#midorima x black reader
qupidology · 5 months
short shintarou thoughts for the girlies :)
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Midorima was a patient man. He prided himself in it. Prided himself in his ability to keep his head leveled no matter what the situation was. And yet you were constantly one to make his patience run thin. Your consistent testing of his patience is exactly how you ended up bended over his lap, panties ripped, cheeks burning from the relentless impact of his rough palm and a dildo shoved up your pretty little cunt.
"S-Shin!! 'M sorry I-" "Aht." He brought his hand down on your already red ass pulling a mix of a cry and a moan from your lips, your body slumping as he rubs your ass with one hand and starts pushing the dildo deeper into you with the other.
"I told you five minutes right?" His voice gentle as he smacked your ass once more, not paying mind to the please and cries for him to stop, "I expected you to listen to me, kitten. You would've gotten everything you wanted and more, and yet," He brought his hand down again, tskin at the way you cried out for him and the way your legs shook, showing him you came without his permission. "You continue to be a disobedient little pet, hm?"
Sighing softly he pulls the dildo from your hole, flipping you over on his lap so he could see your tear-stained face in all it's flushed glory, "It's fine, master will just have to train you again, won't he?"
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dira333 · 4 months
The Gremlin or how to get over yourself - Suna x Reader (Angst to fluff)
A/N: I moved my writing schedule to write only on weekends. Things will take a lot more time but my health will be better off. Please enjoy this Suna Fic, it's my first time writing for him.
Words: 7,1k - tagging @emmyrosee because she loves Suna
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It’s seven p.m. on a Thursday night when Suna’s phone rings, Keeping up with the Kardashians is playing on low volume as he swallows the rest of his Chuupet, a necessary entree prepping his stomach lining for the slightly burnt Rice he’s having for Dinner.
Samu’s curt in his greeting, kitchen noise in the background as usual.
“The Gremlin’s having a week off.” He says. “I’m not supposed to ask, but do you still own that pull-out couch?”
The Gremlin. He hasn’t heard that name in months.
Suna’s the one who came up with it, a silly joke that slipped out at an unfortunate time.
“That’s our sister,” Tsumu comments on the high-pitched wailing coming from the kitchen. “Just ignore her.”
“She’s not that bad.” Samu tries. “Just don’t look at her too long.”
The wailing stops abruptly, followed by the tell-tale sound of someone snuffling loudly.
“Samu? Tsumu? Are you home?”
Red-rimmed eyes peer into the hallway, silver braces glinting in the dim light. Your hair’s a mess that might have been pigtails sometime before. 
“You look like a gremlin.” Suna points out. He half expects you to cry again. Instead, you kick him in the balls.
“Uh, sure.” He manages to pull himself out of the memory, the pain still fresh in his mind even if it’s been years. “She could just ask herself, she’s got my number.”
“Ah,” Osamu chuckles half-heartedly. “I didn’t like her last boyfriend. She’s still mad about that.”
“Boyfriend?” He hears himself ask, mind going a little frayed trying to picture you with a boyfriend. 
“Yeah, I don’t know if you know him, but he was Nekoma’s Captain when we went to Nationals? Black hair that made him look like a Rooster?”
A chill runs down his back. “You let your sister date Kuroo Tetsuro?”
“Hey now, it’s not like I got anything to say in that matter. You know how she is.”
“Yeah, I do-” He mumbles, mind already drifting back.
“Why would I do that?” Gremlin asks, nose pointed to the sky. The braces look almost cute on you when you smile like that, a little arrogant and so very pleased with yourself. The new set of pimples across your nose ruins the look a little bit, but there are more important things to think about.
“Come on.” Tsumu whines. “It would be so funny! You just have to ask him out on a date.”
“Nah.” You blow a bubble with your chewing gum, clearly feeling very important. It’s rare that your brothers ask you for help and you like to lord your power over them. 
“If you do it, I’ll ask Kita-san to let you train with us for one day.”
Your eyes light up at the prospect, even as both Samu and Tsumu groan in annoyance. The girl's Volleyball Club isn’t to be messed with, but you’re as competitive as your brothers. There’s a long-standing battle of who’s best and you’ve gotten better since you got into High School, yearning to show off.
He can’t quite understand why, but he respects it. You’re one of the youngest in your Class, born on the last possible day to make it into one school year below your brothers. Maybe it’s because you’re born prematurely. Tsumu calls it your obsessive need to be part of absolutely everything, Suna thinks you’re obsessed with proving yourself. 
“Fine.” You huff. “So I ask the Basketball Captain on a date and then I just stand him up?”
“Yeah!” Tsumu nods eagerly, Samu a little preoccupied with his Bento. “I’ll even toss to you during training if he accepts.”
Midorima-san does not accept your confession. But Suna gets to be there, phone ready, when you kick him in the balls. Midorima-san screams like a little girl.
“Anyways.” Samu pulls him out of his reverie again. “I’ll text Kita to let her know you’ll pick her up from the train station.”
“Hold up.” Suna puts his phone between his ear and shoulder, trying his darned best to save both his dinner and his last remaining brain cells. “Why do I have to pick her up and why can’t you just tell her yourself?”
“Dude, keep up. Mom would kill you if she knew the Gremlin had to take an Uber in a foreign city when you’re perfectly capable of picking her up. Who raised you?”
“True.” He huffs, wrinkles his nose at the perfectly burned rice on his plate. Oh well, Take-out it is. “And Kita?”
“I told you she’s still mad about that Kuroo thing. She could never say no to Kita.”
“True,” he repeats, an acid taste on his tongue. He used to hate that, how Mr. Perfect could make even you swoon, the Gremlin, the monster every boy at school secretly feared. 
“So, what did you do? That made her so mad?”
“Ask Tsumu about it, I have to work.” The call disconnects with a dissatisfying click and Suna grunts, orders Pizza, and calls Tsumu. He’s invested now.
Five days later he’s as well informed as he can be.
You’re arriving at exactly 5:24 p.m. and you broke up with Kuroo over both his workaholic tendencies and a job offer too good to decline.
Samu and Tsumu decided to throw a party at the news which didn’t go over well with you, even though you did decide to get drunk with them - Tsumu woke up with half his eyebrows shaved off and Samu still misses a box of his favorite cookies that he swears you took.
You like Tamagoyaki for breakfast and you’re here to decide between three different offers for three different teams, all Division 1 of Japan’s V.League. You’re a Libero now and a pretty good one too.
“Why are you crying?” He asks, offering you a Chuupet. You like the pineapple flavor best and that works out okay because it’s his least favorite flavor. 
“Doesn’t matter.” You wipe your nose on your sleeve and stare down the roof. He can hear Tsumu somewhere below them, yelling some curse words into the wind. He’s probably fighting with Samu right now.
“Did you get asked out by someone ugly?” He asks, taking a seat opposite to you. “Do I have to beat someone up?” 
“Kita-san is leaving after this year.” You point out. It’s a fact and you don’t sound too upset about it, yet it feels like you’ve dropped red-hot coals into his stomach, the acid bubbling from the heat.
You pull your knees up and he averts his eyes, lest someone accuses him of looking up your skirt. It’s not his fault you never seem to remember that you’re not wearing shorts.
“Kita-san told me that Tsumu’s going to be Captain next year.” You mumble into your arms. “And he asked me what my plans are.”
“What did you say?”
“What do you think?” Your voice is sharp now, the usual sting of your words a welcome sensation. This is the you he knows well, unbothered if your truth makes others uncomfortable.
He leans back as far as he can, lets his eyes rest on your shoulder, the smooth curve of your neck. You’ve grown a few inches since you came here and it suits you well. 
“You want to be better than Tsumu.”
You snort, hit his thigh with your fist. The touch lingers even when you take your hand back.
“Kita-san said I can never be better than Tsumu.”
Suna’s never moved this fast before. His head almost knocks into yours.
“He didn’t!” His voice is almost shrill, his chest tight with a weird sensation. You seem calm, brows arched.
“He’s right, isn’t he?” You tell him, too calm. You’re the most dangerous when you’re calm. “I’ll never be an Original. Tsumu will keep playing, Samu won’t. If I keep playing, I’ll be just like Tsumu. If I decide to do something else, no matter what, I’ll be just like Samu. It just sucks so much!”
“Be a Libero then.” It’s a slip of his tongue, nothing more. But your eyes are big and bright and he wants to forget the way you looked before, desperate and desolate, so he keeps talking.
“You’re tall for a Libero. You’re average for a Setter. You’ll always be at the back of the Court and always wear a different shirt. Tsumu’s receiving sucks anyway. You’ll never be Captain, so you’ll never have to argue with him who’s been better at that. You can keep playing Volleyball and do your own twist of it.” He shrugs. “Just… Just an idea. I mean, you can do what you want. It’ll always be original. You’re the Gremlin after all.”
He forgets how to breathe when you pull him into a sudden hug. You’ve never been one for cuddling, never been into touch that doesn’t lend itself to violence.
But it’s nice, how you fit right in his arms, like you’d grown just for that purpose.
“Suna!” It seems that he might have been able to forget quite some things, but not your voice.
“I’m here!” He lazily raises his arm, counting on his height. There are too many people on the platform right now, the bustle making it hard to spot you.
But then you step out from behind a gaggle of businessmen and his mouth runs dry.
It should be illegal to wear shorts this… well, short. Your legs are way too long to be real. You could probably break a watermelon between your thighs. Why is it suddenly so hot?
“Hey Stranger!” You greet him with a grin. Where you used to have braces is now a perfectly white set of teeth in a perfectly formed mouth. Oh, wait, no, there’s the dimple and the slight curve to the right. He feels a little faint and curses the fact he’s not had dinner yet.
“Hey.” Should he move to hug you? Offer his hand? Slap you on the back?
You take that decision from him, knock your left knee into his right like you used to do back in High School. “What’s up with you? Did you forget how to talk?”
“No, I’m fine. Just tired. How was the train ride?”
“Long. Boring. Are you hungry? Can we go eat before we drop off my stuff or do you have a ‘No girl stuff in my car’-rule like Tsumu?”
“Tsumu’s still single then?” He asks, directing you toward the exit. “Both’s fine with me. We can order take-out. What are you in the mood for?”
“You eat take-out? How shameful.” You wrinkle your nose at him in mock disgust. Would it be weird if he leaned in and bit into it, dug his teeth into your skin? Probably.
“You gonna rat me out to Samu?”
“I’m letting you stay in my apartment.”
“I said probably. My Silence is expensive.”
“Hey, Suna!” A familiar voice yells over the crowd. He turns, surprised to see Komori.
“What are you doing here?”
“Nohr got a craving for that one Pork Belly Dish, so I drove over to get it for her. Is that your friend you mentioned? Hey, I’m Komori Motoya.” 
There’s that familiar tightness again, building up in his chest as he watches you chat with Komori. It’s Highschool all over again, how you swooned over Kita, had private discussions with Aran or the fact that you regularly went over to Ginjima’s place for some kind of secret meetings. 
It’s not that he dislikes you having friends. Or that he hates the fact that his friends like you too. But he’s him and that’s Komori, the nicest guy that ever decided to play Volleyball. Well, at least Komori’s not single.
“Oh, hi Suna.”
“What are you doing here?” 
Washio furrows his brows at his less than friendly tone.
“Wow, I know I messed up a little today, but are you really still mad about my Block?”
Your eyes are on him too now and he swallows the bile down yet again.
“Sorry, I’m being a dick.”
“When are you not?” You ask, a teasing lilt to your voice. It still stings, but less so when you knock your knee against his again. “You’re both on his team then?”
“Oh, yeah, Mr. Miserable is our Middle Blocker. I’m the other Middle Blocker and Komori is our Libero.”
“Oh, a fellow Libero.” You grin easily. “I’m here to check out a few teams in the area. We could get together some day, maybe? When the Grump’s not so obviously hangry?”
Washio laughs. “Sure. Sunday works well for me. What do you think Komori?”
“I’ll talk to Nohr and let you know, but I think I’d be fine with Sunday.”
“Don’t I get asked too?” Suna grumbles and you elbow him. “Pork Belly?” You ask him instead, nodding at the take-out containers both Washio and Komori carry.
“Sure.” He agrees, because at least that will get him out of this conversation.
It’s almost time to go home and he’s still in possession of his second button.
Suna refuses to give it up and both Samu and Tsumu seem to think it’s hilarious.
“Hey.” In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, you weedle yourself under Tsumu’s left arm, press yourself into him as you peer up at Suna. “What are you guys doing after School?”
“Mom’s making Hot Pot!” Samu decares from your other side, finishing off the rest of the Yakisoba bread you had brought in as a present. You got all of them graduation presents. A book for Ginjima, new shoes for Tsumu - though you declared that you wanted his old ones - a mixed bag of Chuupets for Suna. All of the pineapple flavors have been taken out and while he should find it annoying, it’s a little too endearing to him.
“You’re invited, by the way.” Samu points out. “But Mom said it’s okay if you can’t come. Your parents probably planned something for you too.”
“Not sure.” He mumbles, fiddling with his second button. 
“Oh, we’re going soon, right?” Samu flings the wrapping paper of his bread into the waste basket at the door and pulls at Tsumu’s arm. “Come on, you still need to confess to that girl from the Crafts Club.”
“What?” Tsumu looks at him like he just declared he’d start playing Basketball from now on. “Yeah, come on.” Samu tugs again. “We’ll get back to you later.”
 And just like that, it’s the two of you, the air around you growing dense with unsaid things. 
“You still have your second button?” You ask, pointing at it.
“Yeah.” With one last tug, the string gives away and he holds it in his hands. The button’s not even that big, he thinks as he rolls it between sweaty fingers. Just a tiny thing made from plastic that holds so much meaning.
“Were you planning to give it to someone?” Your voice sounds weird. He can hear his pulse in his ears, way too loud and way too fast. He’s going back to Aichi in a few weeks, doesn’t know much about his future but the fact that he’s got into College there, will have to get into their College Volleyball team if he wants to make it Pro. And even then, nothing’s sure. Not if he’ll make it Pro, not if his team will win the important matches. He could be doomed to be average for the rest of his life, living from the memories he made right here, in those last three years.
When he looks up, you look different than before. 
You’ve got the Miya Gene of Stubbornness, and are the worst of all three when it comes to not letting go of your dreams. You’ve managed to turn around and beat everyone’s expectations in the last year alone, making it from an average setter to an extraordinary Libero. You almost won the Nationals last year and there’s word of it being a sure win the next time around.
It’s not a conscious decision, but it feels right. To open his mouth and say “No. I’m not giving it to anybody.” To fling that damned button out the window. 
Still. He’ll probably never forget the way your mouth curved at the sight, like you were trying to hold something inside that was trying to burst out of you. 
He misses your graduation because of a stubborn cold. He watches most of your matches until he gets so busy with training and College and just, life, that he falls off, little by little. 
Soon enough you’re nothing but a memory and he’s probably less in your head.
After all, you’re dating Kuroo Tetsuro and making a name for yourself, aren’t you?
