#maybe I would like the fanon future for him that lives in my head to stay undisturbed lol
fuck-kirk · 1 year
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*takes king Orrin away from Christopher Paolini* it’s okay…..he just doesn’t understand you like I do
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faesystem · 1 year
My biggest dislike for the fanon coffee addict Tim Drake is I rarely see it explored in a genuinely interesting way.
Personally, I headcanon that he struggles with addiction in a lot of areas. I really believe the idea of him having a caffeine addiction and intentionally doing a poor job at hiding it to make hiding other addictions more successful very interesting.
I imagine that, prior to being Robin, he absolutely had a drinking problem. He was left alone for long periods of time with minimal supervision, and his parents seem like the type to have a wine cellar. I imagine in a fit of rebellion, upset by being left alone, he stole a bottle of wine and drank it. After this bottle of wine was not noticed to be missing, even when his parents came back, that it began a very slippery slope into a proper drinking problem.
Then I would imagine with him sneaking out at night so often, he met some shady characters who would offer him a cigarette. Desperate for positive attention, figuring it would be fine, he would take them up on the offer. It was fine. He only smoked when offered, and just because he intentionally hung around the people who offered more and more to get more cigarettes did not mean anything. It was fine. He wouldn't experience any health consequences for decades, and chances of him surviving that long when stalking Batman and Robin well. Maybe he developed a bit of a live fast attitude.
And I imagine that he got a harsh wakeup call after Jason died. He knew Batman needed a Robin and he knew he could fulfill that role. But he also knew he needed to prove he was responsible to Bruce, and there was no way Bruce would think his delinquent activities of underage drinking and smoking were responsible. So he quit cold turkey.
This is when his caffeine problem really kicked off. Built on the basis of other substances, ones he was only able to stay off of by throwing himself into his training. It escalated to the point where Bruce asked him about it, very concerned. Tim told him he'd cut back and proceeded to not do that.
And Bruce never found out.
As time wore on, he was becoming more and more aware of the fact that Jason smoked when he was Robin. Jason hid it from Bruce. And Tim had been hiding his caffeine intake from Bruce. Surely, a couple of cigarettes now and then would not hurt...
Tim knew that the best way to hide something was to make it seem like you were incapable of hiding anything. So he pretended like his caffeine intake was going up, and pretended to hide it. Bruce was suspicious beginning day one of this plan. He waited through three uncomfortable conversations with Bruce, after all three pretending to get better at hiding, right up until there was a proper intervention in which Bruce properly restricted his intake of caffeine.
And Tim let him. Any time Tim would drink more than he was supposed to, he did not hide it as well as he could. He struck a perfect balance of making it look like he was skilled at hiding it without actually hiding it from Bruce. So when he began smoking again, well, Bruce did not know.
I would honestly say it is more likely that he swapped to vaping. Using flavours that smelt like deodorant he would intentionally use around the manner, it was a lot easier to hide.
His plan of it being occasional fell right to shit as he jumped on nicotine to manage his caffeine withdrawals.
I believe he would have successfully hid it for his entire Robin career. He definitely had a problem, but it never impacted his heroics so it was fine. And sure, maybe it did make his schooling worse, but Bruce believed that was just because of the stress of being Robin and his parents believed it to be normal teenage laziness.
Then his mom died and his dad was in a coma.
Tim fell hard into drinking. With his fake uncle excuse, he was left fully unsupervised whenever he wanted.
It is late and I am needing to head off to bed, so brief summary of future events.
- Upon having to move into the manner, Tim intentionally had so much caffeine in one go he was just short of overdosing to hide what substances he had actually been abusing.
- Tim had to cut down on his substance abuse to avoid detection. It was awful. He ended up confiding in the Titans about it, who supported him in getting sober and cutting down how much he was vaping.
- He was actually doing very well for a while.
- Bruce died.
- He could not risk being intoxicated most of the time, too busy with suddenly being the CEO of Wayne Indistries, having an increased load in heroics since Bruce was gone, and then eventually realising Bruce was actually alive and he was the only one to be able to get him back. But he was vaping every moment he had alone, and every moment he knew for sure he could spare he would binge drink.
- Obviously with the situation, no one noticed this.
- I would say it all got particularly bad when he disappeared to go find Bruce.
- He came back, still had really bad substance abuse problems. He began withdrawing as opposed to trying to cut down.
- I am not quite certain when Kon and Bart dying fits into this, but their deaths made it worse, them coming back did not make it better.
- Eventually people noticed he had been hidinf away.
- I like the idea of the Titans trying their best to help him, but he did not want help. Lost as to what to do, they resolved they were going to tell someone if they thought it would be threatening to his life. They made him check in daily just to make sure he was alive, it got so bad.
- At one point Tim went MIA, and at the 24 hour mark they called the Bats. Explained the situation as briefly as they could.
- Comfort after a lot of angst, Tim gets treatment and properly goes into recovery
I need sleep.
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Hazformers Crack-Ship Theory: If Adamarachnia Became A Thing
[Note: Reading This Is Optional...also Mature Audience Only. Not For Kids. also make sure to have watched all the episodes of Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel before reading this post.]
is weird to think Adam despite being a former human turned angel (and possibly becoming a Sinner in a possible future, either it be in just in the fanon or canon or both...but we don't know if that will really happen in the canon, but if it doesn't, we can just be happy to reform him a bit in the fanon.) would end up falling head over heels for Blackarachnia who is like way older than him, like if he tries to woo her despite Lute's protest against him doing so...
would that make Adam a Cougar-Chaser...?
yeah I know that the whole "cougar" term might go over some Cybertronian heads, but they still do have cybertronian version of fauna and flora, like those blue flowers that is seen in Earthspark.
so maybe they would understand if ya say "Cyber Cougar-Chaser"...
Adamarachnia (pronounced "Adam-Arachnia"...) might be the weirdest ship that has pop into my head.
and I had the ship name Mamtella pop into my head that has to do with Mammon and Stella, and only once so far their ship name made me hungry cause it reminds me of food, like the type of stuff that is put on toast. not my fault that their ship name sounds like food...
like Adam could start as a secret admirer who sends secret anonymous love letters to Blackarachnia, and describing her as his "Goddess" and her being like "Persephone" and how their love is like Romeo and Juliet.
even if he found out she wasn't originally human or even a hellborn, but technically a cybertronian sinner who should of went to the pit after what she put Blitzwing, The Dinobots, Sari and Wasp through...
Adam might still end up trying to pursue her and like her even more, since she is not originally from Earth and is the Extraterrestrial love of his life. XD
Lute might get annoyed with Adam acting like a lovesick fool, and he had never acted that way with Lilith or Eve, so it could be new to Lute and everyone else in Heaven and even some in Hell, to see him like that.....it would be amusing, cause it be a type of torture to Lute, and possibly Sera as well.
Emily might think it is really sweet, and Petey (a nickname I'm calling Saint Peter from Hazbin Hotel.) he might be just really confused and disturbed.
if other fans start call him Petey as well, ya know he may never live that down and will always be addressed as that nickname by fans. XD
if Adam tries to start another fight while the Autobots and Decepticons are at the hotel (even if it is in a Fanon Timeline), just get Blackarachnia and he will act like a lovesick fool and possibly get all tongue tied, of course Lute would probably have to drag his butt back to Heaven.
yeah the whole Adamarachnia popping in my head, is possibly the weirdest crack-ship...then again, maybe some will like the idea because they would technically be a perfect match, well maybe by a 98% perfect match.
if those two got married, Blackarachnia would become like the Step-Mother of Humanity, well I still think Adam could be a hybrid along with Eve and Lilith, them having the Annunaki gene....well the much earlier hybrid version, cause of the whole Annunaki DNA + Homo-Erectus DNA = Early Homo-Sapiens.
my thoughts about Adam, Eve and Lilith being Homo-Sapiens that were hybrids from the mix of Annunaki & Homo-Erectus DNA.
I can still believe there was a TRUE First Man and Woman that are the parents of all humankind, well grandparents to all humankind, even to Earth Angels who are also technically hybrids because of the whole Nephilim Gene, Those Grandpa Watchers and Nephilim Ain't The Boss Of Me.
the True First Man and Woman, could be viewed as Patriarch-Adam & Matriarch-Eve.
anyway I'm not sure what else to say about the whole idea about Adamarachnia, other than Blackarachnia could get a bit annoyed by the love letters and other gifts she gets from her secret admirer that turns out to be Adam....I would love to see her annoyed and trying to go through so many of her gifts, and maybe giving half of the gifts to the others.
Blitzwing could be amused, and Lockdown could feel a bit sorry for her, since he could be going through the whole admirer chasing him....the admirer being Niffty, I still like the idea of Niffty chasing Lockdown because he is technically a bad boy, her going feral around even the Autobots should be fun...
Megatron, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Shockwave, Soundwave, Swindle and Lockdown might end up being amused by Niffty getting so uncontrollably feral on Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Prowl and Blurr...
Blackarachnia could be off somewhere else when that madness is going on...maybe finding another love letter from Adam. XD
Ratchet would probably be the first to view Niffty like a Scraplet.
the whole LockNiffty would be a Semi-Ship type idea, meaning while Niffty does have some kind of crazy crush on Lockdown, the feelings aren't mutual and he could end up trying to find someone else to pawn her off on. and we could view that he is still looking, so he can find someone who is more of a bad boy than him, that Niffty could take a more interest in.
Blackarachnia would obviously be way taller than Adam, but for all we know, he could be into taller women, and even if he does meet her face to face, he might not really take a "No" for answer and might still try to win her heart....well, techno-organic spark.
if her body did become techno-organic, her spark may have as well, which is why the allspark key may have been causing her harm when she was trying to get rid of her organic half, but if her spark had become techno-organic as well, it would mean that she would of went offline because she would of been causing harm to both her techno-organic body and techno-organic spark.
in a timeline where Elita became Elita Prime and Optimus became Arachnus Prime, even Elita would know better than to pull a stunt like that.
it be interesting if Arachnus and Elita jump from their timeline and ended up in the one where Elita still became Blackarachnia, and Optimus stayed as well his adorkable self.
sure there will be two versions of them, but it would be interesting if the Other Elita formed a romance with Optimus.
I would ship it. XD
plus Elita Prime could change her paint from Yellow to Pink, because she could find it more interesting and it could match a bit of G1-Elita and Earthspark-Elita.
Sari could view the Elita Prime and Earthspark-Elita as the Cool Mom Figures, I mean she could end up bonding with Elita Prime, and forming a type of Mother & Daughter bond, even though Megatron is technically gave birth to Sari through budding in that secret lab of Sumdac, not all fans have to agree about Megatron being Sari's Carrier-Sire but it still obvious where that liquid metal human baby sized sparkling protoform came from...
just be glad that Adam (from Hazbin Hotel) never found a liquid metal sparkling, though in a Crossover AU, if he did, the other parent would likely be The Fallen aka also known as Megatronus Sr.
Adamarachnia could be seen as a Semi-Ship, where Adam has feelings for Blackarachnia and tries to win her over, but the feelings aren't mutual, of there can be a Semi-Ship like LockNiffty then there can be a Adamarachnia where Adam is trying to get Blackarachnia to like-like him as much as he like-likes her...
not sure what else to say about the whole Semi-Ship that is also a Crack-Ship that is Adamarchnia, the likely hood of others liking it and ending up drawing fanart of that ship is possibly very small chance of happening...but who knows, maybe I will draw fanart of that ship sometime....I mean Megamilla is my new Crossover OTP and I drew a Crossover drawing of that ship.
