#mayo pete
The learned helplessness of Pete Buttigieg
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The apocalyptic airline meltdown over the Christmas break stranded thousands of Americans, ruining their vacations and costing them a fortune in unexpected fees. It wasn't just Southwest Airlines' meltdown, either - as stranded fliers sought alternatives, airlines like AA raised the price of some domestic coach tickets to over $10,000.
This didn't come out of nowhere. Southwest's growth strategy has seen the airlines add more planes and routes without a comparable investment in back-end systems, including crew scheduling systems. SWA's unions have spent years warning the public that their employer's IT infrastructure was one crisis away from total collapse.
But successive administrations have failed to act on those warnings. Under Obama and Trump, the DoT was content to let "the market" discipline the monopoly carriers, though both administrations were happy to wave through anticompetitive mergers that weakened the power of markets to provide that discipline. Obama waved through the United/Continental merger and the Southwest/AirTran merger, while Trump waved through Virgin/Alaska.
While these firms were allowed to privatize their gains, Uncle Sucker paid for their losses. Trump handed the airlines $54 billion in covid relief, which the airlines squandered on stock buybacks and executive bonuses, while gutting their own employee rosters with early retirement buyouts:
Incredibly, the airlines got even worse under the Biden administration. In the first six months of 2022, US airlines cancelled more flights than they had in all of 2021, while the airlines increased their profits by 45% - and kept it, rather than using it to pay back the $10b in unpaid refunds they owed to fliers:
Dozens of state attorneys general - Republicans and Democrats - wrote to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, begging him to take action on the airlines. After months without action, they wrote again, just days before the Christmas meltdown:
For his part, Secretary Buttigieg claimed he was doing all he could, trumpeting the order to refund fliers as evidence of his muscular regulatory approach (recall that these refunds have not been paid). He assured Americans that the situation "is going to get better by the holidays."
But the numbers tell the tale. Under Buttigieg, the DOT "issued fewer enforcement orders in 2021 than in any single year of the Trump and Obama administrations."
As the crisis raged, enraged fliers and opponents of unchecked corporate power blamed Buttigieg. So did opportunistic, bad-faith Republicans looking to score political points. The "liberal" media lumped all this criticism together, insisting that Buttigieg had done everything in his power and declaring it unreasonable to expect the Transport Secretary to prevent transportation catastrophes:
Buttigieg's defenders trotted out a laundry list of excuses for the failure, ranging from the nonsensical to the implausible to the contradictory - Pete's Army continued to claim that the aviation meltdown was the weather's fault, even after Buttigieg himself went on national TV to say this wasn't the case:
Buttigieg is the Secretary of a powerful administrative agency, and as such, he has broad powers. Neither he nor his predecessors have had the courage to wield that power, all of them evincing a kind of learned helplessness in the face of industry lobbying. But there is a difference between being powerless and acting powerless.
To see what a fully operational battle-station looks like, cast your eye upon Lina Khan, chair of the FTC, another agency that has a long history of dormancy in the face of corporate power, but which Khan has transformed - not through ideology, but through competence. Khan - and her fellow Biden administration trustbusters Jonathan Kantor and the recently departed Tim Wu - have an encyclopedic knowledge of their powers, and they haven't been shy about using them:
Over the Christmas break, even as the airline industry was stranding Americans far from their families, Khan proposed a rule to ban noncompete agreements, which are widely used to prevent low-waged workers like fast-food cashiers from quitting their jobs and seeking better pay from competitors:
These are, as Matt Stoller writes, a form of indentured servitude, used by private equity crooks to lock in their workforces. "30% of hair stylists works under a non-compete, as do 45% of family physicians." Noncompetes destroy the livelihoods of workers who start their own businesses, too: "One comment to the FTC came from a graphic designers for signage who was bankrupted by a lawsuit from her control-hungry former boss and a small town judge":
Noncompetes are a scourge, and there should be bipartisan agreement on this. If you're a Democrat who believes in labor rights, noncompetes are manifestly unfair. But that's also true if you're a Republican who believes in competition and the power of entrepreneurship.
Nevertheless, noncompetes have trundled on, with neither Congress nor the administrative branch showing the courage to act - until now. Khan's proposed rule bypasses Congressional inaction by invoking powers that she already has, under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.
