barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
No one ever told Lucretia how hard it would be to get employees for your supposed-to-be-secret organization. Even harder with the fact that she couldn't even step around it like the Fantasy FBI could. All her opening lines sounded incredibly suspicious. Was she supposed to just walk up to someone and say "so you ever wanna capture those war-starting magic objects that you have no memory of?" She might actually be reported to the Fantasy FBI and that would put a bit of a dent in her "saving the world and stopping the Hunger" plan.
Instead, she had just been just kind of… going up to anyone who sort of seemed like a good fit and tried to make it sound as less shitty as possible without giving them a headache made entirely of Voidfish static. And it was working! Not as well as she'd want it to, of course, but she would take what she would get.
Maureen, obviously, had been there at the start. Lucretia couldn't exactly have a giant moon base without someone with enough money to build the giant moon base. Technically, technically, she was paying Maureen for it and she felt moderately bad about fucking up the economy with her transmuted gold coins (you pick up a thing or two about counterfeit currency when you're on the run from the apocalypse and also living with Taako and Lup), but not bad enough to stop doing it. Besides, the dang thing wasn't even up in the sky yet. Maybe she'd confess after, but it was too important to let out right now.
Then, she had Lucas, unfortunately. The side effect of working with Maureen. But she had other notable employees as well. Killian was probably her strongest asset right now, purely from her role as a Regulator and not a Reclaimer. Her Seekers were few and far between- she couldn't really hire anyone with too high of an intelligence stat, lest her whole plan be discovered. The few Seekers she did have were… well, they were working on it. The Reclaimers themselves… yeesh. It was hard to fill the role without losing too many to the Light's thrall. She didn't want to have a goddamn death trap as a job.
But right now, Lucretia wasn't looking for a Reclaimer, a Seeker, or even a Regulator. Today, she was looking for a bard.
A pathetic bard, if she could. There was only so much nonsense Lucretia could feed Fisher without going moderately to severely insane. The goal right now was to just find someone. No one that would be missed down planetside when they finally got up into the air, no one whose fans would be eagerly awaiting a new release. Just a plain ol' regular bard.
This was the fifth seedy bar Lucretia had visited in the past week. This time, it was in a little town called Water Way, just off the sword coast. The wind was howling when she arrived and it snapped the door shut behind her when she entered.
It was even more grim and disgusting than usual. A group of dwarfs was gathered at a booth, laughing and hollering jokes at each other. There was a couple in the corner engaging in some hanky-panky (that was the technical word for it, Lucretia was pretty sure). The unoccupied booths were still dirty from the last patrons. The barkeep raised a hand to greet her, still clutching a dirty dish rag.
"Here for a drink?" he called.
"Not at the moment, I'm afraid," Lucretia said. "I'm here for the, uhm. The open mic?"
"Just missed it," the barkeep said, lowering his rag. "Though, we've got another in two weeks' time, if you've got somethin' you're looking to perform-"
"Oh, I'm not- I wasn't planning on performing," Lucretia said. "Just listening. But if no one showed up-"
The door snapped open again. Lucretia thought it was just the wind for a second, until she turned and saw a young-ish half-elf in the doorway. He was much too dressed up for the occasion, with a fancy shirt and a poofy hat with a feather in it. He was dripping as if he had fallen into a lake on the way over. In one hand was a violin case. In the other, damp sheet music.
He seemed to realize that everyone was staring at him and shuffled a few feet further inside.
"Uhh," he said. He cleared his throat. "Did I, uhm, did I miss it?"
"I said to be here at six, didn't I?" the barkeep said, sounding faintly annoyed. "Can you tell time, Johann?"
"Uh, yeah," he said. "I just, uhm, got… sidetracked."
"You look like you fell in the ocean," the barkeep said.
"You're not- you're not super far off-"
"It doesn't matter where you were," the barkeep said. "It's nine now, anyhow. No more open mic."
"It's not like we're missin' much!" one of the dwarfs' hollered. Johann winced, and the barkeeper ignored the comment completely.
"But I wrote a good one this time," Johann said, holding up the soggy sheet music. Lucretia could see him blush in the dim light. "I- I can do it without the sheet music. I have it memorized."
"Two weeks," the barkeep said like they had had this conversation several times before. "Be on time. You want a cuppa?"
Johann looked torn for a second, but ultimately sludged up to the bar. He deposited his violin case on the counter and his soggy sheet music fell on top of it with a splat.
"Actually," Lucretia said, "I would like a drink."
"Atta girl," the barkeep said. Lucretia grimaced but went to sit anyway. She took the stool next to Johann, who was slumped over the bar. "What'd'you want?"
"Cider," Johann said, with the emotion of a depressed seal.
"I'll take a cider, as well," Lucretia said. Johann glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. The barkeep nodded and set the rag over his shoulder, disappearing into the back room. The gaggle of dwarves chattered on across the room. Lucretia tapped her fingers against the bar. Eventually, she built up the confidence to say, "so you play the violin?"
