser. The most that young Katou Haru would have been able to hope for was a job as a receptionist in the police department. Of course Katou would have rebelled. Daisuke could only imagine it, a young boy wanting to be a detective when he grew up, only for his hopes and dreams to be dashed upon his presentation. He probably had started hiding way back then. How lonely, to keep such a huge secret, to constantly have to look over your shoulder for fear of being found out as an imposter.
He knew Katou hated him, but Daisuke wasn’t cruel. He would keep this to himself. Most importantly, the people that mattered would never find out and Katou would continue to do what he loved.
The thought of Katou being happy put a small smile on Daisuke’s face. He was growing a bit fond of the man he could admit that to himself. It wasn’t often that anyone caught his attention after all, he still didn’t know the names of the rest of the Modern Crimes division.
Then Katou appeared from the bathroom and Daisuke was smacked in the face with his scent. It had grown even stronger, pushing past the scent blockers that he was wearing, thick and heavy with heat. Daisuke gasped in realization. This was the first time, the only time that Katou’s scent was unmuddled enough that Daisuke could really experience it.
Katou was…
His mate.
Katou was his mate and he had never told him.
Did he really hate Daisuke that much?
“Kambe-san. Where did the stewardess put my suitcase?” Haru asked.
“Your suitcase - “ Daisuke choked out, trying to answer him. The scent was overwhelming him, calling out to him to go over to Katou, to wrap himself around him and scent him thoroughly, marking him as his. “The stewardess put it in the cargo hold. However, I’m assuming you’re looking for this.” Daisuke held up the pill bottle and he could see Katou’s eyes widen.
“That’s.. My scent blo---” Daisuke cut him off.
“Don’t bother. Your heat has already progressed too far, I can smell your slick from here.” And God did it smell delectable. “And even if I couldn’t, this heat is different from your other ones. But you already knew that didn’t you Katou?” Daisuke accused him with narrowed eyes.
“That’s right. I know why I’m going through this heat right now. I wasn’t careful enough. I didn’t take proper care of myself. I forgot to take my heat suppressants during the days of the stakeout and so my body found it more and more difficult being so close to, well… You. This heat is different because it was a combination of my recklessness and your presence that caused it. This heat is simply a.. Mistake. A big mistake that never should’ve happened. Just like us ever having met in the first place.”
Daisuke couldn’t believe it. “You knew the very first day we met, and yet you never said a word... You allowed me to treat you as if you were no one special, and over time I was finally starting to grow fond of you. You made me question myself Katou, and my loyalty to my true mate, who I would meet one day. Only to find out that that was you all along!”
It hurt. He had been waiting so long for his mate, only to be rejected like this. What a curse this balance was, what was the point of it when he couldn’t buy what he truly wanted? What was the point of it when it pushed his mate away?
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could tell, even if I couldn’t scent you I always knew something was different about you. You were the one person who didn’t care. Didn’t care about my money and status. You treated me like I was normal, you were everything I wanted in a mate and more. And now…” Daisuke trailed off.
“I knew from the very first moment I met you. As soon as you stepped out of your car, I knew. Your scent was impossible to ignore. But… You know what else also was impossible to ignore? It was the fact that all you are is just a rich, asshole alpha. Thinking you could solve everything with just your shitty money while throwing any morals out the window… Pathetic.” Haru sneered down at him, and grabbed his tie, pulling him up, closer to him.
So close… Haru was so close to him. His scent surrounded Daisuke like a cloud, the stale airplane air preventing it from dissipating. He was drowning in it, the scent of what Daisuke thought home would always smell like, along with the spice of Haru’s heat. His tie was being held in a vice grip by Haru’s trembling hands, preventing him from moving.
“I allowed you to treat me as if I were no one special because I’m not planning to ever become someone special to you.” Haru asserted. “Boohoo, Kambe. You don’t get to have your own, personal sex slave assigned by fate, like all the other alphas. I’ve defied fate before and I will do it again. If you want to take some omega’s freedom away, then use your money to find someone who willingly will take that role. I will not submit to you just because you’re telling me some pretty, little lies about how you care for me. I’ve fought hard for the life I’m leading, I’m not letting you take it away from me.”
Despite being an omega, Haru was no waif, and his strength was clear in this moment. It was hard to think when looking at Haru’s flushed face only a few inches from his, so full of emotion. Then he finally processed what Haru said. A sex slave? What kind of person did he think Daisuke was? An alpha that thought only with his knot? There were plenty of alphas that were sexist brutes but surely, despite their differences involving money, Haru could see that Daisuke wasn’t anything like those scum of the earth!
If not, then Daisuke would have to show him.
He knew that he always acted cold and aloof, being who he was, a member of the elite Kambe family, required him to put up walls, to be careful around others. But Haru wasn’t just anyone. That had to end now.
He reached forward and grabbed Haru’s hand, managing to coax it free from his tie, and kissed it ever so gently. And now what? This was his shot, his only shot. He had to say something. Haru needed him, Daisuke couldn’t let him suffer through his heat alone, no matter how stubborn he was.
“Please will you accept me, at least for now? I don’t want you to suffer alone.”
He never begged for anyone. But he had a feeling that with Haru he would be doing a lot of things he never had before.
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years
Why... does this keep happening? This is at least the third discussion like this I’ve had. Trying to roleplay Catradora on Omegle is seriously a pain, because some people just don’t seem to understand that when I’m in the “Catradora” tag, I want to... actually rp Catradora? As in a romantic relationship between Catra and Adora? Yes, I’m here for the ship, not for whatever other thing you find more interesting.
Basically, what happened is: I have this prompt where the idea is that it’s Omegaverse and while they were in the Crystal Castle (during Promise) Catra’s heat took her and Adora by surprise and they ended up sleeping with each other. A few weeks later, Catra shows up at Bright Moon and reveals that she’s pregnant with Adora’s baby. Pretty typical shipping “we have to sort out our shit now because we’re having a baby together” premise, right? Except this person thought it would be totally in fitting and in character if Adora hated Catra after being left for dead, and, let me remember... threatened her, tried to torture her, tried to murder her, tried to murder her unborn child, threatened to let the guards hurt her - basically threatened a whole lot of physical violence against a pregnant person. I was uncomfortable with the way the rp was going, and ended up disonnecting and not saving the log. A few days later, I connected with the same person again, and the above conversation^ is what happened.
And just to be clear, because this person went all “but I can do what I want in a rp” on me: I’m all for fans getting to express themselves creatively however they want (I’m pro-ship and pro-darkfic for a reason). If you want to write a fanfic where Adora is evil and threatens to hurt a pregnant Catra, be my guest! (Just tag it properly.) But in a roleplay, there’s another person involved in what you’re writing, not just yourself. So before putting some potentially triggering or upsetting content in it (like physical violence against pregnant people), you could at least ask if your rp-partner is comfortable with that? It’s not hard to ask? I also always put trigger warnings on my prompts if I know that some potentially upsetting topics are likely to come up? I thought everyone did that??
But really, that isn’t what pisses me off the most. If this person thought “Omegaverse” meant I want the relationship to be abusive - a little preposterous to just make that assumption about a trope they admittedly barely know, but fine, it was a misunderstanding. If they thought I didn’t want to rp a romance - again, how would you make that mistake when you’re in the “Catradora” tag?, but I’ll let it slide. But what really ticks me off is that when I explained I wasn’t comfortable with where they took the story, they turned around and blamed me for a supposedly “confusing prompt” and “only caring about a silly romance and not the more interesting setting”.
And here’s the real kicker: This isn’t the first time this has happened. One time, someone introduced a random “what if Adora is evil and hates Catra now” twist into a fluffy, happy rp without a warning. Another time someone took my Medieval prompt (the idea was that Adora’s a princess and Catra’s her guard and they’re secretly dating, but Adora has to marry someone else) and decided that Adora never loved Catra in the first place and is actually happy about her arranged marriage to a man. When I told that person I didn’t want to continue, they were offended I didn’t want to play out Adora’s new married life and mocked me for “only caring about my precious ship”. Then there was the time someone played Adora in my time-travel prompt (it’s about Finn travelling to the past and meeting younger versions of their parents during the war), and decided that Adora would hate the idea of having a child with Catra in the future, would insult that child in vulgar terms, call that child a mistake, tell them that “two women can’t even have a child together, so what you’re saying doesn’t make sense”, and then exclaim that she’ll stop that “awful future” from happening. When I told them their Adora was insanely OOC (and that homophobia isn’t a thing on Etheria), they got offended and also told me my prompt was too confusing and that I’m naive/dumb for wanting “some boring happy family stuff” instead. Oh, and then there were also those mulitple times when people turned Adora evil/abusive in other prompts of mine...
... And like, sorry, but I'm just tired of this. Catradora is my comfort ship. I just don’t want to roleplay ten thousand things on the premise of “but what if they hated each other instead?” I find their relationship compelling because it’s complicated and yes, unhealthy at times - but there’s a difference between a sometimes complicated (but ultimately loving) relationship and “I’m gonna murder you while you’re pregnant.”
I also just don’t understand why someone who clearly doesn’t even like this ship or this show (look at their comments on how “abusive” Catra supposedly is in canon and how Adora not hating her is this “giant plothole”) would be looking for roleplays in the “Catradora” tag on Omegle in the first place.
... I guess maybe I should just give up roleplay for this fandom and focus my energy on turning all of these ideas and prompts into fanfics instead, huh?
(Interestingly enough, I’ve never had this problem with other ships or fandoms. I’ve been roleplaying Viktuuri, Otayuri, other YoI ships, Thorki, Frostiron, every other Loki ship under the sun, even Bagginshield and Johnlock back in the day... I’ve been doing that on Omegle for years now, and while there was one or the other rude person every now and then, I’ve never had people “misunderstand” my prompts like this. But I’ve only been rp-ing Catradora for a few months now and I’ve already had more awful experiences than with all the other ships combined. There’s all these people who want to make Adora evil without warning, who tell you how bad this ship and show actually are and that you’re dumb for liking it, who’ll make you roleplay Catra and Adora’s break-up in detail and then intoduce all this stuff where they hate and hurt each other. They’re also pretty rude when they don’t like a prompt - instead of just disconnecting when they don’t like an idea, they’ll insult you. I’ve been called all kinds of variations of “disgusting” and “uncreative” on my Omegaverse prompt alone. Not to say that everyone in the Catradora tag is like that, of course. I’ve had a lot of very nice c/a rps on Omegle as well. But the ratio of jerks is just very high. I guess the one upside it has is that it’s making me go back to writing fanfic instead...)