Section 5 gives the FTC broad powers to prohibit "unfair methods of competition" - an incredibly broad power to wield, and one that the FTC hasn't bothered to use since the 1970s (!):
Which brings me back to Secretary Buttigieg and the airlines. Because Chair Khan isn't the only federal regulator with these broad powers. As David Dayen writes for The American Prospect, "the Department of Transportation has the exact same authority":
Under USC40 Section 41712(a), Buttigieg has the power to unilaterally ban transportation industry practices that are "unfair and deceptive" or "unfair methods of competition." Per the DOT's own guidance, this provision is "modeled on Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act":
The are a lot more recent examples of the DOT using this power than there are of the FTC using its Section 5 authority, like the Tarmac Delay Rule. But as Robert Kuttner writes, the airlines reneged on their end of the $54b bailout, slashing staffing levels and failing to invest in IT modernization - examples of the "unfair and deceptive" practices that the DOT could intervene to prevent:
As Dayen writes, "The definition of 'deceptive' is 'likely to mislead a consumer, acting reasonably under the circumstances.' If the airline scheduled a flight, took money for the flight, and knew it would have to cancel it (or, if you prefer, knew it would have to cancel some flights, all of which it took money for), that seems plainly deceptive."
This is the same authority that Buttigieg used to fine 5 non-US airlines (and Frontier, the tiny US carrier that flies 2% of domestic routes) for cancelling their flights - his signature achievement to date. But as Dayen points out, this authority isn't limited to taking action after the fact.
The DOT can - and should - act before Americans' flights are canceled. It can use its authority under 41712(a) to "say that the cancellation itself is an unfair and deceptive practice and issue a fine for each canceled flight." It could "promulgate a rule saying that cancellations due to insufficient crews, or due to dysfunctional computer scheduling systems, are unfair and deceptive, with stiff fines for each violation."
Both of these were within Buttigieg's power months ago, when the State AGs begged him to take action to prevent the mounting epidemic of cancellations. Both of these are within his power now. Heads of federal agencies are among the most powerful people in the world and they can use that power to materially improve the lives of the American people.
Just ask Lina Khan.
Image: Gage Skidmore (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/49560191032
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
[Image ID: A vector drawing of a man slumped at a desk with his face on his laptop. The man's face has been replaced with that of Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He has a DOT logo on his shoulder. There are also DOT logos on a coffee-cup on the desk and behind the desk, on the wall.]
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Submitted by @cool-sword
Yeah we did this before but it's been a while so why not try it again for all the new folks here's a link to the original post with all its propaganda
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
SEXUALITY HC gay. because he's gay for realsies for actual in the text
OTP loras because thats realsies for real life 🫶 they're sweet they're doomed when the sun sets no candle can replace it T_T
BROTP margaery and renly besties is so funny. getting to marry your gay best friend LITERALLY the dream even if you're gay best friend is just a normal guy who likes nice clothing.
NOTP i havent seen many non-loras renly ships actually... like i've seen weird freaks write weird freak shit but there isn't really a serious ship that i hate. lmao maybe arianne and renly because of that time arianne tried to seduce him and was confused why he didn't react. her gaydar is sooo bad how is she close to lady nym and daemon and oberyn and still is like idk why he didnt wanna fuck me :/
HEADCANON idk if it counts since to me its just The Text but his usurping isn't just ambition and being power hungry it's desperation to be recognised by robert and stannis plus being young hot having fun like he said life is short eat the peach!!! otherwise hm... i think he fucked oberyn i think thats funny
FAV QUOTE when he MURDERED littlefinger "there are worse crimes. the way you dress, for one". i do like the show is he a ham thing that was funny
RELATABILITY being gay being slay!
SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT ok the peach thing. i love it but anytime someone mentions the peach i just think of the peach emoji and the butt connotations. "i will go to my grave thinking of my brother's peach" okay!
CINAMMON ROLL/PROBLEMATIC FAVE it's a LITTLE problematic to start wars sow chaos and cause the deaths of innocents just because you've got childhood-stemming attention seeking behaviours :/
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humblevictory · 1 year
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pumpkinbxtch · 1 month
Leo was taught several customs from his roots at an early age, among them that May 5th is not celebrated like the United States does.
— Happy MAY 5TH! — Her neighbor says to her mother and Leo knits his eyebrows together seeing that he wears a charro hat and the supermarket bags full of ingredients for guacamole or tacos. He knows it very well because they are common ingredients in his house.
