#love these two evil little goobers
mlavier · 2 months
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average Iron Throne thursday
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starferret · 6 months
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I’m still absolutely in love with @cherryfennec Bad End Trio designs, I love those little evil goobers. And I wanted to try doing an evil Mario, cuz why not? He may not be a final boss, but it’s the closest we got to evil/possessed Mario!
Didn’t know what hair color I liked best, so I just included all 3
Bonus sketch cuz these two would constantly be at each other’s throats over getting SQ’s attention
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Maybe some head canons for Zooble or Kinger pining for the reader? Definitely mutual!
Mutual pining with Zooble and Kinger !
ueueueu YIPEE i love getting requests with these two, my sillies, my funnies, my goobers, my hilarious little lads my nap ended up being a little longer than i intended; like 5 hours so uh uh uh oops
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i think he would follow you around like a lost puppy, both lovesick as well as making sure you're still here
way too eager to help you with something, the second you look like you need something or need a hand hes at your side asking if he can help
hellooooo acts of service, we meet again
looks at you for extended periods of time with this... look in his eyes
you know the one, the longing one
tries to steal your attention by rambling about his interests before asking you about your own, this man would go out of his way to learn about the stuff you like so he can hold more conversations with you, but hes also happy just letting you talk his non existent ears off
no thoughts just the giant spider idea i mention in the kinger fluff alphabet (anon i see your ask wanting me to elaborate and build the idea! i see you and i hear you but my brain is refusing to make a solid idea, i promise im not ignoring you TToTT) and that being the catalyst of the two of you finally getting together; like the drama of one of you being in peril and the other having to be the hero
sobs and holds kinger
the fluff alphabet btw VV
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honestly i half regret saying they would be like a cool older sibling type, since i think that comment has kind of warped how i personally perceive them
they probably try to seem cool and normal around you but internally they're screaming, be it they think youre cute or cool or what have you, they're internally gushing about you and you live rent free in their head
aha, evil laughs
they invite you to hang outs in their room
need i remind you of treehouse by alex g? i know i tied that song in with gangle x zooble but i think that song just reminds me of zooble in general
oh no i sure hope no one tries to pair you two up together during group activities (cough cough caine)
honestly caine kind of seems like the type to do something like that
should you ever flirt with them they kind of. stammer on their words, their cool attitude temporarily broken before they regain their composure and just tries to play it off with a "cool, thanks..."
i think zooble would eventually make the first move after working up the nerve for a while, is absolutely thrilled that you feel that same
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dappledpaintbrush · 10 months
Full honest options on dimentio?
Looks at you like this
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Autistic Answer:
Okay so at the start of my spm special interest when I was a tiny little googoogaga baby (seven years old) Dimentio was just. This guy. Evil and shit but just a guy. But he was MY guy. I don’t remember beating the game that young. I seriously think I gave up on the yold desert puzzle and just binged koopakungfu let’s plays over and over again but regardless I remember the aftermath and GODDDDDDDDDD I was so indescribably enamored with this Thing . it was REVOLTING.
Now as a near 19 year old I can’t think about him or the game in general without having to stop drop and roll but at the end of the day, Dimentio is still just some guy. But in the morning and the afternoon he’s a fucking idiot. Like you absolute goofiest of goobers, all you had to do was teleport the heroes to Dimension D and wait everything out. That shit is why he’s currently burning in hell. Not for mass murder or being annoying but for the stupidest plan I have ever heard in my entire life. He is also one of the most intriguing characters ever made in the Mario franchise.
Like okay. You are given this purple and yellow triangular smudge on your screen and you go “hmm… (scratches chin) something is Wrong With This Animal. It Might be Sick.” And of course he ends up betraying the sympathetic tragic villain Bleckie Bear and dies (thank GOD) whatever credits roll NO!!!!
FIRST. This guy tells you Bleck has lied about creating new worlds. That is . THAT IS!!! Now he could be lying but he could also NOT be. After all, what other motivation would he have for betraying Bleck? All the worlds to himself perhaps …………………. That’s the thing. You don’t know . That’s this entire character.
Anything he says and anything about him is either a blatant lie, COULD be a lie, COULD be the truth, or is vague 3,000 year old information given from this dude in a bar that may or may not even be about Dimentio. He is LITERALLY wearing a mask. A TWO FACED MASK might I add.
Nintendo doesn’t lay out his story for you on screen like they do with Bleck. If you don’t take the time to explore, Dimentio will never be more than Bleck’s silly and funny-talking minion who betrayed him out of greed or.. whatever reason. Because he didn’t say it. No no- You have to go out of your way to investigate and pay money and put pieces of this puzzle together to find out that hurt people hurt people (🤓)
He could be some random bloke. He could the descendant of this sad unnamed character and somehow “never found happiness” whatever THAT means. He could be THE sad unnamed character that went through an accident so devastating that it left his mother dead and it left everyone believing HE was dead. This accident, whatever it was, was so horrifying that Dimentio, who can teleport across dimensions, was unable (by choice or not) to find and tell his remaining family he was alive. After his “death”, his sister would die as well. Their father, likely going insane with unimaginable grief, would rip her soul from the afterlife just to keep his only child- the only family he had left- with him, oblivious to the fact that somewhere, his son was still alive. This little girl, now forever trapped as a Pixl, would become so angry at what her father had done that she would start a war and slaughter ANYONE that tried to get in her way. The Pixl Queen- this angry, scared, and confused child- would lose once more. She would be destroyed. All she is now is a shadow of her former self. And that’s what she would reform as in the pits below an Ancient city, where, at the hands of our heroes, she would lose AGAIN. Dimentio could be oblivious to all of this. He could know a fraction of it. He could know all of it. He could hold no guilt. He could blame himself for what had happened to her, for he had been gone all those years- whatever that means.