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draconida · 5 years
Shance Fic Recs (Part two)
And here more Shance's stories! 
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41- Prettier than most by MissBluebelles [Explicit]
Shiro has fallen hard for the pretty blue paladin he woke up to in Keith's shack. There's no denying it. But while trying to keep those feelings in check, he notices how the beautiful young man slowly distances himself from the team.
When Lance overhears some of his team-mates talking about him behind his back, he finds himself crumbling under the pressure of the responsibilities he has as a paladin. Will he ever be enough? Will he ever be as good as his team?
42- The Alpha Prime of District Six by keir [Explicit and omegaverse]
Lance isn't getting any younger and he desperately wants a kit, but he's been jaded on love ever since his mate left him. It was just something silly at first when he went on a website meant for anonymous hookups; he didn't really think anything would come of it. But when someone catches his interest, he decides to take a risk and ends up with more than he had ever bargained for.
43- Lean On Me by KnightNuraStar
It was the first time Lance would meet any merfolk.
But, he thinks he'll get used to it.
Yup, he could definitely get used to it.
44- You and Her, Forever by starboyshiro
Lance spends Valentine’s Day absorbed in how much his life has changed in just a few short years. Especially about how much of an impact Takashi and Aria had on his life.
45- The Florist Next Door by starboyshiro
Hunk deflates a little, sinking back into the couch. "Just do something, please? I'm tired of seeing moping around because Shiro isn't your Valentine, yet."
"You seem really confident in Shiro's so-called feelings."
"It's easy to tell it's him dude. I know it, you know it. Hell, Blue probably even knows it! The whole damn world knows that Takashi Shirogane likes you!"
46- A Treat for the Eyes by PuppetMaster55 [Explicit]
Lance enjoys teasing his boyfriend with suggestive pics and videos.
Shiro decides to respond in kind.
47- All You Have To Do Is Ask by sitswithcats [Explicit]
Lance is desperate to get fucked, Shiro is happy to help out
The fic where Lance rides Shiro while he flies the black lion that no one asked for but I wrote anyway.
48- The True Freshman by orphan_account
Shiro's sophomore year at Garrison Tech was already off to an unexpected start. Due to an injury, he was forced to take a medical redshirt year, making it his second year of ineligibility to play the sport he loved; his plans were ruined before the first day of classes even began.
His year gets even more interesting after his brother Keith ropes him into taking him to the first party of the year, where he meets another freshman named Lance.
49- Eye of the Storm by ThereWillBeCubes [Explicit, omegaverse and non-con]
Lance alone in the middle of a storm, and a stranger at his doorstep.
50- Ain't No God Where We're From, Darling by PastelClark [References To Rape/Torture]
“You want to release a group of the world’s worst criminals, complete with weapons, and try to get them to work for us.” Idly, Shiro wonders if he’d accidentally ingested a hallucinogen earlier in the day. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“No,” Allura’s voice is disturbingly calm. “I want to temporarily let out a group of incarcerated people I think could be useful for us, under heavy supervision.”
51- The Best Wingman Ever by magisterpavus
“I don’t understand,” Keith said flatly.
“IthinkIhaveabigfatstupidcrushonLance,” Shiro repeated.
Keith rubbed his eyes. “No, yeah, I got that; I just mean I don’t understand what you want me to do about it, Shiro.”
Shiro gawked at him. “Help me, Keith! That’s what best friends are supposed to do, you know, you’re supposed to be my, uh...wingman.” As soon as he said it, Shiro realized what an awful idea it was.
52- The Tailor by DuskBeforeDawn
Now, Lance knows a thing or two about kids, after all he had like a million cousins so he figured he may as well give a helping hand. Not like it was totally for the insanely hot officer, nope, not at all.
53- Nearly Witches (Read: Actually Witches) by TheLanceShow
Shiro, one day, decides to go to a shoppe to stop his nightmares. In the process, he becomes infatuated with a certain witch.
Lance is a witch and Shiro is under his spell.
54- Super Nanny by mettaverse [Trans Lance, in process]
Shiro has come back from war crippled- his arm is gone, PTSD rules his life, and he barely remembers how to smile. His wife, unable to handle the state Shiro came home in, has left him with their son Keith.
Thus enters Lance, the new nanny. His job, technically, is to take care of Keith at all times. But seeing Shiro, how sad he is, how broken, prompts Lance to personally take over Shiro's life, trying hard to help him pick up the pieces of his life.
55- Get Me Home by singtolife [omegaverse]
“Do you really think all omegas want to be fucked by you? Sorry to break it to you, but you can fuck off “
When Lance's car breaks down before he can even begin the journey home from college, Keith sends his brother Shiro over to help him out. As Lance waits, he's hit on by some asshole alpha who can't take no for an answer.
56- Brace for Impact by shyfoxes
"Not to be rude, my guy,” Lance said, “but you’re wrong. You are worth it. I’m going to prove it to you.”
“By doing what exactly?” Shiro asked, exasperated. “Standing outside Galra Tech with a sign? Spray-painting Zarkon’s car? There’s nothing you can do, Lance.”
Lance held his chin up. “What if I fight you?”
Shiro blinked, jaw dropping. “What?”
“What if I fight you? What if I fight everyone on that list to get to you?” Lance exclaimed. “If I win, you come with me. If I lose - I’ll leave you alone, forever.”
Or, underground fighter Shiro finally learns how to hope again from a persistent guy named Lance.
57- The Call of the Sea by Red_Ce
Lance watched the surface grow farther and farther away, bubbles rising all round, spiraling toward the sky. The waves pulled at his hair to surround his face, strands tickling his lips and freckles. His heartbeat pounded loud in his ears. His heart pulled him down. His fingertips pulled him down. His inadequacy pulled him down. He was drowning in it all.
Then- a flash to his right. Something grey and sleek. Lance righted himself, terror taking hold of his body for two infinite seconds. Prey, his subconscious whispered to him. To whatever this creature is, you are prey.
Lance is insecure and loves the water. Shiro is a carnivorous merman who probably wants to eat him. They meet, and bond.
58- Fluffy Bites by KnightNuraStar
Lance was trying to find a home to settle in.
Though, he's surprised when his home finds him.
Or well.. bites him.
59- Home by starboyshiro
Shiro knows a little bit more about flowers than Lance had anticipated.
60- vivir sin ellos, ya no podría by slimeys
Shiro tries to occupy himself in his surroundings, taking in the cloudy sky, the clanking of the train, the cute guy sitting across from him wearing the exact same outfit.
He's, like, really cute. Shiro doesn’t think he’s seen him before, because if he did, he’d definitely remember that bronze skin and those long legs. His cap is backwards, pulling dark waves off his forehead and revealing the cutest widow’s peak on this side of Snowqualmie. This is too much. Even as he looks down at his phone with a light smile—is he looking at a meme? Does he like memes? Shiro really hopes so—he exudes charisma and charm. Shiro is starting to think that it isn’t the matching clothes that drew his attention.
61- do you got plans tonight? by kalakauuas
Lance doesn’t know this guy, but he knows that being stood up is no fun, so. He takes matters into his own hands.
(and maybe holds Shiro’s while he’s at it.)
62- Shiro, You Horndog You! (Oneshot) by orphan_account [Explicit]
So basically, Shiro gets horny when him and Lance hand wrestle. Because who doesn't get horny af after a good hand wrestle amirite?. Lance says that the loser has to do anything the winner says. You know where that goes. Shiro takes full advantage of this and smut happens, as well as fluff, cuzz who doesn't love a good fluff.
63- Strobes and Stilettos by SpicyRedPaladin [Explicit]
Keith drags Shiro to a rave and promptly disappears. But Shiro finds company in a gorgeous Latino instead.
64- Platform 5 by after_midnightmunchies
To the gorgeous man with the ocean blue eyes whose phone I saved from plummeting off of Platform 5 last Tuesday: I forgot to put my number in it. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since then. If you feel the same, please meet me there again on Friday, February 14th at 5 pm.
“Who even reads the newspaper anymore?” Hunk snorted.
Lance never expected to be swept off of his feet by a classified ad in the newspaper, but there truly is a first time for everything.
65- Keeping Up Appearances by starboyshiro
“We have a date for you.”
“What!?” Shiro nearly chokes on his own spit.
“She’s a lovely girl. We think you would really like her.”
This time Shiro does choke on his own spit. Coughing wildly for a moment while his mother yells over the phone, asking if he’s okay. Her, oh my god. Quick Shiro think of something!
“I— uh, I have a date already!” Shit, Shiro, not that.
“Oh really? Who is she?”
“He is a very lovely man.” Whoever he is. Shiro’s really digging his own grave at this point.
66- To Dream Of Water by HedonistInk [Explicit, Shape of Water inspired]
For as long as he could remember, Lance had dreamed of water. His dreams felt more real than his waking life, a world swathed in shades of blue and green. Twisting, twirling in the water, it was the one place he felt complete, the only place he felt whole and unbroken and entirely himself. It was the only place he felt free.
And that was when he'd met him, the man from the sea who would change his life forever.
67- Of love and the art of ice cream future telling by taovol
The tale of how Lance solved the riddle that is Mystery Whitepatch Man and gained his phone number in the process.
Lance has the hots for a mysterious costumer.
68- Seashells and Magic by KnightNuraStar
Lance was a water mage who moved into a tiny cottage by the sea.
During one of his disastrous flight lessons he gets to meet not only his neighbor...
But, also his admirer.
69- Magic Cats and Hot Wizards?! by AbandonedLibrary
Lance moves into a new town and finds it very strange. He goes into a store that has a strange cat and GASP! IS HARRY POTTER REAL?!
70- Unicorn Printed Toothbrush by AshesTheTerrible [Explicit, omegaverse and mpreg]
Lance and Shiro have their hands full with a two, four and six year old. Parenting is a challenge, finding alone time even more so. Their date nights once consisted of lavish restaurants and black tie affairs...now they are more along the lines of spending a night in, adorned in sweatpants.
71- An Old Tattoo by AshesTheTerrible [Explicit and omegaverse]
The tattoo is aged now, ink faded, colors years old. It's a time stamp from another phase of Lance's life, a postcard from his past. He was a different Omega then, lust drunk and wild...until he'd met Shiro.
Shiro changed everything.
72- Want You by starboyshiro
Despite Keith often complaining about Lance, he insists Shiro should go on a date with him. For once, Keith had a good idea.
