#mineta minori
yasashii-leaf · 5 months
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The adventure of Minori
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elementbrigade · 7 months
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Not a lot of rule 63 Mineta so why not make one. Introducing Minori Mineta.
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detectiveelif · 4 years
I showed my 6 year old brother my Season 1 My Hero Academia poster and asked him if he could rank all the characters included (he watched some episodes with me).
Can't believe Mineta got 3rd place while Todoroki got last place.
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soltosia · 5 years
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Based on @incorrectgrapejuice 's:
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xsugarysweetsx · 2 years
AU where Todoroki dates busty s/o and everything's the same except Mineta'a a girl ( headcannons ) )
Facts about s/o :
- S/o is busty . Like , Lucy-Heartfilia-busty.
- But she's kind of a mom friend and very kind and caring . 
- Gives a hot mom image.
- But kinda naive . Not innocent though . 
- Has stress acne . Only slightly though .
- Dates Todoroki
When Minori Mineta disturbs Todoroki hcs :
- He would be minding his own business
- All of a sudden a certain purple haired girl appears in front of him, smirking
- " Hey Todoroki ! "
- He would politely ask her if he could help her.
- " Let's play Titanic. You be the iceberg and I'll go down ! "
- He would be a blushing mess 
- " Please refrain from telling such things , Mineta. "
    " But you're so hot ! Especially your body ! "
- He knows his s/o would kill Mineta if she knew , but for the EXACT same reason he doesn't tell her.
- Even during a training , when they both paired up , she didn't concentarte on the training . Rather , on his body . She kept trying to grope him when the CCTV  camera didn't focus on them.
- He was glad to finish the training soon.
- It kept happening . When Yaoyorozu offered to walk with him whenever you weren't around after hearing of this ( to protect him ) , Mineta still did such things. When the Creation Quirk girl asked her to stop , Mineta simply said she was ' jealous ' that she didn't have the courage to hit on him like that.
- But whenever you would walk with him after school , Mineta pretended he didn't exist and harassed other boys.
- He was confused but glad .
- S/o was confused why he kept asking you to walk with him after school everyday, as you just didn't do it whenever you had to visit the Support course students .
- He kept clinging to you all the time. Nobody in class seemed to mind that . Even Bakugou didn't call him out.
Now that's strange .
- " Y/n , I'm heading to my room , will you come with me ? "
- " Let's get lunch together ."
- " But I have to get my new upgrades from Hatsume ! "
- " I'll go with you ."
 " Didn't you say you were very hungry earlier ?"
" It's gone now . "
- She was confused cuz he never behaved this way.
" Sho , baby you keep wanting to be around me. What's wrong ? "
 " Nothing , I just miss you ."
- His tone was a little nervous and was fidgeting . S/o caught on to that .
- " Then why are you nervous ? And fidgety ? "
" No reason . Maybe I'm nervous about exams ."
    " Sweetie we just finished exams a week ago . "
    " I'm worried about the next exam ."
      " That's months away ."
                    " Oh ."
He was sus , s/o decided .
- One day though , she comes to know . 
- Todoroki let her go for a while cuz she wanted to use the restroom . He was standing at the line for the cafetaria lunch , with very few classmates next to him.
- Big mistake .
- He saw purple .
- " Hey Todoroki ? Where's your girlfriend ? "
- " Probably the classroom . I think she left something . "
- " Anyways , I want to ask you , are a balloon ? Cause I wanna blow you ! "
His classmates , including the girl , asked Mineta to stop . The other students stared at her in shock , horror ....you name it .
" Why is he letting her talk like that to him ? "
" She always does that , it's not like her classmates can stop her. They are too soft on her. "
" Ew, I feel bad for them now. "
- Todoroki's face twisted into a disgusted expression . " You know I have a girlfriend . Why do you keep talking like this ? I don't hate you but please stop doing such things . Not only to me but all the boys . "
" Your girlfriend got you with her goods ! What do girls like me do ? "
" Goods ? " He suddenly realized what she was talking about.
" I'm dating Y/n because I like her , not her body or chest . "
" Oh , please ! " Mineta said . " But it's ok if you want girls like me too ! I can please you~ "
" Is this why you always wanted to be around me ? " Both of them heard a frigid voice that belonged to ..... Todoroki's girlfriend .
He could see the rage behind her eyes . 