His heart is a traitorous thing, it seems, but at least it calms down over Pork Belly. You’re eating on the Couch you’re going to sleep on later, your legs familiarly thrown over his. Keeping Up with the Kardashians plays on TV, but it’s basically background noise now as you talk, laugh, and wave your chopsticks around.
It’s like old times, hanging out at your house after school. Any second now, Samu’s going to come in from the kitchen with his second helping. He can almost hear Tsumu’s nagging voice in the background, telling you “Shut up! I didn’t sound like that.”
“Hey, Gremlin.” Your head snaps around at the nickname and his mouth runs dry.
“‘s nothing.” You mumble into your dish. “Just not used to getting called that way again.”
“Oh.” He’s suddenly not hungry anymore but stuffs his mouth nonetheless to think of a comment.
“You want me to stop? It was a stupid nickname, really.”
“Nah.” You shake your head and dig your heels into his thighs. “It’s okay. I am a Gremlin.”
“You totally are. Like, you didn’t even bring me a present. Didn’t your Mum teach you about housewarming gifts?”
“I totally brought you a gift!” You jump up and pull something from your suitcase. He recognizes it by sound alone, the crinkling plastic wrap a tell-tale sign.
“You bought me Chuupets?” He laughs, his heart tightening when he realizes that you pulled all the pineapple flavors out. 
“Samu said you’re still eating them.” You point out, handing them over in a way that tells you this is just as awkward for you as it is for him.
“Course. What do you think of me? I don’t change like that.”
“Could’ve fooled me!”
“Okay.” He claps his hands on his thighs and sits up, grabs his phone from his pocket, and connects it with his TV. “History lesson. I’ll catch you up on what happened in the years since I graduated.”
“Oh wow, are you going to let me write a test on that too?”
“Only if you keep asking stupid questions.”
His alarm goes off way too early for the late night he’s had. 
You just kept swapping stories, drunk on nostalgia. 
The girlfriend he had in College, the most awkward affair of his life to date. “She was obsessed with my hair.” He spilled what he hadn’t even told Samu, “Cut off a few strands of it and kept it in her purse for personal reasons.”
How you got to play for the Tokyo Tigers and your awful first date ever with a guy who thought he could get free Onigiri through you. 
“Kicked him in the balls for that.” You said, grinning smugly. He couldn’t help the “That’s my girl,” that slipped out of his mouth. But you smiled like you agreed.
“Morning Gremlin.” He calls out as he moves toward the bathroom. Your head pops up, dried spit sticking to the side of your face, hair sticking out in odd angles.
“Bathroom’s mine.” You declare with something like a war cry. He’s got a headstart, but you still beat him there, your body trained by years of living with the twins. 
“What the f-” You kick him in the shins and slam the door in his face when he goes down. Long-forgotten memories of sleepovers resurface. What does it say about him that he’s still grinning when you step back out?
“I’m so sorry.” You tell him, your hair less messy, your face void of spit. He focuses on your eyes because your sleep shirt is a little too revealing for this early hour.
“Nah, it’s good. I like being heckled right after getting out of bed.”
You snort. “I’m making breakfast.”
“Is that a threat?”
“Hey, I’ve gotten way better! I bet I’m better at cooking than you.”
“I’ll let you try.” The Challenge lights a familiar fire in your eyes. He’s going to have to come up with excuses to eat out if he doesn’t want to turn into a sore loser.
“Morning loverboy,” Komori greets him at training.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Suna’s probably never been this diligent with his stretches before, but it’s a welcome distraction now.
“Nohr said she could do Sunday, by the way.” Komori’s not letting the topic go, however, and Suna can’t even blame his stubbornness. He’s grown up with Sakusa, after all. 
“Great.” If negative excitement is a thing, he’s projecting it right now.
Training goes smoothly, however, which he’s thankful for. 
It’s hard enough to deal with Komori’s excitement - he’s been trying to set up Suna since before he met Nohr, his enthusiasm only intensified by his own personal happiness - and Washio’s weird sense of humor on any day, but he doesn’t dare imagine what it would be like if he sucked. They’d probably tell him that he’s lovesick or something equally stupid.
“So, your girlfriend-” Washio starts when they gather for a quick break.
Suna barely avoids choking on the sip of water he’d just taken, can’t even be happy about narrowly avoiding death when a smug smile appears on Komori’s face.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” He points out hastily. “Remember the Miya-Twins? She’s their little sister.”
“Ouch.” Komori pulls a face. “That must have been a rough childhood.”
“So you’re not with her because they’d kill you if you’d try?” Washio asks and Suna’s glad his mouth is empty this time. 
“No, I’m not with her because I’m not with her. We’re just friends. She’s the Gremlin, okay?”
“The Gremlin?” Washio’s brows furrow in the same way they do when he thinks about Bokuto. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Suna points at his shin, the darkening spot on his skin.
“She kicked me in the shins today because she wanted to use the bathroom first.”
“She’s a guest. Of course she should get to use the bathroom first.” Washio points out. Suna grunts in annoyance and turns to Komori.
“Don’t ask me for help there, I always let Nohr take the bathroom in the morning.”
“Yeah, because you’re whipped.”
“And you’re not?” Washio’s eyebrows are now doing the “Coach is saying something but I sense he means something else”-Dance.
“Weren’t you listening? She’s the Gremlin. There’s nothing there between us!”
“Good.” Washio puts his watter bottle down with a nod. There’s something there, maybe in the sound of plastic hitting the floor, or maybe it’s in his voice, but the knot in Suna’s stomach pulls taught to the point he’s afraid he might vomit any second. “That means I can ask her out.”
Suna’s good at what he does, because he’s not only observant but has a Poker Face to match it. He’s a strategist, plays the long game, all of those things.
So the fact that he did not see that coming from a mile away should scare him way more than the prospect of you dating Washio. 
Oh god, what if you date Washio and it works out? And you move here? And he has to see you every time they do teambuilding stuff like movie nights or Karaoke sessions? 
His mind races with a speed formerly unknown. His face is completely blank, at least he’s still got that going for him, but his mind is tormenting him with a terrible picture of you and Washio at the altar.
“I mean, you can ask her out, but I can’t tell you if you’ll have a shot with her or not. Remember Kuroo? They broke up recently.”
Washio nods slowly. He doesn’t know that “recently” is a very vague description. He’s not so sure about the timeframe himself, but it sounded like a few months have passed since that incident. Not that Washio has to know that.
“Can you give me her number?”
“Only if I want to get neutered in my sleep. But I’ll tell her you asked for it and offer her yours.”
Washio nods even slower and Komori’s face looks like he’s doing his best to hold back diarrhea. 
“Well, do that, and if she’s not into it, I can still ask her properly on Sunday. She’s staying till Wednesday, right?”
“All right Boys, get back into position.” Coach yells from behind them. Suna’s never been more glad to get back to training.
Suna spends Friday and Saturday evening sightseeing with you, which is in itself an exaggeration. He’s never been one for sightseeing like the typical tourist.
“Okay, stop. And don’t smile, this background is serious.”
You roll your eyes, but don’t look around - you’ve learned from your previous mistakes. When he flips his phone around, you can see yourself leaning against the railing of a footbridge, behind you the central landfill.
“The Gremlin in its natural habitat.” He teases. You punch his shoulder as hard as you can.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Oh, come on,” He slings his arm around your shoulder. “You get to take one of me next. How about the mural with the poop emoji? Will that suffice?”
You lean your head back to look up at him and your face is so close now that your breath washes over his face. Your lips open and close as you speak, but there’s an odd noise in his ears. 
Pain erupts from his cheeks as you pinch and twist them.
“Ouch, what the f-”
“You were zoning out completely. When’s the last time you ate?”
“Oh, good call.” Suna turns away to regain his composure. “Take-out or do you want to actually sit and dine.”
“Or we could cook?”
He pulls a face. “Do we have to?”
You laugh. “I could teach you a few things. Mom wouldn’t let me leave for college without knowing how to feed myself. And Samu asks me to help him every chance he gets. Cheap labor, you know.”
“So you’re saying that your cooking is better than Takoyaki from a street vendor?” He points at the sign he’d noticed a few seconds ago. Your confidence falters. So it is still your favorite food…
“What if, and hear me out, we get Takoyaki, enjoy your weird little poop emoji mural, and drop into a Konbini on the way back. By the time we’re home, you’re going to be hungry again anyway.”
“I’m not Samu, I don’t eat that much.”
“No? Well, I do. And I’m your guest, so what I say goes.”
Suna laughs along, ignores the tingling that erupts whenever you knock your shoulder into his as you walk. It’s nice, to be like this with you. Relaxed, at ease, no dangerous thoughts rolling around in his brain.
It’s only when you’re pushing the shopping cart down the aisle that things change.
Your phone rings and you pull it out, frown at the display.
“Sorry, I’ve got to take this. Can you pick up some more rice and vegetables? I only need five minutes.”
“Sure.” Suna keeps his face neutral as ever, but he’s seen the caller ID. It’s Kuroo.
“Hey Tetsurou, what’s up?” He can hear your voice as you walk away from him. You sound too friendly for a chat with your ex-boyfriend. He desperately wants to hear more, but he’s not a creep, so he pushes the shopping cart away from you, down another aisle. 
By the time his mind clears a little, he’s far far away from the produce aisle and staring at an assortment of Shochu. He picks up two bottles at random and drops them in the cart before making his way back to where he was supposed to be going.
Suna’s not sure what wakes him. 
He knows it’s a Sunday because his body, conditioned by years of training, tells him to stay in bed. His head feels a little fuzzy, telling him he drank too much last night, but it’s Sunday, so that doesn’t really matter anyway.
His blanket must have slid off during the night, so he pats around, eyes closed. What he finds instead is a face and his eyes snap open to dawny morning light and your annoyed grumbling.
His heart, usually a rather chill fellow, thrums in his throat. He’s frozen in place, his hand still somewhat cradling your cheek. His mind unhelpfully supplies him with the information that your cheeks are warm and soft, fit perfectly into the palm of his hand.
He tries his best to block out this information in favor of checking if he’s still wearing clothes.
He couldn’t… he wouldn’t… You blink and he goes completely still.
“Suna?” You ask. “Are you okay? Your face looks weird.”
“I…” He manages before his voice gives out. 
This is both his biggest nightmare and his sweetest dream. If only he could convince himself that it’s not real, he could slip back into his dreams and consider it private. 
Something on his face must have tipped you off. This is worrying, because since when can others read his face?
You pull his hand from your face and slip out from under the covers. You’re wearing boxer shorts and a tank top, reasonably dressed for what he feared might have happened.
“You have not changed at all.” You say, your voice way too calm to be harmless. He’s not sure what he’s done, but he’s going to regret it.
“What do you mean?”
You stop at the door and level him with a look he’s only ever seen directed at people you never want to come across, ever again. This isn’t going well for him.
“You’re the king of mixed signals, Suna. And I’m sick of it. Make up your mind.”
“Where are you going?” He follows you, a little less balanced than you.
“Out.” You pull clothes over your sleepwear, drag your hair into something resembling a messy bun. “I need some fresh air.”
“Look, whatever happened-”
“I know.” Your voice is as hard as steel now. “Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens.” 
The door clicks shut behind you with a sound of finality.
You're still not back when Suna drags himself out of bed hours later.
His head hurts and his mouth is dry in a way that even three glasses of water cannot seem to fix. He calls you over the first cup of coffee, but you don’t pick up. 
Five unanswered calls and plenty of messages later he’s ready to call the police. Sure, you’re one to hold a grudge, but accidents happen.
The thought of you hurt on the side of the road, will not leave his mind. His hands shake as he moves through his contacts, his first instinct as always to call Kita. 
He doesn’t get that far, however. 
“Why are you calling?” He asks, his voice doing some weird thing he’s not exactly proud of.
“Your friend.” Washio’s voice is serious in a way he hasn’t heard before. “She’s with me.”
“Yeah.” There’s the sound of a door closing. Suna can’t help but picture it. You’re probably on Washio’s Couch right now, the massive green beast he helped carry up the stairs a year ago. He’s probably made you a decent Lunch or a cup of coffee that does not burn away your stomach lining. You’ve probably told him everything already. Whatever. It’s not like he can fall any deeper in Washio’s eyes.
“Suna?” That’s Komori’s voice. It sounds like he’s on speaker phone now.
“I’d rather do this in person, but you’re both stubborn as hell. Everyone can tell that you like her.”
“I don’t-”
“Lying about has got you into this mess, you could be honest for once.” Komori’s voice stays the same, friendly and light as ever, even as his words pack a punch.
“It doesn’t matter.” Suna presses out. “I’m not good enough.”
He didn’t mean to say those last few words. It seems as if the truth is like a Chuupet, slippery in his hold - but a lot less sweet.
“I think she’d disagree.” Washio grumbles along with his deep voice. “Apparently you’re totally her type. Snarky assholes who don’t know when to stop teasing and stuff like that. Trust me, she’s not stopped talking about it since we picked her up.”
“How- How did that work out anyway?”
“Sakusa’s on Atsumu’s team, remember?” Komori explains. “I think she just needed someone to vent who’s not her brothers. Someone who knows the current you. Nohr is currently with her and they’re talking to someone called Kita on the phone.”
Suna flinches. It would have been less painful for him if you’d called the twins.
“I’m not sure if you know.” Komori starts again after a few seconds of silence. “But she doesn’t have an offer here. I’m not… I’m not telling you more about that, but I think you guys should talk. And be honest for once. You’re both grown ups, for goodness sake.”
“Sure.” He huffs. “Like she’s going to listen to me now.”
“Get over here.” Washio declares. “I’ll send her down as soon as you’re here. It’s on you to get her to listen, though.”
“Never have I ever served a ball into someone’s head.” Suna declares confidently. 
“It was on purpose.” You point out as you down your Shochu. 
“Tsumu?” He asks. You grin smugly. 
“A Lady doesn’t tell.”
“You’ve never been a Lady.”
“I totally am!”
“You totally are not! You’re the Gremlin.”
“Well, at least I’m one of a kind.”
“That you are.” The words weren’t meant to come out this soft. But your eyes seem to mirror his sound, now pools of warm liquid that seem to pull him in.
“Never have I ever had a crush on someone in my school.” You drink right after you say it, but he’s too far gone to complain about you breaking the rules as he downs his own shot.
“Who?” You ask, giggling. You’re swaying in your seat, barely able to hold yourself up. 
“You should get to bed.”
“Not without knowing who you’ve had a crush on.”
“You should get to bed first.” He gets up, utterly convinced that the Shochu won’t have any effect on him until he can barely keep upright without the Couch cushions stabilizing him. He pulls you up all the same, dragging you across the room. “Come on.”
“I sleep on the Couch.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Who did you have a crush on?”
“Who did you have a crush on?” He asks back. “Kita, right?”
“Everyone had a crush on Kita.” You brush it off. “Whataboutyou?”