He could want to destroy everyone and everything out of personal gain- to recreate them all in his image and rule them as he sees fit all because he is a greedy narcissist. He could want to destroy everyone and everything because, like Blumiere, he sees no point in anything after losing all he loved in all worlds. Maybe he betrayed Blumiere because Dimentio wanted to rule a timeline that goes his way and ONLY his way. Maybe “his way” is where he gets all he wanted in riches, in wealth, in a population that essentially worships him, and so on. After all, he does say that he wants to be king of all worlds. Maybe that isn’t everything he wants. After all, he doesn’t just wipe out everyone in all dimensions and create mindless followers using the Dark Prognosticus that is capable of doing that exact thing. No. Like Blumiere, Dimentio, too, wants the worlds gone. Erased. All of them. The worlds that caused that accident. killed his mom. “killed” him. killed his sister. And in these self-described and self-created perfect new worlds, his timeline, his way, where he can create anything and anyone he wants- maybe he isn’t alone anymore. Whatever that means.
In my full honest opinion, I think he is SO .FUCKING. COOL.
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fallowtail · 3 months
Top 5 Hetty outfits - jk ahem. Top 5 ghosts dynamics?
Oh this is rough their dynamics are all SO good....aahhhh ok. Ok. Going to try my best to fight my brain fog and lack of articulation skills to briefly explain why I chose them! These aren't in order either because that'd be just too evil, lol. Ok.
...I'M DOING SIX YOU CAN'T STOP ME because I accidentally wrote six of these because I miscounted and I don't want to delete one that I already wrote up, lol
Hetty and Trevor ...ok, this one is obvious, but they're just. So. Weird. In a way that you don't expect but that works absolutely perfectly. They're so similar when you get down to it and they bounce off of each other hilariously, I feel like that scene from Isaac's book where Hetty has created a scheme, and is so proud of herself for how devious she is, while Trevor rolls his eyes because he knows how stupid it is but he is still going along with it anyway because he knows if he does she'll give him a treat later (which she does!) sums up their dynamic really well. I love that they butt heads so much and think they have nothing in common when they so clearly do, lol. The way he's slowly shifted into being fondly amused by her vs aggravated is really cute- the way they're both so enthusiastic about what they get up to in the basement is so sweet, Trevor actively wanting Hetty to open up to him, to talk to him and be silly and let loose...that fond little smile she makes at him when he's being a goober during the pillow talk scene. Ugh. They do genuinely like each other but are just so stuck in their ideas about what they should want that they dig their heels in. This is the one I am the most mad about not being able to properly explain how I feel because there is just. SO. MUCH. Going on there with them. Why am I not good at writing, AHHH
Isaac and Hetty THE BESTIES! Oh Isaac and Hetty are just sooo funny like he watched her live her entire life, they are best friends, the two of them both think they run the house but they constantly default back to each other and are usually the only ones the other will listen to, he tried to romance her and then told her he was gay, he enables her bad behavior, he both refuses to take romantic advice from her but also desperately wants her advice, he deeply loves her but very clearly thinks there is something wrong with her, they have dates where they just stare out the window for hours, she clings to him constantly like he's a security blanket, she envies his ability to find love but also kind of hates his boyfriend who she encouraged him to get together with LOL, they're gossip besties, they both deeply crave the others approval, Isaac being happy Hetty found her stableboy but also not being sure why she's chosen Trevor, like. Oh my god. I love Isaac and Hetty so much that I can't find the words even more than the others. They're just so, so, so perfect together and you can always see Brandon and Rebeccas best friendship come through with these two, their scenes are always my favorite.
Sam and Hetty Wow, I wonder if there's gonna be a trend here with which dynamics I enjoy the most because it involves my blorbo, hmmm Something about Sam and Hetty finding family within each other and wanting to learn from their past mistakes and heal from their family damage with each other and then still falling into those same patterns they did in life but with the desire to fix it this time when they realize is so interesting. I love how even in the pilot Hetty warms up to the idea of her moving into the mansion so quickly despite claiming otherwise, and that even in as latest as the Halloween episode you can see them butting heads over Hetty's need to manage people to express care because she thinks she knows best and if she knows best, why wouldn't she tell people how to get what they want? And Sam lashing out when people do that to her because she wants her accomplishments to be her own and for someone to be proud of her for what she does.
Hetty and Flower and Alberta Look I said there was gonna be a trend but I'm squeezing the Lady Ghost Society into one group so that my last 3 answers aren't all for them, lol. The way the lady ghosts interact is so fun and I love that they're all different- Hetty and Alberta being all over each other this season despite their huge conflict at the end of s2, the way Flower and Alberta were the ones who volunteered to be roommates originally, Flower not realizing Hetty didn't understand what good sexual stimulation felt like and then being distraught when she realized Hetty didn't know what happened to her on the washing machine and Hetty feeling comfortable enough to come to Flower to confess her sins and Flower helping her work through it, Alberta having forgotten Flower's name in season 1 but then in season 2 she's the one who makes sure Flower remembers what her name is, it's just so...!! The fact they have a Lady Ghost Society Council is so cute too, oh my god.
Isaac and Trevor Oh my god one that doesn't involve Hetty, what the hell Isaac and Trevor are so interesting...they're kind of similar to H-Money in that on paper you don't think they'd get along, but their interactions are so?? I think Isaac envies Trevor in a way because he's so easily "one of the guys" which is all Isaac ever wanted, buuuut he also thinks Trevor is kind of an idiot, lmfao, because Isaac just thinks everyone in the house except for him and Hetty aren't particularly intelligent I think. (Also he can't get past the pants thing.) Trevor and Isaac both so very, very desperately, just want people to like them, both of them make up these stories about cool things they did to fit the persona they so badly want the others to believe...The Liquor License is such a good episode for them, the way Trevor is content to tease Isaac when he thinks Isaac is having fun doing his snooty thing but then as soon as he realizes Isaac got left alone he goes to find him...they're just really, really fun to pair up together and I'm looking forward to this next episode with them being a duo! You can really see Brandon and Asher's friendship shine through in their scenes together.
