#michael langdon scenario
worldswithoutendings · 7 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] pt.4
Pairing: Michael langdon x female!reader
warnings: mentions of death
words: 1540
summary: your first date with michael and your first workday at Kineros (filler chapter)
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AN: I'm still trying to figure out what format works best for me so bear with me, any feedback is highly appreciated <3
When the clock hit 7 you got ready for the dinner you had with Michael, all he said before he left after abusing your closet was to wear the dress and let your hair loose. But nothing more. So you added some black heels and a silver necklace. You did your makeup a tiny bit heavier than usual and for once you didn’t put on perfume in the hope that he would linger more around you like his coat did. Because damn he smells good it should be illegal.
I’m here.
you curse as you run down the stairs, almost breaking your ankle as you grab the door handle to reveal Michael. Clad in an all-black outfit, smelling absolutely divine and his short curls framing his face “Hi” you breathe out and Michael smiles at you “Look at you, you look stunning” he smiles as he holds out his arm “Shall we?” you say nothing, just taking his arm as you follow him to his car, which, of course, is also expensive “you’re picking me up in a Bugatti?!” you gasp out “what, it’s a nice car” “it is! But, so expensive” you breathe out and Michael laughs as he opens the door for you “my lady” “oh, thank you sir” you act with him as you sit down on the seat. Feeling the expensive seat as Michael sits in the driver seat.
Satan watches the two of them spend the day together from his throne “Good, everything is all going to plan” he says as he stretches his fingers out over the armchairs “Now we need to get rid of that Rosalie figure, I hope Michael hurries up with that girl”
Arm in arm you walk with Michael to the restaurant he picked out. And of course, it’s a Michelin-starred restaurant making you huff “What is it?” “I just feel out of place, I’m so used to visiting a McDonald's or a Five Guys as a date. Never set foot in a Michelin-starred restaurant” you mumble and Michael smiles “Good, I can show you how a real man is supposed to treat you” He walks inside with you and a guy comes scurrying towards you both “Mr. Langdon. Such an honor to have you here again. Shall we go to your booth?” the guy stumbles over his words and Michael gives a short nod
“do you come here often?” your mouth speaks before you can think “Yeah, not a lot. just for business” “Did you come here with Rosalie?” you ask self-conscious and Michael smirks “She is on your mind a lot isn’t she? The answer is no” he says as the guy mentions to the booth in the far back of the restaurant where the mood is actually kind of romantic “that’s a shame, it’s beautiful here” you say as you sit down in the booth, realizing both your knees are touching you scrape you throat “well, I only want to bring important people here. So, mostly Ms. Mead. But not since a few months ago” his voice dies down a bit and you can’t help but feel sorry for him even though you don’t know who Ms. Mead is and what happened a few months ago.
The food that was served was divine, just like the wine that was served. You talked about anything and nothing that your minds could think of, Michael even told you what happened to Ms. Mead. How she was set on fire and now, at Kineros they’re trying to make a robot version of her. Michael held her dear and close to his heart like he expected his grandmother to do ‘what happened to your grandmother?” you say as you put a piece of gnocchi in your mouth “She killed herself when she realized that I was aging to quick and murdering people instead of animals” his voice became flat and his knuckles were starting to turn white with how hard he was holding his utensils.
You couldn’t help yourself but touch his hand “I’m so sorry Michael” you whispered but you tried to sound neutral, knowing how much you hated it when your parents died and how everybody started to talk to you like a baby “You, you lost both your parents right?’ Michael asks questionably and you nod as you take a sip of your wine “my dad passed away of a cardiac arrest, my mother died shortly after due to a drug overdose, I was.. 16? Yeah, so, after the deal” your voice becomes quieter and quieter
“do you think that, you know, satan may be behind it? Seeing if I would get deranged?” “I don’t know, y/n, you have to ask him that” “I did actually, multiple times, but he waved it away, saying I was delusional” You play with a single piece of gnocchi and feel a hand on your kneecap. You sigh softly “he probably didn’t mean it like that, he also left me in the dark for years I didn’t know what I was supposed to do until I got to Kineros”
After dinner, Michael took you for a walk through the park. Deciding to sit on a bench with the hot coffee you bought from the stand even though Michael wanted to go to a coffee shop you shook your head “No this is actually good coffee!” you exclaimed so Michael wanted to believe you. And indeed, it was damn good coffee “So, tomorrow you can just come to Kineros, I’ll show you around and get you settled, you don’t have to worry about anything, well, maybe, your clothing but just, wear a button-up shirt or something. We’ll go shopping for it” Michael says before he takes a sip “damn, this is good coffee”
Nervously you arrived at Kineros the following morning. Especially because you just left your old job and your wrist still hurts. The clicking of your heels on the marble floor echoes off the walls as you see two guys with bowl cuts they must go to the same hairdresser because it looks awful. Michael is in a conversation with them but you see that all of a sudden he has trouble with his laughter
“Are you making fun of us?!” the brown-haired one exclaims and Michael immediately stops “No, no! I wouldn’t dare. You do look ridiculous” Michael exclaims and now you really have to hold in your laughter, they both turn around to look at you “Ah our new secretary! Miss y/n. right? We’d appreciate it if you respected our wishes,” the blonde one says immediately “actually, she only respects my wishes” Michael chimes in, yeah you wish.