73- My Friend's Hot Roommate by Aesthetic_Demon [Trans Lance]
After Shiro finished college alongside his best friend Keith they settled back in their home town. A few months later Keith announces that a very close friend of theirs will be staying over for a week- and although he's changed quite a bit, Shiro's big ass crush on him hasn't.
74- All For The Best by CrypticGabriel [Explicit, Trans Lance and pregnancy]
It was just one night. Prom night. After being together for a couple years, Lance and his boyfriend Shiro had their first time after a wonderful night of dancing and stargazing. Nothing was supposed to really… come from it.
Much to his dismay, the results he found were not the ones he’d intended to have.
In which Lance gets pregnant and feels it's best to handle it all on his own. But after five years of trying to hide it from Shiro, he had to go back on his word.
75- Unforgettable by HedonistInk
Like a song of love that clings to me | How the thought of you does things to me | Never before | Has someone been more...
When Shiro showed up on Lance's ward, Lance didn't expect him to be anything other than just another patient. He never dreamed he would miss him so much when he left.
76- Lost and Found by mysticmajestic
Shiro loses his daughter in the mall. Lance finds her.
77- Something Just Like This by Sarolonde
[19:09] Lance glad my photos were accidentally sent 2 a nice guy like u <3 thank u for not being a creep [19:22] Shiro Uh, you’re welcome. I guess? I don’t know what else I would have even done with the situation. [22:11] Lance u innocent sweet angel unicorn ^_^ g’night kind sir *tips hat* [22:13] Shiro Goodnight, Interesting Stranger.
The wonderful, unexpected consequences of Lance sending partially-nude pictures of himself to a stranger.
78- The Doctor Is In by HedonistInk, ZeroCrowe [Explicit and Trans Lance]
Lance had always hated going to the doctors for anything to do with his reproductive biology. But transitioning and other medical issues meant that Lance had spent more than his fair share of hours around doctors. It wasn’t until he was nineteen and having serious pain issues that his local GP finally referred him to the Gynaecology department at the hospital in the next town over. Fortunately for Lance, it wasn't that far of a drive. Unfortunately for Lance, his doctor turned out to be young and hot. Fortunately for Lance, that doctor thinks Lance is temptingly hot as well.
79- The Engine's Growl by AshesTheTerrible [Explicit and Trans Lance]
Lance had no idea that motorcyles vibrated so much.
The sleek, black, Harley was like a purring beast between his legs. He hadn't been keen on the idea of riding on one. But Shiro had convinced him and now he was having a strikingly fast change of heart towards the entire situation.
80- Rekindling by CrypticGabriel [Explicit, Trans Lance and kids]
Lance was happily married to a Marine Drill Instructor. At least, he thought he was. They'd been married for twelve years and had four kids together, and now he was worried the love was dying.
81- The Other by SuccubustyKisses [Explicit and Non-con]
When another Shiro comes from another dimension, asking Lance to run away with him, and threatening the life of his friends if he doesn’t. Who is Lance to say no?
Preview: “Oh! Right!” Other Pidge sat up straight again, pushing small half moon glasses back up on her nose. “My name is Kate Holt, though I’m sure you all know that. I’m chief communications officer of the Guns of Gamora. We had a recent… betrayal… that we believe will lead to issues for you guys and Sven asked me to contact you and well… give you, Lance, a warning.”
“Wait, me specifically?” Lance pointed up to himself confusion covering his face.
Kate nods. “You see one of our old members, Sven’s twin brother actually… he betrayed us, stole the Altean technology Hunk was using to try to find a cure for the whole mind control thing, used it on our own Lance turning him against us, and with the technology we were developing together to do dimensional jumps… well… he’s in your dimension now.” She shrugs. Guilt written across her face. “We’re not actually sure if he’s after anything, but the fact that he took our own Lance makes us think that he could also go after you.”
“But, why?” Lance looked down at his hands. “I’m nothing special.”
Parts 1 / 2 / 3
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alkhale · 6 years
His Sun (Amajiki Tamaki x Reader)
for the nervous/loved anon from ko-fi. Your support is beyond words for me and please, please be taking care of yourself first before anything else and don’t even worry about me, worry about yourself before anything else! I can’t thank you enough for how much your donations have helped me, so make sure you’re staying healthy and well above all else before you even think of helping a dumbass like me, okay? this one’s for you
(i know you mentioned an omegaverse, but I think Amajiki at his finest is soft and beautiful, just like this and just like you since you relate to him so much  (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy!
The meeting between the two of you is an accident.
Amajiki Tamaki doesn’t believe in lucky chances or fated gifts from the heavens above--it’s an accident and nothing more.
He’s the kind of guy that deserves accidents after all, not good things.
“I’m...pretty sure I was supposed to bring these papers over here.”
Your eyes are trained simply on him. There’s no irritation to your face, no annoyance or scowling or getting fed up with the fact that he can’t even seem to stutter out enough words for you to go on with your errands and the rest of your day. You’re probably insanely busy--no one gives the senior support class enough credit. He knows how hard you work. You were the one who came up with the template for Mirio’s hair-threaded costume after all--you’re constantly busy and now he’s just wasting your time standing here because he can’t speak because--
Stop. Stop. Stop thinking. You’re making a fool of yourself. You’re an idiot--stop wasting her time!
She’s not here for you.
But the towering doors U.A boasts are propped open. The long, gliding windows behind you allow a bit of that afternoon glow to come streaming through. It curves fondly around your head in the softest of halos and suddenly he sees the sun and he sees you and--
You. You’re a good thing.
Amajiki Tamaki doesn’t deserve good things.
Just get out of her way.
“Y-Y-You must be looking f-for Mirio,” Amajiki manages to say. He doesn’t catch the frown that twists on your lips or the curious look in your eyes because he bows his head so he doesn’t have to see the sun anymore. “He… He went to the faculty…. Office. I-I’m sure he’ll be back soon--”
“Don’t need him,” you say simply. Amajiki freezes for a moment but before he can stutter out anything else, papers are being shoved into his arms and his hands shoot up on reflex to hug them tight to his chest.
His fingers scramble for a second but then the papers are secure. There’s an almost gentleness in the way your hands hover briefly over his to make sure he’s got the papers before you pull away and hang them at your sides. Your face is even. “These are for you. I saw you tear through the gloves my friend made during a simulation trial. I need some ideas and descriptions from you… But I think I might have something good in mind.”
Amajiki’s heart almost ceases.
You needed to talk to him? You--
“You’re just causing her trouble.”
“S-Sorry,” Amajiki starts. “I’m sorry… I… I ruined your friend’s hard work--”
“It means we need to work harder,” you say, cutting him off and leaving no room for anything else. Your hand raises at your side for a moment before you drop it and turn on your heel. “If you have any requests specifically or things I should know, come talk to me. It makes my job easier.”
You turn over your shoulder and then he sees the sun again, shining and curving around the edges of your face and your eyes meet his and refuse to let him go.
Amajiki isn’t sure if he’s answered you or not. He isn’t sure if his lips managed to move because for a moment, all he could think hopelessly and helplessly like he’s still been thinking these past two years is--
Y-You’re like the sun.
But whatever he managed to say or not say, something on his face makes you smile. A small curve of your lips, a little glitter in your eyes and then you’re walking away from him and sun follows you all the way down the hall.
(Y/n) (L/n).
(Y/n). He’s heard people talk before about the rowdy, thorny, hard-to-approach support student in his year who manages to make genius work despite everything. You don’t get along very well with all your classmates, but your work comes out phenomenal and many credit it to the fact that you must be one in a dozen of geniuses who keep to themselves.
The first time he met you was looking for Mirio.
Nejire was the one who came equipped with all the information since she was curious about the students assigned to their designs, a project all second year support students took on. She’d heard great things about your work and said her friends told her you were a recluse genius with nothing much else to give. You were apparently the student assigned to Mirio’s design and some heated debates in your department had left you with a student not many thought had immense potential, but he was growing.
You seemed to have seen that.
Amajiki had been wary about stepping into the workshop. He figured support students would be rushing back and forth, hard at work and he’d just get in the way and cause trouble for everyone. I should just go back and wait in the classroom. But their teacher had asked him specifically to bring his childhood friend back, and well--
Just in and out. Amajiki repeats. Just in and out. Mirio should be in here and then you can go home.
But there’s only you.
No other student occupies the room. Windows are propped open so any stray wisps of smoke from forges or haywire experiments can air out. A bit of golden light bathes everything in a warm, shining glow. Metal catches, the room lights up, and Amajiki would’ve taken a moment to admire it all had his eyes not landed on you.
The sun catches off your hair.
You glow.
Your face is tucked into the curve of your arm. There’s a little oil smear on the corner of your cheek and the smallest crease of your brow where you might’ve been having some strange kind of dream, perhaps. The small draft creeping from the window tugs at stray ends of your hair not held back by a hair tie. There’s a small hairclip holding bits back and he flushes at the little butterfly design.
Tools are strewn out lazily before you. Threaded nylons and pieces of fabrics woven together. His eyes catch on the color and then it suddenly dawns on him that the mountains of crushed papers and stretched out designs are all for his friend--for Mirio.
“I heard she’s a little mean but she means well!” Nejire’s voice sings in his head. “Her work is amazing for a genius!”
And then Amajiki suddenly understands in a way perhaps no one had attempted to about you--about someone he hardly knew and just met because--
They think you’re a genius but they’re wrong.
He thinks about Mirio’s determined face and his bright, shining laugh as he smiles and charges forward.
You’re just like him.
You’re just a hard worker.
Amajiki can’t help but think there’s something painfully bright and hopelessly beautiful about that.
“Hey,” the soft murmur of a voice he’d never heard before cuts into the room. He flinches, head swinging up and eyes finally setting on your face again where your eyes have peeked open a bit and you’re watching him through those swirling, glittering irises clouded with a bit of sleep. “Oh… wow…”
Something seems to clear in your eyes a bit. Your head begins to rise but Amajiki’s already berating himself for standing there like some kind of creep watching you and he hasn’t even found Mirio yet--
“S-Sorry!” He exclaims, cheeks flushing a dark, cherry red and he backpedals out of the work room before you can say anything else.
He slams the door shut behind him. Amajiki presses a hand to his face, hurriedly walking down the hallway and feeling a familiar click clack and his eyes drop down to his feet where chicken feet have sprouted because of his Quirk and he tries to swallow the flood of red to his cheeks and face because--
Amajiki Tamaki doesn’t deserve beautiful things.
You were as beautiful as the sun.
So why are you even standing here?
Amajiki isn’t sure why he’s suddenly standing right before the door to the support course workshop where he knows you’ll be.