Isaac and Sam Isaac and Sam's relationship is so weird and I absolutely love it. Isaac shadowing Sam all day in the new episode and kind of making fun of her "Yogaaaa!", them doing yoga together and her ditching him when he fell asleep...there was an interview back in December where Rose talks about the Sam and Isaac dynamic and how weird it is saying Sam just really seems to want to serve him and his best interests and that there's something going on with Sam for her to want that out of Isaac LOL, she really does seem to cave into him the most out of any of the ghosts because something in her just seems to want to impress him? But at the same time he annoys her. It's fascinating. That little heart to heart they had about not needing outside approval but then immediately dropping it as soon as they got approval for her book was SO funny and they really just want everyone to like them and be proud of them and it makes for such a fun relationship to explore.
Phew! Ok, that was long, and I'm frustrated I can't properly say what I actually want to say or feel for any of these but hopefully that all comes across decent enough! <3
Ask me my top 5 anything game!
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grammars-doodles · 2 months
okay okay okay friendo so I know your blorbo is Pat/Rey and that is 11/10 but out of curiosity who's your other fav from Starforce? 👀 I need to learn about the rest of these goobers
OHHHHHH giving me excuses to talk!! bless!!
I'm going to preface this by saying I am perpetually in side character hell. The main cast of these games are wonderful, the two main characters, Geo and Omega-Xis, especially so. Initially depressed boy and his quick-to-violence alien partner who learn and grow from each other's strengths to improve their own flaws!!! It's so good to see. (For context, Starforce is all about humans ending up fusing with aliens made out of EM waves. Most of the aliens are evil and prey on negative emotions, Omega-Xis is kind of an outlier.)
But since you asked about my other fav I'm gonna talk about a guy who is very much not part of the main cast because my brain legally must pick side characters with not nearly enough screentime to attach to and not let go of. So you can now look at this anxiety man.
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This is Tom Dubius! He's a very passionate inventor and loves making things. Works at a space science center. He also has deep-seeded trust issues because his former boss pretended to be his friend so he could steal his invention ideas! The trust issues are taken advantage of by Cygnus, another EM wave alien guy! Er... bird!
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After Cygnus is defeated, though, they're able to bring him back in a later game but he's no longer evil. So the two of them can just transform together now, which is cool. He helps talk on Tom's behalf sometimes because Tom isn't exactly the best at conversation and I think that's cute as;dlfksadf-- like sorry I'm hyperfocusing rn. please talk to the bird
Also their transformed state, Cygnus Wing, can summon funny little baby swan minions called quacky lackies and I think that's just the best.
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rowletraine · 3 months
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My son!!! Look at my son!!!!!
Gods, I miss this little goober. After Gurdi left the party to go pursue internship in their chaos demon cult, I brought Chamo in to replace them.
I floated the idea of a "primordial tiefling" to my GM, which posed the question of what would happen if a half-fiend were born of something older than devils or demons. They liked that idea very much, and thus Chamomile Allegro the anxiety inkling was born. From my reddit post:
Not all half-fiends are lucky enough to trace their heritage to diabolic or demonic origins. Little known to all but the most tortured of scholars are those ancient, ravenous spawn of the Abyss, those which predate demonkind. To some, they are known as Obyrith. Other scholars refer to Qlippoth. These are arbitrary classifications of far more incomprehensible, unnameable evils. Since the time before time, demons have warred against these primordial entities, vying for power over the endless, torturous warpings of their home plane. Even amid the ravages of the Blood Wars, the demons of the upper Abyss have kept their ancient foe at bay, in the deepest, and vilest pits. However, some of these beings slip by, elusive as they are, and breach into the Material plane. Though the circumstances are extremely rare, encounters with these beings can lead to disturbing events, and either through sickness, curse, or improper summoning, primordial abyssal essence can infect the unborn, creating bizarre, abyssal half-fiends -- these are Primordial Tieflings. Chamomile was born in a small apartment in the living city of Gestalt. His mother, an eccentric-yet-kind hearted demonologist, never cared to seek a partner in life, but wanted a child of her own none the less. The solution, she discovered, lay in her own blood. With an intricate arcane circle, some well-researched hemocraft incantations, and a few alchemical reagents she bought with pocket change, Maia Allegro called upon the lower powers to grant her a child to call her own. Unfortunately, Maia reached a bit too far, and when the ceremony had completed, she found herself staring at an amorphous creature of tendrils, teeth, and far too many eyes. She fell in love immediately, and named the bizarre infant after her favorite tea. Chamomile's upbringing was pleasant, if cloistered. His mother never ceased doting on him, buying him all manner of books, construction toys, and even a pet gerbil to keep him company while she was away. Chamo gradually learned to control his own shape and take on a form similar to that of his mother -- walking on two legs, reaching with two arms, seeing through two eyes (most of the time). Unlike most boys his age, his skin and "hair" tended to change colors based on how he was feeling. He had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and tinkering, often taking small objects apart piece-by-piece and reassembling them for fun. Though he never was able to go to school or meet other children, he was happy. The civil war changed that. When their residential block was leveled by the conflict, Chamomile's mother did not make it out alive. To make matters worse, the cursed urn she impulse bought a week prior turned out to be a malevolent soul jar, and Maia's essence was trapped, barred from resurrection or even an afterlife. Just like that, Chamomile's entire world was shattered. For six years, Chamo carried the malevolent urn across the city, eventually falling in with a violent gang and learning how survive on his own in the urban landscape. He became a crack shot with a bow and unmatched in skulking unseen across the shifting city. Eventually, he was ousted for refusing to carry out a fatal hit job, and thus Chamomile left his broken city entirely. While passing through the elven city of Drasil, Chamomile's urn was stolen from him by a renegade Rakshasa. For a while, he scoured Drasil hoping to reclaim his mother's soul jar, but having no luck, turned to a life of petty crime. His prospects took an unexpected turn for the better when he was caught thieving from the airship of a ragtag band of adventurers, and he ended up unceremoniously adopted into their ranks with the promise that he could reclaim his lost treasure. It was some time before Chamo learned that his new friends' exploits had started a civil war in the city of Gestalt six years prior. TL;DR: Traumatized tiefling boy go squish.