You learned that their names are Jeff and Mutt, but you would mostly be working for Michael. Ruling over his agenda and keeping him up to date with meetings and calls. Further, you are the one responding to email, which mostly consists of rich dudes who are aching for their new sex doll.
A girl with a familiar face walks, well, storms in. looking like a drug dealer with her hair all matted, and clothes she had probably worn the last 2 weeks and never heard of the word shower or bath. She composes herself the moment she is at your desk and scrapes her throat “Yes?” you reply while you're typing an email to a client “I’m here to see my boyfriend, Michael” Oh shit it’s Rosalie “Are you scheduled?” “no?! I don’t need to schedule anything” she bursts out and you bite your lower lip “One second please,” you say as you reach for the phone. The foul stench of Rosalie makes its way to your nostrils Michael you’re kidding me. You only type in the number 1. Knowing it will connect to his office he immediately picks up “yes?” “Michael, you’re… girlfriend is here” he hangs up with a loud groan. Not much later his door opens and you hear him curse under his breath “Rosalie, what are you doing here. You can’t just barge in at my work” he says as he leans against the doorpost.
Rosalie immediately runs to him which means you can catch a breath we need to buy air fresheners and perfume and incense to get rid of this smell did she fall in a well or something?! You open up a website for fragrances to check out what can be delivered today as you try to hear the conversation as Michael doesn’t want her in his office “I have a meeting in 5 minutes” No you don’t “so you really need to leave” yes you absolutely do “but Michael! You promised!” she screams out “we were supposed to go on a date this week and you declined me! Twice! I can’t do this anymore!” Michael sighs deeply “Just, go. Rosalie. I’ll call you after the meeting okay” “Can I get a kiss?” “did you brush your teeth?” he blurts out and she gasps “Yes?!” she sounds incredibly shocked and you hear him audibly gulp. You reach for your bag as Michael cautiously gives her the tiniest peck on earth and she walks away confidently “Here” you wave around a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste you always keep in your bag.
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crown-ov-horns · 4 months
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Michael, I love you, but are you out of your damn mind? You had Sarah Paulson melting in your arms. And wasted your chance.
Seriously, he could've tortured Venable still.
Warining: NSFW 🍋
"Do I pass?" she asks.
Her heart beats furiously, and her eyes are welled with tears.
"That depends" he purrs, his breath scalding her skin.
"On what?"
He simply chuckles, her pleading eyes, and sweetly parted lips having made him painfully hard.
"You'll find out soon enough, Ms. Venable. Now, do as you're told, and strip."
Once she's naked before him, he unpins her hair, so the beautiful red locks can shine against her pale skin. Ashamed, she crosses her arms over her chest, but he doesn't let her.
He reaches to grasp her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.
She doesn't fight him when he bends her over the desk. Against her better judgement, she's dripping wet already. His lips crook into a cruel smirk as he caresses her slit.
"How desperate of you, Ms. Venable..."
She clenches her teeth, fighting back a moan. He keeps teasing her, as merciless as he is gentle. It makes her tremble with despair, but he places his hand on her back, to keep her still.
"What is it, sweetheart?" he asks in feigned concern "What do you want? Use your words."
A part of her longs to rip him apart. But, she's too turned on - her own body, and own voice, betray her.
"I want you to fuck me..." she whines "I need you..."
"Ask nicely" he orders.
"Please, Mr. Langdon... I need you inside me..."
Finally, he unbuckles his pants, and mounts her. In the beginning, she swallows the sounds of pleasure, hating the thought of any more humiliation. But, at some point, she ceases to care. It's all too much - his clothes rubbing against her bare skin, the feel of his rings when he gropes her... He leans over her, licking and nipping the curve of her spine. Completely at his mercy, she hates it as much as she enjoys it. He fucks her over and over again, in the end leaving her limp, sore, and leaking with cum.
He could've returned to the sanctuary with her already full of his... Devil spawn.
I guess, he wanted her to fight, not submit...
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that-fandom-godess · 4 months
I will wright for just about any scenario that is within my comfort limits.