" You " she seethed as she picked Mineta by the collar " How dare you make him uncomfortable ? You've been doing this to all the boys in our class. Don't think I didn't notice. "
" How can I control myself ?! Your boyfriend is hot !  So are the other boys ! Besides , you can get any other guy with your chest - "
Todoroki knew Mineta crossed the line. His girlfriend was very sweet and kind of naive , but she was a demon when she got angry . That was a thing he both loved and kind of disliked about her.
" Y/n , it's ok . She didn't make me uncomf-"
" And you never told me . " S/o turned to him .
Todoroki stopped in his tracks.
" Say your last wishes Mineta ."
As Mineta screamed a strangles " NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " and S/o gathered her quirk , she was knocked out by Aizawa.
Yaoyorozu and Iida and some students from the rest of the class explained the situation while Todoroki and Uraraka detained S/o.She still got detention as Aizawa stated that she she still had intentions to harm her classmate . Mineta got a harsher punishment due to deliberate harassment of her classmate .
.After detention , Todoroki walked S/o back to the dorms . 
" Baby , you shouldn't have done that . "
" It's worth it if that rat stopped bothering you . Why didn't you or the rest of Class 1-A tell me ? "
" Because we knew you would kill her . Like you almost did during lunch today . "
" At least she won't bother you now . Let's go and cuddle. " She chuckled.
- But all's well that ends well and Mineta knew not to bother any boy again with her perverted manners before S/o . If she did though.....She knew she will face consequences.
This is my first hc fanfic ! I hope you liked it ! 
Hello anon! Thank you so much for your submission :) I think you did a lovely job for your first fanfic!! I enjoyed reading this thank you so much!
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smut-hero-deku-blog · 5 years
Is it true that Minori (fem Mineta) is so addicted to your cum that she eats out the girls you creampie?
"Only the ones that let her. Most of the girls like being filled, so she usually has to get it from the source." Izuku said with a smile as Minori continued to suck on his cock passionately.
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
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Koji et Minori traînent souvent ensemble
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mx-bright-sky · 5 years
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Look at my BNHA OC Mineta Minori! He replaces Mineta :)
He’s a bit of a coward and he originally only got into the hero course to try to impress people, but he’s learning to face his fears and be a true hero.
Also he respects women.
Mineta Minoru who, I’ve never heard of him, I only know Mineta Minori
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Mineta Minori x a bowling ball at 200 miles per hour.
the true mineta ship is Mineta x Learning To Not Be Like That and Maybe Chill The Fuck Out A Little
Send Me A Ship
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writing-frenzy · 5 years
Challenge Fic: Interactions Made Perverted
per·vert·ed: /pərˈvərdəd/ adjective
(of a person or their actions) characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies.
of a thing) having been corrupted or distorted from its original course, meaning, or state.
When a person acts one way, but ends up falling under the second instead.
(Warning: mentions of perverted behavior and violence, with a strong wishing for someone’s death; also, cursing.)
Mineta Minoru was perverted; he knew this rather well.
“Oh, oh, oh, keep acting like that, and all the ladies will come at ya, Todoroki!” the grape haired teen teased, thumbs up at the icey-hot fellow hero in training. “Nothing like the cool calm type for them to go wild over!” 
Predictably, he was ignored, though a few of the girls in the common area did take the time to glare at him, before going their own way. Shrugging, Mineta hummed slightly as he made his way to the door, just about to open it before someone called out to him.
“Hey, Mineta, where you going?” was called out by a certain pichu- ah, Kaminari.
 “Need to pick up some new porn magazines; heard there was a new one for Heroic Labor Leather and the Greening Gowns might have some official heros in them. It might just be some really good cosplayers again, but a man can dream, huh?” Mineta answered, giving off one of his signature leering looks, getting an incredously laugh from Kaminari, while the girls in the area either huffed in disgusted, glared, or pretended he didn’t exist.
(Just as planned.)
“Ah, gotcha... though could you pick up some snacks on the way back? Mighty Bites if you could.”
“Sure, anything else?”
And just like that, the Fresh-Picked Hero in training was off, going to the convenience store first to pick up the snack foods, along with a few other he knew they were probably low on. He did debate a bit about getting drinks for a bit, but decided they would probably warm up by the time he got back, so decided against it. (Besides, the girls wouldn’t trust any drink he gave them; smart them to too.) He lagged a bit as he made his way, just enjoying the day and even taking his times to take in all the ladies he passed by, a grin on his face as he did. He hung around the arcade for a bit, checking out the claw machines before he finally, wasting a few yen on them before in the end, went to a certain store for his magazines. 