— yeah, Happy May 5th, Pete— Esperanza says with a slightly crooked smile. He shakes the bags and they exchange a few more words, including a polite invitation to stop by his house later.
— Mum, but you said that we don't celebrate any independence until September 15 — Leo whispers once his neighbor continues walking. His mother looks at him and nods.
— And don't forget it, mijo — She says sweetly. — Cinco de Mayo is actually not celebrated in that way... Effusive, but it's a date to remember a that helps us not forget where we come from. Our resistance here— But the real one with parties is until September.
She said that last bit more lightly and her usual soft expression returned. Leo nods and continues walking hand in hand with his mother.
Now Leo looks out the window while on that day he sees people celebrating and sharing. Also take advantage and enjoy the food but he knows the truth, his mother told him and he will not forget it.
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harrisonarchive · 2 years
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George Harrison, Olivia Harrison, Billy Preston, and Robben Ford in Chicago, Illinois, 30 November 1974. Photos by James Mayo/Chicago Tribune, unknown.
You can spot George wearing a John Lennon Walls and Bridges shirt.
“[In Chicago on 30 November 1974] we sat there trying to calm down. [...] Although I didn’t know then who she was, Olivia was there. He kissed her just after they came into the room, and before he sat down. [...] He told about his guitar strap breaking on stage and how when he realized it was letting go, he stuck his foot out to catch the guitar on his shin. All I could think of is that he is the only one I know that would deliberately get hit on the shin. [...] Olivia came over once and asked us if we wanted anything to eat and then right before he left he stood about 3 feet away from us and leaned over the coffee table in front of us to get some matches from Pete and I remember he said, ‘I thought he was crackers,’ but I don’t know who he was talking about. Then I heard him say that he was going to bed, and I looked up to see him with his arm lightly around Olivia’s waist and they said goodnight to everyone. I felt a desperate urge to do something drastic to keep him there, but I suppressed it and just smiled. […] To describe George, I can say that I was really shocked at how thin he is. His face looked just about like I expected, but thinner. His hair was so fluffy and nice, but his eyes were what I really noticed. They were so deep brown! Most people when you look at their eyes you see the white around the color, but when you stare into George’s eyes you just see deep brown and a lot of emotion. It’s really a shame his eyes don’t photograph the way they really look. If they did, I don’t think anyone would have ever noticed Paul’s eyes even as gorgeous as they are.” - Char Bass, The Write Thing, April/May 1976 (many thanks to Meet The Beatles For Real) (x)
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js4440 · 10 months
Tom and Pete were the most unexpected couple. Pete, a strong-willed and independent man; and Tom, with his calm and introverted nature, were the differences in a unique bond structure that went beyond social norms.
On a sunny Saturday morning, Tom decides to go to IKEA with Pete and Mike, whom we can call Pete’s mentor, because Pete needs Mike oftentimes. Mike has always been a reliable fatherly figure and confidant to Pete; and Tom has thought his presence would provide a sense of stability in the chaos of a furniture store.
Yet, to the surprise of Tom, the shopping adventure has passed smoothly. Despite his dislike for the crowds, Tom has easily navigated the bustling corridors. They have chosen furniture and home decor, envisioning their home life together.
Tired but satisfied, they have reached the end of their IKEA adventure . . . As he walks towards the exit, Tom’s stomach growls, reminding him that it is time to eat. Pete hisses at Tom that he is hungry, too, and asks: ‘Burgers or hotdogs?’
Pete’s face contorts with a slight expression of annoyance. ‘I don’t like burgers,’ he replies softly.
However, in the end, Tom’s decision is finalized because there is nothing nearby but a hamburger restaurant.
As the shopping adventure has been a forced success story for Tom, a new challenge has arisen. Pete, who is always very meticulous about food, complains about the ketchup and mayo on the hamburger. The bratty husband-to-be, against the sauces, seems unexpectedly to have frustrated Tom; it can be read on his face. Pete feels that the anger of Tom, who is on the verge of giving up on marriage, is overflowing. Tom does question whether he can last a lifetime with the uncompromising Pete, even over something as trivial as his choice of sauce. Doubts flood his mind and he wonders if he has made a mistake by agreeing to marry Pete.
Seeing the tension between the two, Mike takes on the role of a mediator with all his age and experience. As a father figure for Pete, Mike has always guided him through his life. Now, seeing the difficult experiences of his relationship with Tom does not allow him to side with Pete.
