#maybe will delete this later? my brain still feels fuzzy
rosekasa · 9 months
following up from My Body Is Being Concerning, today i learned that i am in fact capable of experiencing a panic attack so severe that i faint
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thenightlymartini · 1 year
Your older headcannon #9 from May 11th 2015.
Could I request you write it again/revamp it? Because my brain has been running circles around the idea for hours, and I can't quite explain it, but the possible situations + reactions of others has been taking up space in my thought processes.
I was almost dreading what I wrote in that one since I forgot and many of the earlier ones I was thinking about either revamping or deleting because they were either super cringey or I no longer support these really old headcannons. Also didn't realize I started this blog back in 2015, and I thought I started this only maybe less than 5 years ago. Not even 30 yet, and I already feel old.
Honestly, though? I think that headcannon was probably one of my better ones, but does need some serious revamping.
For reference and short summary of what that headcannon was, it was basically about the two Koreas swapping personalities because they overheard America and Russia making comments about how they are exact opposites.
CW: mentions of Korean War, mentions of the politics and cultural issues/feelings surrounding Korean unification slightly/partially toxic actions, miscommunication, hurt feelings, censored curse words
One of my personal headcannons for the two Koreas is that, way back when they were younger and representatives of Silla and Goguryeo, they would often swap places, more than just personalities, when China or Japan either did something that ticked them off or rubbed them the wrong way, just to make revenge sweeter. Sometimes they would swap places entirely for joking or prank purposes, too. They were more identical looking back then, since I doubt SK's modern hairstyle was that common back more than a millennia ago, so it was far easier to do these swaps and they were extremely good actors, thus making it far more convincing.
As time grew on, and China and Japan getting wiser to knowing when these two swapped, it became less and less common, possibly even stopping altogether about a few decades before Europeans came bashing on East Asia's doorstep. Obviously, the war between each other soured relations to the point where any fond memories they had together became bitter or they would suppress them both out of spite and pain.
Fast-forward to the later half of the Cold War (maybe around late 70s early 80s, though I haven't thought that part through yet), and the Koreas run into each other and they start a petty argument just for the sake of not being able to stand each other. Before they get super heated, they hear muffled voices arguing in a room just beside them that they can both clearly tell were Russia and America. As much as they couldn't stand each other, even starting issues that almost caused WW3 themselves, they both knew leaving their boyfriends to fight was not a good idea and it was a far more pressing matter than what they were currently arguing over. These two are also about 80-90% of America and Russia's emotional and impulse control, as these two typically can pull the two super powers apart with relative ease and lack of fear whereas others are too scared to intervene, mostly because they realize they are much older than their boyfriends and typically have to be the more mature ones at least 90% of the time when it comes to conflict resolution.
Their anger and annoyance dissipates when North Korea, just before going to open the door, stops dead and quietly motions SK over to listen in. This is when they start hearing their boyfriends arguing over the Koreas, basically the gist of it going "well my boyfriend is better because ___", "no, mine's better cause he's not ___ like yours", and so on. It makes both Koreas slightly prideful and get fuzzy feelings knowing their boyfriends are that into them that they will stand up for them and boast about them, but they are also slightly miffed at the fact that they still got dragged into one of their arguments that is clearly going to become a reason for nuclear war if there is no intervention, and that there was a slight implication (from the Koreans' point of view) that the differences was going to make unification much more difficult or the drastic differences were the result of the split. Thankfully, America's 10-20% own impulse control kicked in and he storms out (shortly after the two Koreas scrambled into hiding) and Russia leaves, too.
This is when the gears in both of the twins' heads start turning because they seem pretty miffed at the idea that they are so different now it is so easy to tell them apart. Granted they definitely changed physically, but their personalities couldn't be that different since they could easily impersonate the other before. So in a combination of wanting to teach their boyfriends a lesson in not dragging them into their arguments, being hurt that their boyfriends think that unification wasn't going to work or not happen at all, as well as a personal challenge in impersonating the other, they both just give each other a look that still clearly communicated what the other was thinking. I headcannon that these two were so close that they had borderline telepathic connections and could communicate through each other's minds and thoughts, but only due to close bonds and sharing the same people (which of course becomes extremely hard to initiate, much less with clarity, after the war because of the shattered bond and the division, so very few times are they ever able to understand what the other is thinking without context or physical indicators).
Now, when they think this will be easy, they realize later after practicing a little that their acting skills have become super rusty and it was a lot harder. Of course these two are too prideful to ask the other for help, so over the course of the rest of the world meeting (maybe a few days to a week) they are covertly trying to glean information from the other on how to recreate the personalities, sometimes communicating indirectly or just observing the other as discretely as possible. Eventually one of them caves, probably SK, and directly talks to the other that once they get their act together they really need to time the personality change correctly, as if one started earlier than the other the jig was probably going to be up. So it was decided the first day of the next global meeting was going to be when they would initiate their plan, starting with subtle changes before ramping up to full personality change, which was about a few months out.
Once it begins, the more subtler changes were mostly about one needing more impulse control and the other learning to let go. SK had to be more aloof and generally have a better poker face to one of a mix of tiredness and annoyance, while NK had to be more talkative and nonchalant. This change immediately set off a few alarm bells in Russia and America's minds, but America first thought either SK had a bad night's sleep or just was mulling over something that was irritating him, while Russia simply thought NK was just having a better day or so happened to sleep a whole night through without night terrors or insomnia.
As time progresses, they change more and more and that's when America and Russia start seriously thinking something is up. The instance America realized something was wrong was in front of Canada, England, France and Japan when SK got super snippy with him and reject a lot of physical touch. 3 of the 4 previously listed nations simply questioned whether America did something to piss him off. Russia notices something off when Cuba and Vietnam start getting tense over some sort of argument and NK is, essentially, playing oblivious rather than being the referee between the two, much less playing dumb to double entendres and back-handed compliments, while China seems to have a knowing smirk.
Japan and China clearly know what is happening and see right through the charade. They've been the targets of this prank too often to not realize when it is happening. But, they are much more inclined to stay silent about it because it is far more intriguing to watch this play out when the intended target is not themselves. There's also curiosity as to what exactly Russia and America did to warrant this particular prank, but they are much more amused and find it to be great entertainment. It's almost like an inside joke among East Asia, including Mongolia, since it has happened so much, so most of East Asia knows what's happening but are under a silent agreement to let this play out. Vietnam eventually is clued in by China, but she also finds it really amusing to know Russia is being targeted and stays quiet.
This charade comes to halt quite quickly on both ends due to their shared issues with essentially causing their respective boyfriends distress. America eventually tries to talk to SK about what is going on, fully believing he did something to upset the other, which results in SK, still maintaining the act, escalating the issue into a fight that ends with America in tears because he doesn't understand what happened. SK calls off the charade right there because he realized he f!ed up big time and he went far past fun and games. Russia basically was trying to be tactful but ends up shooting himself in the foot metaphorically speaking because he is trying to tell NK that he is concerned because he is not acting like his usual self, not that he minds the other being sweet or playful, but he is concerned with the sudden change. Course, Russia gets so tongue-tied and nervous that he becomes super distressed, resulting in NK calling off his end of the charade realizing he was essentially tricking Russia who really trusted him.
Trying to explain what happened and how both Koreas agreed to a personality change was so outlandish that not only did America and Russia find it super hard to believe, but also the Koreas had to call each other for the first time outside of political obligations, where they find out about the other's respective calling off of the charade, and agreed all 4 of them needed to have a sit down about this. The last day of the meetings, both Koreas sit the superpowers down and have a long talk showing how the whole thing came about, including why they decided to do it. Specifically addressing the fact that they both had the thought process their boyfriends were implying that unification wasn't going to happen and how that seriously hurt their feelings, but also admitting they themselves went too far with the prank by hurting them. Things thankfully smoothed out, though both NK and SK had to spill the beans on how often they actually swapped places when they were younger, which baffled America and Russia at how often it actually happened.
This ties into one of my more recent posts about New Years Resolutions, particularly SK making the same one each year in wanting and trying to have a better relationship with NK. This was the moment that decided for SK on wanting a better relationship because both he and his brother are not only on the same page for once since the beginning of the 20th century, but that both genuinely want reunification for the benefit of the people rather than politically. A lot of what is unsaid between the twins also influenced this decision, such as the regret, the sadness, and the general understanding that both of them were hurting just as much and not as one-sided as previously thought.
Japan and China had started a betting pool about when the charade would be up among the East Asians (to which Japan won cause China thought the game would last far longer due to both America and Russia's obliviousness). They most certainly snooped on the private meeting between the 4 of them to find out, and now it has become an inside joke between the two of them. They did leave when it started getting about personal topics, though; they knew when certain conversations needed to stay private. It didn't stop them from having their own existential thoughts on the situation of the peninsula, along with their own roles that helped result in said situation.
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Whenever I want to avoid writing and get decision paralysis on purpose I look at this National Geographic portrait of Aleister Crowley and my brain goes all fuzzy like floral foam and gone-over kombucha
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I don’t know why this particular image has such an effect on me, maybe it’s the weird focus/saturation or the fact he’s staring into your soul but if I have this tab open and visible I will achieve No Thoughts, head vacant, flies buzzing around etc
I learned this the hard way when I downloaded him for a drawing reference and 30 minutes later I was sitting in the same position with a half-eaten crab rangoon still in my hand
He has total control over my productivity and I wouldn’t have it any other way, I’ve nicknamed him Decision Paralysis Alec and I’m considering printing him out and putting him up in the break room at work but that might dilute his potency or something, and I’m vaguely afraid to give him a mortal form tbh
The magic (?) has nothing to do with the fact that it’s Aleister Crowley, I can look at other pictures of him without my brain sublimating and the sepia version has no effect on me, and other recolored Victorian photos don’t do this, I think there’s just a bug in my code like the TF2 coconut
I don’t want to delete him because to me he’s done nothing wrong, it’s not his fault I have this specific brand of mental illness and it’d be mean to force him out but this Cannot Keep Going On, I’ll be scrolling looking for an infographic and click on him by accident and my brain fills with TV static almost immediately
I don’t know why this fruity bitch makes me feel like licking a CRT monitor but can science side of tumblr please explain??? Decision Paralysis Alec is Too Powerful
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mrkcore · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mark lee x y/n (ft. minor appearances of johnny)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: college!au, aged down mark
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: mark said forever, even in his songs, but you should have known better. based off of olivia rodrigo’s new single, drivers license.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, i’m sorry in advance
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): cheating/infidelity, heartbreak  
𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨: drivers license - olivia rodrigo
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k 
𝐚/𝐧: this was finished at 2 am again, so please excuse me if this is incoherent 😌 also, i changed around the order of some lyrics and deleted some sections to fit the story, so it’s not 100% the same. feedback is always welcomed!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @nakamotocore​, @astroboy-lele, @infnteen (comment here to be added!)
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it was always so simple. even though mark was a year older, you guys planned it out. same university, same program, just different years. as simple as that. or so you thought.
i got my driver's license last week 
just like we always talked about 
'cause you were so excited for me 
to finally drive up to your house
but today i drove through the suburbs 
crying 'cause you weren't around 
mark started meeting you less often when he entered college. you didn’t think much of it, people always said the first year of college was the hardest. you just assumed the workload was catching him off-guard and he was too busy.
you didn’t tell him about getting your driver’s license. you wanted to surprise him. and you thought that if he was too busy, you’ll just go and visit him instead. before mark graduated, you guys would always be sneaking out at the crack of dawn in his white volkswagen, driving to the nearest mcdonalds, ordering whatever you craved. no cares or worries in the world. 
“hey, when are you going to get your license anyways?” mark asked you one night. “i’m always the one driving, am i your personal chauffeur or something?”
“hmm, what if you are?” you tease him. mark shoots daggers at you. “i’m kidding, i’m kidding! maybe next year, when i turn 18.”
“i’m excited.” he leaned back into his seat. “you’d be able to visit me whenever.”
“i’d annoy you.” you snort. he chuckles and playfully hits you.
“you know you’d never.” he looks at you, like he really meant it.
but he didn’t. because now, tears flow down your face as you drive home in your car from mark’s university.
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and i know we weren't perfect, but i've never felt this way for no one 
and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone 
guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 
'cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street 
mark was always super passionate about songwriting. and when you guys were introduced to each other in guitar club of your freshman year, he finally found a companion to confide his interest in. when you guys snuck out, he would always bring his computer, speakers, and guitar. he’d play you the demos and songs that he had made and would want your opinions on them.
“how does it sound?” he asked you, pressing pause on his computer. it was the last day before the summer of freshman year for you, and he said he wanted to show you ‘something special’.
“yeah it’s pretty good, i think you could do a more complex guitar riff though? it would sound sick if you used E minor and riffed off onto the E major.” you suggested and turned to face mark’s smiling face. “what are you staring at?” you poked him.
“i wrote this about you, you dummy.” he flicked your forehead. “could you not tell?”
“ow, no?” you rubbed to soothe where he flicked you. “its too cheesy, and ‘that sun shining on me, my heart alive and breathing i want only one with you, all the things you make me do for you’? nah, mark lee has a little crush on someone.” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“yeah,” you whipped your head around. “you.” your brain stopped and all you feel is your heartbeat racing. you had never been romantically interested in mark, only friends. but that day changed it all.
“ayo, stop playing the innocent freshman girl.” you huff out. “i have a weak heart.” he taps your chin and turns your face back around.
“dude, i’m not playing.” he gazes into your eyes. “i’m serious, no joke.” your heart starts beating faster, the butterflies in your stomach are wild and your breaths are accentuated by the silence in the car. 
and that’s when he leans in. pressing his soft, watermelon chapstick flavoured lips onto yours. 
you close your eyes and you feel like you’re dreaming. 
“did that prove it?” he says when he pulls away, grinning at you.
“you’re pretty bold making a move on a freshman, bro.” you roll your eyes but your insides feel warm and fuzzy. “and you stole my first kiss!” you exclaim as you push him lightly and he puffs out in disbelief.
“what else do i gotta do to prove to you that i’m for real?” he says, crossing his arms.
“pinky promise me,” you say. “that you won’t leave and you’ll love me forever.” reaching out your pinky. mark laughs, his pinky intertwined with yours.
“now who’s the one who’s cheesy?” he teases. laughing as you angrily attempt to hit him. “i’m joking, i promise, forever.”
you should have known better, promises were made to be broken. but the sticky sweet watermelon flavour stuck on your lips blind you.
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and all my friends are tired 
of hearing how much i miss you, but i kinda feel sorry for them 
'cause they'll never know you the way that i do 
yeah, today i drove through the suburbs 
and pictured i was driving home to you 
you know your friends are tired of you rambling about mark. even though they’ve endured it for 3 years already, they don’t see why you’re still talking about him even when he’s gone. you don’t really blame them though. you ditch them to hang out with mark all the time, it was like he was the higher priority than they were, but you were just realizing.
but could they blame you? mark was the definition of dreamy. anyone in your position would understand and agree. all of the fun, secrets, journeys, songs you shared, you felt like nobody knew him like you did. you felt like you were on cloud 9. 
but now is too late, as you realized after mark left that there was no one else that you would, could drive and feel at home with. you feel empty.
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and you're probably with that blonde girl 
who always made me doubt 
she's so much older than me 
she's everything i'm insecure about 
yeah, today i drove through the suburbs 
'cause how could i ever love someone else? 
you felt like you had been stabbed in the chest. you stood there frozen, heart aching and numb. 
mark told you the address and room of where he was living before he left. when you arrived, you met johnny, mark’s roommate. he said mark was at the production studio probably and he could walk you to where it was.
when you arrived, you saw the back of mark’s head and the back of the sweater you gave him before he left. and right beside him, a blonde girl. sitting comfortably with her head rested on his shoulder. you stood there shocked. forgetting that johnny was standing beside you, he notices the change in your mood and asks if you were okay.
“oh, yeah i’m fine. i was just checking up on him, his mom wanted me to, haha.” you tried to laugh it off. “he needs to call them back to reassure them he’s not dead yet.” johnny’s laugh echos in your ears as you reassure yourself that they’re just friends. nothing’s going on between them, mark is just a super nice person.
“that’s kim aera by the way. the TA for mark’s producing class. i think she’s in her third year? anyways, mark really enjoys working with her. it’s like he lives in the studio, he’s always asking her for suggestions and other stuff.” johnny explains. you tense up, you were the only person that mark had wanted to ask suggestions from. pause, you were. not anymore. but it makes sense, she’s the TA, she obviously had more knowledge and experience in the studio. and she’s more, accessible… “what’s the deal between you two though? mark never mentions anything to me, what’s your name?” johnny snaps you out of your daze. 
“oh, uh, i’m y/n, mark’s family friend.” you try to cover up the nervousness and cracking in your voice. “yeah. our parents are close, so her mom can count on me to report on him. haha.” you laugh lightly. “i’m going to get going now, mark is obviously intact, so that’s good. i’ll catch you around.”
“oh cool. see you.” johnny waves, and you walk out the door.
you try to convince yourself that there’s nothing going on between mark and this aera, but reassurance won’t make the truth disappear. 
you come back a few weeks later. you thought that after finals, he might be more free, and you guys could finally hang out for once. you thought that after hanging out again, everything would go back to normal. he’d go back to texting you, showing you new songs, and maybe hanging out more often as well.
“oh hey y/n, you’re back?” johnny answers the door once again. “he’s at the studio right now, do you need me to walk you there?”
“i think i’m good, i remember where it is. sorry for disrupting you. bye.” you smiled, and after johnny waves back and closes the door, you walk towards the studio.
you think of many different scenarios of how this will play out, but this isn’t what you expected. 
you walk into the studio, about to call mark’s name, but you see the blonde locks again. 
“thanks for helping me out with the lyrics, you’re really good with words.” mark says, smiling. “i think you’re a great role model.” 
you feel a little jab at your side. lyricism was never your strong suit. you could write beautiful melodies and harmonies, but the words never seem to come out.
your heart stops. right when their lips lock. with the way her arms are pulling mark in by his nape, you can tell that she’s more experienced. you felt like you had been stabbed in the chest. you stood there frozen, heart aching and numb. you bolt out the door, you feel suffocated. you really were naive. if this is what heartbreak feels like, you don’t think that falling in love is worth it anymore.
you don’t look back. that’s the last time you ever see mark again. 
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apparently johnny asked mark about you.
“hey mark,” johnny calls out. “how was your meeting with your family friend y/n yesterday?” 
mark stops dead in his tracks and his heart sinks. you came to see him? how come he didn’t see you? how did johnny know your name? and, why were you his family friend?
“oh uh, yeah it went well, thanks for telling me anyways.” mark escapes to his room.
did you come to see me?
oh, nevermind then.
johnny probably got the name wrong.