He pushes you onto the bed, giggles when you bounce off the mattress. It looks so soft and he lets himself fall too, lands a bit too close to you to be comfortable, his head knocking against your shoulder as he tries to wriggle away. He can’t look at you properly in this position.
“The teacher.” He declares with all sincerity he can muster while going cross eyed looking at you. You’re so close now, he can count your lashes. One, two, three…
Your eyes narrow the moment you spot him.
You turn back towards the still open door but Suna’s faster, grabs your arm to pull you back.
With everyone else, he’d feel bad about this, but you’ve kicked his ass enough times. You respond in kind, gift him a few more bruises on his shin and pull him down into a headlock. He’s not fighting it. At least you’re not pushing him away, right?
“What are you doing here?” You ask. Your knuckles are no longer rubbing over his head, but rather brushing through his hair. Are you aware of that?
“I want to talk.”
You huff, let go of him. He grabs your hand before you can step away, drags you down the sidewalk by your hand. Your fingers intertwine as you fall into step with him.
“I’ve had a crush on you.” Suna points out when the park comes into view. “I don’t know when it happened, but I had a crush on you. In high school.”
“I know.” You point out, your grip on his hand neither tightening nor loosening. “Everyone knew.”
“Excuse me? I have the best poker face in the prefecture.”
“Oh please, you suck.”
“You suck!”
You stop, suddenly breathless as you gaze at him.
“What?” You ask, your voice raspy.
“You should call me Rintarou.”
“No.” You glare at him. “No, we’re not doing this. You can’t push me away and pull me in right after just to push me away again.”
“I know.” He looks down, surprised to see that you’ve still not pulled your hands apart.
“Tell me one thing.” He purses his lips, tries his best to make his words sound less pathetic than they are. “You could have had Kita. Or Ginjima. Even Midorima-san was kinda impressed with you. Washio has the hots for you too. Why would you even care about little old me?”
Softness washes over your face. You’ve never looked this good.
“I’m the Gremlin.” You tell him. You obviously are, in your layered slept-in clothes and your messy bun, your tendency to kick his ass even when he’s not asking for it. “You like me for what I am. I like you for what you are.”
And there’s a truth to that he hadn’t considered before.
You’ve been at his side for long enough, know how he acts after a loss or a win. You know he can’t cook for shit, have seen him block, have heard him snore.
A strange lightness takes hold of him. He feels like giggling.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
You nod. 
He leans in, heart beating in his throat again, but for different reasons this time. 
His lips brush yours, the softest of touches he’s never thought possible. 
When you respond it feels like coming home.
They’re almost too heavy for the swings, you’re on his lap on the tiny set.
“So, Kuroo?” He asks when everything else has been talked about, over and over and over again.
Your head’s a comforting weight on his shoulder. He could get used to this, being so close he only needs to lean down a little to kiss you.
“We’re still friends if that’s what you’re asking.”
“That’s not what I’m asking, but good to know.”
“Since when are you jealous?” You furrow your brows at him. He looks away.
“Yes, love?”
“Since when are you jealous?”
“Since you fancied Kita, I guess.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“And you said you loved me, so jokes on you.”
You straighten up and glare at him.
“I told Kuroo that I wanted to try, one last time, to get with you. He was the one who got me interviews in this prefecture. So if you have a problem with him helping me-”
“I don’t have a problem with that, I just-”
“You think he’s better than you and wants me back eventually?”
“It sounds awful when you say it like that.”
You laugh. “You’ll have to work on that. It’s cute now, but your jealousy won’t be cute forever.”
You kiss the comeback from his lips. His stomach grumbles loudly.
“Lets get back to the others.” You pull him up from the swings. “It’s time for dinner anyway.”
“Do we have to? We could just go home and have fun instead.”
“Suna Rintarou. Your friends just helped you get over yourself and you want to repay them like that?”
“You’re only here until Wednesday and you want to spend time with my friends instead of with just me? Shame on you.”
“We can call in sick tomorrow? How does that sound?”
“Oh, you are a dangerous influence.”
Rintarou hollers loudly as the ball connects with your outstretched arms and soars through the air. Nohr claps exitedly next to him.
“That was a good one.” He calls out. “The Fans are going to love this.”
“How many followers do you have now?”
“About 500.000 and counting. Tsumu is still salty about it.”
“How many does he-” Nohr interrupts herself when Komori drops on the chair next to her and passes her a cup of soda. “Thanks, Baby.”
“Get a room.” Rintarou teases, already zooming in on you as you prepare for another receive. 
“I bet they’re going to win. Who dares to go against me?”
“I will. We have a strong Offense on the other side and the Game just started. Loser has to pay Dinner?”
Your expression is thunderous when you exit the changing rooms.
“Hey Gremlin,” Rintarou calls out to you, watches as you part ways with your teammates and march over.
“You played good.” He points out and leans forward, softly bites your nose as a way of greeting.
“Not good enough.” You knock your head against his shoulder. “And it was the last game of the Season. This sucks so much.”
“I know, I know.” He rubs your back, pulls you closer even. “But it wasn’t your fault. Number seven messed up a lot of the blocks. You couldn’t do anything about that.”
“I know.” 
“You wanna go out with the Guys? Or go straight home and pack for tomorrow?”
You’re quiet for a while. He lets you stew on the decision. There’s no formula on how to feel better after a loss, no other way to go over this than to listen to what your body and your mind tell you.
“Can we get drunk?” You ask finally. “At that bar that serves fried chicken? We don’t have to leave that early for Osaka, right?”
“No, we can get drunk. Do you wanna take some stupid selfies and send them to Tsumu?”
“Yeah.” You nod, press a kiss to his chin. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Great. Also, we have to pay for Washio’s dinner.”
“No!” You whine. “You need to stop betting on me. Rin!”
He laughs. “You say that now like you’re not going to bet on me during my next game.”
“That’s different.” You point out and take his hand. “I only take bets that I’ll win.”
“Ah, what’s losing one bet or two if I’ve got you?”
“Yours.” You grin, smug about it.
“Mine.” He agrees.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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summer-nights19 · 8 months
Hii! Can you make a Murasakibara x reader . Murasakibara calls his s/o by a cute nickname after his basketball practice is over and his s/o came to see if his practice is over so they both can go home together after school + the reaction of GOM when they get to know murasakibara is dating someone.? Bye, have a great day /night!
Hi anon ! Thank you so much, and this is really cute, thanks for the mental picture <33
Reading you guys' KnB imagines always makes my day, so please continue to send em in !
When his friends find out you're dating
Murasakibara x gn reader
(AU in which the GOM remain teammates after middle school)
@neoo you might like this one
You took your phone out of your bag to check the time as you walked towards the school gym. If you remembered correctly, Atsushi's basketball practice should have ended around five minutes ago. It was the last practice session of a very busy season, so he'd promised to take you out as soon as it was finished. When you asked where, he said it was a surprise and that he'd take you there after practice. The more you thought about spending the evening with your beloved boyfriend after a few weeks of barely seeing him outside of school, the giddier you felt. When you finally reached the gym and pushed the door open, you saw Atsushi talking with the other members of the generation of miracles as they walked out of the changing room. Even though most members of the generation of miracles were pretty tall, Murasakibara still managed to tower over them. He'd changed out of his basketball kit and into a loose fitting black shirt with short sleeves and grey sweatpants. His hair was also up- he knew that was a weakness of yours. You didn't mind that he dressed more casually- in fact, as you checked out his long, toned arms, you realised how much you liked it. As soon as Murasakibara saw you standing and starin at the door, he smiled slightly and walked over to you.
"Hey baby, you ready to leave after this ?" You opened your mouth to answer but Kuroko beat you to it.
"What ? Murasakibara and Y/N ? Why didn't anybody tell me ?" You tried not to laugh at the look of utter shock on his face as his eyes darted between you and Atsushi. Aomine cut in, frowning
"Yeah ! And why does he get to date someone that hot ? Y/N, if you ever grow bored of this dry ass man then you know where to find-" This time, it was Atsushi who cut Aomine off by shoving him in the opposite direction to you.
"Over my dead body," he said, glaring at Aomine. The latter simply smirked and raised his eyebrows
"Control yourself, Aomine. Anyway, you're all just idiots. This has been rather obvious for a few weeks now. Whenever Murasakibara has free time, he spends it with Y/N, and he always takes every opportunity to text them during practice. Akashi has noticed it too. While I normally wouldn't condone dating within a friendship group, their signs are perfectly matched," Midorima explained, a triumphant look on his face, while Akashi stood there silently. You hadn't expected much of a reaction from him, because you realised on some level he'd always known, and had given you and Atsushi small windows of time in which you could meet and talk all throughout the last basketball season. When you'd thanked him for all his help, he'd just nodded and smiled slightly.
You listened and tried to hold in your laughter as Aomine and Midorima began to squabble over his remark. These guys were idiots, but they were your idiots. They'd been your best friends since middle school and you were glad that you finally had the opportunity to share this with them. Kise finally broke the spat, smiling in your direction as he spoke.
"Yeah, you guys really weren't as discreet as you thought. I mean, Murasakibaracchi literally has a picture of you in his basketball jersey as his phone lockscreen. Anyway, though I agree with Aominecchi that this is slightly unfair, I wish you two all the best. You look really cute together, as well as being well matched,"
"Yeah," Kuroko agreed, smiling at you as you blushed.
"Aww guys... thank you so much ! We would have told you earlier, but we were afraid it would change things between the group,"
"Nah. No matter what happens, we'll stick together. We've made it this far, right ?" Aomine replied, and the others nodded in agreement. Atsushi put an arm around your waist and looked at the guys.
"Now that you know, I'd appreciate it if you stopped wasting our time. I'm taking Y/N on a date tonight. Also, keep your hands to yourselves. Y/N is mine," he said, glaring at Aomine and Kise. You smiled up at him, your heart beating faster as he revealed this new possessive side to his nature. He squeezed you a little before hoisting you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
"Wha- Atsushi ! What do you think you're doing ?" you asked, squirming in his grasp playfully.
"We'll get there faster like this,". He tightened his grip around you and you let yourself relax, breathing in his warm scent as he carried you out of the gym.
"Bye guys !" you said, smiling as Atsushi carried you out. The others smiled back at you, waving as they watched you and Atsushi leave the gym.
As soon as you'd left, Kuroko opened his mouth again
"So that's why Murasakibara was asking about where the rose garden was,"
Kise facepalmed and laughed a little
"Yes, it was. He wanted to surpris them with a truly romantic spot. God, you really are dense at times, Kurokocchi,"
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theehcneypot · 2 years
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                                            🎶  ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ɪ ʜᴀᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜ.
                                        ₀․₀₀◦────────────────◦ ₃․₁₅
↳ — Pairing: Midorima Shintarou x Black Fem Reader 
↳ — Genre: Friends w/ benefits to lover
↳ — Content: Smut, Oral sex, (female receiving), mention of fellatio. If I miss anything please let me know.
↳ — Wordcount: 2k
↳ — Notes: Honestly this is my first time writing a character x reader and the first time in a while since I’ve wrote any smut soooo hopefully I did this some justice. Also no description just something I came up with while listening to SZA. Enjoy!
                                    ₀․₀₀◦────────────────◦ ₃․₁₅
“Y/N open the door” Midorima yelled as he continued to knock on the door, it was now going on week three since the last time you and Midorima had spoken to one another, and it was killing him how much you were ignoring him. he took it upon himself to ask you face to face. And now here he stood at your front door, not receiving a response from you he shook his head as he release a deep sighed. He had a feeling that you were upset with him but he wasn’t sure why thought. Seeing as how you wasn’t responding to any of his texts and calls he had made the decision to come over and talk to you in person of course you never came to the front door so what choice did he have but to give up and go back home. When leaving he heard the sound of the lock click indicating that someone had came to the door, turning around he was met by you.
Only having the door cracked just enough for you to peek out, being met with the male’s light green eyes, you gave him the meanest glare you could muster “are you going to continue to stand there and glare at me like a serial killer or are you going to let me in so we can talk like adults?” Rolling your eyes you opened the door wider signaling for the green hair male to come in as you made your way towards the kitchen. Walking around the island you crossed your arms over your chest giving the male your undivided attention. 
Walking inside Midorima made sure that the door was shut before following you into the kitchen. Standing on the opposite of the island he huffed “what is it that I did this time?” he asked placing his hands on top of the marble island. “It what you don’t fucking do that’s the problem!” you shouted allowing your shoulders drop as you release a deep breath. This wasn’t the first time this topic was brought up between the two of you, you would complain how he never showed you any affections out in public or even acknowledge you as his girlfriend, he would tell you that he would work on it and tell you sweet nothings such as you’re the best thing that has happened in his life and that he was going to do better. 
But his actions never lived up to his words, and then the cycle would continue to repeat itself over again and again and at this point you were tried of going through this. “You’re always telling him that you would show affection towards me when we’re out and yet last night at Kise party you act like I didn’t even exist! It’s like we’re back to being fuck buddies instead of girlfriend and boyfriend!” you complained, trying to keep your angry at bay “you’re contradicting as fuck! Maybe I should have gotten with Takao...better yet Akashi, I heard he’s still single” you smirked, reaching over to grab your phone “I hate you.”
Midorima didn’t say anything, he wasn’t dumb, not by a long shot he already knew what the problem was and instead of saying anything he allowed you this time to complain and let everything out but what he wasn’t expecting is for you to threaten hooking up with his best friend, or his former Teiko teammate especially Akashi, he knew you were taunting him, knowing the secret rivalry he held with the red hair, so the thought of you getting together Akashi with brought rage to the male and made him feel that disrespected. As if he would ever let you go that easily, the audacity of you challenging him ignited some sort of spark that he hadn’t felt before but also he didn’t mind the feeling.
Making his way around the island, grabbing your phone and throwing it against the wall causing it to break into pieces “my fucking phone!” you yelled, watching as the pieces fell to the ground. “Should have never disrespected me” he countered, as he towered over your small frame. Cocking your head back as you look the male up and down “disrespected you?! If anyone is being disrespected it’s me! All because your scary ass don’t wanna claim me in public!” you spoke with loads of attitude lace in your voice. Sending you a glare “I’ll buy you a new one” he responded, swiftly grabbing a hold of your neck tighten his grip as he pulls you closer towards him. So close that you could feel the warmth of his breath against your neck, prompting goosebumps to rise along your skin. Leaning closer “I’m gonna fuck that attitude of you” he whispered before dropping his hand and stepping back “strip” he commanded.
Watching intently as you removed your clothing, soon revealing your entire bare body in his sight, Midorima smirked affectionately, admiring every detail of your curvaceous frame. Without words, he placed his hands on your waist, soon picking you up and placing up on the edge of the counter. Releasing you once you were securely set, Midorima lowered himself in front of you bringing both of your thighs over his shoulders and softly beginning to plant soft kisses that led up to your inner thighs, stopping once he reached your center. Taking a moment to bask in the beauty of your puckered lower duo, the male soon release his tongue from the confinement of his mouth just to part your lower lips, fist beginning to shower your peeking clitoris with affection by softly flicking his tongue over it, then swirling it around the swollen nub and finally capturing it between his lips as they suctioned it into his mouth.