"I'm not interested in a hookup, lady," Johann said.
"Oh, fuck no," Lucretia said. "Sorry- no. You're- gods, no."
"Uhm," Johann said. Okay, okay, okay, back on track Lucretia.
"I'm just- I'm trying to find a bard for an… organization I'm forming," Lucretia said, a little bit quieter. Secretive. Cool. Collected. Join my secret shitty moon organization, please? "I figured an open mic would be a good place to start, but I was a little too late, it seems. If you still wanted to perform, I wouldn't mind seeing what you can do."
"…you're choosing all the wrong words for convincing me this isn't a hookup," Johann said, squinting at her.
"It's not," Lucretia said shortly. "That- again, sorry, no thanks. Can I- how would you like to help save the world? Is that a better opener?"
"Cheesy, but a little better," Johann said. He sit up a little and his hat dripped water onto the bar. "Save the world how, though? I'm not gonna be joining some- some Fantasy Avengers shit, lady, I got stuff to do. You see these arms?" He held out his arm, which was dripping wet and skinny as a starved kitten. "I'm not exactly Iron Man over here, you can't expect me to be some kind of musical tank."
"Not at all," Lucretia said. She vaguely wondered if this is how Davenport felt, hiring her. No, that train of thought wasn't productive at all. She needed more gravitas. That would fix all her problems. "All I need you to do is write."
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sglmun · 1 year
Название: Autumn wind. Любовь равна смерти
Пейтинг/Фэндом: Stray Kids, минсоны
Метки: домашние животные, грусть, любовь, что прошла испытания времени, счастье, открытый финал, признание в любви, доверие, попытка самоубийства, помощь, взаимоотношения, психология, счастливый финал
Джисон, что потерял всех кого любил, понимает свои чувства, только после его смерти и винит себя, что не дал надежду жить. Но что если это всё был чёткий план?
— Судьба нападает неожиданно только на тех, кто её боится
— Почему, меня всё бросают? Я так плох в отношениях?
— Возможно, это потому что твой хён мафия?
Обычный осенний день. Джисон как всегда идёт по своей любимой алее. Раньше он со своим лучшим другом здесь часто играли под присмотром брата Джисона, но времена прошлом. Его лучший друг умер, умер несколько лет назад, а брат пропал без вести. Джисон постоянно задавался вопросом, как он до такого докатился.
Считал ли Джисон виноватым себя в смерти друга? Однозначно. Был, ли он виноватым в его смерти? Однозначно, нет. Он винил себя, что не смог убедить друга детства не вступать в мафию. А потом позволил ему пойти на задание, которое с самого начала было ловушкой. Памятью о друге остались лишь три пушистых хвостика. А ещё один случай.. Придя на могилу друга, Джисон положил две кроваво-алых хризантемы, около памятника. Присев на лавочку, что стояла возле могилы, он смотрел как по небу плывут облака, такие красивые, прекрасные, лёгкого розоватого оттенка. В одно мгновение он увидел лицо своего друга. Закрыв глаза и через секунду оглянувшись по сторонам он никого не увидел.
После этого он пошел к своему знакомому психологу, они учились вместе. На что тот сказал, что ему просто нужно отвлечься, забыть на мгновение о друге, просто оставить прошлое в прошлом. Но Джисон, так не мог, он не мог забыть дружбу, что была с 6 лет, брата который заменял родителей, которые постоянно были увлечены работой, у них не было время для сыновей. Но их можно понять, надо же на что-то жить. После исчезновения брата, отец попал в больницу и умер, а мать доже долго не продержалась, практически сразу ушла за отцом.
Сейчас ему 22, идя по алее, он думал, "а что если бы меня не было? Тогда бы всё было хорошо? Он ��ы не умер? Они бы были живы?".
Нет, он должен собраться. Его дома ждут и что будет если он умрет, кто за ними будет ухаживать? Правильно, никто. Кому нужны чужие заботы, да и лишние денежные расходы? Никому. Такова правда мира. Либо ты их, либо они тебя. Жестоко? Непременно. Справедливо? Никак нет.
Живя уже шесть лет один, он понял, что его больше не притягивают девушки. Причина была банальной, как свет - предательство. Сколько бы он не заводил отношений, а все они были провальными. Та изменила, та бросила, некоторых он сам прогнал, потому что не уважали маленьких жителей, этого дома.
У него есть парень Рей. Многие говорили ему не связываться с ним, но как говорится сердцу не прикажешь. Он принимал его пушистых друзей, даже не обижал ни разу и те кажись приняли его.
Они уже полгода вместе, это рекорд по сравнению с девушками, те уходили от него спустя месяц если не больше. Правда у них было недопонимание, Рей не понимал почему Джисон не хочет ему доверится. Да он понимал, что он у него первый парень. Понимал, что страшно. Он всё понимал, но не мог принять.