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red lights, stop signs 
i still see your face in the white cars, front yards 
can't drive past the places we used to go to 
'cause i still fucking love you, babe 
sidewalks we crossed i still hear your voice in the traffic
we're laughing over all the noise 
god, i'm so blue, know we're through 
but i still fucking love you, babe 
the world was quieter and stopped spinning. that feeling of being on top of the world all the time stopped too. you stopped going on your phone, you stopped socializing with people in general to be honest. you didn’t know how to face anyone. everywhere you went, everything you did, reminded you of mark. mark’s laugh, mark’s random nose scrunches, mark’s favourite songs, mark’s guitar, mark’s self-written melodies. you can’t go to mcdonalds, you can’t watch the sunset inside your car at the parking lot behind your local church, you couldn’t even pick up your guitar anymore. your melodies and harmonies didn’t come as smoothly anymore. you felt sick, you didn’t want to do music. it’s just not the same anymore. you didn’t feel like you had a purpose. 
but you slowly got back up. music became your way of coping. listening to other people’s songs about heartbreak, you felt like you weren’t alone. your first heartbreak, no one there to teach you about it, and no one there to comfort you. so you did it yourself. you had no musical purpose, but now, your music was for you, your own personal expression. all the harmonies, melodies, colours, came back to you. and unexpectedly out of the blue, the words came to you too. 
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i know we weren't perfect, but i've never felt this way for no one 
and i just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that i'm gone 
'cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 
'cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street 
yeah, you said forever, now i drive alone past your street
the backing instrumentals fade out and the emotion in your voice trickles into the darkness of mark’s room as he closes his laptop. 
you found your words. he thinks, smiling sadly. finally.
©mrkcore, 2021.
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foxy-exy · 3 years
Strange Engagement - Kevaaron
Prompt from here 09. we’re strangers who meet at a bar, get drunk, and wake up to announcements of our new engagement all over our social media - what did we do???
cw: alcohol use, blacking out, vomit mention, the vaguest suggestions of sexual content — also take note that sexual content happens while both of them are drunk, fyi
Finished this finally for a late bday present for @starsandgutters !!
Aaron does not get blackout drunk. Well, not anymore. It’s a rule he’s set for himself.
But damn if his recent breakup with Katelyn, who was supposed to be the love of his life, hasn’t hit him hard. And fuck if this man that took up residence next to him at the bar two hours ago isn’t infuriating enough to have Aaron’s pride on the fucking line here.
“You can’t take another,” snorts the asshole. Keegan. No, Kelvin. No…
“Fuck you, Kevin,” slurs Aaron, and feels the world spin a little, but the name is right. That’s right. Kevin Day. Some kind of sports guy, Aaron thinks he’s seen him on TV sometime or another. But that doesn’t mean shit for his ability to out-drink Aaron.
Aaron can so take another shot.
“Prove it,” Kevin sneers, and Aaron growls.
Aaron smacks the bar top, and the bartender, Roland, skeptically eyes them both, but Aaron’s a regular and they’re old friends, so Aaron merely has to glare back and gesture impatiently for Roland to slide another shot his way.
Aaron downs it without pause, and there’s laughter, hooting, from onlookers he didn’t know he had. He swallows against the burn and flicks a glance to more strangers, grinning and nodding at him, flashing thumbs up and pumping fists. He manages a jerky nod before spinning back to Kevin, swaying slightly. “I did it. Can you, big shot?”
Not the wittiest one liner he’s ever delivered, especially with all his syllables melding together as his mouth refuses to work with him, but Kevin also seems slightly off-balance as he turns to Roland, nodding for his next round.
“I absolutely should cut you both off before you start brawling,” sighs Roland, pouring another shot. “You’re lucky I’m an enabler.”
“Three more,” blurts Aaron, as Kevin gulps down his tiny glass. “Unless you can’t handle it.”
“You’re tiny, you’re the one who should be worried,” spits Kevin, though it’s hoarse through the alcohol.
“Oh my god,” Roland says, as he pours the shots and shoves them in front of them both, walking away with his hands up. “I’m done with you both for tonight.”
“Bet you you’ll still tap out before me,” Aaron says challengingly, narrowing his eyes up at Kevin, watching the too-tall man narrow his own green eyes back, the lights of the club catching on the tiny number 2 tattoo on his cheekbone, the tendrils of black hair springing free from his quiff. Aaron blinks away his wandering gaze, realizing Kevin is lifting another shot to his lips, and reaches to do the same, the fire of competition spurring him on.
The trickles of light and sound filter through warm, hazy drunkenness. Aaron is wrapped up in something skin-hot and sweat-sticky, hair between his fingers and another pair of lips melded to his and he cannot think, the wall unyielding at his back and the floor unreachable as his legs wrap around hips.
“Fuck,” mumbles a male voice, into his mouth, and Aaron hums in agreement, lazily tightening his hold and letting a hand fall down the back of his makeout partner, digging his fingernails into a crisp shirt and scratching.
The man — Aaron lets his eyes flutter open as the pair of them part for a moment of breath — Kevin, Kevin Day, shudders against him at the rough treatment and lets his head fall to where Aaron’s shoulder meets his neck, mouthing at the skin there, and Aaron responds with his own shiver.
He falls back into Kevin’s lips with a tug at his hair to drag him back up, and Aaron blacks back out at the kiss.
“We should get married.”
“That’s so stupid, that’s a terrible idea. Just because you’re hot doesn’t mean —”
“But you’re getting over your ex too. You know what would stick it to our exes? Getting fucking engaged.”
“You’re out of it, I can’t get publicly engaged to a man. I’d get os — ostra — I’d get bad press.”
“Fuck that, who cares. Buy me a ring, asshole, you’re rich.”
“Fuck, fine. Fine, I will, if you do that again.”
“Shit, Kevin.”
Aaron’s head pounds a terrible rhythm, and he thinks perhaps he attempted to drink sand last night. There’s no other way his mouth and throat would be this awful, gritty texture.
The nausea that hits a moment later threatens to bring up whatever he had last swallowed, and he spills out of bed to stumble-sprint to the toilet.
When he finally hobbles back to the bedroom with the speed of an especially slow zombie, he stops dead when he finds the form of another person burrowed into his pillow.
Kevin Day groans when Aaron pulls the pillow away from him, shielding his eyes from the bedroom light, and squints up at him like he, too, is not sure how he got there.
“A-Aaron?” he finally ventures.
“Congrats, you remember my fucking name. Get out of my bed.”
Kevin does not, in fact, get out of his bed, simply blinks down at his own shirtlessness, lifts the sheet to apparently check on whether he is wearing pants. (Aaron is suspiciously only in his boxers, and he suspects Kevin is too.) “What happened last night?”
“Guess I was stupid and lonely enough to bring you back to my apartment, for some reason.” Aaron rolls his eyes. Why he allowed himself to reach that drunken point in the first place is beyond him. He can’t remember the last time he allowed himself to actually check another man out, let alone…
He realizes suddenly that the terribly shrill ringing he’s heard several times now is his phone, muffled underneath fabric somewhere on the floor of his room. Someone’s calling him.
It takes him several minutes to find the source of the noise, but the mystery caller keeps redialing when the call drops. When Aaron recovers his phone, it’s with an awful sinking feeling that he sees TWIN MENACE blinking across the screen.
Andrew does not call him for no reason.
“Hello?” he mumbles into the phone, and there is an awful silence for a minute on Andrew’s end.
“Care to tell me, oh brother mine, what exactly happened that made you post what you did on Facebook last night?”
Aaron’s stomach drops yet lower. He feels dizzy. “What?”
“Nicky’s been calling you, and when you didn’t pick up, he started calling me. What the fuck did you do?”
“W-what did I do?” Aaron stabs the speakerphone button to pull his phone from his ear and navigate to Facebook. His notifications are blowing up, all over a photo he definitely doesn’t remember posting.
It takes a moment to load when he opens it, and the sound he makes when it does makes Kevin wince and cover his ears.
Kevin and Aaron are very deeply and disgustingly making out, and Aaron is holding a middle finger up to the camera. His left middle finger. And below that middle finger, a ring sits on his finger.
An engagement ring. That is still on his ring finger when Aaron looks down at it.
The caption reads, fuck y’all we’re getting married.
“You fucking proposed to me?” he yells at Kevin, who had been squinting one open eye at him, leaning forward to listen.
Kevin falls out of bed in a tangle of long limbs, with his own squawk. “What?”
“I have an engagement ring. I posted that we’re getting married. Oh my god.”
“Dumbass,” is barely audible from the phone speaker, and then the call disconnects.
“Wait,” Kevin mumbles, rubbing his head and trying to navigate sheets that are still wrapped around him. “Wait, no. You proposed to me. You started this. I know that much. I thought it was a bad idea.”
“Obviously not enough to not get me a ring.”
“Quiet,” Kevin pleads.
“What were we thinking?” Aaron tugs on his hair. He’s not sure how it took him so long to notice the ring’s presence in the first place, it feels unbearably heavy on his finger now.
“You wanted to get back at your ex. And mine. We both were upset about our breakups,” Kevin reasons out slowly, eyes fixing on nothing as he appears to search his memory. “We had a drinking competition, and then, we started dancing, and then venting about our exes, and then we started…making out. It gets pretty fuzzy, but. You said we should get married, I didn’t think so. But you, uh. Convinced me.”
“How do I delete this? Fuck.” The exponentially growing number of comments of absolutely everyone he knows on the Facebook post blurs in front of his eyes.
Whoa, that’s a surprise. Happy for you!
Who’s the fiancé???
Didn’t realize you were with this guy now. Congrats on the engagement!
 Classmates, coworkers, distant family, and…
Aaron, what the fuck.
Aaron throws the phone in a knee-jerk reaction, his brain narrowing to the tiny profile picture on the screen. Katelyn.
Kevin catches the phone in the same instinctive way, eyes wide as he stares at Aaron.
“She knows. She knows.”
“My ex, my… Katelyn. She saw. She’ll never take me back now. God, she thinks we’re…”
“Did you think she was going to?” Kevin asks incredulously. Like he fucking knows anything about Aaron and Katelyn’s relationship.
“She could have realized! That we were good! That she missed me! She could have —” Aaron’s throat closes over, and he realizes with horror that he is probably about to cry.
“Aaron.” Kevin still looks sickly pale, maybe a little green around the edges, but he nonetheless kind of crawls across Aaron’s bedroom floor to sit in front of him. Now that he’s extricated himself from the sheets, Aaron can see that he is indeed only wearing a very small pair of boxer-briefs. “She wasn’t going to. You were complaining about how your relationship had been, towards the end. It’s good you broke up.”
Aaron swallows back a lump in his throat and blinks away burning, shoving his fist into Kevin’s chest. “Shut up.”
Kevin looks down and takes Aaron’s fist in his own hands, uncurling it and contemplating the ring he’d apparently bought last night as he plays with Aaron’s fingers absently. “I miss my ex too. But she wasn’t good for me. We weren’t… it wasn’t very healthy, how we got together. And we didn’t know how to be healthy once we got out of that situation either.”
“Now look at us,” Aaron huffs sarcastically. “Oh-so-healthily drunk engaged.”
Kevin’s lips twitching into a involuntary smile is unexpectedly attractive, and the dark eyebrow he raises pulls a snort from Aaron that morphs into a giggle, and then Kevin snickers, and then they’re both laughing and staring at this fucking ridiculous ring that’s caused way too much trouble.
“It’s gaudy,” Aaron announces, when they’ve laughed themselves out. “You have no taste.”
“It’s expensive,” Kevin protests, immediately up in arms. “Look at how many diamonds there are.”
“Oh, of course you’d think bigger is better,” Aaron snarks, and Kevin glares at him, and Aaron shoves him back, raising his own eyebrows, but he can’t drop the grin curling across his face.
“You weren’t complaining last night,” Kevin returns, but before Aaron can toss one more flirty line thinly veiled as an insult back at him, another ringtone sounds from across the room.
Kevin turns toward the sound too fast and groans, hand lifting to his mouth queasily as he picks his way over to his own pants to fish out his phone. It cuts off just as he reaches it, but Kevin blinks down at his own screen, looking a little too off-balance.
“What’s wrong?” Aaron asks.
“I think I… I think I posted something too. Christ.”
“Oh, so it’s all fine and good by you that I posted something, but when you’re the one making a fool of yourself, you think —”
“I could lose my contract.”
Aaron blinks. “Right. Playing…”
Kevin looks scandalized. “Exy? Do you not even know?”
“Forgive me for not knowing every detail of my fiancé’s life when I met you last night and forgot more than I remember of our encounter.”
Kevin appears slightly dead inside, face lit by countless popups his eyes flick through on screen. “My team manager has been texting me. If I lose my spot, I’m —”
 Aaron steps closer to peer at the texts, too. “Can they do that? That shouldn’t be allowed.”
Kevin turns a glazed gaze on him. “Exy is everything to me.”
Aaron feels a pang at the look, feels inexplicably compelled to fix it. “Well… we’re not even actually getting married, so it doesn’t matter, right? Just tell them that. Who cares?”
“It may be too late,” Kevin says in a terrible, numb voice, and Aaron is suddenly very deeply determined that it will not be too late to save his poor, sports-obsessed, asshole sort-of-fake fiancé’s career or so help him God.
“Give me that.”
“What are you doing?” Kevin asks helplessly as Aaron clicks through the frantic texts from Manager to the contact information.
“Setting the record straight,” Aaron says firmly, and hits the call button.
You can find more AFTG fics on my AO3, ihaveacleverfandomurl, linked in my bio!
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, ep 3
Good morning!
Spoilers! of course
Previously on:
The new Captain America is a massive tool, but his buddy, "Battlestar" (lol), is a little bit adorable. They work for something called the Global Repatriation Council, which sounds like a bureaucratic delight and joy.
Bucky got arrested for skipping his therapy appointment to go to Germany (nothing good ever happens to you in Germany, Bucky. Stop going to Germany.) on a mission with Sam (the mission went badly). And once he's sprung from the clink, he and Sam are suckered into the most awkward team therapy session in many an age. Things Are Said and everybody ends up mostly feeling pretty bad about everything.
Speaking of feeling pretty bad about everything — we discover there was a black super soldier in the US Army during the Korean war who was repaid for his service by being imprisoned and made a lab rat for thirty years. Just as awful as it sounds.  
Also our pseudo-terrorists from the first episode turn out to be a pack of idealistic kids who grew up in a blipped world and whose goals are probably as murky to them as they are to me. They, however, have pissed off somebody much bigger and badder (probably by stealing super soldier serum). 
To find just what in the sam hill was going on with the super soldier serum being out in the wild, Bucky suggested they go talk to that very stable and rational repository of Hydra knowledge, Zemo. I'm sure this will go swimmingly.
I've got my chips and guac and beer, it's 12:30 a.m., and I'm ready for some good ol' fashioned fisticuffs! Bring it, Marvel,
And we open with a sunny, smiley propaganda ad for the Global Repatriation Council. Helping you get back to the way things used to be. Reset. Restore. Rebuild. Cut to a shady black police van with the GRC logo and militarized police hop out along with Captain Massive Tool and the shield that really shouldn't be his. They seem nice.
"Don't give them a second to delete, shred, or breathe," says Captain Biggest Bestest Hero Ever as they prepare to breach a graffiti covered building. Ah, it's the hideout in Munich where Karli and the flag stompers gang were bunked last episode. The owner refuses to give up any info, calls them brutes, spits in Captain Tool's face, and Captain Biggest Bestest Hero Ever roughs him up and yells "Do you know who I am?" The owner replies for us all, "yes, I do, and I don't care."
Captain Tool leaves and grumbles about not having intel on that super dangerous criminal 12-year old, Karli. Battlestar (lol) points out she's giving shelter and meds to displaced people, and so they're loyal. And I'm just going to let that go at this point, because last ep she was on about how the GRC only cared about helping the returning people and not the people who were there all along, and the Flag Smashers wanted to return the world to how it was during the blip. But now suddenly they're all about helping the displaced, who I thought were the ones who were gone, thus, you know, being displaced when they come back to a world that's moved on without them. And I'm letting it go …. now.
Or not. I mean, I guess we could say that they're helping the displaced the GRC doesn't want to help, because they're not politically useful or the GRC is funneling its massive resources somewhere else. Or … something. Like I said, it's all very murky at the moment. I could keep watching and probably discover the answer. And I'm sure the GRC is corrupt as hell, so you go Karli! Though, she's like 16 (okay, maybe early 20s), and I'm not sure how she's managed this level of pull and resources in the few months since the great Un-Blippening and also she's got like a team of 8 (or 7, one died last ep) and she's not exactly oozing charisma. But, never mind. Moving on. For real this time.
That's all my way of saying that 3:48 into this episode and I'm already super done with Captain Massive Tool.
In Berlin, Bucky and Sam are visiting Zemo in prison. How'd they get permission? The guard seems very chill about them being there, he even leaves so Bucky and Sam can go to Zemo's cell alone. Which is so very weird. Are they hoping somebody will shank the weirdo who sits in his cell listening to opera and playing chess all day? "Oh no, he's dead, how sad. Heinrich! Get the mop!"
Anyway, Bucky says he'll go in alone, because Sam's an Avenger and Zemo doesn't really have warm fuzzy feelings for Avengers. Sam, who is currently in possession of the duo's one (1) brain cell, remembers how Zemo literally stalked Bucky and tried to frame him for a bombing and mass murder. "He was obsessed with Hydra. We have a history together," is Bucky's very questionable counter-argument. Well, I mean, technically yes, I guess.
Seriously, they just let him walk right in. Wow.
Zemo steps out of the improbably dark recesses of his cell and immediately starts reciting the Winter Soldier control words. "I just wanted to see how the new you reacts to the old words." By staring. It's his thing.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry. It was never personal." I don't know why, but this made me laugh. His delivery is great. It's just like "hey man, good to see you again, hope you got past that whole framing you for murder and the global manhunt thing. Sorry and all. I just really hated your BFF for that time he dropped a city on my family. Bygones, amiright?"
Bucky skips the chat. "Somebody recreated the super soldier serum. I need to find out who." Ah, Zemo is super interested. But, of course. He killed all the other Soldiers, he wouldn't be keen on others around, would he?
Zemo knows where to begin looking for the answer. Cut to Sam and Bucky walking around in a dark room full of some sort of vague equipment (ah, it's a garage), Sam regretting every life decision he's ever made that led him to this point "what are you talking about you want to break Zemo out of jail? Where the hell are we? Buck, have you lost your mind?" Stupidity, who knows, and yes.
"Zemo's going to mess with our minds. Especially yours. No offense." "Offense." lol idiots.
Bucky finds the lights. They argue some more about Zemo. "Super soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code." Sam's like, yeah, I saw his code, it was blow shit up and kill a lot of people. Sam cannot believe he is hearing this crap right now and he's got to be like "steve rogers, if you weren't 106 I would beat your ass for leaving me with this moron".
"Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?" Sam, feeling those cold, tingly chills, the slowly creeping horror of realization, "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything," Bucky lies like the terrible liar he is. Wow he's a bad liar.
Cut back to Zemo's prison cell. Zemo ticks another off the "creepy euro villain" checklist, when Bucky randomly asks what he's reading and Zemo says Machiavelli. But of course. He's hiding something in his book. A key card.
Meanwhile, in the garage Bucky is explaining things to Sam. "The weakest point of any system isn't the software, or the hardware, it's the meatware." lol elegantly put, Bucky. "The human element."
Anyway, to sum up, Bucky's already broken Zemo out of prison. Poor Sam, the look on his face as Bucky hypotheticals through all the steps of the breakout, I laughed so hard.
Tumblr media
Sam: “i hate everything, especially this asshole”
"And where are we?" Sam asks, very fed up with Things. 