The papers you’d given to him sit in his hands, a bit creased at the sides from how tightly he was holding onto them. His arms tremble and it takes all of his willpower not to suddenly grown limbs that aren’t his or scurry off with the clack of chicken talons against the floor.
He places one hand on the doorknob and tenses.
“M-Mirio… c-c-can you hand these in… for me?”
“Don’t you think that’s a little silly?” Mirio had laughed, patting him on the back before he shook him by his shoulders and beamed. “She asked you to fill them out!”
“I did--”
“And bring them back to her, right?”
“Hey, hey, Amajiki-kun, isn’t this a great chance?” Nejire had bounded over to them, beaming brightly as she fluttered around them and Amajiki had looked at her in horrified confusion. “You’re always looking at her, aren’t you? It’s a chance to finally talk!”
“B-But I don’t--”
“And she’s always watching you anyways! You outta ask her what that’s all about!”
A bit of sweat dribbles down the side of his face. Amajiki swallows, staring hard at the doorknob and imagining that perhaps it could transform into something less intimidating--a potato perhaps? No, that wouldn’t make any sense.
“Why are you here?”
H-He wanted… He wanted…. If maybe just a bit…
Just hand her the papers and stop bothering her. He feels a weight land heavy on his chest. His shoulders sink and he presses his forehead to the door with a sigh as he shuts his eyes. Hand her the papers. Thank her and go. You’ve caused enough trouble…
Amajiki Tamaki is nothing but a flea-hearted coward. He’s a chicken. A useless, hopeless fool who’s somehow made it this far on the way to being a hero. He has to keep trying because it’s what he wants to do no matter what. He wants to be a hero because he knows somehow if there’s even a sliver of chance for him, he’s got to take it so…
“I mean, what do you think when you see her?” Mirio questioned, slurping loudly on his yogurt drink while Nejire was off playing with some of the fallen flower petals nearby they bench they took residence at.
“Well…” Amajiki had played with the carton in his hands, tugging at the flaps and he bowed his head. “I…”
“What was that?”
He thinks about the way Mirio had laughed so heartily and beamed at him.
“Well, what’s your name?”
Amajiki holds his breath and tugs the door open with as much force as he can because he knows if it even closes an inch, he’ll run.
No you won’t.
“...hey,” your soft voice floats to his ears and it’s sweet and has the faintest hints of happy surprise. He stands there, stuck in the middle of the doorway because he can’t help himself from staring at your figure outlined in front of the open window as you turn your head to see who’d arrived.
You’re glowing.
There’s a small breeze playing with the ends of your hair. A few flower petals have scattered along workbenches and tabletops, coloring the hardened pieces of metal and dotting stretched out blueprints. There’s a patchwork of intricate designs sitting before you, and for a moment he sees sketches of himself and his face and his eyes, shining, dark and almost… almost powerful.
But it’s the afternoon. The sun is beginning to retreat to the other side of the world and everything is colored in a molten bath of airy gold. It sinks past the horizon and it manages to catch the ends of your hair and the curves of your face and illuminate your entire being. You’re standing there in the wake of the sun’s setting farewell and he can’t help but think you look like the sun all in one--the rise, the set, the cycle, over and over again and he’s--
“You came,” a smile touches your lips. “I thought for a second I’d have to find you again and…”
Something like realization flickers across your face and your eyes drop down to your sketches.
One hand quickly slaps the top. Your cheeks dust a soft pink and Amajiki feels something tug pitifully in his heart as you gather it all together as quickly as you can. “S-Sorry about these. They’re just, um… reference! I got a little stumped on how I can pattern the design in a practical but nice and cool kind of way because, well, you’re a cool guy, you know?”
Amajiki feels as though he’s suddenly sunk ten feet through the floor. Your face is a mess and you’re pressing the ends of your work to hide the lower half from him. He sees your eyes peek at him from above the papers and he’s still trying to register the fact that you’d spend all this time on him and draw him and even go so far as to call him cool? You, always collected, always watching him with those quiet eyes suddenly stumbling over yourself and--
His heart lunges for his throat and his lips part.
“Sorry,” you say, rubbing the back of your neck. “I… I get a little carried away sometimes. It rubs off on my kouhais… I’ll just… I’ll take the papers and I’ll get on it, okay? I know you’re not the most talkative of guys and I don’t want to scare you off or anything but…”
You bite your lip. Your eyes flicker back up to him and you smile, shy almost, eyes warm. “I’m glad you came this far.”
You’re such a coward.
Amajiki Tamaki’s used to watching things slip past his grip. He’s used to holding his tongue and missing the chance to say something he’d wanted to say.
He doesn’t want you to be one of those things.
“You’re like the sun!”
You’re frozen in place and the sun twists around your head in a halo. Amajiki’s heart leaps for his mouth and he sputters out, head bowed and hands grabbing each other in a nervous tangle of fingers. “I-I’ve always thought that. S-S-Since I saw you…”
Mortification suddenly pierces his being. His tangled fingers fly to his mouth and he presses his lips shut. His entire face is aflame and he wishes he could melt through the floor because--what are you saying? That’s such a strange thing to say--now she’ll think you’re strange and she won’t--
Your laugh is warm.
It touches his skin and sets him ablaze. It curls around his ears and his eyes travel back upwards, transfixed. You can’t help yourself, arms clenched around your stomach and tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you laugh and laugh and smile and then you manage to stare at him through the glitter of mirth.
“Is that supposed to be a pick up line?” You prod gently and Amajiki’s frozen to the floor and ready to become a mess of tentacles and feathers and shells until you beam, eyes shining as you grin and the sun smiles at him as though he’s the only thing to possibly exist.
“Mr. Suneater?”
“I was starting to give up hope to be honest,” you admit with a small smile, tracing absent patterns against his chest. “Back then, I thought shit, I don’t stand a chance with this guy, do I? Every time I wanted to say something to you, you were gone and I was starting to think you didn’t want to talk to me.”
“No,” Tamaki says pitifully above you. He presses his face into the crown of your hair. He inhales, nuzzling into your scent and into your warmth and his tentative, gentle grip on you hip and lower back shift a little tighter, pull you a little closer. “I was the idiot… I still am… aren’t I?”
“Nah,” your legs are tangled up with his. The sheets around the two of you pool together in dips and creases around your bodies. There’s a bit of sunlight streaming into your shared room. It turns everything a soft, shining shade and makes your word twinkle. There’s a little sunroof installed above your bed so the two of you can see the light peeking over and into the sky.  “You’re still exactly what I thought you were when I first saw you back in high school.”
There’s heavy hours on the way for his demanding shifts. Suneater is a hero high up in the ranks and he is a force of grace and power and kindness streaking through the world like the beginnings of dawn. Your eagerly demanded support objects and recent projects call for you at every chance, but just like this at least--it’s just two.
Tamaki makes a small noise of curiosity above you. He pulls from burying his face in your hair to leaning back a bit so he can peek at your face. Your neck and shoulders are littered in butterfly kisses and small, loving marks and he blushes a bit as he traces them with a gentle finger and then tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “What…. What was that?”
You smile. Your fingers leave his chest and they rise to cup his face in your hands. Tamaki’s eyes are warm, they swallow you whole and remind you that your shine comes from this man before you--that you’ll never gleam and burn as brightly as you do right here in this moment, right beside him. He leans into your touch and presses a small kiss to your wrist, watching with those loving eyes and your smile widens so far across your face it almost hurts as much as the swelling in your chest.
“Oh… wow…
You’re beautiful.”
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theeeveetamer · 6 years
Personally I'm so down for cute family shit. Maybe seeing the Forrest/Kiragi/etc sibling dynamic?
I’m such a sucker for cute family Leokumis
Relevant Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha!Leo, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Kiragi, Omega!Forrest, Mama Bear Takumi, mentioned sexual harassment
AO3 Link for the interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15954623/chapters/39561847
He wasn’t really sure what he’d been expecting when he arrived at the school. Maybe something about their youngest son goofing off in class, or interrupting the teacher, or heck even getting caught cutting last period. What he didn’t expect was to see his son’s blonde hair and clothes stained with mud, or the beginnings of a black eye marring his tanned skin.
“Kiragi! Gods, what happened to you?”
His son was sitting in one of the chairs in the school’s office, arms crossed and fuming. Takumi knelt down in front of him and pulled his chin up so he could get a better look at the bruise forming around his left eye. There was also a bit of blood on his lip and it was slightly swollen.
“Papa! Stop, I’m fine!” He swatted the hand away testily.
Takumi sighed. He didn’t seem too hurt at least, aside from the split lip and black eye. And his irritable attitude. But he’d been a bit of a pain ever since he presented as an Alpha, and what fourteen year old boy wasn’t?
“What happened?” He turned to the principal. It wasn’t a question, he was far too furious to be polite. His baby was bloodied and hurt and he demanded answers.
“We would prefer to wait until your mate arrives.”
“You’re making Leo leave work for whatever this is?” He growled deep in his throat. “What, you think I’m not capable of handling my son because I’m not an Alpha?”
The man shuffled uncomfortably under his indignant glare. He probably wasn’t used to taking the full brunt of a mother’s fury; The school explicitly tried to deal with Alpha or Beta parents first, and tended to leave Omegas out of the equation. It was such a ridiculous policy; He didn’t even work, and Leo couldn’t leave his job for every little incident. Hell, he and Leo had fought tooth and nail to get them to call him at all for situations like this.
“No, of course not but–”
“I got in a fight, papa.” Kiragi interrupted quickly, probably to stop the brewing storm. Once he got started, there was no stopping him, really.
“Well I can see that kiddo!” He turned back around toward his son, exasperated. “What was the fight about?”
The principal felt the need to intervene once again, clearing his throat and standing a little straighter.
“Your son attacked another student.”
He glanced quickly between Kiragi and the principal, and tried to keep his voice under control.
“Why did you do that?”
“He was harassing Forrest, papa! They cornered him in the bathroom and tried flipping up his dress!”
His eyes softened, and all of his rage immediately melted away.
“Be that as it may, we do not find this kind of behavior acceptable and–”
Aaaaand then it was back again. Tenfold.
“Wait… You’re punishing Kiragi for defending his brother? What about the boys harassing my son? Why aren’t they here?”
“Kiragi was the one who instigated the fight.”
“And the people who harassed my son? Where are they?”
“We’ll be dealing with them separately.”
“You mean you’ll be going easy on them! What, because Forrest is an Omega it’s okay if he gets assaulted on school grounds?! So what if he likes dressing like a girl, that doesn’t mean people get to treat him like shit!”