The place didn’t look like much, just like any other corner store you would find on the streets, though this one did look like it needed a fresh coat of paint and maybe some new machines outside. Either way, Mineta went in, grin on his face looking rather diabolical to anyone watching, as it always did whenever he was going to buy porn, looking gleeful-
Until the door closed; just like the expression on his face, smile nowhere in sight, but a burning glare of such utter hatred, it looked like it belonged to a villain more then any hero could say.
“Ah, you’re late; i was starting to question if you were coming in today or not.” was said by the man behind the counter, a plain man of no determinable features, easy for any wondering eyes to slide right of. Though despite these seemingly humble features, that glare of pure and utter loathing never left him, the young teen it came from being such a surprise considering their youth and character.
“Here is your information; just give me that fucker’s next assignment.” Mineta’s voice was of such ice, even Todoroki might feel the burn of it if he heard it. 
This man merely laughed, a smirk on his forgettable face even as he went and did something behind the counter.
“Ah, temper temper young one; why not stay around and chat for a bit?”
“No. Thanks.” was bit out, as if every word he gave to this man carved into his very body, as if he had already plunked out to many rounds of his sticky balls in one go. Like the words were blood and he couldn’t afford to spare any more then necessary for this conversation. 
“Ah, not even with your darling siblings?” was asked, the man finally looking to him, a sick amusement in his eyes as he did.
The room got quiet, everything seeming to still, no sound able to be heard even as Mineta held his breath, dark eyes wide as he did.
“The boss has been pleased with your work; he figured it was time for a reward.”
And so saying, a laptop was put on the desk, a little girl and boy, twins with purple and black hair respectably were able to be seen on the screen.
“Big Brother!” both the twins called out to him, both looking just as relieved to see him as he was seeing them. (14 years shouldn’t be so relieved, just to see someone alive)
“Minori! Minato!” Mineta nearly cried, only forcing back the tears that wanted to come because that damn bastard was still in the room with him, and he refused to show him such weakness.
“Big Brother! Are you okay, is school alright?” Minori asks, her dark eyes bright, though he sees with pride that there are no tears falling, even as her lip trembles.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m doing good; I’m in the top half in grades in my class, and I’ve even learned new tricks with my hair balls.”
“Cool. Can we hear more about it?” Minato asks, his own brown eyes, from their mom, already tearing up, trembling with the force of them even as his voice cracks.
“Sure, yeah, I can tell you more about it.” and he does. He tells them all about the crazy things he’s seen at school, some of the antics that happen in class, his more troublesome assignments he’s received. He talks about just how crazy the teacher’s are, how his heroics course just seems to draw all that insanity out and turns everything it touchs even more crazy then before.
(He does not talk about what he does at school. He does not talk about any friends. He does not say he is basically a self-made pariah in his class, of his own making. He does not say how he truly feels about being there in that school, nor what he intends to do there.
They don’t need to hear that shit.)
“Well now, I hate to interrupt,” (no you fucking don’t, you live of such fucking bullshit) “But I do believe your time for curfew is almost up; you better hurry back now.” is said by the ‘cashier’ as he hands him the two porn mags, a ‘refreshing’ smile on his face as he does.
“Though maybe if you weren’t so late, you might have had longer; something to keep in mind for next time, hmm?”
(Choke on your blood and die you damn son of a bitch in heat.)
Mineta swallows his anger, looking to the two worried twins on the screen and gives them a rather weak grin.
“Till next time guys! I love you.”
“Love you too.” “Love you lots.” both twins say, Minori with a fierce expression, while Minato mumbles it, his tears finally falling as he bows his head.
It to that scene that the laptop closes, the ‘cashier’ shooing him from his shop as he does.
For a minute, the young purple and black haired youth fantasies of taking his quirk, and shoving one of the balls down the man’s throat and watching him suffocate on it rather slowly and painfully. Maybe even drown on his own blood if he can manage it.
But like always, he turns away from the man and leaves. He walks a further bit away from his ‘favorite’ shop, just until he is far out of sight of it before his presses his face into the nearest wall, taking a deep breath, and letting it out until he can no longer taste the blood and violence on his tongue.  
And in the safety of his mind, he curses.
He curses his stupid parents and the stupid debt they left him and his siblings.
He curses the man who holds that debt, and abuses it to the fullest he can.
He curses the people who would use two innocent kids to threaten another one.
He curses himself for his own weakness, not even able to save the ones he wants to help the most.