The door opens and here comes Zemo in his purloined guard's uniform.
"You're going back to prison!" "We need him, Sam." Zemo, politely, "If I may—" "NO!" "NO!"
Argue argue argue. Bucky makes a weird pitch about how Steve didn't sign the Sokovia Accords and neither did Sam and, they went all illegal and on the run, they did it for him and so he's asking Sam to do that again. I mean, Sam's still slightly cheesed about that, Bucky. But, it seems to work, and Sam agrees with A Great Deal Of Reluctance.
Zemo's just standing there all quiet and well-mannered as they go through this, like he's their little pet whackjob.
The garage is full of classic cars belonging to Zemo and they're full of weapons and other goodies. He says he spent years tracking down all the Hydra people who might know how to make the serum, because if it's out there, then somebody could create an army of people like the Avengers. He's taking clothes out of one of the cars and finds a purple ski mask, which he stealthily slips into a bag. Nobody cares about your weird purple mask, Zemo, I've thought that thing was dumb for 30 years.
"To do this, we'll have to scale a ladder of low-lifes." heh
Next they go to an airfield. In Germany. You guys, come on.
Anyway, Zemo owns a plane, he's rich, his family was royalty, he's a baron. Sam's like 'wtf?' Bucky just rolls with everything. Or he does until they're on the plane later and Zemo has somehow lifted Bucky's book of amends and decides to read through it. "Who is Nakajima?" And Bucky's got him by the throat.
Sam's all hey that's Steve's book. "I told him about Trouble Man, he wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What did you think?" "I like 40s music, so…" "You didn't like it?!?!?!?!" "I liked it." Zemo chimes in, "It is a masterpiece, James. Complete, comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience." lol wtf
"Everybody loves Marvin Gaye," Sam is so offended. "I like Marvin Gaye," Bucky says, probably trying to remember 'who is Marvin Gaye?' "Steve *adored* Marivn Gaye," Sam insists. lol. I like Marvin Gaye, Sam.
Zemo starts going off about Steve, and how the danger with those heroes and super soldiers is they're put on a pedestal and we forget about their flaws. And while he's not wrong, he also clearly wants Sam to throw him out of that airplane.
"Do we want to live in a world with people like the Red Skull? No. That is why we're going to Madripoor." Ahh Madripoor, I haven't thought about that place in a long, long time. A wretched hive of scum and villainy, iirc. Ah, yes, Zemo and Bucky confirm.
Zemo says they can't go as themselves and Bucky's going to have to "become someone you claim is gone". Bucky looks Deeply Unhappy.
On to a GRC resettlement camp in Latvia. Karli is playing soccer with some young kids. Because of the good-natured idealism. She's summoned to a hospital bed, in a ward stuffed with beds in an old, fancy building that's seen better days. Somebody is dying and she's crying at their bedside. Her mom maybe?
Back to Madripoor. It's a glittering city of colorfully-lit skyscrapers. The trio are walking across a bridge to give us a picturesque view and exposit about what they'll be doing. Sam is wearing a very questionable suit with like a black and red floral pattern and yellow-green circles. Or something. I can't tell what's going on with that thing. He says he looks like a pimp. Well no, but it is a terrible suit. Zemo calls it fashion forward, but Zemo wears a great coat with a fur collar and a purple ski mask. Don't take fashion tips from Zemo.
He says Sam will play a "sophisticated, charming, African rake, named Conrad Mack. Aka the Smiling Tiger." Sam is still not thrilled, "even has a bad nickname." Though, yes, the original dude does dress that poorly and he looks like Sam, so suck it up, Sam.
Fortunately they don't have to walk all the way across the bridge (it is a long ass bridge), they're met by a car about halfway and Zemo says they have to super duper stay in character no matter what happens.
The car is surrounded by elaborately decorated motorcycles ridden by very armed people. Hell of a welcome wagon. They're escorted to a graffitied, crumbling underpass, presumably the entrance to Low Town. It's part Macao, part Kowloon, part Jakarta, crammed full of neon and people and ramshackle buildings piled together in a maze of narrow streets, rails, and weird building-to-building bridges. Good set design.
Everybody is "fashion forward" and very heavily armed. They pass a wall with the words "Power Broker Is Watching". That's the charming fellow Karli and her do-gooders stole from.
They enter a bar decorated with golden baboon skulls and koi fish. Zemo asks "are you ready to comply, Winter Soldier?" he's attracted attention from unsavory sorts. I mean, more unsavory than the already unsavory sorts who fill the bar. The bartender is surprised to see Zemo and the Smiling Tiger. Zemo asks for Selby.
Somebody at a nearby table pulls a hood over her head, and by somebody I mean Sharon Carter. NOT SUBTLE SHARON!
Bartender asks the Smiling Tiger if he wants the usual and Sam silently nods. The bartender seems suspicious, but he takes a pickled snake out of a jar, cuts something out of it, drops it in a glass and places it in front of Sam who's like 'what in the actual I am going to puke'. lol Sam bravely tosses it back and does not puke no matter how much he really wants to and he really wants to. Bucky's being the Winter Soldier and is not at all laughing in his head about this.
A power broker minion comes over and tells Zemo he's not welcome there. Zemo says if PB wants him to leave, he can talk to him himself or bring Selby. The minion looks at Bucky and asks if he got a new haircut. Bucky gives him pure murder face. So the Power Broker and his minions know the Winter Soldier, so they were Hydra? Or, I guess, they all ran in the same shady circles.
Anyway, PUNCHING AT LAST! Power Broker minions approach to remove Zemo and Zemo tells the Winter Soldier to attack. Bucky is not pleased, but I am, because now there's punching. It's just been the sort of week that needs punching to improve it. Bar brawl! It's a lopsided fight, Bucky's wiping the floor with these dudes and the suspicious bartender is moving away to make a call.
"It didn't take much for him to fall back into form," Zemo tells Sam. Shut your pie hole, Zemo.  Aw, now the guns come out and the fight's over. Zemo calls off the Winter Soldier and the bartender tells them Selby will see them.
Selby is lounging in her backroom, listening to 50s french pop, and hanging out with lizards and piles of cash. As you do. She'd like to know why Zemo is there and by the way wasn't he in prison? She makes a weird purring sound at Sam. lol. I like her. The actress looks familiar but I can't place her. Anyway.
Zemo says if she tells them what she knows about the super soldier serum, he'll give her the Winter Soldier and his control words. Then Zemo weirdly fondles Bucky's face and like rubs at the cleft in his chin. lol. fucking weirdo.
Selby is charmed. She says she's glad she didn't kill him straight away. Weirdos of a feather, I suppose. Anyway, she says the serum is in Madripoor and developed by Dr. Wilfred Nagel. He was working for the PB. She won't give up Nagel's location for free, though. …and Sam's phone rings. Pro tip, Sam: turn off your phone when you go into meetings with deeply shady crime bosses.
Everybody stops and stares at him and he just sort of lets it ring. It's his sister. Dude, just turn it off. Too late. Selby wants him to answer it on speaker. Okay, well, she'll kill you either way, so just refuse the call and get ready for punching and running. So, he answers it.
Sarah says she needs to talk to him about the situation and he wants her to say exactly what situation. So, she says the one with the boat, dummy, and are you high? So he's going to play this off as a Doing Crime phone call. And it kind of works until Sarah calls him Sam. Selby's like wtf kill them and then she gets shot in the chest by … I don't know who? somebody from the outside. Now this trio of geniuses is going to get blamed for it. Immediately a bounty for them goes out to like everybody in Low Town. lol. That went well, guys.
And the shooting starts, they run. Except not so great for Sam who we just discovered is wearing heels. "I can't run in these heels!"
Here come the bikers. And they get picked off by somebody in a nearby warehouse. Oh, is that Sharon? Yep. And she's salty .When asked what she's doing there, "I stole Steve's shield, remember? I also took the wings for your ass so you (sam) could save his ass (bucky) from his ass (zemo)." lol. She didn't have any backup so she's off the grid in Madripoor. Did nobody think to clear her after everybody was all heroic and then pardoned after the Un-Snappening? Come on, guys.
She's better than they deserve and despite being bitter, she says she's got a place in High Town they can hide.
Sharon runs a gallery selling stolen masterpieces and other hot craft goodies. The creators of this show bless us with a long shirtless Sam scene as he changes out of this Smiling Tiger duds and apologizes to Sharon. She says she'd be arrested if she went back to the States and Madripoor doesn't allow extradition. Besides, she muses, heroing is hypocritical bullshit. Right Sam, since you gave up the shield and all. And Sam's all "bwhu?"
Then she turns her bitter on Bucky and asks how the new Cap is and Bucky's like "i hate him the most" and she's all 'come on', she knows he buys into all that heroic bullshit, "before you were his (zemo) pet psychopath you were Mr America, Cap's best friend." Well, no before that he was the Winter Soldier long before Zemo.
"Wow, she's kind of awful now," Bucky tells Sam. lol. You really get a sense of how much Bucky lucked out with his goat farm. Thanks Wakanda!
Sam gets them back to the point and wants to know where Nagel is, though Sharon says they should stay out of it to be safe. Sam presses, he says he can help clear Sharon's name and she's like 'wow, bargaining with my life?' but he gives her a Cap-worth speech about trying. "They cleared the bionic staring machine and he's killed almost everybody he's met." "I heard that," Bucky says from ten feet away. "I don't trust charity." You just tried to guilt him about bargaining with your life, Sharon!
Anyway, they strike a deal.
Zemo's being suspiciously quiet.
Then they go to a rave. Madripoor is party central. Sharon's gallery is hosting a party for clients and whatnot. She'll see what she can find. For some reason she invites the boys to join her at the party because hiding from the bounty on them and probably also from the Power Broker means walking into parties packed full of the sort of people who buy expensive stolen goods in Madripoor, like say, the Power Broker or his wealthier minions.
Zemo's just happy to be out of prison. The shot of him dancing. lol.
Sharon finds a lead on Nagel and the next day this quartet of galaxy brains heads to the docks. Nothing bad ever happens when you go look for scientists at the docks. No sir. And he is apparently hanging out in a shipping container. Sharon's like hurry up you've got a bounty on your heads and I'm sick of you three already.
The container is empty, but Sharon insists it's the right one. Zemo goes in and finds the false back which leads to a set of stairs going up. "Comin' Home Baby" is playing in the distance. I know I always listen to Mel Torme when I'm tinkering on gene-altering serums in my secret shipping container lab.
They find Dr. Nagel, who is not keen on chatting but he's willing to maybe listen to offers. He's definitely the mad scientist type.
Sharon, keeping watch outside, spots trouble. Some bad guys heading towards the container. She attacks! Moar punchies! Or beating the shit out of people with a baton. It's eleventy zillion bounty hunters. How did they find them? Did that Very Wanted Trio maybe go to a very popular party the night before, or something?
Bucky attempts to persuade Nagel with his gun. Nagel says he was brought in to Hydra to work on the Winter Soldier program. Then he was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples of a subject (Isaiah? the black super soldier from last ep), and he was able to recreate the serum off of that. "I was a god! I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do."
Zemo is pacing around like a very, very angry psycho about to shoot the mad scientist. Guys, maybe it wasn't a good idea to bring Zemo to the person who could create the super soldier serum, given that is the opposite of what he wants. Kill Nagel, no more super soldiers. This is gonna end bloody. Zemo seems to have found a gun hidden in the lab. Yep.
"How have we never heard about this?" Sam asks. Well Sam, it turns out Nagel was blipped. Thanks, Thanos! Anyway, when he came back the CIA project was abandoned but the Power Broker was happy to help fund him. He made 20 vials and Karli stole those. And then Karli being a super duper genius, called him a few days earlier and asked if he could help somebody dying of tuberculosis. Karli … don't call the bad guys and ask for help after you stole from them. That's like day one stuff, kiddo.
Meanwhile, Sharon is still fighting every bounty hunter in Madripoor. She's killed like twenty guys.
Sharon runs in "guys we're seriously out of time" and Zemo takes the distraction to shoot Nagel. Who didn't see that coming? Oh yeah, Sam and Bucky and Sharon. Nobody was using the one (1) brain cell today. Or Zemo was. That's what you get for loaning it to the lunatic.
And then somebody fires a freaking rocket at the shipping container lab. Man. But, can you collect a bounty if all that's left are unidentifiable, charred corpses? Nobody in Madripoor is using the brain cell today.
Now they're trapped in a burning lab that's full of probably very bad explosive chemicals and o2 tanks. And yep, it partially blows up. Zemo gets away. Or seems to have, anyway. It's a gun battle now and also arguing. lol. Sharon's like "FOR REAL YOU IDIOTS?"
Oh, here comes Zemo, stomping along the top of a shipping container, carrying his purple ski mask. He fires at a gas line, the explosion distracting the bounty hunters and giving the trio time to run. Zemo beats up some bounty hunters and then finds a convertible muscle car in a container and swings by to pick up the others. Sam is very grumpy "you're going back to jail". lol.
Sharon's like 'okay, buh-bye!', she's had enough. Aww, is she really only in one episode? Well, Sam does promise to try and get her that pardon, so …
Anyway, Bucky calls shotgun and refuses to move the seat up for Sam. Payback is sweet. Heh.
Oh, not done with Sharon yet. She meets a minion and says they've got a couple of big problems.
Lithuania. Karli and one of her pals are stalking a GRC depot. Karli's sad. Her buddy says she should take some time to mourn. But, no, she's got do-gooding to do. They chat for a bit about what they'd be doing if they weren't do-goodering. She'd be a teacher or some such. They were all in Madripoor, washed up there during the blip, put then put out when everybody returned. Hmm. Lots of expositioning. Blah blah, scary taking the serum. "But it was worth it, because this world is ours." And they're going to give it to the kids in the displacement camps. … alrighty then.
Anyway, she's convinced that now that Nagel is dead, the Power Broker will come to her begging for the rest of the serum. No, sweety, I really don't think a person like that begs. Yikes.
"So we've got the one fight ahead of us then? I'll take those odds," says her very dim buddy.
In the prison in Berlin, Captain Massive Tool is talking to the guards about how Sam and Bucky where there when Zemo escaped and the guard's all "you … you don't think they had something to do with him getting out…." World class security. I find it really grating that Captain Tool calls Sam and Bucky by their first names. It's just so weirdly familiar that it almost crosses into dismissive. Completely unearned familiarity.
Lemar says they can't just accuse Sam and Bucky without evidence, but Captain Tool seems to think they can just, you know, make it up or some shit. "If we get the job done, do you think they're going to sweat us on the how?" Fuck you, Captain Tool.
Back in Zemo's plane, Bucky's fastidiously cleaning his metal arm, like a big grumpy cat. And Sam is trying to get a lead on the person (Madani) Nagel told him Karli wanted to help. He's got Torres on it.
They get to talking about the shield and how many people died or got messed up because of it/the serum. Sam says he made a mistake giving it up and he should have destroyed it. Bucky says, "Look that shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me. The world is upside down, we need a new Cap, and it ain't gonna be Walker [preach]. So before you destroy it, I'll take it from him myself." Kick his ass, Bucky!
Torres gets back to Sam just as Zemo brings them lunch. Such a good host. "They found Madani. Dead. She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea." … was that last bit really necessary? Like Riga is such a mystery? Even if you don't know where it is, like, that's so weirdly clunky. Somehow I think if you don't know Riga, you probably don't have the Baltic in the map in your head, either.  'Have you ever been to London? A city on the River Thames.' 'I've always wanted to go to Los Angeles, a city near the Pacific Ocean.'
Bucky should have said "oh yeah, i love Riga. I killed a diplomat there back in '64. Great beer."
Zemo's got a place they can go and he's looking forward "to coming face to face with Karli." Not creepy at all, Zemo. Nope.
Meanwhile, the kids are raiding the GRC depot and chatting way too much and calling each other by name. Oh dear.
"Filthy Flag Smashers" grumps a soldier tied up on the floor. I can't take them at all seriously with a name like that. Karli says they had six months of supplies just sitting there. "Don't you understand, we're fighting for our lives." Are you? Why and in what way?
Okay, so this is my continuing issue here. They're trying to build up this un-Blipped world, which is great, but they're doing it through So Much Exposition and so much of it is vague. We're supposed to think the GRC are probably shady, but are they? I don't know. Could be. They're sitting on these supplies! Evil! Maybe they are, but why? Why stockpile all that? Is it being sold on a black market? Or diverted to other people? Who knows! I don't. You don't.
We're supposed to sympathize with the Flag Munchers, but they're so vague in their goals. They want the world back how it was during the Blip. Okay. How was it? I don't know. What was so great about it? What we saw in Endgame didn't look all that great. But, we saw it from a different point of view, to be sure. So, what was it like for the average person who survived? Hell if I know. Also the Munchers want to help the people in the displacement camps. Okay. So do those two goals go together? I don't know. Are all the displacement camps bad? We're meant to think so, but I don't know. Is it just some of them? Is it regional? Who, exactly, are the displaced? It seems to be a mix of those who were blipped and those who weren't. I guess. I don't know.
It's just all taken out of the Big Book Of Cliched Assumptions for Lazy Worldbuilding. Why actually do the hard work of details, when they can just fall back on tropes, make vague pronouncements about how 'bad' things are, and let us assume the answers. This might bother me less if we didn't have to spend so much time with Captain Tool and the Flag Munchers. I cannot tell you how much I currently don't care. I find this all very frustrating. I don't mean to spoil the fun. Let me look at Sam's face again:
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That was better. But, I stopped too soon. We're still with the Munchers. 
They're leaving the building they just looted, and there’s a bit of business I don’t care about, involving Karli’s car and how she’s not taking it, she’s going to just leave it parked, completely unsuspiciously in front of the building. And, she’s going to ride with her pal Mr. Dimbulb. 
She tells him to put his seatbelt on and she's very insistent. And then her car blows up and the building catches fire and it’s very dramatic. 
Her buddy's like wtf there were people in there and Karli says, "This is the only language these people understand." ARGH. Who people? Why is bombing them the only language they understand? Like, in this show, the GRC have literally DONE NOTHING. Nothing we’ve seen and nothing we’ve heard. At least have people chat about dark and dire rumors or something. Hell, they haven’t even been accused of doing anything other than ‘caring more about the people who returned than the ones who never left’ which is literally their job. sighing all night long. Maybe they’re horrible and evil and the Worst Thing Ever. But I DON’T KNOW THAT, because nothing in the show has bothered to establish that. 
Riga, a city on the Baltic Sea
The trio are walking down the street, Zemo expositing for us again. Sokovia was apparently swallowed by neighboring countries, erased from the map. "I don't suppose any of you bothered visiting the memorial? Of course not. Why would you?"
Bucky's looking not happy. Probably remembering '64. They get to Zemo's place and Bucky says he's going to go on a walk. Zemo and Sam go on ahead and Bucky watches until they're out of sight and he circles back and finds a beeping thingy on the ground. He notices something across the street. Ah another round beepy thing. Now he's collecting them. He steps into an alley and says, "You dropped something". Nobody immediately appears.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up." And he turns around and it's one of the Dora Milaje. She looks unhappy and she’d like to know where Zemo is. Yeah, the Wakandans are not just gonna let Zemo wander free. That's a sticky situation you got yourself in, White Wolf.