И вот придя домой, после работы, Джисон в коридоре замечает чужие кросовки и куртку. Подходя ближе к комнате он слышит стоны? Открыв дверь, он застал не самую приятную картину. Его парень, втрахивает в матрас какую-то шлюху. Застывшие в глазах слезы, так и норовили прокатиться по щекам, но Джисон держался он не должен показывать слабость. Заметив Джисона, Рей пытался как-то оправдаться, на что получал лишь один и тот же ответ, а девушка сразу же убежала прочь из этого дурдома.
— Убирайся! –кричал Джисон, кидая на пол стеклянную тарелку.
— Да, пожалуйста. Я вообще-то мужык и у меня есть свои потребности, а ты жалкая тряпка, что ни на что, не способна – громко хлопнув дверью Рей ушёл, а Джисон скатился по двери прямо на пол, горько плача. Больно Чертовски больно, осознавать, что тебе врали и изменили. А один, ли раз изменили?
Суни притупилась возле него Джисона, трясь головой о колени. Дуни и Дори облепили его с других сторон, не оставляя одного падать в бездну грусти и печали. Эти три казалось бы незначительных и маленьких клубочков шерсти, были огоньком света в бушующей штормом душе Джисона. Они давали ему надежду, стимул жить. Но понимает, ли он это? Невозможно сказать.
Джисон просидел на полу рыдая больше часа, но ничего не помогало. Но тут ему в голову закралась мысль. На которую был один ответ "А почему и нет?"
Идя по ночной дороге, фонари отражались в лужах води, а маленькие капли уже промочили Джисона до нитки, пальто от воды стало тяжёлым и скинув его Джисон пошел вперёд в одной футболке уже насквозь промокла, но его это сейчас волновало меньше всего. Листье по прилипало к асфальту, а лёгкий осенний ветер дул прямо в лицо. На улицах безлюдно, никого нет, это и хорошо не хотелось чтобы кто-то видел его слёзы, но даже если и захотели то не смогли б ведь дождь скрывал все следы преступления.
И вот то место, то злосчастное место где он последний раз видел своего друга. Иронично однако, он понял свою чувства к нему, только после его смерти. Под кожу закрадывался вопрос - "Зачем? Почему я ему не дал шанс на отношения?". Это и было ещё одной причиной, почему он винил себя в смерти друга. От осознания того, что он мог дать очень вескую причину жить своему другу, но не дал слезы ещё быстрее лились по щекам брюнета.
Мост «Любви», но кто сказал, что любовь это всегда хорошо? Правильно, никто. Иногда она может убить. Да и к тому же, если подумать то любовь всегда заканчивается смертью, рано или поздно, все умирают, только как? В одиночестве или с второй половинкой? Это уже не нам решать.
Принять это решение может только судьба, чёртова судьба. Но почему? Почему кому-то она даёт шанс на любовь, а у кого-то отбирает? Несправедливо. Да, это несправедливо, но сколько от смерти, от судьбы, от участи не беги, она всё равно тебя догонит, настигнет и захватит с головой.. рано.. или... поздно.
Так, почему, он должен страдать? Потому-что так предрешено судьбой? Ну уж нет. Джисон не из тех, кто будет подчинятся. Но из тех кто может сдаться.
Говорят перед смертью, мы видим всё что произошло с нами за жизнь. Вот он и решил, проверить правда ли это.
Стоя на краю моста Джисон думал " А я его увижу?". Отпустив руки от решетки, он уже практически начал падать, как вдруг его кто-то резко дёрнул за руку. Одним рывком он оказался на руках у какого-то мужчины, в глазах плыло и за мгновение Хан понял, это он. Неужели всё он умер? Нет, он не умер, он жив, но не сон ли это?
Положив руку на лицо мужчины он легонько погладил его щеку и прошептав тихонько «настоящий..», потерял сознание
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egooppidum · 5 months
Minse was not recruited and his tadpole has taken full control of him. He says his final words as he falls in combat
Minsc: Boo... I have been having the strangest dream... Boo...?
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wutlaikalikes · 2 months
Wordle 999 4/6
⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ other ⬛🟨🟩⬛🟨 bends ⬛🟩🟩🟨🟩 minse 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 since
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lescroniques · 4 months
Tardor i pantans
OllyPlu. iStock / Getty Images Plus La tardor s’està mostrant pobre pel que fa a precipitacions al país. A totes les comarques, els valors són minsos i, a les capçaleres dels pantans més grans i importants del país, les pluges han estat minses, tret de l’Aran, Alta Ribagorça, Vall Fosca i Pallars Sobirà. En aquests observatoris els registres han estat molt importants en alguns casos. Entre…
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from hypocorisms, theophoric and Irish names
Abdie Abdun Abhadie Abhártiam Adhna Aitchalie Albhlaine Allidh Ambirt Amentash Amhar Amheach Amheachot Amhosacha Ammim Amorry Amuil Amuiríose Andáilín Anghie Annia Aodheo Aodhrás Aoibhalbh Aoirgie Aonna Aonnel Aostes Arcead Arcus Aregg Argus Arnad Arnán Arric Arsianng Avivernie...