He was vibrating with rage, fists balled up at his sides and face flushed as he continued his tirade. The principal looked incredibly uncomfortable as he continued laying into him, spitting out every curse word and insult under the sun. He was a good deal taller than Takumi, but he was so angry that he couldn’t appreciate the comedy in a short little Omega like him craning his neck to yell directly in this Alpha’s face.
“–I have half a mind to-!”
He barely noticed the arrival of his mate in his righteous anger.
“Takumi! Takumi, love, what are you doing?” Leo all but ran into the room and grabbed him by the shoulders. He gently pulled him away from the man.
“Some boys assaulted Forrest, and Kiragi is getting punished for it!”
“Now that’s not–” The principal tried to defend himself, but Takumi interrupted him.
“Shut up!” He snarled. “I have had just about enough of Alphas like you! This is the third time Forrest has been harassed and your spineless administration has done nothing!”
“Shhh,” Leo leaned in close and nipped the back of his neck gently. The Omega whined in protest, but he did calm down marginally. “Takumi, why don’t you take Kiragi home, okay? I’ll handle things from here.”
“You don’t need to handle this for me.”
“I know you’re more than capable, love… But you really should get Kiragi’s eye treated before it starts swelling too much.”
“Fine.” He finally acquiesced. “But I’m taking Forrest home too. Gods forbid the school encounter another incident involving our children today. Come on Kiragi, we’re going.”
He nearly marched down the hall to Forrest’s classroom to grab him himself, but the woman manning the desk had the good sense to just call him to the office over the intercom.
There were a few minutes of impatient foot tapping – and him not-so-subtly trying to listen through the door – until Forrest arrived.
“Papa, what’s going on?” Their eldest son asked uncertainty as he came down the hall with his backpack.
“Nothing, baby. We’re going home early. Do you have all of your stuff?”
He nodded and Takumi marched out to the car, grumbling to himself about “how Leo was going to go too easy on that spineless principal”.
It was a very short, very tense drive home. He could see Kiragi twiddling his thumbs in the back through the rear view mirror. Forrest must have realized what had transpired, because he was also quiet as a mouse and staring intently down at his lap.
They’d just pulled into the driveway when he finally spoke up.
“Papa? Is Kiragi in trouble for fighting?”
“What? What gave you that idea?”
“You just seem really upset about it, is all… Look, it’s not his fault.”
“Don’t worry baby, I’m not mad at him. I’m proud of him, actually.” He turned around to face them as best he could from the front seat of the car. “In fact, why don’t we all go do something fun tomorrow? Whatever you guys want, you’ve earned it.”
Their faces lit up; Kiragi nodded eagerly and Forrest just beamed at him from the back seat. “Alright, papa!”
They both grabbed their backpacks and ran inside. Or, Kiragi ran. Forrest did his best to keep up, but he still wasn’t too used to wearing heels around.
Takumi took the moment alone by himself to cool down. As angry as he was at the school, he didn’t want to let it affect his children.
Takumi paused outside of the bathroom when he finally entered the house. Forrest was dabbing at Kiragi’s eye with some disinfectant and an ice pack, and Takumi couldn’t help eavesdropping on their conversation.
“You know you didn’t have to get in a fight over it.”
“Of course I did! That guy can’t go around harassing my brother like that!”
“But you got hurt! Because of me!”
“You should see what I did to him!”
Takumi smiled as their eldest son laughed himself silly over the joke. He could just see Kiragi’s goofy little smile in his mind’s eye. Once the injuries were all taken care of they all settled into the living room and more or less went about their usual post-school routine.
Leo arrived home about a half an hour later. Kiragi had fallen asleep beside him watching TV and Forrest had just finished explaining to him what exactly had happened at school. It was more or less what Kiragi had already told him with a few added details.
As soon as his mate walked through the door though he excused himself went to their bedroom. They shut the door behind them, so the kids wouldn’t hear unless they came snooping. Leo dropped down onto the bed and sighed.
“I cannot believe they pulled me out of work for this.”
“Is your boss that upset? I told them that they didn’t have to call you over this…”
“It’ll be fine. And it’s probably a good thing they did call me, I thought you were going to bite that man’s head off! If I were any later I think they would have been calling security on you!”
“Can you blame me? Forrest has been getting harassed for weeks and the only person getting in trouble for it is Kiragi.”
“Maybe we should stop letting him dress like that when he goes to school.”
“Leo,” He said sternly. “Don’t even start.”
“It’s just a suggestion! He keeps getting teased! He’s sixteen, kids are cruel. Do you remember the kind of shit I used to say to you when we were in high school?”
“Yes, you were an asshole. But that doesn’t mean our son should have to change! He likes wearing dresses and doing his hair and makeup, so what?”
“He already has to deal with being an Omega, do you want another target on his back?”
“Are you saying that there’s something wrong with being an Omega?”
“Love… You know that’s not what I meant. Life is already hard for him, why should he make it harder for himself?”
“I just…” He sighed. “I just want our son to be himself. If that means I have to scream at the school administration until I’m blue in the face then so be it. Besides, if they aren’t flipping his skirt up in the bathroom then it’ll be something else. Maybe that really cute Alpha from his history class will corner him right before they go home for the weekend, make him think he’s going to ask him out on a date like he wanted, but then just ask how much it is for a blowjob right in front of his very protective older brother.”
“Hey, I only did that on a dare! And don’t act so innocent, we both know you were actually blowing Alphas in the bathroom”
“Not for money! I wasn’t a damn prostitute! And you’re lucky Ryoma didn’t kill you for that one! Though that split lip did look good on you.”
Leo pulled him down onto his lap and kissed him.
“I cannot believe you still agreed to go on a date with me after that.”
“Neither can I, frankly.” He rested his forehead against Leo’s neck and sighed. “So, what’s going to happen to Kiragi?”
“Two days suspension. It was originally going to be a week, but I guess you scared him.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “Hunting season is coming up. Maybe I’ll take Kiragi out with the bows?”
“You’re rewarding him?”
“Of course! You think Mama punished Ryoma for kicking your ass?”
“I… Had been hoping something like that had occurred.”
Takumi just laughed. “Nope, she took us all out to dinner after that one!”
He nuzzled the side of Leo’s neck. There were a million things that still needed done, but he allowed his Alpha a few minutes to hold him and unwind from the day. He waited until the tension in his mate’s shoulders relaxed a bit before he spoke again.
“So, I really scared the principal that much?” Something about a six foot tall, snobby Alpha being intimidated by him was entertaining.
“He was positively terrified of you, love. Can’t say I blame him either, how long were you yelling at him before I showed up?”
“Oh I don’t know, a minute or two? I can’t believe they called you! I can handle disciplining my own child without your help!”
“You don’t need to tell me that, dear. I’m fully aware of what you’re capable of.” His tone became more serious, and Leo squeezed him tight. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He found Leo’s hand with his own and squeezed once.
“Lucky for you, I’m not going anywhere.”
They heard a shout from down the hall. Kiragi had apparently woken up from his nap, and now he and Forrest were loudly bickering over him drooling on one of Forrest’s hand-embroidered pillows.
He chuckled to himself and stood up.
“One of us should probably go tell Kiragi the bad news.”
“Mm, in a minute, love. Do you really want to walk into that?” Leo wrapped his arms around his waist pulled back down onto the bed with him. “Besides, it’s been awhile since we’ve had a moment like this.”
He settled back down on Leo’s lap and sighed.
“Fine, but you’re responsible for burying the bodies if they kill each other.”
Leo kissed along his neck and pushed the collar of his shirt aside so he could nibble at his bond scar.
“Not a problem, love. We can always make more.”
He laughed in spite of himself.
“I hate you.”
“I love you, too.”
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goddessofroyalty · 6 years
Fandom: DC Comics (Batfamily)
Warnings: Omegaverse, mpreg, canon-typical threats (kidnapping)
Parings: Past!Dick/Barbara, current!Dick/someone-else
 I realised at this point in the week even if I did manage to write something else it wouldn’t be proofed until next week so take this instead.
I would like the record to note that I do actually like Dick/Barbara as a pairing. Just I was mentally going through this idea and taking a more bittersweet route appealed to me.
Also there’s like a whole plot this scene belongs in (thus the excessive backstory throughout). None of the rest of it has settled into actual-scenes yet. But who knows, more may well show up if/when it does.
Once again who Dick actually is with is up to you. I’m still very free about who I ship him with and unless the idea needs me to specify I’m still not going to.
Oracle rests back on her chair. The system of the tracker doesn’t appear too intense. Now she made sure they won’t be tracked while she breaks into it her system should be able to do the rest, piggy-backing onto the main feed. Then they should be able to find its siblings.
“And now we wait,” she says to the former and current Robins sitting beside her. The ones that had brought the tracker and its twin to her.
A twin currently sitting in an alley close-by. The ones who will be sent to find the missing omega will find an omega. Just not the one they were looking for – rather one with a powerful Canary Cry and backup should they have underestimated the group.
“You can find them?” Robin asks, sounding slightly nervous.
Although calling him ‘Robin’ currently likely isn’t fair. He isn’t dressed like Robin. Nor like Tim Drake. Rather wearing the clothes of a street child – one who just wanted to see his brother after two weeks of hearing nothing from him.
Two weeks that had actually been agonizing for all of them. Pregnant omegas had been going missing after entering an apparent free-maternal-care-facility set up in one of the rougher neighbourhoods. One that Dick had decided to sign himself and his pregnancy into to investigate.
Even Bruce had told him not to do so. But none of them really had a habit of listening to him when they thought something more important on the line.
So after two weeks of radio silence Tim had gone in to retrieve his brother.
Thankfully they were right that the facility would want to keep a positive image in the eyes of a second omega apparently living on the street. Wanted it enough to risk letting one of their captives out to talk with his little brother.
Three meters and a small EMP-blast later the two had vanished from their trackers. At least until Black Canary was ready to let them know what happened when you messed with omegas.
“Don’t worry Timmy, Babs will find them,” Dick says, leaning over to gently bump his shoulder against Tim’s. A reassurance that Tim had done the right him in getting him when he did. That Dick didn’t need to stay longer to give them a better chance of stopping whatever it was that was happening.
Dick settles back into his chair after and gains the almost-silly smile that everyone that knows him dubbed ‘the baby’s moving’. Sure enough his hand comes to rest against his stomach, rubbing where his child is shifting. “We’ll rescue them.”
The screen of the tracker changes and Barbara can now see the location of them all. The single one given to Dinah and two clusters of the others. The larger at the facility. The smaller the docks.