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Looking back now, Maia actually looks a lot like I do now that I'm transitioning MtF........ Apollo was a canonical god in this campaign setting, and it appears he has indeed cursed me with the gift of prophecy.
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ultravioart · 1 year
Peepers you fool, of course Hater needs you! You’re his emotional support watchdog. (Seriously though, I love your deathglare ideas. Please keep them coming, I’m obsessed with these two awful awful men)
ALL ABOARD THE HATE TRAIN!!!! WOO WOO!!! thanks tho LOL I get shy about posting my death glare rambles, but I really do love these two goobers. emotional support watchdog is hilarious. Perhaps Hater is Peepers emotional support front man lol, Peepers absolutely has a "DO IT FOR HIM" board with pics of Hater that he looks to for motivation. Something about this silly ship just fills me with inexplicable joy, fr. It can be cute or sad or uplifting or a tug of war. So many scenarios, and it brings out interesting facets of their characters and what they represent. If Wander is Love (fueled by self-love=true love), and Hater is hate (fueled by self-loathing), then Sylvia might be... tough love? Or how it's tough to love, but love is strong/love makes you strong? And Peepers is ...puppy love? or how a person can fall in love with hate, relying on hate to give them strength? etc...?
I think it's notable that Peepers' and Hater's issues seem to mostly stem from their environment, with Peepers having a harsh home life offering little love, and Hater most likely waking up with no idea who/where/when he was, with no one to teach him how to navigate such a scary world. Dejected and abandoned, they STILL managed to find each other in this big, lonely universe and become a part of a great, terrible thing Together. Lonely, together. Broken, together. Dorks, together. Hating others, together. Loving each other, in their own ways, together, and no one else has to know! Hurt people hurt people, but sometimes hurt people find each other, and perfectly fill in each other's gaps. It's a bit sad, and certainly not the healthiest, but for a time those two had real hope between them. A hope for a better life than what the universe currently handed them, a passion. A love, or what they could muster of it. Peepers was the very first person to see just how GREAT Hater truly was, and that makes Peepers special. Peepers struggles with feeling insignificant and forgotten, so I think he takes great pride in knowing he's special like that. I imagine even if Hater never admits it, Hater will always cherish that about Peepers, and to think Hater maybe kept Peepers around all this time bc Peeper was the first person to truly like him...? Yeah. yeah. And maybe that's why he believed a little watchdog when that said he could get the WHOLE UNIVERSE to like Hater too? yeahyeahyeah And yeah.... evilly, but still!!! Peepers is special in that regard. And as I imagine that's a big place of pride, I also see it as a place of anxiety for Peepers. Peepers is nothing without Hater, at least nothing remarkable. And Peepers seems to have a fear of being replaced/losing Hater. Because sure, Peepers was the FIRST to see Hater as the greatest, but it could have been anyone else in the universe in his place. Peepers was just lucky enough to get the opportunity to be the first. He feels lucky every single day.
And that's why Wander is such a threat. Not just to evil schemes-- that one's obvious, but to Peepers' very significance.
Hater is his everything, in both an emotional and literal sense. Without Hater, he's nothing, just another insignificant, forgettable, teeny tiny watchdog in a sea of eyes that only look down on him. But with Hater he's big and he's strong and he's everything he's ever dreamt of, others finally take him seriously and others actually look UP to him and... ...and Wander is a better friend, a better mentor, a better companion, and can love Hater in nearly the same way: authentically. That probably scares the bajeebus out of Peepers. It's one thing to lose the empire, heck even his job, but to lose Hater?
I imagine Hater and Peepers, though at first glance one sided, have this two-way street to their relationship: they don't entirely see each other as a person, instead they see each other as a part of themselves. A piece that is deep down truly scared, angry at the universe, ambitious... worthless. Yearning to be loved because it's so hard to love yourself and wanting to be someone's everything because you are utterly nothing. "Who would ever love a loser like me" meets "Who wouldn't". And a super genius stays silent so his very first fan can feel big and mighty for being smarter than the greatest in the galaxy. I think something that I am particularly empathetic towards is that they both embody common insecurities within boyhood/manhood. Wanting to be the "cool guy" and "popular" because loving yourself is really hard. Fitting in is hard, "friends" are hard, dating is hard, girls are confusing, and boys are scary, and society too often labels being authentic as "uncool" so there's a lot of posturing or acting like a jerk to compensate for lack of confidence. Or the insecurities guys too often face of not being strong enough, big enough, tall enough, manly enough, not being taken seriously enough by peers. "If only I was bigger, taller, cooler..." It's all rubbish and what really matters is who you are on the inside. Sylvia learned that, and Peepers has yet to learn that. Lastly, I really do think Peepers pours all the love he can muster into Hater. That includes self-love. Because Lord Hater is everything Peepers wishes he was and isn't, so how could he NOT love that? That in turn does make Peepers a bit possessive and dismissive of Hater's feelings. Good fuel for aus that explore character development..... (I'd also like to think, since Hater was weak to lil bits' googoo eyes, that Hater has a soft spot for cute things... and Peepers is pretty cute. Perhaps consider turning a weakness into a strength there, ey Peepers?)