Baigne Baoibébh Basiarann Bearcán Beargaits Bekoll Bentjim Bepeiggy Berbijach Beream Berry Bilín Bogdaomen Boghal Boghanny Bogus Braev Brania Brikennia Briúdás Bryrickie Bréad Bréash Buaddy Bualle Bufer Bébhín Cadeny Cadhghaci Cadhna Caidhla Cairghep Caithael Callachil Callait Callaniah Camen Caoibh Carbhandy Catep Catigua Catomhet Catrí Catty Choberce Chore Ciachilín Ciahmaoir Ciall Ciane Ciariste Cilín Cinger Ciobhán Clait Clonc Clorict Cobby Cobhri Coiliff Colug Conatit Conchean Congenny Conna Connch Coregy Cornie Cornán Coswalph Críosnal Cróilla Cúchadh Cúmhán Dabhilly Daith Dameridhn Damharry Danie Danne Danue Dathernín Dathnaim Dathnat Davdornat Deadhn Deamhghie Dedudis Denchtany Dennidie Derghardh Dezeb Diarnie Donchán Donniell Doreadh Dortíonán Dotep Douire Douiredie Douiríon Dubaldo Dubaliodh Duball Dudian Dully Déaghal Dóirigín Dúnla Eachdín Eacki Earanib Earry Earty Ededullim Efernias Eiginny Eignedi Eillie Eireaga Emhghual Emkhnam Emonacht Ericky Evenna Eóilín Fanny Feach Fearg Fearial Feath Fedemam Feimhna Fermilly Ferry Fiamhárl Fianlan Fiashelm Finsel Fintu Fioddy Fionaidh Fionnael Flacky Flait Flaoim Forre Frich Frisnach Fétha Gabhlait Gabrits Gaitha Geibhán Gerkhtna Ginmo Ginny Gobby Goirghlah Gragán Grearig Greas Greerual Gréaf Guale Hallac Halphinny Heach Hearnán Heppeddy Honainnya Horap Horapolm Iachillah Imantóidy Iothael Irrian Islás Isreargie Izzie Iósaoib Iúdán Jahhob Jeddy Jeffra Jenjy Jennea Jernell Jerre Jesseall Jimmais Jodhall Johadha Johnais Joonny Judoldie Kamhán Karearre Koterceac Kylekna Laitz Landya Langer Liamis Liastíose Lijannán Liliff Lizzy Lochna Lommy Lorachan Lothbh Loughan Louirí Machorry Madhán Maibadhna Maibha Maileargh Mainie Maisid Maitchdín Maith Mallaill Mamoey Manneaddy Mannid Mannya Maodorm Mattlie Maurcha Mauris Maxank Meilíom Melie Mendy Menue Menán Merbha Merch Mernaelf Mikenice Milbhlan Milie Minse Monnidi Monnie Monya Morodhar Mosait Mosheo Moshie Muinny Muiríd Muris Móiremhán Mórah Mórlas Naidhgh Namenn Naoinéis Nathy Neachán Niahhormo Numhan Odhrannie Odhráill Odonce Oimorie Olileán Ollach Ovidh Ozsilf Patimie Peilly Penty Penán Perbhóg Petern Petri Pilís Polli Polucky Priarcus Proby Pruard Pruat Ptayd Pádrekev Pádriú Radgenn Radhe Raith Raithuie Ramar Ramhóg Ranreall Raoin Rekotedub Rianuel Rikenninn Rionaidh Rislianic Ristep Risíle Roclonain Rodhrian Rodón Rotefeath Ruadh Ruadhris Ruaile Rualann Ruirek Réanlace Réarny Róisnal Saevie Saindy Salgi Samenin Samenny Saolly Saotheart Seaghan Seale Sealfie Seben Senchac Senkim Seodhaggy Shaelly Shilín Shubhael Slarnaid Smeack Sobenn Sobhán Squadh Squell Stach Stachdín Standás Stayd Steddy Steveen Suimhín Séadh Séall Séari Síonnal Tachdín Tainnaits Tandy Tefearty Teffragán Tenji Tevill Tharr Theoir Thmoren Tifram Tigín Timhe Timmait Tisia Toire Tramharr Triel Trisid Tunain Tuncht Uaimhóg Uaisnel Uanus Uargha Ubaitz Udiac Vadhuck Vanosaony Vasie Vidie Vivey Viviv Wathann Wattlin Wennchan Willach Wilín Wimhín Wimhíonán Wingie Woodharse Xavdonn Xavinm Zekie Áinsie Éamose Éarnín Éidhán Éimmie Éirenjy Émerdi Éthanndán Óraigi Órdhbhaom Đokatt
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gurocities · 7 months
Once you read this chain letter, you cannot get out. Finish reading this until it is done!