Your soft verbal release of pleasure only frustrated the male as he continued to softly tend to her now throbbing clitoris. He wanted to hear more than that, and you knew it. Immediately switching gears, he gently captured your clit between his teeth, lightly tugging on it as he began to pull away, finally releasing it after a few seconds. His focus was then turned towards her awaiting core, which he immediately dove into with his tongue. Easing the slender muscle within your wetness, the male gradually began to work up a steady pace of penetration in and out of your sex, making an effort to force his tongue further than before with each entrance into your core.
As the minutes began to pass, his pace began to speed up, soon darting his tongue in and out of your tight hole, soon bringing his hand up towards your center and adding his middle finger to the mix. Without warning, he slid his finger into your soaked cunt, the excess amount of juices allowing for easy access as he added his finger alongside his tongue inside of your core, now simultaneously pumping them at the same pace into your cunt. However, he strategically began to curl his finger, forcing the tip to discover and massage areas of your cove that his tongue was unable to reach, hoping to intensify the amount of pleasure he could inflict upon you.
As you began to move your hips in sync with the furious movements of his tongue and finger, clearly displaying the pleasure you was feeling, Midorima then took it upon himself to swiftly remove his tongue and fingers from your now gaping hole, wanting to immediately fulfilling your request but wanting to first have some fun of his own. Standing to his feet, Midorima used his free hand to grab you by your hair, forcefully pulling you towards him and smashing his lips into yours, kissing you passionately, purposely easing his tongue into your mouth so you could get a taste of the meal you’d given him.
After a few moments, he broke the intense lip lock, pulling your head back. Gliding his index and middle finger up and down your sloppy slit, he gathered even more of your sticky nectar on his fingers before shoving them into your mouth to let you taste yourself once again. “Lick every bit of that off” he demanded, giving you the opportunity to remind of him of your fellatio skills but not before he drove his fingers a bit deeper into your mouth and hitting your gag reflex, causing you to gag, which sounded like music to his ears. “Fuck..as soon as you do as you’re told, I’ll fuck you like you want me to, do you understand?”
Watching you intently, Midorima dug his teeth into his lower lip, watching in amazement as you performed an imitation of fellatio on his fingers, causing the semi hardened member within his sweats to transition into a full hard on. Your unwavering eye contact with him as you continued only proved to intensify his sexual craving for you. Swiftly, he removed his fingers from your mouth and pushed your thighs open even more. Grabbing your wrist, pulling your hand away from your center “don’t touch unless I tell you to Y/N. You know better” he spoke sternly but calmly before pushing your han to the side and grabbing your thighs, pulling you to the edge of the counter just before releasing his protruding member from the confinement of his sweats. “if you want something to play with, here it is, princess.”
Leaning forward to surround him with your thick thighs, Midorima immediately grabbed a hold of them, looking down at you with a devilish grin. The male gave the illusion that he was taking her request into consideration. Swiftly pulling your lower half towards him, easily gliding his hardened length into the tightness of your dripping sex, replacing one of his hands that formerly gripped your thigh to firmly surround your slender neck, gazing intently into your eyes. Not only was the risk of engaging in such sexual acts on your kitchen counter turning Midorima on, but the fact that he’d penetrated your wetness with a lack of a condom.
Normally, he might have thought twice about going raw. However, his sexual craving for you was too unbearable for him not to take the risk. Slowly working up his own rhythm and a steady pace, Midorima glided his throbbing member in and out of your soaked cunt, occasionally breaking eye contact with you to admire the excess amount of your juices that had already coated his shaft just in the matter of a few minutes. “Fuck, I missed this pussy.” He muttered in between strokes, taking his bottom lip between his teeth soon after his comment.
The mixed sound of your soft moans and the screech of your nails as they dragged along the marble countertops only maximized the sexual appetite that built for you just within the span of the few hours they’d been reunited. With each forward thrust of his hips, Midorima attempted to submerge his throbbing rod even further into the depths of your sea, hoping to immediately come into contact with the most vulnerable spot that resided inside of you, knowing that it would push you to your limit if he hit it. However, your orgasm was not something he'd expected for a bit longer, and definitely not without his permission.
As he continued to penetrate your wetness, he noticed your own self indulgence as you fondled your clitoris, bringing his attention instead to your movements. "What did I tell you-" He barely finished his sentence before he grabbed your hand, removing his other hand from its hold around your neck so he could grab your other one as well, pushing you backwards so that your back rested against the cold marble, pinning you down onto the surface by your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours. His eyes now had no other choice but to meet with yours as he hovered over you, pumping his thickened cock in and out of your pussy, admiring the echoing smacking sound that their skin made with each impact. "It missed me, huh? Fuckin' better have. Swear I love this tight little pussy of yours, princess." He muttered as he stared into your eyes, allowing the roughness and speed of his strokes to grow with time, extending deeper within your core as he did so.  
The sudden affection that you showed his jawline caught Midorima off guard as he continued his meticulous venture into the depths of your tightness, drawing a low grunt from his mouth before he allowed the grunt to transition into a full on groan of pleasure once he felt your walls tighten around his throbbing member, signaling to him that your orgasm was nearing faster than he had anticipated. The knowledge of the fact only motivated him to further expedite speed, intensity and depth of his strokes as you trembled beneath him, your lust enveloped words causing a wide smirk to form on his face. He loved to hear your verbal responses during their passionate escapades, which only served to build his sexual craving for you tenfold.
Noticing your body physically responding to his actions as well, he released his hold on your hands, allowing them access to roam as they pleased. However, never breaking eye contact with you, he replaced his hands around your neck, barely gripping it but giving off the gentle choking sensation as he repeatedly drove his rod into your wetness, which caused your excess juices to ricochet along his lower half. "Ah, fuck.." He muttered almost unconsciously as he allowed himself to indulge in the pleasure that he too was receiving from their interlocking of limbs. Knowing that you would be reaching your peak soon, Midorima mentally prepared himself for the climax that would soon hit him as well. He contemplated whether or not he should pull out once it had hit or not, hoping to receive some sort of confirmation from you on what he should do.  
Your moans of pleasure aided by your verbal response soon gave Midorima all of the confirmation that he'd needed to release his load into the raw insides of your wetness. However, he knew that your orgasm was his main priority to attend to. As your walls tightened around his rod, he was soon alerted that your climax was to hit just as soon as his own, taking it as motivation to increase the speed, depth and intensity of his thrusts even more, this time beyond any measure he'd ever done, mercilessly plowing into your throbbing walls. Tightening his hold just slightly around your neck, he leaned down, staring intently into your eyes before speaking out the words that would release them both from the large build up of sexual desire that had grown in each of their groins. "Cum for daddy." He demanded, accenting each word he spoke with a forward jerk of his hips, forcing the bulbous head of his member to repeatedly penetrate your most sensitive spot, knowing it would push you over the edge.  
Once you finally released all that had gradually built up inside of you, the combination of your pleasured exclamations, immense tightening of your walls, trembling limbs and overflow of juices finally sent Midorima over the edge as well. As you rode out your intense orgasm, his finally had hit, causing him to release your neck and place each of his hands on their side of your head, pressing his palms against the marble countertops, his eyes habitually shutting as he jaw tightened, a tingling sensation building within his sac then suddenly being released deep within your raw core. Midorima was careless at this point. He wanted you to feel all that he had to offer deep within you, and that meant the endless streams of semen that oozed into your wetness with each forward thrust of his hips. A guttural grunt echoed from deep within his throat as he too rode out his climax, your squirting juices only proving to further intensify his climax. Placing his forehead against yours as you both try to steady your breathing. Looking up into your eyes “do you still hate me?” he asked, giving you his signature smirk.
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requesting rulesˏ ˏ
i dont take impatient mfs, rush me and i'll probably take longer on purpose or trash the request. just like comethazine said "i'll slap a bitch if i got to"
follow the tos, you have braincells (maybe) so i think this was just already known
dont request me to do smut, i dont do that (*゜ー゜*)
4. if i write something and it dont sound right or its rude/insensitive, dont try to be sarcastic with me i dont take that kind of language kindly. you can just straight up say "nahmir, i dont know if it was intentional or not but you just said ducks dont matter to this world" (bitch idk its an example)
5. the reader is automatically black, not blue, yellow, pink, or green. dont like that? deal with it 🧐 also the reader either does or doesnt speak AAVE depends on what the request asks
6. most important (apart from tos thing) BE DESCRIPTIVE. I can't write shit well if you dont tell me what you want pls dont torture little dumb nahmir like this. if its crack thats fine but just give me a general idea atleast not just "diavolo x gn!black!reader angst pls" like ok but what else i could've came up with that on my own 💀
obey me ˏ ˏ
romance ✓ ; lucifer, mammon, satan, beelzebub, belphegor, lord diavolo, barbatos, mephistopheles, solomon, simeon, raphael
romance✗ ; leviathan, asmodeus, luke (i dont need to explain do i), thirteen
everyone is ok for angst, just don't expect any gold tier material with thirteen since i dont truly care for her
kuroko no basuke ˏ ˏ
romance ✓ ; kuroko, kagami, aomine, midorima, murasakibara, kise, takao, junpei
romance ✗ ; momoi, riko, akashi, (anybody else i left out 💀)
anybody i actually listed in not acceptable for romance requests IS able to be written in angst, im just very far behind in the manga so dont expect me to get something that happened a little after murasakibara was introduced
vanitas no carte ˏ ˏ
romance ✓ ; vanitas, noe, lord ruthven, astolfo, johann
romance ✗ ; roland, oliver, mikhail (i dont need to explain do ix2), dominique, jeanne, luca (i dont need to explain do ix3)
everyone can do angst. the manga itself is hella deep anyways.
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sunshineszn · 2 years
Midorima with a spiritual black gf <333
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(tap for better quality)
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aizawasbrazybaby · 3 years
Having a nightmare in front of Kuroko’s Basketball Boys
X Black Reader
A/N: Hey my loves! It’s very rare that I’ll write fluff but I’ve been thinking about this for sooo long. So here goes☺︎
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Kagami isn’t someone who is used to sleeping around people
Even if it was with you - his close friend since your days in the womb
I mean you sleep over his house every weekend there’s no way he’d still get antsy, right?
Well If you believed that you’d be no less than a fool
He’d stay up thinking about how there was another human taking up space in his bed
Let alone it was the person who he silently fell in love with
His eyes gazed at your outline
You were mumbling something too low for him to understand
“Hey! Keep it down I’m tryna sleep too y’know.” Kagami snipped
It was only when you didn’t respond with a smart ass comment did he sit up
He leans over looking at your eyes which were squeezed shut.
“No, please no” you cried lowly
He’d sigh flinging his arm around your waist
Your back was pressed against his warm chest
“Stop being such a nuisance,” he whispered in your ear
Kagami would rub small circles on your tummy not only calming you but your scent putting him to sleep
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Midorima, where would I start
Definitely doesn’t notice your fist balling in your sheets
He hears your whines but chops it up to sleep talking
For sure goes back to doing his schoolwork
Once he finishes he checks his answers with your paper
When he wants to ask you a question he taps you but gets no answer
“Get up, you need to check this for me.”
No response
He looks over and see’s tears in the creases of your eyes
Midorima would get this heartbreaking feeling
How could his perfect zodiac match be under so much stress while in a beautiful slumber
Though he wants to express his emotions he simply shakes you until you wake up
“Why are you sleeping right now? Your supposed to be helping me with this.” He lifted his glasses
“Sorry,” you wiped your eyes
“Let’s just take a break.” He put the papers in his bag, “let’s go eat something. On me.”
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You sit in the back of the class with Kuroko
His seat is in front of yours
That makes it better for you since people barely notice him as is
The teacher surely wouldn’t see you napping in the last row
Everything was peaceful until it wasn’t
Goosebumps coated your arms as hairs stood tall on the back of your neck
The bell rung signifying it was time for lunch
Everyone cleared out of the room but two
You and Kuroko
He watched in awe at the way you slept. How peaceful you could have been if something wasn’t off
You scrunched your eyebrows and he immediately knew
You were having a bad dream
Kuroko would take his jacket off and cover your cold skin
His hand would magically make way to the top of your head slightly rubbing back and forth
“It’s okay y/n. Your dreams can’t harm you. As long as I’m here, you have nothing to be scared of.”
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romiantic · 3 years
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒙 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌!𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ࿐ྂ
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彡 ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬/𝐨 ❜
彡 𝗳𝘁. aomine, kise, akashi, atsushi, and midorima
彡 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff
彡 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none
彡 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: we’re making aomine half black in this, ‘kay? kay <3
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·˚ ༘ੈ✩‧₊˚ ╰┈➤ 𝐃𝐀𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐀𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄
⤷ Our great black king. There’s no doubt in my mind that he knows any and everything about black culture, starting from the history all the way down to great black artists like Jimi Hendrix and Keyshia Cole
⤷ Which makes it easier to share your experiences with and trust me he makes it ten times more fun. This blue hair boy knows exactly what hair products to get you, what not to get; knows how to whip up some great soul food, and even knows a dancehall move or two.
⤷ When I tell you Daiki has culture in him, he has CULTURE !!
⤷ Not to mention that he always make sure he is in top-notch shape and always has to be the best of the best. Basically saying that if he’s doing/looking good, his girl gotta be the same exact way. (though it’s not hard at all since you’re one of the prettiest he’s ever seen)
⤷ Hair always on point (wigs, weave, natural, etc.), nails are ALWAYS bomb, and he makes sure you’re glowing at every second
⤷ Also, he is great at taking pictures of you gleaming in the sun. For some reason, he knows exactly what time to take the best pictures so your skin can pop out and you can look bomb AS FUCK
⤷ Aomine adores matching outfits with you !! At first, he hated them since he always found them corny but once he saw how good both of y’all looked in his jersey, his mind said otherwise
⤷ Y’all also have a huge matching durag + bonnet collection. He even got you one custom made of his jersey
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·˚ ༘ੈ✩‧₊˚ ╰┈➤ 𝐑𝐘𝐎𝐓𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐄
⤷ Let’s just say, blondie is a special case. Kise was always sworn by girls all around him no matter where he went but when you came in the picture, the boy’s eyes grew wide and his heart almost skipped a beat. Never in his life has he seen anything any more beautiful than you, he just had to have you
⤷ Now that he does, it’s been umm...of a ride
⤷ Kise isn’t really all that familiar with black culture, leaving you to teach him a few things, the rest you left for to research. Surprisingly it didn’t take him long to learn + understand black culture. Ever since then, he’s loved it and loved you even more
⤷ Also, ever since you let him taste some African/Caribbean dish/soul food, he’s been in love SINCE. Every time he stays over at your place, he’s always under your mom, looking over to see what’s she’s cooking and always asking for a taste test
⤷ Having a model boyfriend is a plus for you since that model money most of the time goes for your hair and nail appointments. Even though you don’t want him spending his money on you, he insists that he does. Besides, he loves seeing his beautiful girlfriend dolled up from head to toe
⤷ Speaking of hair, if he doesn’t have a game or a photoshoot to attend, he’s usually sitting next to you conversating while you get your hair done. If not, then he’s smiling at you or taking embarrassing videos of you to post on your story
⤷ The blonde boy have some taste when it comes to your next nail set and hair appointment not gonna lie
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·˚ ༘ੈ✩‧₊˚ ╰┈➤ 𝐒𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐎 𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈
⤷ Let’s all admit that Akashi has more than likely, actually does, study upon black culture. Black girls were always beautiful to him thus getting you as his girlfriend was a score for him
⤷ Even though Akashi is used to a captain’s role and people following his orders/submit to him, he actually submits to you. No matter what it could be, he’s always there to help his girlfriend out and if not, he’ll make sure to make time for it
⤷ That being said, just like Aomine, Akashi knows exactly what hair products to get you whenever you run low. On top of that, wash days with him are literally the best
⤷ It’s nothing like your wonderful boyfriend giving the best scalp messages while rubbing shampoo all around your head. Akashi’s fingers are heaven-sent when it comes to scalp massages, no doubt.