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 10 months
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ok episode 13 time folks
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my little gay heart can't take this with lauda being ranked at having better odds than sabina
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this little twink
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spiderman pointing meme
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i feel like the first 2 suits in this battle royale duel are the only cool looking ones lolz
i also can't believe how we got trolled by that 2nd cour trailer and everyone thought everything in it was at least a few episodes worth of footage and instead it was just this fuckin duel suletta blew through in like 5 mins lmao
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i don't want to waste too much of the post image limit on the OP but can i just say how much i love these two shots? like when i saw the episode i couldnt stop thinking how cool the grassley girls look in this frame lmao
also will admit i wasn't like super into slash for like the first 2 eps and now i can't decide if i like it better than shukufuku
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handsome suletta has entered the building
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i will never forgive them for including this shot in the OP... after the OP silhouette of eri changed to actually show eri, i was so fucking convinced at some point the OP would update to pan up and actually show notrette to us
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it's kinda nuts that earth house were the ones to step up after the 2nd school shooting later on when right before the school festival and in the aftermath of the plant quetta attack theyre all so traumatized over everything that happened
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remember when everyone thought this was gonna be a pantsuit and all the fanart that got drawn of miorine being handsome... yea we got a fake out but she wears a pantsuit later on and timeskip miorine is handsome as hell
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ha ha sure glad we don't live in a world where corporations can have say in military matters......................................
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these lesbians
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no mask prospera spotted and shes sitting down
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sorry prospera haters, but it's true
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this little goober trying to comfort nika-nee is the sweetest thing ever lol
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just dropping this here to go along with miorine's line to prospera that suletta couldn't stop shaking from how scared she was to ride calibarn
the next line in this scene is also suletta p much saying she was able to gather strength to go save miorine because of her mom. i don't think it'd be wrong to say she was able to do the same piloting calibarn although it wasnt just for her mom but her whole family, including miorine
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lmao i know dara materials is just one of the front companies shaddiq made up but i'd love to know whatever backstory he made up for them
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and honestly how bad is asticassia's vetting process? i totally forgot nika's backing company isn't real either. which in retrospect, yeah duh, makes sense
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the entire sophie montage is really amazing and on rewatch feels so depressing tbh
initially, i found sophie a little annoying if i'm being honest but thats because i don't like characters who get reduced down to HAHA I LOVE DOING EVIL THINGS... which is not at all what sophie is about once we get to the next episode. she's a victim of capitalism doing it's thing
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regardless of went down from this point forward, nika was always gonna play the martyr, which i still think is silly, but honestly out of all the things i have a gripe with in the 2nd cour this like one of the lowest things lmao
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i wonder if this was just meant to be a throwaway line or not cuz like yeah... you're not gonna talk your oppressors into being nicer to you lol
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suletta doesn't even know how cool she can be sometimes huh?
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this line still cracks me up... suletta, sweetie....
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norea up in the pharact like sophie cmonnnn
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ending the episode on cool suletta again
also mannnnnn remembering watching this ep the day it came out and this scene with red birthmark starting up was so amazing lmao i was kinda iffy on the song at first because it felt kinda whiny? idk what other word to use because i'm not really a music person... i definitely don't feel that way now and if i had to describe it to someone right now i'd say it's a very emotionally-charged song. it's honestly one of my favorite anime endings both the song itself and the actual ending animation
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legit one of my favorite frames from the whole ending sequence and i'm so happy to know that this is confirmed to be made to look like calibarn and not aerial in this shot lol
like this literally is one of the most gorgeous anime endings i've ever seen lmao i don't think i'll ever stop gushing about it
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cmon look at them
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literally cannot believe to this day there are miorine haters or people who think miorine didn't care about suletta enough. miorine's possessions were literally taken away as we see later on when lauda gives everything back to her... but here she is, holding on to cool-san and just longingly staring at this stupid ugly little keychain
i didn't fully mind the sulemio separation arc... but god, i hated that for the first like 3-4 eps all we get of mio are these post-credits minute or two long scenes
all i'm gonna be able to think about while watching this whole cour is what could have been if bandai weren't stupid lol
ok might do episode 14 in a bit, but now i wanna go listen to red birthmark lmao
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liliallowed · 4 months
Your Crimson character kinda reminds me of Mary from the comic Deathsitter. Shout out to all the crazy characters with psychosis your my all my favorites! So is Crimson the player or something? I'm kinda new to LV triangle.
yeah! they're basically how the in universe characters see the player character as!
(not frisk or Chara but the red heart you behind the screen influence. your personality projection. your WILL... or in crimsons case ... they're dusttale player! the being behind the time loop and endless slaughter!)