Hi, I am Teddy. I am 7 years old. I have no eyes and blood all over my face. I am dead. If you don’t send this to at least 12 people, I will come to your house at midnight and I’ll hide under your bed. When you’re asleep, I’ll kill you.
Don’t believe me?
Case 1: Patty Buckles got this chain e-mail. She didn’t believe in chain letters. Well, foolish patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she’s not with us anymore. Ha ha Patty, Ha ha! You don’t want to be like Patty, do you?
Case 2: George M. Simon hated chain e-mails, but he didn’t want to die that night. He sent it to 4 people. Not good enough, George. Now George is in coma. We don’t know if he’ll ever wake up. Ha ha George, Ha ha! Now, do you want to be like George?
Case 3: Valerie Tyler got this chain e-mail. Just another chain letter, or so she thought. Only had 7 people to send to. Well, that night when she was having a shower, she saw a bloody figure in the mirror. She got the biggest fright of her life. Valerie is scarred for life.
Case 4: Derek Minse was a smart person. He sent it to 12 people. Later that day, he found a $100 bill on the ground. He was promoted to head manager at his job and his girlfriend agreed to marry him. Now, he and his wife are living happily ever after. They have two beautiful children.
Send this to at least 12 people or you’ll face the consequences.
0 people- You will die tonight!
1-6 people- You will be injured!
7-11 people- You will get the biggest fright of your life!
12 and over- You are safe and will have a good fortune!
Do what Teddy says!!!! Hurry, you must send this to 12 people before midnight.
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lotussoulstudios · 10 months
Every day is a balance of sitting with uncertainty, of holding paradox while resting in deep gratitude. The knowing and the unknowing. Breathing in and through the pain and joy, holding critical hope in fierce and tender arms of love for the Earth. Making space to witness and cradle grief individually and collectively, working and weaving what magick we can as we witness ourselves and the world in all it's strength and vulnerability. So many blessings surround as I honor relationship with the sacred in all her infinite form. Little Frogs, Snakes, and Salamanders. Deer and Coyote, Bee and Hummingird. I treasure and embrace all the grace and beauty that surround, while also balancing the tension of not knowing. Of the temporal and unpromised time of any moment that holds still for a smile, a hug, a home that can defeat the perils of climate change. I breathe in and tell myself 'I am Love'. I breathe out and tell myself 'You are Love'. I pulse and vibrate with all that is. Through portals and mirrors of creation I dance with life. With Eros and Pan in forests of wild and unbridled fecundity. And with the many faces of goddess Kali in death, rebirth, destruction and creativity, in light and in shadow. May we cultivate and nourish the wisdom, compassion, love, truth, work and respect needed to honor one another and all life on Earth and to use all our collective magick to heal and get through these times of both great possibility and great tumult. #griefandgratitude #LotussoulStudios #Zeratha_Lotussoul_Studios #regenerativeculture #psychedelicrennaisance #PsychedelicCulture #GardenWitch #CrazyPlantLady #Garden #Herbalism #SacredEcology #Magick #Kali #Eros #Pan #Herbs #PlantWitch #TheGreatUnraveling #Minsfulness #HoldingParadox ##ClimateChange
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Op 26 april, 2 en 4 mei is de brandweer van Berg en Dal, Malden, Mook en Nijmegen succesvol in actie gekomen om drie beginnende bosbranden te blussen. Burgemeester Slinkman van Berg en Dal en burgemeester Minses van Heumen zijn bezorgd dat er al zo vroeg brand ontstaat, zonder dat er een uitgesproken droog voorjaar is geweest. De eerste uitruk voor bosbrand was op 26 april jl. toen het bos brandde bij het Hoge Vlakpad (Heumen). Op 2 mei al volgde een tweede uitruk nabij het zweefvliegveld (Heumen) en op 4 mei aan de Rijlaan (Berg en Dal). In alle gevallen werd de brand gemeld door een alerte inwoner, waarna een snelle inzet volgde en grootschalige schade is uitgebleven. Oproep burgemeesters De meeste bosbranden ontstaan door menselijk handelen. De burgemeester van Heumen roept wandelaars daarom op goed op te letten met sigarettenpeuken. Ook kampvuren en barbecues zijn uit den boze. Joerie Minses: “Ik begrijp dat het gezellig is, maar het is in deze tijd helaas niet meer verantwoord. Veel schade is nu gelukkig voorkomen dankzij de oplettendheid van wandelaars, maar het had ook heel anders kunnen aflopen.” Kwetsbaar voor bosbranden De door bos verbonden gemeenten Berg en Dal en Heumen zijn kwetsbaar voor bosbranden, die als gevolg van de klimaatverandering vaker zullen voorkomen. Meerdere dorpen in de gemeente liggen in of tegen het bos aan. Niet overal zijn ontruimingsroutes beschikbaar. Burgemeester Slinkman: “Als je bijvoorbeeld op Dekkerswald de instellingen voor jeugdzorg en revalidatie wilt evacueren, gaat dat over de Nijmeegsebaan. Elk van die instellingen heeft een eigen ontruimingsplan. De Nijmeegsebaan loopt echter meerdere kilometers door het bos. Wat gebeurt er als de brand uit die richting komt en de weg niet meer te gebruiken is? Daar moet een plan voor komen.”