Megamilla being the ship name of TFA-Megatron x Carmilla Carmine.
I blame the song "Out For Love" for giving me the idea and motivation to drawing that Megamilla ship fanart.
that song has become one of my favorite songs from the other songs I like from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
when I'm able to, I will draw another Megamilla drawing, and maybe if I feel like it and get around to it, I will draw Adamarachnia.
I don't think I really have much to say about how Adam would act around Blackarachnia, other than him acting like a lovesick fool and sending her secret admirer gifts and love letters, and the idea would be for the fanon, so the whole Adam in the canon even if he does come back as a Sinner, acting like a lovesick fool, is very unlikely...
but him acting that way in the fanon is interesting to me, as well as a little amusing, and even it does annoys Blackarachnia.
it would be fun to watch and eat popcorn while it drives her crazy. XD
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swiftfootedachilles · 20 days
Hi! 47, 48 and 49 for the headcanon tag if you are still writing them please ty ily 🧡🖤
47. AU if they had a more normal childhood- How would they be in high school? (Would Ian be a jock? a cheerleader? would he be popular? Would Mickey enjoy studying? what's his favorite subject?) i don't think there's a universe where ian and mickey have normal childhoods and still come out the other end as ian and mickey. but if they had somewhat-stable childhoods? i think they would still be the goofy army kid and the drug dealer. mickey would barely make it to graduation and he would be a class behind, but he wouldnt drop out without even finishing freshman year like in canon. ian loves rotc but he doesnt have tunnel vision fkr joining the military, because hes not as desperate to get away and start a new life. maybe ian gets his math tutoring from mickey, and mickey studies for english tests with ian. i love aus where they are more than just secret fuckbuddies in high school. i need more of them holed up in ians room at dinnertime, passing cigs and joints, teaching each other about inverse trig functions and symbolism in the great gatsby. yeah a lot of things are still shit and they still make a lot of mistakes. yeah mickeys dad is still a piece of shit and ian barely makes it through senior year from the stress of his diagnosis. but it's better. and they are still ian and mickey. so it's all still worth it in the end
48. After awhile, do you think people got to Ian and Mickey for relationship advice? (Gallaghers / friends / franny ) i definitely think debbie tries to subtly hound mickey for info about sandy. what she's doing, where she's at, who she's hanging out with. at first mickey tells her to ask sandy her fucking self, but he realizes 1. he has to be nicer to the only free welder he knows 2. nothing he does to deflect the questions actually makes debbie leave him alone. so he answers her curtly and holds in his annoyance for debbie's obsession with his cousin. eventually he actually tells her something worth listening to, and debbie takes the hint and tries a new tactic for approaching sandy (debbie hasn't been able to get her out of her head and she needs closure or she's gonna combust)
i think lip and tami also sometimes try to drag gallavich into their fights. "you know what it's like living together in a small space, tell her im right." "you've made your relationship work for a while, why dont you give him some advice on how to do the same thing." ian tries to stay out of it because hes very biased toward lip, but mickey honestly dgaf about lip and tami's relationship so he tells them they're both equally and dumb and annoying and they better find someone else to talk to about all this relationship shit before he rigs their duplex with c-4s
49. Gallaghers post canon: Does Lip go back to school/ gets a profession? Do all of them talk to Fiona? What happened with Debbie and Heidi/ Sandy? Franny? Does Carl open the cop bar/ stays a cop? Does Liam live with Lip and Tami? How does he deal with Franks death? okok i have many thoughts about post-s11. i will be as succinct as possible as to not write a 10 page essay about my fanon theories. if y'all want that you'll have to pay me to go on a podcast or smth.
i don't think lip goes back to school, at least not in the near future. maybe further down the line, but for now he's in the mechanic and refurbishing business. which honestly he can make a hell of a lot of money doing so i see no reason why he would feel the need to go back to school and burn himself out and be in debt all over again.
the siblings keep in contact with fiona. i like to imagine she eventually moves much closer to chicago like fort wayne or springfield. somewhere that makes long weekend visits possible. they definitely facetime and are on good terms. if she moves closer i can see liam possibly moving to live with her? or at least stay with her during summer break
fuck heidi i really dgaf about her. i hope debbie and sandy can at least make up and be cordial with each other. i think they are very off-and-on for a looong time. toxic situationship that neither can seem to get away from. they both got shit they gotta figure out if they ever wanna be girlfriends again. sandy throwing debbies trauma in her face was FUCKT UP. and what the hell was with her secret son?? that plot was weird as hell😭
carl dont need to be a cop so yeah i will make him a bartender instead. fuck the cop bar thing, but they can have, like...a cop night or something. like tuesdays and thursdays during happy hour they get a discount or smth. but i REFUSE to turn it entirely into a cop bar. carl lives in the apartment above it
ummm okay so first and foremost lip is NOT selling that house idc what anyone says I AM NOT LETTING HIM DO THAT. DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THE HOUSING MARKET GOT IN 2021? FUCK OFF. he and tami are either gonna have to suck it the fuck up and live in the gallagher house (ITS A FREE FUCKING HOUSE!!!!) with liam and probably also debbie and franny at least for a little while longer, or lip has to stop being an idiot and live in one of the MANY FREE HOUSING OPTIONS TAMIS FAMILY GAVE THEM. DONT piss me off phillip. with carl, ian, and mickey out of the house i don't see why they can't live there for at least a couple years. debbie can take her time finding an apartment while still living there, liam can have some semblance of normalcy in his life without having to move schools, the older sibs can get their own room (lip and tami, debbie, liam, franny and fred), if they can't make it work then they can't make ANYTHING work. it's literally half as crowded. and i think liam takes franks passing really hard, but i like to think everyone is much more supportive of him than ian was toward mickey when terry died. liam, carl, and mickey can have a heart-to-heart about their complex relationships with their dads. i dont think fiona comes up for the funeral - she probably goes on a bender in miami lbr. but i imagine liam has a decent enough support system that he won't be traumatized by franks deathl
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kuroi-kotoba · 3 years
SNK SPOILERS BELOW, MY THOUGHTS IN A WRAP-UP. It’s long and messy but I can’t help myself.
- first, I should say that I’m not EM shipper, however I’m definitely not an anti and I’m not oblivious to their bond. Interpret however you want, but only someone blind would refuse to see how much they mean to each other. I enjoy it in a platonic way. i hold EMA close to my heart
- this chapter is from Mikasa’s pov while 137 was centered around Armin
- the ‘thing’ happens. something people refered to as AU, a dream, a delusion. HOWEVER. this is NOT a delusion. it even goes back to the first chapter, where Eren said the same words, had the same ‘dream’. I agree that her headaches must have been connected to it. is Eren the one now showing it to her? it’s not clear
- and here is how I disagree that the ‘thing’ is an AU. it’s difficult to find words for it, but here is what I’m basing it on:
Mikasa wonders if that one day when Eren aksed her a question, her answer could have changed anything. perhaps. perhaps not. in my opinion, not to the extremum we’re seeing, the total opposite of what is happening.
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Eren is out of character. i saw people saying that he would abandon everything if she just said so, but is it who he is? it looks to me as a sort of ‘what if’, a ‘possibility’, not definite other path. i can’t put a word to it. I love interpreting eren’s character and this page doesn’t sit right with me, and i don’t care about shipping, we shouldn’t reduce it just to it. it would upset me if yams truly believed this is who eren is after all he put him through. maybe it’s something mikasa would want (since we see  it from her pov), a life with him.
1. ‘we abandoned everything and ran away like this’ - are you telling me that this boy who never backed down since he was a child, ran away from everything? from the sacrificed lives for his sake to reach this point? eren also showed zeke their father’s memories, and how eren was born this way, always a fighter
2. ‘I made Historia live through hell’ - after trying to protect her from breeding her like an animal? after saying he won’t sacrifice her? once again, set every ship aside, eren cared about his friends and historia was one of them
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remember this page?
3. ‘Armin is probably looking for us’ - ARE YOU TELLING ME. THAT EREN. LEFT ARMIN BEHIND? it has always been EMA. armin is his best friend, his family
this is not eren. I agree, that maybe he longed for something simple like that, but he would not abandon everyone and everything because mikasa wanted to live with him, ‘just the two of them’. and if we can call it a ‘what if’, it makes sense for a character to be ooc. even his hair is short. it’s like mikasa remembers this younger eren, not what has become of him.
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here, remember this?
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the moment that changed eren forever when he saw the memories of his older self. the future full of destruction and what was coming
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did he accept it immediately?
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in his head, seems as if he still had a spark of hope, because ‘everything is still ahead’
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here’s how he was coming to terms with what he saw, it was the last time his mind wasn’t fully made up, before he became ‘the devil’. it makes sense that Mikasa’s answer could have give more possibilities while his head was still a bit messy, but truly, could it? eren saw where he landed in the future, meaning his future self received the same answer from her since nothing changed. can someone really change the future or escape from it? eren fell in the steps of his older self, wanting it or not. it’s truly tragic how there seemed to be no other way, no easy path for him. if he chose to run away, he would still hate himself, he’d detest leaving his people, either way, there’s no happy ending for him.
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it’s before the talk between him and mikasa happened. are you telling me he’s not determined here to fight for paradis? even if you see his feelings for her as romantic or not, family or not, he'd not run away from reality. he was chasing freedom his entire life
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and here’s his conclusion. i believe it was meant to happen. we often question our past decisions, wonder if things could have gone the other way, and that’s what mikasa does. as sad as it is, I believe it was supposed to go like that, it’s truly tragic
- eren pushed away people he loves for their sake. but mikasa refused. i disagree that isayama ‘destroyed’ her character. no, she finally faced her feelings and chose to remember. but she’s not selfish, and she comes to terms that eren has to die
- here’s a bit from my other theory: i think eren became the devil for the world to unite and take him down. this way, the hatred could end. if he saw his future memories... he must have saw his death. we still don’t know his pov and I hope the last chapter is for him, but it makes so much sense. before mikasa beheads him, he looks at her as if he knew it was coming, as if he accepted it.
- maybe eren could never reach freedom, but maybe he wanted to give it to others
this is my take. once again, to say it in short, I don’t think ‘the thing’ is an AU since it presents eren in a very ooc way. i’m not looking though shipping but at the story as a whole. it saddens me that people fight over it, I’m talking about opposite sides since there are always people acting ‘extra’. no, it’s not just aww fanon shipping and screw eren’s character. no, mikasa is not destroyed and the kiss was NOT nec//rophilia, do people know the meaning of this word?? it was a goodbye kiss. she said her goodbye. this chapter is heartbreaking
all that’s left is waiting for 139 and clarifications.i hope yams doesn’t do some revival bulls/hit... as much as i love eren, it wouldn’t fit... i stand by my opinion and I’m open for discussion. pardon all mistakes and now brb, let me continue crying, because i will never be over eren.