LV triangle is a ship name for a love triangle between dust sans, crimson and reader!
it's kinda meta (we don't talk about the fact that reader and crimson are technically from the same world. just imagine reader is a normal in universe you that didn't hop dimensions and has always been there.)
dust and crimson are just mortal enemies... except crimson flirts with dust as they're getting brutally stabbed from time to time. (they're so goofy and a simp for dust I love them)
while dust hates crimson he indulges them in the romance in order to fluster or distract them and then stab them in the chest.
they do flirt but from dust it's manipulation. from crimson? it's honest but a twisted obsession.
these two are technically both yandere for each other except dust wants crimson's LV and not their love... while crimson wants both XD.
and reader is stuck in between these two unpredictable crazy goobers trying their best to deescalate the situation...
crimson/dusttale player lore below 👇:
crimson is a player in particular who played A LOT of resets. and I mean like... a lot.
speed runner levels of obsessive.
genocide after genocide, not necessarily because of wanting or expecting something new but because they simply couldn't accept the game ever... "ending".
a goofy chaotic force of unfathomable logic defying willpower, they're contradictory and VERY ENERGETIC and competitive. they're terrifying if needed be then switch to being a silly goof.
they treat death and torture as a small minor incontinence. they DARE others to hurt them. they can't be hurt. not physically at least.
crimson is an agent of chaos and obsession. a longing lonely entity neither human nor monster who seeks company in enmity and hatred.
because hatred binds people. hatred has proven to be a stronger driving force than love.
they have been left alone behind the barrier countless times with each pacifist timeline.
but in genocide? who needs those forgetful friends when you have an adversary that will REMEMBER YOU FOREVER? that's even BETTER than having friends. to constantly sharpen their skills, better their speed and combat. to face someone on their own terms.
they may act ruthless and evil... but most of it stems from their abandonment. yes it's selfish but they're TOO ATTACHED to this world to let go even if it hurts them and everything around them.
it stems from them being of a different plain of existence. where the reality of an eternity of pain and suffering is more of a fleeting dream for a moment for them.
they cling onto what little pain they can cause because it's precious. an eternity is still too much of a short time. even for anomalies like them that should have left this world xxx lifetimes ago.
crimson is the angel. at least... one of the angels. an angel that brought it's heaven to the world instead of returning to it's own world.
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luescris · 5 months
Spoiler warning for Sonic Prime below, beware
So many things are going in my brain right now. A million different trains are running a million miles on high speed and I have no way of knowing which one to start with because oh my god
I finished watching Sonic Prime. And safe to say I am absolutely gobsmacked
What a show. From start to finish. There's so many things that I want to say about it. The characterization, the emotion, the animation, the end. Some of it may be critiques, but not in a bad way. I'm just. Genuinely. So happy that we got this.
What I will admit though, was that the fight scenes in this season seemed to be a little bit dragged on. They were bearable and fun to watch for sure, and there was not much happening, but I think I understand why they did that. 😆 Everything else though. Man
Shadow was the best he's ever been in forever. Just for starters. We need more of that Shadow on so many levels. The Amy's consistently teaming up with each other, calling each other sisters, holy shit?? That was the greatest ever????? Not only that but Dread naming Black Rose the Captain was so amazing I can't even like. Find the right words. It fit so well and I literally was vibrating like augh Like in general Amy had such good representation throughout the entire show, in fact both her and Shadow have and those were the two that I was worried for the most and I am so glad that they did them right
Sails and Mangey though. I thought they were gone for good for a long while there. When they returned I was so very freaking happy like aaaaa
Nine's entire deal was definitely An Experience, and I don't mean that in a bad way he was certainly a goober, but the concept of an evil Tails man. Very scary indeed HFHDDHD
But then. There was freaking. The moment where Sonic was about to blip out of existence. Where he turns around to the Amy's and goes "Goodbye Roses". And then when everything came together again and he called her "sweet Amy." With that look on his face and that stance. Am I the only one that feels vindicated?? That screamed and ran around out of pure excitement??? Like am I reaching or was that genuinely them telling us he one hundred percent has a thing for Amy??? I genuinely do not know but my heart wants to say yes and I am on the floor.
My only question is; what the heck was with that end?? I know they said that it was meant to be part of the games somehow some way but like. They don't show anything? The only thing we get is Eggman saying he needs a bigger fleet and that tells me that maybe this is before Forces??? But I genuinely have no idea augh
Does anyone else know?? Can anyone else figure that out like augh ahshhdsh
I really want to like. Dive super deep into all of the things Sonic no doubt has to tell his friends about what happened and his feelings about fighting Nine and maybe even missing all of them in a way and just. Yeah man wowie
Also the fact that Shadow appears out of nowhere to everyone except Sonic and takes the Prism somewhere, and he was like "I go wherever I want" that was so funny, especially since he too knows what happened like aidhdhdhdhhs 😂
But god man. Honest rating is 8/10 show. There were moments that were cheesy but ultimately it was amazing, and I loved watching every bit of it. :D I am so very sad to see something so great go so fast, but I suppose that's the nature of Sonic I guess lmao 😂
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rainbowchaox · 1 year
i want to know all about your bi himbo and his friend group so i’ll take 50 for each of them
What is your favorite thing about them?
First off with the bi Himbo himself! His name is Athan and my favorite thing about him is honestly not what usually people would think. I love how petty and how despite being a asshole he is still charming. His whole thing is that he never believed in god but realized as one of the many bastard kids left to be raised by a whore mother in a brothel in the middle of what is pretty much like whore alley in a shitty unlawful like city right in the middle of two major kingdoms (one is based on like Roman and Greek stuff and the other is Arabic and Asian insipred) that hate each other and numerous times have gone to war. that he either was gonna be eventually be forced to be a servant or a whore because Surpise! He’s mixed Race between the white race and the brown race. And both kingdoms hate them mixed races (there’s actual lore reasons but I’m trying to summarize as much I can). But yeah he figured out soon as a kid the only way he could go past than a life in the gutter is to get any sort of schooling. But obviously he isn’t dumb so he quickly realizes that the only way to get said schooling is to become part of the church as luckily his magical core is Light (there’s schools for nobility and then the church also teaches their priests in training the same stuff.). It’s his best chance to have a life BUT becoming the part of the church is like where the shitty second horns of nobles usually go to and Despite being one of the only talented commoners ducking insults all the rich boys and legit is so blunt that half his class hates him. He is just in it for a good job and somehow he becomes a better priest than legit all his peers. Like he is petty and will make a douche embrass himself. (Literally how he became a ex priest is when the new head saint is like you are too rude to the nobles and he was like ok give me my retirement fund and the head saint was like WHAT THE FUCK.). He also starts numerous socialist movements by accident when he drank some wine. (Ps he has light brown skin numerous freckles and moles golden brown eyes.)
