#man i so wish dhawan master would come back
dang-dood · 21 days
the four notes mimicking saxon!master’s four beats and then the doctor being sucked into a drum was mental 😭
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wincheskka · 1 year
Miss Him
Pairing : Dhawan!Master x Gn!Reader
Summary : At a companion support group meeting, you think of the Master because you miss him. (I'm so bad at this sorry)
Genre/Warning : Romance, angst, death mention, THE POWER OF THE DOCTOR SPOILERS
A/N : I'm still so sad for the end of the Master in The Power of the Doctor, I want him back right now !!!
English is not my native language so I’m really sorry for the spelling mistakes. (tell me if there are any errors)
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You're sitting on a chair in the companion support group, it's been 2 months since you joined the group and also since the Doctor left. You don't talk in meetings, you just listen to their story about the Doctor, and that's what you do today too, listening to Tegan tell a story, you listen without really hearing what she's saying, you're especially lost in your thoughts. Since the Doctor left you feel sad but you are mostly sad because of the death of the Master.
When you met O, you liked him instantly, he was so kind to you and he listened to you more than the Doctor or anyone would, you quickly had a little crush on him, it is the first time this has happened to you when you have just met someone. When he revealed himself as the Master, one of the Doctor's worst enemies, you thought your crush on him would go away, but no, that's even reinforced, because you were always thinking about him during the trips with the Doctor, but also with the gentle touches he gave you when you were on Gallifrey.
You hated leaving the Doctor on Gallifrey, you didn't want her to die and you didn't want the Master to die either. When you were back on Earth, you spent 1 month thinking that both were dead and you often mourned the death of the Master. One day you were crying thinking about the Master, but you quickly wiped away your tears when you heard someone knocking on your front door, you didn't want anyone to see you cry. When you opened the door. you were very surprised and happy to see the Master in front of you with a smile on his face looking at you, what surprises you even more is the Master asking you to come with him to travel and you could not refuse this.
So you traveled with him, for a good while, you enjoyed traveling with him so much it was so different than traveling with the Doctor, what you enjoyed the most was the peaceful moments with him in his TARDIS. Every day you got closer and closer until you both became lovers. It was so nice, you wanted it to last forever but good things never last a long time.
The Master was hiding something from you, you knew it. He had his secrets for him and you respected that because you wanted him to take his time to confide in you, but this time this secret affected you both, he was much more distant from you, he slept less than usual, when you entered in the control room he hides some papers so that you couldn't see them.
It hurt you that he was hiding all this from you, that he was getting away from you, so one day you decided to confront him about this and you wish you hadn't because you had an argument and then he takes you home the same day he took you. He left you at home with a broken heart.
You were hoping every day, every week, every month that he would come to apologize and that you could go back to him, you were hoping until the day the Doctor came back. You went back to traveling with her, you missed traveling with the man you love, but you were hoping you could see him again while traveling with the Doctor and of course you did.
You didn't tell to the Doctor or Yaz about him and you because you knew they wouldn't like it and they wouldn't trust you anymore, but the Master didn't care to tell them.
The Master once again takes his head out of the elevator in which he was taken by two UNIT soldiers, you look at him, next to you the Doctor and Yaz do the same :
"Doctor did Y/N tell you that we both traveled together ?" He asks with a smirk.
You feel your blood freeze, your eyes widen. You didn't want to tell the Doctor about it but he had to tell her, you should have known he would. The Master gets pushed into the elevator and then the doors close. You feel all eyes on you, you don't dare look at anyone so you get into the TARDIS.
The Doctor and Yaz enter in the TARDIS and the Doctor's eyes immediately goes to you, she approaches you, you look at her anxiously because you know what she is going to say :
"Y/N is this true ?" She asks with a hope in her eyes that the Master is lying that you couldn't have traveled with him. Yaz approaches the Doctor, she looks at you, like you are the enemy.
"Th-That's in the past now" You just tell her not wanting her to continue with the subject.
You see the hope in the Doctor's eyes disappear at your words, you know she feels betrayed and you didn't want that. Yaz doesn't want to look at you anymore so she turns to the controls of the TARDIS.
"Is this really in the past ?" asks the Doctor with hope still in her eyes.
"Yes, yes it's in the past" You're lying, you are definitely not going to tell her that you love her worst enemy.
The Doctor nods but you knew she didn't really believe you, she turns to the controls and you hear Yaz and her talking but don't listen to what they say, you sigh and close your eyes for a few seconds. Have you lost the trust of your friends ? You think about it, not wanting it to be true.
You are afraid of what the Master is planning, for the Doctor's safety but also for his, you love him and you don't want to lose him.
You won't lose him...Isn't it ?
Yaz runs out of the TARDIS after seeing on the TARDIS screen the Qurunx's energy ray is hit the Doctor causing her to be thrown through the air and fall to the ground unconscious.
You are afraid for the Doctor but when you look at the screen you see the Master outside his TARDIS, also unconscious. your heart squeezes painfully seeing him like this with the planet destroying. You too start to run out of the TARDIS but you feel someone grab your arm and stop you from running, you turn to the person and see Kate holding you tight, you frown not understanding why she's doing this.
You struggle with her grip but you see someone else holding you, Ace. You understand then that they don't let you going to get the Master, at this realization you struggle even more, you can't let him die on this planet, the two women still do not let you go, they do it when Yaz has the Doctor in her arms.
When they let go, you run outside but before you can set foot outside, the TARDIS doors close in front of you, you frown and open the door but it won't open. You start to feel the anxiety rising more and more. You try with all your strength to open it but fail, tears start to form in your eyes.
No, no that can't happen.
You can't lose him.
You can't.
"OPEN THIS DOOR !" You shout while hitting on the door without even paying attention to the others. More you hit the door more the realization comes to you, what you didn't want to happen, happens, you lose the man you love.
You feel your knees give way, you fall to the ground sobbing. You hope it's just a nightmare that you'll wake up next to him, that he'll kiss you so you know he's okay, but no, it's not a dream, it's reality. The Master, the man you love is dead.
"Y/N" You hear a voice calling you, which brings you out of your sad thoughts, you look to the left and see Graham looking at you, you didn't even notice that Tegan was done talking. "Do you want to tell us something about the Doctor ?" Graham asks with a little smile to reassure you.
"N-No sorry" You answer, you don't want to talk, not now. You hear Yaz sigh, you turn your head to look at her, she's sitting in front of you, she looks at you with anger, every time you came to the meeting she looked at you like that, she doesn't trust you anymore now that she knows that you have traveled with the Master.
"She has a lot more to say about the Master than the Doctor" Yaz said with displeasure and glaring at you. You lower your head and look at your hands on your knees, tears forming in your eyes. You feel so alone now, you feel like no one can understand you.
"She can talk about him if she wants" Graham said with kindness in his voice, you look at him surprised but also with sadness.
"Who would want to hear me talk about him when everyone here hates him" You say looking at every person in this room, you know none of them would understand what you could say about him.
"I don't know him, so you can talk about him, it doesn't bother me" Says Dan on your right, you look at him and give him a sad smile
"Thanks Dan but I…" You lower your head to look at your knees, but the tears blur your vision, you bite your lower lip to stop yourself from sobbing in front of them "I miss him so much" You say with pain in your voice, you take a breath "And I won't be able to see him again because of you" You say looking at Kate and Ace to your right with sadness and anger. "You prevented me from going to see him, from being by his side"
"It was to protect you from him Y/N" Ace tells you, her words make you even more angry, how can she say that without knowing what you and him had.
"I didn't need to be protected from him because I love him" You admit, you see Ace freeze at your confession, there is now no more noise in the room, nobody knew you love the Master, even if some suspected it, tears run down your cheeks, you look away from Ace and look at the ground in front of you. “I love him and I could never tell him again because now he's dead”
"Dead ? Who said I was dead ?" Says a voice you recognize immediately, you raise your head towards the entrance and you see the person you never thought you'd see again, the Master, he's leaning on the door frame.
Your eyes widen in shock, tears this time of joy are running down your cheeks, you can't believe he's here. The Master looks at you with a smile, he wears his beautiful purple jacket that you love so much.
Everyone in the room gets up from their chairs and looks at him. Kate pulls out her gun and points it at the Master, you pay no attention to it, you get up from your chair, this time no one can stop you from going to him, you run to him and hug him, he hugs you too and you cry into his shoulder :
"It's alright love, I'm here now" The Master whispers these sweet words in your ear, you raise your head from his shoulder and look into his eyes.
"I missed you so much" You tell him with tears running down, he takes your face in his hands and looks at you with so much love, you really miss him looking at you like that.
"I missed you too love" He says to you wiping your tears with his thumbs, you look at each other for a few more seconds then he removes his hands from your face and turns to look at the Doctor's former companions and gives them a smirk "I'm not going to kill you, even if what you said to Y/N makes me want to do it, I just came here for Y/N"
His words warm your heart, you look at him with so much admiration and love. The Master looks at each of them then his eyes stop on Yaz, his smirk widens, you look at Yaz too, she looks at him with so much hate :
"Yaz by the way, how's the Doctor doing ?" The Master asks sarcastically, Yaz looks at him with even more hate in her eyes.
You look at the Master, take his wrist in your hand and squeeze it a little, he looks at you, you shake your head wanting him to leave her alone, even if Yaz doesn't see you as her friend anymore, she still is for you. The Master sighs in defeat, he only wants your happiness. He takes your hand in his :
“Are you ready to go love ? He asks you with love.
You look at everyone in the room one last time, then look at him and you nod impatiently and then you both run away together.
You can't wait to see where he plans to take you in the next adventures, but for now you especially want to enjoy being with him and tell him how much you love him and only him. It hurt you so much when he wasn't with you but now that he's here with you it doesn't hurt anymore.
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sarah-dipitous · 5 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 357
The Power of the Doctor
“The Power of the Doctor”
Plot Description: the Thirteenth Doctor must fight for her very existence against her deadliest enemies: the Daleks, the Cybermen, and her arch-nemesis, the Master
These cybermen aren’t nearly as cunty as the other ones the Master created but they have flair
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Ok at least ONE of them is serving
No but seriously the detailed metalwork on these cybermen is so good. I highly suggest looking it up…they’re apparently going by cybermasters now. Did a 16 year old boy in 2007 come up with that?
You know, after the whole flux thing, I thought they had abandoned this
How was the cargo a CHILD???
I have been WAITING for this, the whole the Master made up Rasputin…but i apparently will have to wait a little longer as we return to, you guessed it, modern day London
I know this woman is a former companion, but I do not know who she is. Ok we have Ace and Tegan. I love that we have older women who were companions coming back for this. I wish I knew more about classic Who to know exactly what the deal was with the cybermen and Tegan. Obviously, no companion has a GOOD experience with them but was there something more??
Anyway she got sent the miniaturized one with the death thingy in it
Dan’s leaving NOW? Like 15 minutes into the episode?? What a weird time to leave
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She does NOT want me to watch this episode. Apparently, I had all the time she spent napping on me to watch and now….I don’t even know
I’m not sad at Dan’s departure.
A Dalek wants to meet the Doctor? To destroy the Daleks?! I don’t believe it
There’s a defect on the plunger eye part that keeps getting attention drawn to it…that HAS to be something
I’m usually a proponent of the dark hair/blue eyes combo but omg take those contacts out RIGHT NOW
(I went to look up what Sacha Dhawan’s eyes normally look like and potentially got really spoiled for this episode…unless they’re using archived footage)
“I feel like I’m being taunted” was the HAHAHAHAs all over the sign on the front of this TARDIS not enough evidence of that?
I hope Tegan and Ace stick around UNIT. I think that would just be cool, as long as the actresses want to
Omg, the Master has inserted himself into some of the most famous paintings in the world. He does not rock Girl With a Pearl Earring like my Megumi does…NOR The Scream
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But like………he’s adorable
I can’t tell if that’s a warning or a threat but…ok, he SAYS warning, but I’m not convinced it’s not him threatening to erase the Doctor from existence himself—and NOW he says it’s a threat! Those are different things
Oh shit, Vinder’s back?! Genuinely happy to see him return
The Master looks so respectable but he’s literally so awful and spiteful. Hold up, Ace just said last time she saw him, he was half cat?!?! I will need to look that up. Catboy!Master was not on my 2023 revelations bingo card
He’s WAY too excited to be here. And he ACTS half cat
Wtf wtf wtf wtf…how’d he do that?? It wasn’t JUST that cyberman, it was a whole Russian doll of cybermen
So, the defect on the traitorous Dalek was just that it was in disrepair. That Dalek was for real but it was a trap all the same…but I NEVER thought I’d see the Doctor trapped in a Dalek casing
On one hand, why was forced regeneration like the ultimate punishment for time lords? UNLESS you used them ALL up? But of COURSE he has the technology to do it, he had so much time on Gallifrey on his own
The Cybermen and Daleks are way too robotic for the Master’s penchant for performing. They’re blunt instruments and he likes to drag out whatever he’s doing to make it hurt the most…but he’ll also play some bops while carrying out his plans
Excuse me?? Ok so…how does this get undone? Man…you can’t just expect Yaz to “get used to” you being the Doctor, not when she was in love with 13. I knew you were a lot of things, the Master, but homophobic??? Ick
This forced regeneration isn’t taking well, oh the outfit slaps though. He’s taken a lot of the most eccentric bits of past Doctors’ outfits (4’s scarf, the question mark sweater vest, the celery lapel pin, it’s a thing of beauty)
They really do just an excellent job making David Bradley look like the First Doctor
Oh…NOT ARCHIVED FOOTAGE!! Colin Baker, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann came back to do this too!! That’s SO COOL
(I swear if my cat learns how to use a door knob while I’m watching Doctor Who…)
I don’t even know that much Classic Who but it’s very easy to get choked up from Tegan seeing Five again. But partly because did those actors think they’d ever be playing those roles again? After 40 years?? I don’t know how Tegan and Five ended but it doesn’t sound like they got to have closure til now
Now Ace and…Seven??
Graham!!! He’s not as good at coming up with fake names as the Winchesters. Though, to be fair, the fact that the Winchesters got away with as many classic rock last names from the same band at the same time…
Noooooo, don’t convert Kate into a cyberman!
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No because the outfits in this episode are so great
Save her, Tegan!!
Oh poor Kate (she’s alive and well and not a cyberman, but that was an all new facility for UNIT)
It’s not often we get a full set of pilots for the TARDIS
So is this gonna be another spare TARDIS for the Doctor??
I…feel like turning active volcanoes into steel will eventually be an ecological disaster
I know this whole Yaz running out to the Doctor thing is supposed to be impactful, but honestly the Master (in a failing body) telling Thirteen if he can’t be the Doctor neither can she and then making it so she’s injured enough to kickstart regeneration is almost always going to be WAY worse. There’s just so much history between them
How on earth did Dan and Graham meet?? Graham just randomly runs onto—oh. Apparently there was some kind of invitation…oh, a support group for past companions! That’s actually really nice!
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
Okay so first thoughts after watching Power of the Doctor, featuring some things I screamed while watching (Spoilers):
-start of the episode is a bit clunky but not a terrible reintroduction to the CyberMasters
-Sacha Dhawan absolutely fucking annihilates every scene he's in my god. Goes absolute apeshit nuts. I love it
-Dan...:( really got a short end of the stick I feel like. Kind of abrupt. He and Yaz def had a stronger bond so I like they had a nice goodbye but. Man that felt so cut off.