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
wow i feel like whenever i dare to be care free for even a second, life hits me back
i failed the exam again lmao. i thought i did fine? but apparently not. one more chance or i have to repeat that course and i cannot afford that oof
i truly am the greatest man no competition. it sucks to be bad at the things you love for real but what can i say; once a failure always a failure
but anyway- getou brainrot persists. what if, after he rescued the girls, he showed up at your doorstep not really knowing where else to take them. so of course you take them in, give them a bath and for the first time in their lives they are able to sleep properly without being terrified.
and then for the added angst, you and getou have time to talk. one more night to spend together. his last night as an unwanted man. he knows you will remain somewhat neutral on the matter, you always do. you will always help him should he ask but for you to abandon everything, he would have to serve you the world on a silver platter; its only logical its only the best you deserve. but not this world; its far too rotten for the likes of you, no, a better, improved world where you and him can finally stand together and live.
with the girls. maybe with some own kids later. but all of that is in a future that has yet to be carved out- and he is willing to do anything for it.
getou has sooo many bad fics its wild. 99% is some degrading hard daddy dom shiet and i am not here for it. istg i will take getou away from this rabid fandom this man is made for hurt, comfort and twisted fanatic love yet most fics u could literally exchange his name for any other characters and it wouldn’t make a difference. he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh
man that sucks. like sucks major ass :( Here's to fingers crossed though that since you failed it you can focus on the things you missed. I'm rooting for you babe!
getou, who for a better words, has utter lack of childcare knowledge. Doesn't know what to do with them. The impulse to save them in the moment wears off. Reality of what he did sets in. Not willing to take it back because in his eyes he saved two things greater than just utter monkeys who did that to the girls. But now he has two kids that he frankly doesn't even know what to feed them yet alone anything else.
the only person he really knows to turn to, and with two girls on top of that, is you. He's not asking you to solve things or forgive him. He did what he did and would do it again. You both know that about him. So when the girls are washed up, hair brushed out and bellies full with warm blankets around them for the first time in lord knows how long. Getou and you sit. Tea steeping too long between the two of you. Children asleep. And peaceful quietness in your apartment. At that moment you both experience deja vu for something that has never happened before. Yet it feels like you've repeated this exact scenario before.
reaching out and rubbing Getou's knuckles. He's too quiet. But what do you say after spilling that much blood? Neither of you know what to do or what to say. Dwindling hours when the girls will have to be woken up and Getou will disappear for lord knows how long. You'll pretend you didn't see him or hear from him just to give him a head start to safety. Fake surprise when the reports of the massacre come in. Act it all out like the perfect unknowing sorcerer when it comes down to it so you keep your place within the work space you carved out for yourself. Wanting to hear Getou ask you to come with him. But knowing he'll never ask you that because the world really is just an awful rotten place to live in. sorry lemme channel my period sads whoops
he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh - ASDFGHJKL PREACH IT
but no seriously im so tired of fanon personalities. Like, for everyone. I'm so tired of shitty takes on well written characters and the copy and paste of every single fic in every single fandom. Holy shit pls is this just the same two people writing everything bc Getou, Hanma, Baji, all of them, all the same thing. 😩 No wonder people keep claiming people are stealing works when 90% of the things are exactly the same 😩
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professorchaos · 3 years
Why I like them
he's very sweet and i LOVE his design. his voice is cute. he has a lot of wasted potential, imo, and it's always really cool to see what fans do with that. he reminds me of the very early days of the show, and thus makes me feel very nostalgic!
Why I don’t
i don't find his character particularly funny - the recurring gags with him (slapstick violence, relentless bullying and a british accent) got old extremely fast.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
probably damien! i also have a massive MASSIVE soft spot for two guys naked in a hot tub.
Favorite season/movie
maybe season 3? i don't remember it that well but i know that he's in that one and that i like it better than 1 + 2. i kinda like season 4 as well but i don't remember pip being all that prominent, aside from in pip (though i may be wrong here! i don't rewatch those early seasons all that often).
Favorite line
"i'm the head whicker nicker, and you are all little whickershams. we all sing 'the merry tune of stratford' until i say 'terah!' and then you all fall down laughing, and i join you, as i find it funny too." (excuse me?)
Favorite outfit
his metrosexual look was so cool!
i don't really have one! fan content of dip is very cute and i often find myself absolutely adoring it, but in canon it didn't speak to me all that much. i can really see why people love it so much though, there's a lot to be explored there and their designs look great together.
i forgot to put this in butters' one but i have so... so many thoughts n feelings about pip, dougie and butters as a little trio. some of the "foreign kids" fan content is really fun too! fanon estella i care you
Head Canon
because he's such a strange and lonely child, as well as because of how he attempted to befriend damien, i feel like he's the type to get really engrossed in mythology and folklore and try and talk to ghosts and fairies... from a classical literary standpoint i think that there's something very satisfying about a ghost-loving kid who ends up slowly disappearing and then dying. it's like an old ghost story. whisked away by the fairies or stomped on by mecha barbra streisand... what's the difference, really?
Unpopular opinion
to me, because of how it was framed, his backstory as outlined in pip is not necessarily canon. i find it more interesting in many ways to imagine that he might just be a really weird and lonely kid with a sad home life who decided to tell the class the story of great expectations as though it were lived experience. because of this, i don't tend to consider joe, estella and pocket (etc) characters within the south park universe as many do (though of course, they could be representing other people or concepts in his life)!
A wish
some kind of nod to him in current lore would be AMAZING! iirc there was cut content in one of the games that included pip's skull - i sincerely hope for another game in the future where this concept is revised and brought in. i'd also love to see some phone destroyer cards for him! perhaps it'd be weird to have a dead character, but there are undead characters like satan and unreal characters like the woodland critters, so it's not totally off the table. the ideal in my eyes would be for him to get a supervillain persona, but even just a reference to him would be really awesome!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
he already died so it's hard to think of anything HAHAHA
5 words to best describe them
cheeky nandos bit sad innit
My nickname for them
pippy, pippy wippy, pippywise
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karliahs · 3 years
“I’ll get the jackets,” Tim says, and hopes it’s something, one more little signal for the thing he doesn’t know how to put into words anymore. If Tim is no longer a thing of easy pleasures, he hopes he can become a creature of effort - of intentional, worked-for warmth.
Jon squeezes in return before taking his hand back, his grip delicate and warm. Tim rifles through a wardrobe for two soft hoodies, paying little mind to who they belonged to - Jon was a known clothing thief who gained power from appropriating Tim and Martin’s jackets. 
By the time he’s shrugged one on and headed out into the living room, Jon is standing by the open backdoor, looking out over the heathers and hillside beyond. He looks dazed, more than anything, finding all that space stretching out in front of him, and Tim can’t tell if it’s loss or gratitude holding him there. A surge of tenderness goes through him at the sight, and Tim almost laughs at himself as he pads over to join Jon. You're going soft, Stoker, he thinks. After all that, you're going soft.
Once again, Tim sees an echo of a place they haven't quite reached: sees himself tugging the jacket around Jon's shoulders like a blanket. Instead, he hands it over and leads Jon outside to the rickety chairs. It's not hesitance holding him back exactly, and certainly not a lack of desire. It's more like…care. Care he never would have needed before.
 He drags his own chair a little closer to Jon's before he sits down, knowing Jon sees him do it, letting him note and process this intentional drawing closer. Tim used to flirt lightning-fast and joyous, instinctual, safe in the knowledge that he could fall a little in love with half the people he met, so what did rejection or awkwardness matter, really? But Jon takes things slowly these days, and Tim is relearning love as a back and forth, as goodbyes and welcomes. He is luxuriating in having time to wait and see what will come of the two of them. The three of them. 
"Martin shouldn't be long," Tim says into the silence.
"It's Saturday," Jon replies, sounding weary but fond. "He always dawdles at the markets."
"I could text him," Tim offers. "Chivy him along a bit."
Jon shakes his head. "You're…it's fine, Tim. I…I need you, too. Both of you." His voice is low and his eyes are fixed on the horizon.
from nothing sweeter than local honey
!!!! thank you for asking!! alright here we go:
“I’ll get the jackets,” Tim says, and hopes it’s something, one more little signal for the thing he doesn’t know how to put into words anymore. If Tim is no longer a thing of easy pleasures, he hopes he can become a creature of effort - of intentional, worked-for warmth.
i will try not to make this self-deprecating because that's no fun for anyone, but this is not one of my most-edited fics so my brain is already yelling SHOW DON'T TELL at me. the last thing i will say on this matter!
so much of this fic was just me thinking about what it would be like if tim got to have an after. any after. what would a good life for him look like that also acknowledges he's been fundamentally changed by his experiences - and knows that himself too, because tim's smart and self-aware
love concrete gestures in place of things you don't know how to say. 'i want you to be warm, i'll help take care of you, we're a team so i will take this if you take that'
'creature of effort' is a little bit harking back to one of my fave quotes by leslie jamison: 'I believe in intention and I believe in work. I believe in waking up in the middle of the night and packing our bags and leaving our worst selves for our better ones.'
Jon squeezes in return before taking his hand back, his grip delicate and warm. Tim rifles through a wardrobe for two soft hoodies, paying little mind to who they belonged to - Jon was a known clothing thief who gained power from appropriating Tim and Martin’s jackets.
i usually try to sort of apply critical thinking before simply adopting popular fanon into my own work but jon sims: clothing thief is GOOD and it can stay
also the small intimacies of living side by side, intermingled clothes, no longer feeling a need to insist on what exactly is mine or yours
By the time he’s shrugged one on and headed out into the living room, Jon is standing by the open backdoor, looking out over the heathers and hillside beyond. He looks dazed, more than anything, finding all that space stretching out in front of him, and Tim can’t tell if it’s loss or gratitude holding him there. A surge of tenderness goes through him at the sight, and Tim almost laughs at himself as he pads over to join Jon. You're going soft, Stoker, he thinks. After all that, you're going soft.
i like little scaps of realism among my h/c to make the comfort even juicier, and so one of the things i nitpick myself on is not having every character just look at the other person and immediately know everything that's going on in their head - which happens partly because describing expressions is hard! so that's why tim can't 100% tell what jon is feeling in this moment
i think jon is actually thinking something like: wide open exposed space in front of me, is that safe? footsteps approaching from behind, even though i know who they belong to, is that safe? do i make myself less safe, provoking those around me, by not totally believing in this safety? do i deserve safety if i can't feel its presence? am i wasting this maybe-safe time by worrying about whether or not i deserve it?
having lots of space in front of them is obvs Metaphorical. they have a future now and that's terrifying and good. what do you do when you're alive and you never expected to be. can we endure it, the rain finally stopped?
tim's thoughts there slip into a more playful cadence - he's making jokes, even just to himself - to reinforce that that hope is still there.
Once again, Tim sees an echo of a place they haven't quite reached: sees himself tugging the jacket around Jon's shoulders like a blanket. Instead, he hands it over and leads Jon outside to the rickety chairs. It's not hesitance holding him back exactly, and certainly not a lack of desire. It's more like…care. Care he never would have needed before.
again in terms of pockets of realism...a lot of times in romance things just Happen, people are just drawn in by the tide of it and find themselves doing perfect romantic things. and that's nice!! but there is something more real and kind of more romantic to me about making choices, building on small gestures, going slow because you care so much about this. you leave and then you come back, and you get them their jacket, and you hope it all says: look, i'm here, i'm trying, let's try
He drags his own chair a little closer to Jon's before he sits down, knowing Jon sees him do it, letting him note and process this intentional drawing closer. Tim used to flirt lightning-fast and joyous, instinctual, safe in the knowledge that he could fall a little in love with half the people he met, so what did rejection or awkwardness matter, really? But Jon takes things slowly these days, and Tim is relearning love as a back and forth, as goodbyes and welcomes. He is luxuriating in having time to wait and see what will come of the two of them. The three of them.
i always really appreciate characters who seem to have a genuine love of people - gregarious, high-charisma people where it stems from loving people in general
in my mind these little concrete offerings show how well tim knows jon, deep down. i would imagine jon as someone who doesn't always pick up on nuanced emotions exclusively communicated through words and prefers when there are actions to back them up, partly because that's the way he communicates himself. 'tim says he forgives me' is a lot harder to hold onto than 'tim brought my favourite berries back from tesco, tim brought me a jacket, tim could have sat further away but is choosing to be close'
"Martin shouldn't be long," Tim says into the silence.