Next is Eis (my beloved). I love him so much because he is such a funny little ace spectrum (literally only had them feelings when he saw Athan being his gremlin self and was like oh shit) homosexual.he is introduced as this powerful Battle Mage that everyone is pretty sure is the next incarnation of the worlds evil god. And when you see him and his future man interact he is JUST- that one smart kid in your class that legit tried to make some dangerous chemical in the lab for shit and giggles. He looks cold and a bit condescending but he is totally a force of chaos and major only child syndrome I won’t lie. (He has white hair and pale skin with stormy blue eyes)
Next is our girl boss and mess of a human being! Cadenza the expelled student from like Alchemy College. She is just insane. My favorite part of her is despite her utter insanity she will go ram for those she cares about. Like the amount of loyalty this sapphic goober has in her. (Brown wavy hair with emerald eyes)
And finally the queen herself, aka Norturne a ex assassin that’s such a bro. My favorite part is despite being the supposed edgy one she is legit the voice of reason. And she can’t flirt to help her whatsoever despite looking like a typical Feme fatale that uses charm to screw over people, nope. She is just very mellow and socially awkward.
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rainbowtvz · 8 months
🩷 ❤️ 🌘 ~ rebeccaselfships
🩷sal -
sal's not really an abstract ideas kind of guy when it comes to art. he's more of a hands on crafty guy. it's why he's amazing at crafting himself masks (though it took him a while to get there) but not as great with painting them, or art in general. what little he's picked up with drawing and painting is definitely osmosis from larry and ash. give him some sculpting clay and he'll know exactly what he wants to do with it but a canvas and a brush? it's why what ash and larry can do with said canvas is so fucking amazing to him. and what (either s/i) can do with a pencil and paper is even more amazing.
i like to think that since john is extremely sentimental in canon that it goes a step further and he carries something that reminds him of his partners, past and present, on him, to keep them a part of himself. with helen it was their wedding ring he swore to never take off (now worn on a chain around his neck) and with me it changes every so often as we're still finding our dynamic to settle into. (sometimes its a phone charm, other times it's a scarf i got him as a present.. what goes unsaid is what the final item would be if i were to leave his life prematurely.)
sal and i are just two silly lil goobers trying to make something with our lives, unaware that the evil cult is about to upend our lives. however we both have a sort of sixth sense that things are gonna get chaotic in the near future so we're more or less living like it's our honeymoon to get the most out of our relationship before one or both of us dies :(
so there's a lot of intimacy and a bit of co-dependency going on, and just living one day at a time, and just fully putting all our love into it like it's our last day on earth.
john and i met because i just saw him get shot in the fucking street and stumble away and nobody batted an eye like it was somehow normal? i followed him to a hideout of his to see if he needed help only for him to put me at gunpoint because he thought i was an assassin there to finish the job. i almost ran and didn't look back but decided to see it through because i can't just.. ignore somebody getting severely hurt like that and not feel awful about it when i could've tried to help at least. we are still figuring things out between us so i don't have a lot of facts n stuff about us but things r going well so far!
sal loves my sense of humor, just point blank. its a good mix of silly and gallows. he can both relate to it and fall back on it to lighten the mood up anytime. and it usually makes his day when i come up with something particularly hilarious. sometimes i catch him staring off into space only to start giggling. i ask him why and he says it's because he remembered a joke i made.
sometimes i'm not sure what's going on in john's head, but i get the feeling that just my presence is enough to keep him grounded. i think i'm sort of a break from the madness and i appreciate that i can be, because the kind of world he lives in sounds extreme, and scary. when he's with me in my corner of reality it's like he can slow down and enjoy life again. i think it makes him feel normal and like there's a light and the end of the tunnel. it's the least i can be for him. as for if he loves it about me? wel i hope it's not the only thing 😗
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lemmyface0w0 · 1 year
working on redoing my old Undertale AU/OCz!!!
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i'll probably workshop their designz more but i do really like theze designz, i think Red will get workshopped the mozt cuz i wanna try some different placementz for the exposed bonez + hiz clothez...
[under the cut iz juzt me rambling about all three of them + the story in general and alzo cloze upz of the characterz]
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Red iz a skele-dog monster, he iz very friendly and kind if not a bit dull.. he enjoyz helping in any way he can, and they especially like helping Yellow (who he deemz az hiz older brother) - she haz a pretty bad memory and can't remember if he waz born without armz or lozt them nor remember how hiz skull waz cracked or if the memory problemz stem from that injury
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Blue iz a sheep monster! she livez with Yellow and Red and iz very fond of them both, she takez fighting lessonz from Yellow and iz very determined to be able to pull her own weight - she likez to sew clothez for the other two and herself and enjoyz doing whatever Red iz doing(az Red tendz to go on random 'questz'), she alzo iz the one who doez mozt of the social thingz az Yellow doezn't like people and Red iz too gullible and truzting
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Yellow iz a skeleton still(the 'prim three' uzed to all be skelez), i felt like it fit so i didn't change him; he'z an incredibly hard worker and iz constantly working, he made their houze pretty much from nothing and with only a little help from hiz bf Goop, he cookz and cleanz, he constantly makez sure the otherz are prepared for everything and when they aren't he keepz them safe, and he iz a big fan of studying and tezting loadz of thingz - itz very rare to see him rezting but every now and then he'll stop for a snooze or more likely a tea break..