Well, I really enjoyed the bits that didn't contain the Flag Munchers or Captain Tool. Do better with your world-building, people.
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Midnight Coffee
In which you say something that you think no one will hear. Unfortunately for you, someone does. And that someone happens to be Akaashi.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: None
A/N: Tumblr just keep it in the tags!! I’m not a bot I’m just super annoyed at this point >:(
Anyway, thank you @poccosticks​ and @emmicchi​ for being wonderful and helping me out with this!! Go give them lots of love! And thank you to my followers who have to deal with this. I’m so sorry but this is the last time I’m reposting!! 
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You should not be drinking coffee at 1AM.
But was it really your fault? There was so much homework. There was a test tomorrow and an essay that’s due at eight AM that was worth 100 points. It wasn’t your fault that you were doing it now, either - it was assigned two days ago and it had to be at least seven pages.
“Focus.” A soft voice reminds you. “The faster you finish, the sooner we can go to bed.”
“We?” You echo. You dragged your gaze from your bright computer screen to see him sitting cross-legged on your bed, a book on his lap.
“As in you’ll go to sleep in your bed, and I’ll go home and sleep in mine.” Akaashi’s smile is crooked as he looks up from his book. “But I wouldn’t mind either way.”
The shock you feel is just as effective as coffee. “Huh?”
“I sleep at Bokuto’s house all the time. Sometimes I even carry a pillow and blanket in my bag just in case.”
You can’t tell if that strange feeling in your stomach is relief or disappointment. You don’t have enough time to acknowledge it. Acknowledging it leads to thinking about it and that leads to thinking about him and-
“Oh. Must be tiring.” You respond, cutting yourself off.
“I’ve gotten used to it.” He sighs, laying on his back as he turns the page once again.
You turn back to the blank document in front of you and start to type up your paper. Will it be obvious that you’re typing up the paper six hours before it’s due? Maybe, but you don’t really care at this point. As long as you get a grade that’s higher than a D, then it’s fine.
You feel like someone is staring at you after page one is complete. A prickly feeling spreads all over your back and you turn to look at him.
“Do you need something?” You wonder aloud. Why was he staring at you? Not that you were mad about it, but-
“I think your formatting’s off.” He blurts, standing up from his spot on your bed and walking over to your desk.
You rub your stinging eyes and ask, “How so?”
“It’s MLA, right?” You nod, “Remove the empty line in between the paragraph and title.” He gestures to the gaps and hits delete before your brain even registered what he said.
“Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He gives you a small smile and walks back to where he left his book. You look at him for a moment longer before kicking yourself mentally and typing away.
It’s been about three years since you’ve met Akaashi, and you’ve been friends with him for two and a half. A year ago, your perception of him changed drastically. You don’t know what did it. Was it because of his willingness to help anyone at his own expense? Or was it his dedication and how responsible he was? You weren’t sure.
But you did know that you were smitten with him. Did he know that too? Maybe, but he’d never show that. A small part of you hoped he didn’t know and that he’d never find out. That would ruin the friendship, wouldn’t it? Even if it did work out, then how long would you two last? Would it end in a way that would make you two hate each other?
No, you told yourself. You had an essay to finish. You can think about that later, when he’s not reading in your bedroom.
You’re making fast progress. That coffee must’ve helped a lot more than you thought it did. Sure, your leg is shaking uncontrollably under the desk, but it’s a small price to pay for a passing grade.
The words are coming easy and your thoughts are organized just enough for it to make sense. The bottom of page three is so close, and it’s only been an hour! Or maybe two? You’re not sure, but checking the time will stress you out, so you keep going.
You put in earbuds once you get to page four. Three more pages and then you can go to bed.
Well, that’s assuming the coffee will let you sleep.
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It’s now 4AM.
And your essay is done. You skim through it and hit submit once it’s ready, letting out a long sigh of relief. You turn to your bed, tempted to just flop down, but something stops you.
He’s still here.
The book is covering his face, but you can hear the smallest, quietest snores coming from under the book. His hand is dangling off the edge of the bed.
He’s asleep.
If your heart could burst out of your chest, it probably just did.
How long has he been here? Is he cold? You delicately take the book off of his face.
He looks so peaceful like this. It’s… really nice to see, actually. Today he looked stressed to you, so now, seeing him relax, it made your insides all warm and fuzzy.
You stop staring (after realizing that it’s kind of creepy) and place the blanket over him. You’ll have to sleep on the floor tonight, but you don’t mind.
You grab an extra blanket and pillow and place it on the floor. It makes your back hurt but it’s fine.
You sigh and try to get as comfortable as you can.
The thoughts come rushing back instantly. It’s hard for them not to, since he’s less than a foot away from you and he’s asleep. Maybe… maybe saying your thoughts would make you feel better. Maybe it wouldn’t feel so suffocating if you just said the words.
You hold his hand and take a deep breath. Why did it feel so hard? He was asleep and he wouldn’t know. He would never know. That was the plan.
So you say the words.
“I love you.”
It’s barely a murmur. It sounded light, partially because it was a whisper, but it contained all of the emotions that you’d been holding in for so, so long.
You let go of his hand. Yeah, you’re feeling a lot better. Now all you need is a good night’s-
Something grabs your hand in the darkness.
And it squeezes your hand gingerly, like you might break.
This isn’t real, this can’t be real.
This is some sort of nightmare.
You look up and in the faint moonlight streaming through the window, you can see eyes. In particular, there are sapphire eyes staring down at you.
“I’m glad.” He whispers, voice raspy from just waking up. “Because I love you too.”
You’re silent. How are you supposed to respond? If a brain could melt, yours was. Yours had melted as soon as he grabbed your hand.
Words died on your tongue and you stared at him with a dumbfounded look. He laughed a little and a small smile blossomed on his face.
The moonlight is blocked by him and you don’t have time to say anything.
Because he’s kissing you.
His movements are delicate, his thumb rubbing your knuckles tenderly. His lips are a little chapped but you find that you don't mind. You close your eyes, letting yourself enjoy the sensation. You feel his free hand tilt your chin up just a little more.
But it gets to a point when neither of you can breathe, and break away, with barely enough space for your heavy breaths.
“Were you actually asleep?”
“I heard you moving around a little and it woke me up.” He admits. You try to apologize when he shakes his head. “I didn’t mind one bit.”
“Thank you.” He nods a little and lays back down.
“We can talk in the morning.” He notices your sleeping area and moves back, making space for you as well.
There are no more words spoken for the rest of the night. There’s only you, Akaashi, and your hearts beating in unison.
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Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate everything you guys do! My requests are open so feel free to request anything you’d like! I hope you have a wonderful day 💕
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misplacedxeggos · 4 years
Stolen Glances
request: i loveddd the Richie hc about tutoring him, do you think you could turn it into a fic?
A/N: super sorry for how long this took but it got deleted by my dog some how so what can ya do 🤷‍♀️
words: 1.2k
“I want you to give him this practice test, and if he passes, then you don’t need to tutor him any longer.”
Madame Pratt’s voice echoed around in your head for the rest of the day because you knew that he was going to pass with flying colors. Once the seventh-period bell rang, signifying the end of the school day, you filed out the door with the rest of the students and was met with Richie leaning against his truck smoking a cigarette.
“Ready to go toots?” His voice sounded husky as he inhaled the last part of his daily smoke and crushed it under his boot.
You gave him a small nod and pulled yourself up into his truck. You thought that you would tell him the good news after today’s session and didn’t say anything as you laid your head back to watch Richie silently sing along to the songs playing on the radio. The sun hit his face perfectly, glowing and highlighting his features.
You thought back to when you first noticed him in the crowded classroom of fifth-period French class.
“Richard Tozier, maybe if you spent as much time paying attention during class as you do staring at Y/n, you would be passing.” Madame Pratt’s voice rang out, catching your attention.
You turned your head to the right and was met with a blushing Richie. He smirked and winked in your direction before turning back to his notebook to doodle.
That was the first time you really paid attention to Richie at all. After that encounter you seemed to notice him everywhere you went, you even saw him standing at the side of a party while you danced.
Throughout the next couple of weeks, Richie had improved at an amazing speed (“Aw shucks, I just have a great tutor.”) but still goofed around during his lessons. The next week you had missed your first-period, failed a math test, and found out your ex had cheated on you through your whole relationship. Richie had stopped distracting you that day and followed along in the lesson. Afterwards, he invited you to spend time with him and his group of friends.
He took you to the quarry, and Bev immediately liked you. She stayed by your side, telling you funny stories about Richie that made you realise how much you liked him when he buried his face in his hands and begged Bev to stop.
When you saw him at parties now, it was always because he gave you a ride. He would get you both a drink, dance with you, and make sure you got home safely. Your face now deepens in color as you remember the night you were dared to take a body shot off of him.
Bill had suggested playing truth or dare and Beverly kept giving you knowing glances that made you keep choosing dare so you didn’t say anything you would regret. The dares were slowly increasing from Mike drinking out of the toilet to someone from your science class doing a striptease.
Your mind was foggy and didn’t take in the fact that Bev was the person asking you the question. The word ‘dare’ came out of your mouth before you could think otherwise and she spat out ‘body shot off Richie’ moments later.
You glanced up at the boy you were leaning on to make sure he was comfortable with it, and he tilted his head slightly in response. He laid down on the ground after taking his shirt off and waited for Stan to come back with the supplies.
“It isn’t going to be weird after, is it?” Your voice was silent compared to everyone shouting around the two of you.
“Nothing with you is ever weird.” His voice of reason made all of your doubts fly out the window when Stan came back with the salt, lime and tequila.
Richie tried hard to concentrate on anything else besides how your tongue felt from his hip bone to his navel. Your fingers dipped into the salt and placed it on the line before taking in how plump Richie’s lips were around the lime.
With people cheering for you to go, you sucked in a breath and licked back up the line and took the shot before leaning in to take the lime. Your brain had engraved the slight feeling of Richie’s lips on yours before you had to sit back up.
“What are you thinking about?” Richie’s voice rips you from your thoughts when you realise that you were stopped in his driveway.
“I think this is going to be our last lesson.” Your bottom lip stuck out a little bit to give him a pity pout at the news.
“It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” He opened your car door for you and led you up to his house.
His house had become a second home to you. You came over wherever you had good news or couldn’t sleep. You walked over to the dining room table and got out the practice test for Richie.
“That’s all?” He tilted his head to the side in confusion since you usually had a textbook and five pages sprawled out for him.
“Yeah, Madame Pratt wants you to take this practice test to see your progress.”
When he sat down and started to fill out the answers, he could tell that something was off. You had mentioned that this could be your last session, and it clicked in his head. He looked over to see you reading a book for English class, and he subtly went back to erase his answers so far.
He tried to act frustrated at the worksheet in front of him, so you didn’t get suspicious. You glanced over to make sure Richie was doing okay on his test and saw him clenching his jaw in frustration. He put his pencil down and ran his hands through his hair in thought of what the answer was.
Richie turned his head towards you when he felt a pair of eyes watching him. To his amusement, you turned your head back to your book and flicked your eyes from it to him. The next time he noticed your eyes on him, he winked dramatically and said, “Tu voyes quelque chose que tu aimes?”
Do you see something you like?
Cocky bastard, you began to think before your brain got fuzzy at the act of Richie placing his hands on your cheeks and pulling you close. His lips slotted against yours while you noticed the butterflies in your stomach. You thought about how obvious it was now that he liked you and it felt right, but before you could deepen it or react that much, he pulled away.
His hands that were resting on your cheeks went to rub his neck, a nervous feature you had soon figured out, and he gazed towards the floor about to apologise. You reached out, grabbing the collar to his Hawaiian shirt and lightly rolled your eyes before placing your lips on his again.
You could feel Richie’s chapped lips curve up against your smooth ones into a smile and you couldn’t help but follow his actions, feeling the exact same way. He tasted like his afternoon smoke and mint.
You pulled away as it was hard to kiss him when you were both smiling like idiots, and rested your forehead on his, breathing out, “I like you.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Richie chuckled and pulled you back in.
taglist: @fiantomartell
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Hush Now
I accidentally deleted the request, but anon asked for “Kili saving human Reader who’s usually very brave from something which terrified her a lot.” I changed it up a bit and its story heavy. But here we go!
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Kili x Reader
Trigger warning: Mentioned character death
Throughout your life you’ve always had to be strong. 
When your father died, you stayed strong so your mother didn’t have to.
When your mother fell to sickness, you stayed strong so your sister didn’t have to. 
When your sister sold you out for a reward of 200 gold pieces, you stayed strong so she wouldn’t have the satisfaction of knowing that she completely destroyed you.
After you and your sister were left as impoverished orphans, you took to a life of crime to make sure she would always have something to eat. Not just crime, though, for you also sold your services as a mercenary amongst… other things. 
You had learned how to kill at the prime age of 15, and very quickly after that did your skills polish into something that even a grown man would fear if he knew what you were capable of.
You’d done everything for her. You’d sold yourself, your dignity, your innocence of the blade, everything. And after you had no more to give, she tossed you aside for barely enough to last her 6 months. 
The look she gave you that day, that apathetic stare as you were dragged away, shattered your heart into a million pieces, and it wasn’t until later when you’d killed the guards and fled from the city that you actually sat down and cried.
Despite the tragic nature of your past, though, there is no dramatic revenge plot or motivation to hunt her down. There is no desire to make her pay or see her suffer, for you released all of these feelings of contempt years ago.
A part of you wonders from time to time if she knew you would escape. If she, perhaps, sold you out for such a small amount so you would be freed from watching over her and catering to her. That, maybe, if you were to search for her, then she would smile and tell you how much she missed you, how sorry she was for not telling you of her plans. 
You know those are just the fantasies of a foolish girl holding onto the image of a sweet 9 year old, clutching your leg and asking when your next meal will be and telling you how she never wants you to leave her. It’s just your mind clutching onto the past, wanting to smooth over the trauma and pain that you go through thinking of her every day…
Though, in another regard you might also thank her. 
If it weren’t for her treachery, you would’ve never met him. 
After you abandoned your home town and became a full time rouge and sword for hire, you were sought out by a greying old man who claimed to be a wizard named Gandalf. 
He offered you a 15th share in a mountain full of riches and the opportunity to help reunite a king with his castle. 
It all seemed far fetched and kinda ridiculous, but he paid you a handsome amount up front so you agreed. And then it turned out that he wasn’t lying, for not even a week later do you meet this king in a wonderful town called the Shire. 
This Thorin was reluctant to allow you on the quest, but upon the instance and praise of Gandalf, he agreed. 
His youngest nephew, Kili, caught your eye right away. 
He is, not only, rather tall for a dwarf, but he’s quite cute by human’s standards too. Not to mention the fact that he approached you first with a big goofy smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes. 
The two of you got along rather easily, and for the first time since you became a devout mercenary and rouge, you found that you could trust someone. 
Trusting someone other than yourself is not easy, though, and there are many moments in which you doubt that trust when the more paranoid part of your mind whispers how he’ll betray you; but your fondness for this dwarf wins out for you in the end. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry or heard you complain before.” Kili comments suddenly, successfully snapping you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
You look down at him from your horse and raise an eyebrow, “Are you saying you wish to see me cry?”
“N-No, that’s not what I meant at all!” He stutters when you seem to take his words the wrong way, “I only meant to say that you… come across as very impassive and restrained. Like when you got stabbed in the arm, you didn’t so much as utter one ‘ow’." 
He has a point, you realize, but it’s only become so natural for you to keep it all inside that you barely noticed, "I’ll have you know I did cry, it was just very quiet." 
It looks like he doesn’t believe you. 
"Really, it’s true. It hurt horribly, but I waited until Oin was done so my tears wouldn’t bother him.” Saying it out loud makes you feel silly and a little weird, and you wonder why you even told him in the first place. 
“Are you telling me you didn’t cry because it would unnerve our healer?” He asks incredulously, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. 
“Well when you say it like that…” You grumble, unconsciously reaching up to rub where the healing wound is. 
“I don’t mean to judge you, Y/N, I’m only curious.” He adds quickly, having his pony move a bit faster for a moment so he can get a peek at your face. “You seem to be rather fearless, I don’t think even my uncle could intimidate you." 
His words draw a laugh from your lips, and you look down at him with amusement sparkling in your eyes, "Everyone is afraid of something, Kili." 
"Then what are you afraid of?”
An innocent question, but one you don’t much want to answer. 
You force your smile to stay on your face and reply rather slyly, “Nothing other than Dwalin’s smell." 
"I heard that!” Said dwarf grumbles angrily not too far behind you. 
Kili stares at you for a few moments, clearly not believing you but not pressing on it any more. 
Honestly, you have no idea how he does that. He can read you like a book; somehow always knowing when you’re holding something back while also being able to tell what you’re feeling at any moment. 
But for some reason, you don’t really dislike having someone know you so well. 
“We’re going to be at the Misty Mountains soon enough, do you think we’ll get a chance to stop at a town?” You ask suddenly, looking down at him again. 
“Yes, actually. My uncle had this part mapped out with Gandalf.”
Well, that’s a relief. 
The group did end up stopping at a town, and let me just say, finally getting a chance to sleep on a soft, warm bed after being condemned to the ground for so long is a glorious experience. 
You slept pretty well that night, and at around 5 in the morning you get up as per usual. 
You’ve always been an early riser, or maybe paranoid sleeper is a better way to describe it. Your body has adapted to less sleep, and it got to the point where you just can’t stay asleep much later than 6 on any given day. 
Anyway, you get up early and decide to browse around the town for anything you may want or need, and for the better part of the next hour while you wait for your friends to awake, you idly wander and enjoy the tranquility of the morning.
Everything is wonderful and calm… until it isn’t.
At first, you thought you had imagined it. 
The sudden flash of a figure in your peripherals, but when you turned there was nothing. And then when you turned a corner, there was a flash of familiar (h/c) hair that whipped past. Your hairs began to stand on end, and you knew right away that you were being watched. 
You thought that perhaps someone saw you and was planning to rob or assault you, but you knew you could take whoever it is if that were the case. 
And then you saw her. 
For real this time, head on with no blur or fuzzy images. 
There she stood in front of you, her expression blank and body frozen in place, her face the exact same as you remember it from all those years ago.
You breathe her name in disbelief, taking a few steps back. It can’t be real, maybe you’re still dreaming? 
“You’re a hard woman to find.” She states softly in that sweet voice you could never forget. 
“Y-You were looking for me?” You stutter with, dare you say, hope, hand falling from your weapon while you look on in shock. 
“I was.” Is her only reply. 
It’s as if your brain has stopped working and you can no longer form a coherent thought or phrase, but you do eventually stammer out, “It’s been so long…" 
She doesn’t reply, and you suddenly feel unnerved. 
"Why were you looking for me?" 
She still says nothing, her gaze burning into you like the sun on a hot summer morning and her face unmoving.
And then she steps forward, but you don’t move and let her get close. 
"I’m going to get a lot more than 200 coins for you, this time.” She whispers, reaching up to press her palm to your face.
You know what she means, but for some reason your feet won’t let you move. It’s as if your feet are glued to the ground and knees locked tight. You continue to stare into her eyes, seeing nothing there like the day she let those guards drag you away. 