"It's Saturday," Jon replies, sounding weary but fond. "He always dawdles at the markets."
"I could text him," Tim offers. "Chivy him along a bit."
Jon shakes his head. "You're…it's fine, Tim. I…I need you, too. Both of you." His voice is low and his eyes are fixed on the horizon.
lil realism: there are awkward silences sometimes
i don't know how to explain it but it feels so right to me that jon would use the word dawdle. and that tim would say chivy. they're dorks your honour
sorry martin is sir-not-appearing-in-this-fic, in my defence i do not like to write martin because i am not good at it. he's shopping. let him shop
love that jon here is trying to communicate the fact that he cares about them and also has some needs, sometimes. he's trying! he's had time and space in which to get to a place where he can try!
'eyes fixed on the horizon' it's the future and they have one. this whole fic is me going there's a future and they're going to be in it together, that is so simple and yet so huge that you'd need forever to get your head around it
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codevassie · 3 years
Superpower TS Fic Recs
[***Let me know if I’ve missed anything on the Content Warnings!]
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What You Can Stand by manyfandomsonelog
Status: Incomplete, Work In Progress
Summary:  Virgil tried so, so hard to avoid becoming a supervillain. He really did. But when your superpower is literally manifesting a person's worst fears, it's a hard thing to avoid. Still, he really, really tried. Even when his own parents feared him. Even when the whole school feared him. Even when he hated himself and his Propensity so much that he wanted to give in. He might've succeeded, if he hadn't met him- Roman Reyes, AKA Roman Spectacular, AKA The Prince, AKA the worst thing that has ever happened to him (which is saying something).
Relationships: Prinxiety, Logicality 
CW: Psychological stuff, nightmares, bullying, physical harm, spiders, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, brief discussion of racism, self-hatred,  bomb, explosion, blood, injury, bad/abusive parenting, imprisonment, fire,  homophobia, pedophilia mention, discussion of child abuse, evidence of physical abuse, sexual innuendo, anxious thoughts, death, funeral, flashback, reference to sex, fairly aggressive arguing and yelling, public speaking, secondhand embarrassment
My thoughts: My quarantine savior!!! I started the fic like a week into quarantine, so I really mean that literally. The characterization is absolutely fantastic--I love seeing all of them interact. It’s so natural and fun and interesting. The plot is also just wonderful--one thing keeps happening after another and these guys just cannot seem to get a break. The pacing is awesome, and whether it’s a character or plot chapter, you just can’t look away. Log is such a fantastic writer and a wonderful person, so if you like awesome prinxiety, superpowers and secret identities, trust and betrayal, humor and angst, you really need to read this one! 
Rewind by ravenclawicecream 
Status: Incomplete, Work In Progress
Summary: When a group of superheroes show up to kill him, it's just another Wednesday for Virgil Messana. After five years of being on the run, he's used to the idea people want him dead. That fact is just an unfortunate side effect of having the power to destroy everything you touch. What does surprise him, however, is when he finds himself agreeing to join those superheros and become part of the team. It's not long until Virgil learns that all the heroes have chapters of their lives they'd rather keep unpublished, along with events they'd rather not relive. And, as he spends more time with the team, he realizes that he may know certain members much better than he'd originally thought. Virgil longs for a moment to figure everything out but by then it's too late. He's already caught up in a bigger scheme; one where they no longer have the power to control their own destinies. With every movement monitored and every action proven to be calculated, the lines between allies and enemies blur, leaving Virgil caught in between. When the stakes are inevitably raised, the remaining heroes must do all they can to change the future of the world. But time has always been a cruel master, and sometimes the only answer is to rewind.
Relationships: Loceit, Logicality, Prinxiety, Remile
CW: Major Character Death, Murder
My thoughts: Gosh, I wish this one got more love. It’s probably the MCD tag, so understandable, but also take into consideration the time travel tag and perhaps give it a chance? I feel like this fic is setting up for so much, and I cannot wait to see how it all goes down. I have so many questions for this fic which is always a good sign (so many that I may have freaked the author out with my WALL of questions on chapter three don’t worry about it /j). Please. Read. This. 
Powerless by patentpending 
Status: Complete
Summary: “People like us,” Logan had once remarked to Virgil. “Are statistical anomalies.”(Almost) Everyone in the world has powers. As for those who don’t, well, they’re such a small part of the population - only 0.04% - why would anyone care about them?Ever since he realized what people mean when they call him Powerless, Virgil Sanders has tried to fight back against the system that oppresses people like him, Patton, and Logan. When Patton’s bakery is targeted in a hate crime, he finally snaps. With the help of a mysterious sponsor, Virgil becomes a villain, ready to remake a broken society. The only thing standing in his way is the world’s most Powerful (and infuriatingly charming) superhero: The Prince, who is hiding the fact that his gilded life isn’t as perfect as it may seem.
Relationships: Prinxiety, Logicality, Roman/Female Fanon Character 
CW: Classism, Unreliable Narrator, Thinly Veiled Criticism of Society,  emetophobia, violence, gun mention,  implied suicide attempt, dub-con, mentions of blood, graphic depictions of a riot, non-graphic description of a wound, possessive and abusive behavior, kid being kicked out of the house by parent, kidnapping, kinda torture (?), body horror, gore, graphic descriptions of injuries, emotional abuse, police brutality, pain and injury, burning building, swearing, vomiting, murder, panic attack, dysphoria, misgendering, minor character death, major character death, self deprecating talk, mentions of suicide
My thoughts: Well, doing a TS superhero rec without Powerless is just treason. I don’t know--I’m trying to figure out a way to describe it and instead launching up to pace around the room with an instant replay of different scenes in my head. I mean, the grocery store chapter?!?! This stuff lives in my head rent free. The characterization, the banter, the tension, the motives--I can’t describe it y’all. Just, if you love yourselves (love yourselves, please <3) then just go read it. Or reread it. Do that for yourselves. 
Waterspout by Greenninjagal
Status: Complete
Summary: "Hail!” The boy says all smug smiles that Virgil immediately hates. “You’re Recluse aren’t you?”As if there was some other spider themed weirdo who clung to buildings in their free time.“No,” Virgil says, because he can. *** Virgil finds himself stuck on the side of a building in a rainstorm and is helped by an annoying-admittedly attractive-guy.
Relationships: Prinxiety
CW: Mild cursing, storms
My thoughts: This one is very cute. Virgil is a spiderman-like hero who went up a waterspout, and down comes some rain trying to wash him out. Roman comes to help, they banter a bit, and, maybe, there’s a little surprise at the end. I would not mind more of this AU. In fact, I would love it. But that should not discount how wonderfully made a oneshot it is either. The author wrote it perfectly for the length it is, presenting the charm of the characters, great plot and symbolism, and left me wanting more at the same time. Definitely go check this one out. 
Technically. It’s A Secret by supervillain 
Status: Incomplete, Work In Progress
Summary: Virgil Storm, the adopted son of a reality TV star with telekinesis was born without a power. That's been a problem for him all his life. His only friend is Patton Vega, his only chance at romance the irritating Cros Corson--until he gets a job at a top-secret facility, playing babysitter to a bunch of kids with dangerous powers and even more dangerous minds. Kids who happen to be exactly his age.Yeah, this is going to be a piece of cake, especially when the enigmatic villain Believe (aka Roman Torres) takes a liking to Virgil. And even worse, when Virgil starts to more than like him back. Pull in some evil mad scientists, a plague created to decimate the world, a murderous villain, an obnoxious stalker, and the greatest Kinetic the world has ever known, and you're in for a hell of a ride.
Relationships: Prinxiety, Logicality 
CW:  Anxiety attacks, arson, murder, minor character death, blood, spiders, being eaten alive, falling, death, sleeping, fighting, cop mention 
My thoughts: I’m behind on this one, and I wanted to catch up on it before I posted this rec list. Today is the last Friday of the year though, so I decided to just go ahead and do it. I love this fic a ton so far, and I can’t wait to read more. I can tell the author put a lot of thought into writing the world and characters, and that the plot is interesting and deliberate. There’s mysteries unfolding which intrigues me So Bad. It’s a super interesting one, so I’d say go read it!
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stimpulse · 3 years
I'm honestly kind of in awe over how quickly ( pun intended? ) and seamlessly you're able to switch the "voice" between all of the characters you write, and Bart is another great example of that. The dialogue to narration ratio, the narration placing emphasis on Bart's actions and how the world around him reacts to them, it's all a stark contrast to the way you write Tim and it tells people ( especially those who aren't as well-versed in the character, like yours truly, ) what Bart is all about without "dumbing" him down. And, maybe most importantly, it's just fun to read!
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? / @luthority
-big sniffles- don't look at me!!
i just love the flash fam so much. the thing about bart is that he is unpredictable, fun, and overall a goofball. but what people don't know is that he has a big temper, he hates being told what to do, and can be a sassy boi. the fanon version of him being happy all the time is the worst way to describe him because he feels cheated, used, and had no say in his future. its the same on barry. they are lighthearted, good speedsters but they don't like being pushed around. definitely an allen-west trait lol.
but yeah, with tim, he's more analytical. he's always in his head, while bart says what he says. i, as a writer, would love to see more people read comics from the earlier eras, but i can't force them to sit down and go through a whole family history. barry's history took me a whole seven months to put together. so it's important to me to add what the characters been through, their highlights, their not so good traits, and a little bit of their background as i write.
idk this is probably me just rambling but thank you for sending this. tim is my comfort character when i feel all hope is lost, while bart cheers me up. totally fictional characters, but their lives on a human level is relatable. i just love them to the moon and back.
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New Reference Sheets for Chemaya and his stand, Dark Horse. I changed a lot of things in his backstory which are mostly the key events of his life. I will write his full backstory in the JoJo's Bizarre Fanon wiki which I will do with my other characters. So backstory, extras and Stand information under the cut.
Basic Information:
Name: Chemaya Alley
Birthname: Chimalley
Alias: Chem-Chem, Maya, Uncle Maya, Golden Eyed Gladiator, Immortal Shield
Chemaya(Shemaiah/Hebrew)= God Heard
Chimalley(Aztec)= Shield
Stand: Dark Horse/Chavel Noir(All the Dark Horses by the Trashcan Sinatras)
Nationality: Central American/French
Birthday: May 3
Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac: Taurus/Ox
Age: 2000(Actual Age)/27(Physical Appearance)
Gender: Male
Height: 7ft/2,13 cm
Weight: 96 kg
Blood Type: A+
Species: Pillar Dhampir(Pillar Man/Human Hybrid)
Occupation: Mentor, Artist's Model, Wanderer Formerly: Gladiator, Investigator, Treasure Hunter, Blacksmith
Reliable, Pantient, Practical, Responsible, Mother Hen, Gentleman, Aloof, Stubborn, Less Talkative, Sensitive, Overcautious
Likes: His Family, Horses, Cooking, Spring season, Art, Sunrise, Traveling to different countries, Historical documentaries and books, Jasmine tea.
Dislikes: Stone Masks, Pillar Men(maybe some exceptions), Italy, Rude Behavior, his family and friends being hurt, Pomegranate fruit.