*I will only write for female and gender neutral characters
Romantic Relationships
Erik Destler - Phantom of the Opera
Peter Pan - Once Upon A Time
Jefferson - Once Upon A Time
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) - Marvel
Loki (Jotun form) - Marvel
Peter/Pietro Maximoff - Marvel
Peter Parker - Marvel
Tate Langdon - American Horror Story
Kyle Spencer (FrankenKyle) - American Horror Story
Jimmy Darling - American Horror Story
James Patrick march - American Horror Story
Michael Langdon - American Horror Story
Xavier Plympton - American Horror Story
Valiant Thor - American Horror Story
Thomas Browne - American Horror Stories
Stan Vogel - American Horror Stories
Racetrack Higgins - Newsies
Cabin Boy - Pirates of the Caribbean
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Jack Kline (God) - Supernatural
Mattheo Riddle - Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
Marcus Lopez - Deadly Class
Any Dimitrescu Sister - Resident Evil
Donna Beneviento - Resident Evil
Luis Sera - Resident Evil
Harry Hook - Descendents
Carlos De Vil - Descendants
Jay Farr - Descendents
Zed - Zombies
Wyatt Lykensen - Zombies
Chris Sturniolo
Matt Sturniolo
Nell Jackson - Renegade Nell
Platonic/Parental Relationships
Tony Stark - Marvel
Steve Rogers - Marvel
Steven Grant/ Marc Spector/ Jake Lockly - Marvel
Matt Murdock - Marvel
Frank Castle - Marvel
Chris Redfield - Resident Evil
Luis Sera - Resident Evil
Karl Hiesnburg - Resident Evil
Mother Miranda - Resident Evil
Crowley - Supernatural
John Winchester - Supernatural
Dean & Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Rowena Macleod - Supernatural
Crowley - Supernatural
Killian Jones - Once Upon A Time
Charles Xavier - X-Men
Erik Lehnsherr - X-Men
Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean
Nick Sturniolo
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miamisummer · 25 days
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In case anyone is tardy to the party on this information, this blog is exclusive with @thecrownedbeast's Michael Langdon. Our muses have been together for almost six real-life years, now, and that's not going to change. Different gender arrangements, verses, or creative scenarios do not matter to me. I do not write smut or sex or romantic scenarios with Kitten with anyone else. Thanks for your understanding!
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Hello! I write fanfic and rescue cats, feel free to ask about either!
I have no masterlist, but everything is tagged (character) x reader, I have some random fics but I have written X-Men, Marvel, Z Nation, Hellboy, Wednesday and Michael Langdon.
Currently writing for!
Critical Role (Campaigns 2 & 3)
Tales from the Gas Station
Archive 81 (podcast)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Batboys (Back on my bullshit)
Teen Wolf
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (I am planning to reread)
I accept headcanon and preference (one scenario with multiple characters) requests!
If you like my content and feel like leaving a tip or buy any supplies off my amazon wishlist, it would be greatly appreciated, any money will go to caring for rescue cats.
I take in, nurse back to health, and rehome abandoned cats and kittens frequently, I post about them occasionally and am always open to any questions or giving updates!
Many times shelters wont accept animals because "they're full" or preparing/in "kitten season" which in the end means "tough luck, find someone else (or let them die)"
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iguessigotta · 2 years
Hey! Here's an info post! Wow! [updated july 2023]
INBOX (not???) FIXED?? - Since the inbox on this blog is still busted, send requests to my main blog. I'll update this post once the problem is fixed.
[things i've requested] [dream tag] [#theherofuse]
I mostly write fluff, but also write smut - those posts will have warnings on them and will be 18+
Inbox is open for requests:
you can also infodump about the weird character-related dreams you've been plagued with like some sickly victorian-era nobleman
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I am willing to write romantic (❤️), platonic (🌼), or dark (💀) content for my faves:
Darkiplier (markiplier)❤️
Karl Heisenberg (re8)❤️
Kars [potentially the other pillarmen too] (jjba)❤️🌼
Kakyoin (jjba)🌼
Jotaro (jjba)🌼
Bruno (jjba)❤️
Leone (jjba)❤️
Risotto (jjba)❤️
Cullen Rutherford (dragon age inquisition)❤️
Kurama/Yoko Kurama (yyh)❤️🌼
Julian Devorak (arcana)❤️
Rire (btd)❤️💀
Strade (btd)💀
Eddie Gluskin (Outlast: Whistleblower)💀
Bucky (mcu)❤️
Loki (mcu)❤️🌼
Geralt [Eskel is a fave too but I haven't played the games yet & what they did to him in the show is a travesty so idk if I actually can write for him] (witcher)❤️🌼
Shunsui (bleach)❤️
Ukitake (bleach)❤️
Michael Langdon (ahs:a)❤️💀
Elder Prince Lorian (ds3)❤️💀
Younger Prince Lothric (ds3)❤️💀
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More faves can and will be added as I think of them
I am willing to write platonic (probably only headcanons tho) for characters connected to my faves.