-I bet the Four inside Thirteen felt(tm) that poor Dalek, knowing that it was right that they failed their original purpose to help the Kaleds survive. "That poor Dalek" my god but I did feel so bad :(
-the way Ace calls The Master out on being a catboy cleared my acne, watered my crops, boosted my serotonin
-also the unhinged way The Master was so delighted that the armed troops were for him. Am I gOIng tO UNIT??? You doughnut. Bastard man. I can't help but enjoy watching you chew up every scene!!
-the fucking memes don't even do it justice. The Master fucking blasting Rasputin. Was playing Rasputin just a cover so he could blast this song? I would believe it. It's absolutely 10000% in character.
-Don't mind me casually breaking the sound barrier when 5 shows up to Tegan and mentions Adric. A single word. A single name. And I screech loud enough to hear 10 miles away.
-Yaz my angel my beloved you rockstar FUCK HIM UP <3
-sidebar Sacha Dhawan rocks in 13's outfit (and maybe that's why the Beeb was afraid of DT in it...too much power 😔). And then that fucking mismatch. The SWEATER. I CAN'T.
-8 ILYSM bb your sass always appreciated. Bonus, CLASSIC DOCTORS BABEY!!!
-sideside note. Sentient energy creature thing? Cool af. Wish we got a tad bit more time exploring that but only so much time alas.
-Yaz you brilliant love. And VINDER!!! I'M FREELANCE!!! HELL YEAH YOU ARE GET HIS ASS!!!!
-dont make me go back to being me ow wow that actually hurt a bit, and that's how this Master does actually come from Missy
-you made Adric proud Tegan....even if he would be too much of a little shit to say so off the bat, he'd be proud of you....
-Kate's point to herself. That "me?" Moment. My god. Did no one ever take her in the TARDIS? (Stares at 11 and 12)
-Using the Master's TARDIS against his plan (again), excellent. Actual solving of the whole CyberMasterDalek plan? A little shaky. But I'll allow it. Thanks to "a bit crowded. Just how I like it" 13. Honey. Are we having Journey's End flashbacks and missing all your friends in a TARDIS? :( is this a sign
-oof fuck ow ouch I half expected her to be sliced in half with that ray beam but fjdgkd watching too much Vox Machina lately and forgot for a sec that BBC would never be that brutal and I'm glad--
-because we got the CARRY!!! THE LIFT!!! THEM!!!!!!
-hi can you hear the sound of my heart breaking into one million pieces seeing Yaz finally start crying after being so brave and put together through everything. Knowing after everything she STILL loses her Doctor. I'm not okay. I'm not okay!!!!!!! I want more time with her too Yaz!!!! Right here with you!!!!
-"i loved being with you, Yaz" don't!! Mind!! Me!! Screaming crying throwing up!!!!
-still could have at least kissed her hand but. Mmmmmmm the way they look at each other. The way they both acknowledged the love they feel. But Chibnall and BBC are still cowards.
-classic companions!!!!!!!!! Way to bring back the OG holy fuck
-Dan sitting in a room as the newest companion with one of the FIRST companions. Iconic.
-"Look after the next one" HONEY!!!! I'M NOT READY!!!!!
-!and that sunrise regeneration shot!!! Absolutely fucking breathtaking!!!! In tears!!!
-aaannnd then the twist. Clothes regen def throws me a sign that This Is Wrong. We saw MULTIPLE REGENS here my dudes and clothes did not change. This is Important.
- Also fuck off RTD, respectfully, but DT is not Fourteen. He doesn't get to have two whole numbered lives after *everything else he got already.* Fourteen is Ncuti thank you the fuck much. He was announced first, and we all celebrated him as 14 first. So there.
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newwhoreview2016 · 6 months
Power of the Doctor
The pre-titles is energetic and not to my taste, a bit like The Halloween Apocalypse. The only good bit is Dan, having an experience that leads him to piss off out of the story five minutes later like Dodo with a more convincing accent. A bit weird, honestly.
“You are the Master and I will obey you.” Poetry, that.
Seismologists, a new planet, Rasputin, Cybermen, a Qurunx… this is every bit as busy as Flux and even less necessarily so. It works a little better though. And then Vinder arrives, for some reason! And some plotlines (most obviously the traitorous Dalek) go nowhere.
I’m loving Sacha Dhawan in this one. “A man’s allowed to experiment.” Why does every Master give their best performance in their final story?
“I’ll go that way, you go that way. Be careful.”
“I’m supposed to be the one saying that to you.”
Yes, that’s rather the problem.
The Russian Doll Cyberman should be a terrific moment, even a classic cliffhanger…but it’s thrown away a bit, plus it’s too similar to Passenger a few episodes ago. And as for Ashad coming back - pointless.
I remembered that the “Rasputin” scene is a highlight - but I’d forgotten that, insanely, the episode intercuts it with bloody Vinder talking to himself. Such bizarre decisions made during this era!
Forced regeneration, then. An interesting idea. But surely it makes no sense at all?
We thought the best thing about this would be Tegan and Ace, but in fact it’s the appearance of all the past Doctors. Suddenly, the plot doesn’t matter any more. We’re loving the reunions and the cameos and everything else will be fine. The all-too-brief 5/Tegan and 7/Ace scenes are lovely and make me wish Nicola Bryant was somehow in this.
This really is getting better as it goes on. The plot is ridiculous but it’s all about the moments. Little moments like Vinder shooting the Master, Yaz talking about the Doctor’s friends, Tegan saying Rabbits! Ace’s timers still not working. “We used to be friends, him and me.” “HOW is it bigger on the inside?”
The Qurunx killing the Doctor is a bit weak, but really it was the Master. Yaz fetching her is rather lovely. And the final non-goodbye is probably the best we were ever going to get.
The companions’ AA meeting though. William bloody Russell. That was a real treat.
Then there’s the Durdle Door regeneration and…in a few days I get to see what happens next.
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dilfbane · 3 years
I love your writing so much!!!(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ). Could you do something dhawan master x reader. They're cuddling and he's just shocked that she loves him. She knows that he's killed people, blown up planets, and how much he hates humans. But she still loves him and feels safe with him
The Cold Fears(And Desperate Hopes) - Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: The Master has insecurities. When they get the best of him, you help to put them to rest. Based on the above ask. 
Pairing: Dhawan!Master x Reader
Warnings: A bit angsty, and potentially the slightest bit OOC. 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: So I’ve never actually written something from the Master’s perspective before, and I apologize if this is OOC at all. That being said. This prompt. Yes. Hope that you all enjoy, and thanks again to the above anon for the ask! 
You tell him, sometimes, that you love him; and the Master, he stops and he stares. 
In his dreams, you are a hollow creature, stripped of your bright, gleaming humanity, an angular, sobbing wreck in the solar of the Panopticon, weeping tears of hot blood; in his nightmares, you dance in fields of red grass, long hair down to your waist, haloed in gold and in needing. Your dress is pale silk to your knees, and your body is soft in his arms, and your smiles are galaxies; your laugh a cool, rushing river, your warmth inescapable. He tells you to run and you kiss him. Your lips taste like green, growing things. 
He runs them over like coin tricks long-practiced as he goes through the motions of piloting. He hears your feet in the hallway, and, for only a moment, he sees you just as you are - 
A network of arteries, an amalgamation of bones, knit together with sinew and muscle. A clockwork heart wrapped in thin skin as paper and thrown down into a universe that you could not hope to understand. The sum of two decades, the woman he loves, all bright eyes and keen paradox. All formed of stardust, all frustrating compassion, fragile uncertainties covered in leggings and sleeves. He wants to shake you until you get it - 
That he is a bad man, and loves it, despite the way you make him weak. That you should run from his sharp-toothed grins and be somewhere else, somewhere that does not make your kindness cruel, as he knows that it will, one day, be. 
“Where are we going?” You ask, and he hears, in your voice, you are young. He sees a girl in a scarlet gown, and hears a dying child, drums. The sky is full of diamonds. The Doctor would think that, he’s sure. And he snarls, and hopes that you will be afraid, go back through the same door you came in. Back to your safe, human life, far from the grip of a madman. 
“Master?” You ask him, and he knows he’s been silent too long. You tell him you love him, sometimes. 
“Bed,” He says, without thinking. He goes to a room deep in the heart of the TARDIS. Because you are his, you follow, and your lovelorn grin makes him wish for the cymbals and snares that Rassilon put in his mind, for the anger and wanting to kill that wlil always be too familiar a comfort, no matter how much you beg him. 
“Cuddling?” You ask, when you’re on the bed like he wants you, snug in his grasp, ensnared in him so that you can never leave. Never be somebody else’s. His precious girl, his undoing. The sharpened edge of a knife. 
“I’ve burned planets,” He tells you, marveling at how easily the words come out. They will hurt you, he knows, and he likes it, the sweet, sharp rush of the swelling self-loathing, the aching desire to wound. “People - your people - I’ve turned them to dust.” 
“And now you don’t,” You say, as if that’s all there is to it - Rassilon, you stupid girl - as if he is some, some - god, to you. He wishes it would matter if he told you that he shouldn’t be; he remembers a god, and in his head his skin crisps and blackens, just like the planet he made, and the lies that he passed off as truth. The Master’s fingers twitch on the bedspread, his fingernails sharp on your skin. He feels them scrape across the curve of your back, raising goosebumps over your skin like neon signs in the dark. His ship dims the lights, and he wonders if it, too, is a traitor, like everything else Gallifreyan. It will not listen to him. Neither will you, the Master realizes, as you snuggle into his arms, burying your nose in his jacket like some small, frightened thing. 
He turns his head and sets his jaw. He cannot, will not, see you frightened. 
“I went to the end of the world, love,” He says, when the silence becomes a bane, and the sound of the drums ghosts over him like a low ache. “To the very last people, on the very last dying world. And you know what? They were pathetic. Did I ever tell you that?” 
You are quiet, but you pull back, and he growls as you slip from his hold. You should not be able to break it, he thinks. Not nearly that easily. 
“Y/N,” He tells you - 
“Shut up.” 
There is no anger in it, and he cannot resist a sneer. You humans, he thinks, and the way that you try. If you wnat to hurt his feelings, to rage at him, then you could at least have the decency to do it right, instead of whatever this is. He remembers, then, being human. The cold fears, and desperate hopes, that kept him from sleeping at night. He wonders what any of yours are. Whether or not you would tell him, if he chose, one day, to ask. He knows that he wants you to, and he knows that it will destroy him, and he’s drawn from his thoughts by the feeling of you, all around him, the pads of your fingers drawing circles on him through his coat. He isn’t cold, anymore, and a shudder through him makes you smile, even though you can’t see him. 
It feels like the sun on his face. 
It feels like your blood on his hands. 
It sounds like, he thinks, I forgive you, and he laughs, a huff of anger, at it. So what, he thinks, If you forgive me? That was never the point. He should have said it then, instead of thinking it now - 
He should have said so many things. 
Maybe he’s saying them now. 
You are his Confession Dial, and he lets the words pour out; forces himself not to care if they drown you. It used to be simple, not caring. It used to be freeing, and good. 
Now it is nothing at all. 
“You don’t know who I am, love,” He tells you. 
“Master,” You say, “I don’t care.” 
You should, he thinks, and feels tears well up in his eyes. Love is a foreign emotion, a planet that he has not seen; he has a bad habit of killing those, of soaking their soil in vitriol, in laughing as it all ends, and yours will come sooner than most, delicate thing that you are. He is a black hole, and his ship is the event horizon. He looks at you, and you are already dead. Blinks, and you have been buried. Blinks, and you are kissing him. 
You taste like sweet caring. Like joy and slow sadness, the one he did not leave behind. You feel like Arcadian summer. 
“I love you,” You say, when it’s over, and it is over too soon. 
“How?” He asks, but it does not seem right, and you’re shaking your head. 
“Because,” You tell him, “I do.” 
“Well,” He says - and it sounds so human on him - “So do I.” 
He wants to take you to Gallifrey - the thought rises in him, unbidden, an urging so strong and so fierce that he lives in it, for a time. 
A pity, he thinks, as he looks in your eyes, and knows what he’s willing to do, and revels in how you’ll change for him, and force him to change for you, and nips and hisses and bites his love onto you, and gets caught in it like seeing the Doctor again, and hating and loving and yearning for her in a way that he knows, now, was nothing - 
A pity, he thinks, that it burned. 
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how-masterful · 4 years
Dhawan!master x reader
Chapter 3: New Earth
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Summary: New earth, new adventures, but the return of a dreaded old face. You’d been acting strange all day, and despite the distracting wonder of the mysterious cures the sisters of plenitude were concocting, the Master had most definitely noticed. But when all is revealed in the hospital, things go from curious to complicated- especially when the sick break free, and the root of all the days problems decides she wants to try the masters body on for size.
Notes: At last! Another remaster! This time not a Matt but a David episode: loathed by some, but a guilty pleasure of mine! I mentioned wanting to write this fic  while ago, and i finally got around to it on the eve of Doctor Who day! I hope you all enjoy!
As usual, this fic is dedicated to my dearly beloved queen @plethora-of-imagines​. My watchalong companion, fellow soft dom lover, most trusted confident, and the most hat obsessed girl i’ve ever met. I hope it lives up to the hype!
They were surrounding you in droves. 
The sick. The diseased. The nearly dead. 
The filthy pipe covered walls of the hospital basement flying past your field of vision as you desperately raced towards salvation.
Or at least, the woman who was currently controlling your body raced.
Cassandra's presence in your head was agony- not just for the fact the woman was compressing you to death, but because she was so damn judgemental. In all of your adventures in time and space you’d never met someone so cruel, so self absorbed. And you travelled with the Master of all people, for crying out loud. You suspected the only reason you were being saved was because she was too self preserving to let herself, and by extension your body, go to waste. At least she had the common sense to keep up her speed, the Masters pace just in front of you as you bypassed the closing passageways of the intensive care unit and headed towards the room where she'd been hiding all this time.
“You’d better know where we’re going!”
The Master, for lack of a better term, was fucking pissed to say the least. The revelation that you weren't truly yourself was far more shocking than the revelation of the human farm the Sisters of Plenitude were hiding in their basement. He’d first accused the matron, who denied having any part in the ‘fuckery with your brain’, but it soon became clear who exactly had decided to hitch a ride inside your delicate human brain. The, as the Doctor's pet had once referred to her as, bitchy trampoline. You supposed he was also furious that she’d kissed him. You yourself were certainly boiling with anger at that fact. At least it was still your mouth, you reasoned.
“Keep a lid on it, handsome! This has been my terf much longer than its been yours!”
She knew the way well, the distance between yourself and the following lab grown humans strengthening as your feet lead you towards the dingy basement where your mind had been overtaken. Her assistant chip was long gone now, the boy probably dead from the swarming humans. All that was left was you, Cassandra, and the furious Master. 
The pair of you skidded around a plethora of corners, the basement of the hospital built not unlike the elaborate mazes the Master would construct within the walls of the TARDIS. You very much wished to be safe in your home instead of running from manic nuns and the almost living dead, but you knew that travelling through time and space meant a girl couldn’t be picky. If only Cassandra also shared the sentiment
You still weren't used to the ridiculously posh accent coming from your mouth, her shrill yell guiding the timelord to the small door that lead to her chambers.
The Master huffed, following your guide as you crawled through the square metal hatch. You heard the door slam and latch shut soon after, the chambers flying past as the far entrance arrived into view. With a heave the hinges opened, Cassandra letting out another scream as the diseased loomed large in the doorway. The door slammed shut as she pressed your back against the rusting metal and pulled down the lock, her eyes meeting the deadly glare of the Master in the middle of the room.
"My god, we're trapped in here! What are we going to do?!"
The Master narrowed his eyes, leering at the woman with a cast iron gaze that made you even shiver.
"Get out. I want her back. Now."
