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Embodying the Spirit of the Good Samaritan:
A Call to Compassionate Love
The parable of the Good Samaritan, shared by our Lord Jesus Christ, exemplifies the essence of Christian love and compassion towards others, irrespective of their background or nationality. As followers of Christ, we are called to embody the spirit of this parable in our daily lives.
In the narrative, a Jewish man, journeying from Jerusalem to Jericho, fell victim to robbery and violence. Despite his desperate condition, two members of his own community—a priest and a religious leader—passed him by without extending aid or comfort (Luke 10:30-32).
However, it was a Samaritan, considered an outsider by the Jewish community, who demonstrated true compassion. Moved with pity, he tended to the wounded man's injuries and provided for his needs without hesitation (Luke 10:33-35).
This parable challenges us to broaden our understanding of who our neighbors are, beyond the confines of familiarity or shared identity. As Jesus succinctly stated, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39), emphasizing the universality of compassion and kindness.
The Samaritans, though marginalized and despised by the Jews, epitomize the unexpected vessel of God's grace and mercy in this story. Their willingness to aid a fellow human being in distress serves as a poignant reminder of God's call to love unconditionally, without prejudice or discrimination (Luke 10:36-37).
Reflecting on this parable prompts us to ponder:
Do I extend compassion to those outside of my immediate circle, regardless of their differences?
Am I willing to inconvenience myself to alleviate the suffering of others, as the Good Samaritan did?
How can I emulate Christ's love in practical ways within my community and beyond?
In what areas of my life do I need to broaden my definition of neighborliness, guided by the teachings of Jesus?
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, grant us the grace to embody the love and compassion demonstrated by the Good Samaritan. Help us to transcend barriers of prejudice and self-interest, and to see every individual as our neighbor, deserving of care and kindness. May our actions reflect the boundless love of Christ, who gave Himself for the redemption of all. In His holy name, we pray. Amen.
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davidwfloydart · 1 year
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Truth 👍 #morons #lovethyneighbor #fuckingidiots #willfulignorance #trumpsucks #trumpsupporters #racisminamerica #racismisavirus (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coz0mzBrUUxQpWUt0Si35cUJOCvZMMEzLn86M40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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athingirl · 1 year
A Tiny Surprise
 Just when you think your random acts of kindness go unnoticed, there’s a surprise left at your door.  When the young couple on 9 had a baby girl, though I didn’t know them, left a card that said…  Thank Heaven For Little Girls!   I rarely get to send a baby card so this one, taken from that wonderful Maurice Chevalier song, made me smile.   So along with a loaf of banana bread, my favorite (how…
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The Weight of a Soul.
I was perched on the back stoop of my house this afternoon, savoring a cup of tea while observing the dogs nosing around the chicken coop. Since both pups have a knack for chasing chickens, I found myself mulling over how to safely introduce them to the flock.  Those two were tearing around the coop, completely oblivious to the serious consequences of their chicken-chasing antics. I thought to…
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ecspeorganization · 5 months
A Letter From the President: Jesus’ Command: A Call to Aid the Persecuted
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poe-sia-todo-dia · 6 months
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Um fato que Jesus Cristo introduziu na vida dos fiéis foram seus dois mandamentos. Os dois são extremamente difíceis de se cumprir.
O primeiro é a amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas. Esse é um problema. Há quem esqueça e comece a idolatrar coisas, pessoas, celebridades, narcisos e outras armadilhas patológicas que nada de bom servem. Ao optar por amar esse ou aquele, direcionando suas intenções e admirações a determinada pessoa, estamos descumprindo esse mandamento. Veja como é fácil ignorá-lo. Todo dia há alguém pecando contra esse mandamento sem jamais prestar atenção. Basta idolatrar algo ou alguém e pronto, você está amando algo mais que a Deus e já está garantindo sua passagem para o inferno. Ou pelo menos para o purgatório.
De qualquer maneira, o segundo mandamento de Jesus Cristo é ainda mais difícil. Isso porque estamos na era da vaidade. Ferramentas de mídias sociais são utilizadas diariamente por influencers para criar pessoas cada vez mais narcisistas. O objetivo disso é criar uma elite do mal, cada vez mais vaidosa e cada vez mais sem noção das coisas.
O fato é: quando se ama demais a si mesmo, é cada vez mais difícil amar o outro na mesma medida. É preciso equilibrar. Nem tanto ego, que podemos traduzir como o tal do "amor próprio", nem tanto altruísmo, que podemos traduzir por uma generosidade sem sentido. É por fim, um equilíbrio e um desafio: como amar o próximo como a mim mesmo? Como admirá-lo sem conhecê-lo? Ao pensar assim, abrimos espaço para as introduções, para a humildade e para o conhecimento. A sabedoria e a inteligência vêm em seguida. Quando não mais colocamos um conceito previamente concebido diante de cada pessoa, podemos vê-las em sua essência e aprendermos a respeitá-las.
É muito estranho quando vemos, por exemplo, pessoas que destratam prestadores de serviços por considerá-los como "inferiores". Isso ocorre devido à quebra do segundo mandamento de Jesus Cristo. É preciso tratar o outro da mesma maneira que você gostaria de ser tratado. E não há limites para essa igualdade. Ela só é limitada pelo amor a Deus, como no primeiro mandamento.
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spiritualtia · 11 months
Be what you came to be.