Wanna request a character but you're not sure if I'll write for them? Go ahead and send it in, worst case I'll turn it down.
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chiptaylorsfirst · 2 years
What I Write
Actors (Including Their Characters)
Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hiddleston
Evan Peters
James McAvoy
Aaron Tveit
Ryan McCartan
Hayden Christensen
Characters (Excluding Actors)
Xavier Plympton
Johnny Turturro (Graceland)
Maddy Perez
Elliot (Euphoria)
Michael Langdon
Jackson Wang
Requests Must Include….
Any Specifics
I Will Write
Male x Male
Female x Male
SFW writings & NSFW writings
I Rarely Write But Not Excluded…
All Other Genders I Haven’t Mentioned 
Mental Issues
Physical Issues
To Send Requests/Ask Anything….
Go Here: https://chiptaylorsfirst.tumblr.com/ask
For More Info…
Ask me by this link https://chiptaylorsfirst.tumblr.com/ask
Or just message my inbox
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 fandoms and characters i could/will write for, as well as what i will and will not write in terms of content; please refer to these lists when considering requesting from me and respect the boundaries i have set forth.
requests are currently { 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ! }
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smut (refer to list below for hard limits), fluff, angst, poly/(three)some, reverse harem, dubcon, blood + knife play, light bdsm, breath play, mild violence, hunter/prey + capture/captive dynamics, alternate universes, canon divergence, certain canonical pairings, praise & degradation kink, breeding kink
celebrity/real people fics, underage scenarios, foot fetish, watersports, spitting, age play, animal play, daddy/mommy/little play, domestic violence, necrophilia, incest, and more if they arise
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🎞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
steve harrington, eddie munson, jonathan byers, henry creel, jim hopper
🎞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧/𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬
daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen, harwin strong, erryk/arryk cargyll, jon snow, robb stark, jaime lannister, brienne of tarth, daenerys targaryen, sandor clegane, tormund giantsbane, missandei, grey worm, tyrion lannister, theon greyjoy, samwell tarley, gendry, bronn, oberyn martell, podrick payne, margaery tyrell
🎞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐧
dream the endless, death the endless, desire the endless, johanna constantine, lucifer morningstar, hob gadling, the corinthian
🎞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥
thor odinson, loki laufeyson, valkyrie, wade wilson
🎞 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
cordelia goode, xavier plympton, kyle spencer, moira o’hara, ramona royale, the countess, jimmy darling, michael langdon, misty day, tristan duffy
🎞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
arthur morgan, john marston, charles smith, bonnie macfarlane, kieran duffy, sadie adler, dutch van der linde, javier escuella, jackie estacado, booker dewitt, curie (fallout 4), cait (fallout 4), preston garvey (fallout 4), danse (fallout 4), piper wright, arthur maxson, nick valentine, robert joseph maccready
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, theodora crain, luke crain, steven crain, rick grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, gannicus (spartacus), eric northman, richie gecko, seth gecko
🎞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
sam guthrie, rick o’connell, ardeth bay
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𝐈 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 to deny any request without explanation if it falls outside what i am comfortable with--i do not accept requests from minors, and request that anyone under the age of 18 please not interact with my content as it is intended for a mature audience and is nsfw
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worldswithoutendings · 7 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] PT.1
Hello everyone! guess who is back after a very very long time, I'm rewatching AHS and can't help but fall in love with the antichrist. so enjoy! This might be a series, I want to test it out first.
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Female reader
Warning: none
Summary: 15-year-old you made a sort of deal with the devil, for a love life. pathetic. you know. but he comes with a different approach to what you actually want. but will it work?
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You still regret the day you made the decision, the worst decision in your life so to speak of. When you made a deal with the devil. But on the other side, who can you blame? When you’re 15 years old, desperate for love, a life you wanted so badly. Due to all the influence, the neglect in your family. The yearning. You still remember his reaction to this day. Loud laughter ran through the reddened sky, ‘Sweetheart, please, don’t be so pathetic. You want to make a deal with me, for a love life?’ ‘Yes! Please’ you cried out, feeling foolish ‘Foolish, foolish little girl’ he mumbled as he sat on his throne ‘you can be so much more, you have so much potential. Yet you’re here, with me, pleading for love’
‘I’m sorry’ you whisper as you look down, hot tears flowing over your rosy cheeks ‘You’re so young’ he keeps mumbling about the great aspects of you ‘You could rule the world one day’ ‘I don’t want to do it alone’ you blurt out "oh! Now I have you talking, so you want to rule the world?” “I mean, yeah, doesn’t everyone want to rule the world at one point in their life?" his laugh echoes again ‘no one, can rule the world like you, but, I can arrange something for you. If you arrange something for me’
‘What do you want’ you blurt out ‘I want, you to be the bride, the bride to end all times, to end all days, to end eternity on this earth’ ‘What do you mean?’ you say as you try to get rid of the tears on your cheeks ‘I will give you, a husband, you have to find him first. He isn’t ready yet, I'll give you directions when the time is ri-‘ ‘NO!” you yell out
‘I want to be loved now, didn’t you hear me!? How old are you? Like two thousand years old?-‘ ‘-older my dear’ ‘Well then fix yourself some hearing aids!’ you blurt out, making Satan laugh again ‘Oh foolish girl, you’re going to give him a hell of a time’ and by that. Time stops. The sky turns back from red to gray.