Cassandra rolled your eyes, the woman matching the Masters stance. He let out a low growl, the Master stepping forward with gritted teeth.
"I know you've met the doctor, but you've never dealt with someone like me. So let me be quite plain: I'm not going to play your stupid little human games, Cassandra. I want Y/N back, and I want her back now."
"God, you timelords are all the same, so demanding! You do know it's just a title, don't you darling?"
The Master scoffed, pure fury evident in his sneering grin. Cassandra took a step back, arms dropping from their fold as he took a step closer. His presence was intimidating to say the least.
"This plan of yours, it had potential. A psychograft- I must admit, rudimentary but creative."
It was Cassandra's turn to scoff now. The pair of them practically circling each other, the Master watching her turn her back as the last human stepped towards the ruined remains of her rusted frame. The Master stood besides the psychograft, the TCE now in his grip as he gestured with the small device squarely at the machine.
"Banned on every civilised planet, I can relate. But you know why they were banned, Cassandra? They were sloppy, completely unstable."
"Another thing you can relate to?"
"You're compressing my Y/N to death!"
Cassandra sighed, venom on her tongue as she kissed your teeth, scrunching her nose in disdain. Your fingers carefully traced over the metalwork of her frame, the jarred brain she once used now beginning to wither as the suspension fluid leaked and pooled out onto the rank basement floor. 
"And where do you suppose I go, hmm? My skin is long dead." Cassandra snapped, head whipping around to glare at the man in the purple coat. She smirked cockilly, tilting your head.
"You ought to play softer with your toys, time boy. This very sore little human of yours is my one ticket out of this shit hole"
"I'm afraid you'll have to deboard your vessel, Cassandra. You can float in the air- like dust, or a disgustingly persistent mosquito. Quite on brand, for you-"
"Very funny-"
"But your self preservation, Cassandra, is nothing but a big, fat you problem. That body you're in is precious to me and I'm not letting you get even a scratch on her."
Cassandra glowered, clenching her teeth as the Master gripped the TCE tight in his palm. She stared at him, lips quivering as she planned her next rebuttal. The Master held his nerve, unable to help the tightening of his chest as he thought of you, stuck inside your own body. He knew the feeling of being kept from your own being all too well from his little stint in utopia. Cassandra finally relented as the Master slowly raised the TCE to aim at her head.
"Give. Y/N. Back."
Cassandra carefully stood, slowly stepping towards the Master as he brandished his weapon in his hand. She teasingly began to twist the charm on the necklace around your throat, holding the pendant between her fingers. The Masters glare strengthened, eyes focused on the jewellery in her grasp. 
"You know, once you were dead and this place far behind me, I was planning on dumping the meat and pawning the bling as soon as I could. But you, Master, are too stubborn for your own good."
The Masters expression reeked of confusion, his head tilting to the side as Cassandra squared off her shoulders. The time lord took this as a threat, tightening his hold on the TCE as he watched her every move. You could see it in his eyes- Thousands of possibilities processing at once, the gears of his mind shrieking as they grinded through his manic yet methodical systems of thought.
"You want her back? You asked for it."
The tremendous pressure on your head suddenly lifted in a whirlwind of overstimulation. Every sound screamed in your ears, the basement around you caught in a surge of darkness as your hazed vision was stolen from you. A loud ringing persisted, if only for a few moments, the muted and muffled existence you'd sat within ripped from under your feet. Your knees weakly buckled, shoulders slumping as you felt the ground connect between your feet. You let out a gasp for air, eyes scrunching shut as you shook your head. The basement slowly came back into vision, your head recovering from the imprisonment with a low groan from your throat and a palm to the side of your skull.
"Ow, jesus christ, my fucking head. Where did she go?"
You focused your vision on the man in front of you. The Masters back was turned towards you, the timelord almost bent in half. He didn't respond, body oddly still as you dared to take a step forward. You had a dreadful suspicion about where she'd run off to after leaving your head.
"Dear lord, I'm a bad boy now!"
No way. No fucking way.
Cassandra turned around with a flourish, hands upon the Masters chest as she let out an excitable giggle. His eyes sat wide, a half smile upon his face as she familiarised herself with her new body. She stumbled on her feet like a newborn deer, inspecting her fingers and rocking on her toes as she rubbed at her chin. The presence of a beard under her fingertips seemingly blowing the woman's mind. You didn't know whether to laugh at her antics or cry at the problem that just emerged before you.
"I've never been a bad boy before! Bad girl, for sure, but this?! Isn't he just delicious!"
His usual northern tone was long gone, a fact that hurt much more than it should. Cassandra couldn't stop giggling to herself, her hands playing over his cheeks as he hurriedly raced towards the cracked mirror placed upon the wall. She gasped loudly, rippling with excitement as her hands roamed over the Masters body: Fluffing his hair, synching his waist, popping the top button on his shirt. Seemingly doing everything she could to fill you with jealous rage.
"Are you about done?"
The Master flapped his hand in your direction, shushing you as she childishly jumped up and down on the spot. You folded your arms, biting your tongue as she preened and primped in the mirror, pushing his face within her hands and posing with narcissistic delight. You'd seen the Master do this himself, on occasion. But this was a completely different beast- especially since you didn't enjoy where her hands were seemingly wandering to
"Oh hush, darling. I'm just having a little fun with all these new… graciously extensive parts- these have definitely been well worn in, the saucy little thing. I'm quite the handsome devil now, aren't I?"
You growled, nose scrunching as she hummed to herself, smoothing down his purple tweed collar as she began to prance and strut around the room. She lept over various apparatus and rubble, spinning and watching the purple material of his coat fly like a skirt behind her. Cassandra let out a satisfied cackle, sighing with up most content. Your rage was furiously simmering within your chest.
"He's quite the riot, isn't he? He's so feisty, I love it. So edgy, so... Naughty! He has lots of filthy thoughts about you in here, oh the pictures i could paint for you."
"Get out of my- the Master now!"
Cassandra cackled, leering in towards you with a torturous grin. You'd feel rather flustered if it weren't for the fact this wasn't the Masters doing. Cassandra held her hands to his chest, stalking forward as you desperately clung to your stoicism. You wouldn't give her the satisfaction of watching you crack.
"THE Master? Or were you about to say MY Master? You forget darling- i've been inside your head. You want this samba in his chest to only beat for you."
You rolled your eyes, leaning away as the Master giggled and leant in closer towards your face. If Cassandra weren't within the Masters body you most definitely would've punched her. But your growing level of rage meant that was a fact you would possibly be able to overlook.
"It's a shame, really. If it weren't for the fact he'd kill me on the spot, I think i'd like to keep him. He seems like a seasoned professional in showing a lady a good time, after all!"
You let out a scandalised squeak as Cassandra grabbed at your hips, causing herself to dissolve into stitches of laughter as you shoved at the Masters chest. A blush of embarrassment flooded your cheeks, your fists bunching together in furious resentment. 
You sighed loudly, narrowing your eyes as you glared at the woman currently possessing your time lord. She was well and truly pushing your limits at this point and you weren't sure how much of her shenanigans you could handle.
"It's so easy to tease you, darling! You know at first, i just thought it was a personal interest of yours. But he actually calls HIMSELF the Master!-"
"How fabulously kinky! Lucky girl, you did find an exciting bedfellow. How you kept hold of him i'll eternally have no idea."
The timelord paused from playing with his hair, turning to look you up and down with widened eyes. Cassandra took in your heaving chest, the tightening of your jaw as you glared daggers into her forehead. She raised his eyebrows, raising his hands in mock surrender. You could feel the sarcasm dripping from her actions, which served to infuriate you even more so than before.
"Struck a nerve, did I?"
"We're stuck in the basement of a hospital in QUARANTINE, chased by INFECTED LAB GROWN HUMANS! All of which, by the way, is ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! And you think the best use of ALL OUR TIME is to play a game of musical bodies and piss off the only person able to help you out?!"
Cassandra pouted childishly at your words. You let out a frustrated huff, causing her to almost recoil in shock.
"We're short on time and big on problems. The last thing I need is you making this situation any worse than it already is!"
A thick silence sat between the pair of you. It was almost a dare to see who would attempt to move first, Cassandra's lips pursed and quivering as if the sarcastic retort was planning itself behind the Master's teeth and upon the timelords tongue. Your determined stoicism was completely abandoned in favour of indulging in the buttons Cassandra had been desperate to push. At this point all you wanted was the Master- not the stuck up snob currently cursing you internally in several languages.
You wanted to be out of this hospital and back in the TARDIS, to lay together and laugh at how a crazy old human who didn't know when to die decided to prance around inside the pair of you for an hour or so. But you couldn't. Because that crazy old human was ridiculously persistent. You thought her and the Master could possibly get on if it weren't for the current predicament you'd found yourselves in.
It seemed Cassandra had finally found her argument. The Master stepped towards you, hands on his hips as he sneered up and down your body. You opened your mouth to speak, ready to smack down any argument she could possibly have against common sense and decency, until a loud crash suddenly broke the pair of you from your standoff.
"Please… Help us!"
The far door to the basement slammed open, the sound of metal ricocheting against the aging stone wall. The diseased clawed and clamoured, spilling into the dingy room with a surge of newfound freedom.
The Master let out a petrified scream, hands flinging to your shoulders as he yanked you forwards to act as his human shield. Cassandra cowered behind you, peeking over your shoulder in terror. You could most definitely slap that woman, you decided. Guilt be damned. He let out a shrill yowl of panic, jutting you forward towards the oncoming hoard.
Yep. Guilt be most definitely damned.
"Cassandra we have to work together!" You pleaded, turning over your shoulder to face the terrified Master cowering behind you. 
"The Master would know what to do but since you won't leave his head you have to trust I know what he'd say!"
Cassandra whined, roughly pulling you backwards as she stepped away from humans that were slowly beginning to close in.
"And what would he say?!"
You assessed your options. The sick were surrounding you from most angles, your entrance still sealed from your previous escape. However, a possibility caught your eye.
A slender black ladder. Your way out.
You turned once more to the woman, confidence finding itself back in your stride.
The Master screamed once more, heaving you forwards with a weak shove as he scrambled up the stone steps that just emerged behind him. You yelped, gathering your footing with haste as you saw the purple of his coat flail behind him.
“Out of my way! Pretty people don’t die first!”
You followed Cassandra's path, clambering through the remaining metalwork of her skin frame and heading towards the metal ladder that sat flush against the wall. The basement supposedly lead towards all manor of places within the hospital, this upward ascent leading you towards the hollow insides of an abandoned elevator shaft. You watched the timelord hesitantly grasp hold of the flaking and rusting rungs of the ladder, disgust evident on his features as he retched at every climb. You couldn't be dealing with any more of her antics today.
You shrieked in frustration as you shoved Cassandra further up the ladder, your wafer thin patience having been tested today by that woman more times than you ever thought you could possibly muster. Your time was very much running out, and getting a disease from a ladder was of more concern to the woman than obtaining every single disease on new earth. The audacity of that woman astounded you to a completely new degree.
A metallic thunk erupted from the bottom of the ladder, the blistered fist of one of the lab grown humans clinging tight to the first rung of your escape. The flustered cry of Cassandra floated further up the length of the ladder, your stomach filling with pity as you watched the pained glances and heard the pleading cries of the sick. You only hoped you could get the Master back and figure out a way to help them.
“Please… help us!”
“I’m sorry! I’ll try, I promise!” you called in return, before turning to face the panicked clambering of the Cassandra possessed Master up to safety.
You could do this. If you were lucky, you reasoned. It was possible.
If you were truly lucky you could get your Master back, lift the quarantine, save the sick, and escape this dreaded hospital. Only four things. You could do this.
But first, you had to deal with Cassandra:
And judging by the fact she was still screaming, several rungs up the ladder, you needed all the luck you could possibly get.
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xenteaart · 4 years
Diplomacy Failure
Summary: The Master and you have an established friendship, a bromance - you’re basically partners in crime. One day the Master comes up with this grand robbery scheme but it takes him months to plan the whole thing out properly, and by the end of it - he’s getting way too impatient and reckless. That’s where you step in.
Warnings: none, pure fluff again
Pairing: Dhawan!Master x Reader
Note: This was supposed to be a short thing so I decided not to create a whole ass backstory around it. The main reason why I wanted to write this was because I usually see MC being mostly submissive in fics (not that there’s anything wrong with it whatsoever) and I craved some diversity so here it goesss. 
Huge thanks and lots of love to my incredible beta @wonders-of-the-multiverse​ i love you to bits <3
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The last few months have been hard to say the least. After years of knowing the Master you’d grown accustomed to his severe mood swings, but this was something else. 
Most of the time you never really bothered to get to know all the details of his typically complex and intricate schemes. You simply trusted him with those and did what he asked you to do, not taking any liberty to make your own decisions because he did know better. He was the one spending restless days and nights planning everything out after all, so you never really questioned anything. Until today. 
He was getting impatient and it wasn’t a good thing at all. 
The Master had an impressive set of skills, the ability to wait and execute slow-burn plans exceptionally well being one of them. However this time, he got way too invested in what he was doing, his near obsession leading you to believe it had something to do with the Doctor in the long run.
As for now, he needed to get his hands on something “very valuable and very important” and he was planning to steal it, of course. It was no common robbery though, the ship you were now finding yourselves on was huge. No, massive, so simply threatening a few creatures with his TCE and acquiring the object wasn’t a viable option. The ship’s obscenely advanced security systems were not working in your favor either.
The two of you were pretending to be a regular married couple, mere visitors to the event and so painfully ordinary in your nature as to not draw any attention. Keeping a low profile was essential.
The Master called from somewhere below the console where corridors led to the wardrobe room, and since you weren’t occupied with anything even remotely important you joined him right away. You were happy to merely see him and talk to him considering he now preferred the company of a thousand papers with all sorts of layouts, schemes, his own scribbles and something else in Gallifreyan that you had no way of understanding. 
“What’s that?” you asked, a little taken aback by his excessively fancy suit. 
“Your dress is right there, try it on and see if it fits,” he said casually as he looked in the mirror, ignoring your question and waving his hand at the sophisticated purple dress that was laid out on a nearby sofa. 
Ah. Matching outfits. He could never resist the drama of it.
You looked at the dress, the decoration on it exquisite and lavish. A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you tried not to laugh too loudly.
“If that’s for tomorrow, we’re not wearing that.” you uttered, not even trying to hide your amused grin at this point.
“What? Why?”
“Because we need to be wearing this,” you pointed at a horrendous blue suit and a dress of the matching color, the shade and design of both so ugly and simplistic that the clothing wouldn’t look good on either of you. 
A displeased frown flitted across the Master’s features.
“Come on, we need to look pitiful. Men of wealth love playing charity and chatting with lower class people, helping them out with whatever. It makes them feel better about themselves, boosts their ego.” you elaborated, your words heavily accompanied by expressive hand waving and vocal shifts.
He blinked a couple of times and looked at himself in the mirror again, trying to make peace with the idea of this fashion crime you were both about to commit.
The first step of his plan was relatively easy - he was doing the networking and you were doing the smiling as the two of you were slowly getting closer and closer to higher rank guests that were usually a little too drunk and clueless to not accidentally give away the information you needed most, that being - where the security control room was located. Getting a sample of some rich and wasted guest’s DNA was also part of the job since they all had unlimited access to all parts of this ship. As of now, you were getting a feeling you were never even going to make it to that point. 
The Master wasn’t very good at tolerating stupidity, especially when nobody knew and feared who he was. To all of these arrogant and self-absorbed upper class assholes, he was literally a peasant. Little did they know. 