⤷ Did I forget to mention that he also knows how to braid? Cause he does. He can’t do all styles, still learning, but he’s pretty good whenever it comes to braiding your natural hair. That’s actually one of his favorite pastimes with you
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⤷ Awww our lazy yet very competitive titan. Atsushi is clearly not one to chase around or even bother to go the extra mile for someone but when he saw you, oh he was running laps. You’re the only person he’s ever actually put in work for
⤷ Don’t get me wrong though, once he got you, he slowly but surely went back to his lazy nature. Though his lazy nature gives off the advantage of lots of chill nights and cuddles. Especially since he is an extraordinary tall person, Atsushi tends to give piggyback rides + AMAZING hugs
⤷ Also, Atsushi understands the struggle of wash days, HATES THEM!! Though, when you came around, he actually started to enjoy them. It’s usually you two in the bathroom enjoying each other’s company while washing both of your hairs, sometimes even helping each other out
⤷ Atsushi really likes when you style his hair actually, he won’t show it of course but he likes when you two are matching hairstyles. It could box plaits, half up half down, or even braids, he doesn’t mind since it brings more creativity to his hair
⤷ On top of that Atsushi is a freaking foodie so OF COURSE, he will love any dish you give him. No matter the nationality of the food, he will GRUB like it’s his last meal. It’s something about the spices and the immaculate flavor that makes him dying to want more of your dish
⤷ Atushi is a Biggie fan, no if and or buts about it. This means oldies hip hop is always playing around the both of you no matter the occasion. Also, if it’s movie night, he prefers to watch old movies like love don’t cost a thing or juice, not really a big fan of love and basketball
⤷ Due to his lazy nature, Atsushi isn’t really one to pick out what new hairstyle or new set to get cause either way you’re gonna look good. But, he will FaceTime you throughout your appointment to see how everything is going
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⤷ Just like Kise, Midorima was clueless when it came to black culture. He felt like his attention only need to be given to basketball and studies. Up until you realize what he has been missing out on ever since he got with you
⤷ Becoming your boyfriend showed him a whole new world that he never bothered to take a glance at and trust me, he’s gonna be there for a while
⤷ Midorima’s cold nature is most certainly brought down whenever you’re around. He can’t help but give a small or lightly blush at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend swaying her hips or flipping her braids whenever they get in her hair
⤷ Speaking of, Midorima absolutely ADORES your hair, he doesn’t care what state it’s in, he loves it. Short, curly, kinky, long, wig on, wig off, Midorima honestly cannot stop himself from admiring your stunning head of curls/coils. Which makes wash day his favorite pastime with you
⤷ When it comes to wash day, Midorima does not play and makes sure he gets every single centimeter of your hair, refuse to leave any part dirty. Additionally, his braiding skills are top notch. Surprisingly, he learns whenever he sees a new hairstyle on your phone or on his youtube channel
⤷ Not gonna lie, you and Takeo have the tendency to poke fun at Midorima on how someone as stoic as him turns into gush whenever he sees you. Midorima tries to deny it but we all know it’s true
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blackweebtrash @tsumusitadori @asaincy @morosis-haze @thechinadoll
if you would like to be added onto the taglist, fill out the form on my navi !!
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彡 ion like how long this took me 💔
彡 then again, it’s been a while since I wrote dating hcs 😭😭
彡 hope you guys enjoyed <33
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐄𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝟔:𝟏𝟓 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 ��𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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levisblackbabe · 3 years
Knb Boys as your Boyfriend
Characters: Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Kise Ryota, Kagami Taiga, Midorima Shintaro, Akashi Seijūrō and Murasakibara Atsushi x blackfem!reader (separate)
Genre: Fluff, humour, angst if you squint
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, last game/season3 spoilers, kissing, motions of drinking (characters age between 17-22), use of language
Wc: 5k+ (400-900 words each characters)
a/n this was supposed to be posted sooo long ago but since I went on break its here now hope you enjoy
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* Well for starters I would like to think Aomine is black like there is no way our dark-skinned bae isn’t somehow black but anyways
* You guys have known each other for a very long time considering he was your older brother’s basketball teammate and best friend
* You thought he would never actually like you because you are his best friend’s younger sister
* I mean he saw you through the ugly stage of puberty as an 11-year-old 🧍🏾‍♀️ (rip)
* And he never showed any type of feelings towards you just being overprotective like an older brother
* However, when you were 17 and your glow up came about things seemed to change
* You guys coincidentally ended up you going to the same college
* Him in a basketball partnership and you studying music
* And because of that you guys grew closer, him being someone you know that had an extra room in his apartment you guys ended up being flatmates to make things simpler for the both of you
* For 6 months nothing really changed other than your growing feelings towards Aomine though it seemed those feelings weren’t reciprocated
* So, in a way to drown your one-sided love you went to a party with the purpose to find someone to hook up with either to take you mind of Aomine or to make him jealous (guys guess who it was?)
* It was Kagami one of Aomine teammates and someone he has an ongoing rivalry with 😈
* So, as you and Kagami danced and partied all night long you invited him over to you place knowing Aomine would be home since he had a match in a week, and he never drank or partied days before a match
* As you entered your shared apartment with Kagami trying to be quiet but failing miserably you saw Aomine in the sofa scowling
* To say those 5 seconds of silence was awkward would be an understatement
* So Kagami being somewhat smart hastily kissed you goodnight and left ( he knew he was going to die, rip )
* As you stared at each other you took deep breathe ready to just say goodnight to Aomine since he just cockblocked you
* However, the unexpected happen he stood up and kissed you
* Cue open and closing you mouth like a fish
* You were so confused by everything you didn’t even realise what he said as he went to his room ‘You are mine so stop fucking around’
* When you went to bed and got ready for your nights rest all you could think of was his words
* As you woke you up the next morning with a massive hangover but with Aomine words in your head you thought things would have changed
* WRONG for the next 2 weeks nothing changed, and you were quickly running out of patience (I mean the audacity of this man)
* So, after the pre-lim matches this week ended you confronted him as he got home
‘Daiki, I gotta speak to you’ you said with in an angry tone
‘Y/n not now I am really tired maybe later’
‘No you have been blowing me off and ignoring the situation this whole time it’s not fair’ you said as your voice slightly increased
‘Fine what do you want to know’ he replied in an exasperated tone as he set his stuff down
‘First what the fuck is wrong with you scowling at who I was with, I never do that to you and secondly the fuck do you mean by I am yours ‘you ranted off
‘Well for starters I don’t go around sleeping around and I meant what I said so yes you are mine’
‘What do you mean yours?’
He stood up softly grabbed your chin and said to you ‘Now you are officially my gf’
* Cue once again mouth gaping open
* Anyways after that whole fiasco you guys officially started dating yayy
* Tbh your brother wasn’t big fan of this combo, but he got over it
* He is those types of bf that doesn’t show his love through words but actions
* Like he will be very possessive of you and always be touching you in some way
* So whenever he occasionally decides to go train after you legit have to blackmail him and he goes but forces you to go with him
* He wants you nearby to keep an eye on you
* Aomine doesn’t really get jealous so if someone flirts with you, he doesn’t really care however he is possessive and likes showing off how you are his
* Like deadass bought you a whole necklace with a basketball and his initials to show everyone who you belonged to???
* However, he also bought a bracelet that has your initials and something you really love e.g. (music note, books idk)
* Matching rings like the cute couple ones that fit into each other (Idk I see Aomine wearing lots of jewellery but low-key type not over the top)
* He also got ‘rid’ of his X-rated magazines (he just locked them away for the time being)
* I think Aomine would have a car but still walk the majority of the time however whenever he decides to drive, he be them sexy drivers (like hand on your thigh)
* Also, an angry driver like will cuss out other people happily but be sweet to you afterwards
* He didn’t want to introduce you to his basketball team not because he was ashamed of you but he knew he would get teased about getting himself in a committed relationship
* You and Momoi literally became besties and pretend to talk shit about him (he hates it)
* He is indifferent to your hair since it’s just a part of your life however when you get braids, he just stares at you like all the time
*Obviously, your family loves him since he is technically family (imagine your mum is already planning the wedding)
* However, if he ever broke your heart then he dead
* You are the only person he actually listens to
Overall goofy as hell but he really does love and can’t see him ever leaving you guys are like those Pinterest black couples
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* You guys met when he went to visit Kagami in America
* You are one of Kagami’s American friends and you were always very interested in meeting the phantom six man
* You actually noticed him and somehow felt his presence
* Over the 2 weeks he was there you guys just really bonded
* Like you used to play basketball a bit with him so yeah
* You guys exchanged number and kept in touch even when he left
* He technically asked you out on ft after doing this whole surprise thing
* He asked Kagami to make sure you dressed really nicely for a dinner
* You didn’t want to at first, but you gave in
* Once you were all set up a in a beautiful balcony with dinner for one and a tablet on the front
* Then Kuroko called and he was equally dressed nicely
* The whole virtual date was really nice and cute something completely different
* Once you both finished your respective meals, and you were just chatting that’s when he popped the question
* He did stutter in the beginning but afterwards he got it out
* You didn’t immediately reply because you never thought he would have asked you
* Poor Kuroko thought you were rejecting him, so he quickly backtracked
* He ready to popped out ‘I am joking’ but you giddily replied ‘yes’
* Now you guys are officially together yayy
* Long distance relationship
* Face Timing a lot e.g. all the time especially falling asleep one or the other due to time difference
* You guys just spent a lot of time talking to one another or just being on the phone for presence (hah ironic)
* Send pics of random things during the day
* I want to say send gifts through the mail but that’s too much money for shipping so instead sending money for food especially from Kuroko
* I want to assume his love language is quality time with a dash of physical touch
* However due you being separated by the globe he shows his love by being on the phone to you as much as possible and constantly texting
* He loves your hair especially the diversity that comes with it
* If he could he would help you during wash day or anything really
* He also knows your routine by heart since you always do it during FaceTime
* Folder full of ft screenshots where you are distracted
* 6 months after you guys had been dating it was his birthday and you made a surprise by visiting Japan without him knowing
* Imagine his surprise when he opened the door at 8 in the morning to a smiling yn
* Didn’t know whether to hug or kiss you first
* Choose the former just because he didn’t want your guys first kiss be when he was half asleep
* You were staying for only 10 days and there was a lot you wanted to do
* On the first day you were pretty jet lagged so you both just slept and cuddled
* The second day was also pretty chilled you guys went around some landmarks where he lived and went parks and cinemas
* The day afterwards was his birthday, so you had the party and great fun and also met his friends
* You had a present for him a matching couple’s bracelet and also kissed him A bit cheesy but everyone was really happy about it
* To be honest your 10 days were great you a guys took that time to do as much as possible to do as much couple stuff as possible and were essentially stuck to each other
Overall your relationship is very strong considering the distance
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* Ahhh Kise the model with multi talents
* Let’s just say you were also a ‘model’ and you guys had never been in a collab together
* You both were at international level, and you were pretty popular, so he knew of you
* Admired your work and found you very attractive
* Anyways you guys finally had a collab when he went to America for a new contract with vogue
* You can’t lie and say you didn’t find him attractive but the impression you got from his personality was annoying
* Let me tell you those 2 weeks where you guys were working together you wanted to kill him (enemies to lovers ya’ll)
* But you didn’t slightly warming up to him for the sake of the job
* He also was pretty good at English and your Japanese wasn’t half bad due to your anime watching (sub supremacy)
* At the end your collab Kise still kept in touch with you
* You guys spoke quite often you being his first American co-worker
* You essentially taught him as much as you could about America in general and helped him find the basketball hotspots so he could keep playing
* During one of your outings to show him where to play basketball where you were supporting him some paparazzi caught you and the media started posting saying you guys were dating
* It was a very messy process because fans were getting peeved about you guys dating
* However due to this rumour occurring when your guys photoshoot was posted there was high magazine sells so you guys were told to make more public appearances to boost sales a bit more but never actually confirmed you guys dating
* In the midst of you guys fake dating for the media and spending even more time together you actually started liking him
* You weren’t sure whether he liked you though since Kise was a naturally flirty person but no worries he was basically in love with you
* Once you confessed to him expecting rejection but getting the opposite you guys started dating
* You guys told your respective managers first who showed a flurry of emotions
* Sure, they were happy for you for being together, but they didn’t know how this would affect both of your careers
* So, for a little while you guys kept it secret from the public just telling family and close friends
* However, after one month of going unsuspected a fan caught you guys kissing and that picture went viral
* So, everyone knew you were dating
* Majority of fans were cool about it saying you guys suit each other and belong together
* But then the toxic fans especially Kise’s didn’t like this at all
* You got sent a few hate messages from them and some went as far to send death threats
* Tbh it was a scary ordeal, but Kise was very supportive and when you guy officially confirmed the rumours in Kise’s live he said thank you for the support but reprimanded those fans
* Kise being a model and you equally made things slightly harder than usual
* You guys were in the public eye so pda was kept minimal
* However, in the comfort of your own homes was something different
* Kise was literally stuck to you at home
* He is so clingy and always requires your physical touch
* You guys are a power couple though like other celebrities loved how confident you both were
* Kise was known for being multitalented and succeeding in the tasks he puts his mind to BUT when it comes to relationships now that’s a different story
* I mean he hasn’t been in a proper serious relationship ever except his occasional flings
* So due to his inexperience in real relationships Kise doesn’t know where the limitations are at
* He is low-key oblivious to his effect on other females (remind anyone of a certain cat boy)
* Other than his accidental flirtatious personality Kise is a great bf
* He truly loves all of you
* Your hair adores it always willing to help you styling it
* Lace wigs bought 75% of them
* Want your nails done will go with you and help you pick
* Meals together always happening which he happily pays for
* Though he much prefers when you cook for him because homemade meals always hit different
* Your family loves him too especially your younger sister who has a small crush on him
* He and your elder brother play basketball quite often
* Your mum happily cooks all type of food for him which he very much appreciates
Overall, he fits very well in your life
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* You guys actually are actually childhood friends you, him and Tatsuya
* You used to cheer for the duo whenever they played
* You also played basketball with the two though you weren’t at god level like the two
* There is a bit of love triangle between the 3 of you but it wasn’t spoken about