You find yourself back in your bedroom, the cuts you made for your offering are gone, the dead bird has disappeared and all the candles are blown out. ‘What a joke’ you mumble to yourself as you cry yourself to sleep that night.
27th of November 2023
Corpus ave.
Dress code: black
You can’t help but laugh, corpus ave? How fitting for a cooperative meeting. You are now 26 years of age. You did age gracefully if you have to be honest. Maybe Satan was right and was keeping you youthful for your husband.
you laugh okay quit it y/n your 15-year-old was screaming in your head about how you deserve to be loved, yet no one ever bothered to go further than a lazy one-night stand or a short conversation filled with flirtations but no invitations. You thought Satan totally saw it as a joke and to be honest, you started to see it like that too over time.
But on the other hand, you hadn’t expected an invitation to a cooperative meeting, led by Satan, or rather his Spawn. You had heard from him, Michael Langdon, ‘son’ of Tate Langdon and Vivien Harmon. You didn’t want to expect much from him so you kept your expectations low as you got ready for the night.
Stupid dress, why did I buy you in the first place?! Even though you had better dresses in your wardrobe, you also wanted to impress the people there. So you took advantage of your body, with a black body con dress, that rose up every time you walked. That means I will be sitting down for the rest of the evening ‘Miss van son!” you hear, and you look up, to see an unknown face ‘You don’t remember me? My apologies, my name is Rutherford, Jason Rutherford. We went to high school together’ ‘And you are calling me by my last name because?’ ‘Because I have to, Miss van Son’ Jason smiles. But his eyes aren’t smiling. Which says enough for you, and you give him a 20-dollar tip ‘Have a nice night Jason’ ‘Thank you, mis-Miss van Son’ Jason stutters. You sit down in the ballroom with all the people who have money. Lots of money. You feel out of place.
‘all rise’ a man screams, making everybody stand up straight ‘Michael Langdon, The antichrist.’ Michael comes through the doorway and your breath hitches oh my. He is beautiful, with deep sea blue eyes, golden hair past his shoulder, and a girl to his side. Hold up. A girl!? It’s not him you sigh why else would Satan, of all people, invite me to a cooperative meeting ‘sit down” Michael's cold voice echoes through the room ‘first of all, thank you for coming. Second of all. I want to introduce my girlfriend, soon-to-be wife, Rosalie Withers. You can not question her about anything. I will have your head on a silver platter’ He shows his white teeth at the end, and you can’t help but feel jealous, so who will it be then, the so-called love of my life.
When it’s time to socialize, you scrape your throat. Getting ready to walk to the bar for a heavy drink. Only to lock eyes with Michael. You show him your best smile and raise your empty glass at him as he opens a pathway for you to the bar. You can’t help but see him scan your body again!? No ‘Hi how are you’ or anything else? ‘Hi, how are you?’ Michael says softly ‘I’m good, thank you mister Langdon” he has to be a few years older than you.
He moves gracefully but strategically ‘You have potential’ Michael says ‘Excuse me?’ you almost choked on your saliva ‘I say you have potential’ he says a bit harder, but not harder for the room ‘Oh, thank you. I guess?’ you try to push your body through Donald Trump and Michael's body. You see how he takes a whiff of your smell and you see his eyes darken oh shit you try to pick up your pace to the bar but Michael has beaten you to it ‘a vodka soda, please’ you say to the bartender ‘Make that two, and two shots’ you hear Michael say and you furrow your brows
‘my father says I have to be polite’ ‘Well, you’re father is a shitty man’ you can’t help but blurt out. Making Michael laugh, almost the exact same way you got humiliated eleven years ago. You bite your lip on the inside and take a deep breath as you wait ‘I’m sorry, Miss Van Son, right?” ‘You can just call me y/n’ ‘you can just call me Michael’ ‘I’d rather not’ you say as the bartender puts down your drinks ‘why not?’ “well, you’re Satan offspring, I’m already... seen like a fool. Don’t want to humiliate myself that bad that I will definitely not have a-I don’t know why I’m telling you this, have a lovely night Mr Langdon’ you walk away with your drink and leave Michael with the two shots.