You could see his hand playing with the TCE in his pocket as he was seriously considering whether to take it out and end this shitshow here and now. That would probably feel really good for a couple of minutes but then both of you would be captured and very likely executed on the spot because no matter how intimidating and dangerous the Master was - the quantity of creatures on the ship would be an undeniable advantage on their side. Plus, he’d spent so much time on plan A, there wasn’t any room for plan B, you figured.
Granted, dying wasn’t something the Master was ever afraid of. But you were human with no spare lives, so his impatience would mean very bad news for you.
“Don’t you want to take a break from this?” you asked timidly, standing in the doorway and not daring to let yourself into the Master’s working space just yet since knocking on the door did nothing to catch his attention. 
He was rapidly glancing all over the papers, his mind being evidently busy with something of more significance than your presence. 
“I can get you some coffee if you like? Or... anything at all, really,” you made another attempt at starting a conversation but it was met with silence once again, except this time you noticed hints of irritation in the way he was making notes and moving things around his table, mercilessly digging his pen into his notebook and purposely making a lot more noise while searching for something buried under these piles of paper.
“Yeah, no worries then.” you sighed as you saw yourself out of the room. 
You were getting fed up with this.
As you were standing next to him and contemplating your options, you felt the air around you change a little. It was an insignificant shift but you were particularly sensitive to emotional fields people and other creatures tended to create, and right now the atmosphere did not feel friendly.
You looked at the Master and then back at the greenish humanoid looking creature he was talking to. The conflict was clearly starting to develop, filling the space around you with tension and unease. 
You were so close to the control room, you couldn’t let that happen. There were only a few more floors you had to pass in order to get to the royalty hall where your main mission would be taking place. 
“For Christ’s sake.” you thought to yourself, recognizing the familiar burning anger in the Master’s eyes as he was slowly losing his already weak grasp on his temper and reaching for his pocket, his actions now fuelled with proper intention of making the man pay for his disrespect and bad manners.
The problem with the Master was - no matter how brilliant and clever his ideas were, his emotions and temper would always get in the way. You had to learn it the hard way by nearly getting killed a couple of times because of it in the past. But pissing off a few soldiers and running away was one thing, and acting hostile on a space station sized ship with no quick way out was a completely different story. 
“I am so sorry, sir, my husband suffers from this terrible condition,” you spoke as you looked at the Master intensely, doing your best to wordlessly communicate with him and beg him to stay silent, “where he gets unreasonably aggressive when he’s upset.”
The man’s expression was now plagued with confusion but it was a good sign, you thought. He was paying attention.
“He’s just frustrated we can’t yet afford to lead a life like yours, sir. Isn’t that right, darling?” you patted the Master on the back, your voice now so sugary sweet it made you want to vomit, but you were committed to your little act and nothing could stop you.
“Please forgive our jealousy, we simply wish to be more like you but it pains us to realize we’re a long way away from that,” saying this made your skin itch, and you were pretty sure the Master’s eye was twitching a little. You looked at him briefly and noted he was indeed… puzzled. 
Your flattery seemed to work wonders on the man’s self esteem, though, his facial expression momentarily switching to pity and its default arrogance mixed with pride. 
You tried not to make eye contact with the Master as you were escorting him away, your hand wrapped around his elbow. Your heart was beating a little too fast for your liking, and your main concern for now was peacefully leaving the floor and avoiding any more fuss on the way because, honestly, you were getting angry yourself.
“What the hell was that?” was the first thing he asked you as soon as you both entered the TARDIS safely, the two of you still slightly out of breath from your usual cardio on your way back; the desired object sitting securely in the Master’s pocket.
“I was actually going to ask you this exact same question, how convenient.” you snapped, kicking off your heels and making your way to the console barefoot, the cold metal floor having a soothing effect on your aching feet.
The Master gave you a grim look as he took off his ridiculous and evidently uncomfortable jacket, and swiftly marched towards you. His intimidating aura rarely had any impact on you and you didn’t even flinch at his intrusion of your personal space. You knew all too well he would never hurt you deliberately. 
“I did not allow you to intervene.” 
“You should have seen your face, darling,” you said mockingly, maintaining intense eye contact as if it was a competition on who looks away first. 
“You should have heard your voice, such sweetness and flattery I was worried you were gonna kiss his ring at the end of your speech or something,” he spat out his words with grimaced disgust. 
The two of you stared at each other in complete silence for about half a minute, and your facade dropped first. You burst into laughter, giggling obnoxiously at the memory of the Master’s pure and sincere confusion. You’d never seen him so baffled and mad, the funniest thing of it all being the fact that he had to comply and play along. It made you a little proud of yourself.
The corner of the Master’s lips twitched, his stubbornness and denial still fighting his urge to crack up, but a couple of moments later he finally joined you. Any trace of annoyance was long gone, and a wide smile took over his person as he laughed out loud with you. 
“Idiot.” he commented, still chuckling and grinning while also unbuttoning his lousy shirt. You both wanted to get out of those trashy clothes as soon as possible. 
You suddenly went quiet. With no further talking you simply stepped forwards and hugged the Master tightly, burying your nose in the crook of his neck.
“I’ve missed you.”
He hugged you back, resting one of his hands on your head and ruffling your hair, so very aware of how much you hated it. 
“Missed you too, fool.”
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kinglivv · 4 years
Dh!Master and Whittaker!Master fighting for your affection???
Whittaker!Master X Reader, Dhawan!Master X Reader
Summary: Dhawan!Master comes to take you back to your home universe and you're forced to say goodbye to the person you'd fallen in love with.
Warnings: angst
A/N: It got a bit Alex Drakey and i made it angst im sorry im sorry im sorry im
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Her hands were on your hips, her lips on your neck, and there was no where in the world you rather be right now. Your hands slide under her blouse, nails scraping over new found skin, her lips trail up your throat and...
"Not interrupting am I?"
You jump at the voice, head whipping around to look in the direction of where it had come from. The Master lets out a huff of annoyance, pulling away from your neck to look. When she sees the man, her mouth falls open and so does yours.
"Doctor." She hisses, hands tightening on your waist.
The man grins. "Very much the opposite dear. But I could say the same to you."
The Master looks confused, looking in between you and him.
"What game are you trying to play?" She demands. "We're sort of in the middle of something here, Doctor."
The man merely laughs, hands shoved into the pockets of his purple jacket.
"That's not the Doctor, love." You say quietly to the Master, and the man's face lights up in interest.
"Love?" He grins. "It's that what you call me now, Y/N?"
"Me?" The Master parrots in disbelief. She's confused, and when the Master's confused, dangerous situations can arise pretty quickly.
"That's the Master." You tell her, gesuring in the direction of the mysterious man.
"Excuse me?" She raises an eyebrow.
"You know how I'm not from this dimension, and that back in my one I travelled with my Doctor, who looks like you?" You remind her.
"Yes... oh."
You see the look of realisation fall over her face, and she lets go of your hips before marching over him.
"So, you're the Master from Y/N's dimension," She states, arms folded as she examines him. "I must say, your fashion sense is definitely much better than my Doctor's."
"I could say the same to you. I wish my Doctor would show that much skin." He says aprovingly, very obviously looking down. It's then that you decide to step in between them before their narcassistic tendancies created a situation you wouldn't be able to handle. You look to the Master from your universe.
"How are you here?" You question. "Why are you here?"
"I'm here for you." He says as if it's obvious.
"Her?" Says the other Master similtaneously.
"You need to come back to your dimension, darling."
"Darling?" She butts in, and you look between both of them, expasperated.
"Aww, has she not told you about me and her back in her home universe?" He teases, and the blonde looks in between you and him, confused.
"I thought you travelled with the Doctor?" She asks you.
"I did, but sometimes I'd see the Master..." You reply vaguely.
"And?" She probes, arms still crossed like teacher telling off a student.
"Do you think she'd carry on with you just because you look like her Doctor?" The Master gloats.
She simply frowns and looks at you questioningly. There's a hint of insecurity in her hazel eyes, something you wouldn't be able to spot if you hadn't known the Doctor so well.
"You think I only like you because you look like my Doctor?" You ask her.
"You do know that when it comes to the Master, she's attracted to a bit more than our faces, love." Your Master smirks, and you elbow him.
"Shut up," You tell him. "I haven't seen you in months and as soon as you turn up you're already being a dick."
"I'd expect you to say something a bit nicer to the man who's come to take you home." He fires back, and you immediately see the other Master tense up.
"What?" She frowns.
"This isn't Y/N's universe," He tells her. "She needs to return to the right one."
You feel your heart beginning to race as your eyes shift from one face to another. It had never occured to you that you may one day have to pick between the two universes. The two timelords.
"I can't stay long with out creating a permanent rip in the vortex." The Master, the one with dark hair and chocolate eyes tells you. You see the other one tremble slightly.
"If I go home, do I get to see the Doctor? My Doctor? And the fam?" You ask him.
"And your daughter. You'd be back to your old life," He replies.
You look to the other Master and you can practically see her heart breaking. In the few months you had been here, she had been the one constant and had positively fallen in love with you. It was mutual. How could you not love her? She was basically your two favourite people combined.
"I have a family there, Kos," You tell her, hand taking hers. "A daughter."
She nods. "I know."
"This was never going to be forever,"
"I know," Her voice was quiet and husky. "It was fun while it lasted though, eh?"
"It was," You smile. Your hand goes to her cheek and you press one last kiss to her mouth, before turning to the Master. Your Master.
"Ready?" He holds out his arm, and you place a hand over his vortex manipulator.
He grins, before looking to the other Master.
"Thanks for looking after her."
And with that, there's a zap and you're gone.
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bitemealiienboy · 4 years
Stay With Me | Dhawan!Master X Reader
REQUEST: ‘I have a request (with possible smut if you are ok writing it!) Dhawan!Master saves a female reader from something involving the Doctor (maybe the  reader is bait for a monster that the Doctor is trying to take care of or something?) and takes her back to his TARDIS. They both have feelings for each other and at this point the reader is fed up with being at the whim of the Doctor and doesn't want to turn down the Master's advances any more, so she agrees to stay with him.’  (anonymous)
NOTES: Thank you so much for the request, I really liked this one, it was great fun to write, the ideas just came to me with this one so I kinda went crazy. Although there is no smut in this there is some making-out. This is set after The Timeless Children, so spoiler warning I guess. Hope you enjoy xX
WARNINGS: A lot of sadness, mention of injuries, slight mention of death, and some making-out. The gif is not mine, as always.
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You had known the Doctor for years now, first meeting them when you were a teenager and they were a dark haired northern man. You never stayed with the Doctor for long, you’d stay for a couple of journeys and leave. But you’d always find yourself coming back to them and going on another journey. You’d seen the Doctors many faces, you’d seen them at their best and at their worst. But you’d never seen her like this.
Yaz caught you up to speed. She told you everything that you missed, spearing no detail. She told you about the Master's return to the Cybermen. From being sent to prison to Ryan and Graham deciding that their time with the Doctor was up. It was a lot, you understood why she was acting the way she was, but you didn’t like it. The Doctor was taking more risks not realising it was at yours and Yaz’s expense. She wasn’t thinking past tomorrow, this was why you stayed with her. The universe needed the Doctor, but not like this. She was also lying more, but that didn’t surprise you much. The Doctor had been lying long before all this, and you could hardly judge, you had secrets of your own.
You had seen the Master since the destruction of Gallifrey, he showed up on your doorstep, hurt and broken. Despite not seeing this new form of his, you knew it was him straight away. At first you wanted to slap him, for Martha, for Bill, for Missy. But the hopeless and painful look in his eyes made you stop. He was more damaged than before, you found yourself pitying him. Despite all you knew about the time-lord you let him into your home and helped him recover from his bruises and scars. He made you promise not to tell the Doctor he was alive, but not with his usual threats of violence. He sounded like he was begging you. He eventually left your home, but he kept coming back every so often. Sometimes he would have something new to say, to get off his chest and other times he’d say nothing, you presumed he just needed the company. As it became a regular occurrence you reluctantly gave him a spare key. You’d talk to him for hours, he was rather good company. Something you never thought you’d say. Over time you knew he was a changed man, he was far from Harry Saxon or Missy. The Master was an entirely different person. He was the reason why you met up with the Doctor again. You had to find out what was going on.
Which brought you here. Stuck on an alien planet, hiding from giant, hairy, flesh eating monsters who had a particular craving for humans that day. The three of you were hiding in an area of long grass trying to think of a way back to the TARDIS, which they happened to be guarding. Of course the flesh eating monsters had to be somewhat smart.
“I’m gonna see if there is another way,” the Doctor said as she army crawled out of sight.
“She’s gone too far,” you said to Yaz, keeping your voice down.
Yaz nodded in agreement, “I can’t keep doing this. But I don’t know how to tell her.”
“I understand,” you wished you could tell her that leaving the TARDIS was an easy thing. But it wasn’t. No matter how many times you had done it, it was always tough. You looked over at Yaz, “You should take Jack’s offer.”
“How do you know about that?” Yaz questioned in a hushed tone.
“Jack texted me about it, he probably wanted me to chase you up about it.”
“I just don’t know if I can leave the Doctor, not while she’s like this.” Yaz looked as if she was about to cry, you placed your hand on hers, to steady her.
“You’ll see the Doctor again, it’s never the end,” you said.
"I just don't think I could do it."
"Yaz, your life doesn't revolve around the Doctor," you said, getting a small laugh from Yaz.
"Maybe you should listen to your own advice," Yaz smiled, it was soft but there was a hint of sadness to it. “How did you leave the Doctor the first time?” Yaz asked.
“The first time I had no choice, the Doctor sent me and Rose home. Rose managed to save the Doctor, but I didn’t see them again till later that year. But the first time I left on my own was when Rose got trapped in another world. She needed some time alone to think.” You and Yaz both had a lot of time together to share stories of your travels, you told her the Doctors whole life story, well what you knew of it anyway.
“You think she needs some time alone again, to heal?”
“Yes,” you muttered just loud enough for Yaz to hear. “She needs to move on.”
The Doctor started shuffling back towards you, her face wasn’t showing any signs of hope. “Do ya want the good or the bad news first,” she said.
You and Yaz shared a look.
“Well, the good news is that I have a way out. The bad news is that it involves using myself as bait.”
“How are we meant to get back to Earth?” you questioned, “We can’t fly the TARDIS.”
“Didn’t I teach you, Y/N?” The Doctor said
“I could have sworn I did," the Doctor scratched her head, thinking. "Huh…Maybe it was someone else.”
“Doctor use me as bait,” you said.
“No,” the Doctor looked at you, it was a look of warning. A look you never took any notice of before.
“Well my idea saves more of us and I wasn’t offering.” You didn’t dare look away from the Doctor. You wanted to try and see what she was thinking. You needed to outsmart her, just this one time.
“I just need more time to think,” the Doctor breathed.
“You’ve had hours,” you sighed, looking away from the Doctor so she couldn’t see what you were thinking. “Fine, five more minutes to come up with something Doctor,” you said, sternly. 
You watched as the Doctor placed her fingers on her temple and began to think. You knew that she would probably be counting down the five minutes in that big brain of her as she thought of a solution. Two minutes passed, you looked over at Yaz as you slowly rose up from your spot. You smiled at Yaz, she knew what to do from here. You gave her a wink goodbye and started to sprint towards the monsters. You looked back, seeing that they were all following you. You could also see Yaz, putting the Doctor in the distance. You ran as far away from the TARDIS as you could, only stopping as you heard the little blue box leaving.
“Goodbye Doctor,” you whispered as you turned to face your death.
The sounds of the TARDIS came back, the monsters stopped in their tracks as they heard the sound.
“NO!” You screamed, “You weren't meant to come back! You idiot!”