She reaches for the mouse with one hand to zoom in and cross reference with the satellite imagery of the place. To find which dock exactly will be having a visit from Batman. Her other reaches out to Dick’s stomach, slips under his hand to feel along the stretched skin.
The baby isn’t hers.
In another life it might have been but Dick and her broke up in this one. Broke up and moved on. And now Dick’s new relationship is about to have a third member.
They are closer than most exes and Dick is more than happy to let her feel the life he is gestating. Still a little too early to actually feel through his skin but if she focuses hard enough she might just catch something.
His hand closes around hers and adjusts it to where he can feel the movement inside. Still nothing but it’s nice to pretend.
The map shows the exact container of the tracking device and Barbara takes her hand back to find the purported itinerary of it. Then she sends it all to the cave where Batman is likely suiting up. Tim slipping out behind her to get changed into the spare Robin-suit stored with her to meet his mentor on the way.
Barbara switches the camera to the one over the ally where Black Canary waits for whatever muscle was supposed to bring Dick back to the facility. Where Huntress watches over in case more comes than they expect.
The night has only begun and they all have work to do.
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nessiefromspace · 6 years
If you want maybe Omegaverse with Rhysothy in either prompts 19 or 22?
Rhys has had a very bad day and needs his comfort things, but they’re all unavailable. In a spiral, he reaches out for help, hoping the alpha he’s only just started dating responds kindly.
I did number 19! It was cute and fun!
You can also read this on my AO3!!!
Rhys practically ran into this apartment on Helios. His day had been too incredibly stressful and then he’d been cornered by an alpha on his way home. It was like they could tell he would be in heat soon. He slammed his door shut, locking it. His skin prickled, agitation coursing through him. With shaking hands, he went to the freezer to gorge on ice cream.
He was out of ice cream.
Rhys swore, feeling his resolve shattering. It would be okay, he’d just go to the blanket Timothy always used when he was over and he’d wrap himself in the alpha’s scent. They were only just dating, but they’d, but he’d been over enough that the blanket usually smelled incredible. He trudged to the couch and almost screamed.
The blanket was gone.
“What!? Where-” Tears filled his eyes. He remembered now. He’d spilled coffee on it and it had needed to be washed. He ran to the dryer and opened it, hoping there was still a trace of Tim. He only smelled detergent. Face buried in the soft material, Rhys sobbed.
He needed Tim, he was too stressed right now to recover properly. He wanted to hide in the safety of his closet and Tim. Slowly, he pulled up Tim’s number on his ECHO. He didn’t trust his voice, so he sent a text. He tried to keep it casual, but truthful.
Rhys cried a little harder as he informed Timothy about his ice cream debacle. Just salt on the wound. For a split moment as he waited for a response, he wondered if Tim would be irritated and not want to come over. They had only just had their fifth date, what if it was too sudden? He was Handsome Jack’s doppelganger, but Rhys had found him sweet and different from typical Hyperion alphas.
Worked up and terrified, he grabbed the blanket, along with any others he could hold. He went into his closet where he kept his nest, piling the blankets around the large, round pillow he’d bought specifically for the nest. He dropped Tim’s blanket to the side and then grabbed the comforter from his bed and wrapped himself in it. He crawled in and hid his face in his blankets, waiting anxiously.
Timothy rolled his eyes as he leaned against Jack’s desk, arms crossed. Jack paced, blithering on about some vault or another lead to a vault. Timothy didn’t care. Jack was always going on about vaults. He sighed quietly, letting his mind wander.
To the cute omega he’d been seeing recently. Rhys was intelligent, witty and full of sunshine. He always brightened up Tim’s day and it always gave him domestic ideas. He was sure Rhys wasn’t the type, but they had only just began. Rhys was a sleek, Hyperion with cybernetics, and tattoos. Timothy had assumed he’d thought he was flirting with Handsome Jack when they’d met at the bar, but then Rhys had asked for his name. Rhys, though Hyperion, was different. He was sweet, silly, and had quite the addictive personality. He spent most of his money on socks and ice cream. Though he was slender, Timothy had found a secret he adored. Rhys had a small pudge he was sure was from all the ice cream. Timothy had wanted to kiss all over it the moment he’d found out, but he didn’t want to screw things up with Rhys. This was the first relationship he’d found with a kind, thoughtful person and he didn’t want to lose it.
His ECHO vibrated. It was Rhys. Timothy read it as Handsome Jack paced.
I’m stressed out, I gotta nest and cuddle. Please come over? Could you also pick up some ice cream? I’m all out.
Timothy’s heart skipped and beat faster, his stomach flopping. For Rhys to ask him this early, he must be extremely stressed. He lifted from his seat on the desk and walked passed Handsome Jack.
“Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
“I’m leaving,” Tim said blandly. “Email me the cliff notes version." He left the office, forgetting everything except Rhys. He needed to stop by the store and get the omega’s ice cream, and then dinner and probably snacks. Rhys had a big sweet tooth, but he might want some salty snacks as well. He wasted no time. He grabbed one of the motorized carts Handsome Jack used and took off. It was just fast enough to make a difference.
He stopped at his favorite store and he made his rounds. He would get the ice cream last. He stopped at the deli and got fried chicken with potato wedges and mac and cheese. He’d seen these in Rhys’ fridge. He found some cookies, grabbing two different kinds. He found a bag of chips and a box of crackers. Then, swinging by the frozen section, he grabbed three of Rhys’ favorite flavors.
Hopping into the cart, he ignored the annoyed text from Jack, demanding he bring back the vehicle. Timothy was always stealing one of them, that’s why Jack had two, so he could bitch while he drove himself around.
Timothy made his way over to Rhys’, sending a text to alert him. The door would be unlocked. He arrived, parking the vehicle next to the door against the wall. He set the alarm on the cart and then tested the door. It was open and he locked it behind him. Rhys was nowhere to be found. He set the groceries on the counter, putting the ice cream away once he scooped two scoops from each into a bowl. Carrying it with him, he called for Rhys, not sure if he could be bold and roam the apartment. He didn’t see the omega anywhere in the front rooms, which left the bathroom or the bedroom. He would try the bedroom first.
Cautiously, he went in, calling for Rhys. He heard a quiet call from the walk in closet. The sight tore him apart. Rhys was curled in his nest, eyes red and puffy from crying. Tim wanted to find whoever had made Rhys like this and kill them. He was Handsome Jack after all, no one would be able to tell him no.
“Rhys?” he said gently. “I brought you ice cream, here eat this while I get more comfortable.
Slowly, Rhys blinked his eyes open, squinting through the dark closet at Timothy, illuminated by the bedroom light. He sat up and took the bowl. He stared at the ice cream for a long time before taking a tiny bite.
Timothy stripped off the layers he was forced to wear being Jack. He stripped all the way down to his underwear. Rhys’ eyes widened as he ate, watching, but staying silent. Timothy was built, thanks to a hard regimen of exercise. He went to Rhys, who moved over to make room for Tim. He caught sight of the blanket he always used and grabbed it, wrapping it around him.
“Get out of the comforter,” he said gently.
Rhys complied wriggling as best he could without setting down his ice cream. Laughing quietly, Tim pulled the comforter from around him and draped it in front of them, building it up to secure the nest. He pulled Rhys into his lap so the omega could rest against his chest.
Rhys let the bowl sit in his lap for a moment as he nuzzled into Tim’s neck, drawing in deep breaths of the alpha’s scent. “The… The blanket got coffee on it… I had to wash it…”
Timothy understood now. “I’m sorry, Rhys. I’ll scent it up good today.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden…” He sniffled and it killed Timothy.
Setting the bowl of ice cream to the side, Timothy pulled Rhys in for a kiss. He kissed Rhys for a while, holding the omega, rubbing his shoulders and arms. “You could never be a burden,” Tim said. “I’m really glad you asked me to come over.”
“You weren’t busy, were you?” Rhys asked, reaching for his ice cream.
Timothy grunted. “Not even close.” Timothy held Rhys as he ate. “I brought dinner as well, snacks too, sweet and salty.”
“Mmm,” Rhys sighed, snuggling closer to Tim. he rested his head on the alpha’s shoulder. “That sounds amazing. You’re the best, Tim, thank you.”
“I’ll do anything for you Rhys. I know that’s really forward, but I would."
Rhys sat up, looking at Timothy. Rhys kissed him, ice cream sticking to Tim’s lips. He licked the strawberry off. Rhys was smiling wide. “I feel the same way! You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met and I didn’t expect to panic so much when I didn’t have your scent around me…”
Timothy laughed, his hand rubbing Rhys’ thigh. “There is a fix to that.”
Rhys giggled and lay back onto Tim. “That sounds wonderful, but right now, can we just cuddle?”
“We can do whatever you need,” Tim smiled, holding Rhys close.
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deepdarkwaters · 7 years
1. always post the rules.
2. answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3. write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 (or however many) people to answer them.
@futuredescending tagged me!
1. What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?
Pretty much anything fandom-related over my ~16 years of dedicated group fangirling. People who have never met before writing each other spectacular novels as gifts! People flying over oceans to come and visit just because several years ago you happened to realise you both liked fictional people sucking dicks in the same way! People posting silly little gifts to your house because "it made me think of [character] and [character] makes me think of you"!
2. Do you have NOTPs? If so, why are they NOTPs for you?
In this fandom, Eggsy/Roxy. I wrote it for an exchange once because I weirdly enjoy making myself write a pairing I don't like, I enjoy the challenge of forcing my brain to think about it in a way that bypasses my aversion, and I liked what I ended up with. But I don't read it and don't intend to write it again. It's nothing to do with it being eww het or whatever, I generally write all characters totally pansexual anyway just because I like the option of variety. They just don't work for me as anything except maybe FWBs. I love them so much as friends, I can't get behind a romance somehow.
3. Summarize the worst film/book/song/story you’ve ever read/watched.
Lights Out is the most shitty ugly film I've ever seen and it made me so angry I couldn't sleep after I saw it. ROAR. The trailer was nicely creepy so I was hoping for a decent horror film in the plague of utter duds we usually get, but nope instead we get this shitstain. It's about a depressed mother haunted by an evil demon thing that can only survive in the dark and flips out when her family tries to light the house up and get her to take her medication. She's the only thing tethering the demon thing to the world, it doesn't exist without her, so she kills herself at the end to save her family. ????? It's clearly a metaphor for her depression given its dependence on her and its aversion to the light and everything, so what, people living with depression are supposed to realise what miserable burdens they are to their family and fix things by checking out? The most stupid tone deaf film I've ever seen, it was just so impossibly ugly. I knew as soon as someone mentioned the mother-demon link thing that it was heading towards that ending, but I was holding out hope that nobody could possibly be that crass in 2016. Fuck that film and everybody involved.