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
And this a****** announcer is being I bought us some a****** so he showed him some pictures I was saying I don't think so we need to work with you now cuz you're such an a****** I can be so freaking bad and you'll be dead in minutes it says he knows it but we got to find out if it's true.
But she's getting ready to move and it is the day and she's reminding us and is reminding him and he says she's sidetracked me to see if I remember and he's right on it as the trucks are on the money that they're going to Georgia know Alabama right now and then moving out and tell her weaponry ready. Is loading up on the buildings we're going to set up for defense she's putting some heavy in. As you save the money will die and also s*** just like you said about our son so we're going to get rid of her him a piece of s***. We're moving out and we're going to take care of these mysteries but out of control. Especially that piece of crap b**** on the channel 7 ABC I'm putting a hit on her a big one you want her out of there and we want her out of the social security stuff your sisters that massive b**** she's a haters hate this b**** to her son penis is way over the top and Lily agrees. And Biden is giving loan forgiveness which is good because those schools are ridiculous and we're suing the schools for over billing and overcharging and right now too huge numbers of schools. And we're going after that stupid n***** too who's talking she's a dumb black girl Gu Oya are sending cruise and after Garth on Haiti and other places around here in Madagascar I'm going to finish them off. Mack is doing it too. They're going to transport our son's money which is coded against the foreigners to Cuba with aircraft carriers and military contingent and kick off but Biden needs that he's not doing it he's still asking what it does it's kind of like they're all fighting each other more than these Max this is so unpleasant. Biden is laughing it definitely is very unpleasant. And Tommy f, and someone's along the storm to go up there I'm really not defending themselves they're bunch of s*** heads and I like to lie around and squalor but we need to happen cuz we have stuff to take out of there and yeah like a ship and it ruins part of the West Coast f*** you Satanist he says the whole Coast. The comments are going to hell right because stuff is garths stuff, think some sort of super zombie maker and he's nasty as hell huge voodoo guy comes by and all sorts of weird s*** happens.
It's on today soon they'll never be returning cuz they go out there and they have a fight over Cuba and not necessarily just their half and they're starting to s*** with Cubans and I told not to and then they lose the fight and they put him in prison and put the rest of them in prison they tried to grab Biden and Biden started sending people they figure out what he's doing the Foreigner starts sending people and they leave and that's really what happens is they get Intel from their stupid idiot idiotic f**** invite that's so damn annoying when I'm not off your arm so you don't have to do anything it's terrible I mean you don't do that of course but wow we just grow more hours but that's what we've been doing they think they were going to sit there and go oh that's that's gross and good I know it's worrisome the whole time every second of it it's like you said you're f****** nuts for showing me this s*** and included out of your eyes a reaction is very blatant.
This guy on the TV thing he worked with someone to say that bladens is late and the word up there and they're minsing words, and a sudden shouts out of him and he thinks he won something all the time they do this stupid s*** and that's why they're dead they're sitting there still doing it and they have practically no one left here in Florida. And it says I don't get it no son says it looks like a lot of people but for opposing Army it's not it said something different but the guy doesn't get it if you have an octillion people here and they have 500 octane what are the odds $500 to 1 just to clarify for you but really the odds are like $700 to 1 momentarily 700 Max to one idiot did they leave you in an area to control the rest it's not stupid it's intelligent and I have something for you it's called clones or a certain makeup of them even 30% is lethal so don't you shut your f****** retard mouth you have to see it to believe it so easy to get rid of and we went through this every day for 15 years and now you're almost gone.
Those are some explaining it and that's all you can say cuz I just starts babbling right away again but they're going to be gone shortly and this is going and within hours by noon the all the money is in Alabama and Terry cheesman will be dead shortly and then he's going to be out running around getting rid of his own and he's banished from here and Trump will be out of here shortly by force and he will go back to Mexico that's what Matt gets shot cuz they're still moving more money out of Trump's possession and heat is on and they go up there and they fight over that and also Trump is going to be up in New York City this morning taking the gold out of his buildings down the tunnel and Tommy Evans right there and the goal gets taken by Trump by military escort and to Cuba and so they think they can grab them here when there's not going to be anybody here. One proof is they can't get by Jacksonville without going way out there so the remainder of the moloch are going to be attacking the blockage shortly it's a good size fleet because there's not that many that can fit in ships as relation to the number of ships and guys are saying he's going to put a bomb in his in our sons apartment so we're going to put one in his house an garths car and we're going to put in everywhere he is everyday to threaten to get rid of his and threaten Max I blowing up the n***** in front of them.