It wasn’t the Doctor’s TARDIS that landed. Instead it was a little shack. The Master opened the door and didn’t move. He just slowly raised his arm and shot down all the monsters. It happened quickly. You just stood there blinking, struggling to process your thoughts. 
“Are you coming or what?” The Master called out to you. He was a couple hundred meters away, he hadn’t moved from where he stood. He held out a hand, waiting for you to come to him.
You ran to him, you reached your hand out and grabbed his. He pushed you into his TARDIS, kicking the door shut with your foot. 
“She shouldn’t have done this,” he began saying, his eyes searching your body for any injuries.
“It’s just a few cuts and bruises, Mas—”
“She really shouldn’t have done this,” he cut you off. His hand let go of yours, as he walked towards the kitchen and began rummaging through the draws. You followed him, jumping up onto the counter to sit down. He grabbed your arm again, putting plasters on your wounds. Even the small scratches.
You looked at your arm, now covered in plasters and back up at him. You raised an eyebrow.
“Too much?” He asked.
“Too much,” you confirmed.
He looked at you, contented, you could feel his warm breath on your face. You gave him a small half-smile.
“Thank you,” you said quietly. Your hand found his, your fingers touched his.
“It’s the least I could do,” he took your hand, his thumb gently traced the palm of yours. “Stay with me,” he said softly, “travel with me.”
“You want me to travel with you?” You were shocked. “What about my life back on Earth?”
“We both know you're addicted to this life,” the Master said the thing you could never admit to yourself. You always struggled to settle down on earth for a reason, it was the reason why you kept running back to the Doctor.
“I’ll think about it,” you said. You kissed the Master’s cheek, it felt like the right thing to do. You pushed yourself off the counter, your intention to leave the room.
“Y/N,” the Master grabbed you by the arm. He pulled you back. He looked at you for a moment, his eyes full of lust. He pulled you closer and then crashed his lips onto yours. You fell back in to the counter, while the Masters hands found their way to your waist. You thought about pulling away, never in a million years did you expect you’d be doing this. But at the same time it felt so right, like something you wanted for a long time. So, you placed your hands on his shoulders.
You eventually pulled away, both panting for breath. He pulled you into his chest, his chin rested on top of your head. You took in his scent, it was warm and calming. Your worry for the doctor slowly disappeared from your mind.
“I guess I could stay for a trip or two,” you said into his chest. A small smile appeared on his face as he planted a kiss on top of your head.
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slurrmp · 4 years
playdate - 13th doctor x reader x dhawan!master.
i don’t know what this is, i’ve forgotten how to format and it will probably be ooc, but anyway - enjoy this .... i thought of it in the shower. [ part one ???? maybe if you’re lucky - could also be the prequel to THIS fic ]
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 i don't want to play no games i'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you.
You had wanted some downtime, just a few hours to yourself in your bedroom, away from everyone. Take a shower, have a bath, sleep for more than an hour at a time. You also needed to dehair after the weeks of being on the run, captured and then on the run again from a rather vicious race. If you never saw a Wraith again, it would be too soon. Even your bruises had memories.
The bathroom was foggy and you had been enjoying a nice hot shower. Key word there was had. Shaving your legs had actually been satisfying after the couple of weeks you’d had, but the turbulence wasn’t. At a rather nasty bump into the tiled wall, a hiss escaped between your clenched teeth, as the razor nicked your skin. “Ow, son of bitch,” you mumbled. Waiting a couple of seconds to see if it was the Doctor landing the TARDIS - when nothing happened, you continued on. That was until about three minutes later another bump caused you to fall into the opposite wall, nicking yourself again. “What the hell is going on?” You heaved out a sigh and shut the shower off, hoping out and wrapping the fluffy towel around your body - barely noticing the pain in your leg.
The TARDIS must have realised how annoyed you were because she didn’t mess with you on the way to the console room - in fact she created a direct route and didn’t even complain when you dripped water on the floor from your wet hair. Barging into the room with an annoyed sigh on your lips. “Listen, Doc - are you sure the TARDIS has inertial dampeners? Because I’ve been trying to shave my legs for the last twenty minutes and so far I’ve cut myself twice and only have one leg shaved.” You had no idea how you could have not noticed him, his presence was absolutely suffocating. Plus that stupid purple suit was rather eye catching.
“I think I have an app for that...” His voice caused your eyes to snap upwards and freeze in your spot, half up the step. Mouth agape, you almost forgot that you were literally wearing nothing but a towel and were still soaking wet.
“Oh God!” Your hands tightened against the towel and pulled it even more around your chest, it suddenly seemed so incredibly short at the moment. The Master was leaning against the console and the Doctor was holding the stance you knew oh so well (she didn’t like him being here) her face unreadable.
“Not God, love - Master.”
i don't give a fuck about you anyways whoever said i gave a shit 'bout you?
“Ah, ah ... what ... what?” Your voice rose in pitch as you stumbled over your words. Eyes snapped to the Doctor, before you rushed over to her, still leaving a trail of water. You could feel the Master’s eyes basically burn a hole in your body and you suddenly wished that you had gotten dressed. The Doctor was a little preoccupied to even notice your lack of attire, she must be rather desperate if she allowed the Master to be onboard. “What’s he doing here?” you whispered in a harsh tone. 
“I’ve been recruited...” He spoke up - causing you to turn slightly in his direction. You noticed the shit eating grin crossing his face. You wanted to flip him off, but you knew that wouldn’t help the situation, so all you did was scrunch up your face and turn to look back at the blonde.
“No, really - seriously ... what’s he doing here?”
“We need his help.” The Doctor finally spoke up and the loudest laugh escaped your lips. But the longer you stared at the Doctor, before you turned to look back at the Master, you couldn’t help but feel the coldness that always comes when the Master’s near, settle in the pit of your stomach.
“Shit...” A giddy laugh sounded over your shoulder and you felt as the Master slithered up next to you.
“Oh come on ...” Your name slipped from his lips a little too easily. “This is going to be fun!” A manic smile this time. “Without me, people are going to die...” An arm slipped across your bare shoulders and you tried your best to keep the shiver to yourself. But the Doctor had her hazel eyes trained on that arm as soon as it moved.
“Don’t get too comfortable, Master.” The Doctor finally snapped out of her trance. Her own eyes holding a sort of manic expression and it wasn’t glee. “Once you’ve done your part, I’ll be dropping you back off to your own TARDIS.” Her hand suddenly shot forward and grabbed onto your forearm - forcing you to grab a hold of the towel in one hand, a soft whine escaped your lips as you were pulled away from the Master’s rather warm presences and the fact that you almost lost the towel. “And you’ll leave us alone.” Suddenly your vision was filled with dark blue - the Doctor’s sweater. You realised that the Time Lord had put herself between you and the Master.
“Oh Doctor - if that keeps you sleeping soundly at night...” Peeking around the Doctor’s shoulder, you noticed the Master’s smile had wiped from his face and his eyes seemed even darker - not happy that you were pulled away from him. Oh boy. “Just know that my part is a lot bigger than you think.” You could basically feel the scoff as it left the Doctor.
You snapped back to reality when you heard your name, suddenly realising that the Doctor had now turned her back on the Master and was looking down at you. “Go wake up the others...” She said, hands coming to rest on your arms. “Let them know that they’ll need to be ready.”
“But -” You started, frowning as your eyes caught the Master’s once more.
“Just ... wake up the others ... and get dressed.” Then she was gone from in front of you and was then pulling the Master (by the arm) away from the console room and you. He was not too impressed by being man handled - whining about the fact that he knew where to go. They disappeared into the corridor and a sigh escaped your lips, before you laughed.
“Oh my god....” This was going to be a long day. You still need to shave your other leg.
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bi-makes-pie · 4 years
"I'm her best enemy" Playlist [ PART ONE - Songs 1 to 30]
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Click READ MORE to see the whole list
1. Nemeses (feat. John Roderick) – Jonathan Coulton I mostly see this as being in the Master’s POV.
“Could it be that you need me To keep you out, to run you faster Promise me you'll let me be The one, the worst of all your enemies”
2. Crazy – Burn the Ballroom 12 to Missy. This one is quite cute. He does calls her mad, but we all know the Doctor isn’t exactly the perfect picture of sanity either.
“She had problems with my love connections So she bought me bullets and she made corrections (…) I'd say crazy, doll, but you've got something different I'd say complicated but that's your kind of rhythm I'd say lost and you'd say love
But you're crazy not to see That you're crazy just like me...”
3. Silence – Citizen Shade This kinda makes me picture the Doctor trying to give in and settle down with the Master (any version) while dealing with the inner conflict that they’re far too cruel for their taste.
“I found peace in your violence Can't tell me there's no point in trying I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long”
4. Dangerous Man - Little Dume This alternates between the Doctor’s POV and the Master’s. But you can also interpret it as being 100% about any version of the Doctor, since they do have a dark side.
“Every bone in my body's bad Fire's burning, the skies are turning black They say I'm a dangerous man” “Can you hear the storm's a coming I'm a silver in the lining There's a spark in me They say I'm a dangerous man Better run fast as you can Don't you look back”
5. Under Covers – LeRiche A bittersweet song about two people who had this precious friendship and love for each other, and about how distance can keep it all bottled up but once they give it a chance, they immediately go right back to the start. Just fits them very well, if you picture a happy ending to their relationship.
“I don't know why you're looking for a friend I'm right by your side But out here from a distance You won't look me in the eyes Without your love, I think I could die Then you let me in, we go back to beginnings When we were just friends hanging out on the ceiling We'll laugh about love and how we felt for one another And I love the way we make up under covers”
6. The Scientist – Coldplay A song about longing to make things right again and with little analogies involving science? I mean…
“Nobody said it was easy It's such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard Oh, take me back to the start”
7. Renegades – X Ambassadors The “They actually stole a TARDIS and ran away together from Gallirey” AU we need so much
“Run away with me Lost souls and reverie Running wild and running free Two kids, you and me And I say Hey, hey hey hey Living like we're renegades”
8. Love is War – American Young I like how cute this song is and yet there is a bit of a dark twist. Fits them.
“Sometimes love is all that can save us Sometimes love can kill a man Yeah sometimes love is a soft touch Or a pistol in your hand Sometimes love is a white flag (...) Sometimes a cannon ball But it's worth fighting for Baby, sometimes love is war”
9. Bury a friend – Billie Eilish (Cover by Pomplamoose) Master’s POV. Can apply to any of their regenerations but I think of Simm!Master the most, since Ten tends to run towards him rather than walk away from him.
“What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?”
10. Come as you are – Nirvana (Cover by Imaginary Future) Best Enemies, everyone. Master’s POV again.
“Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend As an old enemy (…) And I swear that I don't have a gun No, I don't have a gun”
11. Turn – The Wombats Academy!Era, Doctor’s POV. Theta (Doctor) clearly has a crush on Koschei (Master) and they’re both love being chaotic together. 
“I like the way your brain works, I like the way you try To run with the wolf pack when your legs are tired I like the way you turn me inside and out I like the way you turn I like the way your brain works Baby, it's the crazy I like I think I saw the world turn in your eyes”
12. Run – Snow Patrol Master’s POV if he was ever able to be honest about his feelings. Some parts can easily be read as the Doctor’s POV too.
“You've been the only thing that's right In all I've done And I can barely look at you But every single time I do I know we'll make it anywhere Away from here”
13. Maps - The Front Bottoms The Doctor’s POV as their relationship deteriorates after the Academy and he plans to steal the TARDIS and leave Gallifrey and his friend behind. I had to help myself from quoting the whole song because IT REALLY FITS SO WELL.
“There is a map in my room, on the wall of my room And I've got big, big plans (…) You say 'I hate you', you mean it And 'I love you' sounds fake It's taken me so long to figure that out I used to love the taste, I would do anything for it Now I would do anything to get the taste out of my mouth (…) "And what about your friends, Don't you love them enough to stay?" And I say, "If I don't leave now, Then I will never get away." Let me be a blue raft on the blue sea, I'll blend right in”
14. Old College – The Mountain Goats This fits the tiresome, sad, manipulative and draining part of their relationship.
“The warning signs have all been bright and garish Far too great in number to ignore (…) Our love has never had a leg to stand on From the aspirins to the cross-tops to the Elavils 
But I will walk down to the end with you If you will come all the way down with me”
15. Like a Staring Contest – The Future Kings of Nowhere Covers the end of their friendship and start of the new enemies dynamic. 
“I'm so tired of open warfare When the point of this was to be best of friends (…) When you fall in love as hard And recklessly as you and I do It seems that the final act should have The same intensity as the first scene”
16. Poison and Wine – The Civil Wars Reminds me of 12 and Missy but before Series 10. 
“You only know what I want you to I know everything you don't want me to Oh your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine You think your dreams are the same as mine Oh I don't love you but I always will” 
17. Genesis 30:3 – The Mountain Goats The mentions of a past relationship and the following lines followed by drums really make me picture this as Simm!Master and Ten getting a happy but bittersweet ending.
“For several hours we lay there, last ones of our kind Harder days coming, maybe I don't mind Sounds kind of dumb when I say it, but it's true I would do anything for you”
 18. Blood Under The Bridge – Frightened Rabbit Could literally be any version, but I picture Dhawan!Master and 13 making amends here, mostly because he might be crazy and frenetic but behind that façade he’s clearly way more tired than she ever will be.
“And it's alright, it's alright It's just blood under the bridge And I'm too tired to fight And you're sick of feeling sick And so am I It's alright It's just blood under the bridge”
19. Even Though Our Love is Doomed – Garbage  Missy’s POV. You can interpret this like her train of thoughts and reflections starting from early Vault days to the last time we see her on-screen. Reluctance, guilt and then the resolution.
“Come a little bit closer I need to understand Why we kill the things we love the most (…) Can you love me for what I've become Love me for what I Said that I would not become 'Cause they don't burn like I do (…) And even though our love is doomed And even though we're all messed up You're the only thing worth fighting for” You're the only thing worth dying for” 
20. Starlight – Muse 12 and Missy during the episodes World Enough and Time and The Doctor Falls.
“Now I'll never let you go If you promised not to fade away Never fade away Our hopes and expectations Black holes and revelations” 
21. Control – Halsey This screams Missy to me, especially since she literally incorporates the character of the evil nanny in her book (The Missy Chronicles) and in Big Finish’s audio dramas.
“I'm bigger than my body I'm colder than this home I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones
And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy God damn right, you should be scared of me Who is in control?”
 22. Enemy – Woodlock End of Academy!Era. Yet another song which reminds me about their early fighting days and the end of their friendship.
This is where it begins At the start of an end I could no longer pretend No more, you walked out the door You’re my enemy
23. Why Can't We Be Friends? – The Academic The title says it all. The lyrics also mention how the relationship is always turning into something new, so I had to associate with the longest friends to lovers to enemies we’ve ever seen on television.
“This world is pointless If you're not here This world is pointless If we're not self-destructing love And it falls and it breaks and it turns into something new And it falls and it breaks and it turns into something” 
24. Wish That You Were Here – Florence + The Machine Doctor’s POV, in the days when he regrets leaving Gallifrey for a couple of seconds before turning to occupy his with something else. Because he knows that even if he went back, things aren’t the same and everyone has changed – including him.
“And I never minded being on my own Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home To be where you are But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And it's beautiful but there's that tug in the sight I must stop time traveling, you're always on my mind”
 25. No Light, No Light – Florence + The Machine This one makes me picture the first moment the Doctor realized his friend had changed too much and had to choose between his own feelings and standing for what’s right. This happens A LOT in the show, but I imagine realizing that for the first time was the hardest.