4. What are some fandom/fic things that irrationally annoy you?
The phrase "pupils blown wide" makes me want to peel my skin off. It's probably not actually that much of a thing, it's just that when I first started reading Kingsman fic I had a couple of months' worth to gorge on all in one big chunk and I started noticing it EVERYWHERE simply because of the volume of filth I was consuming 23 hours a day. I've not noticed it much recently, I think we've all moved on. But for a while there it was hanging like a fart haze over Ao3 and ruining my life. Annoyingly, I've used it myself! In a real book people can buy on Amazon! VOMIT. I think it's one of those weird only-in-fandom phrases that somehow snags its claws into people's fics without anyone thinking much about it.
5. Write a summary for the fic you want to write but never will.
I started writing an AU of The Bodyguard for reel-kingsman a while ago, but never finished it and someone else claimed it this round! So that one's sort of lingering and probably won't happen any more, I've got too many WIPs to finish anyway and can't quite feel invested in newer things while I'm trying to get the rest finished by September. It had Eggsy as the Zayn-type character who's just left a massive boyband created on some X Factor kind of show, and Harry as the bodyguard hired to look after him who pretends he hates boybands but really he's still got mint condition Take That dolls in their boxes from the 90s and a Boyzone tattoo on his arse and he sits in his little hut sweatily watching Eggsy's audition video on Youtube all night.
6. Someone writes a story that perfectly hits all your buttons. That story includes: _____, ______, and _________.
Massive age difference, UST that feels like it's never going to end and just when you think it finally will IT ACTUALLY DOESN'T for another 90 pages, and lots and lots of kissing, bonus points if it's kissing + hair-touching.
7. I’m stealing @colinfilth’s question once asked on twitter bc it was SO GOOD: what is the fic one would write that clued your readers in that your identity had been stolen?
Relentless dark angst mpreg omegaverse same age AU deathfic with suave macho top Harry, Eggsy's dialogue written out phonetically, and Merlin's real name is something like Caomhainn or Eirdsidh.
8. Most embarrassing celebrity crush, past or present?
Meat Loaf around the time Bat 2 came out. I'm not embarrassed! But I've been informed that I should be.
9. How much research will you do for a fic? Wing it? Get lost in a wikipedia hole? Read actual books on a topic? Google translate? Get consulting with native speakers?
I'm too lazy to research. Plus I don't write much that's not character-driven fluff porn. I'd probably research more if I wrote plotty stuff, but my brain only seems to like over-described fight scenes and swoony romance. The only thing I really research is location if that's necessary, I like looking places up on google maps/street view to get a sense of what's going on around the characters.
10. The one thing the creator of your current fandom could do to kill your fandom love.
The creator is the least important person! Once a thing is out there and a fandom is building up around it, they completely cease to matter. Even if TGC is an absolute shitshow I wouldn't care - I've read and written so much fic that I'm pretty sure it's going to feel like Just Another Possibility to be accepted or ignored like everything else.
11. ETA: Ooops, forgot that 11th one. (I’ve had a lot of gin). Um. What are the songs that absolutely fit your faves to a T?
The Name of the Game by ABBA :P
I was an impossible case No one ever could reach me But I think I can see in your face There's a lot you can teach me
I'm feeling far too braindead to think up questions, but I would be grateful if anyone can explain to me in small simple words why a fictional adult person having fictional consensual enthusiastic sex with a fictional adult person deserves to be called paedophilia, because a very silly person is sniping at me anon about it and this shit is flying right over my head.
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thethespacecoyote · 7 years
“Salt and Spice” (1/2)
As far as Vasquez was concerned, less of Rhys was a blessing, and he enjoyed the undisturbed quiet he’d earned after dealing the the omega’s increasingly hostile and pissy behavior. Really, he didn’t have to be so annoying, even if he was merely jealous of just how much more competent Vasquez was at his job.
Today hadn’t been much different. Vasquez had spent the majority of the morning and early afternoon working on his own projects, approving documents and files the underlings on the rest of the floor had sent to him, compiling them into dossiers that he would send out to Henderson to peruse and give final say on before the end of the day. He was fairly confident in his work, hoping that the solid finish to the week would impress Henderson enough to tilt the promotion over into Vasquez’s favor. Unless Rhys was planning some kind of last minute surprise to bowl their boss over, he was pretty sure he had clinched it.
Finally got around to finishing this commission for @unitc223ofstrex !! Well, at least the first part, but the second part is coming up soon! 
Rhysquez, omegaverse, kind of enemies to lovers, though the lover bit comes more in the second part! Enjoy, dear~
Vasquez really wasn’t in the mood for work, today. Not that he really had much of an option. He wasn’t yet at the position where he could take a couple of days off of work and not risk losing his job to one of the other hundreds of sharks swimming around in the crowded pool that was the Hyperion corporate scale. He sighed, tapping his pinky against his temple, letting himself momentarily drift off into a familiar terrain of daydreams—himself sitting on a beach in one of the Edens, the water fantastic and clear, the sand soft and sparkling like a thousand diamonds, a drink in hand and maybe even a pretty young omega sunning himself in the chair next to him.
Ah, yes, now that would be a nice trip from the daily grind. Especially having a sweet little omega at his beck and call. Leggy and pale as the sand beneath his feet, sandy pretty hair and clear blue eyes. Oh, someone who was just Vasquez’s type, who would squirm and moan and bite his pretty little lips as he shaded Vasquez with his body and rode his cock right through the wicker sun chair and into the sand.
His eyes fluttered shut, a dreamy, sleazy smile on his face as he got lost in his fantasy, only to be rudely awakened by a pile of papers suddenly slamming onto his desk and startling him out of his daydream. He scowled as he nearly prodded himself in the eye with his own pinkie, glaring up at the young man who’d had interrupted him and stolen away this perfect pretty omega.
“You know, it’s inconsiderate to interrupt someone while they’re busy, Rhys.” Vasquez growled, staring up at the young man now standing before him, with that irritating, annoyed pout curled on his lips.
“Busy? What are you busy with? You looked like you were just dozing off. If you want to go home, feel free, you can hand your job off to someone else who is actually, you know, interested in it.” Rhys rolled his eyes, both hands resting stubbornly on his hips.
“I was very busy, Rhys, busy with things that you couldn’t possibly understand.” Vasquez growled, spreading out the papers Rhys had delivered on his desk, scanning them over with a lazy eye.
“Right. Okay, sure. How about you ‘busy’ yourself with these documents instead? They were supposed to be approved by you yesterday, but you apparently couldn’t be bothered, so why don’t you finish them before our whole department gets in trouble, okay?”
Vasquez huffed, picking up one of the papers, glaring at Rhys over the top. He could have a sweet, quiet and subservient little omega on a beach in Eden 6 but instead he had to sit here and listen to Rhys chew him out. Forgetting a couple of approvals wasn’t really that big of a deal. It was probably just another attempt by Rhys to knock him down a few pegs. Well, that wasn’t going to work, not on his watch!
“I’ll take care of it, Rhys. Now, if there isn’t anything else, maybe you should head on back to your own office? Make sure our uh, department isn’t going to go down in flames, huh? ‘Cause clearly, you’re the only one keeping everything afloat.”
“Well, considering I keep having to pick up your slack, I would say that’s preeeeetty accurate. How you got this far up in Hyperion, I’ll never know.”
“It’s a little thing called charisma, Rhysie. You’ve got to dress the part.”
‘Dress the part? I dress the part, Vasquez. This is all bought straight from the latest Hyperion catalogue.” Rhys gestured to his outfit. Vasquez rolled his eyes and huffed.
“Puh-leaaaaase, Rhys, that’s gotta be from last Fall’s issue at least. That waistcoat hasn’t been in style for months.”
“Waistcoats are always in style, Hugo. Just ask Handsome Jack.” Rhys hissed between his teeth, tapping the papers on Vasquez’s desk with an annoying rap.
“Just…get these done, okay? And sent off to Henderson by the end of the day, or all of our asses are going to be on the line.” The omega snapped, before turning on his heels away from Vasquez and storming out the office doors. Vasquez glared at him the entire time he was out, the alpha’s eyes boring into the back of the snooty young man’s head. Honestly, he didn’t know where Rhys got off talking to him like that. It was going to be quite the rude awakening as soon as Vasquez was promoted over him.
Oh yeah. It was only a matter of time.
Rhys was pissed.
His hands were shaking in his fists, fingers trembling against his palms as he nearly bit through his lip on the way to his office. He snatched a cup of water from the automated cooler, just barely downing the frigid liquid before his cybernetic fingers instinctively crushed it. He tossed it onto the floor in anger, knowing this wasn’t exactly helping his chances at the promotion, but hey, at least it intimidated the alphas that usually tried to flirt with him away back to their offices or the lunch room. Rhys scowled after their retreating backs, glaring hot holes into their cheap suits and waistcoats before he wrenched the door open to his own office and slammed it behind him, sending shuddering through the adjacent walls.
Rhys kicked at nothing out of frustration, nearly unbalancing himself before he pinwheeled his arms, lurching forward to catch himself on the edge of his desk. He hissed in anger, giving the side of his desk a sharp kick, before sliding over to his leather chair and sitting down with a furious thump. he crossed his arms over his chest as his pout deepened viciously, bobbing his crossed leg over the other.
“That….that idiot!” Rhys growled, feeling heat prickle up the back of his neck. He put his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his desk. His body was tingling all over with anger, and his clothing suddenly started to feel too tight—
He shot up straight in his chair, nearly knocking it over as he scrambled for the drawer in the front of his desk and wrenching it open. He frantically licked his lips as he groped around for a rattling bottle, unscrewing the top with sweaty hands before tapping two small pink pills out into his palm and popping them into his mouth.
He took a sip from the lukewarm coffee still sitting in his Hyperion mug from earlier in the morning, grimacing as it helped work the dry pills down his throat. His fingers clenched on the handle of the mug, teeth gritted tightly as he fought back the heat prickling up in his body.
Nope. Not now.
He held his breath for what seemed like forever, muscles tight until he felt the angry warmth in his body start to ebb away. Rhys let out a tense sigh, tipping the open bottle towards himself, eyes scanning over the scant couple of pills left. He scowled, popping the top back on the bottle and sliding it back into his desk. He stared at the surface of the desk, rapping his cybernetic fingers in a incessant click click click until he could feel the prickling symptoms recede completely.