Her movements are fast, and before you can even open your mouth her dagger is sticking into your neck. 
You sit up with a loud gasp, hand flying to your throat as you frantically look around the room. 
It all floods back to you, and you realize that it was only a dream. That you made it out of the town with your throat intact and never having seen your sister.
That you all faced those god awful goblins and ended up here at some point.
For the first time in your 10 years of isolation, you want to cry.
To scream and break things, to pull out your hair and hurt someone. 
To find her and hurt her for what she did to you all those years ago. 
This line of thinking shocks you to your very core, and you reach up without a second thought and rub your face roughly, willing the thoughts to disappear. 
You haven’t had a dream like this in years, and you have no idea what’s prompted it now. 
When your eyes begin to burn and a lump settles in your throat, you jump to your feet and hurriedly go to another room so you can sort it out away from prying ears and eyes, only your sudden jerking awake alerted someone else to your state of distress. 
Once you’re isolated in another room, you begin to pace back and fourth quickly with you hands tangled in your hair. 
No matter how much you will the tears to evaporate and for your breathing to calm, though, they remain. Very soon do those unshed tears begin to stream down your face in long wet streams, and your breathing becomes more ragged as hyperventilation starts. 
And then you hear someone call your name. 
Your shoulders stiffen and you resist the urge to turn towards that ever familiar voice, your hands shaking at your sides as you clench them into fists. 
"You shouldn’t be here, Kili.” You say softly, your voice thick with emotion and not as strong as you’d like for it to be. 
There is no response, but you hear him approach carefully. He’s very good at keeping himself quiet, you’ve noticed, but your ears are trained to hear every little thing, so naturally you can hear him quite clearly. 
“Are… you crying?” He asks slowly, now standing right next to you. 
“No.” You deny a bit stronger this time, turning your face away sharply so that he won’t get a peek at your tear stained face. 
Once again there is silence (a much longer stretch of it this time), and for a moment you think he may have even left without you noticing; but when you look back, he’s looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face, 
Right away you reach up and rub at the tear streaks staining your face, and a deep set frown settles on your face, “I’m fine." 
Pain flashes across his face at your assurance of being alright, and if it weren’t for the fact that he could see you, he probably would’ve believed it too. 
"You don’t really expect me to believe that, do you?” He asks just as quietly, placing a hand on your arm lightly. 
“…No.” You mumble after some time, sighing heavily as you move away to settle into a pile of hay with your back to the wall and your arms wrapped tightly around yourself like a shield or self hug. 
Kili follows you without hesitation and sits next to you, his leg pressing against yours while you both descend into silence once more. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He offers in that same soft, sweet voice of his, reaching up to rub your arm reassuringly. “You don’t have to." 
For some reason, you actually kind of want to. 
"I told you about my upbringing, didn’t I?” You answer his question with a question and feel no remorse for it. “And of my sister?" 
He nods his head and drops his hand back into his lap, looking up at you with the smallest of smiles on his face. 
"I haven’t really thought about any of that in a while, you see. Not to say that I don’t think of it every day, but I more so mean the feelings I had then, how it felt and all the anger I once had.” You pause and shake your head, “I’m not making any sense." 
"No, I understand. And even if I didn’t, it’s your story to tell, so you tell it how you wish." 
You nod your head at that and continue, "I had a dream…,” you begin with a softer voice this time, your fingers digging into your arms while you huge yourself, “Of my sister. Of her finding me, having fallen onto the same wretched path as I, and killing me. Sticking me in the throat with a knife like a pig being bled out for a feast, telling me that she’ll be awarded much more for me this time around as if I were some sort of merchandise that she was selling.” You spit out the similes like they taste bad in your mouth, and you unconsciously hold yourself tighter as you remember the night terror. 
Long silences are very quickly becoming a trend, for once more the only thing filling the air at the moment is the quiet that wraps around the both of you. 
“That’s why you’re crying?" The dwarf inquires compassionately, looking over at you with a frown of his own and sadness shinning in his eyes. 
"I’m not crying anymore.” You grumble, only to realize that tears have, in fact, begun to shed tears once more. “O-Oh…" 
Before you can reach up and dispel the salty droplets of your sorrows from your eyes, two hands come up to cup the sides of your face while two matching thumbs smooth across your wet cheeks to do it for you. 
This time he wears a small, sympathetic smile, and once he wipes all your tears away he keeps his hands as they are. "I cannot pretend to know what you go through or how that night terror made you feel, but… I do understand. What you’ve had to endure throughout your life has shaped who you are now, and while I would not trade who you are for anything, I do wish that I could do something to ease your pain." 
His fingers continue to smooth along your cheek gently, and you find that you can’t help it when your eyes slide shut and you lean into the warmth of his hands. 
With delicate movements, you reach up and place one of your hands over his, sighing through your nose before opening your eyes again to look at him. 
"Thank you for saying that, Kili.” You breathe with a small smile upturning the corners of your lips.
When you smile his own brightens and he says more joyfully this time, “Of course. And know that I meant every word of it." 
Slowly you slot your hand against his own until you’re holding it, and then it rests between the two of you while you engage in some sort of odd, intimate stare down.
And then you lean forward and press a light kiss against his cheek, brightening when you see his face turn slightly red. 
"I meant that, too.” You reply cheekily, forgetting your sorrows for a moment while you just enjoy the company of this wonderful dwarf. 
“And I mean this.” He shoots back before pecking your lips gently. 
This time it’s your turn to become flustered, but you still smile and allow yourself to laugh. 
“Thank you." 
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thestarssystem · 3 years
aa hello i've written this like 10 times but it always got extremely long so i'm gonna try to keep it shorter hdbznj also i just wanted to say its okay, take ur time ! i hope u had a nice time on ur break :] also i'm glad you're fine with these asks cause i always end up rambling and stuff that makes the asks really long dgzbzj
i've been thinking about the possibility of a persecutor as well, but i wasn't really sure because i was like "why would the first alter that i directly hear/that presents themself to me be a persecutor" so ty for the response :]
& the thing about giving away information would make sense, the panic specifically started when i was feeling very ,, apathetic but on the upset scale? if that makes sense? and wanted to vent about it on a subreddit about venting, and i don't even remember what caused the panic, but i assumed it was either a. i started getting memories of the events i was trying to vent about (emotional flashback?) or b. it was just social anxiety acting up again because i knew i would do as much as writing it all out but i would never post it, but i think it could've been a mix of both + what you suggested (also quick note: when someone called me fox they also said stuff like their dms are open if i need to vent etc etc and i don't exactly remember what caused the panic to spike there? but i think i was just happy-ish someone cared and then i think something else happened in my mind that could've influenced me in a bad way (e.g self h4tred) but honestly i don't remember </3)
but another thing is, i've done that a bunch of times. for example i post neg posts / vents / rants a lot sometimes on a different website (on an account where i feel comfortable on, though i always delete them like 6 seconds later) and i posted one on the same subreddit on friday because i was panicking, i barely remember what happened when i was panicking though, and i kind of blocked everything out because i was too focused on the trigger (school). the voice hasn't been back for a while now so i'm starting to think it could've just been my imagination? though it could've been i'm just not able to hear it anymore / before that, or that it's not always there (which might/probably is the case if it wasnt me imagining stuff)
also, i have a few questions if thts okay :]
this might be a weird question, but is it normal to like- have a good relationship with alters almost right away, despite the fact it's your first time directly interacting? or have alters front even though you've never heard them / they've never interacted with you? i know those are two very contradicting statements, though i have no idea how to explain it further </3
one last thing: yesterday i had like 2 mental breakdowns because i got triggered by some stuff and i was up until like 3am (i went to bed at exactly 4am) and i did some stuff like switching up my profile, i was really tired and had been d1ssociating for hours after i got triggered. when i woke up today, and went on my profile, it all felt very ,, weird? like, it kind of caught me off guard when i realized my profile was different because i barely had memory of doing so (i could recall it though, it was just very very fuzzy and in one of them i felt like i wasn't even the one doing it). i just wanted to ask, could the d1ssociation have caused that, or is that just a normal thing for when you're tired?
sorry i didn't want to send just a regular update on things so i waited a bit until i had questions shxbxj hope you're doing well :]
- fox (i was a bit anxious because it was getting long so i kept them a bit short, so if u need me to elaborate on any of these i'd be glad to! i don't mind /gen)
oo wait i really quickly wanna make a small suggestion to you. Just something that we do a lot! If you have snapchat, i suggest creating a private story with yours as the only account that can see it and just use that to rant! It makes it easier to document for later (if you want) but also keeps it private and allows you to rant about what you’re feeling and get that nice moment of release haha.
Anyway, on to your actual questions:
So I would say that a lot of the time, it’s normal to not have a good relationship with alters right away. A lot of the time they’re kind of like strangers and you have to take the time to get to know them and be friends with them. For my system, we didn’t know of each other until we started talking about OSDD, but now I would consider most of us friends haha. Also, the first time that Daniel fronted was completely out of the blue. Granted, we didn’t know OSDD/DID at this point but there wasn’t even a slight sign that he was there haha. I would say that’s also fairly common. Maybe because they don’t want to talk to you, don’t need to talk to you, or are just too nervous to talk to you before hand.
Just normal dissociation could have caused the foggy memory about your profile, but the lack of sleep definitely didn’t help lol. When the brain is sleep deprived, it doesn’t have the energy to encode actions into memory like it normally. This is completely normal and happens all the time to people who are sleep deprived. However, dissociation (even without a switch) can also cause that weird “hazy” feeling. Because dissociation (without switches) normally causes a person to feel disconnected from themselves and from reality, it can cause processing of those memories to be a little wonky at times. In this state, you can still remember vaguely what happened, but may not recognize it as your own.
Also, you don’t have to worry about the length of your asks, Fox c: If you need more space to write then write your heart away. I’ll still give the same attention to your asks, regardless of length.
Stay safe xx
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Lie Detector - Colby Brock x Reader (self-love issues)
“Mike! You’re next!” Sam yelled, Colby slapping him on the ass when he went to stand up.
“This is fucking terrifying” Mike laughed, his hands already sweating. You had recorded a few videos earlier but now you were just messing around. The lie detector operator slowly got him hooked up to the machine and your whole group started throwing questions at him.
“Which guy in the room would you date if you HAD to date one of them” you asked, Mike being one of your best friends, you loved messing with him. He looked around and considered his options.
“I can’t pick Kevin. He’s hung like a horse. I don’t think I could handle that” Mike quipped, everyone in the room busting out in laughter. “Honestly? I’d have to say Colby. It would be like having a pet cat. All you need to do is put on some good music, feed him, and give him cuddles.”
“Why is that so accurate?” Sam laughed.
“I’m offended you think Kevin has a bigger dick than me!” Colby dramatically argued.
“I don’t know! I’ve never seen your dick!” Mike laughed looking to you. “Is Colby hung like a horse or a cat?” He asked, expecting you to have an answer.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” You threw your arms up in defense.
“Wait, really?” Jake asked. “I thought you two were...well never mind then” he laughed. “I thought Colby had finally gotten the balls to...”
“Hey! Don’t insult my dick AND my balls!” Colby blushed and fake shoved Jake, not letting him finish his sentence.
Mike laughed “Can I be done with my turn?”
“Pick someone to go next” Sam told him.
“Y/n! Get your ass in the hot seat!” Mike called, your heart immediately starting to race.
“Do I have to?” You pleaded. “I’ll do anything not to be hooked up to that thing.”
“Don’t be a pussy!” Kevin called out.
“We all have to do it” Kat added.
“Fuuuuck.” You sat in the chair, trying to calm yourself.
“Okay, y/n. Who is the funniest person in the room?” Kevin asked.
“Mike. 100%.” You answered.
“True” everyone heard your answer confirmed by the lie detector operator.
“Awww, I feel all fuzzy inside” Mike said, making you laugh.
“Who is the most attractive” Sam asked.
“Everyone is attractive for different reasons” you argued.
“Fuck that, you have to pick” he argued.
“Colby” you answered, looking over at his cheeks turn pink.
Jake jumped right into the next question. “Would you sleep with anyone in this room?” He asked.
“No.” You answered, seeing a few confused faces.
“WHAT?” Kat stared at you. She knew you were in love with Colby, so she didn’t know how you managed to slide by on that one. “Hmmm...would you date anyone in this room?” She asked, trying to catch you in what she thought was a lie.
“No.” You answered confidently, seeing her mouth drop open.
“Damn. Either she’s a really good liar or she thinks we’re all gremlins” Kevin laughed.
“Am I done yet?” You asked, just wanting to get the fuck out of this apartment.
“One more” Mike said. “Would you rather LOOK happy and be wealthy and popular or BE happy and be poor and unknown.”
“I’d rather actually be happy” You answered.
“True” the operator said, moving to take the equipment off of you.
“Pick someone to go next” Sam reminded you.
“Colby” you answered, reaching for your bag and sliding on your shoes.
Colby stood up to head to the hot seat. “Where are you going?” He asked.
“I have to get going. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten” you answered, walking out the door and ignoring calls of your name.
Colby went to stand up, but he was already hooked up to the lie detector. “Is she alright?” He asked Kat.
“I think so.” She answered. “I’ll check on her in a little bit. I don’t want to bug her while she’s driving.”
“I’m mad I don’t get to ask you this in front of her, now” Jake smirked at Colby. “Are you in love?”
“No.” He answered.
“False” the lie detector operator said.
“Colbyyy” Jake said in a knowing voice.
“Yes” Colby sighed.
“Is the person here?” Sam continued.
“Not anymore” Colby looked towards the door with a sad look on his face.
“Why haven’t you asked y/n out?” Mike asked. “I honestly thought you guys were together.”
“You heard her. She doesn’t like me.” Colby answered, undoing the lie detector equipment himself. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Colby!” Kat ran after him. “I don’t know how she passed the lie detector, but I know she loves you. She’s told me. I’m just as confused as you are.”
“No one else got away with any lies, Kat.” Colby said, walking to his apartment and closing the door.
A full week had passed and nobody had heard from you. You had ignored messages, you had avoided social media, and you were definitely skipping Pizza Night tonight. The one thing you had done is listen to a voicemail that Colby had left you. And you regretted that.
“Hey, Y/n.” Colby sighed, already a few drinks in at Sam’s. “I know I haven’t seen you at all this week, but I still hoped I’d see you at Sam’s tonight. I know sometimes you just want to be alone and I’ve always respected that. I’m the same way, but come on...a week? Is the thought of me caring about you so fucking horrible? I don’t care if you don’t want to date me, but Jesus y/n...does our friendship not mean anything to you? You just left. Kat keeps trying to convince me you tricked that stupid machine but I know better than her. You aren’t a liar. That’s why you can’t answer my fucking phone calls.”
And with that, Colby hung up. He downed a few more shots and threw himself into the festivities that accompany Pizza Night.
“Colby, come on.” Mike was helping Sam by dragging Colby to his own apartment.
“I can walk on my own” he frowned at Mike.
“I know, buddy. I just wanted to walk with you.” Mike smiled over at him, knowing not to argue with a drunk friend.
“That’s so nice of you.” Colby smiled at Mike.
“You really went hard tonight” Mike teased him, setting Colby down on the edge of his own bed.
“Y/n hates me. Didn’t want to think about it anymore.” Colby answered, watching Mike take his shoes and socks off for him.
“Y/n doesn’t hate you.” Mike gave Colby a sad look.
“That’s what it feels like.” Colby answered. “It feels like the first time I convinced myself someone could maybe like me for me they ran away and deleted my number.”
“Colby, a lot of people like you for you.” Mike argued, helping him out of his jeans.
“Nope.” Colby insisted. “They like money, followers, parties, sex, popularity, attention...they like who I know...they like drama.” His ramble fizzled out.
“I’m offended.” Mike tried to lighten the mood, looking for a pair of sweatpants for Colby to wear. “I like you for your body and nowhere in there did you say anything about that.”
Colby genuinely chuckled at what Mike had said. “I don’t mean you. You’re my brother, brother. You’re one of the trusted few.”
“Glad to hear it.” Mike said, getting Colby into the sweatpants.
“You know the thought of asking her out terrified me.” Colby said.
“Why is that?” Mike asked, pulling Colby’s button up shirt off of his shoulders.
“Because she doesn’t need me, dude.” He said, letting Mike pull a t-shirt over his head and falling back on the bed. He snuggled into his bed and continued. “She doesn’t want more followers or fame or attention. She hates drama. She doesn’t let people buy her things or pay for her meals. I have nothing to offer her.”
Mike sat down on the bed next to Colby. “Isn’t that what we’re all looking for, though? We want to find someone who chooses us because they want to. Not because they need something.”
“Exactly.” Colby said, sadly. “And she didn’t choose me.”
Mike looked over at Colby and saw his eyes were closed. He pulled a blanket over his friend and left.
You heard banging on your door and flew out of bed to peek out your window. “Y/N! Let me the fuck in!” You heard Mike yell, followed closely by a “Sorry Mrs. Norris. I’ll be sure to watch my language from now on, I promise.”
You laughed a little, seeing the tiny elderly woman scolding Mike.
You opened the door and Mike walked straight in. “Come in, I guess?” You said, closing your door.
Mike sat on your counter, waiting for you to follow him. “What do I need to do to get you to talk to me? Do we need to get drunk? High? Go for a drive?” Mike asked, a blank expression on his face.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“I want to pick your brain apart, because the Y/n I know wouldn’t have let tonight go down like it did.” Mike hopped off your counter looking mad.
You backed away a step. “What happened? Is everyone okay?”
Mike humorlessly laughed. “You don’t get to know that, y/n. Wanna know why? Because you weren’t fucking there.”
“Mike, I can’t.” You said, feeling your eyes well with tears. You tried to keep them from spilling over. “Every time I’m around you guys, I start to let myself think I belong there. Every time Colby asks me about my day or follows me around or pulls me to sit by him...I’m not going to let myself fantasize about something I’m never going to have.”
“Y/n.” Mike said softly, pulling you into his arms. “Why do you think you can’t have it?”
“Because I can’t.” You stepped out of Mike’s arms and walked back towards your room.
“I know you care about Colby.” Mike said, following you. “Why didn’t the lie detector catch that? It makes zero sense.”
“I said I wouldn’t date anyone in the room.” You crawled into your bed. “If I refuse to date anyone ever, that applies to the people in the room, yes?”
“Fuuuuuck” Mike sighed. He sat on your bed next to where you were laying down. “Why are you so afraid to let him in?”
“I’m fine by myself. It’s safer alone.” You tried to halt your tears, taking a deep breath.
“Y/n, if you always take the safe road you’re going to miss out on so much.” He said, shaking his head. He knew you struggled with letting people in, but he didn’t think it fucked you up as much as it did.
“If I live my little life in my little apartment with my little goals…I don’t have to starve myself or compete with anyone else.” Word started flying out of your mouth with little permission from you. “I don’t have to be the prettiest or the skinniest or the one with the best skin. I don’t have to worry about having the person I love wish I looked more like that girl he met at a party or be afraid to show off their average girlfriend. I refuse to be someone’s regret, Mike. I’m not going to waste anyone’s time. I’m better off by myself and he’s better off just skipping me instead of stressing out about letting me down easy when the next girl comes along.”