After you finish your drink you walk outside to feel the crisp air you’re still a foolish little girl you hear Satan roar through your mind ‘I know, thanks for the newsflash’ you say as you raise a middle finger to the ground ‘That’s where you are, right?! everyone looking down at you. Pathetic’ you mumble as you feel yourself getting irritated.
You wished you had brought a shawl or a coat but no, you thought it wouldn’t be long. Yet it’s already 2:45 ‘shit’ you mumble as you look at your phone, only to feel a coat be draped over your shoulders ‘Figured you might need it’ Michael says as he walks back to the club he followed me?! He didn’t see me flip off his dad, right? You shake your head and make your way home. Longing for your warm bed, funny enough, Michael's scent hypnotizes you in a funny way. Making you not remember going home at all. Just as you fell asleep in your bed, still wearing his coat.
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crown-ov-horns · 4 months
A list of Michael Langdon x F!SO scenarios
Created for my own convenience. I will likely be using most of these in my countless WIPs, but you are free to, also, just let me know, so I can read it! May be updated.
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Warning: N/S/F/W 🍋
Michael is in love with an enemy. He captures her, and attempts to seduce her. Alternatively, he is captured by an enemy, and decides to seduce her.
Michael is in his office late at night. His love interest visits him. Without speaking, she drops her robe/coat, revealing herself to be completely naked.
Michael wants an heir. His SO will not be let go until he's sure she's pregnant.
Equinox/Solstice fertility ritual with a witch love interest. Probably includes the eating of raw rabbit hearts, lots of blood, and having sex in the middle of a forest.
Ritual sex in front worshippers. Both Michael and his SO end up covered in blood from unfortunate human sacrifices.
Michael takes a member of the Outpost as a companion during his stay.
Michael forces his lover on all fours in the middle of an argument. Includes bruised hips, teeth marks on the shoulders, hair pulling, you name it.
Michael's love interest decides she wants him in her mouth right there, right then. He appreciates it.
Michael's love interest performs a strip tease for him. She takes charge.
Michael places his lover on her back, so he can watch her face and body as he fucks her.
Michael decides to drive his love interest mad only by giving her head.
Michael makes sure he and his lover are heard (think 300 sequel).
Michael ties his lover to a bed, and teases her by burning her (he heals her afterwards).
Michael is fully clothed. His lover is completely naked.
The Beast is split into two at conception. After finding his twin/soulmate, Michael wants nothing more than to be with her. In every way possible.
Michael pulls his love interest aside during a gathering. He doesn't care if they're caught. Actually, he hopes for it.
Michael is running for President. He decides to sabotage his competition by seducing her, and counting on a scandal.
A/O/B verse. Alpha!Michael decides SO is his perfect mate. Alternatively, Omega!SO decides the only way to tame the Beast is by having him claim her.
Michael kills his love interest's enemies. She shows him just how much he appreciates it.
Michael and his SO drink each other's blood.
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hiveruled · 2 years
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@langdhon​​ asked: “No one is coming to save you.”
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An amused HUFF of air leaves his nose as Kai stares into the flames of the fireplace, watching them dance around and flicker when he pulls his hands away from warming them, his attention landing on the other with a smile stretching on his lips. “ I never expected there to be, Mr. Langdon. My priority here is to keep these people safe for as long as I can. Death comes for us all, I know the most likely scenario is that eventually it'll catch up to us like the rest of the world out there. “ Kai's head tilts upward for a moment, CONTEMPLATING the destroyed earth and society that he formerly knew above them. 
If there were any possible sliver of HOPE for himself it would be Michael's choice to bring him to the Sanctuary, if it even existed. As much as he loathed that thought, that his very life practically rested within the palms of the other man's hands. “ You know, I'm starting to think this whole thing you're doing here is bullshit. “ There's a raise of Kai's brow, a hint of TEASING nature swimming in his dark brown hues despite his accusatory tone. “ You've been here for more than a fucking week and you still haven't decided anything. Guess there's not much social interaction to be had for you when most of humanity is turned to ash, hm? “
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Forget Me Not (Prologue)
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Summary: You were used as a pawn by your coven. Cordelia’s plan backfired when you fell hopelessly in love with the antichrist.
Pairing: Michael/Reader
A/n: So I’ve come up with this little diddy, please enjoy. The first part will be up soon.  Masterlist Ayoo
Not being included in a situation you otherwise would have been is what bothered you the most. You understood that Michael had final say but you had always been a team, bouncing ideas off each other. Now he rarely told you a thing except for when he needed you to obey.