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EMM iz a sorta dream god, it doezn't live with the otherz and preferz to live on eir own; itz the so called BBEG and probably livez in some huge azz castle or something - despite the evilnezz itz actually pretty anxiouz around otherz which iz the main reazon e doezn't approach the group; they instead do evil in the background, cauzing chaoz that'll make itz way to the group without em having to be near them
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Goop iz a slime/..goop monster; it sorta juzt chillz out in the attic and ventz of Yellow'z home and haz been with him the longezt az it waz with him before they came here - they are actually dating and in love #lovewins, but yea it iz pretty much the opposite of Yellow, a huge goober and kind of an idiot; itz lazy but will every now and then take over work only if it meanz Yellow will chill out(even for a moment)
thiz story iz honestly pretty detached from UT now since none of the characterz are Sanz or whatever(the main three uzed to all be a different AU Sanz but were changed to be original characterz)(alzo no Yellow iz not Sanz he'z juzt a skeleton, he'z 100% separate from Sanz and Papyruz) and the story iz pretty different from the original UT story, but i still call them my Undertale OCz since that iz the fandom they originated from
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bwoche · 2 years
tell us about your ocs !
I was JUST about to ask you this question lmao
(hopefully) hiding this behind a readmore just in case
Salem is my character for a Curse of Strahd campaign my friend is running, he's just some guy who ended up in a nasty hell world run by a vampire and happened to get trapped there with the most protagonists ever. Recently he learned his sometimes-boyfriend (it's a whole thing) had been working with Strahd and had to confront and kill him. It sent him over the edge and he's unhinged now trying to find a way to bring him back, but no one knows so I get to be the secret evil guy now and I LOVE it <3 He's one of my favorite characters I've ever had, like capital T tragic. Also looking for an artist to comission for art of him so if you know anyone whose good with humans please hmu
The other OC I've got is Hiero, short for Hierophant, also another DND OC who I adore cause they're such a little shit. Their story was that they woke up believing they had died and become some sort of angel walking the earth, and over the course of the campaign that evolved to "Maybe I'm some sort of prophet" and then to "maybe I'm GOD" and in a recent session the DM did actually canonise them as being something of a prophet and it's GREAT. Everyone else who thought they were just a silly goofy joke until now had to face the reality of them being Important ™
Thank you for indulging me lmao, I have some other stuff knocking around cause I'm TRYING to get better with writing cause lately my creativity is sapped but these two goobers always make me happy, rotating them in my head like rotisserie chicken
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Nana Episode 1 - Prologue: Nana and NANA
Time for me to watch my second anime that I will watch and talk about on this stupid blog. Maybe this one will actually be good, only time will tell. I was gonna rewatch Arakawa Under The Bridge but that’s stupid so instead I’m going to watch Nana. I’ve wanted to watch Nana for three million years because Romi Park is in it. What’s it about?
The episode starts in a nice house. Someone is asking a character called “Nana” if she remembers the way they met, and saying it was maybe “fate” probably. Then the opening starts. The opening has some eyes in it at the start. There seem to be two women, one of whom is cool. The interior house shot also seems to be like, important. Maybe.
The pinkish woman is receiving a text message, so she does a little praying.
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The text makes her really happy, but the happiness is actually a bad thing, because she’s behind a desk right now in a “there is a coworker with a large stack of books” type situation.
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Man snow sucks. “It’s spring” but like there’s snow all over the place and it sucks. What a miserable show so far. 0/10.
The pinkish woman was from a crazy kooky family with many girls. She abandoned it because she just loved Tokyo that badly and wanted to live in that place. So far she seems like quite the “quirky” character. Wowie... there is someone who is important to her. A certain someone named Shoji. Now THAT’S interesting! Seems like they had a long-distance relationship be that platonic or otherwise, but it is getting transformed into a short-distance relationship.
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The pinkish woman is trying to steal a train seat from the cool woman’s guitar. The cool woman is listening to music a little LOUD from her earphones, heh heh heh. The train ends up suddenly stopping, so the pinkish woman’s theft attempt succeeds.
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bro the cool woman’s face when she watches cellphone usage happen... I can already tell Cool Woman is an epic and great character. I’m finding myself instantly endeared by her. This is the power of Romi Park. No character played by Romi Park would ever be a sexually abusive mother who likes evil aliens. Anyway the characters are 20-year-olds. Also the pinkish one is enamored with the cool one, which means the pinkish one knows what’s up. What great protagonists.
Anyway it’s time for them to drink beer.
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What a cool premise for a television show. The only problem is this show should have been called “Nanas”. They named it wrong. Unless one of these women dies. Now THAT would be a character death!
...wait if one of them dies it can’t be the pinkish Nana because she’s the narrator... oh man, if cool Nana dies I will simply cry and cry and be crying a lot.
Anyway, after they get off the train they go in opposite directions. I guess this is where the show ends. Boring ending. 0/10.
Apparently Pinkish and Shoji have some friends named Junko and Kyosuke who live together now. Pinkish derides Shoji for his foot fetish, which is pretty interesting. Later they have offscreen sex, which is even more sexual and infinitely more offscreen. Now it’s time for Pinkish to go into Ultra Housework Mode. Over dinner, Shoji is like “literally what is wrong with you, why did you go into Ultra Housework Mode???”
So Pinkish Nana goes apartment shopping, but there’s a “““problem”““. Cool Nana is like. Standing there. In the apartment. It’s time for Cool Nana to become this apartment’s owner!
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Pinkish Nana is a freaking goober. I guess that’s fine though.
They both want to live in the apartment, so it’s “Roommates Scenario Time” for them to become roommates.
Wow, this anime has a stylish “anime ending” as it were. I like it.
So far this show seems pretty good. I bet a horrible staircase incident happens though, because they’re on the top floor of an elevatorless building.
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