Mike calmly calls out to the couple, with wisdom and compassion: ‘Happiness is in the little things, remember that troubles are meant for caring for each other. Don’t let trifles ruin your lifetime of happiness.’
Shocked at first by Mike’s unexpectedly growing support to Tom, Pete stubbornly folds his arms. He has always relied on Mike for support and understanding, but now he feels betrayed.
But bothering to take the time, Pete begins perceiving Mike’s surveillance. He realizes that; yes, Mike has not taken his side, but has encouraged opposing sides to appreciate a common ground and see the big picture. Mike’s words have made Pete reflect on the essence of relationships.
Pete puts aside his pride and turns to Tom, there is sincerity in his voice: ‘Forgive me, Ice, I exaggerated. Viper is right; there is no need to argue over such small things.’
Pete’s words melted Ice’s heart as they swept away his anger. Love is patience, reconciliation and understanding. He realizes at that moment that he has made the right choice by choosing Pete as his mate.
‘Loving you is like eating a sour candy,’ he says, smiling. ‘If you like sweets, get prepared to taste the sourness sometimes.’
‘That sounds like, “Let’s get down for a dessert!” Doesn't it?’
‘Exactly,’ Mike approves, beaming at the couple.
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softnsquishable · 21 days
I woke up at 3:45am today, covered in sweat, and I rapidly wrote down my vivid fall out boy/joe trohman dream from last night and it. Was wild.
Patrick was just chilling with everyone. He took off his show outfit in front of everyone and he had a full suit on underneath? Jacket and everything. I guess that was normal for him? And we weren't at a show it was some just big reception cocktail thing? Anyways then it became an airport? Andy did not want to take photos, he agreed to a group pi ture but everyone was so spread out across the room i wasnt in it. Pete was nowhere in sight.
I came up to Joe and he didn't want to hug so I made a heart at him and he did this thing where he put a hand on his heart and reached his over hand to me? Hw then shows me a picture of him having a drink with my coworkers husband and says hes going to delete it because he has a wufe and kids but do i want him to send it to me first? And im like "of course". Then for some reason I mentioned my dad and a weird discord message had gotten from him (it was just the word "hawt") and Joe was concerned. I had another text from my dad from two months before that just read "Mayo Na".
And suddenly now Joe is leaving with me? I get into his car and he puts on this comedy song about how this is the best song to get your brains eaten by zombies to and it has like. Zombie sound effects over it with gushy brain eating sounds and everything. He thinks it's really funny. Then I say I was going to recommend a song to him but I think I got it deom him and he knew exactly what I was talking about and he put om this song about a snake called "I Sis."
I realize at this point Joe is driving me from LA TO MY FUCKING HOUSE as we are now in my county and I ask him if he has any idea where he's going and he laughs and says no. So I direct him. He comes into my house with me and upstairs and I show him a few of my things including my signed none of this rocks book and he squints at the signature like "wait, did I do that?" And I say I hope so cuz i got it at a barnes and nobles and he's like "nooo, I wish you bought it from a local store" and then tells me he has a part two to it coming out in fall slash wintertime. I ask him if that's true because it's only been two years since the last one but then I retract and say a lot can happen in two years, huh? And he just gives me this solemn nod and kinda sad smile.
At this point I realize it is quite late and Joe has to drive back to his family in LA (this is Canon Joe, he has a wife a kids). So I walk him downstairs and he asks to use my bathroom so I let him and that's when I woke up.
I am exhausted from waking up so early and also REELING from this dream, even now.
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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in January quietly updated its Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs), allowing aviation doctors for the first time to give medical clearance to some pilots diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a rare neurological disorder connected to certain COVID-19 vaccines.
The FAA made the change — along with October 2022 updates for electrocardiogram (EKG) test limits — without citing scientific evidence and while the agency has been operating without a permanent administrator since March 2022.
The FAA’s medical guidance appears to diverge from international standards.
These updates come amid an alarming uptick in incidences of pilots incapacitated by medical emergencies during flights, increasing numbers of near-collisions in the air and at airports and in-flight emergencies transmitted by pilots during flights in the U.S.
The Defender previously interviewed several pilots and an air traffic controller who sustained serious adverse events connected to the COVID-19 vaccines.
Recently, more vaccine-injured pilots have come forward with their stories, including Sierra Lund, an athlete and pilot who was diagnosed with vaccine-induced myocarditis soon after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
Steve Kirsch launched an online petition which has reportedly collected over 25,000 signatures of pilots, flight attendants and other aviation industry employees who are concerned about vaccine injuries in their ranks.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, today called on U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to investigate the spike in pilot health emergencies, calling it a public safety issue.