We're doing in Africa all the time
Thor Freya
I'm afraid for him no we're getting a handle it now
Hera I'm okay I feel good I'm happy to help me and it's probably not enough but they're moving in he says and giant fleets and they aren't in touch with each other it's a very momentous occasion and we're recruiting apparently lots of recruits
Zues Hera said the above
We're getting in line here and all of our stuff is in a row and we're moving out and signing everything and we're hiring and signing people on and it's become a massive Army now in the past few days and it's going to be very huge shortly they're all signing up we think because the numbers are very high it's not usual they're huge
Thor Freya
Terrific I've known I've weighed my whole life for this he's happy about it and says that it's working and it should because our stuff saved everybody especially with these ships were launching now the wooden ships
We call them Stoneships okay LOL I have to watch him
Haha lol fun girl
You shut up I know I am
You see it's almost time for her to depart and there are tons of spaceships fighting and there's going to be a lot more and it's taken down two fleets already of the empire and one fleet of foreigners and one fleet of Max and those sweets are big and they're at the lasers and they are monitoring them and a few of them started heating up and we see that they're cooling one and the other one's not cooling and it is being hit it's a large one. And it is disabled so now it's 29 lasers several others are heating up. And they are heating up red hot and they're being fired on heavily and destroyed or disabled two of them are destroyed the others are heating up all of them and that's 26 lasers there are three out two are disabled and all of them are being fired on it's going to be very very quick. And it seems like 20 of them are gone about five out of those 20 are small and 10 more are under severe attack and The fleets are fighting with madness. All of the lasers are getting hit they are all disabled or destroyed and they will be probably fully destroyed because they'll try to rebuild but more soon
Yeh yeah for my husband and his team which is all our people I can't believe he pulled it off he keeps telling me it's going to work and I keep pushing him and his flattening everything and they're laughing because he's taking territory and he's taking down a huge group of idiots and it worked and just in time I was requesting information on it the whole time and his build businesses recently that are crazily successful and work very well and or even the surprise to me I guess he said he's competing with our cadre. It says it's a lot of it is our childhood and he wasn't allowed to do anything and by these satanists and it shows too he took things and whipped it and shape and minutes but really they're all there with us suffering and that's why I'm ready to move and ready to relocate and he wishes me well and he says try not to push me around too much so I'm laughing I'll get to give him orders and probably get me out of here
Hera he said the last sentence the rest was me
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dastan06 · 7 years
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Wedding in light shades with EXO
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 years
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Colorful swirling patterns in Russia’s Uralkali sylvinite mines. Layers of carnallite — a mineral used in fertilizers — band the tunnel walls, producing these vibrant masterpieces. The breathtaking motifs only came to light after photographer Viktor Lyagushkin decided to share his images.
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dailykoreanpop · 7 years
EXO Reportedly Sets Comeback Stage Date
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After previously confirming a July comeback, reports claim that EXO has set a comeback stage date.
The group will reportedly making their comeback stage on KBS2’s “Music Bank” on July 21.
A source from SM Entertainment spoke up about the reports and said, “We are still adjusting EXO’s music show appearances to coincide with their July comeback plans.”
EXO will be making a comeback this month without member Lay. Their new album comes approximately a year after their last repackaged album “Lotto” and approximately six months after their winter special album “For Life.”
Previously, fans have speculated that their title track is titled “The War.”
Stay tuned for updates!
© Soompi
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jenniferratcliffe · 4 years
I'm tired but I love you, little life of mine.
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As a young child I was afraid of the dark .. I'm not sure where that fear came from but I know it was not something that came from within my being .. As an adult I look forward to laying in my bed in darkness or just meditating or manifesting in darkness.. We are surrendered by darkness with speckle of light
. When we were conceived we were conceived in darkness , before you turn your computer on you see a dark screen .. The darkness is the foundation of all that you see .. That darkness is where all subatomic particles come from .. Don't believe me check it out .. Oh and there are reasons you have been led to believe the darkness is evil or should be feared, it's to keep you from understanding who and what you are and your true capabilities.
In the darkness you are still you are quite you can not see with your eyes therefore you tend to allow your mind to create your surrounding ( imagine ) Some people imagine scary situations while others are not really bothered. Then you have those that use the darkness as a space to create through vizulisation they pull from sources (darkness) and manifest into the physical ( light) The darkness can be your peace and a space to disconnect from the physical and step into your mind self or your spiritual. The darkness is where you can initiate healing ..