He curses, he curses, he curses-
He lets out another breath, closing his eyes as he does. When he opens them once more, a leer is once more on his face, even as he clutches his porn magazines like a prize he rightfully won (his act back in place). His hands are still trembling, and his eyes probably still have a shred of violence to them still, but since no one will look closely, they’ll probably just think he’s being his ‘perverted self again’.For all the troubles his act gives him, for all the friendships he has forfeited to it, acting interested in things he remains uninterested and unaffected by even to this day, the dismissal by all his classmates does have his uses, leaving him underestimated by all.
(Even though he only started acting like this to ensure he would not be missed, to ensure no one would care when he was gone, and be unhurt by it all, both them and him, was the biggest reason why he went along this path.)
Yeah, Mineta Minoru was perverted; just that, no one would expect the way he really was.
So, my friend challenged me to make a character hated by a fandom likable; so, in turn, I made angst. :D
What do you all think, did i make the hate-able grape child a little more likable? 
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raimi · 5 years
BNHA OC Mineta Minori: he replaces canon Mineta and has the same quirk as him and a similar personality and he looks exactly the same but he respects women
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soltosia · 5 years
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Invitation from girls going to the swimming pool was something that made Minori smile smugly. Girls in swimsuits weren't her thing, but BOYS definitely were. And she'd be damned if she didn't know how to use this information to her advantage.
Kaminari, as espected, didn't let her down. Her partner was ready for yet another action
Credit for Minori's design to @msleilei
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makiizushis · 6 years
Not that there will ever be a PokeSpe anime but if there was
I came up with a list of voice actors I think would fit each dex holder with voice clips, below the cut.
Red: Minami Takayama (Edogawa Conan) or Megumi Ogata (Tsukishiro Yukito). Particularly Minami because she can do both a young boy and teen’s voice.
Green: Yuichi Nakamura (Gray Fullbuster, Saotome Alto)
Blue: Kitamura Eri (Mina Ashido)
Yellow: Ozawa Ari (Chiyo Sakura) or Suzuki Minori (Freyja Wion, Shinomoto Akiho). I think their voices could lend well to a young boy (as she’s initially mistaken to be). Alternatively, Taeko Kawata (Amy Rose, Mew Ringo/Ringo Akai), who has actually played a role of a girl mistaken for a boy (as Tachibana Yuuki).
Gold: Romi Park (Edward Elric) or Kappei Yamaguchi (Inuyasha)
Silver: Aya Hisakawa (Soma Yuki)
Crystal: Kitagawa Rina (Cure Honey/Omori Yuko) or Chiwa Saito (Hinata Natsumi, Yona)
Ruby: Minagawa Junko (Pikario/Kuroki Rio) or Motoko Kumai (Syaoran Li)
Sapphire: Mayumi Shintani (Nonon Jazakure)
Emerald: Wasabi Mizuta (Doraemon, Cancer Bubble)
Platinum: Miyuki Sawashiro (Cure Scarlet/Akagi Towa)
Pearl: Daisuke Sakaguchi (Shimura Shinpachi)
Dia: Ryou Hirohashi (Minoru Mineta) or  Fuyuka Oura (Hoshikawa Subaru)
Black: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Mikorin) or Tetsuya Kakihara (Natsu Dragneel, Kouha Ren)
White: Yu Shimamura (Cure Flora/Haruno Haruka)
Rakutsu: Kishio Daisuke (Loki, Domoto Kaito)
Faitsu: Mamiko Noto (Mavis Vermillion, Rin, Cure Echo/Sakagami Ayumi)
X: Kanemoto Ryousuke (Andrew Hanbridge, Sagara Seiji)
Y: Fukuen Misato (Hibiki Misora, Cure Happy/Hoshizora Miyuki) 
Sun: Ryou Horikawa (Hattori Heiji) or Issei Miyazaki (Takashi Yamazaki)
Moon: Yui Horie (Cure Magical/Izayoi Riko) or Megumi Hayashibara (Musashi, Ayanami Rei, Haibara Ai)
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smut-hero-deku-blog · 5 years
Izuku does Minori (fem Mineta) try to compete with Mina for the position of kinkiest girl?
"Not really no. Minori just needs a good pounding and she's good for awhile." Izuku shrugged as said grape haired girl slowly crawled towards him.
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
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msleilei · 7 years
Hi! Sorry if this has been asked before but would it be okay to cosplay your Minori design for fem!Mineta?? I love her 😍
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It was only a matter of time. Make sure to flirt with the boys okay?
((Seriously though thank you so much for even just thinking about it!! LOL I would love for Minori to become an actual cosplay!! Please share with me the pictures if you ever get them :3c ))
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