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if you feel 'weird' remember that's a sign you was born to stand out for a reason.
not born to fit in with the crowd. (it's so you can help create and live the new different world that is emerging)
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pncrealty · 1 year
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Good Morning🙏 #ThankYouLord #PowerOfPrayer #LoveThyNeighbor #DoGood #Change #Life #TooBlessedToBeStresses #Prayers #Healing #NoNegativity #GodGotYou #YouWokeUpThisMorning #GodIsAboutToDoIt #TashaCobb #GoodMorning https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaWTcgAP02/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cutthelabel · 1 year
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This love that comes from god, universe, source, the divine or however you name it - this love is for Everyone. There’s no one so special who gets more or most, and no one unworthy they get none. It’s timeless, it’s spaceless and the only name that encompasses it, is Love. There’s no worry that if someone gets more this means you get less. This isn’t how Love works. There has always been and will always be enough for everyone. Love thy neighbor. #cutthelabel_ #lovethyneighbor (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqF_cScLHxb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shanfoster32 · 1 year
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Life Lesson: Actions speak louder than words! I really hate seeing short people sit in the exit row seat, especially on Southwest. It’s so inconsiderate. Even moreso, when they put their head down to not make eye contact with others walking by. If someone brings attention to it, they act so clueless, as if they didn’t even think about taller people needing more leg room. But here’s the thing, it’s not just about the seat, it’s about how we approach life. We don’t live on this earth with only people who look like us or think how we think. It’s arrogant and selfish to walk around oblivious to the diverse people who we share this world with. Whether it’s building a venue and needing to consider those with disabilities, hosting a dinner and considering diets and allergies, or hiring employees and considering diverse talent, it’s all equally important. Lazy and ignorance equates to arrogant and irresponsible. Let’s stop striving to be politically correct and start living a more inclusive, considerate, and high character life. Acknowledging others humanity honors our own. Happy Saturday everyone! #BeTheChange #BeBetter #Character #Integrity #Humanity #LoveThyNeighbor https://www.instagram.com/p/CohuC2tuApb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Some will say "always put your best foot forward" while others will say "the best side of you is not for everyone." #Chooseday #Challenge - Make them fall in #love with your hidden flaws , so they can't #choose to stay in love with all your perfections. #lovethyneighbor & you will receive #LoveToTheMax & then #LoveMorE #choiceisyours https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZAZ5yMuqC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sassdeluxe · 1 year
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LOVE /l3v/ noun: 1. an intense feeling of deep affection 2. a great interest and pleasure in something Verb: 1. feel deep affection for (someone) 2. like or enjoy very much We all need a little LOVE in our life, whether it is LOVE for ourselves or for others, everyone deserves LOVE. Our new 'Oh, hello LOVE!' Soap is hand-poured with intentions of attracting LOVE, a little magic, and our Self-Love Empowerment Oil. Rose and Lavender adorn these soaps, and they are poured around a Rose Quartz stone that the user can carry with and use to continue to attract and keep love in their life. Soaps are available now, or can be purchased as a part of our Valentine's Day gift sets. Soap: https://sassysoapsnhstore.square.site/product/oh-hello-love-soap/105?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=2 Gift Sets: https://sassysoapsnhstore.square.site/product/oh-hello-love-gift-set/104?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=14 . . . #allnaturalskincare #naturalsoap #lovesoaps #valentinesdaysoap #sassysoapsnh #rose #lavender #selflove #romanticlove #platoniclove #lovethyneighbor #loveisallyouneed #loveparkpa #womanownedbusiness #smallbusiness (at Sassy Soaps, Skin & Soul Care) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAfCu6LAMZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mattdeford · 1 year
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Paise- poise FOR SALE! $45 ($100 framed) free shipping US and Canada. Comment or message if interested. - Pilot Namiki Blue ink TWSBI Eco 1.1 nib Kaweco Blue ink Kaweco Brass Sport EF nib - - - - #quote #quotes #lookforthegood #confidence #lovethyneighbor #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #illustrationartists #penandinkchallenge #comicstrip #drawing #watercolor #ink #comics #fountainpen #cartoon #word #wordofthedaybymatt #wordoftheday #instaart #buyart #collectart #dailyart #inktober … https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAORjlgZlO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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athingirl · 1 year
Aleve-ing One's Pain
 The fruit man has a toothache that’s hard to miss; his cheek the size of a catcher’s mitt.   “Fruity,” I said, “what the hell happened?” Since I can’t pronounce his name, I’ve nicknamed him that.   “My toooth, no good,” he said.   “You need to see a dentist,” I said in maternal tones.   “Need wait…day off.” I knew his day off isn’t till next Sunday when no dentists are even open. I had an image…
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saramackenzie1982 · 1 year
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#NoNegotiations #LoveThyNeighbor #WontYouBeMyNeighbor #MrRogersNeighborhood #DiversityAndInclusion #LBGTQIALivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter #Ally #FreedomToBeYou #NoJudgment #TheGoldenRule #DoUntoOthers #GodLovesEveryone #DoINeedToRepeatMyself https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkrynlvHzS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ohtheplacesblog · 1 year
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A quote we don't often see from Dr. King, for me, speaks to the opportunity to both be creative in my writing, content, and teaching, while also having an impact on the lives of others, in order to make change in the world. This, for me, will be my life's work from this point forward. Celebrate #MLKDay #Community #Love #LoveThyNeighbor #BeCreative https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnenme4urBk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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