GBS mentioned for first time in FAA medical guidelines
According to a Jan. 25 update to the Guide for AMEs, “In Item 46, Neurologic, Demyelinating Disease,” “expanded guidance” has been provided and a “new disposition table” was added for GBS.
The new guidance, beginning on page 173 of the latest edition of the guide, instructs aviation medical examiners to issue a medical certification to pilots diagnosed with GBS in instances where they experienced a single episode, with no complications, which is “fully resolved,” and from which they have recovered “with a minimum of six (6) months’ stability.”
This appears to be the first time GBS is mentioned in the AMEs guide and clearances are provided, at least in certain instances, to pilots diagnosed with the condition. The 2022 edition of the guide contains no specific mention of GBS.
According to the Mayo Clinic, GBS “is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves. Weakness and tingling in your hands and feet are usually the first symptoms.”
GBS has been linked to COVID-19 vaccines — and in particular, the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.
An April 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open found an increased risk of GBS following vaccination with the Ad26.COV2.S Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.
And a February 2023 study published in JAMA Network Open found that vaccination with the Janssen Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 “was associated with increased risk for GBS.”
On Dec. 23, 2022 — just one month before updating the AMEs guide with new guidance related to GBS — the FAA advised pilots and air traffic controllers that they could receive Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) Janssen vaccine.
On March 13, the FDA updated its “fact sheet” for the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine to indicate a risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. However, the FAA does not appear to have adjusted its guidance accordingly.
According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there have been 3,266 reported cases of GBS following administration of a COVID-19 vaccine or booster.
These figures show a disproportionately high number of GBS cases (537, or 16.44%) following administration of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, even though the J&J vaccine represents just 2.6% of the total number of COVID-19 vaccines and boosters administered in the U.S. as of March 23.
VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.
According to FAA data obtained by via a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by US Freedom Flyers (USFF), while diagnosed cases of GBS remain low, the FAA in 2022 denied a pilot a medical certificate due to GBS for the first time since 2013.
It’s unclear whether the updated guidance is related to the heightened risk of GBS posed by the COVID-19 vaccines that the FAA continues to recommend to pilots and aviation professionals.
FAA updates medical recommendations without supporting evidence
These updates come on the heels of revisions the FAA recently made to the Guide for AMEs, in reference to first-degree atrioventricular (AV) block with a PR interval of less than 300 milliseconds (ms).
The FAA on Oct. 26, 2022 updated its AMEs guide, increasing the acceptable “PR interval” for issuing medical clearance to pilots from below 210 ms to below 300 milliseconds ms. While the previous guidelines were applicable to pilots under age 51, the new guidelines have no age limit.
The PR interval — the time it takes for an electrical impulse to be transmitted from one part of the heart to another — is a key indicator of heart health. According to Merck’s MSD Manual, AV block refers to “partial or complete interruption of impulse transmission from the atria to the ventricles.”
The previously accepted threshold of 210 ms was visible in the AMEs guide as recently as May 2022, as evidenced in a Jan. 27 letter by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) to the FAA, and also in the 2017 edition of the guide (page 218) provided to The Defender by USFF.
Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup, M.D., M.P.H., has stated that the FAA’s guidelines pertaining to AV block and the acceptable PR interval were changed not in October 2022 but in 2017.
However, in his Jan. 27 letter, Johnson quoted a Jan. 20 email sent to him by the FAA, which stated:
“First-degree AV blocks up to 300 ms were added to the FAA’s list of normal variants in 2017.
“The AME guide was updated to reflect this in October 2022 for clarity and to provide guidance for AMEs.”
The FAA so far has provided no evidence, at least publicly, to indicate this change was made in 2017 instead of in 2022.
However, those who questioned the FAA’s change to its AV block and PR interval guidelines have faced “fact-checking” and accusations of spreading “fake news.”
A Jan. 20 “fact-check” by PolitiFact, for instance, accepts the FAA’s claims at face value, stating “the agency’s cardiology consultants provided information indicating that a PR interval under 0.3 seconds isn’t a risk for subtle or sudden incapacitation.”
PolitiFact did not clarify what “information” it was referencing.