* You were closer to Kagami and even had your first kiss with him, but it never really developed since he moved you guys lost contact
* Slightly heartbroken over it you actually started dating Himuro in an attempt to get over Kagami
* Didn’t work and Himuro knew what you were trying to do so he dumped you though you guys are in good terms
* Anyways when he came back from Japan
* Your love rekindled
* From then on you guys were official yayy
* Himuro was a bit salty about it, but you guys were besties and deserved each other
* Dating Kagami isn’t as different as your friendship with him other than the kissing
* Nothing really changed in your dynamic and you guys knew each other pretty well
* However, Kagami did change while in Japan
* He was even more obsessed with basketball
* Like if he wasn’t with you, he was practicing or sleeping
* Even though he spends 50% of his time involved in basketball Kagami loves spending time with you and being around you so you are with him the majority of the time practising together
* Kagami might be very knowledgeable and attentive for basketball but for you not soo much
* He doesn’t recognise obvious signs which is pretty annoying, but he tries
* However, this is not to say he doesn’t have you as a priority because he does but he is a bit slow
* His love language is probably quality time something he doesn’t have much of but words of affirmation being a big one
* Like he will say ‘I love you’ multiple times a day compliment you at all times
* Will spoil you with no concerns want a new lace wig, nails, food sends the money in
* Due to him being busy during the day at night he either spends time at your house doing absolutely nothing or facetiming you especially during away games to converse about your guys day
* Since he spends the day practising, he falls asleep mid convo sometimes whether on ft or in your sofa
* Sometimes you slap him awake or let him he depends on your mood
* He DOESN’T shut up about you to his friends they low-key feel like they are dating you with the details he goes into
* In summary even though he is very busy he tries to spend his free time with you
* A 7/10 bf
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* You went to Shin’s school and hanged with him due to your long-term friendship with Takao
* You along with Takao just made fun of Shin however unlike Takao you didn’t let Shin boss you around
* He also only kept you around because you were either a Pisces or a Scorpio (to all the readers that are neither I am sorry, but these are the signs he is compatible with, and I am also a Pisces)
* Regardless of your sign though you guys are still friends
* He always admired you for your confidence, humour and basically all your traits
* You guys were also study buddies where you both helped each other
* You cling to him a lot which he shows annoyance for but in reality he is all gooey for you
* I guess overtime as you guys spent more time together without Takao your feelings blossomed
* A big factor being whenever he lost a game you always supported him
* He trusts you enough to teach you his 3 pointers but also try that trick he has with Takao
* Anyways one day after your study session Shin offered to walk you home since it was already getting dark
As you guys stopped by a bridge in a park near your house to see the sun set (golden hour☀️)
After 5 mins you turned to look at Shin only to find him already staring at you
Your cheeks warmed up due to his intense gaze and a foreign emotion his eyes displayed
You were going to say something about going home when he suddenly kissed you (about ooc but he couldn’t help himself)
It’s a brief kiss yet you could clearly feel how soft his lips were ,but as suddenly as he went to kiss you as suddenly, he pulled back. His cheeks were a rosy colour and he looked like he was holding himself back
* Once again as you were going speak to ask about the kiss Shin interrupted you saying briskly you guys should keep going
* To say those 5 minutes weren’t uncomfortable would be a lie
* You wanted to bring up the kiss but didn’t know how to
* Next thing you knew you both were in front of your house
* Once you guys made eye contact for the first time since the kiss Shin looked ready to say something however a ‘bye y/n’ was all you got
* The kiss wasn’t talked about for 5 days
* The tension between you both was visible to all your friends even Takao constantly asked what had happened but both of you kept a tight lid on it
* You finally decided to confront him on the Friday at the end of school
* Most nerve-racking thing ever since when you called him saying you needed to speak, he didn’t look pleased
* Anyways with your big girl trousers on you said to tell him what was on your mind. Venting to him how it’s unfair that he kissed you and ignored it. He didn’t really say anything for a good minute just looking unbothered. With that you let out an exasperated sign saying, ‘fine be like that I’ll just go’ and turned away ready to walk off. Though he stopped you by lightly grabbing your arm and saying 'y/n I am sorry'. With you back still turned on him you heard as he explained how he has liked you for a while and when he kissed you it was a spur of the moment and he thought you wouldn’t like him back. With that being said you turned back around to face him and then said ‘who told you I didn’t have feelings for you idiot’. Then you hugged him, as you hugged him back, he whispered to you ‘then would like to be my gf?’ (awww)
* Now you are dating yayy
* When Takao found out he was heartbroken because one Shin got a gf before him and second anytime you 3 hangout, he will be constantly third wheeling 🥲 but he was still happy for you both
* The rest of his friends were actually really surprised he got a gf since he is known for his resting bitch face
* Still even with his flaws Shin truly likes you
* I mean he isn’t the one to be saying his feeling outwardly, but he displays them
* One being how he likes spending time with you sometimes you guys don’t even do anything
* Another thing being buying things for your e.g. your daily lucky item
* Matching rings because why not
* Your parents approve of him since he is a good influence you know him being a grade A student and an athlete (a whole sporty nerd)
* Also, another one who is allowed to help you do your hair
* Pda kept to a minimal of hands touching that’s about it but in private that’s a different story
* Always hugging you in some form
* He loves how you run your fingers through his hair
* Allows you to tape up his fingers
* On contrary to belief, he actually isn’t a dry texter for you (idk y but I visually him sending cat memes)
* Watching and reading manga together so if you skip ahead without him, it’s a problem
Overall, even though to outsiders he might seem too indifferent to you he shows his real self
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* You guys are childhood friends due to you being the daughter of the Akashi’s and kind of Sei’s caregiver
* You grew up together and were bestfriends
* You spent a lot of time with Akashi after school where he basically taught some extra stuff that he learned in cram school
* His father most definitely didn’t approve of the friendship, but he let it be since you were kids
* You guys went different schools and had different lives, yet you were the closest of friends
* You had a smidge of a crush on him but never really said anything
* When you were both 13 you were each other first kiss just to test
* With that incident not much actually changed between the two of you
* However, your friendship and how much you guys hang out dwindled since his father was pressuring him more and more
* During the events where his second personality appeared he actually completely ignored you and you guys didn’t speak for a whole 2-3 years
* However, once he was back to the Akashi of your childhood, he reached out to you explained and apologised for everything
* You clearly understood and didn’t hold it against him
* He didn’t want to be just friends but more, so he asked you out
* So, at the age of 17 you and Akashi Seijuro started dating
* You guys kept it secret because of his father so only yours and his close friends new
* It’s all good and bliss for 8 months until after a month of Akashi’s 18 birthday his dad found out and was forcing Akashi to break up with you
* However, Akashi wasn’t having it and threatened his dad saying he would disown himself and not take the company if tried to prevent you guys’ relationship again
* He begrudgingly stopped but was very much against your relationship
* When your mum found out you guys were dating, she was heartbroken you didn’t say it before, but she was very much happy for you both claiming that you both were ‘meant to be’
* Akashi is an attentive boyfriend
* He notices everything about you even the small things
* For example, your period is coming around he already knows and is preparing for it he has your favourites on standby and clearing his timetable to spend those days with you
* Always and I mean always pay for anything when you guys go out
* Even if you trick him into paying, he’ll transfer the money and extra to you (loves spoiling his empress)
* If you guys are out and your eyes linger on something for more than 10 seconds, it’s bought
* For your 2-year anniversary when you were 19, he bought you a silver with real diamond promise ring
* Matching bracelets
* He is slightly possessive (especially his second personality) bought you a necklace and anklet with his initials or name
* You guys have had arguments about him spending a lot of money on you, but he just gives you puppy eyes and says it because he loves you
* Akashi isn’t clingy but when you guys are out, he is always holding your hand, you are sitting in his lap or just some type of physical contact
* Tries to spend as much time together as possible so when you both need to study it’s together
* Even though compared to his friends basketball is a side hustle for him you still cheer for all his games
* You actually trust him to help you do your hair, so he is part of the wash day routine
* If your braid yourself, he helps with the ends and does it really well
* And once you guys move in together cooking together and overall domestic shit is the norm
Probably the most loving boyfriend
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* Ahhh our 2m long sweet boi😍
* He is actually soo tall it’s a bit scary but anyways
* You guys met because you worked at your parents’ convenience store that sold American candy
* He was a regular mass buyer
* I mean once a week he bought 50$ worth of candy
* You thought he was rich but it’s just Akashi encouraging his sweet tooth
* So due to him appearing a lot you guys’ kind of just bonded and you guys became somewhat close friends
* You even started giving him some recommendations
* You guys exchanged numbers and slowly you started catching feelings for him
* He liked you a lot mostly because you seemed to be the provider of his addiction
* Though he didn’t really know he liked like you or more so ignored that fact
* So, when you confessed by offering him a box full of your favourite sweets, he was slightly dumbfounded
* You were staring at him expecting any type of acknowledgement all you got was ‘What y/n? ‘😐
* You being heartbroken, took your words back, offered him the box and left
* You didn’t speak to him for two weeks which left him quite confused
* Akashi saw that he was clearly down and asked him what was wrong
* He explained everything that happened two weeks ago, and Akashi made him understand what actually happened, after 30 minutes of not understanding he got it and then quickly texted you asking to meet up
* You are a bit reluctant to meet him, but you still went
* Tbh you were a bit dumbfounded when you saw in exactly same state you were last week, holding box of sweets looking distraught
* You didn’t want to prolong the process, so you just straight up asked him what he wanted
* He apologised for what happened last week, saying he didn’t understand what you meant and that only after he spoke to Akashi did, he understand
* He said he would really like it if you guys were speaking once again since he missed you and felt the same
* You didn’t really process what he said at the end so you were ready to say you guys should distance from each other for a while
* However once you actually realised what was said *cue mouth opening and closing*
* To be real you weren’t expecting that from him
* I mean all he cares about is bastketball and sweets
* Regardless you quickly said yes
* Now you both are happily dating
* Your parents were actually pretty excited to meet the boy that finishes their stock
* They were indifferent to him due to his nonchalant personality but otherwise okay with it
* Your brother loves playing basketball to him especially 1 on1 which he keeps losing at
* Muri’s nonchalantness is a double-edged sword (I shortened his name to muri because who has the patience to write his full name)
* You are mostly okay with it but in certain situations it’s annoying
* Like sometimes you don’t even know whether he genuinely likes you or just settles for you
* Which isn’t the case since he fully adores you
* For his love language he doesn’t really fit into a specific category, but gift giving is his one
* Especially the fact he is willing to share his food with you including sweets
* A bit ooc but always offers you whatever he is eating
* Another thing is probably quality time or in other words nap times together
* Like even if you aren’t falling asleep, he wants you near him
* Especially him laying down and you on top of him
* Wants to be little spoon but he is massive so not a daily occurrence
* Always ties his hair up around you because he knows you find it attractive
* Allows you to do his hair
* You guys are the duo of the tall, introverted bf and extroverted gf
* Your dates are always food dates whether it’s going to a van or a new restaurant
* You definitely gained that happy relationship weight
* Akashi actually spoke to you in the beginning of your relationship saying patience is something very much needed with Muri
* Something you don’t have so petty arguments do ensue due to his unbotheredness
But the relationship is just overall much love
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mercur1e · 3 years
Soo I just saw you're headcannons are literally 💞💞
It's lowkey the only thing keeping me safe and alive ✋😌......soooooo can I request Gom + kuroko and kagami (if it's to much you can just doo Aomine, Kise and Midorima and akashi)where they accidentally hurt their s/o feelings pleaaseeeeee..... I need some angst but please end it in fluff (cuz i lowkey cannot handle it)
Please take care of yourself, your health always comes first, I love youuuu ❤❤❤
Ofc love! I hope you're doing well and I love you too :) <333
He disregarded your hard work :(
You're trying to start your own small business and you're having a little trouble, which is not unusual that happens sometimes!
You were having trouble hiring employees and you were talking to him about it, and he was in a bad mood prior to you approaching him
"You're not going anywhere with this. It would just be better to give up on it. You're not going to make it that far even if you do succeed. And can you leave? I'm busy and all you're doing is acting as a distraction."
You just froze, you couldn't believe what he had just said
Not only did he know how much work you were putting in, he also knew how excited you were for the future of your shop too
You didn't even say anything, you just froze with shock, hurt, and surprise and stomped out of his office
You left the house, you needed some time to cool off and cry
It took Akashi a second to realize what he had said and how hurtful his words were, so he started looking all over for you in the house. He goes into the garage to see your car is gone and he assumes the worst.
You don't pick up the phone when he calls you or answer his texts, opting to turn it off after the fifth call.
You stay by your best friend for the night and they comforted you and told you he probably didn't mean it, and that you can stay as long as you need
After you leave from by your friends place you go to your favorite cafe for some breakfast
And guess who's there, Akashi.
You turn around and walk out because you were honestly not ready to deal with him just yet and it was too early in the morning for all that
He catches you on the way out and apologizes :)
"Love, I apologize for what I said yesterday. It was inconsiderate, hurtful, and wrong. You've been working so hard on your business and you're doing your best to make it happen. I was in a bad mood yesterday and I dont know what came over me. Will you forgive me?"
Looking you in the eye as he spoke every word, holding your hands and rubbing them, you know he was truly sorry and wants to fix what he did.
"I forgive you Sei, but what you said was really hurtful. You know how much this means to me and how much work I've been putting in. But I do forgive you."
He takes you out to eat at your favorite restaurant and watch a movie afterwards back at home, kisses you tons and holds you in his arms when you fall asleep.
He also puts in a good word with his work associates about your business and you gain more employees and popularity! But unless you want to do it completely on your own he's there supporting you every step of the way and giving you advice :)
He acts like your affection is kryptonite, even though you're not a clingy or overly-affectionate person
You guys had been together for about 3-4 months
He always brushes you off even at the most simplest acts of affections, you're starting to really question if he even wants to be together.
Well this particular time he embarrassed you in front of the team :/
There was a break in between practice and you went to give him his water bottle and give him a hug
"Hey Shin he's your water bottle, don't work yourself too hard okay?"
After that you went in for a quick hug but he held a hand against your chest and glared at you
"Why are you always so clingy? You're always on me and its annoying. Can you just leave me alone or leave?"
He said that right in the middle of the court, everyone's eyes were on you and you felt embarrassed.
That's all you after said you shoved the water bottle into his hand and walked out of the gym.