You felt shut out, hurt, and confused.
He was still oddly affectionate but that was Michael. Starved for true affection he gave it blindly to anyone. Everyone else including the damn android Mead knew what was going on and you were left in the dark.
Why just you? You had attempted to ask twice. The first was when Michael had first made mention of something called the cooperative. He told you not to worry things were going the way his father intended. The second was when he allowed his hair to grow in length and he advised you to tie up all loose ends. When asked why he said vaguely that it was time.
That was days ago and here you were at your apartment tying up loose ends. Michael had told you if you wanted to bring anything it would have to be small enough to carry in your purse. Another vague answer but you started to gather all the precious memories of your family. Shoving as many pictures as you could in to your bag.
As you were shuffling around your apartment there was a knock on your front door. Thinking it was Michael or someone affiliated with him you answered it. Only to be met by three tall albino looking men.
“Can I help you?” you asked reluctantly looking them over. You didn’t recognize them at all, they weren’t dressed like followers of Michael but they did look professional in black suits and ties.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
They looked at each other and snatched you. Something was pressed in to your neck and then everything went black.
Shuffling and voices surrounded you as you began to wake up. You heard females speaking, your foggy brain connected what they were saying and it was about you, talking about Michael. Your head was throbbing as you attempted to push yourself up from wherever you were resting.
That voice you recognized it. It was so familiar and filled with warmth that you cherished. Their touch was soothing and relaxing but you could not place who this person was.
“Where am I?” You asked defensively, “Who are you?”
“The spell hasn’t worn off yet Delia…” A red headed woman with a soft voice said, “Perhaps we should induce her sleep for the bombing...we can’t risk her trying to escape…her loyalties won’t be with us.”
The blonde woman caressed your face gently with a smile before a laying a kiss on your forehead.
Just as quickly as you woke up you had fallen back to sleep.
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multific · 4 years
Michael Langdon with a Shy Partner - Headcanons
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He met you during the time he was in Hawthorne
Although you were only a kitchen staff, you caught his eyes
The first time he tried to speak with you, you couldn’t even look at him, so he talked to you while you were staring at the floor
He adored you
No matter the way you looked, he saw you as his only one
He didn’t even care about the fact that you worked in the kitchen, all he saw is you
When he got to know you a bit better, he realized just how shy you truly were
And he loved it
He loved the way you cheeks got red when he spoke with you
He loved how nervous you got when he would stand a bit closer to you
He loved the way you were
One time, someone was badmouthing him in the school and you immediately told the person off
He loved how passionate you were about him even if you couldn’t show that to his face because of your shyness
And he knew he’ll have you by his side when he takes over the world
And of course, you were there for him
Even after you learned his true self and identity, you had nothing but love for Michael
The day before the apocalypse was when he kissed you for the first time
He took you to a date on which you chose where you wanted to go
And the fact that you were around people who didn’t even know what will happen the next day was rather thrilling for you
And after you were done, at the end of the day, he kissed you
It was very romantic and made your face go ten times more red than usual
After the apocalypse he took you everywhere with him
He didn’t want you to get separated
Since Michael knew you were the safest right next to him
After all you were his and he was yours, and nothing and no one will separate the two of you
Taglist: imreadinggoaway fleursirvart  v-2bucky ehsebastian  crunch-time-sports pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd thisismysecrethappyplace sincerelyfan theoneanna aestheticsandmarvel rororo06 castellandiangelo avengers-r-us destynelseclipsacastellandiangelo  spilledinkindumpster celebsimagines capsiclesdoll firstangeldragonranch snoopy3000 firstangeldragonranch puknow crazzyter alwayshave-faith  soleil-dor  alex12948 scream-kiwi79
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated, so please take the time and tell me how you liked it. Thank You for reading my story!~
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
soft daddy michael making love to a shy reader 😌😌 that’s the mood, that’s always the mood
This is literally what I think about every night before I go to sleep so yeah you’re right that’s always the mood.
I’m talking like....his chest pressed against your chest, you’re both kinda sweaty because of how close you are to each other and how close you are to cumming. He’s rolling his hips into yours painfully slow so that you feel every inch of his cock that prematurely leaking for you. Your hands are pinned above your head by Michael’s strong grip, but it’s not intended to hurt or even restrain you really, just to add to the overall pleasure of him covering every inch of your body and making you squirm deliciously.
It’s all heavy panting and low moaning on your end, meanwhile Michael is praising the shit out of you. He keeps whispering and grunting into your ear. He’s telling you how beautiful you are, that you’re an angel and you’re taking him so well, that he doesn’t want you to hold back your moans or your orgasm. He wants nothing more than to see the scrunched up face you make as you clench around his length and come undone. He wants to see the changes in your movements as he ruins you.