Other “fact-checkers,” including Agence France-Presse, have referenced a 2018 FAA video as evidence the FAA had already changed its guidelines by then. However, the video raises more questions, as it references PR intervals below 210 ms and above 300 ms — but nothing in-between.
Moreover, the video recommends aviation medical professionals consult with the AMEs guide for specific guidance. However, the 2017 edition of the guide and subsequent editions through October 2022, appear to have kept the 210 ms guidance.
The Jan. 20 email from the FAA to Johnson also claims that the FAA’s updated guidance pertaining to AV block and the PR interval was based on “new scientific evidence” which “enabled the FAA to safely raise the tolerance used” for its guidelines.
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r3dships · 4 months
hi matty!!! (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
2 for Pre-Relationship and 4 & 8 for General for Noir!! :D
MAYO!! Hi hello!! Nice to hear from you!
2. What was their first impression of each other? I already wrote about Mason's POV in this post, so I'll write about Pete's now!
The first time Noir ever took notice of Mason, he was sitting alone in the Spider-Society dining area, watching something on his phone and eating some snacks. Really he just felt bad for him, so Peter walked over and offered to keep Mason some company. Pete could tell that Mason's face was flushed, but wasn't sure why. All he knew was that this guy was pretty cute. Especially after his self-deprecating comments and reprimanding him for saying those things, Peter felt drawn to Mason, but he wasn't sure why. He'd never felt such a magnetic pull to someone before.
4. Were they each other's first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Being with Mason was the first relationship that Peter had ever gone into that he felt would last longer than a week or so. There was something about how they felt for each other that was much more than previous relationships that Pete had experienced.
8. Who gets jealous easier? Mason Anderson. Yeah, he's the jealous, sort of insecure one. Just like me in real life... He's constantly scared of losing the only person he's trusted with his love for the first time in years. Mason has frequent nightmares of Noir finding someone else or even dying somehow due to him, which makes him very protective of Peter. It's not like he doesn't trust Pete, it's just his anxiety. Ever since his powers came in and his Spider-Senses awakened, his anxiety has been 10x worse than before, even with medication.
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redhead-reporter · 9 months
You know the ship. You know who i want for the meme. GIVE ME THEM SHAYE GIVE ME OUR BABIES for the ship meme thing.
º ✧ 。SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… with @crisispider !
who’s the cuddler? true, these two do NOT understand the concept of "keep your hands to yourself" and they're not trying to learn either. but in terms of who initiates it more ? it's peter. mj is still ✨ terrible ✨ at seeking reassurance and comfort from people, even when she craves it with every bone in her body, because she didn't grow up in a house where that was safe to do. but the minute peter opens his arms to her? she's THERE, clinging to him with every ounce of strength in that little body of hers. he practically has to PRY her off him when he needs to "go to work".
who makes the bed? actually, this is something that mj NEEDS to do every day. it was one of her chores as a child, and one that saw her punished if she didn't do it, so now it's this weird muscle memory thing. she once tried NOT do it, as a pseudo therapy exercise, but it stressed her out too much that she almost made herself ill. she never asks peter to do it, doesn't care that he doesn't want to. and frankly ... she's never told him WHY she does it.
who wakes up first? mj. but this isn't a fair fight because you can't call what peter does "sleeping", especially not with mayday around. like it's just not.
who has the weird taste in music? peter, and mj loves nothing more than to ROAST him for it. she rolls her eyes when he's in charge of the music and groans when the worst of it comes on. but does she also know all the words to his favorite songs? and catch herself singing them under her breath at work (and then immediately curse him with a little smile)? 100%.
who is more protective? peter and mj are WILDLY protective of each other it's true. like it borders on feral behavior at times, especially when they've been apart for a while. i just think that the WAY they do it is very different and says a lot about them. mj is very much your "he said no mayo" girlfriend, willing to step up and speak for him when peter's mild manner and politeness might otherwise keep him quiet. she will FIGHT (verbally, relax pete) anyone who talks shit about spider-man and defend him to the ends of the earth. but peter? his is much more LITERAL - he positions himself between mj and danger in every sense of the word. sometimes that looks like swinging in to SAVE HER LIFE, sometimes that's him stepping in to a situation where she didn't ask for his help because he REFUSES to stand by while she gets hurt. it leads to a LOT of arguments, but she knows he can't really help himself because ... well, neither can she.