“But would you leave me If I told you what I've done And would you leave me If I told you what I've become No light, no light in your bright blue eyes I never knew daylight could be so violent A revelation in the light of day”
26. Dancing with the Devil – Wolf Gang This alternates between the Master’s POV and the Doctor’s POV. 
“If you're the chosen one How does it feel to be loved by no one? If you're the number one Where do you run to? Can you hide behind the sun? You say that there's no oxygen again You're forcing down the lies but you always get your way Something tells me that this was all arranged You tricked me once again” 
27. Skeleton Park – Kasador Master’s POV. “You know, back in the day, I'd burn an entire city to the ground just to see the pretty shapes the smoke made” (Missy, in The Lie of the Land, Series 10, Episode 8)
“When the house is on fire Air fills my lungs I satisfy desire From watching all you run Yeah the house is on fire Hear the sirens scream My hands hold the lighter It fits so naturally”
28. Elastic Heart – Longfellow What I love the most about the Doctor (all versions) is how they keep fighting for what is right despite their own feelings being hurt or despite how much it may cause them pain. I love what this character represents, and those lyrics reminds me so much of them. 
“Oh why can I not conquer love? And I might have thought that we were one Wanted to fight this war without weapons And I wanted it, I wanted it bad But there were so many red flags (…) Yeah, let's be clear, I'll trust no one You did not break in here I'm still fighting for peace”
 29. Bite Back – The All-American Rejects “You think you've broken me? You'll have to try harder than that” (The Doctor, in The Timeless Children Series 12, Episode 10). Same unbreakable side of the Doctor, but this time she definitively resents it a little more than usual. 
“You couldn't break me in the end And such a freedom I enjoy When you're deaf to the sounds you trust If that was all you've got, my friend Then set yourself to disappoint” 
30. No Children – The Mountain Goats Listen to me here: this covers the whole “They were married way before they started to hate each other back on Gallifrey” fan theory.
“I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand”
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foxcantswim · 4 years
Take My Hand | Thoschei
Take My Hand https://archiveofourown.org/works/23059720
Just some soft Thoschei at the end of Series 12 ( 13 x Dhawan!Master )
The Doctor convinces the Master to leave Gallifrey with her
She couldn't do it.
Her hand had dropped to her side, unable to press the button. Even after all the Master's taunting.
She simply couldn't do it... Despite her current hatred towards the Master for what he had done to Gallifrey, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. She would never allow her hate to overcome her. Her adoration for her old friend, well he was more than just a friend, in front of her was all she could focus on.
Looking down at him, she hoped that his eyes would hold something for once. Not the usual emptiness. Just a glimmer of hope was all she could ever wish for. Anything.
She noticed him twitch slightly, a look of confusion glossed over his eyes. His fists clenched just a little bit tighter. The Doctor noticed every little thing about him.
The Doctor was prepared to die there on Gallifrey at the hands of the Master's new creations. She would gladly accept death instead of killing her friend.
But after Ko Sharmus had ran into the room, taking a hold of the device... the Doctor thought of this as another chance. Another chance to get off this planet with the Master. Not alone.
"Come with me," the Doctor said, outstretching her hand. Her eyes flickered between him and the new Cybermen behind him.
He chuckled whilst standing, "And why would I do that, Doctor? I hate you," the Doctor heard the slight falter when he breathed the word 'hate'. She knew deep down there was more than just hate. Something more.
"Yes. You do. But not enough to say 'no'," she replied, not willing to let her hand drop.
He looked away from her, focusing on anything but.
"I know..." she took a step closer, "I know deep down that you've always wanted to travel with me. We talked about it when we were young. Just us two. Seeing the stars, seeing the planets... And we promised eachother that we would sit down at the end of every adventure and just talk in our own TARDIS. Together."
"Master," she cut him off, her hearts ached at the need to call him by his real name, "Just this once. Take my hand," she pleaded.
He shook his head, looking down at his feet, "Why... After all I've done. Why do you still continue to treat me like I'm your friend?!" a hint of anger laced his words.
"Because you are," she assured, "I wanted to take your hand at the boundary. But I was afraid... Afraid of you letting go again."
The Master would never admit that the Doctor was above him. Because right now she was. She had been for a long time. Grabbing her hand would prove that she was the higher being.
"The Cyberium would never let me leave," he admitted.
"I wouldn't let the Cyberium stop you," she promised, "We can control it together."
She could practically see the gears turning in his head, the harsh tension in the room was slowly dying out.
"Come on," the Doctor smiled, "You know you want to," seeing his hands twitch, she sighed, "Would it make you feel better if I dropped my hand and you raised yours?" she teased as she let her hand fall.
"Perhaps," the Master tried to stop the smirk from appearing on his face as he raised his hand, "Take my hand, Doctor."
She quickly took it, "Always."
The Doctor tried to talk Ko Sharmus out of sacrificing himself, assuring him that there must be another way. He declined and declined, promising that this is what he had to do.
The Master didn't need to think twice before dragging her down the corridor towards a vacant TARDIS. His hand released hers before he danced around the console.
"Let me dri-"
"You always leave the brakes on, Doctor! I would never let you drive!" he exclaimed with a laugh.
She moved to the opposite side of the console, her hands gripped it hard, "Don't judge my abilities," she smirked.
"Is it too late to decline your offer?" he groaned as he pulled the final lever.
"My offer?" she questioned, "You're the one who said 'take my hand, Doctor'," she teased as the TARDIS shook.
"You are already becoming a pain..." he muttered.
She smiled, "Where are you even sending us?"
"I got a lock on to your TARDIS, I assumed you wanted to be somewhere familiar."
"Trying to steal my TARDIS, are you?"
"Don't test me."
The Doctor felt like she was going to cry as she looked at the man on the other side of the console. All of this felt like a dream. It was so long ago when they had agreed to travel together... And now it was really happening before her very eyes.
He caught her staring, "Oh, if looks could kill, Doctor. I might just drop dead right now," he joked.
The Doctor was already loving this. She could hardly believe it. Her old friend was standing in the same TARDIS as her. And they weren't trying to kill eachother. They weren't a threat to eachother.
She rounded the console without saying a word, feeling a stray tear roll down her cheek.
"Don't you get all emotional on me, Doctor. You know how I feel about emotions," he glared as he took a step back from the console, already expecting the Doctor to display some physical affection.
The anger in his voice was evident... but she could tell that he wouldn't deny a hug.
Her arms came to wrap around him as she allowed more tears to fall, her head rested against the man's chest - listening to his heartbeats.
"Doctor..." he groaned under her touch, trying to sound annoyed. His arms stayed rigid, trying his best not reciprocate. He couldn't appear weak.
"Thank you for coming with me, Koschei," she muttered with a content sigh, "I would've stayed there on Gallifrey with you, you know?"
"No you wouldn't-"
"Yes I would have," she said, her head lifted off his chest to look up into his eyes, "I would've set a course on another TARDIS for Ko Sharmus... Then I would've come back to you. But... I wouldn't have killed you. Because I could never do that to you."
He gulped, feeling his heartbeat quicken. Finally. He allowed one hand to come up to the Doctor's face, he sighed as he cupped the woman's face, "Always so stupid. Aren't you, Theta?"
They hadn't been this physically close in so long. The Doctor even thought for a second that the Master was going to kiss her... She could barely remember what that felt like.
He decided to pull the Doctor into a hug once the TARDIS landed. This caught her of guard, making her freeze up for a moment. His arms were tight around her, her hands clutched the back of his jacket.
"You're tired..." he said.
She shook her head against him, "No. I'm okay."
He felt the slightest bit of guilt begin to eat away at him. He had been the cause for this. The cause of the Doctor's pain. He thought he would enjoy it...
Pulling back, his hand found hers and he spoke sternly, "Your TARDIS is waiting. No point in wasting our time in here. And you can get some rest whilst I finally take the reigns of your TARDIS again."
"It's my turn to drive," she pouted.
He rolled his eyes, dragging her towards the doors, "Next time you can drive."
"And the time after that... and the time after that..." she smiled.
"Don't push your luck, Doctor. Or I'll push you into the time vortex."
"You wouldn't."
"I would."
Just as they were about to leave the TARDIS, the Doctor pulled the Master back towards her, "And I would just pull you out with me," she hugged him tight again.
Letting out a groan, he spoke, "Have you always been this touchy feely?" he failed to stop the smile from appearing on his face.
"I just haven't had a hug in a long time..." she mumbled against him, his arms soon found their place around her once more.
After many attempts of pulling away from the Doctor, finally, the Master convinced her to leave the TARDIS, "You're going to make me regenerate if you squeeze any harder," he had mumbled.
"Can't let that happen."
The Master stepped out first and the Doctor followed.
He grimaced, "A tree? Really?"
The Doctor allowed her hand to brush the side of the tree, "Smart if you think about it. Nobody would ever know something was off."
The Master kept his hands in his pockets as he walked on ahead, "Stop feeling up the tree and get a move on. Don't make me leave you behind," he called without looking back.
"Two things. One. My TARDIS wouldn't leave me behind and let you take her. Two. You wouldn't leave me behind."
"Really?" he questioned, stopping in his tracks.
"Really," she caught up to him.
"Didn't your TARDIS leave you behind last time?"
The Doctor hushed him, "Shut up..." she muttered under her breath before grabbing his hand again.
The Master smirked "Is this going to be a regular thing?" he sighed as they walked side by side.
She nodded, "At least I'm not saying 'run' for once," she joked as they arrived at the blue box.
The Doctor's free hand came up to rest on the door, "Hey, old girl..."
He watched quietly as the Doctor's hand traveled down to the door handle. Before she could push it open, it opened on its own.
A questionable hum emitted from the TARDIS as she entered, pulling the Master along with her.
"It's okay," the Doctor assured, "He's travelling with us for a bit."
Another hum.
"Don't be jealous," she smiled.
"She doesn't like me," he muttered.
"Can you blame her?" the pair approached the console, "You've done a lot of bad things, you know? Like killing lots of innocent people," she hadn't forgiven him for all the deaths. For all the suffering. It would take a lot of time for her to understand his ways. To forgive him.
"Don't think I will stop, Doctor..." he said as he leaned against the console, releasing the Doctor's hand. She leaned against it beside him.
She sighed, "Just... Try."
For you, I would.
"No promises," he folded his arms.
There was a comfortable silence around them. The Master knew that the Doctor needed to take a breather. She was extremely tired both physically and mentally, even though she didn't show it.
His eyes drifted around the room, "I never got a good look at this place when I first came in here... I don't like it."
"He's only teasing," the Doctor said once the TARDIS started to make another distressed noise. She allowed her eyes to close as she took a deep breath.
She was scared to open her eyes.
Scared to see that Koschei wasn't really there. Just a figment of her imagination.
The Master glanced at the Doctor. His eyebrows furrowed as he noticed her ragged breathing, "Theta," he spoke, understanding her situation, "I'm here."
This time, he was the one to initiate the hug. He pulled her into his side, his arms secure around her.
I'm sorry.
He didn't know what to say. He felt the need to scream and shout at someone or something. The banging in his head made everything hurt... But as he felt the Doctor's arms around him. The noise became more bearable. She was like a barrier. Blocking the noise for him. Strangely, he never expected to feel at peace around her. But he did.
"I should really go see the gang..."
He quickly replied, "Just take a moment. Those puny little humans can wait."
She sighed, her eyes closing as she focused on Koschei's heartbeats. She decided to ignore his comment for now.
A loud alarm blaring from the console made the pair jump away in fright.
"Is your stupid TARDIS trying to scare me into my next regeneration?!" the Master exclaimed in anger as he felt his hearts begin to beat rapidly.
The Doctor was cut off by a flash of light illuminating the room. The two looked towards the source to see three Judoon standing in front of them.
The look of confusion on the Master's face was clear, "Oh, Doctor what have you been up to?"
"I haven't-"
The Judoon interrupted, "Judoon Cold Case Unit. Fugitive: The Doctor," they stepped closer, "Sentence: whole of life imprisonment, maximum security facility."
"What?!" the Doctor exclaimed.
Suddenly, the Judoon were gone - one by one.
The Doctor's eyes quickly snapped towards the Master, "Master?!" she shouted, he was holding the TCE in his hand and aiming where the Judoon used to be.
"Only call my name like that when we're in bed, Theta," he chuckled before pocketing the TCE. He walked over to the Judoon and picked them up, "Look!" he looked like an excited child with a new toy, "I've made some new friends."
He was soon bored with them as he tossed them over his shoulder.
"Koschei that- that was extremely unnecessary!" she still couldn't believe that he had shrunk them, "If word gets out, you and I will both be in a lot more trouble with the Judoon!"
He stepped closer with an annoyed sigh, "You talk way too much, has anyone ever told you that?"
Before she could say anything, the Master's hands cupped her cheeks. His lips connected with hers almost immediately. The Doctor could hardly get over the initial shock.
She didn't expect him to be so soft and gentle. She expected anything but. Her arms seemed to move on their own as they came to rest around the Master's neck. His own hands traveled down to pull her closer by the waist as the Doctor allowed her eyes to close.
The Doctor pulled away after hearing the TARDIS make a groan of disgust.
"Don't listen to her," he replied, kissing her again. His hands were almost possessive as he held her close.
The TARDIS noises finally died down once she finally knew that the Doctor wasn't under any threat.
Koschei could feel tension radiating off of Theta, dark and unwelcomed tension. One of his hands carefully drifted up towards her head, "May I?" he breathed between the kiss.
She felt a tear fall down her cheek. The silence she replied with was more than enough for him.
His fingers brushed against Theta's temple. At this moment, he was willing to take on the pain and hurt for her. The sound of the drums was nothing in comparison to the weight the Doctor carried. Her fingers came to play with the hair on the back of his neck in comfort.
I'm here for you now.
Theta heard him loud and clear.
He wanted to apologise. He really did. But he couldn't. Not right now. One day. Maybe.
He soothed her mind, dimmed down any bad thought he could find.
The Doctor's lips left his once she realised what he was doing. The telepathic connection broke, "You don't have to do this-"
"I do," he replied.
His fingers never left her temple, her tired eyes opened before closing immediately. Her arms moved down to wrap around his middle, resting her head against his shoulder. He wanted to help her calm down and tire her mind out.
"You need rest," the Master decided, "What kind of Time Lord needs to sleep?!" the Doctor smiled. Even after everything that has happened, he still used the term 'Time Lord' so fondly, his hand dropped from her head before he carried her in his arms.
Carrying her down one of the many corridors, he decided that he would have to come to terms with the whole situation. It wasn't exactly the Doctor's fault for what had happened. He needed someone to blame. And the Doctor was the only option at the time. And after everything he had done, she had still come back to him. She always does.
He arrived at a random bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot. Stepping inside, he made his way over to the bed. Koschei helped Theta remove her shoes as she was on the brink of passing out. Her head immediately connected with the pillow, a sigh of relief escaped her.
She lifted a hand to grab onto the bottom of the Master's jacket when he began to turn and walk away, "Don't go."
"Don't worry. I will be back," he assured and turned to face her. He leaned down to press a teasing kiss to her lips, "Your Master has some things to do."
She groaned in disgust before flipping over to bury her face into the pillow.
He chuckled, darkly, "If you're still awake by the time I'm back. I will have to make you sleep," he warned.
Another groan, but muffled, escaped the Doctor.
The smirk wouldn't leave his face as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
Immediately, he pranced down the corridor, "Wooo!" he exclaimed, running into the console room. The TARDIS made a confused noise, "Come on, darlin'!" he shouted, basking in the orange glow coming from the console, "I feel like burning a planet or two!"
The TARDIS wasn't having any of that.
He pulled a couple levers, pressed a few buttons here and there.