He knew he couldn’t stave this off forever. He was running low on his pills, and he knew the doctor wouldn’t give him any more, out of concern for his own health. He took another spiteful drink of his cold coffee.
Stupid omega health laws. It wasn’t fair. He only needed his heat to stave off for a little bit longer! Just to long enough to smear his promotion into Vasquez’s stupid, smug, alpha face, before heading home to fuck himself with a gold-plated dildo for a week or something. Hell, maybe he would even call in one of those fancy alpha services that provided models with perfectly chiseled abs and a nice, thick cock and knot ripped right from any omega’s wet dream. Hell, with the kind of money he was about to be making, he could probably buy himself a Handsome Jack look-a-like to fuck him silly through his heat.
Henderson had implied that his final decision about the promotion would come by the end of the week. All Rhys had to do was hold out until then, keep showing up Vasquez and doing his job until the new position was his.
Rhys drained his coffee cup, smirking at the watery dregs before settling back into his seat and folding his hands.
All he had to do now was to bide his time and pray his body wouldn’t screw this up for him.
Vasquez didn’t see much of Rhys over the next few days, which was a blessing as far as he was concerned. He didn’t need the overbearing omega haranguing him about whatever he had lodged up his ass that particular day, like he was the alpha’s wife. As far as Vasquez was concerned, less of Rhys was a blessing, and he enjoyed the undisturbed quiet he’d earned after dealing the the omega’s increasingly hostile and pissy behavior. Really, he didn’t have to be so annoying, even if he was merely jealous of just how much more competent Vasquez was at his job.
Today hadn’t been much different. Vasquez had spent the majority of the morning and early afternoon working on his own projects, approving documents and files the underlings on the rest of the floor had sent to him, compiling them into dossiers that he would send out to Henderson to peruse and give final say on before the end of the day. He was fairly confident in his work, hoping that the solid finish to the week would impress Henderson enough to tilt the promotion over into Vasquez’s favor. Unless Rhys was planning some kind of last minute surprise to bowl their boss over, he was pretty sure he had clinched it.
His stomach let out a loud rumble, starting him from his thoughts. He frowned, pressing a hand to his stomach as he shut off his tablet and rose to his feet. Considering he’d worked straight through lunch, he figured he owed himself a nice treat or two. Call it a bit of a premature celebration, but hell, he deserved it for all his hard work.
Moments later he was standing in the anemic break room, dumping a small container of caramel creamer into a plastic cup of coffee before taking a long sip. He hummed as the sweetness tingled on his tongue, lazily looking about the currently empty room. A couple of Hyperion motivational posters, including a nearly floor length one of Jack posed with a gun and an army of loaders decorated the otherwise sparse walls. The carpet below his designer shoes was worn and stamped down by the soles of dozens of employees.
He really was so much better than all this.
Vasquez was sorting through the limp danishes, trying to decide between raspberry and apricot and only barely caring about the dilemma, when suddenly a loud crunching metallic sound rang through the entire floor, sending shudders through the walls
Suddenly, Vasquez felt like he had been punched in the lungs. Breath was scarce, his heart suddenly pounding. He knocked his paper coffee cup over as his hand flailed about, grasping at his throat as he stumbled out of the break room, eyes casting about. He saw other employees racing around, hands similarly clasped to their throats or covering their mouths. Vasquez let out a hoarse cough, eyes watering as he seized one of the scrambling employees, using his rapidly draining air to bark out:
“What happened?”
The answer was somewhat hard to get out of the employee, as they too were trying to salvage their remaining air, but they managed to get out a few words to the other man.
“L-Life support systems failing….f-for the whole floor…” He gasped, mouth opening and closing like a dying fish before he turned away, stumbling off and away in the direction the rest of the employees were scrambling towards.
Vasquez swore, making a run for the emergency exit, which he soon saw were swarming with armored guards, complete with masks and oxygen tanks. Vasquez brushed past them, not caring much about the fates of the rest of the floor employees who had perhaps been felled by the sudden loss of life support functions. He even shoved past a couple of betas to get into the sanctuary behind the air tight door. He was finally graced with proper oxygen, bending over and resting his hands on his knees as he took deep, grateful breaths, finally able to fill his lungs up. After a few moments he raised himself up, quickly flattening down the front of his suit, trying to pull himself together.
The door quickly snapped open and shut, the armored guards and medics from before flooding into the small space, some of them supporting the Hyperion workers that had passed out or grown weak from the loss of oxygen and had been rendered unable to move into the secured area themselves. Two medics brought up the rear of the entourage, a metal and rayon stretcher floating between them. Vasquez curled his lip at the sight of a limp wrist hanging over the edge of the stretcher, and shook his head. Poor, slow bastard. He sure was grateful he’d gotten out in time, with only a slightly scratchy throat and fuzzy brain.
The medics and their charges fanned out and settled down, steadily taking care of any injuries or deprivations while Vasquez took a chance at showing off his leadership, hoping that keeping a level head in the aftermath of such a crisis would eventually get word back to Henderson. He hummed and nodded and lightly questioned the medics and patients clustered in little groups around the room as he further straightened out his outfit, trying to cement his wits about him and appear as the calm, collected leader that his department clearly needed in this time of chaos.
Vasquez was busy combing his askew hair back into place, when he accidentally cast a look towards the stretcher and nearly ripped his implants out of his skull.
That limp, pale hand that he had seen hanging over the edge of the stretcher? It was the same that had angrily handed him papers day after day, or tapped indignantly against his desk, or twitched when Vasquez slipped another insult his way.
It was Rhys.
The omega was lying stock-still save for the very, very slight rise and fall of his chest. His eyes were half-lidded, but even with that Vasquez could tell that Rhys’ eyes were dull, his ECHOeye inactive and unlit. His normally well-coiffed hair had been knocked out of its gel, messy and matted with blood clumped just above his temple. His skin was pale, so pale Vasquez could see the spindly little veins through it on the spaces that weren’t marred with bruises and scrapes. The front of his teal shirt was torn in places, and through the tears he could see blood pooling up and staining the fabric.
Vasquez felt his stomach churn, a sudden and certainly unexpected claw of fear rising up inside of him as he took in the young omega’s state.
“What….what the hell happened to him?” Vasquez growled, narrowing his eyes at the medics attending to Rhys as he pointed at his prone body. “None of the others have injuries like his.”
“Well…It looks like there was some kind of dysfunction in the life support systems in this man’s office.” Came the muffled, staticky voice of one of the masked medics as he withdrew an Anshin syringe the white bag slung over his shoulder, flicking the dip before injecting it into the side of Rhys’ neck and depressing the plunger. Vasquez watched, oddly fixed on the way the red liquid drained into Rhys’ flesh, before returning his attention to the medic.
“That’s where the source of the issue was. Looks as if there was some kind of explosion there, which explains his shrapnel injuries.” The medic withdrew the syringe from Rhys’ neck, sealing the used needle away into a waste container and gingerly returning it to his bag.
“Once the floor has been re-stabilized, we can go back in and see exactly what happened. Until then, we’re going to get this one sent off to the hospital to see if there’s any lasting damage.” The medic quipped before waving a couple of instructions to the guards and personnel, pushing Rhys’ stretcher through the muddled crowd and towards the exit on the opposite side of the room.
Vasquez stayed rooted to the spot for a moment, eyes flickering between the huddled employees and the retreating stretcher, before he swore softly to himself and followed after the medics.
It should have been the best day of Vasquez’s life.
Some act of God had decided to shine on him, ripping Rhys out of contention for the promotion they had both been gunning for for so long. Laid up in the hospital, there was no way that Rhys would be able to contest him for it. His work would pile up, and even in the extremely unlikely event that some Good Samaritan would pick up the slack and help him out, there was no way that he would be able to keep pace with Vasquez when it came to currying the favor of the higher-ups for the position.
He should be out partying at the fanciest restaurant in Helios, flushed with success and the salary raise that he was now surely about to receive. He should be picking up a cute omega waiter, or even calling himself an escort from the most high-class service on the space station and spending the entire night fucking his cute little brains out. He should be swimming in fancy steaks and wine and plump omega ass.
So why was he, instead, sitting in the waiting room for one of the many medical facilities on Helios, waiting on the doctor who was currently operating on his most hated nemesis?
Vasquez gritted his teeth, eyebrows furrowed together as he mulled this over in his head. All logic told him that he should get up and leave right now, get back to the fantasies that had been clouding his head for months now. Fantasies that he could now very reasonably make into reality if only he could get off the chair that he was, inexplicably, stuck to.
Rhys most likely wouldn’t have hung around outside the operating room if Vasquez was ever in any danger. Rhys would probably be out partying with some dirtbag alphas, getting his slutty little ass fucked before blowing money on some new socks, or maybe a proper tie instead of that clipped on monstrosity. Yep. That’s what Rhys would be doing if he were in dire peril, so why was he bothering to hang around for the omega’s sake?
Vasquez shook his head, pinching his brow and letting out a tight sigh.
What was wrong with him?
The time passed slowly, leaving Vasquez alone with his troubling thoughts until the exhaustion and stress of the day finally started to pull on him. He slumped back against his seat, head tipped slightly to the side as he closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep and filling the waiting room with rumbling snores.
He woke with a start to a deep, but gentle voice, eyes snapping open as he jolted in his seat. He mumbled, rubbing his hands on his eyes and clearing his vision. A woman in a white coat and glasses gradually swam into place, the scent of a beta wafting gently into his nose.
“Ah, h-hello?”
“Are you waiting for Mr. Somerset? You came with the medics, is that right?” She asked sweetly, taking a cursory glance towards her clipboard.
“We’ve stabilized him, for now. He’s not awake yet, and he’s hooked up to a ventilator, but if you’d like to see him, I’ll allow you to visit.”
Vasquez bit his lip as he listened, worrying over the decision in his head. The ache in his body and his throat was telling him to go home, take a nap—Rhys most likely wasn’t in much danger if the doctor was acting this calmly. It would be fine if he just up and left now, maybe sent a bouquet of flowers or some chocolate or a sappy conciliatory card, or something.
No one would think anything of it if he just left it at that.
But instead he found himself rising from his seat in the waiting room and following after the doctor, down the steely hallways that smelled flush of sterility and distantly of blood, the breath tight in his lungs as she stopped in front of one of the doors, tapped a code into the keypad, and beckoned Vasquez into Rhys’ hospital room.
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