Takao was the one to call him out on his behavior and tell him that he was being rude and that he should apologize
Midorima took that advice and after practice, he went to find you and apologize, except you weren't anywhere he checked or thought you would be
You avoided him for 3 days straight until he arrived at your house unannounced
Your lucky item in his hand, he gives you a well deserved apology
"Y/N I- I'm sorry that I was being rude to you. There was no reason for me to act like that and I haven't been appreciating you like I should. That was rude of me and I hope you except my apology. Also- this is your uh lucky item."
He hands you a plushie :)
He gives you hugs and reassures you that he appreciates your affections despite him not being used to it!
He also got an extra lap at practice from Miyaji lol but he decided not to tell you that part
Is very busy and it's sometimes hard to make time for you :(
And you also couldn't show him affection in public or be around him because his fangirls would throw a hissy fit
He hasn't been answering his phone and he can't really get that close to you at school so you've been feeling left behind
When you finally managed to catch him, you said you wanted to go out and just catch up because you two haven't spent much time together and he agreed
However Kise forgot about the plans and you were waiting at the restaurant, alone.
You went home that night upset, tired, and wondering if you even want to be in a relationship anymore
You stopped texting him and talking to talk to him at school, not that you even had that much time to talk to him and school anyway
Kise had realised a whole day later that he had forgotten about the plans you two had made together
He took off from work the whole week, even though his manager was mad about it and went off to find you
He found you at a park after school and approached you with flowers in his hand
"Y/N baby I'm so sorry I forgot about our date. I can't imagine how you must've felt and to make up for it I called the whole week off! I'm really, really sorry that I havent had time for you. Do you forgive me?"
"Yeah, I forgive you Kise I'm just really hurt that you stood me up. You knew we hadn't spent alot of time together and I was really hoping to catch up with you that night. But I'm just happy you're here."
He takes you to a concert! Your favorite artist was in town and he bought tickets for the two of you!
The whole week was filled with fun, love, and lots of conversations :)
He promises to make more time for you and be there for you whenever he can!
He also posts you on his socials and shows you affection at school, showing his fangirls that he's not for them, but for you and they can go away of they don't like that
You feel like he doesn't put any effort into the relationship
It's always you doing everything, it just gets tiring
He doesn't really make an effort to do anything, like plan dates, hang out, or just spend time together
He also uses basketball as an excuse to not hang out with you when you already know he's not at practice
Like if you want alone time man just say that
So you had planned a date for you two, nothing big just going to the movie theaters yk
He cancelled last minute, saying Imayoshi was forcing him to come to practice
It was a sunday, they don't have practice in sunday
You talked to Momoi as she is a close friend of yours too, about how you feel like you're the only one making an effort and that you feel like he doesn't want to spend time with you
She tells you to confront him about it, so you do
The next time Daiki comes to your house you ask him about it
"It just feels like I'm the only one putting work into the relationship and I feel like you're avoiding me. You make up excuses to not be with me and bail on me last minute...do you even want to be with me? And if you do want alone time just be upfront about it, don't give me terrible excuses or flake out on me."
Aomine honestly didn't know you felt that way
Now that he looks back at it, it has been mainly you doing most of the stuff in the relationship, and he can see why you feel like it's only you trying
"You're right, it has been mainly you doing stuff for both of us. I'm gonna start putting in more effort because it's time I do. I'm sorry that I've been making shitty excuses to not hang out with you, and cancelling all of a sudden. I'll be honest when I don't feel like going out and I'll spend more time with you."
He makes it up to you by taking you to a festival and going to see a movie with you
True to his word, he starts putting more effort into y'alls relationship and you two take turns planning dates
And if he doesn't feel like going out you guys have at home dates instead :)
I know this took a little longer than usual, I'm sorry for the little setback. Hopefully you like them! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated! Love you <333
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hon3ybee-3 · 3 years
Hi, I've never done a request before but can I have Midorima x black reader that likes building things with Legos or doing puzzles? Thanks!
hii hun, sorry this took me a bit but here it isss, i’m a sucker for cute request like this
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- hun he loves building legos and doing puzzles with you
- they went from cute little dates, to part of yalls daily routine
- you guys started little challenges to see who ca build the fastest or who can complete the puzzle first
- he believes he will always win cause he has the lucky item
- ( gets a little jealous when he loses)
- buys the newest puzzles and lego challenges
- finds it nice that you are someone who can entertain yourself with making him do it (he just lazy 🙄)
- if he’s feeling nice he will make a little scavenger hunt for little prizes in the way
- you guys do them together while watching movies
- if you make lego charms for him he keeps them on his dresser and in his bag
- if y’all ever do one of those really big lego sets or lots of puzzles pieces
- y’all spend the day together just making it while watching movies
Tag-list: @starkou @flo-milli-shit-hoe @camillelafaye @dumbdemonslayertexts @bratty-longbottom @ah-seya
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kaidoslastbraincell · 3 years
Chapter Two of my knb fic is now complete and live on my Ao3!!! 
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball Summary:
When Kagami's twin sister moves to Japan, the Generation of Miracles finds themselves completely smitten. But there's one who is determined to make her theirs. She finds herself getting lost in Japan while he finds himself getting lost in her.
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lamnwar · 2 years
i think i may have already requested this so disregard if i did already lol. but could you do headcanons of kagami, murasakibara, and midorima with a tall female s/o. by tall i mean 177 cm/5'10. also feel free to only do kagami if you don't want to write the others :) thank you so much, i love your writing! have a good day/night
Heeeeey thanks for the request! 🥰 I really enjoy writing this as a tall girl simp myself hihi hope you'll like as well <33 I wrote for all three guys bc I love them all, this is fun for me!
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Context: what I imagine it'd be like if these KNB boys were dating a tall fem! s/o :)
Pairing: Kagami, Murasakibara, Midorima x Fem! Reader
Warnings: none! This is me proving once again how much I'm a sucker for fluffly content 😩
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First of all, let me tell you that this boy worships the ground you walk on
He's just so in love with you??? omg everything about you is great to him
Like there's only 2 things in that big ol' head of his: basketball and you
So obviously your height has never been an issue to him
And if it's an issue to others, he'll fight them
Like literally, he gets so pissed when people make comments about your height
Fav part of having a tall s/o is that you're at the perfect height for forehead kisses
He doesn't need to bend, his lips are perfectly aligned with the top of your head
Loves that you can use his clothes in your outfits too
Like the way his black crewneck looks on you *chief kiss*
Not gonna lie, boyfriend Kagami is a real catch
Atsushi has lived his whole life towering over everyone he knows
So the day you came into his life and he realized that he didn't need to crouch to see you and speak with you, was destiny to him
It's also canon that his type of girl is the tall ones so good for you hihi
He's still a giant, that much doesn't change
But the fact that he can hug you easily because you aren't too small compared to him is a relief
He's a lazy boy, being with you means he has less efforts to make than if he were with someone shorter
Talking of hugs, he won't say it but he just likes how you're right at the level of his chest
So when you hug him, you can hear his heart beat
And it always beats a tiny bit faster when you're around
I'm sorry this is so cheesy but I can't help it, I have such a soft spot for this purple giant
He's less likely to fight people teasing you for your height than Kagami, but he'll definitely scare the shit out of them
He'll just show up behind you and without even saying a word, he'll make them shut up
Doesn't matter if you're taller than most, he'll still give you head pats
I guess that's his love language so you just have to live with those lmao
Green boy has done the maths and he estimates that you are the perfect height for him
It's basically meant to be
I shouldn't mention it but he is such a gentleman
Like no man will ever treat you as good as him
He finds your height so elegant
Like the way your body naturally reaches up
You're like that couple, the one where both people are extremely beautiful
Being the tsundere he is, he will never ask for any PDA
But when you hug him from the back, resting your head on his shoulder?
My boy is gone GONE
So please keep doing that!
And sometimes he'll rest his cheek against the top of your head because you make him soft like that <3
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salaciousdoll · 2 years
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Synopsis : Now, we all know about the 2016 Anti album by Rihanna, why not apply it with your faves in a special occupation. This collaboration is really about the people who relate to Anti in some way. Even if you can’t relate, you can admit this album is arguably her best so why not have it with your best interest. There’s no limit to your imagination here!
Rules :
You do not have to follow me to enter!
In order to feel the energy of Anti, you must be 17+ to join if you are writing sfw and sfw alone! When writing about nsfw, you must be 18+ to join. All characters must be of age/aged up, your choice.
Bad bitches may sit here anytime, so light up that joint and relax.
Repeated characters are certainly allowed babes.
Repeated songs are allowed too.
Dark Content is allowed, so don’t be shy. There’s no limit to Nsfw either, again use it to your best interest.
Speaking of best interest, your faves should be assigned the best occupation there is ex. Milkman, Doctor, Therapist, Pornstar, Model, etc. If your fic is super long, add read more
How To Enter The Era :
send in an ask of your chosen character(s) x song choice x occupation.
Once you do that, I’ll add you to the Masterlist and you’ll be all set.
When you are done with your masterpiece tag me and use my maydayanticollab hashtag for a reblog and like from me!
Reblogs are highly appreciated too!
Fandoms I mainly write for : Tokyo Revengers, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kuroko’s basketball, Haikyuu, Attack on titan
Fandoms that can be written for : Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Bungo stray dogs, Gangsta, My Hero Academia, Fire Force, Sk8 Infinity, Dr.Stone, Seraph of the end, Demon Slayer, etc.
Deadline to join: There’s none
Due Date : There’s none, I decided to throw it because I myself don’t even like when stuff is due, it’s too overwhelming
Status : Open
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1. Consideration 🎶:
2. James joint🎶:
Underground fighter/gang member! Draken x reader (tr)-@maydayaisha
3. kiss it better 🎶:
Pornstar! Mitsuya x reader(tr)- @suyacore
4. Work 🎶:
Aged up Pornstar! Bakugo x reader( Mha)- @haikyutiehoe
5. Desperado 🎶:
Street fighter!Toji x Fight club owner! Reader(jjk)- @deathskid
6. Woo 🎶:
Psycho! Muzan x Reader( kny)- @hellavile
7. Needed Me🎶:
Doctor! Midorima Shintarou x reader(knb)- @theehcneypot
8. Yeah, I said it 🎶:
Therapist!Choso x reader(jjk)- @pulchritxde
9. Same Ol’ Mistakes🎶:
Biker! Seijūrō Akashi x reader(knb)- @thicksimpx
10. Never Ending 🎶:
11. Love On The Brain 🎶:
Wealthy Executive! Dazai x reader( bsd)- @smucked
12. Higher 🎶:
Pro basketball player!Aomine x reader( knb)- @fleursarchives
Assassin!Sniper Mask x reader( hri)- @eiflawriting
13. Close to you 🎶:
Handy Man!Nicholas Brown x reader (Gangsta)- @dejwrites
Dishwasher!Gojo x Rich Girl! Reader( jjk)- @lawscorazon
14. Goodnight Gotham🎶:
Vigilante Hero! Shoto Todoroki x black!fem!reader( mha)- @sailewhoremoon
15. Pose 🎶:
16. Sex With Me 🎶:
Nurse!Emma x reader( tr)- @simpingforwakasa04
Bonus: Bitch Better Have My Money 🎶
Mob Boss! Kisaki Tetta x fem!reader(tr)- @poohbea
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astereim · 2 years
I was wondering if you could write about Midorima shitting himself because Cancer was unlucky on the day reader asked to have sex for the first time 🧍
↠ a/n: tumblr keeps on deleting my drafts i absolutely hate it here. rewrote this like 3 times i learned my lesson. so sorry this took so long anon!
↠ pairing: midorima shintaro x gn!reader // words: ~500 // genre: fluff + crack
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midorima shintaro would, quite frankly, like to die.
here's how his apparent want for death came about: you.
now, midorima is a prepared man. he dutifully tunes into oha asa everyday, buys his lucky item without delay (or bullies takao into doing it), tolerates takao, and practices his three pointers everyday.
his preparedness, he thinks, is how he must have been lucky enough to have you as his s/o. he had bough his lucky item that day (a keychain with a twin pair of dice), and had done his utmost best to ensure the day would go smoothly. and when you came up and smiled at him and asked if he would like to study together with you and then get coffee after, his faith in oha asa and preparedness was only further cemented.
so when oha asa said cancers were going to be unlucky that day, midorima merely shouldered his nerves and sought to make sure he had that day's lucky item (a balloon?), no black cats would cross his path (takao went ahead to scout), and he recived his good luck kiss from you. but nothing in the world, not oha asa, not god, nothing would have prepared him for this.
when he came over to your house after school, looking forward to his usual kiss, you tugged him into your room eagerly. midorima didn't get a chance to look around until he had already somehow landed on your bed and you were sitting next to him with a nervous smile on your face. midorima looks up at you warily from where he has somehow been thrust down onto the bed (in the back of his mind, he is screaming for takao to help him out of wherever this is going).
he takes your hand in his and runs his thumb over your skin calmly. for a moment, his own bad luck is forgotten as his mind flashes to oha asa's sign reading for you. from what he remembered (and he always made sure to pay extra attention to what oha asa said about you), it had been nothing bad. he had brought your lucky item along too (matching with his today, a rare occurrence - also a balloon).
midorima meets your eyes, "yes?" he calls your name softly.
your eyes glance off of objects in your room at record speed, then meet his own as you gulp.
"want to have...sex?"
midorima chokes. he literally goes red, and he remembers his bad luck sign for today. and of course, you just had to ask that today of all days. midorima has to sit up to stop himself from somehow impaling his lungs with air, and you slap his back a few times too many.
"shintaro you okay??? was it that suprising? do you not want to?"
you bite your lip, hands drawing back hesitantly and midorima is thinking, no! i want this, i've been wanting this nanodayo. i think about you all the time, even when i shouldn't nanodayo. i just--, how can you say it so casually???
midorima's face is burning, he's sure. he collects his breath and this time, you run your thumb over his knuckles as he attempts to compose himself. he thinks of takao's reaction when he hears about this and turns red and chokes all over again. your embarrassment is momentarily forgotten as you slap his back, and you're leaning over him concerned, your hair is in his face, you smell good, midorima is choking not only on air but on you as well, you keep on going "shin, shin, breathe, breathe!!" like you chanting that will help but he appreciates it all the same. when he finally catches your breath and your concerned shouts have died down, and the two of you are sitting side by side, staring at the floor of your bedroom, he speaks.
"it is not that i don't want to," midorima begins, and he has to exert a great amount of willpower to stop himself from imagining doing that with you, just not today." he says this almost painfully, like holding himself back is hard, which to be fair, it is.
you stiffen when he says the last part, and he hears a smile in your voice as you say, "is it because oha asa said cancers were unlucky?"
midorima chokes again as you laugh at him. "i tune in, you know." you say teasingly. he stares at you as you laugh. you really are the perfect one for him.