who sings in the shower? honestly where is their grammy award because the CONCERTS these two put on together are legendary. it's usually mj on lead vocals while peter sings back up and leads the shampoo bottle choreography
who cries during movies? peter. peter bejanmin parker cries during movies, even ones that aren't really that sad. but mj thinks it's one of his SWEETEST traits, always has tissues and hugs waiting for him when it happens.
who spends the most while out shopping? mj. not only does she have the paycheck to do it, but she likes having nice things. she keeps them for much longer than the average person, takes good care of them so they last, but being best friends with harry osborn for that many years definitely gave her an APPRECIATION for the finer things in life.
who kisses more roughly? i think peter does, but it's almost always because mj started it. there is nothing she does better than revving his engine, little teasing whispers in his ear about how hot he is when he tosses cars around like they're baseballs. trying to convince him to toss HER around, and peter gets a little too zealous in his efforts to please her and .... well, let's just say she has MASTERED the art of covering up dark ass hickies on her neck and bruising on her lips.
who is more dominant? in the bedroom, they definitely SHARE that role - the control ebbs and flows naturally between them, depending on the mood. mj loves to take the reins and make him moan, but she also gets thrill out of him webbing her up and having his way with her. but in everyday life? mj. oh it's mj and it's not even a close competition. she wears the pants in their relationship and the only time peter has them is when he's taking them OFF her and chucking them onto the floor.
my rating of the ship from 1-10. humanity does not have numbers high enough for my rating of this ship. it is peak, it is EVERYTHING.
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pixelatedquarter · 7 months
pete politely calling people mayo
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neversoftied · 1 year
excerpt from the fic i’m writing:
“Son of baconator mayo only…?” Emmeline repeated, the words sounding like a disgusted question. “Jesus, Pete.” She turned to Regulus and didn’t even get to speak before he was beginning his order.
“Four for four meal, no onion or mustard on the burger. Medium fries, large Sprite. And barbeque for dipping sauce.” His face stayed neutral, but he was staring intensely at Emmeline. As if daring her to judge his sauce preferences.
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aortaargent · 1 year
tag game: answer these questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better
thanks @greendaze for tagging me! 3 Ships Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal (TV)): I was absolutely consumed by this one...my formative shipping experience. Fostered my love of The Most Dramatic Possible Writing at all times and doomed impossibly complicated relationships. Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible): I....just got into this one and...wow. How did I not see the potential of how cute it is before? They're mirrors of each other and foils, he's a testament to the past and she's what the future could be; he can hit her with a car and she can shoot him and it's still perfectly understood between them as something that doesn't even require forgiving? And she pegs him. That said, I didn't care about M:I enough to ship anyone in it before this year, but ever since TGM and all that ensued....
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell: heh. may/december misunderstandings hatesex size difference go brrr. Seriously, though...what an enjoyable ship. All the tropes can be packed in so neatly. (Honestly, anything with Mav is good for me. But this might be the spiciest.) First Ship: I'm sorry to say I laughed out loud in a cafe when I remembered, finally. I was twelve. It might explain a lot of what's wrong with me. But...the scene in Skyfall with...Bond...and Raoul Silva...why couldn't I have been a normal child and shipped NaruSasu or something. Happy to say I at least stayed off the E fics for a few years. Last Movie: The Menu (2022). Whew. Another fine addition to the 'good for her' cinematic universe. Last Song: Fake Empire - The National. I don't know why I keep it on my playlist because it reminds me of This Is Going To Hurt (TV) and Shruti and I cry/tear up every single time. If you know the scene...you know. Currently Reading: Thief of Time - Terry Pratchett. I am a huge fan of Discworld as my pleasure reading, and I'm on a mission to collect all of the really pretty hardback editions right now. Susan Sto Helit was my hero as a young teenager and I used to imagine having a teacher like her. Who doesn't want a teacher who could reality-warp a classroom? Currently Watching: Rewatching Giri/Haji (TV). Sue me. It's incredible. Maybe the best bilingual series I've ever seen, perhaps one of the few times I haven't had a single problem with the character writing of any female character included (except for an unnecessary death I'm still sour about). Anyways. It's a magnificent watch with what I believe is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of story. Currently Consuming: apple and pecan vegan cinnamon roll! and an oat latte. Craving:....there's a takeaway near me that does this incredible toasted sourdough sandwich with vegan chicken katsu, pickled red onion, mango salsa, sriracha mayo.......
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Pete is the love child of Jakub and mayo obsessed Bill 😝
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