Unnamed Grandfather(Pillar Man)
Unnamed Grandmother(Human)
Izel(Pillar Dhampir/Father)
Andreas McJohan Andrew Joestar(Adoptive Father)
Dimitra Iovianou/McJohan(Adoptive Mother)
Panajotis McJohan(Adoptive Younger Brother)
Elpida Zoheir/McJohan(Sister-in-law)
Zenobios McJohan(Nephew)
Leonidas McJohan(Great-Nephew)
Diogenes McJohan(Great-Great Nephew)
Hariklia 'Grace' McJohan/Bhraghad(Great-Great-Great Niece)
Ambrogio McJohan(Great-Great-Great Nephew)
Orestes Bhraghad(Great-Great-Great-Great Nephew)
Oswald Bhraghad(Great-Great-Great-Great Nephew)
Isaac McJohan(Great-Great-Great-Great Nephew)
Giorgia McJohan(Great-Great-Great-Great Niece)
Background Information:
Original Timeline
-Chimalley was born in France during the Roman Empire from the Pillar Dhampir Izel and the human woman Fiora. Izel was the child of Pillar Man who survived the massacre of his species by Kars and a human woman in Central America. Fiora was the daughter of merchants and had the ability to predict different possibilities in the future of a person based from their choices.
-He had a good relationship with his parents and a peaceful childhood but everything changed, when he was 17 he watched his parents dying infront of him him by Slave Traders and was captured to be used as a Gladiator for the Colosseum. After 7 years of being treated as an entertainment he decided to escape by freeing the other Gladiators from the Colosseum.
-He traveled across Europe, Africa and Asia to expand his knowledge in the different languages and cultures of each country and meeting new people while learning how to survive and new combat skills.
-He became one of the first stand users in the late 15th Century after being shot unexpectedly by one of the stand arrows from the man who created them and saw the potential of Chimalley to use him for his army of Stand Users. Chimalley during that time was confused, scared and wanted to be away from this man, his stand, Dark Horse, reacted to his thoughts and transported him by disappearing in a cloud of dark smoke somewhere safe.
-His pursuit for the Stone Masks started when he encounter a vampire drinking blood from a woman and a stone masks on the floor in the house of a noble man. Chimalley used for the first time his stand by trapping the vampire into binds of shadows and proceeding by drinking his blood. The woman lost a lot of blood but she was alive before the Pillar Dhampir leave with the stone mask and destroying it.
-In the 17th Century he traveled in Scotland and fell in love with the daughter of a Clan Chief, Eimhir McLeod. Their love didn't last long when a stand user threatened the McLeod chief to destroy his Clan if he didn't get Eimhir to marry him. This turned into a fight between Chimalley and the stand user which resulted the death of Eimhir and the McLeod Clan. After this event the Pillar Dhampir didn't fell in love ever again.
-During the 18th century he changes his name into Chemaya Alley and in the 19th century, the year 1883, he finds a lead to someone who has a stone mask in Greece. He arrived in the city of Argos of the Argolida prefecture in the Peloponnese peninsula, after stealing the mask and destroying it he meets a 13 years old child name Panajotis McJohan, who was a stand user like Chemaya, he traveled with his parents from Nafplio to Argos to do some errands. Panajotis took Chemaya to meets his parents and later was adopted by the McJohan family becoming the older brother of Pano.
-In 1888 before the events of Phantom Blood, He accompanied Panajotis to Liverpool, England, to discuss some important stuff with George Joestar I. They arrived in the Joestar Mansion where they met George's sons, Jonathan and Dio, Chemaya found Jonathan pleasant and kindhearted, while Dio gave a hostile aura and he knew something wasn't right with him. The conversation of Panajotis and George ended with angry shouts from the elder Joestar warning the young McJohan to never come close to his family ever again.
-After this event Panajotis and Chemaya started working as Investigators and Treasure Hunters to earn money for some years and later Panajotis works as a woodcrafter and marries Elpida Zoheir, an Egyptian woman from Alexandria. Chemaya will occasionally visiting or write letters and teach the the McJohan family about stands for the following years.
-In 1939, Chemaya goes to visit his family in Greece when he comes face to face with Wamuu, who was looking for the Red Stone of Aja. His fight with Wamuu was one of the toughest he ever had and he finished it by using Dark Horse to teleport Wamuu to another country.
-In 1987, he encounters again Dio in Cairo, Chemaya learned from him that he became vampire via a stone mask, took the body of his Adoptive Brother, Jonathan, gaining a stand via a stand arrow and wanted to rule. Chemaya became furious with Dio of the things he had done to Jonathan and his family and challenged the stupid brat into a stand fight. The Pillar Dhampir was ruthless with the Vampire and he didn't give him any chances to attack back but in the last moment Dio activated his stand ability and time stopped giving him the opportunity to run away from Chemaya. The hybrid was still angry with him but he didn't chase him because the brat wasn't his problem and wasn't worth of his time.
-In 2002 he was in Italy to buy something for his family when he came across Viktoria Erikson, a Hamon User and a SWF worker, who was chasing a occult who had a stone mask and wanted to become powerful, they where successful in defeating the occult and destroying the mask.
-In November of 2011, Chemaya died by being cut in half by a mysterious stand user.
Fragmented Star AU/EOH game Timeline:
In this universe Chemaya's past is the same as the one in the original universe but with some changes:
-In 1987 learned also from Dio that he has Jonathan's head as a trophy and in 1988 Chemaya breaks into the Mansion before the last battle to save it and putting Jonathan's head into the hotel the Crusaders where staying. Chemaya actually thought Jonathan was dead and his descendants would bury him but his was unconscious and the hamon kept him young and alive, his descendants saved his body from Dio and connected it with his head, the Pillar Dhampir without knowing he saved Jonathan's life.
-In 2002, Viktoria and Chemaya had a third person helping them in the defeat of the occult, his name was Michalis Zannos, a Greek stand user who worked as a singer in a famous restaurant in Italy to save money for his sick mother to go in a hospital.
-In 2011 he survived the killing blow from the enemy stand user by teleporting behind him and hitting him unconscious and bringing to the SPW foundation HQ.
-He is currently living in Nafplio, Greece with his three times Great Nephew and his wife.
-Chemaya inherited from his mother the ability to see the difference possible futures of someone based on their choices and would advice them to choose the most sensible one.
-He is a Pillar Dhampir like his father, he is physically stronger than a vampire but weaker than a Pillar Man and unlike them he can walk during the day. Also he had a horn like the Pillar Men but he broke it when he became 16 so to blend with the other humans.
-The necklace he wears used to belong to his father.
-He is Demiromantic/Asexual
-The red mark in his jaw is made of paint and he has a tattoo on his left shoulder which resembles the Joestar Birthmark. Panajotis payed a tattooist to draw it in Chemaya's body because he considers him family.
-List of wounds from the 2nd Refsheet of Chemaya:
The wound when he broke his horn, he mostly covers it with a green headband, other times with a hat or a bandana.
He has burns in his right shoulder and left arm
Some cuts in his right arm after he fought with a big dangerous animal
Gun wounds in his left side of his chest and shoulder
Wound from a daggers in the left side of his chest
Wounds from whips during his time as a Gladiator
a wound in the center of his chest after being shot by the stand arrow
And a large cut which a reminder of his death in the original timeline on November of 2011. He remembered the previous timeline and the current one he lives.
-Chemaya has an artist eye and describe in detail any piece of art, the reason is because his Adoptive Brother, Panajotis worked as a woodcrafter later in his life and Chemaya is Artist's Model for his nephew Isaac and his mother, Kyriaki Callas/McJohan, who are both painters and a friend from Spain who is a Sculpturist.
-Chemaya every weekend cooks for his family his favorite recipes, one of them is a simple chicken soup because it reminds him of his mother who made it for him when he was a child.
Name: Dark Horse/Chavel Noir
Nickname: Noir
Namesake: All the Dark Horses(song by the Trashcan Sinatras)
Stand Type: Natural Non-Humanoid Stand, Phenomenal Stand
Destructive Power: A
Speed: A
Range: B
Persistence: B
Precision: C
Development Potential: B
Dark Horse has the appearance of a giant humanoid horse made of black smoke, his has six purple eyes, his mane, tail, hands and hooves have the same colour which resembles a galaxy and has three purple cycles in his chest. He face can split up and form a mouth with fangs, he uses it mostly to eat or attack his opponents.
Smoke Manipulation: Dark Horse is made of black smoke, he can change and size and become solid and intangible. He can form smoky tentacles which can become sharp enough to cut opponents and in intangible form he can enter the victim's body and make them stop breathing. It can also form into gloves that covers the entire arms of his user to attack other stands in close combat.
Shadow Camouflage: The stand can become undetectable as along there is darkness or shadow. He can blend into the shadow of a person or animal and follow them.
Shadow Gates: He make gates out of dark smoke which resembles black holes to transport to different destinations in his user's will. Also they can act as dimensional storages to put personal stuff.
Corporeal Disguise: Dark Horse can take the form a regular brown and white Clydesdale Horse with black mane and tail which can be seen by non-stand user.
UV lights and when Dark Horse is in solid form his user can feel the attacks from his opponents.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
i know what kind of the show the 100 is, but i really expect at least a good ending for bellarke and i hope your spec is right and we get some kind of that with them, in the past years shows did end in dissapointment, so i hope jason is in the group of 12 monkeys, bones, castle, shadowhunters, OUAT....
okay. but are you SURE you know what kind of show The 100 is?
What kind is it? 
Yes, it’s the post apocalyptic sci fi action tragedy, but there are actually two kinds of post apocalyptic stories, the kind where there’s no hope and humanity is doomed and the kind where there IS hope and humanity can be saved.
This one is DEFINITELY the later. Hope is important in this show. THIS kind of pos apocalyptic story CAN have a happy ending, or at least a happy ending that costs a price, a bittersweet happy ending. JR has told us that there would be a “The 100 style” happy ending, and the last time he said that would happen was with one couple in s5, which we now know was Marper, who got to live their lives on their own terms, alone and without people, but in love and happiness and peace while guiding their people towards a new future. I suspect the ending of the series will *match* that description of a happy ending, but with Bellarke, who was HIGHLY mirrored with Marper in the finale of s5.
And seeing as our heroes have had a happy ending with a cost every single season, what we’re watching is a story where there is hope. And *probably* hope for Bellarke.
But. I see that you aren’t really concerned with the story, you’re concerned with if Clarke and Bellamy get together, and this, to you is what’s in doubt, because you’re looking for a romance novel, or bellarke fic or something.
For you, the story ending in disappointment is the story not ending with Bellarke romantically together with a kiss/confession/sex. Or at least that’s what is seems to me, because as I’m watching, I have not felt denied bellarke since season 2. S1 I didn’t ship them yet, not really. S2 gutted me when she left because of bellarke. S3 they were together and closer than ever, S4 okay i was gutted when she was left behind, but had hope for bellarke with the 2199 radio calls. S5 I was not disappointed with bellarke because of that last part of the finale. S6 was so freaking romantic and ended, for all intents and purposes, with that romantic, intimate bellarke hug in the sunrise, so to me, it was clearly romantic bellarke, even without an official kiss(apparently kiss of life doesn’t count)/confess (apparently all the conversation of love and care and pledges not to leave or let each other die, or the confession that he needs her don’t count)/sex.
This is why I ask if you do know what kind of story this is. Because you are acting like my spec about bellarke is based in my personal feelings and not the development of the narrative that I’ve been following, but I don’t know if you have, or you’d see that bellarke is already a romantic story, and has been since AT LEAST season 5, when bellarke shippers abandoned the show because b/e existed, instead of recognizing a canon love triangle when they see one. (I will admit that this has been what has made me most frustrated with the Bellarke fandom. They’re giving us what we want and we’re acting like it’s not happening in canon on screen.)