"Don't ruin this for me," he growled once he realised the TARDIS wasn't responding, "Technically, I'm your owner too now."
No, you're not.
"Yes, I am."
"Yes," he replied. The TARDIS remained silent. He groaned in frustration, "You're so stubborn! How does she cope?!"
The TARDIS made a noise which could be heard as laughter.
His hand came up to rest on the console, brushing it carefully, "Come oooon. Just one?" he decided to take a different approach, "It'll be fuuuun~," he winked up at the ceiling.
"Just one."
"One tiny little planet. Doesn't even need to have anybody living on it! Although that would be a perk-"
The TARDIS quickly began to move. The console came to life. Lights flickered, a miniature white TARDIS span around quickly.
"Oh, did I ever tell you that I love ya?!" he smirked, happily. The TARDIS landed...
He danced over to the door and pulled it open, excitement took over his body. His smile soon dropped when he realised where the TARDIS had took him...
"M-Master?!" the girl said. The Master's eyes darted between the three 'companions'. He slammed the door shut, turning to glare at the console.
"Did I ever tell you that I hate you?"
The Doctor couldn't stop the smile from appearing on her face as she looked up at the monitor in the corner of the room, displaying what was going on in the console room, "Same old Master..." she sighed, her eyes closed, "Nice one, old girl."
The TARDIS hummed happily in response.
"He'll change. One day."
One day.
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noforkingclue · 4 years
it might be kinda basic but could i request dhawan master trying to impress you / change your relationship from platonic to romantic, but he's so useless you only realize after a few weeks of him showboating and being a flirt?
Title: Northern Lights
Usually you’d be the first person to say never befriend a homicidal maniac who has lost count on how many people he has killed. However this was not the case with the Master. You met him when he was broken, damaged, without anyone in the world. You, being the kind soul that you are and having no knowledge of who he was, helped him. You reached out the hand of friendship and he grabbed it surprisingly quickly.
When you found out who he really was, and what he had done, you were shocked. He begged you to forgive him that he couldn’t loss the only person in the world who cared about him. He had already lost his only other friend and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. When he offered you a trip in the TARDIS that sealed the deal. You were not going to abandon him. You would never leave your friend.
And that’s what he was- your friend.
It was definitely an unusual friendship. You were often the moderating force in it, preventing the Master from killing people, telling him when he was going too far. In return the Master brought you out of your shell, he gave you confidence that you never knew you had. You treasured your friendship with him.
Recently the Master had been taking you to more and more extravagant places. When you first started travelling with him he took you to fairly ordinary, unexciting places. It was almost as though he was trying to keep you inside the TARDIS instead. However that changed when you asked him to take you to Versailles. He seemed hesitant at first but then relented. He took you to it during its height of fashion and the two of you danced down the Hall of Mirrors. It was one of your happiest memories.
Since then the Master only too you to the best bits of the universe and history. He took you to the finest restaurants, the most spectacular nature sights, meeting your favourite historical figures. You were having the time of your life and you loved spending time with your best friend.
Currently the two of you were sitting in the snow. You were wrapped up in thermal clothing and coats and were looking up at the northern lights. It was one of the things on your bucket list and the Master wanted you to see the most spectacular version of them.
“They don’t quite seem really do they?”
“You think so? It’s perfectly natural. You see-“
You covered the Master’s mouth with your hand.
“I know. Let’s just enjoy the moment shall we?”
The Master fell silent but not for long.
“We could see them all the time back home.”
“Home? As in Gallifrey?”
“Of course. I would spend hours watching them from my family’s estate.”
“You had an estate?”
“Of course,” the Master sounded vaguely smug, “It was spectacular. If you thought Versailles was grand you should’ve seen where I grew up. It spanned for miles and was one of the grandest estates on Gallifrey. You could spend hours exploring and always find something new the next time you decided to explore.”
“It sounds lovely.”
“It was.”
“I would’ve loved to have seen it.”
“You would’ve adored it. It was so beautiful. Of course nothing can ever compare to you.”
You laughed and nudged him playfully on the shoulder. That was one thing you loved about your friendship, the teasing, flirty remarks that he would give you. Part of you wished he wasn’t joking. You heard a sigh and both of you turned around. Not too far behind you was a couple walking by.
“Why don’t you give me compliments like that?” asked the girl
The man sighed and rubbed his face. He gave the two of you an apologetic look.
“Sorry,” he said, “We didn’t mean to interrupt your date. Come on dear, leave them alone.”
As the two of them walked off they left you and the Master in an awkward silence. Was it possible that he had been flirting with you all this time and you just hadn’t noticed? All those places he took you to, thinking back on them they were definitely romantic. They were typically seen as places someone might take a date.
“Have you been flirting with me?” you blurted out
“I mean, I’m not complaining if you had been.”
“It’s just the way you presented them. It was like you were taking me sightseeing rather than on a date.”
“I always wished that they were dates but you didn’t seem to acknowledge them as such so neither did I.”
“Can you-“
“Oh God, I’ve just completely fucked up our friendship haven’t I? I’ve assumed too much. Oh Jesus, I’m an id-“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence due to the Master grabbing your face and pressing his lips to yours. It was a brief, gently kiss and when the Master pulled away you were staring at him, shocked.
“Good, you’re quiet now,” said the Master, “I have been trying to impress you, all this time in fact. You never seemed to notice so I… well… you know…”
For once the Master seemed to be lost for words. He was still gently cupping your face and you grinned at him.
“I never took you for a romantic.”
“Kissing me under the northern lights, one of the most spectacularly beautiful natural sights on earth?”
“You… you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Now shut up and kiss me again.”
The Master grinned and pulled you into his arms. The two of you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, keeping each other warm and looking up into the night’s sky.
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nightshadeshadow123 · 4 years
Deep down you know she'll always choose the darkness
Dhawan!Master x reader x 13th Doctor
You've always had a dark side that likes to come out sometimes. The Doctor tries to help you in the good path but things aren't always as easy as she wish.
The Doctor have recently noticed the slip in your demeanor. Something hidden.
The darkness that's hiding deep within your soul. A darkness she's all too familiar with. She've tried to change your ways and have taken you in on her TARDIS.
She remember the day she have founded you on the quite eery planet, more exact Yaz was the one that have founded you and you were trying to kill while she was yelling out for her to save her from you.
That manic glee you had in your (E/C) eyes as you held up a blood covered knife in the air, ready to plunge it into the innocent girls neck. The Doctor have quickly ran to her companions aid and had knocked the knife out of your reach and threw you off Yaz.
She remeber all too well the way you've glared at her, covered in blood of the people you've killed as they lay in an endless pile of bodies.
It have taken so long for her to get you more...stable. And along the way you've managed to both fall for each other and have began dating but The Doctor haven't failed to notice the darkness lurking in the darkest corners of your soul. The manic glee glimmering in your (E/C) eyes when you encounter anything life threatening and plain evil.
The tiny slip up's that you seemed to do on purpose that nearly got her companions killed when you are in dangerous places then pretending to care for them. The Doctor have lost count on how many times Yaz and Ryan have almost died because of you.
She've pondered hours on how and what have caused the noticeble set back. There have to be a good reason and she was determent to find out.
The Doctor have dropped the fam off at their homes, wanting to get you alone for the big confrontation. She was dreading this, fear having a firm grip on both her hearts, fear of the possibility that she might loose you. She's can't handle loosing another loved one once again. She've lost so much already and the possibility of it happening once again might just break and ruin her completely.
"Can I talk to for a moment?" The Doctor caught you in the control room reading a book.
You looked up at her and gave her a warm smile. "Sure thing Doc."
The Doctor nervously sat down next to you on the floor, both you and her leg touching as you close the book you were reading, putting it down next to you.
"What did you want to talk about?" You asked, all attention on the blonde timelady.
"Uh? It's..." The Doctor nervously figeted with her hand before tentatively putting it on your hand that's on your lap, trying to steady her beating hearts.
You looked down at her hand for a brief moment before looking into her ancient old eyes again. "What is it Doctor?" You urged a bit impatiently.
"It's about you." The Doctor admitted finally.
You looked confused yet curious now. "About me? What about me?"
The Doctor looked even more nervous, squeezing your hand gently as a way to stay grounded.
"I've recently noticed...a shift in you." The Doctor began.
You tensed at this, having an idea what she meant.
"Doc-" you began but she hussed you.
"I know that it's the darkness twisting it's way in you. It's well hidden but it's still there, just waiting to be released." The Doctor said in a worried voice, trying to mask it.
You stared at her in shock, knowing full well that it's the truth.
"Doctor, I-" you tried talking but was once again cut off but this time by The Master suddenly appearing out of nowhere, vortex manipulator in hand.
"What the?!" The Doctor jumped back in surprise until seeying who was now standing in front you, seperating her from you.
"Master? What are you doing here?" The Doctor glared at him, slowly getting up.
"Ah, I came here for you're little pet over there." The Master said smuggly, pointing a finger at you over his shoulder, dark eyes full of manic glee as he kept them focused on The Doctor.
"Never! You can't have her. Over my dead body!" The Doctor growled out, making a move to get near you and get you away from The Master but he shoved her to the ground easily.
"Ah, ah. Not so fast Doctor." The Master chidded down at her, wagging a finger at her.
The Doctor let out a low growl, trying to get up again but The Master stomped a foot on her chest, keeping her down.
"Let me go!" The Doctor tried to struggle but couldn't get away as she take in pained breaths.
"No can do dear." The Master grinned down at her menancingly. "I won't stop until I'm dead."
Pure malice burning in his dark eyes as he smirked down at her, enjoying her pain, fear and anger greately.
"Please just leave us alone." The Doctor tried to beg but The Master only added more pressure to the foot on her chest, making her wheezed out golden orange regeneration energy as she desperately tried to claw away his leg.
Fear engulfed both her hearts even more, fearing what The Master might do to her and (Y/N). What did he even want with you? She've noticed the way he was always eyeing you back when he was pretending to be O and they haven't know it was The Master. He was always eyeing you with a certain dark look and seem to stuck close with you. He have even tried to get you to leave with him when they were on Barton's plane but The Doctor have managed to get you to stay.
"Wha-what-do yo-u want wi-th her?" The Doctor wheezed out more golden orange regeneration energy with each pained breath she used to talk.
The Master let's out a manic laugh. "Oh, isn't it obvious? I want her to rule by me, destroy with me and end every little piece of your happiness you oh so desperately clung to. I've seen her hidden dark side and I want to free her of you." He growled out, adding a bit more pressure to his foot on her chest with each setence he spoke.
"Sh-e'll n-ever go wi-th y-ou!" The Doctor glared at him, a fire burning deep within her eyes and soul.
The Master chidded down at her once again with a bored expression, head tilted to the side slightly.
"Oh Doctor, deep down you know she'll always choose the darkness." The Master growled out smuggly, relishing greately in her pain as her eyes began to sink shut, teethering on the brink of consicious and unconsciousness.
Just before the darkness consumed her she saw a blur and the forced pressured on her chest dissapearing with a startled yelp falling from The Master as she finally passed out.
The Doctor let's out a pained hoarse groan, bringing a hand up to rub at her eyes.
"Wha? Where?" The Doctor looked up at the roof at what looks like her TARDIS medical room as she lay on her back before bolting upright when the memories came rushing back hitting her like a wall of bricks as her hazel eyes frantically searched around the room in fear until her eyes landed on you.
"(Y/N)?" The Doctor rasped out, catching your attention.
"Doctor!" You exclaimed happily and rush over to her, leaving the book to fall on the floor with a loud thud.
"You are okay." You hugged her gently, being careful not to hurt her chest.
The Doctor hugged you tightly, burying her head into your neck and hair, desperately holding you as if you'll dissapear at any moment.
"You are here? I thought you would've left with The Master." The Doctor asked confusedly, yet glad and reliefed that you are still here.
"No. I'm here to stay. I'd never leave with him." You smiled down at her, running gentle fingers through her blonde hair soothingly.
The Doctor relaxed into your embrace, sighting in content.
"For a moment there I though that you would've really leave with him. I was scared." The Doctor admitted in a vulnerable voice, tightening her hold around your waist.
"I would never leave you unless you really want me to." You said, fearing that she'd want you to leave after the conversation that was so rudely interrupted.
"I don't want you to leave ever. I know of the dark side you try to hide but I promise I'll help you overcome it. I can't loose you too. I know there is a good side in you. You care about me and I've also noticed the slight care you've tried to mask when Yaz, Graham or Ryan got too hurt because of you." The Doctor assured you gently, voice still hoarse.
"What happened when I passed out? Did The Master hurt you in anyway?" The Doctor asked, worriedly looking you over for any injuries.
"No Doc, I'm okay. I just snapped when he hurted you and the way you looked so helpless." You gently kissed her forehead.
"I was scared that he might have hurted you more or even kill you and I just rammed into him, knocking him away from you." You explained to her, fingers running through her hair once again.
"He got angry and started yelling but he didn't hurt me. He said that we'll see him soon again before dissapearing." You smiled down at her when she pulled you back into a hug, burying her head into your neck and hair once again.
"I'm glad that you are okay. And figured much, we'd never really see the last of him. He sticks to life like a octopus." The Doctor chortle lightly.
"Yeah, a very stubborn octopus." You agreed, chuckling with her.
You both sat like that, holding each other close and fell asleep like that, The TARDIS making a content beep while switching the lights off and just hovering in space peacefully.
Whew man, this laid in my drafts for days not even half finished and I had no idea where the hell I was going with this but wanted to end in angst and turn The 13th Doctor dark but then again I couldn't let The Doctor suffer. I actually had a lot of fun while I was writing this even though I've strayed completely from the plot I had in mind. Something still feels missing ←_← →_→ will delete if this isn't good and I might get a better plot idea with this. Also sorry for wrong wording or spelling, english isn't my first language
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how-masterful · 4 years
Dhawan!master x reader
Chapter 1: The Crimson Horror
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Summary: After falling victim to curiosity and finding yourselves in the clutches of the dastardly mrs Gillyflower and her strangely silent partner mr sweet- the now cured master, after escaping from the factories reject pile and surviving the failed preservation process, descends onto Sweetville with one mission: finding and saving his human. That is, if he can find you- and if you can be saved...
Notes: oh my god, its finally here! I've been so excited to start this series, the reception to the announcement was absolutely heartwarming! I've had so many ideas for where i can take this, i hope you all enjoy!
A big thank you to @plethora-of-imagines , you've been the complete supportive backbone of this series! I hope you enjoy! ❤
The gate to Sweetville loomed through the late night mist, piercing the dark through the weak glow of the streetlamps flanking its entrance. The Master stood before the wrought iron, TCE gripped tight in his palm. The air was cold, the Yorkshire chill biting at the back of his neck. But the rage inside him burnt hotter than any fire ever could.
He knew you were there, you had to be. There was no possible way you'd ended up on the reject pile like he did, the pilgrims at the factory would've made sure you survived the process. Too many rejects caused too many questions, are you were far too beautiful an Eve to miss out on mrs Gillyflower's home grown eden.
The lock on the gate cracked with a metalic whirr, the Master slipping between the open bars and descending on the row of houses before him. Perfectly pristine doors and windows lined the house's of Sweetville's main street, the flowerbeds decorating the center soon trodden under the Master's vengeful feet.
Instinct told him to kick each door down, rampaging the Victorian utopia until he found where they'd kept you. But he knew, for your sake, he had to stick to the silent dark. Exposing his presence would no doubt ruin any chance of getting you back to the revivication chamber and curing you of your petrified state. If you could be cured, that is.