He’s your daddy and he wants to make you feel goooooooooood
You’re pretty much crying at this point, begging for Michael to move faster to spur on your release quicker. He listens, but you almost wish you hadn’t said anything because it becomes so overwhelming so quickly that you cum hard and Michael refuses to stop drilling his cock into your heat. The overstimulation becomes too much, and that’s when Michael spills into you himself.
He collapses beside you and pulls you into his chest all in once motion, and you both quickly fall asleep to the sounds of each other’s thumping heartbeats.
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neonlacrima · 5 years
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And so we meet alone Two players in a puppet show
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doomh3ad · 2 years
hi!! u can call me imelda, chrissie, chelsea or mel, i have extreme slasher brainrot (specifically doomhead from rob zombie's 31 <3)
requests are closed! and also feel free to submit any questions or thirsts, even if requests are closed! i'm totally fine with any nicknames or pet names, i love ppl being friendly with me <3
i'll write poly relationships (as long as no one is related) and crossover poly relationships with reader too! i also take platonic requests.
[non-writing posts will be tagged 'imelda shut up' & asks as 'imelda's asks']
characters i'll write for include but are not limited to:
•Michael Myers (OG + 2018 Halloween)
•Corey Cunningham, Allyson Nelson (Halloween Ends)
•Art the Clown, Tara Heyes, Dawn Sissy, Sienna Shaw (Terrifier 1&2)
•Yautja (Predator)
•Otis, Baby, Foxy Coltrane, Captain Spaulding (Firefly Trilogy)
•Doomhead (31)
•Any Ghostface minus Charlie or Mrs Loomis, Sidney, Gale, Randy, Sam & Tara Carpenter (Scream franchise)
•Pinhead (both og + 2022 versions), Kirsty Cotton (Hellraiser)
•Candyman/Daniel (Candyman)
•Gabriel May (Malignant)
•Arkin O'Brien, Asa Emory/The Collector (The Collector)
•Greta, Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
•Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
•Amanda Young, Mark Hoffman, John Kramer, Daniel Rigg, Jill Tuck, Adam, Lawrence, Peter Strahm, Logan Nelson, William Schenk (Saw franchise, Spiral)
•Julian Lambrick (Would You Rather)
•Ellen Ripley (Alien)
•Pennywise, Patrick Hockstetter (IT 2017+2019)
•Bo, Vincent & Lester Sinclair (House of Wax)
•Ash Williams (Evil Dead)
•Kurt Kunkle (Spree)
•Thomas Hewitt (TCM)
•Rick Grimes, Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, Maggie Rhee, Glenn Rhee, (TWD)
•Ian McKinley (Final Destination 3)
•Rusty Nail (Joyride)
•Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)
•R (Warm Bodies)
•Michael Langdon (AHS)
•Lucifer Morningstar, Chloe Decker, Daniel Espinoza, Mazikeen/Maze (Lucifer)
•Jerome Valeska, Ed Nygma (Gotham)
•Sebastian Castellanos, Joseph Oda, Juli Kidman, Ruvik Victoriano (The Evil Within)
•Leon Kennedy [RE2/RE4/RE6] Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Luis Serra, Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliveira, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield [RE5], Sheva Alomar (Resident Evil)
•Kara, Connor, Markus (Detroit Become Human)
•Trickster (Dead by Daylight)
i'll also write for some ships ! these include (but i'll likely do any i know that you ask for!)
-Greta & Brahms
-Vincent, Lester or Bo & Carly
-Ben Miller & Zoey Davis (Escape Room)
-Chloe & Lucifer/Deckerstar (Lucifer)
i won't write : incest, pedophilia, rape, suicide etc. i will write yandere, dark fics & most kinks, just ask if you're not sure! i will write both dominant and submissive readers, just specify. i'll write headcanons, drabbles, full fics & series!
if you don't specify in a request, reader will be gender-neutral, but i will do other genders if you ask! i won't write about pregnancy or mentions of children, sorry.
it's ok to spam requests! i am only one person with a fairly busy life so requests may take up to about a week to be answered at most, usually, i appreciate the patience <3
pls don't request the exact same specific scenario word for word you've sent to other writers.
while i'm aware that i can't stop under 18s from reading or requesting, i would prefer if you didn't dm without your age in your bio or anywhere else that's visible!
commissions info
-commissions will begin once i've finished my cycle of regular requests, around mid-july hopefully!
-still working on reasonable pricing, always open to feedback! currently, i'm thinking around £5 for 1k words, £10 for 2k etc. for anything 3k+ it'd be £15-20. if you'd like a lot of long headcanons instead of a fic they'd be around £5 too i think!
Masterlist (part 1)
Masterlist (part 2)
Kinktober 2022 masterlist
Coming soon (current requests!)
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