The both of you were silent. You were cried out and Mike was heartbroken for you. “Colby got hammered tonight.” Mike sighed. “He told me he was terrified to tell you how he felt because he knows you don’t need him…so if that was your goal, your message was heard loud and clear.”
“He called me” you whispered.
“And?” Mike prodded.
“He’s really mad at me.” Your voice caught in your throat.
“He’s not mad, Y/n. He’s heartbroken.” Mike so wanted to fix this for the two of you. “You know he doesn’t let anyone in either? He doesn’t think anyone is going to love him for him. Those are his words.”
“Everyone loves him, Mike.” You said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“That’s what I said, but he made a good point.” Mike tried to explain. “He comes with a lot of things that people want more than him. Fame and money and bullshit. The good news is that he thinks that you’re different. The bad news is that he thinks you don’t care.”
“I care too much.” You said quietly into your pillow.
“Well at least have the balls to tell him that to his face because he tried letting you in and you left. And that’s not fair. You’re so worried about keeping yourself safe that you’re hurting everyone that cares about you. You broke both of your hearts in the process of trying not to break your own.” Mike stood to leave.
“Where is he?” you asked, sitting up.
“Alone.” Mike shook his head. “I left his apartment unlocked so that Sam and Kat can check on him.”
You pulled your phone out and listened to his voicemail for the 100th time. “Can you drive me over there?” you asked, looking for your shoes.
“Why do you think I’m here?” Mike laughed, chucking one of your flip flops at you.
When you got to Colby’s apartment, Mike went and laid down on the couch. He had planned on coming back and crashing there regardless of whether or not you came. You ditched your shoes and walked into Colby’s room. He was curled into a ball, laying on his side. The stuffed animal you always teased him for having tucked against his chest. “Colby” you said, sitting down on the side of his bed. “Colby, wake up.” When he didn’t budge, you shook his shoulder and pulled the stuffed Koala out of his grip.
“Mike, I just want to sleep.” He said, rolling over to the other side of the bed, facing the wall.
“I’m sorry” you said, moving to lay behind him. You slipped your arm around his waist and hugged him to your chest. “We can talk in the morning.”
“Y/n?” he asked, holding your arms tight against him but not rolling over to face you.
“I’m sorry, Colby.” You softly said, trying not to break down in tears again.
Colby started mumbling something that sounded like “This is a dream. It’s just a dream.”
“Do you want me to go?” you asked, moving to pull your arm back.
Colby held your arm tight to his chest. “This isn’t a dream?”
“No” you answered, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.
Colby turned over to face you, seeing your face wet with tears. “Why are you crying?” he asked, leaning in to clumsily press kisses to both of your cheeks.
“That shouldn’t be your first question when I’m the one that fucked this up so badly.” You said, closing your eyes. “I’m so sorry.” You tried to calm your sobs.
“Y/n, I love you. I’m not going to stop loving you just because you fucked something up once.” He said, slipping his arms around you. “Come here.”
You moved to lay against Colby’s side. “I love you too, you know.”
“I don’t know if I can let myself believe that.” He said, his breath stuttering like he was afraid to speak. “I’m terrified that the second I believe it you’re gonna leave again.”
You sat up a bit so you could look him in the eyes, your hand moving to caress his cheek. “Colby, I’m just as scared as you are. I’m so so sorry I let you think I didn’t love you.” You leaned down to connect your lips, feeling his move against yours. “I promise I won’t leave again.”
Colby rolled the two of you over, his face hovered above yours. “Y/n, don’t promise me something you don’t mean.”
You could feel his breath against your face, his soft blue eyes set on yours waiting for your answer. You gently set your hands on either side of his face, speaking softly. “Colby, I am so scared. And I’m probably going to freak out a few times because I stopped letting people in a long time ago…but I promise you, I won’t leave.”
Colby let his weight gently rest against you as he captured your lips in another kiss. “Thank you for coming back.” He said, adjusting his body down the bed so he could cuddle his face into your soft chest. “It’s okay if you freak out, y/n. As long as you let me, I’ll be there to help you every single time.”
“That’s a big job you’re applying for.” You softly laughed, running your fingers through his hair.
“So?” He replied. “It’s the most important one I’ve got.”
“How did I get so lucky?” you said, dumbfounded by his words.
“It’s not luck.” He mumbled, slowly falling closer to slumber. “You’re worth it…I love you.”
“I love you too, Colby.” You felt him snuggle just a bit closer. “So much.”
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blackberries45 · 4 years
This is silly and stupid and my first writing ever. I'm sure it's full of mistakes, so I'm sorry. As I tried editing, the tumblr app kept not saving or moving the page. I'll try to make something better next time, if I do try again.
Please note : After both seeing the movie and reading the book, I kind of combine the two in my mind. Younger Billy, apartment more like the movie, events more like the book.
*tiny bit of laungue, small love scene
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**not my gif**
Y/n looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, day dreaming about the day ahead. Wishing she coud just spend all day, wrapped up in the blankets, watching something silly with Dan. As she finished and came out the door, Dan knew it was now or never.
"Y/n, I think we need to stop doing this" Dan spoke softly but with a firm tone. Y/n hadn't really heard what he was saying as she gathered her purse. "Hmm?" She asked, starting to slowly look up, still wishing to just stay.
"We need to stop doing this whole...thing. This half way in, half way out. Although I like you very much, I think it's time to let it go" Dan looked y/n in the eyes briefly but kept his gaze mostly down. He tried to not shine and see her thoughts but he picked up a small image, almost like a dark rain cloud moving in. "Good" he thought. "Rain"
Y/n stood there. She dropped her purse back on the bed while still staring at him. "I don't understand" she said with a puzzled face. She was confused and started to get hot. Her stomach started to turn. "When did you all of the sudden decide that? Was it before you asked me to yet again spend the night, or after you woke up?" All she could do was stand there and blink.
"I know this sounds harsh and unfounded but you need to think about this. Two years we have been playing this game and I think we both know it's going no where. It would be for the best if that was the last time." Dan was alittle louder this time. He looked her in the eyes but it was hard to do. He was trying to keep a mental block up and put on a harsh face when really, he was lying. He didn't want her to go. He didn't want her to be sad or angry. He truthfully did want to stop the whole, "friends with benefits" thing and just be with her. Maybe her move in and together they just be happy. But what he was now facing, he truly didn't know if he would come back from. He thought this was the only way. The fair way. The right way. Make her hurt, make her angry, make her forget him and move on.
Y/n just stood there until she finally felt like she heard a snap in her brain. She reached for her purse and started to walk towards the door. She felt drunk and sick. She wanted to turn around and scream and cry but there was no use. When Dan made up his mind about something, that was usually it. She felt like she was in a fog. She told herself she had to get home and get ready for work, so she did. Every step she took, down the stairs, through the hall, down the streets back home, she was on auto pilot. If she hadn't done it a thousand times before, she may have smacked into a something but she knew this route well.
As Dan watched y/n walk through the door, he quickly grabbed a last image. "Looks like a storm is coming" he thought to him self. "Yeah, for you and me both" He sat down on his bed, arms resting on his knees and put his hands on his low hung face as time slipped away for awhile.
It had been a few days but y/n was still confused and hurt. She was angry at herself mostly. This is why she ended up in this silly little town to begin with. She didn't want the hurt of relationships anymore. She didn't want to trust anyone again. But now she realized, she had trusted Dan even more because of being that friend. She trusted him to see her in makeup or without. Hungover and playfully scolding her or pissed off. She trusted him but more than that, she loved him. She thought they were two misfits that would always be sperate yet together. How could she not have seen this coming?
When Billy texted y/n that he was taking Dan on a "guys trip", y/n thought "Good! Stay away! Let me walk around town and not be worried to see you or hear you on your stupid train" She wasn't suprised that Dan didn't tell her, but it was another chance for her to call him an asshole, so she was glad. As the days passed however, she shifted from being happy again and upbeat to sad and scared. She couldn't undertand why. She had odd moments of desperately wishing Billy would text to say they were back. All y/n wanted to do was curl up in a ball. She paced and tried staying distracted but it didn't work. She picked up her phone again and again, writing and then deleting texts asking where Billy and Dan were. At the very least, she didn't want Billy to tell Dan and him think she gave a crap about him right now. She contiuned to pace and worry the next few days.
They were exhausted. Beyond exhausted. They felt ran over. Thankfully, Dan no longer felt like a rat was gnwaing his insides and had been able to eat once the left he park and the police, but he and Billy both just wanted to be in their own beds and sleep. The little rental car they had gotten since the truck been so damaged was fine, but it felt like it topped out at 40. He knew they were going faster from taking turns driving, but home seemed so far away.
"Home" Dan thought. "My cramped little attic nest. How hot must it be now that no windows have been opened? How must it smell with no air flow? How long since I changed the sheets" He knew what he should really be thinking was how grateful he was to be alive, which he honestly had given a very slim chance of being. He didn't expect to return when he left. His next thoughts were of y/n. His plan had worked. She had been out of his mind, not for any reasons except he need the space and the emotions to focus. He didn't want to be worried about her or thinking how worried she would be for him. Now having explained everything he had to Billy, John, and the rest of them, explaining his shine and the rest to y/n seemed easier. But before, it seemed like madness.
They finally made it to their little town. Dan slowly climbed the stairs and entered his apartment. It was exactly the same except for a smiley face drawn on the blackboard wall from his niece. The air was stagnant and strong. The sheets wrinkled from him not making his bed before he left. Something had gone south in the fridge. The biggest thing that hit him though, he desperately wished someone was there to hug him. Someone he could hug in return. Someone he could say to, "I'll tell you the story later but for now, lets just curl up and sleep." It wasn't someone he wanted, it was y/n. He walked to the bed and sat down, flipping his phone multiple times in his hand. Should he, shouldn't he. Should he, shouldn't he. He had left her a mess of rage and heartache and he knew it. He did it to protect her and himself, but would she understand it this way? Would she be able to process any of this? If he left her alone, he could maybe be friends with her again some day and never have to tell her. But he missed her. He wanted her right here. He want to be able to see someone that made him feel happy he came back for. He decided on a text.
Home. Come if you can or want.
His texts were never warm and fuzzy. She chalked it up to his slightly out of touch use of cellphones. He hated the things . She was taking a bath when her phone made a tiny "ping" from the other room. She wasn't even sure she actually heard it. She contiuned shaving her legs and slowly finished her bath. Once out, she took her time to dry off and put on lotion before walking out to her phone. Two messages. Billy and Dan. She read Billy's first. "Home" is all it said. She quickly replied and hit send. She took a deep breath and looked at Dan's. By now sent 20 mintutes ago to her phone. She didn't know what to think once she had. "What the Hell is this? A booty call? He dumps me, well, we weren't dating, he, let's me go or whatever but now wants me over there??" She was alittle angry and confused all over again. Although she was relieved they were ok, and she badly wanted to see him. She went back to her pacing when finally, she was walking out the door. She was half way there before even noticing what she was doing. She hadn't even responded to his text. Up the stairs, to the door and knocking, it all happened in a flash.
He stood there, a smile, if you could call it that, trying to form on his tired and beat up looking face. If someone had been in a fight with the Devil, he would be the picture proof of what it looked like. She could have said alot of things, and so could he. She could screamed alot of things, and he would have understood. But she stepped in, put her purse down, reach up to his face and as quietly asked, "What do you need?"
That. That was what he "needed". He bent down and kissed her. Soft at first. But increasingly more needy. Nothing in the apartment was far out of reach and they took a few steps and were on the bed. She laid down and he placed his hands on either side of her, kissing her face and neck. He lifted her shirt and started kissing everywhere on her stomach. Y/n took her shirt off, and Dan kissed where the shirt had been. Y/n moved around to remove her pants, all the while he kept kissing. Sometimes on the lips, sometimes the shoulder. He was getting more feverish though. The kisses were turning into almost little bites. He felt himself getting more primal, more dominant.
When they were both naked and starting to sweat from the apartment heat and the little bit of movement between them, he looked up at her, almost looking into her soul, and she noded. He started. Slowly entering her but quickly taking her for all he could. He was working out everything that had happened. The pain, the sadness, the fear. He was getting it all out of his system. The other people the had been inside his brain, the lack of sleep. Everything all at once. This wasn't a domination session, but it also wasn't making love. He was using her to almost cleanse himself. She groaned and moved with him. He kept one hand up next to her head and the other on her hip and and made all of the noises with her. When she was close, she arched her back and it brought him out of his thoughts and back to her. Seeing her like that sent him over and he quickly came as well.
When they were done, he rolled over and brought her into him. They were nasty and sticky but he didn't care. He laid there wanting to tell her everything, but it only took a few moments before he was out. Y/n quietly left the bed when she heard his breathing change. She looked down at him and wondered "What in the Hell happened to those two? Did they fall off a mountian? " She went into the little bathroom and cleaned herself up. Then she walked over and opened the window above Dan's bed and another across the room. She wanted to clean the place up for him, take out whatever was growing the fridge, but she thought he needed sleep and decided to stay as quiet as possible for a bit. She grabbed another sheet to roll herself in laid back down next to him. "Later he can explain" she told herself and then drifted off to sleep.
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A Halfway State - William Schofield
Hello friends! I rewatched 1917 and got super inspired, and out came this! It may not be the best, but I wanted it out there anyways. Also, this is a repost because tumblr goofed and deleted it when I tried to fix the tags. Tell me what you think!
He is hovering in a halfway state. Since he wiped his hands on the grass and stood to follow orders, he has been both painfully aware and painfully numb. Operating on auto pilot at moments, only to think far too long about his breathing and the throbbing in his left hand and the emptiness at his side.
And then he is shot at. Will thinks of nothing but saving himself as he fires back at the sniper. As he walks up the stairs, he hears his footsteps, his breaths, his own beating heart, and he wishes they’d be a little quieter. Then there is black as he blinks.
It must be a long blink, because he wakes up on his back, his hair matted in something thick and sticky. There is Tom’s voice in his head, laughing about sweet, golden syrup-smelling hair oil. But this is not hair oil. What it is, he can’t place, as his head has gone fuzzy and he no longer hears anything. Not his breaths or his heartbeat or even the memory of Tom’s voice.
Fortunately, perhaps, he cannot think as he stumbles along. There are no memories, no anxieties, no sense of identity. Of course, this lack of cognizance would not occur to him until later, when he tries to recount what happened in the small French town. He will furrow his brows and try to remember how far it was between the building of the dead sniper and the grate to the woman and baby, but he will only have flashes of light that arc across his brain. No thoughts, no words, no sound. Just furious orange in the form of harsh and unforgiving light.
But, of course, he remembers the woman. It was his first realization of his halfway state.
He is sat in the chair, his back to her, and his breathing picks up. Her fingers move to the side of his head, and his heart stutters. A cloth presses to the back of his head, and he groans.
His wife, cradling his face as she checks him over. The way she pressed cold and smooth fingertips against the back of his neck, ran her eyes and her touch over every minor change in his skin. Every scratch, every bruise. The bags under his eyes. And when he had inhaled sharply at a wound he can’t even remember, she had pressed a cold washcloth to it.
“I hated going home,” he’d admitted. The knowledge that he would leave the care of his family to return to a place of horror was crushing. He didn’t think he’d receive a gentle touch again. Best case scenario, not for a few more months, at least. But here he is, head sticky with what he finally realizes is his own blood, being cared for by a woman who he can’t even hold a conversation with.
As his wife’s face and the woman’s morph into one, he has his first clear train of thought since he opened his eyes to water hitting his forehead. He remembers his name, his rank, his mission. He remembers who should be there with him, but who is now lying mere meters from the body of the one who killed him.
He realizes his fragile mentality. He is just about to pull it together, pick his head up from the woman’s touch, when he hears the baby.
My daughter, he thinks, I have to comfort her.
But then the woman is moving and he snaps back to himself. It is a daughter, but not one that belongs to either of the people in the room. He fights off the flickering images of his girls, all of them, and stands slowly. He is becoming aware once again, his senses returning to him, his stream of consciousness not far behind.
The food and milk he had collected go to the pair without hesitation. Will allows himself a moment to interact with the young and innocent life before him, and just as he feels himself start to slip away again, the bells chime. His internal monologue becomes frantic as it reminds him of what he needs to accomplish and the small amount of time he has to do so.
In his recanting of the tale, the next part is a bit blurry, too. He does know what he did, but his memory of it is narrow, every image viewed through a tunnel in his mind’s eye. The one startlingly clear thing in the midst of it is perhaps the one thing he wants to forget. It is the feeling of a pulse fading to nothing under his fingers, the growingly weak swats from a boy younger than even Tom. Logically, Will understands he had to do it. He just wishes otherwise.
Memories of the river are characterized by the burning of his lungs. He thinks that one of the flares from Ecoust could have been fired into his lungs, and it still wouldn’t have burned as much as the water did.
Then, there is a moment of light. The sun had started to rise, and it was snowing around him. Blossoms fell all around, and there was Tom’s voice again, in the back of his mind, urging him on, to look at the trees, Scho, you’re getting closer!
Bile had churned in his stomach, made its way up to his chest. It started to rise as he crawled over the bodies on his way to the river bank. A blink, and he is on hands and knees, sobs ripping out of his throat. The burning in his gut stops somehow, but he doesn’t know if he retched or if his body accepted his cries in return for vomit.
Time has gone all funny again. He isn’t sure how long he stays before he staggers up. There is a melody floating on the wind, but he could be imagining it. He has floated out again. Will is no longer Will, but just a pained soul barely living in a battered body.
A blink, and he is sliding down a tree. It sounds like cotton has been stuffed in his ears. The boy’s voice is not heard, but felt. It bounces around what feels like an empty skull, though he isn’t sure how the song made it in. He trembles no more, and he doesn’t comprehend, much less understand it.
He is surrounded by men. No, not men, boys. So many young ones, waiting anxiously for the fight, buzzing with adrenaline. He looks, and each of them have the same face. Chubby cheeks, dark curls, bright eyes. He can think only of a name that is not his own, and the slightest memory attached. “He looks like me, a little older.” They are surely not who he’s looking for. They are not even as old as his friend.
Another blink. He is surrounded by two, three, four soldiers. He mumbles the basis of his mission, though he doesn’t know how he remembers. But then they are confirming that they’re the Devons, and he is up again and staggering on.
He is not so numb anymore. He is being warmed from the inside, from the ferocity of his anger. Shaking officers he would not speak to so sharply if he was in his right mind, he moves on through. Awareness comes in brief moments, in different ways. The thought that these trenches are white, ashen, like the face of Tom as he was laid down. The memory that he must find Colonel McKenzie and deliver the letter. The indignation that it is suggested that he wait for men to run to their deaths before moving along. The clarity, or perhaps stupidity, of pulling himself up and running the wrong way.
Auditory exclusion is not a term known to Will, but it is the only thing that describes this mad dash. Explosions and war crys threaten to deafen him, or maybe they already have, since he doesn’t hear them. A heartbeat thuds in his ears as he drives on. He is hit by one man, then another, but it doesn’t matter. He must find the colonel, and then he must find Lieutenant Blake.