The horrified expression on your face when you'd both been brought to the front door still burned inside his head, the petrified people soon exposed alongside the dome they resided in. You'd instinctively dived into his arms as the pilgrims surrounded the pair of you, his grip tightening around your shoulders as they attempted to prise you both apart. You'd fought and resisted, always a fighting spirit, but the descending forces were too strong- even for him to combat.
He didnt even know if you could be cured, despite his insistance on eternally promising to try. Just the thought of that caused his Gallifreyan blood to boil.
The Master soon found his way to each door, silently peeking inside every residence to inspect the residents under each dome. Each door returned nothing but measly, random humans, the Masters patience running thinner by the second. Of course he'd keep searching for you, refusing to relent in any regard, but his decorum for the orchestrator of this scheme and his willingness to hunt silently were both plummeting to nothing. He had to find you. Fast.
He continued to hunt, each door still exposing the frozen faces of strangers. He resented the way his heart's would jolt at every curtain covered door, the anticipation crippling him as he scowered the street for your presence. You had to be there, he refused to entertain the thought of finding you thrown into the canal like the other common humans entangled in this mess. Not even he knew the reign of terror he'd bestow upon the universe if they'd not only murdered you for vanity, but desecrated your body in your death.
"C'mon love... Let me find you." He whispered to himself, before crossing the street to the next house along.
He pushed the red and white curtain aside, twisting the knob of the pristine white door with tense urgency. He forced himself into the front room, tracking fresh dirt from the trampled flowerbeds onto the cream carpetting. He let his gaze find the dome and instantly froze in his tracks, brown eyes widening and jaw falling slack in horror, brows knitting together in a hybrid of fury and fear.
It wasnt a stranger sat under the dome, not this time. This one was far more precious to him than any other silly little trapped human. This one was the one he'd been hunting for.
This one was you.
"Y/N!" The Master rushed towards the glass, palms frantically pressing against the barrier between you. They'd posed you on a chair, poised and propper, a man at your side with a hand on your shoulder. Your face had been pushed into a gentle smile, but your eyes were glazed and lifeless. You looked like a perfect doll under there, and the Master was determined to get you out.
He assessed the situation- there was airflow into the dome, the process putting your body in a stasis, albeit in a petrified, frozen form. But it still required a level of oxygen, meaning the living component required propper lung function and supported circulation. You were most definitely alive in there , which pleased him despite the circumstance.
His fists pounded hard against the glass, teeth gritting together in rage, a snarl ripping from his lips. The glass was thick and reinforced, most likely to contain the concentraited air, so he needed something to function as a battering ram. Nothing too big that could cause you harm, but something strong enough to shatter the glass. He furiously scratched his beard in thought, tugging a hand through his hair before spotting his perfect weapon- an innocently placed chair.
The Master swiftly grabbed hold of the chair, raising it above his head with a yell. The object came crashing down upon the glass, sending the dome shattering into a cascade of falling shards. The chair was quickly thrown and discarded, the Master having far more important things to worry about.
"Y/N... my sweet, beautiful Y/N, what did they do to you?"
The Master crouched to your level, palm reaching for your cheek as the other took hold of your frozen hands. His thumb caressed over your cheekbone, the skin hard and hollow as he gently drumed his fingers on the bone. You were ice cold but still moveable, the Master's fear of shattering you like the dome disappating out of his mind.
"They made a big mistake, a big, big mistake taking you like this." He whispered, raising your hands to his lips and gently pecking the back of them. He moved your hand to hold his own cheek, the familiar warmth of your touch gone from your skin. You had no pulse either, a notion which made the timelords stomach drop.
His eyes suddenly fell on the hand atop your shoulder, glare narrowing as he followed the body to reach the face of the man they'd posed alongside you. He sneered at the figure, brandishing his TCE and aiming it at your partner. The man instantly shrunk with a digital 'zip', falling into one of the many piles of glass that littered the floor. The Master smirked smugly, cocking an eyebrow in victory.
"Sorry Adam, shes taken." He jibed, before turning his attention back to you.
A hand carefully brushed away the shards of glass that had fallen on you during impact, the Master's touch gentle against your unmoving form. He had to get you out of there before the pilgrims came to check on the commotion he'd obviously caused. There was no way nobody heard the sound of the dome smashing, but he didn't wish to wait and find out.
"C'mon love, lets get you out of here."
Carefully, he stole a blanket from the green armchair sat in the corner, draping the material around your shoulders before gathering you in his arms. He refused to let you freeze while he carried you towards the factory, who knew what your new condition would leave you susceptible to. Your head fell to his chest as he held you like his bride, the Master wincing at your eerie, permanent smile.
"Hold on doll, i'll have you back in no time."
He placed a delicate kiss to your temple, a silent promise that everything would be alright. A sigh escaped his lips before he clutched you tight towards his chest, carrying you out through the front door and towards the looming factory above.
"Just hold on for me Y/N, I promise."
There was a back road connecting Sweetville to the factory- he couldnt risk any of the pilgrims catching sight of you both as he made his way through, so the front gate was a no go. He frowned as he slipped through off the beaten track, your body still clutched tight against his chest as he made his way through the midnight streets.
Bypassing them was easy. They patrolled in routines, groups of three's working their way through the factory floor, a small gap between them, perfect for the Master to slip through. He traversed through corridor after corridor, sticking to the dark corners of the warehouse as he found his way back to the chambers- all the while keeping tight purchase on your form.
Soon making his way towards the chamber corridor, the Master pulled the TCE from his pocket. He'd come too far now to succumb to an ambush. He swiftly made his way towards the revivication chamber, unlocking the door with the device in his hand and yanking open the heavy shell. Carefully, the Master stood you inside the human shaped box, pulling the blanket from your shoulders and placing a small kiss atop your forehead.
"Good luck" he whispered, before sealing the door to the chamber and activating the device, blanket disreguarded and pooling on the floor.
The machine gave out a low groan, the mechanical ticking of the interior rotar echoing quietly through the hall. He could just about see the top of your head through the grated window, smoke eminating from the inside and drifting into the atmosphere. The timelord stood guard, a silent prayer on his lips, palm pressed flat against the exterior metal.
The chamber was warm, heat radiating off the body of the machinery, a hellish red glow emerging from inside. It was no doubt doing the same thing it did to him, reintroducing heat to the body and restarting all regular interior function. The preservation process had gone wrong for him, no doubt due to his irregular (and in his opinion superior) timelord biology. The Masters condition been easy to fix- a partial motory shutdown acompanied by a telltale vivid red complexion, a sign the preserving process had failed. But you were a full blown case of successful preservation. Would you even be able to recover?
The chamber continued to tick on, working away at the effects of the venom. The Master continued to peek inside, watching the process intently. The timelord was transfixed, all attention focused on his human. He didn't even notice the oncoming footsteps of the pilgrims approaching the corridor, until one of them dared to step forwards and adress him.
"You will come with us immediately."
The Master turned towards the man with a furious glare, a smirk playing on his lips and an eyebrow raised in question. There was around 7 of them, all men poised with wooden bats and menacing expressions- but none of them were a match for the Masters. He'd had thousands of years to perfect his spinechilling glare, after all.
"If you're thinking about stopping me, i suggest you rethink your next actions very, very carefully."
The pilgrims watched the Master intently. They'd recognised him from the day you and he had arrived at Sweetville. The Master leered at the closest pilgrim with a twisted smile, hand still pressed against the ticking metal.
"Sure, you pulled your little preserving stunt on me, and credit where it's due- its a cute plan, it really is."
The Master mockingly laughed gently, a confused expression creeping across the face of the pilgrim leader. The timelord toyed with the TCE in his hands, tone laced with an absolute dark malice.
"But you made a one crucial mistake, one very, very crucial mistake. You were so close, so very close to getting it all right. Who wants to guess?"
The pilgrims stood in comanding silence, the Master's judgemental gaze panning over their solemn faces.
"Nobody? Well then, guess i'll have to spell it out for you all."
The leading pilgrim sighed in frustration, the Masters stoic glower landing on his expression. He took a step forward, squaring off his shoulders like a wild animal, smile dropping from his features as his teeth clenched in a snarl.
"Your mistake, boys... was thinking you could also do it to her. You took her from me and hurt her, and god knows thats enough to doom every single one of you."
A pilgrim within the cluster rolled his eyes, raising his bat and lurching forward to swing at the Masters head. The timelord growled in annoyance, presenting the TCE with a flourish and sending the man crashing to the floor as a shrunken minifigure, instantly trodden under his foot. Another followed suit, the Master's elbow colliding with his jaw and fist landing square across his face. The pilgrim screamed in pain, soon joining his associate as a shrunken minifigure on the floor- the timelords hair flying wild as he quickly span on his heels and pinned the leader against the second revivication chamber, all in one swift swing. His hand clasped tight around the mans throat, gritted teeth practically spitting with rage as the pilgrims bat dropped to the floor from shock.
"So, two questions for you. Do you really want to attempt to take her from me again?"
The Master raised the TCE to the pilgrims face, a viscious fire lit behind his eyes, harsh voice barely over a whisper beside the pilgrims pitiful whimper.
"And are you really stupid enough to try?"
The pilgrim shook his head with a groan, hands still scrabbling against the Master's monsterously strong grip. The Master nodded in agreement, relenquishing his grip on the pilgrims throat and gesturing with his head for him to leave with an almost innocent expression. The pilgrim gasped for air, windpipe almost crushed under the timelords inhuman strength, eyes flitting towards the exit in a sudden panic. He began to bolt for the following hall, the other pilgrims backing away in fear.
The Master calmly raised the TCE, a concentrated blast landing straight against the mans back. The pilgrim shrunk with a shrill scream, a wave of horror surging across the four remaining men. Terrified feet scrambled against the hard stone floor, leaving the Master stood alone within the empty corridor, the sound of wooden bats being dropped against the flooring ricocheting through the hallway.
The Master released an almighty huff, tension falling from his shoulders, TCE returning to his inside pocket. He suddenly turned his attention back to your chamber, and every remaining ounce of fury melted from his face.
"I'm sure you would've enjoyed that, love. You're always partial to a good fight, arent you?"
The Master smiled to himself, peeking into the glowing red of the chamber between the pannels of horizontal grating. He quickly removed the TCE and gave a quick scan of the metal machine, a satisfied expression sinking onto his features. You were just about done, and it looked like the process had worked a treat. He'd have you back in no time.
The Master heaved open the door with a low grunt, the bellowing smoke dissapating out into the atmosphere. There you stood among the internal pipes and valves, eyes fluttered shut, swaying gently from side to side. All sense of stillness had escaped from your form, your eyes twitching and nose scrunching as you carefully began to come to. The Master gently moved a stray hair from your face, fingers trailing across your now warm skin as you subconciously nestled your cheek against his palm.
You were slowly starting to wake, your fingers subtly twitching as your once still lips slowly parted. Your balance hadn't yet returned though, your limbs suddenly falling weak. You began to fall against the timelords chest, the Master instantly curling an arm around your waist to keep you upright, your hands instinctively flying to his shoulders. The other hand remained on your cheek, thumb caressing the apples of your cheek as your eyes finally fluttered open.
The world was hazy, images fuzzy and your vision lacking any sharpness. Your eyes focused on the figure before you, the soft mound of shapes in front of your eyes carefully creeping towards clarity. You groaned softly, squinting as you made out the features in your eyeline. Fluffy hair, a scruffy beard, and brown eyes that looked down upon you with such a caring, fond warmth it made your heart begin to race.
"There she is, there's my Y/N"
Your ears practically perked up at the familiar voice, your mind slowly working through the sluggish lull it was trapped in. The puzzle pieces began to ease together in your mind, the soft palm against your cheek bringing you such comfort as you processed your surroundings. There was only one person you knew who would even get chance to hold you like this, let alone desire to.
A warm smile spread across your face, recognition gleaming in your eyes as you scratched your nails against the underside of his jaw. The figure before you hummed in appreciation, your finger raising up to gently boop him on the nose.
Your voice was amost a dreamy sigh, gaze brimming with affection as you nestled further into his arms. The timelord above you hummed out a laugh, a blush spreading rapidly across your cheeks. The arm around your waist tightened, your hold on the masters shoulders shifting from desperate grappling to tender affection. You had no clue how long it had been: days, weeks, months - but you felt like you'd missed his arms, the familar comfort an utter blessing.
"You came back for me" you murmured, placing a tender kiss against his wrist. The Master raised his eyebrows, allowing his face to be burried in your hair as he pulled you tighter to his chest. You nestled your nose against the crook of his neck, your arms winding around his torso.
"Hey, of course I came back for you, love. I'd always come back for you."
His hands gingerly rubbed up and down your spine, the familiar scent of his collar drifting up your nostrils as you gave yourself to his embrace. The hug was comforting, caring, something you'd been craving ever since you stepped foot into Sweetville. Gone was the terror of the unknown, the looming peral that stood behind the factory doors. You'd found your way back to Master's arms, and everything felt right again.
Questions wracked themselves through your brain, your mind having finally caught up with your racing heart. You pulled yourself to face him, hand making its way to hold the side of his neck.
"What happened to me? What happened to you? What's our next move? Where's Mrs gillyflower? How are we gonna stop her? What-
Why are you looking at me like that?"
Your ramblings were cut off by the masters fond expression, face shapen into a loving smile and eyes gazing down at you with an unspoken adoration. He brushed the hair from your face once more, fingers caressing down your jawline before gently landing under your chin.
"Just thinking... Did I tell you how much I missed you?" The timelord mused, stupid grin still perched atop his lips. You rolled your eyes and smirked, gripping onto his jacket collar and curling your fingers under his lapels.
"No, but you can show me." You returned, before pulling his collar towards your chest and crashing your lips against his.
The Master fell deep into the kiss, hands grasping hold of your waist as he tilted his head, nose brushing against yours as he slotted himself further against your face. You let out a gentle moan, his lips prising away your dominance as your eyes closed in bliss. His mouth was warm and inviting, lips soft against your own as they carefully guided your movements, creating a symphony of coordination between both of your mouthes.
He tasted hot and desperate, teeth almost clashing as he hungrilly delved deeper. His fingers dug into your side as you moaned once again, the air being snatched away from your lungs as you succumbed to his every movement. He could sense you were running out of momentum, his forehead pressed against your own as he carefully prised himself away, your lips shining a glossy red as you gasped out for air.
"Now that...that was a good show."
The Master looked awfully proud of himself, your eyes meeting his own, chest rising and falling in a gentle pant. He could've kept going, his respiratory bypass an absolute boon when it came to intimacy. You however, being human, needed a break now and then. Not that the Master would have you any other way.
"Right then, my dear Y/N. It seems, as the locals would say, 'there's trouble at mill'."
You couldn't hold back your laughter, the Yorkshire lilt he added to his voice simultaniously perfect and horrendous. You couldnt help but think it was a minor jab at a familiar blonde timelady, but her and her vocal habits were the last things you were concerned about right now.
"And, now that you're finally back in one very beautiful piece, we need to solve this little mystery of ours."
You giggled lightly, a confident smile encasing your reddened lips, a proud blush spreading across your cheeks. The Masters eyes were alit with something fabulously excitable, lips curled into an eager grin. He was absolutely raring to go, shoulders straightening proudly.
"Whats your plan, Master?" You asked, curiosity coursing through your veins. The Master flashed a dazzling grin, obviously happy you'd asked.
"I think, love, its about time we finally had a talk with our dear old friend Mr Sweet."
The Master extended his hand towards you, your own hand slipping in perfectly against his palm. He squeezed your hand gently, sending you a wink that almost made your knees buckle. The effect he had on you would never stop being practically magical.
You squoze back, beaming up at the renegade timelord with determination before the pair of you ran towards the large crimson door of the factory, ready to face whatever horror's lay in store- together.
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