Like my “spec” is pretending there’s a love triangle, or the love triangle is just an interpretation rather than written in the script, the direction, the cinematography and the acting. 
I cannot tell you if JR will back out of the bellarke love story or not, because I am not in control of what another person creates, but I can tell you that the story of The 100 has been an epic love story, truly from season 1, because it has been about GROWTH, but as a main plot line from season 5, or the end of s4 when he left her behind. 
If you say you know what kind of story The 100 is and you don’t recognize the actual romantic story of Bellarke, then you don’t know what the story is. 
This is not fanon. This is canon. It’s not my speculation. It’s the narrative. JR has called it an epic love story. He has told us it would happen eventually. He has said they were soul mates. He has said they love each other. And the story he is telling has them revolving around each other closer and closer until they connect. 
When I speculate that the story might be following the structure of The Divine Comedy, with the Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise, giving us the darkest moments in the beginning and ending up NOT a tragedy, that’s a speculation that is based on a remarkable similarity to the narrative and also literal allusions to the text and a painting we stared at in TWO seasons to point out the connection and character names like Dante and Blake to make the connections. So yeah. I’m speculating on the theme of the story that won’t, perhaps, be clear until the end, but it’s less a speculation and more a theory-- a theory has evidence to support it while a speculation doesn’t necessarily. 
There IS a point to the story, though. He’s told us there is. And it will be clear at the end. What I’m saying is that in order to tell a good story, he needs to incorporate that point into the whole story so we can follow along and it will all add up at the end. So I’ve been looking for those breadcrumbs that tell us where it’s going. This is what I do, and I’m pretty good at it. Finding those clues. I know not everyone knows how to do that, and I know a lot of people have been gaslighted by those who have been telling us Bellarke is not romantic or not the central relationship, or not the heroes, or are actually the bad guys, or are unimportant etc. 
Back in season 3 after Hakeldama, I wrote a meta theorizing that this whole story was about Clarke and Bellamy coming together. That in order to succeed, they must be together. It was based on some significant evidence from the first 2.5 seasons, but it has been proven correct in the following 3.5 seasons. This show is DEFINITELY about bellarke, the head and the heart, being TOGETHER and saving the world. There were points where it could have been a sun/moon story, never getting together. There were points where it could have remained platonic with no romantic connection. Those points have all been passed now, and they MUST be together and it is ALREADY romantic, so the eventual COMPLETE union of Bellarke is going to be romantic. They are already married, imo, committed, pledged, intimate, loving, devoted, respecting, trusting, and the ONLY thing separating them from what fandom wants is the physical. Because it has already moved into the romantic (EVERY love triangle is a romantic story, even for the losing couple, it’s still a romantic story, therefore, in the IMPOSSIBLE event that bellamy choses Echo over Clarke, it’s still romantic, just a broken hearted romance without the necessary genre happy ending,) it is no longer a platonic relationship.
What I CAN’T do is tell you how it’s going to end. If Bellarke will live or die. They might die and that’s always been a possibility that I’ve said for the end of the series. Here are the possibilities i can see for a Bellarke ending. In all but one (very unlikely possibility) Bellarke are kiss/confess/sex canon romantic, even if they don’t get a happy ever after.
Bellarke alive, together, romantically, married, raise a family and a peaceful society with their friends. (Happy Ever After ending common in the romance genre.)
Bellarke alive, together, romantically, married, have a family and life with their friends but there are more struggles coming, like maybe another apocalypse or political upheaval or violence. (Happy For Now ending also common in the more ‘realistic’ romance genre or romantic stories.)
Bellarke alive, together, romantically, married, have a family.... but not with their friends who are left behind to create the peaceful society. (Marper ending, The 100 Style Happy Ending, as described by JR. Bittersweet. This is the one I think is most likely in some ways.)
Bellarke dead, together romantically before they die, their family and friends go on without them to create a peaceful society. (Happy Ever After for humanity, but not for Bellarke. Bittersweet. A Romeo and Juliet ending, and though Bellarke has never been framed as R&J it’s possible. This could happen. The sooner they get together romantically in season 7 the more likely they won’t get a happy ending.)
Bellarke together romantically, but Clarke dies saving them, and Bellamy carries on in her absence, broken, perhaps eventually settling for Echo, or perhaps not. He creates a peaceful society for their friends in her name. (this is Happy Ever After for humanity, but a tragedy for Bellarke. I believe this was the ending of s4, and I think it’s developed past that so I don’t think it will happen.)
Bellarke together romantically, but Bellamy dies saving them, and Clarke carries on in his absence. The only way I think this could happen is if she has his baby, so carries him with her. She creates a peaceful society for their friends and her children in his name. (Happy Ever After for humanity, but a tragedy for Bellarke. This was the ending of s4 for Clarke with Madi as the substitute child. I believe we’ve developed past that so I don’t think it will happen.)
Bellarke together platonically... i do not think this can happen, it would have to RETURN to platonic partnership, because we’ve left platonic, but let me explore it. Clarke would need to give up Bellamy to Echo because it was “the right thing to do” and Bellamy would need to stay with Echo because it was “the right thing to do,” and neither of them would make the claim on the other. But I believe part of the journey of s6 was about Bellamy CHOOSING Clarke because he loves her. It’s part of the narrative. So he’s already chosen her, so something would have to happen to reverse that decision and I don’t know what it could be. Clarke looks like she’s ready to wait for him. I don’t think this story would have them together platonically with Bellamy sacrificing his happiness being with Echo, who is Ash and doesn’t want to be king/spy anymore, and leaving Clarke pining for her soulmate. That’s a bad story because there’s no reason for them to not admit they love each other. Staying with Echo because he promised is a bad reason and disrespectful to all involved. But okay. Bellamy chooses Echo and Clarke eventually finds someone else and they lead a peaceful society without fully engaging the heart. Oh that doesn’t make sense. They’re the head and the heart. That would not be living up to what Monty asked of them. No it doesn’t work. This ending is already off the table, sorry. Unless JR really is the asshole that you all think he is. If it happens, I’ll admit that you were right and he’s a dick as bad as D&D. But if it doesn’t happen, then y’all need to go apologize to JR for doubting him and hating him and calling him evil and a bad writer. 
Where I am now, I think the most likely is a mix of the above. I think the bittersweet ending will include a happy ever after for Bellarke, like Marper, as they are separated from their friends and family and assumed dead. So Bellarke will die together saving their people, but they won’t die, rather they will be separated from them so they can have their happy ending although it is alone and they’ve lost everyone they love, except each other. It fits the narrative, the circular storytelling, the bellarke mythos, the breaking of the cycle, clarke and bellamy’s characters, the sacrifice theme, the head and the heart, the marper foreshadowing, “together,” wanheda, the survival plot twists where we think they’re dead but they’re not, soulmates, the bittersweet endings, the victory but with a price, etc. 
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Credit for Invader Zim goes to Jhonen Vasquez
Credit for Powerpuff Girls goes to Craig McCracken
I’m gonna wait a bit more, to talk about some feelings regarding PPG.
which has to do with some Positive and Negatives that has to do with the Fandom.
anyway I got this ship that pop into my head, had to draw a ship drawing of it....if they get married, that would make Dib and Gaz the new Big Siblings of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.
the chances of this ship getting more shippers is perhaps well, maybe small......I don’t know how many will like this ship.
also ever since finding out about Resident Evil Character
Lady Dimitrescu, I have seen or heard the word “Simp”
what does that mean anyway....?
she is a very tall lady, in theory I believe she could be a bit more taller than Slenderman himself.
speaking of height, I’m starting to think I’m not 5′5″ at all...
I mean once I thought I was 5′6″ but turns out I’m not.
so I asked my pendulum, asked it if I was 5′5″
it circled slow for No, asked if I am taller than 5′5″
still gives me a No.
asked if I’m 5′3″ and it gave a Yes.
even if it could explain how I notice how my shadow is,
it just seems so small even when I stand close to it, and check the height between myself and the shadow are about the same.
at least my shoes make me a bit taller.
  I guess my pendulum could be telling me the truth
about me being 5′3″......but it could be one of it’s pranks.
I’m listening to Addict right now,
the song was created by a fan called Silva Hound,
the song then ended up having it’s own official Hazbin Hotel Music Video.
 you can find the song on both Silva Hound’s channel,
as well as it’s Music Video over at Vivziepop’s channel.
and I DON’T mean the one that is called “Vivziepop Club.”
I’m still not pleased with that “club channel.”
I’m just gonna try to keep a eye out for the real episode 4
of Helluva Boss.
was playing the AU of AU FNAF game called
Five Nights of Flirting, finally got a Good Ending in them.
well the Romance ones, even if one of the characters didn’t really say they were but kind of implied it,
it is nice that they made them Ace.
well I’m Aceflux, well technically Aroaceflux.
I still find romance interesting and well do some shipping.
plus it is still possible for those who are Ace to get crushes
or fall in love, plus there are different forms of romance
that doesn’t always have to be well the intense version.
like a tender kiss on the forehead or on the cheek.
just hanging out and watching shows or movies
or reading comics or playing video games you love.
 anyway I had successfully got the Romance Endings
with Jeremy and Fritz. (in two different timelines, not at the same time.)
just need to try to get the others, and maybe I will get to a True Ending.
Purple Guy is perhaps gonna be difficult for me.
or as he is known as Vincent.
I like to think of him as the Canon Purpleman’s Son,
like the one who was always bullied by his older brother.
 I’m keeping the name I’m using, if I change it
it is most likely my progress from the Jeremy & Fritz’s timelines
will be lost. 
well the name I’m using is well, it is spelled a bit differently.
but I decided to go with “Alice”
but I decided to spell it with a “y” instead of a “i”
that alternate way of spelling Alice is interesting,
plus they both will still sound the same.
if I have another Save, that is separate from that one.
I could always try to go with the default name “Doll”
I kind of want to think of the three versions of Doll,
being siblings, a Sister, Brother and Sibling.
it be nice if Undertale had such a option.
like you could pick to be either Female or Male
or Non-Binary/Genderfluid.
those are the three picks for Five Nights of Flirting.
 well when we do play Undertale,
whatever the Bio-Sex/Gender of the Player,
it can be projected upon Frisk.
so when I play Frisk and well control them throughout the game.
I can see them as Gyno-Agender.
it isn’t like “Agender” where it is just Non-Binary.
it is a Bigender Identity, being both Binary & Non-Binary.
think of it as being a fusion, think of the song Stronger Than You.
the original from Steven Universe, but the Undertale Parody is still awesome too.
I decided to make a new tumblr avatar,
that shows both my sexuality & gender identity.
the colors I picked is suppose to be for my Aroaceflux Identity,
while inside the heart will be for my gender identity.
so it is suppose to be a Sexuality/Gender Identity type avatar flag.
also I’m gonna try to look up the whole Simp, maybe look it up later and finally figure out what it means.
cause I have No clue.
also I want to say that, it can be possible for even someone who is Ace or Aceflux, to be a empath to “pheromones”.....
even if some might think that can’t be true, I believe it is.
the best thing to keep me from picking up THOSE kinds of energies from family or others that live where I live,
is to keep wearing my bracelets that has Black Obsidian and Selenite Agate.
I started getting gems, to help me.
I even keep them under my pillow.