Try this
Turn of all lights sit in the darkness allow yourself to visualize that which you want to manifest, taking form from the darkness. Visualize it growing and expanding, when it is fully expressed leave the vision and know that it will come to light ( the physical ) ..
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444names · 9 months
the entire article on john ronald reuel tolkien from danish wikipedia
Agenfig Akabet Aktørsa Aldanjet Aldel Andercom Anneren Anstalm Anstre Antyr Astiv Atorts Bagair Bason Begiv Bejes Bekvat Bellus Belset Berskre Besse Bestiong Beteroen Betikker Bibler Bibred Bibrig Bingekon Bitterga Blavde Bligeven Blinger Blittet Bloen Blopler Boeister Bogravde Boldninn Booth Bosigiøs Bositide Bratur Briere Brinator Bringer Broffate Brugen Bøgen Bøgend Bøgendræ Bøgere Børnalde Børtiket Cotonst Cotteist Cripter Daning Deftet Delensk Dellig Deløse Denden Denet Digen Diger Disket Dorammen Dowsh Dødenget Earme Edede Efade Efoldar Egelæg Elalion Elansket Ellever Elser Elses Emaberes Emajohn Emene Emfanden Emismen Engså Enspener Epiryde Eptersid Erson Etidette Evadom Evenya Fadter Faktiv Famart Fambaga Famisk Famliven Fandagte Fande Fanne Fansk Fante Fanuarte Faram Fariene Fateians Fatogs Fichrien Fight Fikangs Fiktol Fjeskels Flysand Folde Folve Fonen Foraf Fordafi Foren Forien Forinde Foriske Foriven Forwer Foshamt Frande Frandris Fratur Fravst Frede Frinspir Frist Frittere Froisman Frord Fundia Fusker Følget Førnin Gaing Gandt Gartælds Gaver Gawairet Gawaur Gelandow Giels Gjorger Gjoyce Godesuds Gorgane Grammes Graver Grugtid Grupper Grårhen Grårne Guremab Haelers Hanafi Hansby Hedien Hiligie Hiper Hisere Hiska Hiske Hiskon Histed Hobbing Hobbions Hobbitik Holds Hover Hrivt Hyldaf Hylde Hylderne Hyldet Hærke Hørke Húrit Ingeo Innog Inset Ister Jangen Janust Jensk Jeritive Kadet Kandt Kateder Katidi Katte Kielanne Kinget Knist Kolkühn Konsgråt Kovad Koven Kover Krend Kriabet Kridden Krielse Kriggen Krind Kringe Kringsår Krise Kriter Kritisen Kritler Kuffar Kuffes Kulerne Kuning Kustet Kvation Kæfted Kæmpe Lagsatte Lazary Ledefest Lekuning Lemide Lemmer Lerig Lielse Lioges Listis Lorliser Lortænd Lyskring Lædelse Lædesses Lædisth Læren Lærket Magend Manive Mannelog Marer Masse Matish Mentes Midder Middlem Midente Milie Miller Minse Misker Moder Modes Modowsh Moneve Morging Mornerke Moursa Mouth Mythede Mytorgen Mytte Mådet Mørkla Nalda Naleven Naltet Nalytte Nazipary Nazipted Ninkeev Nions Nogene Nogråske Nopter Norde Noret Norsters Novad Novjen Ofesson Offar Oglaggrå Ogligt Ogråt Olden Olikker Olinge Olins Olkiret Omabet Onlit Onner Opherne Opleendt Opost Oramme Oratenge Ordigiv Orelang Orfældt Organg Orittet Ormeng Ormilm Orykler Ositte Osvigik Ovadede Ovalte Ovenger Overen Ovjesse Parinins Pereb Phentit Posinge Posten Poster Posterd Posværee Preftel Priddels Pride Prien Prier Pring Prinisme Proksord Protor Prømt Prøvet Quelsk Queng Redent Relemid Renerfes Renet Ression Rigen Ritide Robby Ronver Røven Saukke Scont Sengsår Septe Serten Sessamik Shanjet Sigtik Silwale Sings Siniv Sinner Siondt Sionelse Sistry Siter Sitipans Skabel Sklan Skmærke Skord Skrig Skring Skrist Skunskon Skønlig Slægtide Slæsne Smens Stakser Sthove Stishang Stoge Stollet Storbet Svarte Svilke Sygdo Syndte Syneret Synlive Sække Sættet Taksov Tantys Thoote Tiondet Toldnie Tonde Tordigi Tredsse Treen Tring Triveder Troffi Truenne Truget Trukke Trukket Truning Trusste Træerne Trælla Tyskunds Tyver Túriven Udelsen Udereren Udgår Udgårne Udkons Udvelse Udviddle Undenya Uninskel Uniste Vatill Velsk Vigticis Vilkühn Viren Vække Vækker Væreater Væreeven Værket Værloen Værte Walse Warivt Woolver Woother Wristh Årder Ægtelv
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