When he tells this story, whether to others or himself, he remembers his interaction with the colonel, and the major, and every man up to Blake. There is nothing blurring this part of the story. Later on, he might wish that his talk with the man who looks like Tom, just a little older, isn’t so clear in his memory. The fact is, he was hyperaware of every part of that conversation, and the moments thereafter. How the man’s face dropped in the silence between asking where his brother was and Will’s soft, “It was very quick,” how his trembling returned as the lieutenant’s started, how he wasn’t sure if he agreed with the sentiment that it was good Will was the one with Tom, how Joseph’s sob behind Will as he walked was choked, like his own when he made it out of the river.
When he walks towards the tree that looks so much like the one he and Tom once napped under, he feels the haunting melody of the boy in the woods in his very bones. He can’t remember how the song went, but his body doesn’t need perfect recollection to recreate the eeriness of the moment.
Come back to us, and he allows his mind to go to his family willingly for the first time since his last leave. He hopes he will.
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onlyssca · 4 years
Would you date me ? // byler fic
Summary:  Mike asked Will to be his fake boyfriend at a relative's wedding, so he could piss off his homophobic family. And if they're going to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones right?
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22338424?show_comments=true&view_full_work=false#main 
“I’m gay”
Those 2 words sucked all the noise of the room, making it an agonizing silence longing between the two boys. It wasn’t the first time Will had said those words out loud but, this time he felt a lot more nervous. Probably because it was his opinion that he valued the most.
The first person he ever came out to was his mother. He and his mother were always really close. He knew she wouldn’t be mad but it stayed tough to admit. He then planed on coming out to his brother, Jonathan, but didn’t have to. Jonathan had made it pretty clear in the past that he was aware of his attraction to boys and was okay with it. Will knew he knew, and that was good enough.
He wanted so bad to tell his sister as well. They had grown really close and were almost inseparable. And this part of him he wasn’t sharing with her started to create a gap. El was somehow aware of it but also of the fact that Will wasn’t ready to explain why, and she respected that.  But it felt wrong to come out to her before him.
Him being Mike Wheeler, of course. His best friend. The person he told everything, maybe more than to his own mother. Mike, the one boy who was always by his side, the boy who stood up for him, the boy who was always there when Will needed comfort. Mike Wheeler, the boy who he was madly in love with.
So yes, coming out to Mike was difficult.
They stayed silent for a couple of second, Mike lying on his belly on Will’s bed, him sitting legs crossed a foot away from him; and right before Will started to regret his confession Mike spoke.
Will looked up to meet his eyes. Mike almost looked emotionless; like Will had just asked something as mundane as if he wanted mustard or ketchup on his hotdog. “You- you’re not mad?” Will stopped pulling the tiny part of skin near his fingertips.
“Mad? Will, why would I be mad?” Mike sat up, ruffling the paper sheets next to him. He gave Will a reassuring smile.
“I don’t know, some people would find me disgusting if they knew and I don’t know I-”
“Yeah, but I don’t. To me you’re still the same” He smiled and put his hand on his best friend’s. “It doesn’t matter who makes you feel fuzzy. Boys, girls who cares right?” Will wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction. He had hoped with all his heart that Mike would be accepting but his speech was weirdly open minded, too open minded.
“Are you…” He couldn’t be but Will had to be sure. “Into boys as well?” He finally found the courage to ask.
“Who me? No.” Mike said shaking his head. He didn’t sound offended. He even smiled. “Why? Are you interested?” Mike teased Will, oblivious that the answer was a big fat yes.
“N-no! It’s just you seem so chill about it, sorry”
“No it’s cool” He casually said.
“Cool” Will repeated.
“Anyway, what’d you got for question 5?” Mike simply went back to their homework as if that conversation meant nothing, or never even happened.
“Um, 25”
“Shit I got 56”
Years passed but Will’s crush didn’t, it was slowly turning into something more intense. Back in 10th grade, he tried dating a boy he met at the arcade to get over his best friend. It didn’t work. Will didn’t date anyone else after that. Mike on the other hand, had become quite the womanizer. Will couldn’t blame him; he went from a soft cute child to the hottest boy in the whole school.
So yes, Mike dated a lot. Always coming back to Will at the end of the day, saying that he’ll never find the one. Will’s heart sank when, one day, Mike mentioned that he’d need someone like Will. And of course both of them acted like Mike had never said that. It took a couple of other months for Will to inform the rest of the party that he liked boys. Everyone was accepting and supportive.
“Would you date me?” Mike asked out of the blue. Will who was inconveniently drinking at the same time choked a little on his drink.
“Excuse me?” Will managed to say after catching his breath. He placed his glass on the coffee table.
“I mean hypothetically would you?” Mike still had that serene expression when evoking that kind of subject, compared to Will whose head was always on the verge of exploding.
How was he supposed to answer that? Saying yes would mean hinting his attraction towards the boy, too close to the truth, saying yes meant danger. But saying no would mean lying and risking to hurt Mike’s feeling.
“I mean yeah” Will said after almost a minute of reflection which might have been worse than answering right away.
“Cool… because there’s this wedding I need to attend and I was hopping you’d be my date” Mike saw Will’s confused expression and clarified his proposition. “like pretend to be my boyfriend?” Will couldn’t believe what was happening. His heart was going full speed at this point.
“I mean yeah but wouldn’t it be easier to find a girl? Also more believable” Will tried to reason Mike but more importantly, himself.
“Well maybe I’m into boys as well as girls” Whatever was going on inside Will’s mind seconds ago got deleted by this one sentence. “I mean Johnny Depp’s pretty hot but so is Phoebe Cates, you know what I mean?”
“Not really but-”
“And I mean it’s not like I’ve never… you know” Will’s mind was a total blank at this point, still not processing the idea that Mike could like boys the same way he did.
“I really don’t” Will said.
“All I’m saying is that there is not much differences between kissing a boy and kissing a girl” Mike said and that was what broke the glass wall Wil was hiding behind. The wall that would hold the informations from going to Will’s brain. He stayed silent for a moment still in shock, but tried his best to keep a straight face.
“I guess, although there are differences” Will added.
“Oh yeah I know” Mike said, a little bit, too confidently. If Will was shocked before he now had lost the ability to function. Body frozen, his brain overheating as he tried to connect the dots. And the conclusion he came to kind of scared him for some reason.
“Wait, just so we’re clear. Are you telling me you’ve had sex with a boy?” Will didn’t know if he wanted the answer but his mouth was faster than his brain.
“Not all the way but, yeah pretty much I guess” Mike said nonchalantly. “So what do you say?” Mike changed the subject, looked at him right in the eyes.
“Sure,” Was all Will could say. “When is it?”
“Next week, 21st of July” Mike said.
“Okay, do I need to wear anything in particular?” Will had never been to a wedding.
“No, just a button up shirt I guess. You don’t have to go full tuxedo, unless you want to” Mike said.
Will went home that day looking for an appropriate outfit. He looked through his clothes but he found nothing he liked. He thought of asking his mother but went to look through Jonathan’s old clothes. He had left for college a couple of years ago but some of his stuff were still around.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing?” Will jumped not expecting anyone home. He turned around and saw his brother, leaning on the doorframe of the room.
“Jonathan! I didn’t know you were coming back for summer break!” Will said going for a hug.
“I told mom on the phone a couple of days ago. Didn’t she tell you?” He hugged his brother back.
“I guess not... El’s at Max’s but I can call if you w-”
“No no, don’t worry I’m staying so I’ll see her later”
“Okay” Will said enthusiastically. He had missed his brother.  Jonathan looked over Will’s shoulder and noticed the box of clothes on the floor.
“What’s all this?” He asked, his head nodding towards the box. Will turned around.
“Oh um, I’m looking for a button up shirt, a nice one” Will replied.
“Why? Do you have a date?” Jonathan smiled and lifting his eyebrows up. Will blushed.
“Oh no! Just going to a wedding” He explained, although his brother looked even more confused. “Mike asked me to be his date for one of his relative’s wedding” He quickly regretted his choice of words seeing the facial expression of his brother. “Don’t give me that look it’s, it’s not like that. He asked me to be his fake boyfriend.”
“Fake boyfriend? That’s pretty odd… why not just ask you to come as a friend?” Jonathan asked really confused. Will frowned. Somehow, in his state of ethereal panic when Mike asked him, he didn’t realize how weird it was.
“I-I don’t know…” Will looked down feeling like an idiot for still being in love with the same person for almost 10 years and them not reciprocating the feelings.
“I’m sorry” Jonathan put his hand on Will’s shoulder giving him a pitiful look. He knew. “Come on let’s find you the most stunning shirt we can!”
On the 21st the Wheelers came to pick up Will. Nancy couldn’t make it, which was why they only took one car. Mike got out of the car and walked to the Byers-Hoppers’ front door. Will opened the door to see Mike who was wearing black tuxedo pants, a light blue, almost white, shirt with a loosened navy tie. Will was wearing dark grey pants, his shirt was white with a red tie around the collar, and a dark grey vest matching his pants. He held his tuxedo jacket in his hands.
Will didn’t have time to greet Mike because as soon as the door was open and he was reachable, Mike slid his hand on Will’s wait bringing him closer. He leaned in and kissed Will right on the lips. Taken aback Will almost dropped his jacket on the floor. The kiss lasted about five seconds. Will couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes like Mike did.
“Why did you do that?” Will asked, eyes so wide.
“We’re supposed to pretend to be boyfriends, might as well act like real ones” Mike explained. “You look great by the way” Mike said before taking his hand and leading him to the car. Will forgot to thank him as worry started to take over his shock.
“What about your parents?” Will asked.
“They’re cool with it” He said climbing in the vehicle. Will following him and sat next to him as he greeted everyone.
“Hello kid” “Hi Will!” “Hello honey” All of the other Wheelers said at the same time. “Come on boys buckle up we’re a bit late” Karen said.
Will was a bit surprised by the fact that no one was bothered by the fact that Will was dating Mike. Mike explained, that he himself had thought his father would’ve been angrier about it but he simply didn’t care, totally unaware of the fact that his parents knew that if their son had to date a boy it would’ve been Will.
A moment after they had started driving Will felt Mike’s hand slid in his. He gazed at their hands then at Mike’s face. He was smiling at him. Will took a deep breath then relaxed into the touch and even leaned onto Mike’s arm. If he was going to pretend to be his boyfriend, he was going to enjoy every second of it because as soon as this day ends so does this.
They drove for about forty minute and finally arrived at the venue. The biggest area was outside where all the chairs and tables were, for the reception, as well as a dance floor with a faux ceiling of fairy lights. The place was huge and beautiful. Everything looked expensive and screamed ‘we have money’. Will knew the Wheelers were wealthier than his family but even the extended family was rich.
They entered the room where the ceremony would take place. Still holding hands Mike and Will followed Karen leading the way to the 5th row. They all sat down but Will felt nauseous all of a sudden. He felt stares on him and Mike and whispers here and there.
At first he thought that he was being paranoid, when they stood up for the bride’s entrance he met disgusted faces looking at them.
“Um... Mike?” Will tugged at his sleeve.
“Yeah?” Mike looked at Will giving him all his attention.
“Is your family homophobic?” Will asked the question that was bothering him as soon as he sat down on the white velvet chair.
“Uh yeah, some of them, why?” Mike said eyes wandering around the room.
“And you didn’t tell me?!” Will scream-whispered.
“Didn’t I mention it?”
“No you didn’t!!!” Mike didn’t understand why Will was so mad.
“Well, that’s kinda why I wanted you to come, so I could piss them off. My uncle’s a homophobic asshole so I thought I’d piss him off if I had a boyfriend.” Mike said calmly.
Will’s heart stopped. His shoulders dropped and he felt something in his stomach. His guts getting heavy. Was it the only reason? It would explain the ‘fake boyfriend’ thing… Will thought.
“Hey what’s going on?” Mike noticed Will’s sudden change of mood. He approached him, looking at his face closely trying to figure out the reason his best friend looked so down.
“Mike we could get hurt…” Will said and yes it wasn’t the main reason he felt sad but it was a big concern of his at this moment.
“Will look at me” Mike said lifting Will’s chin using his hand. “I will never let anything happen to you, you understand? Never” Mike said so seriously and with such sincerity in his voice. Will looked at him and saw the boy he fell in love with, and all his worry vanished.
“Okay” Will said nodding and smiling.
After the ceremony all the guests were invited to go eat the meal followed by the party that started right after the now married couple’s first dance together. The whispering and weird looks continued but Mike did everything he could to distract his boyfriend, and that meant kiss him by surprise, asking for, no, drag him to the dancefloor to swing to the music.
Will had seem to be distracted enough to forget all about it. Until one of Mike’s cousin, he assumed, went up to them.
“Hey Michael! I didn’t know you were a fairy?” He said supported by his friend’s laugh behind. Will let go of Mike and took a step away from him. Mike instantly put himself in front of Will, protecting him.
“Do you have a problem George?” Mike almost spat out.
“Yes actually. I don’t want faggots at brother’s wedding” He walked closer to them.
“Take that back!” Mike shouted over the music.
“No, you see I’m quite surprised. You don’t look queer” He said poking at Mike’s shoulder’s multiple times. Then pointed at Will. “Him on the oth-” Mike’s fist interrupting his cousin’s mouth.
It happened so fast that Will didn’t registered the action until he saw the man on the floor, lip bruised and already bleeding. He got back to his feet and punched back. Will was petrified and felt powerless. He watched the scene screaming in his head for them to stop.
His voice finally coming out when his eyes fell on Mike’s bleeding lips and red cheek. “Mike!” The fight didn’t go any further as people went to separate them. Will threw himself at Mike. He took his face between his hands.
“Are you okay?” He asked voice shaking, translating his worry.
“Sure! Never been better” Mike tried to lighten the situation with a joke that did not make Will laugh. Karen arrived near them and brought them in the kitchen of the venue to get some ice.
“Ouch” Mike winced as Will placed the ice patch against his cheek. Mike was sat on a counter, Will standing between his legs. They were no stranger to proximity and closeness, but this night, it became so natural for them, as if they were magnets.
“Sorry” Will said mimicking the boy’s facial expression.
“It’s okay” Mike said placing his hand on top of Will’s. They stared at each other’s eyes for god knows how long. They leaned a little eyes going down towards lips. Hearts racing but abruptly stopped when a member of the staff passed by, making Will drop his hand and them break eye contact. They waited to be alone again before they started speaking again.  “Please don’t say it” Mike said.
“Say what?” Will asked.
“I told you so” Mike replied
“I told you so” Will did it anyway. Mike gave him a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that you know…” Will softly said.
“Do what?” Mike asked confused.
“Getting beat up just to defend me” Will looked down.
“Hey no! I couldn’t stand there listening to that asshole say those things about you, about us.” Mike placed the ice patch next to him and took, between his hands, Will’s face, who winced a little because of Mike’s frozen hand. His burning cheeks helping the hand getting warmer.
“Don’t ever do that again. Promise me.” Will looked so serious.
“No I can’t promise that, I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and I meant it! You’re so important to me okay!” His brain was so dazed from his swollen lips and bruised cheeks, pain radiating in his whole face, which was why he had let this information slipped out of his mouth. Even though they both knew it, hearing Mike say it out loud felt different.
“Mike you don’t understand, I got so scared when I saw him punch you I… please” Will’s eyes getting wet as his voice was shaky. Mike licked the blood on his lips, thinking.
“Promise.” Will held his pinky finger in front of them. Mike looked amused, it’s been so long since they pinky promised something. They used to do it all the time when they were kids. Mike locked their fingers together.
“I promise” His hand quickly moved to hold his entire hand instead of just his pinky. His other hand on the back of the smaller boy’s head, bringing it closer allowing Mike to kiss his forehead. He stayed like this for some time, Will felt his whole body melt. He wiped off the blood stain after his lips left Will’s skin.
He looked around them, checking if anybody could see them, and no, no one was looking. He looked up and saw a bloody smile.
“You can stop pretending, no one’s looking” He took a wet cloth and gently rubbed the blood off Mike’s lips, which was useless as it was still bleeding a little.
“I’m not pretending” Mike said, putting Will’s hair behind his ear. The light touch made Will so weak. His heart was pounding in his chest; it was almost painful. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please stop, I’m begging you” Will desperately said avoiding eye contact.
“Stop what?” Mike got worried for half a second.
“Making me feel like this” He said. What do you mean? Was what Will could read on Mike’s face when he finally decided to raise his head. “Like I have a chance, like you could actually love me back”
“Back?” It was Mike’s voice’s turn to shake.
“Yeah Mike. I’m in love with you, have been for years. I honestly don’t know how you never noticed because I’m so weak for you” Will admitted. He was expecting a shocked expression painted on Mike’s face but his eyes met the boy, beaming at him. Will’s eyes flutter out of confusion.
“Why are you smiling?” Will asked.
Will started to panic. Was Mike gonna laugh at his face because of how stupid he was to love someone who will never love him back? He regretted telling this, he regretted coming to the wedding, he regretted agreeing to all of this. He… He tasted blood on his lips.
In his panic state he didn’t notice Mike leaning in to kiss him. Will closed his eyes and they moved their lips together spreading the iron taste on Will’s tongue. Will wasn’t aware of it but his whole body was shaking lightly. The kiss was slightly painful for Mike who didn’t kiss him for too long. They parted but stayed close nonetheless.
“What was that for?” Will said finally coming back to reality.
“For loving me back” Mike said softly.
“B-back?” A glimmer of hope shined in Will’s eyes.
“Yeah I did actually notice you loved me. It just took me a long time to fall for you too, or rather realized I had already fallen” Mike took Will’s hands in his. Will felt like he was floating on a cloud, not even noticing when staff members passed by anymore.
“When did you realized that?” Will had a lot of questions but this one came out first.
“Last year” Mike said looking down. Will let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. A mix of anger, sadness, confusion but mostly frustration took over Will.
“So you knew I was in love with you for years, then realized you loved me back but did nothing for a whole year?” He exclaimed, raising his voice a little.
“Yeah but I actually thought your feelings were gone because you dated that boy and… there’s college approaching and I don’t know I-” Mike struggled to explain. Will listened and waited for Mike to be finished, then waited a little longer, installing a silence between them.
“Now what? What do we do?” Will asked rubbing his thumb on Mike’s knee.
“I don’t know…” He looked at Will whose eyes were stuck on his own thumb drawing circles on Mike’s pants. “What I do know is that I love you.”
“You do?” Will glanced up, finding Mike staring directly at him, smiling.
“Yes! Hell, Will, you’re the love of my life, always have been, always will be, even though the love wasn’t romantic at first it sure is now!” Mike said like it was the clearest thing in his life, because it was. The words made Will melt into Mike’s arms. They also felt like a breath of fresh hair, like Will had been waiting all his life to hear them, like he could finally breathe again.
His eyes sparkled. “So what do you say? You want to give this a shot?” Mike asked, looking at Will through his eyelashes.
“Yes!” Will almost didn’t let Mike finish his question. He crashed his lips against Mike’s, who winced and pulled back.
“Ouch” Mike went to touch his bleeding lip.
“Sorry” Will’s awkward smile grew wider when he felt Mike’s lips back on his own.