 I even sleep with my bracelets on too, but only take them off
when I have to take a shower or bath.
but after that, I will put them back on...
it be nice if hospitals had two types of doctors,
ones that treats well the seizures that actually needs medicine in the form of pills.
and the other giving advice to just move to a place with less negative
energy from both human and supernatural.        
not all seizures will be the type that needs pills.
but try telling doctors that, hey if someone goes through withdrawal
don’t just put them back on the pill thinking they need it.
they NEVER needed them in the first place, they needed to get away from the town because it is that place that was causing the dang seizures in the first place.
I....went through withdrawal before, even if now I believe I never truly needed them, just needed to move far enough away from the negative energy......
I think it is possible, when I thought I was being touched
but no one was touching me....I think it might of been something else that I couldn’t see that was perhaps, really touching me.
like you being touched on your arm or back.
I wish doctors didn’t misdiagnose so much.
not all seizures are gonna be the same, and some spiritual doctors would be nice to see too.
I can’t help but be, concerned about staying in a room too long
if I start to pick up certain energies...
plus I’m gonna try to take a break from using my pendulum,
so gonna try not to use it too much.
but only use it once in a while.
also if it is possible that those from a distant future
are messing with timelines,
and that is why I remember a story I was told before
that has to do with someone in my family....
then well I can only hope the ones messing with timelines,
will stay in their own timeline, and stop breaking reality.
timelines can become more fragile the more you try to tamper with it.
plus it is possible those who try to tamper with it,
will get karma, so it is best for them to stop before the karma becomes really REALLY bad.
even if you do try to correct the changes that were made,
that would most likely cause problems too, but you should only fix it
if it truly 100% needs to be corrected back to how it was
before some human messed with it.
if that is true, that would be on my list.
I’m Semi-Misanthrope, I still like humanity but there are ugly parts of it that makes me disappointed.
so there are still good, even if there are the bad mixed in there too. 
Starlight Glimmer did the same thing, but what if she wasn’t the first?
what if Sunset was the original element of Harmony,
but Celestia changed the Pony version of her friends memories.
 but in theory, if Starlight made one more change in history
it would of most likely cause a break of all reality.
I think those timelines that were created, still exist
but are now Alternate Universes, still having existence.
but not being part of the Main Timeline.
or the Beta Main Timeline, while the Alpha Main Timeline
is the one where Sunset came from I think.
 I still love SVTFOE and MLPFIM,
but I just don’t like how they seem to blame the scapegoats
for what Discord, Moon Butterfly and Mina Loveberry started.
even if some fans aren’t fans of Steven Universe Future
(and that’s okay, not everyone has to like it.)
at least that show didn’t pull the same Broken Moral Compass.
the endings of those two shows were awesome,
like Luster Dawn seems like a really interesting and awesome character.
and the whole dimensions in SVTFOE, merging is awesome.
also I’m starting to wonder if Glossryck really did die
or if no longer being bond to SVTFOE’s Realm of Magic,
left him free to explore the Multiverse.
after noticing in the magic book of spells,
that had Glossryck’s to do list.
I believe in theory he is secretly alive,
even if it is off screen, and fans might need to figure it out.
 I also believe it wasn’t Toffee who corrupted Star’s Wand or the Realm of Magic, that was Star.
it is possible the Dark Magic was always in The Butterfly Family.
well Negative Emotion Magic.
Toffee was never in the wands, he was just speaking through from where he was in the Realm of Magic.
I can’t be the only one who is noticing the habit
where Heroes kind of pull a Anti-Hero move
and don’t even bother to punish the ones who started the problem in the first place.
once more I still love those shows,
I just am not a fan of the Broken Moral Compasses moments,
like Star deciding to place the blame on Magic for her problems,
but it isn’t magic that was to blame, it was her family misusing it.
or the whole Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek being turned into a statue.
I’m not sure if Discord even got punished for bringing those three together or for everything else he’s done that leads up to it.            
 I wonder if it’s weird to kind of start to see
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup
as Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek’s Reincarnations.
like Buttercup being Chrysalis’s Reborn Self,
Blossom being Tirek’s Reborn Self
and lastly Bubbles being Cozy Glow Reborn Self.
of course that would be Fanon, and not canon.
anyway, once again this ship of Utonium x Membrane
might not get many shippers.
but I think that’s okay, I mean not everyone has to like this ship.
 and if my pendulum keeps giving me a Yes
about being 5′3″, I guess I will have to believe it.
but I would need to gather more proof.
I will believe it’s Yes answer about having Multiracial heritage.
but I’m not gonna try to date HUMANS.
not unless they aren’t some stuck up racist shisno.
once again, I’m Semi-Misanthrope, even if I still like humanity,
the disgusting part of it just really disgusts me, and the whole racism thing is only part of it.
plus thanks to my pendulum, I now believe that Jesus
was indeed Black.
and all through out history it had been censored.
once again even though I am a Ma-Acolyte, I can still believe in Jesus too....but now I believe he was in fact Black.
my pendulum gave me a Yes, when I asked if Jesus’s Mother was White, and a Yes for Jesus being Black.
 but you can’t try to force people to accept that, it is best to let them accept it by their own free will.
like I mention many times before, I do NOT like forced converting.
 even if my pendulum gave a Yes
when I asked if Jesus had a interracial heritage that he had inherited from his mother Mary (Not from Joseph.)
not many people will support that, but there will still be some that will support it and believe it is true.
plus I don’t know if I should tell my family about it,
I mean I did finally talk about the whole Asexuality...
but I know there was some form of misinterpreting.
even if some who are Ace are Gay, some will be either Bi, Pan or Hetero or even Omni.
Omni can have different forms of attraction.
but I want to try to wait a while to correct my family for misunderstanding Ace, I still love my family
but I know they can misunderstand things
worse than me at times, I think. 
  I think I should take it one step at a time,
when I’m ready I will correct them about their misunderstanding of Asexuality, as well as the whole needing to tell them that there has been lies told about a distant cousin.
I’m glad I never came out as Aroaceflux,
because if I did, I would most likely get the whole
passive aggressive treatment.
which means your family still loves you, they just can’t accept ya being that way......and it might be possible it could take most families time to fully accept.
plus the passive aggressive, is less bad, it is still bad,
but it wouldn’t be as bad as the aggressive.
it is the aggressive without the passive part. 
I will try to sign back on later, so I can check on some stuff on here.
but before I sign out, I’m gonna change my avatar.
then I’m going to “Wing-Town”
I asked my pendulum, and it seems my energy wings are hugging around me right now, so I will assume I’m already in Wing-Town.
it’s like Sweater-Town, but with Earth Angel Energy Wings instead.
plus I can’t see them, but I should make sure to not go out if there are those around who can see them.
not that I can go out right now anyway.
anyway I’m just gonna hurry up and change my avatar
then I will go lay down in bed while being in Wing-Town.
then later after I finish laying down in bed
(which it is likely I might fall asleep.)
I will go and eat some good.
hope some of you like this drawing of Membrane & Utonium.
so see ya later, stay safe and remember that there many types of ships, and not all of them are romance.
 go here to learn that there is more types of “ships”
just go to the part that says Shipping.
I believe that because people might misinterpret.
for Friendships, it is best to use “I Bud It”
and for Found Families, it is best to use “I Fam It.”
not using “I ship it” keeps from any misunderstandings.
maybe after I take a nap I will watch Kids Next Door,
and maybe even Invader Zim too, as well as some other Cartoon shows
and maybe even a few movies too.
I’m a bit tired, so I’m gonna hurry up and change my tumblr avatar
and then go lay down for maybe a hour or a few.
maybe this ship will get a lot of fan art, or not...I’m not really sure.
once again see ya later and stay safe....
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nyodrite · 4 years
was clearing out things to delete an app from my phone and found this
It came in fragments, the memories. 
I didn't remember all at once, instead it came back to me in fragments. In dreams and flashes that made me ache. In a persistent sense of deja vu that confounded me. In moments of wistful nostalgia that brought tears to my eyes and bewildered my family.
It took years, starting the day I turned three and even now I didn't remember everything.
(I doubted that I ever will remember everything of my life in that other-when. Some things that I lost, like the name of the high school I graduated from or the most recent US president, I didn't care to remember.
Other things - things like my mother's face, the city I grew up in or even my own name - I wished desperately to recall.)
I didn't remember everything, but I remembered enough. Enough to realize just how screwed I was. 
Why? Because I was now in the world of Naruto. And my new name was Sasuke Uchiha.
(It could have been worse, though. I could have been Naruto and literally have the date of the entire world on my shoulders to save. Or Gaara and have a demon eroding my sanity while my village called for my death.
I could have been a root kid, or an Orochimaru experiment. Compared to that? Sasuke and all of his Angst doesn't seem so bad.
On the upside, I wouldn't have to deal with a full out war until I was nearly grown? No early graduations and shipped off to war as an eight year old.
I just had a crowd of creeps interested in me, my body or my eyes. An extended family of grumps that I somehow got attached to meant to die in two years. And an older brother that will destroy himself as he kills them.
(Or, well, I am hoping it destroys him. Because otherwise I am pretty sure my older brother is a sociopath. Or psychopath, one of the two.
Or both. Maybe. Possibly.
Who really knows?)
Which leads me to here, hours past my bedtime hovering before my brother's door. Scurrying backwards when it opens and a young, yet still taller then I, Itachi looks down at me.
"Do you need something Sasuke?" He asks, stepping back slightly as an invitation that I take. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
I shake my head automatically as I climb onto the bed, then pause. "A bit." I admit, flopping down on my brother's bed, unmoving until he comes over and prods me to make room for him join me after closing the door. "I don't know how it will go. Or if I'll make any friends or if the work will be too hard - or boring."
"You," Itachi says with quiet confidence, an iconic forehead poke demanding attention. "Will be fine otouto."
I curl forwards, partially to protect from more pokes but partially to hide my face away. I let silence fall between us, too nervous to speak yet while Itachi waits patiently for me to talk.
Eventually, though, I have to speak.
"....do you love me?"
The answer is immediate and reassuring. "Of course."
"And… and you'll protect me? No matter what?"
This time the answer takes a moment, as I feel my brother tense and his arms come around me in what would have been a hug if he were more relaxed. His voice, however, remains level and calm when he speaks. "Sasuke, has someone hurt you? Threatened you?"
"No." I say, before things could be derailed further. "Answer, niisan, please."
"I," he says, voice firm. "Will always protect you Sasuke. No matter what, I promise."
Despite the reassurance, both from Itachi and the fanon belief that he would do anything for Sasuke, I can't bring myself to speak. Instead my stomach churns, bile rising in my throat as if I were about to give a speech.
So, instead, I just breath while Itachi slowly curls around me like a shield against the world.
(It's sweet and terrible, how far this child will go.)
"It's not… not something talked about but there are stories, myths and legends and rumors about people… who were reincarnated. Who lived before and came back again." I say eventually, close enough to sleep for courage. "I'm like that. I remember a before with no chakra or ninja, where I grew up and died and - and there were stories about here. About this time, about the past and the future."
Then, so softly it is almost non-existent—
"Tell me."
And I did.
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patientfocusly · 4 years
major canon divergences 
( i don’t expect anyone to read this because it’s a lot lmao. this is more so for me to have a reference because i forget things about my own muse / canon rip. if we’re rping together we’re probably also talking ooc so anything important from this post will be mentioned to you at some point. )
( please note that by canon, i’m referring to my general main verse which includes no interactions with other muses. each interaction with a muse is put into its own verse. new interactions can come into the main verse at any point of the timeline and then diverge from that point. )
does not marry curtis. they noticed each other because they worked closely as part of the atlas crew and maybe if the time and place were different there might’ve been a chance for them to get to know each other and form something but for shiro, there is a lot weighing on his mind that he needs to wade through
( a ) shiro has been thru Sum shit and he has an endless list of reasons to be sad but i just want to make it known that shiro’s no. 1 source of guilt and just general mind-anguish is the fact that he is living in a borrowed body, that he took from someone who had to die for him to live. 