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ending note: i'm like half asleep this went from crack to fluff to idk what i hope it suffices <///3
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hi Hi could I request Kuroko, Kagamai, Akashi, Midorima and Murasakibara reaction to their s/o who's into photography and loves to take photos of them because they think their the most beautiful muse. They say things like "the light is hitting you perfectly please don't move until I take this picture." something like that lol
A/N: anon…this, THIS is a masterpiece of an idea and I love you for it (๑♡⌓♡๑) please enjoy! ♥️
Tags: the boys [KKMMA] x reader ✅ SFW ✅ fluff ✅
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ok so the first time you took a picture of him was during lunch break
since he usually likes to spend his free time in the classroom while eating his homemade bento, the moment you became a couple you’d always join him
one day you were a bit late because one of the teachers had held you up, so you quickly texted him an apology for your delay and told him you’d be there soon so he can start eating without you
when you finally arrived, you immediately proceeded to apologize but promptly shut your mouth as you saw the scenery before you
Kuroko was reading one of his many novels, his elbows propped on the very edges of his desk, bento box and chopsticks untouched before him, blue eyes fixated on the text before him
everything about this was perfect as is, but what really gripped you and made you unconsciously reach for your camera, that you always had dangling from your neck, was the way the morning sun hit his face casting an ever so small shadow that only further accentuated his beautiful and calm facial features
as if in trance you gently push the small button on top of your camera and the shutter goes off
surprised by the sudden sound he turned his head in your direction and wanted to greet you but you cut him off even before he uttered a single syllable: “Tetsu, don’t move! The way the sun hits the back of your head right now is perfect…I just need to take a picture so bear with me for a moment.”
the way you had your left arm outstretched to stop any of his movements while your eyes were hidden behind the small rectangular object didn’t stop your boyfriend’s light blush to spread across his cheeks
he wasn’t used to being the only one in a photo so that alone made him a little nervous and embarrassed, but your silent comments and compliments on how his hair looked even more remarkable under the sunlight or how his facial features managed to perfectly cast shadows on his face that made him look more mature made his heart race faster than any game
luckily for your lover, this situation showed him another side of you that he rarely got to see, and who was he to interrupt your adorable mumbling just because of his embarrassment?
since then you used any and every opportunity to take his photo, whether it was in Maji Burger as he drank his usual smoothie or when he waited for you in front of a fountain in the park where you scheduled your date
when he finally asked you about it you proudly announced: “I’m sorry, but I can’t help the fact that my lover is such an amazing model for basically any type of photo! I always thought that you were hiding your beauty beneath those bangs and turns out I was absolutely right!”
you continued showering him with compliments until he couldn’t take it anymore and shut you up with a gentle kiss
“If it weren’t for your keen eye, I could’ve continued hiding myself and avoid the other’s gazes”
“Do you hate being the center of attention that much?” you whispered out, your eyes directly peering into his own big ones
with a smile he gently caresses your cheek and answers: “Your attention is all I need.”
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Kagami was aware of your fascination for photography, I mean how could he not be when every time the two of you were out together for different reasons, you’d always take your camera with you and snap a photo or two
what he wasn’t aware of though, was what or better said who the subject of your images was
every time you reached for your camera the lens was always aimed in his direction and it never bothered him, because he figured that you were taking a photo of the scenery behind him so he never bothered to pose, smile, or anything of that sort
one day though it made him wonder whether his presence might disturb whatever images you’d taken so the next time you aimed your camera he turned his head, looking directly into the object’s circular lens, and just as he was about to say something the familiar sound of the shutter shut him up
“Perfect…that might be the best one yet” you silently praised and smiled to yourself
W-Wait a second…
“What did you just photograph?”
you looked at him with slightly wide eyes, confusion spreading across your face as you answered: “Why of you of course”
and that’s when it clicked
all this time you’d taken pictures of what he thought to be the nature and scenery but in actuality, it was him you’d focused on
“W-Wait! You mean to t-tell me that I wasn’t in the way of your photos a-and that you actually photographed–“
before he could finish his sentence he realized something else that made him blush even harder
Perfect…Absolutely breathtaking…I’m so glad that I took my camera with me…The lighting and wind make you even prettier…What tranquility and gentleness, I’m in love…You’re so beautiful
all these comments that he’d brushed off, thinking that they were some kind of weird quirk of yours that resembled his captain’s whenever he talked about his samurai series, now made perfect sense
when the reality of the situation hit him he couldn’t help but bury his face in his hands and grunt at his stupidness, meanwhile, you tried to wrap your head around what Kagami had been believing up until today
looking at him being that frustrated with himself made you chuckle, but it also made you feel bad since you never directly told him so you decided that now might be the best time
with a gentle smile, you once again raised the camera to your face, waited until his figure became the focus and blurred the background, and gently pressed down the shutter
the sound made the young man beside you flinch and ever so hesitantly glance up to you with a dreading expression on his face
after pushing some of the buttons you cozy up to your boyfriend until your shoulders touched and showed him the image you had just taken with a proud smile
“I’m sorry for not telling you about it, but if I shared the fact that you’re my muse with you, you probably would’ve never allowed me to take any” you reasoned as you looked into his eyes and observed the way his cheeks reddened the moment you called him your muse
“I’m your muse…?”
you nodded and showed him a few other photos that all showed him do average everyday things such as eating something, chatting on his phone, warming up, etc. and even though they weren’t that special, the way you managed to capture him, his expression, and even some of the background made them all look professional
“Taiga, you’re such a nice guy that you would’ve probably offered to be my model if I had asked you to, but I wanted to capture that raw beauty of yours, the one that you display on every basketball match and that was the only way to do it…or at least that’s what I thought”
you paused before returning to the most recent image
“Having you being aware might be better after all…just look here at the way your eyes sparkle and your posture, both tense and relaxed at the same time gives off the impression of confidence and a tinge of uncertainty, both summing up your profound character that I love so much”
listening to your explanation made his heart beat harder against his chest and to stop you from fawning even more he covered your camera with his big hand and murmured: ”I-It’s fine already…I get it”
after seeing yet another unexpected expression on your boyfriend’s face you tried to get another shot of him, but this time he tried his best to avoid you and the two of you ended up chasing each other around the park, attracting the attention of many fellow visitors, but to you, it was as if only Kagami and you existed
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one afternoon during the end of basketball practice, you had joined your green-haired boyfriend with his supplementary exercises, observing him and the perfect way he shoots one three-pointer after the other
you’d asked him long ago whether it was alright with him to take his photo and despite the many protests he’d agreed under the condition that it happened during basketball practice
unfortunately, the way he played didn’t manage to ignite the spark you needed to snap that one photo you’ve always been hoping for, neither his skills nor his playstyle were to blame for that, there was just something missing that you couldn’t name
the way you sighed caught Midorima’s attention and made him stop mid-throw so that he could take a glance in your direction and when he saw the disappointed face you made it made his heart ache
“Is something the matter (Y/N)?” he suddenly asked as he sat beside you, towel in one hand and his drinking bottle in the other
you shook your head and tried to play it off, blaming your bad mood on one of your earlier classes and the complaisant boyfriend he was he let it go (also partially because he was afraid that if he prodded further you’d get mad)
out of the corner of your eyes, you could see how he took off his glasses and started cleaning them
and that’s when your heart throbbed
the way his long fingers carefully handled the fragile black frames, the skillful and cautious way he removed any speck of dust from the glass, mixed with the way some of his green hair’s strands stuck to his slightly sweaty forehead, and lastly his beautiful long eyelashes were what won you over
before you knew it, you had grabbed your camera and had taken a photo of his profile, the shutter’s sound startling both him and you
“D-Did you just take a ph–”
“Shush! Stay just like that!” you blurted out, your hand on his chest to restrict his movements and keep him in that exact pose he was right now
with a reluctant expression on his face, he avoided looking in your direction, hoping that you wouldn’t notice the light blush spreading across his cheeks, meanwhile you smiled to yourself at his futile attempt and once again snapped another picture…
thanks to that one coincidental photo you managed to take back then, you finally knew what you have been missing all this time, namely your boyfriend being himself and not the Midorima Shintaro from Shuutoku who never missed a shot
in order to achieve that “normality” you had to take as many sneaky shots as possible, but they unfortunately never stayed as secretive as you would’ve wanted them to be because he either caught you mid-photo or your own comments betrayed you
Just like that Shin, look more to the side!
Leave your glasses be, you’re even more beautiful without them!
Don’t touch your hair! The way it is right now compliments your face perfectly!
Even if you scowl at me, you still look good!
he’d always run up to you afterward, blushing at the entire situation and no matter how much he ended up protesting, scolding you, or trying to take the camera from you to delete the photos, he never truly was upset about it
the reason Midorima let it all slide was because he enjoyed the way you smiled when you looked at the images you’d taken
the way your eyes practically sparkled mixed with the slight flush of your cheeks made his heart race every single time
“Is something wrong Shin? You’ve been staring at my face for quite a while.”
embarrassed of being caught by you, he squeezed your nose and stuttered: “I-It’s nothing, k-keep looking at y-your photos!”
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taking Murasakibara’s pictures wasn’t an issue, you simply asked him and he agreed with no resistance whatsoever
you were over the moon at first and even made sure to have your camera with you at all times so that when an opportunity presented itself you’d be ready
from a pedestrian’s point of view, you looked like a cute touristic couple which consisted of the somewhat bored boyfriend, who agreed to have his photos taken for your happiness, and you, who couldn’t hold the excitement of being together with this young man back while happily snapping one pic after the other
their thoughts weren’t that off from the truth, you truly were delighted to be able to practice your hobby, and even having the tall young man as your model made it even better
thanks to the amount of muscles he’d gained from his daily basketball training, his height, his beautifully long and purple hair, his constantly relaxed expression, and his surprisingly gentle facial features, your boyfriend was already photogenic as is so any photo you took was downright breathtaking
and yet, those fulfilling feelings were rather short-lived
as time went by and you shot one photo after the other you came to realize that you hadn’t managed to take a single photo where he genuinely smiled or grinned
getting him to do either was nearly impossible, even for you
all you ever managed to summon was a very loving and gentle smile that resembled that of an angel; it was so pure that you could read all of his emotions from it, but that smile was reserved for your cuddle sessions that always ended up with him almost crushing you with his embrace and his low giggles as the result to your mixed reactions
“(Y/N)-chin, let’s go over there and sit down…I can’t walk anymore”
you giggled and took his hand that he’d extended to you, following him to a bench that was protected by a couple of trees, which cast down a perfect shadow on the wooden surface
the young man plopped down as if he’d ran for hours without a single break and wrapped his big arms around your waist, burying his face in your tummy
his childish behavior made you giggle and you softly caressed his head
“Didn’t you want to eat your snacks?” you asked after a short while, only to receive a silent growl as an answer
“Let me stay like this for a while…please”
his cute way of pleading with you only broadened your smile, which turned it into a grin as soon as an idea popped into your mind
with one hand still on his head, you used the other to aim the camera lens at the young man’s head as you asked your lover to look up at you
it took him a short while to comply because he kinda had the feeling that you wanted to ask for yet another photo, but he ultimately gave in and cast his purple eyes up to you
still smiling you glanced at the small screen on your camera in order to make sure that everything was perfect when you subconsciously blurted out: “Everything about you is charming Atsushi, the way the wind caresses your hair, perfectly accentuating your gentle face’s features…I’m so glad to have you as my muse”
your eyes went wide as you noticed the change in his expression
his cheeks had taken on an unexpected shade of deep red, one that you’ve never seen on him before; his eyes were a bit glassy and maybe equally as wide as yours, and his mouth was slightly agape
“Wha-! What are you saying (Y/N)-chin?!” he screamed out and once again hid his face before you could manage to snap a picture of this rare expression
“Atsushi, wait don’t hide! Let me take a photo!”
your protests fell on deaf ears and no matter how much you struggled or tried to loosen his grip around your waist, his strength made sure to make all of your attempts futile
“I-If I let you see me like that…I won’t be cool in your eyes anymore a-and I don’t want that” he finally admitted in a low voice
it took you a short while to comprehend what exactly he was trying to say; and when you did you couldn’t hold your laughter in any longer, ruffled his hair, and kissed the top of his head, waiting until he had regained his composure and returned your affectionate gestures
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having the famous Emperor as your lover was like a dream, but when it came to keeping things a secret you were at a clear disadvantage because this man read you like an open book
no matter how hard you tried to act innocent or clueless, he’d always be able to add two and two together and expose whatever you were hiding within a matter of minutes
same goes for your fondness of photography and the fact that you had your eyes set on him as your muse
one day when you visited his home the two of you were in the living room and he was playing a round of shogi against himself while you sorted your camera’s gallery
when you took a glance at the young man your heart throbbed
the soft light of the sun that managed to come forth between the many clouds of that day shone right at him; in order to block the light from disturbing his vision, he’d leaned his chin on his hand and let his fingers extend to the corner of his mesmerizing eyes; a soft smile adorned his lips as his left hand stretched out to move one of the many wooden pieces before him
you couldn’t help it and immediately proceeded to take a picture, successfully catching him off guard
“Did you take a picture of me?” he asked without shifting his line of sight from the board, a hint of amusement in his voice
“Mhm, I did…sorry” you apologized before sighing to yourself, “it’s just that you looked really beautiful and I thought it’d be a shame if I didn’t use the opportunity.”
being called beautiful was something he wasn’t used to, so as he heard that word pass your lips, he froze up and finally tore his attention away from the game, and now gazed at you with a warm smile
“You can take more if you’d like.”
and with that, he became your conspirator in your mission to take as many photos of him as your camera’s storage could handle
“Just like that Sei…look more to the lef- yes, perfect!”
you spat one command after the other as the young man before you held onto the reins of his gorgeous white horse and let his hand gently run along the animal’s head
after snapping a few more photos you looked at them in silence, an unusual scene for your boyfriend
“Is something the matter (Y/N)? Aren’t you satisfied with these?”
your head shot up and you violently shook your head, explaining that it was nothing and you were just lost in thought; even though he quickly realized that you weren’t telling the truth, he chose to keep silent until you were ready to tell him what truly bothered you
unexpectedly, your silence lasted longer than he’d hoped for and no matter how unique he tried to organize these little photo sessions you did, your mood never seemed to improve which frustrated him
when he saw you sitting on the couch all sad and unmotivated while you scrolled through your camera roll, he immediately turned around and went back outside to his garden to mull over ways in which he could help you out
so to distract himself, he picked up his basketball, started dribbling, and began perfecting his shooting
the sound of the ball hitting the wall caught your attention, causing you to get up and search for its source
when you opened the front door you were greeted by a similar sight as the one back when you’d first taken Akashi’s photo which made you smile
“Sei-chan, that’s what I was looking for” you whispered as you subconsciously took a photo of the exact moment where the young man jumped and gently threw the ball against the wall, simulating a layup shot
still unaware of your presence the young man wiped his sweat with his shirt’s collar and the moment he felt your arms wrap around his body he jumped ever so slightly
before he could ask you anything, let alone say something, you kissed his cheek and whispered: “I knew it…you’re always beautiful, but the moment you shine the brightest is when you’re being yourself”
moved by your words he turned around, returning your embrace and kissing your lips as he then proceeded to hide his blushing face and glassy eyes from you by pressing you closer to himself
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