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lady-une · 4 years
BSD Ch 15
Holy cow man, I can’t believe I have not updated this story in over a year. I want to first thank all of you for even still holding out for this update. It’s been a crazy year for us with everything that is going on. We just have to hold out hope a little bit longer. I understand that there is a lot of hate for Seungri right now and a lot of people are believing in what the media is feeding them, but I am still holding out hope and won’t put my blind faith in the media who only lives to drag people through the dirt. I won’t get into my stance on everything going on, this is not the place for that. But if you are not a fan then please just move on. I am and will always be ot5. But anyways, please enjoy this chapter. I deleted this many times because it wasn’t and still isn’t up to par with previous chapters. Just leave me some love if you do like it and if you don’t leave me some constructive cristicm in the comments. Thanks.
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He thought their love was eternal, that nothing would be able to break them apart. He put his trust and faith in the man he loved with all his heart. The one man he thought would never hurt him, did it in the most horrific way possible. How will he move on, having to see the man who broke his heart day in and day out. Having to see him smile and look at another the way he once did him. If had known this was his destiny all along, he would never had started on this path to begin with.
Word count: 3197
Theme: Angst
Rating: Mature, SMUT, Drinking
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Seungri
Master List
Chapter 1
The first few weeks out of the hospital was not at all what Seungri expected. His bandmates were still doing their tour but whenever they were home someone was always there checking on him. It wouldn’t have bothered him as much if he wasn’t already being watched like a small infant. Besides his parents and sister always being around, Mino was there checking on him daily and Jiyong had a nurse coming to check on him.
That was probably the thing he didn’t understand, why was his leader so worried about him? Yes, it made sense for Jiyong to worry since he was the leader, but he was going above and beyond what a group leader would do. Every time Seungri tried to think of a reason for Jiyong to be so concerned about him his head would become fuzzy and he would stop.
Being home in the apartment without anyone there was like a mini vacation, Seungri felt like he could finally breathe. Most of the time he would walk around just looking at things. The doctors said he had partial amnesia, but he was able to remember mostly everything but every now and then he would have parts he couldn’t remember. Walking into the guest room he sat on the bed and tried to think of a reason why he would be in the guest room and not his own. The first night he had tried to sleep back in his room but couldn’t fall asleep, so he ended up going right back to the guest room where he fell into a deep sleep easily. Clearly there was something about the room that made him uncomfortable.
Slowly as the days went on Seungri was able to leave his apartment, choosing to head back to the studio as he wanted to be productive instead of being lazy at home. Mino was always there with him, Seungri’s heart fluttered when he was around. Mino made sure he was eating right and taking rests when needed. The way he cared about Seungri was sweet, a fuzzy feeling would always brush over him as if there was a memory on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t get it. It was as if there was another person who had made him feel this way, but he couldn’t remember who it was.
Sitting on the oversized plush chair that he could not remember ever seeing in the studio Seungri was going over some notebooks he had found. They were journals of his feelings, reading them tore at his heart and his head would hurt but he pushed through hoping that they would help him make sense of things. The journals were clearly from before the accident and current. Someone had hurt him beyond repair. Reaching to the table next to him he grabbed another notebook and started writing. Seungri thought maybe if he were to make these into songs that they would help him recover part of his missing memory.
Standing outside the door peaking in Jiyong watched Seungri writing away, happy that he was sitting comfortably in the chair instead of those ass breaking chairs. If Seungri was going to be coming into the studio to work, then he wanted him to be as comfortable as can be. Lifting his hand he placed it on the window, he wanted nothing more than to be in there with him. He wanted to feel Seungri’s hand on his own.
“Hello hyung.”
Jiyong closed his eyes and counted to ten before turning around to see Mino behind him.
“Seungri is writing again, I can’t wait to see what he comes up with. Are you excited too hyung? I bet it will be something heartbreaking with how he is pulling from his journals as inspiration.”
“Watch it Mino.”
“I watch a lot hyung. I watch him do everything he can with a smile. I watch him laugh at home and watch him get frustrated when watching a tv show. I get to watch everything. What do you get to watch?”
Jiyong could feel the anger building up inside him. He hated that it was Mino who was getting to watch everything firsthand meanwhile he had to sit on the sideline. It should have been him there along side Seungri, but his own stupid selfishness kept him from being there.
“Well if you excuse me hyung, I should see if Seungri needs anything.”
Mino pushed passed Jiyong to enter the room and the sound of his voice as he greeted Seungri was too sweet and made Jiyong want to vomit. Peering into the room he watched Mino bend down to hug Seungri and watched him place a kiss on his cheek. Clenching his hand into a fist Jiyong could see Mino looking up at him as he planted that kiss, the look in his eye was a challenge to Jiyong. If the younger man wanted to challenge him then he would play along. He would get back Seungri if it was the last thing he would do.
“Hyung how is the music coming?” Mino ask pulling back after watching Jiyong storm off from the door and sat down across from Seungri.
“It is coming along well, it’s rather sad. I don’t know if it is something that should even see the light of day.”
“Don’t say that, it’s good that we have a mixture of emotions in the music. We can’t always be happy every second of the day. Plus, our fans need music to listen to when they are broken hearted.”
“True, but I really wish I could remember who made me this way. I know you all know who it was but none of you want to tell me. Why won’t you tell me?”
“The doctor has told us that you need to figure that out on your own. That if we were to tell you it would be a shock to your system. Your brain isn’t ready for you to remember that, when it is time you will.”
“I know you all keep tell me that, but I am tire of waiting.”
“Hyung you spent months in a coma, you can wait until your body is ready. Let’s just enjoy the time we have before all the memories come back.”
Seungri just nodded his head, clearly Mino was not going to give up anything. Just like the other members no one was willing to help him out. Maybe if he were to get them drinking it might help loosen those tight lips. Setting the notebook down Seungri grabbed his phone and sent a message to the group chat asking if they would like to get a drink tonight. Quickly the responses came in that of course they would love to. Smiling Seungri put down his phone, he would get answers soon.
Mino and Seungri pulled up to the restaurant and allowed valet to park the car. Walking in they were greeted before being taken to the back private room. The closer they got to the room he could hear the loud laughter of a certain bingu. Upon entering the room Seungri looked around as his bandmates and smiled when he spotted an open bottle of wine already on the table. No doubt the reason for the loud laughing.
“Our Maknae has arrived!” Daesung sand out as he got out of his seat and danced over to him causing Seungri to break out into his own laughter.
“What you don’t like my dancing?”
“I loved your dancing, but you reminded me of the time Jiyong hyung had to pretend to be a girl and dance.”
Daesung gasped and lightly slapped Seungri on the chest, “How could you say that, I dance more gracefully then our leader.”
“Yeah Maknae how could you say that about Daesung, he dances very seductively when he needs to.” The oldest member said as he wiggled his eyebrows.
Daesung covered his face in hope to hide the blush that was quickly spreading over his body. Seungri and Mino moved out of the doorway and over to the table and sat down next to Youngbae.
“So how is the music coming along?” Youngbae asked.
“It is going well hyung, rather sad but well. I should have the first song’s lyrics down and then I will only need some beats to go with it.”
“Well leave it up to Jiyong, I bet he will find something to go with your words.”
“Speaking of Jiyong, where is he?” Seungri asked as he looked again around the table and noticed his absence.
“Oh he got called away for a meeting but he might show up later if need be.”
“Enough talk lets eat!” Seunghyun shouted in his drunken state.
The drinks flowed the whole night as everyone ate happily. They talked about the concert and how much the fans missed Seungri. They talked about Youngbae and what is like to be a parent. Seungri lit up every time Youngbae brought up his child, he wanted nothing more than to have his own child one day. He knew it was going to be hard, society won’t take lightly to a gay man wanting to adopt a baby. Yet he knew he didn’t want to live in hiding his whole life.
It was around 11pm when he knew the other members were very much intoxicated along with Mino as Mino was drinking everything that was offered to Seungri. Seunghyun was slurring his words and trying to get Daesung to get up and dance with him to music that no one could hear. Youngbae was happily smiling on at the two love birds who were in their own little world. Mino was resting his head on his hand, half aware of everything and half asleep. Now would be the time if he were to ever get answers.
“Yah bingu hyung.” Seungri called out.
Seunghyun stopped trying to pull Daesung from his chair and looked over at Seungri, his eyes barely open.
“I was wondering if you could help me with something?”
“You need help from the best dancer of this group?” He playfully said as he moved his hips.
Seungri laughed, “Not right now but I was hoping you could help clear something up for me?”
“Of course, you tell your hyung what it is, and I will help you.” Seunghyun said as he sat down in his chair.
“Well as I was working on my music, I was reading my journals and wondering who caused me to feel this pain.”
“The person is a bad person. You don’t need to worry about him.”
“But hyung who is he?”
“A bad bad man. Don’t worry about it. Here have a drink and forget about him.”
It was then that Mino shot his head up to grab the shot and downing it before face planting onto the table. Clearly that was the shot that broke the camel’s back.
“Yeah Maknae don’t worry about the past.” Youngbae pipped up before yawning.
“But hyungs I deserve to know.”
“You will when it is time. Just relax. I am going to use the restroom and check in at home.”
Youngbae stood and walked out the door or rather stumbled out the door. Daesung hummed in agreement as he laid his head on the table and nuzzled next to Seunghyun’s arm that was on the table.
“Hyung wouldn’t you want to know who hurt you? How about you just give me clues. You won’t have to say the name but you can give me an idea of who it is.”
“Hmmmm maybe. Not a lot and I won’t tell you who it is.”
“Good, go ahead with the first clue.”
“He is older than you.”
“Ok, not too helpful.”
“He is in the music industry.”
“Is he under our label.”
“Ok next clue?”
“He can dance.”
“Well clearly if he is under our label. Even the actors can dance.”
“He can drink really well.”
Seungri rubbed his neck, these clues were not helpful at all.
“He charmed his way into your life at an early point. He was fiercely protective of you and loved you deeply.”
“Well apparently not if I go based off my journals.”
“What can I say he is an idiot. Anyone around you guys could see how much that man loved you. I don’t really understand why myself as to the real reason he did what he did. He told us why and told you why but it just doesn’t make sense.”
“Ok, what does he look like?”
“He is average height I guess. He has black hair and big feet. Most of the time he has a scowl on his face but that is just who he is recently.”
“Can you tell me what his name starts with or his sur name?”
“That would be cheating.” Seunghyun sang out.
“But hyung none of these clues are helpful, you just described the majority of the men at our label. Hell you just described Hyung-suk himself!”
Seunghyun shook with a look of disgust on his face as if he had just eaten something awful.
“Fine he goes by two names.”
“What are those names?”
“One of the alias names is..”
Before Seunghyun could utter the name the door to the private room swung open with an angry looking Jiyong holding up a very tired and drunk looking Youngbae.
“What the hell is going on here?” Jiyong shouted.
Seungri and Seunghyun both looked at Jiyong with a smile on their faces before they both said “Nothing” in unison.
“Nothing? This doesn’t look like nothing. Who let Youngbae drink? You know he can’t handle his alcohol.”
Jiyong looked around the room to see Daesung passed out and drooling next to Seunghyun. Next to Seungri laid Mino who was lightly snoring away.
“I think it may be time for everyone to get home and get some rest.” Jiyong said as he tried to deescalate his own emotions. He wasn’t sure if he should have let the elder member tell Seungri or if he should leave it up to Seungri to figure things out. Walking over to a chair Jiyong deposited Youngbae before walking out to settle the tab.
As he was paying the tab he could feel Seungri near him before he heard him.
“Hyung I should be paying, it was my idea to have everyone come out.”
“None sense. Let me pay for this.”
“But hyung….”
“Did you have fun tonight maknae?” Jiyong asked in a gentle voice.
“I did, even if Mino didn’t let me drink. How was your meeting?”
Jiyong thought back to his meeting as he ordered some drivers to take the members home. “It was ok, but I would have rather been here with you.”
Seungri felt his heart flutter quickly, it surprised him.
“Well you’re a businessman so of course you would have to go to the meeting.”
“The meeting was boring compared to the fun it looks like you guys had.”
Jiyong moved closer to Seungri and grabbed his hand and walked back towards the private room.
“Hyung.” Seungri quietly said.
“Hmm.” Jiyong answered.
“Will you tell me who the guy is that hurt me?”
“I can’t maknae.”
“But hyung why not? I almost had a good clue before you opened the door. You owe me now.” Seungri said sternly looking up dead in the eyes of Jiyong.
Jiyong smiled, he enjoyed this playful tiger-panda that Seungri was. He was going to enjoy this as much as possible. Move closer to Seungri he enclosed him between his to hands pinning him against the wall next to the door.
“If I give you that clue maknae what will you give me?” Jiyong asked in a whisper.
“Whatever you want hyung.” Seungri stuttered out. His heart was racing, and he could feel this emotion stirring inside him. It was a feeling of being prey, as if he was caught but at the same time it was exciting.
Jiyong moved in closer to Seungri leaning in next to his ear and whispered, “Don’t say whatever if you don’t plan on following through.”
Seungri gasped as he felt Jiyong’s breath against his ear, he could feel his pants start to get tighter as he became aroused.
“Hyung..” He breathless whispered.
Jiyong moved closer and put his knee between Seungri’s legs. He knew what he was doing, Seungri’s weakness was his ear. It was the one thing Jiyong could count on for helping him get what he wanted.
“Yes maknae?” Jiyong whispered again before ghosting his lips over Seungri’s neck.
Seungri let out a low moan, his member was fully hard now and he worried that Jiyong would feel it. The fear he had was confirmed when Jiyong also pressed his own hard member against Seungri.
“What do you need Ri? Tell me and I will give it to you.”
“Hyung please…” Seungri moaned out as he began to rock against Jiyong.
Jiyong growled lowly as he felt Seungri rock against him. It had been so long for him since the two had been this way. He wanted nothing more than to take him right then and there, media be damned. He was ready to claim what should be his.
“Tell me Ri, use your words. I can’t read your mind as much as I wish I could. I would love to know what dirty little thoughts you might have locked up inside that brain of yours.”
“I…I…I need..” Seungri could barely form a sentence, his need to find out who the mystery man is was battling the need for release.
“Just tell me, I will do anything you want.” Jiyong repeated as he placed gentle kiss on the Seungri’s neck.
“Touch me.”
That was all he needed. Jiyong moved one hand down to Seungri’s hard member and began palming it. The minute his hand made contact with Seungri, Seungri lost all control to stand upright. Jiyong had to quickly support Seungri as he was rubbing him. Seungri hid his face in Jiyong’s shoulder as he enjoyed every bit of what was going on. He could feel his orgasm rushing forward. It would take much longer, he just needed Jiyong to keep rubbing him.
“Don’t stop…” Seungri moaned out.
“Never.” Jiyong replied.
The hot feeling was rushing forward up Seungri’s body, grasping onto his Jiyong’s shoulder with his hands he bit down waiting for the orgasm to hit.
“Where the fuck are you two?” Seunghyun shouted as he opened the door.
Seungri in his startled state pushed Jiyong away from him and stuttered out “Right here hyung, we were order the drivers.”
“Good, good. I need to get Daesung in bed or he will be crabby tomorrow.”
“Well let’s head out, I am sure the drivers are here.”
Seungri walked over to the eldest member with a half-smile.
“Maknae are you ok? You look flushed? You’re not getting sick are you?”
Jiyong stood there as the two disappeared into the room. Being cock blocked by a drunk Seunghyun is by far the worst thing. Moving his hand down to his pants to readjust had him thinking otherwise, dealing with blue balls is much worse than that.
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anika-222 · 4 years
the day my drafts decreased by one
It feels like all the blood in my body has magickally disappeared and been replaced by electric mud. I feel heavy, and empty, and electrified all at once. I’m ill at ease; like the very, very early signs that I’ll be violently ill later.
I can’t count at this point how many email drafts I had written and deleted. Eight are currently still sitting in the folder. One minute ago, there were nine. But today my drafts decreased by one as I pressed send instead of delete.
I tried so hard to keep my words casual. Calm, cool, collected. I knew my words - my earnest, earnest words - were bound to betray me. I couldn’t keep the emotion out completely and to be honest, I didn’t really want to. Ten years of welling emotion that culminated in an electronic message zooming through wires and servers. Abandoning me here, corporeal and left to simply stare at the screen, not knowing if or when those words would find their destination. Those deep brown eyes with golden flecks (but only when she’s happy). A lot changes in ten years. Email addresses certainly change on a whim. Long lost passwords leaving messages to gather dust, unread and unknown.
Every word I wrote is now up for scrutiny. Too forward? Not compelling enough? Will my name even register in her memory? Will her brain scan through her mental card catalog and pull up my face? Scenes of our time together? Will she be flooded with good memories or will the way we left things taint them all?
I let my head fall back onto the grass. It’s not soft grass, it’s dry and sharp and poking my ears, but I don’t care enough to get up. The breeze actually feels cool on this late summer day, signs of fall winding its way down from Canada. I get goosebumps as my mail app, still open on my screen displays (1) new message. I know the irrationality of thinking a response is coming in so quickly, but that Spock-like analysis center in my head won’t shut up about statistics and even if it’s very unlikely, it might be. It’s just a sale ad for H&M. I clear the message so my brain doesn’t get that adrenaline rush by leaving the new message icon to be seen every 15 seconds that I check my phone. Even though there’s plenty to do today, it feels like I’ve sucked down a gas station slurpee too fast and my head is all consumed with the pain of brain freeze.
My mind wanders back to our brief paperflash of a relationship. How quickly we came together, thrown into unthinkable scenarios, how quick she was to decide how infuriating I was, how quickly I saw how lovely she was. And the moment it all changed. Just days before we were to be separated by an ocean once more. Those three days were intense but it also felt like every meandering path my life had taken, the good, the bad, the really, really cursed, they were all worth it because I was finally where I was meant to be: with her.
Every broken bit and piece fell into place that day. I felt so sure of our future I didn’t think anything could alter our destiny. Not an ocean apart, not the fact that we didn’t know when we’d see each other again, not even leaving our relationship status open-ended.
Maybe that’s where it all went wrong. Maybe I should have asked to stay. Maybe I should have asked her to come with me. Maybe I should have said I see no one in my future but you. Maybe the things I thought were so clear they didn’t need to be spoken, I should have said. Another message rolls in, my heart leaps, my brain (metaphorically) rolls its eyes at the implausibility of hoping it’s her. This time the email is for some gym I’ve never even signed up for. I really should unsubscribe more often from these junk lists I’m on. This is bound to be a long day of disappointing notifications.
I open my spam and careful scan through its contents, sick at the idea that her reply might go to the junk folder and I’ll carelessly empty it along with any hope of our future. I think back to that fateful January day when our fate altered again, seemingly irreparably. Our last exchange over gchat. The unanswered emails (all from me). The scant news from our mutual friends that she didn’t intend on replying.
I sink into the earth beneath me, willing it to swallow me up. Did we lose everything because of a misunderstanding? And a very willful girl? My throat swells at the thought of ten years of us that could have been. Even though my eyes are fuzzy with tears not yet spilled, I can see another message pop up, though the adrenaline is admittedly wearing down. A notification from one of my magick message boards. I clear it for the sake of routine, but finally click my screen dark and slip my phone into my pocket. I let my thoughts float along with the clouds in this big wide Nebraska sky. They’re turning darker and gathering height. I let the electricity in the air take up the sparks in my nerves, content for now to simply wait in the grey.
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