( b ) at this stage he is also coming in touch with his feeling for keith which have been with him for a while, so even if he was aware of other potential interests . . . he’s not actually interested back.
adam is alive. he was critically injured in the first wave of attack by sendak and recovered enough only to provide ground support for the second wave. he remains an officer of the garrison and heads training and recruitment. he does not fly again. he’s happily married and reaches out to shiro. they’re amicable, but not close friends. maybe eventually they will be. ( this will obviously not be the case if i’m writing with an adam. )
allura is alive – i need to rewatch the end of season 8 to figure out how, but she’s alive.
after a year or so of captaining the atlas, the need for atlas to be an offensive military ship decreases and shiro consults sam and pidge for their thoughts on deweaponising his prosthesis. The new arm is still powered by allura’s crystal but looks more similar to the galra arm ( except it starts at the shoulder since his bicep??? disappeared magically ), but it’s coloured white and light grey, and the lit up areas are aqua ( same as the crystal. )
speaking of the crystal . . .  the original arm was designed to operate via a balmera crystal, because that’s what most of altean designs are based off of. however they didn’t have a crystal to use, and sam says the remaining energy required for the armto work would be drawn from shiro’s own electromagnetic field. he tries it for the first time and . . . his body rejects it, in what looks like an incredibly painful and potentially fatal way, if it hadn’t been for allura stepping in and replacing the original energy source for the arm with the crystal from her tiara. we don’t ever find out why shiro’s body rejected the first energy source but here are 2 theories:
( a ) shiro’s body is actually kuron’s body, a clone, manufactured by haggar, using ~space science~ and likely some form of quintessence. the electro magnetic field coming off of the clone’s body would vary to that of a human’s, which is what sam would’ve based his calculations on. balmera crystals have incredible properties that aren’t really explained in great detail but we know how powerful they can be, regardless of size. 
( b ) because it’s kuron’s body, maybe the connection to haggar didn’t completely shut off when keith cut off the arm. that flash that happens when the arm connects and shiro’s body starts rejecting it is very similar to the flash that happens when haggar starts controlling kuron earlier ( better explained in this headcanon piece. ) my only issue with this headcanon is that it implies haggar may still have some degree of control over shiro, and I just………….it’s been so overused, i just don’t want that for shiro anymore, so i’m most likely sticking to theory a !!!!!
still on the subject of the crystal, let’s talk about what shiro says after allura places the balmera crystal in his arm ; “i feel strange . . . i feel – great !” strange, as in he’s feeling something he’s never quite felt before. this is in contrast to what he feels when the first energy source is used in his arm ; “i feel . . . good,” but he sounds hesitant, like he doesn’t feel good at all, and obviously we see why moments afterwards. the great part is emphasised. he almost seems excited, like he really does feel great, and the scene cuts off with him trialling his arm by making a fist, and smiling. again, the properties of the crystals are pretty much undefined, but they are an immense source of power – what allura’s tiara contains is likely more than enough required to power shiro’s arm, and going back to how allura operated the castleship, and how shiro is able to operate the atlas, i’m loosely headcanoning that the crystal acts as a link between “captain” and “ship”, though obviously, allura herself channels quintessence and has so much more capabilities as a “captain.” 
what does the crystal providing an energy source for not only the new prosthesis, but also shiro’s body mean for shiro? an external boost of energy and human-compatible quintessence is probably the first dose of anything resembling treatment shiro has had since the kerberos mission. i don’t see the balmera crystal nor altean healing pods having the power to edit genes but as far as healing goes, it must have some effect in alleviating pain and / or fatigue for shiro to exclaim, “i feel great !”
( a ) sometimes it’s difficult to write in a universe set in the future because things of our current reality ( social injustices, shit politics, technological limitations etc. ) may not be a reality say 100 years in the future, and add space and alien technology to the mix and you’re sort of left with a lot of potential for creation and imagination and progression but also hindered by the reality of present day and representing present day. i wouldn’t want to “magic” away shiro’s disease or magically come up with a cure, but at the same time i don’t want to take away the possibility for him to be potentially cured ( which is what the “i feel great !” line hints towards ) just because of the limitations of today ???????? i’m just having an inner conflict over this - i will update what i decide when i decide !! 
major fanon divergences
does not qualify as space dad. it simultaneously infantilises the other paladins and takes away from their own journeys of being forced to grow up too quickly and take on the responsibility of fighting in a war, and puts undue stress on shiro who is only ~25 himself responsible for his team only in the role of their commanding officer at best
his prosthetic arm is not a sex toy, it’s a prosthesis ( refer to this post on arm related bed time activities )
shiro did not have a romantic connection with keith pre-kerberos. if anything the earliest signs of anything resembling a romantic connection would be late into season 2, but that is pending heavy plotting
shiro came from a happy family . . . he just lost almost all of it very early on. he grew up loved even though he learnt about loss too quickly ( please refer to this headcanon. )
shiro cannot sing lol . . . i dont know where this headcanon came from, but it’s sticking
i think it’s popular headcanon for shiro to have a little sister, or a big family; i wrote his backstory with his older sister before i came across this, so i’m sticking to my original headcanon because his bond with his sister is so strongly formed in my head  
shiro is not afraid of death . . . but he doesn’t want to die. i feel like his relationship with death needs its own post but the tl;dr version of it is that he had a timer put on his life when he was around 17 years old. life goes from seemingly endless to suddenly very very short ( not just in the sense that his lifespan is predicted to be shorter, but that his body will soon restrict him in movement and opportunity. ) and then kerberos happens, and the arena happens, and voltron and zarkon and he’s reminded that life is short regardless of whether they give you a timer at 17. any moment could be his last and shiro has had a long time to come to terms with this. it makes him incredibly grateful for the present, and of what he’s had in the past. it also is potentially why he prioritises a mission that will take him to see the stars, over a relationship with adam ten years down the track.
if anyone makes it this far . . . ur the real mvp, thank u for reading my brain ramblings <3
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
issa twilight tag game baybee
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
I was tagged by @leahclearwaterdefensesquad so let’s get into it baybeeee
Absolutely 1000% adored him and his pure goodness and supportive nature up until Smeyer suddenly wrote him as a violent piece of shit and blamed it on phasing (??????)
And THEN made him a permanent house dog of the Cullens in Breaking Dawn…….. 
Y’all already know how I feel about all that so I’m not getting into it
But trash
Done dirty only bc Smeyer realized she wrote a likable love interest and had to SQUASH that shit instead of making Edward more likable :|
We been knew
I’ve actually really, really come to love some of the fanon takes of Jacob on here!!! 
I never really had a personal headcanon before the Twilight Renaissance besides “he fixes cars, he gives good hugs, and he’s kinda sad”
This is still true but that man (rn I’m thinking of Jacob as like… a 22 year old) is CRAFTY. 
I love the fanon takes where he sells his handmade jewelry on Etsy and starts his own mechanic shop
I love a man who’s good with his hands
In my personal headcanon now, he definitely works to start his own shop or goes to college to become an engineer, has some unresolved feelings about his sisters abandoning him that eventually get resolved with time, enjoys hanging out with Billy and admires him, probably makes jewelry for his friends’ and family’s birthdays
And would make the best dad ever in the future
He’s also super patient and treats his friends like family because his own family is so fragmented
I also imagine that he can’t fucking cook but he still tries. 
Btw I reject ALL forms of canon where Jacob and any other members of the pack end up hanging out with the Cullens for eternity bc those pasty mfs ruined their lives and need to MOVE AWAY so the pack can finally get some PEACE
Horny white girl
No friends
Doesn’t cuss
Gets married and has a baby at 18 despite literally being Team Fuck Them Kids
Ngl, I’ve really disconnected with the fandom when it comes to Bella
I do agree that she stays horny
But I do think the fandom sometimes overdoes it in terms of how chaotic she is bc she just… doesn’t give me that kind of vibe. She definitely wasn’t in her right mind in New Moon so that doesn’t count
In fact I find her mentally ill and I really really really want her to get a therapist
I don’t really care for Vampire Bella bc I felt that she lost all the parts of her personality that I really enjoyed
But when it comes to Human Bella, she’s just a chill girl
She’s a Virgo. She was an adult at like, 12
In my personal headcanon, she gets the distance she needs from her mother (I think she has mommy issues tbh) and learns to be an adult not for anybody’s sake but her OWN
She doesn’t necessarily go to college, but she does what she wants
And I genuinely believe she would NOT want a kid before the age of like… 27, if at all
She would live her life at a comfortable place, have lots of sex lmao, and actually make some friends too
Not a lot for friends, just a couple good ones, Jacob included
I’ve always written her/liked seeing her written as humorous but in a super dark way — self-deprecating, sarcastic, DRY, etc. 
She definitely cusses a lot bc she finds there’s a LOT to cuss about
She absolutely smokes weed bc do y’all see how stressed she is??? She deserves it!
Let Bella Smoke A Blunt 2020
Leah Thee Clearwater
Bitter :(
Mean “for no reason” :((((
Needs to get over it :/
The fanon depictions of Leah are my favorite so far but they do vary A LOT
I don’t really care for Leah x Angela bc while they are two tall queens, EYE frankly think Leah is too good for anybody we’ve met in the saga and needs a fresh start anyway
And staying in boring ass Clallam County for a gf does not sound like the move
I’m personally a fan of the fanon where Leah moves away after all the bullshit with the Cullens, maybe goes to school, gets a good paying job that’s actually meaningful work too, and never has to phase again
I think about Leah’s life before phasing A LOT. In my mind, she was a semi-popular athlete with hella friends and admirers but still strong and opinionated. She protects girls and women and makes sure to hold people accountable when they fuck up
Overall, my headcanon of Leah is just Canon Leah but if the world was less cruel to her. 
She’s perfect the way she is and I love her <3
Disgruntled cop
Drinks beer
Hates Edward
Loves Alice
The general fanon for Charlie is more or less the same as Canon Charlie which is like… fine
But he’s still a cop
So in my personal headcanon, he leaves the police force to do work that actually helps Forks like something within community engagement
Maybe he does volunteer work on the Quileute reservation too
Idk I just want him to be useful and not a cop
Doesn’t like Bella
Ok so even though she’s immortal I really imagine she’d like to be around babies and pregnant women as much as possible
I think she would do amazing as an OBGYN despite her hands being all cold lmao
If she couldn’t be around pregnant women and babies as much as possible I imagine her having her own mechanic shop (possibly shared with Jacob, if they could tolerate each other)
Imagine her working on cars…… I’m w*t
I could also really imagine her fucking it up in an nonprofit organization as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
Overall I really appreciate the fanon that she’s soft at times and does more than just fuck lmao
Quil Ateara Thee Fifth
Likes girls
Likes cars
Likes to hang with his friends
All of what’s given in canon
But he’s actually HILARIOUS
And maybe a SoundCloud rapper
The fandom doesn’t talk about Quil enough and I want that to change
Has some sense
Pretty chill overall
I feel like it’s Sam’s dad but I want confirmation
off the top of my head i’m tagging @rosaliehalee @bellas-dumptruck-ass @fucksmeyer @clearwaterss @embrythecall @that-crooked-smile @witchyangela and absolutely anybody who wants to do this!!!
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